BUTLER CITIZEN misce llaneou s. A voung girl in Philadelphia who for three years has been a patient suf ferer with sore-throat, has been effectu ally cured by u-ing Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup The days are getting noticeably longer. Bad Case of St. Vitus Dance. Minister, is the singular name of a town sinuated iu Affflaize Co,, Ohio. It is the residence of Mr, J Brandwie, who writes: "Samaritan Nervine per manently cured my t.on of a bad case of St. Vitus Dane." SI,OO. The next t-xcitement will be the sending of valentines. What will cure the worst case of dyspepsia? What will insure hearty appetite and increase digestion? What will cure general debility and giva a new lease of life ? What will .dispel nervous depression and low spirits ? What will restore exhausted mothers to full strength ? What will strengthen nerves and muscles ? What will enrich the blood? what will enable yon to overcome weakness, wakefulness and lack of energv ? What will prevent chills and fever and other effects of malarial poison ? Brown's Iron Bitters. It is well to know this. Wo have not heard ot any leap year conquests yet. Solid Comfort. Every one likes to take solid com fort and it may be enjoyed by everyone who keeps Kidney Wort in the house and takes a few doses at the first sym toms of an attact of Malaria, Rheuma tism, Billiousness, Jaundice or any af fection of the liver, Kidneys or Bowells. It is a purely vegetable compound of roots, leaves and berries known to have special value in kidney troubles. Ad ded to these are remedies acting directly on the Kiver and Bowels. It removes the cause of disease and fortifies the system against new attacks. The spring trade is beginning to engage the minds of our merchants, Something for all the Preachers. Rev, H. H. Fuirall, D. D., editor of the lowa Methodist, says editorially, in the November (1883) number of his paper: "We have tested the merits of Ely's Cream Balm, and believe that by a thorough course of treatment, it will cure almost every case of catarrh. Ministers, as a class, are afflicted with head and throat troubles, and catarrh seems more prevalent than ever. We cannot recommend Ely's Cream Balm too highly, Not a liquid nor a snuff. Applied to the nostrils with the finger. —Oil of and Olive oil, in •qual parts appl ed to joints inflamed by acute rheumatism, is said to give al most immediate relief. "Like Hot Cakes." The above is an old time expression, and is nearly as "old as tne bills," but yet it is occasionally brought into good use, and placed in a position where it counts aod add-* great weight to the words accompanying it. This is true in the following testimonial sent to Dr. B. Hartman k Co., by Messrs Parrot SL Son, druggi.-ts, of Greenfield, Ohio, who say: "Send us some more advertising matter. Your medicine is selling like hot cakes. Send us a good supply, for we need it badlv." These men know when they handle a good thin?. > udging from the above Peruna and Manalin mast be in good demand in the country. Being com posed purely of vegetable ingredients, druggists feel safe in recommending them to their fliends. Send for the pamphlet on the "Ills of Life." —lt is alwayn well to say something favorable about a person instead of joining with a crowd in maligning him, because numerous enemies often show that there most be much good in the person abused A man without ene mies is a weak individual anyway. Not Content V/tih Being the Best. Whatever may be said in re gard to the propensity of the manage ment of great railway lines to provide for the public only what is actually demanded in the way of accomodations and comfort, can in no way apply to the management of the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific [{ail way;or as is more familiarly known, "The Great Rock Island Route " This line has for years been recognized as the best and most comfortable route between Chicago and Kansas City and the Southwest, and has been abundantly able on this ac count to successfully cope with its competitors. But not satisfied with this success aixl its already elegant equipment, the managers have caused to be turned out <>f its shops at Cbicago a magnificent liue of Dining Cars which go into immediate service on the