Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 19, 1884, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
< linton Township Auditors' Report.
Administrator's Notice—Estate of Adaline
S. Tor c.
Agents Wanted.
i i.dia ia Normal School.
Boots aud Shoes—B. C. Huselton.
—Robins and bluebirds.
—Little onions are in the market.
-Easter cards are of beautiful designs.
Read A. Troutman & Son's new card.
it hailed, rained and thundered, one day
last week.
—Put your trust in providence and your ad
vertisements in the CITIZEN.
Don't put your house plants outdoors too
soon, or the frosts may nip them.
—The weather prophets are now predicting
that June will come in like a lamb.
—The days and nights will soon be equal,
and spring will commence next Friday.
—A want of honses is felt in this place.—A
dozen new tenant dwellings would soon be oc
—Don't forget Stanford's lecture Friday eve
niug—subject, "Walks in Rome."
—Whenever the sense of the people is tested
on the tariff question, free trade receives a
—The ground hog's six weeks were up last
Saturday, and now all nature is at liberty to
rise and shine.
There will be a local institute at the Pres
byterian church in Sunbnry, on Friday of this
.reek. Professors Murtland, Tinstman and
JtusSell will be present.
- We would call the attention of our readers
10 the advertisement of the Indiana State Nor
mal Schcol which appears on another page.
Western Pennsylvania now has a first-class in
stitution at home, none better east or west.
—The Mayor elect of Allegheny City—or at
least a man "who firmly believes that he was
elected mayor of that city at the late election
was in town last week. He is a native of
the lower part of this county and is the same
man who some years ago engaged in the man
ufacture of artificial honey in Allegheny.
—The First Ward Ilose Co., of this town,
have made some valuable improvements in
their hose building. The doors of the building
have been so arranged that they can be opened
ut a moments notice by any member of the
company, without the aid of a key, and the
room has been furnished with a gas stove.
A new time table went into effect on the
P. & W. R. R-, Monday but, as
usual, we get acopy of it.
They never have an extra copy at
the depot. We learn, however, that trains
eoing south and west leave Butler at 5:40 and
11:30 a. m., and 2:2.5 and 6:44 p. in., and going
north at 10:09 a. m. and 4:40 p. m.
The wooden shed covering the lamp-black
works at Sunset station wa» burned last Monday
eyening, and the large iron tanks were stand
ing bare next morning. The work of re build
ing was begun immediately. The firm that
owns these works make lamp-black from nat
ural gas, but by a differont process than that
used at Saxon Station. Tne gas is first run
through benzine to make it heavier.
—We neglected last week to call attention to
lleineman's new card, regarding his wall
paper, ceiling paper, decorations, window
shades, etc. Few people have any idea of the
extent of his stock of these goods—in the sec
ond story of his building he has ten times the
amount that can be seen in the store room —
and it includes all the latest designs. Heine
man is a progressive man.
—The newspapers down the Shenange \al
ley are hard to suit. One of tVem grumbles
because a Butler counfV man married a nine
teen-year old girl, and another just howls over
the marriage of a sixty-eight-year old minister
and his church organist, aged sweet twenty
two, So long as the parties don't_ complain,
better just let the procession move right along.
ConnrausvUU Courier.
—The through railroads lines between
Chicago and New York charge 70 cents for
carrying a barrel of flour between those two
points and sl6 for a man, and yet their receipts
from freight, according to the late report of the
P. R. 11. Co.. are nearly four times their re
ceipts from passengers. If railroad fares were
lowered in this country, 2 cents a mile or even
one cent, the companies might make more
money from passengers. The managers hang
to idea that the passenger travel is a fixed
quantity, and in this they may be mistaken.
—A Lodge of the Equitable Aitl Union was
instituted in the I. O. of O. F. Hall, Butler, on
last Saturday r. m., a large number of our
citizens becoming members of same, but owing
to the amount of business, &c., to transact,
the maeting was continued until this, Wednes
day evening, at which time all those persons
who were unable to attend at first meeting will
be invited and any others who wish to go in on
the organizing basis and rates which is $2.50
The objects of the order are fraternal and bene
ficiary (insurance). For any farther informa
tion enquire of auy of the following officers of
the order: 11. C. Ueineman, I. D. Jackson, J.
IF. Murtland, J. W. Brown, Mrs. A. D. Fisher,
Chas Bcbliuu, W. W. Blackmore, J. Q. Waters,
Eli Croup, Wm. Haalett, Mrs. L. M. Murtland,
I. J. MoCandlcss, Dr. Samuel Graham.
—The annual report of the Pennsylvania
railroad company, lately made public, is an
elaborate, but comprehensive, document, and
shows the vast operations of that gnat corpor
ation for 1883. The traffic of the main line and
branches between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
amounted to $32,147,813, and the total earnings
of the company amounted to the startling sum
of $105,653,532.07. The gross expenditures
were $68,917,050.10. The revenue of this com
pany is now one-third the revenue of the gen
eral government, and it requires more care to
manage the business than it does Uncle Saul's.
