BUTLER CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 'B4. New Advertisements. Clothing—H. Schneidtman. Jewelry—J. B. Grieb. Cann's Kidney Cure. Kevstone Electnc Company. The New Clipper Mower—Morgan A Lo. Agents Wanted—l>ay A Co. Money Wanted on first mortgage. Business Directory of Pittsburgh and Alle gheny cities. New Local Notices. LOCAL AND GENERAL —The Presbytery of the Presbyterian church for this district met in Butler on Monday. —Mr. Morrison has a supply of genuice maple syrup on hands. Try it. —The Sheideroantle well was visited by hundreds of people on Sunday and Monday. —The new Bald Eidge gushers and the strike at the Macksburg, Ohio, oil field broke the market about three cents. —Jeff. Burtner has purchased the Hail Clark property on Washington street, and will change it to a residence. —The Boos store room. South Main street, Butler, has been greatly improved in appear ance and convenience of arrangement. —A Bedford county hutter name! Feather, during the winter killed fifty-one foxes and thirty-seven wild turkeys. —"Stephen G." won the stallion race in Butler over six competitors. See card in an other place. —Wheat is lower in Chicago and New York at this time than it has been before in seven teen years. —The new South Pennsylvania railroad will cost nearly $010,000,000, independent of the rolling stock. —The planing mill of the Bauer Bros., at Bennetts Station, Allegheny county, was de stroyed by fire yesterday morning. A Grand Jurvof prominent business men of Cincinnati was* called recently, which wa* responded to in every instance. There is not a« much reluctance to serve as formerly. —A light bay mare, the property of the Terry Bros., of New Castle, was stolen from the stable of the Martincourt House, in Pros pect, laet Monday night. —Mr. Fred Saner, a Pittsburgh architect, was in town Monday, having with him plans aud perspectives of a very fine Court House, the estimated cost of which is WO,OOO. First-rate potatoes are now being sold in this town at 25 cents a bushel. This time last year potatoes were selling at from $1.50 to f1.75 per bushel and were not plenty at that. —The lightning rod and patent right vender has already started on his rounds. To be on the safe side, sign no papers whatever for strangers. —Mr. J. W. Miliison held the lucky ticket for Johnny Grieb's forty-dollar silver water pitcher. The drawing took place last Tuesday evening and was conducted by Aaron \ ogeley and Will Waldron. —The time for mammoth eggs has arrived and the Lawrence Guardian leads out thus: A light Brahma hen the property of B. M. Kckles, of Perry township, a few days since laid an egg measuring osition "a trick." Mr. Baldauf tore down his one-story log and frame building, between the Savings bank and Dan Wuller's drug store, last week, and in it* placs will build a two-story brick, eighty feet long. The old frame was built some sev enty year* ago, about the vear 1814 by Bobert Scott, Esq., generally called Robin Scott, the father of Kx-Sheriff John Scott, aud part of it was used by hirn for a County Recorder's office during his term from IS2B to 1832. Sheriff Scott was born in that building. Most of the old logs that came out of the building were as sound as they were when put in. —A utrange and heretofore nnknown diaeaae U reported among the abeep in the aouthern part of Krie county. The afflicted animal corn mencen Rt&mping and will then run at a rapid pace with it* head clow« to the ({round. They theu refuae food of every kind, hut drink large <|)iantitiea of cold water for two or three day* when the* commence running at the none arid die in a abort time. It in feared that thik in the peculiar malady known an "grub," which baa been making «ad havoc in Ohio. It