BUTLER CITIZEN' 31 A TERRIBLE PROPHECY. The Red Sunsets Cyclones and Earthquakes Foretelling Coming Disaster —How to Meet It. The recent mysterious appearances ollowinr sunset and preceding sunri-e have attractel wide attention {ro::: students from the skies, and the people generally. During the days of recent weeks the sun s-jenii to have be.?n ob scured bv a thin vci of a dull leaden hue which, as the sun receded toward the horizon, became more luminous, then yellow, then orange, then red; and, as night settled down upon the earth, a duli purple. At first it was thought these appearances were ordi nary sunset reflections of light but it is now pretty certain that they are either the misty substance of the tail of some unseen comet, in which the earth is en veloped, or a surrouuding stratum of world dust or very small meteors. Professor Brooks, of the Red House Observatory, Phelps, X. \ ~ has turned his telescope upon these objects and discovered what he thinks are myriads cf telescopic meteors. If it is unorgan ized world du.-t, or decomposed vapors, as the Democrat and Chronicle of Ro chester, X. V., remarks: 'How is this matter to be disposed of? Will it settle and form a deposit upon the earth, or remain a partial opaque shell about the earth to cut off a portion of the sun's light upon it ?" Whatever the mystery is, there is no denying that some very strange forces are at work in the upper airs. The terrible tornadoes and cyclones which have swept our own country, and the fearful volcanoes and earthquakes which have destroyed so many cities and thousands of people—the tidal waves which myzteriousfy rise and fall on coasts hitherto unvexed by them— the tremendous activity which is evi dent in the sun by the constant revela tion oi enormous spots upon its surface —all indicate unusual energy in the heavenly bodies. These circumstances recall Professor Girimmer's prophecies that from 1881 to 1887, the passage of the five great planets—Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn—around the sun would produce strange and wonderful phenomena, lie says: "The waters of the earth will become more or less poisonous. The air wiil be foul with noisome odors. Ancient races will disappear from the earth." He attempts to prove bis prophecy by the fact that in 1720, when Mars and Saturn made their passage around the sun coinci dentally, great destruction and mortali ty visited all parts of the globe. He also found the same results in previous perehelion passages of the planets, and argues that these circumstances always produce epidemics and destructive dis eases which will baffie the skill of the most eminent physicians; that the poor will die by thousands, the weak and in temperate falling first, those whose blood has been impoverished by excess of work or dissipation next and only those who are in comparative vigor shall escape to enjoy the era of renew ed activity and prosperity which will follow the period of destruction. Inasmuch as the entire world seems subject to the sway of the heavenly bodies no part ot the earth, he thinks, can escape scouraging. ile even pre dicts that America will lose over ten millions of people; tliat farmers will he stricken with fear and cease to till the soil; that famine will make human misery more wretched. That hundreds will flee to overcrowded cities for aid in vain. The sudden changes in ocean currents, temperature and surroundings will entirely transform the face of na ture and climate of countries; that the air will be so foul with malaria and other noxious gases ; that those who t-ut vive will lie troubled with disorders of the digestive organs. That many who escape other ills will bloat with dropsy and suddenly pass away, while others will grow thin anil drag out a miserable existence in indescribable agony for weeks. Neuralgic pains in different parts of the body will tor ment them. They will easily tire and become despondent. A faint, hot feeling will be succeeded by chilly sen sations while hallucinations and dread of impending ill will paralize all effort. "The birds of the air, the beasts of the field and even the fish of the sea will become diseased, poisoning the air and poisoning the waters of the globe." We are told on the other hand that those who shall pas-s through this period of trial will Lave larger enjoy ment of life and health. The earth will yield more abundantly than ever before. The animal kingdom will be more prolific and life prolonged very materially. This prolongation of life will be owing to the healthy electric and magnetic influences that will per vade the atmosphere. It would per haps seem that the present redness of the sun, and the presence of a belt or veil of rnosmic matter, justified, in a measure, the prediction of Professor Grimmer, but disturbing as his predic tion may be we are told for our com fort that th:: strong and pure blooded need have little to fear in these calami tics, th >se who are delicate or indis posed should adopt means to keep the system well supported and the blood pure and that the most philosophical and effective method of accomplishing this is to keep the kidneys aud liver in good condition. From the testimonials of such men as Dr. J >io Lewis and Pro fessor it- A. Uiinn, M. I)., Dean of trie 1 nited States Medical College, New York, and thousands of influential non. professional people, it seems alinos certain tnat for this purpose there is no preparation known to science equal to Warner's Site Cure, better known as Warner's .Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. This medicine has acquired the finest reputation of' any preparation that was ever put upon the market. It is a rad ical blood purifier, which soothes and heals all iiilhmed organs, strengthens the nervous system washes out all evi dences of decay, regulates digestion, prevents mal-assimilation of food in a philosophical aud rational manner, for tiliea the sy.-tem against climatic changes aud uiilarial influences aud the destructive agencies which seem to be BO abundant io tbese "evil days." it is not our purpose to dispute the correetue s of» Professor Orimmer's prophi eics. As we have said, the marked disturbances of the past few years would se in to give a semblance of verification of his theory. It is cer- tain, as atcvo staled, that we are pass ing through what may be regarded a~ a crucial period and it is the part of wise men not to ignore, hut to lea:n to fortify themselves against the } ostibil itv of overcome by these evil.-. It is & duty which each n:an oircs to himself, and his fellows, to mitigate as niii jL ss possiMc tne tuff ring human ity and in BO way Letter CM he acecm l lish this purpose than t) see to it that ho, biusselr, is fortified by the best known preparation in the strongest p -ib!e minntr end that be exert the i; flueocc of his own example up n his fellows to the end that they, to >, liiiy shbre with Lim immunity from the" destructive influences which seek his ruin. Twenty-five preachers were pres ent at the banging of a man in Illinois the other day. The wretch expressed himself as perfectly willing to go. Clara Louise Kellogg is to re ceive $12,000 for singinfr twenty nights in Paris,—s6oo a night! No wonder she is in love with Dr. Bull's Cough Svrnp, the great remedy for coughs and colds, for what would she do with out it, if she should be attacked sud denly by hoarseness. The display of Christmas goods in our stores is as large as usual. Better than $10,000! "I spent over SIO.OOO in 22 years," said Major 11. W. Hines, of Boston, Mass., "in being doctored for epilepsy, f employed the best physicians in New Orleans," St. Louis, N. York, Philadel phia, Boston, London and Paris, but ail to no purpose. Samaritan Nervine has cured me entirely." $1.50. Wc fire to Lave a cold wave short ly. (P. S.—This is a safe prediction.) MONTEZUMA, Cayuga Co., N. Y,. April, 188:2. Rheumatic Syrup Co.: Gents—l feel it my duty to let you know how much I have been benefited by the use of Rheumatic Syrup within the last three weeks. I have 'ueen a great sufferer for the last six years— much of the time my limbs and hands were so swollen that I was unable to help myself or move without help. 1 have used many external applications and liniments, which were warranted to cure, and some of which did afford temporary relief, but the pain soon re turned, more acute and aggravating than before. I am fully convinced that, to effect a permanent and lasting cure for rheumatism, t|ie liver and kid neys niust be regulated. This the Rheumatic Syrup has done forme, and now I am as well as ever, and am in debted to you for this valuable remeby, which is sure to have the largest sale of any medicine in the market, as soon as its merits are known. I am truly yours, MRS. SABAII DENNIS. —lf the price of overshoes comes down can it be called a gum drop? —Why suffer longer from dyspep sia, indigestion, want of appetite, loss of strength, lack of energy, malaria, in termittent fevers, etc ? Brown's Iron Bitters never fail to cure these diseases. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symp toms, such as belching, heartburn, bil liousness, etc. Remember it is the only iron preparation that will not blacken tho teeth or give headache, ask your druggist concerning its mirit. —A health journal advises, "Do not lie on the left side." This is a very proper admonition. If you are obliged to lie, be careful and lie on the right side. You will find it pays in the end. Communion Wine. Physicians have used Speer's Port (Jtape Wine, of New Jersey, and, hav ing applied to it the strictest test, pro nounce it a pure wine, and recommeud it to the aged and infirm, and for gen eral use where wine is desirable, as the most reliable of wiues to be bad It received the highest award at the Cen tennial Inhibition. Mr. Speer also preserves the grape juice fresh and sweet just as it runs from the pre.