BUTLER CITIZEN^ miscklj *ajs EC >us. THETICKET SCALPERS CALL TO ARMS. How the Brokers Are Struggling to Keep Their Business in , Ohio. The following peculiar circular af fords stron? confirmations front tbe "ticket scalpers" themselves of tLe disreputable character of their "busi ness, a and its simple publication is enough to secure the approval of ever} right-thinkinp person of the efforts now being made in various states to abolish a traffic which, according to recent expositions in thrives upon the corruptions of trusted railway employees and_ a general system of de ception and fraud. *** ****** "To THETICKET BROKERS OP OHIO: Our merciless enemy, the Pennsylva nia Railway, is once more trying to crush us, having had a villainous bill introduced in the Senate, which, if it becomes a law, will degrade us and our honorable business, and in the endjruin our means of livelihood. Our mutual interests demand that we leave no stone unturned to defeat this outrage. e must take off our coats and work, or We are ruined. "Bring all the influence you can to l,«nr upon your senators and represent atives. Send protests from prominent citizens to the chairman of the Senate Committee on Jlailroads. We are doing all we can to kill this bill in the Senate, and, by concert of action, we may be able to do so. Do not put this matter off but go to work at once. We are in great danger, and there is no time to lose. "V. C. Ward is on tbe ground here, and will promply co-operate with you We are but a few, and every man must realize that he is personally responsil !e for the defeat of Senate bill Xo. 190. We enclose you a copy of the pill, also copies of tracts which we have put into the bands of every of »be Leg islature "We do rot think it advisable to ti3e the press ii. any way at this stoge of the game, bat to work it quietly Very truly, "WARD BROH, "SAM T. FISK, "I. FRANK k BROS." The tone cf this document places the operators and their business before the public in their true light. Physicians recommend porous plas ters iu cases of back ache, lame side, stiff muscles, rheumatism and all local pains- Hop Plasters are the best made, combining fresh bops with gums. Ready to use, pleasant and powerful in action, 25 eta. at ano drugstore. —lt is said that whales are known to have lived 1,000 years—another proof that water is more conducive to long life than liquor. Jupiter's Lottery. It is said that the god Jupiter once made a lottery in heaven and allowed both mortals and gods to hold tickets. The grand prize was wisdom, and Minerva beld the winning card. This caused trouble amoDg the mortals, and Jupiter to appease them, offered folly as a second prize, which they all drew, and were highly pleased with it. Ever since that time folly has been beld in high estimation by mortals. If they wish to be noted for wisdom they should buy Peruna and Manalin of the nearest druggist, and use them for the various ailments which are known to humanity. Thousands are learning wisdom in this regard, and are loud in their praises of these wonderful discov eries of H. B. Hartman. Buy a bottle and win the prize once carried off by the famous goddess of wisdom —Just because an Indianapolis man gave bis wife, on tbe fifteenth anniver sary of their marriage, a copy of Luther Benson's temperance book, "Fifteen Years in Hell" she wants a divorce. Can't a man have a few privileges? —"My business is add verse to-day" said the poet as he affixed another stanza to his poem. Look Out for You/ Head ! No matter what parts it may finally affect, catarrh always starts in the head, and belongs to tbe head. There is no mystery about this direful disease. It begins in a neglected cold. One of the kind that iu "sure to be better in a few days." Thousands of victims know how it is by sad experience. Ely's Cream Balm cures colds in the head and catarrh in all its Btages. Not a snuff nor a liquid. Applied