Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 03, 1883, Image 2

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Entered at the Postojfice at Butler as
gecond-clcsss matter.
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3, 1883.
Republican State Ticket.
For Slate Treasurer,
WM. LJYSEY, of Allegheny county.
For Audiior Cieneral,
JEROME B. NILES, of Tioga county.
. Republican County Ticket.
For IMsiriei AHorney,
SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler.
For Cttmily Surveyor,
B. F. HILLIARD, of Washington twp
The great coming event is the Sol
diers' Re-union here next Tuesday.
With good weather a large number
may be looked for.
IT is said the fiiends of Mr. Reuben
McElvain will induce him to enter the
lecture field, and if he does, success will
surely attend him.
IF you would vote November f>th,
pay your taxes by October Gtb. And
mind, the courts hold one man cannot
go and voluntarily pay another's taxes
and thus give him the right to vote.
H. B. Bowser Esq., of Mercer, has
been appointed through Congressman
Miller to a position in the House at
Washington, to last until the Ist of
January next.
THE Erie Conference of the M. E.
Church meets at New Castle this date.
The Revs. J. M. Bray, of Parker, G.
H. Hall, of Emlenton, and W. Bran
field, of Farmington, all being 3 year
men, will have to move.
DR. JAMES W. MEHARD, a distin
guished physician of Mercer, Pa., died
last week, in the 3Cth year of his age-
He was a son of Dr. S. S. Mehard, who.
we believe, some years ago resided and
practiced medicine in this place.
WE learn that the dispatch from
Cleveland, copied into our last issue,
relative to bad treatment to a certain
Sarah Jane Blubaugh, was incorrect in
BO far as it stated she was from this coun.
ty. The people about Martinshurg,
this county, where it stated she was
from, know nothing of euch a person-
MR. THOMAS P. LARDIN, formerly of
Karns City, this county, and now of
Jamestown, N. Y., came all the way
from the latter place to attend the re
union of the 11th Reserves at Blairs
ville last week. We were glad to meet
our friend Lardin. He visited his
father, Mr. William Lardin, of Clinton
twp., while here.
AT one day's session of the Senate at
narrisburg last week there were only
11 Republican members present out of
30, and 14 Democrats out of 20. In
the House on the same day the roll
call showed 71 members absent. Nev
ertheless their pay goes on—slo a day
—Sunday included. Is it any wonder
the people are complaining of this do
nothing Legislature ? The only regret
is that the faithful members have to
suffer with the idle ones.
THE Philadelphia Ledger, organ of
conservative sentiment in Philadelphia,
thus Bceres the reckless disregard of the
plain requirements of the Constitution,
by the Republican members of the
Senate: "The Republican Senators ap
pear to be determined that they shall
have at least their lull share, if not
more than their share, of the odium
attached to a failure to pass the appor
tionment bills. Their resolution to
strnply go through the motion of meet
ing twice a week and to refuse to con
sider any proposition is a distinct an
nouncement that they will not do or
make any further attempt to do their
sworn duty. Having reached such a
determination thcv should have adopt
ed one more resolution—to resign their
seats. They would appear in a better
light if they assumed a virtue though
they had it not."— Ex.
TUE Butler Eagle is the only paper
in the State we notice which,while pro
fessing to support the Republican party,
yet is endeavoring to make discord in
its ranks. While from the State Ceu
tral Committe down all are rejoicing
in the harmony that has been restored,
and the union that now exists in the
party, and are giving the anti-Cameron
men of last year praise and credit for
their action and bearing this 3'ear, yet
the Butler Eagle continues snapping
like a blind snake. It still permits
some silly scribbler—said to be a lame
duck —to fill its editorials weekly with
matter calculated to distract and defeat
the party in this county. All this is
as untimely as uncalled for, and it is to
be hoped that paper will soon come to
Bee the folly of its ways. It i 3 injuri
ous for this fall's election as well as for
future ones.
UNCLE JAKE ZIEULER is getting in
his work these days. Not content
with $lO a day at Ilarrisburg, he has
brought suit against Hutler county for
the snug sum of $1,732, being 20 per
cent, commission upon sß,fif>!) of State
tax which he claims had been illegally
assessed at,d paid by the county, and
which he recovered. The Commission
ers claim that they never made any
contract with him at all and had no
need whatever of his services. And so
the matter stands until the suit is de
cided.—Mercer Dispatch, Sept. 28.
While the suit alluded to above was
a surprise to all here, and looks like an
attempt to make the county pay a eol
lectiou fee on what was hers by opera
tion of law, and settled in her favor by
the accounting officers of the State, yet
we are informed by Mr. Ziegler that he
bas no interest in the matter and does
Dot propose to have any interest in it
We deem this statement but simple
justice to him.
And a Speech not Down on the
The Second Re-union of the 11th
lVnu'a Reserves took place at Blairs
ville, Indiana Co, Fa., on last Tuesday
week, Sept. 25. The surviving mem
bers of the C and D,
recruited from this county in that regi
ment, were present on the occasion and
report having beeu royally entertained
bv the citizens of Blairsville and as
having had a very interesting and
pleasant time.
Toasts were given and responded to;
one "The Absentees" at Roll Call, le
iog responded to by Capt. G. W. I'lec
geer, of this place.
After the regular exercises Mr. Reu
ben McElvain of this place, being"pres
ent, was called upon for a speech. He
is reported as having entertained his
old comrades in a very amusing man
ner. Mr. McElvain, we might men
tion, ia admirable in telling a stor>\
During his remarks on this occasion he
told the story of the ' Dutch Com
rade," who got into the hospital at
Washington during the late war.
This was told in Mr. McElvain's in
imitable manner and "brought down
the house," as the saying is. He is to
speak at the Soldiers' Re-union hereon
the 9th inst, and we understand he has
beeu requested to repeat this story in
his remarks. It will be worth coming
some distance to hear it. If Reuben
takes the lecture he will attract
crowds beyond any doubt.
The Parker Fair.
The Fair held at Parker last week
was the best yet hold there and a suc
cess in every way. Mauy people from
the four counties of Butler, Armstrong,
Clariou and Venango were present.
