Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 09, 1884, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
Office opposite Wiillard House, Butler. Pa.
Office with F. Reiber. K#q.. in Belber building-
Aflumey at law. Butler. Pa. Office nearCour
flous* 1 , t»vo doors West of CITIZKN office.
Office with L. I- Mitchell,
Offioe with W. H. H. Biddla, Kaq.
Offieeflfl Diamond, near Court Houae, south
aide. _ _
Office In Kiddle'* Law Building.
Office to tefatfidenaan's boilding. np atalia.
Office N. E. corner b£ Piamond
(Late of Ohio.)
Office U Brady's Law Bnilding. 5ept.9,74
Attorn«->-at-l4i» . Office W- A. Forquer
Esq , Main Street, ojiposUe Vogelej toiiAMJutler
I'll. r ft vim* Ifm,
Office IN Brady's IJIW Building
Office wtffe A/ T. Black, Estj., Main street, near
Court House.
«rOivet. particular attaoLan if pVtWtfifiQnM
in teal wfif- throughout the ooux' f.
Omato* OlA*oiu) t »w* Coz,*T BOUSK, IK
ftmzcN *m u>ma j_
Office Main street, 1 door south of House
J. M. THOMPMOV. W. C. Thompson
Attorneys at Law. OWae oajlifi P&H <44e of Jtain
street, few doors North of Troutmau's dry gpods
Offioe with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main
Street, Butler, Pa.
Offioe on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build,
ing. novlS
Offioe on 11. S. comer Diamond. norl'i
Office northeast comer of Diamond, Butle .
Offioe near Court House. - 74
•bl7-75 Office in Berg's building,
AUotutV U Ivftft' and SCBVEYOK, Main street,
Butler, Pa. Om'ce J p. MeJunkin.
South eabt corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa,
Office in Reiher's building, Jefleraon St. ap9l
Offlpe in Brady building. |
Offioe Main street, I door south of Court House
Attorneys at Law
N\ E, Cor. Diamwud, BUTLER, PA.
«T Office on Main street opposite Vogeley
Office in Schneideman's bulldinsr, west side of
Main street, 2nd square from Court House.
Office In Berg's new building, 2d door, east
side Main St., m few doors south of Lowrj
Home. marS—tf
may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond
Office on Main street, one door south o
Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 3,1874.
Attorney at Law. Legal business caretall)
transacted. Collections made and promptly
romltted. Business correspondence promptly
attended to and answered.
Election Notices.
The annual election for 12 Directors of the
Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany will be held at the office of the Secretary
in Butler, Pa., on the second Tuesday of Janu
try next, being the Bth day of the month, be»
tween the hours 1 and 2 o'clock, P. M.
H. C. HEIXEMAN, Sec'y.
The stockholders of the Worth Mutual Fire
Insurance Company will hold their annual
meeting for the purpose of electing officers
for the ensuing year, at the ' school nonse in
West Liberty, Butler county, Pa., on the
second Saturday of January, 1884, being the
12th day thereof. W. E. TAYLOR, Sec'y.
The annual meeting of the members of the
Farmers'and Breeders' Mutual Live Stock
Insurance Association of the United States,
will be held at office of Secretary in Butler,
Pa., on the last Tuesday (29th day) of Jan
nary, 1884, at 10 o'clrck A. M., at which time
officers to serve for the ensuing year will be
JNO. E. BYERS, Sec'y.
A general meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Hannahstown, Butler Co.,
Pa., and vicinity, will tie held at the lmu.se of Mm.
Krausie. In Hannalistown, on Saturday the 12th
day of January, 1884, at one o'clock, P. M. A 1
members are respectively to attend.
HENRT HECK, Bec'y. * ds'B3-3t
Visitors should not fail to call and examine
the largest and finest stock of Imported and
Domestic Liquors in the State, at
Max Klein, 82 Federal Street,
Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne
Passenger Depot.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would deeire to oall the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manaf actor* of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Tarns,
and I can recommend them aa being very dura
ble, a* they are manufactured of pore Bntler
county wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will be sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
Jnlß4.Tfl-Ij Butler. £a
fiT Advertise in the C'ITIXIN.
EitiHle ol Win. Park, Sr.
Letters teotiraentary in the estate of Wm.
Park, dec'd.. late of Middlesex township. Butler
county, Pa , having been granted to the under
signed all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please make immediate pay
ment. and anv having claims against said estate
will present them duly anthentictted for set la
ment „
W i 1.1.1 AM PARK, Jr. - Eirs.
Bakerstown P. 0., Allegheny Co., Pa,
Estate ot Samuel Young.
Letter* ot s<}ni'"' s,rn; ' on eßt4te ol
Samuel Young, dec'd, »sfe of \\ ushiiifcton twp.
Butler county, Pu., bavini: beau t*.reeled fo the
undersigned, a" persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will | lease m .ke Imme
diate payment and any having claims against
•aid estate will present them duly authenti
cate) for settlement,
fc. 0, Hctchisoh, Administrator.
North Hoye P.t». byllgr Pa.
