Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 12, 1884, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI
I take this opportunity to thank my friends and the public for their liberal
patronage since I started in the mercantile business in 1860.
Having taken my son, J. Henry Troutman, into partnership will continue the
Business under the firm name of
January Slat, 1884. inTinrT _ ir ,
Thanking trieoda and the public lor the liberal patronage extended to the late
firm, we feepeetfully solicit a continuance of the same.
Butler, January 31st, 1884.
larlte AMeutlea le Their Large A«aorfmeul of
I *ll I C4AUM FABMEKH' FAVOBrTE, bum# wood I
|AMBQH6ny LOOK oTOVN, or toil, 2* inch wood. *l/' "f '>v»K 22x241
Cooking, Bird C "
E Fire Setta,
« CLUB*'"
De Haven SKATES.
and \ W Boys'Bkat«w
Wt If irtsuj 60c up.
jg -• Sleigh Belli,
W infield's "GOOD ENOUGH" 5 and 10 gallon Oil Cans with
Pump, it cannot be exoelled for cleanliness.
Large Assortment of
Heavy Blshl A Co,, Butler, Pa.
At the Store W lb* undersigned, Lb* acknowledged leader in
We wieh to My to the trade tbU fall that we have a larger and more vaned stock of Carpet*
and Genta' Famishing Good* than ever before.
The LATEST STYLES, uu LOWEST PRICES. We bate all gradea and all price*, fron.
the Cksfst to (he Beet oiaae.
D- A.. H KC K,
The Leading One Price Clothier and Cents' Outfitter,
I" I ■"! 1 ■ ■ Ml. IXI LI Li ■ U ■ _AJ.L! 1 1
Dealer in
Ami far Bred)*)'* w«ll-knnwii Clove*, Kaug«» tad Heater* RO:IS,IK. apoa'.log and lepatr
lag iaae «• Short ant tee. Bisre oa Mailt St., eornrr ol Jdortk SIMQ wt Largo Cofiee Fot.
The only kaown gpeclic for Epileptic Fiti.
Alao for fcpaama and Falling Sicknesa. Xerroui
Weakueaa it in»tantij<relJeveß and curei. Cleanaea
Mood and quickens slugffiah circulation. Neutra
lize® frermi of disease and saves p1 kneM. Cure#
agly blotches and stubborn blood sort s.
Bo:i(. Carbuncles and Scilis and
promptly cvre? paralr-:la. To, it Is a c..anning and
healttif ul Aperient. Kite Scrofula nnd EJngs KvU.
twin brother~
leg the cause. Route billotu tendencies and makes
clear complexion. Equalled by no no in the delirium
of fever. A charming resolvent and a matchless
laxative. It drives Sick Ileadtcae like the wind.
no drastic cathartic or opiates. Relieves
the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures liLeu
matl.m by routing it. Restores life-giving proper
ties vo the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nervous
disorder*. when all opiates fall. Ee.
freshes the mind and Invigorate* the body. Cures
dyspepsia or money refunded.
Disease* of the blood omit a conqueror. Endorsed
la writing by over fifty thousand leading citizens,
clergymen and physicians In V. S. and Europe.
sale by all leading drnwrfeta. tIJO.
The Dr. 8. A. Richmond Medical Co. Props.,
St. Joseph. Mo. (8)
Charles K. Crittenton. Agent, New York City.
From tlieno *<>un..y arise Uiieefonrtlis of
the of TUO I.UIUSU n.ce 1 liese
symptoms UKlioate lbe .r existence: L«»» ot
Appetite, Buwtl. tu.itvr, Kick llend
aeUe, fullness site' eutu.ji, iivtr.tmi In
exertion of body or iniutl. Ernttstloii
of food, Ir. liability oi temper, Low
■plrita, A iVeliug uf liaviut neglected
• nme ilmy, OUii .it>., fluttering at the
Heart, Dot* beiore the eye*, highly col
ored Urine, io.\?tTll'ATlO.\, and de
mand the use of a remedy that ants tliifotly
onthni.iver. AanLlvcr mcilicine TCTT'M
1*11.1.8 have no equal. Their action on tbo
Kt lney* unilSk a lsulno prompt; reuiovlng
all lmpuritlos through tfieso tnree •• memv
enger* of tlir Rysfem.'* pro>lucin* uppt*-
llte.noond <lii{eßti<>n, rcguhir htoola, a clour
akiniuxl a vigorous bo<l . TCfT'NPII.LB
cau*e no nauat-a or griping nor iuU-rteru
with d-iliv work und are u p,-rf« ct
"I h ivo had Dyamipaiu, with Coim ipa
tion.twoyears,aud have ten diiTi lent
kiuda of pills, und TL'TT'S ar, the 11 rat
that hnve tlouo we any good. Tl>ey have
cleaned me out nicely. My appetiie is
xplcndid, f«» d dlaeata readily, und 1 n'>w
have liuluinl paf«t,i?es. I fe< 1 lik n new
njun." W. 1». EI>\VARDS, Palmyra, O.
K>liteverywlirr<',3Ae. oifi c,41 Murray St.,N.T.
GRAY Htm on WmsKTH* eiiangcd In.
Btmitly t.» it t.Lo>av lin< R l.y o aiugle ap.
plleatlo'i of tins l)ri: Sold by Diuggista,
or aont by « xpre<is < u r/ ceipt nff.l.
Office, Murray Si re- t, NVTV York.
I* the wonder of the world. It ha*cured
mauy c-isos ot tJonauinpllon when all
other utter
ly faded. H j lu t'hronle It lien ma
«lam. In this Uile3
nTua^litary ca*e, la
ernf the fl»*h, glands or iJoneslTtT* an un
failing cure, as c in bo *een oil 1 i*ldc of
front lid of " Ilia of Llf J." a book fur
nished gratis to all who apply for It. For
Female Weaknto there never was a
every ca*o alter
everything else had failed.
Back| ftei oepl IWlcha rat ion »'
RuSCTTrnygreraer* pncai
23 ffynt n n i
OS indermt rDUMesTllie H
It 1« the foe of pain, and brings peace to
the suJerer. (Fur a book on t'lo " Ills of
Life," ask your nearest druc: :Ist, or ad
dresaS. B. n*rima:i A Co.. C 1 aubos, O.
They will »eud yuii ouo gratis.)
Prteeßl.no per Bottle. Six Bottlea
BA.OO. Hold by all i>rnggl»t». No. 1.
mmmmmmmmmmm l
Health and_Happiness.
<yocrur 5 1 HAVE mi.
Are your Kidneys disoridered? p
* Kidney Wort brought froai it y Ki*v UJ it •
wore, aft«*r 1 biul L»*:n tri** n ui» Ly 13 i cKt oot-loj - * ia
LtotxulL" M. W. Devfcraux, M«cluuuc, loQl*, laitL.
Are your nerves weak ?
••JCldncy Wort cured fr..m n* rv. j w »kw
JCc..afu*r I wai not < ipef-iftt! to liv»\ r%. &j. k. U.
Goodwin, £<L Christian Monitor Cleveland, O.
Have you Bright's Disease?
"Kidney Wo.-t cured me when tny wuinr wa»Ju»t .
like chalk aud Ww-n llko Wood." <
Fiauk Wilson, I'eabody.MiuH.
Suffering from Diabetes ?
"Kidney-Wort Utne i.ioathU' cehnfi l rarnciy I have
*TeT uaecL Uleen almoflt tmme«!lati r« Ik f.
Ln . Phillip ( . Dailou, MoQktoD, \ t.
Have you Livor Complaint?
"Kldn«-y-Wort cured mo cf chronic Liver l>i*eaecs
after I \Vard,°U.ts Cot CSth Kat. Ouard. N. Y.
Is your Back lame and aching?
"kidney.Wort, *1 bottle) cured me when I wasso
lame 1 haul to roll out of bod.'*
C. M. Tollman*, Milwaukee, Win.
Have you Kidney Disease?
"Klun, y-Wort made mo no and In llvrr au.l kidnev*
Utu-T yeam :t nuaneersaful oortorln*. lti wortn
tisaijua."--Bam'l Ilodffei, Wdliauisiwwa, \>omt \»-
Are you Constipated?
"Kidney-Wort caunea eaay eraenaliona and cured
m* after 16 rear a usa of other roodi<
Ncl*on Kalrc-Ltid, bt. AlboJin, \ t.
Have you Malaria?
• "Kidney-v.'ort baa dono better taan any other
remedy I have over need in niy pra rt, 7r-' t . ~,
Dr. It. K. Clark, bvuth Uero. Vt.
Are you Bilious?
"Kidney-Wort ha* done me more g«*»d than any
other remedy I havo ever taken."
J Mr*. J. T. Calloway, Elk FUt. Oregon.
Are you tormented with Piles?
"Kidney Wort i*-rmanr*tlv curr-l r« if Uoodiug
tiles, tir V. i'. lO.no wgmnwul'd I'to m<. '
Oeo. H. Iluliit, Cashier 1L U«nk, Mysr.towr., Pa.
Are you Rheumatism racked?
"L.dn- y-Wort cun a me, uf • r 1 w«- glv» .1 up to ■
die by phJllciflUiM and I li»ul «uCTed thirty year*.' K
K1 bridge Malcolm, We .1 Hath, Mamo. |
Ladies, are you suffering? I
"Kidney Wort cured mi < f i»'r-liar troiw.ie* or n
rereral yearaHtanalrrr. Many fru.m'* ue* p't., 1 ral-i
|t.'» Mr». H. Lamoieaus, *rt»; La Mutte, > t.
If you would Banish Disease
1 and gr.in Health, Take
Tw bioop CLEANSER.
Davy Crockett's Electioneering
There was a time when there were
few names mi>re familiarv known to
the people of this country than that of
Davv Crockt tt. Many stories were
told characteristic ot his courage, his
Ait, his humor, bis honor, his honecty
tod his benevolence. I am about to
relate one of a somewhat different char
acter, but not less honorable to him
iban !<ny that baye appeared.
Wniie he was in Congress I bad
business which required me to spend
several weeks in Warhington city.
Waiting upon '<ne of the departments,
or rather one of the clerks, lor my turu,
1 bad much leis-ure upon my hand-;
tor, though niy businet-s mitrht have
been dispatched as well in two bours
as in two uioDihs, yet I bad to wait
I had made up my mind that I would
not leave uutil niy business *** settled.
Mv only regular employment was to
ifoeverv day to the office to learn that
that it could Dot be attended to that
Crockett was then the lion of Wash
ington. 1 was a great admirer of his
i baracter, aud, baviug several friends
who were intimate with him, 1 found
uo difficulty in making bis acquaint
ance. 1 was fascinated with him, and
he seemed to take a fancy to me.
I was one day in the lobby of the
House of Representatives when a bill
was taken up appropriating monev for
the benefit of the widow of a distin-
guisbed naval officer. Several beauti
ful speeches had been made i l * its sup
port, rather, as I thought, because it
afforded the speaker a fine opportunity
tor display than from necessity of con
vincing anybody, tor it seemed to me
everybody favored it. The speaker
was just about to put the question,
when Mr. Crockett arose. Everybody
expected, of course, that he was going
to make one ot bis characteristic
speeches in support of the bill. He
"Mr Speaker—l have as much re
spect for the memory of tbe deceased
and as much sympathy for the suffer
ings of the living, if suffering there be,
as auy man in this House, but we
must not permit our respect for the
dead or sympathy for apart of the
living to lead us into an act of injus
tice to the balauce ot the living 1
will :;ot go into an argument to prove
that Congress baa no p >wer to appro
priate this money as an act of charity
Every member upon tbis floor knows
ic. We have the right, as individuals,
to give away as much of our owu
money as vie please to cbari y; but as
members of Congress we have uo right
to appropriate a dol'ar of the public
money. Some eloquent appeals have
been made to us upon the ground that
it is a debt due tbe deceased. Mr.
Speaker, tbe deceased lived long alter
the clpse of tbe war; he was iu office
to the day of his death, and I have
never-heard that tbe Goverment was
in arrears to him. This Government
cau owe uo debt but for services ren
dered, and at-a stipulated price. If it
is a debt, b«*w much is it? Ha* it
tieen audited uud the amount due as
certained? If it is a debt this is not
the place to present it for payment or
have its merits examined If it is a
debi, we owe more tha i we can ever
hope to pay, for we < we the widow of
every sol 4 ier who fought in the war of
ISli precisely the same amount
There i-< a woman in my neighbor hood,
tbe widow of as gallant a man as ever j
shouldered i» rnu-ket. He fell iu bat
tle. She is as good in every resjiect
s- this lady, and is as poor. She is
earning her daily bread by her daily
ItOor, and if 1 were to iutroduce a bill
to appropriate five or ten thousand
dollars for her benefit I should lie j
1 lUghed at, aud my bill would not get
five votes in this House. There thous
ands of widows in tbe country just
such as the one I have spoken of; but :
we never hear of any of these debts (
to them. Sir, this is no debt The
Government did not owe it to the de
ceased when be was alive; it could
not contract it after he died. Ido not
wibh to »e rude, but I must be plain. .
