Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 31, 1883, Image 1
VOL. XX. A. TKOUT MA N, IiKAXEH IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Druggets, Stair Rods, Etc, W- FOR FALL- FOR FALL. New Black Silks. New Colored Silk?. New Colored Cashmeres. New Black Cashmeres. New Black Silk Velvets. New Colored Silk \ elvets. New Colored Silk Plushes. >ew Black Silk Plashes New Shades Ladies' Cloths. New Dress Goods. JfEW KIBBONS, FISCHCJS, TIES, IIASID SATCHELS, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, Velvet Ribbon*, Knitting Silks, Embroidery Silk on spools, all colors. Nsw Fall Hosiery. ' Underwear for men, ladies and chil dren. Largest assortment, lowest prices. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Carpet Room Enlarged. Stock En larged, Prices the Lowest. > T EW FALL STYLES.—We are now prepared acd showing our entire Fall Stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, in all the Newest Designs. Olli CLOTIIS, I to 3 YARDS WIDE, IN ALL CIUALIFIES. Please call and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. BI'TLKK, PA. HENRY BTEHL&fCO; Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Remington Clipper Plow. IMPROVED KELLER GRAIN, SEED AND FER TILIZING DRILL, TOLEDO I. X. L WOOD PUMPS. W Til i'l' ifSpi "■ IW The Celebrated American Fruit Dryer, or PNEUMATIC EVAPORATOR, It is portable, durable, al solutely flre-proof, economical and will cure fruit and vegetables in lees time and with lean fuel than any Dryer in the market. It will pay for itself in less than thirtj dayii If properly attended. Its products are unsu rcateed as to quality acd color,>nd are In great demand at high prices. Full instructions how to dry, bleach, pack and market tho pro ducts, accompany each machine. WILL EVAPORATE 8 BUSHELS OF ANY FRUIT PER DAY. ROOFING DEALERS II SPOUTING 1 * ,,1 * €5 hard DONE TO ORDER wBmSKtIB WARE. [OuLtlei*, Peinx'a. WHERE TO BUY MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHfNG, At the Store of the undersigned, the acknowledged leader in CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. \ We wish to say to the trade this full that we have a larger and more varied stock 'of Carpets, Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, and Gents' Furnishing Goods than ever before. AEMEMBER WE HA.VE THE LARGEST STOCK, The LATEST STYLES, the LOWEST I'KICKS. We have all jgrades and all prices, from the Cheapest to the Best made. I> H It: C K, The Leading One Price Clothier and Gents' Outfitter, 2nd DOOR, DUFFY'S BLOCK, BUTLER, PA. Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. H. FOLLEBTOW. Prop'r. Manufacturer o( Blankkts, Flannels, Y ahns, &r. Also custom work done to order, Bucb us carding Roll*, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit lug and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low pricca. Wool worked on the shares, il dc stred. my7-ly Cut This y> u Ui MUIiC *Q*\l »<« One Ho.itJ. tluui an/- tiiiQir in Ainertca. A b*>l«te Certainty. Kith.-r t*zx. >oc«t>iUl 3i- Yoontf,iriUr««awU;liSt.N.Yuik. FOR FALL. FOR FALL. New Flannels, White Blankets, Red Blankets, Blue Blankets, Bed Comforts, i White Quilts. Canton Flannels. I Yarns of all kinds. Germantown \ arns, Midnight Yams, German Worsted Yarns, Cashmere Yarns, Saxony Yarn 3, Country Factory \arns, Zephyrs. Tne above Yarns in all colors. Ladies' Sacques iln new Fall Shades, Ladies' Jersey Jackets, Lace Curtains, Lace Lambre [ quins. Large stock, prices low. PURE AC INDIA JL & Jid From the Districts of ASSAM, CHIT I'AGONG, CACIIAR. KANORA VALLEY, DARJEEL ING, DEHRA DOON, aud others; Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Most Econom ical. Require® only half the usual quantity. Bold by all Grocers. JOHN C. PHILLIPH & CO., Agents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate, 130 Water St., N. Y. Novß-ly. Advertise in the CIXIZXN Ij riTHE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY qb jag f<bbwiimhiihw>j run r m lii> iwftlw. Relieves and cures RHEUMATISM, jj&P I Neuralgia, l|jP P-l-l l Sciatica, Lumbago, jn 'tIiiau.