Kansas City Line. These cars contain all the conveniences of well furnished dining rooms, are elegant in design and finish, and models of the advanced railway art of the day. Within them meals are furnished equal to those of any first-class hotel in the land at the low rate of seventy-five cents. Travelers on this line now find on its trains all the comforts and con veniences of first class hotels. Besides the best of fi st and second- class coach es there Parlor Chair Cars, (which are free to all passengers holding through first-class tickets), Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars- This Company's lines —all of which are equally well equipped—also extend to Council Bliills and the West, and Minneapolis and St. Paul and the Northwest; ami the deserved praises bestowed upon it by returned travelers who speak from experience, make it noted throughoiu the land. We bespeak for the owners and man agers of this rn iir'iifieent Railway am ple returns for their generous provis ions for tho wants of the public, which, is, us has been proven by the patron ago extended to this line, quick to ap- Ereciate and patronize those who prove y their deeds and generous treatment that they are devoted to its comfort and welfare. —lt frequently occurs that the pret tiest maidens find it most difficulty to obtain husbands. It was thus in ancient days, too, for it is well known that the Three (Jracea remained old waKls*. —An exchange sensibly puts it thus: The way to reach a man's heart is to cater to his appetite. A girl who can claw a piano and agitate the atmos phere promiscuously may be a fine par lor ornament, but the damsel who can grease the griddle, aod turn two pan cakes at a time is the piece of furniture in the most demand and the female to tie to this time of year. —A man in a sleeping car went through a terrible accident, in which the car rolled down an embankment, without wiking- It was notad, how ever, that as the car struck the bottom he murmered: "Don't, Jane, Don't; I 11 get up and start the fire." Matthew Arnold is quoted as say ing to a Chicago reporter: ',l find one thing in America wtiich impresses me. It is the tendency of the people to fl"Ck to the cities and to seek an education that will fit them for clerical rather than manual labor. This is bad and to be regretted' as the demands of the country are more for manual labor than for such duties as the people are gen erally are anxious to prepare themselves for. It is a great mistake that the tendency of the young people especially is for city life. —Speaking of the peculiar power of the Russian mind, the passionate long ing for the purpose of putting theory into practice, a profound observer says that the true expression of Russian genius will be found either in a new form of society or in a new birth of re ligion. An English writer thinks it is a pity that English orators are not per mitted by etiquette to swear at one an other. This reminds us of a speech of old Joe Hoxie, who, referring to the bitterness of Southern ladies during the war, brought down the hom-e by saying, "If the devil had been a wom an, what a devil of a devil be would have been!" and soaked in vinegar, and makes a popular dish. An American who for the first time ordered some in a German restaurant failed at the first slice. "Ah!" said the proprietor, "you Amer icans do not like rich things. Why that just tastes like pineapple! A man who couldn't eat that couldn't eat sour kront!" Fifteen Million Cows. It is estimated that there are now in the United states 15,000,000 milch cows, and that there are made annually 1,300.000,000 pounds of butter and 45'J, 000,000 pounds of cheese. In 1880, as shown by the census, 712,204,000 ponnds of butter were made on farms, and 29,451,000 pounds in factories and a total of 543,145,000 pounds of cheese. Besidos this over 17,000,000 pounds of oleomargerine were also manufactured. £7. S. Dairyman. As the doctor turned sadly away from the patient whom he found using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, he said : "It beats me every time " says, a fact that the wheat crop in some of the older States is now twice and often three times as large per acre as it was fifteen years ago. It ascribes this improvement