BUTLER CITIZEN JUI «CE I-J AXEOUS. HYPOCHONDRIA. The Mystenoui Element in the Mind that Arouses Vague Apprehensions—What Actually Causes it. The narrative below by a prominent scientist touches a subject of universal importance, Few people are free from the distressing evils which hypochon dria brings Th»?y come at all times and are fed by the very flame which they themselves start. They are a dread of coming derangement caused by present disorder and bring about uore Buicidt-H than any other one thing. Th«ir firat approach nhould be carefully guarded. Editor a Hero hi : It is so seldom 1 appear in print and I should not do so now did I not be lieve myaeli in possession of truths, the revelation of which will prove ot inestimable value to many who may aee these line? Mine has been a try ing experienci; For many years I was conscious of a want of nerve tone. My mind seemed sluggish and I felt a certain falling off in rny natural condi tion of intellectual ncntenesfl, activity and vigor. I presume this i» the same wav in which an innumerable number of other people feel, who like myself are physically below par, but like thousands of others I paid no atten tion to these annoying troubles, attri buting them to ow work, and resort ing to a glass of beer or milk pnnch, which would for a time invigorate and relieve my weariness. After awhile tho stimulants com menced to disagree with my atomach, my weariness increased, and I was compelled to resort to other means to gain relief. If a physician is suffering be invariably call 3 another physician to prescribe for him, as he cannot see himself as he see others; so I called a • physician and be advised me to try a little chemical food, or a bottle of hy pophoapbates. I took two or three bottles of the ohemical food with no apparent benefit. My lastitnde and indisposition .seemed to increase, my food distressed me. I Buffered from neuralgic pains in different parts of my body, my muscles became sore, my bowels were constipated, and my pros pects for recovery were not very flat tering. I stated my case to another physician, and lie advised me to take fire to ten drops of Magende's solution of morphine, two or three times a day, for the weakness and distress in my stomach, and a blue pill every other night to relieve my constipation. In this condition I passed nearly a year, wholly unfit for business, while the effort to think was irksome and painful. My blood became impover ished, and I suffered from incapacity with an appalling sense of misery and rneral apprehenbions of coming evil. passed sleepless nights and was troubled with irregular action of the heart, a constantly feverish condition and the most excruciating tortures iu my stomach, living for days on rice water and gruel, and, indeed, the diges tive functions seemed to be entirely destroyed. It was natural that while in this condition I should become hypochon dria) and fearful suggestions of &elf dealruction occasionally presented tbeinselvee. 1 experienced an insati able desire to sleep, but on retiring would lie awake for a long time tor mented with troubled reflections, and when at last 1 did fall into an uneasy slumber of short duration, it was dis turbed by horrid dreams. In this con dition I determined to take a trip to Europe, but in spite of all the atten tions of physicians and change of scene and climate, I did not improve and BO returned home with no earthly hope of ever again being able to leave the honse. Among the numerous friends that called on me was one who bad been afflicted somewhat similarly to myself, bat who bad been restored to perfect baalth. I?pun his earnest recommen dation i begun the same treatment be bad employed but witb little bope of being benefited. At first I experienced little, if any, relief, except that it did not distress my stomach as other rem idiee or even food had done. i con tinued its nse, however, and afier the third bottle could see a marked change lor the better, and now after the fif teenth bottle 1 am happy to state that lam again able to attend to my pro fessional dutit-?'. I sleep well, nothing distresses me that 1 eat, I go from day to day without a feeling of weariness or pain, indeed I am a well man, and wholly through the influence of 11. H. Warner & Co.'s Tippecanoe. 1 consid er this remedy a.4 taking the highest possible rank in the treatment of all diseases marked by debility, loss of appetite, and nil other symptoms of stomach and digestive disorders. It is overwhelmingly superior to the tonics, bitters, and dyspepsia cures of the day, and is certain to be so ac knowledged by the public universally. Thousands of people to-day are going to premature graves with these serious diseases, that I have above described, and to all such 1 would say: "Do not let your good judgment be governed by your prejudices, but give the above named remedy a fair and patient trial, and I believo you will not only be re warded by a perfect restoration to health, but you will also be convinced that tho medical profession does not possess all the knowledge there is em braced in medical science." A G. RICHARDS, M. D., 108 Treiunnt St., Boston, Mass. —The Mercer Press in noting the lact that a lady of that place, who went to lowa only last spring, was re cently married to u widower with six children, encouragingly adds : "(Jo west, old girls, go west, there is yet hope for the oldest of you." Strength to vigorously push a bus iness, strength lo study for a profession, strength to regulate a household, Strength to do a day's labor without rhysical pain I»o you desire strength? t you are broken down, have no energy, feel as if life was hardly worth living, you can be relievod nnd restored to ro bust health nnd strength by taking Brown's Iron Bitters, a sure c ure for dyspepsia' malaria weakness and all diseases requiring a true, reliable, nou alcholic tonic. It aits on the blood, nerves and raujcles and regulates fa very ptrt of ttw tfv .U-LB '•Why, what are you putting them on my feet for," asked a man with a heavy cold- ' Why, to draw the cold out of vour head," answered the con- \ aiderate nurse. "The dace you say, I would rather have it stay where it is . than be drawn the whole length of my body.'' At an? rate there if a more pleasant method than that, go get me a bottle of Dr. Ball's Cough Svra p. —We must be good. Don't the good book say the wicked stand on slippery places!' We can't. Nervousness. The moment there is danger ot im pairing of the mind from excessive ner vous exhaustion, or where there exists forebodings of evils, a desire for soli tude, shunning and avoiding company, vertigo and nervous debility, or where insanity has already taken place, P«- aiNA should l»o implicitly relied on. But it is uever HO well to wait so long berore treatmomt is commenced. The early symptoms are loss of strength, softness of the muscles, dim or weak sight, peculiare xpression of the face and eyes, coated tongue, with impaired digestion ; or in other certain powers only are loßt while they are otherwise enjoying comparatively good health. In all these PEBUMA should at once be taken —Mr Sissendorf always trembles when his wife sings in church, with prayerful earnestness, " Oh, for a thousand tongues!" Mr. Win. H, Fleming, €3l N. 12th street PHILADELPHIA, Pa., says: "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for toning the system and lor loss of appe tite with good results." —That was a bright State prison chaplain who, when a?lced by a friend bow his parishioners were, replied : "All under conviction." A Special Invitation. We especially invite a trial by all those sufferers from Kidney and Liver complaints who have failed to obtain re lief from other remedies and from doc tors. Natures great remedy, Kidney- Wort has effected cures in many obsti n ate'cases. It acts at once on the Liver and Bowels,cleansing the system of all poisonous humors and restoring a healthy condition of those important orgons. Do not be discouraged but try it. We have not heard of any leap year conquests yet. 50 Fits in 24 Hoursl "I employed some of the bent physi cians here," wrote Wm. E. Tanner, of Dayton, Ohio. " They all said my child could not live three weeks. It had 50 fits in 24 hours . we gave it Samaritan Nervine and the medicine effected a permanent cnre-" Druggists. —lf the ice lioußes are not filled it won't be Jack Frost's fault. Speer's Wine Endorsed by the Faculty of New York. We, the undersigned Committee of Physicians requested to examine into the merits, and report upon the Wines of Alfred Speer, have given our special attention to hia Port Grape Wine, and do report upon his Port Grape Wine made from the Oporto Grape, grown in his own Vineyard, is as follows ; First—The Wine Is Strict ly