«UKIBiMOIIIi»J| BACKACHE. jilifv ! nilH""" : """'"wjlt HF. tD.U'HE, TOOTH ACHE, jfe'jg <WMHWWIII>I SORE THROAT, g QUINSY. SWELLINGS, •r I lltlUlifinmlld'jii So r sne«s. Cuts, Bruises, iijil i ,i! • l " l Hjj,' ,,l| nWP' | Briss. |fl ' I !!iilllrirtUl!lllnu,ualftf And all bodily acii«« Sl ______ f a,ld P ai QS wman ii f,fty cents a BomE •wMnJB ''> \ Sold by all Druggists and jj|| | ?a ' ers - Directions In 11 ISiiif*] I Tlie Char,es *• Vogeler Co. I E [ rß Oflwn to A. VOGELER 4 CO-) i Dli, -J j, Ralllmorr, IIH., V,#. A • The only known specific for Epileptic Fits, -yj Also for Spasms arid Falling Sickness. Nervous Weakness it instantly relieves i-iid cures. Cleanses blood and quickens sluggish circulation. Neutra lizes germs of disease and saves sickness. Cures [A SKEPTIC jjgl ngly blotches and stubborn blood eores. Eliminates Bolls, Carbuncles and Scalds. and promptly cures paralysis. Tea, It la a charming and healthful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, remov lng the cause. Bouts bilious tendencies and makes clear complexion. Equalled by none In the delirium of fever. A charming regolvent and a matchless laxative. It drives Sick Headache like the wind. £2fContains no drastic cathartic cr opiates. Relieves (THE great) the brain of morbid fancies. Promptly cures Rheu matism by routing it. Restores life-giving proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure ail nervous disorders. g7~Reliablc v. lien all opiates fail. He. freshes the mind and invigorates the body. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. ClH[E|V|E|RXF|A|g|L|Sp Diseases of the blocd own it a conqueror. Endorsed In writing by over fifty thousand leading clergymen and physicians in U. S. and Europe. K2TTor sale by all 'eadiPKfiruggihts. $1.50. The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Co. Props., St. Joseph, Mo. (3) Charles X. Crittenton, Agent, New York City. TUTT'S PILLS A DISORDERED LIVER IS THE BANE of the present generation. It is for the Cure of this disease and ito attendants. BILIOUSNESS, PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, PILES, etc., that TUTT'S PILLS have gained a world-wiJe reputation. No Remedy has ever been discovered that acta bo gentlyon the digestive organs, giving them vigor to as similate food. As a natural result, tha Nervous Bystem is Braced, ttie Muscles ■re Developed, and the Body Robust. Chills and rover. E. RIVAL, a Planter at Bayou Sara, La , nayo: My plantation Is In a malarial district. For several years I could not make half a crop on account of bilious diseases and chills. 1 was nearly discouraged when I began tho uso of TUTT'S PILLS. The result was marvelouHT my laborers soon became hearty and robust, and I have had no further trouble. ThfT rollrrr the engorged Liver, cleans® the Blood from poisonous humors, and ennse the bowels to set naturally, with out whleh no one can feel well. Try this remedy falrlr, and yon will gain a henlthT ingestion, Vlforomllody, rare Blood, .Strong Xerres, and a Mound Liver, yrloe. lt.Kent*. Olgeo, aa Murray Wt.. «. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. CJRA y Hair or Whiskers chanced to a Oi.ossr Black by .1 single application of this Dvk. It Impart* a natural color, and arts Instantaneously. Sol'l bv I)riiK(fißts, or sent by express on receipt of One Collar. Office, 3B Murray Street, New York. (Dr. TVTT'H StAXVAtj of Valuable "V Information and Vmrfnt Kmeiptm I will be mailed FREE o» application. J FOR SALS CHEAP? In the town of Piopect, IJutler county, Pa., a largo lot on which is erected a FOUR ROOMED DWELLING, with cut homes also a splendid well of water. Being pleisii.tly located it must improve in va'ue rai idly, a-j new railroads are shortening the distances to all large bushies-H centres. En quire of V/. GiBSON MILLER, 112 Pilgc St., Allegheny, Pa. octlO.if ~iTx POSITION Visitors should not fail to call and examine the largest and finest stock of Imported and Domestic Liquors in the State, at Wax li!eiu,B2 Federal Slreef, Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne Passenger lJepot. PROSPECT ACADEMY. Winte turn of sixteen weeks opens Novem ber 13th, IKM! Iloom rent and boarding ex tremely low. All branches taught. A regular Classical and Scientific course in progress. Prepaiation for colleges and teaching the chief aim and purpose of the scltr.ol. Many students will attend the common schools during the wintt r 1» < an so it is cheaper than going to an academy. This is a mistake. It is not cheaper in the end. Von '" He both time and money, you do not hi 1 , . c be ilßvantages of clarification and choice of study offered you in our piimary schools tl a' you havo in an academy. Address, N M. CBOWK, Prospect Auttioi's Heview and Scrap Book, MONTH I.V MAOAZINK, Hi l'A«;i:s Ali.inKD TO SCHOOI.H, ltK VIIINC CIIU.'I.K AND iIoMKS. The following course of study has heen adopted by the Educators of Western Pennsylvania : Septenii.er, William Cullen lirvant; October, tjoldsmllli ; November. I'rescolt ; December, Ma eaiilay ; January, IL W. Longfellow ; IVbruary, Sliakspeare; Mareli. Klnerson ; April, Carlyle ; Mav, II". > IK : .1 mi.-. TnacKeray. Besides tin.-, each Kevli-w will contain a' liort li ol „ distinguished person not ail anllior, a dialogue, ni'u it€-ii>general informal ion. fables, natural history, a "l,itlli> Peoples'' department, etc. M.iga/.iae finely illustrated. lext paper for study of Literature. Tltli.MS : single Numbers, liCents each ; Single Copy for 1 lt>- year, ia» Cents ; in clubs of ten or more by the year, ."