VOL. XXI. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. KMtaleot Ho. BarrUkmnu. LATZ IF I*'l DKC D LETTER* OT adißici«lrHtio:l NF.I the estate OL Wrr. B-irm-krotw, de< -1 'ate OF Cotmoqneoes- LUC TVO . Butler C« ?*•. TO W the uudrrwt'ned. ail |".roM knowing TLI'-MTELVF- inMMM< 1 R " R ' P , : • .. , KMtAh J BAKUICk M AN. Adiu r. Mt t.» A M. Cornelius; At!'y Kainii- «( I.emiwrd H l*»' I.AI K * F "iHK 8011 ISO "F B ILK'. DfcC I>. 1,. I't r.« ol A'l'.nli'i ir !•>i. ii,' "i 'l»* Le„i ~.l >'• i.e '!,«- d. 1M .. i •' "- 11 Kutl.r. Bu lei .ounty. b.viii »> en g .ed to the iiiioi iM-. nf -. -i I' l'" 1 " k >.»"isr tlifii.-. i\.-s iudebi. I" •"<1 '• «'U? WI 1 " e uai. iiiKneoi ile ' ai.d ■ iiv ► ICMIIU-I I- UIT-:' »TID <»■»'■ «'*• L,UR claim-duh (tuilv ' ticat'.-d for n"*oi. < AK<>LiNF- VVISE Adiu.m-tr»tr:x, Jan.* .M. . Bui.er, t>A 31eJunk u & Giihrcatli, A" }-■ LMiiiooi Joint Hvcabfrr/. UN or ILLEGHIM TWF , OT< I». Let Us* o: Admini tr; liou C. T A. ou the es tate of Joiiri Uoeeaborry, dec'd., LATE ol Alle gheny towosbip, Batter comity, Pa , hsv.IIE: been GRANTED to U*l oudarsigped, all peraou* kcewicj: themsefw* indebted to aatd estate will nlease CU.''fcc ltnaie«uue payment aud ANY having claims "gainst pree««l th.u. duly «^« tic .ted to, J»«rker» LaLdiug P. I Armstrong Co , P»- NATFEE. PAL) tie notice is hereby GIVEN that an *PPJL eaticn win b* mads to the Governor of be Commonwealth f«* » Charter of iroorpor4U| U to be called the Woritingnians Building and Loan Araociation of Butler. The character and object of which eball be to enable ?«««• » borrow money on Bono and Mortgage by the payment of weekly dura. Applies .on to be made on or about 6th day of M±ROU 'iext. WALTER 1- GRAHAM, Feb. 2. *B4. Ait'y for Apj .icanta. FARM FOR SALE. The uudersigned desires to sell Hs fa-ni, locate ed in the Bald Hidge uil district, Aduuii town •hip, Butler county. Pa., conwining ONE HUMORED AND ONE ACRES of land, a L cleared but about twenty five acre* which I« in GOOD yonng timber. There are three oeTer-taiiin»J iprinu» of GOOD water. Good HOUSOK and B.irn* wilh a splendid TOUOJC orchard. Near to churches aud schools, aud within live minutes walk of Marshall STATION on the P. &W. railroad. For partifulars lO uuire of ihe u derstenec livinp on the premises. CHRIST. BALLHOH»T, SR.. leb. 27-4T Mars P. O. FOR SALE! Over THREE HUNDRKU CHKAP FARMS In West Virginia, '.'CM of tiiese f are located in the Shenandoah valley, F 'j' uih for liealtlituliie'lS AMI productiveness. Llß.;tioved (arms at $5 to ATIO per acre. Coal, tlmhe. »nd Rra/LNG lands, W to S4O |MR acre. Have afc * larne suitable for .colonies. For circulars, giving description, loca tion urice. &c., address J. 11. BBISTOK. Marllns- L)urg, W, Va. JAU3O-4t. SILL FOB MALE. A 3 run prist mill, near Whites town, this coun ty. Mill is in goofl repair, lias both steam and water power. Gcod dwelling and other necessiry builduiKion the premises. Rimnini; ex pense very low. Good reason for selling. Musi be sold before Ist of A »ril Only th.vsa who mean business need address for particulars. W. L. ALLEN, Wliltcstown, Pa. Jan3o-4t. FOR iAIaS. 18 Acres of land. Willi l«n:e two-story b'ich house and larjje ban tli r-on > rented. Go." orchard; mitia'-d in Butlm 1 «|>. But er .ciuutv Pa . Mlj ii -ii(. B .nor b .rniii li on the -.nt i, a be Hold Hid mi ra \ it tin- For partial! lars imp.lie > f l.ev 3ItQ-iiet* !, ii. Lhij Butler. I•• i.ovr. On the Strd of Jatiuar . on ihe road fron: S IUII> ale Slatloi. loll)'* lli'iiv O-dali- M I" Ch reii a p >-keibnok about four be-hes lons n\ two and h half unto, an i coiit lining one hundred and tWeutv dollars -;our r.M'ii: •' dollar yo •' pi> "- two ten dollar nold pices. and tli- balance in not •- <. An\ p- wi-sl of Enter He will keep on hand a lot of bricks at all umes. H»- will also make and burn brick in ibe country for anyone .leMrini* to h»ve them made on tln-lr own f-'rin or premises. As lie Intends earrvimt on the brick making business, h" ir.vlt.'s the , n-ioin oi all. promlsiiiK to Rive entire >ati*f *clion lo all who may patrou lze nun. All order* proinptly till'-d at reasonable rates. Call on or address. I GKOROK HTAMM. mar/s-'S3 Itutlwr Pa. Dr. Frua'e'3 W Ti r Cure Es -t. Abe ill h tn-i i u- >• i-I. y»r F->f ne.'l iv ill kindf ol . • i. it s '•• aod «w --pi-cially Ineoisea- •ot • men Or AAT ALL BEA.