Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 23, 1884, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23, 1884.
New Advertisements.
Application for Charter—Postal Telegraph
Farm in Rutler township for sale.
Watches, Jewelry, etc.—E. Grieb.
Parker's Tonic and Ely's Cream Balm.
Administrator's Notice—Estate of John Kos
Local Notices—Joseph Rockenstein, Joseph
—'"A cold in the head!
What need be said
Uglier, stupider, more ill-bred;
Almost any other disease
May be romantic, if you please;
But who can scoff
At a very bad cough.
And who do you suppose
Ever pitieJ a man for blowing his liofe
—2° below zero Monday morning.
—Butler borough, Second will vote at
the Wick House.
—Kleber Bros. & Stauffer presented us with
some music, Monday.
—Agent Green, of the West Penn R. R., is
proud of his handsome offices.
—One of the best farms in the western part
of Butler township can be had at a bargain.
See advertisement in this paper.
—Saturday, Feb. 2d, will be the last day on
which accounts for presentation at next March
Term can be tiled at the Register's office. 2t
—Mr.Samuel T.Marshall,of Martinsburg, was
* elected by the County Commissioners, last
Saturday, to be their Clerk for this year.
—During the past year eleven new Granges
have been organized in this State, ten re
organized and over 1,000 members added to the
—2320 murders were reported in the L nited
States and Canada for last year, and 1,548 sui
cides. There were 146 legal executions and
175 illegal.
—Hereafter the assessors will be required at
the triennial assessment to return the number
of acres of timber and the number of acres of
cleared land in each tract in separate columns.
—Sewing Machine attachment* and repairs
of all kinds, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store.
—The Commissioners of Mercer county have
entered judgment against thirty-three tax col
lectors who have failed to settle up their du
plicates for 1883.
Spang's $20,00 sewing machines are "going
off like hot cakes." That so perfect and hand
some a machine can bo sold for so small a sum
is remarkable,
—A careful record of the fires reported by
telegraph duriug the year ÜB3, where the
losses were $5,000 and upward, shows that
$80,560,000 worth of property was consmed in
the United States and Canada.
ONIONS. —If you want to grow good onions
seed to Joseph Harris, Rochester, N. Y., for
his new seed catalogue for 18&4, with directions
for cultivation. Hr- Ha"'* i» *0 o'* l onion
farmer and offers the best of seed at the lowest
wholesale rates.
—Harrisville was in town en matte, last week
from Tuesday morning till Thursday evening,
attending the arbitration in the oa»e of Kyle
ifraxis Kerr, which resulted in a decision for
the defendant—Kerr.
—Go to H. Biehl <fe Co., for Phosphate
Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, Ao.
—The Poor Directors of Mercer county, last
week made their annual requisition upon the
Commissioners of that county for the amount
needed, according to their estimates, for the
maintenance of the ooor in that county during
the present year. Their estimates call for $25,-
000, the largest amount ever required before.
—A prominent citizen of Allentown under
took to drink from the hydrant one cold morn
ing recently. His lips fastened to the iron
pipe. He could only kick on the fx ards for
help, and finally the pipe was cut off from the
hyarant, and the man with a piece of pipe at
tached to his lips was taken in to the fire
MARKKT GARDNERS know the importance
of getting good fresh seeds true to name, and
will be g)s3 to know where to find them. We
advise them to send to Joseph Harris, ore ton
Farm, Rochester, N. Y. Drop him a postal
card and he will send catalogue for 1884 with
directions for cultivation, free. Mr. Harris is a
large farmer and seed grower and offers the
best of seeds at the lowest wholesale rates
—Sheriff Dnuds, of New Castle, loaned hi
s.">oo team to a friend to take a doctor to see
his wife in the country, and while returning
tue ho.sod ran a>j*y. Coming to the Coort
House "fence, which is of iron spiked' railing,
they attempted to jump it, when one horse
broke a leg in two places and had to be shot,
and the other caugbt on the spikes and was
—Floral Hall, on the grounds of the Agri
cultural Association of this place, was crushed
to the ground, by the weight of snow on the
roof, early last Saturday morning. The roof
fell in and the walls, with the exception of a
small part of the west wall, fell out. There
were a large number of agricultural machines
in the btiildiug at the time and they were all,
more or less, injured.
—Mr. Lewis Cochran, the night watchman
c£ the Ccnrt House, overheateq himself shoyel
snotf Tost Monday evening and while sit?
in the Clerk's office shortly after, suddenly
became unconscious and had to be carried
home. The entire right si le of his body and
face was paralyzed, and he had a severe pain
in the left side of his head. He was compelled
to keep his bed for several days, but is now
able to be up.
—On account of the sickness of Dr. Wheeler
the lecture fixed for January 15, was not de
livered, bat will be gived some time in Febru
ary. Rev. A. A. Willitts, formerly of Philadel
phia, but now of Lonisville, Ky., will deliver
the third lecture of the course in the M. E,
fhorchln Butle t , 05 Thursday syeflipg, Jftfc.
jjl, suojeot— Moonshine, or Some of the Illus
iuni. of Mankind. No man who has ever lec
tured in Butler has been appreciated more
than Dr, Willitts; and, in tact, our people
always mention him as one who should be
placed at the head of every lecture course, and
tie will, no doubt, have a large audience. Ad
mission 50 cents. No reserved seats.
—A four-year-old twin daughter of Mr.