-s, not by the use of spirits, but by ex tracting the fermenting principle from the ripe grapes when mushed. For sale by D. H. Wuller. Consumjition Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in Ins hands by an laiM India inisslon iiiy the formulaof a .simple vegetable remedy for the speedy aud p- rmaueut cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat ami Lung Affections, also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested their wonderful curative pow ers ill thousands or ca es, has felt it Ins duty to make it known to his suffering f-llows. Actuated by this motive and a desire lo relieve human suf lering, I will scuel Irec of charge, to ail who de sire it. Ibis reci|>». in (P-rman, frencli <-r Kngllsh, with lull directions for preparing aud using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. XOVKS, 110 Power's Block. Bochcstcr, N. Y. Septl2-83-ly'eow —Mr. R. S. Heindel, Hellam, Pa., says: "I used Rrowu's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia and was much pleased with the result." RATHEHTOOLQNG After Twenty Years on tlu» Wrong Milo ol E<ile a Vli {jlnlaii Turns (he Table*. ' Ifow long did you say?" * "Twenty years, I ."aid. I'n to the time I mentioned I ha I suff re l from divased liver for twenty years," said Mr. T. S. llaueock, of Richmond, Va, half sadiv, as though thinking of that dilapidated section of his life. "At times I almo-t wished it had pleaded providence to omit the liver from the human anatomy." "Bad enough twenty years of that sort of thing," responded u listener. "What wa* the upshot ot it?" "The upshot was that some time ago I went down to Scott's drug store in this city, and bought one of Benson's Capciue Porous Pla - tcrs, applied it and was relieved in a few hours, and am now a sound ax though my liver were made of india-rubber." Benson's—unlike the old kind of plasters act promptly. Look for the word CA PCI NI ~ which is cut in the genuine. Price cents. Sejbury & John -on, Chemists, New York. --- WHUjMBggj3BS3Bfir , 'MW» warreo, BALE3SOI. I Tornnvii"* fortlii-n il<-of ,Vnrwry3to< V VCI-MIMM j facllltl-n. N'ifxp .1 ii<i- riiintr"•!, hu'.ary mil I n n-espnld. 7.nu<r riefPrult slidOrnani^utulTr"' t, I SQPPf\ | pi/\ pvO not let your Druggist persuade you to take I ■ II something else, but if he has not got it, and FOR THE wi U not send for it. write to us and we will send ILOOD, i to you by express, prepaid, on receipt of price. One to three bottles of Rheumatic Syrup will clear the system of Bile, and cure any case of In- Positive CUTS rtammator * or Acute Rheumatism, or Neuralgia. FOR ...Three to five bott.:s will cure Erysipelas In BHIUMTISI, 1 '"""'T„ J . . corrupt and running I'lcers. Neuralgia. SCIATICA, LIMB AGO. .„ys2?& to cur ° An infallible remedy for Five to eight bottles will cure the worst all diseases of the £kin ease of Scrofula. better, I From two to four months' use of Rheumatic Ringworm, -vrup will cure any case of Chronic Rheumatism j Scrofula, or twenty years'standing. Pimples & Blotches, If you have been a sufferer for years, and have and is the best Remedy ugei j a n t) lc remedies you could hear of, with no pUtat/anrt'w e a'd*™ l ' not »* <"«*>,iraged, for Rheumatic nessps. It has cured Syrup will cure you. diseases of the liver price, 81.00 per bottle; O bottles for 8.1.00. "her Ki^d 8 i« ht 'have Scnd lor our P am P hlet of Testimonials, etc. failed. I RHEI'MATIC SYRUP C0 IL Rocheßte^2i : _Y : _ For sale bv uruggists. Pr ce SI.OO per Bottle or (i Bottles loi s;"> 00. LEGAL ADVBRTI SEMEN TB. Estate ol John C'oim, Dee'd. (LATK OF WASHINGTON TH'P.) letters of administration on tlie estate of .John Conn dee'd, late of Washington township, Boiler county, Pa.. having been granted to the under signed, all person-, knowing themselves indented to -iiid estate w ill pie ise make immediate pay ment and ail having chums against said estate will iirtsent tli'-ui duly authenticated for settle ment S. C. IICTCIIISON, Adlll r. NOfth Hope. P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Nov. 10,188:;. ExcciitorH' Sale. By virtue of the provisions of the will ol W'H liiim Thompson, dee'd, late oi Middlesex twp., Butler county, Pa., the undersigned, hie Execu tors, offer for eale pai lof the fai in of taid \N il 11am Thompson, located in Middlesex t #p-, Butler comity, Pa., one iiiiie west of the Butler aud Pittsburgh Plank Koad, and lour miles oast ol thft l',.V W. li.ii! road, containing HI IV NINE AND ONE-HALF (SU-j.) ACRES, one half cleared and in Rood eultiv .tion, the balance well timbered and all u der fence, i- convenient to schools and churches, Mid i- well watered. For further information nepiire ol on the farm or address, W-.S THOMPSON, ) Exc( . nto - S . W. K. THOMPSON, j Glade Mill P. 0., Butier, Co., Pa, novl4-3m. Estate ol Sarah Miller. (I.ATE OF CI AT TWP., BUTLER CO , UEc'u ) Letter* ol administration on the above rumcd estate having been granted to ilie un dt rritced, all persons knowag themselves in debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment aud any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. liENKY MILLER. Administrator, CcuHcrtville P. U„ Butler < o , Pa. 8. F. BOW.