BUTLER CITIZEN JOHN H. k W. C. NE6LEY, PROP'RS, Entered at the Postojffice at Butler as second-classs matter. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5, 1883. Tint Meadville Republican, we see it stated, has been sold by Col. Reisen ger, its owner, to Dr. T. L. Flood & Co., for the sum of SIO,OOO THE pardon of Sergeant Mason, who it will be recollected attempted to shoot Guiteau, the assassin of President Gar field, is hailed with satisfaction all over the country. As Tilden predicted the election of Randall for Speaker of Congress, and as Randall is not elected, Tilden may now be classed with the "False Pro phets." The exercises in the Court House on Thanksgiving evening, for the benefit of the Witherspoon Institute, were largely attended, and, we understand, the receipts very satisfactory. IT was certainly a mis-nomer to des ignate as an "Excursion" a special train that was to convey friends to a funeral, as was the case with the bills posted in this place relative to the funeral of Judge McDermitt, of Mer eer. DR. J. H. MCCEARY, ot Lancaster, Pa., suggests that each public school pupil in the State should contribute one cent for the erection, in .the capitol grounds at Harrisburg, of a monument of Thaddeus Stevens—"The father of the common school system of Pennsyl vteia." MR. JAMES HIGGINS, an old citizen of Venango township, this county, died suddenly at his home, near Hill lard, last week. He was 83 years old and had resided on the farm on which he died for 50 years. THE Clarion Republican - Gazette states that W. A. Beer, member of the Legislature from that county, has been engaged in teaching school at Callans burg in that county during the whole of the extra session, only occasionally spending a day in Harrisburg so as keep on the pay roll. CORRESPONDENTS in sending their commnnications to this office should be sure they have paid the necessary amount of postage on the same. Fre quently we have to pay extra postage at the office here, in one case this week. It is rather hard that publishers should have to pay extra postage in addition to all else they do gratis. W* notice that our former fellow citizen, Col. Archibald Blakelev, of Pittsburgh, is charged with complicity in the Murraysville, Westmoreland county riot, that resulted in the loss of human life. We hope the charge against him may not prove a serious one. A full account of that riot—about the ownership of a gas well—will be ■een upon the first page of the CITIZEN this week. IT is now well ascertained that the death of Mr. Henry Costello and his mother, by the oversetting of the wagon they were in last Friday night, on the Kittanning road, near this place, was caused by whisky. A flask was found on the person of Costello. Whis key was the cause not only of his own but that of his mother's death. Could there be a stronger prohibition argu ment? HON. JAMES G. BLAINE has written letter concerning the rev 4)rce derived by the National Govern ment from the tax on whisky. He favors assigning the said revenue to and among the States, on a different plan merely from what is known as the Wharton Barker plan. But to both plans there are serious objections. We will publish bis letter in our next and may have something further to say on the subject. THE "False Prophet" is an Arab, claiming direct descent from Moham med. Recently, with an immense army of followers, frenzied with his religious zeal, he met and cut to pieces the forces of the Egyptian Government in upper Egypt, which were led by English officers. This has alarmed the Turkish Empire, which with Eng land controls affairs in Egypt. The "False Prophet" has literally "carried the war into Africa," a great portion of which he proclaims his intention of rescuing from the present Turkish gov ernment. Judge McDermitt Dead. Hon. Arcus McDermitt, President Judge of the Courts of Mercer county, died at his residence in Mercer on Fri day last, Nov. 30, at the age, it is stated, of about 60 years. His funeral last Sunday was attended by many members of the Bar and other citizens of this county. Judge McDermitt, al though not just born within our coun ty, yet spent most of his younger years In Slipperyrock township, this county, and in this town. He studied law here with the late Hon. Charles C. Sullivan, and after being admitted to Bar here went to Mercer. There, by laborious and strict attention to his profession, he rose rapidly and was elected Judge of the county in 1874. He was a man of generous impulses and many good qualities. Known to many of our people the news of his death was received with great regret. Nearly two hundred of our citizens, we learn, went on the train last Sun day morning to attend