BUTLER CITIZEN^ MISCELLANEOUS. A HUMAN FIRE. The Phenomenon of a Burning Aline Repealed in the Physi cal System. A few years ago one of the most im portant ccal ti ues in Pennsylvania caught fii e. It btarted slowly but soon obtained euc'. headway that i s read through tie greater portion of the entire mine. To flood it with watet would extinguish the tire, but well nigh ruin the mine; and still the flames cont'uucd 10 increase. At that juncture a y< ung man stepped forward and suggested that all the entrances end vent holes of the mine be covered Had secured, thus shutting off the sup ply of air. His advice was followed and the flames were finally subdued. To compare the condition of this mine with many phases of the human svstem, is mo.st natural aDd appropri ate. ' Fire in the blood" is not a mere expression, it ia a most serious fact. How it originates, it may be impossible to say; but that it burns and rages with an increasing fury, the one who is its victim only too painfully knows. The blood is the life. It is designed by nature to purify, strengthen and sustain the system. It is too often made the channel through which poison and death are transported. Poisonous acids coming through the veins and arteries inflame and cause a fire just as real as the one which existed in the mine. They burn and irritate causing the brain to become weak and the nerves unstrung; they carry pains to the muscles and leave agonies in the joints; they bring destruction instead of strength; they devastate the very portions of the body that most require help, and they hasten the approach of rli ath in its most horrible form. These things have been felt by innumerable people who have been the victims of rheumatic disorders, and the agonies tnev bavo endured confirm this descrip tion. There i 3 but one way by which this . Pre in the biood can be extinguished, and that it by shutting off the supply < f tLe poisonous acids. The lactic, lithic and uric acids come in to the blood through the liver and kidneys, and tLey remain iu solution in the blood pioducing inflammatory rheumatism, sciatica, lumbego, neuralgia, gout and all rheumatic fevers and affections. When they are deposited as gritty crystals in and near the joints, they cause articular rheumatism; when in the muscles, muscular rheumatism and lumbago; when in the tissues covering the nerves, sciatica; when in the face, Lead and nerves generally, neuralgia. In every case they are painful; in most instances, dangerous. Inflammatory rheumatism is likely to locate in some joint and become chronic, or suddenly at tack the brain or heart, causing apo plexy or heart disease. The fire in the l!(,od must be extinguished—the supply must bo shut off. This can only be done by guarding the portals to the blood—the kidneys and liver; and no means has ever been found for accom plishing ttiis which can equal Warner's Bale Rheumatic Cure. It acts directly upon the scat of the disorder; it ex tinguishes the fire by controlling the supply and removing the cause. The well known standing of 11. 