The estimate for expenditures on account of
capital for 1884, is $8,500,000, and President
Roberts proposes to raise the needed money by
"continuing the policy of giving the share
h*l ders the option of converting a portion of
their dividends into stock, and by the sale of
securities of auxiliary lines and of additional
amounts of the $10,000,000 of trust certificates."
The company now operate the Pennsylyania
Kailroad, the main line from Pittsburgh to
Philadelphia and New York and branches—
the Philadelphia AL Erie, the Philadelphia,
Washington & Baltimore, the Northern Cen
tral, the P. V. W.&C.. P. C.ASt. L.and several
other lines with their branches. It is almost
impossible for the reader to realize that one
corporation, with its headquarters in Philadel
phia, is doing such an enormous carrying bus
iness. Over two millions of dollars of revenue
per week is a vast sum indeed, and when a
little thought is given to the care and general
direction that are required to Leep the machin
ery of this colossal system moving without
friction or confusion, some faint idea of the
magnitude of the business begins to dawn on
(he mind.
--Our carpet dealers are making a grand
display and as this is the season for
house cleaning and replacing old carpets with
new one*, some remarks on carpet buying inav
not be out of place. In the first place you
should always buy a good carpet, a good In--
grain or Rrussels wears from two to four times'
as long a poor one, and is therefore cheaper in
. the jend. In the second place you should
measure your room before going to the store,and
then select a carpet the length of the pattern
of which will divide into the length or width
of yaur room an even number of times. The
length of the pattern of a carpet is the distance
from any part of one figure to the same part of
a similar figure, in a straight line, the length
of the carpet. Suppose, for instance, that you
wanted to buy a good hrussels carpet, and that
the width of your room, across the boards or at
right angles to your fire place, allowing an
'inch at each end for a turn-down, was 11A teet
cy 174 inches. Divide 171 by 4 and you have
a oarpct, the pattern of which is or
14 inches long can be cut iuto lengths of 4 pat
turns each, and will cover yoqr room with lit
tle or no waste. But 44 iuehes is a large pat
tern for a small room, and so dividing 174 by
5,6,7 or 8, we have ,54 4 -5, 29, 24 (5-7, and
21 0-8, and carpets whose patterns are of that
length or a little longer will suit you, but
smaller will not do unless they divide an even
number of times into the length of the room,
in this case 174. In cutting, always cut
through or between the same threads of similar
figures. When buying an ingrain, instead of
allowing for a turn-down, you must allow a
little for the carpet stretching. A good ingrain
will stretch less than a poor one. Your dealer
will likely lie able to tell you exactly how
much it will stretch for a given length. The
three carpet dealers of this town now carry
large, and well assorted stocks, and people
Who want to buy in Butler, can, without doubt,
&t;it themselves here in every respect.
—Don't forget San ford's lecture, Friday
About thirtv members of the Wool-firow
ers' Association met in Miller s Hall, last Mon
dav, and after listening to remarks by Messrs
McNary, McCombs «ad Ztegtar. aqjoornei
without taking anv definite action. '.' Ie . r '
will be a meeting of the wool-growers of th.
State during the latter part ol April, place no
vet fixed. The wool of this county should b.
"reatlv improved. In Washington count}
they have the Spanish Merino sheep, in Mercei
countv the Leicester and Cotswold, and buyer!
going'in to either county know ju.-t exactlj
what kind of wool they are going ' < S et tl ] er ®.
but in Butler county we have a mixture ol al
breeds and consequently our wool has no repu
—On petition of three citizens of Greri
Britain, Judge Aehescn, of IMi.bjirgli IH-'
Monday, appointed Thomas I owell ;>•> ; r
receiver of the Shrnango & Allegheny K. K..
and laid an injunction upon tne d«i>:-n..:tuts no.
to interfere in any way with the receiver in
the management of the road. Ihe emp.oyee.-
of the road, it is said, have receive I but one
month's pav since September las,. me
bonded indebtedness of the road is ■- 1 V >,
in tin issues of $1,000,01 0, which h secure i b\
a mortgage, and of an. additio-K
issue. Ot the latter is-ue, the plaiutifls .i f
in their bill that they hold the majority «.» tle
bonds. It is further alleged that the intori.. t
coupons of the second issue are being paid 01..
that ifa receiver is not appointed the defen
dant stockholders will have the road sold ou.
at a sacrifice to satisfy their claims, and t.iJt
they, being citizens of Great Britain, and un
able to be here at all times to attend toithe.i
interests, will suffer great wr- ng an-1 just ■*~
bv reason of acts of the defendants, v.l o r_| w
sent a minority interest. Inc road, . ij •
leged, has gotten into bad shape through neg
ligence and mismanagement, and a sale is no.
Pessary to wipe out the re, indebtedness,
which only amounts to about . U ,
Criminal Causes Disposed ol last
Commonwealth verrus—
Von Johnston—lßS4, March 3, prosecutor
John Mates, does not appear and delendant
discharged. .« .
Chas. P. Ilewins, opposing execution ot pro
cecs, A. B. and carrying deadly weapons
defendant pleads guilty <! A. B.
Wm. Balmer, adultery, and F. AL I..—Mr.-.
Remalay, prosecutrix—ver.net guilty, : a- 11 ' de
fendant sentenced to one year in \\ oik Hou=,e,
to commence at expiration ot other sentence.
Chas. P. Hewins, Wm. Balmer and James
M. Patterson, larceny, Wm. Richey, prosecu
tor, March 12, verdict finding t lias. 1 . llew
ings and Wm. Balmer guilty and each sen
tenced to the Work House for nine months.
March 15, James M. Patterson pleads nolle
contendre and is sentenced to the \v ork House
for one year. .
Wm. Balmer, Chas. P. Hewins and J, M.
Patterson, larceny, John I'earce. prosecutor
Balmer and Hewins found guilty and sentenced
to the Work House for nine month*-
Mary Elizabeth Foster, 1 ireeny, Wm. Oib
son, prosecutor—verdict guilty and sent to tl.e
Work House for six months.
S. L. Strain, selling liquor without license
furnishing liquor by gift, etc., eight counts and
ft und guiltv on five. Sentenced to pay costs
of prosecution, fine of S2O and be confined ;u
countv jail for ten days.
S. L. Strain, selling liquor without license,
Cvuthia Gill more. Pleads nolle c jutendie and
is sentenced to pay a fine of ?200 to the Com
monwealth. , ,
John W. Lowall, F. <fc 8., settled.
Caleb Young, reviving stolen goods, David
Pearee prosecutor —not guilty.
Isaiah and Herman Young, larceny, not
SU j U (v. Morrison, secreting goods with intent
to defraud, etc. Not guilty, and prosecutor,
11. J. Klinger to pay costs.
P. & W. R. R. Co., nuisance in obstructing
highway. Verdict guilty.
License Court. c
Court met for the consideration of the ap- j
plications for license in Butler, Monday morn
ing, but before proceeding to their consiaera- *
tion, Judge McJunkin stated that he had re- 1
ceived letters from Evans City regarding the r
applications of William Duncan and 11. H.
Stokey, and that he had decided to refine all
applicants there. Of the Butler applications,
that of Samuel Sykes was withdrawn, those o.
Neal I! 1 aney and Joseph Smith were refused j
on account of the papers being defective, those
of A. Lowry, George \\ . Campbell, J.J. ieid
ler and 11. Eitenmiller for hotel lieeuse grant
ed, and all the others for hotel, merchant and (
restaurant licenses refused as not being neces
sary, for having violated the license laws, and
for other reasons. On Monday afternoon the j
application of Charles Stokey, ot Zelienop.e,
was re-heard. Counsel for Mr. Stokey pre
sen ted a petition signed by several citizens t
of the town stating that his hotel was neces- i
sary and that Mr. Stokey was a man of good £
moral character, etc. Some witness for and
against granting the license were examined,
and during a discussion between counsel that £
followed, one attorney stated that they could
could prove that Mr. Strohecker, to wl'-om a
tavern license was granted last week, had vio- r
lated the law. The Court insisted that they
should prove this if they could, and one wit- j
ness examined who stated that Strohecker uad, .
to his knowledge, sold to a minor; whereupon
the Court revoked Mr. Strohecker s license, 1
and discharged Mr. Stokey's rule at his own j
costs. '
Report of School No. 3, 8., J
Butler, Pa. !
The following pupils ma lo 100 per cent, in .
spelling. Those marked with a star were not
absent or tardv during the month ending
March 7, 1884: " 1
Lottie Morris, Mamie Bickel, Ada I'oessing,'
Margie Brandon, Jessie Snyder, Mamie Snyder,
May Maxwell. Alice Iltighes, El vie l'alm, j
Mtry Cleland, Laurence Balph. Walter Lewis 1
Willie Schidle, Charlie Reiber, Lewis Kessle- ]
man, Eddie Williamson, Thomas Mulvey,
Eddie Negley, George Sipes, George Reed, J
Davie Schenck, Herman Roskobb, <
The following pupils made 100 per cent, in
arithmetic. Those marked with a star were
not absent or tardy during the month ending
March 7: '
Lottie Morris, Ida Mardorf,- Margie Bran- j
don, Jessie Snyder, May Maxwell, Allice
Hughes, Elvie Palm, Maggie Graham, Willie
Halph.e Laurence Balph, Willie Schidle, !
Charlie Iteiber, Eddie Negley, Bradford
McAboy, Davie Matthews, John Roekofl", Her--, i
man Rockott", George Sipes, George Reed.
Number enrolled in school 38, average at
tendances. EI.MEK E. GHAIIAM.
New Safe for Recorder's Office. ,
H. W. Christie, Esq., Register and
Recorder, has, we understand, at his
own expense, purchased a Barnes'
Safe, to keep all the deeds and papers
in for safety in case of fire in the new
office in the Lutheran church building.
This was certainly a good thing for
Mr. Christie to do, as many people
have been afraid to leave their deeds
for record since the late fire. Mr.
Christie assures us that his safe is bet
ter than even the vault of the Court
House, where the papers have been
protected for years.
—We are closing out our entire stock
of Winter Goods regardless of cost to
make room for spring goods now arriv
ing. Call and secure bargains, at
' —Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for §20.00.
in overcoats for Men and Boys' wear.
Everything reduced in price, at Patter
son's One Price Clothing House.
—Goto J. O. Fullerton's store 011
■ Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
| blankets, flannels and yarns, nianu
j factured from pure Butler county wool.
—Music boxes of diflerent sizes, dc
| signs and prices at J F. T. Stehle's.
I FOR CASll—Every thing in Dry
t Goods, Carpets, Millinery, Trimmings
1 and Fancy Notions, at much lower
1 prices thau you cau buy them else
t where, at
i —Wall Paper and Window Shades,
i large stock, new designs, just receiyed
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
e —Wall Paper and Window Shades,
Y large stock, new designs, just received
I at J. F T. Stehle's.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
y large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F. T. StohleV
One Hundred and Fifty-five Men
Killed by an Explosion.
POCAHONTAS, Va, March I;;.—A ter
, rible gas explosion occurred ut 1 o'clock
this uiorniug in tho Laurel Creek mine
operated by the South-west Improve
ment Company of this place. One
hundred and "fifty-five men were at
; work there at the time, and such was
the force of the explosion that every one
was killed, and the fanning machine,
! engine, and cars were blown 000 feet
; from the entrance. The engineer at
| work ntiir the mouth of the mine, as
: well as his assistant and a colored boy,
| were blown hundreds of feet away, and
: their mangled bodies were found scat
i tered in every direction. The engi
neer's head was found in a ravine, and
and anus were picked up uear
the' mine. Of thoje at work in cr
about the mine not one was left to tell
I the story.
The little hamiet, whose population
j numbers about 500, and made up en
-1 tirely of the houses of the miuers, was
resting quietly when the explosion oc
curred, but soon afterward the wide
place was aroused, and the scene which
i followed beggars description,
few living beings who saw the pun o
smoke shoot from the mine, and the
sudden upheaval of the engines and
cars, hastened into the town with loud
cries for help. Men, women and chil
dren were roused, and as soon as they
comprehended the dreadful news they
made a wild rnsh for the scene of the
disaster. Despite the cold night, wom
en. as well as men, ran oil' scantily
clad. Experienced miners,.on reaching
the scene, were satislied that no man
in the mine was living. A slight rain
and snow and rain was falling, which
added to the horrors of the situation,
which ha 3 been intensified by the dis
covery that the mine was on fire.
The Laurel Creek mine is the only
one in this part of the State, aud ha 3
been operated for about two years. It
consists of a tunnel running three-quar
ters of a mile in the mountain side,
and a railroad runs the entire length
of the mine. There are lateral galleries
at intervals. The mine is situated
above the water level, and for this rea
son it has been worked with little
trouble and has been free from accident,
not a single fatal casualitv having oc
cured since operations were begun.
W. A. Lathron, the superintendent, is
an expert mining engineer and has had
many years' experience. The mines
have been worked by reliefs every six
A train of cars, drawn by a small en
gine, was near the entrance and moving
in the mine at the time of the explosion.
Four cars and the engine were blown
out, and a car axle was propelled by
the force of the explosion into the side
of a small frame house occupied by
two miners, William Amomy and
Jake Sexton. Both were asleep, hav
ing left the mine at f> o'clock. The
noise awoke them. Their escape was
wonderful, the iron wheel of the car
falling by the the side of their bunks.
They"struck a light, and, so far as can
be learned, were the first to realize the
situation and give the alarm.
The cause of the explosion is not yet
definitely ascertained, as the entries ol
the mine are all full of bad air but the
presumption is that one of the miners
struck a fissure of gas. Several par
ties ventured into the mine this morn
ing, but could not long endure the foul
atmosphere A number of bodies
were discovered horribly mangled,
some of their' heads torn from their
trunks, and others with their limbs all
gone, presenting a horrible spectacle.
The work of destruction was not con
fined entirely to the interior of the mines,
but houses 200 or 300 feet removed
from the mines were overturned, and
in several instances entirely demolished.
