BUTLER CITIZEN MISCELLAIV EOU S. ' Look Out for Your Head ! Xo matter what parts it may finally affect, catarrh always starts in the head, and belongs to the head. There is no mystery about this direful disease. It begins in a neglected cold. One of the kind that is "sure to be better in a few days." Thousands of victims know how it is by sad experience. Ely's Cream Balm cures colds in the head and catarrh in all its stages. Not a snuff nor a liquid. Applied with the finger to the nostrils. The leading criminal lawyers of Cincinnati are away from the city at present. They consider the place un healthy at tbis season of the year. The Hop Plasters have a wonderful sale, and why? Because they cure back ache, stiff joints, pain in the side and all soreness in any part. People appreciate them. Any druggist, 25c. tell him his ears are as small as the pillows in a sleeping coach. Is your breath is offensive, your nos trils fetid and filled with putrid matter, and you are rapidly becoming consump tive, use papillon Catarrh Cure; you will be purified and permanently cured. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. W uller. When a man declares his love in deeply drawn breathing, young lady put it down as a sighed show. Polishing the Wrong End. Maay men daily polish their boots who never give a thought to the condi tion of their hair, except to harrow it casually with brush and comb, or sub mit it to the paralysing attention of the average barber. What happens ? Why, this: From neglect, mental anxi ety, or any of a score of causes, the hair turns prematurely gray and begins to fall out. Parker's flair Balsam will at once stop the latter process and re store the original color. An elegant dressing, free from grease. A fan is indispensable to a woman who can no longer blush. Lots of People. get billious; have heavy headaches, mouth foul, yellow eyes, &c., all the di rect result of impure blood which can be thoroughly cleansed, renewed and en riched with Kidney-Wort. It acts at the same time on the kidneys, liver and bowels and has more real virtue in a package than can be found in any other remedy for the same class of diseases. —Ten mills make a cent, and also several cargoes of floor. What will cure whooping cough]? That is a question asked every day. We can answer that we have found the remedy in Papillon Congh Cure. It never fails, and can be administered to infants without danger. It iB perfectly harmless. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. ' —Men who take stock in the govern ment.—Bondholders. A Case that Puzzled the Whole Faculty. Mrs, Milo Ingrum gave the names of Borne of the most reputable physicians in the two cities (Pittsburgh and Alle gheny), to whom she had paid large sums of money for treatment, but she rapidly grew worse. She was then taken to the most reputable physicians and Burgeons in New York, but with no better success. They had all pro nounced it cancer, and declared she must die. The flesh of her breast was eaten away down to her ribs; the breast bone was laid bare, and the dis ease made its way upwards, causing the breast to become detached from the wall of the chest, hanging loose from above. See page 26, of Dr. Hartman,s "Ills of Life," how PEBLNA cured her. They are given away by druggists, gratis. —The only large thing about the newest style of spring bonnets is the price. The proprietors of the Papillon Med icines inform us, that they do not buy one cent,s worth of drugs or chemicals. Papillon, the basis of all their composi tions, in made from vegetable matter grown by nearly every farmer. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. —A strange face recently appeared in our midst. It was the face of the sun. —Banged heir: The shingled son. —For reut—A needle and thread. —"Every sin is allied to ignorance —Reason should not regulate but supplement vitrue. —A sherry cobbler will never mend your old shoes. —That which thou blamest in an other, do it not thyself. —The first vehicle ever made—The whirligig of time. —A straight line is the shortest in morals as in mathematics. —The bouse which opens not to the poor will open to the physician. —He who lent money should try not to meet him to whom be has lent it." —lt is no disgrace to be bit by a dog the firßt time, but the second time it is. —Very intelligent people carry a large share of their brains in their faces. -De shrewd man ain, de bes' citi zen. De sparrow-hawk is mighty keen, but he' a awful rascal. —Those who seek in love "the grace of novelty" are more taken with the love of pleasure than with the pleasure of love. —Don't call a very large, sinewy man a prevaricator. If you are sure be is a prevaricator, hire another man to break the news to him. —"People should always marry their oppoßites." Wby, certainly ! The idea of two of the same sex espousing each other is absurd. —The lock-up in Williamsport must do police duty. One of the papers pub lished in that town says: "The city lock-up took in four drunks " —A man named mussic was serious ly injured in Pittsburgh yesterday. ' His «een yWKmM* cornered by the bull mh. A Public Bsnefactor. Win. H. Stelnor Member ot (lie Editorial Ktud of (be Xew York Herald; also Kx- C'om 111 ißHloiier ot Ex cise Xew York City 18 Ann Sit., Dr M. M. Fenner, Fredonia, N. Y —Dear eir— I have been a great sufferer from Billiousucsa_ Nervous irritation and Dyspepsia for years. My friend. Hon. H. C. Lake of the New York Custom induced me to try your Blood A Liver Kemedy and Nerve Tonic. By the'nso of two bottles I have realized a com plot e restora tion to health. I look upon it as the greatest remedy of the age, and upon you, aa the com poundar of the name, as a public benefactor." FROM THE NEW YORK TRIBUNF- New York Tribune, New York, Dr. M. M. Fenner. Fredonia, N. Y.— Dear Hir | Please send me two more bottles of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. My ife has been takiug it and it has done her good Yours truly, C. A. TRACY. Completely, and entirely cleanses the blood relieves Biliousness, Constipation and Headache; cleans out and heals the entire stomach and bowels, breaks up and cures Agues and form ing Fevers; cures l'imples, Hkin Eruptions and Skin Diseases, removes Bai Breath, is an anti dote for the Blues; sooths, strengthens and heals Weak and Irritated Nerves, producing good rest at night; and completely renovates and restores a disordered system— whether the disorder is slight or grave. DR. FENNER.B KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CUBE—For all diseases of the Kidneys, bladder, urinary passages, backache, dropsy, female weaknesses, nervous debility, Heart diseaso, rheumatism' etc. The most successful remody that has ever been administered in the diseases namod. Get of your dealer tho memorandum book entitled "Dr. Fenner's People's Remedies are Used all Over the World." And are for sale by J, L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller, Butlor, A- GREAT - PROBLEM. TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver jNedieines BLOOD Purifiers, Rheumatic BeiuedieH, Dyspepsia And Indigestion C'lircs. Ague, Fever, And ISiiitoiiN Npeilie*. Brain & Nerve Force Revivers Great Health RKNTORERN In short, take all the best qualities of all these, and the best qualities of all the best Medicines of the World and you will; find that HOP HITTERS have the best curative qualities and powers of all concentrated _,in them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in its 80th year. For nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. OPEN AT ALL BEAMOX*. Circulars tree. Address, 8. FKEABE, M. D., yIS-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. | LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES. PITTSBURGH, PA., —AND— ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. PITTSBURGH. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Retail Dry Goods. 195 to 203 Tenn avenue. Library Hall. ! HA IK & GAZZAM, (Limited.) , . . Engine Builders and Machinists. Gear Cutting. sc Thinl Avenue. GEO. \V. HI'BLEY. Tile House Furnisher. 408 old No. 00 Sniithlield St.. betw. 4tli ft 51 li Ave* GEORGE W. BIGGS & CO.. Diamonds, Fine Watches, Art Goods. Cor. Sixth Avenue and Smithfleld Street DROIINCY A.HCOTT DENTAL OFFICES, QIO Old No. 2*4 Penn Avenue. PiU. Ol*. i Remember the new number. —ELLIOTT. Artistic Florist. Seeds, Plants, Trees, Cut Flowers, ftc.. Send lor catalogue. 54 Sixth Street PITTSBURGH SIGN WORKS, Business Signs of every description. Descriptive designs sent on application. 35 Sixth Ave HEARD, BIBER & E ASTON. Dry Goods, Notions, Suits. &e„ 503 & 50" Market Street, near Filth Avenue. J. A. McCORMICK. Worthlngton steam pumps and water meters. Otto's silent gasengines,engines and boilers, taper-sleeve wooden pulleys. snafiiug and coupling. Estimates made on water works ami all Kinds of machinery. 27 Market street. WEST POINT BOILER WORKS, K. Munroe & Son, Prop'rs. 23d and Smallmau Sts. New and second-hand boilers ol all sizes. DOUGHERTY & MORRISON, Boilers, tanks, sheet iron works, salt pans, &c. Repairing promptly done. Du'juesne \V ay near Point. CREA. GRAHAM & CO., Manufacturers of Stoves, Ranges, (irate Fronts, Fenders, ftc. i".tl Liberty Street. 1828. J AS. SHI OLE & SON. 1884. Wall Paper, Liiicrusta Walton and French Indes cent papers. 59 Sinitlitield Street. MEYER, ARNOLD & CO.. (Limited.) Fine and I'lain Furniture, Nos. «8, 70,72 &74 Diamond Street. M< ELVEEN & COCHRAN, 11'UNI'M UK Manufacturers ol all kinds ol Furniture and Up holstery. Oflice and Warerooms, 8* & 9o Sinitli tield St. Factory 71 to 75 Bidwell St.. Allegheny City. !•'. li, WELSE. F'urniture. bed lounges, chairs, ftc.. 11l 41 li A\e. May Ist will remove to3lo Wood St. Factory 14<;, 148, iso & 152 Jackson St., Allegheny. JAMES PHELAX. Old Stand Stocking Store, Men's Fine Furnishing Goods, 3L' F'ifth Ave, STEWART & HENRY, successors to Russell &Co Gents' Furnishing Goods, Fine goods at low prices. 101 Fifth Avenue. H. HOUSTON ft CO., Pumps— RKl> JACKET. wood and iron, all kinds. Sanitary Plumbers. 17 Seventh Avenue. HAGAN'S LADIES RESTAURANT, and Fancy Bakery. 009Smithfleld St.. Lewis Buiid ing. cor. Oth ave. Regular Dinner 11 :.'!oa in to 2 :30 MORGAN'S ICF.;CRKAM & DININC ROOMS. Orders for ice cream and wedding cakes promptly filled. No, 2 Sixth St. W. J. A. Kennedy Prop'r. KEYSTONE ANVIL WORKS. Manchester ft- Son. £Sr3end for circular. Cor. 28th & Railroad Sts. ARMSTRONG & McKELVY, PAINTS & OILS. White l-ead. Coach and Oil colors. Ready Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies. 33 Wood St. READY MIXED PAINT. soc. 75c and si \*> per gallon, liand- Durable. Best, Color card sent 11/ A JtlJio farmers, builders, property owners. fWl'-l!ox 200,.Atlas Paint Co., I'itts- W,J, HARK. Electrotyper and Stereotyper, 82 Diamond Street. ) IRON CITV COI'tW'E aflords nueipialcd facili ties for the practlCM education of young men, Send for circular. Cor. . p tnn ave. ftSixth St. OLD COUNTRY TK \ HOUSF, Will Haslage & Son. Special attention given to country orders. Send for Housekeeper's Guide mailed gratis. IHLLF-SPIK, Lumber, sta\es and heading. Duqutune Way, between Eighth and Ninth, I!. HUMPHREY', Wholesale jobber in lumber, lath and shingles. Estimates given on application. .Vl3Smithliel(l St. rt'KHY INSTITUTE ft UN ION BI'SINF.MS COI.I.KOK, Normal, Business and Classical. 500 sUideuUi 15 teachers ; send for ciicular ; 42'/4 Oth St. H. J). Williams, Manager ; J. C. Williams, Principal. OW UOLD, M l>, KYB &J(EAB. Cataract removed, cross eyes straightened, specta cles fited, artificial eyes. 804 (old 255) Penn Ave. mits si CHRISTY has removed to 254 Penn avenue, wlii re she has opened an assortment of French Bonnets and Round Hats In all the latest styles. N F SI.OAN, IIROKER IN PKTItOI.KI'M, office in I'lttsburgh Petroleum Exchange; strictly brukenute business; correspondence solicited • oil bought, sold and carried on margins on best terms, WK MCCANCK, MKRCHANT TAILOR Call and see my Spring and Summer stock of Foreign and Domestic piece goods. No a<2 Liber ty Street. .1 Market street i'Kit IN TKA co. l.Mjs Butlerstrcct. l'ittgbnrgli, teas and coltees, Send for price list. Orders of r> pounds and upwards prepaid to any town not over 100 miles from the city. s w HARK ft co. Practical numbers. Gas and Oil Chandeliers,and chimney tops, lamps, plllups, sewer pipe, &e. Oil, gas and gasoline stoves. 1717 Carson street, Pittsburgh, S S. Send for circulars. (ICS SYKKK ft MOOItK, CHRONIC DISFASKS only, lill Penn avenue. Have removed. April Ist. to ir>o Penn avenue MORRIS, 111 SrXTII STRF.F.T, I'HOTOIiKAPHF.R, Cabinets, $3 00 per dozen. Cards, fj 00, Daisies, £i 00. F'uie work only, ALLEGH KTV Y. ANDKRSON, PORTF.It ft IIOVD, M'f'lS Of .engines, boilers and castings ; second hand engine-, and boilers always on hand, River ave, anil Darragh street. I.A'l'I.M Kit ft OOULSON, I'JK FKIIKR AI, ST.. New Arm, new goods, low prices. Silks, Dress Goods, Gloves, Notions and Domestics. J AMES P HAH.KV, ARCHITECT, Nos 04 and oo Federal street. TIIOKI'ARI.I.N steam engines, clay and ore pans. Address T li and W J Carl 111, Trustees. Den WI N ft CO, I'RKIILF. AVE. The portable range is a perfect baker and cannot be excelled, also the Sterling Cook Stove Is very reliable. s C MCKOW Jeweler and Optician. Diamonds, Watches, CIOCKS, ftc. at special bargains, UI Fed eral street Removed next door to formernumber c«i HKlinrp, River avenue below Suspension bridge, all kinds of new and second hand ma chinery bought and sold in large and small i|iian titles. M SIMO.V. Agent. Eagle Planing Mills, Flooring, weather boarding . shutters, doors. ft<\ Anderson and Robinson streets. Tllos WKI.SII, 7'i Federal Slreet, I buy and sell farms In all regions. Ciprrespondeiice solicited GRAND OPENING. SPUIKC AND SUMMER STOCK BOOTS ~&TSHOES Last February when in Massachusetts I finished up my orders with manufacturer for my Spring Stock. allmy eoods are made to my special order and made by the largest and best manufacturers. THIS STOCk IS >OW tOM fNG IN DAILY ; never before have I shown such au immense variety of Styles to select from as this season HAVING ADDED TO MY IMMENSE STOCK several new lines that for W EAR, BIT, ST\ LL and 1 KICK cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania. OUR TRADE IS INCREASING RAPIDLY. We have been compelled to enlarge and remodel our entire room inside, which we have now just completed and vou will find one of the finest BOOT AND SHOE HOUSES iq Western Pennsylvania with a Stock of BOOTS and SHOES twice as large as any other bouse in Butler County, and filled with immense bargains from top to bottom. Can't give prices on this immense Stock; it would till a whole newspaper, but will say, will sell you a Good Two-Buckle Plow Shoe, sizes 0-12 '°, t0 J 5 cent ? ; a Ca sizes 6-11, at $1.50. These are regular lines of goods made to my order; no old shoddy goodt.; no auction stock or sample lots that we want to push off our bauds but fresh, clean goods. Ladies' Button Shoes, a all solid, 2s-7, at cents. This is an elegant shoe for the money, will surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S, ARE JUST ELEGANT, and selling rapidly at prices we have marked them, recollect our goods are all marked in plain figures. We SELL THF PPT FBRATED ENGLISH WALKKNI'HAST SHOES, best iu the world, the shape of the natural foot; try them for solid comfort. Our IJ.m ol Mens\ Hoys' au«l Ycutlw' Shoes are Ilea,.lies Ask to see our new line of Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, they are grand ; never had anything to equal them before. See our eIeB, °WOMENS', MISSES' AND CHILDRENS' SLIPPERS AND WALKING SHOES. We have not forgotten the Old Ladies. We have wide shoes, low heels, all kinds and prices. MENS' and BOYS CANVASS SHOES for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cool; very cheap. We will cut the prices to the very bottom but wont cut prices lo one man to cost to make a sale and stick his neighbor to make it up; one man's money is just as good as another in this house ; customers are told what goods are before thev buy. Recollect no old auction or sample goods in this stock. See our elegant line of Ladies' French and Cur. Kid Button Boots, in Hand Turned HaDd Sewed and Machine. Our Dongolia, Glovekid and Simon Goat Button Boots very handsome. CHIL DRENS'SCHOOL SHOES, NEAT AND SERVICEABLE. Our Stock of Mens' and Boys' Calf Boots is elegant- a specialty in Mens' LOW INSTEP BOOTS. Large Stock of Leather and Findings constantly on hands at the very lowest figures W r e don't mention manufacturers names of Goods we use, but control a dozen or more of the finest and best in the country. Come and see us, will save you big money in Boots and Shoes from any house in Butler,' and give you good honest goods that speak for themselves, that will bring you back, also your neighbor. We are keeping the lead in Boots and Shoes and increasing sales all the time. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. TRIAL MKT FOR NPECIAI< tOIItT, COMHKXCISCI MAY 2«, IBM. "jSSTllfcirVr.\ PUmmUr* Attorn*. | , PUUniiffs. ~ l~ Defendant,. Drfmimmft Alton.,y. AD ",t; Dec. 1883 Mitchell and Martin et al, Margaret O Barron, Joliu It McJunkin, J D MoJunkin, " ' Mar 1882 Thompson & Scott, John Diiou, Thos D.xon 69™" "J H Thompson tli avenue. I'Utslmrgh. THK oi.l> HKI.IAM.K Allegheny Steam Dyeing. Scouring and laundry works. Office and works 3.11 , and 3W Beaver avenue. m-Tt . ' ' - HUTCHISON & AI.KXANKK.It , . Korbargains 111 Steam Engines, from ~M to ~> horse power , address us , Cor I'ark Way and Sandusky street. SWAN HOI'SK coil ARCH AND OHIO STRKKTM. Special attention to the hoarding department .1 M Swan , Manager. W, W BRECKENRIDGK & SONS, AOKNTS, NORTH LIHKUTY, I*A. AT>l> rr/I? Send six cents for pos l li I /1 flitage, and receive free a box of good which will help all, of either sex. to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sure. At once address TItUE & Co., Augusta, Maine .\oricE, Notice is hereby given than an application will be made to the Governor on Friday, May Hi. IsKl, at to o'clock A. M.. for a charter for a pipe line to l>e known as tin- Independent Pipe Line, to trans port, store and ship petroleum from a point In Butler county at or near Bald Kidge to Beaver in Beaver comity. H. M. DOMAHOO, VV. .1. MCG IMI'SKV, .liiKl. 1.. I'.KiHAM, SAIIAH A. HOPKINS, apr2.'!,3t JOHN CONWAY. ASTHMA AND HAT FEVER Their cause and cure. Knight's new book sent free. Address, L. A. KNIGHT, 15 East Third St., CI NCI NNA Tl, 0. mut Mention particularly this puDcr. tsi,odo ims maps. I lIIORRISON JiMURR-AY'S Largest and most complete Map ever published in one sheet. For price and full particulars FR EE Address % Agents Wanted. J. M. MURRAY, Publisher, » „ ELIZABETH. N. J. w s2sto $75 per month guaran teed. Some make *7B to SI SO per month: nt this rate agents can soon maketheSl.OOO. Take <{(Knrt the address and write/or an Agency 4-0 pane catalogue free. Cut This Out f'Ks.Vm.Tii Ml ■ BIAAMIL AQOLDEH BOX OF GOODS thnt will in Muftf MONEY. In Onn Month, than unythiinr <*!»*• in America. AbrioliiN-t Certainty. Need no capita I. M. Young,liStirceu* »clt HUN. York. 81,000 Ollered In Premium* for Coiupeilon at Slate and Din trict Fair* for Crops from SIBLEY'S TESTED PQS. ALL CLIMATES, fj FOR ALL SOILS, ALL PLANTS. EVERY SACK TESTED FOK VITALITY EVLHY VARIETY TESTED IN TIIIAI. G HOUND# ron PUHITY. CATALOGL'K A.NI) I'IUCB LIST or VCOKTABI.C. FLOWBB A SL> FIELD SEEDS Of ALL TKSTEO VALUABLE TABIRIU. TI««K ON APPLICATION. SIBLEY & N Y and ClMlli IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF j One Ounce bottle* reduced from 15 cts.fo 10 cent* —Two Ounce bottles reduced from 26 ct*. to 16 cent* ML A n't ■ Five Ounce bottle* reduced from 60 ct*. to 26 cent* If ■■ I I ■■ TIJC public mutt not accept any but original gooda HHH IIV mm l»y UH, as imitations are worthless. (PETBOLEIN JELLY.) ™ i£hesebrough ManufacturingCo.^NewYork. IMPORTANT! -NOW ! I)o you want to MAKE MONEY, and Immediate and Permit H eilt employment ? Any worker can succeed. Write for particulars and send refcreDCo to A H. DAY & CO., Nursery men, Geneva, N. V. BLISS' 1845. Illustrated Hand-Eook 1884. For the Farm and Garden. Iso pages. JJOO Illustration*, utid u benutUliil Colored Plate of Flower*, tHls Whal, When and How to plant an.l 1* lull of information invaluable to all interested i;i gardening Mulled A>r toaovcr poitage. lllnatrated Novelty Llat, ' >l«m ribluC »il tli« n«w«al varUtlM tlowtri, VmilablH, C«* BfflHV r»tli, fruit, I'Uata, ■ lE*? Mailed Free. a>€pc And liivve on Imnd I wlieri you want to .oo. \ 20 packets choice Flower F eds (our selection). In- | eluding WILD UAItfiKX s -I.IIS (a mixture of i 100 varieties of Flower Kc< • a), for SI.OO. ' A VEGETABLE GAR' EN FOR SI.OO. 20 pkts. Choice Vegeta !o Seeds (our selection), including Ullia's American Wonder Pea, for sl. BOTH tho above for $1.7.1. Gardener's Hand Book telling you how to grow them, Bent Fret with orders. B. K. BLISS & SONS, 1 I S^^arcla^StyJlew^York. EITfNMIIUR HOUSE, i JAMES SELLERS, • - - -Proprietor j I have purchased this house from Mr. Elton- j niiltr and Imve lmd it thoroughly renovated ( I lmvo thirteen rooms and twenty bedn for pueHtH, will Hot a good table and eell none liut the hotit ami pnrent of licpiorß at my bar JAMES SELLERS. 1 I BRICKS ! BRICKS f ; The subscrllM-r continues the making <>r bricks j common, pavement, bav window and other ipial- | lties at lii.s kHit on the Fair Ground nad. half a mile west of Butler Me will keep on hand a lot of bricks nt all times. He will also make and burn brick in the country fur anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As be intend* carrying M the brick making business, lie ii,vlt- s tli" eusUiin of all. promising to give entire .satisfaction to all who may patron ize linn. All order" promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call on" or address, J. GEORGE STAMM. mai2«-'>« Butlvr Fa. ISlf Advertise in the Citizen Planing Mill —AND— JLuniber Yard. r J. L. I'UKVIS. L. O. FL'K VIB, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTIIKBKH AND DEAI.KKB IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCKIFTION. KItAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOKS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near tiermaii Catholic ui, urn, : :.u all dlggjpes of the >fci». For File*. Wounds, Curs, ricert Sores, t,j renipljr li so prompt in ffHrthing and healing ui Pa pi lion skin Cur*. It do«*s not »iuu rt or I urn. Direction* iu ten language* cucvmpcnj every bM'e j PME j ABSOLUTELY CURES NASAL CATARRH, ACUTE or CHRONIC COLD in tL-- Head, Rose Cold, Bronchial and HAY FEVER. ( : the nostril-*. permits natural breathing, I; isa«j. • i lie euro for Cold !a the Head-which | is cau!H-1 by suddeu cliauges iu the atuiuepliere. Direction* in ten languages act aery lutlc. BIMIIOPQUGH rfflumzum :■ ABSOLUTELY CURES W HOOPING COUG H. It i» a harmless vegetable srrun, very dt-'.U-ioua to the taste. Relieve* at once and is a positive cure. WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUCH are cured by this excellent remedy. Dirtctmn* in ten language* accompany erery bottle. DIQIII fIMBLOOD OIOLLIMCUSE ABSOLUTELY CURES AI. T - OF TilF. RI.OOD. STOMACH, Li\er. Bowel* mid KMney; Ibral! d':««uei®rik'in ating in impairment of the i.l<-<: Amemia, Sick He:ui.».;h«\ Nervousness, Female Liver ( mplaint, Ursprpsin, Jaundicv. Hi!t - t-s and Ki iu*v Lis-lUt-i, ujis Is UJU«!M«U*\\ This in dieiuc » n i iu:!<*ial, w »ib soh.t. iv le, r&-s>fori? tlu- 1 1- -'1 ton healthy condition ficiencies, and prevents disease. Zfirtction* in ten lenguagrs ar oi }><: ny every boitie. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six P dties tor so. For Saie bij All QntfjQfafe PAPI'.LCN M?C. CO.. CHICAGO. For sale by J. L. WULLER and D. H. WULLER. WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH tnc GCOOHAPHV OF THIS COON* TRY WILL SEE BV EXAMIN.NQ THiSMAP THAT T.-g By the central position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car rier paiisenfters, without change of cars, bctweo& Chicago and Kansas City. {tonnail &Mflb lLc«v<;u wot-th, i!.'Uiuwm. St. Paul. Xt •wiuijitu in Unian Depots with all the pnucipal lines of road tetwcbn she Atlantic and the Pacific Oa*iaas. Its equipment to unrivaled and mo#nif\- cent, being composed of Most Comfortable tnd Beautiful Day Coaches, Magnificent liorton Ke clintnc Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palncs Bleeping Cars, and tho Best Line ci Dining Cua in the worirt. Thr«9 Trains between at-J liibbouri Hive* p..).iif Tv**»«s Utwccu Chi uL'd Wmncapolis and bt. Paul, via the Patnous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'* A and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kinlca* kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga. Atlanta. Au fusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington,Cincinnati* ndianapolis ana Lafayette, and Ornufc; .. Miucup' olis and St. Pan] sr)c| a.edi.iU- points. All XuiouMu Pasjengors Travel on Past Express Trains. Tickets for sale at ».ll principal Ticket OiT.cesin the United States and Canada. Baggage oheckcd through and rates of fa*o Ql. ways as low as competitor* that offer less sdvsn- Ugef, For detailed information, get the Maps and Fold srs of the GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vic-Pros. 4 Uea't M« r. Ciu'l TM. A Fus. Aft. OHIOAOO. D. LCLjE^, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly »u bund a complete stock ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECTACLES- Of all kinds and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best quality. Everything warrant ed just Ub represented and sold at the low est cash price. Fine Wnli-li ItcpairiiiK a Spec ially. One square South ol Di uuond, Main Street I BUTLER, FA. 1 «T. 11. Hte.vi n»oii «fc CO.'M t REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 100 Klftli Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., * offers for sale a fine lit) acre farm near New Wilmington, Lawrence county, l'a.; has fine 1 large buildings, orchard, itc., for £B,OOO, (near Westminister College); 75 acres half mile from railroad station and near New Castle, has tine large buildings, for $7,500; a splendid frame dwelling, barn, ice house, carriage home, ii ordinary lamps, but half a these lamps throe ninlils. burning Al.i. NIOHT MINO. Address KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., f •.Mi S. Third St., Philadelphia, l'a. Union Woolen Mills. c I would desire to call tho attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new aud improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knittinp ar>d Weaving Yarns, A and I can recommend tliom as being very dura- I] bio, as they are manufactured of pure Butler A oounty wool. Thoy aro beautiful in color, su- . perior in texture, and will be sold at very low J prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FOLLERTON, Jul2l,'7H-1y Butler. Pa fur tiio Crrr/.K.v DE2STTISTR . 0 1/ VV\LDRON, Graduate ol the Phi' bi adelphia Dental Collegers prepare • laato do anylhiug in the line of hit> profession in satisfactory manner. Office OL Main street, 'Butler, Union Block, up stairs. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All wo; k j eitiiuin# to the profcc&iou execut ed iu the ueatefrt manner. eciaii if» : Gi>ld aud F.iinless Ex traction of Teetli, Vitalized Air udtuiubtercd. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attention. janl»i'B4-2y JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEOJN myJJI-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office ou Jefferson street, opposite Kliatfler's Flour Store. TJ N LEAKE. M. D., Homeopathic Physician aud Surgeon Office in I nion Block, and residence iu Ferrero bo se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, lv<2. FOR SALS. IS Acres of land, with large two-story btick house ai:d larpe bam thereon erected." Good orchard: situated iu Kutler twp . Butler county, Pa., adjoining Butler ou the touth, will be sold cheap and on ea?v terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev MtQuistion, Esq., Butler, I'a. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. I articular atteuiiou to the Hetrac : ii£ ol old Hues. Address, B. f. IIX I,fil .4 Itl>,Co. .Surveyor North .Hope P. 0., Butler Co., P«, •i,5,84.1y John L. Jones, Auctioneer 1 BUTLER, PA, All orders will receive prompt attention. f6 3m County Auctioneer, JAMES E. KEARNS, 11UTLER, PEXX'A, Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having bad many ycais of experience he can gutnntec perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. Leave word at this etllee. 3,5,84.1y G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington street, north end, Bntlor, * >a - jan2.ly. •I. H. Harvey, Has opened a paint shop in REIBER'S BLOCK, ou Jefferson Street, Butler, i'i\„ where he Is prepared to do all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Papering and Calsoraining, hanging window blinds, etc. And, also keeps on hands Wall Papers ami Border*. l*ain(M and Hr HSIK'H, I'llllirs, H iid Window CillaHN. (all sizes cut to order.| I respectfully solicit a share of tho public pat ronage. J. H. HARVEY. 3,5,54.6 m 1884. WALL PAPER, 1884 New Designs In Wall and Ceiling l'apcr for dwell ings, ofllees, halls and churches. A large and well selected line of DECORATIONS for ceilings ami walls. Brown back paper fronj s cts. up. white back paper from to ets. up. cuts from cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEiNEMAN'S, Butler, Pa. 2d27.3m 1' Ell TV A KX T ST A M VIV €4 FOH KENSINGTON, ARBASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also less iu same given by ANNIE M. LOW.VIAN, North ttieet, Butler, Pa. jneao-ly PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. The largest popular book on Mexico ever publish ed ao.i Itue lllimtrntluiiw— tilled with valuable information of deep Interest toeveiy tliougllifid person. As evervone wants to r<'ad about MEXICO THE LAN D WITH A GLOR.OUS FUTURE agents will liml Ibis the bi-sl selling bemk of the yi-ar. Write to I* W. CAltl'li:l.I» Publishers' Agent, 172 Public Sqtiare, O.K.VKI.ANK, <>■ IE! LIVERY STiBLE, Henry Lsiboid, Continues the Livery Business on Jell'craou St. first door below ilickel «t Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always ou liamis Horses fed oa reasonable terms, also horses bought and sold. oct3-ly, STEPHEN Cr, By Stephen A. Douglass, he by Relief; he by Rysdyke's Hambletouian, will make the season oflßS4at my stable iu East Brady, Pa., com mencing April 15th and ending Aug. lf>th. Stephen G's size, color, style and line disposi tion do honor to his high breeding. He stands fully l">i hands, weighs t2. r >o, he is the finest •railed young stallion in |Pennsyivania and last Fall showed himself a trotter worthy his royal lineage by winning the Stallion Race at Butler over six («!) competitors, getting a record of 2:47 in the fourth heat which is no measure of his speed, as he trotted a quarter last Fall just out of the stud in .'•! seconds, a gait. Mares from « distance will receive the best of care. Mares with a record of 2:30 served free except ing grooms fee of oue dollar. For further in formation address J. W. VERNER, Last Brady, Clarion, Co., Pa. Service fee twenty-five dollars,to insure. apr23,liu. Pars It red llolMtelm Muck. Tho underpinned liavo purchased from the Powell Bros, a pure bred HolAtein bull, onatand a half veara old and weighs 12.13 |x>unds, which can be seen at the farm of John Weber, in Penn township, at any time. Tonus, tl cash, or tS cliaiged. " J. A PAINTKII, JOHN WEBF.n. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. W.M. CAMPBELL, TRKASUKKK. H. C. HIiINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIKECTOKB: J. L.Purvis, E. A. Hclmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart, V. Trout man, i Henderson Oliver, 3. C. Rocssing, P. B. McMllliu, Br. W. lrvm, N. Weiizel, A.B.Rhodes, 11. C. Huincman. IAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. A«'t. (im H l I'n.r for tg.nl>. ttlou In pn in 4, tin.lt' H.-lliiiir ~..r«Ja-»»al Wrn llUlory. iMd.iir Itulllraol llirWor.4 WrUo I" J. » . *