-EIS, Alt y. Administrator'* \otice. Whereas letters of administration de bonus nou in the eilate of t). Moore, dec d, have been is-ued to me by the Register ol the -probate ol wills for Butler county. This is to give notice to all; arlies Indebted to sold estate to call and sett'e, and all persons having claims against the i-ame w i!i present thetu duly probated for pay ment 8. F. BOWSER. Aelm'r of D Moore, dec'J, Butler, Pa. Estate of Ebcuexer C hristy, (I.ATE OF WASHINGTON TWP., BUTLER CO., PA.) Letters of administiation hiving been grant ed to the undersigned on the e.-tate of Ebenezer Christy, late of Washington twp., Butler conn ty. Pa., notice i» hereby given to all parties Knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for payment JANE CHBIHTY, i G. w. CHidSTT. jAiimrs. North Hope, Bu'-ler county. Pa Auditor's Noli' a. In re the pa:lia! account of Mis. Julia Itoess ing, Executiix of the of Bernard Itoe.-sing dee'd. In the Orphans' (' jtirt of Butler County, No. 12 Dec. Term, IHBL Having been appointed by tho Couit an Audi tor to take testimony, ptea upon exceptions, 10- state account, if necessity, and make distribu tion of the fund remaining. I heioby give no tice that I will attend to tl:c duties of caid «p --poiutount at tiic oflice of W. I». Brandon, Es<j., Butler. Pa., on l-'riday (he 2"jtdf.y of Dee.. A. D., IHH3. at ten o'clock" a m- where all parties interested can attend. A. M. CORNELIUS, Auditor. E-leel ioi: iSoiiees. Bt TI.KB MITL'AI. IHtf: I NSI I: AN < I. COMPANY. The annual election for 12 Directors of the Butler County Mutual l ire insurance Com pany wiil beheld at the ofliee of the Secretary in Butler, Pa , on the second 1 uesday ol Janu ary next, being the Bth day of the month, I>}- tween the hours 1 and 2 o'clock, P M. H. C. H KIN KM AN, See'v. WOKTfI TOWNSHIP Jit TCAI.. The stockholders of the Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Company will hold their annua! meeting for the purpose of rlec:iiig officers for the ensuing year, at the school house in West Liberty, Butler county, Pa., on the gecon i Saturday of January, issj, being the 12th day there' !. \V*. 10. i 1 Vi.oi;, See'y. FARMKItS' AND BRKBUKItS' Ml'Tt'Al. I.IVR STOCK ixsnsANCH Association. The annual meeting of the me nbers of the Farmers' and Breeders' Mutual Live Stock Insurance Association of the I'nited States, will lie held at office of Secretary in Buller, I'a , I>II the last Tuesday (2itth day) of Jan uary, 1-H-l, at 10 o'elcelc A. M., at which time officers to serve for the ensuing year will he elected. BY OitDKit OF Tti v. IMIIKCTOKN. J NO. K. BYKJIS, See'y. k Notice. A general meeting of llv Fanners' Mutual Fire IllPtirai.ee Cnmpi'.ii.v >•! Ilannahstown, BullrrCo., I'a ,::i.d vl' - inlty, v.ill he held at the house of .Mrs Krausle. in lliiniiahstov.il, on Saturday tli" l-'th day ' f January, l -M, at one o'clock, P. M. Al in' ; mbers are resm-etlvely |o alteinl. JACOB IK'CK, I're. t. lIK.MtY IH.CK, See'y. d»'B3-:it .11; i 3 l.isl tor Jiiiiuurj Term. List of'Traver-e Jurors drawn to serve in the January term of < '..urt commencing the first Monday, tjeing the 7th day, A. I)., Isß4. Henry Allen, Franklin twp, fanner. I; Bentiinger, t entie twp, farmer. I has Ileattv, Petroliaboro, pumper. J ,1m Iturtner, Jefl'ersoii twp, carpenter. It L Black, Marion twp, fanner, Thomas Chant!' r, M: Idie.sex tA'p, farmer. (i W Crow, I'orwarJ twp, farmer. Wash Campbell. I'airview twp, farmer. A B ( 'roll, i.rady twp, farmer. Stephen C ioper, Marion twp, farmer. Levi Campbell, Parker twp, termer. Isaac l).ivtd-oii, Hlipperyrock twp, firmer. J 1! Kdmondson, Frit kliu twp, laborer. James Flanagan, Oak la ml tw|>, larmer, John l alkncr, Buffalo twp, farmer. David Fisher, Muddycreek twp, farm-r. \V'i-»t Fleuiming, Cranbery twp, farmer. J L Groves, Slippery rock twp, farmer, William Gallagher, 11-.'ler t .v; >, farmer. J F llalstein. Lancaster tvvp, sliocinaker. Thos S Hutchison, Concord twp, farmer. John Ilciiulibergcr, Butler twp, farmer. Chris Hurley, Butier boro, shoemaker. Robert Kidil, Adams twp, larmer. Robert Lewis, Marion twp, f.:rmer. Win Latsliaw, Jackson twp. e >ntractor. Matthew Morrow, Concord twp, farmer. John Mef'onni II S!;ppei) roc!; twp, farmer. James Mayer, Brady twp, farmer. Absolam Monks, Clinton twp, fame r Jatrii - < >rr, Ad IIOS twp, farnii r. Win "t I'lc Park, M: i lbs t twji, farmer. \V R Putter on, Penn twp, firmer. I! A Patterson, Perm tvi p, farmer. David Park, Middlesex twp, firmer. John Shepard, Middl -scx twp, farmer. D- nriis Shields, Cb-arfi-ld twp fanijer. A J Stoaghlon, Concord twp, f..rai -r. J.icoli Slj.ifj r, /elieuople boro, haibcr, John s. J M i'hi'Uips'iii, Ur.i ly t .vp, farmer, John Vincent, Marion twp, farmer. William Woods, Clinton twp, farmer. Ford \V:blc, I lanklin twp, farmer. BRICKS! BktCKS! The subserll cr coiit'litlcs the iii iklng "I brieks coniuion, pavement, bav •vioil'ii'.' and oft er'pial [tles at Ins Kiln on the r,i 11- i.nuod road, half a pule wesj „r lliitier ll»- will kei |» "ii hand a lot of hricksat all lllin lie v.ill a <•> m ike mid burn brlei; ui the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own |..n i ot premises. \ he flit-mis caiiyln.g on the brick making I n iii« .h - invites tti - < iis|i>ui iii all, promising to give < ntir • .atl- t etioii to ail who may patron ize ami. A I on'.i rs promptly lil'*'■ lat i-a-'-oali.e rates. • Call on or address, J, CIvOiiCE NTAMM. maii" «'u9 Buflvr ia. ' ILUuliLlti; n.,rt it'MMKII. A^r«. ' ' M'-CI'HPV ''J , I'iilUdelf'hfft.l'A. lljfk WHO IS tmAOQUAMICO MrirM T*fc G£OURAPHY Of TM:", CUJ.V* ~r.f W.wLSCE. 2/ EXAM S.::0 TH SMAP that T. :£ ■ HPIiP H3ESI Nil' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of its line, conncta tho East and the Went bv liie ehorteat route, and ear r.cj passengers, without change of earn, b- >.ircc a Chicago and Kansas City, Council Elu/!a, Leaven worth, Atchison. Minneapolis and fet. Paul. It connects m Union Depots with all the principal lines of road between tho Atlantic and the Pacific Oceajus. lis equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Mo:*t Comiortable and Beautiful Day Coaehea, Hpgnidocnt Ilciton Ite clming Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Valuta Bleeping Cars, and the i>cu Line ol D.: iiu« Cars in th# worjd. Three Trams between Chicago and Hisaouri River Points. Iwo Trains between Chi cago and Minneapolis and bt. Paul, via the JPaaoua "ALBERT LEA ROUTE.- A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and K.mka kec.has recently b -en opened between Riclim »ad, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au gusta, Nashville, Louiacille, Lexington, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, M:nn-,ap olu ar.d St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Travel on I'aat £xpre3a Trains. Tick ;s for sale at ®. 11 principal Ticket Officcain the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of rare al» ways uj low as competitor that oiler lesa advan tage. For detailed information, pet the Maps and Fold era of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTS, At your nearest Ti2ket Office, or address R. R. CARLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vice Pici. b lieu 1 M g r. Oen'l Tut. & Pas*. Agt, CHICAGO. (Continued from last week.) How Watch Cases are Made. A plate of SOLID GOLD 14 2-10 karats fine Ls soldered on each Hide of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this plate the various p:;rts of the oases —hacks, centers, ltezels, etc. are cut and shaped l>y die.-; ami formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all Kind-, of chasing, engraving, anil engine turning. 'i he composition metal gives it needed strength, stiffness and solidil'j, while the written guarantee of the manufacturers wurranting each case to wear lucnty years proves that it contains all the gold that can possibly be needed. This guarantee i* given from actual results, as many of these cases have been worn perfect lv smooth by years of use without wearing through the gold. Dubuque, la„ D«e. 11. ix«u. I have u»e<l rue of your Janu~< Ik ' G«ml Wit h Cn-for Bcveuteen yearn. I bougbL it • •eond-hai <t and know of ifx having l*een nwd before I r<»t it, bit do not know how lou*?. It looks *.'<>o.l for ten years longer. tMd not fjuapect it v. y- a Jille I case m .1 i . informed by • Jeweler a abi rl ton 1 most cheerfully recommend your cskcm to te all they are represented to l>e, and more. O. M'<'it\M V, t'»l. Int. Her. llf is. loir a. Bend 3 rt-r.t atanp to brplunc Wnfrli « » ■rtitrli-s, I'hlla dt l|>!' M, for !ia;.<!*om«' lllafttratcd I'anpblct wh«wi»f bo* !»«>•»' mi l key*tone la««-<» are nia<lf. (7o be Continued.) s The Boss watch cases with any Uin«l of movement desired, can he ha ! of E. 011 I K B, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELEU, it'aiii .St., liutler, Opposite Trout mail's Dry Gools Store. No | arty in Politic, n >r any sect in Religion. Tlic Greatest and iho Best, The large Double Weekly, RELIGIOUS and SECULAR. IEV YORK OISENEI. (ICstablished 1823.) No napcr in the comitr" lias a more cxpcrleneed ami ahlc corpM of I thtor-.. Dr. s. Irt'ituciis I'rime stands at th»r heatl of 11.