BUTLER CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27, 1884. New Advertisements. Farm for sale—Christ Ballhorst. Papillon Medicine*. Wall Paper, new deaignes—H. C. Heineman- LOCAL AND GENERALT —The P. AW. Railroad has passed into the hands of the Baltimore & Ohio. —lt was meaa for it to "stiffen up and get cold" when it might have stayed warm. —Mr. W. C. Glenn, of Sunbury, sold a two year-old bullock to Esq. Byerly last week, that weighed over 1600 pounds. —The hearing in the Croll case was began in the office of 8. H. Piersol, Esq., yesterday morning and continued that afternoon in the Court room. —The entire democratic ticket of this town was elected last Tuesday, which proves the folly of the republicans of the town nominating a "straight" ticket, no matter bow much dis satisfaction is apparent among the democrats. —We hear of a great temperance meeting in the "Brick" church, in Clinton Twp., lately, at which over 200 persons were present, and at which measures were taken to prevent the illegal,sale of liqnor in that vicinity. —There were two leap year parties in town last week, one of the young and the other of the middle aged and married folks. The young ladies called around for their best young man or men, and the married women took some other woman's man —Rev. Ogden,Esq.Trimble,John B.McMahan and Peter Krr-rer are attending U. 8. Court in Pittsburgh this week, as witresses in the case ofthe U.S.varsus.E.MeElwain.who is accused of violating the postal laws by sending indecent letters through the mails with another man's name signed to them. He is an elderly man, is a bachelor, and was born and raised in the lower part of this county. He moved to Alle gheny city some years ago and has lately had a meat stall in the Allegheny piarket house. —Mr. J. Madison Wick, of Butler township, met with a very serious accident while felling trees in company with Mr. Martin Farnsworth, on his farm near Butler last Wednesday noon. They were chopping on different sides of the same tree, when Farns worth's axe flew from the handle and imbedded itself in the fleshv part of Wick's right leg just below the knee, cutting through the flesh and leaders and into the bone. Farnsworth hastily bound up the wonnd and ran for hdp, aud securing the help of tome other men carried Wick to his home on a blanket. A physician was called in and the wound was d.essed and sewed up, but Wick had lost so much blood in the meantime that for a time his life was despaired of. On Monday of this week he was reported as doing well. —Parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina were swept by cyclones last week. Dorens of villages were destroyed, and hundreds ef people were killed and injured. Most South ern towns are very small, yet the loss of life in last week's storms was as great as has result ed from similar disturbances in other days in large villages in the West, and the reported ef fects of the wind upon the forests indicate that had there been any large towns in the districts so terribly visited the lose of life would have reached the proportions of an appalling nation al calamity. The weather in the north has in the past few weeks been the subjeot of general dissatisfac tion, hot, in view of what other sections of the country have suffered, the inhabitants of the Middle and Eastern States have .more reason* for congratulation than complaint. —James P. Baily, tMkitectof Pitttbnrg, repre* senting this county, and Mr W. E. Shrives of New York, representing five of the nine insur ance companies whose polioies on the old House are held by the oounty met in Butler laat Wednesday, examined the building, or ruins, according to the policies and stated under oath, as adjusters, that this county had sustained a loss of $23,500. Thi* sum the County Commissioners and the balance of the insurance companies agreed to, aud the greater part of the money has already been paid into the oounty treasury. The Commis sioners have an offer to rebuild the Court Jouse for $23,000, and one man here in Butler says he will give ample security for rebuilding it of entirely new material from the foundation up, take down the stone pillars, replace all bro ken atones, and put them up again, rebuild the vaults if necessary and complete everything for $25,000. It is not likely, however, that the Court House will be rebuilt exactly as it was, as by the almost general consent of the Bar of the oounty. and oounty offi.-ere, we need a little larger building. The Register and Recorder's, County Clerk's and Prothonotary's offices ofthe old Court House were too small. Each of the two first were small rooms with but one window each,and with counters across them,so that a per son examining a docket or any papers in which he was interested had to stand from ten to fifteen feet from a light, and ifthe search was|a contin ued one, and the day at all gloomy, he wu lia ble to strain his eyes. We have beard attorneys oomplaining of coming out of the Register's of fice both blind aud sick, blind en account of the bad light, and siok from having to stand with their backs against a hot stove. Trie Pro thonotary's office, was no better. It had two windows both of which were ueeded by the Prothonotary and his clerk for their own wri ting. These defects could be remedied by lengthening the building, say about 20 feet an improvement that ought not to cost more tnan from five to ten thousand dollars. The vaults also are too small, or rather they are rapidly filling up with papers,but this could be remedied by cementing the floor of the excellent cellar under the building and completing the vaults in the cellar for the accommodation of the very old papers, election returns, etc., papers that will hardly ever be called for. We have talk ed to some persons who are in favor of reblild* ing the Court House exactly as it was, with others who favor something grand, elegant, immense, magnificent, a red or white elenhaut, with marble floors and stairs that will cost S2(X>,OOO more or less; and with other* who fa vor rebuilding with the additional len. th we have spoken of, a better arrangment of the in terior, and other little arrangements that will make a handsome, commodious, comfortable , and fire proof builiiiug at a c»st of, say not ex- ! ceeding $40,000, and be of ample size for the I business of the county for the next ceutury. i The question is one for the Commissioners to decide, although by the law as'it now appears they can do nothing without the approbation I of the court and twojgrand juries, but if the rebuilding aud enlarging the building is decided upon, we canuot see why the new building should not be under roof by the end of next summer. If, however, a fancy building is de cided upon, it will not likely lie completed i for two years at least. The act of April 1«34, j provides that it should be lawful for the Cum- I inissioners of aqy county, having first obtained i the approbation of two grand juries, and of the court of quarter sessions of such county, to cause to be erected at the seat of Justice there of, when occasion shall require such building or buildings as may be necessary for the accom modation of the aourts and of the several •fleers of the oounty, aud for the reception aud safe keeping of the records and other papers in chance of such officers, and also such other building or building* as may be necessary and proper for the purposes of a county jail and workhouse, and if ueed be to purchase ground for the ereotion of such buildings. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners of every county to keep and maintain the public buildings aforesaid of the county, in suitable and conven ient order and repair, ami it shall be lawful for them, when necessary, having first obtained the approbation of the grand jury and of the court of quarter sessions of the county, to alter, add to or enlarge anch public building*. •Note (c) is as follows: This section is not confined to the case of new counties, therefore, the approbation of the court and two successive grand jaries is necessary to authorize the re building cf a Court House. The act of April 9, 1868 gives the County Commissioners with the approval of the court the power to borrow the necessary money and bond* running not longer than ten year* \ bearing not t£org than six peroeui. interest. Court News. George Reiber vs. Jacob Boos, Q«o. Walter and Wilson Miller. Summons in case sur dis turbance. Feb. 22, verdict for defendants Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use of Emma J. Reu vs. W - H. Hoffman and others. Defendant in official bond. Feb. 19, 1884, ver dict in favor of commonwealth for $15,000, the penalty of the bond, and assess the damages of Emma J. Rea at 310.26. Jno. H. Douthett and wife vs. David B. Crow. Feb. 22, Jury sworn. fThis case not comple ted.) NOTKB. 4 week of court for jury trials is fired for first Monday of April, venires tA issue from both courts for 44 jurors; and oases to be tried that Judges from this county are disqualified from trying. The oosts in the Reiber B». Walter, Boon o tue i*>rU» ] by Polk St on the east bv an ailey, on the south j by Kev. MeClellan. and oil the west by the Butler and Mercer turnpike ruad—or continuation of IllKli St.—containing TAtso feet, more or leas, two story bri'-k building and out buildings thereon. ! Set/ed and taken In execution as the property of i Dr Samuel Graham and Kleanor his wife at the suit of K K Stayton lor use of Geo S Bryan and Building i. Loaii Association ot Butler, fa. KD No ss March T, In>4. T C Campbell, C A Sullivan, C G Christie, att'ys. All the rijilit, title,intt resi and claim of Dr Sam'l Graham and Eleanor his wife of. in and to k5 acres of land, more or le>s, situated m Uutier twp, But ler county. I'a.. bounded as follows, to-wlt : on tiie north by lands of Met'onnell. east bj h«-irs of Wm Borland and Eli Cratty, south by Silas Pearce. :uid west by lands of Vinroe ; I'm house. IOK barn, frame barn and orchard thereon, ino-t cleared. Seized and taken in execution :. u,-- property of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor V wife at the suit of E K Stayton for useofC- o Bryan and B &. L. association ol Butler, I\i. E D No. 63. March T, ls*4. W H Lu.sk. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of David Mortimer of. in an to 55 acres of land, more or less, situated in Parker twp, Butler county. Pa., bound ed and described as follows, to-wit : <>n the north by lands of Samuel Mortimer, east bv lands of George Kepler, south by lands of Geo W Dauben speck and west by land's formerly of John Conn ; log and board house aud orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of David Mortimer al the suit of R A Mifflin & Co. for use ot J E Cochran. ED No 99, March T, 1884. J B, Bredin, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Phillip Zimmerman of. in and to a certain lot or parcel of ground, situate in the borough of Butler Butler county. Pa. bounded north by S G Purvis heirs, east by John West, south by street and west by an alley, or Catherine Zimmerman and Purvis heirs ; containing one-half acre, more or less, a two story brick dwelling house, frame stable and out build ing thereon. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Philip Zimmerman at the suit of Eckart Kalb. ED, No 40, March T. 18S4. G R White, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of William Brandon of. in and to 50 acres of land, more or less, situated in Venango twp. Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by Widow Fleniming, east bv John Kav, south by- Michael Conway and west by Robert \ anderlin ; log house, log barn, orchard and coal bank there on, about 40 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wm Brandon at the suit of John H McCullough et al, executors of P Mcßnde, 'iee'd. EDMo 96 March T. 1884, W D Brandon att'y £ D No 97 All the right, title, interest and claim of John Meyer, of, in and to a ceitaiu lot of ground sit uate in the Borough of Butler, Buticr connty, Pa., containing 40 by 125 leet, more or less, bounded north by Mike Smith, east by John Mitcbel, south by Cunningham street and west by Philip Bickel, a two-story frame house and frame stable thereon. Seized aud taken in ex ecution as the ptopeity ol John Meyer, at the suit of Berg A Cypher and James McCullough. E DNo 15 March T 1884. W D Brandon att'y. " " 22 " " Jos B Bredin '• " " 2 " " Lev McQuistion " •' "90 " •« AT Black All the right, title, interest and claim of Rich ard Hamilton of, in aud to sixty acres of laDd, more or less, situate in Washington township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit; On the north by Jas W Mahood, east by Hugh and Jas Young, south by R. A. MilMin and west by R O Shira, a two-story fiame dwelling bouse, coal shed, coal bank, one pair coal scales aud two orchards thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in executioe as the property of Richard Hamilton at the suit of the utlcr Savings bank et al. ED, No 15, March T, 1884. W D Brandon, att'y. 22 " Jas B Bredin. " 2 " Lev McQuistion, " "90 " AT Black, " All the right, title. Interest aud claim »t of Rich ard Hamilton 01, in and to 100 acres of land, more or less, situated In Cherry tw p, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by Michael Hamilton heirs, east by A K McCandless et al, south by Robert Allison heirs et al, west by James Kenelian et al : board house, board stable thereou, about 5 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the propertv of Richard Hamilon at the suit of Butler Savings Banket al. EDNo 44 March T 1884. 8 F Bowser att'y All the right, title, interest and claim ot W H Ernest of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Coucoid township, Butler coun ty, Pa, bounded as follows; Beginning at a post, thence along lands of Noab Grover north 88>a deg cast 54 9-10 perches to a post, thence along land* of Tbos. Morrow south 1% deg east 44 3-10 rods, thence soulh 88 1-2 deg WKSI 54 9-10 rods, theuce along lands of R Harper north 1 1-2 deg west 44 3-10 rods to the place of begiuuing, containing 15 acres aud 32 perches, be the same more or less, together with tte improvements thereon. Biezed and taken in execution as the property of W H Ernest at the suit of J B Dully. E D No. 36 March T. 1884. Kohler attorney " " 48 " " " " All the right title, interest and claim of Ange llue Irviu of, iu aud to fifty acres of land, more or le6s, • situate in Aduuis township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows to wit: on the north by land* of Jos Johuston heirs, east by lands of A C Stewart, south by lands of Beu ninger and Johnston, west by lands of John Johnston, a trame house frame barn and orchard thereon, mostly cleared, (beiug a life estate iu the above d« scribed land). Seized aud taken in execution as the property of An geline Irviu at the suit ol Armstrong Irvin and John Bulfour