Pure Second—lt is very accepta ble in flavor. Third—lt is Palatable and has a Ilich Body. First—We are all satisfied of its purity, having been through his Vine yards, and Warehouses and Cellars, daring the grape seasons and seen the method of its production and preserva tion, no secret being made of the means employed in the cultivation of the grape or the mode of collecting, expressing, and fermenting the juice. Second—lts flavor is such as to ren der it acceptable to the most delicate stomachs, being equal to the best Im ported Foreign Wines, and we are all satisfied that it can with safety be rec ommended to invalids as an article well calculated for their use where Wine is need«*d ALEX ii. MOTT' M. D., Madison avenue. Professor I'ellevue Hospital Med ical College, N. Y, City E. H JANES M. I)., 208 W. 42 St. Of the Board of Health, N. Y. City CHARLES SHERMAN, M. 1», Medical Superintendent, N. V. Asso ciation for the sick poor. W. 11. HAWSE**, M. I)., 207 Stanton St. House Physician, Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hating had placed in lilt bands by an East India inl»sloii nry tin* formula of a simple vegetable remedy for Ule speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, bronchitis, Catarrh, Asi lima and all throat ana Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tented their wonderful curative pow ers In thousands of cases, has lelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sul ferine, 1 will send tree of charge, to all who de sire ft, thU recipe. In (lerman, French or English, with full direvtfons for preparing and using. Sent by mall by addreislnx with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Moves, 14'j Power's Block. Rochester. N Y. Scptl2->«-ly'eo*\ REDUCED TERMS OF I IIP. Cleveland Herald. By Mail, per year, Postage prejiaid: DAILY (jSESoSf) $7 50 DAILY (iSttf) 6 00 SUNDAY HERALD I 50 WEEKLY HERALD I 00 At the rfcituced price, the iiernld is, beyond ■luebtlon, tin: lowest price'} tlrMt < lnseari has beeu the lctdibK lauiily paper of Northern Ohio. The coming Preiideulial year will be on*- ol unu .aal impo'Uncc lu the political history of this conn try, and every cltL/.en owes it to himself to keep well Informed ou the important events of the day. The Herald will aim to (fire u u, "l truthful report of all Htate and National newx, and can lie relied upou as a tirm supporter of honent govermnent and a Protective tarltl. The Weekly Herald contains a summary of the world condensed iuto readable shape; it con tains letters giving all the Important news from foreign lands, uud has correspondents In all p irt Hop Bitters, proof of which Can be found in every neighborhood in the known world. THE- SURE CURE ""—FOB KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILYT| "Kidney-Wort la the moet eucoeeaful remedy I ever used." Dr. P. C. Ballou. Monk ton. Vt. "Kidney-Wort 1* alwaye reliable." Dr. B. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. •'Kidney-Wort haa cured my wife after two year* suffering." Dr. C. M. Sunimerlln, Sua Hill, Qa. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it haa cured where all elae had failed It U mild, but efficient, CERTAIN IN IT* ACTION, but oarxnlces in ail oaiiiii!iii»! Al»»olm«i> I n breubiiblo attd lin*ii>ai«U«! No Hauling! N < looparatli.u - Ai w • > I Back*! Mtoii«, U *j^iirultui« k a Rubber 'I li--i. OniuixniUi# fcrsri '(IVtI 1 ■ kind, J«rw«Jry, JJunAvr*' u.4 ill! 1119 CVarlliJditßi, Card Jtoard la S>-r*u IMIfM atii\ CrmihtM fIM »liL 2JOTI ■ £» LOT FORHALK. A vmiv oozr Two-Storied Frame House o 1 nix rooms, fellnr, out houses and two lots ol ground In Mutler will b sold ou reason able terms. Cull "t oU't ol F. M. EASTMAN Mar-Utf. Hiitlcr F». I A. TROUT MA N. I'EALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. s Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Druggets, Stair Rods, Etc. FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Black Silks. New Colored Silk?. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Cashmeres. New Black Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk Plushes. New Black Silk Plushes. New Shades Ladies' Cloths. New Dress Goods IBM BIBBOXN, FISCIILN, TIGM, HAMD NATCHEM, QloTea, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, \ elvet Ribbons, Knitting Silks, Embroidery Silk on spool?, all colors. New Fall Hosiery. Underwear for men, ladies and chil dren. Largest assortment, lowest prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Carpet Room Enlarged, Stock En larged* Prices tlie Lowest. NEW FALL STYLES.