Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 21, 1883, Image 3
BPTLER CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 1883. New Advertisements. Morris Nurseries. Witherspoon Institute. Sheriff's sale for Dec. 7. Fine bred stock for sale. Tnal and Jury lists for Dec. 17. Application tor church chnrter. Gieat reduction in prices of ll iur. TofAl, AND GENERAL. —The r »r; iry, l ut Satur 1 iv morning, stood at s abcTe ZS'o. —On ami ai'ter to-mirrow tuS.«£A. R. R. w ill be a mail route. —Parkdale is the name of a new post' fficJ in th ■ n r hern part of this county with T1 ornas J. Campbell postmaster. —Light running Domestic Sewing Machii e Jos Niggle & Bro. Agents, Butler, Pa. tf —Mr J. A. (la'k, of Prospect, has some pu e bred stock fjr a!e. See card in another place. —Our buyers and butchers are paying 4 cents for live and C cents for dressed perk, 4 a its for bet I and cents for mutton. —The Gas Company of this town now makes use of ail the gas their wjl produces. —The residenceof Dentist Ilines, in Millers town, was destroyed oy fire c-n Moud<»y ot last week. Dr. Linenbrink, of Zelienople, attempted suicide hv shooting himself at Beaver a few while on a visit to that town with his family. —lt is now believed by some of the officers ofthe Pittsburgh Exposition Society that the building was hrst robbed and then set on fire. —Go to H. Biehl & Co., for Phosphate, Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, <fcc. —The narrow guage cars on the P. &. \V. R. R. now run only to Gallery, and all passengers change cars at that point. —Judge Neale, of Kittanning, was in Butler last week to hear the arguments in the equity suit of Mrs. Elizabeth Hogg of Slippery rock Iwp. vrt'M Milton Henry and heirs of John Bighain. —Mr. J. O. Fullerton has opened a store for the sale of blankets, flannels and yarns ot their own manufacture, from Butler county wool, on Jefferson strict, west of Berg's Bank. Don't forget where to buy your Plush robes, Blanket?, Bells—Boessing on Jefferson St. sells them the cheapest. —G. Ch. Boenigk, of this county had a bearing before Alderman Kennedy, of Pitts burgh, last Thursday on a charge of perjury, and was commited tor trial. —On and after Monday next the time of the Court House clock will be changed to that of the 75th meridian, now called eastern standard time, and used by all the railroads in the county. —The iron mills of the Keis Bro«., of New C istle passed into the hands of the Sheriff of L twrence county, last Thursdav. The mort gage debt of the mills is .-|i102,000, besides whic'.i there is a floating debt. —Messrs. J. B. Kohlmyer & Co., of Butler, dr.iggi.its, have on hands a supply of "Conti nental Hoof Ointment" which cures cracked hoofs, sprains, scratches and sores in horses, cattle and sheep. —There is is considerable depression in the la r nber markets of the country, and the great lu nber firm of Kellogg, Sawyer & Co., of M chigan, has made an assignment. —Se ving Machine attachments and repairs of ail kinds, at F. Urieb's Jewelry store. —The scholars of th-s Witherspoon Institute will give a literary and musical entertainment in the Court House to-morrow, Thursday, evening. Proceeds to be applied to the pur chase of desks for the Institute. Bet there lie a full house. —George Walter has made a great reduction in his standard brands of flour, and has on hands fresh ground buckwheat and rye flour, alw> corn meal, bran, chops and all kinds of mill feed. See advertisement. —Mr. Henry Stokey, the hotel keeper of Zeiienople, drop|»ed dead while assisting at the threshing on his farm near Evansbtirg, last Saturday. He was at Mr. Armor's funeral the previous day and was apparently in the best of lieulth. —The Raid liidge Co.'s well on the Huselton farm was completed on Monday, and is not a very good one. Schmick's well on the Webber, Scheidemantle's on the Wallace and the For est Oil Co.'s on the Renfrew, will ba completed this week. —Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma chine, of any make, at F. Grieb's Jewelry store —Health, happiness and economy are the three great essential merits of Day's Soap. One bar of it will go farther th in two of any other make, and will do the washing and cleaning iu a more satisfactory manner. —An S. <fc A. brakeiuan named Kane caught his foot in a frog while coupling cars at the West Penn depot here last Saturday. The en gineer moved the train and a wheel ran over one foot, crushing it badly. The brakeman was put in the caboose and taken to his home iu (ireenyille. —The West Penn dcp'.t, at this place, has been entirely rearranged. There is now a la<lies' waiting room and a gents' waiting room at the front or east end or the building, with ticket windows fur both rooms, and back of the ticket office, between it and the freight room, is a baggage room, extending across the building. —The 7:50 train (7:30 local time) from But ler, on the West Penn road, now stops at Great Belt and Saxon stations only, and passengers from liutler for other stations along the branch will have to take mime other train. This train runs from Hutler to the Junction in II minutes, the fastest time yet made on the Branch. —Buffalo robes—indian tan—cheap er than ever before sold iu IJutlcr, t.t Boessing's on Jefferson St. —The terrible statements lately made by a girl named Mary Thrope, while under arrest in New Castle, regarding her father, Win. Thrope, of Clayjtowtiship, this county, are said to be entirely false, and to have so worked upon the obi man's feelings