BUTLER CITIZEN- NEOUS. Lincoln's Phrases—The Source of His Famous Expressions. Probably no political phrase of mod ern origin has passed into more modern use than "government of the , people, by the people, (or the people, which is certainly the best definition of popular government extant. It oc curs in President Lincoln's speech at Gettysburg, Nov. 19, 1863, in this con- this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the peo ple, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." . . Thus introduced it ia not surprising that the happy phrase should have been considered entirely original with Lincoln, which it is not as the follow ing extract shows. In a speech ered by I>aniel Webster, January 26, 1830, we have precisely the same "The people's government, made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people." In a speech delivered by Theodore Parker, May 20, 1850, we have it "There is what I call the American idea * * * This idea demands, as the proximate organization thereof, a democracy—that is, a government .0 all the people, by all the people, for all the people; of course, a government ot the principles of eternal justice, the unchanging law of God; for shortness sake I will call it the idea of freedom." Parker undoubtedly, we think, took the idea from Webster, and probably Lincoln had the two in his mind whea he wrote the Gettysburg address, for he was a warm admirer and follower of the great preacher, as well as the great statesman. Yet he improved ®pon both in his definition; it is clear- JUHI more compact than either, and therefore better fitted for public use. In Lincoln's second inaugural is an other phrase equally felicitous, and almost as frequently quoted ? "With malice toward none, wilf) charity for all, with firmnes in the right as God gives us to seethe right." "The following from a letter written "by John Quincy Adam* July 30, 1838, to a gentleman in Massachusetts, ac knowledging an invitation to attend a celebration of the final abolition of sla very in the West Indies: "In charity with all mankind,bearing no malice or ill will to aoy human being, and even compassionating those who hold in bondage their fellow men, not knowing what they do." It is not likely that Lincoln ever saw this letter, and if he did he has improved the phraseology even more than in the other case. Absolute ori ginality in such matters is as difficult as it is rare. For instance, when Kossuth was in America soliciting aid lor the Hungarian revolutionists, he often, in speaking of money, called it the "sinews of war," and many believ that the phrase was his own invention. Yet, according to Bartlett, the identi cal words, in Greek, are used by Li banius, by the Scholiast on Pindar, and I'luiarcb, in his life of Cleomenes' says: "He who first called money the sinews of state seems to have said this with special reference to war." De mosthenes, alluding to an empty treas ury, says: "The sinews of affairs are cut;" and Diogones Lnertius repre sents Bion as saying "that riches are the sinews of business"—meaniDg pub lic business. Lord Bacon uses the phrase, "sinews of war," precisely as Kossuth did, and the latter probably borrowed it from the English philoso pher.— Si. Louis Republican. —The aesthetic movement in En gland has entirely died out, because— well because people think there is more good common sense in taking a bottle ofl>r. Hull's Cough Syrup than in carrying a lily. —Some men are just blind enough not to see their duties, but they can see all their rights very clearly. —lnstead of feeing tired and worn out,instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feci fresh and strong? If you continue Iceliug miserable and godd for-nothing you have only your sclv to blame, for Brown's Irou Bitters will surely cure you. Iron and cin chona are the principal ingredients. It is a certain cure for dyspepsia, indiges tion, malaria, weakness, kidney, lung and beart affections. Trv it if you de sire to be healthy, robust and strong and experience its remarkable curative qualities. —People add to their troubles