with the finger to the nostrils. —Thera are three terrible diseases now before married men, namely: Spring fever, spring bonnets and spring Louse cleaning. Polishing the Wrong End. Many meD daily polish their boots wLo never giv«* a thought to the condi tion of tbeir hair, except to harrow it casually with brush and comb, or sub mit it to the paralysing attention of the average barber. What happens? Why, this: From neglect, mental anxi ety, or any of a score of causes, the hair turns prematurely gray and begins to fall out. Parker's Hair Balsam will at once stop the latter process and re store the original color. An elegant dressing, free from grease. —We suspect tbe reason why so many young men are so very fresh is merely because they are not able to earn their salt. From Death's Door. M. M. Devereaux of lonia, Mich., was a sight to behold. He says: "I had no action of the kidneys and suf fered terribly. My legs were as big as my body and my body as big as a bar rel. The best doctor gave me up. Finally I tried Kidney-Wort. In four or five days a change came, iu eight or ten days I was on my feet, and now I am completely cured. It was certain ly a miracle." All druggists keep Kidney-Wort which is put up poth in liquid and dry form. Papillon Skin Cure is a sj»ecific cure for all skin diseases—salt rheum,- cry rash inllamation, insect bites, inordinate itching, ulcere, cuts, wounds, burns or maids, and all scrof ulous eruptions. Fot j JV j j, Wuller and I>, 11. Wuller. —The buds arc swelling and tbe swells are budding. I We take pleasure in in farming the public of the merits of I'apillon Catarrh ) Cure, It will cure chronic catarrh, cold in the head, rose cold, and fot hay fever no remedy is as effective. It has I cured hundreds of cases. For sale by 1 J. L. Wuller and D. 11. Wuller. The dudes will please take notice that "too too" has been changed to ' very very.'' Paralysis, Nine Years. '"After having suffered for 9 years v. ith paralysis," says Mr. Joseph Yates, of PaUrson, X. Jersey. "I was cured by Simaritan Nervine." Mr. ates authorizes this statement Your drug gists keep it, $1.50. "When a young man sows his wild oats he generally reaps a harvest I of rye. Papillon Cough Cure does not con tain any drugs or chemicals: it is pure ly vegetable Itcures whooping cough, bronchial cough, or tickling in the throat, aDd winter cough so prevelant in oldar people, For sale by J, L, Wuller and D. 11, Wuller, Cincinnati is in a terrible fii. Its court house is burned, and it is too cold yet to court on the front steps. Consumption Cured. Aii old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in hi- hands by aii ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent eure of Consumption, bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical eure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful eurati\e pow ers in thou-ands of cases, lias lelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this inotne and a desire to relieve human suf fering, 1 will send tree of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pa|>er. XV. A. NOVKS. 11$ Power's Block. Rochester, N V. Septi2-b3-iy*eow —"This is a suggestion of spring,'' said the rat as the trap closed upon him. I CAIN ~ Health and Happiness. O DO AS OTHERS <7&crur J HAVE DOME. Are your Kidneys disordered? "Kidney Wort brought me from my grave a*il were, after 1 had been given up bj IJ be«rt doctor* in Detroit." M. W. Detenus, MecLuuic, Jonia, Mich. Are your nerves weak ? '•Kidney-Wort cured mo from Dt-rroua weakpeai Ac., after I wai not expected to live."