Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 26, 1883, Image 3

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osophic lie.
—Go to 11. Biehl A Co., for Phosphate,
Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, Ac.
—Banjoes, Drums, Accordions and Fifes at
Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any make, at E. Grieb's Jewelry store
Luscious grapes and tempting
plums are exercising the bowels of
the land.
Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
Don't fail to see the Eighmie
Patent Shirt, at $1 01), at J. i. T.
Stehle'ei, Culler.
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
—Hats caps anJ gents' furnishing goods, big
lin,, at J. F. T. STKHLE'S.
Pennsylvania has 15,61 C public
—Buy the Reinforced Unlaundried
Globe Shirt at J. F. T. StcbKs's,Butler.
The McSherry Grain and Fertilizer Drill.
J. NIGtiEL & Blto., Agents.
Banjoes Drums, Accordions and Fifes at
The rowers at Hulton had a cool day to be
gin their fun.
—Hate, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STKHI.E'S.
—The street, at pight, is a bad
nebool for young girU.
—Trunks, yalises and traveling bags at
—Banjoes, Drums, Acordioqs and Fifes at
Hats caps aud gents' furnish,ns goods, big
line, at J. F. T. TTMIFCE'S.
Pull Une of Mouth-organs and Accordious
just received at J. 1. T. STEHLES.
The straw bat will soon go to
join the trade dollar.
Buj the Reinforced Unlaundried
Globe Shirt at J. F. T. Stehle, Butler.
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Moal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
—Full line of Mouth-organs and Accordions
just received at J. F. T. STEULK S.
Wall pa pur and window-shades at
Give the cellars a thorough reno
vating before you commence to store
your fruits and vegetables.
—Full line of Mouth-organs aud Accordions
just received at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Wall paper and window-shades at
Don't fail to see the Eighmie
Patent Shirt, at $1:00, at J. F. T.
Stehle's, Butler.
Don't fail to see the Eighmie
Patent Shirt, at SI.OO, at J. F. T.
Stehle'a, Butler.
—The Shetlanders have dyspepsia
because they drink tea three times a
—Call and see the nice line of Wax and
China Dolls at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Wall paper and windowshades at
—Waring, Lister and Homestead Phosphate.
J. NIGGEL A BKO., Agents, Butler, Pa.
—A brilliant wedding—The mar
riage of a red-headed couple.
—Buy the Reinforced Unlaundried
Globe Shirt at J. F. T. Stehle, Butler.
—Call and see the nice line of Wax and
China Dolls at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Sewing Machine attachments and repairs
of all kinds, at £. Grieb's Jewelry store.
—Call and see the nice line of Wax and
phfuifpoJls (jt J. £. T. SxuiiLii's.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Dress Goods, New Dress Goods,
all shades, all priceß.
At L. Stein & Son's.
New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed
Comforts, etc., at lowest prices.
—A kitchen joke. The flour of the
family. That which turns out the best
~ At »I.QO,
Ladies' Oum Gossamer Ulsters, Miss
es' and Childrens' Gum Ulsters at
At $1.50 Per Pair
and up, Blankets, at
—lt is a mistake to suppose that
Chinese hens lay china eggs, unless
they happen to be living in China.
Stein & Sou's,
New stock of Black and Colored dash*
meres, extra value.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Black and Colored Velvets
and Velveteens, very low.
At 25 Cents,
Ladies' Hose, all Wool and extra
length, at
K A 1... $jn.ER & HALSTONIS.
April 11th, "OPENING" 1872.
This was the grand opening day for
t|ie peppie of pitt§burg &nd vipinit'y, as
gp fbat day *re opened MTbe BOSTON
STORE,! originating thp o^i
Our treatment of our patrons since
then has extended our reputation for
we are now prepared to show you the
latest novelties and substantial in
Winter Clothing for men, youths, boys
and children, at No. 85 Smithfield St.,
sign of "The Hub."
at L. Stein & Son's,
from $1.25 up to finest grades.
At L,. Stein & Son's,
New Fall Gloves, new Fall Gloves,
large Btock, just received.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Hosiery, new Gloves, ue«v Cor
sets, largo stock, just received.
At $1.25,
best body jn the
Styles, Cbttagef Carpets at 20 ctls.
All Carpets marked in plain ligures, at
pouch less than yoq can buy then} plse
fljSFP, fIjTTEIi & iUfcSTQi-'S.
Satins, Velvets, Drape de Almas, Wool
Plaids, Mohair Plaids. All kinds of
goods for combination suits aud Trim
mings to match, at
—The public schools of this town Wav« about
700 scholars enrolled.
—Mr. John Caldwell, of JeftVrson townsh p,
left us sonie very tine peaches last Saturday
one of which measured nine inches.
—The temperance people of the county are
requested not to forget the convention which
meets at Suubury next Tuesday, at 2 F. M.
—See Trial and Jury List for special October
term, beginning on Monday the 22d day, in
another place.
—The glass works at Parser resumed opera,
tiou on Monday, under the charge of Messrs.
Wightman &Co., of Pittsburgh.
—Work on the P. & W. switch to the east
end of Cunningham street, was begun last
week. It will be a great convenience to ship
—A re union of the 14th Pa. Cavalry will be
held in Pittsburgh, Lafayette Hall, Wood St.,
on next Wednesday, October 3d. Major Cen
tral W. W. Averill will be present.
Twenty-five unhappy married couples in
Erie county show by their applications to the
court that they want t-> be "tied loose" from
the bonds of holy matrimony.
—Jack Grubbs accuses Abe Flick of knock
ing him down with a mallet aad otherwise
abusing him in Nicholas & MoCrcij'# saloon.
A warrant was issued for Abe.
—The coaltuiners at Gomersol, Harrisville
and Coalville did not strike, and it is reported
that some of the Mercer county miners Lave
gone back to wjrlc.
—Dr. Stephen Brcdin, ot this town, h« rpnj
fid a house in Franklin, Pa., and will remove
to that town next week. He is considered one
of the best physicians in this town or county,
and has practiced here for many years.
—Mr. Edward Kelly, of Pittsburgh, the As.
signee of the Ihmsen Glass Manufacturing Co.,
has something to say to the creditors and
debtors of that compauy, in a notice published
in another place.
—Young Pfaff and the Ciomlip2 girl were
arrested at a farm house in the northern part
of the county, a few days ago, and Pfaff was
committed to jail by EMJ. Bottuer, 'on a charge
of seduction prefered by the father of the girl-
—The Me.rper Press says: "It is said that a
young womau in this coffuty J;qs married her
brother's wife's father. When last seep app
was busy with a compass aud dictionary trying
to study out what relation she is to herself.
—The tiov York Jffyafd declares that there
are five thousand unemployed book.keepers ij)
New York city aloue. This would indicate
that the branch of industry which grinds out
book-keepers is slightly over-worked.
—Dear Madam, our own family has tested
the mwkpd qsjaMjes of Day's Soap with en
tire satisfaction to theojselye?, q.n<J we do not
hesitate to endorse all the proprietors claim
for it. Once tried, it will always be used and
you will pause to think of how you ever man
aged to get along without it. Fact.
re-union of the family and relatives of
Mr. William Scott, pf township, this
county, is to be held on Thursday, Octqbii 4i
and not October sas published last week in
mistake. The re-union is to be held at Mount
ville chureh, Jyawrence couuty. Pa.
—The Presbytery of Butler ordained Mr.
Wm. llazletl, and installed him pastor of New
Salem church, Sept. 18th, and made arrange
ments for his installation over the churches of
IfprthWashington and Allegheny. He isjtogive
one-third his labo?« tq eqcl) church, and is to
have a salary of SI,OOO.
—A boiler in the flange works of the Sligo
Mill, South Side, Pittsburgh, exploded last
Thursday afternoon, killing five persons and
injuring thirteen, One of the killed and three
of the injuredjwere little girls who were playing
in a yard adjoining the mil).
—"Buttered eggs" are the latest novelties.
Ag soon as the egga ara laid they are dipped in
melted butter and the shell which Is yet warm
and susceptable, absorbs the flavor of the butter-
They are said to be very fine and bring from
60 to 80 cents a dozen iu the city markets.
—Mr. Joseph Randlg, who has a lease of the
Bredin coal bank, south of town, met with a
serious accident last Saturday. While under
mining coal in the bank a large lot, twenty-five
or thirty bushel, fell upon him and broke his
collar bone. The bone was reset and he is
doing well.
—Mr. Sankey, of CcntreviJJe
hitched his horse and buggy in front of the
of the Whistler House, Mercer, a few days ago,
and upon his return a short time after, they
were gone. lie recovered them at Waterloo,
Venlingo county, where they had been left by
two strangers.
—Sharon, Pa., has a "Citizen's Committee,"
who, in an Advertisement iu the local papers,
call the attention of any parties wishing to en
gage in the manufacture of glass, nuts and bolts,
agricultural implements, steam engjnes or
pumps, or any other branch of industry that
they will hb cordially received there anij that
the necessary grouutl will be given free, in goo 4
location for shipping.
—A sad accident occurred on the P. 4W. R
R., at Callery Junction, last Wednesday morn
ing. A brakeman named Wilderiuuth was
caught between two passenger cars and his head
was crushed between the brake-wheel of one car
a nd the brake bar of the other. The poor fellow
never uttered a sound after receiving the blow,
and in ten minutes he was a corpse. His re
mains vrere deposited jn the frejght depejt
awaitiugshipment to hU home in Pittsburgh,
where his family resides. lie was a faithful
and willing man, but unaccustomed to railroad
ing, hav'ng been on the road but a few weeks.
He was filling Mr. Lyons' place, who was ofl" on
a furlough.
—The D. I. Agnew well on the Green farm
is not yet completed. Wallace farm well No.
4, was completed last Friday, and has turned
out good. It flowed heavily at first and will
pl'obubly settle down to a hundred barrel pump
er. In drilling this well Hardinan's crew
again come to the front for fast time. The
crew consists of A- VV. Boyer and S. Phipps,
and John Layton ap4 t). $. W|>He,
t<jol dressprs, and tjiey drjljed the veil, 165*
feet to the top ofoiLrock, in 39 days, including
thrpe days spent iu fishing for tools. Tliij
ought to convince anyone that a well can be
drilled in the Bald Ridge district in a reasona
ble time, when you have the right kind of
men to do the work.
—During a drunken row in one ol the saloons
of the town last Thursday night one young man
foolishly exploded a pistol, whereupon he was
set upon by a crowd who raced him up Jeffer.
son and down McKean street to the residence o!'
Walter (j rail am, fJsq.,- where he took refyt*fc
under tjie hack porch.' The crowd pelted hi,u
the porch and hopse with stones and finding
his quarters getting too warm he ran down the
alley and uoross the street to a ooal house oppo
site the Wick House, in which he took refuge,
and drawing a knife threatened to stab the first
man who entered. The crowd, after a long
parley and promising uot to hurt him, succeed
ed in getting bin to coma out, when they im
mediately pounced upon him and gave him a
pounding. He fiually got away from them and
When last sc_n wa:, travelling us fast
as' he coulj.' Jt was a c|isgraCe?ul affair; arous
ed the whole neighborhood and greatly annoy,
cd a seriously sick person, but there were no
arfesfs m[K|e qp account of it and uobodv took
the trouble to secure any names.
At $4.50 per Pair.
We are still selling S. Bradley and
Sons celebrated Lilly of tho- West
Blankets, at the nbove lov/ price, at
At the Fair.
Messrs. H. Biehl Sc Co. bad on exhibition a
very extensive line of agricultural implements,
including a No. 3 Win. A. \V ood reaper, a No.
4 Baby reaper, a wood mower, Keller grain
drill, Woodrulge land roller, American Fruit
Evaporators, Newark, Coates and Leader \hay
rakes. Remington Clipper plows and Spring
tooth harrow, also a Becker washing machine,
peach pearers, lawn mowers, etc. Their fruit
evaporators attracted a great deal of attention,
particularly from the ladies, and they sold six
on the grounds.
Messrs. J. Niggle ct Bro., also had a fine ex
hibit of agricultural imp'ements, including
Johnstown mowers and reapers, the McSherry
drill, U. S. chilled plows, a Revolving harrow,
C hampion horse hay rake.
Messrs. Ritter & Ralston, in connection with
the Miller Bros., had the little room in the
Floral Hall handsomely fitted up. Ritter &
Ralston furnished the carpets, rugs and cur
tains and the Miller Bros, the furniture.
Mr. Adam Troutman had exhibit of beau
tiful carpets and curtains and rugs in same
building,and George K< terer showed an eipgant
set of parlor furniture, of his own manufacture,
worth S2OO.
Miss Annie Lowman had a display of fancy
work —Kensington, Arrastue and outline work,
also kuitted work, baby sacks, shoes etc. She
has a wonderful taste tor these things and her
work is the best of the kind we have ever seen.
She took soilie premiums, and should have had
Mr. C. Roessing had a good exhibit of har
ness, poJlars, saddles, leather, etc*, of his own
manufacture. Jlc touk first premium on single
harness, saddles and collar?', apd i)ii har;:
leather and calfskins.
Mr. B. C. lluseltou had a show-case full, cf
boots, shoes and slippers.
Mr. J. Grieb exhibited a large lot of elegant
table silverware and cutlery, and also a line of
Mr. iforrij-on. tho batcr had' a show case
filled with nice looking "bread aad find ca'ce*.
llis biead aud takes a.e always made of the
best of materials and are a( (jtaring a good re»
p illation.
Mr. Robert Hesselgesser, J. S. Hays and
Julian A Clark had their celebrated horses at
the Fair, and no doubt c»ptuied some pieni
iums. Juiian got !iis horse from the Powell
Bros., the celebrated importers, whose card
can be seen in another place.
134 th P. V. Re-union.
The 134t>i iti'gifi.Ofit p. V. y ; 'il! J' old its firit
annual reunion at Forest Crove, P. & W. R.
R., next Friday. Every member of the regi
ment is under marching orders for that day,
with haversack and cue day's rations. All
old soldiers aud their friends, together with
thei#' j'a»fijljes, arc earnestly and cordially in
vited to meet with the regiuienj. jjed. A. -V-
Humphries of Washington, 1). C., and Gen.
B. Tyler, cf Baltimore, are both expected to
be present. Let every member be there, as it
will be a day of g»-eat The Citizens'
Cornet Baud, of New Castle, will be present,
and all sorts of out-door amusements will be
Four Companies from this county belong to
this regiment, viz; Co. C., Capt. C. E. Ander
son; Co- F-, Capt, Breckenridge; Co. G.,Capts.
A. G. Riddle, of Bptlef, apd Mel une Clark, of
New Castle; Co. K., Capt Edward Ljon, dec'd_
The fare to the grove and return from But
ler will be 75 cents; Millerstown, $1.10; Pe
trolia, $1.35; Harmony and Zelieiiople, 35 els.'
E.vanst)utg> 4p Pyi- j and Callery, 50 ets. No
intoxicating liquors \yill be allowed on the
A Peculiar Case.
CLEVELAND, Q., Sept. 33.— Mr. Janjes Bell,
a wealthy aud esteemed citizen of Orange
township, in this county, is charged with
wronging a girl from Martmsburg, Butler
county, Pa., under circumstances that are
qijite peeuliap. Ti)e gir} in question is Miss
Sarah Jane Blubaiich, who came to this city
on June 1, and shortly afterward obtained era.
ployiucnt in the family of Mr. Bell, as a do>ccs
itc. On September 3d she was brought to the
pity, boun4 band and foot, charged with being
insane. Sl|e escaped from Mr. Bell son
and found shelter in one of the charitable in.
stitutions. Yesterday she made the statement
that Mr. Bell had taken undue liberties with
her, and her front her bed at mid
night, and that the son aiso offered gross iudig
nitics. Those who have met her arc satisfied
of her sanity, and this gives a strQjjj corrobora
tive color to her story.
Sold His Wife.
HCXTINGDON, PA., September 21.— A few
days ago a Swede employed in the Dry Hollow
Oar Bank, this county, sold bis wife, a buxom
young woman, to a brother Swede for the con
sideration of s3l cash. On W-pdnesdjy
after the lapse of three or lour days, the bus.
band who had thus made sale of his lite part
ner rued tho transaction and accordingly de»
manded hi* wife. The purchaser, however,
being satisfied with his bargain, refused, where
upon p. riot ensued in which about sixty
Swedes toih part, several of whom were badly
beaten and two, including the legal husband o'
the woman, were shot, but not dangerouslv
hurt. The woman has refused to go back t'y
her hus'jand, and anofher and more serious
riot is in consequence expected.
—Tiio ease and naturalqess in thp
Phototfraps made by Ilabbs, tha great
Photographer, is tbeit- great
At L. Stein & Son's,
Just r. ctrivcd a large line of new Fall
and Winter Skirts, in very handsome
No Loafing! No Loafuiti.! J
Will be allowed iq or about the Whole
sale Liauor Store of S. M, Patterson
& Co., di alers in pure liquors, wines,
ales and beers. Nothing less than a
quart of anything sold to anybody.
They keep a quiet and orderly place
and allow no loafers, either in the
store or on the side-walk. Store on
Main street, af27,r south of Court
House—Jordan Eytb's old stand.
Just Received,
a large stock of Fall and Winter Hats
and Caps, at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler.
Just Received,
a large stock of Fall and Winter Ilats
and Caps, at J. F. T. Steele's, Butler.
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Uentleineus' and
Underwear in white, grey and scarlet,
all qualities.
At L. Stein & Son's,
White and Colored Canton Flannel, at
lowest prices.
Geo W. Shaffer, Agent office
with I£. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa mayl7-tf
Just Received,
a large stock of Fall and Winter Hats
and Caps, at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler.
A Card.
111 1 I.KK 2J, li'tiS. j
To Safety fund Mutual Assessment Life As
surance PhUaitelptiia, Pa,
CJentm-MKN; —i take pleasure in acknowl
edging the i\»ll and prompt payment by your
Society, of one thousand dollars on the life of
my late husband, Peter Staaf; and I hereby re
couameud your Society to the confidence and
patronage of the public generally. I appreciate
the prompt payment more fully as the claim is
not yet due for ninety days, and the receipt of
the monc" it * lime is-n great !ad
i vam»g« t(> iii 4. 1 With many thanks,
' :i ' •• Yours yery truly,
Fire at the Exposition Grounds.
Few fires Unit have recently occur
red in Pittsburg and Allegheny created
?o much excitmeut in the two cities as
did that of last Sunday night !»t the
Exposition grounds, "by which the
stables connected with the Exposition
were destroyed and one boy and three
valuable race horses were burned to
The origin of the (ire was due to an
Explosion among the fireworks stored
in one of the stables. Whit c..used the
explosion is not definitely known. The
most plausible tbeorv is that a hammer
that was hanging aguinst the wall fell
upon the explosive and caused the
trouble. Mr. James Pain who has
charge of the fireworks exhibitions had
a number of his workmen on the
grounds for several days last week pre
paring for the exhibitions that were to
bare been given on Monday and
Thursday nights. The fireworks wepe
manufactured on the ground, and while
in course of preparation were stored in
two stalls at the eastern end of tho
stables. The display for Monday
night had been prepared and was ready
for mounting. The pieces were stored
in the stable, together with a qantity
of chemicals brought front the East,
presp Agfiut JlajcL's, who jjyes in the
viciuity of the Exposition building,
says that he heard first three explosions
in rapid succession, fol'owed alter a
short interval by a fourth. When he
reached the grounds a few moments
after, the stables were a mass of flame.
The tyatphman on duty at the stabioa
states that he passed the place a levy
moments before the fjre was discovered
and found everything in good shape,
A moment later a train of cars passed
along the Pittsburg k Western trestle.
They had not reached the Suspension
bridge when the fire brok- out lie is
of the opinion that the jarring of the
passing train caused the hammer to
drop, and resulting in an explosion,
In the sta'ls nearest the pyrotechnics j
were three valuable horses, all of which j
were burned.
By far the saddest part of the whole
occurrence was the terrible death of a
fjoy whose name is said to le Thomas
itodgers. l|e arrived jp the city tfcat
day with the Dustin string, and was
sleeping iu the stuble when the fire
broke out. tie perished with the
horses. After the tire had been quench
ed, search was made for the charred re
mains. When found nothing but the
trunk remained, the head, arms and
legs having been burned off. The
body was removed to Fairman's iindep
takfng establishment, 'ftp boy was
between 10 and 17 years of age and
acted as sort of groom to Maud 11.
Another boy is said to have been burn
ed, but the story could not be verified.
After the alarm was ariyen a rush
was made foe the stables. About sizty
horses were quartered there for the
races this week, and these were turned
cut on the track. Some of them stray
ed away and were picked up several
squares from the fire. As far as
known none of the horses are miss
Butter IS to 20 cents.
Eggs 13 to 15 ceuts.
Potatoes 40 to 50 cents.
Wheat, No. 1. Sn
Buckwheat SO cents.
Oats Jo to 10 cciiU.
Corn GO cente.
Rye '32 cents.
Floury high' grade, per harr.l to
Bran, per ton if IK to S2O.
Middlings, per ton Jl 1 to $25.
Chickens, per pair 50 to GO cents.
Onions, new, 5 cpnts per pound,
Hani, per pound i 2 to !5 cents!
Si tes, per pouud 14 cents.
Shoulders, per pound 124 cents.
Fish, Mackeral No. 1, 12i cents.
Jury Lint for October 22, JSS3.
Anderson, J. P., Penn twp.
Atifire, lludolf, Concord twp.
Boos, Jacob, ISutler boro.
Baunjan, Henry, twp..
Conway, C.'R., Washington twp.
Cupps, David, Hijtler bares.
Conway, P. W., Smibury -l>oro,
Colhurt, Harvey, B«t!ey biira.
Collifls, John, Winileld twp.
Critehlow, Jeff, Prospect biro.
Double, Henry, Brady towush'p.
Davis, Madison, Worth twp.
English, W. E., Muldycreek twp.
l'oresler, James, Franklin twp.
Ffannagan, F. Donegal f;;..
Groves, 4pdr n w, Ciinton twp.
Graham, Joseph, Donegal twp.
Green, Henry, liuiTalo twp.
Hes-selges er, William, Win field twp
Hemphill, Stephen, Clinton twp.
Huselton, G. W., Millerstown boro.
Henry, Robert, Fairview tivj).
Jpulfipi, A., C°noord t*>p.
Is.cek, Jacob, liutler hovo,
Link, John, Worth twp,
Miiler, George, Clay twp.
Millet, Peter, Lancaster twp.
McA niillcn, Eldred, Centre tw)>.
Neble, Bartholomew, Summit '.wp.
Pn.rh, V. R., Kariis City boro.
Pollook, Joliu, Venango twp.
Roessing, G. C., Butler boro.
Sioner, Henry, Washington
Say, Parke;-typ.
Stuppeiison; J, H.f raiitim twp.
Stor.cr. Chaij. S., Ohefry twp.
Shira, JVI4. 11., Parkpr twp,
Simpson. A. IT,, Miilei-stown b ro.
Snider, Henry, Clinton twp.
Stewart, Walker, Summit twp.
Thompson, Antony, Centre twp.
Ziegler, Samuel, Connoquenes-'ng twp.
Visitors should not fail to ;i.;.l examine
the largest ;i:id until tftook of Imported aud
LoVneSnc Liquors in the State, at
Max KU'in, S2 Federal Slreel,
Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne
Passenger Depot.
On the of September, IS*' 1 , the Ihmsen
Glass Manufacturing Company made a deed of
voluntary assignment to me the benefit of
creditors. All creditors will present tjieiy
claims to me, and those indebted to the com
pany will make payment to the undersigned,
Cor. Fifth ave., and Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Washington, Pa., presents to the public a CE,
MENTi More durable than IRON for stovest
ranges, tire places and steam mills. Also, set
grates in workman-like manner. This Ceme»>-
takes the place of stove backs. Ajl work guar
an teed. •• • "*july26-lS.'
bK-» M
The Bloodl Purifier Known!
HONFTWWT*. V. Y , Apr. 6th, "E>.l. P OKT P YNNNI N.Y., Feb. 20, '32. FAIUOST, N. Y.. March 12, 'S3
r'cKNTS—l^!«vo t l»oen ti prciit Itheimatie Pump Co.: r.hrumatic .<yrvp Co. :
sutiv'rcr from Itheumaiismfors>:x I liuj been doctoring fur three (Ii sr.- since November, 1882,
years, arid hearing of the sueccs rr f.iur ycurs, wii'i dilierent ]>hy- I have K-< a u coiislnut sullcivr
ofßheumatic Syrup I concluded > ieinns. for serofuhi, u.s some cal- IMU nturulgia mid !«;v,
to eive it a trial in my own case, led it, but found no relief until I knotfn wlwt •: ,*:.s u In. Cfu'
and I cheerfully say that I have vommenced taKmg your Syrup, !r. j.-.iu i eoflimenced
been greatly benefited by its us<\ After taking it n «!<ort
I can walk with entire freed, wn niv . iic. lul.'oTp'ino. luve felt no pain since using the
frompeln.andTn a few weeks, fourth bntlie. 1 think it tlie nest
m \&ry much: Improved. It is a I found myself as well as ever, remedy I have ever heard of for
Splendid remedy for the blood As a blood purifier, I think it has purifying the blood and forthe
and debilitated system. no equal. cure of rheumatism and neu-
Manufactured by RHEUMATIC SYRUP CO., i Plymouth Ave., Rochester,- N. Y.
Public Notice.
VvV, the undersigned, Overseers of the Poor
j of t. enter twp., Culler county, I'a., herciiv noti
!f V all persons not to harbor one U illiani
Dunn, a pauper of Centir twp., as he has hit
ti.ep'a e we provided lor him. v.iili"iw ju-t
came, and we wilt pay no hills o: his con
tracting. M.MOX Vot'NG,
A. J. lit I'C'll 1 NS<>x,
scp2o,2t. Overseers.
s i* iz Eirs
Port Grape Wine
Used in the principal Churches 'or Communion
Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY
Persors a-id the A^ed
-if i
p'::" fe ' •
m !.. t
mm p ?. • = 5
pfcfe '
- >
This cclcLsVc-d Native Wine i.-t made from the
juice of the Oporto Grape, rrifced ;n tl.its coun
try. Its inval;\s!>lp
are unsurpassed hy any other Native Wmo. Ue
hig the pure juieu of the grape produced under
Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, its purity
and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest
children may partake of its generous qualities,
and the weakctt inv-.lid use it to advantage. It
it particularly }>6ne(ieial to t!ia ag;:.t au.l debili
ttr.'d, and gUitcil to tho furious that
effect the weaker sex. It is i:i every respect the
a Wine to be relied on.