Walter Sloyer, of f'haron. Mercer county, died
on Monday of last wet-K from a very singular
cause. Part of their New Year's dinner was a
rattit which Mr. hi)d sfiot shortly he
feffe. &6oq after M*e ciiild wau takeu very
sicfe a«<l continued so with little relief until
Monday, when she died. A post mortim ex
amination by Dr. Heilman, who had attended
her, and Dr. Shilling, was held and revealed
the cause of her sickness and death to have
been caused by lead poisoning, from two shots
which she had evidently eaten with the rab
bit, aud which had remained in the lower
portion of her stomach, where they were
"re in receipt of a haudsomely Cata
l"3t}e-qffcarm, Garde# and Flower seeds, from
Jqseph M°reton farm, Rochester. N. \. It
will he sent free to any reader of the CITIZEN
who sends his or her name to Mr. Harris as
above. Mr. Harris is a large farmer and seed
grower an J a well-known agricultural writer.
He gives very full directions tor cultivation
that are well worth readiug. Send for his
catalogue. We have used bis seeds for several
years and can confidently recommend them.
They are warranted fresh, pure and good, or
money refunded
• Tils' 1 ' running Liomesti,, viewing Machines
•J 0 ? Jf'Ug'e 4 Br«. Agents, Butler, pa. tf
~€!ounty Superintendent Murtland has re
ceived his u>ual supply of copies of "Re
port of the Superiuiendeut of Public Instruc
tion" for 1883. The written reports of the
County Superintendents are not published this
year, but from the tabular statement we make
the following notes : The whole number of
schools in theconnty during the year was 2CI
average number of months taught, 5.70; num
ber of male teachers, 159; female, 168; average
salary of males, $33.31; female, $29 51; number
of male scholars, 6,552; female, 6,J63: post j,e»
woath ii*c; average leyy tor school purpose J,
+.04 mills; building, 8 #6; total amOunt'of tax
fcvied, $57,655 80; State appropriation, sll,-
049.63. total receipts, $82,028.45; cost of school
houses, etc , $17,751.57; teachers wages, 40,-
614.04; fuel, etc., $14,959.14; total expenses,
$78,324.75; resources, $12,876.11; liabilities,
$17,487.93; number of districts, 49. These
figures, all around, are a slight increase over
these cf 1 The number of schools in 'B2
wail 287, average i-alary of males, $32 31; fc
mules, $27.61; total receipts, $£0,820.<;9 aud
total expenses $72,4tfl .04.- •
—Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any wake, at E. Grjet/e Mure
—A case of suspended animation is reported
from Clinton township. Mrs. Love, a lady of
about eighty years of age was thought to have
1 died one day last week, and was placed in a
i coffin, where she lay lor two days and then
f' ot up, and is to-day in her usual health,
'his is the report but we have not learned the
I —Persons thinking of building a bouse or
barn should call on or address 8. G. Purvis &
Co., Rutler, Pa., for one of their pocket refer
ense books and price lists, which contains com
plete designs for twenty-two frame houses, run
ning from a verv cheap five room cottage to
beautiful eight and ten room dwellings, also
designs for brick dwellings, churches, barns
ai.d stables, with specifications which include a
, full bill of the materials required. The price
i list gives designs and prices for sash, doors,
blinds, moulding"", frames, brackets, etc., man
ufactured by them, also prices of all kinds of
CABBAGE.— There is money in cabbage. A
few vears ago, large quantities were imported
from Germany to New York. And now good
cabbage are very scarce and high, selling in
at per head. It is an easy matter to grow
j 5,000 good winter cabbages on an acre with
I little more labor than is required to grow an
j acre of potatoes. The great point is to get
I good seeds of varieties sure to head. Joseph
I Harris, Rochester, X. Y-. a large tarmer and
i seed grower, in his catalogue for 1884, tells all
| ab mt cabbage and offers the best of seed at
! very low rates. Drop him a card and he will
J send von his catalogue free.
—The position of our new Judge on the
vexed question of grauting licenses is plainly
set fortd in an elaborate opinion published
elsewhere. He holds that the true inteut and
meaning of the law in giving the Judge power
grant or refuse licenses, **iu the discretion of
the Court," is to confer "sound judicial discre
t on" in the premises, and "not to give an au
thority which would enable the Court to say
'the discretion of the Court is to grant no
licenses.'for that would not l>e discretion but
arbitrary power, not the judicial opinion of the
Court but the private will of the Judge." In
this his views do hot differ materially, if at
all, from those which governed the late Judge
McDermitt in his action on the question.—
Mercer Dispatch.
—lt is a curious coiucidence, at least, that
the late cold spell was almost contemporaneous
with the January fall moon —confirming a too
njuch-overlookfed observation of Artie explor
ers, especially Kane aud McClintock,_ that
"the lull moon season, with cloudless nights,
is always in correspondence with the lowest
mean temperatures of our meteorological re
cord." That the lull moon, whose surface is
probably heated to more than 212 degrees,
does exert a very marked dispersive influence
over terrestrial clouds is a meteorological tact,
which Humboldt speaks of as well known to
seamen of the Spanish Main and which Her
schel's observations coufirm. Tha fact seems
not to have escaped the fine eye of Coleridge,
who, describing in "Christabel" the attenuated
night cloud, says;—
The moon is behind, and at the full,
And yet she looks both small and dull.
The night is chilly, the cloud is gray.
By the act of the National Legislature of
1867, all wools, hair of the alapaca, etc.,
ported into this country were classified and
taxed as follows:
Clothing wools, such as merino, down cloth
ing wools and wools of like character, such as
are imported from Buenos Ayres, New Zea
land, Australia, Caoada and elsewhere, to be
Class 1, and be taxed ten cents a pound and
eleven per cent ad valorem when valued at 32
cents a pound or less, and 12 centß a pound and
10 per cent, ad valorem when valued at over
32 cents a pound,
Combing wools—Leicester, CoUwold, Down
combings, Canada long, etc., also hair of the
alapuoa, goat and other like animals to be
Class 2, and be taxed 10 cts a bound and 11
cents ad valorem when valued at 32 cents a
pound or less, and 12 cents a pound 10 per
cent ad valorem when valued at over 32 ct*.
Carpet wools, such as Donskoi, Native South
American, Native Symrna, etc., to be Class 3,
and be taxed 3 cents a pound when valued at
12 cents or less and 6 cents valued at over 12
The duty on washed wool of the first class is
double that of nnwashed and the duty on scour
ed wools of all classes is three times what it
would be if imported unwashed.
Wools on the skin were taxed the same, and
wool rags 12 rents a pound, and besides this all
manufactured wool, such as shawls, blankets,
flannels, carpets, clothing, etc, were heavily
taxtd—ready-made clothing, for instance,
be;ng taxed 50 cent? a pound and 40 per cent,
ad valdrem.
The new tariff bill—that passed last March
and which went into effect on the first of last
July—classifies wool about the same as before,
but reduces the taxes or tariff on the first two
classes by omitting the 11 and 10 per cent,
ad valorem duties and reduces the tax on the
3d class from 3 and 6to 21 and 5 cents. The
reduction in the first two classes amounts to
about 3 cents a pound, on an average, and this
is what the wool growers of the country are
at present complaining of. They claim that
the reduction is seriously interfering with tho
industry 3 and in wool-growing or ;
£abT*ing btttte and County Wool-Growers'
Associations with the object of bringing about
the restorations of the tariff of 1867 on foreign
Some of the prominent wool-growers of this
county met in tnis town a few days since and
organized an Association, to be known as the
Butler County Wool-Growers' Associaii> n, of
which Mr. Alex. Hunter was elected President;
R. D. Stevenson and Josiah M. Thompson,
Vice President'; J. E. Byers, Secretary, and
Thomas R. Iloon, Treasurer. The Association
was addressed by Mr. Herriott, Secretary of
the State Association, A. D. Wier, Josiah
Thompson aud Wm. M. Brown, and afterwards
adopted a Constitution, stating the object of
the Association, fixing the time of holding
meetings, etc., apd also passed the following
WHEREAS. The reduotion of the tariff on
foreign wools by the late Congress does materi
ally cripple the wool-growing interests of the
United States, aud threatens the destruction of
our flocks; therefore be it
Renoltrd, By the Wool Growers' Association
of Butler county in convention now assembled,
1. That we recognize the tariff law as it now
stauds to be an usjust discrimination to the
wool.growers of the oountry, and dangerous to
their interests and that it meets our disap
proval and condemoation.
2. That we urge and demand our representa
tive in Congress to "ote and twe hiu influence
to repeal tt,"t present law, and to restore the
tariff of 18t»7 on foreign wools.
3. That we ask only such protection from
foreign importations as will enable us to pro
duce sufficient wool for home consumption as a
4. That we will cordially co-operate with all
kindred organizations in an honest endeayor to
secure these ends and protect our interests.
It was also agreed that another meeting of
the Association would be held next March, the
President to name the date and place, aud that
any one could become a member by sending
his name and one dollar to the Sopretary, J. K.
Hyers, M. D , at Butler,
The wool-growers cannot reasonably expect
any relief froin the preset Congress, as the
House of Representatives has elected a free
trade or "tarjff for revenue only" speaker, and
Mr. Morrison, the chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee is reported to be preparing a
new tariffschedule, putting all raw materials
on the free list.
Court House Notes.
On petition of the election officers of the 2d
ward of Butler the court chaugeu the place for
holding elections for said ward to the south
east front room of the "Wick House," in said
Mr. Samuel T. Marshall took his seat as
clerk of County Commissioners, Monday.
Wm. Gilmore, of Harrisville, was committed
to jail last Saturday on charges of drunkenness
and profanity.
George Reiber has brought suit vs. the W. P.
& S. C. R. R. Co., claiming damages in SIO,OOO.
Mr. Helwig Grine and John W. Shaffer, in
custody on a charge >f assault and battery with
in'ent to kill, preferred by John B.
iiued out a \yritof Uubeas uorpus and were
admitted to liail in the sum of s3,ooo—James
Wilson, J. Y. Kuglish and J. M. Leighner, be
coming their security.
Sheriff Donasrhv went up to Cherry township
Monday, to sell the personal property of John
Smith, Kso., on writs issued for Commonwealth
costs and nne.
Change of Time.
After January Ist, 1884. I will he in my office
in Kutler daily, except Wednesdays and Thurs
days, instead of la st three days ol the week as
formerly. My patrons and all other* will please
note this change and come only \bi->e \ou±
days. S. A. Joirx&TdN, D. D. S. '
jahl*>-2t. __
The Dukes-Nutt Tragedies.
Stevenson A Foster, 151 Wood street, Pitts
burgh, Pa., have secured a copyright and will
issue immediately on conclusion of the trial of
James Nutt fyr (he killing <,f N. L. Dukes, a
pamphlet oonuiping a oocfiplete oistory of the
tragedies, and an otlicial report of the tosti
tilony and addresses i>f the emiuent counsel in
the rase, stenographioally reported by £. .J.
Qonnellv, Esq., a member of the Allegheny
County Bar. Mailed on csoeipt cf
More Valuable than Ever.
