B 5 TI.KK CITIZEN MINCK 1 -1 .AN KOIH. A riuun of the gu >ker I itv, Mr. F. I'm-d, living at 122 Viae St.. recently »>>kr as follows: Being afflicted with 0 distress to* c>>urft». I>r. Bull's Cough ftvrup was recotn-aetided to m- for re lef. 1 am happy to say that a few #osea not oulv gave me instant relief, lot effected a complete cure " Wben the judg eut is weak, tbe prejudice is strong. When You Feel Blue, And your bark aches, and your head fd«le heavy, and you « ake nnrefresbed in aiorning aad your bowels are i.iah or costive, you need Kidney-Wort, it ia nature's great remedy and never fails to relieve K'l of Diseased KLidneys, Torpid L-ver, Constipation. Maleria.. Pile.-, Rheumatism, A:c. It ••perates simultaneously on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels, strengthening tbem tad restoring healthy action Pot up a both dry and liquid form. Sold by nil druggists Unchaste language is tbe sure index of an impure beart. Neuralgia and Sick Headache. Ia Aurora, 111., lives Mrs. Wm. Benson. She says: -Samaritan Ner vine cored me of neuralgia, vertigo and &ick headache." UM corned beef in the can. If your breath is offensive, your nos trils fetid and filled with putrid matter, •nd you are rappidly becoming con sumptive. use Papillion Catarrh Cure; you will be purified and permanently cured. For stle by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Waller. Wbentbe elements are at war the wind soon comes to blows. Wonders Never Cease. A long time ago tbe wiseman said tbere ia nothing new under the son but yet tbe daily experience of hundreds Mem to prove thisfal9e. Somecontend tbe days of miracles are past, but It appears that they are not yet gone by when such men as I X. Tidball, of Washington, Pa., give the following remarkable testimony: "I have been a severe sufferer from chronic rheumatism and kidney affec tion for over twenty years, and after having tried nearly everything without out getting relief, commenced useing Peruna a few months ago, The bene fit I have receited is wonderful. I feel like a new man, and am folly re stored to health." Sorely sucb a cure is remarkable, and none should hesitate any longer about osiog Peruna, tbe great remedy discovered by Dr. llartman. Send to your druggist for a bottle, and ask for bis book on the "Ills of Life." Sound health depends as well on good food as well as fresh air. Avoid ch«*ap goods. The Hop Plas ter cures pains and scbes where other plasters simply relieve, 25 cts. at all dug su res. Any person may imike a mistake; Bone but a fool will stick. to it. For fifteen years I was annoyed wi'b severe in my head and discharges into my throat from Catarrh. My sense of smell was much iropared. By tbe use ofEhV Cream Balm I have overcome these troubles— J . B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, New York For several years I have been troub led with Catarrh— Ely'B Cream Balm has proved to be the artible desired. I believe it is the on'v core — L. B. Coburn, Hardware Merchant, Towanda Pa. —A marriage certificate ought to be a writ of attachment, but very often it isn't. As When She was Young. "I hare used Parker'* Hair Balaam and like it better than any similar preparation I know of," writes Mrs. Ellen Perry, wife of Rev. P. Perry, of Ooldbreok Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, bat a dollar bottle of the Balsam has restored the softness, and the brown color it had when I was young—not a single gray hair left. Since I began to appiy the Balsam my hair has stopped falling oat, and I find it i* a pefectly harmless and agreeable dressing/ —The recent great atorm in Eng land gave the people there an experi ence of an approximation to the windy terrors of American tornadoes. Ex tensive and serious damage resulted from the sweep of the cyclone forces, including the overturning of railroad trains, the sweeping c way of embank ments, tbe unroofing of churches and houses, the topping over of tall spires, the demolitiut*ins i:>' rmsti 'B vn'- 1 amble to the fam»«r and su vk r»i-«»r. Days veterinary irt-pur.ui : art' the best in u-«* K•}• ' i«« k i" ' vour (■table* and liaro-yards I'r.'f tw *- five wots |K?r package t l>uy one centV worth of drugs or chemicals. Papillon, the basin of all tl.eir tviMp-tr-i --tions, is made from vegetable iii'i'ter grown bv nearly every farmer. For sale by J. L. W uller and P. 11 W idler. --The intellect sit* enthroma on the forehead and in the eye; aud the heart i* written in the countenance. The sou! reveals itself in the voice only. jjgjfDo it at Ouce For 10 cents you gel a package of Diamond Dje?- ut the drugg'sts. They color anything tbe finest aud must desirable colois. Wells. Richardson & Co.. Kurlington, Vt. Sample Card, 32 color.-, aud bot»k of directions for 2c. stamp. To be trusted—A greaur corapli ment than to be loved. The tinkling of tbe sleigb bell has passed out for the season. The question will so n be pro pounded,—are you going to move. Poverty destroys pride. It is dif ficult for au empty Lug to stand up right. —-A wide spreading, fc< ptful disposi tion is your only tiue umfcrt-lla iu tuts vale of tears. Whatever you disiike in another person, take care to correct in yourself by tbe gentle reproof. While we fellows are scratching to earn our living tbe cremationists are taking measures to orn tbeir dead. We nave a girl in town who is so awfully modest that she blushes clear to the root* of her shingled bangs eyeu at the thought of a bare Idea. The idea of tearhiug every girl to thump a piano, and every hoy to be a bookkee) er, will make potatoes worth five dollars a bushel in twenty years. Honor is like the eye wbish cannot suffer the least impurity without dam age; it is a precious stone, the price of which is lessened by the least Bow. —A Western paper speaks of tbe Mormons as A obt ot cowards. Ibis cannot be, HS meu who boss a bait half dozen or more wives itius; neces sarily bo brave Wantiujr tn have a quiet tiui" the other day the editor hung tb«■ oifl c towel outside the (rout d >or, >»! ii tbe usual run of callers thoiiirbt someone was dead and passed by on tiptfie. '-Tbe surest way to take cold," said a distinguished physician, 'is to bug tbe stove." Young ««ieu who go courting Sunday nights should ICIDCID ber this aud not speud all their tiiue hugging tbe stove. Have yon any cabbage stumps ? Set theni out iu tbe cardeu, where they will not inteifere with other crops. Cover the tn half of tbeir length. Green tender leaves will soon appear which will eivf the earliest of greens. Tbe blossom shoots will appear biter. —How to lire I irg without old is the su'ject ofan if -erehtiinr F< i n discussion in an Eng'i b perodicai Briefly, the author's theory is tha' the organic changes resulting iu the decrep itude of old age are due to the gradual ossification of tbe system; ond tbat u mode ofdiet counteract this tendency will delay the approach of tbe ordinary iufirmioes of the aged. —Think of your own faults the part of the night (when you are awnke) and of the faults of others the latter part of the night (wheu you are asleep. —lt was perhaps, ordained by Prov idence to hinder us from tyrannizing over one another that uo individual should '>e of sueh imp Tta-ice a« to cause, by bis retirement or death, any chasm in the world. —Young man go to work. Don't wast your time in idle dreamiDg abiut grand things that may happen, bat go to work and earn your bread. Consumption Cured. All old physician, retired Irwin practice, having had planed in Ills hands by an I'ast India ralvion ary the formula of a simple vegetable reiuody for the speedy and permanent core ol Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and a.'l throat acd Luug Affections, a!