-I»X«. Ctrcui ••» :re.' \ I Ires*. H FREArtE M. D„ jylH-lv N"W H'MV. to, Pa I l.n|;e lor tbe Cixizkn ittn I:TI IS DK rod xS\ I |j4^ lIIAT Pattereon, the One Price Clothier and Oentu' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of new Winter Clotbiog for M*D9\ Boys' And Childrens' Wear at one extremely Low Price to all. PATTERSON'S, Dolly Block, Butler, Pa. Planing Mill -A.ND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PCKVIB. L. O. KURVIB, S. 6. Purvis & Co., ■AWORACTTMBIIS HB DUI.WIH Rough and Planed Lumber OF KVSKY DESCHIPTIOK, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOKiv FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,' SHINGLES & LATH.! PLANING MILL AND YAKI> Wear German Ohnrsh i»t:i*.M i 'v ' \r rifi KkN INGTON, ARHASEWB WOi.K TONE, \i o 1> R-s ll< iii siinc irivon l»v A*'NIE V ! LOW MAN N.»rlh -tuct, Biilli r. Pa jni'3o-ly h: x i > obi t i a IST Visitors stu-uM ii"t I'HII to cill snd examine I the l.irui'St and fim st stock of Imported ai.d I>iuii«' iii- Liquors in the at Mai HU'iii, iVricral Slreei, Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne ; Passenger Depot. Hard Wood Furniturs tor saic at extremely low figures, A great variety oi Beds. Table*, Chairs, Ciiiidrcna' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Enlra Heavy Arm Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlo: T:.bles Bureaus, Bt»uds, Double and Rlngle Lounges, Spring Mattresses, Ac., &c., at WM. F. MILLER'S, North Jfaln Htreet, BXJTLER, I ? JL., FACTORY ON WASHINGTON STREET. ? •' fro Clvdfidatt, Prrrhtron-Normani English Draft Horttt, Trotting-Bred Foadrtm, Shetland Ponies, Holttein and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing larce collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues tree Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, fpringboro, Crawford Co.. Pa. Mention CITIZEN, july2s-ftm. NEW LITER! STABLE, Henry Leibold, ; Continue* the Livery B'min'WH on Jefferson St. | first door below Binkel b* wei nt the farm «,f John Weber. in Peun t'uv'i hin a - my tiino Tonus 'I r»«h or cha-ged. J A Paivtfb, J"ir» Wmr.n. f .- -r- • --CTTT- . r;. T.- - _ I%V \ r i ill Advertising Cheats. "It has become so common to write the beginning of an artiek in an ele gant, interesting manner, ' Then run it into an advertisement that we avoid all such, "Aud rimply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce the people "T-t give them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything elt-e." • The Ki-MTDY FU favorably noticed in all the pnper!<, ,'ii«ligii>us iitid pecular, is ••Having a lurfje aLd is sup planting ail other medicines. "There is no denviutr the virtues of the Hop plant, and the pn prietors of Hop Jiittem have shown great shrewd- n eaS 'And ability ',lu compounding a mediciue whose virtues are so palpable to every ones observation." Did She Die? "No! •■•"JUP l«ifpred and suffered along, pining away aU tiie tinifc tor yeaii.t' The di-ctors doui* her no gi-cd "And at laet nan cured by this Hop Bitters tUe papers HSV KO iuuch about'" ••lnceed '. lndteu ! " "How thankful we «houid he for that med icine. A Dp fighters Misery. "Uleveu year* our danjjtim* suffered on a bed of misery, "Fron' a conoj.lication of lidncy, liver, rheu matic trouble and Nervous debility, "Under Ihe care of the best physicians, "Who gave her diceaee various n. mes, "But no relief, ' 'And now she is restored to us in good health by as siinble a remedy as Hop Litters that we had shuned for years befure usemg it."—Xuc Pare.NTH. Father is Getting well. "My (fdiignt|:r< adj ; • Mow much better father is since iie Hoc Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurable" "And we are so glad that he used your Bitters," ▲ LADY of Ltica. N". Y. aMARITftj^ ?<~HEVER FAILSr>^ The only known specific for Epileptic Fits.-hSi for Spasms and Falling bickness."&ja Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever."®# ,» germs of disense and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn hlood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.-®# trf-Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It Is a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cause, r»~Ko nts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the wind.-u* X*TContains no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing it."S# Restores life-giving properties to the blood.- fc* Is guaranteed to cure all nervou< disorders.-®# when oil opiates fail.lt# Refreshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded ."K# in writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. 8. and Europe."®# Leading clergymen in U. 8. and Europe.'®# Diseases of the bl>od own it a conqueror.-®# For gale by all leading druggists. £1.60."6# The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Co., Props., St. Joseph, Mo. (2) Chas. N. Crittcnton, Arcnt, New York City TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From thesis sources arise tin ce-fourths of the diseases of tno i.uuiun ivce. "lhese symptoms indicate their existence: L»i< ol Appctltv, liutvtla cONlirr. (tick Head aelie, fullne.s alter « version to • ■•rtiun Of lioilj «r miiitl, Kiuctalloa of food, Jrj liability of temper, Low spirits, A feeling of liavliiff neglected ■••me duty, l»l«l itu, l imit ring at the Hrart, hat. before llir ryci, highly col* orsd Urine, t OSIHTIPATIOS, and de mand llie uso of a remedy that acts directly on tho l.lvor. Aa a Elver medicine TUTT'II ULIJ have no e,jual. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three " tcav •ngrra of the system," producing appe tite, Hound •iitcesiion, regular stools, a clear ■kinand a vigorous bodv. TCTT'N P11.1.M cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with dailv work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. HE FEEI.B MHE A MEIT MAW. "I have hail Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, anil Lave tried ten different kinds of pills, and TL'TT'S an; the first that lmve done inu any good. They have cleaned me out. nicely. Mv appetite 1s splendid, fond digests "readily, and I now have natural pannages. 1 loci Ilk-- a new man." W. I). EDWARDS, Palmyra, O. f»uldsv»rywliere,aßc. Office,44 M»rraySt.,N.T. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GRAT HAIR OR WHISKKRS changed In stantly to a CiLossr ULAI K by a single ap plication of this DTE. Sold bv Druggists, or sent by exjiress on receipt of 91. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT't MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FUEL !PL ABTE HI NG. The undersigned intends to remove to Rutler on the Ist of April next, and hereby informs all per sons, that he win be prompt in executing any work that tnsy be entrusted to his eare. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed in the best and most satisfactory manner. (Jive me a call. jan.'MMt. JOSEPH 15. PIZER. G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington stroet, north end, Butler. a. jan2.ly. MORRIS NURSERIES, "VWst Chester, Pa., GROVE'I & KINNE. Fruii, and Ornnii'cni'il Tin», t*hrabl>ery. KI.M- , ~ en- J \ VI ADA vi-s.A rent in" 'I 3 llinl r. II Union VV'<>«>ten >lill, BUTLER, PA 11 I I I,k.t'.Kl'O.V, I'rop'r. Hanufaetarei oi Buinn, fusmu,T. Kolle, waking Blankets, Flanoela, Snit in,, ami W Yarns, Ac., it very low prices Wool worked on the shares, it de strej. 7-ly BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1884 A Thesis on the License Laws of Pennsylvania. BY CHARLES A. SULLIVAN, A T'Y-AT-LAW No truth is more clearly visible, to the mind ot the student of jurisprudence, than that mutability is written upon every hutnau statute book. It may be assumablv said, that from the inception of manv acts, passed by the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, no system or class of laws has undergone greater variableness ; caused more un told disturbances, and formed a multi plicity of judicial and extra-judicial opinions, th»n the acts of assembly, relative to the license system, in the licensing of hotels, taverns, inns, eat'ng houses, for the accommodation and en tertainment of guests, boarders, lodgers, strangers, visitors and the travelling public. The license question, in the State, lor a series of years, has been a subject of transcendent importance. The great public and private interests, pro and con, have been fraught with vexatious and replete with difficulties. Even judges and advocates have been har rassed and hectorcised, ad infinitum, in their efforts to construe and determine the intentions, cherished in the Drea»t of legislators, in the discretionary power of granting or relusing a liceuse. And most truly, may it be observed, that Senators and Assemblymen in this eouiu)ou«yeaiih, for the past de cades, have been censured aud adulated and ostracised, by one class of the pop ulace, in failing to pass statutory acts favoring a liceuse system, then by the other class for acceding to the behests ! of antagonists. The changes and fluctations, indeed, have been grievous, marvelous and per plexing. The fair-minded and impar tial student, upon a full and caustic in quiry, ia lead to the irresistable con clusion, that as partv tendencies have prevailed, as reform movements have ascended, then was shaped with abso lute inevitability the legislation of the State, relative to license or its abroga tion. When the temperance move ment rose to its flood-tide, and the ] liquor interests receded, then license i acts were repealed in almost prohibi tory terms, aud vice versa, when the in terests of liquor leagues, and license acts were brought into activity, when successful with the electoral franchise. Tbe fact can ndt be controverted, that these interests have, with unappeased hatred, dimetrjcally opposed each other They have grappled most desperately; i one contending for absolute prohibitory j acts of legislation and the other with a ; burning zeal that nothing could lessen or abate lor their enactment and pass age. And herein consists the marvel -1 ous peculiarities, the pro and con, of the prohibitory and the license systems A perusal of the pamphlet laws will I inform the student that the act of 1834 ; remained a stable and almost an undi visive law for a period of twenty-one ; years, and its supplemental changes were slight aud immaterial. It may be affirmed tbat during the continuity of tbis act of assembly, harmony and tranquility prevailed, while courts and ye> uj iury were allowed to pursue "the even tenor of their way." In 1855, upon Ibe htels of tue great temperance reform movement, that swept like a besom of destruction, from the statute book, followed the repeal of the act of 1834. in terms nearly prohibitory. The Senate and House of Representa tives were compelled, unconditionally, to obey tbe mandates of an ardent con stituency in almost restraining tbe passage of liquor acts, gr«ntiug a license. The new act went into effect, with great eclat and glitteriug promis es, and it seemed that a new dawn of civilization and refinement was shower ed npon the commonwealth, but dole fully was it to be recorded, that 'ere a fortnight elapsed, the law tbat was looked upon with brilliancy of success, 1 was obnoxious and must vigorously derided and saterized contemptously, as the "templars'-little-brown-jug law:" : And it was demonstrated that the man ufactures of liquors, etc., were reaping their harvest and gathering in the ; skekels, aud entailing greater misery, I distress and humiliation, than under a lawfully authorized license system. The cotisenuences followed, that the "little-browu-jug-law" was of brief l duration and waß over-thrown most re morselessly, by the act of March, 1850, i passed through the indefatigable activi- ; ty at the polls, over the entire State, by ! an organization known as the "Liquor ] League." Tbe license act of '56 was i subjected, however, to many changes and modifications, and not until 1872 waß the State again stirred "from centre to circumference," from pit to dome and pillar to corner-stone, with the fury and agitation of the people, pro and con, over the license question. The Senate j and House trembling like aspens, fear ing an infuriated constituency gave partial relief in the passage of an act, styled tbe "Local Option." Tbe all-im portant question for license or against license was then submitted trienniallv to a popular vote. Yet the "Local Option" act contained a proviso, that could not be construed to repeal or affect any special law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors or to restrain the granting of license. The act tri umphed with small majorities in some counties, indeed, very few, if any cities, and remained in force for three years. This Act sprung upon the judiciary the question of constitutionality. In many judicial districts in the State, eminent jurists, distinguished in tbe the profession, seriously questioned the constitutionality and the unconstitu tionality of the act Here and there were found Judges, who held inexora bly tbat "local option" was a flagrant violation of organic rights, and of an unconstitutional character, inasmuch, as it delegated tbe legislative power of tbe common wealth to a popular vote. While on tbe other Laud, Judges equally celebrate', with parity of rea son, maintained tbat "local option" wa>just, meritorious and constitutional. In 1x75, three years subsequently, the S» naie and House at Hirrsburg, by an 'inlinitismally small vote, repeated a portion of the "local option"act, >nd in corporated certain prerequisites and pro visions of the acts and supplements of 1858 and 1867, enacting that all ap plications for liceuse be predicated on the same footing with a right to file objections, in the nature and character of a remonstrance against the granting of license, by the Court of Quarter Sessious, upon good cause shown "BV ANY PERSON " As we proceed, it may not be amiss to transcend to a few details and par ticulars. If the petitioner or applicant, who applies for a license complies with the prerequisites cf the acts of assem bly aud showing to the satisfaction ot the court his fitness, and sustains a good moral character and of temperate tiabits, and is provided with the neces sary hnuse room, the hotel, inn, tavern or eating-house is absolutely necessary for the entertainment of guest.-, board ers, strangers and the travelling public; where facts and evidence of a pre pondenting character is adduced, it is discretionary in the breast, miud aud conscience of the court to grant or refuse such applicant a license under the acts of assembly. It mav be parenthetically alluded to, that it is well established in a republi can foroi of government, lilfe ours, where the power is derived from H)ts will of the people, by virtue of an or ganic la>v, the constitution, formed by the soverigus of the land, in their wis dom ordained three distinctive func tions, VIA; the legislative power, vested in the General Assembly ,t:onsi«ting iu a Senate and House of Representatives, with inherent power, from the people, to pass good, wise aud wholesome laws, regulatiug and governing the affairs of society, protecting the weak, shielding the wayward, checking the violator, punishing the wrong doer, sustaining the rights of personal security; ail these requisites are vested in the ser vants of the people the functionaries of the legislative power. The supreme executive power is vested in a Governor, who shall take care that the laws be faithfully ex ecuted. The third, yet not diminutive power, is the judicial. Their province is to call to aid and requisition all wisdon, discernment and well-seasoned knowl edge, acquired by dint of application and legal industry, in order to construe, interpret and to give the signification of the laws, the intention iu the breast of the legislator at the time of making the laws, whereby the