*• *l«»ri:*! fraternity and his letter» and editorials still enrich lie* Olixerver. OtheiH edr.ois have had the training of anuaiterof a ceninry for t he work. Tiie corresiioiuienee ol tin* <)bseiver is from all lands ; and the i:< »vs. « ai« lull v t»re|»ared from let ters ami telegrams, furni •lies a <*om|)!< t«- vl< w of the eoiidition o[ the world ea'*h \veel<. The !>«')).uhiu'iils of liusiuess. Sun day seh 'ol tea< Keligious Work are con (liU'ted hy experts, \v!i<» writ** «*learl> and to I lit* l»oi«it. The Oh.servt?r does not fill its columns with long eNiftjs And old sertnomi, but ftimn tote A LIVE NEWSPAPER, giving every v.cck a HelixloiM Sheet full of in stiii'-iion. <•!!<•<ujr;ik i 'l:i< < >>t ami truth ; ami a Secu lar Slieet, enntailiiii!; ;ill t!ie news, vigorous com iiii*lll i u|ion current events, :im«l a;;reat variety of ehoi'-e n ailing. Tin.' pri -i- I a v :tr. I'or liona (!<!•> new mi I >s»-f-i! > rs v, »* o|n- 'inll:ir eiiiiiiiil.Hsion, or n eojiy ol ill*! "iMiiaous I.il:<-ian hoiinil voluiiie of UK) pages, e.nitaliilng a |iortraft of tin* aut'lor. Kii lii : »I< • > o|iies </l ihe Oliserver will Im'xen! to any ail'ln--. free. Adilr -s, M.W YOIIK OllKK«VUIl,:!t ami W Park Itow Dr. Frease's Water Cura Es tablishment. A 11o• 1111 liiHtltution in ii.-t :;(iili year. For nearly :ilt kliel ■ ot Ulironie dUe'in- , and etj lieelally t'.e ilici iof Women. Open at AI.I. Si ason-, Circulirs Ire. Adilress, 8. I-'KICASE, M. !>., jylU ly New UrigJjton, Ueiver Co , I'.i. 1 'M 1 t- •• s mh, JEI-FC * . . ■ ;^i .9 t'.M't.SCNU Tm ... « f A.voN-iiriu;, PA. Oiu- o| JI . I >• I • • I!- »;!■•! *ll |' -..ii.ilion for«o!h •• «... • i i || ed .. on f'onin ..•<I Wtth it, JKJ • KIJHON II \ l.!. !' • i ll|) j School for Boys. li|Rcl|.:;ni> mrtcl but kindly, floyn kepi in the f'• lit.i> . iid un !'-r tin <■ cof (he |niiielpal ami thoronuhly caretl for. opt i.s .1 <iiuar\ '. <i .Mni W.M. KWI N ii, i'riiieipal. \ M VIIIM 'is I»i|JVK ITES ov ,# OJ V A'\VH KV-IH ol ujf jn<>( /i } f *^»i-j. r jub aw* 'Jiojoq UMO R. '-tnyc KJII. / A |o peiixi a 11VU1N3DN0D S.NVlfi" fl ES3NI33MS pun JJOIOD <">J ( B mM-mWr A P O H B T C n } . •;•' ' ] a \ I3H LIBERT/ sr. a PITT iBTT HGH. 7?^. "PUBIT cirmcira AT i 5" uiiuAi kUli uL 5/siiC O W FKOM JEIS 1)1X3 TO JAiriJ/EY 1 1884, AT THE CHEAP BOOT and SHOE HOUSE , f-v i|p 13 LJ Tlj mK, "pa.. *" J 5 My Fall trade has been one-halt'larger t'uis year than ever before, and I have had to duplicate all my first orders and my second Fall stock is arriving daily, and my store is filled with the best selection of and ever shown in Butler county. The people wonder why it is that I can sell Boots and shoes HO VERY OIIEA- P. My jealous competitors put their heads together and say, "It is only a matter of time with him," but let them talk I am doing the BOOT & SHOE TRADE of BUTJLJiR, and they know it; and the best evidence I have of this fact is that they are ail friendly with each other and united against me but they can't keep the people away from my store. LOW PRICES ARE SURE TO TELL, And that is what is bringing the people to my store. Myself and clerks are too busy to t>e out on the street and hail you all, but if you will press vour way into mv store I will show you that I am selling Boots and Shoes ONE-THIRI) CHEAPER Than anv other house in the county; in addition to mv large stock of goods I have just received THIS! TSIBSiIB BiIUIS WCRTI Of SIIPU BOOTS Hi MSB Which must be sold at once, I am selling these goods a' IIA IjF PRICE, so coma at once anJ get your share in this ORKAT SACIIIFICK. My stock of RUBBER BOOTS ANI> SHOES is complete. lam agent for Boston, Ilay ward, AVornsoekt and Camden Rubber Co s'pond Prices very low. My Manufacturing Department is the largest in this part of the country. I make A IWIIJ OE BOOTS OR SHOES OX 1-' HOI RS NOTICE My shoemakers are now turn ing out. FORTY PAS R 0 F BOOTS A WE EK. Repairing of all kinds done on very short notice. Dju't forget the place; come at once and secure some of the GREAT BARGAINS I am offering. JOHN BIGKEL. BUTLER, PA. HAPPY HOSSSES! HAPPY HOP^S! THE OF KOiSES MADE HAPPY by the use of the celebrated Labor and Health-saving is beyond power ot computation. Our facilities for the production of it arc taxcl to the utmost to supply tfce Orders that pour in upon us trom tiiis great wide an J progressive country. here in you? sec ion it is being used extensively and many can testify to its wonderful properties. The Wrappers are Waxed end can be used for smooth. iag the surface of your hand-irons, giving them a pol ish and smoothness that wilJ greatly assist in giving your clothes a finished Cook. Remember this Scap is cheaper than any other In ihe market, and yet does aN «a claim for St. ' TVlTvut NO BOILIMG /"oh-'TC,,- i IlflY X SCALDING- OR / wiTHousf'Dj, v*r\ A/ili W HARDRUBBIM& L - j i WOULD "wrirvi it\ ' { has no terrors for the household where liA/'S SOAP is used, no unpleasant and sickening odors to fill your Louses, no laborious rubbing on the -yash-1 oard, while the washing