Every man iu this House knows it is j
not a debt. We cannot, without the
grossest corruption, appropriate this
money as the payment of a debt. We
bav«* not the semblance ot authority to f
appropriate it as a charity. Mr. Speak- j
er, I have said we have the right to ;
give as much money ot our owu as we
please. lam the poorest man on this
floor I cannot vote for this bill, but
I will give one week's pay to tbe
• •bject, and if every meniln-r of Con- j
gress will do the Harne it will amouut
to more than the b 11 ask? "
He took bis seat Nobody replied.
Tbe bill was put upon its pa-sage, and, i
instead of passiug uiianiinou.-ly, as
was generally supposed, and as, uo ;
doubt, but tor that speech, !
it receW**d but tew votes, aud, of j
course was lost.
Like mauy other young men, and
•Id ones, too, for that matter, who had
not thought upon the subject, I desired
the passage of the bill, and felt outrag
ed at its defeat. I determined that I
would persuade my friend Crockett to
move a reconsideration the next day
Pr evious engagements preveutiug me
Irom seeing Crockett tbat uignt 1 went
early to his room uext morning, and
found him engaged iu adressiug aud
(ranking letters, a large pile of which
lay upon bis table.
I broke in upon him rather abruptly
by asking him what devil had possess-
Ed him to make that speech and de
feat that bill yesterday. Without
luruiug his head or looking up Irom
biSjWork he replied: "You see tbat I
am very busy m»w; take a seat and
cool yourself. I will be through iu a
few niinutes, and then I will tell you
all about it "
He continued bih employment for
ibout ten minutes, and when Le hud
aui«ht'd it turned to me nnd ani<':
now, «ir, I will anHwer your quention.
Hut thereby banif" a tale, and one of
eourtidt-raMe length, to whicb you will
have to lißten.
1 limened, and tbia in the tale which
JLiww* I
I Several years airo I was one eveninv
s aid ng o'i the steps ol Capit 1
with fome other members of Congress,
wbeu our a'tention was attracted over
ID G•< r.etown. It was evidently a
large fir--. We jumped int »a baek and
urove over a- last as we could. Whei
we goi ihere i went to w«>rk, and I
r ever w> rked as bard in my life as I
<id there for several bours. But, ii»
spite of all that could be done, man*
bouses wt re b irued and many familie
made b >u eless aud, besides, some ol
them had lost all but the clothes they
had on. The weather was very cold,
and when 1 saw so many women and
children suffering I felt that something
ought to be done for them, and every
body else seeuied to feel the same way
The next morninif a hill was intro
duced appropriating S2O OJO for their
relief. We put aside all other butiners
aud ru.-hed it through as fast as it
could be done I said everybody fell
as I did. That was not quite so; for,
though they perhaps sympathized as
deeply with the sufferers as 1 did.
there were a few of the members who
did uot thiuk we bad the right to in
dulge our sympathy or excite our char
ity at the expense of anybody but our
selves. They opposed the bill, and
upon its passage demanded the yeas
and nays. There were not enouifb of
them to sustain the call, but many of
us wanted our names to appear in
favor of what we considered a praise
worthy measure, and we voted with
them to sustain it. So the yeas and
nays were recorded aud my name ap
peared on the journals in favor of the
The next summer, when it began to
be time to think about the election,
I concluded I would take a scout
around am<>nd the boys of my district
I had uo opposition there, but, as the
election was some time off, I did not
know what might turn up, aud I
thought it was best to let the bojs
know that I nad not forgotten them
and that going to Congress had not
maoe me too proud to go to see them
So 1 put a couple of shirts and a
few twists of tobacco iuto my saddle
bags and put out. I had been out
übout about a week and had found
things going very smoothly when,
riding one day in a part of my district
in which 1 was more ot a strauger
thau any other, I saw a man in a field
plowing and coming toward the road.
1 guaged inv gait so that we should
meet as he crnie to the fence. As he
came up I -poke to tbe man. He re
plied p ditely, but, as I thought, rather
coldly, Bnd was about turning bis
hof.-e for another furrow »beu I asked
him if he could give me a chew ot to
"Ves " said be, "such as we make
and use iu this part of the country;
but it may uot suit your taste, as you
are probably in the habit ot using bet
Wiih that he pulled out of his pock
et part of a twist in its natural state
and hauded it to me. I took a chew
aud handed it back to him. He turned
to. his plow and was about to Btart off.
I said to him: -Dou't be in sucb a
hurry, my iriend; I want to have a
little talk with you aud get. better ac
quaiuted." He replied: "I am very
busy and have but little time to talk,
but i it ' oes u< t take too long I will
li te i to wba . \ou have to say."