people, whole people, are to be governed, se cured and protected Judges are sim ply tbe mouthpiece of all the acts of General Assembly, and they are bound morally aud legally by an oath and good conscience, to preserve all sacred human rights, and keep laws intact, as placed upon tbe statute book. And the judges are strictly, to all intents and purposes, the servants of the Sen ate and House of Representatives, aud behind the General Assembly, over and above the legislative power, we find the supreme, irresistable, absolute and the uucontroieduble authority, the jura summit imj>e>ii, the rights, the transcendent power of sovereignty, where the will of the whole people re side. Hence, it is the people, "the majority of the people" for ages, in all republican institutions who govern, and it is the great bed rock upon which rests the pillars ol this grand aud glorious Common wealth, and must control tbe destinies of all human re publics. It is the "majority rule," like a nwnumentum acre perenniu *, of the electoral franchise, who choose and elect their powers, legislative, ex ecutive and judicial. And this great and sacred American republican theory will never iu the State or the country suffer the sceptre, "majority rule," to pass out of their hands. The servants of the people are chosen by their free out-spoken ballot, and for the people statutes are ligislated, enforced and construed If a i Act of assembly be bad, injudicious and ob noxious, then let tbe people and tbeir servants vigorously enforce it, and tbe same power that gave it birth and ex istence, can equally abrogate aud re- ; peal it. The Senate and House, comprising tbe legislative power, have seen fit aud proper to enact a system of laws. These acts of assembly require certaia ! specific prerequisites to be pursued by j tha applicant for license. The law re- I quires of him a prima facie case. And ' wherein docs this really consist? Let j it be observed in detail, because gener- i alities are apt to mislead and distract. ; Some minds, apparently, may be fam- ] iliar with these prerequisites contained \ in the forms and acts of assembly, yet i the minas of many are biased, chimer ical aud fastidious and press for speci fications. | The applicant or petitioner who craves for a license, under the acts of assembly, Ist must be a citizen of the United Stateß; 2d, a person of good moral character; 3d, a person of tem perate habits; 4th, must have sufficient bouse room aud dormitory accommoda tions,exclusively,for the entertainment of guests, boarders, lodgers and the ac commodation of the travelling public; sth, the general body of the petition must be printed, with the blanks fiiled in, and must be verified by an oath; ♦itb, it must contain a certificate of twelue good, reputable citizens, in the vicinage or neighborhood where the hotel or eating-house is proposed to be kept; 71b, the certificate of tbo twelve citizeus must clearly show and certify that the applicant is a person of fitness, the bouso is necessary for the enter tainment and accommodation of guests, lodgers, strangers and tbe travelling public; Bth, must also be accompanied with a bond in two thousand dollars, with good freehold sureties, for the faithful performance of the trust and preservation of the law; fHh.lhe petition must lie presented lothe clerk of the court ol (Quarter Sessions for filing and placed amoug the recorls of the county. It is the business ol the petitioner to see to it personally or by his counsel for him, that his application is in due form aud tills all prerequisites of the acts of assembly. VVnen once on file its character, legally, is prima facie, and is a public record, and as such is subject to open attacks and th»- aggres sion of HIIV person, upon a leg-il tech nicality as well as upon a stinging de merit Many who oppose the grant ing of license by the Court of Quarter Session, flippantly have said: why can't a petition be granted by the court to keep a hotel or eating-house, and exclude the sale ot liquors, etc Any p rson in the State may throw open his house to entertain aud accommo date guests, boarders, strangers, travel- and descriminate who the inmates may or tnav not be. for entertainment aud accommodation, and the law has no power to interfere directly or indi rectly. But the acts of assembly passed by a Senate and House, incor porated the power to vend liquors, wines, ale, beer, etc, spiritous and malt, as an incident thereto; and no court of any judicial district in the Slate, can exercise a power that would be arbritary and extra judicial A de cisive measure or opinion, by a court of judication suppressing an act, would uever be tolerated aud would be a malfeasance of office Now it rests imperatively upon the people to see to It that the spirit and the reason of the acts of assembly, rela tive to the granting or refusal of license, is taken care of and faithfully perform ed. The great object, the sole purpose aud the ultimate result of all law. nestles iu the rea.-on and spirit of it. Go back to the misty regions of the past and you *\ ill lie taught by poiuts re no wued ineradition and legal lore as well as the poets and tin n of profound learn ing, that "law is the perfection ot rei son," and in this day aud age of intel ligence, refinement aud christian civili zation the DICTA is just ad inexorably true; thai where reason fails to exist, then law is abandoned, suuk, gone for ever. It is the spirit and reason of the acts of assembly that must be carefully weighed and vigorously pursued The perso'i in the possession of a license,who vends and sells liquors, wine, or beer, indiscriminately to his neighbor, or a minor, or a man of known intemperate habits, or a lunatic, or one who has been declared judicially an habitual drunkard—the frail bull grinding on the bottom, moving and crawling like a loathsome creature, uoue on the earth or beneath its sur.ace, so repulsive or more pitiable; such a creature—a drunkard, was never born ( but is the Greutiqn of man—or if a person of a low vile depraved nature, neglects to pro vide wife and cbildreu with the com forts and necessaries of life, and pays over the last dime to satiate a morbid appetite and quicken a habitated brain, with drink, then common justice, the rights of humanity seasoned with the rea son and spirit of the law,steps in,revokes the license, inflicts tt>e penalty and reuders the violator powerless to do evil in the community. Courts have always construed the acts strictly, and when the facts and evidence were ad duced showing just cause, licenses were immediately revoked and the penalty imposed upon the offending violator by the court. The arts of assembly have also pro j vided and prescribed certain additional I prerequsites controlling the license j system in this conjmonwealth. That i after the applicant has fil«-d his petition j praying for a license under the acts of : assembly, a prerogative is granted to | any person, an invitation as broad and boundless as the waters of nature her self, to any pt'ruon, to pieparea petition in the nature and character of c. remon strance, supported by facts and evi dence to the satisfaction of the court, to reject the applications, petition and per emptorily refuse a license The law requires a clear and indisputable proof to overcome the prima facie cas«> of the petition and the twelve persons who hove certified to the due forms and pre requisites of the arts of assembly. If the evidence tends substantially to show what has already been descanted upon and predicated, then no court, with a sound discretion, would violate the interests of the law-making power. The discretionary power vest, d in the court, is truly a serious, as well as a delicate one. No branch of legul science <>r jurisprudence has been so elaborately and eloquently discussed for years, as the or refusing of license under Pennsylvania arts of as sembly The abilities of jurists, divines, temperance advocates, platform lectur ers and an honest and conscientious yeomanry, have been baffled, pro and con, with the all-prevailing question, the license system in the State And it is an incontrovertible fact that in some judicial districts in this common- ' wealth, certain judges who are honest in their convictions, hold the law to be obligatory upon their conscience, and in the exercise of their discretion to grant a license to e/ery applicant, who ; brings an application within the due l'orms of the nets of assembly. Then in other districts, equally honest and sincere judges learned in the profession, hold most inexorably with an iron hand that under the same acts, they are not bound to grant any license whatever. C'learlv neither of the posi- j tions are, judicially, well taken, or just and reasonable autl within the spirit of the acts as found in the breast of the legislator, "by signs the most natural and probable," at the time of making the law The province of the judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions is to exercise a sound, broad discretion upon the merits of each particular case Tbey are to patiently bear, investigate and with discrimination all the facts and evidence and weigh them judiciously in the scales of justice with the golden wand of discretion. As the liquor acts to-dav exist in the pamphlet laws of Pennsylvania courts with a sound discretion must determine upon the fitness of the applicant, the necessity of the house, for the accom modation and entertainment of strang ers. guests and the travelling public. No court in the State can say arbitrarily or even arrogate to itself the propriety or the improprietv of who shall or who shall not have a license. The question to all intents and purposes is of a leg islative character purely and not a judi cial riebt in the mind, breast or con science of the wisest or the sternest judije. Courts sit to hear, to interpret and to administer the law as prescribe»4 bv the acts of general assembly, aud huve no power, immediate or remote, to add to or repeal it. "Judicesest jusdicere non dare." The pamphlet laws of the State say that licenses shall exist and that the Court of Quarter Sessions must ascer tain, with sound discretion, who shall and who shall not, frou the proof and evidence adduced, be entrusted with the power of a license. This discretion, the law in its wisdom prescribes is to be exercised, primarily for the good of the public and secondarily for the me diate or immediate private interest Judsfes must perlorm a duty under the oath they have taken. The Senate acd House at Harrisburg have enacted and, by law, caused to be promulgated, the acts of general assembly, relative to the present license system. Hence, iu the nature ol things, it is binding on the good conscience and unskaken in tegrity of every Judge in the state, to preserve, to vindicate and keep intact the laws, until repealed by the general assembly. In line, Judges who fill ihe bench, of the sevtral courts in the t ommou wealth, are simply the expositors of our laws, while we, tbe people, are the ouly true conservators. Butler, Pa , Feb 27, 1882. Unwritten History of the War. I i tbe lest volume of Thurlow Weed's reminisceuces there is much of hi herto unwritten hutory Among Mr Weed's papers was found the fol lowing : It will beremembertd that early in the rebellion a Russian fleet lay for several mouths in our harbor, and that other Russian men-of-war were station ed at San Francisco Admiral Farra gut lived ut the A«tor House, where he was frequently visited by the Russian Admiral, between whom when they were young officers serving in the Mediterranean, a warm friendship bad grown up Sitting in my room one day after dinner Admiral Farragut said to his Russian friend : "Why are you spending the winter here in idleness ?" 'I am here," replied the Russian Ad miral, "under aeuled orders, to be brok en only In a contingency that has not yet occurred " He added that other Russian war vessels were lying off San Francisco with similar orders. During this conversation the Russian Admiral admitted that he had received orders to break the seals, if during the rebel lio.j we became involved in a war with foreign nations. Strict confidence was then enjoined. "When in Washington a few davs Inter, Secretary Seward informed me that he had asked the Russian Minister why his Government kept their ships of war so long in our harbors, who, while in answering he disclaimed any knowledge of the nature of their visit, felt at liberty to say that it had no un friendly purpose "Louis Napoleon had invited Russia, as he did England, to unite with him in demanding the breaking of our block aJe. The Russian Ambassador at London informed his government that England was preparing for war with America on account of the seizure of Mason and Slidell. Hence the two fleets were immediately sent across the Atlant'C under sealed orders, so that if their services were not needed, the in tentlo s of the Emperor would remain, as they have to this day, secret. It is c rtaiu, however, that when our Gov ernment and Union were imperilled by a formidable rebellion, we should have found a powerful ally in Russia had an emergency occurred " The latter revelation is said to be corroborated by a well known New York gentlemen, who was iu St. Petersburg when the rebellion began aud who, during an unofficial call upon Prince Gortschakoff, was shown by the Chancellor an order written in Alex ander's own hand, directing his Admi ral to report to President Lincoln for orders iu case England or France sided with the Confederates Man Always the Same Animal. George Ticknor Curtis says iu the Manhuttati Magazine: The most splendid specimen of the Caucasian race that the civilized world can show to-day has no more organs, boues, muscles, arteries, veins or nerves thau those wnich are found in the lowest savage. He makes a d'ffereut use of them, and that use has changed their development, and to some exient has modified stature, physical, intelectual and moral, and many other attributes; as climate and habitj ot life have modi fied complexion, the diseases to which the humau frtme is liable, and many oth u r peculiarities. But if we take his toric men, we find that in all the phys ical teatures of his animal construction that constitute him a species he has been esseu'.iallv the same auimal in all states of civilization or barbarism. And unless we boldly assume that the prehistoric man was an auimal born with a coat of hair all over bis body, aud that clothing was resorted to as the hair in successive generations dis appeared, we can have no very stroug reasou for believing that the human body has been at any time an essen tially different structure from what it is now. Even iu regard to longevity or power of continued life, if we set aside the exceptional eases of what is related of the patriarchs iu the biblical records, we do not find that the aver erage duration of human life has been much greater or much less than three score and ten or tLe fourscore years that, are said to have been the divinely appointed term. As to what may have been the average duration of life among prehistoric men, we are alto gether in the dark. Mr. John C. Keisioger, Wrighta ville, l'a., pays: "I hud heartburn that nothing relieved uotil I tried Biowu'a Iron Bitters." The Hand of Lincoln. Look on this cast, auil know the hand That boe a nation in its hold; From this mute witness understand What Lincoln was—how large of mold. The man who sped the woodman's team, And deepest sank the plowman's share, And oushed the laden raft astr. an), Ot fate before him unaware. This was the hand that knew to swing Thr axe—since thus would Freedom train Her son —and uiade the fjrest ring, And drove the wedge, aud toiVd amain. Firm hand, that loftier office took, A conscious leader's will obeyed, And, when men sought his word and look, \\ itli steadtast might the swayed- Xo courtier's toying with a sword, Xor minstrel's, lay across a late; A chief's uplifted to the Lord \\ hen all the kings ot earth were mute! The hand of Auak, sinewed strong, The fiugers that on greatness clutch, Of one who strove and sufficed much. For here is knotted cord and vtia I trace the varying chart of years; 1 know the troubled heart, the strain, The weight of Atlas—aud the tears. Again I see the patient brow That palm erewhile was wont to pres!*; And now 'tis furrowed deep, aud now Made smooth with hope aud tenderaesi. For something of a formless grace This moulded outline plays about; A airying dame, beyond ourtrace, lireathes like a spirit, iu and out— The love that casts an aureole Hound one who, longer to endure, Called mirth to ease his ceaseless dole, Yet kept his nobler purpose sure. Lo, as I gaze, the srtatured man, Built up troin TOU large hand appears; A type that Nature wills to plan But ouce iu all a people's years. What better than this voiceless cast To tell of such a one as he, Since through its living semblance passed The thought that hade a race be free! The IriUependfHt. My Neighbor and I. M. Quad in Drake's Traveler.] I am mad at the man on the south west corner of the block, and he is mad at me, and it's all on accouut of noth ing at all. We bought a mantel and grate just alike and costing the same price. We had tiling just of the same pattern, laid dowu by the same tnan. For five years we were like brothers. If I had a sick horse, I consulted him. We went over to his house to play old sledge, and his family came over to my house to play croquet. I'd have turn ed out of bed at midnight of the darkest uight you ever saw and walked twenty miles through mud thirty feet deep to bring a doctor iu the case of SickQess and I'm certain he'd have done fuliy aa much for me. Iu an uufortunate hour my brother in-law from Chicago paid me a visit. He said the mantel was verv handsome and the grate a perfect beauty, and added : "But vou want a brass fender." "No!" "Certainly you do. It will be an immense improvement." A day or two after he returned home he sent me a brass fender from Chicago. He not only sent it as a present but paid the express charges. Some one told the man on the southwest corner that I had a brass fender. "It can't be!" "But he has." '•I'll never believe it " "But I've seen it." "Then be is a scoundrel of the deop est dye. Some folks would mortgage their souls for ihe sake of showing off a little.', When this remark was hrought to me I turned red, clear back to the col lar-button. I called the southwest corner man a liar and a horse thief I said that his grandfather was hanged for murder and that his oldest brother was in State Prison. I advised him to sell out and goto the Cannibal Islauds, and offered to buy his bouse and turn it iuto a soap factory. The usual result followed. He kill ed my cat and I shot his dog. He complained of my ally aud I .made him put down a new sidewalk He calltd mv horse an old plug, and I lied about his cow and spoilt a sale. Ho got my church pew away by paying a higher price, and I destoved his credit at the grocery He is now maneuvering to have the city compel me to move my barn back nine feet, and I have all the arrangements made to buy the house next4.o him and reut it to an under taker as a coffin ware-rooiu "Mary has a little lamb -its fleece is white as snow," but it wants Day s Horse and Cattle Powder to make it strong, you kuow. I hat it does. Price 25 cents per package of one pound, full weight. The duke of Athol plants from 600,000 to 1,000,000 trees every vear^ Notwithstanding the unfriendly action of France and Gernany with ie spect to our "swiue product," the price has advanced at Chicago. Knives with ivory handles, which become loosened or have fallen out en tirelv, can be cemented at home, and with small expense, by using this ce ment : Take four parts ol rosin, one part of beeswax, one part ol' plaster of Paris; till the ho e in the handle with the cement, then heat the si eel of 'ho handle, and press it firmly in the ce ment. Fashion is Queen. Fast, brill iaut and fashionable are the Dianioud I>ye colors. One package colors Ito 4 lbs. goods 100. for ntirl color. Get at druggists. Wells ,Richardson C 0.,. liurlingtou, Yt. NO. 10