11. Warner & Co. of Rochester, N. Y., the remarkable success which Warner's Safe Cure has achieved, being indorsed by no less a personage than Dr. Robert A. (iiiun, Dean of the United States Medical college, New York, and the fidelity with which they have carried out all their promises to the public, ti.ould be a sufficient warrant that the above statements are true. They, however, guarantee to cure ninety-five pr cent, of all rheumatic troubles, especially acute, knowing full well that the demostrated power of the remedy justifies them in so doing. Nothing cau be fairer than this, and those who suffer in the future from rf.eumatism with such an offer before them, do so on their own responsibility, and can biume no oue if living pain and untime ly death are the results. —'Tis better to be under a cloud tbtn with the mist and fog-gotten. "A Life on the Ocean Wave." It is but about sixty years ago that the Atlantic Ocean was first crossed by u steam vessel. This vessel was the Savannah, of 300 tons burthen. She took twenty-six days to make the pas sage to Liverpool. This was not suf ficiently encouraging to warrant the creation of un ocean steam lieet. Sa.il ing vessels could do almost as well, at bßs expense, uud with no danger of blowing isp. In those days even com luercial &.;r. Dionysius Larduer de clared steam tor ocean navigation to be impracticable. So it was not until ten yearn had t Jnj <1 that steamers were t; -1 with any considerable success. Then it was in lJritish waters. It led to further trials and suceesses; and in 1 '--.is tie hirus and the Great Western trimpbaritly crossed the ocean. It was now established that ocean steam ers couid be made both practicable and profitable. In 1840 the famous "lirit tunia" made her lirst passage, and reg uiar trallic began, by the aid of large subsidies' Irom the Uritish Government. At lirst tlie steamers crossed every or four weeks. After a while they multiplied so as to make semi-monthly tri]i?<. Now the l'acific ocean, as well as the Atlantic, is j:live with them. It is almost as common a thing to cross the ocean as to lake a journey by rail. The tourist who lias plenty of money and a year to epare, can go around the Wufcid with almost as much comfort as he could enjoy in staying at home. Forty years aj;o there began to go around the world one of the moftbene ficient agents for the alleviation of hu -111 m misery that has ever been known. It started in an humble way; more so, indeed, thau did the first ocean voy agers. Without subsidies from the Infill tb< government, and without the endorsement of the learned or scientific iii Mi of the day, it went entirely on its own merits, and worked its way be cause it helped suffering humanity. It hud its oiigin in the home of a man who was an invalid and a cripple. lie had found to his great cost that the prescriptions of the doctors failed to give him the r< iiet needed So he set to work studj in rout his own case, and devising something to kill tj.ie pain wliich had a most killed him. lie achieved u wonderful success. "This thing was not done iu a cor ner." The beneficient operation tf such a healing agency could not be kept a secret. Friend told friend, neighbor told neighbor. The fame of Perry Davis's l'ain Killer was noised abroad. For some tinte Mr. Davis supplied the demand fron the little labratory in his own home at Provi dence. But this was no longer possi ble when thousands and thousands of bottles of the Pain Killer were daily called for. A large factory was estab lished, which has since been eularged many times owing to the greatly and constantly increasing demaud for Pa:n Killer. It was not alone in our own land that the happy effects of Pain Killer were made known. Such heal ing influence was too valuable to be confined to one country or one con tin ent. There is now not a couutry in the civilized world where Ferry Davis's Pain Killer is not known and used Highly spoken of—the top o the mornin'. Diseases of an exhaustive nature that have a tendency to create an un natural feeling such as fatigue, lasti tude and great weakness throughout the system owe their