Estate of Jobu Oim, Dec'd.
fitters of administration on the estate of John
pAni. f i.yM late of Washington township, Butler
countv bw granted to the under
signed' all persohAttv^v#j:m^ ,veS ! ' ,ul, * bl l e . d
to said estate will pleaM' ur.tte mo
ment and all havlug claim* against sitfir
will nrMent tllein duly authenticated for »ettle
ment s. C. HL'iCH [SON, Adm'-.
ro No.th Hoi>e, P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Nov. }»Z3. '
Executory' Ssfje*
By virtue ol the provisions of the will of Wll
Ham Thompson, dec'd, late ol Middlesex twu.,
Butler rouuif, i 'he undersigned, his Execu
tors, offer lor sjiU; pari of tup farfjl pf said Wil
liam Thompson, located >u twu.,
Butler county, Pa., ooe mile weal of tlic Sutler
and Pittsburgh Plank Koad, aud Jour miles
east ot the P,<\ W. Railroad, containing FIFTY
halt cleared and iu good cultivation, the balance
wall timbered and all u der fence, is convenient
U) schools ,ipd cbnrches, ib well watered.
For further ibfjt-fciiiuy l&juire ol on the farm
or address,
W. 8. THOMPSON,) F , R
W. R. Thompson,! E* 6 ™ lo •
Glade Will F, 0., Butfer, Co., Pa,
npyl4-3m. !
Estate of |ara|; filler.
Letter* of administration on the above
named estate having been granted to ihe un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims against
■aid estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
XIENKV MILLER, Administrator,
Coullertville P. 0„ Butler Co , Pa.
6. F. BOWSER, Ait y.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of adminislraiion de bonus
npn Jn th.e pstatc of D. Moore, dec'd, have been
Urued to me by the Register of the probate ot
wills lor Butler concty. This is to give notice
to all; arties Indebted to said estate to call aud
settle, and all persons having claims against the
same will present them duly probated for pay
ment. 8. F. BOWSER. Adm'r of
D Moore, dee'J, Butler, Pa.
Estate of Ebeuezer Christy,
Letters of admin inflation having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of Ebenezer
Christy, late of Washington twp., Butler conn
ty, Pa., notice is hereby given to all parties
knowing themselves indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment and any hairing claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for payment
O. W. CHMBTY. j- Adm ra.
North Hope, Butler county, Pa
Auditor's Wot Ice.
In the matter of the final account of Conrod
Wagner, Administrator of John J. Rahyser. Dee.
5, 1883, Court, on confirmation of said account, ap
pointed J. 1), Marshall Auditor to make distribu
tion ol the balancp iu hands of administrator
among those legally entitled thereto.
To the heirs and creditors of said John J.
Rahyser and all others interestered in above dis
tribution, pleiise take notice that I will attend to
the dunes of my appointment, at my office,in But
ler, on Saturday, the l»tn day of Jaiiuarv, l«*4, at
10 o'clock A. M., at wnich time and place all parties
IR interest may appear and be heard.
J. 1). MARSHALL, Auditor.
Dec. 29,18K3. jan2-3t.
Auditor's Notice.
In re the partial account of Mrs. Julia Reel
ing. Executrix of the estate of Bernard Roessing
In the OrphanV Court of Butler Connty, No.
12 Dec. Term, 1881.
Having been appointed by the Court an Audi
tor to taKe testimony, pass upon exceptions, re
state account, if necessary, and make distribu
tion of the fund remaining. I hereby g'.ve no
tice that I will attend to the dnties of said ap
pointment at the office of W. D. Brandon. Esq.,
Butler. Pa., on Friday the 28th day of Dec., A.
D., 1883, at ten o'clock A. M- where all parties
interested can attend.
A. M. CORNELIUS, Auditor.
Jury Lisl for February Term.
List of Travel se Jurors drawn to serve In the
Fob. terra of Court commencing the lirst Mon
day btiug the 4th day, A. D., 1884.
Aldinger, C D Millerstown boro, druggist.
Bovard, Robert Venango twp farmer.
Barr, James Adams twp farmer. -
Keatty, Jno M Oikland twp farmer.
Bellis, Fred Forward two farmer.
Black, J >1 Allegheny twp pumper,
Brown, Samuel Slipperyrock twp farmer,
Burk, P K Karns City boro grocer.
Blakely, Joseph Million twp farmer,
Cimpbeil Ezra Concord twp farmer.
Craig, J 8 Allegheny twp Justice.
Chandler, VVm Clinton twp farmer.
Cooper, Samuel Jetlcrson twp farmer.
Clousc, Peter Buiniuit twp farmer.
Elliott, Perry Worth twp farmer.
E:vin, J A Peirolia borofurniture denier.
Kamsworth, Martin Butfer twp farmer.
Frnzier, John Bufler boro, 2/i ward farmer.
Oallbaeh, W H Zelienople boro merchant.
Gibson, Samuel rt Winfleld twp farmer.
Glenn, John Muddyereek twp fanner.
Heplar, A O Oakland twp farmer.
Htberling, Gott'eib Lancaster twp laborer.
Herr, C E Pefrolia boro editor.
Ladrer, Jacob Lancaster twp merchant.
McMichael. Joseph Clay twp farmer.
McCollougb, J \1 Fatrview twp E farmer.
McGarvey, Matthew Washington tw 8 Inrmer
Nelson, R J Middlesex iwp farmer,
Nicholas, H TV Butler twp firmer.
Rohner, John Cranberry twp Justice.
Robb, ChristieOiklncd twp farmer.
Robinson, Tbos Cranberry twp farmer,
Smith. Henry Fairview twp farmer.
Skiilman, Jas Center twp farmer.
Scoti, I-ha i bers Fan view boro merchant.
Stamm, Solomnn Forward twp farmer.
Bhatlner, G VV butler hor lI<I ward contractor
Bproul, Perry Cln-rry twp tarmcr.
Thompsou. Chas Buffalo twp farmer.
Wallers, John Evans boro farmer.
Wheimore, J C Fairviow twp E merchant.
Those engaged in selling Agricultural Imple
ments or in buying grain or other farm pro
ducts. and who are well and favorably known
in the neighborhood where they reside, pre
ferred. Address
Syracuse, N. Y.
Bricklayer and Contractor.
Estimates given on contract work. Resi
dence, Washington street, north end, Butler,
P»- jan2.ly.
Pure Bred llolMiein Ntoek.
The undersigned have pure! as id from the
Powell Bro*. a oure brod HOIBUCU bull, oue and
• l alf years ol i and weighs 1235 poinds, which
CAI be ooeu at the farm of John Webtr. in Penn
t at aiy time. Terms, jlcsah. or t5
ohargeL J. A PAINTIB,
Joa* W*3£B.
Is the w.inder of the world. It has cured
many cases of Consumption when all
other utter
ly failed. bj ia Chronic Khoiimn
tlsm. In this diseas?TtTa^le\"erl'ai ie3
lu u solitary case. In St-rofnln, wheth
erof the flesh, glands or bones, ill s an un
failing cure. usc iu be seen on isiside of
front lid of " Ills of Life." a book fur
nished gratis to all who apply for it. For
Fi-matfl Wpakifss there never was a
re!m!iTy , every case inter
everything else had failed.
Bnj* kjfrequ e
CalarrKortte Blander, I'ilea,
t »It m, a il I
Enlarge! Orai-iea. For t» rave I
ffG and rriT^2^rDi»caii^7^
It Is the foe of pnln, and brlnei to
the sad'erer. (l-'or a bonk on the " ills of
Life," ask vonr nearest driigrist, or ad
dress S. B. Tturtmau<fcCo.. C -lambus, O.
■ ihtj will seud yoil ouo gratis.)
H Prtrtegl.WO iier Untie, pix Bottleaß
BSa.OO. aol'l by nlil)rug*feta. No. I.J
Opium FatliiMi Htn
rliit, >'f Seminal Weakncsn, nnd Hi'}
- We claim It a apMjlo, si|ii
ruini..— - --..11 arises from
|.iy, because the virus k. ....
t!;eblnod. Its Nervine, Resolveut, Alterative HUU
I.nsntire propertiesincfctallthecunditioiiß herein
referred to. It's known world wide as
It quiets and composes the patient—not by tha
introduction of opiates and drastic cathartics, but
by the restoration of activity to the Etoinachand
nervous system, whereby the brain is relieved
of morbid fancies, which aro created by the
causes above referred to.
To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer
chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whose sed
entary employment causes lervous prostration,
irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or
kidneys orwho require a nerve tonic, appetizer or
stimulant, SAMARITAN NERVIKE is invaluable.
Thousands proclaim It the most wonderful invig
orant that ever sustained the sinking system.
81.50. Sold by all Druggists. The I)R. S. A. RICH
MOND MI2U. CO., Proprietors. St. Joseph. Mo
Cha:. N. CriUeatoa, Agent. Haw Tori City. ' (4)
From tlieso sources arise three fourths of
the diseases ot the human luce. These
symptoms indicate their existence: Loss of
Appetitr, Uutvih costive, Sick Ilead
uche, fullness niter eating, tiversion to
exertion of body or utiuti. Eructation
of fond, Irt-inability of temper. Low
spirits, A frelinpf of linvii>K nrglrctrd
ooine duty. Dizziness, Fluttering at the
Heart, Dots be lore t lie eyes, highly Col
ored (Trine, COMSTIPATIOM, anil de
mand the use of a remedy that acts <ll recti y
on tho l.ivcr. Asa Liver medicine TI'TT'S
ri!,!,S have no Their action on the
Kidneys and Skin isalso prompt; removing
all impurities through these tliree " scav
engers of tile system," producing nppe
tite,sound digestion, regular stools, a clear
skinaiul a vigorous bod\. TCTT'S ril.l.S
causo no nausea or griping nor Interfere
with d lily work and are a perfect
"I liavo liail Dyspepsiti, with Constipa
tion, two years,aud have irit-il ten different
kinds of pills, and TCTT'S are the first
that have done me any good. They have
cleaned me out nicely. My appetite is
splendid, fo"<l digests readily, and I now
have natural passaires. I ferl like a new
man." W. I>. EDWARDS, Palmyra, O-
PolJevfrywhrrr.a.lc. Offi<-e,44 MurraySt.,N.Y.
stantly tonGLossv I'L U K by A single ap
plication of Ibis I>TG. Sold by Druggists,
or sent by express on receipt of S •-
Office, 44 Murray Street, New York.
Is again better prepared than everjbefore to
furnish his customers wilh Holiday Goods
ia liis line. Silverplated ware of the
very best makes and
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
of all kinds and prices. Everything warranted
just as represented. Please call and ex
amine goods and price which will be
as low as goods of the same qual
ity can be sold.