ia •aid that the diacaae ia cauned by a worm, the •Kg* of which are already deponited hy an in inaect in the aheep'H no*tril» in the numiner. The egg* hatch out in the *pring and begin* burrowing up into the brain; which, when reached, cauaea death. No remedy in known for the malady. ! —The arbitration in the case of Cooper <*. j Cooper was held in the office of S. F. Bowser, j Es<|.. last week and occupied four days. Samuel i an'l John Cooper are twin brothers, aged over ! siitv years, who own adjoining farms in Jeffer son township, willed to them by their father, j William Cooper, who died some thirty years ago. A year or two ago a dispute arose be tween the two, or rather between their children, as to the location of the line separating the farms, and some time ago Samuel br<.u.'ht suit against John for trespass, claiming that he ! had cut some timber upon his property. Messrs. Piersol, Cornelius and Sipes, were selected as arbitrators in the matter, and they, after hearing the evidence and argu ments, decided in favor of John, aod that put the costs of the suit upon Samuel. The case will likely be appealed. —The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has rendered several decisions of general interest in the matter of road tax. The right of farmers to work oat their road tax has been generally conceded, but supervisors in a few townships insist that the tax must be paid in money. A ; test case has been decided in favor of tax pay- j ers and their right to work out their tax dis tinctly and finally affirmed. In other cases ; collectors of road tax have claimed a comuiis- j sion should be allowed on the part worked out, j as well as that paid into the township treasury. j The Supreme Court decided that all claims ( for such commissions should be rejected, the working out of a tax imposing no labor upou , the collector or treasurer, but OB the supervisor, I who is paid for his services. There is some talk of the route of the P. A \V. K. 8., between Butler aud Foxburg being changed. It is said that after the road from Callery to Butler ha* been widened, a new broad guage road will be built up the Connoqaeneiising to near Greece City, an 1 then acrow past Buena \ ista, to the head water- of East Branch of Bear creek, near Karns Citv. Trestles north of Karns Citv that have lately Deeded repairing have been changed to the wide guage, while this way have not, facts that seem to corroborate the report regard ing changing the route. The ''liange will shorten the distance between Butler and Fox burg several miles. The Baltimore A Ohio Company now control* the P. A \\ . K. 8., and as it passes through the richest lumber district in the State, »hev will probably wide-gttage it all. —The survey of Main street from the Na tional Bank corner to Wuller's drug s'ore, made last Monday afternoon, attracted con siderable attention. Baldauf claim.? that the savings Bank bu.ldiug encroaches upon him, and the survey showed that though the front of the building was exactly on the line, the rear end encroached on him about four inches. The National and Saving'.' bank buildings occupy siitv feet front, formerly owned by Cooper McKee; the Baldauf, \\ ui ler and ISuff lots take up sixty feet more, formerly owned by Scott, Bc-ed and Crisweil, and the* Gtibie, Duffy and Pape lots, sixty feet more, the balance, formerly owned by Oliver David. Pape ha. 2H feet, Duffy 154, Geible 161, Buff 18, Wuller 19, Baldauf 23, Savings Bank 20, Schneideman 20 and Berg IM) fret in all. Part of W uller's wail has stood for over 21 years so that Baldauf cannot interfere with it, but the rear end of the Savings Bank wall will have to be sand papered. —An important point in the law of life in surance has just been settled by the I'nited Supreme Court. The policy in question con tained a stipulation that if the representations made to the company by the insured should be found to be untrue iu any respect the policy should be void. To the question whether he ever had asthma, scrofula or consumption the assured replied in the negative. After his death it was shown that he had these diseases iu an incipient state at the time of making ap plication lor insurance, but it was further proved that he was unaware of the fact. The Circuit Court ruled that if the representations were false the policy was void and the com pany relieved from payment even if the in sured believed them to be true. This ruling is reversed by the Supreme Court. It holds that if the policy holder did not know and had no reason to believe that he ha/1 the diseases the company is bound by the poligy aud must pay. Iu such case the applicant does not fraudulent ly or knowingly misrepresent his condition. This decision accords with justice aud common sense. —Mr. S. M. Patterson, one of the late firm of Borland Ac Patterson, of this town, was arrested by Constable McCandless last Tuesday after noon on a charge of forgery prefered by his brother-in-law Mr. Israel Cranmer, of Clay lowoship. Patterson wa< taken to the office of Esq. Keck, where he expressed a desire to em ploy an attorney, and wanted to go after one tum'self. Ilia re'juest was refused, but after some parleying McCandless went down to the Court House tor the attorney uarned, leaving Patterson in Esq.'s office, and while McCand- Its was gone Patterson slipped out of the office and skipped the town. 11. Douaghy and Wm. Kennedy immediately started in pursuit and re arrested him at his home in prospect and brought him to Butler late that night,when at his own re quest he was taken to the office of John H. Thompson, Cranmer'" attorney. Thompson arranged with Harry not to put him in jail, but to take him over to the Kitenmiller House and stay with him till morning. Kennedy went home and while Harry was endeavoring to awoke the inmates of the hotel, Patterson again took leg bail aud up to this writing has not been heard of. The forgery committed by Patterson consisted of adding the name of Israel Cranmer to a note of S3OO in favor of John Berg A Co., to renew a note already held by that firm for a like amount, and which note contains the genuine signature of Cran mer, obtained, he says by false representations. Pardon of an Innocent Man. In the Spring of IH7'.) Mr. John M. Apple, of Washington county, this state, moved to this county and rented the farm of Doctor Eli Conn, in Butler twp., a few miles south of town. He was some forty years ol age, and his family consisted of a wife, one daughter of about eighteen years, and some smaller chil dren. la the latter part of July or the first part of August of that same year, the daughter made an information against her father, charg ing him with having on two specified occasions, committed a ra[>e upon her person, and Apple was arrested aud committed to jail. He pro tected his innocence, and declared that the the mother and daughter had entered into a conspiracy with some other person to get him out of the way for a purpose, but he had no money to pay for a proper defense and at the trial the girl's story was believed and he was convicted aud sentenced to the penitentiary for fourteen vears —seven for each alleged offense. While yet in jail in Butler his personal pro perty was sold on a landlord's warrant and left in |>oti*es»ion of the mother and daughter, and it coining to the knowledge of one of Apple's attorneys, J. F. Brittain, Esq., that the mother and daughter had gone home in great glee, and that they had hail a dance