><) Cents. P. F. SMITH, Publisher. 55 Vimun Ai.i.r.v, I'lTTHr.riKiii. 0c21.1t I»KKT3 .4XS';XT STASIPIJUJ FOfl KENSINGTON, ARRASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessous in same given by ANNIE M. LOWVI AN, North ttieet, Uutler, Pa. jm'JO-1 y BUTLEtt, i'A., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1883. ! AN EARTHQUAKE'S HAVO Thousands Perish in Asia Minor --Many Villages in Com plete Ruins. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oc'ober 17. —The latest advices Irom Smyrna state that the earthquake of Tuesday, which shook the island of Chios severely and extended along the entire coast of Ana tolia and far into the interior of the western portion of Asia Minor, was rnurh more severe than was indicated in the first advices received here. The first shock was felt at Smyrna about 7:20 A. M. It lasted apparently only about the fourth part of a minute and was followed by three lessor shocks in quick succession, which seemed to be only of about half the duration of the first. With the first shock many dwel ling houses came down, the damage being greatest in the Armenian quarter, on the lower slopes of the ancient Mount Pegasus, where the vibrations were much more severe than along the plane between the hill and the shore, where the Christians reside. In the adjoining villages of Burnabad and Budja, a number of handsome villas were demolished. A FLIGHT FOR LIFE. The loss of life in the city of Smyrna proper was not very large, the wave seeming to have spent its force before it reached there. But the scenes among the people were far beyond description. The fear and consternation was terri ble. The roost resolute persons did not dare stay to rescue friends iu danger, though many lives might have been saved by so doing. The first thought of all seemed to be self-preservation. Crowds of men, women and children rushed into the open spaces aud into the middle of the streets. The caravan bridge was crowded with a motley lot of people aud the camel grounds adja cent were completely thronged with human beings. The castle on the sum mit of the hill was thrown down with a tremendous crash. The large Roman Catholic Cathedral, a comparatively new building, was damaged considera bly, ono of the towers falling aud kill ing some eight or ten people, who were running wildly from their homes, near by, The railway station was badly damaged and the tracks of the roads are so much torn out of line that it will be impossible to run trains for several days. About au hour after the first shock several fires broke out amid the ruins and added, for the time being, to the terrors of the situation, but they were put out before serious damage had been caused. A GREAT TIDAL WAVE. A wave of inky blackness swept from the sea, through'tbe Gulf of Smyrua, bringing with it disaster to a number of the majy vessels in the magnificent harbor. Several ships were carried far up on the shore and landed high and dry. The city is in a great state of confusion and uncertainty and nobody yet ventures to sleep in houses. Hun dreds of rude and impromptu tents have been put up in the suburbs and large numbers of people who cannot Jbe accommodated even in these meagre quarters are lying upon cots and eyen the bare ground, rather than return at present to their more dangerous habita tions in town. The tide, which is ordinarily but twenty-five inches, rose to a height of more than seven feet, sweeping away mur-h of the portable property on the shore, as well as a number of fishermen's huts. Several thermial springs in Budja were inter cepted for the time, but appeared again shortly afterward of the color of blood. The extent of the field of action shows that the force which produced this great earthquake was manifested deep in the interior of and not on the surface of the earth only. The pecuniary loss to the city of Smyrna will be very great, but the loss of life will hardly exceed three hundred. FHE SHOCK IN CHIOS. In the Island of Chios, in the Arch ipelago, a few miles beyond the prom intory behind which Smyrna is situat ed, the shocks were felt with terrible severity. The first one occurred al most simultaneously with that felt iu Smyrna. The entire four hundred miles of territory of Chios seemed to be for the time but one undulating sea of earth, waves following each other rapidly, like the swell of an ocean storm. The subterranean rumble was followed so quickly by the terrible shock that the people were gi ven neither time to fly nor to throw themselves into the arms of loved ones and bid them an everlasting adieu. Frightful noises