BUTLER CITIZEN- SnSCELLANEOUS. The publisher of the Beaver Falls. Pa. Courier, Mr. John F. Porter, some time ago conti acted a severe cold. He says: "I tried half a dozen remedies ineffectually and upon recommendation of a physician I gave Dr Bull's Cough Syrup a fair, square tr ; al. It relieved me immediately and cured my cold and catarrh entirely It is a remedy that should be used in every household." The use of nursing bottle 9 for chil dren is strictly prohibited at the Paris Maternity Hospital Their Name is Legion. Legions of people have had their lives made miserable by Piles. This painful difficulty is often induced and and always aggravated by Constipa tion. Kidney Wort is the great reme dy for affections of this kind - It acts as a gentle cathartic, promotes a heal thy action of the bowels, and poothes and heals the inflamed surfaces. It has cured hundred of cases where all other remedies and applications have failed. Sold by all druggists. A French writer, who estimates that the world contains 193.000 doctors, complaiDS that two of our most exasper ating affections, asthma and catarrh, defy there utmost skill. U. S. Surgeon Recommends. Dr. J. M. 0- I'heeton, is a U, S. Fx- Surgeon, residing now at Bloom ington, Ind. The Dr. writes, to say: "I recommend Samaritan Nervine be cause it cures epilepsy." Physicians, generally, are its friends. According to the Allg. Wein. Med. Zeit., Bismark treats his doctors badly, and is constantly changing them, His wife traffics in a nostrum for the cure of epilepsy. It is made from magpies' w ings. The secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters Is owing to the fact that it is the yery best iron prep aration made By a through and rapitf assimulation with the blood it reaches every part of the body, giving health, strength and endurance to every por tion. Thus beginning at the founda tion It builds up and restores lost health. !■, does not contain whiskey or alcohol. It will not blacken the teeth. It doas not constipate or cause headache. It will cure dyspepsia, in digestion, heartburn, sleeplessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weekness, etc. —Here is >t pebble which everybody is flinging at everybody else :—Some people give according to their means, others according to their meanness. Grape Wine for Communion. The superb quality and entire pnrity ofSpeer's Port Grape Wine, of New •fersey, and the success that physicians have had by its use, has induced them to write about it, and caused hundreds of others to prescribe it in their prac tice as the best and most reliable wine to be had. It is held in great favor for communion purposes, and is of great benefit to consumptives. —The millinnium is not far off. A gentlemnu has written to the editor to thank him fur not printing bis article. When people begin to see themselves as others seo them there is hope even for politicians. Nervousness. The moment there is danger of im pairing of the mind from excessive ner vous exhaustion, or where there exists forebodings ot evils, a desire for soli tnde, shunning and avoiding company, vertigo and nervous debility, or where insanity has already taken place, Pl buna should l»e implicitly relied on. But it is never so well to wait so long berore treatmemt is commenced. The early symptoms are loss of strength, softness of the muscles, dim or weak sight, peculiare xpression of the face and eyes, coated tongue, with impaired digestion ; or in other certain powers only are lost while they are otherwise enjoying comparatively good health. In all these PEHL VA should at once be taken —The Salvation Army, with its fifes and drums, is having a hard time in Switzeiland. The authorities de clare that religious liberty does not give a persoj the right to convert himself into a religious nuisance. Hope. Hope humbly theu ; with trembling pinions soar ; Wait the great teacher Death, and God adore. What future bliss He give* not thee to know, But gives that hope to be thy blessing now. Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be, blIOO damage for four blights. Mr Jos KreifW, 077 N. Cth Btreet, I'hilatlflph ia. I'a., says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitten* for indigestion with gratifying results." —Mr. Calvcrly has been called the apostle of persiliuge, and the following ▼erses on the possibility of being con tented with an onion if you can't get anything better proves his right to the title ; Frit-nth, there he thow on whom mishap Or never, or so rarely come*. Thnt when tliev think thereof they anap Derisive thumbs. And fain would I be e'en aatheaa! Life is with tilth all beer and skittles; They are not difficult to pleaae About their victuals. The trout, the trrr use, the early pea, By such, it th Taming a Cowboy. A typical cowboy, fresh from his herd, went in Elitch's chop house last night, the tables were all filled with the exception of one, at which the ter ror of the plains seated himself. As he pulled off his hat and untied the red bandanna handkerchief from around his throat, be Jooked disdainfully around. The nimble waiter brushed an im aginary bread crumb from the cloth, whisked a bill of tare from the castor, and placed it before the festive and un tamed youth. "Take it away," he snarled. "I want rattlesnake on toast!" "Rattlesnake on toast," yelled the waiter. "Rattlesnake on toast," responded the cook. There was slight flutter among the guests at this strange order, and the cowboy was scanned by many curious eyes. He looked a little disconcerted at having his order so promptly taken, and glanced furtively toward the front of the house. He saw the cooks and waiters engaged in filling orders, and looking as solemn as graveyards after midnight. He assumed a nonchalant air and picked his teeth with his fork A cook deftly removed the skin from a pickerel, and, cutting a strip the proper shape, placed it iu a spidor. The waiter who had taken the order came tripping back to the bold buc canneer of the pampas. "Will you have your snake well done or rare?" "Rare, with oodles of milk gravy on it." "Gimme that snake rare—milk gravy on the side," was hallood to the cook. "Snake rare, milk gravy—side," cook shouted back. "Say!" said the bovine steerer, as the waiter passed him. "I'll take it well done." ' Make it well done.'' "Make it well done," was answered back The lariat wrestler began to grow nervous. The devil may-care expres sion had left bis eyes, and a soft, sub dued, melancholy shade bad taken its place. He fidgeted in his chair, and seemed to be nerving himself for an ordeal. ' Here you are sir," said the culin ary Ganymede, placing a dish in which was something nicely coiled which looked like a tried specimen of the genus crotalus. "Have a littl" Worchester sauce? Gives a very fine flavor. Some tolks like niusbroons wiih their snakes, others prefer Chili colorow A little salad dressing don't go bad. There's vinegar and olive oil in the caster. Will you have tea or coffee? Very fine snake; caught yesterday Fat and tender." When the waiter was delivering himself ot this eulogy on the meat, the ste»rpuncber shoved his chair back His eyes bulged out and he became pale around the gills. "I don't think I'll eat anything, I ain't hungry," he said as he rose to bis feet and reached for his hat. "Maybe you'd prefer br'iled mocca sin," insinuatingly suggested the wait er. "No," he replied, as the ashen pallor deepeded on bis face. "I ain't a bit hungry." He cast another glance at the dish he had ordered, and made a break for the door. He forgot to pay at the counter— Cheyenne Sun LOOK AHEAD. We can never be too careful What the seed our hands shall sow : Love from love is sure to ripen. Hate from hate is snre to grow. Seed of good or ill we scatter Heedlessly along our way, But a glad or grievous fruitage Waits us at the harvest day. Lawyers will gladly learn that Brougham, the great English barrister, was always careful of bis throat, and further that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedy for bronchitis and other throat troubles. —When your friend is married put your good wishes into the shape of an old English saying:—"One year of joy, another of comfort and all the rest of content." Fitted out for the Season. Dresses, cloaks, coats, stockings and all garments can be colored successfully wiuh the Diamond Dyes. Fashiona ble colors, Only 10c. at druggists Wells. Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. —lt was Cano who said "he had rather people should inquire why he had not a statue erected to his memory than why he had." Ilev. J. C. Zebring, Codorus, Pa., says: "I was paralysed in my right side. The use of Brown's Iron Bitters enabled me to- walk without cane or crutch." —lt is better to get your own living and make a name for yourself than live in a bouse built by your father and o#n a vineyard planted by your grand father. —An old Dutchman gave up his little property to his creditors, saying, "I wants to be all riirbt mit my heart, and den noddings troubles me." But some people seem to have a "dead beet" in the place where the beart ( ought to be, and so pay ten cents on the dollar and are at peace with themselves and with the world. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in Ins hands by au East India misslon ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedv for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and I.uni{ AHectlons, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of eases, has It-It it hlsdutv to make it known to his stffl'ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire ro relieve human suf ferlng, I will send free of chaw, to ail who de sire it, this recipe. In Herman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pi per. W. A. Nov km, llu Power's Block. Rochester, N Y. Heptl2-«3-iyeow COllllffllll NURSERIES Rochester, N". Y. GEORGE A. STONE NURSERY COMPANY. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, Creepers, etc. Moore's Raspberry, Pocklineton and Em pire Slate Grape, and other choice varieties of all Irults. B. W. DOUTHETT, Brownsdale, Butler County, Pa. JotitHiui Vital Questions!! Ask the most eminent physician. Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all forms ot nervous complaints, giving natural childlike refreshing sleep always ? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops !" CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure ail diseas es of the kidneys and urinary organs ; such as Bright's disease, diabets, re tention <-r inability to retain nrine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women"— "And they will tell you explicitly ami emphatically "Buehu." Ask the same physicians What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia; constibation, indigestion, billiousuess, malarial fever, ague, &c.," aud they will tell you : Mandrake! or Dandelion!" Hence, wheu these remedies are com bined witb others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curative power is devoloped which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist in power, and yet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest invalids or the smallest child to use. CHAPTER 11. "Patients Almost dead or nearly dying"' For years, and given up by physicians of Bright'-- anil other kidney dlsea.se> liver complaint, severe coughs called consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! From agony ot neuralgia, nervousness, wakeful ness and various diseases peculiar lo women. People draw oui of shape lrom excruciating pang*- ol ltheuinaiism. Inflammatory and chronic, or sutlering from scrofula ! Krvsi|M-lns! Sail rheum, blood poisoning,dyspepsia, indiges tion and in Jact ainiosi ail diseases frail. Nature is heir to Have been . ored by Hop Bitti-rs. proof ol" which Can l>e found in every neighborhood in the known world. fiMMgi4!ai73gii WONDERFUL CURES OF ill?J KIDNEY DISEASES (jj AND (j LIVER COMPLAINTS, o Bernti Bur- KlarH uiul Bobbed. Hall's Standard Patent Fire- Proof Safes Have NBVEH FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIR It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS THE HALL'S SAFE They always protect their contents. I*erM»n* having Valuable** should not be without a Hull'm hale. Ha'l'a Safe & Lock Co- J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YOUIC, CHICAGO LOI'ISVILLE, SAN FRANCISC, ST. LOUIS. CLEVELAND, W^OMGLUE Mends F.verytblwr NOI.ID A» HOC'H '—Hard an A-lamant I Firm an G raoiw!! Htruiwat. ami Mont ELlaatic OIu« oil Earth I A hauifouian (ilatit lnStrength anions all otherlanului t ur. ra ot Ouriiauil La fa ■IIM bcla.Textile Fabric*, FlneCarrlap-if, ■llll/9 Ilamx. Art:lliial Flower*. Imitation || Tfß|| Stalm-d (ilueamt Htra* OoodH.Oabl- Makira,*c, aupplled byOuUou "r Barrel. StOc. Hot lie( Uninh and Till Cover); by mail postpaid. I0ct« t-'.wh tliclotilt, t-xtra. Wailed only bv manufacturer!! j.U.O MEAR A & CO. , ; Llv Agents Wanted Everywhere. H«ily DruuviHta, 4 r>ccr", MuiiuiiCiM. Uardwarv ana Guior»U Store* For SAL IS AT KKUICK 'ADRLO &tore. IIO(J8EANI) LOT FOR S*ALE. A VBKY COZV Two-Storied Frame House of nix rooms, cellar, out houses and two lots ol ground in Bailor will IJ Bold ou reason, able terms. Cull :il office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-Utf. Rntier Pa. THrUm? WANTED SIOO , Month. A. TB OUTM AN, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. Carpets. Oil Cloths, Hugs, Mats, Druggets, Stair Rods, Etc. FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Black Silks. New Colored Silks. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Cashmeres. New Black Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Plushes. New Black Silk Plushes. New Shades Ladies' Cloths. New Dress Goods. ' XEH' RIBBON, FlSClltS, TIES. HA If I> HATCHKW, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, \elvet Ribbons, Knitting Silks, Embroidery Silk on spools, all colors. .Ksw Fall Hosiery. Underwear for men, ladies and chil dren. Largest assortment, lowest prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Carpet Room Enlarged. Stock En largedj Prices the Lowest. NEW FALL STYLES —We are now prepared acd showing our entire Fall Stock ot Carpets and Oil Cloths, in ail the Newest Designs. OIL CLOTHS, 1 lo 3 YARDS WIDE, IX ALL QUALITIES. Please call and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. Itl TLEK. PA. HENRY BIEIIL CO, Invite Attention to Their Largo of AGRICDLTDRAL IMPLEMENTS. REMINGTON CLIPPER PLOW, THE AMERICAN FRUIT EVAPORATOR, IMP'D KELLER GRAIN, SEED (t FRTILIZING DRILL. GRATE FRONTS, TILE SEWER PIPE, TOLEDO and I. X. L. PUMPS, POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, FINE CARVERS, RAZORS, LIBRARY LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, STAND LAMPS Winfield's "GOOD ENOUGH" o and 10 gallon Oil Cans with Pump, it cannot be excelled lor cleanliness. ROOFING AND SPOUTINO DONS TO ORDHR. Large Assortment of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. Henry Biehl & Co., Butler, Pa. WHERE TO BUY MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, At the Store of the urnlersigned, the acknowledged leader in CARPETS, CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We wish to say to the trade this fall that we have a larger and more varied stock of Carpet*, Clothing, HATS AND GAPS, and Gents' Furnishing Goods than ever before. REMEMBER WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK The LATEST STYLES, tne LOWEST PRICES. We have all grades and all prices, from the Cheapest to th# Best wa'le. I> A. IT K C K, The Leading One Price Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, 2nd DOOR, DUFFY'S BLOCK. BOTLER, PA. Farmers, Dairy Men. Stock Raisers! SC iS» A w° R X» C4TTIE H »h no K<|tia! an a Condition Powlcr, not only prevents, but it J 7- WBl will ' ure lie most nt>Mln>ue I heaws <»f lomeHilc Animal**, i u e I ForSnlrhy Dealer* Everywhere, or sent Post />"*«/ on reeeip* of Vile, in Stamps Schwarm, Irwin & Co, Limited, Druggists and Pharmatists, 1805 Carson Street, 5. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. CIIRIH. STOCK, Dealer in STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING GOOOS, A sent for Bradley'* well-known Stoves, an.l Hchlith. Ko »llnu, B|»oiiting and repair ing done on short notice. Stoic on Main St., corner ut North. Biyu of Luiyu Colleo Pot. nov siS'Wf-Oy. FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Flauuels, White Blankrts, Red Blankets, Blue Blankets, Bed Comforts, White (guilts. Canton Flannels. Yarns of all kinds. Germantown Yarns, Midnight Yarns, German Worsted Yarns, Cashmere Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Country Factory Yarns, Zephyrs. Ttie above Yarns in all colors. Ladies' Sacques In new Fall Shades, Ladies' Jersey Jackets, Lace Curtains, Lace Lambre i quins. Large stock, prices low. ix MAW W*o IS UHACO'JAfMTtD WITH THC QkCQ***"* 09 TH»S OOUM TRY ».LLS«C Br EX A V.N '.3 Tm.S MAP THAT T"£ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y fy the central position of its line, connects the ust and the West by the aborted route, ana ear no* passengers, without change of car*, between Chicago aiid Kansas City. Couuc:! Bluffs. Leaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis aud St. £>aul. It connects in Union Depots with all the principal Jjnes of road between the Atlantis and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent. oemg composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, Ma«".iriccnt Hcrton Re clining Ch&ir Cars. PuUxn-n'ii Prettiest Palace Bleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars In tho World. Three Trains betweon Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi crg ? and Minneapolis and tit. Paul, vi- the Famoui "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.'* A New and Direct Lino, via Seneoa and Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au fU3ta. Nashville. Louisville, Lexin^r*on, Cincinnati, r.dianapohs and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis aud St. Paul and intermediate poiuia. All Through Passengers Travel on Fact Express Trains. Tickets for sale at *ll principal Tioket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al, ways as low aa competitors that oiler lees advan tages. For detailed information, get the Maps and Fold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest TieSct Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. J JKN, Vice Pro. * Uenl He r. rtco'l Tkt. A Fui. Aft. CHICAGO. {Continued from last week.) How Watch Cases are Made. The many great improvements intro duced in the manufacture of the Jas. Boss' Gold Watch Case, have led to similar im provements in the making of silver cases. Under the old methods, each part of a silver case was made of several pieces of metal soldered together, requiring a great amount of cutting and soldering, which softened the metal and gave it the pliability of lead rather than the elasticity erf silver. Under the improved methods, each part of the Keystone Silver Watch Case is made of one solid piece of metal hammered into shape. The advantages are readily appar ent, for every one knows that hammering hardens the metal while soldering softens it. To test the superiority of the Keystone Silver Watch Case, take one of 3 oz. weight, squarely in the center when closed, and it will not give, while a case of same weight of any other make will give enough to break the crystal. The Keystone Silver Watch Case is made only with silver cap and gold joints. S*nii S rr«t ► Ump to Krfiloae H»trb («M Fartorin, Phils drl(:l.!a. IV., for hand»uuii> Illustrated Pamphlet Low Jrnmr* bow' sad litjitoß* Wattb (am art IT a da. (T» b* continued.) I The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. aRI EB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, Haiti *t.. Kuiler I'm., Opposite T rout man's Dry Goods Store. HPEER'S Port Grape Wine Used in the principal Cliurehen for Communion parponea. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and the A^ed- SPEER'S PORT GR PE WINE FOUR YEARS OLI). This celebra'ed Nativo Wine is made from the juica of the Oporto Grape, raised in this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHNING FFOFERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Be ing the pure juicu of the grape produced under Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, itH purity and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakert invalid use it to advantage It i» particularly benelicial to tha agod and debili tated, aud suited to the various ailrceuts that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. ; herry is a wine of superior Char acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the graiie from which it is innde. For Purity, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country being far nii|>< nor for medicinal purposes. It is A pure distillation from the grape, and ' contains valuable medicinal properties. 1 has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. Hoe that the signature of At.FKED HPEER Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of eacb bottle. Sold by 13. II Wuller, AND BY I RUUGIBTH EVERYWHERE. Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World! ' i: L , 7. " ' Olyilrfifhite, Prrcheron-JCorvnmt* f-'nf]/i*h Draft Hortrt, Trrtti»Q-Brtd PoaHMm, skefitmd I'onifK, I/o/ntein am) Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing > different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogue* free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL RftOTfTF.RS, Springhoro, Crawford Co.. Pa. Mention CITIZEN*. jnly2s-9m. ggy w Ad Uou.se.Butler ***• FeM»-W^ 8. F. BOWSKR, Office in Brady's Law Building. B. 8N VDER. Office with A. 1. Black, EMI., Alain street, near Court House. JOHN li. NEGLEk*~ 4#~Givee paraouiai attention t» transactions lb real estate throughout the ooui'.y. ORFICAOW OOOBT HUES*, I> CMUO «OILJJI>U J US. C. VANDERLiN, Office Mau. street, 1 uoui suutn of Court House. J. M. iHOMrsos. w. C. TBOMI-HUN THOMPSON & SON, Attorney 8 at Law. < Hfice ou the west side ef Maw street, tew doors Nuilh of 'iruutiuaii s dry KOOUS store. A. M CORNELIUS, Office with W. 1). Brandon, Berg Building, Umiu Street, butler, Fa. S. H. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. coiner Diamond, Kiddle build ing DOTIS JOHN MTGREER. ~~ Office on N. E. corner Diamond. DOTM JOSEPH B. BHEDIiS, office nonh-etud corner ol Diamond, ttuii . Fa. ~ J, T. DONL\ office near Court House. • 74 w. dTBRANDON, ebl7-75 Office In Berg's building, OECRGE C. PILI.Ow" Attorney at Law and SURVEYOR. Main street, Butler, Fa. Office with J. D. Mc.lunkin CLARENCE WALKER, South ea»t corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. FERJD REIBER, Office in Rciher's building, Jeflerson St. apVl> F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, ~ Office Main street, 1 door south ot Court House Wm A. FORQUER, W Office on Main street opposite Vogslsy House. J. D.MoJUNKIN, Office in fiebneidemau's bnildinc, west side of Main street, 2nd square from Court House, . T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, oast side Main at., a few 4*orw south of Lown House. mart—tf C A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south t>. Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. c. o. CHRISTIE 7 Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Al- woik peilnlnliig tj tbe profession execut ed iu tbe uentefct maimer. S| eciaiiie» liO.'d Pi 'iutr, and Painless Ex traction of Tilth, Vitalised Air administered. Office Opposite Lowry House, Main Street. Office open dai y except Wedne>-day* and Thursdays Cinuiuunicallons by mall receive prompt alien I ion. j. re pared • la ato do anything in the line of his profession In a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, np stairs. JOHN E. BYERB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iny2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinifler's Flour Store. p N. LEAKE, M. D., *!• Homeopathic Physician and Surgeoa Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrcro ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2fi, 1882. Qin;\ VICTORIA. Court circles iu England are anxious about the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this in difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for her lingering illnenc, thero in a aura and etrtain remedy for it all and kindred affections.which ah* ought to know of and use, in I>K. FKNNEHU KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CUIUS. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it curca infinitely worse caaes than liera Fredonia. N. 1.. Mar. 8, 1883. Dr M. M. Fenner—Dear Sir—For year* I had been offering from a combination of KIDXKI PIHKASK. HF.AK R MEKAHK AND FKM AUL W U AIN MFE. I liati a heavy aching paui over my kidneys with cramping of my limns I hud BACKACEC and a SCAN TY and TUKBID flow of unne; HLOATI.SO or UXBH and a GINERAI, DKOIIUI AI. COMJIIIO*; also PAIN, PAI.PATATIOS and of the HFA®T. My condition was a distressing one. and all treatment and KIDNKT HFMKDIK* gave little or no relief. I have been taking ynnr "arusrr AND RAC»- ACHK eras" with the moot happy reeult. It tuta relieved all the unplomant i-ymptnma that bar* followed me HO perttit* ently aud no long. I never had a medicine help ino no quickly and "cure BO completely. 1 a»u «lling my own work. Yours truly. Mils. J\MKH FpLLEB. DR. FENNER'S HOOTUISO BYRUP-*I»M ant, safe, certain. Produces good raat. gond temper, roey clioeka, energy, freslaieen. health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER'S OA PI TO I- BITTERS— Tb purent and tent etomach tonic known. Dr. FENNEUS SALT RHEUM OINTMENT —\>I.LOW ANI> WHITE—A cure for ALL. BBI* i>i«r.A»M. See direction* wrapped around package. DR. FENNF.RU RLOOD AND LIVER PILLS The beet family physio known. For full information get of your dealer a clr cnlar entitled DR. PBOIUC'B Rtuwiu, AHE I'HED AI.I. tivtu THE WORLD. And are for M>« bp J, L. WuJkir ftipi l>. a WvJiei, is