his funeral. CONGRESS. Th : s body assembled on Monday last. Carlisle, Democrat, of Kentucky, 1 was e'ected Speaker of the House. He had previously (on Saturday last) re ceived the caucus nomination of his party for thit position over Randall, of this State, and CuX, of New York. The vote in caucus on fiist ballot, stood, Carlisle 106; Randall 52; and Cox 30. Personally Mr. Carlisle is represented as a very good man, but he was opposed by the friends of Randall on account of his location and his views on the tariff question. The contest was quite au active if Dot a bitter one. Politically it has a good deal of significance, as the Speaker of the body has the appointing of the standing committees, which in Con gress always shapes the legislation of the House. Carlisle, we notice, re ceived the votes of the Western and Southern members pretty generally. The proceedings of this Congress will be looked to with great interest; and we will endeavor to keep our readers as fully posted on the same as possible. The President's Message was de livered as usual. In our next we will give it, or at least those portions of it that will be of interest to our readers. IMPORTANT OIL STRIKE. On the McCalmont Farm, Butler Township. The strike on the McCalmont farm, in the Bald Ridge district, last Friday> is reported as the most Important one yet had in all that territory. This new well is known as No. 2, on the McCalmont lands, which lay in Butler township, and brings the production within four miles of the borough of Butler. When the sand was reached last Friday the well filled up 600 feet and immediately began to flow to such extent that the boiler and other machinery were removed and preparation made for tankage, pipe, etc. It is confidently expected to make a 300 barrel well. The excite ment has increased all through the Bald Ridge district and it is now evi dent that territory may be regarded as permanent in its production. This new strike is nearly two miles north east, towards Butler, from the first, Simcox well, and is a mile north ward from the Scheidemantle No. 2, on the Wallace farm, and the Agnew well, on the Wallace farm. It is also more than a mile towards Butler from the Forest Oil Co.'s well on the Ren frew farm. All these are good wells, but this last strike by the Agnew, agent, Company, bids fair to bo the best yet obtained in the Bald Ridge territory. By Her Mother's Dying Bed. The many friends of Mr. Edward P. Johnston, of Brownsville, Pa., and Miss Mollie E. Fullerton, of Freeport, Pa.,were doubtless surprised to see the announcement in yesterday's Tele graph of their marriage, which occur red at the residence of the bride's moth er, Mrs. Jane Fullerton, on Thanksgiv ing afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. The marriage ceremony was to have been celebrated next summer, but Mrs. Fullerton, Who was the widow of the late William Fullerton, well known in past years as the head of the Freeport woolen mills, was ill, and it was at her request the ceremony was perform ed Thursday. It gave her special cause to give thanks that her daugh ter, who had been a constant compan ion and untiring in her love and care of her mother, would not be left alone. The Rev. T. M. Thompson officiated, and the ceremony was performed in the presence of a few of the near rela tives of the family of the bride, there not being time euough to notify the friends of the groom. Mr. Johnston is a graduate of the Indiana Normal School, was Principal of the Freeport public school for two years and is now in charge of the public school at Brownsville, the home of his parents. Wherever located he has made many friends by his literary attainments and social qualities. The bride has many friends in the city as well as at her home. She is an active member of the Presbyterian Church, being the organ ist, teacher of the young ladies' bible class, a leader in the missionary aud other work. The ceremony was per formed none too late, for Mrs. Fuller ton died last night and although the young couple have such sad surround ings now, their lives will no doubt be bright and happy. Pitts. Telegraph. "Noon-Mark" Question. EDS CITIZEN: —WiII your correspon dent ' - Milo" please tellwhy it isnotnoon at any given point, when the sun is directly south of that point. We are aware that it is not noon at all points at the same time, but if he will be so kind as to give the cause of the varia tion of the "Noon-Mark" as given in his last, we will be obliged. ZERO. Nov. 28, 1883. Mercer Township. MESSRS EDITORS: —TLe following pupils of White Oak Point School were not absent a day for two months, end ing Nov. 23d. Lizzie Cochran, Ada McClintock, Mary