Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 19, 1883, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19, 1883.
—The angel of Butier county performed
another miracle, under highly-scented circum
stances, at Harrisville, a few days since.
—fomehow the young msn wfco turned over
a new leaf last New Year's day is getting ready
to turn over that very same leal next New
Year's day.
—Sewing Machine attachments and repairs
of all kinds, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store.
Munkittrick was the last man to lecture in
the old Court room and his lecture was so ex
ceedingly dry, that it may have had au effect on
the building' and brought about spontaneous
—Every retail grocer is authorized to rtcom
mend and guarantee Day's Soap as doing all
that we claim for it. A handsome set of ex
pensive French chromos are distributed among
the buyers of it as an inducement to have them
try it.
—Gen. Purvisow sold the National Bank s
interest in the Story farm to Chas. Duffy for
$.575 and the Bradv township farm to same for
$505. The Bank's interest in the C'lymer prop
erty was sold to Wm. Campbell, Jr., trustee, for
Go to H. Biehl & Co., for Phosphate,
Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, Ac.
—Sundav, Monday and Tuesday of next
week will", according to the a'.mauac, be the
shorten days of fhe year, and then the days
will begin to lengthen at the rate of about half
a minute a day.
—The plan adopted for ventilating the
Court room was the best of which we have
any knowledge, but the ventilators them-
Helve* should have been built of tin or sheet
iron, in which case thev would have worked
belter and—the Court House might not have
—Mr. D. I. Ku'nn, of Pittsburgh, the archi
tect who planned the alterations made in the
Court room, thinks the fire could hardly have
originated at the point where the stove-pipe
passed through the ventilator, because it was
<marded by a cast-iron collar. He is of the
Opinion that it was caused by a defect in the
flue either above or below that point. s°?*>
bnrning aud falling, could have worked its
gray through a defect below.
—Light running Domestic Sewing Machines
Jos Niggle & Bro. Agents, Duller, Pa. tf
The trial-list and minute book of the
<Quarter Sessions Court, reported burned last
week, turned up all somebody had car
them'out. The recognizance book was burned
so much as to be useless, but wonderful to re
late some papers in an Orphans' Court case,
that were left lying on one of the desks in the
Court room, pawed through the fire and were
not destroyed. The edges are burned bat the
printed aad written parte are yet good.
—The representatives of the insurance com
panies whose policies on the Coart House are
held by the county were in town yesterday ex
amining the ruins and consulting with the
<;ouhty Commissioners. One of the insurance
men thinks that the walls of the lower story
*rc as good as they ever were and says that
the companies may conclude to rebuild the
Court House. The walls of the upper story
have been condemned. Since the lire the
companies have kept a night and day watch
00 the ruins.
—Sead or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any make, at E. Orieb's Jewelry store
—The bankers take the Pittsburgh Commer
cial Gazette for its financial news; the dealers
for its market reports; the minister takes it for
its religious news; the uolitician takes it for
i»* live political views, and its vigorous Repub
lican editorial opinions; the iadies want it for
its society and household news, and no country
home is complete without the CITI/.fcx to fur
nish the home news, and the Pittsburgh Week
ly Commeeeiul OazettS to give the news of the
world. Subscription price to the Pittsburgh
Weekly Commercial G<<iettc per year, $1.25.
—A word to those wishing to buv watches,
clocks, jewelry, spectacles aid silver-plated
ware, of which I have now ou hands a well
selected stock to choose from. I have nothing
in the sliaue ol a "Frite" to offer you as an in
ducement to buy of me. Bull will offer you
this inducement. 1 will sell my good* ss low
um I can possibly afford to, giving each customer
the benefit of the inducement instead of giving
it to the one lucky person only.that may hap
pen to draw the prize that other) have paid for.
Yours Respectfully,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
—Court met Monday in the English Luther
an Church room. The County Commissioners
have reutedtbe whole building—better known
as the old Witberspoon Institute building—for
SI,OOO a year, the church to provide a janitor,
aiid the county tr have the use of the build
ing as long as it needs it. Prothonotary
Greer, Clerk I>od<ls and Register Christie have
already occupied the rooms n.-si them,
but some alterations will have to be made ia
the interior of the balance of the building
before the other officers go in. For the pres
ent the Commissioners cin be found in the
Brady building, Sheriff Donaghy at the jail,
and Treasurer Miller at the furniture store.
—Hon. Geo. R. Wendling will deliver the
second lecture of the course in the M. E.
Church, iu Butler, on Thursday eveuing, Dec.
27. Subject, "Satan." Weridling is well and
favorably known on the lecture platform, as
a iound thinker and powerful orator. lie ia
lilliug engagements this year in all the large
cities of the east, and is everywhere received
with profound attention and merited applause.
In his eloquent and forcible manner he never
fails to win the favor of his audieuce, aud as
he is to be in Butler during the holiday
week, let everyone embrace the opportunity
of hearing him. No reserved seats. Admis
sion 60 cenU. Course tickets for balance of
the season to lecture*) $1.23.
—The criticism* on our Fir* Department
that we have beard and read, are not only un
just, but have a tendency to discourage men
who have done well and who have worked
hard for nothing. We doubt if there are vol
unteer (ire or hose companies in thin State or
in the United .State*, who would lavedoue bet
ter than the Butler hone companies did at the
Court Iloase fire. It wat but a very few inin
u e», not more than ten, alter the alarm WHS
given until both the hoac companies were on
band*, had their hoae coupled to the ping*, a
line np the»tair» and into the attic, and a
stream of water playing on the ceiling. Bat
here they met with a *erious, perhaps fatal, ob
stacle—the old ceiling of the Court room had
been left stand, the new ceiling wait built un
derneath it, the ijre wan between the two ceil
ings. and the water that was poured in lodged
on the old ceiling. One of the fireman ran in
and knocked a hole iu the old ceiling, and look
ing in saw that everything between the two
ceiliugs was at a white beat. The fire-trap
had been built, it was doing its work well, and
there was no saving the building. The firemen
were driven out of the attic by the intense
heat, and by the dense smoke and steam. They
were blinded, and some of them were hurt get
ting out and getting down the stairs. The
origin of the tire is another matter. We bad
supposed that it originated at the point where
the stove-pipe of the Court room siove passed
through the ventilator on its way to the Due,
hut tl)is may not have been the case. The ijre was
first scon bursting out at the vory foot of the
ventilator, right at the floor of the Court room,
and at that time there was no fire at the point
mentioned, the plastering was off around the
stove-nipe, and had there been fire there, it
woulu have been seen. The Gre at the foot of
the veutilator was exiinguishud, and then the
janitor mounted the step-ladders, knocked a
hole in the ventilator above where the pipe
passed through, and looking in saw tint the
ventilator was burning some distance above
hirn, in the turn or arch. Of course tbe fire
soon broke through and spread betweeu the
two ceilings, and also ran up the ventilator,
through the upright wooden tube and into the
long horizontal wooden tube or trough which
ran lengtnwise, the length of the Court room,
in the attic, next to the ridge of the roof, anil
into which the ventilator on the roof opened.
