Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 05, 1884, Image 3

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Mr. John McTamney of B -Id Ri-lge, lost
another en.i.i by diphtheria la-t
—The fi»:i ieaters are inrrW'ing their
Allegheny r ntity'< new ('••urt H ase i
to be buiit of
_Somf fellow p X • r York h?« discovered 3
WAV it in i n; ni}i> f»ut .■ f pw»-r-n»'nrn, feat
declare iii»s«*ih!e h; chemical - enti-v.
Wii«on versii- IV-re-, oti • r
wise kin.wu »« trie H irin uy
wn* lirlorn Jiiiti.e Broiliii
Epbriam Vfcllwain, the AlV*h*r.r b'ltcM
er, vm irir I iii tii** L. -». *-*>iirt ai Pi*!- --ur^h.
last week, • •r voiiinn ..Iwr-iie !f'e'"
the mails and *M» foau i in-lifted.
—Two uo!«ar-<J<s.-ful attempt" at escape «rf
coade hv lh»* pn<oiiers (if the \V«*nl#?rn
tiary while lieine trHDsferwl to the r.rx Biver
side building. There are now prifir.ers ID
the Riveraidnaud 'l"b in the old buildiu;.
—A broken rail on the P. 4 W. R. R. caused
an acsident to a freight train near Bonnie
Brook itati'in. ye«ierJ*y m >rmog. _ The train
coaainted of twenty enn, thre» of which were
thrown from the track and left at that point.
—The mercury stood at 4 degreea below
iero, )a»t Friday tDorniusr and the brisk wind
made it seem rery cold. The blizzard origi
nated in Manitoba on the 24th ult.
—Rer. London ba» accepted a call from the
congregation of Bt. Petem Episcopal chorch, of
thia town, and will preach hia firatiermun here
on Sunday the 23d mat.
—We direct attention to the new advertiae
ment of Mr. J. F. T. Stehle, who ia the sole
agent in Bntier for the celebrated Eigbuiie
shirt. Buyer* ot this shirt are infited to be
ware of imitations.
—Three weeks of March will be occupied
with eourt. It is a good lime for the farmers to
aot aa jurymen, aa the weather is generally
unfit for any farm work. We might add that
on this occasion it ia a good tuna for the candi
date also.
—Some of our store-keepers hare lately
changed all the locks on their store-roem di«nn,
having been mf'-rmed that a gang of theivea
who have their headquarter* some a»ilea we»t
•f town, had secured duplicate keys for their
—At last England baa good news from
Egypt. A dispatch from Trinkitat in tbeSoudan,
dated lent Saturday, staled that a fore* of 4,000
English, under General Graham, had oo the
previous day defeated a force ot 12,W0 Arabs
under Osman Digna. The British l<#wie* were
24 killed and 134 wounded, while the Arabs,
according to the report, ln»t over I,GUO men.
—Ara-mg the acts enacted at the last session
of the l/tf( lilature was out thi U h** an import
aot bearing up«tj the bonier townships of all
eoautie« of tbe in tiiat farms
divided by count? line* *h-«ll hereafter be iu-
in the county wherein the farm hou»e i<
—The burning of soot in * flue of th» old
Brmliab -nealead, in thin town, now occupied
by Mm. I'graiifip caused an ularm of lire
last Thorfi** muht It w»- » very cold night,
the vrir<<l wan high *'■ i the plug «t tlis- corner
*v frozen uj), a nmrer f<,r « ri'iu-> r..i «ider;i
ti<>n. ll would be well for |»-rwni liviiirf u- . r
fire ping" to have a '.f h"t wafr in
readide** for nicii occasions, cn very cold
—Ttw UMjaiaUion in ths ra»<- of tin allege- 1
lttjlM.-otiity of Nr. J. .1. t r> il. '.l Hra.ly town
ship, us' completed ia'e ia-' Tiior»iJ..v nitjiit
Tbe jury adj<.wrned till rent evening, »: n
they me; bnr r -tt :»t no' a.'ree. aud it «\- •
is not seu|e.i it «i!f have t. •,« r.-tri.d. Ti -
case r-ccnpi-d ll.rev 'liiy a, and over oue n<i <t
dred wi'iit it«*e *rre examined.
—Lawrejsiv county 'I ' .vn nearly
700 myiriijr in .1 vile ft .<!'.>•) oa the q<ie».u .n
ot Hit: a |>n.>r di-tri- t a i
erecting a pxir h<nise. E«<*b tf>wi»bip n d
town tnkf ■•.*'<» ••• iis oW'i (> »r. The V"tc
varie<l gre n'v, .»< tiie •li
poor to r» f >r, •>] the lati-r V"!e<i ««ili ll*
for the q<ie*ti »ii. wniie rther* aim e.t vot»J a<
solidly a/Hintt it
—The Grand Jorv is in sc-si- n and t» fore
they rise will take s tir.e action regarding re
building the O>ort H"UI»e. TneO.urton SA N
day had but liltie to say to lha Jury on tbe
■abject, a* tbe County Comraiwioiiers did not
have time to draw up a general plan fur a
new building. This will rirobably be d >ne this
week, iu tact, to get lha building started this
summer, it must be dooe.
—While two Venango county men were
loading bay from a stack a few days since they
discovered that the forward part of the load
waaonfire. In foriclog the olazing hay from
tbe wagon, fire was communicated to the stack
and six tons of bar and tbe wagon were de
stroyed. The homes were saved. Tbe caune of
the fire is a mystery. <*t neither of the men had
been smoking nor bad they matcnen with
—The oaae of W. J. Honston, a school teacher
against the School Board of Winfi-:ld twu., WM
heard by £<■<{. Walker last Saturday. Houston
wa«ea;a<ed last Pall to school No. .1,
known as the Baw Mill Hchool, but was dis
charged on the 30th day of January on account
of alleged incompetency and negligence in the
management of his school. He brou -ht suit
against the Board for SIOO back pay and dam
ages, but the F**]., give judgment bim for
—The Fisher Bros., of Oil Cltv and Pitta
burgh, leased tbe balance of tbe Wallace farm
in Penn township, last Wednesday, for $6,000
and one-fourth royalty. The Phiiip Bros,
hava part of thta farm and had an option on
the reet but threw it un. Sheutemantle also
haa part of it. Tbe Wallace family have done
Remarkably well. The Fisher Bros, are among
(be best kno.w oil krol4e.pl ill the country, and
(Pme yean ago were worth their mil lions.
"" have lately turned their attention to
Ewing, and that the Bald Ridge distriot at
the attention of euch men speaka well
for U.
—Con»ider»bto of-oor apace la taken up thi
week iritis the Mercantile Appraiser'* li«t for
IKH4, bnt it will be interesting reading for the
merchant* of the nmnty. The f!la*»ifir>»tioti of
merchant* i» aa follow*; For tho*e whom- »alea
exceed fl.nOOannually the claaa i» 14, and the
tax $7 75; for tn«-« whoae «ale* exv'««d
the claaa ik 13 ami the tax .TLO 75; ov.jr SLO.OOO
the CIMXH i* 12 and'he tax £13.75; ov«r $1.5,000,
11 and $157-?; *vr r
s3<J,infi, f) and (iK).7fo over • l'J,lvi| -snn't *3O 7.5;
mid wi <in. Of Itr.-wcr- arid •ii-riMeri* there in
bilt one firm IN '■ ounty, \ <iti<*..<enhioi/'r At
Hro,, of ISrnlilt Ui«r.H ;p, v.li.e, <•! iit, in
dicating <■( ' ruu*\ ml' •, :jnd it ~«* of
itSO.UO. ijilli »r'i Utile* are fixed H »<") t't: ••
and !>r >v i| ml.liuoiiHl table.
K••♦•per* «■»• t*v> rn- or hotel* « ho -; « Hmuunt
to tl'l,ooo an.) upward* Am <• lapsed 1, H<M! fiucl
18,0* Ml 001 up '2, arvt f'l.ono :«n l up,
3 and ■»**>; W.oi" ati'l up. I in- i 'i", - */ji I
aiiii !e>«, 5 *n'l <fc'i.o.i. I:<■ ■•• r• r*•.t uh-rf
annual ainotint to .'i.n 'iur- in eli.-.* 1,
ami are i4X< d J-UNT ij an'l nil un<ltr,
are in «!».>•« *> a'i'l t«x<"l fh>. Wlmiemle
liquor dr.) frn vii it- .:< n->ll ><: ti. .r
uiiiler are in ela-a* J.t »>«• irr-t.n»-l • J?l i,-
12 Hirl *ih| iu 4it tiiw itbiifity ti.-
(iiulM ul tit# J.fer«ut flr-u uic (••• ill* run
in toifether, tmt «r<* notice th-t' in p >m<- !■? t«\r
a<lj loiiuc <wU .ttr« t!)" tiij'-re'il klfi4<i,t' l>usi
n»t«< art» ««-parat<-- f l, cr ri •• li--' w.r l-, io<- inf -
- ! n>i r
dealers hil«iar<i lahlt-., rt4* . ina'**' n* r
liht*. The ria'ofi itiftji ii diff-'rciit H1,.1 INI-
Reparation i,f the (lilfeifi.t Vl;i>s* K w<-u!u p. -
hap-I INAKK >T <U irt: ««tilv uu Ur-TU-xi IAIIC.
The total niu'iunt of nitTi;a><tii<; i»n I
!h!i #+an la-: ye»r, «•> • |./r tnhieh' tn*-'
itihd i » *-r» 'lit on Ju»:oiint «r,'h <l,r
"county «a> f1,470.
Logal Moles.
The vertiot in the cn«i of I'ihi I] H mt'iet;
in*! v? 1f« 7«. Jihu M 'if'*) *"'l I>av:<l ii Crow
WU IU fuili|W«|
F"eb, M, IMI V«r lict in fav>r of the plaiotilf
far the land de«crib«t in the vrrit, nohjui-t never
theless to the payment <>t a crtiin in
favor of John Mager now for iim? of lUrid B.
Crow, which the jury tin.l to he $»i,409.35 an of
thin data to be paid with lnter<-*i in nine
month* from thin day. On payment thereof
defendant* to enter *ati*f«ction on *aid nx.rt-
K»lf» by releasing by deed of quit claim to
plaintiff* the lano described and to *nrrend<'r
pofweAnion of *aid premises to plaiutifTs
The icry in the Croll cn-.t stood fi (o I in
of a tomoaiitee over (he old
' The Coort on Monday appointed four weeks
of court, brining witb the 4th Monday of
April, lit Monday of May. <tb Monday of May
and 3d Monday of June, venire* to i»*ne Iroio
both oourti. TbU. with the week appointed
for tha tint Monday of April, make* fire week*
after tbi* month.
Forty-*eren new constable* were *worn I*
Monday and the Court ordered that they en
lyi dimm
The Transient Young Man
A •'masher" by the name of Beattv.
who employed f■* axrui at Annan
dale ati'iii. on tbe S -V A K R per
suaded a rounir rl bv the name of
K-'ilet. tl'» i- only thirteen yesrs ■
to elojie with hini this week. It is:»!-■»
hinted that several younsr gir'» in bat
rif'Tiitv will be o by Beattv.
Officers at H1 * points are on the !ouk
out for tbe seducer.— Trlrphon*
Th" el*»p» i> appeared before L-qniM
Bud: n thi- pi*ce on Tut -dav of U- T
week :i»id wre married by tout. not,
hom v> r. u-itil t»*-Th p irties bad stated
positively that the* h;id the consent of
the parents. Then the apparent
condition of the triil gave an air of
strong probability to thin story, so
thntthe "Squire supposed b« was spread
in* the mantle of charity when he
united the couple But the father ot
the g-r\ CM me ou last WEEK and threa'-
ened veugeuce on our inairistrate lor
performing the cer« m- ny, as she bad
left without leave or license and was
onlv a mere child. It would l<e too
bad" if our veteran Justice would have
to suffer for hia efforts to save a young
girl froin disgrace. A* for the '"happy
couplf," they are said to be spending
their boDejuioou a few miles above
Greenville— Greenville New*.
The Spring term of Prospect
Academy will oj»en Tuesday, April Ist.
Tuition $7 00, Best and cheapest place
in the State to attend school. The ex
pense of an entire term not more than
S2O. Send for circular.
N. M. CEO WE, Principal,
Prospect, Pa.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large sus.k, uew designs, ju»t received
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
FOB CASll—Spring Ptyleß in tapes
try Biust-els Carpets, 75 ceots per yard
reduced in price re. ardless of coft.
Heavy goods must go, underwear mu*t
go. prices are reduced, at Pattersou's
One Price Clothing House.
Just Received
onr new stock of Hamburg Embroidery
and Inserting*, the choicest line ever
shown, at
L STEIN <fc Sox's.
New Safe for Recorder's Office.