and a high-old time generally at the house that sarue night or the night of the day when Apple was taken to the penitentiary, he determined at his own expense to investigate the matter. He visited the part of Washington county in which Apple formerly lived and found that Apple's character there was g<>od, while the girl had a bail reputation for both truth and chastity, aud that some people there never be lieved her story because they believed her bad enough to do anything. He found the keeper of the hotel iu Allegheny county where Apple usually stopped and where he and the girl stopjied on the day of one of the alleged of fenses, a few hours after it should have been committed, and he testified to seeing nothing wrong with the girl and that she was looking all right arid said nothing about it. '1 he testi mony of these parties and some of those in this county who had been at the dance and others who knew of the doings of the mother and daughter since Mr. Apple has been in the peni tentiary was takeu and submitted to the Hoard of Pardons, together with the recommendation of our Judges, former District Attorney, and other* for a pardon. Mr. Brittain went to Harrisburg twice to argue the matter, and the girl and her mother appeared iu opposition, but upon cross examination the girl badly con tradicted herself and branded everyone who ha"l testified against her as perjurers. The. Board did not believe her, and they lust Wed nesday unanimously agreed upon a pardon. Apple has been in the penitentiary some four years and six months, and ha* made a little within the walls by doing extra work, aud with this and a restored good name he must commence life anew, as in a case like this there is no other remedy. Mr. Brittain de serves great credit lor the part he has takeu in the matter, as but lor hi* persistence Apple would have continued iu the peni tentiary for nine aud a half years more on uii unjust sentence. Reduced Hates to Convention of May 6. J. 11. Murtland, Esq., County Superintend ent, Butler, Pa.: IJKAU Silt:- I reply to your favor ol April 10th, beg to state that we Mill make a rate of 2 cents per mile lor all that may desire to at tend the Convention of May oth. It will l»e necessary to secure round trip tickets from agent*. Yours Kesp'y, J. 1.. KLBK. Mr. Murtland also has the promise of same rates hu the 8. heidemantle'» new well on h s strip of the Wallace farm reached the white sand la«t Saturday evening, when the well began to flow heavily, making 'iOO barrels during the first fifteen hours, <>n Sunday it flowing at the rate of about 30 barrels per h >ur or 700 per dav, and on Monday at the rate of about 350 per day. Drilling was resumed and the well will probably settle down to a 2X) barrel pumper, Andy seems to be the lucky producer of the district. A year ago last fall he struck the first big well in this territory, on the Webber farm, and he now has the -econd one and his production is the largest in the dis trict. This well is about two miles east, or a 1 ttle north of ea.st, of the Webber farm we 1 and seems to settle the direction of the belt. It looks as though the northern tier of fa'n s in Penn township and the southern tier ol liutler towns-hip, would prove good territory. The Fisher Bros ' well on their part of the Wallace farm struck the sand Monday evening, filled up with oil, made two heavy flo-rsthar eveningjand was ye terdiy doing 12 barrels per hour. This well is lo cated about 1.5 rods north east of Sheidemantle's. The Cooper Bros.' well on the I'earce farai. and Agnew's No. 7, on the Mc< almont and No. 1, on the Haley farm are expecteJ to come in this week. The" production of this district i» now so large that the pipe line | imps at the station there