«> a positive and r.trtl.-al cure for Nervous Peblltty sud all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative, pow ers In thousands of case-. h»s felt it fcw dufy i<> make it known to his siitfenog fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire l4'< toner's Block, Rochester. N V. SopJt''-S3-ly'eow t SI,OOO J. H'S MAPI Just what are needed in every Home, Office & Studio. I lIORR-ISON JiMURH-AY'S Largest aod most complete Map ever published iaene sheet. For price aadfullparticulars FREE Address, iputs Wanted. J. H. HURRAY, Publisher, ELIZABETH, N. J. S2StoS7S per month guaran teed. Some make $75 to SI TO Ber month: at this rate agents an soon make the CI,OOO. TaJu down th* addrtxs a *d ivrittfer an Aftth'y 4Q page catalogue free. Jj^BDTTKR For COLOR and BWEETNES3 BEAN S CONCENTRATED ■MHalfl Extract a? Aaaatto. W" : ow» Oe'.oe. BrifhtMt ■• * mi StnogMt. a®r o' chant, or lead 2&QU. la aumpa for a •ample. coloring to BKA.V. R\CF ft CO.. So. M 5 JUrkH St., County Auctioneer, JAMES R KEARNS, IIUTLEK, 1M V.V I« prepared to serve thu public ot thir- st'i'in at ven lues, etc. Havinir l;id innnv yc.is of expe'ience h• «n gui: "life.- «>•:. feci #n!i a fa> ti-m af rutee Ibnt wilt mi't i'l. L •vc word i»t lhi» otUce ii,5.84.1y John L. Jones, Auctioneer, BUTLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. fi 3tn i .' MbnUUi CATARRH Pain or Dread. nigMjl j.v - w.. I 1 .IX' tllK'tlt V IpS'-FEVER 1' i.-,. - L: t, —rlx..y for hiiu ic Ea vins t. os.t-o fx. m - lu xiu QUdcs Ilhh of North C*roUn«. Ciu t'jo dnrM leU aro*c Elsckw*;!'* Kail Durham KIUOMLS* lobwco L- i.iade from th» iL-vd ill tbf Erjjtnr'* U »UO ) lately rur* unqua»tioo*W» tin' L**t i | tucAixo ,v.'trot". f TtiMHrnmr''" daughter. Anno, In J hcrsirtthof AifrtdTumjrioa.la Bar?*-'. | V ntlilt. ttU» of her vifit to the gre?! l>OPt. * SU? foUEd hlia •raok-:itr UlJuiweH'a Hull t Lmrhan, Tvtyecco. tent hliu by Uen. | Russell L- wWI. Aji.tr. jia JiUsUr to Ui» 1 Conrt of 6t Jiint-9. ! i, ; tiif-.' djj-h of idu!ter«hon. it is nfDtu il f.rt to uac'ko:-* to Uitt the Dull Dur- j I hL-n brtad ia absolutely pure, and ma !»*.-« and How to :• •: invaiiiabif to all • - -l 1:1 i: iiMailed for 6c.i to (ovt,- ncUiige. 4.-. ... IHr:*tral »<| Xovelty Hit, , Fluirertt, (nectaUrv Co Kruli.Fl»»fmA«i -A A < , Rlaiied Fre<*j "•'••a: R Art.l hiiva on whenyoawautlo A SO pickets choic? Flower ' (our ulectlon), it cJtiding WII.D fItKUVX El»« mlxtow ot JOO vM-letiei of Flower 5c i>. for *I.OO. A VEGETABLE GAR IN FOR SI.OO. 80 pktx. Choice VepcU e Seeds (our Kltctior,), including Bliss's Araerirut Wonder Pes, for 91. BOTH the above for H.M. Gardener'n Hand Book telling you how to grow thorn, aent Fret ultU ordcre. B. K. BLISS & SOWS, % 84 Barclay St., New-York. MKJI KMBEii' THAT Patterson, the One Price Clothier and Gluts' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of tow Winter Clothing for Mens', Boya' and Children?' Wear at one extremely Low Price to all. PATTERSON'S, FJnfiv ftlwk, HiftSor. Pa. tfZsi .YiAsfa ; ;si' RTA n ri\u .•0.-i KKW-rNGTOM", ABEA.SEKB j TLI .s ij DON'Ti, vi-,0 : niiii. ia i. .Nt- Riven by AiSNil: M. I.Ou'MAN N iri'a ►inet liailir, Pi. jueSO-ly K X POBITION" Visitors should not t'nil to call ami exauiioe the lurstßt ami stock of Imported ;:iid Lifjuors in tlw at Ur«x KlHii, S2 Foiicrnl Sirf«?<, Allegheny O'ty, Pu. Opposite Fort Wayne Paiceniarionts.they p.iy'ngeTorrs»rh."ir <-n mM Ssnd n.imes, I*. «I an I nWr n( Mercantile Appraiser's List far 1884. 'i'. >- ©t foreign and i' m<-refcaa ii iw. 1- r-. ftc., i.i i-'titler oouotT will t*ke ut • it. it 'i*i . ».<■ ippn adaaiolMMi by ii - i i i, r-k« • I Apprn *r of roe r-n;. :i* MI. t o i - =ic<*a»e tux lor the year tu- fu.low>, to nil: S - AM» VOWKMUP. OTAM A AaU.-.s 'ii, merchant l.t St A II Thcni|.i>iiu " 1- , liitleland A Msr-ball " H J J !»r.iith " 13 ICBlrvin " 14 J A M Bffra " H Nancy Adaus 14 Pit Murray re-taurunt £ Mrs E A Perrene *' * A 1 .LEOHF KV TWP. | J B Craig merchant 14 J P Pluujmer * 14 J 1> Bheil & Co. " 14 Joseph H Thomas " . 14 EC Part. •' 14 ;SPE»kia " 14 j MEADV TWP. • E G f'luitcu merchant 14 1 G W Eigbolu " ... 14 W W Robinson " 14 jO W Stoughton " 13 BUFFALO TOWNSHIP. Adam* A I'arlc*, merchant 13 j J U Finn ipir.g, " 14 j A Guckenticimer A Bros., distiller* 4 ! (i W C tamer, ait rthh.Lt 14 \\ atson & Ekfci, " 14 CLINTON TOWNfeniP. Samuel Snyder, merchant 14 R J Anderson, 14 R B Xorrls, " 14 A M Woods. " 14 CUF.RRY TOWSSUi P. It C McCoy ABon, merchant 14 A M Christy, " 12 II VV Elliott, " 13 J H Walker, " 14 Jhn Gardner & Co. merchant 13 J T Grtfn " 14 It t; W i '■•■ i A 11M., n ercbnnt f' 4) Ron' •••,4 foilinrd table* .V ii> - merchant It .1 X • A I ro", " 13 t V Kiik, '• U «jnhr.... v«»J !er. restaurant 5 ni. Pur. is A t m«rrhaal 10 JG A W Oimpb<-ll • II Henry Eitenmiller, hotel •' George ke'.terer, merchant 1-1 .1 K Gri •• 14 r! M Pat!< r- 'U A Co., liquor merchant 5 < ENTUEVII.LE BOEOCOn. JP Mi lotion, merchant 14 J II M '•.!!'*, •• 14 I tier A Sins, " 14 ML Kelly, - 14 Thofl VViNm Jt .Sous'' 11 C W Coulter, " 14 W M Bingham, " 13 W L Ramsey, " 14 James !> Wilson, " 14 Bard Jt Sun», " 12 EVANS CITY. 1. llohnudtl, merchant 14 E V Brooks " 14 Alien A Robinson " 13 H C Bcvpi " 13 Geo I fit 5 Song " .....13 Dunbar A Shoup 14 0 W Bhuup " 14 Wm Duncan, hotel 6 HV, Stokey " 5 t, (janu merchant..... 14 1 M I"), " 11 .1 X Miller, hotel ii Wall A Bishop, merchant .' 13 J A E Daiubach " 13 II S Walters one billiard table FAIRVIEW UOROIX.H. A Grow merchant 14 H C Birehard " 14 C Scott " 13 C C Alexander " 14 HARMONY EOROLSH. L N Ziegler, liquor merchant 13 Wise, l.vtle A llam» lumber merchant 12 August Fouringer, merchant -14 Euslen A Ilains, " 12 8 A Beam, hotel - 5 Jacob Shelly, hotel 5 GDSwa'n, merchant 11 A W Ziegler, " 14 I.aUbaw A Stamm, merchant 12 A Eatshaw, " ~,.,....14 KM Mitchell, " 14 H W Leise, " -14 HARRIBVIIXE BOBOCGH. J N Cubbison, merchant 14 H C Black, " -12 L W Morrow, " 14 8 B Bingham, " 14 Homer Brown, " -14 Mrs E Black, " 13 J E Curry, " 14 B L Brown, " ..-14 MILI-ERSTpWN 8080. W W Bowen, merchant 14 A H Bemis " 14 C F I'ierce " 13 H C Lltzingei- " - 13 Fi«her A Dickson " 14 Havs Brothers " 14 A W Kreps one billiard table M Deiter merchant 14 W L Campbell * ..... —l4 Algton A Rruce " 14 A Hooh hotel 5 Hoch, Barnhart A Co. merchant 14 ! C D Aldinger " 14 Frederick Sweiger " 14 B Frederick " 14 John Fitziiaterick, hotel - 5 W I) Keiley merchant 14 J C Gaicl'ord 4 billiard tables C Schaibach, merchant 14 VV" I' inrcicr " .14 A Hoch 3 billiard tables Wesfertnan Brotliers merchant 8 Frankle A L«vy " 14 B J Foiquer, hotel... • 5 J T T Frazier merchant 14 Geo Glass " ...14 Dean Campbell hotel... ... ... ... o John Dolan " 5 PROSPECT BOROUGH. W R Riddle & Co., merchant 13 Henry Young, " 14 8 S FVrister, " 13 C O Sullivan, •' 12 Critchlow Brothers, " 13 J H McClure, " 14 1 PF.TBOLIA BOBOCGH. J M