Ex'r., &c. E D, No 91, March T, 1884, John II Negley, att'y. All the rijilit, title, interest and claim of William Johnston of, in and to all the following described property, viz : Situate in Adams twp. Butler Co. Pa beginning at the east corner Joining lands of A C Stewart and heirs of John Irvine ; tlienee by lands of said Irvine's heirs south 88 deg. west, 88 perches to a stone ; thence by lands of heirs of Joseph Johnston north 1 deg." west. !)1 perches to a post 'A the same • north 8t deg east, 8S perches to a - tone ; thence by lands of John F Caslidollar south l deg, east, 91 perches to a stone, the place of beginning ; containing so acres, strict measure, frame house and out buildings thereon ; mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Win Johnston at the suit of Samuel E Jenkins. E I), No 59, March T, 1884. W D Brandon, att'y. •' " 60, •' " " " •• " " 62, " " N Black, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J K Vincent, of, in and to (the undivided one-half) forty-two acres of land, more or less, situate in Marion township, Butler county, Pa., bounded an follows, to-wit; on the north by Levi Porter et al. east by I.evi Porter et al, south by John Johnston et al. wen. by Charity Porter, et al ; all cleared and fenced. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of J K Vincent at tbo suit of Thofi McKee, Trustee of Clinton Bank, et al EI)No 59 March T 18S4. W D Brauuon att'y. " « GO •• " " " Black .. All lhe right, title, interert and claim of .1 K Vincent of, in and to one hundred acres of land more or less, situate, in Varion township, But ler county, Pa., bounded as fol.ows, to wit; on the north by Vincent heirs and Joseph John son, cast by Joseph Johnson and Cook heirs, south by Cook heirs and other lauds of J K Vincent, west by VVm and Philip Serreno aud Martha Vincent, about 70 acres cleared, 'i lrame dwelling I ouscs, frame barns, wagon shed, out buildings and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J K Vincent at the suit of Thorns McKee trustee of Clinton Bank et al. E t, No 43, March T, 1884. J C Vanderlin. att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Eliza beth Collins, of, in aud to fifty Keren of laud, more or less, situate in Parker township, Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit; on the north by lands of Mary Sykes, east by lands of Eli Iteep, south by lauds of Jamos Collins and west by lands of John Smith's heirs; about 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Elizabeth Collins at the Buit of A P Stewart, Adm'r. EDNo 59 March T 1884. W D Brandon att'y. .. «. 60 » « •• » .4 .. .. .. n Black «• All the right, title, interest and claim ol J K Vincent of. In and to filty acres ol land, more or less, situate In Marion township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by lands of J K Vincent aud l!ook heirs, east bv Kichard Vauderliu's heirs, south hy C McFadden, west by Philip Serena, about lorty flve acres cleared, log home frame stable, aud orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execu tion rs the property of J K Vincent at the suit of Thos McKee trustee of Clinton Bank, et al. E I>, No 40, March T. I*B4. Fleeger, Colbert & Bowser, att'ys. E l>. No so, March T, 1884. Lev McQuistion, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of. m an to a certain place or parcel ol land situate in Cherry twp, Butler county. Pa. bound ed as follows : Beginning at a post and stone by other lands of John Smith and running thence S. 87 deg. east, by lands of Quiun Ferry 278 perches to a stone pile ; thence bv laiuls of Jas Thompson south 77 deg. east. 50 2»-100 perches to a post; thence by lands »>f David Itussell's heirs south l 1 < deg. west, 05 s-lou perches to a chestnut ; thence by lands of Hugh Spotill south si deg west si and 12-leo perches to a stump ; south l' t deg. west. I'J and 4-10 perches to a post; north deg. west, 114 43-100 perches to a post; south Is l , deg. west, is rif-100 perches to a post ; thence by lands of Wm Hockenberry north es'.i deg. west. 3.VJ and 8-100 perches to a post and thence by other lands of John Smith aforesaid north 2 deg. east, 115 and 0-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing 2so acres, more or less, and having thereon a two storv brick dwelling house, large frame barn, large frame stable, carriage house, wagon shed, grain house, frame office, orchard, mostly cleared and underlaid with coal. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property of John Smith at the suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Young, dee'd, et al. E D, No 46, March T, 1884. Flevger, Colbert & Bowser, att'j. E [>, No 5«, March 1, 1884. Lev McQuistioti, •' 57, " All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, in and to all that certain piece or par cel of land situate in Brady and Worth twps, Buller county. Pa., bounded aud described as follows : beginning at ft poet, the northwest corner ot aaidlol running frotn thence by lands formerly of Robert Allen north deir, east, '-J7S 4-10 perches lo a stone pile; thence by lands of A Alexander south one-hall deg. east, 137 8-10 perches to a pi»t; thence by lauds of Rov- Ycrainl Overall B«utfc I'Jtt 8-10 perches to We; Ihence by lands of Samuel Wimer (part of same tract) north one-fourth deg. west. 73 perches to a post; thenoe by same south BV3i deg. west 80 2-10 perches to a post: thence by lands of Wm Currie north ore fourth de«. west, 78 perchej to m post: thenoe by fame south Sit\ deg. west 80 2-10 percbea to a post; thence by iarida ot Win Currie north one-fourth deg west 03 ¥-10 perches to the place of beginning; containing 200 acres, strict ine isurr. about 30 acres cleared, balance timber 1 nd. Seized mid iak'-n in execution as the propoity ot -It h!i Smith :, No 56, March T, 1884. Lev McQuistion* .. 57 .. .. All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, in and to a'l that certain piece or par cel of Krouud uitu.ite in Eiady twp., Butler Co., i'a., bounded a- follow.-; Beginning at gum tree and running lrom tliei.ee ! y lands ot the heirs of S Coovert dee'd.. south 88; 4 deg. east 65 5-10 perches to a post; thence by lauds of Daniel Loutz south 2 dej; east 86 3-i0 perches to a post: thence by land.- of John Rearijts lieirs soulh 88 l-4th deg. west 65 and 5-10 perches to a chestnut; thence !>y lands of John Reaiigs heirs 2% deg west 81 5-10 perches to the plac;? of betrinnintr; containing 35 acres, more or les?, small log house aud orchard thereon, about 10 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution ae the property of John Smith at the suit of Mjs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Youns; dee'd, et al ED, No 46, Mai ch T, 18S4- Fleeger, Colbert & Bowner, att'y. ED. No sn, March T, 1884. Lev McQuistion. 57, All the richt, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, ui rnd to all that certain piece or par cel ol land situate in Brady twp, Eutler county, Pa., bounded as follows; beginning at a post at the southwest corner, theuce by lauds of Isaac Double north 1 deg. west 62 9-100 rods to a post; tlience ly lands of Jacob Rohrer north 89 deg- east 144 7-10 rods to a post; thence by lands of W Davis south 1 deg. east rods to a poet, thence by the same BouthSU dep. west 134 7-10 rods to the place of bnriuninir; containing 53 acres, neat measure, orcha-d thereou and about SO acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Young, dee'd, ct al. ED, So 46, March T, 1884. Fleeger, Colbert and Bowser att'ys. E D No 56 March T 1884. Lev McQuistion, att'v •• " 57 - " " All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith, of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Brady township, Butler county, Pa , bounded on the north by lands of heirs of Silas Coovert and others, on the east by lands of heirs of Silas Toovert and John Smith, on the south by lands of E Funk et al and cn the west by lands ct Thomas Allen; containing in all 181 acres, more or less log house, log stable and peach trees thereon, about 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Smith at the suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm x of Ann Young, dee'd, ot al. EDNo 46 Mar T 18S4. Fleeger, Colbert and Bowser att'ys. EDNo 56 March T 1884, Lev McQuistion att'y. EDNo 57 March T. 1884. Lev McQuistion att'y. All the right, title, Interest and claim o! John Smith ot, in and to all that certain piece or par cel of laud situate in Cherry township, Butler county, Pa. bounded as lollows: on the north by lands of Robert Sankey et al, on the east by lands of John Smith and Win Hoekenberry, on tl.e south by Jacob Wolford and George W. Hoekenberry et al, aud on the west by lands of John Smith, containing 126 acres, more or less, No 864 aud known as the Davis tract, frame house, log stable, orchard thereon, mostly cleared, coal bank opened. Seized and taken In execution as the properly of John Smith at the suit of Mrs. Lizzie Smith Adm'rx ot Ann Young, dee'd, et al. EDNo 46 March T 1884. Fleeger, Colbert and Bowser att'ys. E D No 56 March T 1884 Lev McQuistion att'y » '• 57 All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, in aud to 122 acres ot land, more or less, situate in Cherry township, Butler county. Pa. bounded as follows to wit: on the north by Slipperyrock creek, cast by lauds of James Thompson ct al, south by lands of Eli Wolford et al. and west by lauds of Eli Vauderliu. log bouse thereon aud about 40 acres cleared. Beized aud taken in execuiiou as the property of John Smith at the suit <>t Mrs. Lizzie Smith, Adm'rx, of Auu Young dee'd. at al. ED, No 46, March T, 1884. Fleeger. Colbert and Bowser, att'y. ED, No 56, March T, 1884. Lev McQuistion " 57i All the light, title, interest and claim of John Smith of. in and to 72 acres and 38 perches, strict measure, situated in Cherry twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by lands of Smith et al, east by lands of John Smith, soulh by lands of John Smith and west by lauds of John Smith e' al; old log hou?e aud orchard thereou, about 35 acres cleared, underlaid with coal. Seized aud taken iu exe cution as the property of John Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Young, dee'd, et al. EDNo 46 March T 1884. Fleeger, Colbert aud Bowser att'ys. E D No 56 March T 1884 Lev McQuistion att'y » " 57 " " All the rigat, title, interest aud claim ol John Smith 01. iu and to twttitv-tive acres ol land, wore or lees, situate in Cherry township, Uut ler bounty, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by land* of Hugh Grossman, east by lands of John Smith, south by lauds of Alex Black's heirs aud west by lands formerly ol r'urlyle Wolford, frame house and barn thereou, mostly cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of Johu Smith ut the suit ol Mrs. Lizzie Smith Adm'rx of Ann Young, dec'd. et al. gD. No 46, March T, 1884. Fleeger, Colbert and Bowser, att'ya. E D, No 56, March T, 1834. Lev McQuistion.att'y '• " 57. " At) tbe right, title, interest and claim of John Smith of, in and to all that lot or parcel of land situate iu Cherry twp. Butler county, Pa, bound ed as follows: On the north by Perry O Wolford et al. on the east by John Smith, formerly known as Carlvle Wolford's sharo of the estate of Daniel Wolford, dee'd, on the south by John Smith and known as the Alex Black land, and on the west by Johu Smith and known as the Chambers' land; containing 65 acres, more or less, frame house and frame stable thereon and orchard about 40 acres elearod aud underlaid with coal. Seized and taken in exeontion as the property of John Smith at the suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Young, deo'd, et al. EDNo 16 March T 1884. Fleoger, Colbert aud Bowser att'ys. E D No 56 March T 1384. Lev McQuistiou. att'y. •• " 57 " " " ■' " All the right, title, interest and claim of Johu Smith, of. in and to ah that lot or parcel of laud situate in Cherry township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows: Beginning at a post the north-west comer of said lot. thence south degrees east, by land of John Balston, part of same tract 191 perches to a post; thence south '2 degrees west by land < of the heirs of Daniel Wolford and Alex Black, 65 5-10 perches to a post; tlience north 88)£ degrees west, bv lands of Johu B dinger's heire, C C Sullivan and A W Christy 101 perches to a post: thence north 2 degrees east by lands of Wm Kelly, 65 and 5-'0 perches to the place of beginning; containing 78 acres and 30 perches strict measure, frame house and frame stable, and orchard thereon, about 40 acres cleared, underlaid with coal. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Smith at the suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'x of Ann Young, dec'd, et al. ED, No 46, March T. 1885. Fleeter, Colbert and Bowser, att'vs. ED, No 56, March T, 1884. Lev " 57, All the right, title, interest and Cjuim ol Johu Smith 01, .n and to all that certain piece or par cel ot land situate iu »Jherry lp., Butler eountjr, Pa., bounded as follows: commencing at a post and running north 1 deg. eist 130 2-10 perches to a post; thence north 3 deg. east .0 2-10 perchos to a n post; thence south 86 deg. east 115 perches to a post; thence south t deg, west 206 5-10 peri lies to a post; thence noith 83 deg. wesi 117 pere es to the places ol begili ning (it being part of lot No 34 in the 'AI dona tion district ol Dnd); containing 142 acres and allowance, more or less, all timber land, not improved. Seized and taken in execution us the property of Johu Smith at suit ot Mis Lizzie Smith, /Vdm'x of Ann Young, dec'd, et al. E D No 46 March T 1884. Fleeger, Colbort aud Bowser att'ya E D No 56 March T 1884. Lev McQuißtion. att'y | " " 57 " " " " All the right, title, interest and claim of John Smith, of. ih and to two hundred and twentv-two acres of land, more or less, situate in Cherry township. Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit; on the north by Geo Hockenberry et al. east by Jacob Wolford, south by Alex Black's h'-irs and west by John Dubson's heirs; log and frame dwelling house, double log barn, large frame st ible. out buildings and good orchard | thereon; mostly cleared and underlaid with coal. | Seized and takeu ui execution as the property of John Smith at the suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith, Adm'rx of Ann Young, dec'd, et al. ED, No 47, March T, 1884. Colbert, attorney. » •< 46, " " Fleeger aud Bow ser att'ys, All the right, title, interest and claim of Richard Hamilton and John Smith, of. in and to sixty acres of land, aore or less, situated iu ! Washington iwp., Butler county. Pa., bounded ' as follows, to-wit: on the north by Jas A. Ma ! hood, eaht by and James Young, south by R A Mifflin, " west by B O t*hira; a two-storv frame dwelliug house, frame barn, wagon shed. ! wash-house, coal shed, coal bank, 1 pair coal scales and two orchards thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Richard Hamilton and John-mitli. at tlie suit ■ uf Mm South, Adm'x* etc. MEN AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS 1 II FOR IS FALL AND WINTER. I Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwright and Warner's Underwear, in white and scarlet. Fifty dozen Fancy Suite of Underwear, all wool, which we are selling at $3 00 a suit. The best thing ever if offered at the price; worth $5 00. Boys' and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes. W I HATS AND CAPS. £ 5 2.50 dozen British Hose at 25 cts. a pair, worth 50 cts., just opened. English, French, German and Domestic ll<*ierv in Silk JT JKI Lisle Threads Camels' Hair, Merino, Cashmere aud Cotton. Novelties in Neckwear, in plain and fancy -.ilk and satin" 'in all the leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Neckwear just opened. ' ' n i. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 9 H o V ,u kiQ ?? nd I) '"ivinK Olovw in Kid, Fur, Camel s Hair, Cashmere and Cloth. Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Suspenders & Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Hemmed and Hemstitched, in white and with fancv borders, l.inen Collars and Cuffs all the new ® f shapes. ' Jr || RUBBER GOODS, | jX Umbrellas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Largest line of English and American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Butler Our 4V Black Silk Umbrella for $3.50 is the best thing ever offered. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Colored Shirts T ' always on hau l. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in Butler. ?' CHARLES R. GRIEB, Union Block, Main Street Butler, Pa. W 1850 00000 ESTABLISHED ooooo— 1850 THE JEWELER, h^., ®A flue Block of American aud Swipe, Gold Filled Silver and Nickel Watches, Chain*, Necklaces. Locket*, Bin* Bracelets, Pins lar-rings, Gold Silver and Steel Spectacles and a well selected stock of Silver Plated Ware, al* the celebrated lloger Bro a Kuivor?, Forks. Spoouu. Ladles, Berry spoons, pie and cake Knives, Ac INITIALS ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE on f.nv goods purchased of me. Strict attention is given to repairing of Watches, Clocks, Ac., which are war ranted to give satisfaction. Persons purchasing goods to the amount of One Dollar or more, will receive* coupon ticket, with a number and their name attached, which ticket entitles the holder to a chaaoe in a hand soae SILVER WATER MI CHER with Gold lined Goblet and Slop-bowl. Time of drawing will be mentieu«4 u county papeio two weeks previous. Don t forget the place, opposite Berg A Cypher's Hardware Store. TRIAL LINT FOR SPEC IAL (OIKT, < OnjIKXiIXO 711K( 11 17, 1884. So* Term, Yr. PtuitUitf 8 Attorney. Plaintiffs, Defendants. | Defendant's Attorney. FID 5 Mar lssi McCamKess and N Black i Win Maher, Trustee 8 Pcnt IbCrMAninM J~G DFindlev ct al * " 6 " " Newton Black Matilda Vincent etal PM llollister Bowser and Brandon CP 34 June 1879 Scott Parker S B use of A L Cam'H.f W Christie et al A T Black et al AD 61 Sept 18£1 Greer Isabella Swan M Fliner etal Brandon 62 " " Same Same Martha Matthews Same " 23 Dec 1882 McQuistion OC Waters P& W Railroad Company Scott " 60 " " Mitchell Charles Dtirning. Monasses Dugan McQuistion " 70 " " Bredin jEckart Kalb i|* «Sr W Railroad Company Scott 76 " " Christie (Frank Fisher Sarah McCoy et al Robinson and Moore " 88 " " Thompson and Brandon |G C Roenigk Henry \V Roenigk Mitchell and Bowser " 22 Mar ISB3 Brandon Butler Savings Bank John Scott 'Scott " 28 " " A T Black [Com Pa,P \V Conw'y sug as pir James II Tebay et al Brandon and Cornelius " 38 " " Robinson and Moore Corn Pa. for use. James Dnnlap Adrn'r et al McQuistion " 02, " " Mitchell |B. F Covert. Jaue Bentel jCampbell and Brandon " 4," 1882 C A Sullivan S R Bruce John Holman Mitchell " 40 Dee " Thompson and Walker C F Wick Clay Township McQuistion and Bowmr " 77i " " Greer A Domer by her next friend Dr. A V Cunningham McCandleas " 75 Mar 1883 Brandon John Byers Summit Poor Directors Bowser " 07 " " Mitchell Wm L McGeary A L Shrader Ex'r Brandon A D 5b June 1883 Brandon |8 G Meals and wife S& A Railroad Company Thompson &. Son Prothonotary's Office, Feb. 18, 1884. jj. N. GREER, Protkonotar ED, No 55, March T. 1884. G R White, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of A W Say and Wm B Shreve. of. iu and to a certain piece or parcel of land situato in Conoord twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the south-west corner of lands owned by W W Christie, thence east 78 aud 7-10 perches to a post, thence south 3 de gress east, 24 aud 5 10 perches to a post, thence west 135 perches to a post, tlienoe north 18 de grees west, 20 aud % perches to a post; theiice east 62 and 33-100 perches to a post; thence north 2 degreos west, 4 and 5-10 perches to the place of beginning; containing 20 acres, more or less, not improved. Seized and taken iu execu tion as the property of A W Hav