Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 30, 1884, Image 4
BOTLER CITIZEN^ MISCELLANEOUS. A cold is unlike most visitors:— lf yon want to get rid of it, you must give it a warm reception with Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, the standard cough remedy of our age For sale by all druggists a twenty-five ctnts a bottle. —A. S. Martyn of Orange, Vt, bus lost a goose that was said to be 100 years old. Something for all the Preachers. Rev, H. II Fairall, D. D., editor of the lova Metlwdid, says editorially in the November (1883) number of his pa]ter : "We h>ive tested the merit*-1 of Elv's Cream Bulm, and believe thai by a thorough course of treatment, it will cure almost every case of catarrh. Ministers, as a are afflicted with head and throat troubles, and catarrh seems more prevalent than ever, cannot recommend Ely's Cream Balm too highly, Not a liquid nor a tniff. Applied to the nostrils with the finger. The consumption of tea in Great Britain is about six pounds to every pound of coffee. "Like Hot Cakes/' Tho above is an old time expression, and is nearly as "old as tne bills,' but yet it in occasionally brought into good use, and placed in a position where it counts and adds great weight to the words accompanying it. This is true in the following testimonial sent to Dr B. Hartman & Co., by Messrs. Parrot A Son, druggists, of Greenfield, Ohio, who say: . . "Send us some more advertising matter. Your medicine is selling like hot cakes. Send us a good supply, for we need it badly." These men know when they handle a good thing. Judging from the above Peruna and Manalin must be in good demand in the country. Being com posed purely of vegetable ingredients, druggists feel safe in recommending them to their friends. Send for the pamphlet on the "Ills of Life." Gen. Tannatt, Mayor of Walla Walla, Oregon, Las a dog that eats pins voraciously. Cured of Spasms. "I am well and happy again", says our fair carrespondent, Mies Jennie P. Warren, 740 W. Van Buren St., Chica go 111., \yoor Samaritan Nervine cured me of spasms " The Japanese Premier, Prince Kung, addressed Gen. Grant, when he was in Japan, in English, so called. Endeavoring to compliment him by assuring him tb&t he was born to com mand, he said: "£ire, brave Generale, you vas made to order. "Oh, my backj!" is a common excla mation and txpre.-seß a world of misery and suffering It is singular this pain arises from tuch various causes Kid ney diseuse, liver complaint, wasting affections, colds, rLeumatißm, dyspepsia overwork and mrvons debility are chief causes. When thus ailing seek promp relief. It can be found best in Brown's Iron Bitters, it bnilds up from tbe fouu'Jation by making the tbe blood rich aDd pure. Leading min isters nnd pbysinans use and recom mend it. It has cured many' and if you are suffering try it. —The cellars under Philadelphia's new City Hall are the largest in America, their area being four and a half acres. The first cellar is thirteen feet deep and the cellar under it is of like depth. |2gT*Diatnond Dyes will Color any thing any color, t.nd never fail. 10c at all druggists. Wells, Richardson fc 00., Burlington, Yt. Sample Card, 32 colors, and book of directions for 2 cent stamp. The postal notes have proven so un satisfactory both in design and quality of paber, that new ones are about to lie issued. The new note is to be narrow er than the present one, the coior is to be changed to blue, the paper is to be heavier and of finer texture" and the design to be changed' Grape Wine for Communion. The superb quality and entire purity ofSpeer's Port Grape Wine, of New Jersey, and tbe success that physicians have had by its use, has induced them to write about it, and caused hundreds of others to prescribe it in their prac tice as the best and most reliable wine to be had. It is held in great favor for communion purposes, and is of great benefit to consumptives. In Kansas, as in Maine, they sell "sea foam," which a traveler says "looks iike beer s.uells like beer' makes drunk like beer, and is tbe same stuff which, if sold in any other States, would be called beer. Why They Call Him "Old Man." "Yes, that's sadly so," said Jenkins, "my hair is turning gray and falling out before its time. Use something ? I would, but most hair restorers are dangerous." "True," answered his friend, ' but Parker's Hair Balsam is as harmless as it is effective. I've tried it, and know. Give the Balsam a show and the boys will soon stop calling you' Old Man Jenkinß.'" It never fails to restore the original color to gray or faded hair. Richly per fumed, an elegant dressing. How She Thanked Him. Two ladies were walking nlong East Genesee street last evening when a xephyr lilted tht 1 hat of one of them and acnt it whizzmg a block away A young gentleman who saw tbe picture of despair which '"ime over the face of the owner ot tbo hat, went in pursuit of the tiyiug specimen of the milliner's art, overtook it a>id returned it to the young woman. Did she thank him ? No. She simply remarked, "I thought that darned rub »er wasn't good for nothing !"— Syracuse Journal. The proprietor of a diamond-cutting establishment in Boston, has been en gaged three months cutting the largest diamond ever imported to this country. It was found in South Africa, and weighed in tbe rough nearly 125 kar ats. As cut, it measures nearly an inch iu length ai d a little more than tfrfeb elgVvb? 0T as iyX 4* iff tfept tr* The Fool. There lived a fool in the world. For a long time he remained content and happy; but slowly rumors reach ed him that everywhere he was held to be a brainless idiot. Grieved was tho fool, and began to think how he could stop these slanders. A sodden idea lightened his poor, darkened brain, and without delay he began to execute it. He met an acquaintance on the street, who praised highly a renowned painter. "Mercy!"' exclaimed the fool, "this painter is almost, forgi t en. \iu do not know that? I did not expect to find vou so naif. ou are behind tho tiuie!" His acquaintance blushed, aud hur riedly agreed with tde fool. "What a beautiful book I read to day!" another acquaintance said to "Beg pardon! are you not ashamed? This bc.ok is good for nothing; all have long ago abandoned it." And his acquaintance also made haste to quickly agree with the fool. What a marvelous man is my friend, x. !" said a third acquaintance to the fool. "Why!" exclaimed the fool, "N. X is known to be a scoundrel! Who dues not know that? 1 pity you." The third acquaintance did as the others, and forgot his friend. Whoso ever or whatsoever was praised in the preset ce of the fool, he made always a similar reply, adding sometimes the re frain, "Aud you believe yet in authori ties?" "Malicious, captious man!" began the tool's acquaiutaoce to say of hiiu, "but what a hoad!" "And what a tongue!" added others. "Ah! he is a man of talent!'' It ended in a publisher's asking the fool to control the critical section of bis paper; and he began to beguile everybody, without changing his ex pressions or exclamations. And now he who inveighed so much against authorities is himself an au thority, and the youth worship and fear him. And what are the poor youth to do? If even it is not proper, generally speaking, to worship, tail to do it here and you will be pronounced stupid. Fools can make their way among cowards! Japanese Social Life. In a recent lecture Prof. E. S. Morse dealt specially, with the social charac teristics of tbe Japanese. A most con spicious feature o( their intercourse with each other is, he said, their polite ness. No harsh words are ever beard, no eagerness for seltish advantage, no indifference or forgetfulness of the feel ings of others. They do not salute by shaking bands, but by bowiQg, unusual consideration or cordiality being ex pressed by profounder bows or more numerous repetitions thereof. The rich people dress their children in tbe most inferior garments in sending them to school in order that the feelings ol the poor children, who can get no other, may not be hurt by any conira-t. There is no profanity in thdr language. A trifling mishap or offense is not un frequently met among our people with a volley of oaths; but a Japanese, when wrought up in his feelings to the highest pitch, never utters any stronger expression than what in our language would be the exclamation, "how vexa tious !" They keep their angry pas sions under control, yet they do not lack fierceness, but muke excellent sol diers Their kindness to animals is ex traordinary. The songs of wild birds are constaotlv heard in the gardens of great cities. Birdd of passage alight in tbe ponds and public grounds of Tokio, and wild deer come down from the mountains and go about, freely and unharmed in the streets of densely pop ulated places. The d.'iver of a vehicle will turn out of his course in the public highway that he may not injure a dog is sleeping in the middle of the street. Many other facts were given going to show that the Japanese civil ization is, in respect to rectitude of con duct, kindness, sympathy and urbanity, superior to our own. Mr. W. pTsberwood, 12 N. Water street PHILADELPHIA, Pa., says; "I had dyspepsia several years. Brown's Iron.Bittefs promptly gave me relief Henry Stevens, a farmer living near Bridgeville, Ohio, became insane at a revival meeting aud on his return home chased bis wife, who was in ill health' i.rouad the house, frightened her so that she died Health Is Wealth. It is worth more than riches, for without it' riches cannot be enjoyed. How many people are without health who might regain it by using Kidney- Wort.. It acts upon the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys, clensing and stimulating them to healthy action. It cures all disorders of these important organs, purifies the blood and promotes the general health. Sold by all druggists. See advt. —The train that makes the run of 912 miles between York and Chicago over the Pennsylvania Iloads, in 25i hours, makes only seven stops; but there are so many bridges to cross end villages to pass through that the speed is necessarily relaxed as often as once every 10 miles—else the average for the entire run might be much high er than 35 28 miles an hour. Its great' est speed is on the run between New York and Philadelphia: and here the slowest mile is made in two minutes and the fastest in 57 seconds. Many I a mile is made in 60 seconds. Consumption Cured. ,Au old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in Ills hands by 311 Kasi India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure lor Nervous.Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative |>ow - i-rs in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering, I will send free of charge, to all who de sire It. this recipe. In Herman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail bv addressing with' stamp, naming this p'i|>er, \V. A. .\O*KS, 140 Power's Block, Rochester. X Y. Bepti2-83-iyeow Union Woolen MilU BUTLER, PA. H. FULLEKTO\, Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YARNS, (fee. Also custom work done to order, such us carding Roils, making Blanketb, Flannels, Knit ing and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low j»riee«. Wool worked on the shareft, if de stifld. tny7-ly FSGFATLVMISFC in tbe CITJZSN Songs Never Sung, j "How docs that wwe run? Something like tin-, j isn't It? 'There arf ho touch the magic string, And noisy fame l* proud to w in them : Ala? : for those \\ ho never sing, llu't die with all their music in them. • Yes. that's beautiful, pathetic and true." said your representative. 'The |wt aliudes to people J who are some how suppress,-d. and never get their full allowance of Joy and air \\ ln-l« i< minds me of a letter shown me the other day by Hiseo\ Co. of New York, signed by Mr. K. C. illiams, oi Chapman, SnvderCo., Pa . a prominent business matt of that place. He writes: •••I have suffered with asthma lor over forty years, and had a terrible attack in December and January, iss-j. 1 hardly knew what prompted me to take Parker's Tonic. 1 did so, anu the first day I took four doses. The efleet astonished me. Tliat night I s'.rpt as if nothing was the matter with me, and have ever since. 1 have had colds since, hut 110 asthma. My breathing is now as | iwrfect ;is if 1 hud never known that disease, ii yon know of anvone who has asthma tell him in niv name that Parker's Tonic will cure it-even after fortv wars,' There was .1 man who escaped the fate ol those whom the poet laments. THs prenaratiou, which has heretofore been known as Parker's Cinger Tonic, wiil hereafter be advertised anil sold under the name of I'arKers Tonic inasmuch as ginger is really an unimport ant ingredient, and unprincipled dealers are con stantly deceiving their customers by substituting interior preparations under the name of ginger, we drop the misleading word. There is 110 change, however, In the preparation itself, and all bottles remaining In the handset dealers, w rapped under the name of Parker's Gin ger Tonic contain the genuine medicine it the fae siiuile signature of Hiscox & Co, Is at the bottom 01 the outside wrapper. MADEONPURPOSE Olio ol Jl ? W 1.101 l are More Freqiiem ilian "Why, mv child this is not BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER," said 11 father to his little daughter, alter examining a package she had just brought from the drug ■tore. T,II ••Jsn' it, Papa? I'm sorry, but I asked tne man for Benson's—l know 1 did, and he took the twenty-five cents you gave me to pav for it with," exclaimed the child positively. Maybe tbe drug man made a mistake." "I'll go 'round myself and see," was the gentleman's comment, as lie donned his coat and hat. "Why didn't you send mp Benson's plaster, instead "of this chetp aud trashy thing?" •'Why, I,—l. thought that would suit you just as well —and—" "Yon thought! you thought! What busi ness had you to think? I don't pay yon for thinking, but for filling my order," said the indignant caller, contemptuously, "There ! take that thing back and give me my money, I'll get what I want elsewhere." CATARRH causes no Pa in or Dread Reliof.it Once. Not ,!l Fhayfeverll jfA K* Applied with r borough treatment wiil H^KV^ cure Price so cents, bv mall or at druggists. ELY BKOTHEK.H, Druggists, Owego, N. \ . ( CAIN I Health and Jappiness.j <*rp O DO AS OTHERS E C7&cn<r HAVE DONE. I Are yotir Kidneys disordered?! ' Kidney Wort brought me from my prrave. w. after 1 bad b<en piven tu> by 13 best doctor* i« R Detroit." & W. Dvveraux, Mechanic, louia, aucn. n Are your nerves weak? "Kidney Wo:* cured ine fro.u nervous Ac., after 1 wais not ex;.K*?ted to live,"— Mr*. M >1 i>- Gocilwin, Ed. Christian Monitor CleTeland, U, 1 Have you Bright's Disease? "lajney Wort . arod ia.> whea my water was Just like ihfiUf and then like blood." „ Frank Wilson, Peabody.Masj. Suffering from Diabetes ? "Kidn.->y-Wort is tne mo.t successfulreiuei2y I hare ever used. Gives almost 1 mined late relief. Dr. HiUlip C. BuUou, M->nkt,.n, Vt. Have you Liver Complaint? Kidney-Wort liured me of ?b route Liver lift, r 1 wardflate Col. Clttii Nat GuarJ. S. Is your Back lame and aching? '•Kidney-Wort, <1 bottle) eured when I WM»o lum. I had to roll *ut of bed." O. M. Talluiage, Milwaukee, WJ*. Have you Kidney Disease? "Kidney-Viort made me Bounitin liver and kidney' after years of unmice-cul doctonnsr. It** Wortn 810 a box."—S*m'l Hodges, WlMiamstown, v. oft \ t«. Are you Constipated? ••JCirlntT-VTort causes easy evacuations and cured me aft or ltfjcara Ufa of other mcjUci nee. Wilson Falrchdd, St. Altar?, > t. fiave you Malaria? • "Kidacjr V, ort hift t. an <tny olUr I rem. -ii I have ever used in in* practice.' I Dr. I!.K. Clart, Boutl» tl.ru, »t. ■ Are you Bilious? * 'Kidney-Wort has done mo rnoro good than uitj other remedy I luve eve r taken.' \ Mrs. J. I'. uaUowa; , I3k Flat, (Jreßou. ! Are you tormented with Piles? | "KMnev-Wort i*ruuincvtly cured me of » leedinff i pile*. L»r.\V'. C. recommesulid it to mo. Geo. U. Hum, Cagbicr M. iiuuk. Myfefetown, Ta. Are you Rheumatism racked ? "K.dm y-V/ort cuitm me. after i was given up to die L»y physicians and 1 had sulTi red thirty year^.' MaleoLii, N/est B&tn.. Alaine. I Ladies, are you suffering? ! "Kidney-Wort cured m«; of recUior tix-uulee of I years standing. Many friends un«» a"d rraiso it.'* Mrs. H. Lamoreaux, lole La Mottc, \ t. If you would Banish Disease x and gain Health, Take THB BLOOD CLBAMB»Ht, KING OF THE SINGERS < * st improve nieiits. iSplcniliil cabinet : I) O work , larj-e 'lravvers, exten ' | /8M sive leal and gotliic cover. £j Tbe best Sew i 1 i& Machine evor made. S«'nt for rsauil» nation. We do not Want Your Money Unless the Machine Suits You. Write to us for particulars. WiLLMARTH & CO., 1828 North 20tli St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct3-Ctn, Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution iu its 3Cth year. For nearly all kinds ol Cuionic diseases, and eu ptcially the disease* of Women. 01-BN AT ALI. SEASON*', Circulars tree. Aduress, S. FKEASE, M. D., jylß-ly New Biithtou, Btaver Co., Pa. I' IT 8 fit STOPPED FREE ■ M B |l Insane Persons Hestored 9 H Kj|Dr.WNE'B OBEAT ■ ■ ■ NERVEBESTOREH m/. r a.V BRAIN ft NSHVS DIS*AFT3. Only curt fir fr rve Fax, F.fir fisy, en, IKFALLIULR if Lik«n a-, directed. Kv lUs after first DAY T HI4. Treatise an I$J triV. txiltl'' free u Fit thoy paying e*j»re* jn U-x *lten received, S»nd nam .P. (>. int axiwei . »'ldre«ii ot TO rw.KLTNH.on AT- h ST.,RMR»DCIT»HI...RI. - IXITA TI.VG J'R.iU£>S. in the QITTZRW A. TR OUTM AN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Druggets, Stair Rods, Etc, (u) FOR FALL FOR FALL. New Black Silks. New Colored Silk.*. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Cashmeres. New Black Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Plashes. New Black Silk Plushes. New Shades Ladies' Cloths New Dress Goods. KEU BIBBOXS, FISCHIS, TIES, HAND SATCHELS, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, \ elvet Ribbons, Knitting Silks, Embroidery Silk on spools, all colors. New Fall Hosiery. Underwear for men, ladies and chil dren. Largest assortment, lowest prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS* Carpet Room Enlarged, Stock En larged, Prices the Lowest* NEW FALL STYLES.—We are now prepared and showing our eotire Fall Stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, in all the Newest Designs. OIL CLOTIIS, 1 to 2 YARDS WIDE. IS ALL. QUALITIES. Please call and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. BUTLER, PA. HENRY BIEHL§ CO, Invite Attention to Their Large Assortment of C S^ oß^ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. REMINGTON CLIPPER PLOW, THE AMERICAN FRUIT EVAPORATOR, IMP'D KELLER GRAIN, SEED & FRTILIZING DRILL. GRATE FRONTS, TILE SEWER PIPE, TOLEDO and I. X. L. PUMPS, 1 POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, FINK CARVERS, RAZORS. LIBRARY LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, STAND LAMPS W infield's "GOOD ENOUGH" o and 10 gallon Oil Cans with Pump, it cannot be excelled for cleanliness. ROOFING AND SPOUTINS PONS TO ORDER. Large Assortment of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. Henry Biehl & Go., Butler, Pa. WHERE TO BUY MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, At the Store of the undersigned, the acknowledged leader in CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We wish to say to the fall that we have a larger and more TarieJ stock of Curpeta, Clothing, HATS AND DAPS, ffjd Gents' Furnishing Goods than ever before. REMEMBER WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK The LATEST BTYLE3, tne LOWEST TRICES. We have all grades and all prices, from the Cheapest to the Best rnaae. I> HECK, The Leading One Price Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, 2nd DOOR, DTJFFTTS BLOCK, BUTLER, PA. aflfc. Farmers, Dairy Men. Stock Raisers! nwLfcp SCHWSRM'S HORSE & CATTLE t 3F* O W as S R ■» j -g- W iBL pa His ro Kquftl as |r Cop.dlt on Powd» r. not only prevents, but - FIB will t are t»e rnos{ obstinate I h c.ist s of I oinestlc Animuls. To increase the Milk of \o;;r t'o» ifivo it* trial audyou will ForStfhkff Dealer* Everywhere, or sent J'ost prld on rcr+lpt o/tSc. <n Stamp« Schwarm, Irwin & Co, Limited, Druggists and Pharmatists, 1805 Carson Street, S, S. Pittsburgh/ P&. CHRI6 STOCK;, Dealer in STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Aire tit for Bradley's well-known Stoves, Ranges und Heaters. Ro illiiir, spoutlne und repair ing done on short uollct. Store ou Main St < corner ol North. Stet) of Larg« Coffci; Pot. ufv FOR FALL. FOR FALL. i New Flaunels, White Blankets, lted Blankets, Blue Blankets, Bed Comforts, White (guilts. ; Canton Flannels. : Varus of all kinds. Germantown \ arns, Midnight Varus, German Worsted I Varns, Cashmere Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Country Factory Y'arns, Zephyrs. The above Yarns in all colors. Ladies' Sacques In new Fall Shades, Ladies' Jersey , Jackets, Lace Curtains, Lace Lambre i quins. Large stock, prices low. U MAM I • HOUUNACQUAIXTIO -iTM T*t Of TmJOOUM* CHICAGO,ROCK ISLiNDiPACIFIC RT By the centra) position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car ries passengers, without ohange of cars, between Chicago and Kansas City. Couuci) Bluffs tesven worth, Atctusosi. Minueapoi.s und Bt. Paul. It sonueots in Union Depots with ail the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacifio Oceans. lis equipment is unrivaled and maguifl oent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coach ej. Magnificent Hcrton He eliuinc Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Bleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Kiver Toints. Two Trains bstween Chl osg'j and Minneapolis and St. Paul, vu the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently beeu opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News. Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au rusta, Naahville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, ndianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha. Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate poicta. All Through Pa*ao3g?ia %>d fMtSxpreH Truss. TicKots for sale at *ll principal Tiokct Offices 1b the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare aL way >4 a a low as competitor* that oiler leas advan cer detailed information,get the Maps and Fold* •rs of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Ofloe. or address R. R. CABLE, E. BT. JOHN, Vic« Pres. & Gtc'l Vc'r. Qea 1 Tki. 4 Fas*. Agt> CHICACO. 1 Continued from last week. / How Watch Cases are MaJe, in buying a silver watch case great care should be taken to secure one that La solid silver throughout. The cap of most cheap silver ca&es is made of a composition known as albata, which is a very poor substitute for silver, as it turns black in a short time. The backs of such cased are made much thinner than those of an all silver case, being robbed in order to make the cap thicker and get in as much as foible of the metal. Another important point in a silver case is the joints or hinges, which should be made of gold. Those of most cheap cases are made of silver, which is not a suitable metal for that purpose. In a brief period it warps, bends and spreads apart, allowing the backs to become loose upon the case and admitting the dust and dirt that accummulate in the pocket. The Keystone Silver Watch Cases are only made with silver caps and gold joints. ST. l<orii. Mo., Fab. 17, kwi. In our ioug &ad ?amd expeVieo*. e in handling watches, we cannot bul acknowledge and our testimony that the Keystone Solid Silver Watch Cases are the best made to our knowledge. Having no 6oldering they re main homogeneous, harder and than they would be were th«y heated for soldering, and have more resisting power against pressure than anv other cases in the market Me&mod a Jacca&D Jewels y Co. Send t rrat itiap U Krjitoor WiUk Cam Factor!**, Phila delphia, Pa., for kaailMMa* Illustrated Paaphlrt thow'sg ksw Jaatra Usm' aad krjatyae Watcfc tSass are nada. 6 The Boss watch cases with any kind movement desired, can be had of E. GHIE BJ WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELKEt, Ha in Ni., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Ussu in the principal tJhurchea for communion purposes. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and the A^ed- SPEER'S PORT GR WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. This celel-ra'ed Native Wine in made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, rained in tliia coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHNING PROPERTIES we unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. B«- ing the pure juicu of the grape produced andar Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness in guaranteed. The youngeat children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it to advantage. It is particularly beaofioial to th« aged and debili tated. and suited to the various ailaents that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. is a wine of Huperior Char acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the grape from which it is made. For i'urity, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Properties.it will b« found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country being far superior for mediuinal purposes. It is a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. Bee that the signature of ALFRED SPEEB Passaic, N. J , is over the cork of eaoh bottle. Sold by 13. H "Wuller, AND BY ERCGGISTS EVERYWHERE. r .■• f » ■ ~ w^mieue firm «m tlr*nlte !J_Btronire«t. Tougoeflt* auu Most Elastic ulus on Earth! A fUuirouiui Gl*iit B, m,r , l «!i BajSltaaS i I ■KKSM . i Metals, Patches on Lsathsr *ntl ■HH Rubber Bhoe&BitoMca« Book Backs, tjtona, Furniture Kejdm '•oi sLtn.j.hs": ! t . -•». in ■ U SuusmSlotnroi* J.U.OmARAiCO.ViUbu^ tfn AgtotiWmlml E»cry"w?ie». BoMty Drueirtsts, t-r-xxre, buttons*. Qanlwaiia&dUeaatuStona FoRSiLE AT RSDICa'sDBCO Sl»U*. forxtorOwmr THE Cheapest place to buy your Boots and Shoe j ii at John BickeKs, Main fuTWt, • BtJTLF-R 1 have concluded to se my en tire stock of Wiuter Boots and Shoes at cost to make room for my Spring goods, I therefore COURT I Your trade, and will convince you if you give me a call that 1 am selling Boots and Shoes one-third cheaper than any other HOUHE In the county. My stock of Rubber Boots and Shoes is com plete and in order TO Sell my entire atook of Rubber goods I am cutting the prices and selling them at such ex tremely low figures that you will BE Both surprised and pleased to hear them. My objeot in selling goods on such small margins is that I am desirous of building up the lar gest Boot and Shoe trade in Western Pennsylvania, and by selling good honest goods at very LOW PRICES my trade will not have to be I RE-BUILT But will grow larger as each year rolls around. Persons IN Need ot Boots and Shoes should call at once as this great sacri fice sale will last about 30 DAYS. 'full stock of Leather' aod Via itttogp. Time of Holding Claris.) The several Court* of tbe ooontv of Bailer commence on the first Monday of if arch, /one, September and December, and continue two weeks, or solong as necessary to dispose of the bnaineee. No causes are put down for trial or traverse Juror* summoned for the first Week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. B. M'JIXKI*. J. jf. OALHREATK. McJCNKIN *. GALBRKATH, Office opposite WHIUrd House, BuUer, P*. JOHN K. KKLI.Y, Ortice with F. Reiber. in Reiber building. K. P. SrOTT, Attorney at Law. Butler. Pa. < >ffioe near t\ u>t House, tuo doom West of CITIZK.N offlce. J F. RRITTAIN, Office with L, Z. Mitchell, Diamoud, WM. H. LCSK. Office with W H. H, Kiddle, E»q. NIWTOX BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court ll.mv, »outh »ide. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. comer of Diamona THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. K. K. ECIt.KT, K*NXEDL MIIULALL (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & iMARSHALL. Office in Brudj's Law Building. 6ept.9,?4 J. D. MARSHAL!., ~~ Attorney- at-Law. Office wltn W. A. Korquer , Main iliwl, opposite House, Built* _ Kelxtf-Ha. S. F. BOWSER, Offlce In Brady's Law Building. S. B. SNYDER Office with A. T. lihick, Mala street. neat vourt HuiLst. * * JOHN 11. NfiGLEY " WOiTi-t pwucular attention w tM real estate tliroughoui coun.f, Omcton ininoM, «RAk Coi.UT Bt> Orrujfs Hcmiisu JOB. C. VANDKRLIN, Office Aiaixj street. 1 Jooi south of Court House. J. M. TBO.M!'so>'. W. C. THOHUK'.X IUOMI'HON & SON, Attorneys at Liw. Oiliceou the webtfcide ut Mam streCk, lev, doors Nurlh ol TruuiAiuh 1 * tiry goutti ~A. MTCORNELIUS, Office With w. D. Brandon, Berv Buudm*. Main Street, Butler, i'a. S. H. PIERSOII Office on N. L. ooruer Diamond, Riddle boild iag novli JOHN~ MT GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl* JOSEPH H. BRED!*, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Buil . [V. J, T. DONLY Office near Oonrt House. - 74 W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg'a building, GKCROEC. PILLOW, Attorney at LAW- and SURVEYOR, Main stre*t, Butler, Pa. Offlce with J. D. McJuukin. CLARENCE WALKER, South east comer of Diamond, Butler, Pa. FERD REIHER, Office in Reiher's building:, Jeflerson St. ap9l} F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LK V, McQriSTI ON, Office Main streei, 1 door sonth of Court BOOM Wm. A. FORQUER, W Office on Main street opposite Vogeley Houae. J. D. McJUNKIN, Office in Schneldemau'e building, west tide of Main (<trect, 3nd square from Court House. T.aCAM PBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main St., A few doom south of LOWTJ House. mart— tf. C A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond ~ ATTTBLACK, Office on Main street, one door south o. Brady Block, Butler, Pa. (Sep. 2,1874. C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and prompt!y remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON,' DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA, A 1 wpik peitniuipg t.) tbe profession e*ecut. Ed in Iheiu'utiet mantle' - . Specialties Cold Fi'linir, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite Lowry House, Main Street. Office open dai'y. exeejit Wedne-days and Thnr«(t.>> C'ouimniiicafionß by mall receive prompt attention. janW*B4-2y .DEHSTTISTZR, Y . OS# W \LDRON, Girduate ol the Phil- H Dental Collegia prepared ■ I* ato do anything IU the line of hU profession in a satisfactory manner. Offlce on Main street, Butler, Union block, ap stairs, JQHN E, BTURii, PHYSICIAN ANDSUHGEON, my2l-ly] BUTLER, PA, Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintfler'a Flonr Store. RN. LEAKE, M. D., Ilomec.pathic Physician and Surgeon Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa, Qot. 25, 18C5. QUEEN VICTORIA. Court circles in England are anxious about the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this is difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for her lingering illness, there is a sure and certain remedy for it all and kindred affections,which ah* ought to know of and use, in DR. FENNKB"B KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CURE. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it curts infinitely worse oases tbau hers: Fredonia. N. T.. Mar. 8, 1883. Dr. M. M. Fenner—Dear Sir—For years I had been suffering from a combination of KinvxT DISEASE. HEABI DISEASE and FEMALE W'ilMMh. I bad a heavy aching pain over my kidneys with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCANTY and TUKMI> flow of nrtne; BLOATTSTO O* LIMBS and a GENERAL DROPSICAL CONDITIO*; also TA I!», PALPATATIOS aD(I DMOPSY of the HEART. My coudition was a distressing one, and all treatment and KIDNKT KEVIKMES gave little or no relief. I have been .aklng yoctr AND wet- ACHE CURE" with the most happy result. It has relieved all the unpleasant symptoms that have followed me so persistently aud so long, t never bad a medicine help mo so quickly and cure 9b completely. lam doing my own work. Tours truly. MRS. JAMES FULLER. DB. FENNER'S SOOTHING BTRUP—Pleas ant, safe, certain. Produces good re»t, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy. fre«hnees, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER'S CAPITOJ- BITTEpS -Tt» purest and best stomach tonio knowu. Dr. FENNER'S SALT RHEUM OINTMENT —YELLOW AHO WHITE—A cure for AI L SHW DISEASTS. Sec directions wrapped around package. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LITER PILLS —The beet family physio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DB. FBSNEU'S PEOPLE'S BEIIWIM. ABL TSEP AI L OVEH THE WORLD. And are for saio by J, L. Waller aud D. U. Waller, Bat'ej,