can be done in one-half the time necessary by following the old worn-out method. MADAM —for it is to the ladies Ave desire to speak more especially —you are the interested person in this matter, you it is that suffers the ills arising from the wasu-tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, anu you it is that should interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap. Uiat has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring us ; we do not come you as irresponsible parties, who have no reputation to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand of soap upon an absolute guarantee and recommendation of a w U-known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you sup pose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to you and ruin our well-earned reputation? No, dear reader; what wc say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sustained by the evidences ! of thousands ot housewives from all over the country, besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. DAY S SOAP is the ORIGINAL and only PATENTED utA jt'a Sk /5 a cfl Tho Miners' Skin and Clutiios. DAY S SOAP ciem SSSaaF II s thrrc not economy in tl>c u»o •f'S»n|» Mint will i-lrmi III'- hlilii ii* writ us I tliitl.illiiM i Till* DAY'S SOAP wilt 'l#- It wllltii «• U ivuv Inji.i'i- Oil- fliU Ht r&hrii'.H or the most ili-lli pti- < oiii| No soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, i>ut simp!/ supply for the next wash day with a bar of DA\ J SOAP, th' n caref.illy read the directions and follow them to tha i exact letter, and if you don't say pitch out that olci wash-boiler, 1 for 1 .tin a wiser woman, you will be the first person wc have heard o» ' that his been <li appointed. remember —If you don't intend to follow the directions i do not trv the soap at all, for unless you do this you will be disap- j pointed, and then you will scold us and yourself as well. The cost of one cake will convince you that it is the best ant?, j ch .' tp' .t soap offered you, while the smiles that will encircle your brow will do justice to a golden sunset. Ask your grocer for it. and do not allow him to put you off with anything else for a substitute, for every dealer c«ui obtain it, and should he refuse you send direct to DAY & FRICK, Props, of the Philadelphia Steam Soap Works. *7S4-56-58-&0-$2 Ho ward St., Phila, j DZEItTTISTIR, X . 1 "4 i.f W VLDRON.Grrduateol the Phil jj * i i"ifii'liia Dental OolliV'e,i» prepared I ° *■ ei: > <!« !>uytliini; m tin- lino ol hit i:« a rati ••factory manner. I Ottl'-c on iuin street, Hut lei , Union U!nck, . 11 v stairs. ai>ll JOHN E. BYEKS, Pi IYSICIAN and SLI IIG EON, ! myai-ly] BUTLKIi, PA. Office on .ToftVrson street, opposite Klinujler's Flour Store. J TJ N. T.KAKE, M. J)., * J ' I! in ; ,il)ic I'ivMeian and Surgeon i Oflicc in I nion ISioek, and residence in j Ferrero ho se, i!ut!er, Pa. Oct. KIKG OF THE SINGERS ONLY T./ENTY DGUAfiS j tviiii :ill the latest improve ■ —" j * luents. Splendid cabinet \ flJ'Ji work, larj;c drawer., cxten ' V Hive lent and cover. Tbe best t y !^ t "j • •• Sewing Machine ever wade. Sent for exami nation. Wc do not Want Your Money Unless the Machine Suits You. Write to us for particulars. WiLLMARTH & CO., 1328 Worth 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct3-6m, Most Exi;ns've Purt-Brcd Live Stock Establishment in the World! a. 2 > l mi !&«,♦. r=3 Ctfj<hsihilr } I < c/itron-.Xormfin& Knylifh I haft llin • .*, lirrtl I'omftfrrs, Shc'Tuml Ponit'tt, J/olxtihi and Drvon Cottle. Our <iistoin< rs Imve tin* advantage of our many years cyperienee in IipmIIul: ami import in*; larjje collections, opportunity of e rnipariug • lifl'crpnl brcnls, I >\v prices, In-pnune ot extent of l»u irH v j ()U rates of transportation. Coital* ■■ i Inc. Corn pnmlenee solicited. i'ou I'.isL HKOi ill:i:s, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention Citjzin fuly2.Wm. Union Woolsn Mills. I would ilc-in to ■ nil Hi" attention of the public totlM Union WoolM Mill, lJu:l«»r. I'*., v Imro I ! ikiw ni: l improved machinery for tho manufacture of Barred nn<3 Gray Flannels, Knittin; ar J "Weaving Yarns, and I fin ri • immo.:'! them * i !j< iiijc very dura ble, an limy aro manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They nre i itiful in color, su perior in texture, tnd will ' • sold at very low prices. Por tjacipW, a;nl price*. luldrcnH, 11. KC1.1,! 