Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 06, 1884, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 1884.
New Advertisements.
Auditors' Report—County.
Auctioneer —J. L. Jones.
Applications tor Charters —Workingmeji>
B. AL. Association. Centerville Presbyterian
Final Account* filed—states of Jacob Oer
loch and John A Harris.
L'«ai! Institute at Prospect.
Register'* Notic * of accounts for March Term.
Real Estate Agency.
Sellers' livery stock brought a
fair price at auction last week.
The ground-hog could have seen
hi 3 shadow last Saturday.
Prospect will have a local insti
tute on Friday the 22ud inot. See
program in another place.
—Hereafter the 10:20 A. M. train on
the S. & A. R. K. will take a mail
pouch as far as Fredouia, Mercer county
—About this time last year we had
a thaw, break up and flood, and some
of the towns along the Allegheuy river
were submerged.
A lynching took place near Corn"
ing, Ohio, last Sunday. A man nam
ed Hickey, a dissolute character, assas
sinated a man named Clifford, Satur
day night and was himself bung by a
mob on Sunday night
Two children of Legrand Strong,
of Amsterdam, New York, are sick of
diphtheria, contracted, the doctor says,
by handling a doll which was handled
by their sister, who recently died of
that disease.
The Clearfield Republican protests
against the decision of Judge Pershing
that base ball players are not laborers,
and characterizes the doctrine as a
deadly blow against one of the promi
nent industries.
William Combs, a farmer, forty
vears of age, living five miles south of
Elgin, Illinois, cut his wife's throat
lately. In her dying agonies she
wrenched the weapon from him and
stabbed him fatally.
Of the distinctively Southern
States South Carolina is the most illit
erate. In a total population of 995,-
577, fifty-five and four tenths per cent.,
or 369,848, cannot read or write.
The threshers of Mercer county
have organized what is called the
Thresherman's Union, the object being
to establish a uniform charge for thresh
ing, For the present year toe price
agreed upon is: wheat, 5 cents; oats
2| cents and clover seed $1 per bushel.
—A new secret society called the
Patriotic Sonß of America has been
organized. It has for its motto, "God,
Our Country, and Our Order." This
will do very well if the society does
not turn it wrong end first. Some
secret societies seem to forget God al
—Congress is rapidly solving the
question, "What shall we do with the
surplus?" The Senate has just voted
to allow each Senator a clerk, and pay
such clerks six dollars a day. The
clerks will not be over-worked, unless
they are compelled to keep an account
of the number of drinks each Senator
takes daily
—The renowned Fred Douglass, of
Washington City, his married Miss
Pitts, a white lady, who has been for
some time past a copyist in his office.
His first wife, who was a colored ladv,
died some years ago. The wedding
caused quite a stir in Washington so
ciety. Mr. Douglass is Recorder of
Deeds in Washington
—Dr. Willits' lecture in the M E
church last Thursday evening was the
best we have bad this winter. He spoke
for t Aro hours and talked so fast and so
well, that one was kept busy following
him. He had a large audience (for
Butler) and had ho lectured in the
same room the following evening would
hare had a larger one.
—The Board ol Pardons last year,
heard and considered 101 applications
for pardon. Of these only eight par
dons were granted. Of these eight
three of tbe recipients of executive
clemency were pardoned out to die.
and promptly fulfilled their part of the
contract- Nine cases were held under
advisements, and eighty-two were re
fused a pardon.
—Some patriotic citizens of West
moreland county have formed an asso
ciation whose object is to resent the
insult to the American hog, offered by
France and Germany. They have
solemnly sworn not to use any French
products and to quit trading with all
dealers who sell them. This will not
prevent those patriotic Greensburgers
from eating French sardines cought on
the coast of Maine, and known there
as herring.
—The Western Pennsylvania Itiver
Improvement Association will hold a
convention at Washington I). C. on
Feb sth. 1884. To enable all who
desire to attend, the Baltimore A Ohio
and Pittsburgh <fc Western R It's,
will sell round trip excursion tickets,
at reduced rates, good from Feb. 4th,
to 14th. inclusive.
—Fulton Gates, a New Castle boy,
recently purchased a silver dollar of
the date 1804 from a farmer of that
county, paying for it $5. He recently
got an offer from a Boston man of SSOO
for it, but refused to acc«!pt. He sayH
he will not take Jess than SI,OOO. It
is said that there only eight of them
in existence. Dollars of the year 1851,
1852 and 1858 are worth sls.
—Some days ago Mr Peter Kramer,
the noted detective, recovered a horse
aud buggy at Free-port that a man nam
ed Richards bad stolen from Henry Lei
bold of this place, and he, last week,
traced Richards to the Allegheny Co.
Workhouse where he is now serving
out a sentence for a larceny committed
In another county.
—An exchange nays: "This will
probably be a HurprUing piece of new*
to bakers. Under th« laws of this
Slate they cannot at law collect a bill
for the »ale of bread. The reason of
this is that the law provides that all
bread shall tie sold by the pound, and
that the scales for the purpose of weigh
ing shall be kept on the counter or in
some other conspicuous place in all
bakeries. Tho law further provides
that unless the bread b« weighed the
sale is illegal and the Heller liable to a
fine of $lO and costs for each offense,
fend that one-half of this sum shall go
to Uhj igfcmwt*
A bill has been introduced into
the Ohio legislature which provides for
the establishment of a State School
Hoard, composed of the Governor, Sec
retary of State, Auditor of State, At
torney General and State School Com
missioner, whose duty shall be to
select from the school books coming
before them under the provisions of
the bill ''those that shall be the cheap
est and best adapted for use in the
schools of Ohio." For the purpose of
securing material from which the se
lection is to be made advertisements
are to be publi.-hed inviting sealed pro
posals for furnishing a complete series
of school books for use in the commoa
schools of the State. These are to con
sist of spellers, readers, ai ithnietics,
grammars, geographies and histories of
the United States. Publishers sending
in proposals are required to give the
wholesale price at which the books will
be furni-hed. with five samples of each
book as standards of material and
workmanship, strict adherance to those
standards being exacted in every case.
The State Board is to open the propo
sals and select "the best books offered
at*j the lowest price." The books,
when selected, arc to be exclusively iu
use for the ensuing five years. The
State board is directed to fix the retail
price for each book at not over ten per
cent, advance on the publishers' accep
ted offer. This retail price is to be
printed on the cover of each book, and
a pemjltv of from $5 to S2O for each
offense is imposed upon every person
selling the book higher than the printed
Lifts of books with tbe publisher's
and retail prices are to be sent to every
Board of Education in tbe State.
Each board is required to adopt the
scheduled books tor five year? and ar
range for their supply and distribution
The publishers are to supply Boards of
Education and dealers at 10 per cent,
discount from the designated retail
prices, and to exchange new books for
those thrown out of use by the law, at
half price. The publishers are required
to furnish printed lists of books with
the prices at wholesale, retail and for
exchange; these lists to be posted on
each school house, and at each place
where the books are sold.
Another Sudden Death.