The large ventilator of the Southwest
Improvement Company was blown to
atoms, and the mines cannot be entered
until another is constructed for the
purpose of freeing the atmosphere of
the suffocating fumes. This work is
now progressing speedily. A large
force is engaged on the outside of the
mines, constructing cotlias and perfect
ing other arrangements for the inter
ment of the dead. Those who were
not kill outright by the terrible force
of the explosion most likely were from
the after-damp.
Fire can now bo seen at the mouth
of the mine, and no one can enter. As j
soon as the fin house and fun can he J
repaired attempts will be made to go j
into tho mines. Everything possible j
is being done to reach the victim?.'
The ihcn employed in the mines were
mostly Hungarians without families.
A number of negroes from Lynchburg
and the surrounding countr/ were also
What effect the disasterjwill have on
the operations of the mines can only
be conjectured until the full extent of
the damage is kuown. The mines
have not been long opened, but the
company had gotten well under way,
and was supplying a large section of
country with coal, and the prospect
was most encouraging, a large coaling
station for the supply of ocean steam
ers being in process of construction at
Norfolk. While the accident will have
tho effect of retarding work at the
mines, it is not believed that it yill
cause a permanent discontinuance of
operations, as a great deal of monev
has been expended there by Northern
capitalists composing the Southwest
I m pro veme u t Com pa ny.
PETERSBURG, March 13 —The latest
intelligence concerning the Pocahontas
mines is to tho effect that about 150
men were killed aud that the accident
was caused by the men going too far
into the mines with their lamps, A
relief train, with physicians and a force
of workmen on board, has gone to the
scene of the accident from here. A
dispatch has been received here asking
that safety lamps be sent to' Pocahontas
at once to facilitate the work of recov
ering the bodies.
The mine in which the disaster oc
cured is known as the Flat Top Mine,
and is situated in the northeast por
tion of Tazewell county, at the
the Flat Top Mountains, which divide
that part of Virginia from West Virgin
ia. The Company working the mine
is nominally known as the Southwest
Virginia Improvement Company, but
the mine is really under the control of
the Norfolk and Western Railroad
Company, who have a branch road,
known as the New lliver division, run
ning from New River to I'ocahontas,
about sixty miles. John C, Ilsev of
Pennsylvania is President of the Im
provement Company, and William A.
Lathrop is Superintendent of the mine.
j which is comparatively new, having
I been in active operation but little over
a year. From 500 t«*> 000 hands word
employed, and a hi "go quantity 01
| coal was being taken out.
—The Spring Term of the Pine
Grove Normal Academy will begin
Tuesday, April 1. Expenses very
i low. *3O will pay all expenses of a
, term ot thirteen weeks on the helf
boarding plan; SlO will pay all ex
penses on the clubbing plan of boon!
ing- Good boardiag in private fat -
lies, everything found, does not exceed
£3 a week. Tuition, if 10.—For ( ata
! logues address the Principal,
Grove City, Pa.
—Buy the best Irish Collars in this
; market, for the cash, at "
mar. 10.) Jefferson Street,
Every variety of saddles sold at a
sacrifice, at C. ROESSINO it SON,
mar. 10.) Jefferson Street.
j —Leather and Findings at bottom
| prices, at C. IIOESSING IT SON,
mar. 19 ) Jefferson Street.
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
! blankets, flannels and yarns, maiiu
I lactured from pure Butler county wool.
You Can't Miss
i buying clothing after seeing prices at
j Patterson's One Price Clothing House.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for §li.oo.
—Music boxes of different sizes, de
signs aud prices at J. F. T. Stehls's.
Bargain Sale
of underwear, at prices never seen be
fore; call early, at Patterson's One
Price Clothing 1 louse.
—Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any make, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store
—Sewing Machine attachments and repairs
of all kinds, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store.
—Light running Domestic Sewing Machines
Jos Xiggle & Bro. Agents, Butler, Pa. tf
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Extensive repairs will be made on
the Academy buliding at Sunbury dur
ing the vacation.
FOR CASH—Ladies' extra length,
Fine Black regular made Hose, at 35
cents, at
FOB CASH —Black Gros Grain Silks,
at f)0 cents, at
FOR CASH—Extra wide Thread
Stripe Rubans, at 10 cents, at
—First choice Charles Simon Kips,
at 88c. per lb., at
mar. 19.) Jefferson Street.
—Buy the International Harness
Oil, the best ever brought to Butler, —
25c. per quart, at C. ROESSINO it SON,
mar. 19) Jefferson Street.
—Prospect Academy is recognized
by some of the best educators in the
State as the most successful school of
the kind that has ever been established
in Western Pennsylvania. Spring
Term opens Tuesday, April Ist, ISB4.
Address N. M. CROWE, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
FOR CASH —Spring styles in tapes
try Brussels Carpets, 75 cents per yard J
reduced in price regardless of cost.
Heavy goods must go, underwear must
go, prices are reduced, at Patterson's
One Price Clothing House.