• The fire was boxed in from the start, aud con
sidering tbe construction of these ventilators,
and the material of which they were? made,
cin'ie started and it was almost impossible V> ex
tinguish it. The janitor says that the fjre in
qtoye that warm morning was nothing compar
ed to it bat has been in it on cold winter (lays,
and js of the opinion that the fire did not origi
nate at the point where the stove-pi|ie passed
through the ventilator. The fire was kindled
or started ull that morning shortly after six
o'clock, an<l smoke was seen issuing from the
roof ventilator before seven, which shows that
the veutilator in the Court room was burning
from sn hour to an hour and a half before
being discovered. It may have originated at
the point where the pi|>e passed through, it
may havi originated through a defect iu the
flue above that point or it may have been
caused by somebody putting a lighted cigar
through the register at the foot of the venti
lator. Who knows?
—BUCKWHEAT flour at $3.50 per
hundred pouuda at Ueorge Walter's
mill, Butter, Pa. * .
—Rev. Water*moved into the late residence of
Dr. Bredln, Monday.
—Two block* of the town of Putxjls, Clearfield
eounty, burned last Sunday.
—For some time past the farmers of this
vicinity have been missing grain, chickens,
eggs, etc., from their barns, and batter from
their spring-houses, and although they made a
reasonable effort were unable to obtain any
clue as to who were the thieves, until a few
davs ago, when thev ascertained from George
Walter, the miller, that he had lately purchas
ed grain from Chas. P. Hewins and \\ illiam
Balmer, of this town. They also ascertained
that these men had hired a buck board in But
ler and had driven out to an old coal bank, a
short distance beyond the toll-gate, on the
Plank road, which they seem to have used for
a store house, and had brought the wheat from
that point to the mill. With th:s evidence in
their possession, Mr. John J*herman, of Summit
township, and others, made an information
against Hewins, Balmer and another young
man named Patterson, who seems to be con
nected with them, and they had a hearing be
fore Esq. Walker last Thursday, who held them
in S3OO each for court Hewins and Balmer
could not get bail and went to jail. Hewins
made a furious resistance but was overpowered.
Whoever stole the grain, took bags and all, and
the justice has some bags in his possession
awaiting identification. Any farmers who have
lost grain this fall should attend to the matter.
We understand that Wm. Miller and Esq. Mc-
Kee, of Butler township, are among those who
have been robbed. Balmer was also arrestc-d
and held on charges of adultery and bastardy
preferred by a girl named Fleming.
Court Notes.
Commonwealth versus—
Rebecca indicted for adultery and
fornication —first count quashed and verdict
of not guilty of fornication and county to
pay costs.
{Jellard Goehring, fornication and bastardy,
verdict of guilty and sentenced to pay one
dollar and costs of prosecution, fhe sum of
$25 to Annie Marlatt, and give recognizance
in S3OO, for the payment of 75 cents a week to
same for three years.
James McWilliams, larceny, etc. _ Pleads
nolle contendre and is sent to penitentiary for
two years and three mouths.
Henry Plaff, seduction and fornication.
Vcrdicf not juilty of seduction, but guilty of
fornication and sentenced to pay a fin* of SSO
to the overseers of the poor of Petrolia and
costs of prosecution.
Wm. Benninger, Darrel Hewett and John
Wilson, horse stealing. Wm. Benninger
pleads nolle contendre aud is sent to reform
school. W. D. Hewetf found guiltv and sent
to reform school, and John Wilson not
P. 4c W. R. R-, nuisance. Indictment
quashed and nesr bill directed to be sent
before next Grand Jury.
Perry Stoughton, horse stealing, recogni
zance forfeited and proceas awarded for de
B. F. Otto, selling liquors without license. Not
guilty and county to pay costs.
B. F. Otto, furnishing liquor to men of
known intemperate habits —indictment quash
ed—no Jaw authorizing such return or indict
ment without information as in ordinary cases
All other cases on the list were continued.
For Christmas —Look.
Elegant Toilet Sets Best Perfumes, Odor
Cases in Plush and Russia Leather, Watch
Stands, Candle Sticks, Match Safes, Whisp
Holders all shades in Plush and Velvet.
Brush and Comb Ca»es in Plush. Velvet
Russia Leather and Morocco, Splendid Jewel
Cases, Fancy Bottles, Toilet Mirrors, Infant
Sets, Puff Boxes, Smokers' Sets, Vases. Parlor
Lamps, all kinds, German Students' Lamps,
Decorated Shades, Dressing Combs aud Hair
Brushes, and an endless variety of fancy
goods, at Rediek's Drug Store. Prices low to
suit the times. Everybody invited to call
and examine whether they buy or not.
Just Opened—On Mifllin Street.
Having erected new buildings on Mifflin St.,
and furnished thein throughout with new ma
chinery and tools of the latest and ui->st im
proved pattern, and employing only the most
skilled mechanics, J aw i<o«r prepared to fill
orders. Jobbing and repairing done to order.
Steam Kngiue and iteam Pump Work a social
ly. Patent right work and model making of
every description. Brass and iron castings
furnished to order. A full line of pipe and fit
tings on hand. Safety arid satisf action guaran
teed. Threshing horse powers and
all kinds of farm machinery repaired.
Manufacturer of Kuhne's motor with
pump attachment—the greatest boiler
leader of the age—it has no dead
center, therefore it is cheap, simple, durable
and the most reliable boiler feeder ever invent
ed. Your orders solicited. Shops and office
on MilHin street, opposite Klingler's Mills.
C. 11. KUUXE, Sole Prop'r.
Oct3l,3ni. Butler, Pa
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Gentlemens' and Childrens'
Underwear iu white, grey and scarlet,
all qualities.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Blankets from $1.25 up, Bed Comforts
from $1.25 up to finest grades.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Black and Colored Velvets
and Yelveteenß, very low.
—Spang New Family Sewiug Ma
chine for $17.00.
—The comet dosen't seem to bo blind
ing the naked eye to any remarkable
degree with its brilliancy.
At 9 1-2 Conts,
By the Web, best Fruit of tho Loom
Muslin, at
Cloth of America,
the best Silk in the World, at $1 25
and up, at
At 10 Cents,
New bright Plaids, at,
—Every Person can be suited in
Holiday Goods, at
—See that your doors are securely
locked at night.
—Read the holiday advertisements
and patrouize our live business men.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Hosiery, new Gloves, nu<v Cor
sets, large stock, just received.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chines are warranted for five years.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Neckwear, in all the new styles.
At L. Stein &. Son's.
New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed
Comforts, etc., at lowest prices.
—BLCKWIIEAT flour at s.'{.so per
hundred pounds, at George Walter's
mill, Butler, Pa.
—Christmas chimes will soon begin
to ring.
—Take a walk and look at the store
Special Notice.
The demand for Ladies' Wraps has
been immense; it has been impossible
to keep a line of sizes in stock. V/e
made a trip East last week, arid closed
out tbp eqtire stock of one of the Larg
est Manufactories, consisting of Circu
lars, New Markets, Ulsters, Coats,
Jackets, &c. To {five you an idea of
the prices, we fjuote Ladies' Coats from
$1.50 up; New Markets and l isters at
$5.50 and up. We can show you a
larger stock of Wraps than any house
in Pittsburgh, and all marked at less
than former Wholesale prices, at
See the New Markets,
at $5.50, at
At $1,50,
Ladies' Goat*, at
"When Irving was reuroaehed for describing
an Knglish Christmas which he had never seen,
he replied that, although everything that he
had described might not be S3eu at any single
house, yet all of it could be seen somewhere in
England 'at Christmas. He might have an*
wered, al«o, that the spirit of what he had de
scribed was visible everywhere in Christendom
on Christmas day.
"Some say thai ever'gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour's birth i- <• -lebruted.
The bird of dawning singeth all night long :
And then, tliev sav. no spirit dares stir alir .i.l
Tin-nights are wholesome, then no planetsstrikc
.So fairy takes, nor witch liath power to ebarin.
So hallow'd and so gracio.-s is the time."
This is the Christmas sentiment of to-day, a~
it was of Shakespeare's tiinc. It is the most
human and kindly of seasons, as fully pene
trated an 1 irradiated with the feeling of human
brotherhood, which is the essential spirit of
Christianity, as the month of June with sun
shine and the balmy breath of roses. Santa
Claus coming down the chimney loaded with
gifts is but the symbol of the gracious influence
which at this t'.in.* descends from heaven into
every heart. The day dawns with a benedic
tion; it passes in holiday happiness; and end -
in soft and i»cns:ve regret. It could not be the
most beautiful of festival if it were doe'rinal ;
or dogmatic, or theological, or local. It is a
universal holiday because it is the jubilee ot a
universal sentiment, moulded only by a new
epoch, and subtly adapted t-> newer forms of
the old faith.
When the neophyte asked his confessor what
was the central truth of Christianity, the old
man auswered, "Charity." 'fheu he explained
that charity meant love, aud that love meant
the spirit of universal fraternity. The alms
giving which is the technical interpretation ot
the word is but a symbol or that giving of tilt
heatt aud soul and life to he'p others of w iiieli
the supreme sacrifice of Cliri-.t is the <;cce;<tCi
type. The dav that commemorates llis birth is
the festival cf'humanity, a* the inspiring senti
ment of actual life, Ihe lovely legtud* ot the
day, the stories, aDd the songs and the half
fairy-lore that gathers around it, the ancient
traditions of du''kv woods and mvstic rites ; tiie
magnificence or simplicity ot Christian obser
vance, from the Pope in his triple tiara, borne
upon his portative tinonc in gorgeous -late to
celebrate pontifical high maw at the great ini.ir
of St. Peter's, to George Herbert humbly kneel
ing in his rustic church at Bemcrton, or to the
bare service in some missionary chajiel upon
the American frontier; the lighting ot ( hri.st
mas trees and hanging up Chri-tmas sU-ck ings,
the profuse giving, the happy family meetings,
the dinner, the game, the dance—they arc all
the natural signs and symbols, the flower and
fruit, of Christmas. For Christmas is the day
of days which declares the universal linman
tons^ioasnes. that peace on earth comes only
from good-will to uias."
Santa Clausin Butler.
'Teas 5 sold, wild night, and the ground was
With the frost-flowers of the snow ;
And the stars looked down on a noisy town
\V Ith iLs streets and halls aglow.
The store room of E. Grieb was in a particu
larly brilliant glow, with its three large double
cfvscs filled with new silverware, and other
cases filled with aititles in and silver, and
the room was filled with people buying of their
almost endless variety of scarf-pins, ear-lings,
watches, chains, charms, &c., and they all went
out looking cheerful and happy,
It was Christmas-time, and the merry chime
Of the evening bells rang clear
On the frosly aii, it t',' declare
r fwas the happiest time • >» fiiu yfear
Always a happy time for the recipients of
the presents bought at Kilter i Baisfor/.t great
dry goods and trimmings store, l'lie he!vc ;of
thrir immense store-room are filled from end to
end, with goods for Chrintmas presents, and
their show-windows presented a variety and
quality of goods un-excelled in the market.
For Jolly Saint Nick lias a chvet lii.i>
Of filling his sleigh with toys.
And swiff as a dream, with a reindeer-team,
He visits the girls and boys.
This year, as usual, he filled his sleigh at J.
F. T. htehle's "Santa Claus Headquarters,"'
where he found the largest stock of toys, dolls,
hobby-horsej, v/aguns, sleds, tool-b i\ -s, safes,
drums, violins, mu»:u-boxi,.<, (i'jii-litbies,
arks, cars and a thousand other things ever
brought to Butler. With each succeeding
Christmas, the funny looking old gentleman,
when in Butler, registers at Stchle's.
Now I've heatd it said that he has a dread
<>f freezing his turn-lip iio-e ;
Well, it may l.e ,o, for fierce winds blow
Aud it's cold where he often gi/i-,.
But it is never neither cold nor dark in a
house fitted up from 11. Biehl & Cj.'s stove
and lamp emporium. For Christmas presents
Henry h-ul brought on a lineof bea>|ti'ful hang
ing and student lamps, also all kinds of skates,
aud the toy counter at the rear end id' his store
was still a great attraction for the children.
But I think It a ruse, aud a poor excuse
For wanting to smoke his pipe ;
As every one know s that his pug nose glo-.ys,
Bed as a cherry lull ripe !
But that pug nose, is always covered, par
tially at le.jit, with a great fur cap, su m as
can be had at riia*. B. Grieh's men and boys'
furnishing goods store. For the holiday trade
Charley had secured a large stock of bciu;ifui i
silk scarfs af all shades, iiaud-ewiiroid r. d .-ijs
penders, fur gloves and capa, silk handker
chiefs aud scarfs, riik uinorellas and many
other lieautiful articles, and the young ladies
to please their best young men always send
Santa to sac him.
Hut he'< getting old. and we will int sco'd.
If we don't quite fancy his ways,
For we must dcp'Mid on him as a friend,
Or what would we do holiday .
Ilis loss would undoubtedly be a public ca
lamity, «ad iothat eise few steps would go
further too•rwre (lie public than a step into
the new j-welery store of J. B. Grieb. Johnny
is noted >r hista'-te in selecting goods, a fact
of which .Santa Clau i is fully aware, and he
always hunts Johnny up aud eunsults him on
these matter*.
When I was a hoy, with what perfect joy
I luted to l|«'ar my luoth'.'r • ay,
"We mist k«-H|i oil of sight. Haul a Claus oosnr
And to-morrow will be Ciiri .tin u day
And then all the stores IY<<rn which lie gets
his pretty thing*and good thing* will by i.: is I,
and among them Patterson's clothiu ' tore,
where u«- got me sueli a handsome winter :.u;t
the la-it time be came to [Sutler. i ti..]><- he
will go there again this year.
And I t'loug'it the old sprite, when he eatue in
ai Bight,
Had io i'i awl down tbe chimney wide .
And iba* all little boys who wanti-d his IOJH
.MILS: li ing up their stockings Inside.
I had hung up a pair of my sister's, great
long thick nies, and big around. They each
belli iii'l iy halt a bushel without breaking,
and I I. ii •■«* -:jgot them at .Stein'a where she
buys all her si-Hikings and underwear. Sister
says that every thing she buys there wc:ir.< and
looks so well.
Well, mi.- iii'. lit I slept where llii- stock in- wre
All reaily for .Saint Nick to lill ;
There I e.-rpi Into bed aud covered my lie. .1,
l>etermiii"d for once to keep still.
As sti 1 as it usually is in a store that don't
advertise. One storekeeper who inlverti-es in
theCn 1 /us - told me that bis sale* this year
werp don ii'- w hat they were lust, nnd another
that lie iv raged a hundred dollars a day for
several w.-:.s this fall, and that on one day his
oiili sal. s unlimited to $154), besides what lie
charged I lidn't believe him, until he showed
me ins Irii'ks to proye it. I won't tell his name
for he don't want me to.
The |il; '' • f"i iti - lire wa> wider ami higher
Than p':i #»n* 411;t«I«* nowadays.
Ami I!»«• Ilr«* x•-!t when tin* nr«Ntt !«»«** of woo 1
\Wn' •' in a bright ru<l<ly )>iazf !
And - ■ i ister.fane's face, at least it looked
very red. Lan had been saying pretty tilings
to her in lh.-next room, and had been "depos
ing" or jui"tlinig of that sort, aud I beard her
tell Biamnrt that that, new dress she bought for
her at Troitt'iian's worked like a charm.
Tom hinu'df looked very handsome that even
ing. II -i I he got his new rig at ileck'sand
was tick id : 1 death with it. He intend i Inly
ing his v. • Ming 1 nit at th'j same |>la< •.
I',MET tl.
Til it Hljillt I he lire was buried deep
1 n li-iu<-ath the ashes,
I ■ il.-lt.iiy oyes were fast adcep
i it'li r doll gray lash'-s.
A short visit to l>. f,. ( Ireland's jewelry
store this evening will keep you awake, no mat
ter how sh-epy you may l'ee|. ( |. -laud's stork
has been selected with care and good taste.
Sii lonn I waited thereto linar
TIIOMS reindeer hoots A ilriiiumtiiK,
Th:it I beiciui at I:»-t to fear
Th« nooa saint wan uot nmiiiiic.
Then I thought perhaps In- iniijht he Jjiy«r I
by ttie crowd at lieincnian'M, wliicli, a-, every
body known id headquarters fur l< > <!:■•, fancy
card*, pretty boxen and all v<r!s of nice things.
Hut suddenly I Ihoutfht 1 heai.i
|'<)<itht''jiH comlujc lie.nr inc.
I iMVi-r moved uor said a i", .nl,
i.% .irftii If- yilisUl U'Tir !
The footntejH we're V<vy. Very Itybr Smty
is a big ii'.ai, but lie has small Ij; I, ami the*e
were cove reit wilh the prettiest |>air >'l slippers
you ever saw. lit* got them a! Hnselton
Tl»' sound increascl anil louder vv.n-..
That tir~l v. :.■> ton a rn«tiin;;.
Till 1 felt sun- l.ial Santat'laiK
Was in the chimney Im^tiiii..
But he wasn't, he was yet on therojf wadinjr
through the sr.ow aa.i I.- Iret v. re ilry ac:
I warm, for over tin -e -iip| or It. 1 ha j i on a pair
' of John nickel's motor l»»>t .
I k!.-« !•<•'«. tr-.'l III,' sf. . 111-re.
I!::: fi-.tr-.l he (I li'i liie ». nil:?! iM:e<.
An.l so i thought ti> tas< a ii-;'!'
Wh'l- S ::it . •>i i .
For •• 'i •• !: • tlt-Hwht I Wis -i- -
I km •• !s • \.oi::ii not he.ir lue.
, \o itoiilit you Ihink lii-. merry looks
You'd recoguize iustanter :
\ oaJULvi-a aim in tl; • j,;ctare Ix.ok
on :: .i:i: R.
' Thai I should know iiim ar.y.vl. r<-.
I 1 fi-lt |iri>(.iuudlve. i.ain.
So eautieusly, whiie lie v..i tl'. re.
' ♦ I foltled baek lUr curtain.
Ami then I look. .1 for San; ■ (
Nor dreamed I'd M .* aaoiher.
Xmv. liti ut> you sui>|>o>e ii v,.»>
Why. BLESS you 'TWAS :.iv MOTIII.K !