Mr. Will iam Barackman died sudden
ly at his residence in Conuoquenesing
l'wp., on the24lhult. After eating his
suppe that day be started for \\ atson s
store in Mt. Chestnut, apparently in
his usual health, but stopped on the
way and called out to some persons
within hearing that he was sick. Two
men came to bis assistance aud helped
him to the gate of his yard, when he
walked into his house, sat down on tbe
bed, and fell over dead a few minutes
after. His death was caused by an
abscess in the lungs. He was in the
59th year of his age, was married but
had no children.
Fresh Hops, Gums and Balsams, and
its power is wonderful in curing Back
Ache, Spraius, Bruises, Neuralgia,
i'ain in the side Soreness anywhere.
Thousands testify to this.
—Sewing Machine attachment* and repairs
of all kinds, at E. (jrieb'n Jevielry store.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for S2O 00.
in overcoats for Men and Boys' wear.
Everything reduced in price, at Patter
son's One Price Clothing House.
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county woo'.
Explosion of Gasoline.
ALLIANCE, Ohio, Feb, 2.— A terrible
gasoline explosion occurred in F. M
(Jrr's stove and tinware store yesterday,
demolishing the building and burying
an unknown number of persons in the
ruins. Four persons have been extri
cated and four more are known to have
been in the building wheu tbe explosion
occurred. O.r's store was in a large
new brick block iu tbe middle of the
town. It is rumored that a child
turned the spigot of tbe gasoline tank,
and the gas was ignited by the fire in
the stove. Several persons were in tbe
store, and two families lived on the
seeoml and third floors. Besides those
buried intbe debris, many other persons
were more or less injured. The force
of the explosion broke tbe windows in
the other buildings on the square. The
damages to the buildings is estimated
at $75,000
—Call and inspect our new stock of
Dress Goods, new Black and Colored
Cashmere, Gerster cloth, Drap D'Alma.
Rocbling Pin checks, Match Suitings,
Melanges, Changeable Suitings, etc.,at
—The best and cheapest place to
buy black and colored silks, and the
largest assortment to select from, is at
—A few days aero a young lady en
tered a dry goods store in Warren, <>.,
and inquired for a "beau." The po
lite clerk, thinking he bad struck a
mash, threw himself back and remark
ed that he was at her service. "Yes,
but I want a bulT, not a green one,"
was the reply. The young man im
mediately W4;nt on measuring goods.
—(iu to 11. Biehl & Co.. for Phmphate
(jrrain Drills, I'lows, Fruit Kraporators, Ac.
—New double weight Osnaburg
Shirtiugs, at 10 cents, at
—Now is the time to buy Carpets,
we can show a full line of Velvet Body
Brussels, Taps, 3 I'lys, Ingrain, Cot
tage, &c., at very low prices, at
Some 20,000 sawed broad guage
ties that the P. <fc W. Co. bad lying on
the Allen place in .Muddycreek town
ship, are being hauled to town, arid
will be used next spring in broad-gaug
ing the I* A W. R. It., between Butler
aud Gallery.
Now Spring
Light Chintzes, Prints, Nainsooks,
Cambrics, Lawns, Cords, Terrys, Fin
broideries, Insertions, Irish Point Lace
Brussels Lace. All tbe new things iu
White Goods and Trimmings, at
White Quilts, Napkins, Table Linens,
Damai-kes, Crashes, Towels, Ac., at
—New Spring Dress Goods. Solid
Collars, at 8 cents, at
—The very remarkable coincidence
of two churches being on fire at the
same time occured iu N**w Castle on
Sunday week and that there is no
loss of life to report is due to the bet
ter judgment ef some of those iu at
tendance. Shortly after Dr Warren,
of the First M E. Church, had com
menced his text the large audience
room began to fill with smoke and
soon the congregation one by one
began to leave. A moment later and
some one yelled '"fire." Men, women
and childreu began crowding the aisles,
and the little ones began crying for
help Some of the cooler heads dis
covered that the floor had caught fire
from a register and that it could
easilv be put out. Notwithstanding
their efforts to allay the fears of the
excited congregation, the people rush
ed pell-mell down the stairs, some of
the smaller oues being more less injur
ed. Several buckets of water were
thrown on the flames, and the panic
stricken people that had not yet
gotten out returned to their seats, and
the service went on. Almost the
same hour the congregation at Trinity
church became excited over a cloud of
smoke and the peculiar smell of burn
ing wood which permeated the atmos
phere. The congregation was not so
large as at the M. E. church, and the
people were more easily controlled,
though they made a quick rush for the
door. A "box in the basement had
taken fire iu some way from the fur
nace, and this had communicated the
flames to the shutters. The fire was
soon put out, and after a delay of a
few moments the services were oguin
—We are receiving a large lot of
choice new styles Prints and Ginghams,
for spring trade, at
—Bleached and unbleached sheetings
and muslins were nevtr so cheap before
We have in stock all the best makes at
lowest prices, at
Legal Notes.
A special term of Court for the trial
of civil causes has been ordered for
March 17 th.
William Johnston has brought suit
vs the P. ii W. It. K. claiming dam
ages in $3,<100, for the breaking of his
legs by an accident on f=aid road
Louisa Neal, by her next friend
Chas. McElvain, has brought suit for
divorce from her husband, Keyser
Archibald Eakin, has brought
suit V 8 the P. 41 w It, It. claiming
$3,000 demages for tbe loss of a leg by
an accident on said road.
Mr. A. B. Croll, had a petition pre
sented to Court on Monday' praying
for a commission in the nature of a writ
de lunatico inquirendo to issue the
case of his father .1 J. Croll of Brady
Twp, who he alleges, is now and has
been for eleven months so deprived of
bis reason as to altogether unfit toman
age his afi'airs. His petition was up
held by affidavits of >amuel Douglass
aud Robert F. Glenn to the same effect
and the Court appointed S. 11. Piersol,
Esq , a commissioner to take testimony
in tbe matter, ten days notice to be
given to J. J. Croll and J. C. Snyder.
To Close,
Bradley's Celebrated Country Blankets>
$4.00 per pair, at
To Close,
Ladies' heavy (i-4 Cloaking, at SI.OO, at
To Close,
Ladies' Coats at $1 00, at
—Cocheco and Merrimack Prints, at
Gj cents, at
The following advertisement is now
running in the Pittsburgh IJimlatch:
wish to start a window factory, will lo
cate in a any town with railroad connection")
within 50 miles of Pittsburgh, that will offer
the bent inducements. Natural «H.<l region
preferred. Address, OLASS COMPANY, Dis
patch office.
If these workmen are the right kind
of men, here is a chance for some of
our enterprising citizens, with some
money past them, to secure a few acres
of ground on one of tbe railroads or
near enough for tbe construction of a
switch, put down a gas well, and se
cure tbi.i factory, aud perhaps others.
A good ten pot window glass factory
would cost 20,000 and would employ
about 75 men.
Short Ends
of Dress Goods and Silks at Bargains
At 8 Cents,
Bright Plaids for Cbildrens' suits,
Cheaper than You Can
Make it, Ladies' Muslin Underwear of
all Kinds, at
To Close,
Ladies' Extra long heavy Cloth Uls
ters, ar $4 00, at
Call Early
for bargains iu fine heavy weight cloth
ing, at Patterson's One Price Clothing
Notice! NOTICE! Notice!