largely to the buy ing of superphosphates and other com mercial fertilizers Why They Call Him "Old Man." "Yes, that's sadly so," said Jenkins, "my hair is turning gray and falling out before its time. Use something ? I would, but most hair restorers are dangerous." "True," answered his friend, "but Parker's Hair Balsam is as harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Give the Balsam a show and the boys will soon stop calling you 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It never fails to restore the original color to gray or faded hair. Richly per fumed, an elegant dressing. A smart farmer's wife kept an ac count of the number of miles travelled in a year by her husband in going a long distance to water his horses. When he heard the figures, he had water brought conveniently near, and also, like a sensible man, took the hiut broadly and put many couvieuces iu the house to save bis wife's steps. Mrs. Kate. E Sherwood, 1348 Marl borough street, Philadelphia, I'a., fay* l : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for weakness and highly recommend it. —The most perfect way to keep vegetables during the wiuter, accord ing to the "Country Gentleman," is to place them in opeu barrels or boxes, and fill all the interstices compactly with finely pulverized damp moss, the moss being added as the filling pro ceeds. If moss cannot Ixj obtained, slightly damp sawdust will do nearly as weli, provided the boxes are not so large as to induce the heating of the sawdust. Roots may be kept this way the year arouud in a fresh and plump condition. —Of all the paths leading to a wo man's love Pity's the straightest. —Diyorce Court fruit—Tart pairs. —Serious reflections—flashes from the mirror. —An organ-grinder is not the archi tect of his own four-tunes. —The Murder trial has got so that it does almost as much harm as the murder itself. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in Ills hands by an Kast India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Altectlons, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering, I will send free of charge, to all who de sire It. this recipe, in German, French or Knglish, with full direction* for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Nov ks, 149 I'ower's Block, Kocliester, N Y. Septli-mi-ly'eow •A "N •»**!»« •HXIJWX»-M J '-Jl 1"1« IJItM JO « .JMloi |)[»d tW0.,3 -*• i*ni -<1 x- o V -wniipnj A *>iß iijujuK jo ji®*. 'N3HB3IVB 'Q3IWM BRICKS! BBICKS} The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bay window and other uual ities at his ktln on the Pair (iround road, half a mile west of Butler He will keep on hand h lot of bricks at all times. He will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he intends carrying on the brick making business, he ir.vite* the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize luin. All orders promptly tilled at reasonable rates. Call on or address, J. GEOUGE 3TAMM. Causes no p a i n or Dread. ■ Gives Relief at ( >nce. Not a Fhayfeverls! If A "J"';) ° r t \pphed with will HAY-FEVER cure - Price 50 cents, bv mail • r ;»t druggists. KI,Y BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego. V \ i£DEON PURPOSE One of TIIOHC ? W lilcll are M'tre Fr»'qiieiiC ilian Profitable. "Why, mv child this is not BESSON S CAPC IN E POROUS PLASTER." said a father to his little daughter, after examining a package she had just brought from the drug "Jsn' it, Papa? I'm sorry, but I asked the mau for Bensoa's —I know I did, and be took the twenty-five cents you gave me to pav for it with," exclaimed the child positively. Mavbe the drug man made a mistake " "I'll go 'rouud myself and see," was the gentleman's comment, as he donned his coat and hat. "Why didn't you send me Benson's plaster, instead "of this c'he ip and trashy thing?" "Why, I,—l, thought that would suit you just as well—and—" "You thought! you thought! hat busi ness had you to think? I don't pay you for thiukiug, but for filling my order," said the indignant caller, contemptuously, "There ! take that thing back and give me my money, I'll get what I want elsewhere." i lire a Ik S * THE SURE CURE ——— roB KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. 