by anticipating them. It is a good rule never to cross a bridge until you come to it My Wife Had Fits. "For 35 years," says our correspon dent Henry Clark, of Fairfield, Lena wee comity, Mich., "my wife had fits. They would last about an hour, aud sometimes longer. Samaritan Nervine has permanently cured her." —A great many people in the world who are not intolerably disagreeable are, nevertheless, as disagreeable as circumstances allow. WAT-COTT, N. Y , April 5, 1882. Rheumatie Syruy Co.: Gents—Having been afflicted with the Rheumatism over eight months in my left hip, at titi.es I could not get a uight's rest, or even lie on that side on account of sucb pains running through my hip aud down my limb, the Rheu matic Syrup was recommended. After taking one bottle the pain left me, and i could lie on that side as well as ever. 1 have felt no symptoms of Rheuma tism since. I think us a Rheumatic cure it has no equal. A. 11. Tif ACKER, Merchant. IICTLEfI CKNTER, N. Y. Rheutpatic Syrup Co : Gentleman—l think it my duty to recommend your wouderful medicine— Rheumatic Syrup. I have been trou bled with kidney dillk-ulty (or many years; have been treated by different physicians, but could get only tcmpo r< ry relief uutil I commenced taking your Syrup Had taken it but a short lime before it before it began to help me, and to-dav I am perfectly well. Mils. L A. H'BBAHD. —Tin II ading Eagle prints an arti cle heud;d "When hell id t» begin." We didn't read it, but presume it his reference to the tinio when the beer supply will run short ia Heading. j There is an old Gaelic taw which runs thu?:—"lf the best man's fau'ts were written on hii forehead it would make him pull his hat over his eys" —lf you have dined with content ment you have dined as well a» the Lord Mayor of London. The man who deliberately gors into temptation is I' ke one who holds a candle that the devil may llud him more easily. The Jury Went t: Dimmycratic." A pretty good story is told upon the authority of one of the Post-office De partment Inspectors who was seut to North Carolina to atteud to the prose cution of P. man wLo had rifled the United States mails. \V bile the In spector was waiting for bis case to be called he sat in the Court room. A jury filed into the Court-room, and the Inspector observed that it was compos ed of seven white and five colored men. "Gentlemen of the jury, have you agreed upon a verdict?" asked the Clerk in that solemn manner which pertains to Court Clerks. "We am, sir," responded an old grav-haired negro man, who had been made fore man of the jury, either out of sport, or because of his white head. "What is the verdict?" asked the Clerk, "Why Jedgc," said the colored foreman, look ing up at the Court, "de jury am gone 'dimmycratic.'" members of the Legislature have any thing to say in defence of themselves, they are welcome to space in the Jour, nal. Speak up and tell why you drew double mileage and pay for days you were at home attending to private bus iness.—Cranfard Journal not to stay." We do not wonder, with such a cold as yours, but there is a bright side to everything, rnd sunshine ewfo fo? ibogp racked with pain. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup iii-vef f#;|£ to cure the most stubborn cough. kindly toward you, you had best begin }jv being kindly toward them. The man wi*o gratters thorns had better not go barefoot. There is a butcher in Edinburgh who is so careful to serve fresh meet to his customers that he only Kills half & Lcaat &t a time. —Homa*pathy ib said to t/sgpmblo the conditions of a sale of land; a quaFt ter down, and the balance in one, two and three years. —-kfr. fjeorge Rudy, VVrightsvill •, Pa., says: "I was yery bloated with dropsy. Brown's Iron lSitt©»g» gave me immediate relef." asks, very politely, "Madame, smoking trouble you? ' Oh, yes, monsieur; not ordinarily, but to day ' "Ah! madaine," replies Guibol lard, in a very sympathetic tone, "how much you are about to suffer!" ™-While the arrangements were being mado for a party a few even ings ago, a young lady present inno cently inquired, 'is the iijvit4t}Q9 to embrace the young ladies?' 