'M\iN, |«iJ24. , 1 v ltni.W. Pa IEV UItRT STIBU Lcibnld & Ti'outnian Have opened a Livery Stable mi Jellirsuii St., first door below liieke! & 'iullajjlier. (ioo Iri ". lit -' e! i lea ns aiwiy o.i hand. 11. i en fed on rea. niab'e terms, also hor>e« bo tlx 111 and mild. »•;•(." "in. CHAS. W. FLEMING &< CO., A yVI/.awvVWAIV ) a ORrt,KSTRA 'i' v " bash jWB !m music, i[ , D4ND INSTRUMENTS V. - fWL 1/ vi| or every ilewrlpl lo» Kvud flff If Mr i i t i . "i". i. A- H Hlitli Btreel, 1 rrriMiLiu.:i. rA. •*" for the Citizen- S»vs wour hsaffh, save your Time, s~ve your?a!icnce »jy u?ing ?his sosp. Mo urnieasant odors. No sickness as the resu!! of £? hard day's wftish. Mo hGt wra'ar. Ma wssh-boilar, but sSofh-ss nice and whi's and fragrant as new mo*r. hay. TRY IT. TFY IT. QI Ei:\ VIC Jf OSil A. Court iir lea in England are anxiou> aliont ' the ijuceu's health. Her diveaee :s tli ight to be of tl.e kidney*. While tUi* in difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which a? a i:n!8 for lier Inigor: D., iilness, there 1- a are 41.1 L certain rcti.ciiv (or it a'i: 1t . ] red affect:-': ■ v. b.. !i she 0 - ■ i i I' 1. 1 r'N'N OU°B KIDNF.V AM» J V'K-.U < I :.i . Ti:« fl lowing iliustiato.' i I.>.v ,■ lily .. ■ .i-' » iutinileiy worse citCA tii in In rw IV" donia N. V.. Ktr. S. ISB3. | Dt MM.TI. ■- .. -Far I had I BEE 11 UTTEINJG :I ... . .. . F KTDKXT DIY !•.«<:: RUM IOCIUM r.'.iH n •• •».•• w . M SS. 1 l.:ul a heavy a *iii.vu ja 1 ovt v . kii'r.eys with enuu|r "! iu> liuii • 1 had BJS [ion *nd a STASTV IT. R.i.i tl of BIT. : :.t. mho or I. ?U: T:d v LIKNE \: > 1-NAL•IM !: \ I!SO .VI ! AT.'. . JON- J. .; Y. J t: ... ::FABT. My oa.dii. 1 wat a d.ntr—M ; 1 ■ •. and all treatment a. 1 r.TDM.V im: s 4 ;n\ >• ;tio or i>o relief. ■ 1 have been taking your • I;M>>KV AND BA 'K- I j A£Ht c with the mod haj It has relieved nil the miple an. .'total t!..it lir.vo 1 f«llw«i! mo •«> jtrsb. eutly *•« 'oie? I i never I:• 1 a used;. ine !.• ;■ 10 j ~:Uly and |(MUCOB(M(!j. I f-r.i doing n:v own work. Yours truly. MILS. JAMES FULLER. ! DR. FEXXEU-3 SOOTHIK'.I SYEUP—Kim ! ant, tufr. certain. Produced good re-t. go >d i temper, rosy cheeks, energy, fresbiic.-s, health I and vigor in the cbi!d. Da. FENiNEH'S CAPITO I. HITTERS-Th j pnrct-t and beot utomach tonic known. Dr. FENSF.R'S S.VLT RUF.U.U OIXmENT —Yrxt-ow AND WHITK—A cure for ALL SKIN DISEASES. See directions wrapped around 5 pack 'go. ' DR. FENNF.R'S BLOOD AND LIVER PII.LS —Tl.e best family physic: kno ' ii. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Du. FENNKU'IJ Peori.t.. REMEDIES. ABB USED ALL OVEII TTIF. W HLD. And are lor f.nlc by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller, Bnt'er, Planing Mill —AND— Limitoei* Yard. I J. L. PURVIS. li. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., HANUPACTI'IIEHS AND DBALEEfeI> Rough and Plansd Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SAfcjll DOOMS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near (>«rtuHii <1 :»? < iinri-li BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main ar.o Cunningham Sts. GF. C. ROESSINti, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASUKI u 11. C. IIEINUMAN, Si'cßE'j AKV. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvle, E. A. IIC'UIJ'LIIH, Wiliiam Campbell, J. W. lluikliurt, Trout in an, Jacob Sthoere, G.O. Roee.-itiir, Joiin (J.du.ii o, Or. W. Irvin, J. J. Croll A. li. Rhodes, 11. C. lleincniai:. JAS. T, M'JUNKIK, Hen, Ag't jß XJTXjTt: 3PJ±. Holiday Goods! All the very latest designs in Fine Parlor Lamps, lfrlsian (llasswarr, Bisijuo Xovolties, Cliiiiii \asrs, Silverware, Broi.'Zes, <\e, Tl.e lai:'ift nud lb.< I n-lccilon t l thc-e "imi'lk in tin* cliy, hhlccli d ispn i illv lor lioli (i i_V Ir d' 1 . Sii inifi-ru tliid city will consult and be int>:rm ted by irivintf u.s a t ill. J. P. SMITH, 18'J & 191 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. dl2'SMIw house wit r.«r foijsis.k. A VKJLV CF'ZV frcn;o House ol elx rooion, n llar, 1 1.1 I i tisi - ftiwl two IOI.H ol pound in Ituller v.ill 1. rold on I>:I»on> able term". Oil muffler < I F. M. EASTMAN Mar-lUf. Mu tier Pa. FOR IS Acrcn of land, wltli lar t ;e I vo-hlorv lni 'K IJOIIMI and lar,:« barn tin ICON TN.ci . il. flood orcbanl: vitu:.!t<l 111 IJiilli.t t .vp , li'itler county, Pa., adj'<iuiiig llntlor b 'innph on the t-oatb, will be Hold clit'H,i and on easy turnm. For j-artien lam itnjiiire of Lev McQuixtio:), l'.H(j.,Mnticr, i'a. BJnion VV<»oIi k n iVfill, liUTLEK, I'A. 11. I I LIJIIUO.V. Prop'r. MaODlaeturer ol BI.AMIK I M, FI ASNBI.H, YAKNS, »Ve. Ali o custom work <io;ic ' order, sticti us e:irtimg Roll*, uiakin. tiianlo .■, Flnan' i.i. K:.it- IriK au I VVe vviuu Varus, A ~ it very low pricorf. Wool wo: ked on ii.i: l ares, il do« tlittd. my? 1 v (i LRL WANTKD. Ilutler County < • irl to do p;fncritl lidif-cwnrk in eniall litiuilv 11 few miles from Allc/lteny City. I I.in- Im :.ri , r« ■ i;. Write at once to MRS. 11. 11. V>.Nt K, Hl!' Liberty hi:•el, MORRIS NURSERIES, We>»tChoster s I J n., GROVER & KINN& Fruit, :ud Oman.filial Trio, fbrubl (.13", V. c'e., etc JA .MA i>.V MS, A . lit. novSt lien IftiiKr, I'a. rasp T-ftSTOPPEOFREE HM *4 Nfjs If s >0 He ■mt llcstorcd ■ HI uLAT rjhm m W NERVERtSTOREH WH' ' JH |SI 11 LL»LH II 'nfrt 'r L V 1 ir.;, . . . , .! uhwiba tor tho OITIZKN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers