Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 17, 1883, Image 2

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Entered at the PostoJJice at Butler as
second-clcsss matter.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1883.
Republican State Ticket.
For Stale Treasurer,
WM. LIVSEY, of Allegheny county.
For Auditor General,
JEROME B. NILES, of Tioga county.
Republican County Ticket.
For Dlst rlet Attorney,
SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler.
For County Surveyor,
B. F. BILLIARD, of Washington twp
There will be a Republican meeting
in the Court House at Butler, on
Wednesday Eve., Oct. 24th.
Candidate for Auditor General, will
address the meeting. Let all come
and hear him.
Hon. S. H. Miller will also be pres
ent and speak.
OIL sl.loj and rising— slowly.
COURT next weck.for civil cases.
THERE are 93 counties in the State
of Ohio, and only 67 in Pennsylvania.
SEVERAL interesting communications
from different parts of the connty will be
IMD in other places of this week's
THE Prohibitionists of Ohio etill
have hopes that the amendment to the
Constitntion has carried. Up to the
latest news received the vote is close,
with several counties yet to hear from.
OWING to a press of job work the is
sue of the CITIZEN was delayed a little
daring the past two weeks. Our sub
scribers at some of the offices in the
county will know from this the reason
of their papers coming a day late.
Tp- who has been confined to his home
for some time past, was able to be in
town Monday last. His son, Miller
Lardin, of Fayette county, accompan
ied him. We were pleased to see
AT a meeting in Pittsburgh last
week resolutions were passed condem
ing the Legislature for failing to appor
tion the State into Congressional and
Legislative districts, styling the action
of the members as an insult to the
State Constitution and asking for their
Church, who was stationed at Farm
ington, this connty, for the past three
years, has been transferred to Clinton
▼ille charge, Venango county, and Rev.
Lewis Wick takes his place at Farm
ington. Rev. Lusher, of Millerstown,
goes to Parker and Rev. Hume to
North Washington.
AMONG the losses in Ohio we regret
to notice tb&t of Gen.Eckley for the Sen
ate. lie was the Republican candidate
for that office in bis district, Carroll and
Stark counties, and is snowed under in
the general storui that has just swept
over Ohio. The General lived among
our people here, off and on, for parts of
several years past and made many
friends here, who are sorry to learn of
his defeat. His district was a very
close one however and be ran his full
party vote.
ON the first page of tbe CITIZEN, this
issue, will be seen a communication
from Bald Ridge, Penn township, this
county, to the Pittsburgh Dispatch.
We have copied it, as the "philosopher"
mentioned therein bus been unknown
to us, and probably to our readers.
All concerning this "descendant of
Prince Krunitz," living in our county,
was news, and, therefore, we introduce
him in this way to our readers. That
be is a my lb we cannot believe.
But any further information concerning
him will be thankfully received.
As tbe winter approaches and as
many important events are happening,
and no doubt will happen—and as
political affairs are growing very inter
eating, and will soon become very im
portant—now, therefore, is tbe time to
subscribe for a county paper. It is our
intention, as soon as possible, to en
large the CITIZEN, and in the meantime
we solicit tbe co-operation of all its
friends in the county towards enlarging
its circulation. Each subscriber can
procure another one, from among his
neighbors, if he will but try. Let us
hear from you, friends.
The Work of Women.
The work of women in the Ohio
election last week was conspicuous an d
great. This time, it may be said, it
was women on the one side and wine
upon the other. The grape-growers
and the wine-makers, together with all
the other liquor influences and interests
of the State, were arrayed against the
proposed Prohibitory A mendmeot to the
Constitution of Ohio. The women
took up the battle for the law, were
organized, and went from polls to polls
on the day of election, beseeching all
good men, and all others they could, to
vote for the amendment. The result
of their labors is tho immence vote of
over three hundred thousand for tho
law and its possible adoption. But, if
not carried, one more such effort will
carry it. Such an effort would have
carried it in Pennsylvania this year if
the Legislature hud complied with the
petitions and prayers of the people and
given them the privilege of having a
vote on the question. It is bound to '
come, and is but a question of time. J
Republicans Carry the State.
lowa stands firm to the Republican
cause and her election last week is some
relief to the loss of Ohio. The follow
ing is the latest from lowa :
CHICAGO, Oct. 11.—A tpeciai to tlie
Journal from Des Moines, lowa, says:
Sherman's majority will reach 30,000.