We call our readers' attention to the value,
usefullness and direct profit of supplying
themselves this year with the American Agri
culturist, the cheapest as well as the most val
uable journal in tne country. Every number
contains one hundred columns of original read
ing matter, by the leading writers of the coun
try, upon all topics connected with the Farm,
Garden and Household, and nearly one hun
dred engravings made specially for the Ameri
can Agriculturist. The papar, now in its 43d
year, is unquestionably more valuable than
ever before. Each number brings fresh evi
dence that no time or money is considered
where the iatarest ot the paper is at stake. Its
House Plans and Improvements, profusely
illustrated, are worth more than any Costly
architectural works. Its persistent and fear
less exposure of Humbugs and swindling
schemes, is of great value to the whole coun
try, particularly the farming community. In
short it has something good and valuable for
everybody. Owing to a special arrangement
with the publishers, we are enabled to offer the
CITIZEN* and the American Agriculturist for
one year, and the engravings "Foes or Friends?"
and "In the Meadow" for $2.75.
Just Opened—On Mifflin Street.
Having erected new buildings on Mifflin St.,
and furnished them throughout with new ma
chinery and tools of the latest and most im
proved pattern, and employing only the most
skilled mechanics, I am now prepared to fill
orders. Jobbing and repairing done to order.
Steam Engine uud steam Pump Work a special
ty. Patent right work and model making of
every description. Brass and iron castings
furnisbeil to order. A lull line of pipe and fit
tings on hand. Safety and satisf action guaran
teed. Threshing machines, horse powers and
all kinds of farm machinery repaired.
Manufacturer of Kuhne's motor with
pump attachment —the greatest boiler
feeder of the age—it has no dead
center, therefore it is cheap, simple, durable
and the most reliable boiler feeder ever invent
ed. Your orders solicited. Shops aud office
on Mifflin street, opposite Klingler's Mills.
C. H. KL'HNE, Sole Prop'r.
0ct31,3m. Butler, Pa
To Close Out.
Buffalo, Rocky Mountain Goat, Plush and
Wool Lap Robes, and Horse Blankets, sold
regardless of cost at Jos. Rockenstein's, North
end Main Street, Butler, Pa. jn23-3t
To Close,
Ladies' Coats at $1 00, at
To Close,
Ladies' Extra long heavy Cloth Lis
ters, ar $4.00, at
To Close,
Ladies' heavy 6-4 Cloaking 1 , at SI.OO, at
Closing Sale
of all kinds of Winter goods, at less
than Wholesale Value, at
—Leap year advice—Be sure your
victim is rich before you jump at him.
--Tickets of admission to the court
room iii Pittsburgh were sold at from
$3 to $5 each.
in overcoats for Men and Boys' wear.
Everything reduced in price, at Patter
son's One Price Clothing House.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Oentlemens' and Childrens'
Underwear in white, grey and scarlet,
all qualities.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Blcukets from $1.25 up, Bed Comforts
from $1.25 up to finest grades.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Black and Colored Velvets
and Velveteens, very low.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $17.00.
—Flour to the value of $295,000,000
in annually consumed in Great Britain
and Ireland.
fhprp are 231 out of the 325 members
of the House of Representatives that
are members of the legal profession.
—I bought medicine in thirteen
States, but nothing helped me till I got
Ely'B Cream Balm. In four days I
could hear as well as ever. lam cur
ed of catarrh as well. It is the best
medicine ever used—Garrett Widrick,
Hastings, New York.
From B. F. Liepsner, A. M., Red
Bauk, N. J. I was so seriously troub
led with catarrh it seriously affected
gy yoipe. Que bottle of felj'B Cream
aim did the work. My voice is fully
restored.—B F. Liepsner.
—A girl fell in love with a gray
haired old man, and some of her ac
quaintances were mean enough to say
that she had got the antique erase.
At 9 1-2 Cents,
By the Web, best Fruit of the Loom
Muslin, a^
Closing Sale,
of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at ex
tremely low prices, at
For Years
We have been Agents for the sale of
Mr. Van Lewis' Black Silks, known a$
"Cloth of America " They have given
universal satisfaction. Ladies ia buy
ing a Silk Suit want an article they
can rel v on and there is not a question but
that "Cloth of America" is the best
Silk in the market. Full line always
on hand at
—Bad books and bad papers, along
with bad liquors, are equally danger-.
OUH aud destructive, debasing both
mind and body.
—The man who began keeping a dia
ry at the first of the year is still keep
it, but he now uses the pages as light
ers for his cigars.
Why They Call Him "Old Man."
"Yes, that's sadly so," said Jenkins,
"my hair iu turuiug pray and falling
out before its time. Use something ?
I would, but most hair restorers are
dangerous." "True," answered his
friend, "but Parker's Hair Balsam is
as harmless as it is effective. I've
tried it, and know. Give the Balsam
a show and the boys will soon stop
calling you 'Old Man Jenkins.' " It
never fails to restore the original color
Ito gray or faded hair. Richly per-
I fumed, an elegant dressing.
—High Coiffures are beginning to
pile up again.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Hosiery, new Gloves, ne.# Cor
sets, large stock, just received.
—Spang New Family levying Ma
! chines are warranted for five years.
At U Stem Son's.
New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed
j Comforts, etc., at lowest prices*
Struggling in the Sea.
steamship City of Columbus, of the
Boston and Savannah Line, went
ashore this rooming off Gay Head,
Martha's Vineyard. The vessel soon
broke up. One hundred persons were
washed overboard and lost.
Captain Wright has made the follow
ing statement regarding the loss of the
"The City of Columbus left Bu.-t.wi
at 3 P. M. on Thursday, carrying eighty
passengers and a crew of forty-five At
3:45 A. M. to-day, Gay Head Light
rearing South half East, the vessel
struck on the outside of Devil's Bridge
buoy. The wind was blowing a gale
West by North. The vessel immedi
ately filled and keeled over, the water
breaking in and flooding the port side
of the saloon.
All of the passengers excepting a few
women and children, came on deck,
nearly all wearing life preservers. All
of the boats were cleared away, but
were immediately swamped. A major
ity of the passengers were washed over
board. Seven passengers left the vessel
on .a life raft, and about forty more
took to the rigging. At 10:30 A. M.
the Gay Head life boat put off and took
seven persons. Another life boat put
off between 12 and 1 o'clock.
The revenue cutter Deiter came
along at about 12:30 and sent off two
"Twenty-one persons, one of whom
was dead, were placed on board the
Dexter, and, after all the persons were
taken from the vessel, the Dexter pro
ceeded to New Bedford. Three persons
died after going on board the Dexter."
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Neckwear, in all the new styles.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Fall Gloves, new Fall Gloves,
large stock, just received.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for SIB.OO.
—The good die young. The bad
live to lie about the weather, and they
are generally spoken of as the oldest
—Trade combinations are simply the
right of many to do what a man has
always had the right to do singly.
Short Ends
of Dress Goods and Silks at Bargains
At 8 Cents,
Bright Plaids for Childrens' suits,
Cheaper than You Can
Make it, Ladies' Muslin L T nderwear
all Kinds, at
To Close,
Bradley's Celebrated Country Blankets,
$4.00 per pair, at
—The curiosity was so great at the
Nutt trial that some men carried a lucch
and ate it without leaving their seats,
for fear of loosing thepa.
, —Jt will be fortunate for American
humor aud its after reputation in litera
ture when slang and punning are
entirely tabooed. May posterity be
merciful to the fame of especial sinners.
—How to catch a husband—Grab
him by the hair.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine fqr $32 UQ.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Just received a large line of new Fall
and Winter Skirts, in very handsome
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
At L. Slein & Son's,
New stock of Black and Colored Cash
meres, extra value.
Hops! Hops!! Hops!!!
A bale of York State Lops just re
ceived at the City Bakery, Yogely
House Block. nov2B-4t.
—-'Dickens' Dutchman" is out of
the Philadelphia peninentiary, and is
begging again. He has fpent sixty
years in prison, and is 83 years old.
At L. Stein Son's,
Now Dress Goods, New Dresj Goods
all shades, all prices.
KITS : All Fits stopped free by !>r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. No Fits alter first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and S'.'.oo trial boitle
free to Fit cases. Send to l>r. Kline, fttl Arch St.,
fin la., Pa.
You Can't Miss
buying clothing after seeing prices at
Patterson's One Price clothing House.
I .cap year proposals should be
sealed with a kiss.
—Ther's a screw loose somewhere,
as our scissors said when they fell as
Bargain Sale
of underwear, at prices never seen be
fore; call early, at Patterson's One
Price Clothing House.
At L. Stein & Son's,
White and Colored Canton Flannel, at
lowest prices.
reduced in price regardless of cost.
Heavy goods must go, underwear must
go, prices are reduced, at Patterson's
One Price Clothing House.
—What is the difference between
the North and South pole ? All the
difference in the world.
Call Early
for bargains in fine heavy weight cloth
ing, at Patterson's One Price Clothing
Notice! NOTICE! Notice!
Underwear for gentlemen and boys.
Underwear for ladies and Misses.
In Scarlet, Gray and White at bargain
Largest stock to select from at
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, Qannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayU-tf
A Conscientious Governor.
It seems that the Territory of Idaho
has a Governor who is troubled with
a conscience, as indicated by a Wash
ington telegram of the 28th ult., which
says: John X. Irwin, Governor of
Idaho Territory, has returned to the
Treasurer uf the United States the
draft tor siJftO Pent him as salary for
the quarter ended October 30, 1533,
and has declined also to receive the
salary due him for the quarter ending
December 31. He states that he has
been unable to attend to the duties of
the office since July I, and cannot con
scientiously accept the pay.
The New Ofllcers.
The P. k W. R. R. Co., elected the
following cificers for the ensuing
year on Monday week last : James
Cal.ery, President; Directors—James
Callery, Allegheny; Solon Hum
phreys, New York ; John W. Chalfant,
Allegheny ; M. K. Moorhead, Pitts
qurgh; John E. Downing, Allegheny;
A. M. Marshall, Pittsburgh ; Jacob
Painter. Jr. Allegheny; 11. W. Oliver,
Jr., Allegheny; John T. Terry, Messrs.
E. D. Morgan & Co., New York ;
Charles W* Mackey, Franklin, Pa;
P. F. Kribbs, Knox Postoflice, Pa;
Wm. Seuiple, Allegheny; J. H. Mc-
Kelvy, Pittsburgh.
Petrolia and Its Bank.
PETROLIA, January 15.—0n the an
nounced determination of H. L. Tay
lor & Co. to close their bank here on
the first of the year, H. Lewis & Co.,
purchasing agents of the Standard
Oil Company, who pay out more than
a half million dollars annually, pre
pared to move their business Millers
town, as Petrolia would be without a
bank. Taylor & Co. now say they
will continue their bank, and the talk
of a private bank has ceased. Busi
ness men were becoming alarmed at
the loss of the only bank.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $20.00.
—A man arrested for certain offenses
is like a leaking ship. He goes below
if he is not bailed out.
—A diet of mush is said to be very
fattening, Those who have tried it
acknowledge the corn.
—Women always show by their
actions that they greatly enjoy going
to church ; men are less demonstrative.
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
Songs Never Sung.
"How does that verse run? Something like this,
isn't it?
'There are who touch the inaitie string.
And noisy fame is proud to win them ;
Ala? ! for those who never sing.
But die with all their innsic in them.'"
"Yes. that's beautiful, pathetic and true," said
your representative. 'The poet aliudes to people
who are some how suppressed, and never get their
full allowance of joy and air. \Y'hi;h reminds me
of a letter shown me the other day by Iliseox &
Co. of New York, signed by Mr. K. <'. Williams, of
Chapman, Snyder Co.. Pa., a prominent business
man of that place. He writes :
"'I have Suffered with asthuia for over forty
years, and had a terrible attark in Decern Iter and
January, 188'.'. f hardly knew what prompted uie
to take Parker's Tonic. I did so, and the tlrst day
I took four (loses. The efleet astonished nie.
That night I slept as if nothing was the matter
with me, and have ever sinee. I have had colds
since, but no asthma. My breathing is now as
perfect as if I had never known that disease. If
you know of anyone who has asthma tell him in
my name that Parker's Tonic will cure it—even
after forty wars,' There was a man who eseupetl
the fate of those whom the poet lament*.
This preparation, which ha& heretofore been
known as Parker's Um«er Tonic, will hereafter be
advertised und sold under the name of Parker's
Ton jC. Inasmuch as ginger Is really an unimport
ant ingredient, and unprincipled deajers ate con
stantly deceiving their customers by substituting
inferior preparations under the name of ginger,
we drop the misleading word.
't here is no change, however, In the preparation
itself, and all hottles remaining in the nandsof
dealers, wrapped under the name of Parker's (lin
ger Tonic contain tlio genuine medicine if the fac
simile signature of Hiscox & Co, Is at the bottom
of the outside wrapper.
Jury LiHts lor Febrnarj Term.
List of Trave*so Jurors drawn to serve in the
Feb. term of Court commencing the liist Mon
duy being the 4th day, A. I)., 1884.
Aldingcr, C D Millcrstown boro, druggist.
Bovard, Robert Venango twp farmer.
Barr, Jatuet. Adams twp farmer.
Beaity, Jno M Oakland twp farmer.
Bellis, Fred Forward two farmer.
Black, J M Allegheny twp pumper.
Brown, Hamuel Slipperyrock twp farmer.
Burk, P K Hams City boro groeer.
Blakely, Jot>epb Marion twp farmer.
Campbell Ezra Concord twp farmer.
Claljr, J 8 Allegheny twp Jusllce.
Chandler, Wm Clinton twp farmer.
Cooper, Hamuel Jeflersou twp farmer.
Clouse, Peter Summit twp farmer.
Elliott, Perry Worth twp farmer.
E-viu. J A Peirolia boro furniture dctlcr.
Fainsworfb, Martin Butler twp firmer.
Frnzier, John Hutier boro, 2d ward farmer.
Gajlhach, W H Zellenople boro merehaut.
Gibson, Hamuel 8 Winfield twp farmer.
Glenn, John Muddyereek twp f:".rm»ir.
Heplar, A O Oakland twp farmer.
Heberlinj;, Oottlelb Lancaster twp laborer.
Herr. C E Petroiia boro editor.
Ladrer, Jacob Lancaster twp merehaut.
McMicbncl. Joseph Clay twp farmer.
McCullouirh, J M Fairview twp E farmer.
McGarvey. Mattfiew Washington tw 8 farmer
Nelson, K J M iddlesex twp farmer,
Nicholas, II W Butler tw|> firmer.
Robner, John Cranberry twp Justice.
Robl), Christie Oakland twp firmer.
Robinson, Thus Cranberry twp farmer,
Smith. Henry Fairview twp tarmer.
Hki'luiau, Jas Center twp farmer.
Hcotl, Cka '.bors Fan view boro merchant.
Hlatnm, Boloraan Forward twp farmer.
Shallner, G W Butler bor Ist ward contractor
Hproul. Perry Clu rry twp farmer.
Thompson. Chas Huflalo twp fanner.
Walters, John Evans boro farmer.
Whetmore, J C Fairview twp E merchant.
Jury l.isi lor Feb. Term.
List of Tiaverse Jurors drawn to serv« a
special lerm of Court commencing the sicond
Monday in February, being the llfh (lay, A. D.,
Robert Ash, Jackson twp, farmer
William Allan, Zelienople boro, merchant,
Jonathan Bovard, .Mercer twp. crrpenter.
Philip Burtner, Saxonburtr, laborer.
Thomas Burtuer, Pcnn twp, farmer.
J C Brandon, twp, farmer.
J J Bovard, Slipperyrock twp, firmer.
C M Brown, ilarrisville boro, farmer,
John Baker, Middlesex twp, larmer.
Samuel Burntiart, Fairview twp. farmer.
James Caldwell, Jefferson twp, farmer.
Robert Cooper, Penu twp, larmer.
James Crisweli, Adams t w 'p, farmer.
J H Campbell, Cherry twp, farmer.
A W Crawford, Allegheny wp, farmer.
Michael Daley, Petrolia boro, constable.
John El-Is, Butler boro, waj>ou maker,
Edward Evans, Washington twp,woolen fac'y
Ji'hn Freshcorn Zelicnople boro, Kent.
Henry Freshcorn, Jackson twp, farmer.
Harvey Gibson. Butler boro, contractor.
Wm Gowan, Cranberry twp, farmer.
Win Garvin, Cranberry twp. farmer.
Thomas Hazleit, Butler twp, farmer.
Humphrey, Worth twp, furmer.
W W Harbison, Jcffereon twp, larmer.
Peter P Milliard, Washington twp, farmer.
Wm Hojjue, Worth t»p, farmer.
John Knoch, Jefferson twp, farmer.
Hertnon Linsner, Jeffvrson twp, larmer.
Thomas Loean. <)entreville boro, painter.
Casper Miller Worth twp, farmer.
John Mi Naaghton, Washington twp, farmer.
Joseph Parker, Bullalo twp, farmer.
Wm Peffer, Lancaster twp, farmer.
John Reed, Slipperyrock iwp, tarmer.
Jacob Reeiier, Summit twp, farmer.
Philip Summers, Zelienople boro, merchant.
Uriah Tinker, Cherry twp, farmer.
George Young, Centreville boro, carpenter.
J F Wlmer, Hradv twp, farmer.
Henry Doer, Jcflcison twp, larmer.
■mil extras* ©' Aanatto.
: Otlcr. BrlxbtaU
'• ' ul Stron*«»t. J»«r )( r*u» Ua
Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwright and Warner's L nderwear, in white and scarlet.
Fifty dozen Fancy Suits of Underwear, all wool, which we are selling at $3 00 a suit. The best thing ever
& offered at the price; worth #5.00. Boys' and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes.
J? '2M dozen British Hose at 25 cts. a pair, worth 50 cU., just opened. English. French, German and Domestic Hosiery, in Silk, jP
Lisle Threads, Camels' Hair, Merino, Cashmere and Cotton. Novelties in Neokwear, ia plain and fancy silk and satin, in al! the £
leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Neckwear just opened. ®
W, Walkingand Driving Gloves, in Kid, Fur, Camel's Hair, Cashmere and Cloth, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Suspender 3, Si
® Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Hemmed and Hemstitched, in white and with fancy borders, Linen Collars and Cuffs, all the new $>
? shapes. fa
4? I'mbiellas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Largest line of English and American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Butltr. uur ik
Black Silk Cmbrella for *3.50 is the best thing ever offered. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Colored Shirts
V always on hand. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in Butler.
CHARLES R. GRIER, Union Rlock, Main Street, Rutler, Pa.
1850 00000 ESTABLISHED 00000 1850
We have them and yon will be lucky by getting one from us.
/ Thg Celebrated Quick Train Bockford Railroad Watch.
'*jvj W\\ We also have on hand all other makes and grades of Watches.
}') Eighteen K T. Gold Wedding Rings,
IV/ Wretches, Clocks,
o Jewelery, Silverware and Speetaclea.
Our lire of Boger Brop., Silverware, which is aikucwltdgtd to be the best, is the largest ever shown in Butler.
Phes-e call and examine stock and prices.
JNGBATING FRIE OF CHABGE on all gocds purchased of me. Repairing of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
a specialty, which we warrant to give satisfaction.
l'lace of business two doors North of Duffy's and opposite Troutiuan s Dry Goods store.
with all the latest improve
ments. Splendid cabinet
PliJ work, large drawers, exten
nive leal and gothic cover.
Hfn Sewing Machine
ever made. Sent for exami
We do not Want Your Money
Unless the Machine Suits You.
Write to us for particulars.
1828 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es
A health Institution in its 30th year. For
nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es
pecially the diseases of Women. OPEN A? ALL
SEASONS Circulars tree. Addreßs,
jylS-ly New Brighton, beaver Co., Pa.
Lips and Faco
aticky n<M-g?«My; make* rough
(kin soft, smooth and v.lvfy,
and do*. not smart the akin.
N. B.—HONEY-^DEW^makea
The Trade Supplied by all Pittsburgh Drusfift
Want it tor ISSt. The American Amriculturitt
to-day is better than ever before. *Ve have in
creased our corps oI Editors and Artiais, en
larged ind added to all our Departments, until
tl«; Periodical is now the recognized leading
Agricultural Journal of the world, preseiitintr
iu every Übue 100 COLUMNS of Original Ki-ad
intr Matter troin the ablest writers, and i early
100 Original Illustration*. It is to the interest
ot eveiy one whose subscription has expiied, or
who i hanßins; his place of residence, o moving
West, has tor the time beiui: dropped out of
our treat army ol subscriber*, to
Oome Back
and accept of our Unparalleled Orter ol the
For 1884. As 4 Periodical,
1,000 Illustrations.
Morris' 11x18 Superb Plate Eogrftv'g
Dupre's 12x17 Superb Plato Emrr'nu
Pieces of Sheet Music,
In place of the Dictionary.
All for $1.70
ED. Send two 2 cent stain us tor a Sample
Copy, and see what a wonderful paper It is now
Orange Judd Co. ,)AVID w Snt.
751 llrondWHy, NEW YORK,
Free! Cards and Chromos.
We will vnd free by mail a sample act of
large German. French, and American Chroma
Cards,on tinted and gold grounds with a price li.«*t
of over .wo diff erent design on receipt ol a »tair.p
for postage. Wo will al»<> send free by mail "4
samples, ten of qur beautiful Chromos, on receipt
pf ton cents to pay for packing and postage ; also
enclose a confidential price list of our large oil
chromos. Agents wanted. Address F. GLKASO?*
A* Co., 4ft Summer Street, Boston, Mass.
To engage in the sale of our new and important
*ork» of ntatidani character, larfe profit* And
ImaifaM selllßg <|ualltio«. We o!!*r a per«
laanvul ami luerallve bualnm. AJtlrvM
174 W. Fourth Struct. CiuciQbatl, Obi*.
; Thotm engaged in HeUiL# Agricultural Imple
: tnents or in buylsig grain or other farm pro
duct*. and » I." are well and favorably known
in the neighborhood where they reside, pre
ferred. Addr«H»
' Bynwu*et, N Y-
Patterson, the One Price Clothier and
Gents' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of
new Winter Clothing for Mens', Boys'
and Childrens' Wear at one extremely
Low Price to all.
Dufly Block, Butler, Pa.
Union "Woolen Mill,
Ac. Also custom work done to order, sncb at
carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit
lug and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low
prices. Wool worked on the shares, II de
seed. r - my7-ly
Watcnmaker and Jeweler,
Keeps constantly on liaud a complete stock of
- all kinds and prices.