4 'Kidney-Wort i* the most successful remedy I ever used." I>r. P. C. i*llou. Monk ton. Vt. "Kidney-Wort is aiways roli»blfl.'" Dr. B. N. Clark, 80. Hero, Vt. "Kidney-Wort haa cured my w ifa after two yean Buffering-" Dr. C. 11. Summerlin, Sua Hill. &»- IN THOUSANDS OF CASES ' h*« cured where all else had failed. ItUmild, buteacient, CEUTAI.N IS ITS ACTION, but harm'.aw In all ean«9. 11 t*lcanne» ths Blood aod Strengthen* and glxco New IJfc to a:i the important organ* of tlio body. T-:e natural action of tiie Kidney* la restored. Tho Liver is c'.eanaed of alldiaaaae, and the Bowels move freely and healthfully. It this vray the worst diseases are eradicated from tho eyetcul. j 1 PIUCE, N oo UQC:D oa DST, BOLD BT »BCO«BTS, B -y can be seat by moil. WELLS, CICU.VKDftOa A CO. Burlington Yt^ 1555^351 Songs Never Sung. "How does that verse run? Something like this, isn't It? 'There ar« who touch the manic string. And noisy fameis proud to win them ; Alas! for those who never sing. Hi't die with all their music in thetjl. "Yes. that's beautiful, pathetic and true." said your representative. 'The poet alludes to people who are some how suppressed, and neverget their full allowance ol Joy and air Wlinh reminds me ol a letier shown me the other day by lliscox & Co. of New York, signed by .Mr. E.W ilhams, of Chapman, SnvderOo.. I'a , a prominent business man of that place, lie writes : •••I have suffered Willi axlhma for over forty year*, and hail a terrible attack in December and January, I hardiy knew what promuted me to take I'arker's Tonic, I did so, and the first day I took four (lose*. The eliect astonished me. That night 1 slept as if nothing w.n the matter with me, and have ever since. I have had uo|d» since, but no awtlima. My breathing is now as perfect as If I had never known that disease. If you know of anyone who II;IH asinine I**ll him in my name that I'arker's Tonic will cure it—even after forty years,' There was a man who escaped the f it- of those whom the poet laments. This preparation, which has heretofore been known as Parker's tiinger Tonic, will hereafter be advertised and sold under the name of I'arker's Tonic. Inasmuch as ginger is really an unimport ant Ingredient, and unprincipled dealers are con stantly deceiving their customers by substituting inferior preparations under tjje name of ginger, we drop the misleading word. There is no change, however, Iu the preparation itsrif. and all bottles remaining Iu the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Parker's lin ger Tonic conl t:u the genuine medicine If the fac simile siguaiure of Hiscox & Co, is at the bottom of the outside wrapper is composed wholly of nu- ingredients, each one of which is acknowledged by the medi cal profession to bo the most potent of all tho herbal remedies know;n to medical science. Itcurus without fail every ca.-u of Chranlc Catarrh. Consumption, General and Xe r vo ns^ Nenralir'a, Chronlc__Kheiimn iisin, Diahetls, Stone in the Bladder, Brlght's Disease, Dys pepsia, Lirer Complaint and Diseases of the Stomach. U your Drugeist is out of our pamph lets on the "HH of Life," or if you are laboring under a d sease not mentioned jiiitorla t'icsa a Ivvrtinements, address the proprietors, 8. B. HarUnau & Co., Co lumbus, Ohio. (Mo. ».) MANALIN pationJPiles and Diarrhoea. Sold by all druggist*. One dollar per bottle; ilxfor $5.00. Directions in English and German. Eutlei's Ntw It per lure For Pianos, Organs, Violins aud other Musi cal I instruments, cull at the NEW MUSIC STORK. OF Kleber Bros. & Stauffer, Main Street, IJutler, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books always on hand, or furnished to order. Orders h.r Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended to by .John It. Kyth of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 11, '»•!, 'im. Union Wcolsn Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to tho Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.. whore I have new aud improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recomme.id them a» being very dura ble, a„ they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, an 1 will be sold at vory low prices. For samples and prioet. add reus, 11. FULLtUTON, juU4,'7s-ly Butler. P» Farmers. Dairy Men. Stock Raisers! CUTLE^ Hi Has no Equal an a Condition Powder, not only prevents, but Bw~P" will (lire tin moH obstinate I'iseases of Domestic Animals, ■ ">.l WM rW~ **s" To Increase (he Milk of} our Cow-, give It* trial and >ou wl 1 use no other. For Salt try Dealers Kverft where, or sent Fr,st p"id on rreoip' of XSe. tn fitamps Schwarm, Irwin & Co, Limited, Druggists and Pharmatists, 1305 Carson Street, S, S. Pittsburgh, la. j. H|Tmt*kle **4 flt«w *«4 Catalocur tut a A OV Jk |»*4. thr mull of thirty Jrar.' riKffcMi- aa /V \C » a (wed rower. will be Mat free to all »ha ap ijkV JO . Butler county. Pa. Executor*' Hale. By virtue ol the provisions o< the will of WH liam' Thompson, dee'd, late ot Middlesex two., Butler county, Pa., the undersigned, his Execu tors, offer for *ale part of the farm of naid Wil liam Thompson, located in Middlesex twp., Butler county, Pa , one mile west of the Butlei aud Pittsburgh Plank Road, and lour miles east ol tho P.a W. Railroad, containing FIFTY NINE AND ONE-HALF ALRES, one halt cleared and in good cultivation, the balance well timbered and all u der tence, is convenient to schools und churches,. pd is well watered. For further iuformatiou inquire ftl on the farm or address, E S THOMPSON. 1 Execn , orß . W. R 1 HOMPooS, I Glade Mill P. O , Butler, Co., Pa. novl4-3m. *oliee. The time fixed by tho Oourt for hearing other business than trial by Juiy: such as applica tions for license to sell Liquors, aud objections thereto by evidence, petition, remonstrance or Counsel, will be heard Fad*y. March 7th, Objeetois desiring subptena for witnesses must tile exceptions. Bottlers' license must be applied for as in other cases to the Court. BY THE OOOUT. BITTI.KR COC>TY HS: Certilied from the Be cord this 11th dav of January, IHHI. W. B DODDS, Clerk. Nttiioe. Notice is hereby given that applicants for license must file their petitions 011 or before Saturday, the Kith day ot February, IHHi. jn3o-3t W. B DODDS, Clerk. FOH3ALE! Over THREE lU'NDHI'Ii CHEAP FARMS in West Virginia. 200 of these farms are located in the Hlienandoah valley, famous for healthfulness and productiveness. Improved farms at ?."> to per acre. Coal, timber and grazing lands, $2 to Sto per acre. Have a few large tracts suitable for colonies. For circulars, iriviug description. loca tlon, price. &c., address J. H. JiIMS'IOK, Martins bur/, W, Va. Jan:w-«. niM. F<> * HM.K. A 3 run crist mill, near Whitestown, this coun ty Mill is in good repair, has both steam and water pouer. (b.od d .veiling house and other uecesvry buildings on the premises. KiinniugcY pen-e very low. Hood reason for selling. Must be sold before t.-t of April Only those who mean business newt addrc. tor particulars. W. 1,. ALLfcN, Whitestown, t*». Jan3o It. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned off -rs for sale his line farm situate In i-'ritiKlin township, Butler couiitv. Pa., about two miles east of me borough of l'rospect, and containing HCV l l'Y-FIVE 1C It EH. more or less, of good tillable ground, having erected thereon two frame dwellings, and all necessary out buildings: two springs of never failing water, two orchards farm in good repair, etc. Convenient to schools, churches, postodlee, etc. W1 1.1.1 AM Mi'OBKW. nov7-tf. Prospect, Butter Co. Pa. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with large two-story brick house and largo barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in liutler twp , Butler county. Pa., adj ining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap nod on oa*y terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq.. Butler, Pa. FOR S&I.E! 25 acres of land in Borough of Prospect. HOUSE and BARN, flood orchard, sp ing and well. If not sold by first of February will lie lor rent. Enquire of 0. 1) HARVEY, jau'.Mt Butler, Fa. KIO(JSE AXI> LOT FOR MALE. 4 VICKY COZY Two-Storied Frame House ol six rooms, cellar, out bonnes and two lots ot ground in Hniicr will b sold 011 reason able terms. Call ni office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-Ulf. Mntlcr Pa. mmm nurseries Rochester, N Y GEORGE A. STOKE NURSERY COMPANY. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Rotes, Cteepers, etc. Moore's Raspberry, Pockllnfton and Em pire Miate Grape, and other choice varieties of all fruits. B- W. DOUTHETT, Brownsd ale, Bctler County. P« jiuiiAftn Advertise iu Ui« CimwiN KEjVIEIVIBER THAT Patterson, the One Price Clothier and Gents' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of new Winter ClothiDg for Menu', Boys' and Cbildrenf' Wear at one extremely Low Trice to all. PATTERSON'S. Dnft.l Itloek, Kutler. Pa. Planing Mill -AND Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.Gr. Purvis & Co., MANGPACTITRBRS AND DEALERSX* Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENB, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD tierraau Catholic tjhnreh EOITS7-SBW. BIU CHAPPED HANDS, Lips and Face tlicky nor rough JFL N. B.- HONEYDTWRNIKM IKFH| SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST*. PRICE 25 CEKTB. The Trade Supplied by all Driiijijst PEItWAXEXT HTAHIPIW« FOR KENSINGTON, ARRA.BENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lesa ins in sime given by ANNIE M. LOWM.VN, North ctreet, Butler, Pa. jne2i>-ly Hard W ccJ Furniture lor sale at extremely low- figures, A great variety of Beds Tables, Chairs, Childrens' Cliai's, Ladies' Rockers, Extra Heavy Arm Rockers, Marble aud Wood Top Parlor Tables Bureaus, Stands, Il'-nhle and Single Lounges, Spring Mattresses, &<•., Ac., at WM. F. MILLER S, North Main .Hired, BIT T L K Ii- 1 J A., FACTORY ON WASHINGTON STREET. dll'B3-tf. E XPOSITION Visitors should nut fail to call aud examine the largest and finest stock of Imported aud Domestic Liquors in the Str'te, at Mnv Klein, H'i F«'rt«'ral Slreof, Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne Passenger Depot. Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World ! *-* m,r*a < '/)/•!rrnlch , Perrhrron-Xormavn F.itniixh Draft Horum, Trnttin'i- llrrd Pafidnterii. ShriJanil Poniet, J/u/ntcin and Drvon f.'attlr. Our customers have the advantage of our manv years experience in breeding and import ing farge collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because o( extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWKI.r, RROTHKRB, Springboro, Crawford Co.. Pa. Mention CITIZKN, juIyZJS-Pm. T # \ 198 LIBCRTY ST. B F% V "J. /^fct i MEN AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS 1 S FOR 5 I FALL AND WINTER. I &■ Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Carta rijrht and Warner's Underwear, in white and scarlet. 1$ Fifty dozen Fancy Suits of Underwear, all wool, wbich we are selling at $3 00 a suit The best thing ever |T offered at ttie price; worth $5 00. Boys' and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in ull sizes. ' y HATS AND CAPS. | 250 dozen British IIOM» at 25 ets. a pair, worth 50 cts., just opened. Rnglish, French, German and Domestic TWiery, in Silk, JT ff'j Lifle Threads, Camels' Hair, Merino, Cashmere and Cotton. Novelties in Neckwear, ia jdaiu and lancy -ilk and >atin, in all the leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Neckwear just opened. Sf i GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, '< Walking and Driving Gloves, in Kid, Fur, Camel's Hair, Cashmere and CI- th, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Su«pender«, Silk and Linen Handkerchief's, Hemmed :tud Hemstitched, in white aud win. aDo< 1-orders, Linen Collar* and all ihe new shapes. u £ RUBBER GOODS, § Umbrellas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Largest line of English and American Silk Umbrella*- ever shown in Butler. Our v. ft 1 Black Silk Umbrella for $3.50 is the best thing ever offered. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Colored Shirts always on band. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in Butler.

■ 0 111 I- C J ( I<.A ItF < r hi) gc( ds-J tm band (t ne. Ft jaiiii po! Watches, Cktks aud Jewelry a specialty, which we waiiact to (jive s-atisfaclion. J'lace ol bui-iccfiß two doors >'cttb ot Duty's aud opposite Trcutnian's Dry Goods store. TRIAL LIST FOB MPECIAL tOl RT. («UER(IS« Ffr BJRI IHY llth, ISM. *.Vo. Tina. W. '' "natotijii 2u.^T Z ' 1 Pfaiiiifft. 1 Defendant*. ! &&***#?* AtUrny. Al» «;»; Mur ISB2.LZ Mitchell Fzekiel Dougherty K A Mortland et al VwterliiJltQ 4 Tiff "5800 S3 " ""'1 h< n pson A Pon S V Glenn for use School Pis. Brady twp tireer & Brandon [son ' 54 Dec 1881 llobinson and Moore Com ol Pa. for use W H Huffman et al Walker " 73 Mar 1«82 J D McJunkin W A Lewis Anthony Goldingcr Benedict i Bowser I, j-J; .. .. Kleej.fr Jefferson Allen K Z Courtney et al Greer « 2° Pec " Mct andless and Mitchell W A Hogne Harriet Gelhreath et al ( amphell " 4.5 < e pt " Scott A Briber George Reiber Jacob Boos et al |W 36 Mar " McCandlesa John n Douthett et u* John Magee Christie ■i it ■■ Same Same Pnvid B Crowe Puv'n.Mitch'll & Thoma'n .< *'i I tine " J D McJunsin Melinda Coe W H Coe McCandlew A Irvine 40 Dec " Thompson 4 Son, J H Thomp-CF Wick Clay Township 5'' wser « .. «- seott [son S H Critchlow adm'r N\ C Pouthett et al Thompson A Son 09 - " J H Thompson & Scott C M Burnett Troni Ran CHI Co. J Smullen Prothonotary's Office, Jan. 14, 1884. M - N GBEER, Prothr.notary I R. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, MAl>' STREET, 3XJTLKTI, 13A.,I 3 A., % bracelet H Pins t ai-rnms. Oold Silver ai>d Steel Specta 1«r and a well selected st«»ck of Silver Plated Ware, ale HBWaL>.he celebrated Roter Bro'a Kiiiveu. Forks. Spoons I adies. Berry »i>oons, pio and cake Knives. Ac INITIALS ENGRAVED FKEE OF CHARGE on snv goods pnrclianed of me. Strict attention is given to repairing of Watches, < locks. Ac., which ere war ranted to give nut infliction- PerHoiia coupon ticket, with a number and their name Hitached, which ticket entitles ihe holder to a lianco in a hand some SILVER WATER I ITUHEK witli Gold lined Goblet and Slop-bowl. Time of drawing will be mentioned u conpty papeib two weeks previous. Don't forget the place, oppooite Berg A Cypher's Hardware Store. How Watch Cases are Made. Most persons have an ambition to carry a gold watch case, and yet lew people know how a watch cane is made, or the vast dif ference in thequality of them. In a Solid Gold Watch Case, aside from the neces sary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of the metal is needed only to stiflen and hold the engraved por tions in place, and supply strength. The surplus is not only needless, hut undesira ble, because gold is a soft metal and cannot furnish theF'.iilhess, strength and elasticity necessary to make the case permanently 6trong and close-fitting. The perfect watch case must combine gold with some metal that will supply that iu which the gold is deficient. This has been accomplished by the James Boss' Gold K'ufcA ('use ajCC \J7 which saves the waste of need lest gold, and increases the sol.idity and BTRKNUTIf of the case, and at the same time reduces the cost ONE half. B*npposite Troutnian's Dry Goods Store. D^CU^^D, Watchmaker ana Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a complete slock ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECTAC LES- Of «ll kiuds and prices. Jewelery and Silverpiatod Ware of the vi ry lie-t quality. Everything warrant ed just as icpre-enied and sold at the low est cash price. Fine llaM-li lt< |miriiij{ iiNpvc* lull j. One square South ot I) i.imond, Main Street BUTLER, PA. • «B| "MiSTOPPED FREE ■K ■ ■ Marrtb*, laxn. ■B ■ B Intann Pertons Restored H ■ ■ UDr.KLIHESOREAT ■ ■ <- a/'Brain & NIKVK I«SK»S«S. t:»r* /<** A'ervg h H . fU. MINfM.LiRLR ifttViu >1 dire« tettl« free t* Fit patient*, tiiey barge*, on hos *!tcn rr rived. Sfn t namr». IV •) an 1 a-tdmi of ■Ufflkte tto T>« KLtVh uAr !. St >h!l vlelnhia.f*. icslMugSlau. HhlVAKli OJ I.VUAIIHH FR.< COS, iotheCmrKH. QI EEK VIC OTIII 4. Court circloH in England aro anxiouti about the queen'h health. Her in thought to he of the kiduoyi). While this in difficult to reach b* ordinary treatment, which accounts for her lingering illncs», there in a mite and certain remedy for it all and kindred alTectiona.which she ought to know of and use, in L>R. FENNBR 8 KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CCRE. Tho fol lowing llhiHtrateH how readily it cur a infinitely worne caweii than hen# Fredonia. N. V.. Mar. 8. ISH3. Dr M. M. Fenuor—Dear Sir—For yearn I ha.! beeu uttering from a combination of KII>»KT DIHEAHK. HKAHT lIInKARF. and KKMAI.K W' JKNMn i iiAd a heavy aching pain over my kidney* with cramping «>f nay iimi"* I liiul BACKACHE aim a SCANTY and Tt/ÜBID flow of nnil"! III.OATINO OF LIMBS ami a (IKNEKAL DROPHICAL CONDITION aiHo PAIN, I'Ai.i'ATATIoN and i>nor*Y of the HEART. My condition wa« a diMr. Bhing one. and an treatment and KII»ET BEMKDIKH gave little or NO relief. I have been taking your "KIDNEY AND BA<-k- ACHI ctiilß" with the wont happy rentilt. It liaM relieved all the unpleasant njnaptouw that have followed me MO peroiwiently and HO long I never had a medicine help mo wo quickly and cure eo completely. lam doing mv own work. YOUTH trulv. JAMES FULLEK DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING STROP— Pleas ant, Hafe. certain, Prodncett good real, good temper, rowv clieeks t energy, IrenhnenH, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER' CAPITOL BITTERS—The purent and l>ewt ntoniaoli tonic known. Dr. FENNER'S SAI/T RHF.UM OINTMENT —YKI.LOW Ano WHITE— A cure for ALL hkim MHF.'.KKH. See directions wrapped around package. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The hept family phynio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DK FFNNKU S PEOPLE'S REMEDIES. ABE USED ALL OVKB THE wouij). And are for wale by J, L. Waller ami I). H. Wuller, But'-er, Pa. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Al. work peitalninfT to the prolession execut ed ill the neatest manner. Specialties :—Mold FHllntr, and PnlulcM Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite Lowry House, Main Street. I iflicc open ditiy except Wednesdays and Tboreduya CoEuuiuiiieuiionis l»y mall r«c»iv« prompt attentiou. j*mlo*£4-2y DinmsTß *. 01/ W\LDRON. Graduate ol the I'hn tt adelplda Denial College, to prepare • 15 •to do anything IU the line ol hit profession lu a satisfactory manner. Oiliee on Main street, Ilutler. Union Block n;> Bt>iirH. JOHN E. BYERS, PI I YSICI AN AND SU KG KON, inyai-ly) BUTLER. PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintjlcr's Hour Store. EN. LEAKE. M. I)., • Homeopathic I'liyaician nud Surgeon Office in Union Block, und residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2S, IKK2. U MAN VTWO 19 UtACQJAI'iTfO Wl TM T«f O* OOHAPMV Of TMt J OOUW* TWV WMLISfC BV EXAMINING THISMAPTHAT TMg by the central po»ltion of its line, oonaeeta tk* KAIII and the Won by tbonUortwt route,and csr r ry naeacngera. without cr.aiifre of can, bttwea Chicago mul XIUIIU Citjr. Couucil Blulfa, Leaven worth. AlchiFon. Mmni-apolia and St. Paul. II •cancels in Union lJepota with all the principal lined U( road brtween the Atlantic and the I'MIS* Clocaoa. Its equipment la unrivaled and ennt, being coropoaed of Moat Comfortable ana Beautilul T)ay Coaches. Maanißoent Hor ton Be cliunie Chair Cars. Pullm.na Prottteat PalaM Blcepmir Care, and the Beat Line of Uinlnc Cars In ths World. Three Train* between Chicago and Missouri liner Points. Two Triina between Ch»- oa«o and Minucapoliaand at. Paul, via the PaatoiM "ALBERT LEA ROUT*/' A New and Diroat LIDO, VIA Seneca and Kank*. knt.h&H recently b*en opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport New®, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au fusta, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington.Cincinnati, ndiaiiapolts ana Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and dt. Paul and intermediate point*. All Through JKasaengera Travel on raat Zxpreee Tickets for sale at *ll principal Ticket Offices la the United State* and Canada. baugag" checked through and ratee of fare AL wa*, * as low as competitors that oiler leaa ad van *?or detailed Information,get the Mapa and Fold* era of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your neareat Ticket Otfloe, or addrees P R. CABLE, t- ST. JJHN, Vice Ptct. * l.ra I M » r rim 1 TtU * ! »"•■ A|U CHICACO. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Stfa 3. C. ROESSIXG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMI'UKIjL. TKBASVKKK. 11. C. II KIN KM AN, SKCKKTAKY. DIKET'TOKS: J. L. t*iirvit., E. A. llelrnholdt, William Campbell, •' W. Burkhart, K. Troatniiui, Ilenderaon Oliver, O. O. Itocafinp, K« MrMillln, Dr. VV Irvin, N. Weil* I, A. B. Rhodes, H. C'. Heinemwi. JAR. M'JUNRIN, den. A«'t BTJTLKR FA. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Et tablishment. Ahcilth limtltiition in il< 3(ilh yeitr. Far nearlv all klmli* of Chronic di*nn»r», and o»- j.eeliilly the lirei»e< of Women. 01-BK AT ALL JStASoNe, Ciri-ti!itrf tree. A'l«lre«». KKEArtK. M. D., jv 18-1 y New Hi e lit Heaver « 0., Pa. gsapPßubHurttw lor tte- Cui«asi-