Hamilton, Johnny Orr, Warren Orr, Willie Hamilton, Charley Marsh, Ira McClintock, Charley McClintock The following pupils attended one month: Cora White, Alma Cochran, Lennie Milner, Clarence Orr, Willie Orr, Perry Orr, Luther Campbell, Preston Camp bell, John Marsh, Herbert Gildersleeve, David Ramsey, Miles Dunlap, Domer Dunlap, Montgomery Gildersleeve, Milo Spence. SADIE L. COCURAN, Teacher. TIIE Rev. Hutchinson farm, that we lately called attention to as for sale, was sold last week for $4,000, cash— -100 acres about eight miles south of Butler. At L. Stein & Son's, New Fall Gloves, new Fall Gloves, large stock, just received. THE LEGISLATURE. What the People Think of the Salary Bill. The Senate nt Harrisburg finally yielded to the demands of some of its members for full pay during all the extra session, including the recess taken at its commencement and all. The bill agreed upon last week is called a "lump bill," and was put in that shape in the expectation that the Governor may not be able tojknow what is appro priated according to law and what is not according to law. That he will, notwithstanding, veto it is confidently expected. The following from press notices will give our readers an idea of the present situation on the question. THE SALARY BILL. The Senate yesterday reconsidered and passed the Salary bill which was defeated on Friday. As it now stauds it provides full pay for every day from the beginning of the session, including the reces3 of ten days at the outset and all the subsequent adjournments. This measure cannot, however, be accepted as embodying the deliberate judgment of the Senate. It had been so entangled in a parliamentary knot that, under tht ruling of the presiding officer, it could not be amended. It thus was tied up in a thin Senate on a light vote, and when the question came up in a fuller body there was no power to modify it. It had either to be killed outright or passed as it was. The Senate chose to pass it, and trust for its correction to the Conference Committee. It ought to have adopted the bold course by killing it and then taking a fresh start. The House has shown itself eager to secure the largest amount of pay, and it may hasten to accept the Senate bill as it stands. In that case the hope of an amendment which should strip the measure of its excessive allowance would prove delusive. But the Sen ate has made a grave mistake in pass ing the bill as it is, and the House would make a greater one in accepting it. There is no justification or excuse for such a grab. The Legislature ought to have the pay which the law gives it and to which members are fairly entitled for the service actually rendered. But that principle does not warraut pay for the long recess taken at the beginning, nor in the case of the Senate for the time when it was only nominally in session. It will not pay to trifle with this question. Members will find that an inordinate grab which cannot be de fended is the costliest business they have undertaken. Let them deal with the matter in a manly and hone9t way. Take legitimate pay, but make no grab. —Philadelphia Press. SALARY POT AND KETTLE. The Democratic House exposed its members and its party to just criticism and vigorous resentment before the election, by placing itself in the posi tion of responsibility for the long pro tracted session. The Republicans had a fearful wea pon against the Democrats on the cost of the session and the apparent purpose of the House to demand and receive full pay for recesses and absentees, and the Republican side of the campaign was conducted mainly in contrasting the economy of the Republican Senate with the profligate Democratic House. The election is now over and the Republicans won; but where are the. pledges given to the people by the Republican leaders, including every Republican Senator by formal public address? After much censure of Dem ocratic salary grabbing and a profu sion of promises on the side of economy, the Republican Senate makes the Dem ocratic House respectable by getting down to its level on the issue of legis lative pay, As the issue stands now, the salary question presents Democratic pot and Republican kettle equally black, except that the Republican Senate has less excuse than the Democratic House, as it proclaimed ail effort or purpose to legislate at an end nearly three months ago. Both sides are bad enough, but the darker shade belongs to the Kepub lican Senate, as it professed more, did less and now proposes to take full pay. It is pot and kettle on the salary issue; that's all! Philadelphia Times. TUE COMMON SENSE, HONEST TEST. The Ledger. goes right to the mar row of the question of legislative pay when it says