J. 15. Kohlmeji r & Co., I,eve on hands at
their new <lru ; stor. - -mo handsf.mc toilet ar
' tides, perfumery, lamps an.l other articles
i for Christmas presents.
j lloesxir.g ha.s at hi- -tor.' on Jefferson
I Street. M.Lie elujanl buffilo reb-.s, btigi'V whip»
j and many other articles that woul.i not be
ami-s f >r presents.
j Morrison, th;- baker, will liriV" at hi-s store in
| the Vogeley llou-e by the end of this
week, a lot of t-liristuaas trees, with fancy toy
! candies, cornucopias, wax e.iudles and othei-
I articles with which t'. decorate them. He will
I also have an abnoJance < f mixed candies,
! cakes, nuts, and fresh tub oysters.
One of the important factors of the Christ
mas seasou, arid in the taost important to
the children is the supply of nuts, cakes and
candies, and Mrs. Koch, mindful of the public
wants, has anticipated the demand by ojiening
a large stock of extra fine groceries and con
fectionary for the holiday trad.-. This house
carries none but the very best goods in the
market, and their present stock is a remarka
ble Cue one. The confections. / tjtev ha>-«-
laid in for the Holidays i-. all fre.h, now au't
pure, and Is put up in packages exprcs-lv for
t.'hri-tnias gifts. .Sabbath school cotnmittcs
will find ihii the very place for their require
ments, tbe supply of which is a -7«. with
this popular house. They can a!-o obtain here
all that is needed to decorate the Christmas
tree and to load its branches with tieiiciou
Chris. Stock has many articles in his tin-ware
store, necessaries ot life, that would make ac
ceptable Christmas j;"iiu
Mr. William Miller has on hands some beau
tiful hard-wood furniture, of his own manufac
ture; articles that are always acceptable.
t )ue of Spang's New Family sewing machin- -
would make a particularly acceptable present
to many a poor woman in this broad county.
The Largest Slock
jf Fancy Holiday Goods,, at
For the Holidays.
We have in Stock, Dress Goods from
the finest Silks down to the lowest
Domestics, in Wraps, in Fine Russian
Circulars down to thechcapoat Jerseys.
An immense line ofali kinds of Fancy
Goods, suitable for Holiday Gifts. Buy
early when you have a large assort
ment to select from, at
AI 8 Cents,
1 case Standard Ginghams, at
—The turkeys are now hunting the
highest places to roost.
Bc>t Bargain Yet.
The Celebrated Conformator Corsets,
sold everywhere at SI.OO. At 75 cts.
per pair, at
selling regardless of cost at
At 75 Cents
and up, Bed Haps, at
—Our streets are lively with shop
pers every evening.
At L. Stein & Son's,
White and Colored Canton Flannel, at
lowest prices.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine lor $20.00.
—Spang .New Family Saving Ma
chine for $22 00.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
wilh :C. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
At L. Stein & Son's,
Just received a largo line of new Fall
und Winter Skirts, in very handsome
—Our merchants look for a good
holiday trade.
Goto J. O. Fulkrton's store on
JelT.'rson street, belo.v Bern's Hank, for
blankets, flannels and yei.ts, manu
factured from pure Butler t unty wool.
Jersey Red Boar fc,r Sale.
The undersigned baa lor side, at his
farm in Centre township, a choice
Jersey Red Boar 2 years old. This
pig took first premium at the l air.
McCandless P. ()., Busier Co., Pa.
—The Christmas cards n c very fine
this year.
At L. Sicin & So t's,
Now slock of Black and f'• lored Cnf>h
meres, extra value.
Hops! Hops!! li »ps!!!
A Wale of York State h'».»s ju-jt rc
cpived at the City Bakery, Vogely
House Block. uov2B--11.
Until the • loli<J;« y
Wo will Ki-11 Carpets at tli • following
low prices:
At 20 ctH , Cottage Carpet
At 25 eta., heavy Ingrain Carpet.
At 40 cts , Extra heavy ingrain.
At 45 eta., double Weight Ingrain.
At 05 cis., good Brussels Carpet.
At 75 eta , Better Urn.-, els Carpet.
At 00 cts., Higf?ins' Brussels Carpet.
At SI,OO, B.;nt '•> ply Carpel.
At $1.25, Best Velvet Carpets.
everything iu the Carpet I depart
ment marked down to the lowest pos
sible prices. If you need Carpets take
atfvantnge of thin Half.*, at
At 30 ("cuts,
Kxlra heavy Cord for .Men and Boys
Wear, at
At $2.50,
Fine French Felt I'attern Bonnets,
former price, $5 00 All kinds of Mil
linery at greatly reduced prices, at
At L. Stein & Son's,
: New Dress Goods, Xew I>ret-s Good*
a'l shades, all prices.
lf you want a good Lunch, 9quur<
■ Meal or an Oyster Stow go tj Morri
[ ebh's City Bakery. tf
We, the undersigned, in behalf of the
Board of Managers of St. Paul's Or
i phan Home, de-rim to tender to the
good people of Butler and vicinity, oar
most heart-felt thanks for their hind
remembrance of tis, and of the orphan
rinse, on the evening of the 11th. The
provisions furnished for the supper
were very it: urh mote and far richer
.a we could possibly have anticipat
; i ii: the rnuiic and recitations were of a
•rh order; and the families and friends
i •. no cheered us with their presence, and
brought so much real sunshine into our
Home will, we are quite pure, always
in- remember 1 pleasantly by our en
tire household.
If there is toy room atnli for distinc
tion among those who were especially
interested, wo would make favorable
mention of those who conceived the
idea of the entertainment: the subse
quent "committee of thirty," who
planned it; the kind ladies who solicit
ed the provisions for the supper; and
the ycung ladies who sold the tickets.
, it i ; also proper that special reference
| should be made of those who so kindly
furnished the entertainment after the
, supper—the pianists Misses Neyman
and Fiedler, and Mrs. Shaw; the violin-
I ist, Mr. Aaron Reiber; the vocalists,
i Mrs. It. I'. Scott, of Butler, and Mrs.
! C. II Humbert, of Pittsburgh; the elo
j cutionist, Miss Edith Mechliog, and
the Germania Cornet Band We also
heartily thank the proprietors ot the
printing offices of the CITIZEN, Eatjle
and llerald, who kindly did what
printing was required without charge.
The net receipts were $102.50, besides
."iO cans of fruit, 20 cakes and a large
quantity of bread which remained over.