as to make him attempt suicide. ln introducing Prof. Ilouck to the audience at the Institute lecture last Wednesday evening, Col. Thompson said he did not know him, and then astonished the Prof., who tra/els all over the State attending institutes, by c unnaririg him to an individual, the mention of whose name is considered unparliamentary. Mrs. Murray, 3!» Ninth St., Pittsburgh, is an artist in Dressmaking, as our fashionable ladies know. Bridal outfits a spec 1 ally. Mrs. Mur ray has learned the cleaning and rep-tiring of fine laces in New York, and ladies will do well to bring lace to her. Laces are cleaned and returned in two weeks. nv7-4t - -The latest rumor regarding the P. 4. W. It. It., is to the effect that Thomas M. King, of the Baltimore A Ohio and Junction railroad, is to be male General Manager. "This would seem t.> indicate," said a gentleman, "that it is the Baltimore & Ohio railrcad Company that is trying to effect a lease of the line ami not the Jcwett syndicate." - We direct attention to the card of Mr. Jas. Adams, who i-i the ageut for the West Chester, Pa., nur«ery, of Grover A Kinne. Mr. Adams delivered a large lot of trees mid shrubbery to citiz-ns of this town and county this fall, which gave general satisfaction. He is now taking orders for the spring delivery and person* need ing trees or shrubs cannot do better than order of him. —Those who want buffalo robes, should secure them at once at the pres ent low prices. In three years they will IK; worth double the money now asked for them as the buffalo is being rapidly exterminated, call and sec the stock at Roessing's store on Jefferson St. —H. K. Mnnkittrick will deliver the first lecture of the course in tlrj Court House, Tuesday Dec. 4, 18*43. Munkittrick is a new man in the lecture field. Has a I way H been one of the contributors of fur!;, and ha* of late years been a member of the editorial stair of that publication. It is "said of him he is eminently u funny man and not to he blamed for it," that he is color-blind to all the gloomy shades and sombre hu -s of tins existence and only sees the bland sunshine and bine skies of dazzling happiness. And again it is said of him "there are times when he would really like to be serious but it is not in him." Remember the i".ate and don't fail to have a good laugh at a cost of 'lb cts. —We have been furnished with a copv of ■ the- proceedings of the Sabbath School Con vention, held in Freeport last week, and would cheerfully have published the same were it not that our space is limited this week. We notice, however, t'lat several min sters of this lountr, including llevs. lergu son, Jamison, Clark, Young and Shanor, took part in the exercises and that the stand taken on the liquor question was a very dtcided one. —By the new time table of the Vest Penn road, "published in another place, it will be seen that four passenger trains now leave But ler on that road, instead of three as heretofore. The new train leaves at 4:50 P. M. T railroad time, or 4:30 P. M. local time, and connects at the Junction with Freeport accommodation, No. 5, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:30 P. M. railroad time or 7:10 local time, giving passen gers wanting to go eas r on the night express which leaves the city at 8:"T> L*. M. city time , nearly one hour to get to the 1 nion depot. There are but three passenger trains to Butler_ —The P. W. train going south last Friday morning, was delayed in Butler two hours, by reason of the breaking down of a freight engine Dear Bald Kidge, thereby missing connections at Gallery. SomefpasseDgers who remained on the train and who intended going to points be yond Gallery, changed trains at Bald Ridge and came back to Butler. There is a siding at Bald Bidge and the engine of the passenger train here could have gone down and poshed the freight train on it, hut did not do so because it was nearly out of water—nearly out of water and a creek the whole length of the line. —Since Sunday noon the Slienango <S: Alle gheny railroad lias been running on the time of the 75th meridian, which is 32 minutes faster than Columbus time—the time used by that road up to that date—and is2o minutes faster than local time. The West Penn road has also made the change, but with it the change is such a slight one—only one minute faster than Phil adelphia time, which it had been using—that it will not be noticed by the general public. All the railroads of tne United States are now, by agreement of the managers running by the 75th, With, 105 th and 120 th meridians, just one hour apart, and the points for changing .time will, we suppose be as near midway be tween the meridians as the termini of the east and west roads will allow of. Pittsburgh is a change time place—it always was—anil a per son passing through that city from east to west by rail wili have to set his watch back one hour. Farther west the change time places are probably Kansas City and Omaha, and still farther west Ogden, on Central, or \ irginia City on the North Pacific, —The decision of the Supreme Court of this State in the case of Oakland township, versus Martin, is of interest, not only to the citizens of this county alone, but to those of the whole State. The facts of the ease are about as fol lows: The flood of August, 18711, washed away a township bridge at St. Joe station of the P. W. K. R. in Oakland township, this coun ty, and the Supervisors of that township after endeavoring to induce the liailroad Company to rebuild it, gave Mr. Abraham Martin a con tract for doing so, agreeing to pay him there fore the sum of <3OO. Mr. Martin built the bridge, but a new set of Supervisors refused to pay him for it.per agreement,alleging that there were citizens of the township, owing for taxes who could and would have built the bridge, and that the Supervisions had no power to make a contract that would bind the town ship. Mr. Martin brought suit and got a verdict against the township for $340.95, the contract price with interest. The township appealed, and the Supreme Court has decid ed in Mr. Martin's favor, or has affirmed the judgment of the Court below. The law makes it the duty of all Supervisors to make and maintain sufficient bridges over all small creeks and rivulets and deep gullies as shall necessary for the ease and safety of travel lers, and the Court says that the contractor was not required to run around and inquire of the taxpayers whether they still owed road taxes and wanted to work them out on the proposed bridge. Another decision of inter est to travellers is that making a sleeping car company liable for the robbery of passengers through the negligence of its servants. In these days pretty much all long distance trav ellers tane "sleepers." They are obliged to trust not only to the honesty of the conduc tor and porter, but also to their watchfulness for protection against the dishonesty of fellow passengers and other persons having or seal ing access to the sleeping cars. If due dili gence were exercised by the company and proper vigilance by its servants there would be little danger of sleeping passengers being rob bed, provided the servants are honest them selves. A lady of this town who was travel ling alone this summer, was awakened in a sleeping car at night, by the porter of the car, who was trying to pick her pocket. THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS. Just Opened—On Mifllin Street. Having erected new buildings on Mifllin St., and furnished them throughout with new ma chinery and tools of the latest and most im proved pattern, and employing only the most skilled mechanics, I am now prepared to fill orders. Jobbing and repairing done to order. Steam Engine and -steam l'ump Work a special ty. Patent right work and model making of every description. Brass and iron castings furnished to order. A full line of pipe and fit tings on hand. Safety and satisfaction guaran teed. Threshing machines, horse powers and all kinds of farm machinery repaired. Manufacturer of Kuhne's motor with pump attachment—the greatest boiler feeder of the age—it has no dead center, therefore it is cheap, simple, durable and the most reliable boiler feeder ever invent ed. Your orders solicited. Shops and office on Mifllin street, opposite Klingler's Mills. C. H. KUHNE, Sole I'n.p'r. 0ct31,3m. Butler, Pa' Buckwheat Flour Wanted. The highest market price will be paid for Buckwheat Flour at the store of Jacob Boos, South of Court House, Butler, Pa. n0v14,4t The Calf Man. The farmers of Butler county will find the best place to sell their veal calves, poultry and game for the highest cash price is to the calf man at the Williard House, Butler, Pa. OCtlO-fit- KITS : All Fits stopped free bjr Dr. Kline's 6Mt Nerve Restorer. No Ftts after first DAY's DM. Marvelous cures. Treatise and s'J.oo trial bottle free to Kit cases. Send to fir. Kline, ftjl Areli .St., mtaq IM. At L. Stein & Son's, Ladies' Neckwear, in all the new styles. At L. Stein & Son's. New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed Comforts, etc., at lowest prices. At L. Stein & Son's, New stock of Black and Colored Cash meres, extra value. At L. Stein & Son's, Ladies' Gentlemens' and Childrens' Underwear in white, grey and scarlet, all qualities. At L. Stein & Son's, Blankets from $1.25 up, Bed Comforts from $1.25 up to finest grades. At L. Stein & Son's, New Black and Colored Velvets and Velveteens, very low. At 15 Cents, Changeable Lustred Cashmere, a beau tiful new dress goods, at BITTER & BAI.STON 's. Gents' Gloves. A very large line, at BITTKR & RALSTON's. At 12 1-2 Cents, j New Black and Colored Cashmeres, at BITTER & BALSTON'S. Folwell's Seal Plush, The nearest approach to genuine Seal in the market at HITTER k RALSTON 's. See the Beautiful line of Hoods in Silk, Satin and Wool, at ItITTIU fi RALHTON'B. At $1.75 and up, Children's and Ladies' Jerseys, at RITTER <FE R ALSTON'S. All Kinds Of Jackets, Coats, I>olmas, Cloaks, and Wraps, at RITTER <T RAIJSTON'S. Tiic Largest Stock of Ladies', (ients' and Children's fur nishing goods, at RITTER & RALSTON'H. (Cut this out.) New Time Tables. Nearly all the railroads of the country changed their time tables last Sunday. Ihe ! following are the changes made on therai- I roads in this county, and the time here given is the 75th meridian, which is 2o minutes fasttr than local or Allegheny Observatory time: WEST PENS K. R. MARKET AND PASSENGER train leaves But ! ler at 5:00 A. M., and arrives in Allegheny at j A. 31., connects at the Junction, when on time, with Freeport accomodation, which ar rives in Allegheny at S: 14. HI TLER EXPRESS leaves Butler at 7:50 \. M., stops on Branch only at Great Beit, and at Saxon Station "!",13, and arrives at Alle gheny at 9:50 A. M. BUTLER MAIL leaves Butler at 2:50 P. M. and arrives in Allegheny City at 5:20 P. M . BUTLER ASK FREEPORT A< CO.MMODATIOS leaves Butler at 4: 50 P. M. and arrives at Alle gheny at 7:30 P. M. The Morning express connects at Blairsville Intersection with mail train east and express west, and afternoon n.a.l with rea l west and Johnstown accommodation and Phi!adtlph:a express east. There are two freight trains daily, each way, on the Branch road. Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:10 A M. and 3:25 and 2:00 P.'m. <City time). The The 2:0o P. M. traiu is the Market train which is two and a half hours coming to Butler, while the express, 3:25, makes it in less than tnto hours. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:50 A. M., 4:50 and 5:40 v. M., and the 9:50 and 5:40 trains connect here with traius on the S. & A. R R. SHENANGO & ALLEGHENY K. P.. (New time, 20 minutes faster than local, and 32 minutes faster than Columbus time.) Trains leave Butler at 7:20 A.M. and connects at Slienango at 9:55 with N. V. P. & O. R. K. for all points cut ud west, also south to Sharon and Youngstown. 10:20 A. M. and makes close connection at Mercer at 12:05, with traiu on N. Y. B. & P. for Franklin and fJil City. 5:50 P. M. an J connects at Shenango at 8:05 with train on F. A P. 11. 11. for Fric and Buf falo. Trains arrive at Butler at 7:47 A. M. and 2:40 and 7:30 F. M. —the 7:47 A. M. and 2:10 I*. M. trains make close connection here with trains on the West Penn. A "second class" through train arrives at Butler at 1:15 I*. M. and leaves at 2:4-> I*. M., and second class trains leave Branchton at 10:45 A. M. and 4:25 and 4:45 P. M. and arrive there att:4s and 11:48 A. M. and 1: >0 P.M. — the 11:48 A. M. train running through to But ler. Trains leave Ililiiards at 6:15 and 11:>0 A. M. and 5:20 P. M., all ot which connect at Branch ton with first-class traius for Butler, and also lor Greenville, though some of the connections are not very close. PITTSBURG II A WESTERN E. li. (Philadelphia time.) The following time table went luto effect on Sunday the 11th inst.: Trains going west arrive at and leave Butler at 8:18 A. M. and 0:28 P. M.. make connections atCallery Junction with train- south to Alle gheny and north to New Castle, arriving at Allegheny at 10:45 A. M. and 8:25 P. M. Trains going north and east arrive at and leave Butler at 10:04 A. M., and 8:02 P. M. The morning rrain connects at Foxburg for points north but the evening train does not. Trains leave 2cli£Boplfl for Allegheny at at C:2O anil 8:52 A.M. and o:40 P. M. and the 8:52 and 0:10 P. M. trains connect at Callery for Butler. Trains leave Allegheny City at 8:00 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. connecting at Callery for Butler. At L. Stein & Son's, New Fall Gloves, new Fall Gloves, large stock, just received. At L. Stein & Son's, New Hosiery, new Gloves, ne.v Cor sets, large stock, just received. At L. Stein & Son's, Just received a large line of new Fall and Winter Skirts, iu very handsome styles. At L. Stein & Son's, New Dress Goods, New Drets Goods all shades, all prices. lf you want a good Lunch, Square Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri son's City Bakery. tf At L. Stein & Son' 3, White and C'oljrcd Canton Flannel, at lowest prices. Ladies' Misses' and Children's all wool Cardi gan Underskirts, at BITTER & BALSTON'S. At $2.50 per Pair, White Blankets, at HITTER & It ALSTON'S. At 6 1-4 Cents, New Fancy dark Chintz Calico, at HLTTER IT RALSTON'S. At 15 Cents, 2 pair for 25 cts., Misses extra loDg heavy Hose, at HITTER & RALSTON'T. Notice! NOTICE I Notice! Under wear* for gentlemen and boys. Underwear for ladies and Mioses. In Sc.irlet, Gray and White at bargain prices. Largest stock to select front at A. TKOUTMAN'S. Until the Holidays, We will sell Carpets at the following low [irices: At 20 et* , Gottago Carpet. At 25 cts., heavy Ingrain Carpet. At 40 cts , Extra heayy Ingrain. At 45 ct*., double Weight Ingrain. At 05 cts , trood Brussels Carpet. At 75 cts , Better Brussels Carpet. At !)0 (Is , liiggins' Brussels Carpet. At SI.OO, Best 3 plv Carpet. At if I 25, IJcst Velvet CarjH.'ts. Everything in the Carpet Depart ment marked down to the lowest pos sible prices. If you need Carpets take advantage of this sale, at KITTEII fi RALSTON'S. At G 1-4 Cents, 10 yard*, for one Dollar, Unbleached Canton Flannel, at ItITTER RALSTON'B For the Holidays. We have in Stock, Dress Goods from the finest Silks down to the lowest Domestic*, in Wraps, in Fine Russian Circulars down to the cheapest Jerseys. An immense line of all kinds of Fancy Goods, suitable for Holiday Gifts. Buy early when you have a large assort ment to select from, at Ri TTE it Si K ALSTON'S. Best Bargain Yet. The Celebrated Conformator Corsets, sold everywhere at SI.OO. At 75 cts. per pair, at HITTER «FE RALSTON'S. SANTA CLAOS Mas arrived with the Largest Stock of TOYS Come and be agreeably surprised at the Toy Bazaar of J. F. T. STEHLE. DY virtue > f uundry wiito of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa i Al. F». la.. Al. Lev. 13.. Levin Facias and Yen I iLtioui Jixpo.u», i.-sued out of the Court of Com mon l'ic i» of ISutic. county, aud to mc directed, there will bo exposed to public sale. at the Court House, in the boiougu of Butler, ou Monday, the 31 day of December, ! A. P.. !-<- { at ouo o'cloc.;. p. 11l . t;,e following ' descnlcJ property, to-wu: ED, No 111, Dec T, I SSJ. R ? Sco'.t. I «' " ■>>, ■' '■ Wif Bn.nJon, I " " »'J *• " A uU _)». All tlic ri_bl, til If, intere t and claim of I' F ! I*or;cr'ie'<i, i;- • . i.inely at.