that "pay for sessions actually held and for attendance at them, and no pay to wilful absentees or for sessions not held" is "the plain, common sense, honest test with the people." There are many worthy gentlemen iu the present Legislature who hope to retain the confidence and respect of the people for future promotion. Let none of them delude themselves with the idea that they can take full pay for this odious session that was unearned by actual attendance upon the pretend ed sessions of their respected bodies. The people are more than disgusted with the whole extra session business, and they will hew to the line in the>r reckoning on the question of unearned pay. Don't forget it. NOW FOR A VETO. The Legislative appropriation bill will doubtless pass both branches of the Legislature to-day and likely ieach the Governor before he takes his tea. As every day's delay of the Executive iu considering the bill threatens to cost the sum of three thousand dollars, Governor Pattison will readily see the necessity of prompt action. His veto message should be prepar ed before he goes to bed to night. It need not be long. The less of stump speicb and the more of terse Saxon he employs the m >re he will do for his party, for himself and for the State, and every departure from the one vital point must weaken his deliverance. Neither explanation nor apolocry will cure or even temper past blunders, they are fixed iu history and have done their work Go at once to the mar row of the salary grab and give the Legislature a brief, incisive, patriotic and wholesome essay to embellish the chaplain's prayers to-morrow morning. Philadelphia Times. —Go to J. O. Fullerton's store OR Jeflersoq street, Ijelow Berg's Bank, for blankets, fjanuels find yarns, manu factured from pure Butler coijnty wool. AN EGYPTIAN ARMY ANNI HILATED. LONDON, NOV. 22.—A dispatch from Cairo auuounces that General Hicks' Egyptian army has been entirely de stroyed in the Soudan by the forces of El Siahdi, the false prophet. General Hicks, Col. Farquarhar, Chief of Staff, live English officers, two German offi cers and O'Donovan, correspondent of the Daily News, were among the slain The forces of the False Prophet are es timated to have numbered 300,000, in cluding regulars, Bedoius, Mulattos and Dervishes. They fell upon the troops of Hicks Pasha numbering only about 10,000 and completely annihilat ed them, the only person known to have escaped being an European artist, who accompanied the expedition. The news of the disaster was brought to Rharton by a Coptic official. The bat tle occurred near El Obeid, the capital town of Kordofau, 150 miles west of the White Nile. It began on the 3rd and continued with fierce fighting on both sides until the afternoon of the sth, when the final attack was made by El Mahdi's fanatic horde. In the first, part of the battle Hicks Pasha's forces were divided iuto two columns, but it was afterwards deemed advisable to reunite them into one body. A square was formed which successfully resisted El Mahdi's attacks uutilon the third day it was broken by a desperate onslaught. The Dervishes were first sent forward by El Mahdi, who declar ed that Alia would aid them to van quish the euemy. They were repuls ed, however. The regulars were then ordered to attack Hicks. The engage ment became general and ended in the Egyptians being overwhelmed. Gen. I Hicks' army had suffered severly on their march of 230 miles through a hos tile region. They were short of pro visions, and the intense heat caused men and beasts to drop by hundreds, while they were also constantly har rassed by marauding bands ot natives. The entire force of General Hicks comprised about 25,000 men, but the necessity of keeping open a strong line of commu jication with his base of sup plies had largely reduced his fisrhting force, and it is supposed that the troops actually engaged in the battle did not exceed 10,000 men. The Official Figures. HARRISBURG, Pa.. Nov. 19.—Fol lowing is the official vote of the State for Auditor General and State Treas urer: Auditor General Jerome B. Xiles, Republican, 319,106; Robert Democrat, 302,031; J. R Fordham, Prohibitionist, 6,602; T. P. Rynder, Greenbacker, 4,452; scattering 162. State Treasurer: Wm. Livsey, Repub lican 321,050; Joseph Powell, Demo crat, 300,999; J. E. Howard, Prohib itionist, 6,687; T. P. Marsh, Green backer, 4,431; scattering, 216. The average Republican loss as compared with fast year's vote for Governor is 39,248, the Democratic loss 54,276 and the Greenback 19,555. The Prohibi tionist gain 1,448. To Subscribers in Arrear. As a large portion of the readers of the CITIZEN are farmers, and as many of them may not be taking