BUTLER CITIZEN. MISCELI How Boys' M irbles are Made. Almost all the marbles" with which boys everywhere amuse themselves in season and out of season, on pavements and in *hady spots, are made at Ober steiu, Germany. There are large agate quarries and mills in that neighbor hood, and the refuse is turned to good account in providing the small stone balls for experts to "knuckle" with. The stone is broken into small cubes by blows ot a li«ht hammer. These small blocks of stones are thrown by the shovelful into the hopper of a small of a mill, formed of a bedstone, having its surface grooved with concentric fur rows; above this is the "runner," which is of some hard wood having a level face on its lower surface. The upper block is made to revolve rapidly, water being delivered upon the grooves of the bedstone where the marble 9 are being rounded. It takts about fifteen min utes to finish a bushel of good marbles ready for the boys' knuckles. One mill will turn out 160,000 marbles per week. The very hardest "crackers," aa the boys call them, are made by a slower process, somewhat analogous to the other, however. A rather cynical lady, somewhat ofa flirt, says most men, like colds, are very easily caught, but difficult to get rid of. Her mistake is apparent. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure any cold how ever stubborn it may be. Price 25 cts. Ben Butler snys that he will make a square fight for the Presidential nom ination, and if defeated, will go out of politics forever. —The charge against a California Jndge is of frivolity, and the specifica tion is that be puts his hair in papers every night, woman fashon, to make it curl when he is on the bench the next day. Officeholders. The office held by the Kidneys is one of importance. They act as nature's sluice-way to carry off the extra liquids from tbe system and with them the impurities both these that are taken in to the stomach and those that are formed in tbe blood, Any clogging or inaction of these organs is therefore important. Kidney-Wort is Nature's efficient assistant in keeping the kidneys in good working order, strengthening them and inducing healthy action. If you would get well and keep well, take Kidney-Wort. —Leap-year parties are popular in some sections. At these gatherings the girls yell "mouse" and the young men jump on chairs and shriek. —The hymn begir.uing "The conse crated cross I bear" had just been sung, and the momentary quiet that followed the perblexed youth turned to his fa ther: Say, pa, where do they keep the consecrated cross eyed bear f" Thirteen Years' Dyspepsia. "I suffered with dyspepsia for 13 years," writes John Albright Esq., of Columbus, Ohio. "Samaritan Nervine cured me." As it always cures such disorders. At druggists. —A painter made a contract to fresco tho interior of a church in Michegan. The design was left to his own taste, which proved unsound, for he covered the walls with mythological and idola trous pictures. The trustees not only refused to pay him, but demanded that he should remove his work. —A Kansas City butcher stood Jose to a door with a long, sharp kuife in his hand. The door was violently opened, and the blade was driven into his body. The wound thus inflicted would not have proved fatal; but the pain was great, and the man erazily stabbed himself to death. Perfect health depends upon a perfect condition of the blood. Pure blood conqueis every disease and gives new life to every decayed or effected part. Strong nerves and perfect digestion en ables the Bystem to stand the shock of sudden climate changes. An occasion al use of Brown's Iron Bitters will keep you in a perfect state of health. Don't be deceived by other iron prepa rations said to be just aa good. The genuine is made only by Brown Chem ical Company, Baltimore, Md. Sold by all dealers in medicines. —A convict who escaped from the Louisiana State prison walked hard all night, aud by daylight was forty miles away. Fearing detection by means of his striped garb, he went boldly into a negro farmhouse, told the owner he was a circus performer disabled by rheumatism, and offered to swap the costume for any old suit of ordinary clothes. The bargain was made, and the runaway continued on his flight in safety. —Jamea Y r ick'a plan of catching slugs is as follows : "Take some pieces of slate, or flat stones, or flat pieces of tin, and lay them about in the garden among the plants, distributing them very liberally; just at sundown go out and place a of bran on each piece of slate or tin, and the slugs will soon become awnro of it, and begin to feed on it. In about twojboura, when it is dark, go out again with a lantern and a pail containing Balt and water, and pick oach piece on which the slugs are found feeding, and throw slugs and bran into the brine, where they instantly die It ia well, also, to go around in the morning; and many slugs will be found hiding under the pieces of slate and can be destroyed in the brine. By following up this method persistontly for a few weeks the gardon may be effectually rid of tho nuisance. Mr. Will T. Montelius, Mt. Carmel, Pa, says- "I was entirely cared of dyspepsia, general debility and loss of appetite by using Brown's Iron Bit ters." —Bon Hogau the ex-prize lighter, is ingaged in religious work at Helena, Montaua. —''Tie began life young," remarked a writer, speaking of an individual who had risen to eminence. That's the way with most of us. We begin life young. If we could begin life old, we might be able to avoid the pain of teething, the danger of measles, and other ills to which infants are heir. Butit seems to le necessary that we should begia life young. Somehow there is DO getting t)VteT ft; Mr. L. I. Shuler, POTTHTOWN, Pa., says: "Brown'B Iron Bitters made a perfect cure of dyspepsia, which I had several year*." Ono di ea not need to be very old to remember the first mowing machine put in operation in this country, and the man still iiyes who put into mar ket for sale a plow with a cast-iron mould board, but so many inventors have witliiu the past few years turned their attention to tbe improvement of agricultural implements, that accord ing to Professor Bromn, special census agent, 5585 patents have been issued on plows in this country. On harrows aud diggers 1746 have been granted; on harvesters 6235, of which about 400 are on wlf-binders; on threshiug machines the number is 1922. Something for all the Preacbers. Rev, 11. H. Fairall, D. D., editor of the loua Methodmt, says editorially, in the November (1883) number of his paper: "We have tested the merits of Elv's Cream Balm, and believe that by a thorough course ol treatment, it will cure almost every case of catarrh. Ministers, as a class, are afflicted with head and throat troubles, and catarrh seems more prevalent than ever. We cannot recommend Ely's Cream Balm too highly, Not a liquid nor a snuff. Applied to the nostrils with the finger. The gallows has not been used in Erie county Pa. for fifty years, public opinion having forbidden it since the hanging of Henry Francisco, then termed judicial murder. The Philadel phia Times tells the story, aB follows: "On the 31st of March, 1832, Henry Francisco and his child wife, Maud, only 10 years old and only three weeks a wife, were found insensible in bed, with a bottle of poison by their side. Two letters, one in the hand of each, informed the friends that although united in marriage but three weeks they desired to enter eternity hand in hand. Medical assistance was prompt ly sought, but in less than an hour af ter discovery the beautiful girl breathed her last, and the efforts to save the man's life. For hours his life hung in the balance, but finally their exertions were rewarded with success and the life of Francisco was saved—saved that it might in a few months later be taken on tbe gallows-tree, amid the tears and groans of a sympathetic peo ple and the prayers of two sobbing ministers of the Gospel." Why They Call Him "Old Man." "Yes, that's sadly so," said Jenkins, "my hair is turning gray aud falling out Wore its time. Use something ? I would, but most hair restorers are dangerous." "True," answered his friend, "but Parker's Hair Balsam is as harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Give the Balsam a show and the boys will soon stop calling yon 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It neyer fails to restore the original color to gray or faded hair. Richly per fumed, an elegant dressing. eceipts and Expenditures of Butler Connty for 1883. COMMONWEALTH ACCOtTST FOB 1883 H I Donaghy -t1 00 Etta Wolford - 888 Dale Thorn - 91 John Glow -- ;B 2 Charles Johnston 6 54 W M Shira - - 15 41 John Kennedy - 1 50: Perry Gilmore - 13 49 JCRedick - -19 40 Dr. Ctm>ting -- 5 78 Jacob Keck - 10 26< J H Holland . 2 78 8 P Irvin - - 8 30, John Widle • - K 50 Mrs Aran - - 2 78' Walter Jackson —2 78 J A Mitchell - - 394 E Mellon -4 02 TJAllsworth - 955 Philip Summers . 