Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 16, 1884, Image 1

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    VOL. XXL
Estate ot John Cooper. Dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the above estate
having been granted to the under
signed, »!1 persons knowing themselves in
debted to Mid estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
w»id estate will present t&em duly authenticated
tor settlement. " „
Denry P. 0., Butler county, I*#. *
Estate ot Win. Park, Mr.
Latter* testimentaiy in the estate of
Perk dee d.. late of Middlesex tow&ahip. Butler
county, Pa , having been granted to the nnder
sutned all pennjua knowing theraselveH indebted
to said estate will please make immediate pay
ment, and any having claims against said estate
wlJl present tfum duly aathentictted for set le-
WILLIAM Pas*, Jr. A Km-
Bakentown P. 0., Ulegheuy Co., Pa,
Estate •! N»mnel Young.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Samuel young, dee'd, late of Washington twp.
Butler county, Pa.. bsvlnic been granted to the
undersigned, all person* knowing themseltes
indebted to aaid estate will f lease m«ke imme
diate payment and any baling elaima against
aaid estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement,
8. C. HCTCHISOH, Administrator.
North Hope P. O. Butter county, Pa.
Estate of John C n nn« Dee*d.
Letter* of administration on the estate of John
Conu dee'd. late of Washington township, Butler
county. Pa., having been granted to the under
• lenea, all persons knowing themselves Indebted
to said estate will please make Immediate pay
ment and all having claims against said e*tMe
will prtsent them duly authenticated for settle
ment «* C- HUTCHISON. Adm r.
Noith Hope, P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa.
Nov. I#, 1«3.
Exeeutora' Hale.
By virtue of ike provUlona of the will of WU
llam Thompson, dee'd, lata of Middlesex twp.,
Butler county, Pa., the undersigned, his Execu
tors, offer for sale part of the farm of said Wil
liam Thompson, located In Middlesex twp.,
Butler county, Pa., one mile west of the Boiler
and PltUbnrjH Plank Koad, and four miles
east of tb« P,A W. Railroad, containing FIFTY
half cleared and In good cultivation, the balance
well timbered and all u der fence, la convenient
to schools snd churches, and U well watered.
For further information Inquire of on the farm
or address,
Ulade Mill P. 0., Butler, Co., Pa,
Estate of Sarah Miller.
(LAT* or CLAT TWP., BUTLI* CO., »*C'».)
Letters of administration on the above
named esute having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persona kuowlcg themselves In
debted to aaid estate will pleaae make Imme
diate payment and any having clalma against
ssld e.-tate will present them duly autbentleated
for settlement.
HINKT MILLER, Administrator,
Coultersvllle P. 0„ Butler Co., Pa.
B. F. BOWSIK, Att y.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of admlnialratlon de bonus
■on In the estate of D. Moore, dee'd, hava been
Issued to me by the Register of the probata of
wills for Butler county. This is to give notice
to allparties Indebted to ssld estate to call and
settle, and all persous baviug claims against the
same will present them duly probated for pay
ment. B. F. BOWSER. Adm'r of
I>. Moore, dec'J, Butler, Pa.
Estate of Ebeneser C hristy,
Letters of administration having been grant
ad to the undersigned on the estate of Ebeneser
Christy, late of Washington twp., Butler oonn
ty, Pa., notice ia hereby given to all parties
knowing tbemaelvea indebted-to said estate to
make immediate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for payment
Mas. JANE CBBUTT, t . ..
O. W. CHHISTT. fAdmrs.
North Hope, Butler county, Pa
Anditor'a If •lice.
In the matter of the final account of ConroU
Wagner. Administrator of Johrl J. Rahyser. Dec.
5, ins, ('curt, on confirmation of said account, ap
pointed J. D, Marshall Auditor to make distribu
tion of the balance In hands of administrator
among those legally entitled thereto.
To the helm and creditors of said John J.
Rahyaer and all other* Intereatered In above dis
tribution, please take notice that I will attend to
the duties of my appointment, it my office, In But
ler, on Saturday, the 19th day of Januarv. I*B4, at
10 o'clock A. M., at which time and place all parties
In Interest may appear and be heard.
J. D. MABHHALL, Auditor.
Dec. 29,1863. Jan2-at.
In the District Court of the
Uulled 81a es,
For the Wet Urn Dittritt of Prnntyltania.
William H. Dougherty, of Fairvlew twp.,
Butler county, in said district, n Bankrupt un
der the Act of Congress of March 2nd, IS«7,
and the amendments supplement* thereto, hav
ing applcd for a Discharge from all hU debts,
and other claims provable under said Act, by
order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all
credltois who have proved their debts, and
other persons Interested, to appear on he 22d
day ot January, 1884, ai 11 o'clock, A. M., before
Samuel Harper, Esq , Register In R.inkruplct',
at hi* office, No. 85 Diamond street, Pittsburgh,
Pa., to show cause, If any they hare, why a Dis
charge should not be granted to said bankrupt.
Att'y for Bankrupt. Clerk.
Jury Littl lor February Term.
List of Travel lie Jurors drawn to nerve In tbe 1
Feb. term of Conrt commencing the first Mon
day being ibe 4th day, A. D., 118*.
Aldlnger, C D Mlllerstown boro, druggist.
Bovard, Robert Venango twp farmer.
Burr, Juuie* Adains twp farmer.
Beany, Jno M Oakland twp farmer.