—Mr* M M B. Goodwin, £*L Christian Monitur Cleveland, O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney Wort cured me when iny water was Ju»t Uke chalk and then Ilka blood." Frank Wil»ou, Peabody, MM*. Suffering from Diabetes? "Kidney-Wort 1* the moat guc<*<**sful remedy 1 hare erer used. UlV«m almost immediate relief." Dr. Phillip C\ Ballou, Monkton, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? Kidney-Wort cured m* of chronic Live! l>iseaees •Iter 1 Col. WltftNat. Guard, X. T. Is your Back lame and aching? "lUdu. j-.Wort, (1 bottle) rurwl ma when I w»j«o lame 1 bud to roll out of bed." C. M. Taliiuag'-, Milwaukee, Win. Have you Kidney Disease? •♦Kidney-Wort made me sound in liver and kidney • after yearn of unttaccinsful doctoring'. It* worth $lO a box."—Bam'l Hodjfee, Willuunntoa n f Went \a. Are you Constipated? "Kidney-Wort <-aoae« ea>»y evacuation* and cured mo after 1C yeare one of other medicine*." Nelaoa F&lrchild, St. \t. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-W»rt hu done better than any other remedy I b*»e er«r uned In my practlee.' Dr. K. JC CUrk, booth Hero, Vt. Are you Bilious? '•Kidney-Wort ha* done me more good than any other remedy 1 hare ever taken." Mr*. J. T. Ualloway, Lik Flat, Oregon. Are you tormented with Piles? "Kidney Wort vrrmaunitly cured me of blooding pile*. Dr. W. C. Kline recommended it to me." Geo. H. Horst, Cashier M. Bank, Myer*town, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked ? "Kidney-Wort cured me, after 1 wu yl.en up to die by phyxiriann and I bad «UITCTWI tblrfy years." WbridgK Malcolm, Writ Bain, Maine. Ladies, are you suffering? "Kldney.Worl cured me of peculiar trouble* of •everal year* rtandlmc. Many frtenMn UM> ami praliw It." Mrs. HL Lamoreauz, Isle La Mottc, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take TM BLOOD CLKAH««I». TX3EEXEESL fTTTTTTTf The |je*t evidence in the world of the purity and excellence of BlackwelT* Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco la found in the fact that tbe famo of thin tobacco lu-Tea»o« from year to year. Thin could not be the cane If it were merely " gotten up to well/' or had any dubloua or dangerou* Ingre dienU in It. AIUOIIK xniiiloua of ufieru of all natioijalltieM, Nurely aoine one would find out if it were impure. Injurious or unpalatable. For 18 year* tbi* tobacco ha* been acknowledged to l*s the b*st in th* *orld % and every year the Bull Durham brand »rrow* more popular, the demand for 1 it wider, and ttmokera r— more anthualaatic over it* f delicious natural flavor. Mk Ask your dealer for it. Get the genuino—trade- mark of the Bull. 1 bere 1* no mlachief done wher* Black well'* Bull Durham tfmokiiiff Tobaoco la uaeu. A Public Benefactor. H ni. 11. Ntelnor Member ol (be Editorial NtnH of the New York Herald; IIIMO Ex* ol Ex clue lew York Cltj 18 Ann St., MUJ'M: l)r M. M. Fetiner, Fredonia, N. Y —Dear rir— I bave been a great nnlTerer from BilliounnenM, Nervous irritation and Dyspepsia for yeai» My friend. Hon. H. C. Lake of tbe New Vork Custom Hoiue, induced me to try your Blood A I.iver Uemedy ans Heaton J <', house and lot 'B2 3 40 Emrick W M, 2 houses, 2 lots and 2 acres 'B2 10 20 LIL'TLKR BOROUGH. David Oliver heirs, 24 acres 'BO, '3l, VI 18 15 Eitzsimons Andrew, bouse and lot 'BO, 'Bl, 'B2 14 50 Eennetl Thomas, bouse and lot 'BO 7 80 Olcaii James, dee'd, bouse and lot 'SO, 'Bl, 82, and'B3 a 7 80 Glenn Wm, 1 lot 'BO 1 96 Cnbson B, house and lot '79, 'BO, 'Bl, 'B2 15 30 Irviti Matilda Mrs, house and lot '79, and 'SO il 25 Moore Chas R, 1 lot 'BO, 'Bl, 'B2, 'B3 9 95 McCandless Moore, house and lot 'BO 15 15 Reiger John, lot No. 50 'BO 1 30 Smith Conrad Mrs, 5 houses and lots and 2 acres 'BO 44 20 Shorts Win, 1 lot'Bo and 83 330 Eastman F M, 2J acres 'BO ri 60 Cowden W R Mrs, 1 lot 'Bl, 'B2, 'B3 S Kelly Patrick, 4 acres 3 houses and lots 'Bl, 'B2, 'B3 147 40 I.yon Edwin, 17 acres'Bl, 'B2 27 90 Geo McCandless, house and lot 'Bl, 'B2 and 'S3 3tt , r >B McClyuioiids Hugh, house and lot 'Bl, 'B2 and 'B3 74 15 Q C, 1 lot '81,'82, 'B3 5 85 McQuistion N J Miss, house and lot 'Bl and 'B2 37 20 Itothe Bernard, 1 lot '81,'82 2 33 Riddle W H H, trustee, 4 lots and 2 bouses aud lots'Bl, 82, 83 17 13 Lang Catharine, house and lot 'Bl 4 90 Stoke John, house and lot 'Bl 9 80 Wick H E, 15 acres 'Bl, 'B2 36 63 Zimmerman Henry, dee'd, house aud lot 'Bl, 'B2 32 55 Haney John Mrs, 1 lot 'B2 1 00 Criswell Joseph, 1 lot 'B2, *B3 91 Clark Robert Mrs, 1 lot 'B2, 'S3 95 Bredin Mrs, 1 lot 'B2 1 (X) Leedom Elenor Mrs, house and lot 'BO.. 10 02 ALLEGHENY TOWNSHIP. Jolly J E, 13 acres 'Bl 2 47 Spangle Jacob, 200 acres 'Bl 30 40 Cumpbell J J and Brandon W D, 294 acres 'Bl 37 75 McGinnisJ W, 79 acre* 'Bl 7 30 Meals Christina Mrs, 45 acres 'Bl, '82.. 21 72 Panloo .Hheplar & Co, 47 acres '81,'82 and 83 37 17 Porterlield Ered, 10 acres 'B2, 83 7 56 Wallace Sarah. 30 acres 'Bl 5 ftß ISlakeloy James, 100 acres 'B2, 'B3 41 68 Irvin Petroleum Co, 100 acres 'B2, '8:;... 60 44 BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. Irvin Sarah, 5 acres 'Bl 36 MuUdcion fllpliard, 'l3 acre* 'Si l js "MM, COMPARE AND WfIHDEB." John Bickel Op?ns the Season with some of the most astonisLing announcements ever made to the people of butler county. Hav in? just returned from the Eastern market where I purchased M)R CASH one of the largest stocks ol BOOTS AND SHOES Erer brought to Butler in one season. I have so many big bargains to ofler that I can only name a few of them A Gfood Kip Plow Shoe, Two Buckles, at Ninsty-thrss Cents. I have one lot of 500 pair of them all sizes 6-12, which I will close at y3c. Sold elsewhere for $1.75 Men*' Calf Boots, Cairßaoka, O-ll 82 a pair I have 10 cam sol these boot* wliicli must «;«» at *2 sold elsewhere at 83.75 and 81* A GOOD SOLID MINERS' SHOE. G-12 at 91 cents a pair, i have 10 sixty-pair cases of this shoo and lam going to give them to my trade at 91 cents a pair. Sold elsewhere for $1.50. A Ladies' Button Shoe, Solid, 97 Cents. This 13 a Fine Shoe worth lully twice the amount 1 ask for it. My stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children*' Shoes are all made to my own order and every pair warranted. AGENTS FOR REYNOLDS BROS'. FINE SHOES. Mv Btock of Shoes lor Men and Boys is complete as 1 control some <>| the best line? of goods in the country. BASE HALL StIOE© in both Mens' and Boys'. Prices very low. Space will not permit me to give yuu au idea of the amount ol goods 1 hove to show you, Lut give u-e a mil and 1 will convice you that I am selling Boots and Shoes O W E-T H1 R « €HKA FE II Than any other house in Butler. lam determined to keep the lead in Boots and Shoes So I will CUT rnT~~r trade. My profits will be small but 1113' Pales will be large and at the end of theyear I wiUbefar' ahead of my competitors who make big profits and small sales. I have in stock 3,000 PAIRS OF SAMPLE SHOES. which mu3t go at once. I will sell these goods legardless of cost. Come and get them at any price. MY MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is the be&t in the county. None but first-class workmen employed. All work warranted. Repairing done same day received. LEATHEB AND FINDINGS OF ALL KINDS French Kip, Domestic Kip, French Calf Domestic Calf, Toppings, Linings, Thread, Nails, &c., <> iiinf " Pnnilon and Lusk Philip Gelbach P. 4WKR Co. Scott „ % Ju .! ie C F Smith et ux Kobert A Brown McQ & Brandon „ a <> j D McJunkin T D Cashdollar Geo Marberger et al Kx'r Same „ V, „ U foriiplins & Brandon John A Campbell Lancaster township Peffer MeQ & Marshall „ J. „ ,4 ggott John P Johnson for use Butler County Robinson „ a u 'Maine Henry Johnson for use Same. Same „ Jl ~ ■■ rj-fHin H C Anderson Perry Gilmore et nl Jll Thompson & N Black « 91 « " McCandless John Little PA W BR. Co Scott " irSpnt " Mitchell James Kerr E H Adams Campbell „ « u Sam'l Steen by next friend Geo Brunermer Brandon „ « ii y ame Lewis W Douglass Same _ _ Same •i r.o « <• K Marshall and Brandon. Owen Brady, guardian Geo \V Gillespie et al Mitchell it .