After such an entertainment, given
without solicitation on our part, but
nevertheless received with hearts lull
of inexpressible gratitude, we can n:U
but tender our friends, especially those
of Butler and vicinity, our house and
its grounds for any proper use they
may hereafter desire to make of them.
We also invite them to cali, alone or
their friends, assuring them that
all such visits will be highly appreciated.
RfV. P. C. Pillwli, Supt.
Mas. P. C. Patau, Matron.
Evans City Institute.
Of the Teachers' Institute to be held
in School Building at Evans City, Sat
urday, I>oc. 22, 1 SBo.
p.imary l|eading—clays drill and
method of teaching—Enos McDonald.
Primary Arithmttic—E. Uixler.
Penmanship—l'rof. 11. (). Waldron.
Primary (Iconrajihy— Virginia Cook
Ilistor\"—\V. 11. Rodenbaugh arid
Prof. J. C. Tinstmaq.
Spelling—.John l.*vin.
Percentage—J. \V. Kline.
Proportion -Laura Graham.
Class drill and methad of teaching
will be in all of the above
branches Several essays v/ill be read
on subjects pertaining to school work.
The following questions v. ill be dis
cussed: The obligations of parents to
tho i-chool—.J. A. Xirandoq. Should
tli-j rod be u?ed in the punishment of
pupllril'—C. II (ieobring. Moral obli
gation of the teacher—.l. F. Shanor.
Other questions will be brought before
the teachers. The exorcises will be
interspersed with good music. All
teachers and friends of education are
earnestly invited to be present. In
stitute opens at 0 A M.
Musical and literary entertainment
will be given the night before.
Notice I NOTICE! Notice!
Under wear for gentlemen and .boy ft.
Underwear for ladies and Misses.
In Scarlet, Gray and White at bargain
Largest stock to select from at
—IJiOKWHEAT flour at $3.50 per
hundred pounds, at George Walter's
mill, Butler, Pa.
—Go to J. O. Fullertou's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
facti:rc d fi< m jure Builir ctunlj woo
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Fall Gloves, now Fall Gloves,
large stock, just received.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for SIB.OO.
—Will ynii have a Christmas tree ?
KITS • Ail rit.H nn>!>|>e<l frci; tiy J'r. Klim-'s llrcut
Ni rvc IJi stoM r. NuKll i after flfi ihiy's use.
M.irvtflciu.s cm •>. 'l'riMliif I.ihl c «i 0 trial Imltic
fri-c lo I'll IM i's. Scml to Dr. KiiiMf, !'-JI Ari'li St.,
i'liila . I'si.
ilas arrived with the Largest Stock o
Come and bo agreeably surprised at
the Toy Bazaar ot
: U P R Br,d pafc ®
! V«\ *t-/v3 omrs QUICKLY. i« not
' fi'S'"*/"- /i . »J tilickv r.or greaty: roujj'»
'J "'''-'y ! «!ori «olt, 'irrr.lii r,n<l *< I* ty,
P'>7 (A R _ an'l floi Jnr I tmart ln« »kin.
V't) 3M' Cf 1 N.n. HOMEY PI W make.
' ' Tuvn povvde-r acJh« ro fo tho
i f A * ,in l,b "-
rptrE , 3C rnv«.
Consumption Curod.
olil (,*■ \ 111. iclirci\ (nun |>r:n In c, huMliK
|i:i,l |ilu<-c<l in In i Irani' l.v .i i l' i I luilla ml lon
.im tin inula of A ■<liii|i|i' \ r.< l :il>t<- r> ni"<ly fin
Mil •,|i<" il v anil 11 11:i:11n• 111 cure of I oir.i iii|il ion,
l:roii''lul . Ca . irli, Avllima ami all llironi ami
i.niu- A Her! 1011 -i. also a |>.HIII.C ami radical enri
i ior Ni rvinn I»>-l>ilit y ami a'l Ncrvoun I 'oiii|ilainls
lifter IlilVlll • • I ell 111' Ir '.rontlel lill ■in ilivc |.o-,v
I M 111 111 OF I-JISCH, INIK tell IT IN . 'LILT \ TI
m ik. lt kllo'.Vll lo III* 11LIE1111(; fcllMWs. Aetiiulcil
I,V IIN aioln ami a ilcilrc lo N-licvc liiiiiian vnf
J lerini;, I will '.eml tree of E|l.irjjc, to all \VLI«> «L«-
■ Ire LL. TLII~ rc i|ie. 11l LLI-rmail, I'lcncli or IIIIKINII
I wltli lull ilii illon* lor FIEIIAHIIA ami USIIIK
1 Sent IN mail T-y aililr. S,|IIK V.IIII 4ani|>. iiamliu
! tins P qii r. A. Nov km, IN rower's lilock
; ft iclicsti r, N V. HC|itl2-83-ly'«",
"ij Extract of Amnatto.
w own Color.
»4 ' *nl * r your M«T
--j '*•:», «f t 1.1 (»<r u viyiuj^t>,
j BIiVV IUIU it'tf Ntf H-an H»rkH St.. Villi,\t) V.
I ~fort
»j FOR N
: Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwright and Warner's Underwear, in white and p, arlct |
■'* Fifty dozen Fancy Suits of Underwear, all wool, which we are selling at $8 00 a suit. The best tbiug ever a A
offered at the price; worth $5.00. Hoys' and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes.
c "'l i.'.'i.i.zru lSritUh liose at 2," ets. a pair, worth 50 its., ju t opened. French, German and Domestic Hcsiery in Siik,
!&J 1 Me Thread-. Cuiucls' Hair, Merino, Cainmere and Co.'ton. Novelties in \'e. kwear, in plain and fancy -ilk ar.J «atin,'iu .-II tnr )■
! <£,2 le i ding shape. Our Fall importations of English Neck wear Just opened. " ' £5;
rij Walkintjand Driving Gloves, in Kid, Fur, Camel'-; Hair, Cashmere and Cloth, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Suspend:. t L
Silk and Linen Handkerchief', Hemmed and Hemstitched, in white and with fancy border*, l.inen Collars and Curt'.- all th. ~i ■v. ? -7
V m t
cki Umbrella, in Silk, Alpo. ". and Gingham. Largest line of English aud American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Butler. Ui;r : '-i
Black Silk L'inbrc-lla !"r - '...">0 is the best thing over offered. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Celured "sh:,i-
always on hand, ihe largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in Rutler. *. '
CHARLES R. 6RIEB, Union Block, Main Street Butler, Pa. {$
Special Inducements to Persons Purchasing Holiday Presents from
Main Butler, Pa.
valued at twenty dollars, and every purchase amounting to three dollars or over entitles you to
a cl.ance of drawing the same. Having largely increased our stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.,
Wo are justified in saying to the public that our line of goods is the largest and most varied in
Butler. Place of business two doors South of Duffy's and opposite Trcutman's Dry (roods store.
M ■ V'
*IV l J I' V A Lnn year w» flrnt Introduced thU W t'J
1 I *yTV- '-' | TBAitHiNa xivrltt totlie chlldrtn \\J
S i\*r~~ \ > x , aif/l of America ami it i* »le to uaert fit
« j~ T i~ S ,!■ T*7 tli.it in) lor evnr aevhwd attained 41L r S\fi
vJ.kI _ . wJV Mich imnrelinle popularity; fully UNI/ I V \w
( « V \ i!\ n\v«reof lt*m«it»elii»iltbouaand»/V# V ' 1 V 7
f * . | \Vt or I Mis ready turttia Holiday trade U/7 f /<EggWP!\l \\
'/ fjv ll \ V\\ riotwltlwtaiidW wSiksh the supply flyl IKT Wn"Q)l \l
V Cry/ V><fitt ' W ll *l\v\ extMuMeU enrly in iiecetnoer, 11/ I B y
t>- r VI ll * 1 \w> and Imn<lmlß<>r chiMrenwliocamef/l I ifj Jtei> ( \ n
>, f IV ) •vt*/JSo-d '"l to our store were disappointed. Welfl AVM 1pt"» i V i.
T I 3 ' K i A <Z ~~-*r*S-<pf have be«ii accumulating «Uk-K for Vr// f;l I; IL- li 1 •
\ /T-jfercC V i t the pnst nine menllu and Khali en- ■/ l\\ 111 1.111 I
) V/ 7
/ 1/ / « I/ ol receipt. The Moll I.us been In- J ffiA 31 eu flvlM
1 1/I I |L( proVM In eyrrjr way niiice laat I H/lisJ JWj^sßl'l
ff § lY rjrl year. Instead <•( th« Miff Uerm in body I Lit \ St. f"Xr I \ 1
ft J - u,' X I ® 8 man Imported bulla our Doll li:i» uii Iht xSSFt 1 jl 1 ,
f/S MA AMERICAN MADE BODV with • 111 I / 1
/' ff V** UinlxT fcilnuso IliiitiiwiU ilteatuy and I \l IT 1/
F" 9 V (,T»c«folIy la any portion. I lie arm Is L/i| I L'l It .
fi I \ of Finest Kid with neiwrute flnjters. mu I fl j !]
iff R Tlie?e arejiosltlvely tliollnert bodlM erer ™ 1 1 f v ''
>. f « put In a Doll, tliev tire of graceful and natnnl I | /_, J
/.\| B Khsp*. find in mil ijetter tiiid tuore expensively 1 1 /
#, <f made than the best imported borlleg which they ■ 1 !
will ont-wour many linip*. The Wuru I I I m
Jlleß*la with long lialr are of tjie bent Fiench and Oer- 1 I \J TJ
Vy/tT/<t3 nan make miil» oipeelally for tlki< Doll und they are *n I t *-53
vi t_. 1 J l.cnnlHul as ltle.loiiit hair, lieantlfnl eyea and delicately ■ I PI Z
I T t nledclieeki. Wo cnnßlder them llie finest Doll's HetuM 1 I a
1 1 ever linporti .1 into this country, end that without the « J
v \ I Womlorfiil Mlnatinir Attncliment THE Doll u , J ">
A I ALOJtK IS WKt.L Wocril TXTR KNTIEr. I'Rinß. TllE StNO- Pf Wl _
l\VA\ IV \ ISO ATTACIIMKSTII eolicealeii within the body. It Isr.lieof \l II Jt
»v' \ IV \ the most Ingenious Inventions of the age. its shape und 11 1, tl ,
I lit location lire shown In tho right hand engraving. It is If f, {[ :! X O
\ ' i \ 1 1 n Perfect Musical Instrument, tlnclv made, not // ,) \V S x
\ A> Vj 1 liable tojtet out ot order and so arranged that it allelic //l ' kIV m ~
V\W I I r,re.<fiir» causes the Doll losing one of (lie followlmt sirs: I'/ \A [' «<-
'• Unmr.ticcet Ittimr." " UrrenvilW." " J to bf nn nnpfl." 1 M y I -jJ
-r/iete ii ahappj land," "Surrt bufjfJ true," "
, ... " "//oir cm 1 lea>e t/iret" "A H C Soun." "Ammca." "Thau. »A<.u mon'st" 'Oermsnl. "irok? H ■!•
t " \t li riTinn I, *'TcU Aunt J\hodr.,' "Jitrn .1 triiom.' " YnhLre Oood'r" "Ct n.ir.tj thro' fn« / if." " (»- d
f .! Pn.iccof IV'atfj," " <Jraudfathrr'> Clock," 'Child?* Won 1/." "Out Hot of Summer." "Joyful Mtu>rj*"
It .erui in ' f / FolJkt ut Home." "J'up Oort the Urate/. 1 "Sit rnariu Stars'* 11 it'Muari ). "Sleep mu Child '
fOrmnii), " lf/I'7l In lit tie bird." " Cradle'.■ 1 Empty." "Und Wiethe (Jueen." Walking and talking dolls hr.vo
I a:; I' ' 11 inade, hut they arni'v imtihiv r, kikiii out of order und do notalToid the little lialf toe iileasnic
t > riti lainne'iit that our Weiulerlul Sinitlnie IKoll does, which is the OreaCeat Novelty 111
TOlfa EVEB I'UOBUCED arid IS'he lit">t t,aul\ful uiiilaprtr. pnaieprnei't that can !>o msdo toa
1;.. V V.• can liiriiiHh Due «ias Nn. I, 22 lnchci high, price So. », MlnekHhigh. Ur;>rhMd
(Pi ico <l. ;t, 20 luche* high, m'u ixh.l, price |A.O». These PrlOM Include
Goxlny All three nlzes roe oiuully perfect and complete, but the larger the dull flu larger to" Kinni.ig
atucl.uicut and better head Sent to any uddresn on rei.'eipt of iiriceijlne embroialered Chemise
a.". «•!». eitru. Tug 1 HAi>K SiTi-t-Llio. /ddress all orders to THE MAHMAi'II I'SKTTH
u;t».iv CO., No. E.'i Wiuhlafton Ntrect, Burton, Miui., I/. M. A.
t j- I'lUB t'OSTVUKS lor thetc dutlt with ur.dercbtkiui/ luce lnmrn*d.Jlmelv made. U 00 tots a lextr..
> |
''aN, t,ia * w Play any tune, and that any
/ "" f \ one ' even a child, can operate.
/(.wl&F*Stk if / \l \ TheOrMncHe hat gained «urh a world-wide refutation
ij/iXfS mC /' V JX v. fc, \ that .c l« njjthy description of it Is not ne:es»ary. It will
/' '///, \ he suthtient to «.;»v that it it a PKKFSCT ORGAN thaiplaya
F ftfei"} '// fj \i l\ \ tHtihanualty all the %*cred airs, popular music, songs,
f ' //'/Ail 111 ill ' ilclL ♦ MR* \\\\ 1 I rfaacti, eti. etc. It consists of three strong hellows and
Ift v * 7jR.IV / 17/ > ji A . 1 set of reeds with kxpkksslON bo* and SWELL. A strip
I J V'WY Jl/ I If 'll Perforated paper represents the tune, and it Is only
IF If* A iw JIB It/ ne ' c< * sary to 1 tc lhc J xl P eT tune in the Instrument, a*
XL MA * 1\ TvjUV I I/1 \ W t '[nW. \ljll iliown in the picture, an«i turu the handle, which both op
\y * -ii y iyii wr 'n /1 1 111 1 UI I erates the bellowt and propels the paper tune. The per-
Y %*fsr A*l W C * ' lillt i" * hc l»aper allow the right reeds to sound anil
V\ T I'M W ' I' 1/a I I il i'l a perfect tune is the ftsuli,/rr/rr/7N Umtsxtt ufum, and
"I I I ll V ALI II f o tct * wi, hout the least knowleilgr of music heing re
\ 1) / yif V'/jft l I^l/ quired of the performer : even a little child «an o|*erate it:
//.y i! \Jr a-, i «hown In the picture, a little «irl is playing a and
L/hcr playmates are ringing the words. It is tuned in the key
\ T j mW best suited for the human voice lo slag by. It interests and ei»
'i/ —. tertains both ohl antl young, assets in training the voice and
X V m - ' ~/JjnM perfectly repres' iited by the picture. It is matleof bo/*J
/k mm Uev«.iate«i in jjilt, and is ln>th handsome and ornamental The
t fl? / // a- ■ 1 n.nlar m-tiuments has hitherto been |B, and the demand hjis cou-
I *» lucrea/cd uu'.il now there aro over 75.000 in use. We are encouragetl
_ tupUce the Urgauetta on the market at this greatly reduced
m i— price, t'clieviiig that the sale will warrant the redu< *
In If JPQ rn S~' utt - ihe Organetta though similar in constructin i
roiitains the sam«^>umf««
reed* and plays the same
T.- *■*"— Our offer is thl» :
f m: tf. npt ..I #T *»•
/ / t" 'iiv addresk.and include PURR
f'/ $1.60 worth of iuum> or «>i« rc
ly "<V '9 eelpt "f #& »r Will wil l It with
orth of ruutic PR RR,
(*v V ' '•*T* or ' ' »t
--«BB IMWy ywpifal'*.-' small »cl«cth>u of niuwl. PRRR.
"v3 •'^ rice '» (>u dek t>oxuig ao l
IKJS H|<Atki"t>. ihf,e Off
jj( rir <* and we will appoint the
The Masßachusetts Qrnan Co., 67 Wa»hington Str««f. Bsttss, M—«.. V7T
irv T1! K PI t I O K <> F
jp» R
Anchor - - $1.65 Per Sack.
Red Ball - - 1.60 Per Sack.
Standard Amber 1.55 Per Sack.
Extra Family - 1.40 Per Sack
Tho libuve Staiuliird Brumis of Flonr will bo kept coiiHtftnfly on IIIIDU nt ro
tlneed prices. Alho,
! A„ r >-ni lor Jirndlcj'n wi>ll-known Hlovtm, IC.um«« uo.llHi'aU'rH. K<> >lloir, ■poutlnir hiiil isjinlr
lIIJX <io.i<% «>u wU< i t tml|t <>. on MuiO M . UHIKI Ul N'irtli. Slljji i»l I.nrjii' C"(li'• Pi>l.
UV>v 28>:i 1 y. »
Port Grape Wine
Used )T\ the principal CLurohes for Comraunion
Excellent for Ladies nod Wer.klY
Persons ard the A^ed
g^E. : E 11.
This celebrated Native Wine is iwu'o from the
juice of the Opinio Grape, ruined in tl i* coun
try. Its invaluable
ire unsurpassed by any other Native \V. n. J)«.
'••K the pure juipu of the jjrape priklu i nuder
Vlr. Hpeer's own personal tuij>oivisi.>.i, li s purity
•uid genuineness in guaranteed. :-t
children may partake of its genoroim ipialuie*,
and the weakeet invalid use it to advanta . e fb
:» particularly beneficial to ths a-,mi an 1 iti bili
i»ted. aud suited to the various'silti . .! llmt
effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the
a Wine to be relied on.
The P. J. Sherry is a wine of Hipcri<>r Char
icter and partakes of the rieli qualities ot tho
r»i>e fmm wbich it i« made. Fur t'untv. Rich
ness of Flavor ami Medicinal Properties.it will be
ouud unexcelled.
This liramlv stands unrivalled ir< ll cnui'fry
t>eing far snpeiior for medicinal p;.rito i.
It is a pure distillation from the ; nj-o, arul
contains valuable medicinal properties
I lias a delicate flavor, similar to that i f Mm
<rapes. from whieh it is distilled, and in in (. rc.it
favor among tirst-clans families.
Hee that 'lie signature of Al,Flil'!l S'PICEIt
•'assaic, N. J., is over the cork of eauli ! 1t:..,
Sold hy J>. II Wullor,
Patterson, tho One I'rico Clolliicr tunl
OrnU' Furnisher liuk a Kiuo Stoel; "f
new Winter Clothing for Men*', Hoy.V
and Childrons' Wear tit one ostroum'y
Low I'ricc to all.
Duffy Itlorlt, liu tic a*. B\t,
Q iVi'iVmi«Kil l l.y .ii 11 '
6-"- 'rtjl*.T >. v,