'Ob. no,' replied a young man, 'the gentlemen will attend to that.' And the youug lady wonders what the young man meant. Consumption Cured. All ol«l physician, retired from pracllue, iitiVii.o had placed in his hands by ail Hast India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and |>criuaiieut cure of Consumption, llronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Luiiif \tTections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after bavins tested tlit'ir wonderful curative pow ers i:i thousands of cases, ijys felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellow*. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sjif forinfi, 1 will send free of charge, to all who de_- .sirc it, this recipe, in (ierman, French or Knglish, wilb full directions for preparing ai)d using, Sent bv mail by itddressing with -taiap. nainnig tills piper. W. A. XOYKS, HI rower's Block, liochestt r, N Y. Sept!2-Sl-ly'eow R AT H E RTOOLONG Alter Ttiemy Years oil Che Wroi>K Mile ol Lile a Vir ginian Turns the Tables. "How long did you say?" "Twenty years, I saiil. Up to the time I msntioned I had suffered from dUe:tsjd liver for twenty year?," said Mr. T. I>. Hancock, of Richmond, Va , half sadly, as though thinking of that dilapidated section of his life. "At times 1 »lmo«t w i.-lied it had pleased providence to o;nit the liver from the human anatomy." "Bail enough—twenty years of that sort of thing," responded a listener. "What was the upshot ol it?" "The upshot was that some time ago I went down to Scott's dru/ store in this city, and bought one of Benson's Capcine Pjrous Plas ters, applied it and was relieved in a few hours, and am now as sound as though my liver were made of india-rubber." IJenson's—unlike t*»e ohl kind of plaster*—- act promptly. Liolc tor the won! CAPCINL, wliich is cut in the genuine. Price 23 couts. Seabury Butler county, Pa., one roiie west of the Butler and Pittsburgh Plank Koad, and lour miles east ol the P,.* W. Kailroad.oontaimne FIFFf - NINE AND ONE-HALF (59)5) ACKES, one. half cleared and in good cultivation, the balance well tiipbered and all u der fence, is convenient to t-ehools and churches, i'.nd is well watered. f"sr tpftter information inquire ol on the farm or adareiii,' W.B. TnoMfiw*.» Executon ». W. R. THOMPSON,) Glade Mill P. l>., Butler, Co., Pa, novl4-3m. Estate of Sarali Miller. (LA.TR or CLAY TWI\, BUTI.ER CO, DEC'L)) ; Letters oi aJmlnlsfxatlpn on the above OrftneiJ estate )Ur\t>£ b.eep 'KP"#!? to UW oa dercltued, ail p» rsowe kuowi: g Uieniselifc* In debted to said estate will please make irnwer diate payment and any haviug claims said e'tate will present tlicrn duly authenticated for settlement. , , . 11ENKY MILLER, Adroinietrator, (.PilltmV'!le P. 0,, Butt; r Co , Pa. », p. Aduiinlstrntor'ii Notice. V.'hcrcas letters of adminislration de bonus non In the estate of D. Moore, dee'd, have been Urued to me by the Register ol the probate ol willa for Butler concty. This is to give uolice to ail!.art , 'J» Indebted to said estate to call and ecu i}ll'ppr»pr»s having against the same will pieeuut tlicui dajtf prPfeWfl W pi»/- mcnt 8. F BOWSER. Adm'r of D Moore, dec'J, Butler, ra. Estate ol Ebeneaer Christy, OF WASHINGTON TWP., BUTLER CO., IA.) Letters wmipist'»tion having been grant ed to the under.iiijued'on the otlate of Chiisty, late of Washington twp., P ut %f ' FPh 1 } ty. Ta., notice is ht'reby' giVeu to all parties knowing themselves indebt«d to said estate t6 iutlo :immediate payment and any having claims •gainst' said —in? «i!| ? r ?«cnt tLem duly authenticated for payment Mr.s. J ASK CunisTY, I . Q. W. CHBISTV. j A m "• North Hope, Bn.!«r ?onnty Pa Auditor's Notice. In re the partial account of Mrs. Julia ing. Execut.ix of the estato of Bernard Itoessing dee'd. In the Orpliam' Court of Butler County, No. It) Db'i. Tei'fj), ISSt. Having (vecu appointad by flip Qgnrt an Audi tor to take testimony, paeg upon exception!., yp state account, if necessary, and make distribu tion of the fund remaining. I hereby give no tice that I will attend to the duties of said ap pointment fho C'fl&c© of D. Brandon, £sq>, Butler. Ta.. oh Kri.lay iiw JStb dny of Dec.. A. D , 1883, at ten o'clock A M whore all pailtae interested can attend. A. M. COBNF.I.IUS Auditor. ( Jeeiioit \ot!