- t> of i r. I. i more eiitiate 111 y township, | Butle; i ■ y, 1a , bounded ok follows: begin | niug ..t u jtoal :it the norlh-west cort_er, the. ee .by lands of Sloan el al, north SO dcgiccs east j i.VJ peri hes to a while oak; thence by lauds t.f 1 A VV Cr iw.'oid, m/UCi 1 decree 73 j eiciic- to a stone; thence IS j relies to a po«l; tl. iici* oy lands of Eli.is o»iiiud, part of same tract Svj degrees » t • 4-10 | erclics to a post; theue", by l.iuds ol I)i A W Crawloid north ! degree west 110 8-10 perehis to a post the place of beginning; a t»c-H*iry iriiuc house 24 by :.0 feet, wlih kin lieu attached, ra:u e stable ti4 by 1> l«i Icei ed and tinder fei.ee, 10 at-re tliejdow, CO aires underlaid wiih 40 inch vein ol coal a.id 4 loot vein of liineetone. b .tli open, you 114 orchard ol apple anil pf cii tie s lnr u- u, good wnier, late the estate 1 f Vl' rorto'tichl. btriz/il and takin iu execution as the property of I' F Portertield at the suit of I' F For'.erlicld for U;e. E I), No S3, Dee T, ISS3. W b Brandon, att'y. All the right, t tie, interest and claim of R C McAboy, o', in aud to the undivided one sixtie ith int rest in 147 acres of land, more or situ ite in Oakland and Concord town fhi| s Uuthr, lOunty, Pa., bount'ed as follows, to wit: on the north by \V Ii Olyiner aud Beatty's heir?, east by ,'south by now or formerly l'tii.'ip Poltnent, west b» VV B C'lyuier et al; ~ame lai.d described 111 deed of W B Clymcr, Ex'rs, to 1 N Furviance et al, dated Jane 1874, and recorded iu deed book 43, pau»l9l, (all v oodl Mid) thereon. Seized and taken in exvcctioD as the property of It C Mc- Aboy at the suit of John N Purvianec aud A M Ncyiuan for use. F. I>, No cO, Dec T, 1883. PP P, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J K Vincent, of, in and to aincly-e gbt acres ol land, laoicor less, situate iu Marion township, But ler county. Pa., bounded and described as fol low , t >-iv 1; 011 the north by Ro«t and Porter, eist by John Kimes, south by J Gilmore, west by Janus P'.rter; all fenced and about 25 acres cleared thereon, f'eized and taken iu execution :.s ih<- property of J K Vincent at the suit of S P McCuliuont. F I), No •J~, DeeT, 1883. Lev MiQuistion, ED. No 50, Dec T, 1883. C Campbell, att'y6* All the rijdit, title, interest and claim of \V H (iallaher, 01, in and to sixty-tliree acres of I md, more or lets, situate in Franklin township. But ier county, l J a., bounded as follows, 10-wit: 011 the north by east by Win James and D Siiumcns, south by James Riddle, west by Thomas Cr itty; I.lu story lon house weather boarded, 1 story Ilo.lt d house, l'iiifc frame birn and orchard tlieicou mostly cleared. Sriznl and taken in execution as the property of Win H G.illaber at the euil of J M Leighncr, iu trust, et al. ED, No 58, Dec T, lfß3. Brandon, a't'y. All the rinht, title, inttirest and claim of Philip Biekcl, of, iu aud to a lot ol ground situ ate in the borough ol Butler, Butler county, Pa., containing 00 bv Iso feet, more or less, bounded and desciibed as follows, to-wil; on the north by an alley, east by lot of Lewis DuflTord, west by Blufl street and south by North street; a two story frame dwelling house, frame barn and out-buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution i'.s the property of I'liiiip Biekcl at She suit of Butler Savings Bank for use. T D, No 1, Dec T, (ii<pin »fc McCain, att'ye. All title, interest and claim oi W M Patten, of, in and to a lot or parcel of ground situate in Fairview borough, Butler county, Pa , containing 120 !>}• ;si) feet, more or less. bounded n irih by an alley, cast by an alley, south by W (J Adams and west by Main sired; a one-tlory Irutne house witU bisemeut, a two story frame building, a one-story frame B!IO|>, frame stable, Iruil trees and grape vines there on. Seized and taken in execution a-- the properly of W M Patten at the suit ol K \V McKee, Cashier, for use of Simon Truby, Jr., Assignee. E D, No 78, Dec T, 1883. Williams & Mitchell, att'yp. All the rifilit, title, interest and claim C P Johnston, o»vucr and contractor, of, in and to a lot of ground situate in the borough of l'ros pe. t, but ler county, Fa , bounded as follows: on Ibe north by lot ol Geo Mace, on the east by a street, ou the routh by an alley and on the west by property of S Koth; a,two-story frame d>V: houdcjlti j !>y feet, (containing one-fourth ol an acre, more or less,) thereon, fcized and taken in execution ai tlie property of 0 1' Johnston, owner of contractor, at the suit of 11 buuer & ISro. KI) No. 82 Dee, T. 1883 If. H.McCormick att'y ED N > B'J l)te T 1883. \V D Brandon attorney. Ail the light, title, interest and claim of G Ch. ltoenigk, of, in and to sixty-six acres of land, more or less, situate in Buffalo township, lint ler county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by la.ids of hartley. Zeir and John Harvtr, east by lands of (ieohrn.g and Petsinger, south by lands of hartley and Petsiuger »n<l west by lands of Ehrman Duerr, frame house, old log barn, out-buildings ami orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Seized and taken in execution a* the property of G. OU. ltoenigk, a', the suit of Henry ltoenigk et al. KDNo 82 Dec T. 1883. HII McCormick, att'y, Ell No B'J Dee T 1883. W. D braudou attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of G. Ch. lioenigk, of, in and to fifty acres of land, more or less; situate in Winliotd township, but ler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit; on the north by lands of Henry Gtim, oast by lands of Samuel Dull, south by lauds of Peter Kenne dy, west by lands of George Keek's heirs; most ly cleared, frame house, frame bain and or chard thereon. Seized and taken in execution us the property of <J. Oil. lloenigh. at the suit of Henry ltoenigk, et al. KDNo 82 Dec T 1883. II II McCorniicU att'y. E D No. b'J Dec. T. 18*3. W. D. brandon att'y, All the right, title, interest and claim of G Oil ltoenigk of, in and to lifty-flvo acres of land, mole or less, situate in buffalo township, but- Icr county, l'a., bounded as follows, to wit; on the north by lands of Shannon heirs, east by lauds of John 11 easel ge -tser, south by hinds of Matthew Greer and west by l uids of Adam Hartley; mostly cleared, log house, frame barn and orchard thereon. Seized an 1 taken in ex ecution as the property of (i <'h ltoenigk, at the suit of tlenry ltoenigk < t al EDNo 35 Dec T 1883. WII I.usk att'y Al the right, title, interest and ela.ui of llenry S Walters of, iti and to twenty- .even acres of land, more or less, situate in Jackson township, butler county. Pa., bounded a tollo-jrs to v.-it; on the north by Abr. Zicgler, < ant by Caspur belim, south f>y Zinkbeni, nest by Abr. Ziegler. Mostly cleared, ho ise, log barn, framo stable and orchard I heron. Seized and taken in execution at the pro,! i ty of ll inri S Walters at the suit of Lutz & Dambach, for use. K I> No 35 Dec T. 188 ) W ii Dusk ati'y. All the right,title, interest and claim of Henry S iVtlt jrs of, in an Ito a oirtmu leasehold situ ate <JI> lands of Jo in Ste.vr.it, Ls . 11 r Oity boro., butler county, Pa., containing 2-; by 180 feet, more or lees, bounded north I y .in alley, east by hit of J Al Diet, south by Pi tshurgh street and wei-t by breakneck cieok, t >,;<it:ior with a one stoiy frame building «i 'lid theieon. Seized and taken in execution «.•» the property of Henry S Walters at the met of Lutz .V Dam b& lit for uuo. E DNo TJ Dec T. 18 t 3. Th mpson .t Son att'ys. Ail the right, title, intorcut mid claim of James Suter .i Eliza Suit r of, in and to a'i Ijiat certain piece or pit:eel of : .11 i siluate ill Wwfleld twp, Butler coast/, Pa bounded and desciinetl as follows, to wit. begiuui ig at a pin on .Marshall avenue and lands of Mi's. Jane Sloan, thence a'ong Mrs SI i tu's lin.-t north 65 dcg. w« «t six hundred anil leu fo.'t to a pin, thence by lands of same north no 'leg. went, two hundred and seventy nine f'-el to a pin on the corner of lands ow ned by Jotm Morgan; tiience a'ong the line of said Morgan's landu south B'.) deg west, ten hundred 111 I eighty feet to a pin 011 line oflands of Win, Vogeley and Joliin M. 'J'iioinpit'Mt; thence 1'on;; i-.»id line south 1 deg. cast, two hundred and sixty seven feet to a pin on line of lauds nf Win. H. boyd; thence along the line of s.v I lauds south 55 deg. east, fourteen bund -1 and tlfty to a | in ou Marshall avenue: an I I ei.ee al >ng Marshall tV6DIU n.rlb 85 deg Ml t, live hun dred and seventy-eight fo'-t to a pin at the place of beginning, containing 2U acres and Mi perches, more or less. Seized an 1 taken in ex ecution as the property of J.ones Kuter and F.hza Sutter, at tho suit of Sarah J IJaui.tev by hot attorney in fact Thoruloy Jolmsloii. EDNo GO Doc T 18H3. From 0. I*. No 305 Juno T WW. All tho rigid, title, onterosi and claim of L- Delamater, of, in and to all tilt) oil right of. 111 and to 111 aeio-t ol' land more or !■» *, situate in Donegal township. Butler county Pa., bonieb d 11011h by Mi'Oulloiigh, ".a.it bv sime, so t!i by Daum and west by Millerstown ami Karns <iiy roail, together with two producing oil wells thereon, derricks, engine bouse 1, engines and boilers, tubing, casing, rods, tanks und all ma chinery and lixuigs thereto belonging thcicon. . Seiaotl antl takeu 111 esecution as the properly j of jL. Delamat tr at the suit of ILL. Westeruian. 1 Ii DNo 28 Dec T 1881 W Dbi .melon, attorney. All the right, tit'", interest gnd claim of Wiq, Uoll of, in and to thirty-two a ran of land, more or l.i n, dtmlo In Washington townnliip, Hutbir county, IV, bounded af follows, to wit; on tlio to th by Isaac Thomp- 11 heirs, east by Alex Be- I. south by 9 A. Campbell, west by Leonard Stewart; a two-story io 0 " house, Ward liouse frame- stable an 1 small orchard thereon. Seiz ed and taken in executi in as the property of Wm Bell at the suit of li. A. MiCliu for use. TEKMS Ol" SAI.I. The following must be I stiL'ily complied with when property is stricken down : !. SVhen the plaintiff or other iien creditors be come tin |>;ircli tser. the costs on the writs must be pai'l. aii'! .1 IHie liens, inclinting iiiortsrage searches tlie property sold, together wil ii saeb lieu 1 r dltor*s reeeipt" tor tbe amount of the pto <e, ds of the sab of sucli portion thereof aa be may cii he furnished the sheriff. a:; bid- l.c; be p.; .! til full. All sales not settled immediately will be eoa> tinu I until 1 o'clock. P. 11. of next day. at wliieh t :: ;■ i property not settled for will lie put nl> ami sold :it tiic expense and of the person to whom first -old. *S--e pardon's Digest, titli Kilition, p::ge -146, and Smttb's Forms. p;:_ • ;e-t. THOMAS OONAC.HY. Slieriff of. Butler County. Sheriff's (.Rice. Butler, l'a.. May lltli, lttst. Always the Best, Pure Crcaui Tartar is an Acid. Which is the product of the natural grape fruit. Science submits that fruit acid is conducive to liea'th. It is therefore apparent to tlio intelli gent mind tha' a pure grape cream tartar bak ing powder is the only kind that can be truly considered healthful. From its beginning, over seventeen years the "Banner ' Baking Powder has had for its basis the highest test 9'.) per cent, pure grape crcum tprtar, and thousands of families who have used the ' Banner" brands all these years a-c to-day more fully convinced of tho fact that it is "'Always the Best," be cause of its perfect puritv and healthfnl , ie>s. NOTHING Can be lost by sending for free specimens of the great Farm and Garden Journal of America. It costs more to publish than a-iv other of its clans. It presents over 500 original engravings anuuilly of cattle, grain, fruits etc., etc. It lias over GOO contributors—among them the best write's in the world. It oivn experiment grounds of 82 acres worked in the interests of its subscribers. A XKM Kit A iu tlie agriculture aad horticulture of Airerica A SI.OO Weekly for i*2. a Year! It is original throughout. It is pure in tone and nilmiis no ambiguous advertisements. It is a faim, garden, religious, news, home and lileraiy paper ;;il in one. lilt: Bc-ai, Nr w-Yoi.i.'Ktt is for the North. Soul li, East and West. II has be onto the lead ing rural paper by leal worlh, perseverance and enterprise—by its devotion to the true 'nteiests of all who till the land wile he. for plea jure or profit. It is printed upon fine tinted paper, Hi pages weekly, eacn page ll'jxifi'j inches. It combines the bosi features of the daily and weekly press with all that can iuslruct, elevate aud interest the rural home. Its Free Seed Distributions have in. reduced or disseminated many of tho most valuable seeds and plants now known. Among them may be ineuiioiibd thn Beauty of Hebron, White Fdophant and B.ush potatoes, the Cll. ill en Kai-pbei y, Clawson. Kult>:o-'!law- Hon, Surprise, IJlacU-bearded Centennial wheats, and a hundred others. Tho now vanolios of seeds offered in tho llural's Frco Seed Distribu tion are alono worth moro at retail prices than the yearly price of tho Journal. Specimen copies will fur nish all details with original engrav ings. WHY NOT sent! for free specimens and then judge for yourself ? 34 PARK ROW, N. Y. l.int oi Juror.s Drawn to serv..- an Traverse Jurors i>i the De cember Term of Court, commencing the third Monday, being tl».- 17th d iy A. 1). ISWi. Brahatii Hugh, Mercer twp, farmer, illicit Alex, Slipperyoclt, farmer. Black Uichard, Hariisville boro, farmer. Bartlay Jos 1., Penn, farmer. Bol'oii Samuel, ('onnoqueneswiiig N, farmer. Cochran Wilson, llercer, farmer. (!ttrry Morris, liarrisville boro, laborer. Cooper Jacob, Jaekson twp K, farmer. li.iritng Itoberl. Fairview twp W, pumper. Doiltheft J M. Forward, farrne". Figlieiilnub Jos, Summit farmer. Klriclt John 11. Hariisville boro, student. Flliott 15 F, Worth, farm sr. Forelit Win. Fairview twp K, producer. Fletcher E M, I'arlcr, farmer. Gallagher Simon, Clea field, farmer. ('allaghor Jno W, Jefferson, farmer. Hutchinson F I'. Ooneoril, farmer. Ilntlner I.ewis Butler twp, farmer. Hutchison S»C Washington t .vp S, farmer, Huscdton John, Butler boro 2d ward, farmer. Hickman Jos. Saxonbttrg boro, plasterer, lift Lewis, Jackson twp K, merchant. Jamison J S, Fairview twp K. farmer. Keister Jacob, Mipperyroek, jusfico. Kiiimpe Ciias, Clinton twp. farmer. Katnen r Wm. Fairview twp K, farmer. Klingler I'ied, Butler boro 21 ward, clerk. Alorrisou II H, Mercer, farmer Meats Isaiah N, Washington, farmer. • Mcflarvey J J, Mcrc.-r, fartn"r. Miirtlanl W W, Fniview Iwp W, farmer. McMahan John. I' trkertwp, farmer. I'atterson Jos, JeiTersou, farmer. I'rice Jos M. Allegheny twp, farmer. Itiber M. Butler b >ro 2 1 ward, merchant, ltoddick O C, Allegheny twp. farmor. Seaton Aimer, Mercer, farmer. Stewart J 1.. Washington twp 8, farmer. Stewart Alex, Coiiuoipienes-ting tp N, farmer. H'ltiinon John 1,. Coriiioi|UQiiess:ug N, farmer S'l.atior J 11, Mudilycreek, farmer. Tobin Til'is, I'en 11 farmer. Young Jaco >, For.vard farmer. ALL FOR NOTHING \\ liy I In* EhK'lor uiih itii<l ulia( have lM'< k ii (tone wllliou! IB ain • "Weir wilt'," said I >r. I l ' , as he entered his hoi\so, which was situated in a cosy villiatfC in central New York, "I have back from a long and dreary ri« 1 e away down ain.#n;j tin* mountains, and all to no purpose whatever. The mess* said the imin wouldn't live till morning, when the fact is lie had only an or dinary attack of colic. II tin- simpletons only had i-iisc to put a KKNSON'S <\\l*- C1NI) I'OKor.S I'liAS l | It on his stomach he would have hern all in an hour «»r two. lltit &<>;{«<• folks are »low t«» learn," added the old physician, swallowing the cup of steaming tea which his wife had just poured for him. Doctor K wan n.'ht, yet people do learn, even though slowly. The rapidly increasing 11*■ <5 of llensoti's plaster proves this beyond <ju< fi<iu, and the doctors are certain to he saved much of their needle.-* toil. In all di seases capable of be in# affected by a plaster Hen oil's acts elii -icntlv and ut once. The gen uine have the word < AIM.'INK cut in the cen ter. Price U5 eelit.s. Seabtiry & Joliiihoo, .jhemists, New York. Application For Charter. Notice in hereby given Hint application will li" luv'e to I lie l.uw Judge |>' Hiding in the eouit ol'Common I' lean <>l If 111< i- county, on Monday, tin; lOili «1 •«y ol' lb uihcr, ISM."., lor a cli ii tcr lor I In' Kvann < :il) l'l i nbylci ian < /'hurcll. Tlx- object of raid corporation belli;; the Mip port ol |»11 i>!II * worship ol Alllll u 111 y <iod, in Kv iuh City, Hut Icr county, I'u , a< cording to tin- l iitli, government and diciplinc of the Hrcn bytcrimi Church In ll)e Unhid Stain* of Amcr leu. K. A. Wliito. Win. Irvine. 'l'boo. \V. licifZi!b. foli iiHju Sinuiin. I! F. Wlilte. AGENTS Want, : cl lom .i . , I i •«. < «)•'«! i v » I l.llx rul lit <t<lir,«, (larr.'l >vn A I X* I •■mill V , I'mU • l'i- | ?y, ; v^-r^-.^■.3(ig<? i^?y / .yy / .s&g !fi MEN AND BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS I# <i| —-FOE £:« I FALL AND WINTER J &} Scotch Wool Underwear in all weights. Cartwrigbt and Warner's I nderwear, in white and scarlet. J l ' ° j Fifty dozen Fancy Suits of Underwear, all wool, which we are at s:i 00 a suit. The best thing ever offered at the price; worth $5.00. Hoys" and Youths' Underwear of all kinds in all sizes. £1 HATS .A. IST D C -A. J? S. 2-50 dozen British Hose at 25 cts. a pair, worth 50 cts., just opened. English, French, German and Domestic Hosiery, in Silk, V I.isle Threads, Camel*' Hair, Merino, Ca<hinere and Cotton. Novelties in Neckwear, in plain and fancy silk and satin", in all the leading shapes. Our Fall importations of English Neckwear just opened. ' || GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, || Walking and Driving Glows, in Kid, Fur, Camel's Hair, Cashmere and Cloth, Kid Gloves for evening wear. Fine Sus)>e:.dcrs. | > Silk aud I.inen Handkerchiefs, Hemmed and Hemstitched, in white and with fancy borders, Linen Collars and Cufli, all the new I.*? h ,CS RUBBER <w OOI> H, cJ\l Umbrellas in Silk, Alpaca and Gingham. Largest line of English and American Silk Umbrellas ever shown in Butler. Our h~-t Black Silk Umbrtlla for $3.50 is the best thing ever offered. The Celebrated Comet Shirt. A full line of Fancy Colored Shirts '*l always on hand. The largest and most complete stock of Furnishing Goods for Men and Boys in Butler. " ft* j CHARLES R. GRIEB, Union Block, Main Street, Butler, Fa. |S J 1850 11111 l - ESTABLISHED _||J|_ 1860. TTT!¥I T HE J E W E L E 11. Butler, Penn'a. Two Doors North of Dullys and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. DEALER IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc. Agent for Kockford Railroad Watches aud King's Combination Spectacle*. ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC., A SPECIALTY A_ll Work ~Warranted. All Goods Sold by us Engraved Free of Charge. Call and See our Stock before purchasing. E. GRIEB CO) 18.-.0 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE 7 ETC. Having op a new stand in CNION BLOCK, where can bo Been a Iresli stock of everthiug to be found in a FIRST - CLASS JEWELRY STORE, I would invite the public to call and offer a »hare of their patronage. Remember the etock ie of TH£2 LATEST • DESIGNS, AND ENTIRELY NEW, llepairiug of \\ atches, Clock?, Jewelry, etc., will receive our strict attention. J. It- GrRIEU, UNION BLOCK, MAIN ST. BUTLER PA GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE BOOTS AND SHOES A. T R C. HUSELTON'S FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS This stock is lurgo, all clean goods made to ray order and warranted. >0 TRASH BA THIS STOCK. You won't find any goods in this stock that have been bought at AUCTION 1 ". Stickers that nobody wants to sell in his retail trade. Auction goods can be sold cheap but they won't wear and are dear at any price. Our sales so far this fall are very large, and we mean TO MAKE THEM STILL LARGER By offering the people of Butler county BOOTB MTlfl ftt astonishing low prices. OUR OBJECT IN THIS SALE Is to clean up our entire Fall and Winter stock to get room for our Spring trade. We will Offer You, way Below Actual Value Mens' Calf and Kip Hoots, hand made; Boys' Calf and Kip Boots, baud made; Youths'and Childrens Calf and Kip Hoots, copper tips; Mens'Calf and Kip Low Instep Boots a specialty; Woinens' Calf and Kip Shoes, hand made; Misses' aud childrens Kip and Calf Shoes, hand made; Childrens Button School Shoes in Calf and Peb. Goat. OLD IiAIUKS' FLANNKL LINKD SHOES AND SLIPPERS. We still best Bubber Goods in the market, Ladies' Misses' aud Childrens' Kid Pebble (Joat St., Goat ButtonSedi Low aud Polish Boots, these ate Cheap Stylish goods what every lady and child wants. We do not advertise to sell below cost as everybody knows that kind of talk is humbug, but we mean what we Bay to sell you good Boots and Shoes way below their actual value. No misrepresentation. Customers are told what the goods are before they buy, the prices we shall name to you on this stock Will Move it off Rapidly, Come early and get a bargain before this stock is reduced, recollect these are clean, good goods, no old auction or job lots of. BOOTS and. SHOES LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER AJ*l> FINIMNGS. Repairing all kinds at reasonable rates. Come and sec us, will save your money. NO TROUBLE to show goods. B. C. HUSELTON'S Gt. B. BARRETT & CO., 238 and 240 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Bronzes, Silver and Plaled Ware, Watch Material, Etc. Wholesale Only. ocpts,l6t PARSONSSfILLS A ri't will romtillU'r rh »•>«•' th« Mnnd in tl|p«ntir<- a \ strut in thr<*«* m-ntha. Anf person who will lake ON V? IMI»L I veil NICIIT FROM oNK I«P TV\ 1.1.N I. \\ KKK'S mar (••■(•■ml t«> ■ ••nn«. with. if »t«rh a thing l« |»oaalt>U. I r ruruiir F«-n»nlr <'-.tti|>!aint« tli •■ I'illn hn»«• • «>|ii:tl |*h* «!••• th»m in tli'-ir |»r»ftlr«. S«hl «*vrr> w h»r«. Butler's New Departure For I'innon, Organs, Violins ami oilier M in>S ' cnl Instrument!), cull at the NEW MUSIC STOR3, OK Kleber Bros. & Stauflfer, Main Street, Bui lor, 1\». sheet Mil«ie anil Munio Hooks always on lianf or I'llrnitli<-<l to order. Order* for I'iano tird} Organ tn 11 i II if ami repairing promptly ultemJdt to liy .1 oil II It. llvtli of I*i t IKIXI I'Kl* t I'"- Nov. I I, 'B.l, Sin.