an agricul tural paper, we make the following proposition: To all iu arrears on their subscription accounts and who pay up the same between this and the first of January coming, 1884, we will cause i to be sent to them FREE the American Farmer, a large 16 page monthly agri cultural magazine, the subscription price from the publishers of which is 11 per year. The American Farmer is one of the best agricultural publications. It is devoted exclusively to the farming, stock raising, gardening aud household interests. Each number will contain useful information for the farmer, his wife, his sons and his daughters. We extend tbe same offer to all sub scribers who, being paid up, shall pay a year's subscription in advance. All have, therefore, an opportunity to get FREE a good agricultural paper. These offers should be accepted not later thou in December. PUBLISHERS OF CITIZEN. Butler, Nov. 7, 1883. NAKItIUD. .(oil NSTOX —FI'LLERTOX —ln Freeport, Pa., Nov. 29, 1888, »t the bed side ot the dying mother of the bride, by Rev. T. M. Thompson, Prof. E. P. Johnston, of Browns ville, Pa., and Miss Mollie E. Fullerton, of Freeport. PETSINGER—SHULTZ—At Freeport, Pa, Nov. lb, 1883, by Kev. 11. K. Shauor, Mr. Samuel Petsinger, of Buffalo twp., and Miss Maggie M. Shultz, of Winfield twp., Butler county, Pa. YOUNG -IIOCKENBURY—On Nov. 14.1583, by Rey. George W. Bean, Mr. William G, Young, of Penn twp., and Miss Lucinda F. Ilockeubury, of Cherry twp., this county. DEATHS. - - L.J FREEMAN —On Friday, Nov. 23, 1883, at his home at the Knob, Beaver couuty, Mr. Moses Freeman, aged 73 years. FULLERTON —In Freeport, Pa., Nov. 30, 18 3, Mrs. Jane 11. Fullerton, in the 58th year of her age. WALLING—At his residence near Oakdale, Antelope county, Nebraska, Nov. 15, 1883, Mr. Alex. M. Walling, aged 59 years 7 months and 1(1 days. Mr. Wallfng was born and raised in Butler county. He left tnis county for Nebraska three years last March. He enjoyed the best of healt!) until a khort period before his death. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. BUTLER MARKETS. Butter 25 to 30 cents. Eggs 22 to 25 cents. Potatoes 40 to 50 cents. Wheat, No. 1, $1.15. Buekwiieat, 05 to 70 per bushel. Buckwheat flours3.so t0.54.00 per cwt. Oats 35 to 40 cents. Corn tiO to 70 cents. Rye 62 cents. Flour, high grade, per barrel $6 to ?8. Flour, No. 1, per sack $1.75. Bran, per ton $lB to S2O. Miildlings, per ton .sl4 to $25. Chickens, per pair 35 to 40 centf. Onions, new, 5 cents per pound. Ham, per pound 18 cents. Sides, per pound 12 cents. Shoulders, per pound 10 cents. Fi-di. Mifki-rql Xo 1. 10 cents, FOR SALE IS Acres of land, with large two-story brick Louse and large barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in Butler twp , Butler county. Pa., adj< ining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev MeQuistion, Esq., Butler, l'a. Union Woolen IVTill, UUTLER, PA. 11. FIJLLEKTOX, Prop'r. Manufacturer ol BLANKETS, FLANNEI.S, YAKNB, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such as : carding Rolls, muking Blankets, Flannels, Knit , lug and Weavjug Yarns, &c., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de sttod. ms7-ly I Advertise in the C'lTiZf jr. " REiIIEiHBER T^T Patterson, the One Price Clothier and Gents' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of new Winter Clothing for Mens', Boys' and Wear at one extremely Ilow Price to all. PATTERSON'S, Duffy Bloclt, Butler, Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE. ED, No 95, Dec T, 1883, W D Brandon, att'y By virtue of a writ ol Lev. Fa., issued out of th 3 Court of Common Picas of Butler county, and to toe directed, there will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, iu the borough of Butler, on Friday, the 7th day of December, AD, 1883, at one o'clock P M, the following described property, to-wit: All the right, title, interest an'' claim of John M Miller, of, iu and to a certain piece, parcel or lot ol ground situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bouuded and described as follows; on the north by the Caurt Honse dia mond. on the east by lot formerly of Chas Mc- Candless, on the south by an alley at light angles to Main street, on the west by an alley running back of Court House and Diamond and parallel with Main street; being 60 feet front aud running back 180 teet, on which is erected a two-story brick hofyso with mansard roof, large frame stable and out-buildings. Seized and in execution as the property of John M. Miller at the suit of Johu M Aliller & Bro for use. THOMAS DONAGHY, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Butler, Pa., Nov. 24. 