Fine Wafeli Repairing a Spec
Don't forget the place, one square South of
Court House, BUTLER, PA.
Butler's New Departure
For Pianos, Organs, Violins and other Musi
cal Instruments, call at the
; Kleber Bros. & Stauffer,
Main Street, Butler, Pa.
Sheet Music and Music Books always on hand,
or furnished to order. Orders for Piano anil
Orsran tuning and repairing prom >tly attended
to by John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, Pa.
Nov. 14, 'B3, 3m.
Hard Wood Furniture
lor sale at extremely low figures, A great
variety of Beds. Tables, Chairs, Childrens'
Chairs, Ladies' Koekers, iCxfra Heavy Arm
Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Purlor Tables,
Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single .Lounges,
Spring Mattresses, Ac., Ac., at
Nortli Main Street,
for the CITIZEN-
Chased by Bear and Snow
Thrilling and marvelous are the
adventures of those who go up into the
mountains in search of gold and many
are the hair-breadth escapes experi
enced ; but it seldom happens that such
a combination of terrors are met with
as were encountered by George T.
Clark, of Denver, in his recent trip to
Breckenridge, near which place he has
some valuable mining property.
"I started out one morning," he said,
"to visit a mountain located about six
miles southeast of Breckinridge, for the
purpose of fiuding whether the assess
ment had been done on some valuable
property. I w?n{ on foorgeback to th?
base of the mountain, tied inf hori-e
and went up the side on snow-shoes,
carrying a rifle and staff. The snow
was four feet deep. The walk was a
good, stift one of four and a half miles
I attended to the work i bad in band
and as the day was fine I determined
OH enjoying a somewhat more extended
hunt than I had origiually intended.
I skirted around a clumo of aspens on
northeast side of the mountain, keeping
the location of my horse ia sight, and
passed over the rauge and struck up
through some straggling pines for a
mile or more keeping close to the ridge.
I got on a fresh tfsck of g beaf and
followed this tip cjua'e to timber line,
and finding that the game had crossed
the rjdgc J determined to fol|o\f. J
again crossed over the ridge and for the
first time discovered that I was much
higher than I had any desire to be.
Still there was a good decline before
me, nearly five miles, over which I
cov.ld skim with my snovshoes like a
bird ou the wing. Jt was very steep,
however, and bail I bnen less expert in
I should have hes=
me use u»
itated to attempt the descent, bat
bracingruy staff under my arm, setting
my coursp in t|ie direction of rny horse
and slinging my rifle in such a manner
that it could be brought readily into
Uce in case I cought of the bear,
which I observed had taken the route
that I was about to follow, I started.
"The snow was just right for coast
ing, and I swept along like the wind
down thp ljiountain gide. I had ouly
proceeded about a quarter of a mile,
however, when I was forced to slightly
deviate from my course to avoid a
thick clump of trees. Suddenly the
head of a huge grizzly bear was pusn
ed out from under some wild rose
bushes, on the seed of which bears
feed, almost directly in front of me and
not more thaa ten rods ahead. Quick
as a flash I brought my rifle to my
shoulder and fired. I knew that I had
struck the bear, for he gave a roar of
pain and rushed after me. I went by
like a flash. Setting back on his
haunches and placing his fore-paws in
front of bim he started after me. I was
not much alarmed at this, however, as
as I had frequently seen grizzly bears
slide down the mountains in this way
and I felt certain that I could beat one
of them. But in the rush he had made
at me I noticed that he had loosened a
lot of snow and the fear of a snow-slide
shot across my mind. I took a quick
glance over my shoulder and saw that
my worst fears were realized. I knew
that nothing could stop the slide. If
it were not for the pursuit of the bear I
could have stopped at the start and al
lowed the comparitively light rush of
snow to pass me, but it was already too
late for this and the bear was paining
on me. The bear roared with pain
from the wound I had inflicted on him
until his voice was gradually drowned
out by the increasing roar of the snow
slide which was already an awful aval
anche. I did not dare "to look again for
several moments, during which I shot
through half a n.ile of clear space and
struck through a clump of heavy pines.
Occasionally a boulder which had be
come disengaged from the main mass
of snow and debris would come along
of me and then leave me in the race,
carried on by its greater gravity. En
tering the clump of pines I again glanc
ed back momentarily and through the
mist of flying snow, not more than a
rod behiud, I saw the gleaming eyes of
the gii/.z'y. Then all mv attention
was required to steer my course safely
at the niad gait at which I was going
through the trees. „
"In an instant I had whisked
through the forest, the trees of which
appeared to be flying up the mountain
in a grand charge against the now
overwhelming mass of suow and rocks,
and in auother insiant they had joined
the conquering avalanche and were en
gaged in hot pursuit of me and the
"I could scarcely see on account of
the blinding drift of loosened snow
which hud been aroused and the speed
at which I was sweeeping down the
mountain side. Suddenly I found
myself flying through the open a'r and
then again I struck the mountain. I
had passed over a dreadful gully at
least a hundred feet in the clear, and
the thought flashed across me that I
bad at least got rid of the bear. But
hot breath upon my neck convinced
me of my error. The bear had also
crossed the gully in safety and was
still gaining upon me. He evidently
felt that he had me and gave a savage
roar of triumph which sounded above
the roar ancl din of the avalanche. 1
was saved by a miracle. I glauced
over my head just in time to see a
huge boulder crush the bear's skull and
bound harmlessly over my head. But
while the bear was out of the race the
odds were largely in favor of a snow
slide for a winner. Already the drift
ing snow was above my knees and I
expected momentarily to share the fate
of the bear from so/ne of the boulders
hurled out of the terrible mass of mov
ing matter so close behind him. I had
still a mile and a half to go, and while
I was sweeping along with almost
lightning speed the conviction was
growing upon me that I would soon
be a part of the snow slide. Suddenly,
as if by inspiration, a thought flashed
through my mind. It was that 1 could
increase my speed by adding to my
' specific gravity. I cast my eve quick
ly to one side, acd seeing a boulder
bound out of the mass of matter I
| grasped it in my arms. The effort
; almost cost me my life, for if the snow
] had not been piled up to my arm pits
j I would doubtless have been carried
i off my feet. In an I saw that
; I had reasoned correctly, for my speed
! began to increase at a frightful rate,
j I fairly flew along, and before I had
i made half a mile more of the distance
! the snow around me scarcely covered
iny snow shoes, and boulders were
quietly sailing along by m_y side, some
times knocking gently against me, but
doing me no harm.
' The speed was too great to keep
my Lead, and for a moment I mu9t have
lost consciousness \yhen J to
myself I felt my 6peed greatly dimin
i»bed. In an instant I realized the sit
uation. I had struck the gulch, and
was sweeping over it at a still frightful
speed, but with the dreadful SRQW glide
tumbling down upon my bead. In an
instant I threw the boulder away and
dropped my rifle and staff, and prepar
ed myself for a dash up the opposite
mountain in the hope of getting above
tue tremendous vorrenf, whfbh was
Ailing up the gulch. I seemed to
bound into the air as I struck the moun
tain and swept up its side, carried on
by the fearful impetus which I had at
tained. The great wave strqck the
mountain, ;00, 'and H? fary
in one wild dash, which raised a column
of snow hqndrefjs of feet jn height and
shook the bills with its deafening roar.
The column fell and closed around me,
burying me completely under it just
where I had come to a standstill. I
put up my hand and I felt the open air
above me and If new that I ?afa. I
4 worked my s&oeS up kd &nd "incline
and soon found myself on top of the
enow, 1 looked around me and all was
quiet again. I knew that there was no
need to search for my horse, as he was
buried beneath hundreds of feet of sqow
and rock, I" ut protruding through the
snow I saw the foot of a grizzly bear.
I went ever and pulled It out. It was
the bone aad foot that was all, but it
was evidently a portion of the cause of
the trouble. I threw it over my shoul
der and walked to Breckinridge, where
I dined jipon the bearis meat."
Recent Violent Volcanic Erup
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 28. —Professor
Davidson received from Alaska, to-day,
the particulars of the volcanic disturb
ances in October last near the entrance
of Cook's Inlet. On the morning of
the Cth of October, at a settlement of
fisherman an English boy heard a
heavy report. Looking iu the direction
of the sound he saw immense volumes
of smoke and flame suddenly sburst
forth from the S'unmit of Mount
Augustin. The sky became obscured
a few hours after and great quantities
of pumice dust began to fall, some fine
and smooth and some gritty. At 3:30
the same day an earthquake wave
thirty feet high came rushing over the
hamlet, sweeping away all the boats
and deluging the houses. The tide at
the time being low saved the settlement
from utter destruction. This was fol
lowed by two other waves about eight
feet high, which succeededat irregular
intervals by others. Pumice ashes fell
to a depth of five inches, making the
day so dark that lamps bad to be lit.
At night the surrounding country was
illuminated by flames from the crater.
Ordinarily Mount Augustine is covered
with snow. This year it is completely
bare. An examination after the dis
turbance subsided found the mountain
split in two from base to summit. The
northern slope had fallen to the level of
the suyrounding cliffy. Simultaneous
with the eruption was the creation of a
new iftaiid in the passage between
Chernaboura Island and the mainland,
seventy-five feet high and a mile and a
half long. The violence of the volcanic
action was so great that two extinct
volcanoes on the peninsula of Alaska,
lying to the west of the active volcano
Ilarnna, twelve thousand feet high,
burst into activity, emitting immense
volumes of smoke and dust. Flames
were visible at night. It isstated that
the wives of a party of Aleut Indians
engaged in that locality in otter bunt
iug became afraid of the subterranean
noises, refused to stay and returned
home. None of those who remained
can be found. -
Railroad Construction.
CHICAGO, Dec. 20.—The liailicay
Age publishes a summary of railroad
building iu the United States for the
past twelve months. It shows that
6,600 miles of main track was laid at
an approximate cost of $165,000,000,
making the total miles of railway in the
country to date about 120,000. The
construction during 1882 was the larg
est iu the history of the country, 11,-
600 miles; the year before it was 9,800.
The States and Territories which lead
in construction this year are as follows :
Montana, 413; Dakota, 409; Michigan,
406; New York, 375; Pennsylvania,
339; Ohio, 326; Mississippi, 305; New
Hampshire. Rhode Island, Connecticut,
Delaware, Nevada and Wyoming are
the only States and Territories in which
no new roads were built.
This is a free country, sure, but
you cau't get Dr. Bull's Cough Sj?rup
free of charge, it costs you a quarter
every time.
—'How long have you been mar
ried?' asked the clerk at the hotel desk,
as the elderly bridegroom registered.
'Two weeks,' replied the happy man,
'Front,' cried the clerk: 'show the
geutleman to parlor B ; sls a day, sir,'
•Third wife,' camly said the guest.
'Oh! excuse me Front, show the
gentleman to 824 back. Take the
elevator, $4 a week, sir.'
Mi. B. Leiby. Wrightsville, Pa.,
says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for
rheumatism and think it a very supe
rior article "
Old Faiher Time bas cut ano'her
c< upon and we now write 18 84 on our
It is customary on such occasions to
bid the old year an affectionate fare
well, and to pretend to be sympathetic
and sorry at his departure—a little
piece of poetical folly that has come
down to us from the time when the
human miud seems to have been unable
to conceive as an entity anything it
could not personify, and hence personi
fied the facts set down in the almanac,
that it might regard them as one whole
in a series.
But it is useful to take note from
time to time of the relation of fixed
peri >ds in our lives to current history,
and the beginning of a new year is a
good one for this purpose. In the his
tory of humanity 1883 will not be
counted as one of the years, in
deed, yvito regard to historical events
of the first order, it was what the poli
ticians call an "off year," but, as if
compensation were an indispensable in
gredient in the destiny of yeqrQ, i'*3
dull poverty In the chronicle of human
actions is balanced by an unusual glory
in the succession of startling natural
phenomena There were in the year
just completed as many famous earth
quakes as the small geographies refer
to for the preyioi;s course of reoorded
calamities of that kind. Spain led off
with the earthquake at Mutcia in Jan
uary; and in July came the fearful cat
astrophe at Iscbia, by which a favorite
summer city was tumbled down in two
or three minutes and the population
buried in the ruins. Java was shaken
terribly in August, pud Asia Minor and
the Jsles of Greece in October; and in
October also, as recently reported, we
contributed a first-class earthquake and
volcauo of our own up in Alaska. It
is only lately that we have entered the
field as producers of earthquakes,
this ol oi\r infant industries
is clearly not in need of protection.
Rut though the North American earth
quake is little known, the North Ameri
can tornado has a reputation which has
been sustained this year by six dread
ful experiences. In on? tornado alone,
in April, two hundred persous perish
ed. Perhaps when science has classi
fied all the earthquakes and tornadoes
of this year it may guess out the
meteorological significance of our fiery
In the Old Weld there were several
little wars As a curiosity it may be
noted that England did not help her
self to any new countries either in Asia
or Africa, and consequently did not
have any war of conquest on her hands;
but in the war of Egypt against the re
volted tribes of the Soudan, led by the
Mahdi, England had thie interest of one
who perceives that the possession he
covets is thrust upon him. Perhaps
it may be written down that the
Mahdi has made Egypt a British prov
ince. In July that province was rav
aged by epidemic cholera—a pestilence
that followed naturally upon the war
of the year before; but the mortality
vfas nearly confined to the natives of
the couutry. In March England man
aged to have a missionary get into a
scrape in Madagascar. Commonly
sach an event wonld lead to a war of
conquest against some barbarian prince,
but on this occasion the missionary was
troubled by a European State, and
England conteDted herself with much
complaint and a little indemnity. Ire
laud was apparently more prosperous
than in former years, but equally un
easy under the influence of the various
organized agitations, and there was a
great deal of dynamite talked about
and some exploded. In March a gov
ernment office in London was blown
up and there were in October two ex
plosions on the Underground Railway.
These events excited opinion in Eng
land very greatly, and as some persons
arriving in England from this country
were captured with dynamite in their
possession, aud societies here ostenta
tiously declared their intention to make
a dynamite war, these tt ings became
the subject of diplomatic correspond
ence. Joe Brady, the famous Pha*nx
Park murderer, was hanged; Ca-ey
was sent abroad and murdered in turn,
and his murderer was also hauged, and
the rope proved upon the whole more
fatal than dvnauiite.
France burned some gunpowder on
the coast of Madagascar, sent troops to
Senegal, and, through the killing of
Captain Riviere in May, became invol
ved in the hostilities in Touquin which
still engage her attention. Early in
the year some adventurous persons
thought that a French throne was to
be had by a little scrambling, and Bon
apartists and legitimists were equally
ready to scramble. But that little
farce ended with the arrest of Prince
Jerome Napoleon and the passage of a
bill giving the President discretionary
power to expel other pretenders. By
the death of the Count of Chambord
there was a fusion of the monarchies,
since the heir of Louis Philippe be
came also the heir of the elder line of
Bourbon. Through the disappearance
of every dangerous imperial pretender
and the consolidation of other royal
claims there was realized a union of
the dynastic interests the division of
which first made possible the organiza
tion of the present Republic. But no
harm seeuaa as yet likely to come of
this, even though Europe has lately
bad a demonstration of the existence of
a triple alliance made especially against
France, and which appears inclined to
coquette with the royal pretender.
On this side the sea—the natural
phenomena of tornadoes and earth
quakes aside—the year has been one of
exemplary calm. I'erhaps the most in
teresting single event of 1883 was the
opening of the Brooklyn Bridge. Peace
was signed between the lately warring
States in South America. We had our
share of small political excitements and
of labor troubles; and the one magnifi
cent (?) occurrence was that the Demo
cratic party having hung up its shock
ing for Chnstnias, discovered that
somebody had put into it a national
Proceedings of the Teachers' In
stitute Held in Evans City,
December 22, 1883.
The Institute was called to order by
J. F. Shanor, and after music and
prayer, was organized by electing
Couuty SuperintendentJ.il Murtland
Chairman, and Sidney Shever Secre
tary, and after the organization the
Chairman addressed the Institute in
his usual pleasing manner.
Music, "Beautiful Home," by Dillie
White and Allie Belles. Primary
arithmetic was then takeu up by Prot.
E. Bixler, who gave bis method of
| teaching the fundamental rules of arith
metic to primary scholars. Mr. Bixler
certainly understands the subject and
we may infer from his remarks that he
has greater success in teaching it just
alter pay day. Prof. Murtland gave a
general talk on the subject and urged
► the teachers to be more careful in the
teaching of arithmetic so that better re
! suits may be realized. Music l "He
member The Old Folks at Home," by
j the Miss Jrviaea, J. F. Sbanor aud
.lobn Irvine. Declamation, "Yankee
l Courtship," by J. C. Gallagher. The
j declamation was well delivered and it
was highly appreciated by the audience.
Penmanship, by Prof. R. O. Waldron,
who gave a brief history of writing
[ from the early ages down to the present
time. He favors the Spenccrian system
of penmanship on account of its sim
plicity. His time was too limited to
di&cuss the subject as fully as he desir
ed. Mr. Waldron is one of the best in
structors in penmanship in this &tate
and certainly teachers some
valuable information on the sub
ject. Music, "Bright Sparkles in the
Church Yard." Institute adjourned
until 1 o'clock.
Music solo, ' Nearer My Qosd to
Thee," by M' XJOI* Ash- History,
by Prof. J. C. Tinstman, who gave his
method of teaching the subject to ad
vanced pupils. He organized a class
of twenty-one teachers to represent the
presidents of the United .After
the class was organised he asked a
number to ri9e aud relate all the impor
tant events that occurred in the admin
istration he represented. The subject
was further discussed by Profs. Murt
land, Crowe, Bixler and Rodenbaugh
Music, Lead Me Gently Home Father,"
by Miss Clara White, Miss Lin Wal
dron, John irvine and J. F. Shanor
Essay, "What is Education ?" by Miss
Annie Irvine. The subject of English
grammar was then taken up by Prof.
1. Q. A. Irvine, who discussed it for a
short time. Mr. Irvine is one Qf the
best grammarians in the country and
he certaiuly understands how to teach
the subject successfully. Declamation,
"The Polish Boy," by F. A. McKin
ney; Select Reading, "Culture of the
Will," by Miss Dillie White; Music,
' Junita," by Miss Clara White and
Henrietta Irvine ; "Obligations of Par
ents to the School," by prof. J. A.
Braudon, who read an admirable paper
setting forth aud defining the duties of
parents and guardians to the school.
| The subject was discussed by Rev. J.
M. Digbt, Profs. Irvine, Crowe and
Tinstman. Music, 'He Holds the
Pearly Gates Ajar," by the Miss
Irviues, John Irvine and J. F. Shanor;
j Essay, "Education," by Miss Clara
| White; Music, "The Moonlight," by
the Miss Waldrons. W. H. Roden
baugh, C. 11. Geohring and Yirginia
! Cookson, were elected to prepare a
| programme for an institute to be held
at Harmony January 20, 1884, at
which all teachers and friends of educa
tion are requested to be present. There
■ were fortv-tjight teachers in attendance
and the room was filled to overflowing
j during both sessions with an attentive
audience. Tie institute was a grand
' success in every particular and I be-
I lieve it was profitable to all present.
I The County Superintendent took a
very active part in the exercises of the
j institute and gave the teachers such
ideas in regard to their work as only a
! practical teacher, such as be is, and one
who kuows the teachers and schools as
he does, can give. During the after
noon session the pupils of Mr. Shanor's
room presented him with two beautiful
albums as a token of their love for him
aud their appreciation of his labors
among them. After singing "Praise
I God From Whom All Blessings
j Flows," the institute adjourned.
"Say 'Yes,' Grandpop."
Thomas M C. Giveney was before
Judge Allison, in the Desertion Court,
! on Saturday, for leaving and neglecting
his wife. He was so old that he bad
been married 30 years, and had a pretty
little grandchild." His wife was gray
haired and wrinkled. She said the
cause of all the trouble was drink He
thought it was "too much tongue."
The pair argued in a good-natured way
for a quarter of an hour, and then ad
mitted that perhaps it was a "little of
both driuk aud tongue "
"Look here,'' said the Judge, "you
two people ought not to be living apart
after so rnauy years of life together."
"ludeed, sir, we oughtn't,'" replied
the woman with tears.
"We wouldn't, I suppose," said the
aging husband, "only—well—we are
both to blame."
"Now,. you will go home together
again, won't you ?" asked the Judge.
The old man hesitated.
I "Say 'yes,' grandpop—why don't
you say 'yes?' cried a childish voice in
the crowd of auditors. In a moment the
owner of the voice had wriggled
through the throng and was clinging
to graadpop's legs.
"Yes, sir, we'll go home together,"
grandpop said. "My granddaughter,
sir," he remarked to the Court. "She 1
lives with my wife and me. She'd be
kind 'o lonely at Christmas without
grandpop, wouldn't you, dearie?"
"Yes, grandpop."
As grandpop and grandma with the
child between them, turned to go the
Court began :
"After Christmas yon must—"
"After Christmas we will begin a
brand new year," said grandpop.—
i Philv. Times.
Milo on "Hidden Law."
EDS. CITIZEN:— IQ a former article I
promised to write more fully on the
wonderful order and design of Omnipo
tence in nature. To show how certain
phenomena are the result of certain
laws in nature, (or in other words the
result of natural laws) does not in the
least tend to deprive the great Creator
of an j glory as the great originator
whose band holds the Universe. Not
at all. If we should show that the
Earth is kept In its orbit by the attrac
tion of the sun, would it not give as
greater conceptions of the unbounded
power of a being who could decree
' such laws a 9 would govern the solar
system and cause each planet to bear
■ its part iu balancing others, and the
whole— depending on each other
should move in perfect harmonv? Man,
after having done his utmost in search
and research is not supposed to be
able to "measure arms with the Al
mighty. But we are created in the
image of God, in that we have intel
lect and immortality. And while we
may never be able to comprehend the
Creator nor h:s creation, yet little by
little, as the fullness of time arrives,
God is leading scientific meu oat by
shining into the intellect be hAB given
them more perfect conceptions of his
laws. Not that we will say that man
is scientifically inspired, lest some
should object to the term, (although
that would better express our mean
ing) The intellectual and scientific
man receives an impression. Gets an
idea, if you please. By philosophy
and reasoning, be comes to the conclu
sion that certain causes will produce
certain effects. He begins experiment
ing and soon demonstrates the fact,
and the prejudice of the skeptical world
must give way, aod it is soon accepted
and adopted as a well-known fact, and
we are enabled by it to know more of
the wonder and wisdom of the Creator.
There are only sixty-seven known ele
ments io all the creation, and all things
that exist are the result of different
combinations of these elements.
These elements do not nnite at ran
dom, but each one has its certain pro
portion in which it unitea, and in no
other proportion will it unite under
any circumstances whatever. This
(in chemistry) is called "Definite pro
portions," and has been demonstrated
by experiment. To open up the way
we will briefly explain the theory of
"Definite and multiple proportions."
Hydrogen is the lightest of all the
elemeuts, therefore the smallest pro
portion in which hydrogen will unite
with any other snbstauce is lighter
than the smallest uniting proportion of
any other substance. Therefore, hydro
gen is taken for the data, and is called
The smallest proportion la which
oxygen will unite with any other snb~
stance is eight times as heavy as the
smallest uniting proportion of hydro
gen. Therefore the combining number
for oxygen is 8. Then as water is
composed of oxygen and hydrogen, one
proportion each, water will be described
Hydrogen - • - • • 1
Oxygen • - • 8
The number for water is by weight 9
The smallest proportion Ln which
oxygen is found in union with any sob
stance throughout the entire world is
eight times heavier than one proportion
of hydrogen.
The smallest uniting proportion of
iron is 28 times as heavy as tbe small
est uniting portion of hydrogen. There
fore the number for iron is 28. Tbe
uniting proportion of gold is 200 times
heavier than tbe nniting proportion ot
hydrogen; therefore gold is 200, hydro
gen 1. (When two substances unite
in more than one proportion, tbe second
or third proportions are multiples of tbe
first by a whole number.) These laws
never vary, so Qod has uot made the
elements and left them to act at random,
but has also made fixed and exact laws
to govern tbem, and who can say tbat
man has been led to see these hidden
laws without a divine inspiration in
tbat direction, or who ean say that tbe
developing of the laws that govern
nature would take from the glory of
him who made those laws.
This I have given as an introduction
to the subject and am aware that the
explaining of tbe law of definite and
multiple proportions is a very difficult
task and I have never seen it attempt
ed in the columns of a newspaper, and
if it fails to be interesting to your read
ers I hope they may be better enter
tained at some time in tbe future.
Ilarrisville, Dec. 18, 1883.
—Our stores are filled with shoppers
in tbe evenings.
—Samson with all his muaoels,
never lifted a mortgage.
—The Boards of Pardons keeps lip
its reputation of pardoning nobody.
—A lady was reproaching Mr. Wil
liam Warren at a recent reception for
for going into society so little. "Ton
ought to let us lionize yon a little,"
she said. "I never beard of but one
man," replied the veteran actor, "who
was not spoiled by being lionized.'
"And who was he?" "Daniel."'
—The French are very provident
people. The poorer classes make mon
ey in every conceivable way ont of the
neglect of the rich. One great indas-.
try is the going about hospitals collect
ing the cast-off linseed poultices.. The
linen is washed and sold to paper
makers, and the oil is pressed from the
seed and put on the market. Thus
you may get an idea of tbe parity of
iinseed oil "imported from France"
Epilepsy of Nine Years.
"I thank the giver of all good gi'ts,"
writes J. X. Marshall, of Granbr,
Xewton Co , Mo., "for giving me Ba
maritaa Nervine. It cured my da< fil
ter's epileptic fits, of 9 years
Get at druggists. SI.4QL
NO. 8