II W. Christie, E-q., Register and
Recorder, has. we understand, lit hi*
own expense, purebred a Burin n'
SaK to keep i!l trie deeds and papers j
in for safety >u cite i/f fire in tin* new
office in the Luther an church building
This wan «»rtnii»ly h good thing for
Mr Chri-tie to «J«», tunny people
have lieen n'r id l<> Wvii their d«<-dnj
for record five-* the late fire Mr
Chrietio assures nn that hi- safe i-« •» t
t» r than eveu the vault of the Coir r ;
iluii-e, wnero the papers have been |
protected for vmrs
The -pri-itf T'-rni of the Pine
Grove Normal Acudemv will bigin
Tue.cday, A[»ri I. F.xpt ns<'-. v< ry i-iw
will pav ali eX|M-ns»!S of a term i.f
thirteen w«i-ks on the S-lf-Boatding
plan; $lO will pay all expenseaou the
Clubbing plan of hoarding Good
boarding in private families,
everything found, d •i-et n<.t exceeO $3
a wek Tuition $lO - FOR Catalogue
address the Principal
Grove CitV, Pa.
Music boxes of different siz»s. de
sigus am! prices at J. F. T. Steble's
FOB CAPU—you can buy the best
4 4 Lonsdale and Fruit Muslin, at
cents by tbe web. at
Hop?! Hops 11 Hops 111
A bale of York State hops re
ceived at the City Bakery, Vogely
House Block. nov2B-4t.
—An exchange says: "A solemn
scientist printed the fact that by bath
ing the feet in tepid water a man could
double his circulation, and now editors
are baviug tauks filled to their office
—Call, aud inspect our new stock of
Drwss Goods, new Black and Colored
Cashmere, Gerster cloth, Drap D'Alma
Roebling Pin cheeks. Match Suitings,
Melanges, Changeable Suitings, etc.. at
—Tbe best and cheapest place to
buy black aud colored si ks, H rid the
largest assortment to select from, is at
—Go to J. O. Fullertou's store ou
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blanket*, flannels and yarns, manu
factored from pure Butler county wool.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J K T. Steble's.
—Muaic boxfs of different siz"S. de
fiigtis and p/ices at J F. T. Slebln'a.
—ln the o(| old tiipc; ii wtt' j,<iid
ti.rtt "Tbe ifinrv of a youittr mm i-i >n
bi* strau^iti " Now it w;ll have to
<*h«>iiff«fc| to "t;lnry ol u Vt.ung niHti
is i(l lliri doth*'" "
FORCAKII- S Hi.d .nl <J'nul am- at
•S cent-; flu<- ('nUtojl Uiligh lliiM,
at, | 0 ceots, at
F<>k Cash —] - Coat* «t &o cih.
FOR (' AKII -N. w Color* <l Silkr, iit
50 (•»•!,th. lit
—Spani/ X< w Fiwitilv Sewing \ln
«;(»!()•• tor >0
—rfpansr v<-w Family Sewing Ma
cliim* for 122 00.
Wall Paper and Window Shades,
stock fi« w designa, ju-«i received
Ht J. F. T. Stehle'n,
—-The f-rin of tin* Went Runlmrj
Academy will o|wu on .Vlondn.y March
24. The indication* are that the at
tendance will Im large. Rooiuh, hoard
ing and tuition nil mi reaaonahle rat*-*.
Full information m»y he had hy ad
drcKhiug the Principal.
Coulternville, Pa.
—We arn rfeeivipg a large lot o*
' choice new etylen I'rinta and (Jmghamß,
I fpr spring trade, at
L Stein & Son'b.
I —Blenched and onhletehed eheetinge
and muslin* were nev» r no cheap before
We have in Htork all the la at makea at
loweat price*, at
L Stkin (% RON'H.
—Go to If. ni»-hi <k Co., for Pho'phato
'f"'r X>i4M*, I'<W««H >'«**
Coun:y Commit lee Proceedings.
Tie Republican County Committee
met in IJntb r yester hv afteruooo ;it
urn o'cioek Ail the districts of the
<■ luntv with the exeepti n of Prospect
borough and Cranla-rcv twp , were rep
Saturday Mty 24 h wa- fix-d up m
M- ibe da\ f r the regular pruu*rv elee
li u. and Saturday \prds ba- tbe day
!or holdintr an • l«-cti 'ii t >r delegates to
the .Stale at.d Xati nal C< nveuiious
The members of lb pre.-eut County
Committee, or person* authorized I'V
them, are to ineei at their respective
poliiuiT places on Saturday. April 5 h.
appoint one or IWJ clerks, hold ihe
dele ate election, and bring >r send ihe
returns to Butler on i h»- foil m M »n
--dav. The Count v Committee will
meet in Butler on Monday. April 7'h,
at two P M , open the returns, count
tbe vote and declare who are elected,
ihe rules of the primary election u
govern the delegate «1« etion.
The resolutions of the committee
on resolutions were adopter! ! lie
Secretaries are to furnish a lull report
of the proceedings lor next week's pa
A vote for first and second choice for
President stood as follows:
First choice, Blaine, 35; 3;
Edmunds, 2; Arthur, 2; <^uny. 1
Second choice, Lincoln. 28; Sher
man, 3; Logan. 3; Blaine. I;Porter, 1 ;
McClure, 1. Two or three present
were not called.
The Chairman and Secretaries re
ceived a vote of thanks, as did also Mr.
Tinstman for the use of his ball.
Bargain Sale
of underwear, at prices never seen be
fore; call earlv. at Patterson's Oue
Price Clothing House
—We are closing out our entire stock
of Winter (Joods regardless of e< st to
make room for spring good* now arriv
ing. Call and secure hargnins, at
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for S2O OU.
in overcoats for Men and Boys' wear.
Everything red no d in price, at Patter
son's One Price Clothing IJoUoe.
—Go to J. 0. Fullerton's ?iori on
Jefferson street, Mlow \i> r r : , n Bank for
flauiieiM noil } .irus. iimim
luciurt d from pure Builer ounty woo'.
Wool Growers Association of
Butler Couniy.
A meeting "1 ilii- a-M.eiati.iii wii! I»< <m
'■A edti' vlav. March l-'tli at .Millei- Ha ! i, IJui
u-r I'a I he )<>ren>H>u ncwiion will convene it
1-A M. m 'i ibe allerinion *e*»i,.n at li't'l
1" M Farmers cmue njie, •m>- all atxl bear
Irom J. . A* tell tbe i^iockm
A i.-o John M< Ilnwell l'r< - . .. . ! ' . Me
Nary Tress., of l'ei.nsj ivitiiia Sl ile VV..-.I
i'resnlent" 1 rea u ri-r.
—Send IT It ive V"ur order lorn Sewing ">!a
•■hine, ol any <iiake, at K. ijrieb's .K welrv -tore
—Machine attacbnienta ami repairs
ot'ail kinds, HI I*., iirieli's .!•*..elrv
1..N Nl'_'gle ic i»ro Huller. I'a tf
—Wall Paper and Wind >w Shades,
lartre stock, uew ju-<t received
at J F f. Stehle'ii
—Extensive repair* w 11 he mule on
the Academy at Suubury dur
iug the vacation
—'"Business would he belter." said
the President of the National Associa
tion of Stove Manufacturers at their
meeting in Cleveland the other day,
' if we could have less politics and few
er elections."