succeeded the shock, terrifying cries, fearful howlings of human beings and crushed animals; a thick dust was diffused in the atmosphere and the sky was darkened as in tho darkest nights. The lime stone rocks dotting the island were rent asunder, the beautiful valleys were seamed with enormous fissures and the course ot the streams which ir rigated the fertile plains suddenly changed. Nearly all of the extensive wine cellars on the island were utterly ruined and the loss to the owners will aggregate au enormous sum. At Kastro, the capital of the island, the castle built in front of the city as a means of defonse in the olden time was leveled to the ground. Three small silk factories were totally destroyed and one cotton factory was damaged almost beyond repair. Of the town's population few people escaped some in jury and a large portion were seriously hurt. The loss of life in K istro will aggregate fully nine hundred souls. Most of the dead arc Turks, In other parts of the island over thirteen hundred people are so far reported killed and it is feared the number will preatly ex ceed the present estimate when all the outlying territory is heard from. It is, of course, ver> difficult to get reports from places at a distance—from Kastro owing to the difficulties attend ing travel and the excited state of the populace. Along the coast of Western Asia Minor, or Anatolia, the shocks were felt with great force anil the latest reports indicate that the effects of the earthquake were very severely felt as far into the interior as Kulab, over ninety miles east of Smyrna. There is no doubt that when the results of the disaster are fully made known, the loss life and the damage to property in the , territory west of the Karajahdagh and the continuing range as far as Lake Iber will be very great. .All ♦he vil lages between Chesiueh and \ ourla are totally wrecked, scarcely a house being left standing to mark the sites of the many thriving piacss which on Monday were scenes of life andbustling activity, for this is one of the busiest seasons with the people of tho Peninsula. It is estimated that about 3,000 persons lost their lives in this part of the country. EXTENT OF TLLE DISASTER. The earthquake waves seem to have followed the coastline all the way from Alvah to Malusscs and the whole ter ritory over which the great shocks ex tended was at times heaved simulta neously, and sensations similar to sea sickness were experienced by nearly all the inhabitants Those who watched the sky noticed that the drifting clouds seemed at times to be arrested in their motion. Advices from the interior in dicate that the loss of life in that sec tion may reach four thousand souls and will certainly number fully three quarters of that estimate. The num ber of mained will be very large. At Eskihissar Sart the loss of seventy-five lives is reported. In Milassa the dam age was slight and the loss of life will not number over fifty, the earthquake seeming to have spent its force near that point. At Geira the dead num ber about eighty. From many other villages similar reports are coming in at Smyrna, and it is very diffictlt at this time to make even an approximate estimate of the loss of life. The Porte has issued an appeal to the people to assist the sufferers by the earthquakes in Asia Minor, stating that twenty thousand survivors of the disaster in that region have been rendered home less Anecdotes of Judge Black. He was remarkably careless about his personal appearance, donning the first garments that came to hand, with out a thought of their effect of appro priateness. His wife, on the contrary, was a very neat and tidy lady, and her chief pride lay in seeing the Judge well dressed, and to insure this she used to lay out his clothes for him and look to it that he put them on. On Sunday morning, being busy getting the chil dren ready for church, she said to him: "Now, Jerry, I've laid out your clothes for you. See if you can't put them on right." The Judge remarked that he guessed he could, and ho went to his room. When he came down he placed himself in front of his wife, and, slowly turning around, said iu a satis fied tone of voice: "Well, Mary, how do I look ?" Mrs. Black looked him over for a moment, and then replied: "Well, Jerry, you've done very well this time, but I think you would look a little bet ter if you didn't have but one vest on." The Judge had put on not only the vest she had laid out, but also the one he had removed. "On one occasion the Judge was going to Bedford Springs for a day or two, aud Mrs. Black packed his valise, which, by the way, was an old carpet sack. She put in two shirts, and par ticularly charged Jerry to change his linen every morning. When he return ed his shirt front was badly stained with tobacco, and Mrs. Blrck immedi ately opened the carpet sack to see if he had followed instructions. There was not a shirt, clean or otherwise, in it, and she inquired what had become of them. The Judge replied that he did not know, but supposed some one had stolen them. When he retired that night Mrs. Black found that he had all three of them on. Like many others, Judge Bla.:k had, to use a common expression, no ear for music, but, also like many others, he imagined that he appreciated it fully. Once he heard his daughter Becky, who is a fine pianist, play a piece that pleas ed him, and inquired its title. She re plied that it was 'Lucy Neal,' and the Judge ever after declared it to he his favorite. Whenever Becky would ho playing for visitors, the Judge would say, "Now, Becky, give us my favorite, 'Lucy Neal,' and Becky, slily winking at the guests, would play "Old Dan Tucker" or "Old Hundred." As she concluded, the Judge would tip hack in his chair and exclaim : "That's my favorite 1" and would wonder what the people were laughing at.— Detroit Free Press. William M. Evarts' Atlvieo to a Thief. JJvarts is a wonderfully effective realization of the musty, crusty, digni fied old lawyer. He is the last man in the world to take liberties with; and yet he told me, to illustrate his asser tion that there is nothing too mean for some persons to expect a lawyer to do, of a professional thief asking his advice as to how to steal with the greatest possible safety. This fellow insisted ou a private interview, refusing to state his case to any subordinate. "I'm a sneak thief," he said, when at length seated in front of the Statesman's desk. "1 mean to do some big job this winter. Suppose Igo into a bank, and bv making a depositor think 1 am an employee, induce him to voluntarily hand me his bank-book full of money— mind, 1 don't use force—l simply take what he hands me ; would that make me liable to conviction of robbery in the first degree ?" Kvarts is never undignified. He kicks in metaphor only. He simply told the thief that he was too busy to take hold of his case. "What lawyer would you advise me to go to ?" said the caller. "Try the District Attorney,'' was the reply. —A tripple score of happiness:—a good business, a contented mind and a botile of I>r. Bull's Cough Syrup. The Colored Curtain in the Eye. This ring-like curtain in the eye, of gray, green, bluish-green, brown, and other colors, is one among the very many remarkable contrivances of the organic world. The eye cannot bear too much light entering into it, and the colored curtain so regulates its own movements that too much light can not enter the eye. The dark circular aperture in the center, known as the pupil, is consequently for ever altering in size; on a bright, sunshiny day, out in the open, it may be only the size of a pin's head, but at night, when there is no light stronger than star light, it is ever bigger than a pea. This colortd ring curtain is fixed at its outer edge, and its inner edge ex pands or contracts so readily and, ap parently, so easily, preserving its cir cular outline all the while, that it is quite provoking to the inventor, who has been trying to invent movable "stops" or "diaphragms" for years, and after all his labor cannot even ap proach it in perfection, and bis des pair is complete when he learns that the movements of this eve curtain are automatic and quite independent of the will. It is unlike the ordinary window blind, which is generally of a rectangu lar shape, and is drawn up or let down according to the amount of light entering the room. The eye curtain or iris is of ring shape, and possesses a wonderful power of expanding itself so as to diminish the area of the pupil, and of shrinking in, so as to enlarge the area of the pupil. Its movements may be watched in a variety of ways, some of which we shall describe. The common way of watching the movements of the iris is to regard it closely in a looking glass while the amount of light entering the eyes is varied. Place yourself before a look ing glass and with your face to the window. Probably the iris will be ex panded, and there will only be a very small opening or pupil in the center. Now shut one eye suddenly, while narrowly watching the other in the glass all the time. At the moment the light is cut oil' from one eye, the iris of the other contracts or is drawn up so as to enlarge the pupil. This shows that there is a remarkable in terdependence between the curtains of the two eyes, as well as they are af fected by variations in the quantity of light falling on them. Perhaps one of the most interesting ways of watchiug the movements of these sympathetic eye curtains is one which may be followed while you are out walking on the streets these dark winter nights. A gaslamp seen at a dis;ance is, comparatively speaking, a point of light, with bars of light ema nating from it in many directions. These bars, which give the peculiar spoked appearance to a star, are proba bly formed by optical defects of the lens within the eye, or by the tear fluid on the exterior surface of the eye, or by a combination of all these causes. Be that as it may, the lengths of the spokes of light are limited by the inner margin of the eye curtain ; if the cur tain be drawn up, then the spokes are long ; if the curtain be let down, or, in other words, if the pupil be very small and contracted, then one cannot see any spokes at all Hence, as I look at ft distant gaslight, with its radiating golden spokeß, I am looking at something which will give me a sure indication of any movements of the eyo curtains. I strike a match and allow its light to fall into the eyes ; the spokes of the distant gaslamp have retreated into the point of flame as if my magic; as I take the burning match away from before my eyes the spokes of the gaslamp venture forth again. The experiment may be utilized to see how much light is required to move the window curtains of the eyes. Sup pose you are walking toward a couple of gaslauips, A and B ; B about fifty yards behind A. Then, if you stead fastly look at B and at the golden spokes apparently issuing from it, you may make these spokes a test of how soon the light of A will move your ires. As you gradually approach A you come at last to a position where its light is strong enough to make the spokes of 15 begin to shorten ; a little nearer still and they vanish altogether. I have found that about a third of the light which is competent to contract the pupil very markedly will serve to commence its moyement. A Russian Solomon. The St. Petersburg Herald relates that recently in a South Russian vil lage a peasant was accused of a theft. The culprit kept out of the way, but sent au advocate to plead his cause before the local judicial magistrate. The lawyer employed all his eloquence to convince the Judge that his client was innocent, but his clever appeal had no effect upon the magistrate, who knew the accused and had probably condemned him before he heard the details of the case. He gave the sentence—five and twenty blows with a rod. The village Solomon was in formed that the criminal could not be found "Never mind," he observed. "Justice must have its course. As the criminal is not in our hands, we de cree that his advocate shall receive.the (loggiug. The man who has the face to defend such a rascal deserves to bo punished. The luckless lawyer in vain protested against the illegality, absurdity and utter injustice of the monstrous sentence. The loss of his time and fees, he contended, would be quite sufficient punishment. But the stiff old Russian Solomon was inexor able, and the lawyer was actually seized, bound and received the twenty five strokes as the representative of the absent criminal. The baker rarely eats as much bread OH be kneads. Mr. John Denlinger, Lancaster, Pa., Kiiys: "I used Hrown's Iron Hit ters for ti weak, brokendown constitu tion. Jtreleaved ine very much. A MYSTERY SOLVED. The Ada Atkinson Murder. FOWJ.ER, IND., October 17.—A Court of luquiry was held yesterday after noon to hear Jacob Nelling's confes sion of the murder of Ada Atkinson. The room was thrown open and quickly crowded by au infuriated mob determined to hear Veiling's confes sion from his own lips, and then hang him to the nearest post The prisoner was brought into court through a private way, aud on being shown his written confession, declared it to be true. He said: "No one prompted me to kill her, and I had no reason for it. I did not have any connection with her. I went up stairs and said, 'Ada, I am going to kill you.' 'Oh, no, don't do that, I do not want to die,' she replied. She did not scream, ouly struggled a little. I remember cuttiug her throat. I washed my hands and threw the bloody water on the grass. The blood on my knife I could uot tell whether it was hers or from the hogs. I didu't clutch her throat, but threw her on the floor and didn't attempt to outrage her. I have always loved her dearly. It appeared to me that I had to do it." Mr. Frazier had read the charge ac cusing Nelling of the murder of Ada Atkinson. After the reading he was asked : "Are you guilty or not guilty ?" He said : '"I murdered her, but I had no malice towards her." Here the ex citement was painful, Nelling alone showing stolid indifference. Judge Coffroth committed the prisoner for trial without bail. The doors were then locked, and a deep, powerful voice