Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 05, 1883, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5, 1883.
—The Xutt murder trial is to begin at Union
town to-day.
—"For the holidays," see E. Grieb, the jew
eler's new card, aud indu;ements oflered to
—Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chiue, of any make, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store
—One of our storekeepers, who lateljrshipped
a car load of buckwheat to Pittsburgh, says he
lost 20 cents a sack on it.
—Thanksgiving day, this year, wasclearand
pleasant. Last Thanksgiving day it began to
snow—the first heavy snow of the season—and
we had good sleighing for six weeks.
—Mr. J. R. Grieb, the jeweler, has in stock
for the holidays a fine assortment of jewelry,
watches, etc. Head his new card.
—The ll.\nnahsto am Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will hold their annual election on
Saturday. January 12, 1884. See notice in
another place.
—Light running Domestic Sewing Machines
Jos Niggle & Bro. Agents, Butler, Pa. tf
—Morris' tobacco store, in this town, was
broken into last Wednesday night and robbed
of cigars, etc., to the value of about ten dollars.
—For sheet-music go to the new music store
The bearing of the Murraysville murder
and riot case began at Greensburg Monday, and
was continued during Tuesday. 1/ie result, at
this writing, is yet unknown.
—The new well on the McCalmont farm,
near Bald Hidge, is not yet completed. Up to
Monday evening she was but five or six feet in
the sand and was still flowing at the rate of
about 100 barrels per day.
—Go to H. Biehl & Co., for Phosphate,
Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, &c.
—Mr. Harry Hyland is drilling a well on the
Anthony Thompson farm in Centre township.
He has about a thousand acres leased and
hopes to "strike it rich." The well is already
down about 1000 feet.
—Col. Archibald Blakely, formerly of this
town, was arrested at his home, in Sewickly,
last Friday, for complicity in the Murraysville
riot. The Colonel issaid to be a partner in the
firm of Weston & Co.
—Mr. D. L. Cleeland has received a large
stock of silver-plated ware, watches, clocks,
jewelry, spectacles, etc., for the holiday trade,
and warrants all his goods to be just as he rep
resents them. Head his card in another place.
—lf new inventions had never been given a
trial where would this nation be to-day? Why,
it would scarcely be termed a civilized people.
So it is with Day's Soap. We want our readers
to learn of iu value to them.
—Mr. O. M. Haymaker, the man who was
murdered at Murraysville lately, had some oil
interests near Petrolia, this county, some years
ago. It is to be hoped that his murderer will
meet with prompt punishment.
—Sewing Machine attachments and repairs
of all kinds, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store.
—An eastern paper wants the girls to show
some judgment as well as taste in designing
their Christmas mottoes, and not harrow the
feelings of their best young men by presenting
them with mottoes reading "Honesty is the
best policy," "Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand," etc.
—The verdict in a case tried week before last
was for the plaintiff for damages to the amount
of Jive cents. Six and a fourth cents damages
carries costs with it, but the attoruies we have
inquired of think that five cents does not, and
that the plaiutiff in this case will have to pay
the costs of the suit.
—Rev. T. F. Stauffer, will, in a few days,
open a Music Parlor in connection with the
music store, where instructions will be given
on piauo and organ, by Prof. E. S. Kasslerand
Miss M. E. StaulFer. Classes are now being
formed. Torres reasonable. Apply to teachers
or at music store.
—The town has been divided into sections
and committees who will call upon the people
to contribute such articles as they can for the
supper at St. Paul's Orphans' Home on Tues
day evening. Let all contribute who can. It
is a freewill offering to the orphans. Let it be
participated in by all.
—Committees will canvass the town during
the week lor the sale of tickets for tbe orphans'
supper. The cause is a good one. If you can
attend, well; you will enjoy yourself; if not, it
will be a contribution to a worthy cause. Tick
ets for the supper 50 cents, children 25 cents.
—The Etna Iron Works Company, of Sharps
burgh, are drilling a new well for gas on the
Samuel Anderson property, in Clinton town
ship, about halfa mile below the well on the
William Harvey farm. Some of the wells in
that section that have been supplying their
mills with fuel for some years, are failing and
the object is to increase the supply.
—The Water Works meu shut off the supply
from the Court House and jail last Saturday.
They claim that the coutract between the com
pany aud the couuty has expired and want
SSO more or $450 in all per year. This the
Commissioners refused to pay, and claim that
the old contract is yet in force. The matter
be,settled by the court.
—A large number of our citizens—probably
three hundred or more—got on the special ex
cursion funeral traiu ou the S. & A. Railroad,
last Sunday, and rode up to Mercer and back.
The train consisted of six cars aud by the time
it reached Mercer all the cars were crowded.
The cheapness of the ride—so cents for the
round trip—was the principal attraction,
though there were a few persons on the train
who really went for the purpose of attending
Judge McDermitt's funeral. For the rest it
was but a Sunday holiday excursion enjoyed
under rather'pecu'.iar circumstances.
—A man named James Williams was com
mitted to jail last Saturday, charged with the
late robbing of Rhodes «Sc Christy's store in
Sunbury. Williams aud another man have
lately been selling hardware very cheap in New
Brighton, Beaver county, and were arrested on
suspicion. Word was sent to Rhodes & Christy
of the arrest, and Mr. Christy went down ana
identified the hardware as being his aud Wil
liams was committed, but his partner, who had
a hearing on another case, before Mr. Christy
arrived in the town, was discharged.
—During the year 1834 the Agricultural de
partment of the Pittsburgh Weekly Commercial
Gazette will be of inestimable value to the
farmer aud husbandman. Mingled with this
farm news and notes he will get reliable politi
cal information, Republican reasoning and the
news of the world. For the familv there will
be the fashions, the household selections and
the best collection of miscellany possible to be
gathered into the space of a newspaper of com
manding size. Subscription price of the Com.
mercial Gazette is $1.25 per year.