Complete returi s from fifty-nine coun
ties, which include heavy Democratic
districts, give 13,300, and partial re
turns from the remaining counties give
him 27,000. His plurality will not be
less than 12,000. The Lower House
is close. The Republicans now have
fifty-four, and the opposition forty-one.
Of the remaining five the Republicans
will get three. The Senate now stands,
Republicans, thirty-seven; opposition
eight; in doubt, five; Judge Cook is
elected to Congress in the Sixth Dis
trict by a small majority. The Demo
crats now concede 20,000 majority to
Governor Sherman.
Ohio Election.
The election in Ohio last week was
for State officers and the contest was
fought upon local issues. Principal
among these local issues was the liquor
question, in no less than three forms.
The Democrats have elected their
candidate for Governor by at least 10,-
000 of a plurality, and the balance of
their State ticket also. They have also
carried the Legislature, thus giving
them entire political control of the
There were three amendments'to the
Constitution of the State voted upon.
Two of these had direct reference to
the liquor question. One provided for
the regulation and assessment of the
liquor traffic, in a manner similar to
that in Pennsylvania. This was voted
down, not receiying a third of the votes
cast. The other was a prohibitory
amendment, and was, of course, direct
ly opposed to the other, as, if carried,
it carried down the whole liquor busi
ness. On this last the contest was
principally made. There were about
700,000 votes cast and the latest news
we have is that the prohibitory amend
ment has received at least 320,000 of
these votes, but mav still lack a major
llow parties were affected by this>
or how to account for the Democratic
success, Las given rise to various
opinions. Taken altogether it appears
to be a very much mixed question—if
not a puzzle—the only certain fact be
ing that the Democrats have carried
the State, on local questions, aud>
therefore, it cannot lie regarded as
having any bearing on national politics,
or on the vote of Ohio next year.
Why Not Agree to It?
Last Friday at Harrieburg the Sen
ate passed the resolution previously
passed in the House, called the Ormsby
proposition, and which provides that
the Republicans shall choose Demo
crats, and the Democrats shall choose
Republicans, as a conference committee
to which all apportionment bills shall
be referred for final consideration. It
is the same proposition made by Sena
tor Agnew at the regular session and is
so fair that people do not understand
why it is not acted upon. It now
passed the Senate it seems when a
number of Republican Senators were
absent, and a motion is made to recon
sider it. But why reconsider? How
can it work unfairly to either paity ?
How can it damage the Republicans ?
Why then reconsider ? Let it pass aud
end the miserable farce now so long
existing in the Legislature.
Death of Matthew Greer, Esq.
Among the death notices this week
will be seen that of Matthew Greer,
Sr., who died at hiH residence in Buffalo
township, this county, on last Wednes
day evening, 10th iust. He had been
in ill health for some years past, suffer
ing from asthma. Mr. Greer, at one
time, served the people a terra as Coun
ty Commissioner, being elected to that
office in the year 18G1. He was re
garded aa an able and faithful officer.
Among his neighbors he was held in
high esteem aud served them usefully
in many local trusts. He was in the
7'2d year of bis age.
November 6.
Pennsylvania will hold her election
November fl, only two weeks from next
Tuesday. We have a good State and
a good county ticket, and they should
be elected, and will be if the Republi
can voters go to the election. In this
county we hope there will be a full turn
out. It is time to begin to move in
the matter. Let all awake to the im
portance of attending the polls in order
to secure success. If there has been
any apathy let is be thrown off and all
go to wor/c. The interest and good of
the people should carry elections aud
not money. When the time comes that
only money will bring voters out to our
elections it will be an evil day. We
say to the Republicans of Butler coun,
ty, prepare for Tueaday, November <»,
and on that day turnout to the election.
A Fine Monument.
The family of Mr. Martin Ileiber,
Sr., late deceased of this place, have
caused to be erected at his grave in the
south cemetery a very costly and fine
monument. It is of the best New Hug
land granite. The whole of
the different blocks of marble composing
| it we understand is about nine tons.
One block alone weighed two and a
half tons. It is sixteen feet in height,
and taken altogether is much t 1 o largest
and most imposing structure of that
kind yet erected in any of the ceme
teries of our town. It is as creditable
to the family erecting it as it fa u
worthy tribute to the deceased citizen
whose memory it is intended to per
W E are pleased to notice among the
Republicans elected in Ohio to the :
Legislature the name of our friend, Mr
W. D. JohDston, formerly of this place,
and who was matried here to Miss
Carrie Walker, daughter of Mis
Nathaniel Walker. While here he at
tended the Witherspoon Institute He
is elected to represent Huron county.
We congratulate him on Li-» election.
A "FARMERS' and Breeders' Live
Stock Insurance Company" has recent
ly been organized in this county. The
object of -the association is to afford
farmers and owners of horses and cat
! tie a protection against losses occasion
ed by death or theft. This would ap
j pear to be a much needed kind of insur
! ance in this or any community. The
j intention, we learn, is to make the as
] sociation as extensive as possible. Hon.
A. D. Weir, is President of the com
! pany; Capt. Thomas Hays, Vice Presi
dent; 11. D. Stevenson. Treasurer; Dr.
J. E. Byers, of Butler, Secretary, and
James Stephenson, James S. Hayes,
Julian A. Clarke, Isaac Lefever and
Bartholomew Nebel are the Executive
Committee, all of this county.
Reid Institute.
October 6, 1883, >
MESSRS. EDITORS: —Permit a few
words concerning this acadamy and
normal school (for both sexes.) It is
designed to meet the wants and to
secure the patronage of Baptist Asso
ciations in north-western Pennsylvania.
Although it is owned by the Baptists
of Clarion Association, and controlled
by the Baptists, it is free to all. It is
located in Reidsburg, Clarion connty,
and was founded in 18G2. It com
menced its twenty-first year on Tues
day, September Cth, 1883. Nearly
1700 students have received their edu
cation in part or entirely at this school.
Of these there were 18 ministers. Of
students for the ministry there are 7 at
present. Of lawyers it has schooled 8.
Of physicians 10. County Superin
tendents 1. The most of the remain
ing students have been and are teach
ers. Many are business men and farm
ers. The school has made a grand
showing. Three of its principals were,
A. L. Lane, A. 8., now Professor of a
college in New England ; A. B. Ritten
house, A. 8., Government Surveyor,
(deceased), and C. A. Gilbert, A. M,
present Principal. The school was a
success under each and largely attend
ed. The school was founded by Sister
Joanna P. Moore, who is now a mis
sionery in the south. It has borne an
unstained character. It has at present
a board of eleven trustees of which
Rev. B. 11. Thomas, D. D., is president.
Prescott Hall, burned down during
the brief principalship of Prof. J. Bv
Solomon, is now rebuilt one-half larger.
Students are prepared in academical
education for business, for professions,
or any avocation.
The school is beautifully situated on
the bank of Piny Creek, on a level
grove above the town, in a forest of
pine and oak, and with many pictur
esque sceneries. The present is a pleas
ant one. Last year there were ten
counties represented. Those who wish
to have the advantage of a schooling I
advise them to try Reid Institute.
Winter term will open on November
20th. For information address the
Principal or President of the Board of
Trustees, Reidsburg, Clarion county,
A Re-Union Picnic.
WUITESTOWN, Butler Co , Oct 8, 'B3.
EDS. CITIZEN :—Having been pres
ent at the Re-union Picnic of the Win.
Scott family which came off on the
4th inst., I will try to give you a few
incidents which I observed. But that
you may more fuily understand the
magnitude of the affair it is proper to
say that Wm. Scott, the head of this
great Scott connection, came and set
tled in the "8 tracts," now neighbor
hood of Mouutville, about the year
1794, and was one of the pioneers of
that early day. And now his descend
ants run to the sixth generation and
number about eleven hundred and
eighty; each generation being repre
sented, except the old gentleman him
self who has been dead many years.
But two of his daughters are yet living
aud were present, Mrs. A nuie Morn
son of Wurtemberg and Mrs. Peggy
Young, of Perry twp , Lawrence Co.,
Pa , both well stricken in years. The
rest of bis family were John, William,
Nancy, Jeuaie, Betsy and Polly, who
all lived to raise families. John
being among the oldest, bis fairiily is
still in the front rank as the oldest, of
whom Wm. Scott, of Lancaster twp.,
is we suppose the oldest survivor of the
third generation and is seventy-seveu
years of age, and was present with
four of his sister*, yet is not near the
oldest man identified in the connection.
Uncle Matthew Stewart, as he is
familiarly known, is in his eighty
eighth year and was also present to
take part in the picnic dinner, which
was a prominent feature of the occas
ion and a success without a doubt.
The table was set in the church yard
aud formed a hollow t-qijare, with a
waiters table in the center, and all
groaned with the heavy load of good
things of this life, of which the Scott
family are noted for getting up and
also partaking of, as we think every
one present got abundance to sati.-fy
the inner man and yet there remained
twelve basket#- Now I will try to tell
you something of the doings of the
great day. The people begnii to gather
about ten o'clock and in a short time
the church yard was full of people and
rigtf of conveyance. The time until
dinner ui»a ppejit in shaking of hands
and general good cheer as many friends
met who had not seen each utljcp for
twenty-five or thirty years, as some of
th<- in eaino fr< ni Illinois, Indi.tna, Ohio
ai.d oiher places fur <•(!' to be present at
this great meeting Visiting the grave
yard, which joins the church j'ard on
the north, where the old father's re
mains rest, was another prominent fea
ture. Ilis tomb-stone being draped
With the American flag and his grave
covered v/ith wreathes and flowers.
At twelve o'clocjk pinner was announc
ced. After dinner the assembbfgp re
paired to the church, which is the third
on** (up this congregation and has been
built near (ojrty yeijrs aud is yet in !
pretty good repairs, aji.d werp brought
to order by calling Francis M. Scott to J
the chair and electing Alexander !
Stewart, Secretary. After which the
!4Cth Psalm, (> liues, was fci'ng by the I
choir, led by Prof. Nealy, of Lawrence
Second, Prayer, by Rev. I. E. Black.
Third, An anthem by choir, "Praise
the name of God."
Fourth, Reading of the history of
Montville congregation, by Rev. Alex.
Young, to show the part taken by
Wm. Scott in its organization, which
was brought about in the year 1817,
Wm. Scott with a few others having
settled on the 8 tracts as early as 1794
and held meetings for religious service
i in their houses.
Fifth, An anthem by choir, "Be tell
ing of salvation."
Sixth, Remarks by Rev. Elam
j Thomas.
Seventh, An anthem, "Oh, sing un
to the Lord."
Eighth, Remarks by Rev. J. B.
Ninth, A motion to form a perman
ent organization was acted on and the
present officers continued tiil uext meet
iug. On motion Theodore HuDter was
elected Historian and several other
complimentary motion* and votes of
thanks passed.
Adjourned by chantiuu the Lord's
prayer, to meet at the call of the Presi
Prospect and Vicinity.
EDS. CITIZEN :—Knowing that you
have always taken a pride in publish
ing the news from the different locali
ties in the county, and especially from
the good old town of Prospect, I feel
no reserve in sending you a number of
items, which, though vague, may in
terest some. Prospect, though not
directly connected with the outside
world by railroads, manages to keep
apace with the advancement of those
things which are so necessary for the
comfort and welfare of all classes of
people. Her citizens generally keep
well informed of the events of the times,
the proof of which is readily seen when
one sees the mauy papers that come to
this office. Our mail facilities are tirst
class, and we received the printed news
that the "free-whiskey aud no Sunday"
people were in the majority in Ohio,
not more than two hours later than did
the people of Butler. Our county
papers in connection with the principal
Pittsburgh and New York papers, and
quite a list of others representing all
parts of the uuioi), both secular aud
religious, are welcome visitors to our
h'-juseholds; and if they fail to come at
their usual time, a cold disappointment
is the result.
The mechanics are busy repairing
and building those articles that add to
the convenience of the community at
The stores are no less busy attending
to the wants of the people, who, like
the fabulous ant, are wise enough to
prepare for the winter in good time.
The public schools, under the care of
Miss Weber and Prof. Ricketts, are
again in session for the boys aud girls
that are wise enough to grasp the gold
en opportunity which the good people
have urovided for their benefit.
Tho hotels, under the management
of landlords Martincourt and White,
have the best of accommodations and
it is doubtful whether they can be ex
celled in the county.
The young folks' prayer meetings,
held every Sabbath evening in the U.
P. Church, are well attended and con
ducted by the young people, whom
these meetings should and will benefit
if proper attention is given by all.
The farmers are busiiv engaged in
digging potatoes, gather in g and storing
their lruit, threshing buckwheat, put
ting away the corn, making cider and
the old palatable spread known as ap
ple-butter. It is wise of you, good
husbandmen, to do all of these things
in time, for, ere long, the chilly blasts
of the boreau latitudes will sweep over
the land, leaving the fields beautifully
carpeted with snow, which will be im
partially bestowed upon all things alike,
sightly as well as the unsightly. It
will be a great deal pleasanter then to
sit around the cosy fire cracking nuts
and jokes, and probably your fingers,
eating russets and long johus, reading
good books and papers, than to be out
working in the cold with benumbed
feet aud -fingers, thereby laying the
foundation for a whole winter's cold,
when this work could and should have
been done in time. Now, kind reader,
I am not attempting to play the rule of
a braggadocio in the first part of this,
or to don the garb of the critic in tho
last, but a fair consideration is all I ask.
Wm. Ralston has purchased the
property of Prof. Foeheringer, who, in
turn, his purchased Young's new
house on Franklin street.
Samuel Weiglc is building a resi
dence on his lot. Oeo. OweuS did the
inasonary and Frazier & Co. will do
the carpentering.
(Jiiorgu Warren, Dr. Lepley and
John White, spent u week hunting iu
the wildsof Muddycreek. They report:
'•Lots of squirrels aud a bully time."
While "Sally" and ''Nutt" were gun
ning the other day, they ran into a den
of black snakes, which scared the boys
quite badly, after which every stick
aud brush had a bead, ey«iß, forked
tongue aud could crawl (in their minds.)
11. W. Henshaw raised some as nice
potatoes as are generally seen. On a
lot 2Vx3 rods he raised I S bushels of
"Mammoth Pearls." Who can beat it?
Mr- Joe Garland, of Pittsburgh, has
been visiting his friend, M r - H. (Jrine.
P. A. Shanor, who has been attend;
ing Thiel College, is home.
This will be a memorable fall for
marrii ges iu this immediate vicinity.
There have been no fewer than eight
weddings, and prospects of more in the
near future. They siy that one has
gone to Canada (Kennedy), aud an
other is aching (Aikin) to go too.
The town was quite busy last week
on account of the Lutheran Conference
meeting here. It was a grand success
in every particular. Everybody ad
mired the singing of the choir. Tho
c'btjrob )»uoij!d be proud of her choir,
which, although pot tlje largest iu size,
renders some excellent (nusip and 'S
hard to excel.
Mr. Boyd Alexander has gone to
Kansas, lie has relations there. Sue
cess follow you, Boyd.
At a meeting of the directors of
Franklin township, on last Saturday,
the following teachers were selected :
C. F Matthews, No. 1 ; <J P. Weigle,
No. 2; Lafayette McUowen, No. 3;
M»ss bodds, No. 5; No. 4 vacant.
Schools begin
Jacob Albert is building an addition
to his barn, as is also David West:
(jootj sign, gentlemen. "
Win. Joneql now residence is about
ready fur occupancy.
John Albert, lor., auJ Ll trriaou Uuby,
have gone on a visit to friends in
All come to Sanford's lecture on
October 26. MORE SUO.
RKBO— ANSIU iz.-oit Thursday evening, Oct.
It. ISB3. at tlie Secont Presb>terian Church. by
Iter. Wm. McKibUen, Mr. Joseph P. Heed, of
I'ltt-buruh. and Miss Aggie Anshutz, of Allegh
eny city.
MILI.EK— MILLER. —On Tuesday evening. Oct.
2. 1883, at Pittsburgh. i>v the Rev. A. H. Har
shaw. Mr. Harr\ s. Milter. "I Philadelphia. and
Mis> An!" A. Stiller, of Butler, Pa.
DICKEY • BOWEL. —On Oct. 10. 1883. at the
residenceot the bride's parents, by the Rev. A.
Kiii itrick. Mr. W. W. ltickey and Miss Maggie
J. Surowel, both of Brownsdale, this county.
BEGGS—LAYTON'.—At Fartnintrton, this county'
Oct. 10,1883. by Rev. W. Brattneld, Mr. W. O
Beggs. of Bullion, Pa.,and Miss Hattic B. Lay
ton, of Farmlngton.
CRICKS. At the re-ideitce of her soil Hubert,! in
Butler township, on Oct. 11, 1883, Mrs. Caroline
Cricks, aged <i3 years and 5 months.
SWAIN.—On Oct. 5, ISB3, near Harmony, Mr.
Samuel Swaiu, aged 83 years and 14 days.
GREER.—At his residence in Buffalo township,
this county, of asthma, on Oct. 10, ISB3. Mr.
Matthew Greer, Sr., iu the TJd year of his age.
GRAHAM.—In Bradford, Pa., Oct. 11, 1883, Mr,
Kerr Graham, aged about 40 years.
The remains of the deceased were brought to
his father's home in Concord township, this
county, and buried in Concord cliurch cemetery
on Saturday last.
STEPHENSON.—On Oct. 8, INS 3. Mrs. Margaret
Jane, wife of Mr. James Stephenson, of Bonnie
lirook. this county, aeed r,7 years ami 3 months.
She was a daughter of John Pattou, dee'd, of
Armstrong county Pa. She was a model wife,
mother and neighbor. She had been a professed
christian for thirty-six years and lia<l a firm faith
in God and reliance on Jesus Christ as a Savior.
As a christian she conscientiously tierformed the
duties that were nearest. "Many daughters have
done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."
Butter 20 to 25 cents.
Eggs 13 to 15 cents.
Potatoes 40 to 50 cents.
Wheat, No. 1, $1.15.
Buckwheat flour $4 per cwt.
Oats 35 to 40 cents.
Corn 60 cents.
Rye 62 cents.
Flour, high grade, per barrel $6 to SB.
Flour, No. 1, per sack $1.75.
Bran, per ton $lB to S2O.
Middlings, per ton sl4 to $25.
Chickens, per pair 50 to 60 cents.
Onions, new, 5 cents per pound.
Ham, per pound 12 to 15 cents.
Sides, per pound 14 cents.
Shoulders, per pound 12i cents.
Fish, Mackeral No. 1, 124 cents.
Estate of Ebenczer Christy,
Letters of administration hiving been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of Ebenezer
Chriatv, late of Washington twp., Butler coun
ty. Pa., notice is hereby given to all parties
knowing themselves indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment and any having claims
againbt said estate will present them duly
authenticated for paymeut.
Mus. JANE CnniSTY, (
North Hope, Bu'.ler county, Pa.
lists been pronouHoetl l»y U'ftd
lng pliyslolnns n sure cure
lor all diseases of tlie
Bladder. Kidneys. Urinary Organs,
Bright's Disease of the Kidneys,
Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, Calculus,
Gravel or Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsical Swel
lings, Weaknesses caused by Excesses, Mental
Exhaustion and Nervous Prostration in either
I.eucorrhcea, Irregular and Painful Menstrua
tion, Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb.
Pleasant to take and immediate in its effect.
Price $1 per bottle, or ti bottles for 15. Scut to
any address In the United Strlcs, free ot
ex.iecsc, on receipt of cash or P. O. order.
Dr. Family Medicine Co.,
24 S. SECOND Street, Philadelphia,
'jD. L. CL23LAND,|
South Main St,, Butler, Pa,
Kecjis Cou#tantly on Hand a Full Stock of
WalcheS) Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Caih Prices.
Flue Wnlcli Repairing a Spec
The subscriber continues the making of bricks
common. j>avi'in*Mit, b;iy-wiii<low and other
Itifs at Ins kiln mi the Fair <;roiintl road, half a
mile west of Jlutier He will keep on hand a lot
of brieksat all times. He will al*<> make and bum
brick in the country for anyone desiring to hava
them made oil their own tarm or premises.
As he intends earrvltiK on the brick making
business, lie invites the custom ot all, promising
to jjlve entire satUlaetlon to all who may patron
ize In m
All orders promptly Oiled at reasonable rates.
Call on or address,
injilK-'<C ltnllvr fa.
0 1/ WALDKON, Graduate ol the Phil
H u(jVlj)hja jjenta| prepare*"
• I* »tn do i»iyU»i«ig ip tfjn lipe of h|»
proles-lon In a satisfactory mauner-
OfJlcc on -street, liutler, Union Ulook,
up stairs. apll
(.'Oiii'i'i niiiK Hi*' Popular IlOi*
t»rugc Two W4'ii lOxprt'MM
(lit'ir !tlin<ls,
'•The fact is sir, and you may stick a pin
there, that the people of this country are likely
to be drowned in 11 11 »><i of lager beer," shouted
an enthusiastic teetotaler the other <lay into the
car of vonr cornered correspondent. That Ger
man dunk lias .struck us hard. It is the second
"Yes, and tile worst of tins beer-drinking
bi)siness js tl)«l it gets up (ciduey troubles, as a
heavy wind r4is.es thjj wayps,' added a city
physician, who had a of ihe times
and a tendency to nietaphor. "The midnight
'fccbooner' leaves behind it a waka of furred
tonguoK, headachea, torpid liver*, nausea, and
all that, and lays the foundation of Itright's
This melancholy fact accounts in part for the
increasing sales of IIENSDN'S CAPCINE
POROUS PLASTER, which at once mitigates
these symptoms. Price 25 cents. Ask your
physician about it.
Seabury «fc Johnson, Chemists, New York,
H4 H»Ktr<iil<tli syrup. TastflßffOOd. La
IM tin* 111 liuic. Bold by li rugglsts. Jgl
We invite all our out-of-town patrons, when in the city, to visit our Mammoth Establishment. To those nnable to
come we will, upon request, send Free of Charge, samples of goods, and our Illustrated Fashion Journal," telling
how to order goods by mail.
every purchaser, if buying personally or otherwise, we shall present a numbered ticket entitling him to a
chance to win a valuable Horse and elegant PhaetOD, including Harness and Bridle, worth $850; a beautiful Brocaded
Silk Plush, set of Palor Furniture worth SSOO, and a magnificent Piano worth S6OO. Public drawing will take place
January Ist, 1884, and the lucky numbers will be announced in this paper.
83 to 85 Smithßeld, Comer Diamond Street, - PITTSBURGH, PA.
This Stock la Larger than I liuve ever uhown before in one season and
Twice as f.arge as any Other boot an<l shoe house carries In llntfer County.
This Immense Stock of Boots and Shoes will be sold at such Low Prices it will surprise you
when you Hce the goods and Lear the prices. Our trade is opening earlier than UHU.II, already we are very busy and I svy to my ouitonidni
that we will Lave in a very short timo or (.8 soon an (ho w< alitor gets cold and wet.
Made to niy order direct from the very boat bonght for corh and STILL MOHE GOODS COMING IN DAILY.
Wed w-o go it.to the Massachusetts Boot and Shoe Market regit'arly twice a year and keep posted at* to Styles and Prices and if we only went
two or three tim •« in Mix or neveit years wo would say nothing about it as some of oar coatpstilors boast of ONE RECENT TRIP.
WE DON'T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO OTHER'S PRICES; we sell all our goods at the lowest figures pos
sible and don't make big money, but MAKE WHAT WE DO MAKE HONESTLY by giving our
customers value for the money they pay us for Boots and Shoes.
My Telling nil our Customer* What Good* are Ileforc llit'y buy. Xo .WiMicprcNciitatlou A lowed
to Customer*. We well to Everybody Alike. Believing on IUIIII'H dollar AS good as another'*.
We Sell More Boots and Shoes than any Other
House in Butler County
Thereby giving you better value and lower prices.
WE WILL GIVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES ROOTS and SHOES that will keep your feet dry and warm
and will wear you from Kail to Spring NO SECOND BUYING TO GET THROUGH THE WINTER.
Save Twenty-Five per cent. andßuyYcur Boots and Shoes at
The Cheapest Shoe House in Western
Yes, the peoplo of Butler county havo been imposed upon long enough by hijjli prictß and shoddy Boots and S i >es re] rexeutod to be the beat
by UDHcrupuluuH dealt is, llie} - aro dear at any prices, we have proof of this fact by tlto many new customers wo are g.tiling every day, all say tha
same, ue come hire (<> (jet socd honest Hoots and Shoe .s worth the money, wo are tired buying trash it won't pay.
We don't advertise anything weean'tshow to customers. Headquarters for Boston Rubber Co.'s Rubber and
Wool Lined Articp, Mens Calf and Kip Boot—Lo»v Insteps a Specialty. We sell the Celebrated Binghamton Calf
and Kip Pools, Hand Made; Mens, Boys and Youths Kip Roots, in endless variety. Ladies, Misses and
Calf and Kip Shoes, Old Ladies \Vnrni Flannel Lined Shoes and Slippers—widi». Children!s School Shoes in Hjlffe
Buttons, Kargo r fipß, Calf and Oil Goat. Old Mens' F e R Roots, very warm. Oil Mens' Boots, Soft Veal, &ipß ?
high leg, fpur soles.
Largest Stock in Butler County, Lowest possible figure. 15 shoemakers. Rep tiring, all kinds dono reasonable and
on short notice. Come and see us, wo will do you good,
DABOfIWI ( FOR sale.
WT U I IIV <■s" II I 18 Acres large two-story brio*
B 111 8188 B 11/ jt- <5? QV / ■ B ■ ■II barn tlaaeon erected. Good
■ ■ JIH ■ V ' ■ IHH orchard; Militated in fiutlir twp , Butler county,
And will roiaplat#! R the MAO<I In tha flftitJrß •> «tCD. in threw in-■utUa. An f |>«ra<>B Who Will lak« ON K PTLL ]» a lilt tier bote Ugll Oil the HOllth, Will
KACH V lOffrVkftM ONE TO TWftLf RWKKKM. mar ijaounr. hralth. if auch a OtlMfjp i <h«4>U. J 'VV7 . " , '1 v For nart ion.
For raring K»malf> Oofitpla.nia thca«* Pilla hat< nu a<|ual PbyitcUww fchaki Hi th. ir i«r .ctlbe. I Mold Cll©»p BllCl Oil C*.li } terms. 1
or acut by mall furtt cents ID atampi. btud fur i*au>pUlet. LB. JOHN SOW A CO.. laifc ili<|iU!C of Lev MtQl lttiOfl,jiQtUjr, W