are kept going night and dav. —Those ladieß who walk with ease and grace buy the "Reed Wearer" shoe, at Kelly's New Store on Jeffer son street. Spring Dress Goods. New Striped aud Cheeked Summer Si&3. New Colored Silk (Largest Variety.) New lilack Silk, (Best Make.) New Colored Cashmeres, New Black Cashmeres," New Drap D'almas and Gersters" Immense Stock of New Spring Dress Goods DOW open at lowest pri ces, at A. TROCTMAN & SON'S —We have a lot of heavy Cottage Carpet, full yard wide: you can buy it at 10 cents per yard, at HITTEK yards for SI.OO, at RITTEK K RALSTON'S. —Until further notice, we will sell the best 3 ply Carpets, at SI.OO per yard, at HITTER o4) a f> v rods below their former place l: > new offices are on the ground floor 1 are among the finest in the city. L>;s. Sykes &. Moore are the only physicians j in Pittsburgh giving exclusive attention ! to chronic diseases, and none staud higher than they in professional skill and personal probity.,' —lf you want a new dress, Either Silk, Cashmere, Satin, Lawn, Ging ham, Chintz or Calico do not fail to | inspect our stock. The gocds this spring are unusually handsome at L. STEIN it SON'S —Large stock of White Dress Goods, India Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Nain sooks Arc., at L. STEIN «V SOX'S Parasols and Sun Umbrellas—all, the new styles. Silk Satin and Mo hair— Elegant assortment at. L. STEIX & SON'S —We invite an examination of our new Spring stock of Silks, Cashmeres and Dress Goods of all descriptions. Our stock is now complete in all de partments. L. STEIN & SON. —Woven wire mattresses at Ketter er's —All the new things in Blocks, Plaids, Stripes and Combinations. We have just returned from New York and have the very latest Summer Styles. To see desirable new goods you must call at RITTEB r. Kline's r. Kline, tfll Arch SI. I'liiU.. Fa. BALM K?fa m btol Causes no Pain. ■ Ut Gi ves Relief at C ° l O(L 1/1 AlM .Thorough gWFEVERjb ■Treatment will / or Snuff. Ap- BL—V ,r\tl||ply with Finger. Give it a Trial. . -t VtVV. RMFv'/o' ii*i cents at . EL IWI MJUL-II on rc<-.«-l(>t of prl< HoM by all and country uton it. CJ it** IdT //"/' llnatrr Company, l\ Proprietor*, Jioi.ton, i'un. ' tWTorconstipation. |O;JH f apprtlto t)u» ttowcU takn IfawUy'w Htuuuu-h a:>«l l.ivi I'.-' 1«. V* r* ill n. To the School Directors of fJutfer County. UKMTI.KMKV : lii ptirntiaiKM* OI lli ot jii«-rar', and icicutlfli iuquirttifieiil • and of nkill and enperienee in the art of i» a' hni '. itM COIIIIty HOpeillltemlent, lor til'* three siierecdltiK years . ami e.-rtlfy the r«*hult to the State Super inlendeiit, at llarrislmrte, :i>. i« 'jmre«l hy the thirty ninth and fortieth Nftclioiii of aid ;•«•». JAM I-.H II Mi in I,A M», ( ounty Superintendent «»f linller eouni >. A pri! I'., I I LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES PITTSBURGH, PA., AMi ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. PITTKIICJ !<<■ li. .lOSM'II IIOKNI: .. < <> . It«-tiill l»ry (iixiils, re, to j'li ('••nit avenue, library llall. HA I U Si «. AZZAM, l.inilte.l. I'.UKIIIC liullilerH anil Mae|ilnl*ilh, dear C'llltliiK. "• I liO'l Avenue i.I K \S 111 HI.UN Tile House l uriilsliei , 10H old No, (M KliiltbllelU St., Ix-tw Itli A f.tll A ves I; 1.111((. I VV I4l« .-i .x < Ili Av • -11• i• • mm! HuiiUUb ld twreet. III:. "M INT'S A.sricn lIKNTAI. lll' Klf'KS U n QIQ > Old No. >1 I'eiili Avenue. 110. Ult Itenieniber the ne« number ' __ , ,n . i m i i l 11. A. KLLIoTT. Artistic Klorist. ~r e:i!ai<<>u<- w sixth street. ' rirTMU RC.HSK.N WORKS. BMIMMSIP - ■ : •'. ••rv dCMilpttm. Descriptive t ImluhmM oat|i(Uaiioa SSixth Ave HKAIJII. r.ntKU KASroX. I »rv li. - mI-, Nutious, >: i : r . \e.. io."> "eT Market street, uear Fifth Avenue, j .1 \ M t oII.MIt'K Worth:r.gtoii steam i»um|is | anil r !er- •>'to's-ileni KJScnpine-.engines mud boil i*. taper -l> ev»* win l< n |Bfa ys, stuftinx ::n ; I'Ol NT UOILEi: WORKS. l: Miiiiro.- Son. Pro)i'rs. j:;d :,i.tl Siaallinan Sts. New and second Land boiler* of all sizes. IKKCHERTV MORRISON. Boilers, tanks, sheet iri n milu, nit MVS, »vc. | It piirnid prvtupt'.v d- •• I' mesne \Sav near I'Q.'ni. ! < KI-.A. GK AII AM Ot CO.. Manttfaetureis of St. •-.»•>, Ranges, (irate Krotits. Fender*. &e, -I>l Liberty Street. i>;>. •' \s. SIIIIU.k >v SON. Iks!. ; Wall Paper, Ltecnists Valton and Fieneh > cent papers. i» Smitiitteld street. ! MKYEH. AkNOl.l) cv to . Liaiited.i Fnie and Plain Furniture, Nos. .To.TiA 7, liiamon.l Street. Mi LI.". KKN s\ I IICHRAN. n I.'NITI RE Maiiufaetiire:* of all kinds of t'ur'.iilure an.l I'p !•• Nterv. i • • ■ and \\ :.r. «*im & :«i Sniilli liei.i si. Factory it to t~. nMptii St.. Alleclicny City. K. WKISE. Furniture, l» d lonise . chairs, . Itl Ufa Aw-. Mav Ist \v ill remove to :ilu Wood St. I Factory 1 K>, 1 is. jse& ue Jaekson St.. AlleKheay. JAMES RHEKAN. i (Id siaud Sticking stor. . M. li"* l ine Furnishing Goods. Kifth Ave, STEWART iV HKN'KY, siteee.«sors to Russell &Co (Jems' Kiiniishiuf; u MORtjAX'S I. K CHI vM & In\ i,\.. ROOMS. Ts tor iee cream ami weiKlin-' i-akes promptly tilled. No, l' Slxtli St. VV. .1. A. Kennedy Prop'r. KEVSTt iVEAN VI!. WORKS.' " Matiehesler .t Son. t", Send for eircitlar. Cor. J -Ih \ Railroad Sis. AKMS'I'RoXt .'di KEI.VY, PA I.N is & On.s. White I.ead, C'oach and \ MIXED PAINT TAX-. Tic and SI 00 per gallon. Hand some. Durable, best. Color card seut to farmers, builders, property owners. P.0.80x Atlas Paint Co., Puts- W..J. BAR It, Electrotviit-r and Stereotvper. Kia'moii'l sireet. IRON CI TV COI.I.ECE j'ttord- nn'-i|iialed facili ties for the practical education of youi:.- m«ii. Send for circ'.iltir. Cor. Penn ave. .vSixth St. oi.iii-ot ntkv TK v HOI sk, Win Hasiage & Son. special attention given to country orders. Send lor Housekeeper's Ot'lde mailed gratis. i..i. <;IMI>I*IF, I.umber. staves and heading. Dli'pU sue Way, between Eighth audKinth, If. HIMHIIikV, Wholesale Jobber ill liimher, lath and shingles. Estimates given on application, .vi.iSmithlield St. . I KliV INSTITI lK.t I NIOJf HI'SIXKSs l 01.1. F.iK, NorniHl. Business and Classical. ■**> students 15 teacher,; send for ci cuiar : U'i i;th Si. 11. I). Williams, Manager: .I.e. William*. Principal. (t VV SAD!. Kit, U I>, KVK &«KAlt. i ataraci remov( d. cross eves straightened, specta cles llted, artificial eye*, sol.old iV.. Penn Ave. mits m < Mitis*ia bits removed to 2si penn avenue, w here she has opened an assortment of i 'rench itonii'-ts and Round Hats lu all the latest styles. \ 1- SI.OAN, I-.ItOKFK IN I'KIROI VA. M, office iu l*iit ->l>uri£h Petroleum Exchange: strictly brekerajre business : correspondence solicited ; oil bought, sold anil carried on margins on betit terms, VV K MCI AX" K. MKlll'H VM' TAII/.lt ( all and-see my Sprints and Summer stock of Foreign and Domestic piece goods. No 2!<2 Liber ty Street. .1 i nt in M x <"i . .'if fc II Market St. I lest liran.is iii «.-nuilie Milwaukee, ('iiicinnati iind oilier bottled la-ers. Send for price list. KAsM lt.V 1.1N..111, f lllll:!' WI.M'K, II a v e<* meialie skylight; lire. ■ lonu, condeusal ion and weal her proi.f ualvaiuzed Iron cornices, tin ; r.ioiing &>■ Send for circular, SIAIt "SI Vl'Slli III.I'. Co., I.IMITU', Manilla'lure all patterns and colors oi plain and encair-.tie tip- for iloor-, heailh*. vestibules, &o. Work laid to or, Window Awnings, Tents, &c. No :: I erry Hircet, I II Mi'..., . .1:1 1.1 I B AMI DCLP. HI! Mil KB, Maiiufactureis of I'iain and Fine Furniture and Folding Beils. I .argent sai.-sroom in Hie Iwo cities. I.i and i 'i Federal street, Allegheny City. Pa. I.knox s I >i I-so N. Patent Lawyer, Inventions completed. x:: Diamond Strei I. <• s i-msiii.N co, ID7 I . mil avenue. New York stocks hough! and .old on margins. Send tor circular. .1 U MATIir.V.'S ,V HON, Stencil*, Seals, Si. el and Rubber Stamps. (ioo.l Agents always wanted. Ti Thud avenue. -s n 10-.AM ,v . ... successors lo A Settler .v Sons, mauiitacturei of iron and sleel boilers, stills, airl laiors, tanks, .ill pans, llirlil Iron work, *c, Thlrty-fint 111 d small man street*. rITTM-.i mom vv o:i AM> it AH IN«. w oiiKs, lay lor Dean, ca l. wroimhl and ornauieutal Ir.m Kail lugs, cresting*, stable 111 lilies. W ire v*. ..Ik «.l every description. No 3i5 Market street. i-KKIN 11 \< o, W.it* lliillerslr'-el. Pitlshiirgfa, lea* and coffees. Send lot price Int. Orders >.r poiiu.l and upwards prepaid to any town not over 100 miles from flie eilv. s vv IIAIIK& " I'raetical Pltiiuhers. < .as and I 111 ('haiidellers, and chimney lops. lamps, pumps, s.-v.ci pipe, oil. ias and gasoline '-love-. 1717 t'itison street, I'lllshlirgh. sS. Send lor circulars. lilts SthKS .N HOOKK, CIIUONII IIIHKAKKH OIIIV. i*#l Penn avenue. Ilave removed, Aprll Ist, to |.*»o Penn avenue MOIIIIIH, Hi SIN I II Mill IT, III" >1 Oil It V I'll Kl!, Cabinet ,is) per do/.en Cants, I»I, Daisies, •®1 00. Fine work only, A I A A Xi I I i :> v. AM»UIHO\, I'OIIIKII & IIOVII, MTri Ol I'll" I i i, hf»ll«Ts ;u»«l «aslnmA . sri'tiiid Ictiul ;m * I ;I|\\ i»i Mitflln-H t rla> ami o pans. Adtlri'HH I 11 an reliable. mi . i'*ii ou n , .li'Wi'h'T and Ontlcian, lilainondii, W ; 1 1«- 1 1 <- , ( tV< at i>«- siitd sold lit I'tr •• and small <|iism llllis. M himon. Khk.lc riaiilni; MIIN, I IooHIIK, W' Mlln-r lio.irdiiiK . HIIIIIIITS, d«>or-. »\.f. A nd' Tsoii and ICol»iii*.on stri'i'ls. rifOM WfCLMH I dW HI r> « f I liny and «'ll 1 arm* In all rrqlotin. t orM M|»on.|i-in , <- solli'iU'il <;TII \I AI 1. \ N Jll \ I-.M IKL' 1I- A 10, rui«- IN-DI I i*.w and liiM* llavon d coffi'i'i al IniiinrliTs' |irl<*<*H llf Kan! souvenirs lo nvery nislomer 11H 1 »d«ral sirei-i . and .1 Mil avenue. I'litMbnr^li Iti 1 1,1 || |< KM AH 1,1 \ LI« |I: II I HTL U.. I'• 1 Ing, .Hi'ourln.r ami laundry v.or!»> 0!ll«*f and workM I 351 , i'&l and Bestver stvenm* 111 1 « 11 1 -ON A. A 1.1.v A Mil it , I or in ht« tin I nj;lin's , Inilii Ju to 7f> lior*«* |»owi*r addri" us. Cor Park Way and Sandusky sireet •W \ N 11<) IhK < Olt AM II AMI "II |O MJ 1(1.1 I sperial attention lo the Ixiardm;', depart uient .1 M Swan . Manager \OIB P l>*> I, al 10 o'eloek A M . for a eharter lor a |»ipe line to hi- known :m 11»•- indeiicitdt nt rip«* 1.11 .to twin poll, store stmt Oiip pelroleum from a point In Huller eonnt> at or nesir I laid Itldtfe tw Prior- My assortment of Boys' and t'hildr«ns Hats ,*ud < aus is ea.-rnious, I have in the 50c and 7-.(■ .jualities exact reproductions of'(he verv tine-t gooils ,n the market, and 1 have rhe very finest ifocls, too. GENTS' AND BOYS' FINE FURNISHING GOODS My Furnishing Goods Department is full lo running over with all the staples and novelties of the season. Try rue once for your WHITE SHIRT And von will experience what a pleasure it is to have a shirt that fits. My dock oi AND HOSIERY Is tremendous. My assortment of Neckwear is simply jrrami and tben the beauty of it all is that the j>rice of each article is lower than ' has ever been named before for entirely fresh and new goods. Some special bargains in Colored Shirts. CHARLES R. GRIEB, Union Block, Main Street Butler, Pa. 1850 00000 ESTABLISHED 00000 —IBSO GRIEB, THE JEWELER, We have them aDd you will be lucky hy getting one from us. /ttfj&tf? Celebrated Quick Train Rockford Railroad Watch. j. .'