—The Nation seems to be passing through
an epidemic of murder and suicide, aud several
dozen cases of each were reported in last week's
papers. The worst case of murder was that re
ported from Lacouia, N. H., where a man
named Salmon murdered his mistress, a mar
ried woman named Ford, cut her body to pieces
and put it in a trunk and wheeled it to his
boarding house, and being detected that night
in trying to dispose of it, murdered the family
he boarded with, piled their bodies on the floor,
put a mattress over them, soaked the mattress
with oil, set it ou fire and ran for his life. The
woman of the family, however, returned to
consciousness before the lire reached her aud
jumped out of a window and gave the alarm.
•Salmon was arrested.
—The beautiful, and in some respects fright
ful, sunset spectacle of last Tuesday evening,
was repeated iu a less striking form the follow
ing evening. On Tuesday evening the red glow
spread all over the western heavens, leadiug
some people in Butler to suppose that a great
fire was raging at Bald Ridge, and it did not
entirely disappear until nearly two hours after
the sun had set. The cause was undoubtedly in
the atmosphere, and astronomers suggest that it
might have been meteoric dust, as the earth
has lately passed through'the track of the No
vember meteors and most meteors are consum
ed a hundred miles or more above the surface
orf'the earth and the products of their combus
tion find their way slowlv down through the at
mosphere. It is not impossible, also, that the
earth, in its journey through space, sometimes
encounters meteoric matter which is already in
the condition of dust, and which slowly filters
down through the air. Whatever the cause
may be, there have certainly been some most
surprising atmospheric phenomena in the last
two or three months in several <|uarters of the
globe. India, Ceylon, and South America have
recently been treated to the spectacle of a green
sun and a green moon, and now iu more north
ern countries we are having the evening sKies
set allame with strange reflections. The in
habitants of the earth sometimes behold mar
vellous sights in their travels through the
universe under the guidance of the journeying
tun. *
—The glass works >n this town, started up
again last week and is using natural gas in its
furnace —8 jets, one under each pot. The pro
prietors are talking of drilling a well foritas,on
their own property. The firm of Richards <Sc
Hartley, proprietors of the Pride street glass
work in Pittsburgh, have obtained a good gas
well on their property near Tarentum, and
propose moving their glass works to that point.
The use of natural gits in manufacturing gla-s
promises to revolutionize the business and give
the manufacturers of the western part of this
State an immense tdvantage over the
eastern manufacturers. Richards <fc Hartley
expect to save from $->,OOO to *IO,OOO a year.
An "average factory now consumes from 200 to
400 bushels of coal daily, ami employs two
teezers, each of whom are paid about $lB a
week, an expense which would be avoided
where the natural gas is utilized."
—The counsel for the prosecution in the
case of the Commonwealth versus John
Snyth Esq. asked, in court last Monday after
noon, that the bail of the Esq. be forfeited on
account of his not appearing that day. This
the court refused,, but upon application of his
bail, awarded a process for him This was
put in Sheriff Donaghy's hands, who imme
diately drove up to the Esquire's home iu
Cherry township, and there found him sick
in bed. The Sheriff stayed there all night, and
came home nest day with an affidavit signed
by Drs. Washabaugh and DeVVolf, setting
forth that the Esquire was not in a fit condi
tion physically to be removed from his bed,
and that such removal at present might be at
the risk of his life. This return was deemed
unsatisfactory by the court. Esq. Smith and
his bail were called and their recognizances
forfeited aud respited till this morning, and
another process put in the hands of the Sheriff,
who, with the bail, immediately started for the
home of Esq. Smith to bring him to Butler.
—The celebration of "Evaluation Day" at
New York city, on Monday of last week, closed
the centennial celebrations of the important
events of revolutionary times. The celebra
tions of these events have been a remarkable
series of commemorations. They began with
the observance in Philadelphia, on the oth ol
September, 1874, of the centenary of the assem
bly ol the Continental Congress, and they end
with that of the evacuation of Xew York, on
the ('2sth) 26th. of November, 1883. Their cul
mination was naturally that of the central event
of the Revolution, the Declaration of Inde
pendence. During this long period the Revo
lutionary story ha* been told and retold in a
manner deeply to impress it upon the national
mind and memory, and the tiual result is un
questionably a more vivid and adequate knowl
edge of the national history. It is one of the
great good fortunes of the country that the cen
tennial season did not occur until the civil war
had ended, and the national Union had endured
successfully the prolonged and vital test of its
character and power. The war is already merely
one of the incidents of our story—an incident
which will soon have left no baleful conse
quence. There are, however, two more events
belonging to the period immediately following
the war for independence whose cdutennial an
niversaries will doubtless excite very general
interest. They are the adoptiou of the Federal
Constitution and the inauguration of the Gov
ernment under Washington. There may be
some difference of opinion as to the dates when
these events should be celebrated. The
National Convention which framed the Consti
tution finished its work and signed the instru
ment on Sept. 17, 1787. But it was not to be
come valid till it had been ratified by nine
States. The ninth State happened to be New
Hampshire, which accepted it on June 21, 1788.
Which day will be selected for the grand cele
bration It was provided that the Government
under the Constitution should commence on
March -1. 1789. A Senate and House of Repre
sentatives were chosen, and Gen. Washington
was elected to the Presidency in the previous
winter months. liut, owing to various causes,
Washington did not take the oath of ofiice till
April 3u, 1789, when the new Gevernment went
into full operation. Will March 4, or April
tO, 1889 be taken as the proper day for the
celebration ?
