BUTLER CITIZEN- misck I .T .Aiv IX > r s. A Michigan boy ate a bar of soap, drank a lot of soda water and went to bed to cure his cold. The doctor had a bard time to pull him through, but the boy now savs the next time he catches cold he will use Dr Bull's Cough Syr- UP- —A full line of goods—the clothes line on wash day. Papillon Blood Cure contains no mineral of any kind, it restores tho blood to a heattby condition, regulating excesses, aud prevents disease, tor sale by I. L. Wuller and D. H Wuller. —There i 6 generally not much hus tle in tb« outrikirts of the city. For fifteen years 1 was annoyed with » severe pain in my head and dis charges in uiy throat from Catarrh. My sence of smell was much impared, By the nse of Ely ,8 Cream Balm I have overcome these troubles.—J. B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, New York. For several years 1 have been troub led with Catarrh. Elys Cream Balm proves to be the article desired. I believe it is the onlv cure.—L. B. Co burn, Hardware Merchant, Towanda, Pa. Aprons are now worn by fashion able ladies everywhere except in the kitchen. Come, Gentle Spring, and bring malaria, dyspepsia, billious ness, torpidity of liver and train of kindred maladies. Fortunately Kid ney-Wort is at hand. It may be had of the nearest druggist and will purify the system, correct the stomach and bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys to healthy action, remove all poisonous humors and make you feel like a new man. As a spring medicine, tonic and blood Purifier it has no equal. We meet in society many attrac tive women whom we would fear to make our wives. My Wife's Nervous Affection. "We had ceased to hope my wife's nervous affection could be cored," writes J. A. Edie, of Beaver, Pa. "Many physicians failed to do her good, but Samaritan Nervine has cured her." At druggists. lacks will power that he hasn't any power to make a will. As When She was Young. "I hare used Parker's Hair Balsam and like it better than any similar preparation I know of," writes Mrs. Ellen Perry, wife of Rev. P. Perry, of Coldbrook Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of the Balsam has restored the softness, and the brown color it had when I waß young—not a single gray hair left. Since I began to appjy the Balsam my hair has stopped falling out, and I find it Is a pefectly harmless and agreeable dressing,' The directions for Papillon Medi cines are in English, German, French, Italian, Danish, Polish, Bohemian, Hollandish, Swedish and Norwegian. See advertisement in this paper. For Sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wul ler. —Shrewd young ladies prefer to lie married about Easter time, because then there is no expense for decorating the church. An Avaricious Age. A great many people call the present age an avaricious one. The American, as a rule, thinks of the almighty dollar in all of his transactions, whether in the pursuit of wealth, helth or pleasure: The general tendency of our race is toward excess, and this should be care fully guarded against. The love of money is generally credited with being the root of all evil, but all people seem to be after plenty of the root. It cannot be told from the phraseology of the following whether the writer in tended & wholesale cure or whether he wished to go into a little speculation. JAMESTOWN, PA. DR. S. B. HARTMAN & Co.— At what price will you furnish Pe runa by the gallon? I am afflicted with neuralgia and catarrh. I have taken three bottles of Peruna and it is helping me. L. B. MOATS. Hens may be a little backward on eggs, but they never fail to come to the scratch w here flower beds are concern ed. Papillon Blood Cure is a specific for all diseases of the blood, liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys—absolutely vegeta ble, containing only a small percentage of spirit. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. —A starved tramp said he was so thin that when be had a pain ho couldn't tell whether it was a stomach ache or a back ache. —A southeran editor asserts that angels are all blondes,but all blondes are not angels. It is painfully apparent that his wife is not a brunette. —People are commonly employed in pointing ont faults in those before them as to forget that some behind may at the same time be descanting on their own. —Gentlemen find but one use lor their nose. They use it to hang their spectacles on. But the ladies use it as a sort of a hitcbing-post when they tie on their hats with a piece of veil ing. Papillon Blood Cure cares all diseas es originating in any impairment of the blood, as fits of epilepsy, ansemia, sick headache, aud female weaknesses. For sale by J, 1.. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. Among the proposed fashions of the coming spring is to have divorce cer tificates trimmed with crape. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had ulacrd in his hands by an Kasi India mission ary tne formula of a sinipfe vegetable remedy for Ihe speedy and permanent cure of Consumption. Itronchltis, Catarrh. Asthma aud ali throat and l.ung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous liebillty and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, has lelt it his duty to make it known lo his suffering fellows. Actuated i»y this motive and a desire to relieve human suf lerlng, I will send Iree of charge, to all who de sire it, this recl|s', in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing anil using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. NOVKS, 149 Power's Block. Uochester. N V. Septc.»-iU-t>'eow Ticket Scalpers From the Philadelphia Inquirer. There is a law pending before the Legislature of Maryland to pieveat "Ticket Scalping" and to confine tlx traffic in tickets to the authorized agents of the railroad companies: the l»i!l un der consideration is similar to that which has lieen so affective in this State both in protecting passengers and railroad companies froiri losf arising from the purchase and saie of fraudulent tickets or tickets improperly procured. There were recently convict ed in our courts a number of trusted employees of the Pennsylvania Rail road and Pullman Car Companies, against whom the charge <>f embezzle ment was sustained These men were all respectable and honest until they were tempted to dis honesty—tempted to the loss of repu tation aud position, and, in fact, into prison, by the ticket scalpers, Every licket fraudulently abstracted or with held by them, it was proved on their trials, was subsequently sold to the scalpers at largely reduced rates auJ and resold to travelers to be used the second time. Thus the railroad com panies suffered tevere losses, and in cases where the iraud were discovered in time the passengers holding the scalpers' tickets were subject to loss aud inconvenience. No railroad company is secure from loss, no railroad conductor safe from temptation, and no passenger free from danger of buying fraudulent and use less tickets, so long as ticket scalping is legalized. The railroads that are carrying passengers upon terms so favorable should be protected from fraud, their employees from the tempta tion that robs them of home, friends, and employment, end passengers from inconveniences or fraud. '1 he law of Pennsylvania is exceedingly popular, and a similar one should be among the statutes of every State. Only through and by the operations of a like law can absolute security be afforded to the railroad companies, their empiyees and the traveling public; but until such a law becomes common in all States' travelers should refuse to purchase from scalpers, lest they become invol untary partners iu a fraudulent traffic, and suffer the consequences of their act. la the case of man very