I ••egan: "vtell, friend, I am one of i
those unfortunate beings called candi
dates, aud—"
"Yes, 1 know you; you are Colonel
Crockett. 1 Lave seeu you once before, j
and voted for you tbe last time you .
w»-ie elected. I suppose you are out j
electioneering uow, but you bad better
not waste your time or mine. 1 shall
not vote for you again."
Thia was a sockdologer. 1 bad been
making up my nnud that he was one
of tuose cmrlisb fellows who care for
nobody but themselves aud take bluut
ness lor independence. 1 had seen
em ugh of them to kuow there is a way
to reach them, aud was satisfied that
it 1 could get him to talk to me 1
would soon have him straight. But
this was eutirely a different bundle of
st.cks. He knew me, bad voted for
tbe before aud did not intend touo it
Something must be the matter;
1 could uot imagine what it was. I
had beard of no complaints against me,
except ttiat some ot the dandies about
the village ridiculed some ot tbe wild
and foolish things that 1 too often say
aud do, and said 1 was not enough of
a geutlemau to go to Congress. I
begged him to tell me what was tbe
"Well, Colonol, it is hardly worth
while to waste time or words upon it.
1 do uot see how it can be meuded,
but you gave a vote last winter which
shown ibat either you have not tbe
capacity to understand the Constitu
tion or that you are wautiug iu the
houenty and firmness to be guided by
it. iu either case you are uot the man
to represent me. But 1 beg your par
don for expressing it in that way. 1
did uot intend to avail myrelf of the
privilege of the constituent to speak
plainly to a caud date for the purpose
i f iusu ing or wounding you 1 iu
te-.u i»y u only to say that your un
derstanding of the Coustiiution is
very different from mine; aud 1 will say
to you what, but for my rudeness, 1
should uot have said, that I believe
jou to be honest."
"Thank you for that, but you fiud
lault with only one vote. You know
the story of Heny Clay, the old hunts
mau aud the rifle; you wouldn't break
your gun for one snap "
| "No, nor for a doz-m. As the story
' goes, that tack served Mr. Clay's pur
pose admirably, though it really bad
nothing to do with the case. 1 would
not break the guu, nor would I discard
an honest representative tor a mistake
1 iu judgment as a mere matter of policy.
But an understanding of the Constitu
tion different from mine 1 cannot over
look, lK;cau-e the Constitution, to bo
worth anything, must be held sacred
and rigidly observed iu all its provis
ions. The man who wields power aud
interprets it is tbe more dangerous tbe
more honest be is "
J »1 niuiit tb«» tiutfc of all you say,
bat there must be some mistake about
t, for I do not remember that I gave
any vote last winter upon aiiy cons'i.
'utional question."
"No, Colonel, there's no mistake.
TnoUiih I live h« re ia the b>ckwoods
ind seldom go from home, I take the
papers from Washington aud read very
earefully all the proceedings of Con
gress. My paperi say that last win
er you voted for a bill to appropriate
{20,000 to some sufferers by a fire in
Georgetown Is that true?"
"Certainly it is, and I thought that
was the last vote for which anybody in
the world would have found fault
with "
'•Well. Colonel, where do you find
in the Constitution any authority to
irive away the public rnouey in char
ity ?"
Here was another sockdol 'ger; for
wbeu I began to think about it. I could
uot remember a thing in the Constitu
tion that authorized it I found that 1
must take another tack, so I said :
"»\ ell, my friend, I may as well
own up. You have got me there.
But certainly nobody will complain
that a great and rich country like ours
should give the insignificant sum of
$20,000 to relieve its suffering women
and children, particularly with a full
aiid overflowing Treasury, and I am
sure, if you had been there, you would
have done just as I did."