Just Received
our new stock of Hamburg Embroidery
and Insertings, the choicest line ever
shown, at
—Music boxes of different sizes, do
signs and prices at, J. F. T. Stehle's.
FOR CASH —yon can buy the best
4-4 Lonsdale and Fruit Muslin, at 9i
cents by the web, at
Hops! Hops!! Hops!!!
A bale of York State hops just re
ceived at the City Bakery, Yogely
House Block. nov2B-4t.
—Call and inspect our new stock of
Dress Goods, new Black and Colored
Cashmere, Gerster cloth, Drap D'Alma.
Roebling Pin checks, Match Suitings,
Melanges, Changeable Suitings, etc., at
—The best and cheapest place to
buy black and colored silks, and the
largest assortment to select from, is at
FOR CASH —Standard Ginghams at
8 cents; fine Canton Dress Ginghams,
at 10 cents, at.
FOR CASH —Ladies Coats at 90 ets.
FOR CASH —New Colored Silks, at
i 50 cents, at
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for SIB.OO.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $22.00.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
I larfre stock, new designs, just received
| at J. F. T, Stehle's.
—The next term of the West Sunbury
| Academy will open on Monda,yMarch
j 24. The indications are that the at-
I tendance will be large. Rooms, board-
I ing and tuition all at reasonable rates..
! Full information may be had by ad
dressing the Principal.
, . - C'oultersville, Pa.
—We arc receiving a large lot of
| choice new styles Friuts and Ginghams,
j for spring trade, at
—Bleached and unbleached sheetings
1 and muslins were nevtr so cheap before.
We have in stock all the best makes at
lowest prices, at
I I —Go to 11. Biehl '& Co., for Phosphate
, Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, <ic.
I ' r
, —Music boxes of different sizes, de
" j signs apd prices, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
fi FOR CASH —White pearl dress But
.' tons, at 5 cents, at
'I —lf you want a good Lunch, Square
' i Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
-1 [ son's City Bakery. tf
—lf yon want to succeed as a teacher
attend the N'crnial School, Kdinboro.
It? advantages are confessedly unex
celled No such instruction is given
elsewhere. Its new c.rculars are full
of stimulus to study. Opens Spring
term, March 25th
! iiKuraiice.
Geo. \V. Shaffer, Agent — office
with K. Marshul! Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa mayl7-tf
Pine Grove Normal Academy—
Spring Terra will begin Tuesday,
April Ist. In addition to the usual
studies of the Preparatory', Scientific
and Classical Courses, Classes in \ o
cal and Instrumental Music, Penman
ship. Book-keeping, Drawing and
Phonography (Short-Hand writing).
Address the Principal
(irove City, Pa.
New goods coming in every day
for spring opening, and will be sold at
very lowest prices, at
mar. 19.) Jefferson Street.
Best Gum Buggy Aprons at the
low-priced Harness and Leather Store
of C. Ro ESS INO X' SON,
mar. 10.) Jefferson Street.
—The Spring Term of the Pine
Grove Normal Academy will begin
Tuesday, April Ist. Expenses very
low. College Preparatory, Scientific
and Classical Course of Study main
tained. Drawing, Phonography. In
strumental and Vocal music, Book
keeping and Penmanship taught by
competent teachers. S3O will pay all
expenses on the self-boarding plan.
ISAAC C. KETLEII, Principal,
Grove City, Mercer Co., Pa,
—(Jet your Buggy Rugs aud l>oor
Mais at C ROESSINO «t SON,
mar. 19.) Jefferson Street.
liuy the best Single Harness for
the least money, at
mar. 19.)
Shoemakers, buy uice plump Sole
Leather for 21e per lb., at
mar. 19 ) Jefferson Street.
A rifle that shoots 34 times in 20
seconds, without reloading it The
Evans Rifle will do it, aud do it well.
Send for catalogue of this and hundreds
of other fire-arms. Great Western
Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Call Ear'.y
for bargains in fine heavy weight cloth
ing, at Patterson's One Price Clothing
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chines are warranted for five years.
The reading room in connection
with the Academy at Sunbury is now
an attractive feature,
FITS : All Kits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Xo Kits after lirst day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and 52.00 trial bottle
free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, SKSI Arch St.,
Phlla., I'a.
The State Normal School,
Will open for tlio Spring aiul Summer Term on
RiONDAY, AP';IL 7th,
Every indication points to a very large at
Never before wan there such a demand for
trained teacher*, and thin demand is rapidly and
constantly increasing.
Tha world is not moving backward but for
ward. and-great a■ is this demand to-day, it will
be still greater in the future.
Difficult as it now is, for a poor teacher to
obtain and hold a position, it will bo still more
difficult next year and thereafter.
To the earnest teacher this is encouraging aa
it gives liira assntauoe of employment, appre
ciation and compensation.
FOI: A Tirouorr.H SOHOOI.,
L. 11. DURLING, Principal.
Salesmen Wanted
RELIABLE MEN, liaving good natural abilities
and pluck, to sell NTRSFRY STOCK. Such men
are sure to succeed and earn liberal salaries
f rom the start. Situations Permanent. Write
for terms.
Rochester, N. Y.
A Public Benefactor.
Win. 11. Stcinor Member »I llie
Ciiiiorial Stall ol (lie Xew
York Herald: also Kx
(joinmisHioiier ol Ex
cise .\cw lorkCily
I S Ami St., says:
Dr M. 31. Fein;or, Fredonia, N. Y.—Dear eir—
I have befin a great sufferer froin Billiousness
Nervous irritation and Dyspepsia for years"
My friend, lion. 11. O. Lake of the New York
Custom lloiuo, induced me to try your Blood AT
Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. By the'use of
two lottles I have reali/.id a complets rcutora.
tion t» health. I look upon it as the greater t
remedy of the age, and upon you, as the com
ponndor of the tame, as a public benefactor."
Now York Tribune, New York,
1 >r. M. M. Fenner. Fredonia, N. Y.— Dear Sir
J Please scud mo two more bottles of your
Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. My
wife has been taking it and it hai done her good'
Yours truly, C. A. TRACY.
Completely, and entirely cleanses the blood
relieves Biliousness, Constipation and Headache;
cleans out and heals the entire stomach and
bowels, breaks up and cures Agues and form
ing Fevers; cures Pimples, Skin Eruptions and
Skin Diseases, removes Bal Breath, is an anti
dote for the Blues; sooths, strengthens and
heals Weak and Irritated Nerves, producing
good rest at night; and completely renovates
and restores .1 disordered system—whether the
disorder is slight or «rave.
CI BE—For ail diseases of the Kidneys, bladder,
nrinaiv passages, backache, dropsy, female
weaknesses, nervous debility, Heart disease,
rheumatism" etc. The most successful remedy
that haa ever been administered in the diseases
named. Got of your dealer the memorandum
book entitled "Dr. Fennel's People's Remedies
are Used all Over the World." And are for
sale by J, L. Wuller and D. 11. Wutler, Butler,
List of Jurors drawn for April 1 1,
Allegheny township, Tims l>a\is. .las Jolley.
Adams. Samuel Bellotir,
lliltlcr borough. .Joseph I'ullerhui.
Brady twp.Tims, Brvon. Daniel Mcl)i\itl.
Bullalo, Patrick Dulty, .lohn Harbison, Martin
Clay, Joseph Young.
Cnm-ord, Halt 1! Sutton, lvter Kamcrcr,
Coiinoqiieno.ssing North. John Burns,
Donegal, Neal MeKeever.
Evans ( 'ity boro, Harmon Drebert.
I'airvii'w West..! A Swartswelder.
franklin, Isaac l'>ramlou. James Wilson.
Jackson East. Henry IIVI.
M. recr, J W Glenn.'
Middlesex. Robert Anderson.
Marion, Joseph Bailey, It A Hartley. John
Millerstown borough, Henry Frederick.
Parker, I' l> Kelley, Harvev Cibson,
Prospect boro. Thomas Critchlow,
Suiiiinit. Andrew Kraiwe, s. P. Young, James
Washington twp, South, liarpei Campbell,
John Folwcll,
Washington tv p North, I'. J. Atwell.
Slipperyroek, Calvin Boyd. Joseph Daughcrty.
Worth, Samuel Douglass.
Winlicld. William Denny, Geo Kreelinii, Itob't
Venango, Daniel Hilliard, Tho» Morrow, JM
Zelienoplehoro, John Weigle.
W Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwright and Warner's 1 aderwear, in white and scarlet. W
Fifty dozen Fancy Suits of Underwear, all wool, which we are selling at $3 00 a suit. The best thing ever iT
offered at the price; worth $5.00. Boys' and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes. «
** 250 dozen British Hose at 25 cts. a pair, worth 50 cts., just ftpened. English. French, German and Domestic Hosiery in Silk ?
Lisle Thread-. Camels' Hair, Merino, Cashmere ami Cotton. Novelties in Neckwear, in plain ami fancy silk aud satin,'in al! the
leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Neck wear just opened. ' ■y
W, Walking and Driving Gloves, in Kid, Fur, CamePs Hair, Cashmere and Clo'.h, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Suspender &
?i shapes. ' Ir
eg.] Umbrellas in Silk, Alpaca and Ginerham. Largest line of English and American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Bntler Our >k
Black Silk I'mbrella for $3.50 is tne best thing ever offere<l. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Faucv Colored Shirts W
alway-on hand. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in butler. ' ;T
CHARLES R. GRIEB, Union Block, Main Street, Butler, Pa. £
: ww
1850 00000 —— ESTABLISHED ooooo—- —IB6O
We have them and you will lie lucky by getting one from us.
/&'. -A-*- The Celebrated Quirk Train Rcchford Railroad Watch.
I W e also have on hand all oilier makes aud grades of Watches.
\\ J Klgliieeii KT. Gold Wtddiiig Rings,
WaUl.es, Clocks,
o Jewelery, Silverware and Spectacles.
Our line of Roger Bros., Silverware, which is acknowledged to be the best, is the largest ever shown in Butler
Please call and examine stock and prices.
ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE on all goods purchased of me. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and .Jewelry
a specialty, which we warrant to give satisfaction.
Place of business two doors North of Dnffv's and opposite Troutiuan's Dry Goods store.
.QbiiWfflWMM A lino Btock of American and Swiss, Gold Filled Silver and Nickel Watches. Chains, Necklaces, Lockets, King
IWrlfrV'Bracelets, Pins. Eai-ringH. Gold Silver and Steel Spectacles anil a wellVelected stock of Silver Plated Ware, als
the celebrated Roger Bro's Knives, Forks, Spoons I.alios, Berry spoons, pie and cake Knives, Ac.
011 4nv 6 00( l a purchased of me. Strict attention is given to repairing of Watches, ( locks, &c., which are war
rante Ito give satisfaction. Persons purchasing goods to the amount of One Dollar or more, will receive a
-. X*n coupon ticket, with a mimber, and their name attached, which ticket entitles the holder to a chance in a hand
some SILVER WATER PITCHER with Gold lined Goblet and Slop-bowl. Time of drawing will be mentioned
n county papers two weeks previous. Don't forget the place, opposite Berg <fc Cypher's Hardwaro Storo.
John Bickel
Opens the Season with some of the most astonisLing announcements ever made to the people of liutler county. Hav
ing just returned from the Eastern market where I purchased FOR CASH one of the largest stocks of
Ever brought to Butler in one season. I have so many big bargains to offer that 1 can only name a few of them.
A Good Kip Plow Shoe, Two Buckles, at Ninety-three Cents.
I have one lot of 500 pair of them all sizes G-12, which I will close at 9.1 c. Sold elsewhere for $1.15.
Mens* Call' Boots, Calf* Racks «-J I «2 a pair 1 liave 1© eases ol iliese lioots wliieli must no at US
sol«l elsew here at iSU.7S and 81.
A GOOD SOLID MINERS' SHOE, G-12 at 91 cents a pair. I have 10 sixty-pair cases of this shoe and lam going
to give them to my trade at 01 cents a pair. Sold elsewhere for $1.50.
A Ladies' Button Shoe, Solid, 97 Cents.
This is a Fine Shoe worth fully" twice the amount I ask for it. My stock of Ladies', Misses" and Childrens' Shoes
are all made to my own order and every pair warranted.
My stock of Shoes for Men and Boys is complete as I control some ol the best lines of goods in the country.
in both Mens' anil Boys'. Prices very low. Space will not permit me to give you an idea of the amount of goods I
have to show you, but give me a call and I will convice you that I am selling Boots and Shoes
Than anv other house in Butler. lam determined to keep the lead in Boots and Shoes. So I will QUI*
rii Q t ' je My profits will be small but my sales will be large and at the end
of the year I will IK* far ahead of my competitors who make big profits and small sales. I have in stock
which must ero at once. I will sell these goods regardless of cost. Come and get them at any price.
MY MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is the l>est in the county. None but first-class workmon employed.
All work warranted. Repairing done same day received.
JLEATHKH Asl> YIXDINGSi OY A 1,1, KIXDM French Kip, Domestic Kip, French Calf Dauidstio
Calf, Toppings, Linings, Thread, Xails, Ac., Ac.
5Vb. Term. )'. Prtintiff*! Attorney. Plaintiff*. Dffmdnat*. Defendant'i AtUunnt.
A.M. 7"> Mar I ss_>,J I) Me J link in W A Lewis Anthony Goldinger Benedict and Bowser
1 " Is " " Walker Mr S Bredin P4W Rlt Company Scott
«' 'lO Dee ' Thompson A Walker C F Wick Clay township XlcQuUtion ami Bowser
" 21.1 line " J M McJ. and Purviance : Melinda Coe WII Coe McCandless and Irvina
" 69 Dee "J II Thompson & Scoti C M Burnett Trout Run Oil Co. Campbell
'• C 7 " " Scott SII Chritchlow Adrn'r W C Douthett et all Thompson & Son
" " IS.S.S A T Black Elizabeth Gilkey et al. 'John MeConnell Ral«ton,MeQ.A McCand'w
" TS Sept '• Mitchell, McCandless and John J Croll Martin L Croll McQ., Lyon & Vanderliß
'• :.ii Mar lss| Siinie [Tlminpson Same A B ('roll et al _ Sane
I Prothoaotery's Office, Mar. 10. M. N. <• titbit, Prothouotary