Underwear for gentlemen and boys.
Underwear for ladies and Misses.
In Scarlet, Gray and White at bargain
Largest stock to select, from at
A. Tholtman'h.
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Hank, for
blankets, fl.inoels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Knq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. in u y 17-tf
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chines are warranted for five years.
Hops! Hops ! ! Hops !! !
A bale of York State hops just re
ceived at the City Bakery, Vogely
BVicki uvvtftMti
A Card.
Wis FIELD Twr , Jan 19. 1884.
To the Republican voters of Butler
County. Gentlemen:
I am a candidate for Commissioner,
subject to the Primary Elections. Any
support you may give me will be
thankfully received.
I shall not bore you with visits nor
letters, as I think you are competent
to do your own voting without advice
from me; hence I submit my cur-e
into your hands. If you cannot sup
port me, then support some better Re
publican, and I slitill bow to the will of
the majority. S. DUFF.
Just Received
our new stock of Hamburg Embroidery
and Jusertings, the choicest line ever
shown, at
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for £IB.OO.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $22.00.
KITS : All Kits stopped free by Or. Kline's Great
NVrve Restorer. No Fits after first day's use.
Marvelous r*nr»*s. Treatise and S'j.uo trial bottle
five to Fit cases. Send to I>r. Kline,fl3l Arch St.,
Fin la., Pa.
You Can't iMiss
buying clothing after seeing prices at
Patterson's One Price c lothing House.
Bargain Sale
of underwear, at prices never seen be
fore; call early, at Patterson's One
Price Clothing House.
reduced in price regardless of cost.
Heavy goods must go, underwear must
go, prices are reduced, at Patterson's
One Price Clothing House.
—S p Bhp >'<w lon , Sewing Ma
chine for $17.00.
—Light running Domestic Sewing Machines
Jos Niggle ik Bro. Agents, Kutler, Fa. tf
Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any make, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store
To Close Out.
Buffalo, Rocky Mountain Goat, Plush and
Wool Lap Robes, and Horse Blankets, sold
regardless of cost at Jos. Rockenstein's, North
end Main Street, Butler, Pa. jn23-3t
Prospect, Pa., Friday, Feb. 22,
10 A. M.
* PRO" >KAM.
Grammar, primary—A. F. McKinnev.
Declamation—W. Lf. Alexander.
Geography—J. G. McCullough.
Selection —Miss Cook son.
Dec.: "Our Country"—T. I. Cunningham.
Useful Exercise— G. P. Wigle.
Essay, Wasuington—Miss Jennie McClel
Primary Reading—Miss Lidie Webber.
The Method—Prof. E. McDonald.
Selection—Miss Virginia Cookson.
What is learned by teaching the first term —
J. P. Wilson, F. M. Dindinger, L. McGown.
Arithmetic —Prof. Titinman.
Essay, (Feb. 22j -O. F. Kiester.
The Teacher's Influence—Prof Logan.
How the teacher can aid the Superintendent
—Prof. Murtland.
How should the teacher employ his time
during recess an'l noon—Prof. G. W. Kussell.
The above proirraou will he interspersed with
music by the Cornet Baudot Prospect, together
with other instrumental and voc.it music.
Ist. Final account of John N Mef,ure, Admin
istrator ol John McLure, late of Prospect boro.,
2d. Final ami distribution account of Uobert
Trinihle. Ks«i., and Henry Kennedy Administra
tors of Joseph Kennedy, late of .Middlesex twp.,
:;d. final account of James Cramer, Adminis
trator C.T. A. ol Christopher .Miller, late of clay tp.,
dec d.
nil. Final account of Samuel II Moore.jjuar
diali of James .Mc, < ooper. minor child of Hubert
Cooper, latent Worth 1 up., dee'd,
ntli t inal account of Edward Campbell, late
(iiiaiiliaii ol l'liobci ooper, minor child of lCobcrt
Cooper, dee'd., lale of Worlli two, by Samuel 11.
.Moore, I'.xeeulor of saul Edward * ampbctl, dee'd.
Bill, Final account ol I'.dward Campbell, late
guardian of Je>se f ooper, minor child of Itobert
Cooper,dee'd, liteol vVortiitwp. Filed by sam'i
H. Moore, Executor of said Edward Campbell.
71h. Final account ol .1. W. Dickey. Executor
of the estate ol M. W. Cross, late of Worth iwp,
Bth. First and final account of M. D. McClel
land, Execulor of llie last will and testament of
Geo. AleClellaud, late ol Allegheny twp, dee'd,
nth. First and dual account of David M. At
well. guardian of McClelland Gruhh, minor child
of lildcoli Crubb, lale of Marion twp, dee'd.
loth. Final account of John V. O'Donnell, Ad
miulstralor of tlie estate of Ann E. O'Donnell,
late of Oakland twp. dee'd.
Ittli. The llual account of Charles O'Donnell,
Adiiunlstrator ol S. I'. O 'Doiiuell. dee'd,
t'Jth. Final account of Daniel Feidler, guardian
ol Annie Sable.
J '.tli Final account of Daniel Feidler, guardian
of Mary Sable, a minor.
14th. First and Final account of J M EeiKliner,
guardian ol William Alexander,son of It. D, Alex
ander. dee'd.
15th. Final account of Ceorge Marhurper, Ad
ministrator ol John 11 Myer, late of Kvans City.
n.tb. Final account of Win F . Pcller. Aduunis
'.raior of the estate of Mary Matthews, late of
Coiiiioipieiiessing twp, dee'd.
17th. First and I'arllal account of Henry Hyle,
Executor of < ieo liarrlav, late of Muddycreck t« p,
18th Final account of Alexander Welsh, Exe
cutor of Win. MeOeary, lat.iol Itulfalo twp, dee'd,
I'ith. F'irst and distribution account ol Free
born Summers, Administrator of Philip Mllleinan,
late ol Xclicnoph' boro, dee'd.
■JOtli. First and final account of WA McCor
iiiick. Administrator ol FMi/.abeth Steel, dee'd.
2ist. Final and distribution account of John
Hohner, Admlulslrator of Nancy Vandtvoil, lale
of Cranberry tup dee'd.
VJiid I'inal and distribution account of David
stautb r. Executor ol Peter (tester!tag, late of
Zelicuople borough, dee'd.
Aird First and llual account ol Ebeticzer
Christy, Administrator id* Ann Young, late of
Washington twp. dee'd ; lib d by Ids a'fininistra
tors Clenn W, mid Jane Christy.
•). 11. Hlcvenmni & < 'o.'n
IUO Flftli Ave. I I'ltlkbiiiKli. I'M.,
Oiler for sale a No; 1 Stock or Gr un F'arm in
Pe< ritt Co., 111 , near railroad anil liver; ban
three houses, good bam, Ac,, contains 350
acres I'rice *3O per acre. Also a lino farm
near New Castle, I'o , of C>o acres: a good dwell
it>K ar| d barn, with orchard; No 1 land, also on
saino is a large atorehoufie with a Htock of goods
worth about $3,500, all in bent of order; value
of farm »nd good* i 11,600, would excha> ge,
Hend for free lint of properties ffi.B4.ly
.\ol l<*«*.
Public notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will bo made to l*ie Governor of the
Commonwealth for a Charter of incorporation
to tie called the Workingmans' I'uilding and
Loan Association of Butler. Tho charter and
object of which shall be to enable persons to
borrow money on IJond and Mortgage by 'be
payment of weekly duos. Application to bo
made on or about oth day of March next.
Feb. 2, 'B4. Att'y for Applicants.
John L. Jone3, Auctioneer,
All orders will receive prompt
fi) 3m
Application lor <liarlcr.
Notice is hereby given that application will
be made to the Law Judge hi the Court of
Common Pleas of llutlcr county, on Monday,
the third day of March, A. I)., 1881, under the
Act of the Assembly of the C ininoiiwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for
the Incorporation and Peculation of Certain
Corporations," approved April 'J'J, 187-1, and
the supplements thereto, for u charter ol an
intended corporation to be known as The First
Presbyterian Church of C nterville, the char
acter and object whereof is the support of the
public worship of Almighty < iod in ( enterville.
lintler county, Pa., according to the fuit/i, <I<K •
i-nun nit an'l ilicijiliitf of the Presbyterian
Church of the United States of America and
for the purpose to have, possess and enjay
all the ri«hts, benefits and privileges of the
said Act of Assembly and its supplemets.
Norman Patterson 1
Henry Wilson I
< • t/ ,ul r 'Com.
Win. K nut man
JoHcph iit stlrr I
KiMTtTMB»d«k J
1882. Adams township $ 77 77
' " Allegheny " *>3 88
SI Butler borough 11!' 79 j
82 " township ... 67 SC <
SI Rradv " 40 09 j
82 " 47 49,
" Buffalo " 70 87 '
" Clearfield " 41 78 j
'Bl Cherrv " 51 24
'si' " ' " 59 14
" Cranberry " fi ß 44 |
" Centre " "9 47 j
'SI Centreville borough 13 4 r > !
\s-2 Donegal township 84 01 .
'B3 •' S4 14
" Evans City borough..". 14 71
'S2 Fairview " 15 89 I
v 3 Forward township 87 11
>2 Harrisville borough 14 44
" Harmony " 22 84
" Jackson township 72 1, 2
" Jefferson " 6!' 84
" I.aucaster " ... 04 42
" Mille stown borough It! 20 j
'• Muddy creek towuship '»'> 77
" Mercer " 44 23
" Marion " 58 .V, ,
" Middlesex " 71 89 |
'Bl Parker '* 85 97 !
s2 " " 94 20 '
" Penn " 71 33 !
" Prospect borough... 16 :
" Portersville " 9 11
'.s3 " 10 «lt! j
>2 Pet roli a " 8 84
'M Summit township 54 81
'B2 " " 58 SO I
" Slipperyrock " 77 65 j
'Bl Sun bury borough 724 j
" Venango township 54 62 j
•' Wintield township 58 GO j
" Worth " 07 63 j
" /elienople borough 24 23
Total Percentage $2,279 33
TORS FOR 1883.
'B2 Adams township $ 738 73
'B3 '• " 1170 00
's2 Allegheny " 298 58
'B3 " " 900 00
'Bl Butler borough 176 17
'B2 " " 1,339 CK»
•83 " " 1,434 91
'B2 " township 407 50
'B3 " •' 1,473 35
'SI lirady " 32 90
'S2 " " 278 36
'B3 " " 6»8 Oo
'79 Buffalo " 100 00
'B2 " " 110
'B3 " " 1,175 25
'B3 Concord " 905 00
'B2 Clearfield " 152 13
'B3 " •' 1,140 00
'SI Cherry " 10 22
'B2 " " 343 08
'B3 " " 718 00
'Bl Cranberry " 215 00
\s2 " " 919 52
'B3 " " 1,159 00
'B2 Connoquenessing" 405 Oo
'B3 " " 1,250 00
'B2 Centre " 484 01
'B3 " " 1,100 00
'B2 Clay " 240 31
'B3 " " 1,000 00
'B3 Clinton " 1,692 00
'Bl Centerville i>orough 11 00
'B3 " " 100 00
'B2 Donegal township 291 27
'B3 " '• 1,598 85
'B3 Evans City borough 279 <>o
'Bl Fairview " 25 00
'B2 " " 93 98
'B3 " " 300 00
•82 " township 1,220 00
'B3 " " 1,300 10
'B2 Franklin " 8.54 20
'B3 " " 955 00
'B3 Forward " 1,635 17
'B2 Harrisville borough 130 16
'B3 " " 154 00
'Bl Harmony " 25 00
'B2 " " 112 02
'B3 " " 165 00
'B2 Jackson township 2*5 52
'B3 " " 912 00
'B2 Jefferson " 441 10
'B3 " " 1,635 00
'B2 Karns City b0r0ugh......... 45 21
'B3 " " 99 00
'B2 Lancaster township 203 37
'tt " " 1.325 00
'B2 Millerstown boro 82 9g
'B3 " " 100 00
'B2 Muddycreek twp f>29 92
'S3 " * " 1,098 35
'B2 Mercer " 133 55
'B3 " " 425 00
'B2 Marion " 465 57
'B3 •' " 764 00
'B2 Middlesex " .>SO 00
'B3 " " 1,580 00
'B2 Oakland " S3 00
'S3 " " 9">o <JO
'Bl Parker " 67 70
'B2 " " 1,289 SO
'S3 " " 460 00
'B2 Penn " 167 .18
'B3 " " 1,475 00
'B2 Prosjieet boro 92 88
'S3 " " 387 00
'32 Portersville " 108 19
'B3 " " 202 60
'79 Petrolia " 200 00
'B2 " " 68 00
'B3 " " 150 00
'Bl Summit twn'p 159 53
'B2 " " 164 !K>
'B3 " " 615 00
'B2 Slipperyrock " 445 38
'>3 " " 573 00
'Bl Snnbury boro 37 75
'B2 " " " 87 83
'B3 " " ISO 44
'B2 Venango twu 737 66
'B3 " •' 450 00
'B2 Washington " 454 00
'B3 " " 702 00
'B2 Winfield " 107 36
'B3 " " 1,350 00
'B2 Worth " 290 20
'B3 " " 825 00
'B2 Zelienople boro 85 37
'B3 " " 528 35
Total < ash $55,496 23
'Bi Adams Iwp t 11 3"
'S3 Adams twp lfi 27
'B2 Allegheny twp .... .... .... 42 48
'S3 Allegheny twp 75 59
'Bl Butler boro K 7 08
s2 Batter boM 88 tl
'B2 Butler twp 62 27
'B3 Butler twp ... .... 15 92
'Bl Brady twp.... .... 27 79
'B3 Brady twp 4 60
'B2 Buffalo twp 27 21
83 Buffalo twp.... .... 10 28
•83 Concord twp ... 35 67
'B2 Clearfield twp .... .... .... 1 86
83 Clearfield twp .... 64 48
'Si Cherry twp ... .... 397
'B2 Cherry twp.... .... 5 80
83 Cherry twp ... .... 68 56
'Bl (.'ranl.orry.... .... 5 60
82 Cranberry twp.... .... .... 16 61
83 Cam berry twp .... 9 57
82 Counotpieiiorising twp .... .... IS 93
.83 CoiinoijunneHHing twp .... ... 20 47
82 Contl'u twp ... 1 07
sj Centre twp.... .... 26 44
82 Clay twp .... .... 17 61
, 88 Clay twp 12 09
83 Clinton twp 21 51
-1 CnMllttkMN 13 s 8
'B2 Donegal twp 2 91
'B3 " " 71 98
''B3 Evans City Itoro 13 55
'B2 Fairview " 27 63
'S3 " " 23 31
'B2 Franklin twp.., 10 09
'B3 " " 9 21
'B3 Forward " 13 09
'B2 Harrisville boro 5 25
S3 " " 8 17
'B2 Harmony " 10 82
'B2 Jackson twp 9 15
'B2 Jefferson " 19 II
'B3 " " is 78
'S3 Kama ('ity borough 16 92
'B2 Lancaster twp 5 38
s3 •' " 13 Of
'B2 Millerstown boro 4 50
'B3 " " 15 30
'B2 Muddycreek twp..". 5 34
'gs " " 1 I 06
'B2 Mercer twp IS 15
'M2 Marion " 43 34
'B3 " " 51 99
'B2 Middlesex township 25 21
'S3 Middlesex twp 24 80
'B2 "akland twp.... .... .... 13 37
'Bl Parker twp.... .... ....• 23 90
'B2 Parker twp.... .... . .. 82 15
'B3 Penn twp ... .... 33 53
'M2 ProKpect b0r0.... .... ... 2 50
'H3 ProHpi-ct boio .... .... 22 82
'B2 Portersville b0r0.... 90
'B3 Portemvillo boro ... 7 89
'Hi Petrolia boro .... .... 28 96
'B3 Petrolia b0r0.... .... ... 20 37
'Bl Summit twp ... ... 95
82 Summit twp ...... 16 39
'B3 Summit twp. . .... ... 20 99
'B2 Hlippervrock twp .. . .... 1 to
S3 Slipiieryrock twp.. ... 8 91
'Bl Stinonry boro. .... 3 91
'B2 Hunbiirv boro. .. .. ... 517
'B3 Sunbury boro .. . ... 823
'B2 Venango twp .. .. ... 02 77
'B3 Venango twp .. . . .. 81 23
'Bl Washington twp.. ... ... 11 39
'B2 WnHhlngtou twp .... .... 9 39
'S3 Washington twp .... 114 37
•83 Wmffild twp ... 74 18
"82 Wortii twp . .. . .. <3 38
'B2 Z-lienople Iwiro.. .. 10 56
'B3 Zelienople boro .. ... .... 21 20
Trfi\l viaMIW \ #i.#l ..
JiD 1833 Isaac Donaldson, bulldit g
Stony Hun bridge. Centre iwp -( 160 00
Peter Ft unci, rt pairs on Burgoyne
bridge, Clearfield twp - - 1 00
W W Breckenridge JC Son, for su
-1 perstructure Frccport bridge, But
ler borouirti ... 300 00
J G iV W Campbell, bridge casl
intjs lor sundry bridge? - - M2O '
Jefl Huilo'd, tor hauling iron of
Frtcport bridge • • 5 50
A Webber, innsonrv Freeport
bridge - - - - 10(1 00
Ira Siauticr. repairs on Harmony
bridge .... 3 61
Adam Webber bridge - - 60 (0
Feb .J< Un Hutchison, tor (ill Maple
Furnace bridge, Allegheny twp - 30 00
G W Ha) s, bridge ex peuse - - 310
\ Webber, masonry Frceporl
1 Tidye .... 200 ('0
David Cu.ps, till to Freeport
bridge - - ■ 20 00
David Cnpps, fill to Freeport
bridge - - - - 9 00
Trumbell & Wright lor lumber fur
Freeport bridge - - 92 CO
W \v Breckem ldge & Sou for su
perstructure of Freeport bridge
and removing old bridge - - 928 00 |
Mar Peter Fennel, repairs on Buhl's
i mill bridge - - - 5 CO j
M Sample for cleaning Harmony
bridge - - 1 »rt
H H Adderboldt. repairs on hrblge
in Jefleison twp - - 200 j
William Kiuser, repairs 011 Kinscr
bridge. Butler twp - 3 00
Dan Wuller for bridge cement 39 52
I A Brown for approach to Free
port bridge 15 00
Apr. J A Gordon masonry on ( amp
bell bridge Fairview township 50 20
JII White repairs on ( 'ampbell
bridge in Mercer township 3 00
J A Gordon fill to Campbell
bridge iu Fairview township 10 00
James Collins bridge expense 1 80 '
Thomas Kerr repairing Bye.-'s
bridge Marion township 1 50
May Charles Cochrau bridge ex
pense 4 75 !
Joseph White b.-idge repairing on
Renfrew bridge 8 00 .
A.T Gordon for fill Otrpbell 1
bridge Fairview township 10 00
Elias Ziegler bridge repairs on
Harmony bridge 44 00 !
J A Gordon brid'.e re Klirs.. 33 00
John Winters bridge repairs 4 67
J W Patterson plank for bridge
Penn twp 2 00
June W W Breckejridge repairs on
Renfrew bridge 2(5 00 !
John Hutchinson masonry Maple
Furnace bridge 66 00 1
James Collins bridge expense 14 50
J B Bobin«oj repairs oa I 00
G W Hays bridge expense 1 00
Wm Barr bridge repairs 12 00
W W Brecken ridge order to S G
Purvis <Sc Co. for 1 imber for
bridge 57 23
W W Brickenr dge order to J W
Patterson for lumber Renfrew
bridge 70 00
15 W Douthett bridge fill for
Renfrew bridge 40 00
W W Breckenridgs, Reulrew
bridge .... 200 42
Thomas Banks wood work Camp
bell bridge, Fairview twp - 89 00
AJ E vans, repairs on bridge - 2(0
John Love, labor on Black bridge 3 75
Wm Barr for in- sonry Ja k bridge 12 00
W A McCormick, masonry Reiber
bridge, Ceutre twp - 10 fO
Jauict Collins, bridge expense - 205
Wm McCormick,repairs on bridge £0 00
Leonard Heirst - - 4 50
D H Lvon, moving plank ol Free
port bridge - - 1 50
Joseph While, masonry on Ren
lrew bridge - - IS 00
J(i & W Campbell,bridge castings 21 20
John A Steel, wood tor Robinson
bridge in Cranberry twp • - 105 80
J G W Campbell,bridge castings 14 20
Dauiei Downey, till Stono Kun
britigo .... 3 00
James Welsh, bridge repairs - 24 19
James Collins, bridge expense - 280
James Burcli, bridge repairs - 23 50
Isaac Love, biidge repair* Mc-
Caudlcsa bridge - - 10 50
Wui Barr, bridge repairs McCand
less bridge - * . - 33 00
John Donaldson,painting Freeport
bridge - ; - - 48 00
Emanuel Eminge, removing drift
from Buffaio bridge - • 2 05
Chas Cochran, bridge expense - 970
G W Hays, bridge expense - 110
Wm Karr ct al, bridge repairs on
wing wall Chri-tie bridge - - 12 00
JoUn Donaldson painting Thorn
creek bridge Penn twp - - 35 00
Win M Shannon, repairs on Hays'
bridge • : - 5 00
It is (ilbsou, wood lor Shannon
biUige - - - 20 00
\V W Breekenridge & Sou, wood
work ol Renficw bridge - 10 00
James Collins, bridge expense - 1 00
K B Gibxou, wood work Shannon
bridge .... '.f.t 00
Robert Dawson, masonry Black
Stock briilge Clinton twp . i'oo 00
John Manny, repairs on Rebier
biidge . • • 2 00
G W Hays, bridge expense . . 480
Stephen Brewer,wood work Black
stock bridge Clinton twp . . 97 00
John Stubble, repairs on Ripley
bridge . , . 3 00
Isaac Love,leji.ilra 011 Meals briilge 6 25
W M Bair,repairs on Meals bridge
Wanliiuglon twp • 24 85
J A McClyntonds, hauling stone
lor \leala biidge . , . 910
Jno Love, repairs 0:1 Black bridge 75
James Collins, bridge expense . 4 85
.1 (i Meals,repair# on Meals biidge 9 75
Win Bair, repairs on Ja< k bridge,, 18 00
Laac Love, work tin Jack biidge.. 9 00
Mr» Bitch, boarding lor bridge
bond* . . * 1 12
Elias Boyer, repairs on Harmony
budge , . 84 30
D b>>yer, repairs 011 Harmony
britlge : . . 2 00
Peter Necley, removing drift from
Goerhiug biidge . . . 3 O'J
William Gibson repairs borough
Petrolia 2 60
Leonard Heist hauling stone for
bridge 10 00
Albert Stoops repairs on bridge... 1 50
Chas Cochran bridge expense 12 25
E Euiiuger masonery and wood
work Buffalo briilge Donegal
township 124 00
J Mayberry wood-work of br ; dge
Slipperyrock township 15 00
James Hemphill bridge fill
Blackstock 44 OO
John C Manny rcp .irs 2 60
Robert Dawson nasn.iry Bull
Creek bridge Clinton township... 52 05
George McCandless repairs 011
KittamiiiiK bridge 11 75
Elias Boyer repairing Harmony
bridge 12 00
S M Seaton wood work McMur
ray bridge in Marion township... 122 00
George Similiter masonry of Zieg
ler britlge Jackson twp 150 00
George Lodgers fill to Buffalo
bridge in Donegal township 3 (Mi
J A Dawson masonry Armstrong
I'un britlge 221 66
Thomas Sankey masonry Long
Bun britlge 77 19
J aines Dixon repaint Bnuer
britlge Penn towuship 1 50
George Shaffner masonry on Zieg
ler bridge Jackson township 200 00
F J Mcßride masonry and wood
work Fcnuell briilge Clearfield
twp 157 11
\V W 111eckcnridge A Son,building
bridge In Jackson twp . . 20 00
James Collins, bridge expense . 250
Bi nekenridge Hon, building
bridge in Jackson twp . 02S 00
G' orge Slnitliicr, masonry Ziegler
bridge . . . . 418 00
G W Hays, bridge expense . 2 00
J Mayberry, wood work J.oug
Ktin biidge . . .112 50
Lewis Hollner, repairs bridge . 2 50
Wm Cox, repaiis on bridge Adams
township . . . . "3 o<l
Daniel Denny, masonry ami wood
work ol Denny bridge Witifleld lp 46"> 2S
G W 11 ivs, bridge expense , 1 96
A P Brown,repairs Monroe bridge 10 0.)
Kllas Ziegler, fill Ziegler biidge
Jaeksou twp . . . 35 00
It II & T It Campbel', masonry
and wood work Miirtlaud bridge
Fairview twp . . . 22S 12
Chas Cocl.ran, bridge expense of
inspection . . . 4 00
C 1' Aldinger,repairs on mill bridge
Millerstown . . . 7 00
Total ... . #7,050 4A
Mrs Julia Fowler 107 •
Cyrus J Met'lymonds I
James Collins < 8 00
John H Ward 79 12
Abraham Fennel 49 38
Kev I. M Thompson 22 09
Kli/.ahcth Collins 192 00
Samuel P Robinson 250 00
It M Harper 14.%00
Robert Miller 302 65
MrsS P Diefienbacher 20 00
Samuel Campbell - l'"(» 58
J B McDivitt 47 50
ir>4-W ft
H I Donaghy -t1 00 Etta Wolford - 988
Pale Thorn - 91 J..bn Gloss -• "5 2
Chtrlm Johnston 6 54 W M Shira - l5 41
John Kennedy - 1 5" 1 Perry Gilmore - IS 49
J C Rcdick - - 19 4'/ I)r. Con-ting - - •*> 78
Jacob Keck - 10 2S J H Holland . 2 78
S P Irvin - - 8 50 John Widle * - 8 SO
Mrs Agan - - 278 Walter Jackson —2 78
J A Mitchell - - 3 94 E Mellon - - 4 02
TJ Allxworth - 9 s.'i Philip Hummers . 1 '.*>
F A Sutto-i - 16 .V> F Rai-hser
E Christie - 3 II J N Miller - l5 30 j
C Dwiibacli 702 S T livin - - 11 91
Philip S Fr<yhcornl4 04 Joseph A all , 1 7*
Mr Maran - 4 .'8 David Cupps 1 » 0
I. P Walker - - 2 SO.C McF.lroy —2 72
• lame* Cogan - 2 7 LP Walker
P C Bell - - 7 44 J C Graaford -- 505
F H Coovert - 375 Bamhart Fredrick 7 53 1
Mrs M E Levari 344 I.ewia Silbough —3 14
JD I ittlo - 830 John Kennedy -- 489 I
ll< belt Homes - 2 12 J F Brown
F M EaMtuau 825 Or Pillow —lO "'J
M Sample - ~ 787 J M Oalbreath ..5 00 ,
E V Rmdolph - 500 Wm McElroy 390
Thos Donagnv - 10 90 F Swash
•lohn Fagletield 834 E F White
f. P Walker.. 11 30 J C Roaj :! 1 1
Martin Thomp D R Rodgers.. 0 14
son 3 sfi;Jas Rnz/anl... 'J 02
Wm Hillwil. 4 $8 DM'l.augl.lin 1 tt
L P Walker- 15 19 Dr Patterson.. 5 (hi
M Sample. ... 3 Dr M C Camp-
Margaret Pew 1 Oo bell 3Ut
David Cupps. 5 (Ml Sain Young... 90
M B Mcßride 5 00 C O Kingsber-
A 1 Burton 314 rv 1 45 j
A Kershorn... 3 20 C Dauben-
J H Thompson 830 speck 409
it C McAboy. 5 00 W B Fowler... 0 HI
.1 F Barnlinrt. 8 35 Wm Kingsley 9 Oo
Mrs W Flein- SW Stevenson 20 <*>
rning 29 00 I. Williams et
W L Dauben- al 33 54
■-peck 7-(.HI Herman Seatou 20(H)
Dr 3 Graham. 5 00 F R Coovert... 7 50
Jno Kennedy. 9 11 John Ball 4 90
RC McAboy.. 45 60S Shira 296
Thos Donaghy 54 21 Samuel Smith 914
X M Greer.... 13 50 Jas K Reed... 13 32
SP Irvin 5 67 J Shull 1 42
L P Walker.. 1 00 Wm Gold 2 00
Sarah B Gam- Peter Stepp... 2 00
ble 2 78 Jno Kennedy. 7 73
J J Nelson 0 44 A N McCand-
C P Johnston. 4 75. less 7 73
Thos Martin... 1 00 J A MeCand-
E Buzzard 225 less 1 72
S Harper 5 10 Jacob Keck... 19 40
Dr Moore 2 20 Perry Gilmore 5 33
L P Walker.. 17 30 John Blair 4 20
John Reiber... 40 50 Herman Seaton 9 35
W Williamson 9 25 John Weigle.. 3 90
John Hei.'dlin 1 54 J H Wick 7 4o
S S Bard 4 02 J S Craig 3 45
Thos Markle.. 1 54 0 Dauben-
C Dauben- speck 2 20
speck 9 70 Ellen Powers. 2 00
A Mediae! 3 181.1 ulias Rerg... 2 02
W If McGaffc 1 9" Wm Halland. 1 20
J C Graofurd.. 75 Jas K Reed... 1 37
Frank Kohler 2 10 Robert McEl-
Thos Graham. 390 haney 200
Sheriff' Frast, Henry Kohl-
Mercer Co . 7 CK> meyer 450
L BShuuor.... 4 2(>'D G Day 3 0,8
Martin Reiber 1 90 I- P Walker... 7 40
Mary Harper. 2 20 B W Doutliett 9 93
Sam'l Young. 34 83 J Freeman 588
Jacob Miller.. 8 9.8 S P Irvin 2 40
S W I.a vis l. r > 34 Alex Douthett 10 08
G W Streson.. 11 90 Thos Donaghy 0 00
J F Brown 8 00 •' Taylor 2 42
W J McCafl'er- John Weiglc.. 25 51
ty 5 10 Thos Donaghy 7 00
E.Caldwell 1 78.A N McCand-
J C Grast'ord.. 185 less 295
W B Dodds... 11 05 J Allswortli... 0 94
J W Kelly 1 7o Jas Stalker.... 3 50
Jacob Xause... 14 10 ; J F Peffer 11 50
Jacob Keck... 4 In Dr Pillow 5 00
W D Bates.... 178 W Dauben-
Herinan Sealon 234 speck 312
A N McCaml- Jno C Moore.. 5 74
less 8 10 M Daile 7 15
II Johnston ... 1 On Wm Kiehey... I 00
M C Benedict 15 90 W J Beatty.... 010
J M Marshall 3 90 Jno Mitchell.. 3 00
John Morrow. 40 00 Robt Burnsides 5 90
Jacob Pisor.... 38 01 David Reisner 1 48
R C McAboy. 990 R C McAliov. 25 93
I, 1' Walker... 3 oO> .
Jno Kennedy. 2 08[ Aggregate...sl,39l 80
Couaty. i stati'
Adams township.. ... - 4 ' l 068 37 77
Allegheny 1 G6l 28 49 US
BufTaio !!!"!!!!". 192:132 370*.
Butler 1 756 62 3 07
Braily 1 314 07 25 DO
Don eg.ll t 837 23 17 (15
(.'ranberrv. ' ;H>l 42 5 95
( Union . .1 s!»4 21 47
Clearlielil I 4fifi wt 5 Xi
( oncor.i t i**' 75 22 02
C'her.y I C#3 tis j
(oniiegenessillg . .... .. 1 *42 ss 45 80
Center .. .... t 618 50 695
Clay I 563 J,; 23 81
Fairvlew 2 072 ]•_> 74 so
Forward 1 18 40 !!•
Franklin 1 980 ;i 23 57
Jackson .. .. . 1 *-''4 81 22 25
.lellersoli .... ~' 1 y4!' 81 44 65
Lancaster .. 1 6<:t m 28 o. r >
Mmlihi reek 1 ««2 , w 27 13
.Marlon 1 840 37 t 35
Mercer ... .... 1 '4B 07 jj 2!»
Middlesex .... ..2 171 47 37 50
Oakland. .. 1 7I» 74; 17 78
Parker llWn i;i
Penu . .... ... | '.loii 72 55 61
Summit ... .... 1 esii 18 so
silpperryock 2 22* 76 57 B6
\>nango .... .... ... 1 615 »i. 26 07
Washington .... lMSfi 53«
U 1 lilli-lil .... 1622 110 20 !Hi
WOIIII 1 '."71 20 IS 15
Butler borough .. 3 '■**- 47 38 !*>
Centerxlllc " ... 412 13 7 «!7
Fairvlew " 308 34 47 51
llarrlsvlllo " 362 si is 00
petrol la •• 227 84 29 35
MllU rstown " 401 97 24 35
Karns t!|ty " i!' 7 c-j 18 70
Portersvifle " 213 15 « IM |
Prospect " 457 70 21 80
Sun bury " 225 :to 9 75
Harmony " . , 6ii7 53 51 45
kvaus city " 272 in :i5 76
Saxonbur;; " 321 34 f6 64
ZellellOple " ' 677 36| 12 20
Aggregate !»»; m 1 3<4 .".'i
ToG W Hays $lB 50
To James Collins 10 75
To Charles Co<jhran 10 75
Total S4O 00
Western Penitentiary *9lO 09
Registration $234 02
Mrs Swain, laundress $ 35 84
J F Shelly, supplies 5 10
Mr Slator, clotning for 4 83
J F Burtoer, plumbing 3 50
II Ford, gas fixtures 2 <KJ
Heck >t Patterson, clothing 5 00
William !-eibert 1 25
J G ik W Campbell, roofing jail 305 07
Bitter <.V Ralston, supplies 33 25
August Fuller, boarding prisoners 35 5 , >
John Bickel, shoes 1 50
Samuel Dickey, kalsomining .' 400
J I. .tones, repairing sky light 10 75
W Nelson, glass for jail 15 30
II Si'hneidciiian, clothing 1 25
J is Ash, liglituing rods lor jail 30 «K)
(1 W Zletfler, labor 1 00
Dr II ( Linn, medical attendance 11 15
Jam.'s Hughes, shaving prisoners 1 75
Berg A < 'ypher 7 19
Total $5Bl 83
1883. IIRIIMIG vows.
W Watson .<s<3 «0
Thomas Oarvov 2 80
K Oonoly (! 80
D Hamlev 3 00
N M Slator 04 10
J H Donaghy 2 60
Philip BortiMr * 2 011
Oeo McCvinlleaa 19 DC
Robert Ntory 15 60
Wm Seibei-t 8 00
John Black 0 00
John Voting 0 40
E E MurhofT 5 00
Adam Wober 4 00
♦147 CO
oocbt citten.
James K"arns, Es.| ?>312 00
A M Cuiiiiiiigham 141 00
lllllls iK INHI-ElTOll'
Wm Seibert .... ,'l6 00
lantes (:ollins expenses of Inspector.... 10 15
Ailam Weber 28 00
J Collins paid expnnnxH of Innpector. . 329
Oeo Met 'nudlcHs 14 00
Oeo W llayas p'd expensoa of Inspector-. 230
♦93 70
Williiim Williamson S3O 00
Tlioinas Shull Sfi 00
.1 Ilencbburger . .... .... 46 00
S Johnston .. 44 00
Oeo B Hay . .... .... .... Kioo
Henry Korn .... .... 10 00
John Mcliarg .... 10 09
\ N McC&ndieaa .... .... .... 10 00
• 1 Deer ... .... 72 00
I I-aiali McCal! .... .... .. 00 00
J Sam Borland .... .. .... 90 00
, Martin Kisler . .... .... 90 00
| Sam Miller .... .... 71 00
; Hugh McKadden .... .... 72 00
1 JeHHe Harvnx . ~ 74 00
Thomas McOinnls .... .... .. 72 00
Total #B3O 00
Ii If Jil Df</pHjSi
station.vbt ACcorsT, 1883.
B Salbangh S3OO
OJeil A Mayer 68 00
J A Oowerv .... 150
F M Ea.-tman 33 42
W G Johnston 309 10
Joseph Eichbanm 67 35
Hugh McFadden 3
F S Hutter 90 CO
H C Heineman 50 40
J F DeifTeiibacher 3 00
Vincent A Co 101 00
T..tal *774 10
Jan Jo 1593 Dr J A Reeil ,907 73
June 29 " " V>
Jan 3 " " 2,053 22
] \rr.i:-w account.
Aug2 I ! s,t. II (' Heineman »d 25
18>:t. Gas Account v 203 51
Mar 1-s.:. J TMeJunkin $ 82 50
G W Shaffer ijO 00
$532 50
Nov in is S j ( Supt. J H MurtlanU *2OO 00
Mar 17 1593 E 1 Brugh slsl 25
Julv " '• " 198 75
I Sept 29 " " 123 75
Dec 19 " " 120 35
I'BINItXC. mcount IRR3.
Butler Eagle 397 14
Butler Citizen 344 20
Butler Herald 324 84
Petrol 1a Record 176 60
Valley News 75 00
Total .£1,307 78
To J J Gillespie >307 92
To Joseph Knitle ? 26 50
To A Jackson .'(0 00
To JaeiTb Rlighner 5 00
To John Petl'er 50 00
To N Ilenchberger 40 00
To Mrs Knaw 10 00
To Henry Baldaff 40 00
To R Stewart .- 50 00
To Robert Cowan 20 00
To Henry Fautz 35 00
To William Brown 35 00
ToßConly 40 00
To Henry Bowman 5 00
*392 50
ST KNO' • RA I'll KR.
F M Eastman $1,252 37
To amount remaining unpaid as per
audit for 1882 423,496 64
Byam'tpaidon principal....? 9,530 75
" " " " interest 1,443 82
Total $10,974 57
By bal remaining unpaid. .sl2,s22 07523,496 64
To cash ree'd from collectors $55,3i8> 23
" " " " unseated lands..._ 124 34
" " " " account Dixmont
noyiital 1,855 33
To bal in Treasury as per audit for 'B2 14,395 17
To cash ree'd from Commissioners.... 3,596 16
$75,457 22
By sundry warrants redeemed $56,937 37
" Treasurer's percentage 2,505 08
" Bal in Treasury Jan 7, 1884 15,864 77
$75,457 22
We, the uudersigued Auditors of Rutler coun
ty, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvauia, met
at the Commissioners' office, of sa.d county, on
the 7th day of January, 1884, and did audit, ad
just and settle the several accounts required of
us bv law according to the best ofour judgment
and ability, and that the foregoing is a eorrect
statement of the various offices of said county
and Commonwealth. 111 witness we have here
unto our hands and seal* this 18th day of
January, 1884.
J. H. SHANNON, [L. S.l)
G. W. CROW, |L. S.] \ Auditor*.
J. M.LOL DEN, [L.S.jj
We, the undersigned Commissioner of Butler
county, having examined the foregoiug report
of the* County Auditors and believing it to b« a
correct statement of the receipts and expendi
tures of said county for the year, A. D„ 1893,
order its publication.
Always the Best.
Nllvcr Weddiug,
One pound granulated sugar, ball pound but
ter- bent these to a light cream; then add In lour
parts (beatiiiK light each time) the well tieaten
whiten of twelve egL"-; »tir Into till* one cup
»weet milk, one to:i*pooi..ul ot ext act hitler
almond, mid one and om-lourth pounds ot llour,
having mixed thoroughly through the dry flour
one and a hall measures ol "Bannkk" Baklnit
Fo» - dcr; take one hour In a blow oven. Kor the
leiiii', (like two and a halt cups ifrnnulaUfd
»uyar, hall cup water; boll three minutes; when
cool, add the whites ol three cirgs slightly be*,
eu, and one icaspoonlul ol exirael ol bltler
Notice is hereby given that Simeon Nixon.
Assignee ot John A. Harris, has Bled his final
1 account iu the office ot the I'rotb onotary of the
1 Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, Pa.,
1 at M's D No. 4, March Term, 1882, and that
1 the same will be presented to the said court for
1 confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the
1 6th day of March, 1984.
M. N. GREER, Prothonotary.
| Prothonotary'* office, Feb. 4, 1884.
Notice is hereby given that Jacob F. i*.
committee ol Jacob Gerlach. has filed his tlnal
1 account 111 the office of the Prothonotary ot the
Court of Common Pleas of Butler oonnty, Pt.,
, n t p No. 375, January Term, 1974, and that
the same will be presented to the said Court for
confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the
sth day of" March, 1884.
M. N. GREER, l'rothonotaxy.
Prothonotary's office, Feb. I, 1884.
butler markets.
Butter 25 to 30 conts.
Eggs 25 to 28 cents.
Potatoes 10 t<i 50 cents.
Wheat, No. 1, $1.15.
Buckwheat, 65 to 70 per bushel.
Buckwheat flours3.so t094.00 i>er cwt.
Oats 3. r > to 40 cents.
Corn 00 to 70 cents.
Rye 02 cents.
Flour, high grade, per barrel |0 to
Flour, No. 1, per sack $1.75.
Bran, per ton $lB to S2O.
Middlings, jmt lon 914 to s2.'i.
Chickens, per pair .V> to 40 cents.
Onions, new, 5 cent* per ponnd.
Ham, per pound 18 cents.
Sides, per pound 12 cents.
Shoulders, per pound 10 cent*.
Fish. Mackeral No. 1. tOceutn.
Hay, $8 to $lO per ton.
Pork, whole, 0 to 7 cents.
Chickens, 12 cent* per pound.