The P. J. >herry is a wine of Superior Char
scter and partakes of the ri':h futilities of tho
grc.pe from which it is made. For Purity. li c'o
ncas of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it will bo
found unexcelled-
This Brandy stands unrivalled in ihis country
being far superior for medicinal purposes.
It i» a pure distillation frora thi- «v*l fc, &*>d
contiias vahiahia uiedicfnal j ropcrtiaj.
'1 has a deUcat« flavor, similar to that of the
grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great
favcr among first-class families.
See that t!je s-:i 0 -i:aturo of ALFRED SPEF.E,
Passaic, ?f. J. ( js ihe cork" of each bottle.
Sold by J>. II A\^nllei-,
Cracked Hoeft>, sprains, Scratch
es and Sores
Ask your Storekeeper for it, or
v. rito direct to tho llanufaeturers,
Cleveland. . . Ohio,
Sale by J. B. KOIILMEYER &
CO., Rutlur, I'a.
Preserves Linen, gives a beautiful
finish, preyents the iron from •
sticking, saves labor.
5 Cents a Oalte.
Ask Your Storekeeper for it.
Standard Oil Co,,
Diamond Clocks,
Jewelry, Silver ami Table Ware,
One door be|o\v Market St,
HorsePatvers ' > '• ti&wi cE,MO (loverHullers
(Suited to all r*etio:n. Write for fr it c;i: 111 us. r.miphlet
Pllces to Tlie Aultiiwui Sc. Tttj lor Co.. MaiisUeld, Ohio.
P9 1 MAP 9 1A popular aceoiuitof the
»,r. ...r« "n| P p
wllinnintro-La I forests to
J.c.ltiurATH.Ut- r»r vl. i eVklw.
I.OUO pp. KjOiDasrnitiQitMt.
ju rmim urt
I|(i.llAXl> OP\iXIXG§
"1 .li
. Ij —' ° F — - • . I
I' A. T H
jjl lliiioii SSfiock, r?asaSsa Sls-ce*, ESsaSScr, 1 B » k
T1! E JEW i: L R .
Kidler, l > eini*ii.
Two Doors North of DulTys and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jeweliy, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.
lav Slot'liforcS R«i!r:MMl IVaß'ht'.i snd C ombination Spectacles,
All vVorli W arrtan ted.
All Goods Sold hy us Engraved Free of Charge. Call and See our Stock before purchasing.
I*®! LO > ISS.TO
llav op a new utand in CNION I'L.OCK. where c-*n be seen a I roll Mock of evcrthing to be found in a
I would invite tho j üblic tt» c&il and offer a aharo of their patronage. Kemcmber the ttock is of •
Ropniring' of \\.itchos, Clocks, Jewelry, oto., will receive our strict attention.
—*•" 1 11 1 1 ■ '■«" \ *-ITT»
I'hia Stovl; ij l.argcr than I havo cv. r eliowu Ixr.fore in ono Reason an.l
Twife fl'i Large aw ai\v Other boot st»us it»:sse oarrJcs lis Ktntler Cennly.
WI~CACT" A!fl)~^^ 7 T~gir ifNDERSOLD.
This Immense Stock of Boots and Shoes will be soid ai such Low Prices it will surprise you
when vou et© t'.e goods and bear the prices. O'lr trf.de i i opening I a-'iicr than U . J n 1. already wo aro YCIT busy and I n'.v to 107 •curiae i
II ar v.e Vkiil hf.\e ii a vtiv time or r.u sr:i:n n -lie wer.tiier f;rtb cold and wet.
miOUsUUU —AEaia eooc, 'eoooi —
Made to icy or<tpr direct from th<! very beet Mr.i.ufac nrcr : l hi for e."-h and RTTIJ. ?dOI>R GOODS OOMIWO IN DAILY.
Wed »e go ii to tl e Ma^ulinssettn Boot and shoo MarV"t lfgn'avlv tw'ice a rear and keen posted as to Stvlen and Prices and if *• •wly wont
two or three Um.a in fix or tieven year 3wo won 11 say nothing about k as Home of our couapetiiors boast of ON'K KECEXT TltlP.
WE DON'T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO OTHER'S PIIICES; we sell nil our goods at the lowest Sabres pos
sible and don't make big niODey, but MAKE WHAT WE DO MAKE HONESTLY by giving our
customers vulue for the money they pay us for Boots and Shoes.
!5j Telling al! our C sis(cuin rs Wli.st (•oodsare Bt'Sorc ;!:cy buy. jlWreprcseuiaUoi AiiaTcd
i» < Hsi«>iiierx. IVa st-5! iu Kveryb»i!> A3ik«. Bi'lict «:» :a;s3}*f4 tloiiar as as asiotli^r'p.
We Sell More Boots and Shoes than any Other
House in Butler County
Thereby giving vou better value and lower prices.
WE WILL GIVE YOU AND YOUII FAMILIES ROOTS and SHOES that will keep your feet dry aad w*rrn
and will wear you from Fall to Spring NO SECOND BUYING TO GET THROUGH THE WINTIR.
Save Twsnty-Flvs p:r csat. and Buy Your Boots and Shoes at
111® Clieupesf Sis©® Ms>!ase in Western
I'es, the j>oop!c of Butler comity li&ve boon iicpose I upon Joog enough by lii«H prices and shoddy Boot a and Shc«n represented tho bwt
by uuHcrnpuloite dealers, they are dear at any ])i;eea, we haw pic of of this fae: by tha many new cnnt'iuere we are (jotting every day, ss. **y tii»
same, we came here to get good honest lioots and Shot's worth the money, we are tired buying trash it won't pay-
We don't advertise anything wecaa'tshow to customers Headquarters for Boston Rubber Co.'s Rub ! )«r and
W 00l Lined Arties, Mens Calfaud'Kip Root—Low Insteps e. Specialty. We sell the Celebrated Ringhamton
and Kip Boots, Hand Made; Mens, Roys H'v.i Youths Kip Boots, in endless variety. Ladies, Misses au4 Ckildr«n»
Calf and Kip Shoes, Old Ladies W-irui Fl.inn.-l Lined Shoes ami Slippers—wide. Children's School Shop* la Hifli
Buttons, Fargo Tips, Calf and Oil Goat. Oid Mens' Felt Roots, very warm. Oil Mens' Beots, Soft Vmu, IljM,
high letr, four soles.
largest Stock In Butler County, Lowest possible figure. 15 shoemakers, Repairing, fill kinds done a«i
on short notice. Come and sec us, we will do you good,
f M Union Woolen Mill, BRICKS ! BRICKS!
t- .. . r. w* td . TUe subscriber rantinuM the makltic •>: t>rlck«
"F-ftYV'flV A t ' LLr*_ i BuiLni, PA. I eomnto;'. r>. •■m«-iit. ha\ window and other <iu»i-
I BJSf PII A. ' ilies at his :.i!n on the i'air Cround road, U.i'f »
ea-rtiat—cj.&a, MkSia Si£afew? 1 ;g. J-'t't-SjKitTO V I'rini'r i 1 v..--t ui' He win keep cji Uu:-.d »!ot
_ 1 ,, ' ** id l)i \ t all times. He will also m»!r» avd bum
r r<'in the Districts of ASsAM, ''III 1 l AfiOVii, ..iciure. of »LANKKT>, F'.\sni:i <, VAUN?, ! i 1. t!i • t*o:iiitry for :uiyone dcs'rii.i; to hu«e
CACHAR. KANGKA VALLEY, DAIMKKL-! AI.-> istom work dm; •• to <r ■r. h a.- . t!i :n made on their own rarin or prs:.V
INO, PEIIItA DOON, qu<l Absolutely } il-, rn-i::i-jr BtaUfccU, Plsnnets, Knit- As lie hitenils eannflnx on the brick bisJuiic
I'ure. Supottar In riavor. 'flic M".-; Kiou'i'ii- ! «»K a nd W. a\in.r fartM, t V:e.. At vori low j !•" lavU. v tin- ciMom of^*Jl»
p i. i i. tW. .. .. i or Wnni u> .. a . .1 -• i to uive enure satisfaction to all wlio itrou
loai. !ri« oiiij halt the usual quaatity. I !' •>* • »>oot w.-rrfe.i on Ui«- r -!iar< r, it ue : .
Sold by all Grocers. J.)ilN i'HltdilPS & ■' rnvT-ly j All orders promptly tilled at re.asorr.ibln rate*.
CO. Amenta of the Cah.-utta Tea Siyndieute, t o.i 01 addn-.-s.
130 Water St.. N. \ . Ko\B-lv. .Subv.'i'K; (or ill ' Ct TI/.KN 1 J. <!EOK(JE STAMXf,
' 1 mai'_ -• mo Uutler I'a.