often tie last straw that brinks the camel's back is served up by the saloon keeper. —No matter how high everything else is, one may always get a bottle of perfumery for a scent. In this Rge of knowledge and doubt many are anxious to receive and more Bre over-willing to give relief; for every cough there are many syrups, and lor all the i.ale there are heaps of Iron, hot a pain but what soothers come; to th*- weak are held tonics strong, and to every in valid is offered health through diuretics, expectorants or tonics, but we frankly tell you, you r an get well aud laugh them all to scorn by taking PERTJNA Prrnna cures Chronic Nasal Catarrh. TRroSffhas noequal us acough remedy. fjSrTTTTSTnever fails to effect a cure. PeruS»Tcnres diseases. of the Liver and idneyg. MEKDON, Wt.-TUOUi.AND Co , PA., January 23,1883. Dr S Ii JTarfman & Co., i'alvmbut, Ohio: Dear Sirs—l have th<- pleasure n|_ stat ing to you that your medicine called Pe runa has done ni« more good than alltlie medicine I ever took. Youtu tru^^y MANALIN In an absolute cure for Constipation, Dys pepsia, and all lYlvi: Diseases. Prlne 81 per Bottle. Si* Bottle*,9s. Sold by ilruKsitttu everywhere. 1)1- iiii.iiiiimiimimiimiiiniiuiiiin) ™ 1 w WV l]»T« prvnt mcr JtH >0,000.00 In .Iff.>ridiri» our riirlit to Uie iJurnuiu Bull nour trade-mark. ruriouhUMily bo w to-day tlja uu'*-t valuable Buil In the world. Now it »taiid» to reauon tliat w« couldn't afford to protect turn eo tborouablr f BUCKWCLVM Bl l-L U( ItllA.fl To. burro, of which he I » tlie representative. waau't tbe HIiNT smoking Tobacco ever uiude. •P* The sales of Bl&ckwell's Bull Durham Brook in? Tobacco far exceed those of any other brand lu th#worl relieved mid upe-edily cur« the well-known ih'p Plaster. Coiupuundcd, as it In, of the medic tuai virtues of fre**b liopn, Gum*, liuKun» au-i VLxtnu-f*, it in indeed tht bent pain-killing, stimulating loottiinif auditrengthuolntf Porous Plajitef ever made Hop Piaster* are so id by ail druggist hand country store* to cent* or live for $1 00. . •• pa Staiiod on VBoeipt of I r"fl II J - *' price. U.v lluster (.V, I " " 2T " Proprietors and Mann Q 9 Jk f*% ftu tur. r. I u ■ !■ I Cila r?ro >at«*d tonipin, bad br« ith, no ur stomach and liver dl*«-a«e cured by llawley'* Stornaeh and Liver I'illw, 'iTiCtw. D. LC^E^ND, Watchmaker and Jewe'er, Keeps constantly on baud a complete stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECT A.C LKS- Of all kiudr and prices. Jewelery and Silverplaled Ware of the very beat •pi ility. Kverytbinp warrant ed just as repreeented and Bold at ilie low est each prlee. Fine U'IIICII Kcitairiiii; a Spec, laity. One "i|uare Souili of Diamond, Main Streri BUTLRU, V\. WANTED, SALESMEN. To ranvaM for the sal«* of N'nr«M»rv Stork. I 'ncfjuuh* I facilities. No riciif e repaired. Sala»> an 1 9x )H ?(*>ucr. s of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, JO>»»*B, etc. W. 6c T. SMITH, iieie va. N, Y. Jjfj J M faT^ili WHT*F AH nsi FAILS" njj Prt U»r lu time. h«.f.iby drugglHts. |2j wgw: n'i: iJi :gi A Public Bsnsfactor. W hi. 11. Meinor Member «l »!»«* F.difurial Sfufl «l llie *"«'*» York llcrnltl: aUo E** Cottiinissioner ol E\- cim' \ew Vorit C'itJ Ih Ami Sl.i sajs: Dr M M. Fenner, Fredoniii, N V —L)eai cir— I havoi.eeu * great t. ia BUUmmmm Nervous irrit it ion and Dyspepsia for yearn. Mv friend. Hon. H. C. Lake of the New York One torn n.-ne, induced me to try yonr B)>*1 V Ih er Remedy and Nerve i onic. By the use of two bottles 1 have realizjd a complete reetorn tion to heiltli. I io«»k upon it a* the i*reatc-*l remedy of the age. and upon yon. a-tlie oora poandar of the «ame. as a public benefactor. FROM TQF. NEW YORK T BIRUNI New York Tribune, New Yoik. I» r . M. U. Ftnner. Fredonia, N. Y.—Peir sir ; Please send me two more bottle* of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonio. My ife liwt been taking it audit lias done her good Yourn truly. C.A.TRACY. Comp'etelv, and entirely cleanses the blood relieves Biliousness. Constipation and Heidache: cieaus out and heals the entire stomach and bowels, breaks up and cures Agues aud form ine Fever-: cures Pimples. Pkiu Eruptions and Skin Diseases, removes Bal Breath, is an anti dote for the Blues; soolhs. strengthens ar; . heals Weak and Irritated Nerves, producing good rest at night; and completely renmates and rsstoren a disordered system-whether the disorder is slight or gravo. pnr 1)R. FENNER.S KIDNEY AND BA( h-ACHE CURE—For all diseases of the Kidneys, bladder, nrinary passages, backac he. dr< i sv, female weaknesses, netvous debility, Heart d'-ea-e. rheumatism* etc. T.iie moot succctHfui loin 11-at hart ever been adrriniatered in the diseases named. Get of vour dealer tho memorandum book entitled "Dr. Fenner's People's Remedies a v e Used all Over the World." And are for sale by J, L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller, Butler, mMMJFAVMskii WONDERFUL 'Cil CURES OF HIZJ KIDNEY DISEASES 0J fi AND O 1 LiVgJj COMPLAINTS, o 3 Because it acts on the I.IYKH, BOWELS aud 8 KIDNEYS at the same time. y Because it cleanses the system of the pofcton- I on-* L : aorn that dc-velope in Eidncy Uri- I iiai*y Diiie:ieos, Biliousness, Jaundice, Cenrtrpa ■ tion. Piles, or in Bueumatism, Neuralgi \. Ner- B voua DiiJoi tiers and all Female Complaints. - CZ'S oLW PROOF OF TM£. g IT wniTeuHELY CUUP. g CONSTIPATION, PILES, I and RHEUMATISM, By causing 1-ttES ACTION ol all the cruana and functions, thereby CLEANSING the BLOOD rojtorinjj the normal power to throw off disoaae. THOUSANDS OF CASES of the woif t f-rrms or thosa torribl* diseases havo been quietly relieved, n-icl In a abort uu.e PERFECTLY CURED. FBICC, it. I.IQt IB OH Dltt, S0IJ» Ht URCM.I3TB. Dry can be Bent by ma:l. WELLS, lIICHAHLSON 6i Co., Eurlmglon, Vt. 8 S" 1.4 .la ..p I T i'l-.:, « (■ r 1-rl. BLISS 5 J945. Illustrated Hand-Ecok 1884. For the I'arn acd Garden. 150 pages. int. , lid a '.»»•:«ntlt'nl Colored Plat# of Flotvern, '•*!'* What, When and Ho\y tb p inl > I 1»i - I■ i information invaluable to all in trardening. Mailed for 6c., to <-over |to»taire. l!ln«ti*ated Xovelty Lilt, BP • strlbiiiK all the newest varieties V,/RD£RNJW And have on hancl when you want to ilant.^V^^ AF low e r nn GARDEN fJB vP .UU. SO packets choice Flower S eils four telectlon), In cludinu Willi (itßlltX h iKDS (a mixture of 100 varieties of Flower Se< .a), for fi.OO A VEGETABLE MR! EN FOR SI.OO. 20 pkta. Choice Vegeta le Seeds (our telection), includiiii; B1I»!.'n American Homier I'ea, for sl. BOTH .he above for $1.75. Carderier's ITand Book telling you how to grow them, sent. *Vre with orders. B. K. BLISS & SONS, ° t 34 Barclay St., New-York. MARVL, ANDF.\nMB. Rook ami Map (ret l.\ <■. E. SIIANAHAN. Att'.ji.aj, E»ttoii, Mil PROFiTABLE EMPLOYMENT. Til'* largest jwipular hook on Mexico ever imblish i>l iO line illUHl I«l lon* filled with valuable information of .oii. Ah everyone v.aiil-. to r-ad about MEXICO THE LAND WITH A GLORIOUS FUTURE will Had litis the best book of tin- year. Write lo r \V. tiAHFIKI.I) Publishers' Agent, 172 I'ublie >'iunri', I'l l si.i. v N'J>, < > Dr. Frease's" Water Cure Es tablishment. Ahe tilh Institution in ils 30th year. For nearly all kinds ol Chronic disease#, and ea pecially the diseases of Women. OCEN \t ai.i. Bf. ttoNf, Circulars iree. Address, 8. FREABR, M. D., JyI!S-1 y New Briphtoo, Heaver Co , l*a. BRICKS! BBICKS j The subscriber eontiuues the niakiiiK of brk ks eoiniiiou, pavement, bay window and other final ities at lii.s kiln on the Fair (iround road, half a tuile west of Itutler He will keep on hand a lot of bricks at all times, lie will also make and bum brick in the country for anyone desiring lo have them made on I heir own farm or premises. Ai he inn-nils carrying «n the brick making business, he o.vites the custom ol all, promising togiveentlr* satisfaction to all who may |«itron i/e liilti. All orders promptly tilled at reasonable rates, fall on" or address, ,1. (iEOIKJE KTAMM, mnr2B's, - ! Butler t'H. PIIVIPLES. A receipt lor making a valuable p:e| ualion, which will remove Inn, freckks, pimples and blotches, leaving the s-kin clear aud colt, and the eompUetion !•< aulilul; nl.-o, it .'ructions lor producing a line growth ol'hriron the head or iaee, will be mailed to any person sen.liuft 3 els. in stamps to Forbes \ Co., No. IV*; Broadway, New York. Pure Itrcri Stock. The ii'idernigned have purchased from tho Powell Bros, a pure bre'l HolMem bull, one hi d A half years o|.l and weighs poniuls, whi.-h ca i be -een at the farm of John Weber. 11l I'eiin township, at any I.mo. forum, ft eanli. or ;5 A- I'aintkr, JOHN WEBEB, [liwme HOUSE. JAMF.B SELLERS, - - - Propm (i,r I hace pnrchaued thin holism fr<>in Mr. F.iiei.- miltr aiul lmv« had it thoroughly reuovattd I have lliiittcn lot ms &rd twenty bids for guertH, will Met a good (able and sell none but the best and purest of liquors at my bar JAMES SELLERS. CORK SHAVINGS FOE M A TTII b:9BES. The Best Article in Use for tilling beds, on account of its durability it is cheaper than straw or hunks. for one l>i',;e bed co-Is as follows; l(> t !»*. at «»«» S'i l<> sik'K •*»" For sale by AlI VIiSTRONQ BROTHER X l lliose boot* wliicli must go at 82 wold elsewhere at X 1.75 ami si. A GOOD SOLID MINERS' SHOE, G-1-' at 91 cents a pair. I have 10 sixty-pair cases of this shoe and lam going j to give them to my traJe at 91 cents a pair. Sold elsewhere tor sl.iO. A Ladies' Button Shoe, Solid, 97 Cents. ' This is a Fine Shoe worth tully twice the amount 1 atk fur it. My stock of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes are all made to my own order and every pair warranted. AGENTS FOR REYNOLDS BROS'. FINE SHOES. My stock of Shoes for Men and Boys is complete as 1 control some ol the best liues of goods in the country. BASE SHOE© in both Mens' and Boys'. Prices very low. Space will not permit nte to give you an idea of the amount of goods I have to show yon, but give me a cail and I will convice you that 1 am selling Boots and Shoes 0 N I>T IS 111 1> €IIE AI s Elt Than any other house in Butler. lam determined to keep the lead in Boots and Shoes. So I will (J IPTIXCES anJ d° the trn(Jt '- profits will be small but my sales will be large and at the end of the year I will lie fur ahead of my competitors who make big profits and small sales. I have in stock 3,000 PAIRS OF SAMPLE SHOES. which must go at once. I will sell these goods regardless of coat. Come and get them at any price. MY MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is the best in the county. None but tirst-class workmen employed. All work warranted. Repairing done same day received. IJEATIIHR FIXIHXUS OF Af.L KSWDS French Kip, Domestic Kip, French Calf Domestic Calf, Toppings, Linings, Thread, Nails, Ajc., &c. JOHN BIGKEL, BUTLER, PA. TfllAL LIST FOR SPECIAL COURT, COfIMESI IXO AI'RIL 28, IBS 4. Xo. Tma. IV. PlaMi])-* Attnrnry. Plaintiff*. Defendant*. j Prfen.buil'* JiUtrntj;. _ FTD fi Mar 1884 McCaSdUa* AN* Ul.iek Wm Ms'h.-r tru-t.-o, .k<\ s Peroey McCrea, assignee JCDFindley. Vf) Is Sept 1883 McCanJless Matthew S Story et it McKiuuty Bros, et al Thompson & Son. Cl' 13 June 1877 Marti D Ke«*>l an! lsow«*rs Michael Downey et al A T Black AD 129 Dec 187'JSanie O Wootlrinj? Anthony GoidiDger et al Benedict »V Bowser " 'I Sept 1S;<1 Purviance and (ialhreath Jesse Glenn I*. H. Montgomery Fleeter • " Williams and Mitchell Lippincott Oglevec it Co. James A. Hunter, et al tialbreath " L'2June " Brandon and Lusk Philip Gellmch P. &\V K I'Co. ii .i •< C F Smith et ux liobert A Brown SfctJ A; lirai.dou ii » « j p MeJunkin T D Cashdollar C}eo Marberger et al E*'r Same u 52 " " Cornelius A Brandon John A Campbell Lancaster township Peffer McQ & Marshall n u i< Scott John P Johnson for use Butler County llobinson ■i |jr t " •• Same Henry Johnson for use Same. Same ii gg u ii Bredin H C Anderson Perry Gilmore et al J H Thompson & N Black ii c»j ii « McCandless John Little P NOW COM -ING IX DAILY ; never before have 1 shown such an immense variety of Styles to select from as this season, IIAVING ADDED TO MY IMMENSE STOCK several new lines that for WEAR, FIT, STYLE and PRICK cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania. OUR TEADE IS INCREASING RAPIDLY. We have been compelled to enlarge and remodel our entire room inside, which we have now just completed and you will find one of the finest _ BOOT AND SHOE HOUSES >n Western Pennsylvania with a Stock of IJOOTS and SHOES twice as large as any other house in Butler ( ounty, and filled with immense bargains from top to bottom. Can't give prices on this immense Stock; it would fill a whole newspaper, but will say, will sell you a Good Two-Buckle Plow Shoe, sizes 0-11, at $1.50. These are regular lines of goods made to my order; no old shoddy goods; no auction stock of sample lots that we want to pu«h off our hands but fresh, clean goods. Ladies' Button Shoes, all solid, at *5 ccMts. This is an elegant shoe for the money, will surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S ARE JOST ELEGANT, and selling rapidly at prices we have marked them, recollect our goods are all marked in plain figures. We SELL THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH WALKENPHAST SHOES, best in the world, the shape of the natural foot; try them for solid comfort. Our I.ine of Glens', ICoj'fc* Jtinl 1 outli«*" *»!*<»ew art' Beauties. Ask to sec our new line of Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, they are grand ; never had anything to equal them before. See onr ' ! ' U '""\VOMLNS'. MISSES' \M» fIIILIHiENS" SLIPPERS AND WALKING SHOES. We haye not forgotten the Old Ladies. We have wide .-hoes, low heels, all kinds and prices. MENS and B<> \ S CAN'S ASS SHOES for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cool; very cheap. We will cut the prices to the very bottom, but wont cut prices to one man to cost to nmke a sale and stick his neighbor to make it up; one man s money :is iust as good as another in this house ; customers are told what goods are before they buy. Recollect no old auction |or sample goods in this stock. See our elegant line of Ladies' French and Cur. Kid Button Boots, in Hand I urned ! Hand Sewed and Machine. (Mir Dongolia, Glovekid and Siuaon Goat Button Boots yery handsome. CHIL DRENS'SCHOOL SIIOKS, N EAT AND SERV ICEABLE. Our Stock of Mens' and Boys' Calf Boots is elegant; a specialty in Mens' LOW INSTEP BOOTS. Large Stock of Leather ami Findings constantly on hands at the very lowest figures. We don't mention manufacturers names of Goods we use, but control a dozen or more of the finest and best in the country. Come and st* us, will save you big money in Boots and Shoes from any house in Butler, and give you good l.onest goods that speak for themselves, that will bring you back, also ;your neighbor. We 1 are keeping tbe lead in Boots and Shoes and increasing sales all the time. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. PAPILLONcure ABSOLUTELY CUBES SALT RIIET M, ECZEMA. SCKOFTLA. .SCALD ll* ad, Ery»ipcbL«. Tetter, Hives, Ifcutdruif, i ■* itcb, rimplM, stings. Carbmiclvs, i'lrui! Pui*>niijtf Hitd \V«*iii. Wounds?, Outs L'le**rs or Noiet, uo r» niedv i« so pmmpl in soothing nn l hetihiifc us i'ui-iiloii Skin L'ur*-. it dt*** not smart or burn. J/irt ctiiMi in tiu languages accompany tirry built. IPMCUHE ABSOLUTELY CURES NASAL CATARRH, ACUTE or CHRONIC COLD in tl. Ilwui, Hose Cold, iiroutluui CutairL aud HAY FEVER. ! i k-aiiv s the n. -strilfl, permits natural breathing, ) an i j.iwcul' incrust ai- Miufilesand «uee/itu-. Ilt is u i retire 1 i Cold ia tho Ht-ad - it* caused by sudden changes in the atm« sphere. iHrecti.ms in t> n languages accompany ttery buttle, FffiiSl ABSOLUTELY CURES WHOOPING COUGH. I lti-a 1 arm If sb vegetable syrup, very delicious to the talSK\ OP THE BLOOD, STOMACH, Liver. iUm-Nand Kidney?:; for all diseasesoriain utmv in imp.iirnu'utof tite i lood. as Anaemia, Sick U N ebmm, Fcnale WfriHMmi,uver Complaint. Dysj.vosia. Jnuudh . r.ilimi-tiess and Ki lnev I>is» :i •>. this medicine i« al-»lutely sure. This medic.ue does lift contain nnv mineral, is üb solutcly vegetable, restores the bfowd t«» a healthy condition, regulating excesses and supplying de ficiencies, anu prevents disease. fHrtctitms in ten languages accompany titry buttle. Price, $1 per Bottle: Six Bottle* for $&• For Sale by AH Druggists. PAPI'.LON MFC. CO., CHICACO. For sale by J. L. Willer and D. | |H. WULI.KR. Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock I -• !• tcrieuce in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CTTIZF.N. jnly2s-9m. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. vl. 0. KOKSSINQ, PllE-jIDKNT, VVM CAMPBELL, Treasurkr. H. C. HEINEMAN, Secretary. DIRECTORS: J. L.Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell , J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, G.C. Unessiug, F. B. McMillin, Dr. W. lrvin, N. Weitzel, A. B. Rhodes, j H. C. Hbiueman, JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't BUTLER FA. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for tho manufacture of Barrod and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them an being very dura ble, aH they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. Tl:oy ara beautiful in color, su perior in toxtuxe, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. EULLKRTON, in 124.'78 ly Butler. Pa AGENTS WANTED FOR PICTURESQUE WASHINGTON. PEN AND PENCIL SKETCHES Of i's Scenery, Historv, Traditions, Public and Social Life, Willi graphic descriptions of tlic Capi tol, Congress, the White House, and the l«o\ em inent liepurttiiciits, ,vith views at Mount Vernon, a Map of Washington, and Diagrams of the Halls of Congress. Hy JOSEPH WEST MOORE. To all classes ilns is a hook of great interest, ft is concise, graphic, thorough and interesting, il lustrated l>v o\er too beautiful new engravings by leading American artists, and elegantly bound, a r.nok F<»it ai.t. iiomkb. Sold only by Subscrip tion. Agents are meeting with grand success. Agents wanted, male or female, in every town ship in the I nited Suites. Previous experience, while desirable, not absolutely required, as we gi\ e instructions necessary for success. If unem ployed write us. Kor terms to a«enis address the Publishers. J. A. & R A. REID. ;idt-',i.t I'rovideuce, R. I. Planing Mill —AND Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUHVIB, S.G. Purvis & Co., M ANtirACTUKKRH AND PEAI.KKB 111 Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near Uermuu fathollc (ihurch mil mm SHBUT Henry Leibold, Continues the Livery Business nn Jefferson St. first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hand* Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horses bought and sold. oct3-ly. THE COMPLETE home.«.:.^, book. Nrw edition -Nrw binding*.—New illustrations from new designs Superbly gotten up. Same low price. Adapted to all cla> dice on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. Dr. 87 A. JOHNSTOH, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pettaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest mauner. Specialties Gold Filling, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attention. janICJH-Zy JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN andSURGEOis myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinerler's Flour Store. y N. LEAKE, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in I'nion Block, and residence ia Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, ISB2. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with large two-story brick house and large barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in Butler twp , Butler oounty. Pa., adjoining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq., Butler, Pa. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing of old lines. Address, B. F. IIILLIAKD,Co. Surveyor North iHope P. 0., Bailer Co., Pa. 3,5,84.1 V John L. Jones, Auctioneer' I3ITLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. ft> 3m Co unty Auctioneer, JAMES B. KHABNS, BUTLER, PEMS'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many yeai» of experience he can guirintee perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. Leave word at thl* office. 5,5,84.1y G. D. HABVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Reai dence, Washington street, north end, Butler, Pa. janS.ly. PLA STTCRHSTG- The undersigned intends to remove to Butler on the Ist of April ne\t. and hereby informs all per sons, that he will be prompt in executing any work that ma\ be entrusted to his care. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed in the best and most satisfactory manner. Give me a call. Jan3o it. JOSEPH B. PIZER. •T. 11. Harvey, Has opened a paint shop in REIBER'S BLOCK, on Jctfersou Street, Butl.r, Pa„ where he la prepared to do all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTIN6, Papering and Calgomining, hanging window blinds, etc. And, also keeps on hands Wall Papers and Borders, Palnfg and Brualieo, Putties, and Wiudow Glass. [all sizes cut to order.| I respectfully solicit a share of the public pat* ronage. J. H. HARVKx. 3,5,84.6 in 1884. WALLPAPER. 1884, New Designs in Wall and Ceiling Paper fordwelV iiiKs, oftlces, halls aud churches. A large and well selected line of DECORATIONS for ceilings aud walls. Brown back paper from * cts. up. white back paper from 10 els. up. OUtt from £." j cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Ps. 2d 27.3 m Butler's New Departure For Pianos, Organs, Violin* and other Musi cal Instruments, call at the NEW MUSIC STORE- OF Wleber Bros. & Stauffer, Main Street, Butler, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books alwiys ou hand, or furnished to order. Orden for Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended to by John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 14, 'B.'l, 3m. Hard Wood Furniture lor sale at extremely low Dgures, A great variety of Beds, Tables, Chairs, Children*' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Extra Heavy Arm Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlor Table* Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single Lounge*, Spring Mattresses, Ac., Ac., at WM. F. MILLER'S, North Slain Street, BUTLER, I? -A... FACTORY ON WASHINGTON STREET. dl2'S3-tf. PERMANENT STAMFINO FOR KENSINGTON, ARBASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessons in same given by ANNIE M. LOWMAN, North ttreet, Butler, Pa. jne'iO-ly EXPOSITION Visitors should not fail to call and examin* the largest aud fiuest stock of Imported and Domestic Liquors in the State, at Max Hlelu, 82 Federal Street Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayn* Passenger Depot. FOR SALE! Three acres of land, more or less, in Jefferson Township* Butler County, Pa., bounded as follow.: On the North by Glade Mill and Ilai>nahstowa road, ou the Kast by school lot and Mary Welsh, ou the South' by Frank Truth and on the West by Kdward Mon tag and Tho*. Martin, having thereou erected a GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Frame Store Building, Frame Stable and out butildings, being property lately owned by Jacob Negley and now owned by C. S. Negiey, of Tarantmn, Pa. For particulars inquire of F. 5. BOW9EB, KSQ., Butler, Pa.