1383. The • Press THE FOREMOST REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL TEAR, 1884. Wookly Pre 33, - - - SI.OO a Year. Daily Press, - - - -SQ.OOaYear. The coming year will be notable. Congress, divided between a Republican Senate and a Democratic House, will bo busy President making. Tho great battlo of Protection against Free Trade will agitate the Capitol jiud the country. The Presidential campaign will bo hardest fought and most exciting political strugirlo for a quarter of a century. Europe, in tho opinion cf tho best informed, trembles on the eve of a great war. With such an outlook a live newspaper which prints all tin news and tells the v. hole truth about it is more than ever a necessity. Such a news paper i 3 THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS. Telegraph v. irc3 i:i its own ofli e place it in instantaneous communication with a corps of over five hundred ne'.vs gatherers distributed nil over tho civilized world. T.'.A special daily cable nervico which it shares v/itli the New York Ilcrahl covers every phase of activity in European life. No paper excels it ia a" Uio elements which go to mak j up abroad, full, complete journal. Besides being A completo newspaper. THE WEEKLY PITES3 has several special features which pit it i\t tliA tip. Tho AGRICULTURAL DnPAKT.Mnt.T, enriched by constant contribu tions from tho foiemosS writers in various branches, Rives the practical things that people want t > know on tho farm and in the garden. The IICLPLXA HAND FO3 WO ME:; or Homo Depart ment, edited by itrs. Ki to Upson Clark, ij full tf information, hintsan 1 happy thoughts for every wife, mother anil head of a household. A great featuraof thq coming year will bo tho highly valuablo lettorjof Joseph D. Weeks oa Wagea of Working-men, tlio general conditions of Labor and tho Cost of Living i.» En: ope £3 com pared with America, fir. Wceks, v. ho had charge of this subject for the Censui of ISSJ, has made it a life study, and has been abroad this year con ducting a special investigation. Ili > letters will givo the facts as to earnings in a'.l the various industries, tho purchasing p >werof wage i, strikes, trades-unionism, arbitration, etc. Tho WEEKLY PK::S3 is full of choice homo read ing, with puzzles and other matter for tho little folks, stoiies and pastimes for adults an.l children, fashion notes, recipes, gleauings from current literature, a careful summary of domestic and foreign news, and an earnest discussioa of tho great questions of the day. Sample copies mailed free. NEW TERMS OF THE PRESS: By mail, postage free in the U. S. and Canada. Bally, except Sunday, 50 cts. a month; C 6 a year aily, including.Sunday,oscts. a mouth; 87.30 a year Sunday Press, 82.C0 a year. Weekly Press, - - SI.OO a Year, Draft*, Checks a-ud Po~t-(tgirr Orders may I ..a .t at nr risk and should b- in'idt i>ayublt to t'iC order <f THE PRESS CO., Limited, PHILADELPHIA. PA |^JJfALGLUE MB « Will Mends Everythin- SO I .ID A* H()( h !—Hard as Adamant! Firm ns (Granite!! Strongest. Toughest, and Mont Elastic liliu on Earth! A Hamaonian Giant lnStrenrthan}OU»*ll otlierOlutu IND| BPS and Cements! Absolutely I «• JDS Pill I rcnliahlo and Inseparable! IrjSj ||H No Ilentina'.-Norreparatioa HD A lßPtw—Al way* Heady—AlwaysLiquid I Glues I'hiun, Wood, lather BeTtinff, Crockery, Bil yffSLjMd Hard Cue Tips and Gloth.Marble. Wi iHwa N ) Metals, Patches on Leather and IMfigg ; ltubberßhoes.Bric-a bras. Book Parks, Stone, Furniture, Bicycle TVMaMTQ I lubber Tires, Ornaments of Every I ■ kind, Jewelry, Smokers 1 Pii>es ana ill® S*V3| (MgarHolders, Card Board in Scrap Books, an 1 Kverytliin* else with IH Everlasting: Inseparable Tenacity 1 PCT 11 Jn ■Wnniifnetnrer® of Gummed La- Aj 111 HI beia,Textile Fabrics, Fine Carriages, Km 811/4 Pianos. Artificial Flowers. Imitation Stained Glass and Straw Gooda.Oabl n< t Makers, &c.,rupplied by Gallon SBjTOESMor Barrel. VJOc. Mottle (Brush and Tin Cover); by mull postpaid. Wcfci %-: r A\ fixtiUttif. extra. Mailed only by manufacturers ;.U.O'MEABA&CO.^h,.!;T„fe Live AgtctsW anted Everywhere. Hold by DrueviMts, grocers, bLuUouexs, Uardwaro and Ueuoral Slure* FOE SAI.E AT RKDICK'S DRUG STOKE. MORRIS NURSERIES, West Cliester, Pa., GROVER & KINNE. fruit, and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Rose?, e'c., etc. JAS. M. ADAMS, Agent, nov2l-Cin Butler, Pa. J i \ 198 LIBERTV ST. fl PITTSETTBQH. NO RIVALS IN THE FIELD ! mi ficts mn simi sin ui doubtful kinds ON THE QUESTION OF LARGE VS. SMALL STORES. Tlia f a large business can be conducted under considerable less expense than a small one (difference in receipts const l?red), no one who gives the subject a moments thought will deny: an I nowhere can * better illustration of the truth of