<■*»«. BUTLF.K Ml'i'L'Al. 1-jltS fOMPASY. The annual election for I*2 Dtreut'ira ot l|»? Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Com panr will he held at the office of the Secretary in Butler, Pa , on the second Tuesday of Janu ary next, beiug lite Bth day of the month, l>e (ween the hours 1 and 2 o'clock, P M. 11. C. Sec'y. WOE-ru MPTrAP- The stockholders of the Worth Mutual Fire | Insurance Company will hold their annual ( meeting for the purpose of electing officers for the enf-uinjj year, at the school house in West Liberty, Butler county, I*a., on the | tucmd Saturday of January, ISB4, being the 12th day thereof. W. K. TAYLOU, Seo'y. KAKMERS' ASD BREEDERS' MCTCAL UVli STOCK IKSPRASCE ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the members of the Farmers' and Breeders' Mutual Live Stock Insurance Association of the United States, will be held «tot Hoe of Seoretary in Butler, l'a., on the last Tuesday (29th day) of Jan uary, 1834, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at which time officers to serve for the ensuing year will be elected. BY OKDEKOK THE DIRECTORS. J NO. E. BYERS, Sec'y. Notice. A general meeting of the Farmers' Mutual Fiie Insurance Company of Itaiiiiahstown. Butler Co., Pa., and vicinity, will be held at the hotisu of Mrs. Krausie. in llannahstowii, on Saturday the Itfth day of January, I**l, at one o'clock, I*. M. Al members are respectively to attend. JACOB BECK,Pres't. HEXBV IIEOK, Sec'y. dVB3-3t BRICKS! BRICKS! The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bav window suid other qual ities at his kiln ou tlifa Fair (Jround road, half a mile west of Butler He will Keep on liiti'd a lot of bricks at all times, lie will also make and Uufu brick m the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he intends carrying on the brick making business, he invites the custom of all, promising to givu entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize him. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. Cail on or address, J. GEORGE STAMM, marCS-'S3 Bu;l r i ». 9EIGMWB THAT Patterson, the One Price Clothier and (jenia ; Furnisher has a Fine Stock of new Winter Ciothing for M eu9 't Boys' and Children?' Wear at one extremely Low Price to all. PATTERSON'S, Daifty Block, Duller, Pa. trno rs UHACQUAINTIO WITM TH? OCOO«APHR of TH:S ixxiff* THY WILL HE BV gXAWIWIMQ CHICAGO, ROCK ISLiND S PACIFIC H'Y Br tbc oentral potitlon of its line, oonneet* th# Eut and ihe Wea: by the aborteat routs, and car rica Lttbacngers, without change of cara, between Ctncago and Kanaaa City, Council Bluffa Leaven worth, AtchiiOU, Miaucapolia and St. Paul. It conneeta in Union Depots with all the principal lines or road between the Atlantic and the PaoiHc Ocpftsp. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnni tufl'i aod Itißßaftpslta ft, Paul,?i~ "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneea and K.mko* kec, has recently bean opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au- Tfn«bville. Louisville, Ijeiinptou. Cincinnati adiaiwijPvao aua Wtuwiu, 0 karafcas? i« often sohl for 12 or 14 karats. It Is NOT economy to buy a watch case so poor in quality that it will soon lose its color, or one so soft that it will lose its shape and fail to shut tight, thus letting in dust and damaging the works, or one so thin that a slight blow will break lh« ckystulj and perhaps the movement. &IS fetopoiny to'puy a Jame? Boss! Gold Watch Case, in which none of these things ever occur. This watch case is not an experi ment —it has been made nearly thirty yaus. JIA ZI ETOS, PA., Oct 24,188 i I eo!d two James B6es' Gold VVaieti Uiirty years ago, when they firbt t-anie out, anil they are In trood condition yet One of them is carried by a carpenter, Mr. L. W. Drake, of Uazletcn, and only Ehows the wear in one or two places; the other by Mr. Bowmen, of Cuuuing-ham, Pa.; and I can pro duce one or both of those ca*a! at any time. SYLVESTER ENOLE, Jeuelrr. Sr».l a rent iui>|i to At/uo»ii IVali li Cw l'»rthlrt .liowKb haw Jaisti VO'W anil lir;.UM IValrh l lns art' made. (To be Continued.) « The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be ha l of E. GRIE B«» WATCH 1 JEWELEB, Tlain St., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goo ls Store, J2;H1IW(» \ A< Ai) Tr ffl V , CANONSBURG, PA. One of tlie best schools. Thorough preparation for college. rL uce required. Salary an I ex penses paid. 7W)acrc s of Fruit ami Ornamental Tree®. Shrubs, Kcies,etc. W. 6c T. SMITH. Geneva. N. Y. T # % 198 ÜBERTV ST. B yiTTBETTBOK. 2>A- NO RIVALS IN THE FIELD I run bcis leit siihd an iu cayßTrui nns ON THE QUESTION OF LARGE VS. SMALL STORES. '1 i a i largo « a . i. ■ o-jadac' • 1 n:.der conn ierab'e le~«s expjnso ll.an a t-ina'.l one (difference ir. receipt* consi lered), no cn s who give 8 the tu j- -2t a moments i!iu wid deny. an 1 can a better il i;s;rat:on of the truth of this Hta.emei.t be found than with ourselves. W« bav< i • <;!.«»' sil !i T und ti T NTS'FURNISHING GOODS Store in America. Our e eve-i spacious salesrooms (not counting in our WLont.. i>e; »il:ac. : .Sj ELEVEN GRAND STORES IN ONE. Our da.iy aro five greater than any sk>re in on. lino. Tl.c piices we .ink for goods are from 2C to 33 per cent, below all oompetit on an lin man n-tanc. ssi l er ■ >'it cm Iwsivo:. That is nut mere asstition. a visit to and through our house will prove it. It is the aegregate of our «a'tf a:i! q a'lt OVFIICOATS. BOYS'«V CIIILDUENS'CLOTHING MENS' AND BDTs' HATS AND MENS' FURNISHING GOODB. OA PS. Good substantial Stoel Gray Union Casaimere tuits well Nobby anil well made Jlirl Stiff Wo 1 Hits, all shape , White, or Gray Mixed Merino made and trimmed SCO Flue Kilt t-uits.. . ..v2 50 '• <■ :i .d 7">. shirts 25c, and 35c. \pry 1 ..:'dso;ne Kilts, with M &t\ ta nu.ll:') Sii.l Hats 11 Extra Heavy shirts or drawers, Fancy mixed Union \Voreftd l'lcalod 1i.ic!:5........». ? I ;0 n d fl 40c and 50c. Bjii's, fancy li;ili.gs s>'nd but- Ui-yb short rants, Suits, apre V us' black or 1 rown Derby All wool Scarlet Knit bliirt or tons •« 500 ;i to 12 rears t-evetal styles |j. l; . si r,o, 50. diawers S7c. , . , .... '.'J ? al , or r i a j t s|} ; All wool Donblc-brensted Scarlet B own Mised Cheviot 'Vic- I-ancy 1 Icalcd at M. •>'•: .Mens' Jlroitiw >y Silk 11 its -St 00. Flaunel shlru $1 50 tory Mills," full i-ud 87 50 Pinched,; Gray at 4=4; 20 «?!« M«» sl.nposa'l wool Mc.'s'Cl in< hilla nd PlnsV. Caps Extra size Merino Underwear, hnndi ed *i'J. .7' 5 °- •' 7sc *'• «to 5* incite. 75c and #1 00. ^ I 'mrnS p,,a or * tW Cloth Q to v «, best English make, Parable Brown or Gray Sack at *• Chinchi.l i WliQol . s ■>. i-i. t i arr.l - s ••s* 1 ! 'l c ' Caps, Suspeuders, tnirlis'i and Ameri- Plaiu Beaver Bluo Chinchilla " ''v /'w 1 Web, 20c, »sc, 35e, 50c. fi'fllvt!".! ' r , ... p. , | ... . < htl2reu s 1 inh.vis, all colors and t'uncy IriiiviQ - .. ... ' _ . Overfoata J.'. 7«. co ts, ?8 511. t4. ju. ioo, ai d . . Four ply Linen Collars, best U ' ' 4 ~ * ;Poya overcoats, ajjea 10 to 17; .. styles, 10c. Blue Black or Brown Plain ' wo. liavo a Gray l>i2j,i.iial Ihi--esnbra: es i.uly a j art of tte Perfect fittiug Laundried Ca'etor Beaver oveicoits .*lO ill at i-S. a h'aeey it :>ck < a-si- 'rcii.cnd'His stoi k we arc now Dreea Shirts, 75c, ?1 aud fl 25. n:cre at %5, Stylish Ulster- -h;nvin;j. At tl2, SIS, tW. *lB, we have ettes ai io. Elegant Dress _ 1,000 Scarls. Ties, shields, Ac., beautiful oyercoata, nru'.o Overcoats at ?10 Vei.s' Knie Fur Soft Hats, twen- for for the very finest City 1 r.nd *l2, 'ty siy.< % f!\c, It) Tboueands of silk handkcrchieto TtaUa : j _ J. „ 11 ,r '^ c aut * c • A ticket entitling tlic boUUv to it cbanee to win :i beautiful horse and eU'jfiiit j>haeton (including harness), a magnificent grand square piano, aind a beoutil'nl s«K of parlor i'liruitu»t», total value $2,000 Will ho C4§v<»EJ wish lives'}' Purchase 60 matter how small the tame may be. The public thawing u ill fake p'aee January Ist, I>B4, and the lucky number announced in this paper Free! Free ! No Charge! Sample, rulos .n* self .ucasnreuieiit and our Ulustrafed Fashioit Journal, coptaininx all of the prevailing styles of the season, and telliaff how to orijer goods by mail, will he sent free of charge upon apulication to any tuldress. A penny postal card will bring it to your house, &u4 may be the soli ran ef saving many a dollar to you. lv A- u K M! j\. N IS! > B, The Reliable One Glclhiers, 83 to 83 Smithfield, Corner Diamond Street, - PITTSBURGH, PA HAPPY HOMES! HAPPY HOMES! THE NUMBER OF HOMES MADE HAPPY by the use of the celebrated Labor and Health-saving is beyond power of computation. Our facilities for the production of it are t3xcd to the utmo«t to bUpcly tht OrdersthLt pour In upon us from this B r eat wide ar.d prcgressive country. Right here >n your section it Isbclnn used extensively and many can testify to its wonderful properties. •'•• J. TVrJFTn ROeOBJMS V. 'i DAY'S SCALDING- OR TinVrappors «re Sbxiil and can be uud tor smooth, inglhe surface of it is to the ladies we desire to speak more especially —you are the interested person in this matter; you it is that suffers the ills arising from the wash-tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that shouid interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to hav« you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring us ; we do not come to you as irresponsible parties, who have no reputation to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand of soap upon an absolute guarantee and recommendation of a well-known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you sup pose for a moment it would compensate us to maks false statements to you and ruin our well-earned reputation? No, dear reader; what we say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sustained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from all over the country, besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. DAY'S SOAP is the ORIGiMAL and anSy F&TENTED ~ A a a MA ———— The Miners'Ckin and Clothes. DAY'S SOAP WILL CLEAN ?S8 U9% B Vw'l MimißßidMß Everjbodys Skin and Clothes. 11k (here liot economy in tile nitc of Soap tliiit will clean til'- skill wrll a.* | sh# c}«>lti«-n ! Thl» DAY'S SOAP will sorely do. It « ill in no E Upmost. if ltcK.-Xormans English Draft Humes, Trottinq-Bred Roadsters, Shetland Ponies, Hohtein and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZEN. july2s-9m. ! *i? *.LI /.HJL -M3U SC J'JEjßl'.'j put! e;!MM pus 39111 s&qjois jriq 'josigcj-vjsb/k. opf Jrt&c*. jci; ' *i|scm t.fep guei| rj j« iinsa.i tc sisui;3is on *SJOpc }U£teß|dun -rieofi £iq ; Cuisn £q a jus 'atuix jju>-£ sacs Union Woolen Mills. I would den ire to call the attention of the public to tho Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FCTLLEBTON, jn124,'78-ly Butler. Pa Ml LIVERV STiBLE Leibold & Troutman Have opened a Livery Stable on Jefferson St., first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hand. Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horses bought and sold. oct3-3m. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es : lablishment. A health 1 tit tit on in its 30th year. For nearly all kimls ol Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. OPBN AT ALL SEAXOKS, C iculars free. Address, S. FREASE, M. D., jylS-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. Advertise ia the C'ITIZBN. QCEES VICTORIA. Court circles in Englan! irj ajiiiu< about the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this is difficult to reach by ordinary treatment which accounts for her lingering illness, there - a »ui« and certain remedy for it all and kindred affections,which eh* ought to know of and us >. i:i| DB. FENNEB'S KIDXEI AND BACK-ACHE CUBE. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it cures infinitely worse cases than hers: Fredonia, N. Y.. Mar. 8, 1883. Dr. M. M. Fenner—Dear Sir—For years I had been differing from a combination "of KIDNKY DIKEAHE. HEART DISEASE and PEUALK «T'A£X£J!l. I had a heavy aching pain over my kidneys with cramping o: my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCASTT and TBRBID flow of nnne; BLOATISO O» UJIBS and a OEXERAL DROPSICAL cosDnios; also PAIS, PALPATATION and DuorsT of the HEART. My condition was a distressing one, aud all treatment and KIDNEY REMEDIES gave little or no relief. I have been taking your "KIDHEY ASD BACK ACHE CURE" with the most happy result. It had relieved all the unfleanant symptoms that Lars followed me so persistently and so long. I never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure so completely. lam doing mv own work. Yours truly. MBS. JAMES FULLEIi. DB. FENNEB'S SOOTHING BYBDP—Pleas ant. safe, certain. Produces good rest, go«d temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNEB'S CAPITOL LITTERS—Th purest and best stomach tonic known. Dr. FENNEB'B SALT BHEUM OINTMENT — YELLOW AXO WHITE — A cure for ALL Ml# DisEAsrs. See directions wrapi>cd around package. DB. FENNEB'S BLOOD AND LIVEB PILLS —The best family physio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DR. PBXTSEU'S PEOPLE'S HMIWM, ARE FFTED ALL OVER THE WC ELD. And are for sale by J, L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller, But'or, Pa. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., HAWUTACTUBEWT niALIKS IX Rough and Plansd Lirmier OF BVKRY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDING SASH, DOORS. FLOORING. SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham St*. (J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. VVM. CAMPBELL, TRKASUUER. H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIIiECrORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. HelmboMt, William Campbell, jJ. W. Burkhart, A. Tronlman, ! Jacob Schoene, G. C. Rocasing, ' John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, i J. J. Crol). A. B. Rhodes, n. C. Helneman. JAS. T- M'JUNKIN, (Jen, Az't BUTLER Holiday Goods! All the very latest designs in Fine Parlor Lamps, Belgian Glassware, Bisque Novelties, China Vasesj Silverware, Bronzes, &c. The largest and fl est selection of these goods in this city, sclo ted especially lor holi day trnd-\ Strangers to ibis city will consult and be instructed by giving us a call. j. p. sun. sen t co„ 189 & 191 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. d12'83-4w HOUSE A tfD LOT FOR SALE. A VSRY COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, cellar, oat house# and two lota of ground In Butler will b sold on reason able terms. Call at office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-14tf. Butler Pa. FOR SAI*E. 18 Acres of laud, with large two-story brjuk honso and large barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in Batler twp , Butler county, Pa., adjoining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQnistion, Esq., Butler, Pi. Union Woolen MilL BUTLER, PA. H. FCT.LERTOIV, Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKSTS, FLAHNKLS, YARNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such ai carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Unit ing and Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low piiccs. Wool worked on the shares, It de sired. my7-ly MORRIS NURSERIES, "West Chester, t*a., GROVER & KINNB. Fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, etc., etc. JA I *. M. AUAMS,Agent, nov2l-3m Butler, Pa. EMW ffcSTOPPED FREE ■ ■ Marvelous success. ■ ■ Insane Persons Restored I ■ Dr.KLINE S GREAT ■ ■ NERVE RESTORER •»■«//BKAINFTNLSVI DLSBASBS. -OnJyn.it *rg /or Nerve Affections, Pits, FPHe+sy, et<\ ILLIWLK if Uktn as directed. No Fiir afte* day's use. Treatise and $a trial bottle tree ta atients, they payingexpres* charges an bo* wbeA red. Send names, r. O. and express address ot ted to DR.KLINE, O3I Arch St..Philadelphia,Pa. fists. SHWAJCM OF IMITATING FRAUDS* ■jgF-BIITTEB ffilwiSA For COLOR and SWEETNESS IHlSfl Use BEAN'S CONCENTRATED BBWIH Extract of m C«lor. BrijkUrt »* ' and BtroMfMt. or cb*nt, or »en 4 ol#. In for » M«pto. oolqriaM 600lbt. to BIAS, RAttE t CO.. S*. M 3 MariH St., tIILAD "A.