and W A Shreve at the suit of Isaac Ash. EDNo 80 March T ISB4- W D Brandon att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim ot W J Adams of, in and to all the undivided oue-hall interest iu all that certain lot or parcel of laud situate iu the village of Hilliard, Washington township, Butler county, Pa., hounded as lol lows: Beginning at a' post on Railroad St., thence north CI deg east 120 feet by lot No 5 to a post ou back street, tlience south 29 deg. east along snid street 60 feet to a post, tlience south el deg west 12(j feet by lot No 3 to a post on Railroad street, thence along said street north 29 deg west 00 feet to place of begining combining 60 by 120 tect, more or less, a large frame building erected tb*reon ai.d used as a store house. Seized aud taken iu execution as the property of W J Adams al the suit ol Eliz abeth Adams. E D, No 95, March T, 1884. Robinson and Moore, attorneys All the right, title, interest and claim of W W Johnston 01, iu and to three-fourths of an acr of land, more or leee, situated iu HarrUvill« borough, Butler county. Pa., bounded as fol lows, to-wit. ou the north by Pararie St, east by J E Curi *, south by R K Wick, west by RboUa lloudcrson, or <'lias Warrick; two old houses, old stable and fruit trees thereon. Seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of W W Johnston at suit of James Kerr. EDNo 95 March T IHH4. Robinsoa i Kobert Cooper,dee d.. late of Worth t.vn. bv Samuel 11. Moore, Executor of said Edward Campbell, dee'd, • tilh Final account of Edward Campbell. lat<- (cu:trdiuit of Jesse Cooper, minor child of Kobert Cooper, dee'd, late of Worth twp. Filed by Sam'l H. Moore, Executor of said Edward Campbell. Ttli. Unal account of J. W. Dickey, Executor of the estate ot M. XV. Cross, late of Worth twp, dec d. Bth. First and Unal account of M. I). McClel land, Executor of the last will and testament of Geo McClelland, late of Allegheny twp, dee d, 9th. hirst and final account of David M. At web. guardian of McClelland Grubb, minor child of Ciiueon (trut)b, lute 01 .Marion twp, dee'd. loth. Final account of John V. O'Doiiuell, Ad mluistrnlor of the estate of Ann K O'Donnell, late of Oakland twp. dee'd. lllh. The Inal account of Charles O'Donnell, Administrator of s. P. O'Donnell. dee'd, 12th. Final account of Daniel Feldler. guardian of Annie Sahle. 13th Final account of Daniel Feldler, guardian of Mary Sahle, a minor. 14th. First and Final account ol J M Lelghner, guardian of William Alexander,son of If. I). Alex ander, dee'd. 15th. Final account of George Marburger, Ad ministrator of John H Myer. late of Evans City. 16th. Final account 3 on. to *U»|X hr •innple, »/Uiriaf 60on». 10 PAPILLOHcure ABSOLUTELY CUBLU HIT RHEtM, F.CZESIA, SCBOFI LA fOALD Head, KrvKipelM, Titter, Hives, DanclrulT. ttarber'4 Itch l'lmplcs, Stings, Carbuncles, 11; lilt PolKmlna and Poifrwed Wounds, Klngworm, sunburn, and pll dlsea.«>* of th* Skin. For riles, Wound*, Cuts, I leers or Sores, DO remedy Is so prompt In soothing and healing m Pupillon Skin Cure. It does not auiurt or Uiru. l'irectiun) to ten languages uaomjMna ttrry bMe. HS ABSOLUTBLY CURE 9 NA3AI, CATARRH. ACUTE or CHRONIC COLD lu the ll -.ui, Ruse Cold, BruiicliUl CaUirrh aod HAY FEVEIi. Cleans .> the nostrils, permits natural breathing, a:;d picveut* incrustations, sn utiles and sneezing. Itl*a*|H*. ilic euro for Cold In the Head-thlta i» caused by sudden cLances in the utmosphera. Jhiection* in tin la.tgtuigts acton pan i nxnj boUU. PAPJILWICURE ABSOLUTELY CCBF3 w HOOPING COUGH. It Is a harmles« vegetable syrup, very delicious U> the tu-s!e. Itelieves at »nre and is a positive cure. WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUC.H we cured by this excellent remedy. DirtctioM in leu language' accompany Hfry Milt. PAPILLONCURE absolutely cubwi AI.I. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, KTOMACH, Liver, Bowels and Kidneys: for all diseases oririn at in? In impairment of the blood, as Aua.*nita, fedc* Headache, KervMianeos, Female Weninesaw. Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Blllo'ijneM ana Ki'tnev Diseases, this medicine is Bhsoliilel) «urft This iiiedlcine does imt contain any mineral, is al>- Kdutely vegetable, rectors the l>fo«d to a healthy condition, regulating exwwei and supplyiDC de fleitnehs, and iirevents disease. JJirtcluMt in ten langunatt acampa* y *>* l buttle. I'rice, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles tor *O. For Hale by All Druggists. PAPI'.LON MFC. CO.. CHICAOO. For sale by J. L Willkb and D. IT. Wum.Eß, D- I. CLEEUND, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a complete atock ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL -9PECTAC LEH- Of all kinds and prkm Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of tin" very beat quality. Everything wnrmat ed just a» represented mid soM at the low est cash price. Flue Watch Repairing u*peo» laliy. One square South of Dlatnon 1. Main Street BUTLEK, PA.