*jj,'.; \\ Wc also have on hatd all other makts and grades of Watches. j'? Jj BEAIQUAETEBS FOR THE FOLLOWING GOODS, // Elglileeii K T. «©ld Wtddlng Rings, \\a ' A// Watches, Clocks, f/y c Jewelery, Silverware and Npectaeles. Our line of Roger Bros., Silverware, which is to 1 e the lct=t, is tLe largest ever shown in Butler Please call and examine stock and prices. EN GRAYING FREE OF CHARGE on all gocds purchased of n.e. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a specialty, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Place of business two doors North of Duffy's and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods store. Bargains! Bargains IN WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, &C., At Prices Not to "be Equaled for Cash, Watches, Clocks, &c., Repaired and Warranted. Don't Forget the Place, opposite Berg k Cypher's Hardware. Sign of Electric Bell. r Jg3 J. R. Grrieb. GRAND OPENING" SPKIJKi AND SUMMER STOCK SIOOTN & SHOES B. G. HUSELTON'S Last February when in Massachusetts I finished up my orders with manufacturers ™y Spring all mv iroods arc made to mv Hi»ecial order and made by the largest and beßt manufacturers. THIS STOCK lb -NOW LUM JNG IN DAILY; never before have I shown such au immense variety of Styles to select e for the money, will surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S. ARE JUST ELEGANT. and se'linir ranidlv at prices we hare marked them, recollect our goods are all marked in plain figures. YVe SELL " F C I'M KB PAT II» ENGLISH WALKENPII AST SHOES, best in the world the shape of the natural foot; NIL. M.1.1. UK A 1. ■!.,«. <»r news'. Boys' and Youths' Nlioes are Beauties. Ask townee!'our new line of'Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, they are grand ; never had anything to equal them before. See our el '' B "''w(i¥ENS', MISSES' AND I'IIILDRENS' SLIPPERS AND WALKING SHOES. w 1.. .. I r..P,«,tii.n ih<> (lid Ladies We have wide shoes, low heels, all kinds anil prices. MENS' and BOYS (' A\ \ ASS SI'IOFS for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cool; very cheap We will cut the prices to the very bono.. but wont cut , ric -s to one man to cost to make a sale and stick bis neighbor to make .t up; one man s money bottom, i.ut wont ui • pnntoniers are told what goodß are before they buy. Recollect no old auction kw r bu ""» *> ,Und T-mn 4 Itoi 'S'.i.'.l .ri our llonKi>Ua, OloTekid and Simon do.' Button Hoot. T.r, h.nd«ome. CHIL DRENS'SCHOOL SHOES, NEAT AND SERVICEABLE. Our Stock of Mens' and Boys' Calf Boots - f i ""tr, w.'sz at the very lowest figures. \ . uH wi „ rt(IV(J ou hlg money j n B ootlJ ua( \ Shot's from any house in Huili'T'ldgivrJou good LoneiH goods that s,K-ak for themselves that will bring you back, also your neighbor. We air keeping tie lead in Boots and Shoes and increasing Males all the tune. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. The Keystone Electric Co MOI.I: I.ICKNCI.K.H nut I'KNN A.OK The Baxler Electric Lighl Company uf I" luriilili ••Htm- »«• plant". \\ ill ~f. tt.iii .•..1H.11.-., . in.-, '■•n.'-rj'il"'.;" »r 111« 11 \I < i 11:11 . for III* '' H ' '»AXIl.ic I \M|* I lir'luosl i riiiHUMM il ll»iprnv< iiiriiMli <•!.»<• in* li-'l.m." inv. hi.Ml savhitf oiH-liHir tin ! o| li.tlll UK '»> An- Lsiliiim, hiicl niiiklUK 'J a. Hklil 1 f..- «»f imilk.iih It 1.-tM 111. t.miili »f wlntl ll Is Hi III" uritli.arv l- .Klii.li.'-Ih- "[ '•■•rtM'ii, in- 11. ordinary 1 :tn.|»-. I»«.l '..'lf a i.lulil, willliint In lln--.- I;u.i|. ll.rii- i.ikl.lh, Inirnli.K All nKIHI i.mmi, A(lrn. Month. ■ - . I! , - <&»U* . W. W HRRCKENRIIMSE A KON'N, AoKKrn, NORTH I.IHKKTY, I'A, ImiMMiiiW.klfc Hill «N(II All fill Milt. EJ I|mi (ouch Hyru ii. T»»u*r»«>- B n» In umi Kohl br dni«ta*W