1 '.<6 F A Sutton - - 16 58 F Raishser E Christie - 3 l* J N Miller - l5 30 C Dumbacli 702 S P Irvin - ll 94 Philip 8 Freshoornl4 04 Joseph Ash - , 1 78 Mr Maran - 4 David Cuppa . 1< 0 L P Walker - -2 50 C MoElroy —2 72 James Cogan -27 L P alker 200 P C Bell - -744 J C Orasford 505 F R Coovert - 8 75 Barn hart Fredrick 7 53 Mrs M E Logan 344 Lewis Bilbough —3 14 J D T.ittle - 8 30 John Kennedy 4 89 Robert Horace - 2 12 J F Brown F M Ea*tmwi - 825 Dr Pillow —lO 00 M Sample - - 787 J M Galhreath ..5 00 E V Randolph - 500 ffm McElroy 390 Thos Don air ny - 10 90 F Sowash John Faglefield 884 E F White —s 00 L P Walker... 11 30 J C Roaj 314 Martin Thomp ,D R Rodgers.. 3 14 son 3 SOiJas Buzzard... 2 02 Win Halland. 4 68 DM'Laughlin 1 96 L P Walker... 15 19 Dr Patterson.. 500 M Sample 3 66 Dr M C Camp- Margaret Pew 1 00 bell 320 David Cupps. 5 00 Sam Young... 3 90 M B Mcßride 5 00 C O Kingsber- A 1 Burton 314 rv 145 A Kershorn... 3 20 C Dauben- JH Thompson 8 36| speck 4 08 RC McAboy. 5 00 W B Fowler:.. 6 16 J F Barn hart. 8 35;Wm Kingsley 9 00 Mrs W Flem- jSW Stevenson 20 00 ming 28 00' L Williams et W L Dauben- al 33 54 speck 7 00, Herman Seaton 20 00 Dr S Graham. 5 00 F R Coovert... 7 50 Jno Kennedy. 9 11' John Ball 4 96 R C McAboy.. 45 66 S Shira 296 Thos Donaghy 54 21 Samuel Smith 914 N M Greer..., 13 50 Jas K Reed... 13 32 SP Irvin 5 67,J Shall 142 L P Walker.. 1 00 Wm Gold 2 60 Sarah B Gam- Peter Stepp... 2 t!0 ble 2 78 Jno Kennedy. 7 73 J J Nelson 6 44 A N McCand- C P Johnston. 475 less 773 Thos Martin... 1 60 J A McCand- E Buzzard 2 25j less 1 72 S Harper 510 Jacob Keck... 19 40 Dr Moore 2 20 Perry Gilmore 5 33 LP Walker.. 17 30 John Blair 4 26 John Reiber... 46 50 Herman Seaton 9 35 W Williamson 9 25 John Weigle.. 3 90 John Hendlin 1 54 J II Wick 7 40 S S Bard 4 02 J S Craig 3 45 Thos Markle.. 1 54.C Dauben- C Dauben- I speck 220 speck 9 76 Ellen Powers. 2 00 A Mechael 3 18' Julias Berg... 2 02 W II McCJafic 1 96 Wm Halland. 1 20 J C Grasford.. 75 Jas K Reed... 1 37 Frank Kohler 2 10 Robert McEl- Thos Graham. 3 90 i haney 200 Sheriff Frasi. jHenry Kohl- Mercer Co . 7 00) mever 4 56 L B Shanor.... 4 26 D G Day :i 08 Martin Reiber 1 90|LP Walker... 7 40 Mary Harper. 2 20 B W Douthett 9 93 Sain'l Young. 34 83 J Freeman 588 Jacob Miller.. 8 88 S P Irvin 2 40 8 W Lavis... 15 34 Alex Douthett 10 68 G W Streson.. 11 96 Thos Donaghy 600 J F Brown 8 00 .T Taylor 2 42 W J McCaffer- j John Weigle.. 25 51 ty 6 16 Thos Donaghy 7 60 E Caldwell 1 78 A N McCand- J C Grasford.. 1 85 less 295 W B Dodds... 11 05.J Alls worth... 6 94 JW Kelly... 1 70 Jas Stalker.... 3 r.O Jacob N'ause... 14 16 J F PetFer 11 50 Jacob Keck... 4 10 Dr Pillow 5 00 W D Bates.... 178 W Dauhen- Hernian Seaton 234 speck 312 A N McCand- jJno C Moore.. 5 74 less 8 10 M Daile 7 15 II Johnston... 1 00 Wm Richey... 4 00 M C Benedict 15 90 W J Reattv.... ti 1(1 J M Marshall 3 90|Jno Mitchell.. 300 John Morrow. 40 00 Robt Rurnsides 596 Jacob Pisor.... 38 04 David Reisner 148 It C McAboy. 990 R C McAbov. 25 93 L P Walker... 3 00l Jno Kennedy. 2 08, Aggregat*...sl,39l 80 HTATtONABT AOOOCST, 1883. B Salbangh S3OO Odell <.t Mayor 58 00 J A I.owory 150 F M Eastman 35 42 W G Johnston 368 10 Joseph Eichbanm 67 35 Hugh McF&dden 2 33 F S Hutter 80 00 H O Heineman 56 4 0 J F Derffenbaoher 3 00 Yinoent A Co 101 00 Total .... t770 10 DIXMOST ACCOrKT. Jan 20 1883 Dr J A Reed $1,967 73 June 28 " " 1,835 45 Jan 3 " " 2,053 22 Statement Showing Am't Received and Bal. due from Collectors. j YEAK DIBTRTO.S. COLLECTORS. AMI RSC'D BAL. PL'E. 1882 Adama township. A Flemming - - $ 827 87 $ | 1883 " " A J Flemming - - 1,180 27 74C 16 1882 Allegheny " James Hlair - - 404 94 1883 " " II I* Anderson - - 975 59 737 74 1881 Butler borough. It C Mo A boy - - 403 04 18M2 " " Charles Crouse - - 1,377 31 555 41 1883 " " Thomas Niggle - - 1,4J4 91 2,500 40 1882 Butler township. Joseph Criswell - 537 49 1883 " " William Caldwell - 1,489 27 *270 05 1881 Brady " JM T hompsou - 101 58 1882 " " John B S.iiith • 325 85 1883 " " James M Duun - 092 00 (140 97 1879 Buffalo " P J Kelly - • 100 00 312 03 JBB2 - " " Jacob Simers - - 208 87 1883 " " J W Elliott - - 1,185 53 774 84 1883 Concord " W P Brown - - 940 57 1,078 20 1882 Clearfield " F P Mcßride - - 195 7> 1883 " " J B McDivitt - - 1,204 45> 207 70 1881 Cherry " J H Alliaon - • 71 43 1882 " " William Magill - 407 99 1883 " " James K Reed - - 770 50 921 59 1881 Craubery " John Donoly - - 220 00 177 97 1882 " " Elias Kastman - - 1,005 5i jBB3 " " Jacob Wagner - - 1,1(58 57 809 90 1882 Connoquenessing. J L Shannon • • 423 93 227 03 1883 •• " W J Fletcher - - 1,270 47 518 00. 1881 Center township. WII McCundltss - 108 12 1882 " " Samuel Ervin - - 544 55 1383 " " J Hutchison - 1,120 44 499 01 1882 Clay " B A Gold - - 2J7 92 579 14 18 83 " " H J Brown - - 1,012 09 874 88 1883 Clinton " Josiah McCall - 1,713 51 202 39 1878 Centeryilleborough E A McCoy - • _ 286 24 1881 " " Johnßinghara - 38 33 1882 " " Roberts - - *204 38 1833 «• " James S Wilson - 429 80 1882 Donegal township. Hugh McFadden • 383 19 1883 " " Hugh McFadden - 1,754 88 1883 City boro. Henry Mickley - 307 80 1878 Fairview " Willi, m Patton - 58 i 9 1881 .. " R W McKee - 25 00 70 25 logo " " S Eakis - - - 137 50 1383 " " AC Gibson - - 323 31 32 18 1882 " township. G H Gibson - - 1,220 00 281 80 1383 " " I) L Rankin - - 1,300 00 840 92 1882 Franklin " John Albert - - 804 29 81 10 1833 " " • Simon Stickle - 804 21 1,040 07 1883 Forward " James Cooper - 1,735 37 1882 Harrisville boro. William Cochran - 149 83 1383 «< " William Cochran - IC2 17 110 30 1881 Harmony " Joseph Gruver - 25 00 36 32 1882 " " F M Mitchell - 145 78 1383 » " John Zeigler - - 105 00 483 98 1882 Jackson township. Henry Zeigler - 367 59 1333 . " Peter >\sbit - - - 912 00 945 06 1882 Jefferson " William Harbison - 530 05 1333 n " H A Wagner ... 1,653 78 340 08 1882 Karns City boro. i D McLaughlin ■ - j 45 21 15 78 j 333 „ « |E W Jewell - -- ; 115 92 100 40 1882 Lancaster twp. Geo Milliman -- - 273 62 1833 .. ; Henry Beighley - ! 1,338 00 331 53 1882 Middlesex " vv J Whitesides - 647 38 1333 .. W J Thompson - 1,604 80 610 47 1879 Millerstown boro. 101 13 1832 " " Charles Alderny • 103 66 1333 •' " Henry Frederick - 115 30 314 02 1881 Muddycreek twp. Samuel Jones - 200 1832 " " I Jonathan Jones - 602 03 1383 ■< " T J Cleelaud - - 1,112 41 816 81 1882 Mercer " Jonathan Bovard - 195 93 1333 •< " Wash Buchannan - 425 00 734 36 1882 Marion " S M Seaton - - 567 27 1303 •« " J C Vandyke - - 815 99 1,025 .73 1882 Oakland " Fll Monia - - 96 37 144 73 1333 " M Hutchison - - 950 00 787 54 Iggl p a rker " L L Daubenspeck - 1,174 57 1332 " " Thomas Alsworth - 1,466 15, lgg3 " " T J Alsworth - 400 00 1,535 94 1382 Penn " Thomas II Graham - 238 91 1333 •« " R A Patterson - • 1,508 53 452 35 1882 Prospect borough. Joel Baker - - 112 26 lgg3 •• '« Reuben Shanor - 409 82 69 71 1882 Portersville " John Glenn - - - 118 20 1333 » " i Fredrick Berry - , 221 15 1879 Petrolia " S P Miles .... 200 00 104 78 1330 " " E F Wilson - 34 70 1332 «< " William Gibson - - 105 80 1333 <• " Michael Daly - - - 170 37 87 55 1881 Summit township. Robert Gilleland - 215 32: lgg2 " " Joseph Lindsev - - 240 17 1333 << " Jacob Reott - - 641 99 1,068 11 1882 Slipperyrock " Thomas Shannon - - 524 43 1883 " " E H Adams - - - 581 94 1,704 38 1883 Saxonburg boro. Edward Marhoff - - 407 98 1881 Sunbury " Albert MecbliDg - - 48 90 1 88 2 " i John S Wick - - 100 79 lgg3 «< " j Joseph Mechling - - 188 72 46 33 1882 Venango township. E F Mcßride - - 855 05 1333 « " John Blair - 1 531 23 1,110 03 1881 Washington ■' E Christy - - - - 1139 1332 «' " Samuel Young - - 403 39 101 04 1333 <« '« Harmon Seaton • - 816 37 1,150 17 1882 Winfield " Robert Cooper - - 166 02 1883 « " It> Marks - - - - 1,424 18 219 68 1882 Wortn " 1 C Curry .... 381 21 1883 " " SII Moore - - - - 825 00 1,104 22 1882 Zelienople borough E Zaner - - - - 16 1833' 11 " _ | C King .... - 062 4o 121 11 ' Total - - ] | 59,650 13; 33.049 42 Accounts u&rkci) r mewis settled since &uditttl. 1883 Treasurer Miller in account with Butler Co., j for amounts received from Townships and Boroughs in County, School and Poor I av. I 1883 l)U. .county sch'l Ko'd Poor Oakland township - '$ 8405691 ** jjjj ■* Millerstovm borough - 8402500 .> w .oo Washington township , 4 -i 8- 1 -'{ Butler borough - , 2 08, .001U 00 -bt Parker - - Si? 1 ??' ■'» «3 Butler township - - M 1 •••• " Aggregate - - - i - • " 12434 1883. CR. j By amount paid out Ctierrv township - ' ,A J? Center " - - J® : .J, Butler borough - '3 ?- *• -' Bradv township - - j3O 38 .. 1 Parker " - - 'l' £Ji Wlnlleld " - £«' 12 $ Veningo " - - »«•••• '* a Marion 44 - - J 7-' rj>' Clearfield " - - *' *• 3- Penn " * 'ii ■u'ii'iu "#'vi Donegal " - - I J! ™'.. h . ™ Concord " - - f Prospect borough - , J Millerstown borough - 1 3150 ;"'., ' Oakland township - ■•J' 11 • Falrvlew " - - i' ' ' Allegheny " - j i , •* _ Aggregate - i - - - i - w j DIXMONT ACCOUNT WITH TOWNSHIPS A.N.O I BOKOCOHB FOR ISB3. DIBTKICT. Ain't re'd B*l I)'"- 1 Forward township - - f * JJJ Marion " - - Buffalo " • - •'*' JS Mercer » - • ICO I>s 82 SO Builer borough • • i 7*5 J t y Centre township - • 84 00 108 Robert Story • • i 100 60 Slippery rock twp • | 1 O-iUtaud " - • .t'J | Millerstown borough - i 674 24 Purker township • -! 453 02 «92 Win field « 157 85 854 08 Tina! ~ - - '»!,185 32 15.108 72 JURY COMMISSIONERS' ACCOL'XT. 1883. Rol>ert McClung $93 88 " Daniel Wallet 95 CO $179 48 LIVERY ACCOrXT. To A Flick * 80 25 " J A Christie 4 00 " C Cochran 38 75 " L M Coclirau 10 00 . " J E Christie 3 00 " Bickel & Uallaher 6 00 Total 00 KBOTHONOTARY. To Alex Kussell £ l'» ' r >o " M N Cireer - 140 30 $162 80 COIJKTY DETECTIVE. I TREASURER J H MILLER CR. BY EXPENDI | TI RES OF BUTLER COUNTY FOR 1883. jßy County Institute acc'tof 1883 $ 200 00 " Dixuiont Hospital 5,856 40 " County Detective L H Eduiondson 110 85 " Express account 1 25 " Insurance account 532 50 " Indexing Record, E I Brugh COO 00 " County Auditors 300 00 " Court Auditor, T H Lyon 100 00 " Allegheny Couaty Work House.. 48 25 " Butler Co Agricultural Society... 100 00 " Coal account 196 00 " Commissioners' counsel 200 00 " Clerk of Courts 410 96 " Bridge Views 147 60 " Court Crier 342 00 " District Attorney 141 00 " Bridge Inspectors S3 70 " Commissioners' board of '83........ 2,342 50 " Commissioners' clerk 782 50 " Court House janitor 300 50 " Warren Hospital 331 91 " Water account 450 00 " Printing account 1,307 78 , " Reform School 307 92 " Road damage 392 50 " Stenographer 1,282 37 " Sheriff's account 1,263 46 " Stationery ... 776 10 " Tipstaffs NiO Od " Traveling expense 40 00 j " Western Penitentiary 910 09 ! " Registration ... 234 02 I " Jail account 581 83 " Inquest account 305 03 " Constables' Returns 598 85 " Unsettled lands 996 48 " Jurors 7,495 51 " Transcribing 1,210 00 " Constables'lleturns 598 85 Eleetion account 2,080 75 " 4—ln 1,122 43 " Bridge building...... 7,050 64 " Borrowed money paid...,. ... 9,530 7 5 " Commonwealth account 1.396 44 " Court House account 661 31 " (jas accuuut 203 51 " I n't paid on borrowed money 1,443 82 " Jury Commissioners I*9 48 " Livery hire ... 142 00 " Postage ... 27 20 " Prothonotary 162 80 " Refunded tax 32 21 " Road vietfs 155 24 Aggregate $56,937 37 POST.VO K. Miss S A Robinson ~..527 20 REFCXDEDTAX. To II J Clark sl3 08 " E Zehner 4 00 " John Duffy 74 " N Kramer 4 00 " A B McDivitt 2 84 " S V Hutchinson 84 " John Hutsler 1 43 I " John T Bingham 528 Total $32 21 ALLEOHBKV CO., WORK IIOCBR. July 13. 1883, Honrv Warner S4B 25 Ag ural Bocioty .... .... 100 00 EXPBKP* ACCOUNT. Aug 2 1883. II C Ileineraan 25 ISS& Oub » 75 , ' J A Wilson 10 25 ; Joseph Blakiley 21' 75 1 Charles Crouse 84 00 ' D McLaughlan 10 75 : G II Gibson 42 25 | ' Owen Brady 2 00 | Henry Bortt 7 76 ' Perrv Gilmore 3 (>• J McCall HW ' Jacob Sinters 3 70 Eliss Eastman - 3 00 W J Whitesidea 5 00 Samuel Young 3 65 C U Lamb 3 00 Herman Lensuer 3 00 Th.>mas Graham 3 60 Jonathan Jones 3 00 J F Wimer 4 00 J L Shunion 3 00 WACkiUf • < M ' i J C McCamiless 3 IK) I John AH«ert 3 00 j Henry Shatter 3 00 ■ James B Knox 5 00 Joseph Klwkely 3 00 T J AlUworth 7 00 1 Wm Ma K ill 1 00 J B Campbell 3 00 It J Gold 3 00 F P Mcßride 6 00 S Pointius 3 00 Joseph Lindsey 21 00 II M Gill 4 00 G W Jacobs 4 00 EF Mcßride 7 00 Hugh McFadden 9 00 B Noble 4 00 Joseph Portman 4 00 Joseph Ilenehberger 5 00 Nicholas Kramer 7 00 C F Aldinger - 00 John Staff 2 00 E Zaner 2 00 W J Hutchison 2 00 Charles C rouse 8 00 Jacob Reott 12 00 J M Davis 9 00 N Henry 9 00 Reuben Shanor 4 00 Charles Ziegler 17 25 Joseph Meet)ling 2 00 George Reiber 8 00 S S Borland 12 00 T J Brigger 7 00 II Lessiuger 18 25 John Taylor 7 IK) W J Fletcher 14 25 John Blair 15 00 J M Elliott 1? 25 R A Patterson 16 00 Hugh McFaddeu 26 00 HJ Brown 12 00 T J Allsworth 24-00 Alfred Sarver 15 25 W S Thompson 13 00 Henry Michley 6 00 C King 6 25 T J Cleeland 15 00 H Seaton 24 00 Isiah McCall 9 00 Wm Cleeland 7 00 A J Fletnming 20 00 A C Gibson 3 00 J B McDivitt 18 00 J 8 Young 16 00 E H Adams 16 00 James K Reed 18 00 J D Marks 15 50 CFAldinger 6 00 D F Rank an 23 50 J C Vandyke 11 00 J II Wick 13 00 James S Wilson 3 25 W P Brown 17 00 Elias Eastman 21 00 Total $1,122 45 1883. COURT HOUSK ACCOUNT Jeff Burtner for plumbing - - 9 18 75 8 G Purvis OO 00 " 31, " JohnS Ward 875 00 Jan 5,1884 Mrs Julia Fowler 400 00 " 9, " R P Anderson.... 400 00 $9,530 75 REFORM SCHOOL ACCOUNT. j** j .-«sor & TREASURER RECEIPTS FOR PERCENTAGE FOR 1883. < 1882. Adams township $ 77 77 Allegheny " 63 88 'Bl Butler borough. 119 79 'B2 " townsnip 67 66 'Bl Bradv " ..... 40 09 •82 " " 47 49 " Buffalo " .... 70 87 Clearfield" 41 78 'Bl Cherry " 51 24 'B2 " " 59 14 " Cranberry " ..... 68 44 " Centre " 59 47 'Bl Centreville borough 13 45 'B2 Donegal township 84 01 •m " " 84 14 " Evans City borough... 14 71 J 'B2 Fairview " 15 89 'e.3 Forward township 87 11 'B2 llarrisville borough 14 44 " Harnuny *' ... 22 84 " Jackson township 72 92 " Jefferson " 69 84 " Lancaster " ... 64 42 " Mille atown bofough. 16 20 '• Muddycreek township 66 77 " Mercer " 44 23 " Marion " 68 36 " Middlesex " 71 89 'Bl Parker " 85 97 'B2 '* " 94 20 " Penn " 71 3." " Pros|»ect borough... _... 16 88 " Portersville " 9 11 *B3 " " 10 6*i 'B2 Petrolia " 8 84 'Bl Summit towuship 54 SI 'B2 " " 58 80 " Slip|«eryrock " 77 ♦».> *Bl Suiibury borough 724 *B2 " " 7 7y " Venango township 54 6J •' Wintield towuship 58 66 " W3 " " 573 00 'Bl Suubury boro 37 75 'B2 " " 87 83 'B3 " " 180 44 'B2 Venango twp 737 66 'B3 '* ,c 4-50 00 'B2 Washington " ii 4 00 'B3 " " 702 00 'B2 Wintield " 107 36 'B3 " " 1,350 00 'B2 Worth " 2JK) 20 'B3 " " 825 'B2 Zelienople boro 85 37 'B3 " " 528 35 Total Cash $55,396 23 TREASURER'S RECEIPTS BY VOUCHER FOR 1883 'B2 Adams twp 9 11 37 'B3 Adams twp 16 27 "82 Allegheny twp 42 48 •88 Allegheny twp 75 59 *Bl "Butler boro 107 OS 'B2 Butler boro .... 38 31 'B2 Butler twp 62 27 'B3 But!er twp 15 92 'Bl Brady twp 27 79 •83 Brady .wp 4 60 •82 Bujfak twp. 27 21 : 83 Buffalo twf lo *8 >B3 Concord * .vp 8# ,82 Clearfield twp * .... 1 80 ,83 Clearfield twp.... .... 64 48 8t Cherry twp 897 82 Cherry twp 5 80 _S3 Cherry twp 58 56 ',Bl Cranberry 5 60 ,82 Cranberry twp 16 61 ,83 Camberry twp 9 57 ,82 Connoquenessing twp 18 93 ,83 Coiinoquenessuig twp 2# 47 ,82 Centre twp I 07 ,83 Centre twp 26 44 yj Clay twp.... 17 61 ,88 Clay twp .. .... 12 09 83 Clinton twp i\ 51 81 Centerville boro 13 88 82 Donegal twp 2 91 S3 " " 71 98 'Bs Evans City b0r0... 13 55 'B2 Fairview " 27 63 •83 " " 23 31 'B2 Franklin twp 10 09 'S3 " " 9 21 'B3 Forward " 13 09 'B2 Harrisville boro 5 25 'B3 " " * 1* 'B2 Harmony " 10 82 'B2 Jackson twp 9 15 *B2 Jefferson " 19 11 *B3 " " 1" "8 'B3 Karns City borough 16 92 'B2 Lancaster twp 5 38 'B3 " " 1» 06 'B2 Millerstown boro 4 50 'B3 " " 15 30 'B2 Muddvcreek twp 5 34 183 " " " 14 06 'B9 Mercer twp '8 15 'B2 Marion " It 34 •83 •' " 51 99 'B2 Middlesex township 25 24 "S3 Middlesex twp.... 24 80 'B2 Oakland twp .... 13 37 "81 Parker twp.... .... ....• 29 90 'B2 Parker twp.... .... ... 82 13 'B3 Peuu twp ... .... 99 53 'B2 Prospect b0r0.... 2 Mi 'BB Prospect boi o .... .... 22 8j 'B2 Portersville boro. .. 90 'B3 Portersville b0r0.... ... ... 7 89 'Bi Petrolia boro.. .. 28 9fi 'B3 Petrolia b0r0.... .... ... 20 37 ul Summit twp. 82 Summit tw,i 16 t >pH:k twp .. ... 894 I 'Bl Sntinnry boro. . .... 9 91 j 'B2 Hun bar? boro ••• 8 1' 'S3 Hunbury boro .. . ... 8 28 'B2 Venango twp .. .. ... 64 77 • 'S3 Venango twp .. . . SI 23 'Bl Washington twp.. ... ... 11 :J9 82 WashlUßtou twp .... 9 39 'S3 Washington twp ... 11l 37 83 Winfield twp 74 18 ! 'B2 Worth twp . '3 38 'B2 Zelienople boro.. .. 10 56 'B3 Zelienople boro 24 20 VdtM n>WMT -....H*?* W j BRlt'OR ACCOCKT fOR 1483 Jul ISI3 ltui Donaldson, baildiug Stony Ron bridge, Centra twp -I 140 On j Feter Fennel, repair* on Burgoyne bridge, Clearfield twp . 1 00 W W Breckenrldge A Bon, for to perstructure Freeport bridge. Boi ler borough - :100 00 1 J G A W Campbell, bridge cant ing* lor sundry bridges - • 50 30 1 1 Jeff Hoilord, for hauling iron of Freeport bridge • - - 550 ) , A Webber, masonry Freeport bridge .... 100 M Ira StantTer. repair* on Harmony bridge - - • - 341 ■ Adam Webber bridge - - 40 CO Feb John Hutchieon, tor (111 Mapl#- Furcace bridge. Allegheny twp - 30 0U G W Hajs, bridge expense • - 310 j • A Webber, mason rr F neport bridge - - ' - - 200 00 ' David Ciiips, All to Freeport bridge - - - - 30 00 : David Cupps, Oil to Freeport bridge - - 9 00 Trumbell A Wright tor lumber for Freeport bridge - 93 00 W W Breekenridge & Son for su pers fracture. of Freeport bridge and removing old bridge - R)< 0® Marl'eUr Fefcnel, repair* <>u Bnlil's null tri%i - - • 3 fo ; M Simple for cit-'ning |MM bridge - . . 1 SO I- H Addt rholdt. repairs on brt«k;e in Ji-flei-on twp - - S 00 W il'tatn Kinder, r« . airs i.n Kinser I ri«lf. Bii !• twp - Si®,' Dun VS uiler for bridge -'tmert 3'.» Z>- A Brown f.,r approach to F ret ort bridge - 1." <>"' Apr. .1 A Gordon masonry ell bridge t'*irvi««township SO J li White repair* on Ciuupbe.i bridge in Mercer township 3 (*' J A rdou fill to Campbell bridge in Fairview township 10 §9 James Collins bridge expense 1 8U Tbo-iia* Kerr retiring Brer's bridge Marion towuship ....... 1 #0 May Charles Cochran bridge ex cuse ............ 4 75 Joseph White bridge repairing on lUnirew bridge ? 00 A J Gordon for fill tampbell bridge Fairview township 10 00 Kliaa Ziegler bridge repair* on Harmony bridge 44 00 J A Gordon bridge repair* 33 00 John Winter* bridge repair*..™.. 4 67 J W fatter on plank for bridge I'enn two... 2 00 June W W Itreckerrdge repair* on Renfrew bridge. „... 26 00 John Hotcbin*on masonry Maple Furnace bridge —. 4»> W James Collins bridge expense...... 14 50 J H Robinson repair*on bridge... 100 G W Hays bridge expenae 1 00 Wm Barr bridge repair*.— 12 «JO W W Breckenridge order to 9 G Pnrvia A Co. for lumber for bridge 57 23 W W Rrackenndge order to J W Patterson for lumber Renfrew bridge 70 00 B W Douthett bridge fill for Renfrew bridge 40 00 W W Bn ckanridg*, Renfrew bridge • . «0 43 Thomas Banks, wood work Camp bell bridge, Fairview twp - . *» 00 A J E vans, repair* on bridge • 2 CO John Love, labor on Black bridge 3 75 Win Burr for masonry Jack bridge 13 00 W A McCormick, masonry Reiber bridge. Centre twp • 10 CO Jamc* Collin*, bridge expense • 3 Oft Wm Mi-Cormick,repair* on bridge 20 00 Leonard Heirat • - 4 50 D H Lyon, moving plank ot Free port bridge - - 1 50 Joseph VV hite, masonry on Ren frew bridge - • 12 00 JG A W Campbell,bridge casting* 21 30 John A Steel, wood for Robinson bridge in Cranberry twp - - 105 90 J G Jfc W Campbell,bridge eastings 14 30 Daniel Downey, fill Stone Ran bridge - • S 00 James Welsh, bridge repairs - 24 19 James L'ollln*, bridge expense • 2SO James Burcb, bridge repair* - 23 50 Isaac Love, bridge repair* Mc- Candle** bridge - - 1G 50 Wm Barr, bridge repair* McC»nd lesa bridge - • . - j3 U 1 John Donaldson,paintlog Freeport bridge - 4* 00 Emnnuel Krninge, removing drill from Buffalo bridge - - 2 oft Chna Cochran, bridge expense - 970 G W Hays, bridge expense - 1 10 Wm Barret Hi, bridge repair* on wing wall Christie bridge - 12 00 John Donaldson painting Thorn creek bridge Finn twp - - 35 GO Wm M Shannon, repairs on Hays* bridge 3 CO R b Gibson, wood for Shannon tiridge - - - 39 Of' W W Breckenridge A So;i, wood work ol Renfrew bridge - - 1 1 James Collins, bridge egp.n-o- - li. K H Gibfon, -»ood work Shannon 'iridge - - *♦ 'JO [ Rol»ert Daw-on, iv»soi:ry B>-»« s Siifk l'i .«Ur QtaUi twp I'OO Co j John Manny, reptirs on K bk-r liiidge . • . 2CO j G W Hays, bridge t*;ei.se . 4 »" Hiepl en Kr> wer,wood work stock bridire Clinton twj« . Irt 00 John Stubbie, repairs on R pley bridge , 3 0o Isaac Love, re pairs ou Meals '»ridge W M Bair.rej airs «>n Meals bridge Washington twp • 34 S5 J A McC'lymonds, hauling atone for Meals bridge . , V 10 Jno Love, repair* oa Black bridge Jam<-8 Collius,bridge expense . 4 S5 J G Meals.repairs on Mceils bridge V 75 Wm Bair, repaira on Isaac Love, work ou lack bridge.. 3 00 Mr* Birch, boarding for bridge banda . . 1 12 Elias Boyer, repair* on Harmony bridge , . • fll «i D Boyer, repairs on Harmony bridge : . . 2 00 v eter Neeley, removing drift Irom Goerhing bridge . . . 300 William Uibaon repairs borough Petrolia 2 SO Leonard Heist hauling stone for bridge 10 00 Albert Stoops repair* on bridge... 1 "si ( has Cochran bridge expenae ... 12 25 E Eminger maaonerr and wood work Buffalo bridge Donegal township. 124 00 J May berry wood-work of bridge Slipperyrock township 15 00 James Hemphill bridge fill Rlackstoek 44 00 John C Manny repairs 2 fiO Robert Dawson maaoary Bull Creek bridge Clinton townahip... 52 05 George McCandleaa repaint on Kittanning bridge 11 75 Elias Boyer repairing Harmonr bridge - 12 00 S M Seatou wood work MrMar> ray bridge in Marion township. . 122 0© George Shaflner masonry of Zieg ler bridge Jackson twp 150 00 George Rodgers fill to Buffalo bri.lge in Donegal township '. •> J A Dawson masonry Armstrong Rnn bridge.. 221 Tb. in as aankey masonry Ling Run bridge 77 19 James Dixon repair- Hauer bridge Penn township 1 50 George Shaffner masonry on Zieg ler bridge Jackson township JoO on F J Mcßri'le masonry and wood work Fennell bridge t'learfieid twp 157 11 \V W Hreckenridge A Son,bonding bridge In Jackson twp . , 20 "0 James Collin*, bridga expense . 350 Breckenridge A Hon, tvjilding bridge in Jickson twp 00 George Sh.iffner, masonry Ziegier bridge . . . i 41* 00 G W Hay«, bridge expense . 3 00 J Mayberry, wood work Long Run bridge , 113 50 la*wis HotTner, repairs bridge . 3 3# Wm Cox, repairs on bridge Adams township . . 2* 00 Daniel Denny, masonry and wood work of Denny bridge WinfL Id tp 4#5 -- G W Hays, bridge eypense , I 'i*t A P Brown,repairs Monroe bri.lge 10 Eilas %>■ gl-r, fiii Zi'gler »wllge Jackson twp . . IS 00 K H .t T K Can pte|i, nssor.ry and wood wm It Martian! brieve Fairrif-w twp . W l'i I Clias C"C„> in briilge e*| t.*e of tmm < ion « • •FJ C F Al-linter.r. ,>airs on mid on !ge M lit rstown : . . 7 0" Total ... . r.OGO rr.>wi d mopit. i Mr* Julia F"wler i I°i ! Cyrii* J Mc« lymonda 4 <*> James Collins.. " Jnlin S Ward IJ Abraham Fennel ...... 41f Jl Rev L M Thompson ....... ......... ... 22 0» Elizabeth Collin* . ... 1W Sainuei P Robinson 350 •»! i R M Harper 145 •>» Roliert Miller - 302 *o MrsJl P Dieffenbacher 20 0" Samuel Campbell - 1W J h McDivitt - 47 3»» [ *>.4o TMfBUM tiPtyus Mj. Toll W Hay* ....... |H » To James ( ollins |0 ' . To Charles Coehrao 10 75 Total MI) 00 Western Penitentiary |WO 0» Registration ....„„ .... f2S4 Of jail Arvorrr. Mrs Swain, lannlo QC Ritter A Ralston, wipplie* 33 S Augast Kaller, boarrfing priwii■ jr. V» John Biekel shoea t JB Samuel Diekey, kalsomiainy... t 0B J L Jones, repairing sky light ... ... W75 W Nelson, glass fur jai! H S*>hnei J-*i A*h. lightning rods f.ir jml V* •» li W Ziegler, labor. _ f»m It H CLan, raedieaJ t*ar~ ....__ It 1- faints H'igties sbaving pnsow»r>.„.._ '75 Merg Jr «'vpher . „„™.. 7 |r> T tal ~ , 16*1 43 is- J -■ ws W Wv«on .... .. fS Th'ii a* Garv»y .... .... .... ... j #»» E r> i> .y $ m D Kaieiey i 30 S M > a»<>r .... ... . .. M U » H P T s :!.r . . J4O P'.iiH: ter * J •»! »»a«> » si !S*e« ... . 19 1* RoU-rt Ptor. li •> Wra seil*it .... .... .... .... •* >•» Jt-iiu Stack .... .... .... 4*> J147 m <\*nrr aiint James iieaiT.e, Est| .... .... *342 00 ckrun irTDimT. A j| ( inmngham 141 W aaittoa taweer-mw Wm Seibert M W J*mm Colliaa sxpensaa at Inepeotur 10 IS Adam *eber .. » «m J Coihns paid expeoaaa of Inspector . » M Hen M.-Cand!r** 14 00 Oeo W Hajan pd sxpaaaae at Inap«i»t«w.. 3 30 •M TV UNMt William Wtlfiaranon ... fan » Tliofaas Shn.'l .... .... .... .... Mr Njrongh 3 ■MS C j» • - in »3 7 «r Fa»r»lesr ~ mm * cm Hamsvtlle - .. .. m st ;« w rvin-lta - • JST *4 3 3 Mlllristrsn " art K .* T!ty •* St *« » r ivr»".. » •• ta ■ • WisfHirv - y a ll IL.ra.otiv - ir 3 >van-.fl:y - ..-2 3 »i o,n» ** cf* J** * H bup »■ " .. 4T7 a tS * J|prue «> 34t J0949 ISsriUM K aWMTST. Mar :-s» J r Mr.»«T,r.ia ...» *: j G W SWhr 4B» MO 59 iSSTtTrTE. | Soy l'i IvO, Sap:. J H Martlaad ISO '4 Itt>KXtNo lECfIXH. Mar 17 F. I Rmgh il">i ! July 3 " " toe Sept 29 - - 123 *5 Dee 19 " " 129 *>4 •» P9i!m»«i arcortT (MB. Butler Eagle .9 MT 14 Butler Citisen 144 .« Butler Herald ....... B4 44 Petrolia Record 179 H4 Valley Sews 75 •*» Total XJO7 7» R«ar> t>A3a f» borrow kd yoviT anocWT. DR To amouat remaaaiag aopaid m par audit for UtM —953,499 >4 CK. Byam'tpaidnn pnneipal .9 9.530 75 4 " " •' interest ... 1,443 32 To«y IM.W4 m By bal remaining an paid 9l 2..V23 iT923.#>*t 49 ritK TReaai R*« tx *U4(» wrrw prrtow . Ot VTT COB rNKTRaR HXPt.WO Wf 31, «. M. To cash rreM from -.Meetey* 165.JM 9 « - " " mseats«f lands . 124 *4 " " '• " seeoant Dtxmoat Hoepitai I.MS « To bal in Treaanry aa ner aaditfoe 42 !4..'>55 17 To '-ash rye'd frow t omn*»sato»eys . 10 •7"vt57 3 r*. By "Uttdry warrants i liiw 1... J? •• Trsasnrer's peee»oTa«e 3 '* Bal in Tisasnry Jgn 7, 15,*»4 77 P7.V : "7 £t We, the aaderst.TieJ lwiit*f*«' Ifcrtisr -siea ry. in >mrn nwealth ot #ri*r»yUaais rt.a9 at ih- C««w>a*fi||»9» .•■s», if«*i>i rsaaif, tee 7-k Hy efjsnwary. !*'♦. ar > 4H siofit. *•»- ios{ aod ■ 'He weraJ »"•**«" lesfsc*! it - S Is w ae- f*lit>g fc» rhe .ifsar judgment ' »!itjr, nn !tb »' rh.- <>re-, • awry '• T -u—i set .ar r»«4s Mvi «**ie this |4y i"9 j Jtna-iry. I - * I. J li MI.iSVXv L. 9 > i, * . R«m L.3 Aa»l»t>ra r M LOf DFX, L. 9 » Ve. 'I-e nrd»r»'g"v*** ' 'wrisa^-^i-e»er •( Titler e not* iiavinf »i«m set fHe < f-i;s n» f»s«e» of the'l -an'T laKHW »• k-a»Vi»jt i 4 9» !W a C -ff t sta' !U-r»t of the ree«ipt« «nd »«f-«l.lt t