"It is not the amount, Colonel, that
I am complaining ol; it is the princi
ple. In the first place, the Govern
ment ought to have in the Treasury no
more than enough for its legitimate
purposes. But that has nothing to do
with the question. The power of col
lecting and disbursing money at pleas
ure is the most dangerous power that
can be entrusted to man, particularly
under our system of collecting revenue
by tariff, which reaches every man in
the country, no matter bow poor he
may be, and the poorer be is the more
be pavs in proportion to his means
What is worse it presses upon him
without bis knowing where the
weight comes, for there is not a man
in the Uuited States who can ever
guess what he pays to the Goverment
So you see that wbHe you are contrib
uting to relieve one you are drawing it
from thousands who are even worse
off thau be. If you bad the right to
give anything the amount was simply
a matter of discretion with yon, and
y<<u bad as much right to give S2O 000,-
000 ah S2O UOO. If you have the right
to give to one you have the right to
give to all. and as the Constitution
neither defines charity nor stipulates
the amount, you are at liberty to give
to any aud everything which you may
believe, or profess to beiieve, is a char
ity, and to any amount yon may think
proper. You will very easily perceive
what a wide door this would open for
fraud and corruption and favoritism, on
the one hand, and for robbing the peo-
pie on the other. No, Colonel, Con
gress has no right to give cLarity. In
dividuals may give as much of their own
money as they please, but tbey have
no right to touch a dollar of tbe public
money for that purpose If twic« as
many houses bad been burned in this
county as in Georgetown ueither you
or any other member of Congress
would have thought of appropriating a
dollar for our relief There are about
240 members of Congress. If they had
shown their s> mpathy for the sufferers
by contributing each one week's pay it
would have made over sl3 000 There
are plenty ot wealthy m.-n in and arouud
Washington who could have given
$20,000 without depriving themselves
of even a luxury ot life. The Congress
men trhose to keep their own money,
which if reports be true, some of them
spent not very creditably; and tbe peo
ple about Washington, uo doubt, ap
plauded you for relieving them from
tbe necessity of giving by giving what
was not yours to give. The people
have delegated to Congress, by the
Constitution, the power to do certain
things. To do these it is authorized
to collect and pay money, and for notb
ing else Everything beyond is usur
pation and a violation of tbe Constitu
I have given you. continued Crock
ett, an imperfect account of what he
said Long liefore be was through I
was convinced that I had done wrong
He wound up by saying:
"So you see. Colonel, you have vio
lated the Constitution in what I con
sider a vital point. It is a precedent
fraught with danger to tbe country,
for when Congress once begins to
stretch its power beyond tne limits of
tbe Constitution there ia nc liru't to it
and no security for the people. I have
no doubt you acted honestly, but that
does not uiakt it any better, except as
far as you were personally concerned,
and you Bee that I caunot vote for
I tell you I felt streaked. I saw if I
should have opposition and this man
shouldgo to talking be would set others
to talking, aud in that district I was a
gone, fawn-skin. I could not answer
him, and the fact is I was so fully con
vinced that be was right I did not
want to. But I must satisfy bim, and
1 said to him :
"Well, my Iriend you hit the nail on
tbe head when you said I had not
sense enough to understanl the Con
stitution. I intended to be guided by
it, aud thought 1 bad studied it fully.
1 hive heard mauy speeches in Con
gress about the powers of CMtigress, but
what you have said here at your plow
has got more bard,sound sense in it than
all the fine speeches I ever heard. If 1
had ever taken the view of it that you
have I would have .put my bead iuto
the fire before I would have given that
vote, and if you will forgive me and
vote for nie again if 1 ever yote tor an
other unconstitutional law 1 wish 1
mav b« shot."
Ho laughingly replied: "YeH, Col
onel, y«>u have swurn to that once be
fore, but I will truHt you again upon
one condition. Yon nay that your are
conviuced that your voto waa wroug.
Your acknowledgment of it will do
more jjood than beating you for It. If,
at* you go rouud tbi* district, you will
toll tb« people about tbia tmd that you
t are satisfied it was wrong, I will not
e only vote for you bat will do what I
i- can to keep down opposition, and, per
haps. I may exert some little influence
i. iu that way •'
s j '"lt I don't," said I, "I wish I may
e be shot; and to convince you that I am
7 in earnest in what I say I will come
-; back this way in a week or ten days.
- j and if you will get up a gathering of
9 the people I will make a speech to them,
l Get up a barbecue and I will pay for
t "No, ColoDel, we are not rich peo
i pie in this section, but we hare plenty
i of provisions to contribute for a barbe- i
! cue and some to spare for those who j
I have none. The push of crops will be 1
> ' over in a few days, and we can then af- '
■, ford a day for a barbecue. This is !
j Thursday; I will see to getting it up |
on Saturday week. Come to my house
1 on Friday and we will go together, aud
I promises you a very respectable crowd
to see and hear yon."
"Well, I will be here. But one
I thing more before I say good-bye, I
must know your name.",
i "My name is Bunce."
i "Not Horatio Bunce ?"
f "Yes."
"Well, Mr. Bunce, I never saw you
before, though yoo say you have seen
me. but I know you very well. I am
glad that I have met you. and very
proud that I may hope to have you for
my f:iend. Yon most let me' shake
your hand before I go "
We shook hands and parted.
It was one of the luckiest hits of my
life that I net bim. He mingled but
little with the public, bat was widely
known for bis remakarble intelligence
and incorruptible integrity and for a
heart brimful aud running over with
kindness and benevolence, which show
ed themselves not only in words but in
acta. He was the oracle of the whole
country around bim, and his fame had
extended far beyond tbe circle of bis
immediate acquaintance, Though I
bad never met bim before I had heard
much of him, and but for this meeting
it is very likely I should have had op
position and been beaten.
At the appointed time I was at his
house having told our conversation to
ever crowd I had met and to every man
I stayed all night with, and I found
that it gave tbe people an interest and
a confidence in me stronger than I had
ever seen manifested before.
Though 1 was considerably fatigued
when I reached his house, and under
ordinary circumstances, should have
gone early to bed, 1 kept him up until
midnight, talking about tbe principles
aud affairs of goverment, and I got more
real, true knowledge of them than I
had got all my life before.
He was not at the house when I ar
rived, bat nis wife received and wel
comed nie with all tbe ease and cordi
ality of an old friend. She told me
that her husband was engaged in some
oat-dour business, bat would be in
shortly She is a woman of fiao per
son; her face is not what the world
would at first sight esteem beautiful
In a state of rest there was too much
strength and character in it for that,
but when she engaged in conversation,
and especially when she smiled, it soft
ened into an expression of mingled
kindness, goodness and strength that
was beautiful beyond anything I hare
ever ueen.
Pretty soon her husband came in,
and she left us and went about her
household affairs. Toward night the
children—be bad about seven of them
—began to drop in; some from work,
some from school, and the little ones
from play. They were introduced to
me, aud met me with the same ease
and grace that marked the manner of
their mother. Supper came on, and
then was exhibited the loveliness of the
family circle in all its glow. The father
turned the conversation to the mutters
in which the children had been inter
ested during the day, and all, from the
oldest to the youngest, took part in it
They spoke to their parents with a<
much familiarity aud confidence as il
they had been friends of their own age
yet every word aud every look maui
tested as much respect as the humbles
courtier could manifest for a king; aye,
more, for it was all sincere aud
strengthened by lo<e. Verily it was
the Happy Family.
I have told you Mr. Bunceconverted
me politically. He came uearer con
verting me religiously tbao I bad ever
been • When supper was over
one of the children brought him • Bi
ble and hymnbook. He turned to me
and Maid:
"Colonel, I bave for many years
been in the habit of family worship
night and morning. I adopt this time
for it that all mav be present. If I
postpone it some ot us get engaged in
one thing aud some ioauotber, and the
little ones drop off to sleep, so that it is
often difficult to get all together.
He then opened the Bible and read
the Twenty-third Psalm, commencing:
"The Lord iK my Shepherd; I shall
not want." It is a beautiful composi
tion, and his manner of reading it gave
it new beauties. We then sang a hymn
and we all knelt down. He commenc
ed bis prayer "Our Father who art in
Heayen." No one who has not beard
him pronounce those words can con
ceive how they thrilled through me,
for I do not believe they were ever pro
nounced by human lips as by him. I
had beard them a thousand times from
the lipß ot preachers of every grade
and denomination' and by all sorts of
professing Christians, until they had
become words of course to me, bat his
enunciation of them gave them an im
port and a power of which I bad never
conceived. There was a grandeur of
reverence, a depth of humility, a full
ness of con6dence and an overflowing of
love which told that his spirit was
! communing face to face with God. An
overwhelming feeling of awe came over
me, for I felt that I was iu the invisible
presence of Jehova. The whole prayer
was grand— grand in its slnplicity, in
the purity ot the spirit it breathed, iu
iu faith, in its Wotb and its Io»e. I
bam told yon be came nearer convert
ing me religiously than I bad ever been
twfora- y# did 9Q* wal• very food
chiirt »n of iue, as you kn> w; hut be
has wrought up my mind a conviction
of he truth Christian ty, and upon r> y
feelings a revere n-e for its purifvi g
and elevating power such as I uev«.r
felt before.
I have known a id seen much of bio
since, for I resptct bim— n<>, that is
not the word—l reverence and lovo
him more than auy living tu'in, and I
go to see him two or three tiaies every
year; and I tell you, sir. if every oa«
| who professes to be a Christian lived
and acted and enjoyed it as be does Uie
religion of Christ would tako the
i world by storm.
! But to return to my story. The
; next morning we went to the barbecue,
. and, to my surprise, I found about a
j thousand men there. I met a good
I many whom I had not known before,
and they and ny friend introduced um
around until I bad got pretty well ac
quainted, at least they all kuew me.
In due time notice was given thut I
would speak to them. They gathered
up arouod a stand tbat had been erec
ted. I opened my speech by saying:
"Fellow-citizens, I present myself be
fore you to-day feeling like a new man.
my eyes have lately been opened to
truths which ignorance or prejudice, or
both, had heretofore hidden from my
view. I feel that I can to-day offer you
the ability to renderyou more valuablo
services than I have been able to render
before. 1 am here to-day more for tbe
purpose of acknowledging my crr.>r
than to seek your votes. That I
should make this acknowledgment is
due to myself as well as to you.
Whether you will vote for me is a
matter for your consideration only."
I went on to tell about tbe fire and
my vote for tbe appropriation as I have
told it to you, and then told them why
I was satisfied it was wrong. I closed
by saying :
"And now, fellow-citizens, it re
mains only for me to tell you that the
most of tbe speech you have listened
to with so much interest was simply a
repetion of the arguments by which
your neighbor, Mr. Bunce, conviuced
me of my error.
"It is tbe best speech I ever made
in my life, but he is entitled to the
credit of it. And now I hope he is sat
isfied with his convert and tbat be will
get up here and tell you so."
He came upon tbe stand aod said :
"Fellow-citizens, it affords me great
pleasure to comply with the lequest of
Colonel Crockett. I have always con
sidered bim a thoroughly honest man,
and I am satisfied that he will faithful
ly perform all tbat be has promised
yon to-day." He went down, and
there went up from tbat crowd such a
snout for Davy Crockett as his name
never called forth before.
lam oot much given to tear.4, but £
wad takea with a choking the j and felt
some big drops rolling down my cheeks
And toll you now that the remembrance
ot those tew words spoken by such a
man and the houest, hearty shouts tbey
produced is worth more to nu than all
the honors I have received arid all the
reputation 1 ever made, or ever shall
make, as a member of Congress.
Now, sir, concluded Crockett, yoa
know why I made that speech yesier*
day. 1 have had several thousand
copies of it printed, and was directing
them to my constituents when you
came in
There is one thing now to which I
will cull your attention You remem
ber that I proposed to give a week's
pay. There are in that House many
very wealthy meu—niea who think
nothing of Spending a week'* pay or a
dozen of them, for a dinner or a wine
party when they have something to
accomplish by it. Some ot these sam«
men made beautiful speeches upon the
great debt of gratitude which the coun
try owed the deceased—a d.'bt which
could not be paid by money—and tho
insiguilicance and worthlessness of
money, particularly BO insijrni (leant a
sum as SIO,OOO, when weighed against
the honor of tie nation Yet not one
of them responded to my proposition.
Money with them is nothing but
when it comes out of the people. But
it is the one great thiug for w bich most
of them are striving, and many of thorn
sacrifice honor, integrity and justice to
obtain it.
The hour for the meeting of the
House had by this time arrived. We
walked up to the Capitol tormber, but
1 said not a word to him about moving
a reconsideration I would assoonbave
asked a sincere Chrirfbion to abjure his
1 bad listened to bis story with an
intere-t which was greatly increased
by his maner of telling it' for, no mat
ter what we may say of the merits o!'a
story, a speech or sermon, it is a very
rare production which does not derive
its interests more from the manner
then the matter, as some of my readers
have doubtless, like the writer, proved
to their cost.
By Crockett's aid I succeeded in
having my busiuess settled in three or
four days afterward and left for Wash
ington. 1 never saw him agiin.
Suggested by the death of Maud, daughter <>f
W. O. and Clara W. Russell.
Dear Maud is gone, no more weo'U see
Her oace sweet smiling face;
We miM her in the family,
We miss her every place.
The busy prattle of her tongue
Death's icy haud hath stilled;
It now baa joined the blood wn.-boU throng
Where songs of love are trill<*l.
The patter of her little feet
By UN no more is heard;
They're walking now the golden street
Belore the throne of God.
But while for her who weep* no more,
Our heart* with grief are wrung,
We'll look beyond ihi- banefnl shore
To Ood, whose will be done.
And may w* live that whea ve're frw
From thin liV* piercing blavi-s
We'll aoar to realms of eu'iletm day
To join our luVed at last.
tor tb« UnWHN'
i\ T o. ,7