this statement bo found than with ourselves. We have the largest CLOTHING, HAT and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Store in America. Our eleven spacious salesrooms (not coui-ting in on* Wholesale Depaitments) aro e jual to ELEVEN GRAND STORES IN ONE. Our daily sales are live times groater than any store in our line. The prices we ask for goods are from 20 to 33 per ceut, below all competition and in manv instauces 50 per cant can bo saved. Th it is not move assertion, a visit to and through our house will prove it. It is the aggregate of •our sale 6 and quality of goods bought, and not the protit of a single transaction, which enables us to UNDERSELL ALL SMALLER COMPETITORS ! Read Our Money Saving Prices. MENS" SUITS AND OVERCOATS. BOYS' A- CHILDRENB' CLOTHING MENS' AND B'JYS'HATS AND MENS' FURNISHING GOODS. CAPS. Good substantial Steel Gray Union Ca.-simere suits, we'll Nobby and well made Dark Mens' Si iff Wool Hats, all chapes. White or Gray Mixed Merino made and trimmed $5 00 Blue Kilt suits ?2 50 50c and "5. shirts 25c, and 35c. . , T . . . , ; ia ! I<i ;. on ? 0 Kilta ' _ Mens'extra quality Stifl Huts f 1 Extra Heavy shirts or drawer#. Fancy mixed union Worsted Pleated Backs *3, •$t 50 and $1 25. -10 c and 50c suits, fancy linings and but- Boys short Pants. Suits, aee y,. n s' black or brown Derby All wool' Scarlet Knit ehirt or tons $5 00 3to 12 years several styles fj sts ji 50, |2 50. drawers S7c. T . ... , . , v . » o i on *"io t f-i so' A " woo ' Double-breasted Scarlet Mixed Cheviot "Vic- Fancy Pleated at fS, 43 50; Men.' Broadway Silk Hats 00. Flannel shirts $1 50. Tory Mills, full suit $7 oO Pincheck; Gray at $4; 20 _ . . , , r n ■ Ko nd , sli fP ea aII v ' ocl Mens'Chinchilla and Plush Caps Extra size Merino Underwear, T s2Jtsr&Jßa c ss sL&a **."*»<«• -a,.». ,,c " .s #?vr «•» « ' m ue " m *'- Dmblo Btown or M *6, t7 »ud SS. Boj. ; C»Wd.llla School Op. !!sc. ' Overcoats f 3 00 J r „ n A BOTH* Loner Pant* Snitrf a»?Ad . Heavy Cotton socks/ lOcta. 15<V Reliable Black and Brown 10 to 17; thousands at *5, Boys' Piush Cap# with or without 30c, and Chinchilla overcoats *5 00 f6. 57. SB, *lO. 1 .. • . ll Ass ° r ' lvl oc color , s V„ Merluo Hair Childreus" overcoats 2-<j toll , Hoys Sealskin cap*, various Hose, ~se, 35c aud 50c. Blue, Black and Brown Figur- years-the Ware Resister. $ 1 Cs sa T cs 51 Shaker Wool Socks, good value. Ed Chinchilla overcoats $6 00 Thirtv styles for same ages at D , . TJ ~, 'sc i 2. i 2 25, &2 59, ?3, jl and I Bo J' s hrowu or blue Polo Caps, Suspenders, Englis-i and Amerl- Plain Beaver, Blue Chinchilla t5. ' ' i 50 ?:,.*?, d 75 f' „ , „ can Web » 20c . '<oc, 35c, 50c. and Fancy Prince Charles Fancy Plusli-trimmed Over- Children s 1 m bans, all colors, Overcoats f7 00 coits, •f2 50, J4. *5. |soc, and 75e. Four ply Linen Collars, beat Boys overcoats, ages 10 to 17; , ,9tyles, 10c. Blue. Black or Brown Plain we have a Gray Diagonal This embraces only a part of thei Perfect fitting White Laundried Castor Beaver overcoats.. .$lO 00 at *3, a Fancy Black Oassi- tremendous stock we aro now Dress Shirts, 75c, SI and 11 25. mere at $5, Stylish Ulster- sallowing. At -sl2, 415, sl6, $lB, we have I ettes at $5, Elegant Dress 1,000 Searts. Ties, shields, &e. r beautiful overcoats, made j Overcoats at 48, 49, 410 Mens' Fine Fur Soft Hats, twen- for the neck, at 25c, 50c, and fise. for the very finest City j aud 4'12. ty styles, 75c, to $2 50. Thousands of silk handkerchiefs Trade. I at 50c and 75c. A ticket entitling the holder to n chance to wID a beautiful horse and elegant phaeton (including harness), a magnificent grand squara piano, and a beautiful set of parlor furniture, total value $3,000 Will be €*ivcu wiaii Every Purchase no matter how small the same may be. The public drawing vrill take place January Ist, 1884, and the lucky number announced in this paper Free! Free! No Charge! Samples, rules for self measurement and our Illustrated Fashion Journal, containing all of the prevailing styles *of the season, and telling how to order goods by mail, will be sent free of charge upou application to any address. A penny postal card will bring it to your house, and may be the source of saving many a dollar to you. KAUFMANN'S, The Reliable One Price Clothiers, 83 to 85 Smithfisld, Corner Diamond Street, - PITTSBURGH, PA. TRI M. LKTF9B Sl'Fi lAI, COURT CSMMEXCMG 17th OF DECEMBER, 1883. No.\Term. IV. Pimntiff'9 Attorns*. flam*#*. I Drjnulants. I D,fnulant's Attorney. AD" 78 Sent ISS.I McUtiistiou and i.yon. .las. McEntO«b. Mercer Mining & Mauufactr g Co-Thompson & Son, & Kyl« FID '> Dec ' " McCandlesa and Mitchell. Win Gill for use of Martha Gill James Donaghy Grec r , ... ~. AD 17 June, " McQuistion and Lvon. Philip Fllnner, Peter Sheidemantel et al. ,\V ill tains & Mitchell S Dec " Scott. ' Robt Ash, Adtn'r. John Stewart I Marshall a cj,! >■' ic7q Crosby. Cowan and Steele, S H Brown !^ co,t . , . " 9 Sept 1881 Purviance and Galbreath. Jesse Glenn. R H Montgomery ,t uniiingham & Fleeger 6!» " " Peirsol and McQuistiou. Win Kennedy, .Newton Lnrton et al. jMcCandless " i','i \f flr i,SB' > Scott John Dickson iThomas M Dickson ,Bran !on. " 10 June " i Brandon and McQuistion. John Berg & Co. :Allred McDonaldlet al Thompson A Scott « oV ~ J D McJuukin Patrick Daucherty & wife Farmers' Mut F Ins Co Hannahs Brandon & McQuistion « P J « •< S! Colt Conrad Eicholtz Henrv Nagle [town Greer 77 « " Brandon. J O Critchlow P. &W.R. R. Co. jScolt «) " " Cunnineham. Emily E I.epley J"li" Lepley « 5 Sept Ma»s|iaU. Catharine Wehring ,John Dumbacher i McQuistion « ri° " ' «• L 7. Mitchell. Frank Kohel W J Kern eta 1 i „ j ßß redin. B Frederick Borough of Millerstown « 77 .< «' iLowrv. Max Klein ,John Glass \ and< rlin a M «■ «« KvleandLusk. Bernard Gardner WniG Smith A T Black « ? Dec " Greer J B Hill. HB. Sheakley fco't 60 " " L Z Mitchell. Charles Durning. Manasses Dregan, McQuistion , ,X„. V- ,OM M. N. (iRKKR, Prothonotary Protbonotary s Office, Nov. 19, 1853. 0 J R. GRIEB, THE JEWELER, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA., ' Q Stock for the iMBBEBI A fine«tock of American and Swiss. Gold F.lled Silver and Nickel Watches, O ains, Locket-, Kings, KMI i.P.nL » Gold Silver and Steel Speotacl. a and a weU selected stock of Silver Plated Woro, also ffi Ko « ,,r Bru ' a Kuived ' Fjikn - SP OO "'. Ladles, spoou-, pie and cake Knives, Ac INITIALB ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE on »nv Koods purchased of me. Strict attention is given to repairing of Watches, Clocks, Ac., which are war ranted to "ive satisfaction. Persons purchasing goods to the amount of Oue Dollar or more, will receive » cornon ticket with a number and their name attached, which ticket entitles the holder to a chaice m a hand- Bon P gn.vER WATEB PITCHER with Gold lined Goblet and Slop-bowl. Tiuie of drawing will be meiituued in ceunty paj ti« two neel.s prt\ious. Dau't forget the place, opposite Berg A Cypher's Hardware Store. GREAT REDUCTION IIV r r II "EC PR I O E OF IF X> O "CT 3E&. GEORGE WALTER S MILL Anchor - - $1.65 Per Sack. Red Ball - ■ 160 Per Sack. Standard Amber 1.55 Per Sack. Extra Family - -140 Per Sack The above Standard lirauds of Flour will be kept constantly on band at re duced prices. Also, FRESH GROUND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, •RYE FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BEAN and CHOP AND ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED. GliO. WALTER. OUUI - STOCK, Dealer in STOVES, TIN-WARE AND GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING BOOBS, Aueui for Bradlej's well-known Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Ro illiijf, spouting and repair ing done on abort notice. Store on Main St, corner ol NortU. Sigu of Large Coffee Pot. nov 2B'?i>-ly. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in its 30th year. For nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. OPEN AT ALI. SEASONS, Circulars free. Address, S. FREASE, M. D., jylß-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. CANON-BURG, PA. One of the best schools. Thorough preparation for college. Ciood English education. Connected with it, .JEFFKKSON HAM, Boarding School for Boys. Discipline strict but kindly, Roys kept in the family and under the eye of the principal and thoroughly eared for. Opens January 2. d-5,H3,tm \VM. KWING, Principal. Butler's New Departure For Pianos, Organs, Violins and other Musi cal Instruments, call at the HEW MUSIC STORE. OF '(leber Bros. &. Stauffer, Main Street, Butler, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books alsf iys on hand, or furnished to order. Orders for Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended to l>y John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 14, 'B3, 3in. 138 B sjfa A s TOPPEDFRE E H In Insane Persons Restored H aj S GREAT W ■ NERVE RESTORER /!'** till BKAIN A NkRVB DtSKASKS. Only lurt cure for Nerve Ajff'ectu*ns. Fits, /'/hV/rv, etc. INP\LLIDLH »f taken as directed. KJ Fits after first day's ute. Treatise an I 5* trial bottle fre? t» Fit patients. t'.iey paying charges on box when received. S*nd names. P. O. and address of afflicted to nK.KLIVE.9II A- h St..Philadelphia. Fa. &50 Druggiits. BLIVARM Ot IMITATING FRAUDS* WNI* "I <*o MR Ks *poa2 asimj, dtUJkfl t4*uooi*>H ml H 'SV.Vi ISII 11V S&S* SSfcfll ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers