Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 31, 1883, Image 2

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Entered at the Postujfice at Butler as
second-elcsss matter.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 31, 1883.
Republican State Ticket.
For Stale Treasurer,
WM. LIVSEY, of Allegheny county.
For Auditor General,
JEROME B. XILES, of Tioga county.
Republican County Ticket.
For District Attorney,
SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler.
For County Surveyor,
B. F. lIILLIARP, of Washington twp
SEVERAL communications and other
matters have to be omitted for want of
apace to insert all.
THE pamphlet laws of Pennsylvania
for this year have arrive! aud are in
the hands of Protbonotary Greer, for
the Justices of th.-> Peace of this county-
signed as pastor of the Presbyterian
Church of Emlenton, Pa., the resigna
tion to take effect January 1, 1884.
ELECTION day is not on the second
Tuesday of November, but the first, or
6th of the month. The law says it
shall be held on the first Tuesday fol
lowing the first Monday. Pass this
fact around, for many voters are under
a misapprehension. Republicans! re
member November 6th.
ANOTHER terrible earthquake visited
Smyrna and Asia Minor on Sunday
last, extending as far as the coasts of
Greece. In fact, ever since the shocks
of two weeks ago, that whole coun
try seems to be continually and fear
fully shaken from earthquakes. Many
lives are reported as continuing to be
AFTER Pennsylvania, the next elec
tions in interest that come off on Tues
day next, are those in the States of
Massachusetts and "old irginia.
Whether General Butler can be re
elected Governor of Massachusetts,
and whether Gen. Mahone can still con
trol Virginia, are questions that excite a
good deal of interest.
THE Supreme Court upholds the prin
ciple of cumulative voting in the famous
Sharpsville Railroad fight and settles
tbat lively battle in favor of the Pierce
party, whose policy is to hold the road
open to all connections instead of it al
lowing to be absorbed by a single road.
The reasoning of the decision is very
plain, except where it skirmishes about
the question whether a railroad is a
public highway or not in a very ginger
ly manner. Still the decision is a
victory for the public interests in this
fight, and represents qaite an advance
on that class of rulings which prompt
ed the writer of one the legal text
books to declare that "The Pennsylva
nia Railroad seems to run the Supreme
Court of that State as successfully as it
does its own train."— Pittsburgh Dis
Ma. J. 11. CIIHISTY, who owns a
general store at Holt Postoffice, Rac
coon township, Beaver county, and one
of the leading business men of the coun
ty, left his home early Monday morn
ing to go to Pittsburgh on business.
At Phillipsburg he took the Pittsburgh
and Lake Erie train, and returned in
the evening on the Beaver Falls accom
odation. He was carried beyond Phil
lipsburg to a point near the bridge over
the Ohio river, where the train was
stopped. He then started to walk back
to the Phillipsburgh station along the
railroad track, and bad proceeded about
• quarter of a mile when he came to a
high trestle over the run just west of
the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie station,
which he attempted to walk. In the
darkness be missed his footing and fell
over the edge, a distance of about
thirty-five feet, to the ground, where he
remained all night, and was found
Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock.
When picked up life was extinct. At
the time of bis death he held the office
of Jury Commissioner. The only
brother of the deceased was killed by
lightning on the 22d day of July last.
The Republican State and County
Tickets have been printed and have
been sent to the members of the Coun
ty Committee for their respective dis
Each Committee man should there
tore look after the tickets for his bor
ough or township—see that be has
them, and see that they are at his elec.
tion place in due time. If they should,
from any cause, fail to reach him he
should make effort to procure some.
There are but two tickets to vote
this year—one, headed "State," on
which are the names of Livsey and
Niles, the State candidates; and the
other, headed "County," on which are
the names of Snyder and Ililliard, the
county Republican candidates. By
separating these two on the printed
sheet the voter can make no mistake in
Martin Luther.
Martin Luther was born November
10, 1483. The 400 th anniversary of
his birth day, Nov. 10 coming, will be
more generally celebrated throughout
the Protestant world than on any pre
vious occasion. This would indicate
that the memory of the hero of the
Qrcat Reformation, and the value of
bis great work, are increasing as time
rolls on. On Oct. 31, 1517 Luther,
then but 34 years of age, nailed to his
church door bis celebrated 93 theses,
or declarations of reform in Christian
doctrine and practice. To-day, Oct.
31, is the anniversary of that interest
ing historical event, which we believe
is to be noticed in the churches general
ly on next Sunday. On the following
Sunday coming, Nov. 11, notice will
be taken more particularly of the an
niversary of bis 400 th birth-day.
Don't Believe Them
We give our readers the caution that
seems Deeessary on the eve of every J
election, and that is. not to believe all
the reports they may hear concerning
candidates. One we have just heard
of is intended to injure Mr. Snyder, the !
Republican nominee lor District At-1
torney. We learn that it is circulated
that Mr. Brandon, to whom the Prohi
bition party of the county tendered a
nomination last summer, and who de
clined it shortly afterward, is s'.ill a
candidate. Mr. Brandon has declined,
and does not wish any votes thrown
away upon him by our temperance
friends or by any Republicans. Mr.
Snyder is a strictly temperate man in
eyery respect, and a young man of
good moral character in every respect.
He is, besides, fully competent to fill
the office of District Attorney, and we
believe it will be to the interests of the
people of the county to elect him. He
is recognized as a young attorney of
promise in his profession, llis integ
i rity is not questioned. That he will
make an honest aid faithful ofticer there
can be no doubt. The interests of the
Commonwealth, the people, will be
safe in his hands.
GET OUT THE VOTE. —The only need
of this campaign is for the Republicans
to get out all of their votes.
Meeting in the Court House.
The Republican meeting held in the
Court House last Wednesday evening
was well attended, the room being
fairly filled. It was called to order by
James Barr, Esq., Chairman of the
County Committee, when Hon. Rob t.
Storey, of Butler, was chosen Presi
dent, Hon. A. L. Campbell, of Petrolia,
and B. W. Douthett, of Penn twp,
Vice Presidents; and Mr. Geo. Met-ti
ling, of Sunbury, and Thomas R. Mc-
Call, of Clay twp , Secretaries.
The President of the meeting then
introduced the Hon. Jerome B. Niles,
Republican candidate for State Audi
tor General, who addressed the meet
ing at length on State questions and
present State atlairs Mr. Niles is an
able and agreeable speaker and made a
very favorable impression upon his
hearers, ilis speech was argumenta
tive and clear and so well received that
his visit to Butler must have been an
agreeable one to him.
He was followed by the Hon. S. 11.
Miller, member in Congress for this
district, who spoke on the tariff ques
tion in his usual forcible and able man
ner. His speech was regarded as a
fair presentation of the duty and right
of protection to American industries.
Mr. Livsev, Republican caudidate
for State Treasurer, wa3 then called
out and made a few brief remarks, after
which the meeting adjourned.
THE remaining twin relics of crime
are polygamy and drunkenness
Opposing Music in Church.
I)r. Robert Audley Browne, pastor
of the United Presbyterian church at
New Castle, Lawrence county, has
for some time vigorously opposed the
introduction of an organ into the edi
fice, but at last was overcome by su
perior numbeis. The most active ad
vocate of instrumental music among
the elders was Sheriff Douds. Elder
Douds is a widower ol 55, and for the
past fifteen years up to a recent period
had kept company with Miss Maria
Mcßurney, the courtship extending
over a period of fifteen years. A few
months ago all arrangements were
made for the wedding, the bride hav
ing prepared her outfit, when the
event was unexpectedly declared off.
The congregation was greatly exer
cised and Rev. I)r. Browne, among
others, took sides with Miss Mcßur
ney. The upshot of the whole matter
was the arraignment of Elder Douds
before the session of the church on the
charge of having broken his engage
ment vows. Friends of the Sheriff
have intimated that Pastor Browne
was instrumental in securing the ac
tion against Elder Douds in order to
get even with bim on the music ques
tion. However this may be, at the
hearing in the case Saturday night the
pastor took an active part in the prose
cution. The verdict has not* yet been
reached, but knowing ones claim that
Elder Douds will come out best. Dur
ing the trial it was learned that Sheriff
Douds broke the engagement on ac
count of the circulation of a rumor in
which Miss Mcßurney's name was
mixed up. The affair occurred over
twenty years ago, and Sheriff Douds
clearly demonstrated that he had no
hand in its resurrection or circulation.
Miss Mcßurney is 40 years of ago, has
resided iu New Castle for the past
eighteen years, and her character is
above reproach. The affair has caused
a decided sensation.— New Castle
Since clipping the above we observe
that Rev. Browne is sustained and re
tains bis congregation, and that Sheriff
Douds has also been cleared of any
wrongdoing. Both therefore all right
Supreme Court Decisions.
The following decisions were render
ed by the Supreme Court of this State
at Pittsburgh on Monday lant:
Samuel L. Riddle vs. Josiah M.
Thompson and others, opinion of court
here affirmed.
Milton Hutchison vs. James Kerr;
Oakland township vs. Abram Martin;
Pittsburgh & Western Railroad Co.
vs. Joseph Lytic; affirmed.
No other cases from this couuty, we
believe, haye been decided.
A liuge Record.
WASHINGTON, I). C., October 24
Among the cases recently docketed in
the United States Supreme Courtis the
City of New Orleans vs. Myra Clark
(jaines. The record in the case is the
largest ever submitted in the Supreme
Court or probably any other court. It
is bound in one immense volume which
weighs over two hundred pounds, and
contains 3,200,000 words. It takes
two men to open ami shut the book.
That Election day is next Tuesday,
November fi, and not on the second
Tuesday of Nov., as some may have
Annual Meeting of W. C. T. U.
The second annual meeting of the
W. C. T. U. convened in the M. E.
Church, West Sunbury, Oct. *2, 1883,
at 2:30 o'clock. Devotional exercises
were conducted by Mrs. Iloldin of Al
The "convention was organized with
Mrs. Pain, the I'res. in the chair. The
tfee'y. being absent, Miss Ada Mech
ling was appointed See'y. pro tem.
Miss Mullie Jack, (in behalf of the
W. C. T. U. of Sunbury). delivered an
address of welcome, responded to by
Mrs. I>r. Swift, of Allegheny.
Committees oa nominations and reso
lutions were then appointed. Dele
gates from Unions present gave ac
count of work done. The Harrisville
Uidon reported the introduction ot
temperance question books in the
school of the township.
By request, Kev. Geo. W. Bean gave !
an account of the boys' meetings, held ;
uuder his direction for some years past. |
Also Miss Anna Glenn, of an anti- j
tobacco society, organized about 11 i
years ago with 0 members. It has j
since incorporated temperance, and is
now called The Anti-Tobacco and Tem- j
perance Society. It has now over 7">
members, and holds annual meetings.
On motion, Miss Glean was requested
to publish in the county papers, a his
tory of this society, which history will
be written in the near future. Miss
Sullivan reported that the county pa
pers kindly consented to give space for
communications from W. C. T. IT.
The convention met iu the Presby
terian church in the evening, at 7 P.
M. Devotional exercises were conduct
ed by Mrs. Dr. Swift. Committee on
nominations reported as follows: Pres
ident, Mrs. Dain; Recording Secreta
ry, Miss Anna Glenn; Corresponding
Secretary, Miss Mary Sullivan; Treas
urer, Miss Maggie Shaw, Harrisville.
On motion the report was adopted.
The committee on resolutions next re
ported as follows :
WHEREAS, we listened with so much
pleasure to the accounts of work done
in Sunbury for the children,
Resolved, That we recommend a
like work iu other parts of Butler coun
ty, for both boys and girls.
" Resolved, That the subject of teach
ing (in our public schools,) the nature
of alcohol and its effects orf the human
system, be insisted upon by teachers.
" Resolved, That we recommend, in
as far as possible, for the instruction of
temperance lesson leaves in Sabbath
We also recommend the earnest
prosecution, Ist, of temperauce litera
ture ; 2nd, temperance legislation ; 3d,
young womans' work; 4th, influencing
the press; sth, temperance Bible read
ing; Cth, the use of unfermented wine
at the communion table.
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to
work for legislation requiring instruc
tion on the effects of alcohol on the
human system, in our public schools.
Pending the adoption of these reso
lutions, a number of short addresses
were made by the ministers present.
Next tollowed the annual address by
the President, Mrs. Dain, and an essay
by Miss Anna Glenu, subject, "The
Coming Train." The exercises were iu
terspersed with mu*ic, by the Temper
ance Glee Club. Meeting adjourned to
meet Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock.
Wednesday morning session was
opened at 'J o'clock, with a half hours'
devotional exercises.
The following persons w*re appoint
ed to take oversight of the several de
partments of couuly work. Miss Anna
Glenn, to secure the introduction of
school books relating to the effects of
alcohol in the human system ; Miss
Seraphine Douthett, to secure the study
of temperance lessons in the Sabbath
schools; Miss Hannah Dain, on tem
perance literature; Miss Jeannett Al
len, on legislative work; Mrs. Amanda
Douthett, on forming temperance uuious
among young ladies; Miss Mary Sulli
van was coutiuucd Supt. of press work;
Mrs. Tillie McElvain, to prepare Bible
reading on temperance; Mrs. Cunning
ham, of Prospect, to secure the use of
unfermeuted wine at communions; Mrs.
Willhelm, on work among the foreign
populations; Mrs. Mcßride, of Butler,
on work at fairs and other outdoor
meetings. After some further confer
ence, convention adjourned with prayer
and benediction.
ANNA GLENN, Recording Sec'y.
may understand why we are met to
day allow me to give a brief sketch of
the history of the W. CT. U. Al
though, probably not participants in
it, yet most of you remember the
Women's Crusade against the liquor
saloons, which originated in Chio, iu
the winter of 1873, and which spread
through many of our Stf.tes during
that winter and spring of 1874. In
the following August there met at
Chautauqua, a number of those who
had been engaged in that crusade,
women who had drawn near to God in
saloon prayer meetings, and felt their
hearts aflame agaiu as they recounted
the wouders of the great uprising.
And as they talked they felt that the
Temperance cause needed the united
efforts of all the women of this land,
and the suggestion was made that
steps be takeu at once to organize the
W. C. T. U. A meeting was held
which resulted in a Committee of Or
ganization being formed and the Chair
mar: and Secretary of that meeting be
ing authorized to issue a circular letter
asking the Woman's Temperance
League, of the North, to hold Conven
tions, for the purpose of electing one
woman from each Congressional Dis
trict as delegates to an Organizing
Convention to be held at Cleveland,
Ohio. November 18, l'J and 20, 187 4.
This convention was held as appointed,
representatives from Hi States being
present, and the N W. C• T- U. was
organized with the following women
choseu as officers for the ensuing year :
President, Mrs. Annie F. Wittenmeyer,
of Pennsylvania; Vice Presidents, one
from each Stale r -presented; Llecord
ing Secretary, Mrs. Mary F. Johnston,
N. Y.; Corresponding Secretary, Miss.
Frances E. Williaid, Illinois; Treas
urer, Mrs. W. A. Ingham, Ohio.
These officers, with slight exceptions,
retained their positions until 187!),
when, whith other changes made, Miss
VVilliard was President. She
still holds the office, being re-elected
last year, at Louisville, without a dis
senting vote.
The W. C. T. U., as now organized,
consists of the N. U., with its auxillia
ries of State, county or Congressional
district, (some States being organized
in one way and some in the other) and
local unions. According to report at
Ljuisyille, there are now 27 States, 2
Territories, and District of Columbia
organized, with 1,670 local unions and
a membership of 36.105 paying mem
bers. Also unions in Australia, Sand
wich Islands and Great Britian.
The question now naturally arises, |
why have the women of the land thus
banded themselves together." 'Lhe
preamble to the constitution of the N.
\V. C. T. U. is as follows: "The
Christian women of this nation, con
scious of the increa-ing evils, and ap
palled at the tendencies and dangers of j
intemperance, believe it has become
our duty, under the providence of God, ■
to unite our efforts for its extinction, j
And the belief of the Penn'a W. C. T. j
U. is: "The cause of temperance is
the cause of God, and as such is one
and indivisible. It is truth—scientific,
moral and religious. It is not local, i
but a genera! cause. It is above sect;
it is above party. The evil to be rem- j
edied is a common evil; the object to •
be attaiued is a common good. Our j
cause, as antagonistic to intemperance ;
and all its hydra-headed evils, is noth-,
ing less than the cause of humanity it
self." And in their "platform" they i
say : "In the prosecution of this work j
we relv upon Divine assistance secured j
through fervent, persistent and impor- :
tunate prayer to Almighty God, offered :
in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and
with souls filled with love for souls.
But faithful and consistent prayer must,
as an inevitable result, be accompanied
by efficient and organized work. '
Then, as a part of this great and
graud organization, we are met here to
day to review what we have done and
form plans for future work. As our
county has been but recently organized,
a few words will suffice to tell what we
have done. But we have done some
thing—temperance has made some pro
gress in our midst. Last wiuter Miss
White lectured and organized unions
at seven places, and in the early sum
mer at Centreville. Efforts were made
to have observed the "Day of Prayer"
for temperance, in the "week of
prayer." How far this succeeded we
know not as no reports were sent to
me. But we hope that many prayers
ascended then along with those that
were going up all over our land for
blessings on our beloved cause.
C. T. A. petitions were circulated
throughout our county and those for
women were numerously signed, show
ing that part of our community is in
favor of prohibition. As for the voters,
I could get uo report of the number
that sigued. Last spring five saloons
(three at Saxonburg, one at Saxon Sta
tion and one at Delano) were refused
license on account of remonstrances sent
to Court, signatures to which were
mainly procured through the efforts of
the women of the Presbyterian church
es of Buffalo and Westminster. Thus
has a little seed be sown, a few spots
cultivated, but as we look around we
see many fields growing full of the rank
weeds of ignorance and iudifference and
it is our duty to put our hands to the
plow and go forth, in the strength
which God will give us, to cultivate
these barren wastes, sowing diligently
the seeds of temperance in every place.
And having once put our nauds to the
plow, let us not look back, for Jesus has
said that "no man having put his hand
to the plow and looking back, is lit for
the kingdom of God."
The field first in importance is that
of the children of our count}' who are
to be trained in temperance ways.
Acco:ding to an account I have seen
wc have in our public schools over 13,-
000 pupils with over 300 teachers.
How many of these teachers do we
suppose are able to teach temperance
as it should bo taught in our schools.
Besides we have our Sunday schools
where temperance lesson leaves should
be used and "Hands ol Hope" organiz
ed in both. The Literature Depar
ment is one whose importance can
scarcely be over-estimated The publi
cations are suited to all classes and
conditions of society. Thus briefly
have we alluded to the departments of
works which seem to us to bo those ill
which we should be chiefiy engaged.
In some localities there may be need
for work in others. Some of the
members of our Unions have seemed
to think that, because there are uo sa
loons in their neighborhood that there
is no need of work or organization.
Surely this is an error. Let them
thank Clod that they have uo saloons
and go to work to train the youth and
tone up the sentiment of the community
so that there will be no danger of sa
loons in lhe future. Aud to this end
1 would urge that they warn their boys
of the danger that lurks in the cider
barrel, for undoubtedly many acquire
their taste for alcoholic stimulants
through the use of sweet cider. Let
us then, gird us and with (Jod as our
helper and the co-operation of His min
isters, which we have had, conse
crate ourselves anew to His service,
counting no sacrifice too great tor
Hint who has done so much for us,
and when the last great day shall conte
may it bo said to us, "Inasmuch as ye
have done it unto one of the least of
these ye have done it unto ine"
Later accounts give the number of
unions at .'J,OOO and members 75,000.
Buffalo twp., Oct. I, 1883.
The Devil or Ben Butler.
CHIC too, Oct. 24.—A well attended
meeting of colored citizens was held to
night for the purpose of protesting
against the recent decision of the Su
preme Court in the Civil Rights bill.
A number of speeches were made. The
one which met the most favor was de
livered bv Rev. J. W. Polk, pastor of
the church in which the meeting was
held, lie said in the course of bis re
maks: ' The decision is an insult to
the race. I always have been a good
Republican, but now I believe we
should give our allegiance to that
party which will give us rights, even
if it runs the devil's ticket or Ben liut
Election Duy,
Next Tuesday, November oth. Let
all Republicans of Butler county be at
the polls.
—There are two things in the world
which a tramp will not sit down on.
One is a barbed wire fence, and the
other is a good healthy hornet's uest. j
—About now the average husband
carries home a box of fried oysters at
midnight as a peace offering. Very
often the box is awful heavy and
weighs him down so much that he
walks crooked.
At 15 r.ents,
Changeable Lustred Cashmere, a beau
tiful new dress goods, at
Graphic Description of His Do
mestic Habits and Personal
T raits.
When Luther reached his last birth
day he was tired and sick at heart, and
sick in body. In the summer of 1545
he had wished to retire to bis farm, but
Wittenberg could uot spare him, and
he cont : nued regularly to preach, llis
sight to fail. In January, 1546,
he !>egau a letter to a frieud, calling
himself "old, speut-woru, weary, cold, ;
end with but one eye to see with."
Oa the 28th of that month he under
took a journey to Eisleben, where he
had been born, to compose a difference
between the Counts Mansfeldt. He j
caught a chill on the road, but he seem- !
ed to shake it off, and was able to at- 1
tend to business. He had fallen into !
the hands of lawyers, and the affair j
went on but slowly. On the 14th of j
February lie preached, and, as it turn- >
ed out, for the last time, iu Eisleben j
church. An issue in the leg, artificially |
kept open to relieve his system, had j
I been allowed to heal for want of proper i
I attendance. He was weak and ex- '
: hausted after the sermon. He felt the
1 end near and wished to be with his i
lamily. "I will go home," he said,
"and get into my coffin, and give the
worms a fat doctor."
But wife aud home he was never to
see again, and was to pass from off the
earth at the same spot where his eyes
were first opened to the light. On the
17th he had a sharp pain in his chest.
It went off, however. He was at sup
per in the public room aud talked with
his usual energy. He retired, went to
bed, slept, woke, prayed, slept ajjaiu ;
then at midnight called his servant.
"I feel strangely" he said, "I shall
stay here; I shall neyer leave Eisleb
en." He grew restless, rose, moved
into an adjoining room and lay upon a
sofa. His two sons were with him,
with his friend Jonas. "It is death,"
he said ; "I am going; 'Father into
Thy hands I commend my spirit.'"
Jonas asked him if he would still
stand by Christ and the doctrine which
he hail preached. He said, "Yes."
He slept once more, breathing quietly,
but his feet grew cold. Between two
and three in the morning he died.
The body lay in btate for a day; a
likeness was taken of him before the
feature changed. A cast from the face
was taken afterwards; the athlete ex
pression gone, the essential nature of
him—grave, tender, majestic—taking
the place of it, as his own disturbed
life appears now when it is calmed
down into a memory. The elector,
John Frederick, hurried to see him;
Counts Mansfeldt jynded beside his
body the controversies which he had
come to compose On the 20th he was
set on a car to be carried back to Wit
tenberg, with an armed escort of caval
ry. The people of Eisleben attended
him to the gates. The church bells
toiled in the villages along the road.
Two days later he reached his last
resting place at Wittenberg. Melaucth
on cried after him as they laid him in
the grave, "My Father, my Father!
The chariot of Israel and the horsemen
His will, which is extremely charac
teristic, had been drawn by himself
four years before. He left his wife
well provided for, aud because legal
proceedings might be raised upon his
marriage, he committed her to the
special protection of the elector. Chil
dren, friends, servants, were all remem
"Finally," he said, "seeing I do not
use legal forms, I desire till men to
take these words as mine. lam known
openly iu heaven, 011 earth, aud in hell
also; and I may be believed and trust
ed better than any notary. To me a
poor, unworthy, miserable sinner, God,
the Father of mercy, has entrusted the
gospel of his dear Son, and has made
me therein true and faithful. Through
my means mauy iu this world have re
ceived the gospel, and hold me as a
true teacher, despite of popes, em
perors, kings, princes, priests, and all
the devil's wrath. Let them believe
me aleio iu the small matter of my iast
will and testimony, this being written
iu my owu hand, which otherwise is
not known. Let it be understood that
here is the earnest, deliberate meaning
of Doctor Martin Luther, (iod's notary
and witness in his gospel, confirmed by
his own hand aud seal—January (>,
151 J."
Nothing remains to be said. Phil
osophic historians tell us that Luther
succeeded because he came in the ful
ness of time, because forces were at
work which would have brought about
the same changes if he had never been
born. Somo changes there might
have been, but not the same. The
forces computable by philosophy can
destroy, but cannot create. The false
spiritual despotism which dominated
Europe would have fallen from its own
hollownees. But a lie may perish, and
no living belief may rise again out of
the ruins. A living belief can rise only
out of a believing' human saul, and that
any faith, any piety, is alive now in
Europe, even in the Roman church it
self, whose insolent hypocrisy be
humbled into shame is due in a large
measure to the poor miner's son who
was born in a Saxon yillage 100 years
N \'A J L K Y—HIIK A RSTON K—On Oct. 22,
:it Philadelphia, Pa., l>y Rev. K. I. I>. Pep
per, Mr. Marry Negley, formerly of Hutler,
Pa., arid Miss Lizzie M. Shearstone, of Mi
njrsville, Pa.
RKA M Klt —(JItKYUKJLE.—On Sept. .10, I ss.i,
at Fre-port, Pa., by the Rev. U.K. Shanor,
Mr. George Reamer, of Hutler county, Pa.,
ami Miss Margaret M. (Jreybigle, of Allegh
eny county, Pa.
WHITMAN ISROWN. On Oct. 23, 1 S«:i, at
the home of the bride'a parents, l>y Rev. W.
11. MeKiuney, Mr. L. S. Whitman and Miss
S. Brown, both of Hutler county, Pa.
ARMSTRON< i WEITZEI.. On OeL 25,1883,
at the residence of the bride's parents in
.Summit township, by Rev. T. I". Stauffer, ol
Itutler, Mr. Wiil iam Jefferson Armstrong, ft
Jefferson township,anil Miss Maggie Weitzel,
of Summit township, Hutler county, I'a.
CORN::LII\S -ORAIIAM. -Oct. 21, i-.s:t, at
the ("entreville M. K, parsonage, bv Rev.
I), \V. VVampler, Mr. Seymour Cornelius,
of (irove City, Mercer county, and Miss Ida
Flora (jraham, of West Liberty, Itutler
R.WfSKY NKULKY In Pittsburgh, Oct. !»,
1883, at the First Lutheran ( hureh, by Rev.
Ijdmund Helfoiir, Mr. William \\ . Ram
sey and Miss Maggie It. Negley, daughter
of Maj, Felix ('. Xeg ley, all of Pittsburgh.
K 1.1,1,1".V SYKKS—On 0.-t. 28, 18*3, at the
home of the bride, by Rev. K. Croneuwett
Mr. Mark Kelly and Miss Mary M. Sykes,
both of Itatler. Pa.
M''MIK In Parker twp.. thin county
OH. 25th, 1883. Mr. James MeMahon, aged
s.'t years.
LKONARD—In Parker township, this county,
suddenly, on Oct. 28, 1883, Mr, John it.
Leonard, aged about 55 years.
firm. JV. Pfr-'-f-J > Afttrnry P Dt/endmttZ lhirioltint'* Attornry
A I>. 77 Sept 1>«:? Lev John Simons. Mercer Mining and M'f'g Co. Ihompaon 4 Son & Kyle
« •• ' « i Same, * James McKntosli. Same. Same.
•• j.4 •• <" Same! Richard (iraham. S.uue. Same,
pi I, ■; tune '* Seott A uielia (jillilauJ. John Huckenstine. N* Hlack.
« ' iSept' " Same. II HSheaWley. A Uihlman, Jr. J B Bre<lin.
<• ■> '■ ' «• IS'Wmt. R S Schamberif. inter, Louden <i Co. J M Gal breath.
«< 1 [>i. c " Walker and Man-hall. Annie M Kilchen-lcin. M L Comstoek. WII Martin.
A l>, " IS.H'J MeQuistion. OC Walters. 1' &\\B It Co. I. I Scott.
d> 141 Mar 1 -78 Bowser and Martin. J S Waliy. J B Ilill et al. McJankin and Campbell
•> ( .* ' \y Reed. J W Reamer Co. Merwin and M N Miles.
•< <• " ' Saiiie. John Cannon. O Cratty. Thompson and Scott.
" C - June, " Same. Wood* arid Mark well. Sarah Gilwon et al. 1./, Mitchell.
A D SI Sept, ISSO JI) McJunkin Kleeillro., for use. J F Met iung et a!.
" ' 103 " " McQ. and Marshall. Henry Rabe. James llenrv. " " I>randon.
" 44 Mar " J W Heed. Joseph A McDonald. John Smith et al. R V Scott.
•' 53 '• ' " Thompson aud Campbell. Ella Wick. John F Hall. / Mitchell.
" 6 June " J B Bredin. A N Russell. Thomas Hindtnan. VV A rorquer.
CO " ' " Same. Joseph Kisoiek. Harris Knowleset al. F 8 Bowser.
« 2'J Sept " Benedict. Andrew liarp. Jacob Hepler. Goueher.
«' ;}7 " ' '• LV. Mitchell. Klizabeth R Brown. John Scott. R P Scott.
" til Dec " J D McJunkin. James S Rose. John Johnston. S P Irvin.
« 1 Mar, 18S2 K Marshall. William Duncan. S Dufford. Thompson <fc Sou.
•' 3-, ' " Thompson A Son and Scott Thompson K vie. James Kerr. I.X.Mitchell.
•' 59 " '• Thompson A Son. S W Glenn for use. School District of Brady twp. J M.Greer.
" t;i) " " Same. Same. Sani£. Same.
! fs Office, Oct. _ " M. N. GREER, Prothoaotag
AGENTS flilESi ilral
TORY of the I.Il'K a:.il TSMI.Sot the I'loNl.KK
HKKOES and ltliKOiM.S ot AMKIJU'A. by Col.
Frank Triplet I. <>nr iiw Sup. r".>
Covers !!»<• TIIUEK KKAS of pioneer progress <ll
Front tin- Alll'phenies totlle Mississippi : rj) !":• ill
tin- Missi'--ipiU io tli- lioi-kv Mountains; i-il t'ai:-
ioiiii.i and me I'actftc Slope. New. Continues
graphic, thrilling narrative with pi :'ii- :i(-s of
eli-uant illustration. by eminent artists. Nearly
luo mrsoual portraits, emliracini: all tin- l'ioneer
l.t-ailers tx-sutes set.re:; 01 incidents A Picture
Gallerv of Kan- intervst. A true historical work
of thrilling adventure in forest, plains, mountain
and stream ; covers western progress anil civiliza
tion. Fights with Indians; bespcrate Adventur
es; Narrow Kscapes ; Wild Life on the liorder. A
grand book for agents. Outsells everything. 720
o:tavo pages. I.ow 111 Price. In reach of the
Masses. Agent's Complete Outfit 7r> cents.
Write at once for Confidential Terms and Il
lustrated Description. Address.
X. D. TIP »MPSON & CO.. Pn'oli- Iters,
St. I.ouis, Mo., or New York City.
DMiflfD !8 liF
CoucriiitiiK iite Popular llov
erage Two Mea Kxpress
Hit ir Miiuls,
"The fact is sir, and yoa may stick a pin
there, that the people of this country are likely
to be drowned in a tlood of lager beer,'' shouted
an enthusiastic teetotaler the other day into the
ear of your cornered correspondent. That Ger
man drink has struck us hard. It is the second
"Yes, and the worst of this beer-drinking
business is that it gets up kidney troubles, as a
heavy wind raises the waves," added a city
physician, who had a knowledge of the times
and a tendency to metaphor. "The midnight
'schooner' leaves behind it a wake of furred
tongtios, headaches, torpid livers, nausea, and
all that, aud lays the foundation of Bright's
This melancholy fact accounts in part for the
increasing sales of BHXSON'S CAPCINE
POROUS PLASTER, which at once mitigates
these symptoms. Price 25 cents. Ask your
physician about it.
"Seabury A Johnson, Chemists, New York,
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fltso Wulcli iri:isr «
Shuttle Machine
IJeru k C y i*iiKit, Hutler, Pa.
Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratch
es and Sores
Ask your Storckcopor for it, or
writo direct to the Manufacturers,
Cleveland, . . . Ohio.
For Sale by J 1!. KOIILME YKII k
CO., Hutler, l'a.
H BB a c l FREE
Bjj usj
3 He Insane Persont Hcstcred
509.'-ir "• Hoi>ll K'i.'ll '•!,'i'AVM , r','
SwLnut! .is. ISI.UAKL ui- IK AI :<■>.
K l-;ou{ v:nu»t->K.I PR
by the use of the celebrated Labor and Health-sating
Is beyond power oi computation. Our facilities for the production of it are taxed to the utmost to supply Ike
Orders thst pour in upen us from this great wide and prcgressnc country. Right here in your
section it is being used extensively and many cantes'ify to its wonderful properties.
The Wrappers arc Kfauad and can bo used for smooth,
iny iho surface of your hand-irons, giving them a pol
ish and smoothnoss that will greatly assist in
giving your clothes a finished Cook. Remember
this Soap is cheepes* than any other In the
market, and yet does aN *rs» claim for it.
Wash-day has no terrors for the household where
DA/'S SOAP is used, no unpleasant and sickening- odors to fill
your houses, no laborious rubbing on the wash-board, while the
washing can be done in one-half the time necessary by following the old
worn-out method.
MADAM— for it is to the ladies we desire to speak more especially
you are the interested person in this matter; you it is that suffers the
ills arising from the wash-tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom
the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong,
and you it is that should interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this
soap that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation
We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to have
you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring us ;
we do'not come to you as irresponsible parties, who have no reputation
to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand of soap upon an
absolute guarantee and recommendation of a well-known industrial
establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you sup
pose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to
you and ruin our well-earned reputation? No, dear reader; what we
say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sustained by the evidences
of thousands of housewives from all over the country, besides which we
stand ready to endorse it all with reaciy cash-
a. ■ A n in mmmm■mUTinrnT The Miners' Skin and Clothes.
Ila Shi re nut economy in tl»e me " i l' ® lvau tl1 " " k .V'»vHrin I n«
1br.1.i1..«! ifciiDAY'S SOAPwlll*"" 1 )'' 10 ; It Will in no
way ill Jure lh<- flnnt fabric* or the mo»t >leHc»t^omrl«ion«u^^^^^
No soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, but
simply supply yourself for the next wash-day with a bar of DAY 6
SOAP, then carefully read the directions and follow them to the
exact letter, and if you don't say pitch out that old wash-boiler,
for I am a wiser woman, you will be thf first person we have heard of
that has been disappointed.
remember —If you don't intend to follow the directions
do not try the soap at all, for unless you do this you will be disap
pointed, and then you will scold us and yourself as well.
The cost of one cake will convince you that it is the best and
cheapest soap offered you, while the smiles that will encircle your brow
will do justice to a golden sunset. .
Ask your grocer for it. and do not allow him to put you off with
anything else for a substitute, for every dealer can obtain it, and should
lie refuse you send direct to
Props, of the Philadelphia Steam Soap Works.
1754-56-58-60-S2 Howard St., Phila.
&OOD rtfESWS TO Alili!
r JHlie Hesr Ol&mioe Vet -
Stock ami the lowei-t piiccn for bootß and sheen. Don't buy heforo yon Beo OT
stock of cubtooi m;i lo gootln, ami tsavo 25 to 50 centa on every pair, wa:ranted an represented,
Infant'a uliona tl $ 50 I
Child H •' 75 to 1 00
Misses' heavy. ißce ami button 1 00 |
Liuliea' heavy, laco
" sewed, button nhoeH 125 |
" lino morocco button 1 50
" lii<l button • I ?l 75 to 200 |
Boy*' licavy wlioea
" " button 125 I
Men»' button ■?! 75 to 2 00 |
Aud 500 more styles of all Limb grain, water-proof boots, rubber boots with note leather
Holes. Lino calf, tewed boots, lino calf, cloth to;), button and laco shoes, for ladies and gents at
pricetf lo «uit all, at
Gr. 1). S 1 M J'O N,
A I'usincss Education is tt»e most profitable, because it is the nio«*t naeful. Our aim is to practically
tr; ixi yuiiu" men for Ihe Jicfr.il reiniremeiits of thin commercial age. Individual hie! ruction. >o
\ i'-ation. Ftmients cm enter at . *iy time. For circular*, address P. DUFF &SONS. Pittsburg, la. J
Duffs Boak-kccpiuir. publisha! bv M:i .t Bios., print® lin co!i ri. 10) p.t(;e. The l«r r e t
work on the tcieuce pul>linh«d. A v.o.K for biiikeirf, rail roadi,b.tsi:ns:< m >n, all piaMcal
accountants, l'rico 43 CO.
a. 15. BiIRRETT & GO.,
238 and 240 LIBKRTY STREKT, Pittsburgh, Penn'a.
Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clicks, Bronzes, Silver and Plated Ware, Watch
Material, Etc. Wholesale Only.
»ept. r ».lCt
oninsrTXSTE> *.
Orf WALI)KON,(ir. duitc ol She I'liil
K adelpbia Dent 1 College, j're pare.*
• lil •to do anything in the hue of hlf
prole* lon In a Bat is factory manlier.
OUlce on Main street, Itutler, I'nion lllocl',
op sulra. up 11 I
HorsrPowers I nriLOflLllO CloverHullers I
(B<ilt*tltuall n. iion 1 Wrlu>r..r»- • lilUu*.l'lunphU* j
l'ricvtf W I'Uo Auituiuu & Tujlur Co., ftltuutlicld, uliio. '
Men's lino l*co shoos $1 u to $2 00
, The bobt double solo boots for
men 200
The best fine calf bouts 2 £0
Heavy calf, tapwolo boots 2 f>o
i Mens' doul ie sole kip boo'.a 2 SO
' Boys' heavy boots 1 50
1 Youths' heavy bigots
I lied to)), Cliild boots 1 00
Whcicas mv wife, Kllen Kennedy, has left my
In- I ami 1 ■l.uit without any juM cause or provoca
don I lirn lis wain all persons not lo trust or
harbor li' Ton' my account, as I will pay no bills of
iierc infracting whatever. ... ..
(J. \\. KKNNKPY.
| Oct.3t-'si-it. Buffalo twp., Butler Co , Pa.
A*cS»fisp X
i \ 198 LIBERTY ST. ■
PITIBBTTirIQ-n.. 2 s A.-
Save your health, save your Time, save your Patlonco
by using this soap. No unpleasant odors. No
sickness as the result of a hard day's wash,
flo hot voter. No wash-holler, but clothes
nice and white end fragrant as new
mown hay. TRY IT. TRY IT.