This sort of talk is quite common,
especially just before a Presidential
election. It is based on a mistaken
view of tMnys. An active interest iri
political matters, which means an active
interest in the wise and
proper administration of the Govern
ment under which we live, need not lie
prejudicial to anv business enterprise
whatever. Indeed, business suffers
more because business men take too lit
tle interest in politics tbeu because
they take too much.
Beside*, a man does not wnnt to
live the life of a mere oyster, fattening
on the things the world gives him, and
taking rio note of what u g-dug on
outside his shell. The conversation of
some people would indicate that they
think the whole aim anil purpose of hu
man existence is tbe accumulation of
Wealth An inteligeut part cipation iu
P iliticß keeps a IIIHII iilive and aw»ik»*,
broadens his views, and gives hun
something to think of outside his own
personal occupations.
Th« Prei>idciit «,f the v Htional AHSO
ciatiou of Stovi- Vlanufacturfrri probably
forgot thattlitiHc couritrifM wbifh hav«
tbc leawt politics aii<l fewest elt-ctionn
arc abrtulutc ruonarcbicn.
FOR CAHII ra Icnir'h,
Fiuc HUck r» f»ul «r uoid»* I i «>»-•;, at 35
CHillM, at
FOR < AHH —l>in' k (Jr-. (irairt
at 50 cent*, at
FOR CASH—Kxtra « !•'»• 'I hr< ~d
Stiip»- Huliatm »•! 10 ft hi nt.
W'KII Pap'-r atid Wi .<1 >W Shades,
lari/i- st..i k. new <l''-<i|fiis, ji»->t received
111 .1 F T Steele's
Mti-ic luiXt K I f <1 fl' relit f- /.' H, de
>-i(/tls Ui.il prices al .1 F T Sieble's.
People Goi'l,.; W.i >t
A tnj others in want ot fire-.it uis <-iiniili|
our catnl'»L'lie of rifles,
fhn iruMS, revt.|vcrs. <V'\, »te. It is
mailt d Iree. P.e.is-" addr "ss .1. 11.
.l'i!iii-ion. IJretii VV. sterii (ilu'i W'.-tk-,
IG'J Sinitlifit ld street Pittsburgh. Pa.
What a Woman Says.
Mine linn Furnace, Va., .lan. 31, 1 «1,.
E. .SR. Jou.v, 11. R. <T R A ,
t'litCAOo, 111.
Your valiiahlf <;•«<.k e inf to lnutd,
for wti it'll iif'Cpf my thauki* I>'» a ir«-n«ur.*,
lor it* receipts are plain, ami the book in well
gotteu Up; lla typ.>|{rapbieal and (fneral make
lip Hfieaka nell f<>r your depart in -nt in d.iiin.' no
inucb f<ir the "Woinen of .Vun-rtei" May
your roatl be an nt eve»y wtmian
who follows your Cook lt'.t»k, HIM! every IIIHII
who eat* thereafter. Yonm fnily
M 1,3 M, It. KAHMTKas.
Thi* beautilul bonk e<»iit«irH 128 pnifen
with llluniiniited uoverN. Sent on receipt of ten
rent* in ptl»mp« i.r cexh Atltlre»*,
E. S»T. JOHN. O T. A r. A ,
R. I. I*. K'v.CliiraK", 111
FOR CAHll—Every tbinir in Dry
Goods, Carpctn, .Millinery, Trimininifft
and Fancy Notions, at tnti<-h lower
prices tban you cuu buy them else
where, at
A Decided Curiosity.
Wonder? will never cease. The
latent in these parts bave reference to a
r« uinrk ible tb: dii-covered by a little
daughter of Superintendent J. T. I»luir,
.1 th-- S & A 11 11. on Thursday
inori.ing la>t. ll.'\v to explain the
I heiioineiiou we < aii!i«'t
i'l •- little girl in queclioii was furui.-h
--»-ii with a boiled ejrif at breuklust '.'ii
ttieakiiiiT ntill reuioving p;irt o! ibtt
shell, reii!Hik'd that she hait ii-.
coveted iMit-rsi and words iiiiprinteil ou
tin- coatiiig < I the «pp utiflei the r-!•« !i
1 he attention ol her father wus cain-d
to the inatlt r, atid ou i x>iuination be
found tbHi the child v\as not
atiil brenkitig ofl more of the .-bell tound
what seemed to he a small fraonieut of
a market r«-p.>rt for some luwu ot city,
clearly imprinted on the inner coating
of the egg. How ii t-anie there is ihe
que.-tioii Mr Blair say.- there was no
m wspaper near the egg after the shell
was removed from which the letters
ami words could have been imprinted.
If some philosopher, scientist or natu
talist can unravel the mystery, our col
umns are open for that purpose
Greenville Adcance Aryus.
—There is room in each of the conn
ties of Pennsylvania for one good
Academy, and one only. Prospect is
the place for Butler county's institu
tion. The Spring Term of twelve
weeks opens Tuesday, April Ist. All
branches taught, instrumental music
taught by an experienced teacher,
Tuition for admittance to the Academy
$7 Instrumental music $lO 00 for
students not attending the Academy
at.d $8 00 for those that do attend
Send for circula".
N. M Ckowe A. 8., Principal,
Prospect Pa.
A Bride in a Tree-top.
Captain MI-CI-V, <»f thf Ariadne,
give*. lull particular* (if the fV-ar'ui i x
puiitice <-F a bridal pari v IU the «t«»rtn
opposite Kuckpuri la.-t Ttw.-dav Ira
Z» i.or went lr« ru ILckport t<> be mar
ru-d tu Mit-H Sbrj'ck w hoxe parents
live opposite. .1 (i Daujfberty, who
of lute years has been run rim if the
ferrv, t«n>K the and his friends,
accompanied with a two bor.-e carrUtr«,
MTIIKH the river on his ferrv-l»oat in
the morniuf. Everything went well,
the cereinouv was* performed and the
da\ pinned pleasantly until ah iut 5 P
M . when the party, with some addi
tion. started to returu. They consist
ed of Air Daujfherty and his wife, Ira
Zen.»r and his liride and ten other In
dies mid ifentlernen.
After crossing an ovetflowed field
they reached a clump ot trees on the
edge of the river tiauk, wh»-n the storm
strut k the frail boat, overturning it.
i'he p irt v ciunjf to th« trees and re
imtini'd in the branches two h Uis.
vvfu-n 'h« v were re-eued by a colored
in and a .-kiff They remained at ih i
colored man's h"USH until morning,
when 'h*-v rijfhted iheir ferry-boat ami
went to K> ck|Mrt, thank'ul lo fa* alive.
The tveather wis so cold the clothing
of i lie -utl'-rors fr ou theiu. and it is
woudt rlul that no lives wen lost.
Music b xes of diff-rent -iz'-s. de
signs and prices, at J F. T. tJlehle's
Call Early
for t)%r.'»iins in fine heavy weight cloth
ing, at Patterson's O.ie Price Clothing
FOR CASH -White pearl dress Hut
tous, at 5 cents, at
You Can't Miss
buying clothing after seeing prices at
Pattersou'n One Price « lothing House.
—Spang New Family Sewing .Ma
chine for *l7 00.
lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chines are warranted for five years.
The reading room iu connection
with the Academy at Sunbury is now
an attractive feature,
I iixii »•:»
(Jeo W Shaffer, Airent —office
with K Marshall Esq.. Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
See'Js that Talk.
Yen -se ds that talk Can nnythinif npntk
plainer than tt fill I r-nv of seeds, wllii'li Ic ve
f'.reeil their tinv 1.-av.-s MIIOVC the hiirfnc - in
Kar.l. n ami field? They tiirly shout to nsihat
ihev are alive aid can h - de|i. n*l <1 upon every
time Such arc Sihl.'V's T.'-le.t Seetls, tlo-y
talk rii»ht at yon, and can he had promptly t.y
sending a postal card to Hiram Sihhy & Co.,
Itnchester, V. V., or Chicaifo, 111., for a Cata*
10/nc and price list.
I-'ITH: *ll Kits .stoppeil free tij |)r, Kline's (ireat
Nerve Itestorer. No l'"l s afi r lirst ilav's use.
Marv-loiis cures. Treatise anil s-.'.ifo trial lioltle
free to Kit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, :•)! \rch SI.,
Plnla . I*a.
Pari Icnl ir it ten i HI IJIVCII to ILN; K"lr ic N v of
olfl lines. A(tdtc-K.
d F. 11l 1.1.1 Utll.Co. Snrtpjor
Monti iloj.c P O , It illcr Co , I'a
»,o 81 : y
Coiaiy Auctiiaeer,
t«( i i.»:s«, »»i:\ v i.
Is |' icj,:ired loscr\c|lie pulillc.it tills «cc ion
it V.IIIIIICH, elc || ivliiij lint in iii v y.'iHH ol
U;;(: i."i ch" can gn irmtiie p-Ic'l -a i i-tad I>n
a riles th it will stt.l i I l..;»vc w..r-| il ttiii
.III'.- 3,5.84 ly
J. 11. Harvey 9
f|,« t, i. nr'l ;i | »iir Hliop it; KKI "Kit" '''l, l ('K.
<iit If- r* jn Sirrfi, l'i., where i.e i*
( i ♦ , Hc.l to do ;ii« kind* of
INTR :»»N! 4 ' iVntiiin i• » LT, II HI MIL'
I)' Hid*, He And. "No «»tt h iiiil-*
M ai! I*ii|n r«* Mint Itonler*.
I';llll>>« oid
I'lilileM. mill lVtitiJ i»v (ila>N.
jail fiiil.'S l 11l to oilier |
I re-p. etftilly koII it a hh re ol Mi.- tuiti'lc t>:it»
roi.ave J. 11. II Alt VKY.
:t.5."4 f'nn
Witkmpccr, littiiiic.
TJH* Mprlnu Tfvm »I oil M«)iid.iy. M;ir<*h 17,
P. S. Bainroft. A. M.. J C Tintainan, A.
M , an.l Mi*s Carrie McCani.kss,
Will ili vntr ?lM»«r wltnlf ihif. as licrWofoif. to 11»«*
work ttf tli" A<Mtl(*itiit* and lnt« riM4*4h;ii«' I»« j»;trt
in*-nf H « f the School, lvipfcial ailt-ntioti will !>«•
Klveii to
Kv.'lleiit faclllth i arc altor<le.| for Inslructions In
Mu«ir and lirawltiK
Kor lisslsian.a* in MN'iinnu tio'inl ojr i 5,../
for any fnr.lior Intori.i.'.tu.i. at>p)> til I'. H. itaii
crolt or a <•. i llutlei. t'a.
yd iy» H
l£T Advorli«e iu the UITIZKM
Mercantile Appraiser's list for
The vender- of foreign andd inc tic merchan
dise, di>o 1«t». etc in Butler c-'unty will t*ke
i otice that hc> are apprui.se i and classed l>y
tin mi .-r-iiUtd App «i>er of inerpaiitil** and
■hr ieeusc tax tor theye.tr ISS4 as to lo»>,
to wit:
y-liuri. ADAMS TO'.VJSSUIP. Cl'<-£.
Jiiu eM A Anderson, merchant 13
SiA !l 'lln n ipse .ii " 12
tiillela• d A Marshall " H
.1 .1 Siuith li 13
C I! Irvin . " 14
A M Keers " II
N:»ticy Adams " 14
I' II Muiray
Mrs 1. A Perrene " Si
J R Cr»i){ uiticiiant 11
J P I'liiiunier " 14
J It Shell aCo. " 14
.l<>se|ih 11 Tuoiiiaj " 14
E C l'arks " " 14
P Eakin " 14
E G Ciutton merchant 14
<i U l.iiiholiz " 14
| W W K'.hinson " 14
0 U fetoughton " 13
Adams & Parks, merchant 13
J M Fli-muiing, " 14
A Guckenheimer <t Bros., distillers 4
(i \V Cramer, merchant 15
\S atson & Ekas, " 14
Samuel Snyder, merchant 14
R J Anderson, " 14
it 1? Norris, " .14
A M Woods. " 14
H C McCoy A Son, merchant 14
A M Christv, " 1-
11 W Elliott, " 13
.1 11 Walker, " 14
Jus T W iNi.n, retail lirjuor merchan* 12
Hard l!r. them, merchant 13
<,u-»tus Fniifl, ** 13
W W I>ui lap, " 14
li ,\l I>nl & t 0., " 12
rc I. W 11 son, " 14
.1 A Ba.lv, " -14
W L Campbell, merchant 14
.H'tllter, " It
A F Fleeter " 14
t; r. a niir.i! rv town'slll r.