origin to the lack of iron in the blood. Brown s Irpa Bitters 'will restore the blood to its natural healthful condition. Get the blood pure by using this remedy and disease will be quickly banished. Advice to an egotistical blower: Shut down your wind, oh! A Case not Beyond Help. Dr. M. 11. Hinsdale, Kenawee, 111., advises us of a remarkable cure of con sumption. He says: "A neighbor's wife was attacked with violent lung disease, and pronounced beyond help from quick consumption. Asa last re sort the family was persuaded to try Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs. To the astonishment of all, by the time she had used one half dozen bot tles she was about the house doing her own work. I saw her at her worst and had no idea she could recover." Watson's Neuralgia King. This is one of the best remedies for neuralgia ever invented. It is a lini ment, but is a medicine to be taken in ternally, and cures by going right to the root of the disease. A lady who had tried many other things, without relief, t r ied Neuralgia King, and was immediately cured. We guarantee it in all cases, when used according to directions. —The highest ambition of a sport ing man is to become a saloon keeper. Bilious Colic Cured by Rheu matic Syrup. Rheumatic Syrup Co.: WOLCOTT, N. Y., June I£, 18ff2. Gents—A lev weeks since, while suffering with bilious colic, which ren dered me unfit for business, I was ad vised to try a bottle of jour Syrup. I had no faith in it at all, at that time, for the reason that I had tried so mauv things in years past without receiving any relief, but before the first bottle was emptied I was feeling better than I had felt for so many years. I now know, that I have tried it, that it is the greatest remedy that exists in the world, and I feel proud to recomend the Rheumatic Spy up to all sufferers from bilious colic, for I am satisfied it cured me. Wishing you every success with your wonderful Syrup I am sin cerely yours. WALTER W. WHITE. A C All IK To all those who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, <&c., 1 will send a recipe thvt will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This fjreat remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station If, Sew York City ly- TALUABLE BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BY OKDEIC or COURT. The undersigned, Receiver of the First National Bank, of Butler, i'a,. tvili oiler it public sale, at the Court House, lu BuUer, on Tuesday, the 4th day ot December, ltw:S7at one o'clock p. in., tie following described real e.-tate of said Bank, to-wit: All the undivided one half of fifty acres of land, U'.oic or less, sit uate in the borough of Butler, Butler county, fa., described in the deed from Charles Mc- Candless, E-. Anderson, Es«j. The above dp scribed conveyance including the entire undi vided one-half of all the lots Utid out by the parties mentioned, and surveyed by jam OH Dualap, E-q, whose itrull or plot thereof is made part of this deed, subject, however, to the reservations and exocpllous above mentioned. Being the same prope ty purchased by said fh 'inpSon, and McCandlcss from the estato ul W. If. Clymor, and to whom legal conveyance of sar.uj J,:ri alicady been made." Al-so—All ol an undivided interest in that certain tract of land situate in Brady township, Butler county, I'a., containing one hundred ailii sixty-five acres, more or less, bounded North l>y lands nl Join) J. Crolc and Linnas Lillay, East t>y $ Dually an 4 !S Donaghy's heirs, Eolith by James Dm u and WCJ4 by James Graham. The interest of the First Nation;,) Bank, of Butler, therein being sixty-one acres, in*-re or le>s. The improvements are übont 111 ty acres cleared and fenced, frame dwelling bouse 4 rooms, frame It mk barn 4 J by 4"> leet; i ? good spring near the house and another near the bam, about 70 young apple trues. Ai.sso—Thu undivided two-eighths ol one bundled and lou»le,fti) acres ol land, more oi' less, situate in Fairvicur tf)*ns|iip, liullcr cour.ty, I'a., known as the Story Jn d Clatk to he First National llink ol Butler, I'a . lor th»f sum of eight hundred and loity flve dollars with iutoiiist, aud payable sixty days thereafter, nijd endors ed by Allen Wilson. TERMS OK PAYMENT:—One-half cash on (lay of sale and the other halt within six months tiiWfc4/|er With interest, and with such secuiity as t-hall I'U »4ti#far;tory to the Receiver, and no deed made to lho |.Micl, !.-;er until the considera tion shall be lul!y paid JOHN N. FCRVIANCE, K cotse." Firet National Bank, Uutlcr, I'a But\pr Nov. 2, 1883. novl4-3t. Rheumatic SYRUP, The Greatest Blood Purifier Krsown! RHF.ITMATISM cured" scrofula cured, neuralgia cured. TtOf-TTRPTFP.. N. Y.. Apr. 6th, 'S3. j» onT Bybon, X.Y., Feb. 20, 'B2. F AIRPORT, X. Y., March 12, 'S3 fi m^lTafo C bien a great KlxumalicFyrup Co.: Rheumatic Syrup Co.: suffererftwn RheauuubmforMX I had been d>>ctorimr f r thr .. .O: NTs-sir.eo X .vcmber.lSJG. vcars and hearing of the success or f >ur years, with diller- nt phy- l 1 .ivc ! • • n n c U ii>tiiut sufferer of Rheumatic Svrup I concluded sicians, for scrofula, us cai- Ir i Lur.ralyia ami ha\e U"t to Svelta trial in my own case, led it, but found no relief until I km.wn what it was to be free AnS I cheerfully sny that I have commenced taking y irSyr ip. Ir an pain until 1 commenced been ereatly benefited bvits use. After taking it aeh..rt time, i<> the use of Rheumatic Syrup. I I can walk with entire freedom my surprise, it began ! >lk nine, have felt n;> pain since usingthe from pain and mv general health Continuing ts use a few weeks,, f »urth bottle. I think it the liest is very much improved. Itisa I found myselfa* well as ever, f I hare c\er heard of .or snlendid remedy for the blood jAs a Mood purifier, 1 think it has i imfying the 1.. d and for the riphilitated svstem Ino equal. cure ol rheumatism and licu- M VcHISrMARK. M. D. j MRS. WILLIAM STRAXG. ral,ia. W. B. CHASE. Manufactured by RHEUMATIC SYRUP CC-, I Plymo' ill Ave- 1. . i.'.cr. N. Y, CARPETS : OIL CLOTHS! Persons visiting the Exposition and wishing to inucliase an>lliuii n !lu am . i Carpels, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtains? foles and Cornice- Will save money by calling an the st< res of J). & F. S. W KXjT Y, No. 120 FEDERAL ST., Nos. 65 & 6G Park Way Allegheny^ Pa. LEGAL ADVEItTI 8E ME NTS. of JoUn Conn, Dec'd. (LATE OK WASHINGTON TWP.) I etters of administration on the estate of .lohn Conn, deeM. late of W a.liur^..utowns[n, ; , BuUer signed'a^^^ uf I d est'ate will please make miUL-dia te | «>• naMBSMS&d* me,U ' Noitii Hope, I'. 0., Butler Co., Fa. Nov. 10,1£53. Executors' Sale. Bv virtue of ihe provision#o« the will of VV ,1 liaui"Thompson, dee'd, late ol iiidtHcsLX two Butler county, fa., the undersigned lora, offer for sale part of the farm' "J V 1" lian Thompson, located in Mjdo tstx t a p., BoUer county, IV, one mile west ol the Out er and Pittsburgh Flank Kotid, and lour miles e-ist of thfi P,.V W. Railroad,coutannnii KIFTY NINE AND ONE-HALF ACRES, one. half cleared and iu Jfood cultiv ill m, the ha hiince well timbered and all u iler ence, is coiivenient to schools and churches, and is will wate.ed. For further iutoriualion lLtjuire ol on the farm or address, W. S. THOMPSON, ) EXECUTORB . W. R. THOMPSON,) Ulade Mill F. 0., Bailer, Co, Pa. novl4-3m. folate ol Strait MiHer. (I.ATB OF CI.AY TWP., BL'TLEII CO, I>EC I>) Letters of administration on the above named ehlate haiicfe" been graded to ihe uu cler.-iL'iicd, all p> knowira theniseUts in debted to said estate will please make diate payment and any having e alms ag. iust said estate will present tUcm duly auihcnticateil foi Administrator, Couiiertville F. 0„ Butler Co , Fa. A. F. BOW.-EK, An y. * AdminiHlrsilor'rt \oliee. Whereas letters of admiuislration d.> bonus r.on in the estatu of I). Moore dee'd, havc heen is-ucd to nic by the Uttr of the probac of wills for Bul'er conuty. 'lbis is to ' to all- arties indebted to sold o.talc to cil' anu settle, and all persoi.a haying claim - th same will pveio.it lliem duly pi.o' ate 1 oi , aj -1 S. V. BOVV.SEP.. Adiu r of D Moore, ilou'o, {iJiler, Fa. EHialcof Kbeuczer ChrisiJ. (LATE OK WAEHIVOTOX rwr., DLTLEII O?., K\.) Letters of adininistration having been K'a':t ed to the undersigned on the estate> o Christy, lato of Washington twp., Butler comi ty. I'a.. notice is hereby given to a 1 I )alti ® t ' knowing themselves indebted to Haid t-HjaU to mike immediate payment and any having e.aim igaioMt wd estate will present them duly authenticated for payment Mis. JA-:I: Cur if n, i Adm'ra. O. W. Cumsrv. ( North Hope, Butler county, i'a WIFE NOTICE. Whereas inv wife, Ellen Kennedy, has left my bed and board without any ju-t cause or |,r<)V<,( - '": tion 1 hereby warn all person* not f<> trust or hariw heron my account, as I will pay no bills of her contracting whatever. KENNEDY, Oct. 3t-'X! It. Hun.tti.tMji., Butler Co, I'a. >OTI( K I V DIVORCE. In re application of Mary E. Friend, by her next friend, George Met"audiets, lor divorce from her husband, Win. i'Viur.d, I'., *' so - **''» March term, ISS3. T« Wm. t nend respondent. You are hereby notified and required to t>e and appear in the Court of Common I'leas ot Butler county, on the day ol next term, which is Monday, the 3d day of December, l is.,, ami show cause, if any yon have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be gr mted i;i the above entitled eas\ . ... Til OS. DON AG »I\, Sheriff. NOTICE IN DIVORCE, I<; the matter of Ibaptt'-l 1,1 the Court of C. tinn of Christie for i {'»<•> Butler < ■>., divorce a vinculo matri no- J A. K. ho. 10, niafrom PhilipM.Christie.J June l'.rw, UPTLEII COUNTY, KS: And now, to-wit; tfepterohcr 2G, 1883, the suhpeena and alias subpeunu liaving btun issued and returned non. est inventus in above case, anil publication awarded in due form ol law. Now, therefore, you lho said V.'". '' Christie, respondent, are hereby notified |o ap pear at a Court of Common l'l< as, to hi; ti Til ::fc Butler, in and for the county »! Butler, on the lir-t Monday of December, 1--S'% to answer the petition or libel filed in above stated ease and show, if anything you have to say, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted uud decree jpade accordingly. THUS. |iON Af rll t, f li; nfl Sheriff's ofli^< > , Butler, 1 '■!•, &>'p biK COUHT. 1 oct. 22. The Court grtitit a U C. ("ratty, and delivered notice by publication iu one newspaper under general rule a", to pub.ica- UM-llpmniablc to the next Term. To U. t*. . Piir*ti;uit (t» abov«i -.lAi'U. ;»>i i . tf \ Court, you ;ii«' !iOtlli> 1 tw ;»J) court, on or before lir.st d;iy ot next it:ro»- : 1 Monday. !>«•(•« mbor .'sd. 1" and -bow JMIW. if urjy you have, why the said Court ? liould not rat ify, approve and confirm the al»o\«* sa!«* "I your said wife's real rntale, fr« e ami divested oi any interest you may have or may he entit.ed to therein under the statute laws or as t» uaiit oy the courte .y, the same as it you were dead. NAN NIK J. CUATTY IVOTICF# # Notice i- heirJiy i.'. NV «*k. A " i of .f. li. NViek. IULS tiied liiin.l a«*R. *i».< <» olilee of I he |'n>th«»nofary or the (V i-f of Cofior.on Plea 1 * of li»itl«T coniil v. at Mv l» .V>. t'». I >. liopTertn I*7ll. an I tIV-»t tin- ;n»e will he pre . ..t o , l'i. JiRICKS! BHCES! The sutiserlber piipliput's 11." makiiiK >.f bricks couiitpm, paveme;:t, ba\ v.'laixu tit!' l r . I'lirvis, B. A. Htilinfjoldt, William Ciunpbell, J. W. ISuiUiiart, A. Treutcma, Jacob Bcholsiin Street, (Opposite Vogeley Hc utcj BUTLER, PENN'A. PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c Tore Liquors for i>nrpose. j , Oils and I'.iinlH. :very dnra bb, p,s I hey arc Rianufaotnrcd of pure Butlei county wooi. 'JL'bev are beautiful in color, su porior in texture, una vii! |>e sold at vory low prices. For and pric»s. all J;; 1 , H. if'ULLEHI'ON, ja!24.'78-ly Butler. Pa mi il MT Loibold & Trout ma 11 Jl-ivc opened a Livery Stable "u JeiTergon St., tlr.-t ilopr below nickel it (ialln;:li«-r. Good rig-i, first cla«s ttiunn alw.iys on hand. II >rses lid on rea3ooab!e tonus, also horses bought and sold. oct3-3m. WHO ' HAC ' " TftV »VILL S-E B/ CXAI/ Tin.'3 TH'SMAP I HAT THE ; V I " i'V';' r' r By the central position of its line, conncctn tho Kaat and the Went by theuhortcct route, and ear r.,?« without chaueo ot cars, between Chicago a '.d Kansas City, Council Bluds, Leaven v/o;. i, A;e l iirfon. Mmucapolia aud St. Paul. It ro .l.LCta in Union JL) k iota with all the principal hccaof between tlic Atlantic and the Paeillo i r.'r i,i3. I j equipment is unrivaled and masnift e ULiZs? coutpusiJ cf Moat Comfortable »ud li rjatlftil i)ay ('oac toea % -£ltx *.*<.. .♦ lic cliJinc Chair Curs, Puliuisn'n Qlccpins Car'J, mid tin? iicst L:iio of Dittin# Cars irj 'iic World. Three 'i-'raino between ChicnKO aud J{liver POiiita. Two '1 tains bclv/cen Chi tir»o unii hii.mcrppjip aud bt. Paul, via tho Jr'uuiouis "ALBERT LSA HOUTf,'* A N- w and Direct Line, via Scneea and Kantta* Ito. . I.; rr.: .-fitly I) Oil op »nc 1 beIWMU BiOomOOa, No. io!».. N v/j. rt 1/ .ws, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au pu it.i,Na^hvii! .Louisville, LeiuiKion,Cincinnati, jnd:anapcl::*. and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minucap- Cii.i nd o". Pa-iJ and intermediate points. ' " T'jrsugh Puj Travel oa I'aut Bxprcao Tflfii*. T: :ct; for sale at -.u Ticket Omce3ln the U iitc.l Utat..* i and Canada, Baxnw? chc<*kcd through and rates of tare al, w:.„ i as low us competitors that offer leas advan ta i- o. : • lilcd information,net the Uaps aud Fold era of Hie T IJCCK ISLAMo rtOUTE, At/- • • w- - •»■ i ' ••ifif R. I!. QHCLH, L. Gr. JOJJW, Vice Pres. it Oca IM\ r. tieu'i lit, L CHICAGO. mmomwm v ,:.r.:vL'!/ i • ifCH, * N N"*" -« r AIL ;:I 1 , ' s-loss .... r . of IT HAS ■ '■ A'' bl-30nS! -<• ILE SELLERS & CO. k f. > > fStei/XGH. J'A., iivi Acrrirs wantzd. I To S'-ll l>|- I, 'V!]V ; (i/lliihii,, it Inn ,:r Kvfiyliodv. ill im IV COIIIII HI tlr- i : ' Sl;rics anil < pa I l>> !!>• pull!.-.! • r I or. is and is Milled in :,|| das- "s and rcndilious of so ciety. A wi.ndcrfiil book ami a ntci's (gty. It Mlln nt B'iflit. Greatest ImluceinenU evct nlii'ri'il 10 I>OHK i.J.--. S:ii:ipl'- >!tiI■ -m-iil l>y mail. pDst|i ltd. I tI' 1 ~'n i. ■• ii tjityryslvcn. Acettti more than double ilii ir nion y. Audreys I'r. < i IStrain l'rintlnj; 110.'.50 Ann Aii'Or, Mirlilpitui. avß.ii^in. wanMiiaratiiß fTrratffw ■■ ".vt mum, SALESMEN. locasivafc . r 1 of N'nr -»ryStock. I tB-ninled fa' Mltl' .i. >r«Vc> ;«•*!|; n.-»« Sa'.-i' i 1»► . - 1 p' n««is paM. 7ni.icr-s <-t I'ruil u *, 11 Bm . i. - . v r . 6c r.s Mi /it. * Nv. P" ■■■■■■■BMBW Subscribe lor tbe CITIZEN- S * / •"• ' ■ -• ' - 1 .- • i /-;v>: '" :, x -■' l '>■•• "a 1 - / '■ »* '-('ft A<" •■>/." ViNI-J/^i-SN i ■ -.J :l' ar. I - ::■: jiFMS / « ; i ■ks ■ ;vi I ~ ' '■'?•> Y~ 'T'\^|j|--V7^i s C / s=?^ \ » - .. ■. :■■•; -.. .r-VU"^ : " *. i V:? .. r f?v . bftfjll HNf i- 1 PPm Sri* iiii-ife : M ' ilSi rr~ ■ i .-if i™$ v ': M£ ■■ ■■■.'. r £- f? '■• v.: •••: ■ ri: - ■ ij&f: ■ ** • .H& • I' - . '■SSFLA - • :'; i ■ *1 ■ U < / .;i.,v . ! '■ Illy „ |; | ! l ; .. v p p. We invite all our out-of-town patrous, when in the city, to visit our Mammoth Estahlieh nent. To those unahle to come we will, upon request, send Free of Charge, samples of goods, ami our Illustrated FitsHon Journal," telling how to order goods by mail. IJjgPTo every purchaser, if buyin* personally or otherwise, we shall present a n m be.'td ticket entitling him to a chance to win a valuable Ilorse and elegant Phaeton, including Harness and Bridle, woith a cautiful I'.rocaded Silk Plush, set of Pal or Furniture worth SSOO, and a magnificent Piano worth 55G00. Pu' lie dia.sing will take place January Ist, 1884, and the lucky numbers will be announced in this paper. Iv A. TJ K M A. JSTIsT ' 8, 83 to S3 Smithiield, C:mer Dismand Street, " FITTSBUBQH, PA HAPPY HOiES! HAPPY HORSES i THE OF KOIHES ESA3E HfiPPY by the use of the celebrated Labor and Health-saving Is beyond power cl computation. Our facilities for the production of it are taxed to the utmost to supDly tUi Orders thil pour in upon us from this great wido and prcgressive country. Ri(;ht here in your paction it is being used extensively and many can testify to its wonderlul properhes. The Wrappers arc Waned end can be c sed for smooth. £n§ the surface cf ycur hand-iro>cs ( giving them a pol is bk-n and Cluihcs. Jln (Stern not nuinomy In tb« of S<»;> will clruii tlw- skin :\n wrll «i | Hi.-cloltM S ! ')IiUDA.Y'S BOAP i!o. It »• ing one. and all treatment a:i i kidney uf.medhs gave little or no relief. I have been taking your "ktom y and back aciu-. cr.ir." with the uiott !i {.;>y result. It has relieved a'l the unpleasant symptoms that have followed uie so pers-is cntly aid eo long. 1 never lad a medicine help ma so quickly and cure so Gvmnlfcti iv. lam d. ing my own work. Yours truly. MRS. J\ME3 FULLER. DU. FF.NNr.H'B HuOTHINV, SYUUP- Fleas i ant, safe, certain. Produces good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor in the child. DU. FENNER'JI CAPITOt, FITTERS—Th purest and lest stomach tor.ie known. Dr. FENKF.R'3 SAUT liUEU.tf OJNi'MENT — Yfll .w and White— A cure for all beim diseases. Son directions wrapped around package. Dlt. FF.NNEK'S ULOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The best f in i'y physia known. For full informal jn get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Dr. Fi nnku'i 1 e iple'h Remedies. Ace rbi:n all oveu the w. ri d. And tre for sale by J. 1.. Wuller and I). 11. Wuller, Cut'er, Planing Mill -4SB- J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S. G.Purvis & Co., MANCFACTIJHKUB A&il) DEAl.Eitb IS Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRAMES MOULDINGS, SASH DOOK.S, FLOORING, SIDING, HAT! ENS, "rackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND VARI) \ear UcriiMii Most Extens : ve Parn-Bri'tl Livß Sleek Establishment in the World ! |, g I E? - ~ _ : : p; .. v-. '.V, .v* - r -{ i 1 «L # ■ - ~ : -y; = w y "WtU *\r I f'< ir'irroH-Xorm'iu* J't.oliA ( Horsn, Trottino-Brtd sh 'ii:ui Funic*, Ihilffdn anil Inntn ( I'l h". Our customers have t! e advantage of our many years experience in brefdii :;nnd import injr large T!• etions, op|orlan!tjr of c nop irinjj different breeds, low price*, mmh ol extent i!f nd< uce »-ol:c : ti'd. l'OWKl.b It KOI HERS, Sspringboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CiTiZKjS. jtily2s-9ia. s=s»fC your health, save yourTlmf, tzvs your Patience by this scap. ~No unpiaasant oiiors. No sic';:i?sE as tt.c resuli of s hard day's 'ipash. Wo hoS watar. Rio vash-bct?3r, but slothes nice and vehilii ar.d fragrant as naw mo«n Siay. TRY IT. TRY IT. 1831 THE CULTIVATOR jg|J^ Country Gentlemen THr. Jills r OF I II i: AGRICULTURAL VVL£KLSE3. Tho COOTUV OKNTLEMEX i- the LEADING JOURNAL i f '.mericin ilture Jn amount and i;a■? j ■ \ i-' .iT l' i>i ;11!«, iu * x *nd ability of Coiro-j>oudeuce. i:i quality of pa) er an J ftyle of pu'i•:icr.t:i u, :: occupies tin I'lßsiT RANK It ! to liHve no superior in e-tlu-r of the three cl f divimoi>s of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture &. Fruit-Growing, Live Stock and Dairying ; while it also includes ail minor l 1 ti;ut.-, lor youni; ludi'.f, VYinvrTe-iu opens Jan. 8, ISS4. Beautifully and llc.lil t;il-y Located, extensive buildings, plen.-ant grounds, ehcerlu! rooms, three Literal} - courses, supettor advantages l>.r mubic and Ait. Extensile apparatus, twenty pianos and orfran?, ineiudiinr pine oi'L-ir). Thorough work, borne like r ir •, moderate rates. Send for circular t«> KEV. It. T. TAYLOR, D. D., "caver, Pa. "]D. L. Clsslasd,]"'" South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock o Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -SPECTACLEH ASD SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Fine YVaK'b lt<-pairiii£ si Spec iality. v . Oy \V U.DUONiCn dnite ol the fi.il B adelphia Di nt 1 College,is prt pare.' c 6Sn to do anything in the line uf his profes.-lon in a FtuUfaeloiy manner. Ollict on Main street, iiuiler. Union Ji! U. lip stairs. »}'Jl JOHN B. BYERB, PHYSIC IAN AND SU KG i'ON, mySM-ly] BUTLER, TA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinifler's Flour Store. EN. LKAKK, M. P., » Homeopathic Physician and burgeon Office in Union Block, autl residence i'u Ferrcro ho te, Uutlcr, ' a. Oct. 2.i, lw>tf. KING OF THE SISGKRS v:— ONLY TWENTY DOllAliS J with all the latest improve -*£■£?.' j 'Jf 1 men!'. Splendid cabinet 'fx'-l w,,r ' v large draw rs, exten- v/&'j ri ve Kal ai,d « oU,ic cuvt:r cwiu o Machine ever made. Sent for e.\an,i lia'inn. We do not Want Your Money L) nless the Machine Suils Yuu. Write to us for particulars. WILLMARTH & CO., 1828 North 20'.h St, Philadelphia, Pa. oct3-oia ( 1101 SIMMI LOI I'OIiSU.F, \ VEKV CIV.V Two-Storied Frame House ol fix rooms, cellar, i tit liotir-et and t''o lots ol ground in Hu'ler w:'i b sold on reason able tn in*. Call ut 011 l eoi F. M EASTMAN Mar litf. Butler I'a. FRED JACK L,l, Double A«-lii -j: l'rt I'unij**. Il.ive no etju •.!. H. HOUSTON & CO., Sole Agent*. Also Wholesale and Retail Dealers in in Wood and Iron I » LT M I ? S 17 v|. V I \ Ml AVif SI K. ''/ •y- Head for Price I ist. A ; ;' iil - w:inUi{. Buckwheat! B ckwht iM! I will pay tlio lii.;lie. t prN'a for all I'.ickw'iait deliveitd at .nv mi l. in I !lO>rCCr. Ilti*!<-i (I ' , Pa. ' WILLIAM KALSTUN, Pot 10. am. AGENTS Wanted mijips ttOOKS u, 1 J: . icli.na r. :. »hm «li d \cry» «f , r "'» Brmdiry, <.«rrn»«.n k 4» n <>- N- I wurib M . r«i»l«lic»|*w.