The fine steel engraving of Rothermel's cele
brated picture of the battle of Gettysburg, pur
:hascd by N. P. Reed and brothers, of the Com
mercial Gazette of Pittsburgh, will be formally
presented to the "Grand Army Post," at the
i'ourt House, in llutler, on Thursday evening,
December The presentation speech will be
made by Col. John M.Thompson. The picture
will be received on behalf of the Post*by the
Post Commander, and an address will be deliv
;red by Capt. G. W. Fleeger on "the campaign
)f Gettysburg." The fact that Capt. Fleeger
was- present and participated in the battle is
sufficient guarantee of a rare treat on that occa
sion. The proceedings will be interspersed
with old army songs by the G. A. R. All old
soldiers, whether they belong to the Grand
\riuy or not, are expected to "fall into line,"
ind the citizens generally are invited to onie
ind see the grand picture. Bring your wives
ind daughters along. Let the boys bring their
jirls and all join in an old fashioned "camp
ire." Doors open at 7 o'clock. Admission
Laws of 1883.
Providing for the disposal of the property of
unincorporated associations upon dissolution,
stc., of same.
Relating to State Insurance Commissioner
md foreign insurance companies.
Regulating the computation of time under
statutes, rules of court, charters, etc., —not to
jpply to payment of negotiable pai>er.
Authorizing Recorder to sign anil certify to
Jeeds in certain cases.
Providing for publicatiou of Pennsylvania
Relating to satisfying of mortgages when
holders live outside the State.
Relating to evidence from bank books.
Providing for decreasing the capital stock of
Relating to permanent certificates of teachers
in common schools—examinations to be written
—certificates valid all over county, etc.
Amending Qorporation acts of 1874 and 1879.
Legalizing charters of boroughs, that have
not been recorded, upon their doing so.
Permitting foreign executors to issue tcire
facias, etc.
Providing for satisfaction aud discharge of
Sheriff's recognizance.
Amending game and fish law.
Protecting persons sustaining loss by Ore,
where the same is covered by contracts of in
Amending soldiers' orphans act—no admis
sions to be granted to homes after June 1, 1887,
and all homes to close and children to be dis
charged on June 1, 1890.
Providing for the gauging of petroleum iu
custody of pipe lines, etc.
SupplimeUting act relatiug to boundary mon
uments on line between New York and Penn
Appropriation bills.
Note.—The only charters issued under the
act ot 1874 and supplements, to companies hav
ing their headquarters in this couuty, between
the Ist of July, 1881, and Ist of July, 1883,
were those to the "Templeton Fire Brick &
Mineral Paint Company," capital stock SIOO,-
000, and to the Butler Gas Company, (reor
ganized) capital stock SO,OOO.
—Go to J. O. Fuller ton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
Just Opened—On Milllin Street.
Having erected new buildings on Mifflin St.,
find furnished them throughout with new ma
chinery and tools of the latest aud most im
proved pattern, and employing only the most
skilled mechanics, I am now prepared to fill
orders. Jobbing and repairing done to order.
Steam Engine aud iteam Pumo Work a special
ty. Patent right work and model making of
every description. Brass and iron castings
furnished to order. A full line of pipe and fit
tings on hand. Safety and satisfaction guaran
teed. Threshing machines, horse powers and
all kiuds of farm machinery repaired.
Manufacturer of Kuhne's motor with
pump attachment—the greatest boiler
feeder of the age—it has no dead
center, therefore it is cheap, simple, durable
aud the most reliable boiler feeder ever invent
ed. our orders solicited. Shops and office
on Mifflin street, opposite Klingler's Mills.
C. 11. KUHNE, Sole Prop'r.
0ct31,3m. Butler, Pa.
At 15 Cents,
2 pair for 25 cts., Misses extra long
heavy Hose, at
See the
Beautiful line of Hoods in Silk, Satin
and Wool, at
The Largest Stock
of Ladies', Gents' aud Children's fur
nishing goods, at i
> Fatal Accident in Summit Tvvp.
1 1
While a young man named Kennedy was
1 passing along the Kittanning road, near Judge
: Mitchell's place, hist Wednesday evening, after
! dark, his attention was directed to a whitish
' colored object lying at the ide of the road
' down an embankment. Stepping into the
• I house of Joseph Baldauf, nearby, lie obtained
1 | a light and he and Baldauf, and Samuel Mit
' ! chell and another man who happened to be
1 passing examined the premises, and discovered
; J not only a horse, which is of a light gray color
| aud which Kennedy had first noticed, but also
| an overturned wagon and two dead bodies lying
in the gutter at the foot of the embankment.
1 | The bodies were recognized as those of Harry
■ ! Costly, of Clearfield township, and his mother,
i Mrs. Costly, who for some time has been living
in the little shanty back of t hris. Stock's tin
I store, in Butler, and who has lee i supporting
| herselt by washing. On the giound near them
I was found material for a Thanksgiving dinner,
I some candies, etc. There were no bruises up >u j
j their persons excepting slight ones upon his I
face and her band, and no bones broken, but
f the physicians called to the inquest discovered
I evidences of internal injuries which caused
their death. Mr. Kennedy caine to Butler and
notified Esq. Keek, who, with Drs. Pillow and
Graham ami some others, went to the spot
where the bodies were lying and held an in
quest. The bodies were then removed to Mr.
Baldauf's andpiext morning taken to Costly's
I home, in Clearfield township. The horse,
I which was lying at the foot of the embank
i in en t, tangled in the harness and unable to i
| move was released. It had evidently turned
j from the main road into the side road leading
| to Samuel Mitchell's, and Cosily, discovering
the mistake, had tried to make a turn while on
the embankment, thus precipitating the whole
party over it. Mr. Costly had, with his mother,
started from Butler for his home in Clearfield
township about dusk, and the accident must
have happened between six and seven o'clock,
as their bodies weie discovered about seven.
He is said to have been drinking that afternoon
aud a bottle containing whisky was fouud on
his person, after (lie accident. It was not
broken. Mr. an I Mrs. Costly, the old couple,
resided ou the Duffy farm in Clearfield town
ship, until about one year ago, when Costly de
serted her. since which time she has been living
in Butler. They were very poor people and
the expenses of the funeral will likely have to
be paid by the township. Mr. Costly was a
married man about 36 years of age and leaves a
wife and five small children behind him.
To the Citizens of Butler.
A supper and musical entertainment
will be gived at tbeOrphuDs' Home on
Tuesday evening,. Dec. 11,1883, for
the benefit of tbe Home. Supper will
begin at 4 o'clock p. M , and can be had
at any time during tbe evening. A
committee of experts is now preparing
a programme and will entertain the
.guests with vocal and instrumental
Our object is, first, to benefit the
Home and tbe orphans, second to get
all our people acquainted with the Su
perintendent aud his family, and to
foster and build up a more earnest and
general interest in this our only charit
able institution. Our aim will be to
make the evening profitable to the
Home and pleasant to the visitors.
Our desire is that every citizen of But
ler will lend a hand, aud help make it
a success. Our wish isthateditors come
and bring their readers; that lawyers
bring their clients; business men their
customers; preachers their hearers;
parents their children; gents their
ladies; ladies their friends, and in short
that this one evening be given to the
Orphans' Home. Our best looking
ladies will solicit contributions for the
supper; our brightest aud prettiest
girls will sell tickets; our homely men
are on the committees. Let us all turn
out and make this such a success that
ever after we may have the right to
call this our Orphans' Home. The
minister bringing the largest number
of his congregation shall have the place
of honor; the man who makes shortest
aud wittiest response to a toast shall
have the cake; the ladies who sell the
most tickets shall have the best look
ing escorts home; persons making cou •
tributions will have the blessings of
the orphans and thanks of the manage
A Card.
BUTLER, PA., Dec. 4, 1883.
This is to certify that I bought of
Mr. J. 11. Spang one of his four-drawer
drop-leaf and cover Spang New Family
Sewing Mfehiues for §22 00, with at
tachments I find that the machine
does as good work as any I have sewed
on. I have sewed ou the Davis, Do
mestic, White, Remington, Wheeler <fe
Wilson and the New Home and itdoes
as good work as any. and I believe the
machine throughout is as good as any
I have seen.
—I f, as reported, Postmaster Gener
al Urushum contemplates advising that
the limit of single letter postage be fix
ed at an ounce instead of half an ounce
he will find himself supported by the
whole army of letter writers.
AH Kinds
Of .Jjickfts, Coats, Dolmas, Cloaks, and
Wraps, at
At 6 1-4 Cents,
1G yards for one Dollar, Unbleached
Canti n i lannel, at
For the Holidays.
We have in Stock, Dress Goods from
the fm'.-t Silks dowu to the lowest
Domestics, iu Wraps, in Fine Russian
Circulars down to the cheapest Jerseys.
An immense line of all kinds of Fancy
Goods, suitable for Holiday Gifts. Buy
early when you have a large assort
ment to select from, at
Best Bargain Yet.
TLe Celebrated Conformator Corsets,
sold every where at SI.OO. At 75 cts.
per pair, at
—A Baltimore woman by tbe name
of Charity struck her husband over the
head with a boot and came near killing
him. Charity begins at home.
AL L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Centlemens' and Childrens'
Undt rwear in white, grey and scarlet,
all qualities.
ALL. Stein & Son's,
Blcnkets from $1.25 up, Bed Comforts
from 5)1.25 up to finest grades.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Xew Black aud Colored Velvets
and Velveteens, very low.
—A Chicago commercial traveler
says that in a small village iu Northern
Michigan he found a notice pinned on
'.he d ior, which read : "'Gone to burv
my wife; will be back in thirtv
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $17.00.
Jersey Red Boar for Sale.
The undersigned has for sale, at his
farm in Centre township, a ehoice
Jersey Red Boar 2 years old. This
pig took first premium at the Fair.
MeCaudless P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
—"Anything but eold shoulder,''
says the warm-hearted man to the
| Speer's Wine for Consumptives
Consumptive persons are said to b<
greatly benefited by the use of Speer'i
Port Grape Wile. It seems to give
' nourishment when everything else
fails, and physicians are prescribing it
as a rich, nutritious wine. Prominent
physicians and members connected
with the New York B >ard of Health
have inspected Speer's Vineyards aod
wine cellars and speak of his produc:s
in the highest terms. For sale by D.
H. Wulkr.
—ILu Butler, it seems, is not dis
mayed. lie says he will run for Gov
ernor again next year. Such patriotism
| ought to be devoted to a better cause.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $lB 00.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Hosiery, new Gloves, ne<v Cor
sets, large stock, just received.
Folwell's Seal Plush,
The nearest approach to genuine Seal
in the market at
—The man ba9 not lived in vain who
plants a good tree in the right place.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chines are warranted for five years.
At $1.75 and up,
Children's and Ladies' Jerseys, at
At 15 Cents,
Changeable Lustred Cashmere, a beau
tiful new dress goods, at
Gents' Gloves.
A very large line, at
At 12 1-2 Cents, •
New Black and Colored Cashmeres, at
—Candidates for divorce have the
tie-void fever.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Neckwear, in all the new styles.
At L. Stein & Son's.
New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed
Comforts, etc., at lowest prices.
At L. Slein & Son's,
New stock of Black and Colored Cash
meres, extra value.
—A Chicago wife got a divorce in
fifteen niiuutes.
Hops! Hops ! ! Hops !! 1
A bale of York State hops just re
ceived at the City Bakery, Yogely
House Block. nov2S-4t.
Until the Holidays,
We will sell Carpets at the following
low prices:
At 20 eta., Cottage Carpet.
At 25 cts., heavy Ingrain Carpet.
At 40 cts , Extra heayv lugraiu.
At 45 ct3., double Weight Ingrain.
At 05 cts., good Brussels Carpet.
At 75 cts., Better Brussels Carpet.
At 1)0 cts., lliggias' Brussels Carpet.
At SI,OO, Best 3 ply Carpet.
At $1.25, Best Velvet Carpets.
Everything in the Carpet Depart
ment marked down to the lowest pos
sible prices. If you need Carpets take
advantage of this sale, at
—Many politicians come to the front
just in time to take a back seat.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Xe w Dress Goods, New Dress Goods
all shades, all prices.
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
Notice! NOTICE! Motice!
Underwear for gentlemen and boys.
Underwear for ladies and Misses.
In Scarlet, Gray and White at bargain
Largest stock to select from at
—No one advertises this way:
"Wanted—To exchange good for evil."
—Mystery and water surround the
case of the average drowned suicide.
At L. Stein & Son's,
White and Colored Canton Flannel, at
lowest prices.
At 6 1-4 Cents,
New Fancy dark Chintz Calico, at
—Saleswomen in human hair stores
should be known as switch-tenders.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $20.00.
—A Chicago detective lias partially
reformed, and become a bank robber.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine lor $22.00.
I ii sura nee.
Geo. W. Shaffer, .Agent—office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. inayl7-tf
(T* —Although the lower a limals can -
not talk, they are nearly all tail bearers.
—Proverb for ball players : A home
base is sounder than a foreign tenor.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Just received a large line of new Fall
and Winter Skirts, in very handsome
Misses' and Children's all wool Cardi
gan Underskirts, at
At $2.50 per Pair,
White Blankets, at
Buckwheat Flour Wanted.
The highest market price will be paid for
Buckwheat Flour at the store >.( Jacob Boos,
South of Court House, Butler, Pa.
FITS: All Fits stopped free l>y !)>■. Kline's (ireat
Nerve Restorer. No !-"it s after first (lay's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise anil S-.'.uo trial bottle
free lo Fit cases. Seiut to l)r. Kline, I'll Arcli St.,
PhUa., Pa.
lias arrived with the Largest Stock o
Come and be agreeably surprised at
the Toy Bazaar of
Are of Evory Day Occurreuca.
. Not a sinole ixsTAXi k (>N r.Kcoun in the
past 35 years where one of
Hall's Celebrated.
Has been Brokrn open !>j Bur
-54 la i s iitu! (Sobbed.
Hall's Standard Palciit Fire-
Proof Safes
It is a well known fact that there is NO
SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS
They always protect their contents.
Persons having Valuables
KIKMIKI not be without a Hull's
HaU's Safe & Lock Co-
J. L. Hall, Pres't.
On and after November 19, 1883 trains
will run as follows:
7* 2 <> 1. M. aud connects at Shenango at 9:55
\wtli N. \ . I'. <fc O. R. J> # for all points east and
west, also -south to Sho.rou and Youngstowu.
10:20 A. M.and makes close connection at
Mercer at 12:05, with train on X. Y. li & 1'
for Franklin and Oil City.
5:50 I*. M. an 1 connects at Shenango at S-05
with train on E. & P. R. R. for Erie and Buf
Trains arrive at Butlerat 7:47 A. M. and 2:40
au'J t:'l 0 11.I 1 . M. —the 7:47 A. M. and 2:10 P. M.
trains make close connection herewith trains
ou the West Pcnn.
A "second class" through train arrives at
Butler at 1:45 P.M. aud leaves at 2:45 p. M.
and second class trains leave Branchton at
10.4i> A. M. and 4:25 and 4:45 P. M. and arrive
tiiere at 5:45 and 11:48 A. M. and 1:50 P. M.
the 11:48 A. M. train running through to But
ler. a
Trains leave Hilliards at 6:15 and 11:50 A. M.
and 5:20 P. M., all of which connect at Branch
ton with first-class trains for Butler, aud also
lor (jreenvillc, though some of the connections
are not very close,
On and after November If), ISB3 trains
will run as follows :
ler at 5:00 A. M., and arrives in Allegheny at
9:20 A. sr., connects at the Junction, when on
time, with Frceport accomodation, which ar
rives in Allegheny at 8:14.
BUTLER EXPRESS leaves Butler at 7:50 A.
M., stops on Branch only at Great Belt, 8:05,
and at Saxon Station S;l3, aud arrives at A lie
ghenv at 9:50 A. sf.
BI'TI.KR MAIL leaves Butler at 2:50 P. St. aud
arrives in Allegheny City at 5:20 P. M..
leaves Butler at 4: 50 P. St. and arrives at Alle
gheny at 7:30 P. >r.
The Morning express connects at Blairsville
Intersection with mail train east and express
west, and afternoon mail with mail west and
Johnstown accommodation and Philadelphia
express east.
1 here are two freight traius daily, each way,
on the Branch road.
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:10 A.
M. andl3:2s and 2:00 P.M. (City time). The
l ite L:00 P. Sf. train is the Market train which
is two and a half hours coming to Butler
while the express, 3:25, makes it in less than
two hours.
Trains arrive at Butler at 9:50 A. SI., 4:soand
5:40 P. sr., and the 9:50 and 5:40 trains connect
here with trains on the S. & A. R R.
The following time table went rntoi effect or
Sunday, Nov. 11, 1883:
1 rains going west arrive at and leave Butlei
at 8:18 A. m. and 6:28 P. M., make connection?
at ( aJlery Junction with trains south to Alle
gheny and north to New Castle, arriving ai
■ Allegheny at 10:45 a. m. and g:25 P. M.
Trains going north and east arrive at and leave
( Butler at 10:04 A. M., and 8:02 P. M. The
morning train connects at Eoxburg for points
north but the evening train does not.
1 rains leave Zelienople for Allegheny al
atji:2o anil 8:52 a. m. and P. M. and the
8:52 and b':4o P. at. trains connect at Callerj
for Butler. trains leave Allegheny City at
[ 8:00 a. at. and 5:30 P. ax. connecting at Callery
for Butler.
Is again better prepared than ever;be fore to
furnish his customers with Holiday Goods
in his line. Silverplated ware of the
very best makes and
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
of all kinds and prices. Everything warranted
just as represented. Please call aud ex
amine goods and price which will be
as low as goods of the same qual
ity cau be sold.
¥iuo Kalrli It< > |>airiii£ :i Kpec*
Don't forget the place, one square South of
Court House, BUTLER, PA.
No party in Politics, nor any sect in Religion.
The Greatest ancl the Best,
The large Double Weekly,
lin joi oesm.
(Established 1823.)
No paper in the country lias a more experienced
and able corps of Ktlilors. Dr. s. Irenacus Prime
stands at the head of the editorial fraternity aud
his letters and editorials siill enrich tin- Observer
Others among its editors have hail the trainin-' of
a quarter or a century for the work.
The correspondence of the Observer is from -ill
lands ; and the n"ws, carefully prepared from let
ters and telegrams, furnishes a complete view of
the condition of the world each week.
The Departments of Agriculture, Business, Sun
da> school teaching and Work are con*
ducted by experts, who write clearly and to the
point. the Observer does not till its columns
with long essays and old sermons, but aims to be
giving every week a Religious Sheet full of in
struction. encouragement and trutli ; and a .Secu
lar Sheet, containing all the new ;, vigorous com
ments upon current events, and a gn at variety of
choice reading.
I lie jiri *c is i?.t.l", a year. For bona fide new
si insert hers we give one dollar commission, or a
copy of frenaeus Letters." an elegantly
bound volume ot 100 pages, containing a portrait
ol Ihe author. Sample < opies of the »(bserver will
he sent til any address free. Address,
NEW VOKK 015Si:lJ\'KI{, .11 and .!2 Park How
Butler County Girl to do general housework
in small family a few miles from Allegheny
City. Wages Three Dollars per week. Write
at once to AIRS. 11. 11. VANCE,
.'illl Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
A general meeting of the Farmer-,' Mutual Fire
Insurance < ouipany ot llauiialistown, Ituller Co
I'a., and vicinity, will be held at the house of Mrs'
Krausie. in llaniialistoun, on N tturday the li'tli
day of January. lss4. al one o'clock, i*. >i. Al
members are respectively to attend.
' J ACOii HECK, Pres't.
II EN it v HKCK, Sec'y. ds'*a-3t
I To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stork. I 'nequaled i
I facilities. N<»<> m jn<♦« r< julrvl. Salary a;: ! y\- '
I p 7 >acr s of Fruit and Ornamental Tree®, »
I Shrubs, lieges, etc. W. &T. SMITH. Geneva. S, Y. ■
tl FOR ft
>■ p;ft^l Ch \^ 001 U c nderw f, r J n ' all wctebt*. Cartwright and Warner's Underwear, in white and scarlet IS
& IV if" nD . cy ' s,uls j- "'krwear, all wool, which we are selling at $0 00 a suit. The beat ever i'k.
o lie red at the price; worth $5.00. Boys" and Youths" Underwear of all kinds in ail sizes.
S 11 A. 'I 1 S AN D cA.r s. Ik
ii i'<»tton'^S^»*li^ a i'o^\«K;k»r*^'l 0 T?" T' 1 »-**. iu Si.k, P
leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Xeekwcar just opened. ' * y S,lk a,ld satlD • in a " the
sj£\ \\ alkingand Driving Gloves, in Kid .Fur. Camel's H.iir Cashmere and CIOOI k'i I r ' \
% |
ft hijuiier GOODS, i
jXi Umbrellas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Largest line ol'English and \llleri.-m «;it rmh, 11. u T . «?*
l>laek Silk Umbrella for S!.r>o is the best thing ever «>».ivd. * The Celebrated Comet -shirt A fF *" "n ? u,Ie J r ,° ur
always on hand. Ihe largest and most complete stock of Famishing Goods for Men and Boys, in Butler. * Ul " r,;d Sl,i,ts |]s
% CHARLES R. 6RIEB, Union Block, Main Street Butler, Pa.
Special Inducements to Persons Purchasing Holiday Presents from
3E3. ga-TS= k -m-aa-w*
3Xaiit St., Butler, !*».
valued at twenty dollars, and every purchase amounting to three dollars or over entitles you to
a chance ot drawing the seme. Having largely increased our stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.,
We are justified in saying to the public that our line of goods is the largest and most varied in
Butler. 1 lace of business two doors South of Duffy's and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods store.
Ann *>
A iv -cnanicai Wonder. Sfl
kVi'-jg—- I'l By \ Inst ycnrv o first Introduced this <v/ x J
-. <* '->\ I CPARHINO SOVELTT to the children
«V\v T>' t of Ais'riea nn.l it is sate to assert /.{
#S>>f = -'V>\ / 11 :: . 1 11 ' lov ever devised attained .# IL v r jSlw)
*i' r^\ v* Fitch ltnii!'>(i;:!tp popnlarity; fully lj\l/ 1 _X VBI
t A • \ \\l \ aware of its merit wo hndthottsan.rsr*'// V a * V I 1.7
V/ 3 VJ |. 1 \\ii W Dollsready forthe Holiday trade {lff j ,\ I \ 1
C/ I) Iv\ V Wotwitlistandnijf v.hlcli the supply J[\l I/,'i — 1 11
Sr. f >r i-Vt U 1 yjiy and hundreds.ir children who camef/l JFT I
tJI/ IU 1 'idTF 1 -,te-V 7 o oc.r store wtre disappointed. We If I A Vl| vSCF;\ p
V ' lj * " have been accumulating stock for ft// f\l J .1 -■if 11/ I U
\. \ I S the past nine months ami simiien- UT/ IlllljM »
) \JI \l I /'•javcr this year to till :H or lers the day Vf l!'! f) I k •"aiVil I
( //I .- —y \ fl /of re.'i-i|it. 1 tit- Mull h:;s been lm- V f/ jh j E i
111 I L/ proved in every v;av since last I lfrl4\J fttL<mYV.l I
fl f s? UTtl year. Instead t.r th« s!iti«;erm;i:i body I /,)/ Vt I I
LB ®\l as in all imported Dolls our Doll has an I 11/1 V"3i—>. J1 1 j
\ 'A AMERICAN MADE BODV with I Pi 1 / \
/ * 7- limber loints go that it will stteasoy and f \| if I / 1
Li / V Gracefully in any position, ilie arm is i Ll ~1
fl i I o' i Inest Kid with separate fuiKcrs. |l|| I n 11., •
< # u These .ire positively the finest todies ever « a l\ | HJ
Kf ft T"t in a Doll, they are of pncctul and natural 1 11 / •
Jfi nnd mni-h better and more expensively ( It /
mane than the best imported bodies nnieli thev 1 I 1 /
. "'.lll ont-'.venr many times. The Waxen I \ In,
X\ v , with lons hair are of the liest French and tiw- I ! *5 "H
V J (Sf'J * j man mate made especially for tl'.ia EoH and Ihey are as I I <
I l l>eantitnl ns lite. lons hair, benntifnl eves and delicately 9 i mSi
II J tinted cheeks. We consider tliom th'.'finest Doll's Heads 1 I J _
11 1 ever imported into this country. :>nrl that without tlio & I
jA I \ I w onderfnl (Sinirie(» Attstehmciit TUK DOLI. n I Sfc
VxNs\ I A I '-lose is wBt.L WOKTII rnn USTIBK imuce. Tub SING- YW A
\V\VV' I IV 1 ISG ATTACHMRNT is concealed within tin-boily. it is one of \ i if 3C _
l\\vk I I % \ the most ingeiilons inveiitions of theaife. In si ape and 15 if . ftW
IP \ | I 1 I location are shown in the rijjlit h.m.i e!nrra\inp. It is fi ,V if |»«
V I I •• Perfect SMueicnl Instrument, tinoly made.not J» «?_
WwJV.M I liable loci-t out cf order and s> nrnuiß-'d that a slight IS f l' V SS
in^wiir«c..nse!i!i ; .l;.jilto;.;.jon.-. fliio followiiiKairs: B'l PI H
"Jaunt tobtau apget." « / V '3>
1 »• i* rt rrv l 1:,"."' "Surtbw mill bve," "Bonni: J -
tinon .'•• flue ran I leave ibce'l" -A li C .v •».» " ••Am-ru-u." ••p.-.t. M-»: rei/in'w-VP- rminl ••/•«.»« Ho''
ecnair Uiennan). "Tell Aunt Itlmda." "/•/.. h - • •• ■ y.wi. ■ jJ,d.iwVfi,
it, a the Prwreor \VaU<." " Ct... 'fl TLJ^'
ciierm in)."()/./ /',./4 S at Home." ••/'»,. 1- •• - .v., , .sv-.l"• . e>'" ; ' -sueb mu Chufr
f-jp—in,-,. All thru, ..!»>(•, . . ..... Cv'.ini.fi , liutth.; iiiC d>.»l ilia l.vrK-r uitt nrstim
(t&cfanicut and better head Seut ,o any ud-' en iecvipt of price; Kn.- cmtiri.l.l.-rest <;he"ii»»
S»t*?Vv S fc- rp '-;'- /ddress all ordeis f. 'JHI-: ViAKSACUGS^S
uIkiJAN CO.t ito. u.> lVanhiiistoi. Fiircct. l?o«ion, >£»«*., t'. S. A.
FISE COSTUAIX3 /or fAt.se«/< /« .. ndtrcloiUxn>j lace irtmrr.ed,JitLtlv r:i'Zt.-c, 0?.QOfo $3 w fTfra.
w '" P'ay any tune, and that any
r li" <V P\ one. even a child, can operate.
// yjf , T ' V' 1 1 1 a v "tlil-v. H!C TepLtsti.iß
'■" i . I ' 1 ;-A>- ::ut{.l"sS
yv; ' ( '•' i *•• ' '■ 'I * .iJ»t and
<r\I^B«V'AV/1 I , . ; .V.VLI.. A.nip
J llt ... : - 101 IMI : !*" li ■ tune, a.,1 it is only
I F. # '. f ,•••! • . ' I■ r tune in the instrument, M
SI I, • A ' " 'a '-oiin-. uhl.li | i.th op.
: /- i " i. i i r.c. The pur.
;ia- * t'-f'.' t. \*i - J v i « ' :: . 1 r :... .Till" .!: T[ I. to .:ound and
t •j&m V I' >/•' b 7al' • •■■■sc it.lt, fcrfttt ««».«•« W
IP I I , : I ' ' t the ic.M ki wledged music bSiw.
'L ' ; \ I-/.' 1)/ ': 1 -1 ■' : : ci.a nl:n!e child tan operate it;
Vs»r .' „ ' , •'•- • ••'■:• .lie Kill is playinea song and
. =4 '-"a /./I. r|«-.M;-'. ..-e •-.» I. rt;». It is tunea in ilie key
\s^§S§s2^r^'i r <.} C> r J yy l " ••- V*- 1 '••'• "•'Kby. ll interests and en
j- /.. '•T".— ft. . ...... a.. \ a;'. ■■: . ni training the v. ■ e and
\"t» ' • /fer.7; jv" • 1 '• I. AMi Ml sr. IL- 11... .o.u
. r-fmr, - a:. 11 » the ~ Ctuie. It i. I„adc of s, "
ffl ?> . •.. •■•'•a I IS I. ,!i i..-.itds. I;le -l. I . I e
V / (jLJ'- »''' *- ' '' . I.i- •iu!icrtotceu|!i.:i;ulthe(leman<i i.r»: «n
--- •» ' luj'la.c t... « m market at this greatly rcUufeJ
fnrt $Q /TO - * <fA'' " 1 -
- \s 7fj f v
' " :fut. if he so flciires. Adflrcss,
The Massachusotis Ofgan Co., 57 Washington Street, Boston. Mass., U. S. A.
Planing Mill
Lmiibei- Yard.
8. G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Bracks, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Xenr German s'»t!aolic Church
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Yarns,
and I can recommend them as being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. Thev are beautiful in color, su
perior in texturo, and will bo sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
ju121,78-ly Butler, Fa
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Put vis, E. A. Helniboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Hurkliart,
A. Troutman, Jacob Schoece,
G. G. Roessinp, John Caldwell,
Dr. VV. lrvin, J. J. Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, , E. C. Heinem&n.
JAS, T. M'JUNKIN, (Jen, A*'t-
J. B. Kohlmeyer & Co.
3lain Street,
(Oppobite Vogelev Housed
Puro Liquors for medicinal purposes, Oils
ami l'aintf. Ac
Dr. (J. 31. Zimmerman lias bid oflica on !
tlie second lloor of fame building. juelß-tf j
Leibold & Troutman I
Have opened a I.i very Stable on Jefferson St., i
first door below Hickel & Gallagher.
Good rigs, first class teams always on hand.
Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horsea
bought and sold. oct3-3m.
JjgPSubscribe for the CITIZEN-
Port Grape Wine
Ueeu in the principal Churches for Communion
Excellent for Ladies and WecklY
Persons and the A°-ed
pS AI C, ft. ; L ~
This celebra'ed Native Wine is made from the
juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this coun
try. Its invaluable
are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Be
ing the pure juicu of the grape produced under
Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity
and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest
children may partake of its generous qualities,
and the weakest invalid use it t« advantage. It
is particularly beneficial to tlis » h 'ed and debili
tated, and suited to the variolic ailiconts that
effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the
a Wine to be relied on.
Thu P. J. Sherry is a wine of Superior Char
acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the
grape from which it is made. For l'uritv, Kich
ness of Flavor and Medicinal Propel ties,it will be
found unexcelled. %
This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country
being far superior for medicinal purposes.
It is a pure distillation froin the grape, and
contains valuable medicinal properties.
I has a delicate flavor, timilar to that of the
grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great
favcr among first-class families.
See that the signature of ALFRED SPEEB
Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle.
Sold by I). II Wuller,
i Can be lont bjr sending for free specimens of
the great I arm and Garth 11 Journal of America.
It cobts more to publisli thau a-iy other of iU
clans. It presents over 500 original engravings
annually of cattle, grain, fruits etc.. etc. It has
over 000 contributors—among them the best
writers in the world. It own experiment
grounds of 82 acres worked in the interests of
its subset ibers.
in the agriculture and horticulture of An'erica.
.4 81.GO Weekly for £2. a Year.
It is original throughout. It is pure in tone
and "limits no nuibiguuus adveitisementa. It
is a farm, garden, religious, news, home and
literary paper ; 11 in one.
THE liuiiAL Nr.w-Yoh*Eß is for the North,
South, East and West. It Ims bcoome the lead
ing rural paper by real worth, perseverance and
enterpiine—by its devotion to the true intereste
of all who till the laud whether for pleasure or
profit. It is printed upon tine tinted paper, 16
pages weekly, each rage ll^xlU 1 .; inches. It
combines the best features of the daily and
weekly press with all that can instruct, elevate
and interest the rural home.
Its Free Seed Distributions
have iutroducod or disseminated many of tha
most va'uable eeeda and plant* now* kuowu.
Among tliem may lie mentioned the Beauty of
Hebron, White Elephant and li.unh potatoes,
the Cuthbert itacpherry, C'laivson, Fultzo-Clan
»oii, Surprise, lilack-beardod Centonuial wheats,
and a hundred others.
The new varieties of seeds offered
in the Rural's Free Seed Distribu
tion are alone worth more at retail
prices than the yearly prica cf the
Journal. Specimen copies will fur
nish all details with original engrav
WHY NOT send for free specimens and
then judge fur yourself ?
34 PARK ROW, N. Y.
tiTAdvertise in the CITIZEN