Jewelery and Silverplated Ware
ol" the very bust quality. Everything warrant
ed just as represeu'ed and sold at the low
est cash price.
Fine Wateli Repairing a Spec
One square South of Diamond, Main Street
Visitors should not fail to call and examine
the largest and Gnest stock of Imported and
Domestic Liquors in the State, at
Mttx Klein, 82 Federal Street,
Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne
Passenger Depot.
Most Extens've Pure-Bred Live Stock
Establishment in the World !
*3-w h * S
■■HL *
Clydetdale, Prrrhrron-Normwit Rnglith Draft
lionet, Trottinq-Bred FoadttUrs, Shetland
Ptniirt, Holstein and Devon Cattle.
Our customers have the advantage of our
many years experience in breeding and import
ing large collections, opportunity of comparing
different breeds, low prices, because of extent
of business, and low rates of transportation.
Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited.
Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa.
Mention CITIZEN. july2s-9m.
Two-Storied Frame House
ot six rooms, cellar, out hon«e« and two
lots ol ground In Butler will b sold on reason
able terms. Call at office of
Mar-Utf. Butler Pa.
New Time Tables.
> P. A W. R. R.
The following time table on the P. &W.
road went intoetfect Dec. 23,1883.
Trains going West and South leave Butler at
5:40 and 8:32 a. m., and 2:10 and 4:20 p. in., aU
of which connect at Callery with trains for
Allegheny City, and 8:32 a. in. train makes
close connection with train North to New
Trains going North annd Last leave Buller
at 10:25 a. m. and 5:10 p. m.—The Butler ac
comodation arrives at Butler at 1:20 p. in., and
the market train at 8:20 p. m. and stop here.
Trains leave Allegheny City at 8:20 and 11:00
a. m. and 3:00 and t>:00 p ni. and connect at
Callery with trains for Butler. See note below.
Trains leaveZelienople for Allegheny City at
C:10 and 9:05 a. m. and 2:30 and 4:45 p. ra.
Sunday train at S:10 a. w.
S. A A. K. R.
Trains leave Butler tor Greenville at 7:40
and 10:20 a. m. and 5:50 p. m. and accommoda
tion leaves Coaltown tor Greenville at 12:50
p. m.
Trains leave Hilliards at C a. m. and 5:20 p.
in., connectlngat Branchton for Butler. Trains
arrive at Butler at 7:80 a. m. and 2:40 and 7:30
p. m.—the 7:30 a. m. and 2:10 p. «t>. trains
making close connection with trains on the
West Penn for Allegheny City.
The 7:40 a. m. and 5:50 p. m trains from
Butler makes close connections at Branchton
for points on the Hilliard Branch.
ler at 5:30 A. M., and arrives in Alle rheny at
9:00 A. M., connects at the Junction, when on
time, with Freeport accomodation, which ar
rives in Allegheny at 8:25.
BUTLER EXPRESS leaves Butler at 7:35 A.
M., stops on Branch only at Great Belt, 7:50,
anil at Saxoh Station 7;58, and arrives at Alle
gheny at 9:50 A. M.
BUTLER M AIL leaves Butler at 2:50 P. M.aud
arrives in Allegheny City at 5:20 P. M .
leayes Butler at 4: 50 P. M. and arrives at Alle
gheny at 7:30 P. M.
The Morning express connects at Blairsville
Intersection with mail train east and express
west, and afternoon mail with mail west and
Johnstown accommodation and Philadelphia
express east.
There are two freight trains daily, each way,
on the Branch road.
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:20 A.
M. and 3:45 and 2:20 P. M. (City time). The
The 2:20 P. M. train is the Market train which
is two and a half honrs coming to Butler,
while the express, 3:45, makes it in less thaa
two hours.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:50 A. M., 4:sonnd
5:40 P. M., and the 9:50 and 5:40 trains connect
here with trains on the 8. Jt A. R Pt.
NOTE—AII times here given are Railroad or
Eastern Standard times and persons in Pitts
burgh or Alleghency, where local time is yet
used, should subtract 20 minutes from timea
here given to get correct local time of depart
ure of trains.
Cleveland Herald.
By Mall, per year, Postage prepaid:
DAILY (BBS?) $7 50
DAILY (iSSSf) 6 00
At the reduced price, the Herald is, beyond
question, the lowest pried tlrst-class journal in
the West. The paper will retain i*s present
size, and every possible effort made to still tur.
ther Improve it in all department# Special at
teuton is called to the reduction In price of the
Weekly Herald, which for years ha* beeu tbo
leidlng family paper of Northern Ohio. Th*
coming Presidential year will be one ol unusual
Importance in the political blstery of this coun
try, and every eltl/.en owes it to himself to keep
well informed on the important events «t the
day. The Horald will aim to give a lull and
truthful repdr*W all State and National news,
and can be relied upon as a tlrui supporter
honest government and a Protective tariff. The
Weekly Herald contains a summary of the
world condensed Into readable shape; It (.oi*.
loins letters giving all the Important news from
foreign lands, and has correspondent* In all
p »rt» of this country; It has a strong Agrioul
tural department, and the Market and Com
mercial reports aje very complete; it contains a
tcood continued story, and publishes tin" ser
mon ot Rev. T. IleWitt every w.ek.
For a club ol 40, the Daily will be sent one
For a club ol 20, the Daily will be scut sii
For a club of 10, the Daily will be scut three
mouths. Address,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Rochester, X- Y.
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery,
Roses, Creepers, etc.
Moore's Raspberry, Pockllngtou and Em
pire Slate Grape, and other choice varieties of
all fruits.
Brownsdaie-i Butler County, Pa.