A (• flertdrick«on, merchant '4
W 111 luin Carvin, " 14
Joaeph (iraham, no reliant 13
t 'on N choiaa " 14
E E G'lehrinir " 14
J F A W A Pnrviance, merchant 13
S Mark well, merchant 13 :
A I) Kiihn A Co. " 13
.John A flardintr. hotel o
.loliii A Harding, one billiard table
1> Oawtord, merchant 14
r» D Quigjey. •' 14
W S McCrea. nieichant 14
Mrs B J (it-iliiiif». h'llel /i
.1 M MoKride, h"tel ~
J M Mcßride merchant 11
H 8 Cate merchant 14
W \i Durham " 14
Keisiier Bros. " 14
A J llanlen hotel 5
Thomas E Flick merchant 14
II C Miller retail liquor merchant... 4
Paul IVoiitiiian merchant 13
W l) Hutn " 13
Pontius Kodifer* & Co merchant 11
II I Miller one billiard labl*
Mrs Th..ii,as U illiauis merchant 14
1 C Wlitmic " 14
E Eil> nln-rger " 14
Win Watson merchant 12
O Koruruiuph " 14
Philip Snitzel, merchai.t .14
I. Haitenstiue A Co, merchant 11
W ui Mon lag
Wm Wahl, hotel 5
.1 l.xilt-ier, merchant It
A E Mt'tz A .Nun, merchant 13
Win Humphrey, minbabt 1(1
Wm Williams, '* It
Kaiii»ey Itmthcrs, " l-'i
A • ; Krazier, b 14
11 Hehtrling, " 14
Lewis Owen, merchant 11
II It IJryson, " I I
11 C Ikult), " 14
W J Marks, merchant 12
J I! Flick, '• 14
Joseph I'aily merchant 14
J II Kelly hotel 5
Mrs I' M Me liride merchant II
.1 II Gorinerly " 14
Win May bold " 14
J A llay " 14
Jacob II Ke scr merchant 1 I
A (i i uniiiOell " 14
J (! Kapp merchant 14
J P It'.hiM.n " 14
ill Mi ahiwcil & 10.l 0 . merchant l-i
| J V, Orr '• 14
T O Campell " : 14
John filii>-s merchant I I
II VV Kll..nee " I I
V iiilci-oil (iriis " 1 >
John \.K chev hotel ">
Jiihn A llichey one hiiliard table.
Jac h & Iturt'in Young, merchant 14
A \| CritchloW " ..14
I'll Million " 14
K I! Dittui-r, merchant I I
1 Alherl Smith, hotel h
K II Adams, merchant II
I Jmail'A W S Keistcr, hotel "i
' K i anion, merchant i II
(' I'v rsoti, merchant 11
J F • i chrsn it Co., merchant I I
, J K Grossman, " 14
I'll' Koblmi'ver " 1'
| T FCiiiupti. il, " 14
\ '? Cmnptx'll, merchant 14
N M ll.»v r. " 14
H«r|(er t'.r.nheri, " 12
-I illliii Rr.lhers " II
Harper A: lfiti-im, " II
I John Falwell, " 1 I
Ki 7. ih th Ailaina, " 12
i L \ Yake. " 14
| JI.IIII McCorkle. " 14
J C McKee «St Soil, " II
! J I. liealty, " I I
N* tiarilner, merchant I t
John (i.irdner Co. merchant I.'i
J T Or " 14
! It <t V K l*H lis** " I I
I l.cwis Wci.n.rn " Ii
Cuiluiriiie Foster 11 14
James C l.otrun " 14
.1 II s'uitoii merchant I t
W I' Miller " 14
< 'liriu Slock " 14
Joseph Rockenstine " 11
.liicoli Keek 11 11
A Tr.-utoiHii A Son 11 m
I Mrs C Kocll " I '■
I fl It'ehl 4 < o " II
I, siein & s ( ,n " I"
J I, Walter " 14
li c |lii-elton " ..II
I Ritter A' CHUNIII " 8
J..s. |ili Sm th, restiinraiit 5
II s.liiieiilernan, merchant
I l» II Wuller " l i
; A Itnft " f
] Charles R firie'i " 13
! I) T I' ipe. merchait I I
John liickel, " 1-
II < 'oM.ert " 14
JT P "itehle, " H
I.oil is flish-tp, " 1 4
! Ileitis .t Miller, " It
I, <V I-, K I.inn, " I I
W I, Morrison, " I I
J J Feiiller hotel "
I S Svkes, restsnriint ' r >
| Jn 'oh Uoos. m••reliant -.1.1
1 (• W Ciinmhell, hotel ■'
|) I, Cli>£ land, merchant 14
J It friinfle " H
I 1! SC"hlinever A Co., merchant I 1
II c Heinemnn, " ' »
M Hiskenslein. " II
1 Iter* A < vplier, " I"
J Itei!».i A Hro . I .•!<■• >r mercti'Mit 11
4 # U t, .i*
&j FOR I
<£jj Sc»'ch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwriirht and Warner'* Underwear, in white and scarlet M
?« Fifty d>>zeti Fancy Suits of Underwear, till wool, which we are selling at $3 00 a suit. The best thing ever iT
offered at the price; worth $5 00 Boys' aud Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes. W
T-l 2.V) dozen Rritish IIOSP at 25 ct«. a pair, worth s<) cts., just opened. English, French, German and Domestic Hosiery in Silk, f
I Lisle Threads, CameV Hair, Merino, Cashmere nnd Cotton. Novelties in Neekwew, in plaiu aud fancy silk and satin 'in all the
<£| lending Our Fall importations of English Neck wear just opened. ' 5J
WulUiutr sum! Driving (J loves, in Kid, Fur, Camel's Hair, Cashmere and Cloth, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Susi>ender
T j Silk aiid Linen Ilaudkeichiefs, lletnined aud Hemstitched, in white and with faucy bordera, Linen Collar* and Cuff* all the new ®
jCJ I'n.breHas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Ltruest line of English aud American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Butler. Out C
Black Silk I'mbi-tlla tor #3 ot» is the best thing ever ottered The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Colored Shirt* •
r ->§ always on baud. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men aud Bojb in Butler. <T
£'| CHARLES R. GRIEB, Union Block, Main Street Butler, Pa. jf
w w^www
1850 00000 ESTABLISHED 1850
W\ have tbcm and you will be lucky by getting one from as.
\ The Cektiettc Quick Train Ecckfcrd Bailrcad Watch.
We alto lave OD band all other make? aDd grades of Watches.
V*>V /I Url»lh'» li T. Gold llrddlng Kliifcw,
* Mche., Clocks
o Jewelery, Silverware and Spectacles.
Our li> e of Roger Bros.. Silverware, which in acknowledged to be the best, in the largest ever shown in Butler.
Please cm 11 nml examine stock h nd prices
KNGI!AYIN(J FRI E OF CH A FGF OD nil go< di-| ur< bat-ed of me. F'ej airing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
a specially. which we warrant to give satisfaction
Place o'i business two doors North of Dnff> V and opposite Troutman'a Dry Qooda store.
Q 1 ■~ ,ocl, of American and Swine.. Oold Filled Hilver and Nickel SVatohea. Chains, Necklaces. Lockets, Ring
i ti acciet*. Pin» I a -rin»;K. Oold Silver and Steel Spectacles and a *ell (.elected stock of Hilver Plated Ware, ala
[; Wr&jV[jyj MB »« colul.ratol ltoger Bro'a Kniveo. Forks. Spoons l.alles. Berry spoons, pie and oake Knives, 4o
ffj gon niv goods | nichanod of me. Strict attention in given to repairing of Watches, Clocks. Ao.. which are var
s. i'llii/ mi, ted to give satisfaction Persons purchasing goods to the amount of One Dollar or more, will reoeire •
coupon ticket, with a iiarnUr and their name attached, which ticket entitlea the holder to a chanoe in a hand
sonic sII.VF.It WaTEB i 1T( HFH with Gold lined Ooblet and Slo|>-l>owl. Time of drawing will fee aaatMMl
n County i»i<i ie >»o v t ek» previous. Don't forget the place, opposite Berg A Cypher'a Hardware Store.
- --
TltlAl MM FOR NPKC'I.%I. (Ol KT.ronJIKXdXO 3IOXDAT. nAK< H 17, 1884.
X,, Term. Yr. Plaintiff'* Attorney. , Plaintiff*. Defendant*. | Defendant'* Attorney.
!•• I |>" f, Mar 1881 Mc»'andiess and N Black Win Maher, Trustee S Percy McCrea Assignee JG D Findley et al
• • y " •• NVwtou Black i.Matilda Vincent etal PM Hollister Bowser and Brandos
C P 3-1 June IH7!> Scott Parker S B use of K L Cam'U J W Christie et al AT Black et al
AD til Sept 188l|Greer 'lsabella Swan |M Flitter etal Brandon
•« H'j •• " Same Same Martha Matthews Same
" 23 Dec 1882 McQuistion OC Waters PA W Railroad Company Scott
" ( ;;i «« •• Miirhell jCbarlea Durning. jMonanaes Dugan McQuiation
<« 7,1 •• •• Bredin Eckart Kalb jP A W Railroad Company Soott
•i 7,; >• •< ( hrihtie Frank Fisher Sarah McCoy et al Robiason and Moor*
• > sn " " Thompson and Brandon G C Roeuigk Henry W Roenigk Mitchell and Bowaar
" 22 Mar 18H3 Brandon ! Butler Savings Bank John Scott Scott
<< •}«< •• " A T Black k'oin Pa,P W Couw'y sug as pff Jamea FI Tebay et al Brandon and Cornelia*
•• 3s " •' Robinson and Moore 'Com Pa. for use. James Dunlap Adin'r et al McQuistion
•< (;_< " " Mitchell B F Covert. Jane Bentel Campbell and Brandon
" 4 •< 18S2 C V Sullivan 8 R Brace John Holinan Mitchell
411 Dec " Thompson and Walker C F Wick Clay Township McQuistion aod Bowser
« 7; •' •• Oreer A Doiner by her next friend Dr. A V Cunningham jMcCandleaa
" 7"> Mar 1883 Brandon John Bvers Summit Poor Directors (Bowser
■< «;7 '• " Mitchell Win L McGeary A L 9hrader Ei'r Brandon
\ D fts June IKS 3 Brandon S G Meals and wife SAA Railroad Company |Thompaon A 800
Prothmiolary'a Office, Feb. tw, 1884. M. N. GREER, ProthonoUr
J nek son A Mitchell, " '4
\ l,ow rv, hotel ®
J (' RedicU, uiercliKiit '3
J N* Patterson, " "
r Putty, " H
M «' llockenstein, merchant '. 14
I", (irieh, " '4
I) A H.ck, " 12
C Roe.»simj A Son, " I '
\l rs J it lirii-h. " 14
J S Met rcn restaurant o
(1 W Miller A Br-., merchant 9
Geo B"U'ger, 4 billiard tables
Miller ttroihers. iii»-r> h.iiit 14
J Nigk'el A Bros, " 13
E W Kirk, " -If
Gabriel Kohler, restaurant 5
S<l Purvis A I'«., merchant 1"
J(iA W t 'aUlpbldi ' I'
Henry Enriimiiler, hotel «
George K< Merer, mercliain 14
J It Grieb. " H
S M Patterson A Co., I.ipi n- in reliant 6
CKSTHKV t 1,1.1 v ltlHtOLC.lt.
J I* M' Q'l.stinii, merchant 14
J II Mnntz, " 14
Uher A Sons, " 14
\1 U Kelly, " 14
TIIO- Wilson A Soiia" 1'
C W < 'milter, " I 4
W M BlHKlimii, " W
W I. Kainsey, " 14
James SWI Uon, " ~..14
Bard A Sons, " 1*
kvaxs crrr.
L ll'dmadel, inerehaiit '4
F V Brooks •' 14
Allen A: Rohmaon " I-'
II t' ItllKliM " !•'
Geo I til A Sons " 13
I 111 11 bar A Shoup " 14
<) W shoup •' ...14
W m Iluncan, hotel t>
II V StokeV "
I, Gautz merchant '4
F K ersl img, MD, " 14
J N Miller. hotel
Wall A Bishop, inerehaiit !•*
J A E Itamtiaeh " 13
II S Walters one billiard table
A Crow merchant... 14
lit llirchard " 11
C Seott " 13
C (' Alexniider " I 4
I.N Ziegler. ll(|llor merchant 13
Wise, Lvlle A Main. lumtier merchant 12
Anuusi I ■iiirinuer, inerehaiit 14
Knslrii A Mains, " I-
S A Ite im, hotel 6
Jacob Shelly, hotel * r »
li |l Sa'hiii, merebanl. II
A W Zo-Lf'er. •• ... 11,
l.atshnvv A Sianini, uierelimi •- ]
A Latshaw, " 1 I
F M Mitchell, " I •
II W Incise, " II
J N t'liblnsofi, meieliiiut 14
H C Black, " 1*
LW Morrow, " 14
S I! Binirbam, " 1 1
llomer Itrowu, " 14
Mr* E Black, " 13
J E < uriy. " 14
It I. Brown, " 14
W W Boweu, inerehaiit 14
A 11 f(< mis " 14
I I Pi. ice " 13
lit' l.ilz'nifer " IS
I'isber A Itieksou " 14
II iv, Brotlmra " 14
A W' K r < psone billiard lable
M fl-iter merchant 14
V\ Ju VW**»shtU " ——« I Kimi..«ntli
Alston A Hruce " 14
A Hoch hotel 5
H'sdi, Itarnhart A Co. mercliant 14
(DA Idiuuer " 14
Frederick Sweiger " 14
B Frederick " 14
John K'itziaiterick, hotel fi
W I> Ke.ley inerehaiit 14
J (' Gaistord 4 billiard tables
C >charbach, merchant..... 14
W P I u riter " 14
A li en .'I billiard tables
WeHiennan Brothers mercliant H
Frank le A
B J Forquer, hotel... 5 I
J T T Frazier merchant 14
* ieo < ilnss " ... 14
Dean Campbell hotel... ... ... ... 5
John Dolau " 5
W R Riddle A Co., merchant 13
Henry Young, " 14
S S Forrister, " 13
C (' Sullivan. *' 12
Critchlow BrotlierH, " 13
J II McClure, " 14
J M Hawk, merchant 14
Mrs Thomas Williams, merchant 14
J A Foot*. 14 I I
M K B iird, " 14
J B Danxherty, hotel •>
Isaac B >e.eulH-rg, merchant 14
II J Bottner. " 14
J L ( lark, hotel 5
(> M Jamison, merchant 14
.1 Benedict A Sons., merchant 10
R E Foster, " 14
S 8 Kliugensmith " 14
II \ K lingensiiiith " 14
8 E Eenehan. " 14
George J Jones, 11 14
Freeman A Marks, " 13
J II Kilroy, " 12
John Burns, " 14
A W Boot, " 14
E P Cheesbrough, " II
John Dill. " 14
John Dill, 4 billiard tables
W II Kim;, hotel 5
John A Ervine, merchant 14
W II J el it son, hotel 5
II A Seiple. mercliant 14
<; W Mairlwf, " 14
Charles Pfeiffer, " 14
E A II Mershon, " 14
I'heodore 11 i linhold, merchant 1"
I. a lielmboid, '* 12
t) A ltbisles, merchant 14
Rhodes A Christy, mercliant 14
M A <iarlach. " 13
MeehlineA Murtland," 14
.latiie>- Pryor A Co., " 13
Bredin A Conway, " II
P R Burke merchant... ... ... ...12
W A 15 I'aife hotel ... ... 6
Joseph Farhart m reliant... ... 13
Henry Keasy hotel... ... ... f'
John Wersh merchant... ... ... 14
A A West " ... ... ... 14
Pennell A Fvans two billianl tables...
F Summers mercliant... ... ... ...14
P Summers, two billiard tables
W A lioehring, merchant.. 13
E y.i'hio r " ... ... 14
(ieo sttali |, li(|iior merchaut... ... 13
!'(■ Kline, merchant... ... ... ...14
Householder A Philips, merchant 13
Charles Stokey hotel... ... ... ... A
Frederick Strohecker hotel,„ it
J nines Oesterling hotel... ... ... ... &
lobn Hindinger, merchant... 11
A WUUefr
Tl>rets* Milliman " II
H ilousholder " - 14
CS Pa»savant " 14
(ieoHnyder " 14
1) O Haitian " 14
M 8 Heed " 14
A VYiuti-r* " 14
DFTI.ER, PA.. March 1, 1834.
All person* interested in the abore lint will
please take notice that an appeal will be held ia
the office of the County ("onimis«ioners, at Bui*
ler, Pa., on Monday the 7th day of April, 1884.
Ist. Final account of John N MeLure, Admin
istrator of Julia McLure, lnwol Prospect boto..
I'd. Filial and distribution account of Kobert
Trimble. Ksq., and Henry Kennedy Administra
tor* of Joseph Kennedy, late of Middlesex t«p.,
3d. Final account of James Oranmer, Adminis
trator C.T. A. of Christopher Miller, lateofclay tp.,
4th. Final account of Samuel II Moore, guar
dian of Jaiuc* Mc. Cooper. minor child of Kobe*
Cooper, late of Worth twp., dee'd.
r.rfi Klual account of Kdward Campbell, lata
(iuardlau of I'hobeCooper, minor child of Robert
Cooper,dee'd., late of Worth twp, by Samuel H,
Moore, Kxecutor of said Kdward Campbell, dee'd.
Otli, Final account of Kdward Campbell, lata
guardian of Jesse Cooper, minor eblld of Robert
Cooper, dee'd, late of worth twp Filad by Saml
11. Moore, Kxecutor of said Kdward Campbell.
7th. Final account of J. W. Dtckey. Vxeeutor
of tlie estate ot M. W. Cross, late of Worth twp,
nth. First and tlnal account of M. I». MeClal
laiid, Kxecutor of the lust will and testament at
tieo. McClelland late of Allegheny twp, dee'd.
tftli. Klrst and Dual account of David M. At
weli. guardian of McClelland Urubb, miuor child
of liliTeon (irubb, lale of Marlon twp, dee'd.
loib. Final account of John Y. O'Donnell, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Ann K O'Donnell,
late of Oakland twp. dee'd.
ilth The final account of Charles O'Donneil,
Administrator of 8. !' O'Donnell. dee'd,
mh. Final account of Daniel Feldler, guanllaa
of Annie Hahle.
i;ith Final account of Daniel Feldler, guardian
of Mary Sahle, a minor.
141 h. First and Final account of J M [.elghnar,
guardian of William Alexander, sou of R. D. Alex
ander. dee'd.
IMb. Final account of (ieorce Marburger, Ad
ministrator of John II Mver, late of Kvaus City.
tilth Final aceouiit of Wm F I'efler. Adnnnia
tra'or of the estate of Mary Matthew*, lale w(
Cotitioqiietiessing twp, dee'd.
17ih. Finland Partial account of Hanry Ilyla,
Kxecutor of lleo llarelay, late of Muddycreek twp,
I hili. Final aceonnt of Aleian ier Welih, Ku*
cutor of Win. MeOeary, iaUof lluffalo twp, dee'd,
10th. Klrst and dlstrli>utlon account of Hrea
born Summers, Administrator of I'blllp Millennia,
late of Zellenople boro, dee'd.
•.sub. Klrst and Dual account of W A McCo»-
mick. Administrator of Kli/abeth Steel, dee'd.
21st. Klual mid distribution account of Joha
Kohncr. Administrator of Nancy Vaudivort, lata
of Cranberry twp dee'd.
rend F'lial and distribution account of Daniel
HtaiifTer, Kxecutor of I'eter Oe.-!erllng, late
Zellenople borough, dee'd.
"Air<l First and Dual account ol Kbenerar
Christy. Admiiiistrator of Ami Young, lato 9l
Washington twp, dee'd ; filed by hi* administra
tors Glenn W. and Jane Christy.
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