BUTLER CITIZEN >IISCELLA> T EOU S. THEIiIGHEST AUTHORITY. Upon a Subject of Vital Interest, Effecting the Welfare of All The following remarkable letter from oie of tie It ading and best known scientific writers of the present day is specially significant, and should be of anusual value to all readers who desire to keep pace with the march of modern discoveries and events: "A general demand for reformation is one of the most distinctive character istics of the niueteenth century. The common people, as well as the more enlightened and refined, cry out with no uncertain voice to be emancipated from the slavery of conservatism aud superstition which has held tne masses in gross ignorance during a large por tion of the world's history, and in the time of the 'Dark Ages' came near ob literating the last glimmer of truth. Dogmatic assertions and blind empiri cism are losing caste among all classes of all countries. People are beginning to think for themselves, and to regard authority much less than argument. Men and women are no longer willing that a few individuals should dictate to them what must be their sentiments and opinions. They claim the right to solve for themselves the great questions of the day and demand that the general good of humanity shall be respected. As the result of this general awaken ing, we see, on every hand, unmistak able evidences of reformatory action. People who, a few years ago, endured suffering the most intense in the name of duty, now realize the utter foolish ness ot such a course. Men who were under the bondage of bigoted advisers allowed their health to depart; suffered their constitutions to become undeterm ined and finally died as martyrs to a false system of treatment. There are millions of people filling untimely graves who might have lived to a green old age bad their original troubles been taken in time or properly treated. There are thousands of people to-day, thoughtlessly enduring the first symp toms of some serious malady and with out the slightest realization of the dan ger that is before the They have oc casional headaches; a lack of appetite one day and a ravenous one the next, or an unaccountable feeling of weari ness, sometimes accompanied by nausea and attribute all these troubles to the old idea of 'a slight cold' or malaria. It is high time that people awoke to a knowledge of the seriousness of these matters and emancipated themselves from the professional bigotry which controls them. When this is done and when all classes of physicians become liberal enough to exclude all dogmas, save that it is their duty to cure dis ease as quickly, and as safely as possi ble ; to maintain no other position than that of truth honestly ascertained, and to endure and recommend any remedy that has been found useful, no matter what its origin, there will be no more quarreling among the doctors, while there will be great rejoicing throughout the world." "I am well aware of the censure that will be meted out to me for writing this letter but I feel that I cannot be true to my honest convictions unless 1 ex tend a helping hand and endorse all that I know to be good. The extended publications for the past few years, and graphic descriptions of different dis eases of the kidneys and liver have awakened the medical profession to the fact that these diseases are greatly in creasing. The treatment of the doctors has been largely experimental aud ninny of their patients have died while they were casting about for a remedy to cure them." "It is now over two years since my attention was first called to the use of a most wonderful preparation in the treatment of Brigbt's disease of the kieneys. Patients had frequently asked me about the remedy and 1 had heard of remarkable cures effected by it, but like many others I hesitated to recom mend its use A personal friend of mine had been in poor health for some time and his application for iusurance on his life had been rejected on account of Bright's disease. Chemical and mi croscopical examinations of bis urine revealed the presence of large quanti ties of albumen and granular tube casts, which confirmed the correctness of tbe diagnosis. After trying all the usual remedies, I directed him to use this preparation and was greatly sur prised to observe a decided improve ment within a month, and within four months, no tube casts could be discov ered. At that time there was present only a trace of albumen, and he felt as be expressed it, 'perfectly well,' and all through the influence of Warner's Safe Cure, the remedy .he used." "After ibis I prescribed this medi cine in full doses in both acute and chronic nephritis, [Bright's disease] aud with tbe moat satisfactory results. My observations were neither small in number nor hastily made. They ex tended ever several months and em braced a large number of cases which have proved so satisfactory to my mind, that I would earnestly urge upon my professional brethren the importance of giving a fair and patient trial to Warn er's Safe Cure, in a large class of ail mr „s where the blood is obviously iu an unhealthy state, especially where glandular engorgements a-id inflamma tory eruptions exist, indeed iu many of those forms of chronic indisposition in which there is no evidence of organic mischief, but where the general health is depicted, the face sallow, the urine colored, constituting ths condition in which the patient is said to bo 'bilious,' the advantage gained by the use of this remedy is remarkable. In Brigbt's disease it seems to act as a solvent of albumen; to soothe and heal tbe in fltwned membranes; to wash out the epithelial debris which blocks up the tubuli uriniferi, and to prevent a de structive metamorphosis of tissue." "Belonging as I do to a branch of the profession that believes that uoone school of medicine knows all the truth regarding the treatmeut of disease, and being independent enough to select any remedy that will relieve my jiatients, without reference to tbe source from whence it comes, I am glad to acknowl edge and commend tbe merits of this remedy thus frankly. Respectfully yours R. A. GUNN, M I). Dean and Professor of Surgery, United States Medical College of New York; editor of Medical Tribune. ; Author of (lunn's New ar.d Improved Hand- Hook of Hygiene aud Domestic Med icine, etc., etc. He Wasn't Her Pa. A young woman went to the depot to meet her father. As the train came in ?he paw a middle-aged man who re sembled her parebtal relative, and she ru.-iied into bis arms, huddled down on his bosom,kissed him on the mouth, tl e ear, the chin and all over bis pat ent celluloid. It wa3 not her father, but a middle-aped drummer for a to bacco house, lie took a long breath and looked around at some other drum mers and winked, as much as to say, "Oh, I'm such a dude!" Of course the scene could not last always, though he wished it could. After a climatic hug, she looked up in his face and shrieked: "You are not my Pa!" He said probably she was right, a? ha had not been on that route but eleven years. She asked his parckn, and he told her not to mention it. "We pub lic men should always hold ourselves in readiness to support those who need it." She smiled a sweet, sad, blushing smile, and went out into the wit e world, and the drummer walked into the hotel with the other drummers, twenty kisses and six hugs ahead of the game. They asked him if it didn't make him feel ashamed to have such a mistake made, aud he said no, it was all right. He said of course it might look queer, but those things occtmtl very often with him, as they would occur with any Gne-looking man. lie sides, the girl probably enjoyed it. Then they asked him why he did not wear his diamond breastpin on fcuch trying occasions. He looked at his shirt-front and it was gone. While he had been allowing her to play the daughter she had burglarized his shirt. He fainted, and when they brought him to he said: "Tell my family I died with my face to the foe.—"Com. Trav. Magazine." A Literary Man Wenl West. The lime-stone water of Ohio disor dered his bowels and laid hiin on a bed of sickness with horrible cramps For three days and nights he was wretched. Then he said "why didn't I think of Periy Daviis's Pain Killer?" He sent for it and experienced such prompt and thorough relief that he was a fool for not getting it at first. The North Pole is one of the few things that has never been lost and yet cannot be found. —The silence which reigus in a cornfield well provided with scare crows—is it not a case of an effect with out caws? —Thousands in this State are dying by inches by that dreadlul disease dys pepsia, ignorant of the fact that there is a certain cure to be had. Wilsonia Magnetic Appliances never fail. See advertisiuent on another page. —A possession of honesty b}' some people makes us think of a blacksmith with a white silk apron on. —lt is sheer wantonness to le satis fied with a lesser good when by wait ing patiently you can have what you want. The proverb ba3 it. It is bet ter to have a hen to-morrow than an egg to-day. —lf you won't listen to reason you will some time get your knuckles rap ped. It is better to be wise now than sorry to-morrow. Hegernan's Camphor Ice Is a cure for chapped hands, sore lips, chapped face aud sunburn. It is compounded with glycerine, which renders it more emollient than any other camphor ice, and it will be found a most soothing application to the face after shaving. Soothing and Healing. We might with truth add certainly curing in every case. No remedy known equals Coe's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds croup and consump tion. It is an old and tried friend and always proves true. Dyspeptics, Read this. William Collins, Bath Creek, Mich , writes us: I consider that my life has been saved by tbe use of that most reliable medicine, Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. For many years I suffered with dyspepsia and used many remedies which were highly recommended, with out relief. I am now permanently cured by the use of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, ami upon my recommendation many others, to my personal knowl edge, can testify to its merit. It bas never failed to cure. —Mr. Tilden cats eight times ii day, a little at a time, with a verv little whiskey and water, and he takes phos phates. He still converses in a low tone of voice, but from habit, not from necessity. —Some land in the city of London was lately sold at the rate of $3,300,- 000 aa acre. —You can get no better hold of some men's word of honor than you can of the tail of a wet cel. —No man has enough, and no mat ter how much he has he always wants a little more; but the old proverb nays, ' lle'il have enough one day when his mouth is full of mould." Ministers Sound its Praise. Rev. Mr. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn , writes as follows: "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured my son of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, $1.50. —A miser is often surprised at close "quarters." —A short memory usually shadows a long obituary. —Andy Carnegie says the whole world is taking a rest. —The coins paid for beer are the bar aickles of society. —Legitimate prize-fighting should be handled without gloves. He Has no Objection. INDIANAPOLIS, INK—The Hon. Dan iel W. Voorhees, I'uited States Sena tor from this State, remaik-: "My opinion sir, I have no objection to giv ing. I suffered from rheumatism of the back, used St. Jacobs Oil, which gave me instantaneous relief and final ly cured me completely. I think it a remark ible remedy, indeed." His candid and courteous expression car ries weight. —The atnw hat must go. ALWAYS AHEAD! T II K I I O F BUTTJ E R Has been East, the only Shoe Merchant in Butler that went East this Fall. His goods are now arriving daily, and as u.-ual, his Fall trade has opened with a The people of Butler county have been imposed on long enough with high prices, and with few exceptions they are going to the CHEAP BOOT ami SHOE HOUSE to buy their Fall goods, but this is not enough I want them all to come, I have the goods and THEY MUST BE SOLD- My goods were ali bought direct front the manufacturer for cash by an experienced buyer and I intend to sell them at such That will mcle my cnstcnurs all hippy and my competitors go mad with rage. They want me to maintain high prices so we can all make BIG MONEY, But I tell them, NO, I can effort] to sell goods on a YKItY fciJl A iLI.« because I am selling more goods than any Other Shce House in Butler county. So lam goiug to And favor the people and do the trade. My Stock of Boots, Shce* aud Rubbers is by far tbe largest that was ever brought to Butler in one season, and I want to impress cn the minds of the people that I will not be But to the contrary will guarantee to save them from I"> to 25 per cent, on their 1-Joots and JSIIOfT-S aQ d give them goods that will prove just as recommended. All I ask is to give me a call aud it will be no trouble for me to convince you that it is THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN BUTLER TO !H1 VOI SJ BOOTS AM) SHOIN. i liill SI6EB OF lUjlin lilO HNBIIiS illffl 8# HiHD 'T 881103 PRICES Repairing done same day received. Rubber goods of all kinds repaired. Eight men employed in Store and Manu facturing Department. Call aud examine goods before you buy. JOHN BSGKEL, BUTLER, PA. TUMI. I.IST Foil ( OIiJT, ( ISO fill .HOXPAIOFCMT. ISS3 A r o. Term. )'r. i'iniiilijr \< Attomri/. J'lainltj/s. Defendants. Defendant's Attorney. A 1), (iti Mar, 18S2 L Z Mitchell. Kzekiel IJ A. Murtluuil. Vanilerlin, T. and Met/. " 6? Sept, " S F Bowser. Tatrick M Boylf. I! Jcnning. Thompson A Son. " 7m " " MeQ, Danna &. Martin. Mary A Wilson et al. Alfred I'taree etal. rhomjison, Walker «1 Scott 42 Dec, " McQuistion and Lyon. .1 W et al, Ex'rs. Isaac N Beigiilcy. Thompson & Son. " 68 " " McCand less and Brandon. 1 Butler Water Company. Bon ttj;h of Butler. Walker and Eastman. FI D, 2|Junc, IHS." WI) Brandon. Nancy l> Kelly. W M Kellv. McQuistiou and Lyon. A L>, C.'i " 1882 (iouclier r.nil MeCandless. Mrs. Mary 15. Muntz. i' it WI! U Co. Ul* Scott. " C! -Sept, 1881 John M Greer. Isabella Swan. Michael I'lineret al. \V I) Brandon. " 02 " " iSjme. Same. Martha Matthews. Same. " 42 Mar, 1882i\V l> Brandon. H K Alken, Adin'r. I.ucinda Bremiimer. John M Greer. " 47 June, " 1.1 D McJuukiil. David McMillan. J hn Maizeland. Kiddle and Greer. " 10"; Dec, IS7! | |W I. Graham. Drß II UllkeMO. .1 M flmret al. .1 M (ialhrealh. Prothonotary's Office, Sept. 25, 1883. M. N. GREEK, Prothonotary. 'Rheumatic CV"R TF¥l Sr %sJ Jtr m The Greatest BSoo J Purifier Known! RHEUMATISM CURED. SCROFULA CURED" NEURALGIA CURED. ROCHESTER, N. Y . Apr. Cth, p ORX Bvr.ou, N.Y., Feb. 20, 'B2. FAIKPORT, N. Y„ March 12, 'B3 Rheumatic Syrup Co.: .... .. nl .... ~ GENTS-I lmvo been a Rroat Khcumntic fii/rup Co.: l.heumaiicLyrup Co.: sufferer from Hhetimaiismfortix I bad been doctoring for three GFKTS since November. 1882, years, and hcaringof the succe*s or fair years, wiili dillereiitphy- I have bei n a constant Puflercf of Rheumatic Syrup I concluded fici.ins, fir n-mfnla, some nil- lr in neuralgia end have Hot to give it a trial in my own cii.se, led it, but found no relief until I known wliut it Was to bo free ana I cheerfully any that I have commenced taking your Syrup, trim pain until 1 commenced l»een greatly benefited bylts use. Alter taking it a short time, to the use of Rheumatic Syrup. 1 I can walk with entiro freedom lay surprise, it bcgantohelp me. hnve felt no pain since using the from pain,and mygcncralhcaUh Continuing'la use a few weeks, fourth bottle. 1 tliink it thelicst is very much Improved. Itisa I found myself as well ns ever, remedy I have ever heard of for splendid remedy fur tho blood As a purifier, 1 think it has purifying the blood and for the and debilitated system. no equal. cure of rheumatism and neu- E. CHbSTER PAttK, M. R. MUS. WILLIAM STRANG. ralgia. W. U. CHASE. Manufactured by RHEUMATIC SYRUP Cp'T'l Plymouth A"VC., Rochester,~N. Y, TIIE 1171 TonVT A the oTigiiutl and only genuine Mtujnttic \\ 1 IvvM/lN 1 l\ curative appliances. A number of imitations are now offered. Don't bo doce've 1 l>y tliem. Our Appliances aro worn over tho underwear tvul NOT NKXT TIXS SKIN. WILSONIA alona Las mado tlio wonderful cures which to Magnetic Appliances their great reputation. This system of euro, which for three and a half years lias boon growing so popu lar in this country and in Europe, has proven itself to be tho greatest discovery of modern times. MEDICINE IS ]NOT HEQTJU?ED. Thousands of men and women w'.io b.i'l exhausted all tho Usual remedies without relief. h»VD been curod l>y Wlljj iNIA afier af. w week*' application. <mr Illustrated Pamphlet Bent free. It i hould bo read hy all who value good health, it uplains tho process of cure, with price list an I contains many testimonials aud sworn statements from persons cured of Ih onrMHt, Catarrh, iPi/Hlprptin. ('on 11 »p of inn, Jftclnria, HhiMtnatfom, f.oroinotor .J I t*ji n . tul/tmn, .Vri-rous ffthilitf/, hlseptru»n'i«, iHmeattß of the l.il'l' imri HidtJJiabetes, Jtropnii, Chrontc MHarrhtra, Tumor* atid others that cannot t»o mentioned herw. Appliances mado for all parts of tho body. Belt and Insoles sufficient in many eases. J.adi/ or (Jenlltman't Brit anil Matoltt, SII.GO, !to., fieconA SIK, WILSONIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING CO., 826 Broadway, cor. 12th SL, New York. CARPETS ! OIL CLOTIiS ! Persons visiting the posit I'm and wishing lo purchase anything in tiie line of Caipils, Oil C'oili?, Mailing.',' Wall Papsr, Window Shades, Curtains* ancl Cornice* etc." Will save money bv calling an the stoics of i). K. s. w r; LT v, No. 120 FEDERAL ST., Nos. 65 & G6 Park Way Allegheny, Pa. j eo|ts3ui. I &. B. BARRETT & CO,, i 238 and 240 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Penn'a. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Dronzes, Silver and Plated Ware, Watch Material, Etc. Wholesale Only. i, I. | ' '* " , M mi, U'LI SH,I IT KKI'M IINK I(II U I I.V I. UII K - i.. ». ..A ■„-< in.. 1 .on., n «... t... •..».•* 1 • I r rurin* FYnmli-r. nif.lamt* tfi s. Till* h.tvc . o«w,u ,i I*>»> Hi >r |.r .• SoM .\•r» uh. ro. j ■ ' T ,1,1 l.y until for vi v t t,i., 11. .Send fur j»au»i»blct. I. H. JOIINbON bi CO.. lionton. Mann. » J • SEN!J FOR DESCRIPTIVE"" CIRCULAR & SAMPLES OF WORK N 'j CHICAGO, BOSTON, CLEVELAND, O. " THE LIGZIEST EHNNINQ Shuttle Machine IN THE WORLD. SEE IT! TRY IT I AND YOU WILL BUY IT. FOR SALE BY Beru & Cypiif.ii, Uutjpr, Pn. Union Woolen Mills. I would (loHiro to call the attain on of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, iSutler, Pa., where I liavo now and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Qray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, lud I can recommend thorn AH being very dura ble, thoy aro manufactured of pure Butler iounty wool. They aro beautiful in color, BU )erior in texture, and will be wold at very low 'ricon. For aampleH ami prices. addreHH, H. I-'CLLEUTON, n124.'78-ly Kutlor. Pa WANTED, SALESMEN. Toranva«H for thcKnlr of Nornery Stock. Cnoquirlcil fa< llltli'H. NOIXJMTI lire rr«julr«'!. Salary mil «x --|m nrtcstMild. 7«»»iur sof Fruit ami Ornamental Tr«*% I ED UCA TIONA L. B» a/or College and Musical Institute, for youuir ladies, opens September 11th, ISS3. Beautifully ami Healthfully Located; extensive buildings, pleasant ground?, cheerful room?, three Literary coursif, supeiior advantages for music and Art. Extensive apparatus, twenty pianos aud orgaus, including pipe organ. Thorough work, home-like care, uiodcrt rates. Send for circular to KEV. K. T. TAYLOR. D. D., Beaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLER COUNIY. TRAINED TEACHERS are in demand and this demand is increasing year l>y year. THE INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'ive to this fact, presents an unsurpassed opportunity lor those teachers who have determined to succeed. Our Academical Dcparlinent is strong aud so shaped as to have a direct bearing upou teaching llow to Teach. In Our Professional Department the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management ire Thoroughly developed. Theory first, then the practical application of this ttieory, ui.der the watchlu! eye ol the Critic Our Graduates are dueling with the mo.-t Mat tering success. There is a constant demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate il you cati. but if you can not, it will repay you to come, if only lor a sin gle term. Fall term ol 1S8:> will open on Sept. 10th. For further particulars address L 11. DUELING, Indiana, Pa. JEFFERSON ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thorough prepara tion fi»r Co lege, good English education. Con nected with it JEI l i:ItSOX IIAL.L, Boarding School for Boys, CANONHUUBUII. PA. Discipline strict but kindly. Boys kept under tbe eye ofthe principal, and thoroughly cared for. Opens September ISth. Wm. EWING, Principal. Washington Female Seminary. Tho next session opens September 12, 1883. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. SHERUARD, Principal, Or liev. JAS. I. Bcowssox, D. D., Pres't Board of Trustees, Washington, Pa. j'yll,2m STEUBENVILLE, (O ), FEMALE SEMIN ARY. Beautifully located on ilic Ohio river with 53 years' successful experience. For full information. Address DR!» A. M. KEID & WIGHTMAN. jalyllS Bt. FOR SALS. 18 Acres of land, with large two-stoiy brick honse and largo barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situat.d in Butler twp , Butler county, Pa., aiij iniiig Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq., Butler, l'a. Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World! CXt/derdnle, rerchrro.:-Normaii» English Draft Ilorse*, Trotting-Bred Eotulsters, Shetland I'vniet, Iluhtein and Devon Cattle. Our custoirers have the advantage of our in my years experience in breeding and import in'' large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZEN. july2s-£>m. PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO, 132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Iliiildinjrs. XSririgeK and It oof*. Jails nud I ackupN, Fronts, Column* A (Jinlers, StiiinvajN and Renins, Feiiets ai?«i F i re- F.scu p CM. mar2B,Cra iiotsi: l.\D LQT FOR SALE. 4 VEkv oozy Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, cellar, out houses and two lots ol ground in Butler will b sold on reason able terms. Call at ollice of F. M. EASTMAN .. Mar-lit f. Butler Pa. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. V». C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. <JA\|PBKL|>, TM#BPH|W. 11. C. IIKINEIMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Ilelmboldt, William Campbell, 'J. W, Buikharf, A. Troutnian, ! Jacob Sclioene, G. C. Rocasing, i JohnCaldwc.il, Dr. W. lrvin, { J. J. Croll. A. B. Rhodes, ' 11. C. Ilclneman. JAS. T* M'JUNKIN, (Jen. Ag't BUTLER NEW DRUG STORE. J. B r Kohlmeyer & Co. Main Street, (Opposite Vogeley IJputpj BUTLER, PENN'A. DEALEHS JN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. Oils and I'ainlH. Ac JiTDr. G. SI. Zimuer.nan has liis ofliea on the second floor of samo building. jnel3-tf Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health ! n.itution in ils 3Clli year. For nearly all kinds of Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Itival.ds are invite Ito cor.espourt with us. Circulars free. Address, S FREASE, M. I)., jylß-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co, Pa. Ho! for Pittsburgh Exposition HOME HOTEL, Within bight «>f the F.xposition Building. facing thp Allegheny river. Duqucsne Way between Eighth & Ninth Sts, PITTNItDRUH, PA. RATES, #1.50 I'EK DAY, Or 50 cenfs a day cheaper than any hotel In Pittsburgh. Only temperance hotel in Pitts burgh. augH,l2« CURES WXl*f Alt CISC FAItS. EH B«*t Conrrli ;ljrnip TnMi-tK'-<x! U f 'O 111 II:.i". Kniil M QI EEX VICTORIA. I Court circles in F.ngland are anxious about j the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. this is difficult to reach j by ordinary treatment, which accounts for her lingering illness, there is a sure a:.d certain rexedy for it a!l ai d kindred affections,which the oiglit to Knovr if and use, iu DR. FKXXEB'S KIDNEY AND HACK-ACHE CI'KK. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it cur s infinitely worse cases t iian hers : Fr«doiiia. X. Y., Mar. 8, ISS3. Dr. M. M. Fetiner—Dear Sir—For years I bad been flittering from a combination of kidm y Disease, iikabt disease and female w< arses*. I hr J a heavy aching pain over my kidneys with cra-.nping of my limbs. I had lack ache" and a scanty and TI'KBID flow nf urine: i:ix>atisa of limbs and a oenEiial dropsical CO\ 1)11 ION ; also PAIS, PALTATATIOS and UROFST of the BEAUT. My condition was a distressing one. and ail treatment and kidney remedies gave little or no relief. 1 have been taking your "KIDNEY AND BACK ACHE OCHE" with the most happy result. It has relieved a!l the unpleasant symptoms that have j followed me so persistently and so long. I never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure BO completely. lam d iin„> my own work. Yours truly, 31 US. JAMES FULLER. Dlt. FESNERS SOOTHING SYRUP—Pleia aul. safe, certain. Produces good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health I and vigor in the child. ! DR. FF.NN'ER'S CAPITOL L'ITTEUS-The ! purest and best stomach tonic known. I Dr. FENNER'S SALT RHEUM OINTMENT — Y hi.low and White—A cure for all skis ■ nisioSEs. See directions wrapped around packtge. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The best fami'y physic known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DK. FESSEU'S I E IPLK'S REMEDIES. AHE USED ALL OVEU TiiE w> Bij). And are for saie by J, L. W'uKor anil D. H. Wuiler, Rut'er, Pa. {Continued from la*t tceek.) How Watch Cases are Made. Imitation always follows a successful article, and imitation is one of the best proofs of real honest merit; and thus it is that the James Boss? Gold Watch Case has its imitators. Buyers can always tell the geiruine by the trade-mark of a crown, from which is suspended a pair of O m, scales. Be sure both crown and scale« are stamped in the cap of the watch case. Jewelers are very cautious aliout en dorsing an article unless they not only know that it is good, but that the character of the manufacturers is such that the quality of the goods will be kept fully up to standard. WILLIAMSPOBT. PA.. Feb. 13.18% The James Boss' Gold Watch Cafes fro like hot cakes. Kach one I well sella another. Don't need to recommend them: they sell themselves. One of my customers has had a J allies lJoss' Gold Watch Caso In use for 3U years, and it is as (rood as ever. Witll this case I do not hesitate to trive my own guarantee, es pecially with the new and improved cases, wliich seem to be everlasting. Jesse T. LITTLE, Jeiceler. NEW BRCNSWICK, N. J., Jan. 8,1883. This (rol 1 case. No. 6666, known as the James Boas' Gold Watch Case, came into my possession about ISoS, has been in use since that time, and is still in (rood condition. The movement is the one which wanin tho case when I boinrht it. and its condition shows that the case has really out-worn the movement, which is playedout. MARTIN A. HOWELL, Of Board qf Direct org K. J, R. It. <t Trans. Co. Brad I trat ilaap lo Kfjiton* Watrk (w Farlvrln, Phila delphia, Pi., fur hudioac IllulrtlcJ I'aiophlrl ihovllf how iuuri How' lad kejttoaa Watrk lu« ara made. ! * (To be Continued.) • The Ross watch cases with any kind movement desired, can be had of E. GRIE B, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, xUaiu HI., Uutler, I"a., Opposite Troulman's Dry Goods Store. ' I I^^^^LSAM.l R Restores the Youthful Color t3 Crcy or Faded Hair I I Parker's Hair Bal ram i~. finely pesfumed and is B I warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re- I I movedandrnA a: ditching. HiscoX &Co . N. /. I g 50r. nn«l $1 »fze», nl dealers In drugs and uiedicitiea. fj PAItKEfiTS GINGERTONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or former, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try I'akkkk's Oinglk 1 \ nic. If you rre a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted !>y mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicaLingsiiinutants,bi!tusc Parker's Ginger Tonic Ifyoii have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Khcuma- Isiu, Kiuney Complaims, or any disorder of thclnngs, stomach. l-oupls, blood or nerves Pai kfh'S GINGKR TONIC will cuff you, It is ihe Greatest lilood Purifier And tho Best ond Surest Couqli Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and requite a stimulant taks GiNCEfr Tomc at once: it will invigorate and build von up from the fust dose but will never intoxicate, it has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION '-Refit-# nil subftitnt.-i. Tarher's Ginger Tonic Is eompojod the b*»t r« mrtJi.il in flu* world, and Is entirely diHvrrnt from preprtrations of ginger Scud for circular to liikcux A Co., N. Y. 60c. &11 iu«», at dialers lu dru;». CHEAT SATING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. 3 Its rich nt.d lasting has made this ■ delightful poi(time popular. There I is nothing liko it. Insist upon having FLO RES* I TOM Cologne and look for signature of ONLY KNOW NCURE FOR RUPT URE THE I'lt I I'll I*ll TKISSCO., No. 11 Houtli Thirteenth street, Philadelphia, and 71 Third avenue New York, euros Hupture in 30 days, imd will pay SI,OOO for a liupturo they cannot cure. l>r. Kiigh nuu, the GRKAT liER NI.V burgeon, Medical ai il Surg.cal Director. TKRMS MODKIi.V IK IX VMINAIION Fit EE. Fiee tii»l of Tribes at (Ullccs,which arc ojicu day ai.d c\iuing, at Uooui 45, Hamilton lloUt, 'Molrnn Are., I'ittsburijli, I'a for a I'hort time only. Call or uend 25 cantM for hook ou the cure of Uupturo. if. |1. —pr. j:. tna)n fcui'('cpnfully all Foninlo JJi«ea«e», at llamillou liotul. Jyll 3m CONTINENTAL HOOK OINTMENT - CUBES— Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratch os'and Soros —is HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. Ask your Storekcopor for it, or write direct to the Manufacturers, AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, . . . Ohio. For Sale by J 15. KOIILMEYKII & CO., Hiulor, I'd. auS,.lm I'. A W. IS. R, Tluie Table. Tbc moniiuir truiu lor Allcshcny leaves But ler at f:t'S, llutler or loeil tloic aud arrives there at 11:45. The afteri ooii tr;'in for Allegheny leaves But al 2.CC l". m ,»ud arrives there at 4:J2 r, m. | The eveaiui; train for Alleiiheny leaves at 6.0S i'. ii and ai rive* there at 8:05 p. si, The morning and evenine trains makit clo-re connections it Cahery Juuetiou lor ail points west. Tiains Hi rili leave Euiler at y.41 A. M. |at J 2.4">, and T.:;2 1". m., 10-ul tune, j Traiiif leave Allegheny City lor butler at 7:00 and 11 ;20 A. M. and l*. \i , local ticie. Sunday train north le,ivcs Duller at 10:44 v. M , and f;oiujc South at 0:08 I*. M. I West IVnn Time Tnt>le. Trdns have Builer (Duller or time.) Maiket :il 4:41 A. M , >?"e» through to Alle gheiiv. arriviua at »:0| A m. This train, wheu ou time, comacts at Freeport Aceommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:55, city I time. Express at T.1(5 A. M., connecting at Butler i Junction without of cars, at 8.21 with | Expre?s *>»;, a riving u: Allegheny at at 'J;:U A. M . lid Kxj re.-s e;ist urriviug at Blairsviile ; ai tO.'JS A M., r.iilroid time, where il "makes i close connection with Mail train east. | M.ii. at 2.41 i'. M., connecting ai Butler Junc tion without change of cars, with Expr.-ss west, aniving in Alh-gh.-nv at 501 P.M., and Express ea»t ari iviiig at Dlairsville luterseetlou at 0.25 ' r. m., railroad time, which eomuets with Johnctowu Aeoouimodatiou and Philadelphia Express e i>t. Trains arrive at Builer on West Penn K. H. at 9 4 A. M., 4 40 and 621 p. Builer litac Time of Holding Courts. Tho several Courts of tho county of Duller continence on tlie fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, aiid continue t-.Vo weeks, or so as necessary to dispone of the business. No causes are put iowu for tric.l or traverse jurors summoned for the tirot week of the several terms. ■p X. I.F.AKK, M. !>., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. < Ittiee in I nion Block, and residence iu Ferrero h< n •, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, I&S2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2l-ly] BUTLEK, PA. OtTice ou Jefferson street, opposite Klinger's Flour Store. DEITTISTR X . Of# WALDHON, Or.duate ol the I'lill Q adelphia Dental College, is prepared • Il »to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Otilcc on Main street, BuUer, Union block, up stairs. apll How Lost, How Restored .Tu»t published, a new edition of Pit. CUL VEIUVEX.I/S CEIEBHATED ESSAY ou tlie KAIiICAXi CDUE of Si'titMATorH<F..\ or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal l,rw:<cs. Imim- TEKCV. Mei.tal and Physical Incapacity, Im|)edi meiits to Marriage, etc; also, Consumitios. EriLEPHY and Fits, induc3d by self-indulgence, or sexual extravagance, .tc. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly doraonstr&tes from a thirty years' successful practice, that tne klarming conse tpioiu ej of self-abuse may bo railieaily cnreil; pointing out a mode of cure at once simp'e, certain and effectual, by means of which every • sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. K?"This Lecture should bo in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal 1n a plain envelope to any ad drees, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERV,'ELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOUK, N. Y. ; P O. Box, 450. octll-ly. tfoQ/ALGLUE Mendi Everytliiur SOT.ID A3 UOCH !—Hard an Adamant!— Firman(<rull«!!Btroiiin*t, Toutft'fst. and Moot Elastic Oluj on Earth I A Bamfonlan Olant inStrciiHTtli mnonK all and Cements 1 ADMlntely I'n- HH brrnkabln and iDsepanblcl Ko Ileatin*!-NoProwatlon M Alwavußoady—Al waynTtyuld I t hlnn. Glaaa. Wood, /JKUVH T/"at Iter Beltiuir, Crookery, Bit tttOLUH Cloth.Mirblo. Til l_ jg < 1 Metals, Patches on leather anil HUM ' Rubber Shoes, Bric-a-braa. Book Backs, Htone, Furniture, fitrrclo Hill.tier Tires, Ornament* of Every lIPIII kind. Jewelry, Smokers' Plj-es ana ill I ■'l9 Oiftar Holders, Card Board In Scrap tSrMMmnk Books, and Everything rise with ■ Everlastinir Inseparable Tenacity I 2mm IIX of Gummed La ■ll IB beia,Textlle Fabrics, Fln«Carrlairct% ■I MllZi Pianos. Arttfldal Flowers, Imitation stained Olasa andHtrawOoodß.Chitil- Makers. Ac., supplied byGaliou SHBBfB or Barrel. 2()c. Hntilr (Brush and Tin Cover); by mall postjiaid, 10 eta t-mthiitr i.ita* intra Mailedonl/by manufacturers i.[\. O'MEARAACO.I/.Vk,^.^ tire AgfntiWanNtl Ev«7wnere. R« J<l by Drumrtobi, i.rjocru, bUUwiMiTk, UaruwAni AU<iU«u«i:altSu>re» FOR SALE AT REDICK'S Dboq Stoiik. =KTfCr»«T\ Tho richest, creamy ROOT KfS I - P>CKAG£2iCjTSI sa«p«. Sent by Malj U? receipt of 26ci», Addr;sr: BEAN & RAPE, WholeseK Druggists, ' Nos. 47 4 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. |D. L. CLEELAND.I WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -SPECTACLES AND SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Fine U'litcli lSo|»«iring a Spec ially. Planing Mill -ANP- L<iimber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUKVIB, S.G. Purvis & Co., M4NUFACTi:RBKB AKl> DEALEHB lit Hough and Planed Lumber or. EVKKY DEeCRiniON, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATI'ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YAHD \ear <Ji*riiiais ChUiollo Chnroh < oll<'OtorN Take Xolloi 1 . Yoii are re<|iiested to enlleet county taxes and m ike payment to the ( oiuitvTreasurer an s|>eedl« Iv as possible, as the funds of the eouuty are low and money is needed roreurrent expenses. Cot'NTt Com mission Kits. Sept. .1. .It. ?? EN T S W ? ntßd ?Books & mbTca low ill t.'i.r ust. »rrd«Hl*»ver*»lirrf. l.lhrml llraillr), litri .*Uum A t«»., <*> N I ««uUI» bt., I'liiUikll'liu, •»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers