Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 30, 1884, Image 4
BUTLER CITIZEN MISCELLAN EOUH. Jupiter's Lottery. It is said that the god Jupiter once made a lottery in heaven and allowed both mortals and jrods t0 hold tickets. The grand prize was wisdom, and Minerva Held the winning card. This caused trouble amoDg the mortals, and Jupiter, to appease them, offered folly as a second prise, which they all drew, and were highly pleased with it. Ever since that time" tolly has been held in high estimation by" mortals. If they wish to be noted for wisdom they should buy Peruna and Manalin of the nearest druggist, and use them for the various ailments which are known to humanity. Thousands are learning wisdom in this regard, and are loud in their praises of these wonderful discov eries of S. B. Hartman. Buy a bottle and win the prize once carried ofl by the famous goddess of wisdom. The right bower—Where your love lies dreaming. Messrs. J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wul ler are the agents for Papillon Skin Cure, Papillon Catarrh Cure, Papiilon Cough Cure and Papillon Blood Cure, which are remedies of superior merit., they are excellent. A level-headed man isn't necessa rily a flat bead. Insurance. Insurance is a good thing whether applied to life or property. No less a blessing is anything that insures good health. Kidney-Wort does this. It is natures great remedy. It is a mild but efficient cathartic, and acting at the same time on the liver, kidneys and bowels, it relieves all these organs and enables them to perform their du ties perfectly. It has wonderful pow er. See advt. Overcome by gas—The man who was talked to death. Look Out for Your Head ! No matter what parts it may finally affect, catarrh always starts in the head, and belongs to the head. There is no mystery about this direful disease. It begins in a neglected cold. One of the kind that is "sure to be better in a few days." Thousands of victims know how it is by sad experience. Ely's Cream Balm cures cold 9 in the head and catarrh in all its stages. Not a snuff nor a liquid. Applied with the finger to the nostrils. Good will subdue its opposite, as water extinguishes fire. Polishing the Wrong End. Many men daily polish their boots who never give a thought to the condi tion of their hair, except to harrow it casually with brush and comb, or sub mit it to the paralysing attention of the average barber. What happens ? Why, this: From neglect, mental anxi ety, or any of a score of causes, the hair turns prematurely gray and begins to fall out. Parker's Hair Balsam will at once stop the latter process and re store the original color. An elegant dressing, free from grease. AB the body is purified by water, eo is the SOD! by truth. Scrofula, scald-head tetter, rose-rash, false-measles, nettle-rash, lichen, red gum branney tetter, dry- tetter, shin gles, and all diseases of the scrofulous nature are cured by bathing the diseas ed skin frith Papillon Skin Cure. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wul ler —-A sweeping argument should al ways bare a handle to it. Epelepsy Entirely Cured. Prof. Irving B. Smith, of Pike, N. ,Y. makes the following statement: "Sa maritan Nervine has entirely cured me of epileptic fits." —ls a girl necessarily % sick when she throws her lover up? Why do yon suffer with back ache, pain in the chest, rheumatism, or lame-j ness anywhere when a Hop Plaster will surely give you relief? Druggists j sell them, 25 cts. —lf a lady wants to make a stir in her kitchen let her go to work on a fruit cake. No remedy for Catarrh has met with such success as papillon Catarrh Cure; it never fails and does its work thor oughly—not by relieving temporarily— but by curing permanently. It does not smart or irritate. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. 11. Wuller. —A loving wife "down south," on the death of her husband, sent the fol lowing thrilling telegram to a distant relative: "Dear.William is dead. The loss is fully covered by insurance." —The old style of crimping the hair by putting it up in papers has been re vived. When you see a young girl on the street with her hair in paper, you've no business to ask if her beau's comiog that night. He probably is but that's none of your business. —A way has been suggested at last to raiseltbe necessary funds for con structing the Bartholdi pedestal. The vender of a patent "liver invigorator" offers to give $25,000 if a placard with the name of his nostrum may be affixed to the statute for a year. —"Happy Killie," "Blood-Washed Captain Maggie," "John the Parson," "Mother-Penny," "Singing Ida," and "Emma Ever Thine," answer to roll call in the Newburg, N. Y., barracks of the Salvation Army. —Jenny June observes: never was a time when the dress counted for so little in the estimate of characters as now. It is getting to be pretty well understood that a woman who is celebrated for her clothes is known for nothing else.." Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having hud placed m his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat anil Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for .Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, has lelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf lerlng, I will send free of charge, to all who de sirp It, this recipe, In German, trench or English, with tun directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. XOVEH, 140 Power's Block. I Kochester, N V. Septl2-H3-l>"eow j —A Connecticut minister has de- i nounced kissiug games at church j socials. He is years old. —The maple sugar inakiDg season is ended. The circuses have taken the road for the season. An amateur punster informs us that some houses have wings, and he has often seen a bouse tly. e thought no pan of a house save the chimney flue. —ln one of our luuian languages the word "woman" is rendtred "kewana jawjaw," with marked and earnest em phasis on the last two syllables. Positively the most ferocious crea ture of its size is the bulTalo-guat. 1 11 fortv-eight houts these insects killed two hundred mules in Louisiana. One of the most enthusiastic ad vo cates of pillage during the riot in Cin cinnati was an ex-member of the Ohio Legislature. He is now in jail. A youug girl of Manchester Eng., ; recently swam 600 times around the bath house in a contest, while the best male swimmer made but 504 rounds. ~ iinnnnMuniunJinHummm.iiTr Tell the children to cut out end cave the comio Bilhouetto pictures as they appear from issue to issue. They will be pleased with the collection. This space is owned by BIiACKWELL'S BULL. Of course we mean the famous animal appearing on the label of every (jenuine pacfcaj?e of Black well'B Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. Every dealer koeps this, the best Smoking Tobacco made. None genuine without trade-mark of the Bull. H.mHiniinnimninuiitmiimniHi g rCTKn JL 1 J t - THE SURE CURE —— FOR KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. | PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILYT "Eidney-Wort is the most successful remedy lover used." Dr. P. C. Ballou, Ifionkton, Vt. "Kidney-Wort is always reliable." Dr. B. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. "Kidney-Wort haa cured my w lfc after two year* suffering." Dr. C. M. Summeriin, Sun Hill, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it has cured where all else had failed. It is mild, but efficient, CERTAIN EN ITS ACTION, but harmless in all cases. tirlt cleanses the Blood and Strengthens acd elves Xew IJfe to all tho important organs of the body. The natural action of the Kidneya is restored. The Liver is cleansod of all disease, and tho Bowels move freely and healthfully. Ia ■ >"" way tho worst diseases aro eradicated from the system. 2 PBICE, *I.OO LXtJUD OB DET, BOLD BY DBCGGIBTS. Dry can be sent by mail. jj WELLS I£I<HARIW'N A Public Benefactor. Wm. 11. Sfeinor Member ot llie Editorial Start ol the Xew York Herald; also Ex* C'oiinuisHioner ot Ex cine New York City 48 Ann St., ssiy*: Dr M. M. Fenner, Fredouia, N. Y —Dear tir— I Lave been a great, sufferer from Billiousnese Nervous irritatiou and Dyspepsia for years' My friend. Hon. H. C. Lake of the New York Custom Hoiir e, induced nle to try your Blood <fc Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. By the use of two bottles I have realized a complete restora tion to health. I look upon it as the greatest remedy of the ago, and upon you, ra tho com pounds of the game, as a public benefactor.'" FROM THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE- New York Tribune, Now York. Dr. M. 51. Fenner. Fredonia. N. Y.—Dear Sir ! Please send me two more bottles of your Blood and Livor Remedy and Nerve Toci.r. My ifo has been taking it and it has done her gocd Yours truly, C. A. TRACY. Completely, and entirely cleanses the blood relieve* Biliousness. Constipation anil Headache: cleans out and lieals the entire btomach and bowels, breaks nn and cures Agues and form ing Fevers; cures* Pimples. Skin Eruptions end Skin Diseases, removes Bai Breath, is an anti dote for the Blues; sooths, strengthens and heals Weak and Irritated Nerves, producing good rest at night: and completely renovates and restores a disordered system —whether ihe disorder is slight or grave. DR. FKNNEB.S KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CURE—For all diseases of the Kidneys, bladder, urinary passages, backache, dropsy, female weaknesses, nervous debility, Heart disease, rheumatism' etc. The most successful remedy that hat) ever been administered in the diseases named. Get of vour dealer the memorandum book entitled "Dr. Fanner's People's Remedies are Used all Over tho World." And are for sale by J, L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller, Butler, QBE AT - PR O B LEM . • TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver Hetlicinea BLOOD Purifiers, Rheumatic Remedies, Dyspepsia Auri Imligesiiou Cures. Ague, Fever, And Bilious Spcifics. Brain & Nerve Force Revivers Great Health RESTORERS In short, take all the best qualities of all these, and the best qualities of all the best Medicines of the World and you will find that HOP BITTERS have the best curative qualities and powers of all concentrated in them, and that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined, fail. A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. TC mm WANTED sloo,^100,^ I ! LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES. PITTSBURGH, PA., --AND— ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. PITTS BTJ RGI i - JOSEPH HORNE & <<>.. Ketaii Dry Goods, Ito 203 Penn avenue. Library lluli. RAIK A GAZZAM, (Limited.) 1 niziiK- Builders and Machinists. : Gear Cutting. il " rtl Avenue. i GEO. W, HUBLEY. The llouse 1' unnsher. ! 40* old No. mi Sniithtield St.. betw ltli .'i sth Aves Diamonds. Fine Watches. Art Oood-. i or. Sixth Avenue and Sinithfield street. i m; OFINCY A. SCOTT DENTAL OFFICES. iil» Ys:o i Oh! N0.284 l'enn Avemie. rii). , Remember the new number. K V ELLIOTT. Artistic Florist, ! ' Seeds, Plants. Trees, Cut Flowers \v.. ! Send lor catalogue. 54 Sixth street. 1 PITTSBURGII SIGN WORKS. I Business Signs of every description. Descriptive 1 designs sent 011 application. :r< sixth Ave HEAR D? P. IBE R & E A ST< )N. Dry Ooods. Notions, Suits. &e.. 505 & "07 Market Street, near Fifth Avenue. .1 A McCORMICK. Worthington steam pumps and water meters, otto's silent gas engines.eugines and boilers. taper-sleeve wooden puhe; <. siialtmg and coupling. Estimates made on water works and all kinds ol machinery. 27 Murket street. WEST POINT BOILER WORKS. U. Munroe & Son. I'rop'rs. 23d and Smallman Sts. New and second-hand boilers of all sues. DOFGHERTY & MORRIBON. Boilers, tanks, sheet iron works, salt pans, &:e. Repairing promptly done. Duquesne Way near Point. CREA, GRAHAM & CO., Manufacturers of Stoves. Ranges, Grate Fronts, Fenders, &c. 2»i Liberty Street. m*. JAS. SHIDLE& SON. 1884. Wail Paper, Liucrnsta Walton and French Irides cent papers. 59 Smithtield Street. MEYER, ARNOLD & Ct>., (Limited.) Fine and Plain Furniture, Nos. os. 70,11 &74 Diamond Street. M< ELYEEN & COCHRAN, Fl I.MTI 1!E Manufacturers of all kinds of Furniture and I p holstery. office and Warerooms, 88 & :*i Sniith iie.M St. Factory 71 to 75 Bidwell St., Allegheny City. ' F G WEISE, Furniture, bed lounges, chairs, &c., ill 4th Ave. Mav Ist will remove to 310 Wood St. Factory 146,148, 150 & 152 Jackson St.. Allegheny. JAMES PHEI.AN, Old Stand Stocking Store. _ Men's Fine Furnishing Goods, 32 Fifth Ave, STEWART «; HENRY, successors to Russell &Co Gents' Furnishing Goods. Fine goods at low prices. 101 Fifth Avenue. H. HOUSTON & CO., Pumps- RKII JACKET, wood and iron, all kinds. Sanitary Plumbers. 17 Seventh Avenue. JIAGAN'S LADIES RESTAURANT, and Fancy Bakery. fiOitSmithlield St.. Lewis Biiiid lug. cor. Cth ave. Regular Dinner 11 :30 a 111 to 2 :.'IQ MORGAN'S ICE'CREAM & DINTNC, ROOMS. Orders for ice cream and wedding cakes promptly filled. No, 2 Sixth St. W. J. A. Kennedy I'rop'r. KEYSTONE ANVIL WORKS. Manchester & Soil, fwsend for circular. Cor. 28th & Railroad Sts. ARMSTRONG & McKELY V. I'AIXTS & Otl.s. White Lead, Coach and Oil colors, Rendy Mixed Paints aud Painters' Supplies. 33 Wood St, READY MIXED PAINT. " FJ 1 r ' J "' ''•"d 111 l' , r gallon. Hand- Dursihie. Best, » olor card sent 1 Iji.M A'lpßio farmers, ouilders, proiierty owners. I'. O. Box 2u0,. Atlas i'aint t'o., Puts- W, .1, BARR. Electrotypc-r and Stereotyper, 112 Diamond Street. IRON CITY COLLEGE afiords nnequaled fai iii ties for the practical education of young men. Send for circular. Cor. l'enn ave. & Sixth St. OLD rorNTRV TK v HOL'SK, Win Haslage & Son. Special attention given to country orders. Send for Housekeeper's Guide mailed gratis. _ <• .1. GILLESPIE, Lumber, staves and heading. Duquesne Way, between Eighth and Ninth. R. HUMPHREY, , , . , Wholesale jobber in lumber, lath and shingles. Estimates given 011 application. 543Smith!ielfl St. Cl'linv INSTITUTE & VXION IILSINKSS COM I 'HE, Noii'ial, Business and Classical. .%t) stiideni.s 1") teachers; send for ci eular ; 4J'- nth St. 11. 1». Williams, Manager ; J. C. W iliiams, Principal. O W SADLER. M l>, I'VE &,KAH. Cataract removed, cross eyes straightened, specta cles 11 ted, artificial eyes. 804 (old 255) l'enn Ave. wKkUMS. HNS MRS r.t CHRISTY has removed to 2s-1 Penn avenue, 1 where she has opened an assortment of French Bonnets and Round Hats in all the latest styles. ?>" P SJXSAN, BROKER IN PETROLEUM. office in Pittsburgh Petroleum Exchange; strictly brokerage business ; correspondence solicited ; oil bought, sold and carried on margins 011 bent terms, W K MCCANL'K. MERCHANT TAJLOR Call and see my Spring and Summer stock of Foreign and Domestic piece goods No 292 Liber ty Street. .1 c JICKFCM iv co . ;ii) & it Market St. Best brand* <;t genuine Milwaukee. Cincinnati and f oilier bottled beers. Send for price list. ■ KASNKU .'v- DINGER, 83 THIHD AVENUE, Haves' metalic skylight: lire, storm, condensation and weather prjoi galvanized iron cornices, tin; ' rooting &e. Send for circular, ST Alt KXCACSTK TILE CO., LIMITED, Manufacture all patterns and colors of plain and encaustic tile for floors, hearth®, vestibules, ite. W : ork laid to order and designs furnished, 'JO 4th I avenue. JOHN l.' I'ARK, Architect, 42',j Sixth Street. WI LLIA.M PEKIILEH, I Hardware, Builders' Hardware and Tools aspeciai . ty. Removed to 517 Wood Street. ' ISAAC M PEN OCK, [ Real Estate and Mortgage Broker, city property 1 and farms bought and told, Money to loan. 12:t | 4th avenue. ; iIIIOWX & CO, 5 Window Awnings, Tents, \c. No .( Ferry Street, , FI.KMIXO, ORTI.IF.I*. AXD DEI.P. Kl RNITURE, - Mannfacturets of Plain and Fine Furniture and . Folding Beds. Largest salesroom ill Ihe two cities, j 13 and 15 Federal street, Allegheny City, Pa. » LENOX SIMPSON, Patent Lawyer. | Inventions completed. 83 Diamond Street. ' <; s I'ERsmxi: & CO, r n>7 Fourth avenue. New Yoik stocks bought and , sold on margins. Send for circular .1 D MATHEWS & SON. Stencils. Seals, Steel and Rubber Stamps. ' Good Agents always wanted. 72 Third avenue. s i: REAM & co, successors to A Settler .it Sous, manufacturer of iron aud steel boilers, stills, agi tators, tanks, salt pans, light iron work, &c, I Thirty-first and Smallman streets. PITTSBI'RIiH WIRE AND RAILING WORKS, Taylor & Dean, c;ist, wrought and ornamental Iron Rail ings, erestmgs, stable fittings. Wire work of every ♦ description. No 205 Market street. PEKIX TEA co. 4308 Butler street. Pittsburgh, teas and coffees. Send for prtce list. Orders of r> pounds and upwards prepaid to any town not o\er ioo miles from the city. , U HARE A CO, Practical Plumbers. Gas and Oil Chandeliers, aud chimney tops, lamps, pumps, sewer pipe, ,s.-c. OH. gas aud gasoline stoves. 1717 Carson street, Pittsburgh, S ». Send for circulars. * I»RS SVKEB & MOORE, CHRONIC DISK ASKS only, lyi Penn avenue. Have removed. April Ist, to 150 j Vim avenue MORRIS, lIiSrXTH STREET, PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinets, $3 00 per dozen. Cards, c- w», J)aisies, in 00. Fine work only, ANDERSON, PORTER & itovD, M'f'rs of engines, | boilers and castings ; second-hand engines and ! boilers always on hand. River ave, and Darrugh ' street. | LATIMER fl COULSON. 12S KEDEItAL ST., New firm, new goods, low prices. Silks. Dress Goods, ({loves. Notions and Domestics. JAMES P P.AILEY, ARCHITECT, Nos (M and (»i Federal street. THOS CAKLIX steam engines, clay and we pans. } Address TII and W J t'arlin. Trustees. Dell \ VEX CO, Pltr.l'.t.E AVE. The poilable ' range is a perfect baker aud cannot he excelled. 3 also Ihe Sterling Cook Stove is very reliable. ' s c MCKOV.'N. Jeweler and Optician. Diamonds, Watches, C'IOCKS, &e. at s|iecial bargains. :M Fed -1 era 1 street. Removed next door to lorincrnumber 1 CG REDRUP. River avenue below Snspeusioii bridge, all kinds of new and second hand ma r chinery bought and void in large aud small quail 5 tities. M SIMON, AglT.t. F'agle Planing Mills. Flooring, weather-hoarding . sludtem, ooors. osc. Anderson and Robinson streets. Tlios WELSH. 7 1 . Federal Street, I buy and sell farms in all regions, t orrespondence solicited GRAND OPENING. SPRING AAJI SUMMER STOCK BOOTS & SHOES i r* mm ton's £|a 4J a BjMdiLj JL Uli IJ Last Fehrnar, wl,n in I .» S. y w, .. ujft from „ this «jg. HAVING ADDED TO MV IMMENSE STOCK several new lines that for WEAK, *ll, bI\L.K cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania. OUR TRADE IS INCREASING RAPIDLY. We bave been compelled to enlarge and remodel our entire room inside, which we have now just completed and you will find one of the finest BOOT AND SHOE HOUSES in Western Pennsylvania with a Stock of BOOTS and SHOES twice as large as any other house in Butler County , , •\ • i- ■ „ tr» lv ttnm Can't "-ive nrices ou this immense Stock; it would fill a whole and filled with immense bargains from top to b<rt «» Mi, 15 to 85 centi, a Good Calf Boot, newspaper but wi' l ; , H ofgoo ds made to my order; no old shoddy goods; i» auction stock of fr«h : clean ioods. Ladies' Button Sboes,;»ll solid, 2fl, at 85 cents. This is an elegant shoe for the money, will surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IS LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. ARE JOST ELEGANT. i ii- *■ hnvp rrarkeil tbem recollect our e-oods are all marked in plain figures. We SELL THE cJVeBKATFD ENGLISH WALKKNPIIAS i' SHOES, best in the world the shape of the natural foot; I lib LbbU.onAir.i ■ 5,.» nl'llniN'. Boy#' and Ycutlis' Shoes are Beauties. Ask new line o?Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, they are grand ; never bad anything to equal them before. See our eICga °WOMENS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S' SLIPPERS AND WALKING SHOES. „ r . . , „ f L„ OM T We have wide shoes, low heels, all kinds and prices. MENS' and BOYS CANVASS SIIOES for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cool; very cheap. We will cut the prices to the very hotom but wont cot pricesTo one man to ccst to nuke a sale aud stick his neighbor to make it up; one man g money bottom, but wont cut p customers are told what goods are before thev buy. Recollect no old auction is lust as 88 J ™ Ladies' French and Cur. Kid Bn.ton Boots, in Hand Tnrned and Machine. %7r Don?olta, Glovekid and Simon Goat Bn,ton Boots yery handsome. CHH, DRENS'SCHOOL SHOES, NEAT AND SERVICEABLE. Our Stock of Mens' and Boys' Calf Boots ia t sant; at the very lowest 6gnresWe don t mention manning from >n} . bouie jo BuUeTaJgireyo" good honest goods that speak for themselves that will bring yoo back, also ,our neighbor. We are keying the lead in Boots and Shoes and increasing sales all the time. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step iu and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. TKIAI. MOT FOB STKIJI. COOKT WMK«€I*« 10V1IAI HIV 5.U. IBS 4 Ptainiifft Defending. Dcjemlant't Attorney. no. T>,m. iv ; £«**. CTBsaa A. 1). 3-» Mar 18S- Scott ir ~hall Ilenrv Leise" Wm Latch aw et al Mct^uisuoa 71 Dec • Bowser <fc J D Marshall . J P McQuistiou Same ljMar 188.5 h. Marshall Jom'th. P W Conway plaintiff Jas II Tebay et al Brandon & Cornelms «, -i M D Archibald Williams & Titus Forquer « "2!June » Peifer and Marshall i Isaac Blakeley 1 D hTcU Sbert » ;; f F orquer lei.ry J A Keeker et al Mention 54, " J M Thompson ■" 1 f W. P.& S. connecting L. li. R. Co Thompson b Son " 57 > ? U ,m nCe a ° albrea Hoffman and Parr Ann Stalker -V Black • e,r P WmS et aT John Pollock 31 Mitchell Martha Karns B C Huselton Campbell CI hcott Same John O'Donnell Christie „ ~ \?.'? ( ; ii Casn»r Ullman Elizabeth Ullman McCandless - f « H n I,r f. ThoiiiDson Daniel W Keppler. Fred Jackson ct al Bowser !! IJ- '<! .< Martin Com., Jno N Muntz plaintiff Thoe Donaghy, Sheriff, et al Cainpbell , Pi,lit Gi'kcv et ux John McCounell McC, Ralston AMcIJ " 53 : i' James W Reed John Smith Mitch'U AJ II Thompion :: J?, C S* Mart,a Man-aret lUrron et al John R. McJunkin J D McJunkin ** .< „ s ''t t \V \V fathers et al Jno McCullongh Ex'r et al White & torquer V r \- i -i;n McCrum Hay* Christie " 6 - Mar 1884 Bmndon Rob't .1 Brown 8 P Painter et al Fieejfer 4 Bowser 7 Mar 1884.Brandon Tames Irvin B Douthett et al McCandlew 1,1 :: « •.« MSf »■»«-—" I M. N. GREER, Prothonotary Prothonotary's Office, April 7, CHEAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TKA «'O, I'lirO trpsll Teas anil fine flavored coffees at importers prices. Elegant souvenirs to every customer. It* l ederat street , and at ".til avenue. Pittsburgh. THE OLD KEI.IAHLE Allegheny Steam Dyeing. Scouring and laundry works. Office and works 351 , 353 and 355 Beaver avenue. HUTCHISON & ALI'XAXHEII . l-'or bargains in Steam Engines, from 20 to >5 horse power , address us , Cor Park Way and Sandusky street. SWAN HOL'SR COR ARCH A N*l> OHIO STRKIT S. Special attention to the boarding department. J M swan , Manager. SV \V lIKECKKNRI IMIE .<T SONS, AOKNTS, NORTH LIIIERTV, PA. To the School Directors of Butler County. GENTLEMEN' In pursuance of the l'orty-lliird section of the act ofstli of May. 1851, you are here by notified to meet in convention, at the Court House in Butler, on the tirst Tuesday in May. A. I). ISHi, being tlie6th day of the month, at l o'clock in the afternoon, and select, "viva voce," by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literarv and scientific acquirements, and of skill and experience in the art of teaching, as couutv superintendent, for tin 1 three suceeeding years: and certifv the result to the Stale Super intendent. at Marrisburg, as required by the thirty ninth and fortieth sections of said act. JAMES H. MUKTLAND, County Superintendent of Butler county. April lis, 1881. 3t "k i l For diopsv, gravel, diabetes, BriglU's and heart disease. All urinary or liver diseases "After physicians failed to cure nn" of Bright s disease. H Keiiv. 62* Commerce St., Pliila. Iry it. cure guaranteed. Office. s:;l A nil St., Phila., $1 bottle, | 6 for §5, sold by Kolilmeyer & t 0., Butler, 1 a. V-rvy-j -j ff ¥ 1 Send six cent", for pos- K K I /; llitage, anil receive free a * costly box of good which will help all, of either sex, to more money right away tiian anything e'ue in this world. Fortunes await the workers absolutely sore. At once address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine soricE, Notice is hereby given thnu au application w ill be made tothe Governor on Friday. May If), isst, ;il in o'clock A. M.. for a charter for a ]>i|ie line t<. be known as I lie Independent Pipe l.ine. to tratis poit. store and ship petroleum from a point in Butler county at or near Bald Kidge lo Beaver in Beaver county. .... 11. M. DIIN AHOO, \\. J. MCOIMI «e\ , JOEL 1.. BIOHAM, SARAH A. HOPKINS, apr2»,3t JOHN CONWAY. For COLOR and SWEETNESS USE BEAK 3 CONCENTRATED QPEnffV Extras! n" Annatto. Ppft BVWV • owr Color. Brightest * * * ani Strongest. Buj of your MCT chant, or scud 25 cts. to utamps for a sample, coloring 5001b». to RE AX, RAKE A CO., So. H35 JUrkft St, I'HIIADA. I $(1,000 OHerert in Premiums for Compeilou at State aiiu Dis trict Fairs tor Crops from SIBLEY S TESTES PBS. ALL CLIMATES, G FOR ALL SOILS, ALL PLANTS. EVERY SACK TESTED FOR VITALITY - EVERY VARIETY TESTED IN TRIAL GHOUNDS FOB FPKITY. CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST OF VEGETABLE. FLOWEU ASID FIEI4? SKKDB OTAIA TSBTID YAI CABLE VARIETIES, VKEE ON APPLICATION. RIRAM SIBLEY 4 CO.RDCttr N Y.lill CfilMH IMPHRTSUT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF One ounce bottlet reduced «rom 16 cts. to 10 cento IMPORTANT KEUULIIUN in _ ........... 2 6ct0.t0 15cent« ■g A 4% Bi ■ ■Hk ■ | Five Ounce bottlet reduced from 60 cto. to 2B cento 'J |1 KH ■ ■ L«l HB The public must not accept any but origin*! Koodi Ttjg | D3M bottled by us. as the imitations are worthiest. lGhesebrough M&nuf &.cturing Co., Now York. — ; - Jury List tor May 5, 1881. Adams, Oliver Crow, Geo. Ebert. Butler borough, l.ouis Bishop, John 1.. Jones. Butler t*vp„ Jacob lliee, J. B. Criswell. Cieartield, Richard Burk, Michael Cranmer, Neal Uoivnev, Clay, M 11. Christie. t'onnoiiuenessiiiK. Harrison I>yke. Clinton. John ('. Norris. James M. Kiddle. Donegal, Fred Hlldebrant, William Henlin, Joseph Double. tairview boronnh. J. Adams. Fairvicw twp., I>. 11. MeGlaußhlin. Franklin. Samuel MiCollough, Harmony, Samuel !5. Moyer. HaiTisviile, s A. McElwain. J. N. Cubbison. Jackson, George Dambacli, Benjamin Wise. Lancaster, John Kihiner. F. M. Scott. Middlesex, 11. I>, Anderson, Jacob KuaufT. Muddy creek, Conrad Barclay. Jr., Conrad Barclay. Marion, Josiali Black. Venn, Samuel Boyd, Abner Bartley. l'arker, John M. Shira. Slipperyrock, Josiali Adams. J, H, Clinstley, Wni. McNight Washington, S. W. Lewis, W. J. Dickey, John Arncr, Albert Campbell, Worth, J. F. Double, Win. Cross, Win. Mc- Briile. IM I'O RT ANT! —NO W ! Do you wautto 31 A. Kl2 JIOXEY, uu<] Immediate and Perman ent employment ? Any worker can succeed. Write for particulais and send reference to A H. DAY & CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, X. Y. EITMIILUI UOUSE. JAMES SELLERS, - -Proprietor I ba . e purchased this house from Mr, Eitcn mikr and have had it thoroughly renovated I have thirteen rooiuu and twenty beds for guests, will set a good table and tell none but the best r.nd purest of liquors at my bar JAMES SELLERS. ASTOPPED FREE Ml ■ Marvelous stucess. tJ M ' Insane Persons Restored ® m Dr. KLINE S GREAT ■ NERVERESTORER »-a//RRAIN&NBRVII IJICBASPS. Only Twt curg fjr Nerve Affections. Fits, rptiefiy. ere. INPALLIBLK if taken as directed. A '> l-'its ttftem first day's use. Treatise and $d trial bottle free t > Fit f»atients. they paying express charges on l»ox wheu received, Sand names, P. o. and express Address of irtiictedio PM.KLINH.OII Arrh St,.Philidclphi.vr». SUiyjKU OF JWTATWH t'KAI agents MdPUU JKiMIVANTED FOR THE BACK-WOOUSMEN. | Rc *.i t captivating narrative of early U>rder life ever writ \ tert. A l*otiniiiPa f'T (lid Agents and splendid Starter ior I Urc p ,- v .c!ing xo t<» 15 bonks per dav. We want an A*ent in ever\ town t i„ I ft The W. E. DIBBLE PUB CO., tine:Q. AHP WXQ s,>x * "** th ** newr»t« »»•-1. and f«»t nuull I v. •"lllnic »rtlrl«-out. mo capita! r»-«iulr«-d, ir»KMI« WiJ f..r ufivr -old. SriliK 1! tik'PU CO., CWBI 111 ,V Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.fl.Purvis&Co, KANUrACTITHEBB AND DEALBBB IB Sough and Planed Lumbar OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD We»r tiernimi Catliollc t'hnn-li BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRKSIDENT. \VM. CAMPBELL, TREASURKR. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Ptiivle, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart, A. Troutnian, IleiHlfrsoii Oliver, G. C. RoesMnfr, F. B. Mi-Millin, Dr. W. lrvm, N. Weilztl, A.B.Rhodes, H. C. HelnemaD. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't- BUTLER FA. (iAod I'aj ft»r lirrnli. 6I«« l« MM P*» ■no »ia«l<- wiling ourUrniMl >«•»»_ UUCory. I'niutfu«tiii<l llrrl.h c llultlMOlUwWorM SVIII- !" J. «'. nrl ur<l.i A «'•„ rhllml-lpln*. Rfc PAPILLONcure ABSOLUTKLT CURES SALT RHErM, ECZEMA. SCROFULA. SCALD Head. ErvsifH;las, Tetter, Hlvra, Dandruff, Karlwr's Itch. Vimplen, stinjf*. Carbuncles, Plant Poisoning and Poisoned Wounds, Klugwonu, Suubum. uud all dlsea.es of the .*kin. For Piles, Wounds. Cuts, fleers or Sores, no remedy U so prompt in soothing and healing as Paplllon Skin Cure. It does not smart or bum. Direction* in ten languages accompany every bUOt. NIB ABSOLUTELY CURES NASAL CATARRH. ACUTE or CHRONIC COLD iu the Head, Rose Cold, Bronchial Catarrh and HAY FEVER. Cleanses the nostrils, permits natural breathing, ami prevents incrustations, snuffles and sneezing. It is a ydlcam for Cold in the Head —which is caused by sudden changes in the atmosphere. Direction* tw ten languages accomjtany every bottle. MnviimicoucH nyiLLlmcußE ABSOLUTELY CURES WHOOPING COVO XX . It Is a harmless vegetable syrup, very delicious to the taste. Relieves at once ana Is a positive cure. WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUCH are cured by this excellent remedy. Directions in ten language* accompany every buttle. PAPILLOMIure ABSOLUTELY CUBES ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. STOMACH. Liver, Bowels and Kidneys: for all diseases origin ating in impairment of the blood, as Antenna, >lck Headache, Nervousness, Female Weaknesses. I.iver Complaint. Dvspersia. Jaundic*. Biliousness ami Kldnev Disease, this medicine i\ absolutely sure. This medicine does not contain snv mineral, is ab solutely vegetable, restores the blood to a healthy condition, regulating excesses and supplying de ficiencies, and prevents disease. Directions in ten languages accompany every bottle. Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles for so. For Sale by All Druggists. IPA PI LLP N MFO. CO., CHICACO. For sale by J. L. WVLLER and D. H. W uller. IAMAK WHO IS U N ACQU A IN T E D WITH TMf QCOOAAPHY Of THIS OOUN« CHICAGO. ROCK 13L&MD & PACIFIC R'T By the central position of its line, connects the Wtst by the shortest route, and Car rie* paas coders, without vhaurftj of C4»e, netwees Chicago ana Kansas City, Council Bluffs Tea.ven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. raul. It connect* in Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacifio eeij«, «o»ortfd of Most Comfort.bl. «u4 Beautiful Dag QbaokM. lisaniOceut goriaa Re. •liniug Cfcjur Cars, Pullman'. Prettiest Bleeping Oars, aud the Bcsi Line of Dmiaa Cars In the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Biver Points. Two Trains between Chi ec«o and Minneapolis and St. Paul, via the Famous > "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Bcneca and Kanka« kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, tforfojk, Jicwjxjrt *Tewe. Chattanooga. Atlanta. An* gust*, Hash wine. tie, LeciusTau, Indianapolis and Ijautyeite, aud Omabv Minneap olis and St. 2*aul and intermediate pointa. All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains. Tickets for sale at *ll principal Ticket Offices in Ihe United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al« ways as low as competitors that offer less advan s or detailed information, get the Maps ax)d Fold* ero of me GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or addreaa R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Ticc-PrM. 4 Oen'l Mf'r. Gen'l TkU k P*m. agt. CHICACO. D. L. CLEELAND, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly ou baud a complete stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -SPECTACLES- Of all kinds and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best quality. Everything warrant ed just as represented and sold at the low est cash price. Flue Watch Repairing a Spec* tally. One square South of Diamond, Main Street BUTLER, PA. dr. 11. Stovcnson & Co.'is REAL ESTATE AGENCY, ICO Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., offers for sale a flue 116 acre farm near New Wilmington, Lawrence county, Pa.; has fine large buildings, orchard, 4c., for £B,OOO, (near Westminister College); 75 acres half mile from railroad station and near New Castle, has fine large buildings, for $7,500; a splendid frame dwelling, barn, ice house, carriage house, <tc., at New Waterford, 0., large lot, for $3,000; a. fine nine room brick dwelling, large lot, fruit, stable, &c., at Freeport, Pa., for $3,000. List free to any address. We want more farms to icll, also country stores, mills, &c. Butler's New Departure For Pianos, Organs, Violins and other Musi cal Instruments, call at the NEW MUSIC STOBS. OF 'Kleber Bros. & Stauffer, Main Street, Butler, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books always on hand, or furnished to order. Orders for Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended to by John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 14, 'B3, 3m. The Keystone Electric Co SOLE LICENCEES FOK PENN'A. OF The Baxter Electric Light Company are prepared to furnish entire electric plants. Will also arrange with counties, cities, corporations or individuals, for the right to use the BAXTER LAMP, the most economical Improvement in elec tric lighting ever invented—saving one-lialf the cost o7 lighting by Arc Lamps, and making a steadier and purer light. The consumption of carbons is less than one fourth of what it is in the ordinary lamp. Eighteen inches of carbons, burn ing inordinary lamps, but half a night, will last in these lamps three nights, burning ALL NIC.HT LOSO. Address KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO., 212 8. Third St., Philadelphia, Pa, Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Wooleu Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. Tliey are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prwes■ For samples and priceß. address, H. FULLERTON, JU124.-7S ly Butler. Pa DEITTISTR X . 0 1# VV 4LDRON, Grr.duate ot the PhU R adelpbia Dental College, is prepares . lla to do anything in the line of hi» profession in a satisfactory manner. Office ou Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. Dr. B.X JOHNBTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All woik peilalning to the profession execut ed in the neatest mauner. Specialties Hold Filling, an<l Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays aud Thursdays. Communications by moll receive prompt attention. jiiul6'B4-2v JOUX E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO:s myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinsjler's Flour Store. "P N. LEAKE, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrero ho t-e, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2.i, 1882. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with large two-story house and lar(;o barn thfreou erected." 00-id orchard; situated in Butler twp , Butler couuty. Pa., adjoining B'lt'.or borough ou the south, will be sold cheap aud ou easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQuistiou, Esq., Butler, Pa. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retrac nz of old lines. Address, B. F. niLIiIAKD, Co. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co , Pa 5,5,84.1 v ' John L. Jones, Auctioneer 1 BUTLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. fG 3m County Auctioneer, ,'J])! ) KEABNS, HI TLER, PEXX'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. HaviDg had many years of experience he can gumntee perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. Leave word at this office. 3,5,54.1y G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington street, north end, Butler, Pa. jan2.ly. J. 11. Harvey, Has opened a pain! shop in REIBER'3 BLOCK, on Jefferson Street, Butler, Pa„ where he is prepared to do all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Pnperlng and Calsomluing, hanging window blinds, etc. And, also keeps on hands Wall Papers ami Borders, Paints and Brushes, Putties, and Window Glass. {all sizes cut to order.] I respectfully solicit a shr.re of the public pat ronage. J. H. HARVEY. 3,5,54.6rn 1884. WALL PAPER, 1884, New Designs in Wall and Ceiling Paper for dwell ings, offices, halls and churches. A large and well selected line of DECORATIONS for ceilings anil walls. Brown back paper from 8 cts. up, white back paper from 10 cts. up. Ullte from 22H cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Pa. 2d27.311l PEKMAXBXT MNRINTI FOB, KENSINGTON, AHBABENS AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessons iu same given by ANNIE M. LOW MAN, North ftreet, Butler, Pa. jue2o-ly PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. The largest uopular book on Mexico ever publish ed iOu fine lllastiaa lout filled with valuable information of deep interest toevery thoughtful person. As everyone wants to read about MEXICO - THE LAND WITH A GLORIOUS FUTURE— agents will find this the best selling book of the year. W p tC \V. GARFIELD Publishers' Agent, 172 Public Square, CLKA KI-AKD, O. NEW UNI! STIBll" Henry XaeiboldL, Continues the Livery Business «n Jefferson St. first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hand* Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horse* bought and sold. oct3-ly. STEPHEN 6, By Stephen A. Douglass, he by Relief; he bj Rysdyke's Hambletonian, will make the season of 1884 at my stable iu East Brady, Pa., com mencing April 15th and ending Aug. 15th. Stephen G's size, color, style and fine disposi tion do honor to his high breediug. He stands fully 15J hands, weighs 1250, he is the finest gaited young stallion in (Pennsylvania and last Fall showed himself a trotter worthy his royal lineage by winning the Stallion Race at Butler over six (6) competitors, getting a record of 2:47 in the fourth heat which is no measure of his speed, as he trotted a quarter last Fall just out of the stud in 36 seconds, a 2:24 gait. Mare* from a distance will receive the best of care. Mares with a record of 2:30 served free except ing grooms fee of one dollar. For further in formation address J. W. \ ERNER, East Brady, Clarion, Co., Pa. Service fee twenty-five dollars.to insure. apr23,lui. Pure Bred Holstein Slock. The undersigned have purchased from the Powell Bros, a pure brod Ilolstein bull, one and a half vears old and weighs 1235 pounds, which cau be'seen at the farm of John Weber, tn Penn township, at any time. Terms. #4 cash, or $5 charged. J* A- PAINTER, JOHN WEBEE. Dr Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in its 30th year. For nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. OPEN AT ALL BEAHOXS, Circulars tree. Address, 8. FREASE, M. D., yIS-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. BRICKS! BBICKSJ The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bay-window and other qual ities at lits kiln on the Fair tiround road, half a mile west of Butler. He will keep on hand a lot of bricks at all times. He will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he Intends carrying on the brick making business, lie i!,vites the custom tit all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron- All order? promptly tilled at returnable rate*. Call on; or address, goHf! E STAMM, mHr.w-v Butler Pa.