One pleasant feature noticed was that
thev generally came with their baskets
full—in picnic style—and when dinner
time came whole families were to be
seen, all over the extensive grounds,
taking their dinners together in their
wagons, carriages or upon the green
The entries exceeded the expectations
of the managers. Fine horses and
stock were brought by the Foxes,
Grunts, Tipperys and others of Clarion,
and by the Andersons, Brahams, Craw
fords, Martins, Parkers, Jamisons,
Sloans, Hayes, Grants, and others of
this county. While these did not
equal in extent those at the Butler
Fair, yet in some things the Parker
Fair excelled us. In the matter of
swine, for instance, we think this wag
the case. And in the vegetable line
also—the Vegetable Hall being very
fine aud well filled. We never saw
finer potatoes, apples and other fruits.
Ou Thursday, the third day of the
Fair, the largest number was in attend
ance, as many as 6,000 people being
estimated upon the ground. And a
more pleasant and intelligent looking
body of men, women and young folks
we have not seen. The best of order
prevailed and everything passed off
quietly and well. The [Management
deserve great praise for the successful
arrangements for the Fair in all re
spects. Mr. Needle, of the Phoenix,
who is Secretary, we observed was
kept quite busy and we were told he
makes a very efficient, obliging and at
tentive officer.
The Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of this State
convened at Pittsburgh on Monday
last, for a session of nine weeks. The
first four weeks of the term will be do
voted to the argument of cases from
Western counties, and the remaining
time to Allegheny county cases. Sev
eral important cases from this county
have been taken up, among them the
case of John Smith, Esq , plaintiff in
error, against the Commonwealth, de
fendant in error, which will likely be
argued aud determined.
The County Ticket.
We would again cull the attention of
the llepublicau3 of this county to the
importance of the election of the county
ticket. Although but few to elect this
fall yet they are important, for many
reasons. There aie no objections to
the candidates. They were fairly
nominated. But we all remember that
a part of our county ticket -vas lost
last year although fairly nominated.
This was done by the deceit and trick
cry of professed friends. We hope
there will be no such work this year.
Yet we deem it proper to give this
caution. All that is necessary is to
get out the Republican voters aud suc
cess will be had, not only in the coun
ty, but in the State, a matter of the
greatest importance to future success.
As the Senate sits but two days in
the week, and each Senator gets S7O a
week, the Ilarrisburg Patriot thinks
the Senators are s.i~) a day men. They
are more high-toned than the Demo
cratic house, which is content to earn
its ten dollars a day by sitting half an
hour for four days in the week. That's
the only diffe ence.
THE Delaware County Record, a
staunch Republican newspaper, pub
lished in Chairman Cooper's own
county, thus discuvses the responsibil
ity lor the present legislative muddle :
"Governor I'attison used but rightful
prerogative and c institutionaLaut hority
when he called the Legislature togeth
er to perform a neglected duty; the
Senate majority exceeded its rightful
authority, unnecessarily prolonged the
extra session by its persistent a - id dog
ged refusal to confer and co operate
with the House upon the apportion
ment issue, and committed the addi
tional folly of issuing its "ultimatum"
that it would have its own way or
there should be no apportionment, as
made »ud provided by the laws and
the constitution"
September 29, 18S3. >
The First, Eighth and Tenth Divis
ions will form on McKean street, right
resting on Jefferson street (facingeast )
These divisions will constitute the Fir:-t
Corps. Lieutenant Storey is assigned
to the command of this corps with the
rack of Colonel.
The Second, Third, Fourth and
Seventh Divisions will'form on Mc-
Kean street, facing west. These di
visions will constitute the Second
Corps. Newton Black is assigned to
the command of this corps with the
rank of Colonel.
The Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and Eleventh
Divisions will form on Jefferson street,
right resting on McKean stivet, facing
south. These divisions will constitute
the Third Corps. Capt. W. H. Ens
minger is assigned to the command of
this corps, with the rauk of Colonel.
Soldiers of the borough of Butler
will constitute the Eleventh Division.
Mnj. C. E. Anderson is assigned to the
command of this divisiou, and will re
port with the same to the commander
of the Third Corps.
Corps commanders will at once ap
poiut their Staffs, and put themselves
in communication with their division
commanders, and will sec that their
corj>s are in proper position at 10:30
A. M., on October 9th.
Division commanders will form their
divisions in the following order, viz :
First, those on foot; second, those on
horseback; third carriages and wagons.
The column will move at 10:45 A. M.,
sharp, by Wuy of JeQ'ersou street di
rect to the fairgrounds in the following
order, viz: Third Corps, First Corps
and Second Corps
The Chief Marshall will wear a white
scarf; corps commanders, red, and di
vision commanders blue. The staff
red, white and blue rosettes. The sol
diers, as far as possible, will wear on
the left lappel of their coat collar the
corps badge of the division to which
they belonged in the army.
Headquarters will be established at
the front of the Court House until 9:30
A. M., at which time they will be trans
ferred to the intersection of McKeau
and Jefferson streets. Staff officers
heretofore appointed will report prompt
ly at headquarters for duty ou the
morning of October 9th. By order of
Chief Marshal.
An Indiana Horror.
LAFAYETTE, IND., September 27.
No more frightful or mysterious crime
was nevercommittedthau the murder of
Ada, the beautiful 15-year-old daughter
of the sturdy and wealthy farmer,
Cephas Atkinson, living two ruiles from
Oxford. Mr. Atkinson and his wife
had gone to their farm ai. Atkinson
station, ou the Cincinnati, Indianapolis,
St. Louis and Chicago railroad, and
left at home their two daughters, Lucy,
a young lady about 13 years of age, and
Ada, not yeit 15, a bright and handsome
girl. About two o'clock yesterday
afternoon the eldest sister mounted her
horse and rode to Oxford, where she
remained until nearly five. Wben she
returned she went through the
part of the house, calling her sister by
name, then ran up staiis and threw
open the bedroom door. There, welter*
ing in a pool of her own blood, lav the
body of the unfortunate girl. With a
wild cry the sister whirled about and
fled down the stairs out of the house,
screaming at the top of her voice.
In the garden she was stopped by an
old man who ha3beeu an attache of the
place for years. Ue held her and tried
to quiet her, and fiually succeeded in
getting from her an aeeouut of what
she had seen. A passing neighbor was
sent to Oxford and the alarm given
Crowds of excited people flocked to the
scene of the murder A telephone mes
sage to Atkiusou Station apprised the
father of t!)0 horrid death of his daugh
ter. Mounting his horse the old gen
tleman spurred to his violated hearth.
The news was conveyed as gently as
possible to the poor mother, whose
health is already broken from grief at
the loss of her eldest daughter, Emma.
It id thought she cannot survive the
shock aud sorrow. She was conveyed
home in a phaeton later in the evening.
Among those who hasteued to the
scene of tha tragedy were Drs. 11. C
McConnell aud A. W. Wells, ofOxforel.
A preliminary exanruation was made
as soon a* the urowd could lie got out
of the room.
The examination revealed the fact
that there bad been no struggle. The
bed was undisturbed, save iu one place,
where it looked as if someone had been
seated or forced down upon it There
was no blood upon the walls or furni
ture, a'.d uoue upon the floor, save
where the murdered girl lay, but there
it was plentiful. Nothing was disar
ranged. The body lay face down,
with the right arm doubled up under it.
The loft thrown over the head. The
work was evidently done with a large,
dull knife, for the wounds, twenty-five
in ali, were alj of t|>em rough and jag
ged Probably the first blow wao
made while the poor victim was en
deavoriug to escape. It was a fatal
blow. The jugular vein was served
and the large artery was cut, and great
torrents of warm life-blood came pour
ing out, saturating her clothing and the
carpet. A cruel cut acrossthe abdomen
let the bowels protrude. It was a most
sickening sight.
There was absolutely no elew to the
murderer. Robbery was not the
motive, for nothing had been disturb
ed Several grid watches and s.'ioo in
cash remained untouched. Several
theories have beer, advanced, but they
are all held to be impracticable. It is
shrouded in mystery. Only one amst
has been made, but it. is riot deemed
important. Mr. Atkinson offers SI,OOO
reward and the county will offer $">00.
It is now believed that sho was not
outrinjed- IYrhiips tl.e villain, held at
bay liy the poor Kir!, si ruck the fatal
blow and iinished his heljUh work by
horribly mutilating her body. People
in the neighborhood of the girl's home
are intensely excited, and if the guilt
is fixed they would make short work of
the guilty party.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Blankets from §1 25 up, lied Comforts
from sl.2*) up to finest grades.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Kail Gloves, new Fall Gloves,
large stock, just received.
f At L. Stein & Son's,
■ New Hosiery, new Gloves, neH Cor.
{sets, large stock, just received.
Pay Your Tax.
Under the new Constitution of Penn
sylvania an absolute requirement of
every voter over twenty-two years of
njje, is that he shall have paid a State
and County tax within two years of the
election at which he shall offer to vote.
Formerly this tax cuuld be paid on
election "day, and in many places voters
were never challenged on account of
non payment of it. Hut now it, must
be paid at least thirty days before tLe
election, so that the only time left to
voters is between now and October
Oth, and we therelore earnestly
upon all voters to make certain of their
to vote, to hunt up the collectors
and pay their taxes at once. Those
who paid their taxes last year are not
required to do so this year to secure
their vote, but let all such he sure and
bunt up their receipts. The tax re
quired to be paid is very litfbt, and no
voter should neglect this important
matter; to do so will endanger his
A Re-union and a Wedding
A very pleasant soeial event occur
red tit the residence of the widow of
the late Ju Cuiuniind, near Mur
rinsviiie, this county, on Sept. 20, con-
of a family re.union and a wed
ding. the happy couple being .Miss Liz
zie Cummins, of* that place, and Mr.
James Scott, of Bald Ridge. The
morning seemed inauspicious, but be
fore the hour arrived the clouds lifted
and the sun shone on the bride and
groom as they, with the re united
family, consisting of about forty mem
bers, together with quite a number of
invited guests, repaired to the orchard,
where the ceremony was performed by
the Il'.'V. Mr. Glenn, of Ciintonvilie, af
ter which nil present had a gala day.
The bridal pair and the honored mother
were the recipients of mauy useful and
valuable presents.
Company G, 14th Penn'a. Militia.
You are hereby requested, and cor
dially invited, to be present and par
ticipate in the exercises of the Soldiers'
Re-union, to be held on the Fair
Grounds, Butler, Pa , Oct. 9th, 1883.
I hope there will be a full turnout of
my old warriors.
Captain Co. G.
Butler, Pa., Sept. 30, 'B3.
HAVS—VANDYKEI— -On Sept. is, ISB3, at
Ilarrisviile, this county, by Itcv. W. J. Mc-
Conkey, Mr. John llays, of Venice, Wash
ington" county. Pa., md Miss Clara E. Van
dyke, of Harrisville.
MA.YBEIUIY—OILL —On Sept. 18, 1883, by
Kov. W. I). Ewing, Mr. Edward M. Mayber
ry and Miss M. J. Giii, both of Ceutre'ville,
this county.
THOP.XE—IiLEXN.—On Sept. 20, 18S3, by
Rev. George W. Beau, Mr. Oliver R. Thome,
of Clay township, aud Miss Sadie Glenn, of
Washington township, this county.
WITZEL-BLIXP—On Sept. 10, is,s;3, by the
Rev. C. A. "Liimberg, at his residence, Mr.
Jacob Witzel and Miss Atnanda A. Blind,
both of Franklin townshiy, Butler county.
D A VIDSON—HI I,LIA It 1 >. —A t Farininglon,
Venango township, this county, on Sept. 26,
ISB3, by the liev. William BratiCeld, Mr.
James Dav dson and Miss Sarah E. Milliard,
both of Farmington, Butler county, Pa.
NOAH —In Pittsburgh,on Sept.,% nit., Mrs.
Noah, aged 70 years. The deceased was
brought to this place aud hurried here on
yesterday, 2d, inst.
ZF.l'.jLl'.ll.—On Sunday morning, Septen.bor
2,'Jd, 18.SJ, at 0:1"> A ?.r, Emma Giess, wife of
Jonas Zeigler, in the 2i'tii year of her a<;e.
WUEBCAH. Iu anil by an Act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia entitled'An act relating to the elections of
the Commonwealth, passed tha 2d day of July.
A. D., 1639, it is made the dnty of {he Sheriff
of eveiy county within this Commonwealth, to
give public not lea of Iho Genera' E'ection.
I, TIIOM.VS DONAGHY. ilib'h Sheriff of tho
coifty of -'.iitlor, do hereby make known and
givt, ibis RtlWic notice to tH« electors of tho
county of Butler, thtt on 'l'uesaiy next follow
ing tho flrjt MJ.II iy of N'j .'ain'.jjr, t!IA
6th DAV OF NOVliMßiia, 1S8;3,
a Genetal Election will be held at (he several
election] distiicts established by la.v iu eaid
county, at which time they \\ ill vote by ballot
fcr the Bcvei a! olticors liar_-ina! ter name I, \.z:
Opo pcrgon for the ofl';:;a of Trojsui'er of tho
Com:uonwoa'tii of Pi<im»ylvaia%.
One person for the oiiljj of Auditor General
oi the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One person for the office of Diptrict Attorney
of ti.e county of Butler.
One perso.i for the odisc of County Surveyor
of tho county of Butler.
The fcaid elections wiilbe held throughout the
county an follows:
Tho' eiculoifj of Adamti township at tho t.oiue
of J S Douthelt.
The elect.-rs of Allegheny to.vuship at School
Iloueo No. 5, in said towns-hip.
TtiO clecto.B of lliiffalo township at tho house
of Robert Groffg, iu# George Truby, now Rob
ert Hartley.
Tha olecton \>! Butler township at tho Court
Hoa-fe in B.itler.
Tho electors of Braly township at tho School
house at Wetl Liberty.
Tna (>l"ulors cf Cleaiueld iown.hip ai vh»
liou.-e of John Greon.
Tiie electors of Clinton township at the house
of John C Kiddie, now John Anderson
The electors of Concord township at tho
School No. 4, iu Middlet -nil.
I'lie electors of Clay township at tho Contro
School house in said township.
The e'ectors of Centre township at the house
(formerly occupied by Jesse Harvey) formerly
o'.vne 1 by \V. D. McCandless.
Tlia electors of Cherry township at the house
of Win. l.indsty.
Tlio electors of Connoq.ieneeaing township,
Northern precinct at School liouso No. 7, in
White.-town; So.itheru precinct at tho house of
Peter StatT, in Potersville.
The electors of Cranberry township at the
house of Frederick .Mcoder.
The electors of Donegal township at tho
lio.ibO of Adam Sclirsibar, i:i Millerstown.
The electors of fairviear township at the
house of J Dickey i.i Rcirviow bjrongh.
The electors of F a ward township at the house
of Bobortll. 15. ..in,
Tho ele tors of Franklin own-hip at Grango
II ill in tho boron,h of Prospec .
The electors of Jackson township, Western
precinct, at tho house of Jacjb Heil m Harmony;
Eastern predict, at the house of John N. Miller
iu fcvah&burg
The electors of Jefferson township, at the
lious i of Morris It iguti r
The electors of J.:\ icasfer township at tho
Public School house N ). 5.
The electors of Middlesex township at the
louse of Poter Kia-ner.
Tho electors of Maiion township at James
T e elec'oiH of Mullycreek township at the
Town if til in Port, rsvido.
The electors of Mereur town 'hip in the
School house No. 4 iu said township.
The electors of U Aland township at the
house of William MeCiung.
Tho electors of Parker township tit tho house
of John Kelly in 51 irtmsbn-jj.
The electors of Peipi to.vnship at tho house
of D JI. Sutton.
The electors of Summit township at the house
of Adam Frederick.
The electois of Slipperyrock township at tho
house of W T Ramsey in Centreville borough.
The electors of Venango township at the
house ol Janus Murrin.
The electors of Winficld township at School
house No 5 iu said tow .ship.
The elector! of Washington township at tho
Town Hall in North Washington.
'{'be electors of North Washington township at
the houso of John Holland, at Ijilhards Station,
now used by William Holland as a Justices'of
T.ie electors of Worth township at the Town
Hall in Mecbaiiiesbiirg in said township.
The electors of Hie boroigh of Uitller at the
Court H >"so hi said I) trough,
Tha electors of the borough of Z jlienoplo at
the Council house in said borough.
The electois of the borough of Prospect at
the ut>w School house ia nail borough.
The electors of tho borough of Saxouburg at
the school house in said borough-
The electors of tho borough of W«t Sunbury
at the public school house 1:1 Sunbtiry.
The electors of the borough of Milleratown at
the house of Adam Schreiber in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Petrolia at tho
Town Ilall in said 1 orui: r 'ii.
The electors o t tiie borough of Fairview at
the :-ot 00l house iu said borough.
Tho electors of the borough of K '.rus City at
tho Town Hall iu eaid borough.
The electors of tho borough of Evansbuig at
the public nchool hous3 in said borough.
And 1, ; aid Sheriff, do further give notice
to all elect.o.i officeia, citizens, and otheis, of
the f. liowing provisions of the constitution and
IKWS OI this commonwealth, relating to elections
—viz :
SUCTION 1. Every luule citi/.cn twenty-one
jears ot ate. possessing the following qualitlca
tions, shall be entitled to \ote at all elections :
First—He shall have been a citizcu of the
United States at least one mouth.
Second—He shail have resided in the State
one year (or it having previously been a quali
fied elector or native born citizen ot the State
he shall have removed there and returned, then
six mouths) immediately preceding the elec
Third- lie shall have resided iu the election
dist ict where he shall oler his vote at least two
months immediately preceding the election.
Fourth— If twenty-two years or upwards, he
shall have paid within two years a State or
county tax, which shall have been assessed at
least two months an 1 paid at least oue month
beiore the election.
SECTION 5. Electors shall in all eases ex
cept treason, felony and t>. each or surety ot the
peace, be privileged from arret-t during their
r.ttendauco on elections aud In going to aud re
turning therefrom.
SECTION 0. Whenever any of the qualified
electors ot this Commonwealth shall lie in act
ual military service under a requisition from
llie President of the United States, or by the
authority ot this Commonwealth, such electors
may exercise the right of suti'rage in ail dec
lions by the citizens, under sttch regulations as
are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if
they were present at their u-tial places ol elec
SSCTIL NT. All laws regulating the holding
of;the elections by the citizens or lor the regfs
traiion ot electors shall be uniform throughout
the State, but no elector shnll be deprived of
ti.e privilege by reason ol his nimc not being
registered. •
SECTION 13. For the purpose of voting, no
person shall be deemed to have gained a resi
dent eby reason of his presence or lost it by
reason of his absence, while employed in the
service, either civil or military, ot ttiis State or
ol the United States, nor while engaged in the
navigation ol the waters of this State or o! the
United States, or on the high se:is, uor while a
ttudcut in uiy institute ot learning, nor while
kept in any poor hou-e or other asylum at pub
lic expense, uor while confined in a public
E'ection officers will take notice that the
Act entitled "A Further Supplement to the
Election Laws of the Commonwealth," dis
<ju:«l i!\ iug deserters from the army of the
U'«.lted States Irom voting has recently be n
declarel unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court of l'eunsj Ivania, is trow null and void,
ar.d that all persons formerly disqualified tliere
und'-r are now luwlul vo c(s. if othci wise qual
WIIEKEAS, The fifteenth amendment of the
Constitution of the United States is as follows :
SEC. 1. The riaht ol the citizens of the
United States shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States on account of raee, color
or previous condition of servitude.
SEC. 2. That Congress shall have power
to enforce this article by appropriate legisla
AND WHEREAS, The Congress of the United
states, Ou the 31st ot March. 1814, passed an
aCv entitled "An Act to enforce the right ol citi
zens of the United States to vote in tlie several
States ol the Union and for other purposes, the
r-t and second sections of which arc as fol
lows :
SEC. 1. Be. it enacted, &c., That nil citizens
of the United States who are or shall be quali
fied to vote at my election by tho people of
any State, territory, district, city, parish, town
ship, school district, municipality, or other
territorial subdivision, shall be entitled and
allowed to vote at all such elections, without
distinction of color, r <c, or previous condition
of servitude, any constitution, law, custom,
usage, or regulation of any St ite or territory;
or by or under its authority, to the contrary
SKC. 2. At dbe it further enacted, That if,
by or under ti.e Const iuitiju or laws of any
State or territory, any act is or shall Ire required
to be done as a prerequisite qualification for
voting and by constitution and laws persons
or officers are or shall be charged with the per
formanee ol duties in furnishing citizens an
opportunity to perforin snub prerequisites aud
become qualified to vote, it shall he the duty ol
every such person and otii.er to give ail citi
zens of the United Stales the same aud equal
opportunity to perforin such prerequisites and
to bcco.i e qualified to vote witbon I distinction
ol race, color oi previous condition ol servitude
aud if any such person or otlicci shall refuse or
knowin ly omit to giife eflcct to this section,
he sba'l for every st eh olletise forfeit aud pay
the sum of live hundred doilars to the
agg. ieved thereby, to be recovered by an .action
on tin case, with Iu I costs aud such allowance
lor counsel fees as the court shall dtern just,
and shall also lor every such offence bj deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall ou convic
tion thereof, be lined net less than five hun
dred dollars, or be imprisoned not les3 than
one iu ..nth uor more than one year, or both, at
the discretion of the court.
A si) WIIEKEAS. Il is declared by the second
section of the Sixth Article ol the Con-iitution
c»{ the United States, thai this Constitution uud
Laws ol the United Suites which shall be u.adc
in pursuance thereof thrill be the supreme law
ol tlie lae.d * » » anything iu the constitu
tion 01 laws of any State to the contrary not
If any person should prevent or attempt to
prevent any officer ol such election under this
act from holding eucli election, <.r use or threat
en any violence to any such officer, or shall in
terrupt ar improperly interfere with liiui in the
execution ol hi-s duty, or sli.ill block up the
window or tins avcliue to any window where
the samecliail be holding, or shall u?e or prac
tice any intimidating threats, force or violence
w ii.li desigli to influence unduly or overawe
any elector or to p.event him Iroiu Voting or to
re.-'rain the freedom ol choice, meh pern ill oil
e itiviction shall fie lined In tpjy sipn nqt c: feed
ing live liiiji livd dolhirsj bu imprisoned for
any time uot lcs» than one uionth or mo e than
oil" year, aud i! it be shown that the per. >n so
oflcnding was not a resident of the city, ward,
district or township where the said oilcucc w.s
coinmiited -lUil not entitled to vore therein,
aud on couvictiou he shall be sentcnccu to pay
a line of not less than one hundred or more
than one thousand dollars, aud be imprisoned
not less th.iu six mom lis or more than two
Sicc. 14. District election boards shall consist of
a judge and two inspectors, who shall be chosen
annually by the citizens, liaeh elector .shall have
tin' right to vole for the judge and one inspector,
aud eaeh inspector shall appoint oneeierk. Klec
tum officers shall be privileged from arrest upon
days of election and while engaged in making up
jui'i transmitting rfluins, except upon warrant of
a court of record or Judge thereof, for an eleelio|i
fiaud.fof felony, or for wanton breach o| the
15. No person shall hi? qualified to serve as an
election ollleer who shall hold, or shall within
two mouths have held an office, appointment or
cmplwymcnt in or under the government of the
United Stales or of this State, or of any city or
county, or of any municipal board, commission or
trust i.i any city, save only justices of the iieace,
and alderman, notaries public ami persons m
militia services of the State; nor shall any elec
Ijonofficer fie eligible to any civil office to lie fill,
ed by sin elcutiou al which in: shall serve, save
only to such subordinate municipal or local of
flce.s as shall be designated by general law,
t'AKV 30, 1874.
Suction 0. lii all election districts where a va
cancy exists by reason of the disipialifleatiou of
Hi. officer or otherwise in all election hoard here
tofore aplMinlcd, or where any new district shall
h" formed, the judge or In Iges of the court of the
court of common pleas of Ihc proper county shall,
ten days before any general or special election,
ilppoiu! eoinpe'.cnt persons to li | said vacancies
ami lo conduct the election 111 said new Districts :
ami in the appointment of inspectors in any clec
j ti ni district until hall not be of the same political
I party ; and the jud /e of elections shall, in all
cases, In' of fin' political party having the major
ity ol votes in said district, as nearly as the said
judge or judges call ascertain flic face; aud in
case of the di .a/re ill lit of the Judges as to the
selection of inspectors, the political majority of
the judges shall select one of such inspectors, and
flic minority judge or judges shall select the
SKC. 23. In case flic person who shall have
received the second highest number of votes for
inspector, shall not attend oi| I lie day of any
elect ion, then the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for judge at
the next preceeding election, shall act as an in
spector in Ills place ; and in ease I lie person who
shall have received the highest number of votes
for inspector shall not attend, the person elected
judge shall appoint an inspector in liis place ; aud
in ease the person elected a Judge shall not attend,
then tin- inspector who received the highest num
ber of votes shall appoint a judge in his place;
and il' anv vacancy shall continue
in the hoard for the space of one lionr after
the time fixed by law for the opening of
the election. I lie ipialiilcd voters of flic township,
ward or distiict, for which such officer shall have
I elected, present at the place of election, shall
elect one of their number to fill sueh vacancy,
a in: oath—act a iNUAiiv :w, 1*74.
S.: . lu addition-to the o.afh now prescribed
bv law lo be taken and subscribed by election offi
cer-;. they shall be severally sworn or affirmed not
tn .li .close how :Hiy elector shall have voted unless
ropurcd to do so as witneases ill a judicial pro
Happy Homes! Happy Homes!! Happy Homes! I !
by Uus OM of the Celebrated Lakar and Htallh-tavlnf
if} beyond pow»r of Miapatntlia. On r fktllltJt? fir the production of It are taxed to the n)mo«t to supply the orders
that pour la upon us frooa tkta great wldeand progressive country. Illicit here In foar section It In/
being Dknl extensively apd snauy CUI testify to Its wonderful properties
'■"Vf" """ mmmm -^iaraaMMi
Tiiewfagperesre g Save your healtfc.
waxed and can beg RE4D ™ E EVIDENCE BELOW. ■ 1
USStI for SlTOafnnng (i ™ been made acquainted with the ingredients of which t a
J 5 Vmr ieh-bnted DAY'S SOAF IS composed, an J having fully tried the Soap, I tule 59VG yOUf 93tt6DC6|
th« i l-'.Lsare i-i giving this us my testimony: Ist. The Soap is perfectly hamiless, _ * ; '
IliC c>l» ;gt»c m jUJI a R.i i may i,.j used with impunity even in washing the most delicate infant, or KM ficjnft tfl|« Snail
, , . .. H ths most fastidious beauty. 2d. It is purifying, refreshing, detergent and disin- * " '* P
nan«-!rons, RiVinOa f-'Ctin-T. 3d. No lady.no gentleman, nohonsekeeper.no hotel, no asylum, no ai- » 1 -J._
" ■ i all: "I l:o-:>i!al shntild be without it. The nt>ove may seem strong language, but I !V0 (lnPl63S3llt OflOf
(tvem *» nnlieb snrfa have only embodied my convictions ufter thorough experience ana trial. 1
lifLrf. V ' •' J |o Very tiuly yours, |f n as
ennrthrspl B PfUCE - M D - 307North Niuth Strcct - nD fjCgWgM ai
-l Mussr*. DAY & Fp-ICK. PHILADELPHIA, May sth, 1881. tf!B rCSIlit Of 8 Hafll
"/ill id H J<"tr Sir*:— Your DAY'S SOAP has been used in my family. My wife has liad ——m—»
Win ««•')! ca< "' ,t 111 8 po!tin i xperiencc for thirty-five years as a housekeei<er. She pronounces it the ( ilou's Wach
.i.<u i best of all ever used in onrf-imilv. Yours resnectfullv. Uaj 9 Wnoil.
yOUP CiOineSl W. L.GRAY, D.D., Pastor Central M. E. Church, Frankford. „ ,
Si finkhpH InnL' " Messrs. DAY & FRICK. ELIZABETH, X. J.
W l * lu "* ' P-ar Having tisod vonr Soap, we can say it gives satisfaction, beiu | as
Remsntor this! — hs^r v o^; ther,iUill ' l - rtoWfor No wash boiler
_ • j Steward, Elizabeth Gen. Hospital end Dispensary. i luil slalliaa HIM anal
Sosp is chMperi Messrs. day iFmcs. out clotngs nice aTO
r ■ ■ 9 Sirt: —l a:u using DAY'S SOAP, and could not be induced to use any other nililta n< | __
fhan StFS'J fithp? in fl for any amount of money. I have been suffering with salt rheum for a nun*. Willie aflQ 31 ird*
tllal. ollj UlalCl lllg ber of years, and could use no Poap until I met yours, and to my great surprise ~~
... j 7 a . ] it healed my hands, and now 1 can <!O a day's wash without any suffering. It riMinf AS IIPW HKIW*
TRB fRCTKSt, and ¥619 * llls not only cure t me, but saves me many hours of hard work. I thereforo a MfaW wwww
* M willingly recommend it to every woman as the best Soap ma<le. j«
does aii we claim j YO«. ***•
teriL I S THY IT.
has no terrors for the household where DAY'S SOAP is used, no unpleasant
and sickening odors to fill your houses, no*!aborioua rubbing on the wash-board, while the
washing c?.n be dona in one-half the time necessary by following the old worn-out method.
MADAM —for it is to the ladies we desire to speak more especially—you are the interested per
son in this matter; you it is that suffers the ills criming lVora the wash tub and its heavy cares; you it is
to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that should
interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap, that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation
—to mmiAßnty»
We do not come to you with a plaus'ble stoiy calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount
of money such a sale would bring us; v.c d_> not come to you a", irresponsible parties, who have no reputa
tion to suffer calumny, but we do pres;nt t > you this brand i f soap upon an absolute guarantee and
recommendation of a well-known industrial establishment cf Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence.
Do you suppose for a moment it would compensate us to false statements to you and ruin our
well-earned reputation ? No, dear reader; what wj s.iy about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sus
tained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from a'.l over the country, besides which we stand
ready to endorse it all with ready cash. S&*X>d.l'S SOAP ia the Original and Only Patented.-&&
cgnjn mis .bwwk. fWlllclcsathe Miners 9 Skin and Clothes.
wm. v J Will clean the lllavksmltlis' Skin and Clottas*.
M 9 Mk W j&**2r S\v ill clean du Machinists' Skin amd Clatlsaa.
11 I rifc JHs Bldr ( wiu alean Eraybody's »kls and nstlm.
■■■■■■■■■■MBMBaiMMiWMl TWMM—■——■■
Els thon not econsmy In the om of Seep that vril 1 . cban th« tkia as well u tlie olotkts } this Day's Soap will nrsly I
No soda } no washing crystals, sio lyes aro to ba used, but simply supply yourself for the
next wash-day with a bar of DAY'S SQA ?, then carefully read the directions and follow them to
the exact letter, and if you don't say pitch out that old wabh-boiler, for I am a wiser woman, you
will be the first person we have yet heard of that has been disappointed.
lf@**Now remember —If yo i don't intend to follow the directions do not try the soap at all, for
unless you da this you will be disappointed, an Ith ":i y >u will scold us an 1 yourself as well.
The cost of one cake will convince you tint it thj bjst and cheapest soap ever offered you,
while the smiles that will encircle your brow vi'.l !o justice to a golden sunset.
Have you confidence in this newspaper i If so, do you suppose the owner would allow us
to swindle his readers by offering them tempting inducements? He uses it in his own home, and can
certify to its merits. Now you get a cake troui your grocer in time for the next wash-day, and become
acquainted v/ilh its intrinsic worth.
Ask your grocer for it, and do not allow him toputyou off with anything else for a substitute, for ,
every dealer can obtain it, and should he refise you, send direct to
DAY & FR9CIC, Prep's, oi the Philadelphia Steam Soap Worfcfc
" 1764-56-58-60-62 Howard Street, Philadelphia.
eccdings. All judges, Inspectors, clerks and over
seers of any election held uud«r this act, shall
before entering upon Iheir duties, be duly sworn
or affirmed in the presence of each other. The
judges shall be sworn by the minority inspector,
and in case there !>e 110 minority inspector, then
by a justice of the peace or alderman, and the in
spectors overseers and clerks shall be swo.ll by
the judge, certificate of such swearing or affirming
shall be duly made out and signed by the uOieers
so sworn, and attested by the oillcer who adniinls
v'd the oat u.
SF.C. 8. At the opening of the polls at theelec
tior. ■ it shall be the duty of the judges of the elec
tion for their respective districts to desigate one
of the inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have
in custody the registry of voters, and to make the
entries therein required by law ; and it shall be
the duly of the other said inspectors to receive
and number the ballots presented at said election.
ACT JAN CALK 30, 1874.
SEC 5. All tho elections LF rei'ter held under
the laws of thin Oomm mwea'th, the polls shall
be opened at 7 o'clock, a. ji , and closed at 7
o'clock, p. M.
Sr.C. 4. At all elections by the citizons shall I e
by ha 1 lot. Every ballot voted shall be number
ed mi tho order in which it yrae received, and
(be number recorded by the election officers on
the list of voters, opposite the name of the elec
tor who presents tli3 ballot Any elector may
write his name upon his ticket, or causo the
same to be written thercou and attested by a
citizen of the district.
ACT MABCU 30, 1806.
SF.C. 1. Be it enacted by (lip Senate ai.U
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth
of »ania tii General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the
sani'\ That the qualified voters of the several
■counties of this Commonwealth at all general,
township, borough and special elections are
hereby hereafter authorized and required to
vote by tickets, printed or written, or partly
printed and partly written, severely as
follow? |
One ticket shall contain tho names of all per
sons voted for for the Electors of President
and Vice I'resident of tho United States, and
sh ill be labelled on the outside with the word
One ticket shnll contain the names of all per
sons voted for He ruber of Congress of the
Uuito'l States, ail persons voted for for Member
of the State Senale of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, all persons voted for for Member
of th 'House of IleproseiitatjYfH of the Com
monwealth of I'oijiibylvania, and all persons
voted for for county offices of said county of
liutler, and to be labelled on the outside with
tho word '"County.'
One ticket shall contain the names of all per
sons voted for for.ludge of any of the courts of
said county or of this Commonwealth, and be la
belled on the outside with the word "Judiciary."
One ticket shall contain the names of all per
sons voted for for officers of the Commonwealth of
l'enns\ Ivanla. other than Judges of the Supreme
Court of said Commonwealth, and be labelled up
the outside with the word "!Sta{e.''
SKI'. U. AS soon as the polls shall close, the
officers of the election shall proceed to count all
the votes cast to each candidate voted for, and
make a full return ot the same m triplicate, with
a return sheet in addition, in all of which the
votes received bv each candidate shall tie given
after his name, first in words and then in figures,
ami shall lie signed by all the said office.!* and
by oyerseejss. if any. or if not so certilled, the
overseers and any officer refusing to sign or cer
tify, or either of them, shall write upon each of
the returns his or their reason for not signing or
certifying them. The vole, as soon as counted,
shall also be .publicly and fully declared
from the window to the citizens pres< nt,
and a brief statement showing the votes
r eel veil I y cull candidate shall tie made an J
signed by the election offirs as soon as the
votes are counted; and the same shall be imme
diately poct.d upon the door of the election
house lor Information of the pubiic. The tripli
cate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes and
be scaled in the presence of the officers, and one
envelope, with the unsealed return sheet given
to the, which shall contain one list of voters,
tally papers and oath of officers, and another
of said envelope* shall be given to the minority
inspector. All judges living within twelve
miles of the Frothouotary's office, or within
twenty-lour miles, if their residence ! e i-i a
town, city or village upon the lincl of a railroad
leading lo the county seat, shall be lore I*o
o'clock pastlaeridi in <1 t e day after the
eleetio'i, deliver si i I return, together with
return g iret, to the prothouotaty of theeourt
of common pleas ol thciounty, which said re.
turn shall be tiled, and the day and the hour of
filing u arktd thereon an 1 fhall lie piescrved by
the protiionotary lor pubiic inspection. At
twelve o'clock 011 the second day lollowing
any election, the protiionotary ol the court of J
common pleas shall present the said returns to |
the said eou t. In counties where there is no
resident piesideut judge, the as. oj'ate judge |
shall pcifirui the d alien imposed u| on the CO rt
of c ommon pleas, wh ell shall convene ler said j
purpose; the relurii preset ted byjthe prothoLQ f
lary shall be opened by eaid court and coin; ut- I
ed I y such of its officers and such sworn assis |
tants as the court shall n| point; in the | res. lice [
ol the judge pr judges of said conn, the letiiri a
certilled uiuir certificates of election under
the seal ol the court as is now required lobe
doiit by utuuijidge j and Iht- vote mso com
puted and ccr.iUod sha I be uiaje a mat ter ol rec
ord in said court. Thcscssious oltaid court slial!
The Best Chance Yet..
The Largest Stock and the lowest prices for boots and shoes. Don't buy before TOO see Br
stock of custom mado goods, and aave 25 to 60 cents on every pair, warranted as represented.
Infant's shoes 25 to $ 50 |
Child's •' 75 to 1 00
Misses' heavy, lace arid button 1 00
I.adics'heavy, lace shoes 1 00 I
" sewed, bulton shoes 125 j
" fine morocco buttou... 150 f
" kid button. to 2 00 I
Boy a' biiues 1 00 1
" " button 125 |
Mens' button fl 75 to 2 00 |
And 500 more styled of all kinds—grain, water-proof boots, rubber boots with sole leather
soles. Fine calf, towed boots, tine calf, cloth top, button and lace shoes, for ladies and gentß at
prices to suit a!l, at
Gr. D. © i M: E N",
lie* epenedto the public, nud in case tlie return
of an election district shall be minting when the
returns are presented, or in any ease of cou.-
plaint of a qualified elector under oath, charg
ing palpable fra'id or mistake. and particularly
specifvi?ig lhe alleged fraud or mistake, or
wUero'friiud or mistake is apparent on tho re
turn, tho court, tiliall examine the return and if,
in the judgment of the couit, it nhall bo neces
sary to a j iic t return, said court Hhall issue sum
mary process against the elect 011 officers and
overt-eers, in any of the election districts com
plained of, to brifig them forthwith into court,
with a'l election papers in tin ir possession; and
if palpable mistake or friuid Hhall be discovered,
it shall, upon such liea ii.g ns may be deemed
necessary to enlighteu tlie court, be corrected
by the court and so certified; but all allegations
of pa'palile fraud or mistake shall bo decided
by tho said court within throe days after tho day
the returns a.o brought into couit for computa
tion, and the said inquiry shall be directed oulv
to palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not b«
deemed a judicial adjudication to conclude any
contest now or hereafter to be provided by law,
and the other of said triplicate returns shall bo
be placed in a box .v\4 peivled up with the bal
lots, Jf a.ny of tho said judges shall himsolf
be a candidate for any office of any election, he
shall not sit with the court, or act iu counting
tho returns of such election, and in Huch cases
tho other judges, if any, shall act.
Given under my hand at Uutlor, this Ist day
of October, I**3, and iu the lu7th year of tho
Independence cl the United States.
Patterson, the Oue Price Clothier and
Gents' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of
new Winter Clothing for Mens', Hoys'
and Childrens' Wear at one extremely
Low Price to all.
Duffy Itlork, Butler, Pa,
Hi Syrm> Twh*p»«l H
MH l,'«! liiUniL-. Kold hy druiaHs!*. &i
1 Men's Sue lace aliosa $1 75 to $2 00
The best double sole boots for
men 300
The best line ca'f boots 2 50
I lleavv calf, tap sole boots 2 SO
f Mens' double sole kip boots 2 SO
I Boys' heavy boots 1 60
' Youths' heavy boots 1 25
I Red top, Child boots 1 00
Port Grape Wine
ÜBOU in the principal Churched Tor Communion
Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY
Persons and tho A^ed-
Tliiy celebrated Nativo Wine is made from tb«
Juice of the ()|>orto Grape, raised ill this coun
try. Its invaluable
are unsurpassed by any other Nativo Wine. Bo
ing the pure juicu of the grape producod under
Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, its purity
and genuineness is guarinteed. Tho youngest
children may partake of its generous qualities,
and the weakest invalid use it to advantage. It
is particularly beneficial to tlis aged and debili
tated. and suited to the various ailments that
offoct tho weaker sex. It is in every rospect ths
a Wine to be relied on.
The P. J. .Sherry is a wine of Superior Char
acter and partakes of the ri -li qualities of tba
grai>e from which it is made. Fur Pnritv. R:cb
noss of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it Will
foui.d unexcelled.
This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country
being far superior for medicinal purposes.
It is a pure distillation from the grape, and
contains valuable medicinal properties.
I has a delicate flavor, similar to that of ths
grapes, from which it is distilled, aud is in great
Caver among first -class families.
Hoe that'lie signature of ALFRED SPEEB
I'assaie, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle.
Sold by I>. H >Vuller,
|s*F"* Subscribe for lie CITIZEN*