said : "Not a man shall leave this room for five minutes." It was a scene to make the stoutest heart weaken. The Sheriff was rushing the miserable wretch down the rear pas sage to the jail. Men threw up the windows, but dare not leap to the ground below. When the doors were opened the crowd surged out. "Hang him," hang him!" was heard from every mouth. The jail is new and strong and it will be no easy task to seize the prisoner if there is much re sistance by the officers. The Sheriff is guarding the prisoner in jail, which is surrounded by 300 armed men. At 10:30 last night a gang of 50 went for railroad iron to batter down the doors. It seems cer tain the prisoner will be lynched. A mob of COO to 700 men gathered in front of the jail demanding Nelling, the murderer, be brought out. They ran wild with excitement and fear Nelling will escape the gallows on the plea of insanity. Sheriff and assist ants stood fire, refusing to deliver up the prisoner. A rush was made by lynchers and a struggle ensued, dur ing which several of the lynchers were thrown down and trampled under foot. The Sheriff and ex-Sheriff plead urgently to tho crowd to disperse, aud the best citizens of the town went in among them, begging them tor God's sake to desist. The mob was under no regular leadership, or would haye accomplished its object. As it is they dispersed with threats of hanging the murderer at some future time. Evans' Eloquence. (E xtract from oration of William M. Evarts at the Newburg Centennial ) And now, after a hundred years of marvelous fortunes and crowded ex periences, we confront the days and tho works and the men of the first age of the Republic. Three wars have broken the peace h<*re proclaimed. The war tor neutrality to complete our in dependence, by establishing our right to be at peace, though othe»" powers sought to draw us into their wars. The war for boundary, wbich pushed our limits to the Pacific, and rounded our territory. The war of the Con stitution,' which established for this people that, for them and forever, "Liberty and Union are one and in separable." These rolling years have shown growth, forever growth, and strength, increasing strength, and wealth and numbers ever expanding, while intelligence, freedom, art, cul ture, and religion have pervaded aud ennobled all this material greatness. Wide, however, as in our land and vast our population to-day, these are not the limits to the name, the tame, the power of the life and character of Washington. If it could be imagined that this Nation, rent by disastrous feuds, broken in its unity, should ever present tho miserable spectacle of the uudefiled garments of his fame parted among the countrymen, while for the seamless vesture of his virtue they cast lots—if this unutterable shame, if this immeasurable crime should over take this land and this people, be sure that no spot in the wide world is in hospitable to his glory, and no people iu it but rejoices in the influence of his power and his virtue. If the great statesman and orator, Mr. Fox, could, in the British Parlia ment, exalt the character of Washing ton as that "illustrious man, deriving honor less from the splendor of his sit uation than from the dignity of his mind; before whom all borrowed great ness sinks into significance, and all the potentates of Europe become little and contemptible;" if the famous eloquence of Erskine could speak of him "as the only human being for whom he felt an awful reverence;" if the political phi losophy of Broupham prescribed it as "the duty of the historian and sage of all nations to let no occasion pass of commemorating this illustrious man;" if he asserted that "until time shall be no more, will a test of the progress which our race has made in wisdom and virtue be derived from the veneration paid to the immortal name of Washington;" if our own great statesmen and orators join in the acclaim, Nil nrtiiMira alias, nil ortuiu, tule faleiitea, let his countrymen with one voice ac cept and cherish thin splendid posses sion and exalt and perpetuate it, now and forever. —Train jumping is producing the usual harvest of death. TRIFLES. Wlint will it matter in a little while That for a day We met and gave a word, a touch, a stuil.-, Upon the way! \V hat will it.matter whether hearts were brave And lives were true; 1 hat you gave me the sympathy I crave, As I gave you? These trifles! Can it be they make or ru&r A humble life? Are souls as lightly swayed as rushes are lty love or strife ? \ oa, yea! a look the fainting heart way break, Or make it whole ; And just one word, if said for love's sweet sake, ■May save a soul: —May Riley Smith. The Making of Steel Pens. The steel pen is a modern invention, not fifty years having elaped since it was introduced, and like many other inventions it met with much opposi tion and had a number of rivals. Of these the quill pen was the most for midable, and to this day the quills of geese are used by some old stagers. Pens of silver and gold, the latter es pecially, have been great favorites with those who admire much flexibility in a pen, and the handy self-feeders, as the stylograpic, have plenty of users. But, after all, the steel pen is the most gen eraally used, and unlike most inven tions, the method of its manufactare has hot been essentially changed or improved. The steel from wbich pens are made is the finest crucible steel rolled into sheets 7-1000 of an inch thick. From this the blanks are cut by means of a punch and die in presses worked by hand or toot, the operators bjing girls. The side slits in the pen, tho central oval or semicircular hole, the corruga tions or embossings, the curved or semicircular form to the original flat blank, and the stamp of the pen or the maker, are all formed and produced by similar means—the screw hand proas or the lever foot press—by the use of punches and dies, each pen being handled separately. These corrugations and slits and central cuts are not merely fanciful or naments, but are intended to adapt the pen to the user. Some want a resist ing pen, very stiff and allowing con siderable pressure without opening tho nibs wide enough to moke a heavy mark; others a yielding pen that re quires bat a touch to opsn tho nibs. There are many degrees of these qual ities required, as well as differences in sizes; so that a single establishment makes no less than forty-six styles of steel pens. Of course, cast steel of such extreme tenuity becomes hardened by these successive pressings and punchings, and must be annealed. Thi* is done by placing the blanks, or unfinished pens, in a cast iron box leaving a space all around of half an iuch or more, which is filled with ashes or fine charcoal. The whole is then subjected to a glowing red heat for about two hours, and allowed to cool When an nealed, these blanks may be rolled up by the fingers just like so many bits of tea lead, which they much resemble iu softness. Iu heating for hardening the saiue method is used—packing in double boxes six or eight inches sqnare—and when the pens are red hot, they are poured into a tank of animal oil. When taken out from the bath they must be handled carefully, as they are uot only stiff and brittle, but crumbly; they can be squeezed to minute fragments between thumb and linger. Thsy are then placed within a couo-shaped sheet iron receptacle open at the largo end and mounted on a spindlo, aud are rotated over a glowing fire until they turn to a full or "low" blue. They are then chilled in oil, and when cool are rattled in saw dust until they are quite clean and bright. The next pro cess is the grinding of the nibs on mi nute wheel of fine emery and corun dum, and lastly comes the essential pro cess that completes the pen and makes it a pen—the slitting of the nibs. This is done by a pair ot shears acting the same as the presses at.d punches. This splits the steel from point to cen tral hole without removing a particle of material. The pens are then lac quered, straw or brown,blued or black ed, or left bright as the style demands, and packed for the market. Where a Miracle Can be Per formed. The llev. Dr. Howard Crosby wrote to the anti-monopoly meeting at Coop er Institute the following: "Our present system punishes those who steal five dollars, encourages and applauds those who steal five niliiona " If the meeting had produced nothing more than these words of Dr. Crosby its time and labors would not have been thrown away. They are simple words of truth. But they set before the people, intensely and strongly, an evil which reflects on our national character and threatens to destroy re publican institutions. Day by day the power of wealth is asserting itself as superior to law. Day by day the evidences increase that the rights of the poor man are being grad ually impaired and that the privileges of the rich man are growing more aud more defiant of law and destructive of justice. We may paraphrase Scripture. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the State prison. In the cells of our prisons to-day are thousands of poor wretches driven by starvation to larceny. In our club houses, our hotels and our brown stone mansions are dozens and scores of rich thieves who have robbed the govern ment and people of millions, aud against whom the law is powerless. If the anti-inouopolist organization can do anything to destroy this ev il, they will deserve well of the country. Hut they will perform a miracle.—iV. Y. Herald. NO. 49