« « Satne .Same Same Same c". " " Martin Eastman &. Campbell Ziza Blakeley et al Andrew Blakeley Pefler & Scott „ 101 1.. Williams & Mitchell John R Boyer George Beam McQ A Lyon i< 29 Dec " Campbell Patrick Daffy Charles Dully Mitchell Prothonota ry's Office. March 81,188*. M - N " GB£EB - 1• t t:,ry Brown Campbell, 17 acres 'Bl 3 83 CHERRY TWP. Crawfonl John, 'B2 < *l2 BRADY TWP. Allen Thomas, 100 acres '81,'82 13 20 Ajfnew K.I, 47 acres 'B2 25 45 Smith John, Ksq, 35 acres 'B2 - 2 I»4 WORTH TWP. Book liarlan, 50 acres 'B2 2 8B Keanedy Alex, 22 acres 'B2 1 05 Stickle Geo, 31 acres 'B2 1 -19 Stouifhton O P, 33 acres, 'B2 2 14 St'MMIT TWP. Gerlack Margaret, 1 lot 'B2, 'B3 4 14 McCandless Sarah, 84 acres'B2 4 05 McLure I. S, 209 acres 'B2 - 20 McOulloiigh W, I acre 'B2, 'B3 1 4TI WIN'FiELU TWP. Campbell j acres 'S2 '• BLIPPERYROCK TWP. Pringle Jas H, 5 acres '«2, 'B3 I 3<> KAItNS CITY. Byers Jell', liou»e an Korn Mark, " " " W Poff Nicholas, lot 'B2 o.> Starr WIN, lot 'B2 10 Madison McDouald <» Parks Thos & Co., lots 'B2 < 50 Mil I.KRSTIOW BORO. liook W Mrs, house and lot 'Bl, '83... 889 Huff Mrs, house and lot 'Bl 3 05 Sheakley Michael, house anil lot *Bl, and 'B2 " 70 Small K M Mrs, house and lot 'B2 3 F9 Titus WM, house and lot 'B2, 'B3 9 00 Thorn Levi, lot 'B2 31 Wontfh Robt, 2 lots 'B2, 'BB 19 00 Weaver Mrs, lot 'B2 1 30 J. H. Ml LI.KB, Treasurer of Butler County. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. The largest popular book on Mexico ever publish ed <() • One Ulna! I at lo>» tilled with valuable Information of deep interest toevery thoughtful PtlKm. As everyone wants to read about MEXICO THE LAND WITH A GLORIOUS FUTURE AGENTS will find tills the best selling book of the year. Write to P W GARKIKI.O Publishers' Agent, 172 Public .Square, ('I KY KI-ANW, <> Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Intuitu! ion in lis 30th year. For nearly all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. OI'EN AT A 1.1. Skasonp, Circulars tree. Address, 8. KKKABK, M. I)., ylB-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. BRICKS! BRICKS! The subscriber continues the inaklug of bricks common, pavement, bay window and other qual ities at Ms kiln ou the Pali Ground road, half a Uille west of iiuGer lie will keep on hand a lot of bricks at all limes, lie will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made ou their Own larin Of premises. As he intends carrying on the brick making business, he n.vltes tlie custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize linn. All order? promptly tilled at reasonable rates. Call on; or address. J GI'OKGF. STA MM. mal'.ut UM »'a IA MAM WHO »• UNACQUAIN rfO WITH TMI OIOORAPHV Of TMig OOvJN- I-, CHICAGO, ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC E'T 5y the contral position of Its line, conned* tbu ••t and the Went by tbo shortest route, and car ries paaMOQtfers. without ohaugo or ears, botweco Chicago and Kaanua City, Council Bluff*. Leaven worth. Atchison. Minneapolis and tit. Paul, it eocneets in Union JJepots with all the pnucip.il lini's of load between the Atlantic and the Paeiflo Oceans. Its equipment is unrivulod and c«?nt, Letnu composed of Most Comfortable and beautiful Day Coaches, Maauifioeiit liortou Hc eliniutf Chair Cars, Pullmau's Prettiest i'alaot* Bleeping Cars, and the liest Line of Dining Cars In the World. Three Trams between Chicago Q1.,1 Missouri liiver Points. Two Trains between* Chi- and Minncupolisaud lit. Paul. vU the Jrauioua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Heneca and K .nkn kse. tias recently been opened between iiichiiiond, Norfolk. Newport News, Chattanooga. Atlanta. An- KUbla, Nashville. Louisville, Lcxingtou, Cincinuatl. Indianapolis anu Lalayotte, and Omaha, Minuuap olis and lit. Paul ana intermediate points. All Through Passengers Travel ou Past £zpr«;uii Trains. _ _ Tickets tor sale at -.lluriuolpal Ticket Offlees :xi the Uuited Statrs and Canada. checked througli and rates of fare aU wuya as low as competitors tiiat offer leus «dvaii ror detailed information, get the Maps and Fold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your aasritst 'l'ickct O.TI I', or u'.ldrean R. R. CAHLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vi»« t*IM. 4 U«u I V. n'f, Qcu't Tut. * rw. Ml CHICACO. BLISS' 1845. Illustrated Hand-Book 1884. For tho Farm and Garden, iso pages. ftOO llustrationn, and a l>«*xiut If til Colorvd Piatt of FIOUCIK, tells U bai, When and How t<* plant an 1 i- lull of information Invaluable to ail Interested m gardening Mailed A>r 1« rover postuge. Illustrated Novelty List, V .!■— rlblitK *ll tliu uaw«al v«/irtUS \r>«labln, U« w real a, I'lauta,**. V /ROER NOW Arid huvw on luind whtui you want to A FLOWER <£ nn GARDEN ROM VJ> .UU. !W packets choice Flower !■ ids (otir te/cliori), In cluding AVll.lt «ei Uiu. UI1I(I<- M llliiK our himl %< n llUlur; lauiuukiitul Ueeiaite lla|tlek»f t|ieH«>ri«i Wirt* to J. #\ HH Jk I'o.. Phlladi.fj.hU l a PIMPLES. A receipt fur making a valuable preparation, which will remove lan, (recklts-, pimples and blotches, leaving the .-kin clear ami soft, and ihi- compkxtiou beautiful; also, in-".ructions lor producing a line growth ofhriron the head or lace, will he mailed to any person sending 3 cts. in stamps to Forties «t Co., No. 50 Broadway, New York. Planing Mill —AND - Liiml>ei* Vai'd • J. L. PL'HVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., M A Ni;r ACTlfHftKrt ANI» OKA I. IS KM IN Hough and Planed Lumber OK EVKuy nesctiiPTioM. KRAMKS, MOULDINGS, HASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, UATTKNS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YAIU) Wear Uerman (!nlliollo t'liurcb MY FEVER Their cause and cure. Knight's new book sent free. Address, L. A. KNIGHT, 15 East Third St., CINCINNATI, 0. Mention particularly this pauer. -AO® NEW LIVERY STABLE, Henry £*eibold, f'outinmi, the I.ivery Itusinenon Jefl'erdon SI. lirnt duor below ItieLel »V (iullttglier. Good riijM, lirst class teams always on hands Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horses IMIUKIH ant' sold. oct-'t ly. Thecomplete home.,\ , ,'" u , H :?r, RndHia -n-w titodlaa - Sr« lllialiMlMl tlolu llrw dMBM. S«pctt>l> |o«w up. s.llic low MM. A.Uuted m ill I 11 1 Af.-Ott .l..in« l«c %»orW. I'M I 1.1 IM I HUM*. i lie lull !>• lliCTt |mn|j«clui ev«*i iinuud. A >i»ly now. »> BiUUH V t i 4 Co.. 6O Ni.nhiih St. Pinl»d«l y\ r& Vvs A u'l.-i urw bot-li «ui IliUlm.. PAPILLONCURE ABSOLUTELY CDHEB SALT RHKI.M, ECZEMA. SCROFULA. SCAI.D a Head, Er\ >i;>vl&s, letter. Hives, L>anurii, utid _ sill Ui«fii'S-"S uf the *kl». . F«»r rile*. Wound'*, Cuts, Fleers or SOMH, no O retiiflT is wiprotnpt in soothing and h<»alir.t! ai i'apillon Skin Cure. It does not *niait or bum. iXircti in ten languagt j VL CATARRH. ACUTE or CHRONIC COI.D 1 in i . Head, Rose Cold, Bronchial Catarrh and II AY FEVEII. C ins» s the nostrils, natural breathing, an i j rerents incrtntittioitfl.moflkimd i dM. 3 1i: -.i >|• ..ft u. ■ j'»r Cold in the Head - which tecsiMM I by nid< .1 chtnge in i)m •tampbtMk " Dirti tions in ten laujuagt.«*rct omj,an >j trt nt! oti!e. ' ABSOLITTELY CURE 9 \v~ HOOPING COU c; !I. I- U a veeetnMe svrtin, very delicious to I tt»e . lielieves at once'ana is a positive cure. WINTER end BRONCHIAL COUCH are c : ir*d by this excellent remedy. 2,. • 'i >'B in !tn l'Ui'jutiih.9 a- tympany evtry bctftem Fl i MIIHM BLOOB rArILUJJIcuRE • ABSOLUTELY CUR* 3 AI T. r>I*EV«ES OP THE BW)|), STOMACH, I i • I Sow els a:i 1K i Inevs: fin- :i!l diseases origin u«ij.,ii in :«:iin!:- :it oi'tTie 1.1 »M'i a* Anirinta, >iek Ik.id t» he, Nt r. F« tuftU* \V»':iklu->'S,LIV( k r Complaint Dya •• • J I ■ BIIIom esl and K u. > hi<. . thi* medicine is ab.-uluu l> sure. » I ■ • t • !. t contain nnv 1.-.. St.itift iv vi-tetaMe. r* 'stores tin- ».!•» •'! to a healthy condition, ivjutatin? excesses aud ;-lying? de- t ficleucit-s. and pre\ ents disease. IsirctiitVi in tfti lai,rn/' /Shtt.lan'l' om Poui>s, Ifufatt'in (tmf Dtcon C-uttff, Our liuxo t!ic advantapp of our many years oiperienoe in breeding and import ing large ccdloetions, opportunity of comparing different breeds, love prices, because oi extent ot' business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, , Spriugbojo, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZKN. july2s-9m. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. a. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. SV.M. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, S. A. Helmboldi, William Campbell, IJ. W. Burkhart, A. Troutman, Mendeisou Oliver, G. C. Roessliig, F. B. McMilllu, Dr. VV. lrvin, % N. Weltzel, A. B. Rhodes, 11. C. Heineman. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN Ben. Ae't BUTLER IP-A.. EITINKILLtR HOUSE, ..TAMES SELLERS, - - - -Proprietor I have purchased thin house from Mr. Eiten miler ai;i have had it thoroughly renovated I have thirteen rooms and twenty beds for guests, will set a good table and tell none but the best and purest of liquors at my bar JAMES SELLERS. t WORTH SI,OOO J. M s MAPS. J ust v. hat are needed in every liotnc. Office & Studio. I BIORR-ISON Ji MURR- AY'S Largest and most complete Map ever publislied in one sheet. 1- or price and full particulars i'KEK Addnss % Agents Wanted. J. M. MURRAY, Publisher, ELIZABETH, N. J. $25 to $75 per month guaran teed. Some make $75 to $l5O per month: at this rate> agontg can soon make the SI,OOO. Take thr addrfts and write for an Agency 4-Q page catalogue free. HOITET-DEW. B CHAPPED HANDS, Lips and Face and dooi not imart the ikin. SOt-D BY ALL DRLCGISTS. pntCE CS CEKTB. The Trade t'u| plitd l.v all l'illsbutgh Druggs | O>TLY S2O. wPHILADELPHIA SINGER ■- \'{ls ihc BEST BUILT, ' FINEST FINISHED, - 4 EASIEST RUNNING S:MCh * MACHINE ever offered the public. Tr • . •• t t-pr.-.*nu lH« moNt popular iityle ftir t: ! ■ . I.i I, \\. ..I ! y:.;i r..t 111 very low prie* •! - u !.«»»i .. i v. • li> it t a«k you t«» |ay until you I. \ ••■: a h•tu i. him' A lot having examined it, ii it t t nt • i' | H return it to IIM at our « « : int. i- i- .iud ordi.r ut once, or Hl.} | r ill ' I ..II ! I i ill A'MH M CII \i:i.i - \ wood jc co, N... IT N 1. nth St., PhilnUflphii. r». (■■HP £%STOPPED FREE ■I M MarrfJous sturexs. Q I Insane Personj Hestored J? H ■JI Dr.KLINE 3 GREAT H ■ ■ NERVERESTORER ■ / a.'/liltAIN & N'RKVK OtSftASKS. Only t>*'s t art /or A'errt Af/etti.'H*. /tit, / fitiffiiy. 4t*. INHM.I.IUI.K II I IKOU i\. diiettcl. A-> Jits after first day's tu*. Tfit'sa »ti:3O and 7:35 a. iu., and 2: >0 and 1:50 p. m., arriving at Allegheny at (, :0" and 9:50 a. in., and 520 and 7:30 p. ui. Trains leave Allegheny for Butler (city time at ?:?<> a. m., and 2:20 and 3:45 p. m., ar riving at Butler at S»:50 a. m., and 4:50 and 5:40 p. m. SUKSAN'OO A ALLEGHENY R. K. Trains leave Butler for Greenville at 7:40 and 10:20 a. m., and 5:50 p. m , and a train leaves Coal town f<»r Greenville at 12:50 p. m. Trains leave Milliards at 6:00 a. m., and 5:20 p. m., connecting at Branchton for Butler. Trains arrive at Butler at 7:30 a. m., and 2:40 aud 7:30 p. m.—the 7:30 P. M. and 2:4oconnect ing with trains on the West Penu. P. A W. R. R. Trains going south aud west leave Butler at 5:40 and 11:36 a. m., and 2:25 and 5:44 p. m., all of which connect at Callery with trains to Allegheny city. The 11:36 a. m., and 5:44 p. m. trains connect at Callery for Zelienople, and the 2:25 p. m. connects at Callery with the New Castle express north. Trains going north leave Butler at 10:0!» a. m., and 4:40 p. m. The morning train con nects through to Kaue, aud the evening as far as Clarion. Mails arrive from the south and west on the 10:09 train and from the north on the 5:44 traiu, but one mail ea':li day. On Sunday there is one train each way, which passes Butler going north at 10:09 a. m., and going south at 5:44 p. in., both of which connect at Callery to and from Allegheny. Trains leave allegheny city for Butler at 7:40 and 10:4n a. m. aud 2:15 aud 5:40 p. m., city time. JDEZSTTISTIR, * . Oil W \LDRON, Graduate ot Ibe Phi? n adel phia Dental College,is prepare. ■ imato do anything in the line of his prolusion in a satisfactory manuer. Otlice on Vain street, Butler, UniOD block, up stairs. Dr. S. a 7 JOHNSTONr DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work peitaiuingto '.hi' profession erecut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties :—Gold Filling, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by wall receive prompt attention. " janl6'S4-3y JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEOiS myai-ly] HUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinafler's Flour Store. PN. LEAKE, M. D., " Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in Union Block, and residence iu Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, 1882. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with large two-atory brien house and large barn thereon erected." Good orchard; mtuated in Butler twp , Butler county, Pa., adjoining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq., Butler, Pa. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular atteutiou given to the Retracing of old lines. Address, It. F. HI 1.1.1 A HD, Co. Surveyor North ;Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 5,5,54.1y John L. Jones, Auctioneer' BUTLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. fC.Sm County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KEARNS, BUTLER, PEXX'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many yeais ol experience he can guarantee perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. Leave word at Ibis otlice. 3,5,84.1y G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, WaMhiugton street, north end, Butler, Pa. jan2.ly. PLASTERING. The undersigned Intends to remove to Bntrcr on the Ist of April next, and hereby informs all per sons, that lie will be prompt in e\ee»itliig any work that may be entrusted to his e»re. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed In the best and most satisfactory manner. Give me a call, janno-lt. JOSEPH B. PIZER. •J. 11. Harvey, Has opened a paint shop in RElBKR'si BLOCK, on Jcllersou Street, Butlvr, Pa„ where he is prepared to do all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, • Paperiug and Calsomining, hangiug window blinds, etc. And, also keeps ou hands Wall Paperw anil Borders, I'alnlH and UrunliM, I'm lies, and Window CJla**. [all sizes cut to order.] I respectfully solicit a shnrc of the public pat ronage. .1. H. HARVEY. 3,5,84.6 m 1884 WALL PAPER, 1884, New Designs in Wall and Ceiling Paper for dwell ings, offices, halls and churches. A large and well selected line ot DECORATIONS for ceilings and walls. Brown back paper rrom s ets. up,« hlte hack paper from to cts. up. Gilts from 22H cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Pa. 2d 27.3111 I'ERMAIENT STAMPING FOR KENSINGTON, ARRASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessons in same given by ANNIE M. LOW MAN, North street, Butler, Pa. jneaO-lj EXPOSITION Visitors ahould not fail to call aud examine the largest and finest stock of Imported and Domestic Liquors in the State, at Ulnx Klein , 8« IVdernlStreel Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne Passenger Depot. Pure Itred llolnteln Stock. The undersigned have purchased from tb© Powell Brow, a pure bred Holntoiii bull, one and a half years old and weighs 1235 pounds, which can IMI Heen at the farm of John Weber, in Penn township, at any time. Terms. *4 cash, or *5 charged. J. A. PAINTUR, JOHN WF.HEU, KMT to use. A certain cure. Not «ip«niilv». Thrjj months' trtntmoni In on« p«ck»c* Good ®a Oola In tb» Urtd, Hfadnolie. UlulueM. Hay F»v«. Ac. ttnr^ut..