Belli*, Fred Forward two farmer.
Black, J M Allegheny twp pamper,
Brown, Samuel Blipperyrock twp farmer,
Burk, P K Kama City boro grocer.
Blakcly, Joseph Marion twp farmer.
Campbell Ezra Concord twp farmer.
Craig, J B Allegheny twp Justice.
Chandler, Wo Clinton twp farmer.
Cooper, Batnuel Jefferson twp fanner.
Clouse, Peter Hummit twp farmer.
Elliott, Perry Worth twp farmer.
Krvln, J A Peirolla boro furniture dealer.
Farnsworth, Manio Butler twp farmer.
Fraaier, John Butler born, Bd ward larmer.
Gal I bach, W H Zelienople boro merchant.
Gibson, Sxmucl 8 Winfleld twp former.
Glenn, John Muddycreek twp farmer.
Hcplar, A O Oakland twp larmer.
Heberllne, Guttlelb Lancaster twp laborer,
llerr, C E Petrolia boro editor.
Ladrer, Jacob Lancaster twp merchant.
McMichael, Joseph Clay twp farmer.
McCollougb, J M Falrvlew twp E farmer.
McQarvey. Matthew Washington tw H farmer
Nelson, K J Middlesex lau> larmer,
Nicholas, H W Butler twp firmer.
Robner, John Cranberry twp Justice.
Robb, Christie Oakland twp firmer.
Robinson, Tbos Cranbrry twp farmer,
Bmith. Henry Fulrview twp farmer.
Bkl'lman, Jas Center twp brmer.
Bcotl, Chambers Fan view boro merchant.
Blamm, Holoiuan Forward twp ftrmnr.
Hhafloer, G W Butler bor Ist ward contractor
Bproul, Perry Cherry twp fanner.
Thompson, Chss Bnflalo twp farmer.
Walters, John Evans boro former.
WtxAmere, J C Fnirvi«w twp K merelual.
Bricklayer and Contractor.
Estimates given on contract work. Reel
deuce, Washington street, nonh end, Butler,
rmlUn; .tffffv Citizen.
remedy, the only
Hone that harmonizes with tho advanced
■ teachings of our modern Physiologists,
■ who claim thit no medicine can hare any
■ real beneficial effect on disease unless
Hit clearly coincides with the , r,f
Htrtz noiura and a.ds it in curing the diS-
Hease. It is conceded th»t so far PFRL>A
His the only remedy that fills this exact
■ Catarrh" J5
■ Zl^MMjtlsnjJlei^
■ RhromiLtUm. Dls
■ of the Stomnch.
I O |»»< Longs.
I These organs are the birth places of all
■diseases, hence, by putting these In a
■ healthy condition ana keeping them so.
Hall diseases must paas away. Tor The
■ ills of Life," a book every man woman
■and child should read, ask your druetfst
■or address S. B. Hartmsn & Co.,
■ bus, Ohio, and get one gratia.
■ Cures Constipation and Piles.
Bptlo* >1 per Bottle. 81^ottle^8.
% p I
V ffl© 7
\ '
MT*sl.so per bottle at druggists.'W
Tie Dr. S. A. Richmond Mel Co., Proprietors
St. Too«pli. (1)
Correspondence freely answered by Pbyalclsiu.
N C. N. CRITTENTON, Agent. New York.
From theso source* arise three fourths of
the diseases of ttie human race. These
symptom* indioaU, ihe.r existence: Loss ol
Appetite, Kawol* costive, Mick Head
ache, fullness after tatlnK, aversion to
exertion of body or mind, Eructation
of food, Irritability of temper, Low
•plrlts, A feeling of having neglected
• lime duly. l>iz*i»e*s, Fluttering at the
Heart, Dots belorc t lir eyes, highly col
ored Urine, Hi.VsTIPATIO.iI, and de
mand the use of a remedy thiit acts directly
on the l.iver. AaaLivor medicine TUTT'S
PI 1.1.9 have no ectual. Tlieir notion on the
Kidneys nnd Skm is also prompt; removing
all impurities through those three "ieav»
engers of tlie system, '* producing appe
tite,MOund digestion, re gular Htools, a clear
skin and a vigorous bodv. TTTTT'N PII.XO
cause no nausea or griping nor lutelfere
with d«llv work and are a perfect
"I havo had Dyspepsia, with Constipa
tion, two years, and have tried ten different
kinds of pills, and TUTT'S are the first
that have done me anv good. Tliey have
cleaned me out nicely. My appetite Is
splentlid, fo->d digests readily, nnil I now
have iiutural pn.s»ages. I feel like a new
loan." W. 1). EDWARDS, Palmyra, O.
Sold every whw,i|sc. Office,44 MurraySt.,N.Y.
GtuT Hair or Whiskers changed In
stantly to ti ULosgv Hlm K by a single ftp
plication of this DTE. Sold by Druggists,
or sent by express on receipt of % I.
Ortlce,4l Murray Street, New York.
Butter's New Departure
For Pianos, Organs, Violins and other Musi
e»l Instruments, call at the
Weber Bros. & Stauffer,
Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Sheet Music and Music Books alwiys on hand,
or furnished to order. Orders for Piano aud
Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended
to by John B. Eytb of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nov. 14, 'B3, 3m.
Hard Wood - Furniture
lor sale at extremely low figures, A great
variety of Beds, Tables, Chairs, Children*'
Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Kxlra Heavy Arm
Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlor Tubles
Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single Lounges,
Spring Mattresses, Jcc., Ac., at
North Main Ntreet,
BUTLER, 1? A...
Election Notice.
The annual meetmg of the members of the
Farmers'anß Hreeders' Mutual Live Stock
Insurance Association of the United States,
will be held at office of Secretary in Butler,
Pa., on the last Tuesday (2'.lth day) of Jan
aary, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. M..at which time
efioers to serve for the ensuing year will be
Jno. E. Bykrs, Sec'y.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to oall the attnntion of the
publiototlie Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery foi
the manufacture ot
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Yarna,
and I can recommb.~.d them as being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butlol
oounty wool. They are beantifnl in color, su
perior in texture, and will be sold at very lon
arioee. For samples and prices, address,
JulM. 18-17 Butler. Pa
She bad made up her mind the night
before. Thinking over the insincerity
of life and people generally, Mrs. Brown
bad suddenly decided that for one day
she would be true as gold—honest as
the sunlight. She made a solemu com
pact with herself that for one twenty
four hours she would think, speak and
act the truth. That she would da
nothing insincere just because society
demanded it, or her owu good nature
suggested it; but that for one single
day she would be honest.
Now one of Mis. Brown's strongest
creeds, although unformulated, was
that a wife should never disagree with
her husbaud. No matter what her
real opinion was, it was so much more
comfortable to agree than not to agree
that, in their married life of ten years
Mr. Brown had ever held a high opinion
of his wife's good sense. Imagine his
feeling, therefore, when upon this
memorable morning the following little
scene took place. It was before break
fast, and they were dressing. Mr.
Brown was standing in front of the
bureau that contained the only mirror
in the room, bruehing his hair with a
leisurely nicety that was trying to the
patience of Mrs. Brown. She was not
half as far advanced in her toilet as her
husband, and her luxuriant hair was
awaiting its turn of brush and comb
and mirror. She heaved a sigh ayd
said, "Ob, dear 1"
"In a hurry, Sarah ? Be through in
a moment. You don't think I'm long ;
do you ?"
Now any other morning but this
Mrs. Brown would have answered
sweetly: "Oh no, dear, take your
time." But this morning, true to her
vow of sincerity, she said frankly :
"Well yes; I do. I've been waiting
some time; and my hair is much more
troublesome to fix than yours, you
If a roll of thunder had suddenly
growled overhead, Mr. Brown would
not have been equally thunderstruck.
In sheer amazement he moved aside
and gave her place. Then he said :
"Got out of the wrong side of bed
this mo/ning; didn't you ?"
"No," answered Mrs. Brown truth
fully. "I think I got out at the same
side that I always do."
"Phew!" whistled Mr. Brown.
"You are nice and cross this morning,
or I shouldn't say so !"
"No," said Mrs. Brown, serenely,
"I think it is you who are quick
"Well!" gasped Mr. Brown "I
And he never had. He went out
aud slammed the door. Mrs. Brown
sighed, but weut on arranging her hair
and finished her dressing. She resist
ed the momentary impulse she had to
run after her lord and smooth down his
feather 3, and noon felt the sustaining
glow of self-approval.
"It's hard," she thought, but I will
do it. Surely society is in a bad state
when the simple truth appears to be so
very unexpected."
At the breakfast table she was
serenely placid, eating and drinking in
a calm sort of way, and paying no at
tention to the scowl on the face of her
husband opposite, although usually any
such symptoms would have been sooth
ed and smoothed away at once with
sweet words and anxious care. This
morning she was honest; she didn'l
think he deserved soothing, and she
wan't going to give in. Mr. Brown
went off to business out of humor with
himself, his wife, and everything in
general. After bo had left, Mrs. Brown
went down-stairs to see the butcher.
She said to the boy :
"This is a poor piece of beef; and
you know it."
"Marm ?" said the boy, his eyes
"You take this back to Mr. Jonnsou
aud tell him that I think that it is
cheating to send me such a poor piece
of meat as this, when I pay him the
very highest price for everything "
"Yes'm," said the boy, still staring.
"Well! Take it and go 'long."
"Yes'm," said the boy, still dazed,
as he lifted the piece into his basket
and turned to go. He was amazed.
Never before had Mrs. Brown found
fault; and they had palmed off' on her
in times past many a piece of beef not
weighed in the scales of justice.
Bridget was standing open-mouthed
near by.
Mrs. Brown gazed meditatively over
the top of her head, aud her glance, to
Bridget's eye, seemed a trifle severe.
"Plaze, ma'am, phat is it?" she said,
"I was just thinking, to tell the
truth, Bridget," said Mrs. Brown, with
a laugh, "how nice and wavy your hair
was, and wishing that I had it. You
don't have to put it up in crimp papers
over night; do you ?"
"Oh ! noa, ma'am !" beamed Bridg
et. "I doant! Shure but it's the plague
of me life it is; always tanglin' up that
tight there's noa coamin' it dacently."
"Well; it's very pretty," answered
Mrs. Brown, "and, if it was mine, I'd
be curling it all the time, I'd be 90
proud of it."
"Shure it's welcome ye'd be to it, if
I could only give It to ye," laughed
Bridget, as she turned aside to wash up
the breakfast dishes.
Mrs. Brown now went up-stairp, and
there, just coming in at the front door
was her favorite sister-in-law.
"Good-morning, Lizzie ! So glad to
see you. Come right up-stairs to my
Now Lizzie was a favorite of Mrs.
Brown's; and she was glad to see her.
They chatted for a moment or so upon
different subjects, and then Liz/.ie said:
"Oh ! How do you like my new hat?
Just got it yesterday. Don't you think
it's becoming ?"
Mra. Brown took a look at it.
"No—o," she answered, relunctant
ly, "I don't. 1 think it's too big for
von, and too broad "
"Oh!" exclaimed Lizzie, her face
coloring up.
"You see," went on Mrs. Brown,
determined still to speak the truth,
"your face is broad, Lizzie, any way;
and a hat shaped like that makes it
look more so."
"Indeed !" flared Lzzie, picking up
her gloves and parasol. "Much oblig
ed, I'm sure; but I don't think your
face is any narrower than mine is!"
"V\ hv, Lizzie !" expostulated Mr 9
Brown." "I surely haven't offended
vou ? I merely spoke the truth when
you asked me; and I didn't—l didn't
mean to hurt your feelings."
"The truth, indeed !" snapped Lizzie.
"Where would you be, if I told the
truth, I wonder !"
And with this last shot Lizzie
bounced out of the room and went
down the front stairs as fast as possible.
"Lizzi*! Lizzie!" called out Mrs.
Brown plaintively over the banisters :
"Lizzie ! PJease come back !"
But Lizzie was deaf, aud went out
shutting the door to with a bang.
Mrs. Brown went back into her bed
room, aud—well yes—she cried a little.
It certainly was hard, this being a
champion of absolute truth. However,
a little reflection soon brought back her
enthusiasm, aud she determined still to
go on in the good new way. Just
then, Mary, who had answered the
ring of the front door bell, came up to
sav: "Mrs. Green is down-stairs,
ma'am ; aud would like to see you."
Mrs. Brown reflected a moment.
Mrs Green was a talkative, gossip
loving neighbor, whom she had ever
detested, but whom she had ever been
careful to conciliate out of deference to
the sharpness of her tongue.
"You may tell her, Mary,"said Mrs.
Brown, slowly, "that I do not wish to
see her."
"That you're very busy, and plaze
to excuse ye. ma'am, is it?" said Mary,
"No," said M>*s. Brown. "Say just
this that Ido not wish to see her this
Mary smiled and went down and de
livered the message.
"What!" exclaimed Mrs. Green, in a
high-pitched voice : "Don't wish to
see me! what's the reason, I'd like to
know ? Has any one been carrying
tales of me to her, I wonder? This i 3
an awful town for gossiping,- and I
know it; and perhaps some one has
told hor some story about me, or some
thing. Just go up-stairs again, my
good girl, and tell your mistress that,
if she has heard any stories, I am pos
itive I can explain them all away. It
would grieve me to be bad friends with
Mrs. Brown," she added smothly.
Mary went up-stairs again and de
livered her message
"Tell her, Mary," said Mrs. Brown,
decidedly, "that I have heard no stories
whatever; but that I do no wish to see
her this morning."
Down went Mary aud delivered this
"Well!" exclaimed Mrs. Green,J'tbis
is peculiar. Tell your mistress, my
girl, that she won't be troubled by my
calls in the future; but she'll hear from
me some time soon !"
And with her head in air and eyes
flashing, Mrs. Green, sailed slowly
Mary ran up-stairs, giggling
"O, Missus! She was just that put
"I suppose so, Mary," said Mrs.
Brown gravely. "But I couldn't help
An hour later Mra Brown set dowu
to write a note. She had received an
invitation to a lunch party, given by a
lady whom she kuew but slightly, but
who had invited her out of considera
tion for her established social position.
It was for this reason and no other that
she was included among the select aud
chosen few, aud she knew it, and it an
noyed aud vexed her. She would not
go"; to tjiat she had made up her mind
some time before; but she had intend
ed sending a polite note of regret.
Now she determined to send an honest
note of explanation. Her note read :
Dear Madam. — I have to acknowl
edge the receipt of j our invitation for
the 11th inst. As you have seen me
but twice in your life and do not know
me at all intimately I am surprised at
vour asking me to a luuch purty, as if
I were an old and valued friend. To
say that 1 thank you would be untrue,
because your reason for asking me can
not be truly complimentary to me; and
to sav that 1 regret not to be able to be
present would be equally false. lam
not coming, because I do not wish to
come; and I trust, if this sounds curt,
that you will understand that it is with
no feeling of discourtesy toward you
that I pen the words.
I am, yery sincerely,
Mas. F. BROWN.
Mrs. Brown looked at this a moment
a little doubtful before she put it in the
envelope, then smiled to herse'.f a little
wickedly, gummed down the flap of the
envelope, and put on the stamp with
more than her usual firmness.
After dinner, about four o'clock iu the
afternoon, the door-bell rang again; and
this time it was the minister. Mr. Jack
son, who bad come to call.
"I'm real glad to see you, Mr. Jack
son," she said, as she came into the
parlor; "Sit down."
"Delightful day, isn't it, Mrs.
Brown," said the minister.
"Well; it is pleasant," said Mrs.
"I called especially, dear Mrs.
Brown, to talk over with you that plan
of getting up a club among the church
ladies for the benefit of the heathen.
You remember you were among the
number that agreed with me about its
being a good and interesting way to
raise money for the object."
Poor Mrs. Brown ! Her heart and
courage were down to zero ! If there
was oue thing above another that she
didn't believe in among church works
it was this yery oue of sending money
to the heathen. Bot here wan her pas
tor, expecting her cordial help and
sympatv, and there was her vow of
sincerity and honesty! What should
she do ? For one black moment she
almost failed; then rallying all her
forces, she said, faintly :
"Sir, I do not approve of getting up
a club of this sort "
"What?" questioned Mr. Jackson.
"I said, sir," coulinued Mrs. Brown, 1
gathering courage as she went on,
"that I did not approve of a club of
that sort. I tnust confess," she 6aid,
while her whole face llaraed for an in
stant, "that I was only telling a polite
lie when I said with the rest the other j
day, that I thought it would be a good
thing. I don't think it would be a good
thing. I think we need to use our
money much nearer home. I think we
have no right to be treating the heathen
to Bibles, until we pay our debts—
even if it is but a church debt; and af
ter that is paid and we have any money
to spare, the heathen in our own land
near our own doors, I tbink, should be
looked after before we go across the
sea 3in search of new ones. I know
such opinions are not Christian, per
haps, sir; but that is what I honestly
think; and thinking 80, you see, Mr.
Jackson. I should be a regular hypocrit
if 1 joined any such society as you pro
pose to organize."
Mr. Jackson was a wise man, and a
practical oue. lie said :
"Whatyou say, my dear Mrs. Brown,
surprises me greatly; but I forbear to
urge you to become a member of any
thing wherein your conscience would
be troubled. Still I trust that, al
though you feel you cannot give us the
help and strength of your presence,
you will aid us a little financially.
You know we shall need all aid possi
ble in that direction,'' be smiled kind
This time feminine logic was greater
than the feminine heart, and the good
man was astounded when Mrs. Brown
"Why, of course I won't! Not a
cent, sir ! How curious of you to ask
me for such a thing! Would you
really, sir—you, a minister of the
Gospel, take it from me after what I
have just said to you ? Would you ?"
"Why. yes," smiled Mr. Jackson,
good-naturedly. "Of course I would.
The cause is good, and you wouldn't
miss the money, and—"
"Mr. Jackson!" interrupted Mrs.
Brown indignantly. "Allow me to
say that I don't think yery much of
you !"
"Wha wha— what?" stammered
the minister. "You—you—don't—
don't— Where is my hat, please, Mrs.
Bsowo ? I really am not very readily
provoked; but such a remark as this, is
really—really—not to be received ! I
have the honor—the honor, ma'am,
said the good man, trembling with
rage, "to bid you a very good after
noon !"
And putting on his hat and grasping
his cane, the poor man let himself out
at the front door, while Mrs. Brown
merely stood still and let him go.
Once, for one moment, she was tempt
ed to call him back and recant; but
then, "No!" she thought, "I will be
sincere, I will be honest." So Mr.
Jackson left the house, hurt, wounded
and humiliated, aud not at all compre
hending how it all came about.
Mrs. Brown heaved a sigh, and weut
upstairs again.
"1 seem to have bad luck with my
callers," she thought.
Just before supper time she went
down into the kitchen to see if every
thing was progressing a3 it should do.
To her surprise the kitchen was empty!
No Bridget there ! And, worse than
that, the fire was out, and no sign at
all of any preparations for supper!
v\ here could she be ? She looked in
the cellar, she looked out in the back
vard—no Bridget Puzzled and wor
ried, she went upstairs again.
'Mary," she said, "where's Bridget?'
"In her room ma'am, gettin' dressed,
I think," said Mary.
Mrs. Brown knocked at hor bed-room
"Bridget! Bridget!"
"Yis ma'am," answered Bridget,
opening the door. "Phat is it ?"
"Oh-b, Bridget!" exclaimed Mrs.
Brown. Aud well might she exclaim;
for there was Bridget, with her hair in
endless curls, and a pink ribbon tying
them up, smiling and smirking in a
way that, to Mrs. Brown, was mad
"Why-y, Bridget!"
"Yes, ma'am," smiled Bridgot.
"Doant they look foine ?",
"Bridget," said Mrs Brown, severe
ly, "pin those curls up and go
down and attend to your work. Don't
you it's near six o'clock, and the fire is
all out.''
"Dear me!" cried Bridget, lifting up
her hands in dismay. "You doant
mane to tell me that?"
"I do; just that; aud you'd better be
lively," said Mrs. Brown, angrily,
turning to walk down-stairs.
"Sburc I won't be a minute," said
Bridget, excitedly; and not waiting to
tuck up her curls or anything else, she
slipped on her apron and went down
to the kitchen as fast as she could go.
A few minutes after six Mr. Brown
returned to his home from business.
He walked in the front gate slowly,
and when inside of the house said
"good evening" to his wife, in a most
dignified manner. Goiug over to him
timidlv Mrs. Brown kissed him, as
was her wont upon his return home
His face relaxed a little at this; but
the anger of the morning was still upon
him, aud he did not return her kiss at
nil. With a sigh Mrs. Brown took a
rocking-chair aud sat down in it.
Ilal six came and no supper-bell.
Mrs. Brown slipped down-stairs quiet
ly and tried to hurry Bridgot up. She
fouud her busy, red-faced and flurried,
with her curls still in their splendor,
hanging round her neck. "I'm doiu'
me level best ma'am," she exclaimed:
"And shure it can't be long, now, al
though it does take sometime for thim
vige tables to cook, ma'am!"
Mrs. Brown heaved a sigh and went
up again. Silently she rocked to and
fro in the little arm-chair.
I "Sarah," said her husband, severely,
"is supper never goiug to be ready?
Here it's fifteen minutes pa*t time, and
I'm most starved!"
I "Y'es, dear," answered his wife
meekly. "It won't be vory long
| "What's the matter," be growled,
"that it's so behind-hand?"
"Bridget—Bridget stayed up-stairs •
too long," faltered Mrs. Brown.
"Hump!" said Mr Browg, as be
picked up his newspaper again.
At seven o'clock the supper bel!
Luckily all went serenely The
vegetables were cooked, and the meat
was done to a turn, and all went well
Mrs. Brown's tried nerves were be-,
ginning to rally a little, when sudden
ly her husband exclaimed in a tone of
strong disgust:
"What is it, dear?" said Mrs. Brown,
"See for yourself," aid Mr. Brown,
fishing up with his fork a long hair out
of his dish of peas. "That's nice;
| isn't it?"
"I'm afraid—l guess—guess," stam
mered Mrs. Brown, bursting into tears,
"that—that's a part of one of Bridget's
cur—curls! Oh! Ob!" she sobbed,
"was there ever a woman so unhappy
as I am! Oh! deal! Oh! dear! Oh!
Oh! Oh!"
"Why! Why! Why!" said Mr.
Brown, laying down his knife and fork
|in surprise. "What is the matter?
What is the matter?"
Leaving her seat and going around
j to bis end of the table Mrs. Brown put
! her arms about her husband's neck,
■ and sobbed out all her woe. ' Ob!
dear ! Please forgive mo, and I'll
never, I'll never tell the truth again!
It isn't right to be perfectly honest.
It isa't. Oh! it isn't. And oh! oh! if
you'll only forgive me this once dear,
I'll never, no never"—
"For heaven's sake!" gasped out her
astonished husband. "Are you out of
your mind, or what is the matter?
Wrong to be honest! What do you
Then, with many sobs and tears, the
penitent enthusiast told him of her
vow, and of her day's doings, and how
her injudicious praise of Bridget's
curls bad made his sapper late, and
about her callers, and all of her day's
And that man? Well yes; be
laughed. He laughed until he cried!
He laughed until his wife laughed
through her tears with him; and they
both laughed BO long and loud that
Bridget came stealing up stairs to see
what was the matter, and, peeping
through the doorway, Mr. Brown
canght a glimpse of her curls; and that
set them both off harder than ever, and
"Ob! me!" gasped Mr. Brown, at last,
"don't ever do that again, Sarah.
Don't! Honest for a day! Dear me!
How you would revolutionize the
world! You always were quixotic my
dear; but I didn't think you were
quite so bad as this. Honest for a day!
Ob! eroodness!" And Mr Brown went
off into another peal of laughter that
only was stopped through sheer ex
And poor Mrs. Brown? Well the
only good she saw that she had gained
by the effort was that Mrs. Green was
offended with her beyoud hope of recon
ciliation, and that her husband was
put in a jolly good humor for a week.
DROMORE, Jan. I.—Meetings of both
Nationalists and Oraugement were held
here to-day. Twenty thousand people
were in attendance at, the meeting of
the Orangemen, all the magistrates of
the county being present. T. L. Sulli
van and \V. O'Brien, members of Par
liament, who are also members of the
organizing committee of the National
League, directed the movements of the
Nationalists, who marched from the
Catholic cha|»ol in military order, an
encounter occurring betweeu the Na
tionalists, from Trillick, a town not fur
from Dromore, aud the Orange proces
sion. The Orangemen charged the
Nationalists, but the military interfer
ed and afterward proceeded to clear the
streets. There was tremendous rioting
for a while and several men were stab
The Orange meeting was held in a
field close to Dromore, in sight of the
Nationalists. Colonel Stuart Knox
presided. He accused the Government
of endeavoring to obtain the Parnellite
vote by prohibiting loyal and allowing
Parnellite meetings. Resolutions were
passed opposing extension of the fran
chise in Ireland, condemning the action
of the Government in allowingscditious
meetings in Ulster, opposing Home
Rule in Ireland and endorsing Lord
Rossmore's action at Roslea. Among
the speakers were Lord George Hamil
ton, Lord Claud Hamilton, Major
Hamilton and Lord Caledon.
The Nationalist meeting was held in
a field at the opposite end of the town.
The rival parties were kept apart by
largo bodies of cavalry, infantry, and
When the meetings were breaking
up in the evening several attemps wre
make to attack each other, but the
lancers, hussars, infantry and police
prevented serious disorder. In the at
tempt of the troops to disperse the
crowds a young man named McGivan
was fatally wounded in the abdomen
with a bayonet, and another man was
se'iously injured. Great confusion
pi at the railway station while
the various delegations were boarding
the train by which they were to return
to their homes. The Orangemen sung
"God Savo the Queen," "Rule BritMii
uia," and the other patriotic songs and
gave cheers for the Queen ami the
The motto of the rich, and it i? a
motto very easy to live up to' is. We
are ail Adam's children, but silk makes
the difference.
Chilo once said, Virtue maketh
men on the earth famous, in their
graves illustrious, in heaven immortal;
but he was only an old fashioned Greek.
Hold on to the truth, Jfor it will
serve you well and do you good
through eternity. Hold on to virtue,
it is beyond price to you at all times
and places. Hold on to Dr. Bull s
Cough Syrup, for there is nothing like
It to cure a cough or cold.
The so-called Mahdi's name is Aim
ed Suleiman. The true story of hid
life, as told iu these parts, is like a
romance. ITe is by birth and education
an Egyptian His father was aa offi
cer of the force sent into the Soudan by
old Mebemet Ali, Pasba of Egypt, to
punish the Malek-el-Memo for baviug
burnt the Governor Ahmed Suleiman
was brought up at the school of Khe
dive Abbas, of which Ritfai Bey be
came the principal, when expelled from
Cairo, where he had bt-en director gen
eral of the College of Foreign Lan
guages founded by Mehemet Ali, and
banished into the Soudan. Young
| Ahmed Suleiman quickly proved him
self the ablest of lliffai's pupils. On
' leaving fchool he entered the govern
: ment service and soon rose to the post
| of Accountant General of the Soudan.
At the very outset Ahmed Suleiman
thus found himself on the high road to
a brilliant future. His master, Riffai,
possessed immense influence in the
Soudan and the administration of that
province is now almost entirely in the
hands of his former pupils. He great
ly affected French authors of advanced
political views and wrote a book, the
title of which, "Foatouhat Mekkie,"
he borrowed from the Arabic work of a
certain Mouhiddid Elriel Arabi. Its
motto was: "He who rules as a
tyrant is undermiuing his own power.''
Musiapha Bey Surrag, one of his school
fellows and also employed in an import
ant post, reported on his return from
the Soudan that the chief accountant
was a man of rare capacity and well
versed in Mohammedan law and
history. Finally thrown on his own
resources, and possessed of considerable
capital. Ahmed Suleiman started in
partnership with certain European
commercial houses as a merchant in
slaves, elephaut tusks, gum arabic aud
ostrich feathers. He was reputed hon
est and straightforward iu bis dealings,
and rapidly acquired the confidence of
Mussulmans, Christians and Jews. So
great was the influence which he ac
quired that he was constantly asked to
act as judge in disputes, the parties
concerned preferring to accept his de
cisions to appealing to the courts of
On the conclusion of the treaty be
tween England and the Ex-Khedive Is
mail for the suppression of the slave
trade, llaouf Pasha, Governor of the
Soudan, begun a campaign against the
slave dealers, his principal attack being
directed at Ahmed Suleiman, whose
position and capacity had marked him
out as a natural leader of these traffick
ers in human flesh. Basbi-Bazoaka
were sent to effect his arrest with orders
to bind him hand and foot. These ir
regulars, as a matter of course, tried to
turn their mission good account.
They frankly proposed to Ahmed
Suleiman that he should buy them off
with backsheesh, whicn they offered to
take in negreßs?s, if not convenient to
pay in money. Ahmed Suleiman re
fused the conditions, and a free light
wnsued, in which five of his own follow
ers were killed, hut the Bashi-Bazouks
retired with a loss of eleven slain, in
cluding an officer. Startled at the un
expected issue of this attempt to seize
the rebel, the government sent against
him a batallion of regulars. Ahmed
Suleiman was not daunted. ITe col
lected all the men he could and fought
the troops from behind a rampart of
camels with signal success. The up
shot of this victory was the recognition
of Ahmed Suleiman as the chief of the
slave traders, who entered into a formal
compact to obey him while he resisted
the Cairo Government. Such was the
state of affairs when Gordon Pasha ap
peared on the scene. As a Christian
he could only have succeeded by force,
and even the non-Mussulmans were
dead airainst him, owing to his uncom
promising hostility to the slave trade.
During the whole of this period the
SouJanese obtained supplies of arms
and ammunition from Europeans.
Up to tl is time Ahmed Suleiman
had advanced no sort of pretensions to
a religious title. It was his foes who
first compelled him, so to speak, to
avail himself of the idea. Ilia/ I*nsha,
who became President of the Council
of Ministers after the deposition of
Khedive Ismail, seems to have been
responsible for the blunder. Thinking
to rob the chief rebel of all Moslem sym
pathy he branded him with the epithet
"False Mahdi." The effect of this
step was the reverse of the sanguine
anticipations of Riuz Pasha. Ahmed
Suleiman's followers, who had already
mooted the subject, immediately pro
fessed to find fulfilled in his person the
signs of the true Mahdi. It is more
over estimated that no less than four
thousand persons who had been expell
ed by Raiz from Egypt straightway
came under his flag On the outbreak
of Arabi and the colonels in 1881 Biaz
endeavored to send the famous First
Regiment with the mutinous colonels
to the Soudan. Later on the Khedive
authorized Arabi, then War Minister,
to carry out this intention, and tele
grams were produced stating urgent
need of reinforcements in those parts.
Arabi acquiesced in the proposal and
the regiment was ready to march when
he got an inkling that some trickery
was meditated and instantly counter
manded its departure This measure,
which was only meant to defeat a move
on the part of Cairo antagonists, may
have served Arabi well at an import
ant juncture, as it probably paved the
way for a friendly reception of the
overtures made by him to Ahmed
Suleiman when the Squadrons anchor
ed off Alexandria. On that occasion
Arabi wrote a letter to the insurgent
leader to the following effect: "If you
are warring against the tyranny of this
arbitrary government, come to us with
| your men, your arms and your aiumn
i union and aid us." Ahmed Suleiman
I replied that he would accept his advice
and obey his orders and that he had
put a slop to hostilities, adding that he
was completely at A rain's disposal and
only awaiting iustructk'U? to joiu him
with his whole army.
The collapse of A rami's rebel(i m left
the Mahdi to liirht this bv.tle aloao.
So far, all circumstances have helped
him. At first the mouutain tribes and
inhabitants generally of the Soudan re
fused to place faith in his diviuo mis
sion. but by degrees they discovered in
Lira the attributes of the true Mahdi
and have ended bv convincing them
selves that he is the Simon pure. Mis
disciples aro said to rely in purl on a
book which corresponds somewhat to
the Apocalypse of tLe Christians, styl
ed "El Gafr." This work should be of •
a very comprehensive character, for it
is alleged to indicate that Halim Pasha,
the youngest son of Mehemct Ali, it
the lawful Khedive. The Egyptian
dovernment did more than anything
else for Ahmed Suleiman. If Cairo
had taken no notice of the religious
pretension, it might have been allowed
to die out The Khedive's Cabinet
adopted the opposite view It hoped,
by denouncing Ahmed Suleiman as a
false prophet, to detach from him his
Moslem supporters. Instead of doing
I so the fetvah had quite the contrary
effect Men suddenly awoke to the
fact that there was a Mahdi in existence
aud, hating the ride of the actual gov
ernment, quickly arrived at the con
clusion that he was the true oue.
Various other events have increased
the sympathy for Ahmed Suleiman.
Most of the Soudanese are Malkites.
SheikAlesh Mufti of their f.ect was
thrown into prison by the Egyptians
and died there under suspicion of poi
son. Desire of vengeance prompted
his people to join the Mahdi. The
treatment ot Arabi and the fact that
the English had to snatch him from
execution solemnly decreed even by a
fetvah, has created the impression that
the Egyptians were less disposed to
be lenient to the Mahdi's friend than
the English, who overthrew him. A
great ally has likewise joined Ahmed
Suleiman in the person of Sheik Elen
ousi, who styles himself the fore-run
ner of the Mahdi, aud, what is of still
greater consequence, has at his back
large stores of munitions of war. But
after all the sheet anchor of Ahmed
Suleiman in the disaffection towards
their own rulers of the Egyptian peo
For the First ClasS in Arithmetic.
In one lot there are four calves and
in another two young men with their
hair parted in the center How many
calves in nil'
A mau ordered a ton of coal and re
ceived 1,800 pounds. How much
more was due him and how should he
go to work to get it?
A woman bought eleven yards of
cloth and paid for it with butter, giv
ing three pounds for a yard. There
was a stone weighing five pounds iu
the center of the crock, and the dealer
cheated her a yard and a half in meas
uring the cloth. Who was ahead oil
the trade, aud how much?
A farmer's wife has twenty-two
hens A preacher comes to stay over
Sunday, and she cooks a nice piece of
corned beef. How mauy hens hu3 she
A boy can earn 80 coots a (lay and
heats the old man out of his board nt
$3 per week How much will bo have
after the first grand aggregation of
gigantic wonders loaves town?
Albert has nine marbles and Aaron
steals four. How many are left?
Aaron drops a dime from hi.i pocket,
and Albert swallows it. What was
Albert's profit on the whole business?
Tack a heavy piece of woolen cloth
to your heel aud you won't slip on ihe
Nothing makes a man feel so inde
pendent of public opinion as to bnv»
the price of a fine horse and carriage
in his pocket.
Some people seem to have been
born witout a conscience. You can no
more teach them to do right than you
can teach a crab to crawl straight
How can von expect your child to
be letter than you are yourself ? Tho
old proverb is a true one. How can
the foal amble when the horse and
mare tro* ?
Mr. James Exley, 1203 X. sth street,
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., say: "I hare used
Brown's Iron Bitters as an appetizer
and found them excellent."
Philanthropy sometimes tries to do
to much. On "a cold winter night a
good man was leading a little child by
the hands saying "Here is a poor little
orphan and I'm trying to find his par
--Nothing in the world could possi
bly be more exquisite than this notice
in a partially vacant house:—The up
per part of this house to let, containing
three rooms, a cellar, kitchen and back
Ladies, attention! In the
Diamond I>yes more coloring is given
than in any known dyes, and they give
faster and more brilliant colors. 10c
at all druggist. Every body praises
them. Wells, Richardson & Co., Bur
lington, \ t.
An exchange comes to ns with u
poem entitled "How to Kiss," marked
in blue. Either the author is blamed
proud of his produetioh, or else he
thinks wo dont know how to do it
in either of which case he is 'way oil.
We ofien say if we coidd only
live our lives over again wo would
live them very differently, but we are
apt to forget that if a man has a capnc
itv tor making a fool of himself ouce
he will not be likely to lose the oppor
tunity when the second chnnce is
When a young man in Japan falls
in love with an almond-eyed beauty ho
ties a branch of a mistletoe to the door
of her honse. If such a custom was
in voirue in this country every house
in town that contains a marriageable
daughter or two would look as il it
were getting ready to decorate for the
festival Chrfa'.oiaa holidays
N O. 9