Hawk, merchant 14 Mrs ThomaqJWilliama, merchant 14 J A Foote, " 14 M K Baird, " 14 J B Pangherty, Hotel 5 Isaac Roe-enberg, merchant 14 . R J Bottner, •' ~14 J L Clark, hotel 5 G M Jamison, merchant 14 J Benedict A Hons., merchant 18 ' R E Foster, " 14 8 S Klingensmith " 14 II A Klingensmith " 14 S E Lenehan. " 14 George J Jones, " 14 Freeman & Marks, " 13 J B Kilroy, " 12 John Burns, " 14 A W Hoot, " 14 F. P Cheesbrough, " 11 John Dill, " 14 John Dill, -1 billiard tables W II King, hotel 5 John A Ervine, merchant 14 \V II Jellison, hotel S SAXONBCRG BOROUGH. H A Seiple, merchant 14 G W Maurhoff, " l4 Charles Pfeiffer, *' 14 E&HMershon, " 14 Theodore Helm bold, merchant 10 E A Helmbold, '• 12 SXTNBrRY BOBOCGJI. O A Rhodes, merchant 14 Rhodes & Christy, merchant 14 M A Garlach, " 13 Mechling e«l will be held in the office of the County Commissioners, at But ler, Pa., ou Mondaj the 7th day of April, 1884. ROBERT TRIMBLE, Appraiser. BE A V F.R ('.(- LLE(.!.. an. 1 MU S - ICAL INSTITUTE. FOR YOUNG LIABIES. Spring Session Opens March 25th, 1884. Beautifully and healthfully located, extensive buildings, pleasant gronude, cheerful rooms, three litt-rarv coupes, superior advantages tor mnsic and art. Extensive apparatus, twenty twenty pianos and organs, including pipe organ. Thorough work, homelike care, moderate rates. Send for circular to REV, R. T. Tatlob, D- D. Beaver, Pa. CMAIIS. fil IjN Best Cough Byrup Taxtwi ifood ISI IM L'«- In lime. Sold by ilrug(ri.ils. |SJ iiV'iJ y 1 AdTOPtiao in tfie CITIZEN UM wrU.) How Watch Cases are Made. It id a tact n<>t gt-uerally known that tb« Jamtt Bmm Ovid B'cu\ h Gift* really con tuiu more j jure giJd than uutuy "»olid'' gold oimts The den.and for these watch cases has led to the iua..;.fac-ture of a \ery poor grade of solid jjold vatih «ir«s — low in quality, and deti.-ieat in quantity. These cases are ti.ade u -.u 4 j to 10 karats, ajid a j or 0 kar.»t is oftoa » ld I. r 12 or 11 karats. It is Noi e.> noiay to Lay a watch case so potir iu quality that it wdl so,.n lose its color, or one so soft, that it will ! -d they ARE in rood condition yet One of thetu is carried by a «airi*iiter, Mr L. W. Dr*k-», of 'n, and only •howethe wear In one or two |iao-«; the other by Mr lk>wm*n. of Pa.; and I can pro. dnce one or both of at any tilue. BTI.VXSTBR ESCH-E. JtxcrltT. S**4 V rent itMp to Srntaa. ikw f vl"ri... fh'.la felpfclft. Pit., for hanJ-nmr Illu-ratr-4 t ak«w»a|t huw JMUI B«M' nail kfTituw> Wilffc < urt r.rw atdr. (To be Cv.-aiHUed.) * The Boss watch ca.-e.s with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. aKI EB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, MttJo St., ISiHlcr, Pa., Opjiosite Trout man's Dry Goods Store. BUTLEK COUxsTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor, Mair. and Cunningham S-s. 3. C. ROESSING, PREbtPBNT. WM. CAMPBELL, Treasurer. 11. C. IiKINKMAN, SKCRBTART. DIRKCTOKy: J. L. Purvlß, E. A. Heimbolfit, William Campbell, J. W. Burkfif.rt, A. Trontman, Hendcrsou Oliver. G. C. Koessing, F B. MKuU - Splendid cabin-t jf- w,r k large ex ten vJ s, ve ical and gotliio. cover. Strwiiig Machine ever made. Scut for exami nation. We do not Want Your Money Unless the Machine Suits You. Write to us for particulars. WIILMARTH & CO., 1828 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct3-6m, Union Woolsn Mills. I would desire to t-all the &tt»ntioc of the publio to the Dnion Woolea Mill, Batier, Pa., whore I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can reoommeod thorn as being verj d ara ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples »ud prices, address. H. FULBERI'ON, ]tiia4.7)»-ly Botl«r, p» CINCINNATI NOWHERE. - HERE WE ABE AGAIN. The Reliable old lion Vo*bnnk has established himself with W. 11. Eiisuiiiijjer and John Le . fever, Jr., iu the CARRIAGE LINE BUSINESS; Also Upholstering aud Carpet Laying. There are no three better mechanics in the Oountv •f Butler, and they know how to do their work without delay. Yours truly, B. V. feb24-lmo. dTI cleeuno, Watchmaker and jeweler, Keeps constant lv od hand a complete stock ot WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, BILVKR AND BTEEL -BPECTACLEB OI all kinds and prices. Jewelery and Sllverplated Ware of the very beat quality. Everything warrant ed j unt p. 6 cl ani sold at the low ret caaii price. Fiue Watcli liep»irlas a Spec ialty. One South «»/ D'unond, Main 3tre«t i BUTLER, PA. PLASTERING. Til.- nn lt-rsifnied lntcmN to remove to Buticr on the Ist of April next, anil lien liy informs all per sons, that he will be prompt in executing any work that may be entrusted to his care. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed in the best and ino.t satisfactory , Tn£V iiV '' " ,e " Cil "- JOSKPH 11 I'IZEK^ G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimate? given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington street, north end, Butler, Pa. jan2.lv. MORRIS NURSERIES, West Chester, !Pa., GROVER & KINNE. Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, ghrubl'ery, Rose-. etc., etc. JAS. M. ADAMS,Aecnt, nov2l-3m Butler. Pa. TLTnion "W ? ooltJii BDTLER, PA. 11. FVLLERTO3T. Prop'r. Manufacturer ot RLANKFTS, FLANNELS, V'AHSS, Ac. Also custom work dor.e. to order, suob as urdlnp Roils, makicc 31aikcte, Flannels. Knit \xi£ and prico< Wool work*>l ou the shares U ce- 'i* f& MA m-O l« U«ACQu«i*iTta *-T» THI UIMOAPMV or rm-9 COJ*- CHICAGO, HOCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R'Y By the central pogitioc of its line, connects tho Juatt and tbe West by the aborteat route, and ear rien pMßcuieri, without chang« of ears, fc 'tween C-hiCHjgo and K:mtta<) C';?y, Council Bluffs. Leaven worth. Atchuton, Minneapolis and tit Paul. It connects in Ismon Depots with all the principal liDea of road between \Le Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and raaesifl cent, being composed oi Most Comfortable a:.d Beautiful Day Coaches. Macmiieeut Horton n«- clming Chair Cars, Prettiest P.lacs Bleeping Cars, and the Bc»t I.ine of D.ning Ca.j In tha World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hiver Points. Two Trams bstweeu Chi cago and Minneapolis and at. Paul, vu tho fauwuj "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently Otsen opened between EichnccJ, Norfolk, Nexvport News. Chattanooga. Atlanta. Au | srusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lcrlucrton.Cincinnati, ludiauapohs and Laiayette. and Omaha. Minneap olis aca St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Passenger* Travel on Fas: £xpr#»M Trains. Tickets for sale at *ll principal Ticket Offices m the Uniiod States and Canada. Baggag-5 checked through and rates cf fare al, ways a» low as competitor* that oiler less advan- 1 lagcs. For detailed iaformaUoa.get the Maps and Pold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE; At your nearest Tioltet O J '3, or addreas R. K. CABLE, E. ST. j thought to ; be of the kidneys. While this if* difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for lie lingering illness there ia a sure and certain remedy for it all and kindred affections.which she ought to know of and n«e, in DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CURE. The fol ' lowing illUßtiates how readily it cans infinitely worve cases than hers > Fredonia. N. T„ Mar. 8, 1883. Dr M. M. Fenuer—Dear Sir—For yearo I had been tufferiug from a combination "of KIDNET DISEASE. HEART I)IT*£ASE and FEMALE W AXNKRTL. 1 had a henvy aching pain ovei my kidneye with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCAN TY ana TURBID flow of urine; BLOATING OF LTMBS and a GENERAL DROPWTCAL covDrnojf: algo PAIN. PALFATATION and DBoPSY Of the HFARL". My condition was a distr< suing one. and all treatment aud KIDSKT RLMEDIES gave little or no relief. I have been taking your 'wit ASD BACI ACHK CCHE" with the xnost happy result. It has relieved a'l the unple.vant symptom* that have followed trie so persist nutlr am' wo long I never had a medicine he.u ino so quickly IUIU oure so complete:?. lam doing uiv own w->rk. Yours truly. MRS. JAMES FULLER. DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING SYRUP—Pleas ant, safe, certain. Produces good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, trebhuess, health and vigor in the child. DR. FEN SEE' CAITTIS "WEST —YFXL >w ASP Wit HP —A cure for ALL -XIS DisE„sr.B. Bee directions wrap}-cd &r ;uad pack -ge. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER II,Ls —The best family physio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Dn. FENNRH S PEOPLE'S REMED'RS. ABE USED ALL OVHB THE wor.U>. And are fcr sale by J, L. Waller ana D. 11. Waller, Butler, Pa, Piniifis ABSOLTJTSLT CtTBEB SALT RHEUM, ECZEMA. SCROFULA, SCALD I Heail, Krvotpclsi. 'lnter, lllvi~. Danilrull. llarUrt Itch, i'lmjile", stings,CarbuucLes, i Umt ho.'soi-lnt au.i Poisoned Wounds, lilugworm, Sunburn, tu.3 I all di*a , N'P of the sfcin. For l'il?«, Wound*, Cnts, rirt-rs or SOIM, no remwly Is eo prompt In aootMng ft»ni ntaling a3 I'aplllon Skin L'urp. It dws not emart vr t'ura. Directions ,»tin lantiMtga aeemr-fanp twy Milt, \ DilHfVlHlcmimH I imUMmimE ! ABSOLUTELY CUBS 3 KASAI. CATABKH, ACTTE or CHIiOKIC cni.D Iri IU, Head, iiiw Cold, liroiK'hS.U cuuurli und | It AY FKVEIt. Cleans the nogtrila. permits natural brefi:blns, and picvciits Uicrnsuttions. U.'>i snetziriff. Uic cure for Cold In tbr: Hovt u causca by sudden changes iu Uie ami'; plier?. tirfti in ten ianyuaffts accompany ticry Icttte, fsk&iZ.iXii iiVi- 'j*. ' . 4 ''^i ABSOLUTELY CUBES WHOOPING COUUH. It ij a Ui? taste. Kelieves at once and Is a positive cura. WINTER end BRONCHIAL COUCH are cured by this excellent remedy. Oirutim* in ten lohvu-im accompany tvrry UUU. PAPiUIIIfI AB3OLXJTSLY CTJHEB ALL DISEASES OF THE B!XK)D, STOMACH, Liver, Bowe!**n»i Kidneys: for all fil«eases or*g/lu •tin? in Impairment of the Wood, as Anrun-.IH, Sic* Nervousness, Female Complaint, Jaundice. i ana KJdnev liis.-asf s, this medicine Is Thli medicine not Contain snv miner: 1, •olutelr ve«i table, restores tliv* to a fcoalthy condition, regulating excesses and supplying de* ficiencies, ana prevents disease. piru+u/TU in ton langvngft accvt*pcir UaoqaalfMl facilities. No export'nee required. Salary «r.! «x --ponsee mid. 7UO ucr sof Fruit and Ornamental Tr«e«, Siirnbs^ltoses,etc. W. 6c T. SMITH. Genera. N.Y. j Time of Holding Court*' The several Couita of the cottotT of Butltf cotuuience ou the fliat Monday of March, June, b>6p:.-uibor and December, and continue two 01 *o long a»< u-rearary to dispose of th* InuuieaH. No faucet- are pi>t iluwu for trial or travf rse ci of • t'.je t«rm". iTTOUNI YS AT LA V. 1. M. SlJ'l.S, ' " • -! Ki a-. East sld-'of bia- IcUll- !4-I!t rr.ANf'is KoiiLr.B. ! A'toiiiey-iit-l-v,* N"tirv I'ublic COunsW '■ >"ia'« i"«d KiiK'.bb. otllce South ut ( o. rt ilousf, t | .J. B M'JTIKI* J, M. OAI.BKR.tTH. -Mt 'L .NKLN A GALBKKATH, j Office opposite Wllllaril faoate, Butler. PH. • Oil\ K. KELI.Y, Oi'tice with F. Rcib.r, K-tq.. 111 Kelber building. K. I». SCOTT, Attortiry at l.aw. Bullet, Pa. Office nowCou. t LIT use. tv.o boors West of CITIZEN office. .1 F. BKITTAIN. t>ltlcc with 1.. Z. Mitchell, Diamond, AV.M. If. LCSKT" Office with W. H. U, Kiddle, Esq. XnWTON BLACK, j Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side, GEO. R. WHITE, Oliice N. E. eoriiar of Diamond THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. i-A. K - ECKI.SI, KSNSKDI iUlulllU ;Lau' of Ohio.) ECKLEV SEK, Office in Brady's Ltw EuiidiuK. S. B. SWDER. . I.ltlce wilh A. 1 black, Esq.. Main street uur Court liouse. ' JOHN H. NEG LEY WGitbh pimculai MtentioD tr tranaaetlou iv roai estate tnroughont tho COHI> .y OITICKOK Dl**oHD, JTBLAB CoV*T HoCiK IB CiTLZaNßtmr-INO JOS. O. yANDERLIN, Office M*in street, 1 door aouth of Court Hotwe. J. M. TBOMIHOV. W C. THOMPI*OX THOMPSON A 80N, Attorneys at Law. (»fflcc oa the weat side of Mala street, lew doors North of Troutiuan's dry goods store. A. M. CORNELIUS, o®ce with *Y. D. Braudou, Berg Building, Mais Street, Bntler, Pa. ~ 8. H. PIERSOL. Office oi. N. E. corner Piamond, Riddle build* iag novli JOHN MTGREER. Office on N. F.. corner Diamond. OUTII JU»ERH B. RREDLN, Office norih t»~L corner of Diamond, Bailer. P»- " J, T. DONLY " Office noir Court House. - "74 W. I). BRAN ~ ! e'oi''-7S Cf.V:< in Bsrg'n building, GKCIMi' r. Pll.f.ovr. . Atloi'iicy at i.aJn street, iiul.er, i'.t. OUice with J. i>. ile uuKin CLAHENCE WALKER, | fouth eatt corner of Diamond, Bu ler P«, FKRO liEIBEII, Office in Rriticr's onildinu, .Teflerson St. ap»l> F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV, McQUISTiON, Ofiicn Main street, I door south of Court House Witil A. FOKQUER, W" Office ou Main uUact opposite Vogeley House. JTBTmcJUNKIN, ('tilcv in Hchceideman's boildiue, west side of Main fltreet, sJud stjuaro fron» Court Houad. T. C. CAMPBELL. ' Office in Ucrg's new building, ad floor, eaM j side Mam tit., a few door* south of Lowrj House. mwS—t* ~C XSULLIVAN, j ra*y7 Orlico S. \V. cor. oi Diamond I ATTTBLACK; Office on Main street, one door aouih •. Brady Block, Butler. Ta. (Sep. 2, 1874. C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Lcpal buaines-: carefuliy tr. i. Collsction? made and promptly r. •nitted. Business corrcspondeuce promptly iU'-uded to -ind miwcrc l. ~ OIBISTXISTK/ X. ' Oy W \LDRON, Oruduate of tbe PhU S aacipliia Dentnl CoileKe,t» prepared • 81 ato do anythiDsr in the line of hi* profession in a satisfactory manner Oißcc on Main street, Butler, UBI«B Block, np «ia>rs. Dr. S. A. JOHNBTOS, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Al work petlainiDp »o the profession execuw ed in ih l neatest manner. Spe Uitiet-:—0oW Pi' lny, and Painless B*. traction of "teeth, Vitalized Air admioiauwd. Office Opposite Lowry Hous«*, Main Street. Offl'-e open d uly, «-xcept W'r:dno»d*y* and Thtirfrtayn. Comiuun\cHtion» by mill receive prompt attention. junWß4-Sf JOHN E. BYERB, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, my'il-ly] bUTLER, I'A, Office on Jefi'eraon itre«t, opposite Klinsfler's Flour Store. EN. LEAKF,, M. D., • Homeopathic Physician and ?urgto« Office in Union Block, and residence la Ferrero ho sr, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2 S, 1882. Planing Mill —AND- Liiml>ei- Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIB, S.Gf. Purvis & Co., MAMCraCTITHEKB AMI) DBALSKS IB Rough and Plansd Lumber OF KVBRY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES. MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANJNtt MILL AND YARD ?ie/i'ra»(» CrtlhoUi' Wisreli