—We are now prepared and showing our entire Fall Stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, in all the Newest Designs. OIL CLOTHS, 1 to 2 YARDS WIDE, IN ALL QUALITIES. Please rail and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. UITLKK, PA. HENRY BIEHL CO, Inyite Atteullon to Their Large Aworlmont of i | Allegheny Cook Stoyet,/, A^,l?j^ggpg.| Heatinff Coal V P \ itlj*. h Fire Setta, Fendera, STOVES* __ J 'IIISI, I W f Irow 60c up. Boauty r *~ air \J jj j>g ' ' *" Sleigh Belli, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. REMINGTON CLIPPER PLOW, THE AMERICAN FRUIT EVAPORATOR, IMP'D KELLER GRAIN., SEED £ FRTILIZING DRILL. GRATE FRONTS, TILE SEWER PIPE, TOLEDO and I. X. L. PUMPS, POCKET and TABLE CUTLERY, FINE CARVERS, RAZORS, LIBRARY LAMPS, HALL LAMPS, STAND LAMPS Winfield's "GOOD ENOUGH" 5 and 10 gallon Oil Cans with Pump, it cannot bo excelled lor cleanlineHS. ROOFING AND SPOUTINQ DONS TO ORDKR. Large Assortment of HOUSE FUR NISHING GOODS. Henry Biehl & Co., Butler, Pa. WHERE TO BUY MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, At the Store of the nsil«nignei], the acknowledged leader in CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We wleh to wy to the trade thi« fall that we have a larger aud mof varied stock of Carp-la, Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, aud Genu' Furnishing Good* than ever befor*. REMEMBEB WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK The LATEST STYLES, tue LOWEST PRICES. We have all grade* and all price*, from the Cheapevt to the Beit made. D• tV. H JS CK, The Leading One Price Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, 2nd DOOR, DUFFY'S BLOCK, BUTLER, PA. JHfe Farmers, Dairy Men, Stock Raisers! CIJTLE Mas no Kquiil as U Condition Powder, not otily prevent,, but M s* ■; wllliuieibe irioht obdliiMle I'l.east-H of Iwtiiesllc Aiiiiunl*. To lucrense the Milk of >nur I'ijw, glVh Ita trial arid jou wi l u*« no other. r~+r Rnle by Dealers Every wh* it, or ae/>t Piml on rrr< i />/ o/ V/!v. in Htampt Bchwarm, Irwin & Co, Limited, Druggist# and Pharmatlsts, 1805 Carcon Street, S. S. Pittsburgh, T«. CHRIS. STOCK, Oealor in STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Atrtrit lot Bradley'a well-known Hloves, Kuui((V4 an J Hen tern. Ho •poutlnir aud repair ing done on abort notice, tytgru uu Main 41, comer vt £fortb, aigy ol Luige Collea fot tt>T #!#? -] 7 , FOR FALL. FOR FALL. ] New Flannels, White Blankets, Red Blankets, Blue Blankets, Bed Comforts, : White (guilts, j Canton Flannels. Yarns of all kinds. Oermantown Yarns, i Midnight Yarns, Uerman Worsted , Yarns, Cashmere Yarns, Saxony Yarns, Country Factory Yarns, Zephyrs. : The above Yarns in all colors. Ladies' Sacques iln new Fall Shades, Ladies' Jersey Jackets, Lace Curtains, Lace Lambre j quins. Large stock, prices low. ft MAN irwo it uwacquaintio with thi THY WHLSSC «V tXAMtNiWQ THIS HA> THAT THt CBICIBO, ROCK ISUKD & PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of its line, connects ths £ast and the West bv the shortest route, and car no# passengers, without change of cars, between Chicago ana Kansas City, Council Bluffs Leaven worth, Atchison. Minneapolis and Bt. Vaul. It counects in Union Depots with all the principal lines ol road between tho Atlantic and the Faciflc Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent. being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Horton Re clining Chair Cars. Pullman's Prettiest Palaos Bleeping Cars, and the Best Line of Dining Cars in ths world. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hivcr Points. Two Trains between Cfai ssgo and Mmnoapolis snd St. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, vis Seneca and Kanka kee. has recently been opened between Richmond, Norfolk.Newport News, Chattanooga. Atlanta. Au fusts, Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnstl. udianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha. Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate point*. All Through Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains. for sale at *JI principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of faro aL ways as low as competitors thai oiler less advan tages. For detailed information, get the Maps and Fold srs of ths CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At jour nearest Ticket Olßce. or addreee ft. R. OABLE, E. ST. JOHN, VIM ri«. * Uca ! II (T. Oeo'l Tkt. A raw. Aft. CHICACO. (Continued from last week.) How Watch Cases are Made. Imitation always follows a successful article, aud imitation is one of the best proofs of real honest merit; and thus it is that the James Louts' Quid Watch Case has its imitators. Buyers can always tell the genuine by the trade-mark of a crown, l'roin which is suspended a pair of zcale.l. Be sure DOTH crown and seales are stamped in the cap of the watch case. Jewelers are very cautious about en dorsing an article unless they not only know that it is good, but tbat the character ot the manufacturers is such that the quality of the goods will be kept fall y up to standard. WILLIAUSPOUT, PA., Feb. 13, lWtf. The JaUitsi BOMS' Oold Watch Casea go like hot ikJu?H Each one 1 noli nella another. Don't need to reouiuuiend them: they m-il the mael yen. One of UI/ CHTOAIM has hade J NINE* BONN' CWAWMCMI iu uaefor du yearn, and it ut aa good an ever. With this caae 1 do not heaxtate to give my owu guarantee, «a pwciaily with the iiv w and Improved IUDM, which secjn to be evei-hutting- J£*SK T. LITTLJC, J*vl*r. NEW BRUNSWICK, N J., Jan. 8,1883. Thl 3 go id caae, So. rk&i, known as the J amen lk>aa v Gold Watch Caae, came into my poaaesaion about 18M, haa been In line since that time, aud la still in good condition. The movement la the one which wan in the case v. hen I bought it, and ita condition xhows that the caste ha* rraily out-worn the movement, which is playedout MARTIN A. HOWELL, Of Board of lUrtctort A.J. R. li. dt Tran». Co. H+ad t Mi aUap to krjatoa* Watck law I'MIoHM, PklU drlpklt. Pa., forhaadNiat Illaatrated Paaipklat ahvwlag h«t Jaair* Uw»' aid kryatoar Watrk (wt ara (To he Continued.) § The Boss watch cases with auy kind «f movement desired, can be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, Alain Nt., Kutler, l*a., Opposite Troutmau's Dry Goods Store. H PEE R'N Port Grape Wine CUED iu the principal Churcheo Tor Communion parpones. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and th® A^ed- SPEER S PORTGR PE WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. This celehraNMl Native Wine is ina. II Wuller, AND B* L BUOOIHTM EVEBYWHERE. Most Exteaglve Pure-Bred Live Stock Estuhlishment iu the World! £ £, ta 'r S 2 90 wo £•- ST> , I !■ Pi M t 5 iJLy / 0 ® 'Sc. •7 "• «.:;rcA n . o H '< Sii7S». tr • Cl,U'lf»>lale, Ft rchrron-Norma nt fCni/Huh Ihuft tlursra, Trottint/-lirrrl FtiHuixtrrn, Shetland Pun it*, Huhtrin uml Drvnn Cattle. Our customer* have the advantage of our many yearn experience in breeding and import ing large collection*, opportunity of comparing different breed*, low price*, Itccanne of extent ot hualnnt*, and low rate* of transportation. C atalogura fre« ('orre*twind«ncß solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Hpringl>oro, Crawford To.. I'a. Mention CITIZEN. Jtily2s-!>in. HfAdYrrtiw lotto Um»N. THE Cheapest place to buv your Boots and Shoes is at John Bickel's, Main street, BCJTLER 1 have concluded to sell my en tire stock of Winter Boots and Shoes at cost to make room for my Spring goods, I therefore COURT Your trade, and will convince you if you give me a call that 1 am selling Boots and Shoes one-third cheaper than any other I I O L T S E I In the county. My stock of Rubber Boots and Shoes is com plete and in order TO i Sell my entire stock of Rubber goods I am cutting the prices and celling them at such ex tremely low figures that you will BE Both surprised and pleased to hear them. My object in selling goods on such small margins is that I am desirous of building up the lar gest Boot and Shoe trade in Western Pennsylvania, and by selling good honest goods at very LOW PRICES my trade will not have to be RE-BUILT But will grow larger as each year rolls around. Persons IN Need ol Boots and Shoes should call at once an this great sacri fice sale will last about SO DA YB. full stock of Leather ao4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. B. M'JUNKLX. J. M. CALHRP.ATH. McJCNKIN JL GAI.BRKATH, Office opposite WUliard House, Butler, Pa. JOHN K. KELLY. Office with P. Reiber. Esq., in Reiber building. R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law. Butler, Pa. Office near Cour Home, two doors West of CITIZEN office. J F. BRITTAIN, Offioe with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. WM. H. LUBK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. _ N KWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south aide. E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schueideman's building, np staiie. GEOTR. WHITE, " Office N. E. corner of Diatnoud THOMAS ROBINSON, BCTLER, PA. K. K. Ecki. ET, KEKNKDT MIKHAI.L. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. Sept.y,74 .1. I>. MARSHALL, Attorney-at-Law. Office witn \V. A. Forquer Esq., Main Street,opposite House. Butler Pit. Febia-'iS^ 8. P. BOWSER, Office In Brady's Law Building. S. B. SNYDER, Office with A. T. Black. Esq., Main street, near Court House. JOHN H. NEGLEY WGlven particulai attention tc transaotious in real estate throughout the corn .y. Omoioi DIAMOND, HKAB OOLBT HoCSC, IK CNUIII BOILDINO JOS. 0. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court Hooae. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THGMrnox THOMPSON 4. SON, Attorney* at Law. Office on the west side of Main street, few doors North of Iroutmau's dry goods store. A. MTCORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. S. H. PIER SOL. Office on N. E. cotner Diamond, Riddle build ing • novli JOHN M. GREER Office on N. E. comer Diamond. novIS JUSEPH B. BREIHA, Office north east corner of Diamond. Butle . Pa. J. T. DONLY Office near Court House. - 74 W TX BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building, GEORGE C. PII LOW, Attorney at I.aw and SURVEYOR, Main street, Butler, Pa. Office with J. D. McJunkln. CLARENCE WALKER, South east corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. FERD REIBER, Office In Reiber's tiuilding, Jeflersou St. ap9l) F. M. EAST A! AN, Office in Brady building. LEV, McQUISTI ON, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Attorneys at Law N. E, Cor. Diamond, BCTLER, PA. Win. A. FORQUER, W Office on Main street opposite Yogeley Bouse. J. P. McJUNKIN, Office in Schncideman's building, west side of Main street, 2nd square from Court House, T. O. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east aide Main at., a few doors south of Lown Bouse. marS—tr. n A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond A. T BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south o. Brady Block, Butler, Pa. {sep. 2, 1874. C. Q. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Le*ral business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. QUEEN VICTORIA. Court circles in England are anxious about the VEY DISEASE HEART DISEASE and FEMALE WAKHEVI. I had a heavy aching pain over iny kidneys with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCANTY and TUKBIN flow of urine; 81-OATINO or LiMßfi and a OENERAI, UKOPHICAL COIDITIOJI; also PAIN, PALL'ATATION lUld IIUOPS.Y of the HKAIIT. My condition was a distressing one, and all treatment ami KIDMKY REMF.DIKM gave little or no relief. I have been taking your "EIPKEY AKD BACK ACHE CUKE" with the moot happy result. It haa relieved all the unpleasant symptoms that hare followed me eo persisieiitly and BO long. I never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure no completely, iam doing my own work. Your* truly. Mllß, JAMES FULLEB. DB. FENNEB'B SOOTHING BYBUP—Pleaa ant, safe, certain. Produooa good reat. good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freelinees, health and vigor in the child. DB. FENNEB'B OAMTOL UITTEBS—Th purest and best stomach tonic known. Dr. FENNEB'B SALT BHF.UM OINTMENT —YELLOW ANO WHITE—A cure for AI.L SKI* DISEASES. Hee directions wrapped around package. DB. FENNEB'B BLOOD AND LIVEB PILL* —The best family physio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Du. FEKNEU'S PEOPLE'S HEMEDIEI. ABE USED ALL OVER THE WOBI.D. And are for sale by J, I>. Wnller and D. 11. Wuller, But'er, Pa. Holiday Goods! All the very latent 'lesigna in Fine Parlor Lamps, Belgian (i lass ware, Bisque Novelties, China Vases, Silverware, Bronzes, &c f The largest and finest selection of these goods In this city, selected especially lor holi day trade. Strangers to this city will consult anil be Instructed by giving us a call. j. r. smiH. son i co., 189 A 191 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. dUI'B3-4w tiPTttabKrit* tor ttw Ciwar