Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 19, 1883, Image 3

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New Advertisements.
\din instritoi'ff >' it «'C —E-t»tc of Kobert I)
M Harvey, dee'd.
Orphan's Court Sale—Estate of James New
ton. dee'd.
N nice to Contiactors— County C'emniission
crs. _
Kxe:.utorV Notic-. —EHateJol lvichel Dersta
etn -r, dee'd
l'ru tte's Sale—Estate of Elizabeth Hums.
I>i inouds, Jewelery, etc.,—Jas. McKcc.
Kin ujnatie Cough Syrup.
Don' fail to notice 11. Biehl A Co.'s dis
play of agricultural implements at the Fair
—Go to 11. Biehl Co., f>r Phosphate,
Grain Drills, Plows, Fruit Evaporators, &c.
—Banjoes, Drums, Accordions and Fifes at
J. F. T. STEHLE's.
—Sesd or lesve your r.rder for a Sewing Ma
chine, of any make, at 1.. Crieb s Jewelry stoie
—Trunks, valis .-s and traveling bags at
—Don't fail to see the Eighmie
Patent Shirt, at £1 <lO, at J. F. T.
Steble's, liutljr.
buy the Reinforced Unlaundried
Globe Shirt at J. F. T. Stehlc's, Butler.
—Remember Prof. Reason's Concert at the
Court House this, Wednesday, evening. Miss
Bella McClintock will be the star. The chorus
will inelu-le m> than one hundred voices.
—The McSherrv Grain and Fertilizer Dril 1 .
J*. NIGOEL & BRO., Agents.
—Banjoes, Drums, Accordions and Fifes at
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. (
llcit-i, caps and gents' furnishing goods, b;g
Jiae. at J- F. T. STKHLE'S.
Call at C. Roessing's. on Jefferson
street, for Robes and Blankets, where
vou will fiu<l a Lev and complete stock
bought at special bargains aud will be
sold in the s&tne way.
You can buy a fuJI set Singl e
Harness, band made, for sl2 00, at C- I
Roessing's, Jefferson street.
—The family aud friends of William Scott,
of Lancaster township, expect to hold a re
nni J:I at Mouatville Ciiurch in Lawrence
county, on the sth of October. Mr. Scott is
now over 70 yearn of age.
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
Banjoes. Drums Accordions an 1 Fifes at
J. F. T. STEHI.K.'S.
Tfa;s caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. BTKULB'S.
Full line of Mouth-organs ar.d AceordiouaJ
just received at J.h. T. STEIILE S.
C. Roessing makes all bis own
borsc collars anil bees that good mater
ial is used.
Buy the Reinforced I nlauudried
(J lobe Sbirt at J. F. T. Stehle, Rutler.
—Mr. Albert Shrader, ot Jefferson township,
made us u present ol a bushel .of very fine
peaches last Saturday. Some of them measur
ed nine inches in eirciimfereuce.
Full line of Mouth-organs and Accordions
JUST received at J. I'. T. STKHLE'S.
—Wali itaper and window-shades at
Full Iliw. /if Mouth-organs and Accordions
just received at J. F. T. STKHLE'S.
—Wall paper and winduw-cWlee at
—Don't fail to sre the Eigbmie
Patent RbSrl, at SI.OO, at J. I' 1 . T.
•StehleV, Butler.
Don't fail to see the Kighmie
Patent Shirt, at SI.OO, at J. P. T.
Steblo's, Butler.
Tw.> younjciuen fruin Conno<jtienessing town
s'lip, while on their way to town early last
Ticsday morning far the purpose of taking
in the Niagara excursion, nnecpectedly ran
across a pole pussy which deposited so;ne of
its highly scented water upon their persons.
—Call and see the nice line of Wax and
China Dolls at J. F. T. STEIU.K'K.
—Wall lin per and windowshade* at
—Waring, Lister and Homestead Phosphate.
J. NIU<;I:L &. lino., Agents, Butler, i'a.
.—BUT your Irish and Scotch Collars
•ut C. Rowling's aud save 20 per cent,
Jefferson street
—Buy tbe Reinforced Unlaundricd
(Jlobe Shirt at J. P. T. Stebla, Butler.
—A full sized double plush robe from
$:3.50 to $4.00, at C. Roessing's, Jeff
erson street.
There are now thret grtit railroads across the
llocky Mountains and when ilfc Canadian
l'.j-i/ic is completed there will he four.
—Call ;jn«l see the nice line of Wax and
China Dolls at J. F. T. STEHLE's.
—Sewing Machine attachments and repairs
of all kinds, at L. Grief's Jiivelry store.
—Call aud see the nice line of Waf and
< 'BIN.I DOLLS at J. F. T. STKHLK'w,
—New Hampshiie Blankets, two
straps, for SI.OO, at C. Roessing's, on
Jefferson street.
Cutler's Exposition.
The Butler Pair grows more popular
wery year. When you come to the
Pair, call at RiTTEit & It ALSTON'S
whether you want to buy or not, and
you wiU find that you can save money
on Dry Goods, Carpets, Millinery,
Trimmings and Furnishing Goods.
Pall ;irul Winter
I>ress Goods, Trimmings, Millinery,
At L. Stein & Son's,
Blankets lrom $1.25 up, Bed Comforts
from $1.2") up to finest grades.
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Fall Gloves, new Pall Gloves,
•large stock, just received.
At L. Stein & Son's,
.Yew Hosiery, new Gloves, no s Cor
nets, large stock, just received.
When at the Fair,
«!<• not fail to examine the stock of
Fall and Winter Styles of Carpets, at
Slitter & Ilalstou's, all marked in plain
figures, at lower prices than ever. The
double wfcifrht ingrains at 45 cents are
K<»iug off lively.
At L. Stein & Son's,
[Sew Hlaek ami Colored Velvets
ami Velveteens, very low.
For the Fair,
a splendid stock of Fall and Winter
Excursion Trains
will he run on all the Railroads, during
the IJutler Fair. Strangers visiting
the Fair arc cordially invited to call
and examine the stock and prices, at
K ITTEH & 11-IKBTON's Great Dry Goods
—The olil soldiers of this county will hold a
re-nuion here on Tuesday, < Vtober 9. The
programme will appear next week.
—The County Commissioners will award
some masonry and wood work contracts on the
27th, .-tliaud J9th, inst. See notice in another
—Two young men from Centreville, this
county, who have lately been camping out and
hunting in Somerset county, were unjustly ar
rested on charge of burglary last Thursday.
They had a hearing and were discharged.
—We direct attention to A 1 Heck's advertis
mentof his Fall stock of Carpets, Clothing,
Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
AI. carries a large and well selected stock of
these'articles and has but onejprice . for all his
—The of the P. & W.
R. R. are feeling happy these .days. The re
port of the Master in their suit with the com
pany was in their favor, and if sustained by
Courts will make their stock good.
—There will not be much more than a fourth
of crop buckwheat in this county this year.
Our farmers sow this grain entirely too late.
A patch inside the borough limits sowed early
this season—about late oats f sowing time —did
very well.
—The great war at;Reufrew had rather a
tarne ending. Each party had or have their
attorneys to pay and a bill of costs. The costs
of the Renfrew party will amount to about
§SOO and those of the Purviance party to about
—Two courts were running in the Court
House part of last week—Criminal Court up
stairs, and a court to inquire into the alleged
lunacy of William Christie, of \\ ashington
township, consisting of a jury of six with Judge
Wier presiding, down stairs. The jury decided
that Mr. Christie is not of unsound mind.
—The tracks of the V'& W. R. R. leading
into the West Penn depot, at this place, have
been torn up and the P. &. W. company have
surveyed for and intend building a branch
road from a point on their road between the
bridge and the crossing to the east end of Cun
ningham street, with a depot near the bluff.
—Mr. William Johnston of this place, who
had both his legs broken at the ankles by an
accident of the P. & W. R. R., last week, was
taken to the West Penn Hospital, in Pittsburg
and Ls doing weil. Conductor Con. McCarthy
was also injured by same awident but Ls now
able to be about again.
—Henry Pfaff, who was sent to the Reform
School from this county last spring for horse
stealing, escaped- from that institution some
time ago and made his way to the home of Mr.
Henry Cromling, of Petrolia. On Saturday of
week before last he induced the fourteen, year
old daughter of Mr. C.'s to elope with him, and
neither have been heard from since.
—The yisib rs to the Exposition last Thurs
day, witnessed & thrilling scene. The
Aeronaut's gas balloon burste.l ivhfcn he and it
were a mile and a halfabove ground, but ihi
balloon caught in the ropes and made a sort of
parachute, anil the aeronaut by throwing all
the ballast oat of the car, succeeded in getting
'u the ground with oulj' u few bruises.
—Mrs. Bolestridge, the nieee of Mr. i«, J.
Klingler, of this place, who was injured in
ternally by ail accident on the P. & V>. R. R.
some weeks ago, was taken to her home in
Philadelphia last Saturday. Her spine was
injured by lbs accident and she lias been bed
ridden since and may \iL tJif; balance of her
—A notice of Mr. B. C. lluselton's large ad
vertisement was aceidently omitted last week.
Ben's advertisement should be carefully read
ami .considered. He carries a large stock of
good goods—i»c<;ts> ( shoes, rubbers, leather, etc.,
which he sells at reasonable figures, and he
has always been liberal in the use of printer's
ink. Hence his phenomenal success.
. A man named Rosenblaum is in jail on a
charge of hgrse stealing, prefered by Mr.
Campbell, of the Milliard iw* B , last spring.
Detective Peter Kramer captured hira at iLeevh
burg last week. A man named Kooritz, who
was engaged in a riot in Buffalo township,
some time ago, and who was afterwards sent to
the Workhouse from Armstrong county, was
also brought here last week from the Work
house by Peter, to M)" oltl charge.
—The rowing regetta on the AUugtien/
river at Hulton Station, begins next Tuesday
and continues for four days. Some of the
most noted oarsmen in the country, including
lfanlan and Courtney, will take part in it.
The course is one and a hajf miles long, mak
ing a total distance of tl;re.e niil.es to bu row
ed. The start i» just below the island and a
grand stand has been erected on the Allegheny
or west side of the river.
—The men appointed by the Allehcny Coun
ty Court to appraise the Glass Woi!:s here wire
in town Monday for that purpos. What the
appraisement will amount to is not yet known.
There is a mortgage of against the estab
lishment and all the judgments, we are inform
ed, tfi/1 not amount to over S4«XIO. Mr. lhmscn
says that if he is gi ven a years time he will be
able to square everything up. The Works will
probably lie running again inside of a week or
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Mcai ox Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
—Another Artie disaster is reported. The
steamer Proteus, sent out by our government
to relieve the party under I.eut. Greeley at one
<;f fhecircumpolarstation*, which the leading
Govern r>l the world have agreed to main
tain within the Artio /„<>np for the purpose of
making simultaneous scientific observation;;,
was crushed in the lee in Smith's Sound, lati
tude 78 u and 50', and the crew, like that of the
Jeannetto, Jiad to travel hundreds of miles in
open boats before rfc&slijng safety. The party
at the station will probably evacuate ;t ami re
treat southward, as their provisions are about
—Over u hundred persons from this county
took advantage of the Itupert IJro.'s excursion,
last Tuesday, to see Niagara. About lift;' took
the train here. They arrived at the Falls an
hour or two later than they expected, but yet
had plenty of time to see everything there
worth seein;?, and the illumination of the Falls
by electric liglits after nightfall was a grand
sight. The train left the Falls at !» f. m.
it was after s o'clock next morning when it ar
rived in Butler. This night-riding is the only
unpleasant feature of these excursions, but the
distance is so great—24o miles-that to do it
aii in ous day, there is no help for it. All the
excursionists took their lunch baskets with
them and everybody seemed to eup.y 'he trip.
—Have you made up you mint! to
the new and genteel mfethod ol wash-
Ingclothes? If so, purchase from your
storekeeper ens cake of Day's Soap,
and use it on next wash-day. After
that one trial you will have uo furthe*
use for your horrible and nasty old
wash boiler you will cry pitch it out
At L. Stein & S«n J a,
Just received a large line of new Fall
and Winter Skirts, in very handsome
At L. Stein & Son's,
Ladies' Neckwear, in all the new styles.
Just Received,
a i&rfci stock of Fall and Winter Hats
and Caps, at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler.
At 45 Cents,
White (guilts, at
; —The Mercer Mining and Manufacturing
| Company sent a special car to town on Monday
j evening, with a request to Sherill Donaghy to
' come up to the Blocks and bring a }>osse of
! men with liim, for the purpose of preventing a
riot which it was expected would happen next
morning when the Pardoe miners woulS, as
they threatened, interfere with the miners a'
Blocks going to work. The Sherill and five
others went up and met the striking miners
next morning. There was a large number of
them, all armed with clubs and the Sheritl
seeing that it would be useless to attempt any
arrests ; went among the men and persuaded
them not to resort to force. The riot was
averted, and the men at the Blocks did not go
to work that morning, but at a meeting resolv
ed to go to work this morning.
—The Northern Pacific R. R-, of the com
pletion of which we publish an account on our
first page, is 19S0 miles long, from Duluili on
I,ake Superior to Tacoma in Puget Ivound and
there are also G74 miles of branches, mostly
completed, giving a grand total of 2,651 miles
of road. The charter for the road was obtained
by a New England merchant named Perham,
iu IsC-l and sold to Jay Cooke & Co. in 18li-3.
The panic of 1873 destroyed 11,-. ( 'coke's bank
ing house and left the road with a large doating
debt and a bonded debt of thirty million dol
lars, and the earnings on the completed portions
hardly paid running expenses. The affairs of
the road were reorganize<l in 1875, the
holders accepting prefered stock in lieu of
their bonds. asd the road was hurried through
the bankruptcy .court. Mr. N illard obtained
control of the road in IBSI aad s?C!Jred the
needed capital to complete it. The road has
two lake ports at its eastern terminus—Duluth
and Superior, but its principal eastern depots
will be at St. Pa»Uod Minneapolis, where i l
connect* with three trunk lines to Chicago.
At the Pacific Coast, tide *alc*r i® reached at
Portland, Oregon and Tacoma on Puget Sound,
both of which ports arc easily accessible by the
largest ocean steamships. On the entire route,
the hardest construction work was done in the
valley of Clark's Fork of iim Colombia River
for a hundred miles from Lake Pend d'OreillCj
the river there running through a narrow
gorge, flanked by precipitous mountains. There
was also very hard work done in making a
roadway along the faces ot high bluffs of disin
tegrating rock in the Yellowstone region.
There are two tunnels on the line worth men
tion : One .'1,500 feet long at Bozeman Pass in
the Belt Mountains, and one 3,850 feet long at
Mullan Pass in the Rocky Mountains proper :
The Bozeman tunnel is 5,548 feet above tide
waie», a::' 2is the highest point on the road.
The Mullan tunnel is spjrentpep feet lower.
The tunnels are not yet finished, and steep sur
face lines have been built overhead for tern*
porary use, with grades of 220 feet to the mile.
In crossing the mountains the grade of the
permanent roadbed never exceeds the prescrib
ed limitQfl}§ feet to the mile. The sum (/
these maximum grades, ascending and descend
ing, is about thirty miles. Elsewhere on the
route the grades are generally easy. The road
has two great bridges: at Bismark, across the
Missouri—so high as to require no draw—and
at Ainsworth, U'a-hi.igtop Territory, across
Snake River. These bridges are of stone, iron
and steel. The Yellowstone is crosxet) three
times, the Upper Missouri once, and Clark's
Fork of the Columbia three times. There are
two pi!p bridges, each a mile long, across arms
of Lake Pend d'Greillc, wj a trestle in Marent
Gulch, in the C.'or'acan Defile, 22'S foet high.
Co;„mQinvalth vs. PeterSchmick, malicious
ly and wantonly »{OWP fence of anoth
er, etc.; not guilty but to pay lili o «*.
Same vs. P. P. Gardner, wilfully and
maliciously breaking a window and door; not
guiltv and each party to pa/ one-half the costs.
Same vs. Sarah E, Rockwell, keeping a
house for the practice of fornication, etc.; not
guilty and prosecutor to pay two-thirds and dc-
I'endciii one third of the costs.
Same vs. TC O. jjJisault and battery;
not guilty and county to pay' the costs.
Same vs. S. S. Purviance, wantonly pointing
a fire arm at another, etc.; indictment quashed.
Same vs. Wm. Tyrell, A. and B; nolle pros
allowed on payment of costs bv defendant.
uaina vs. W. A. Green, malicious mischief;
indictment, tjija^i.u.j.
Same vs. Wm. Iqxon, agg»avat*.4 .4. ai, l IJ. ,
nolle pros allowed on payment of oosts by de
Same vs. JamesSpeers, A. and It.; not guilty
and prosecutor to pay two-thirds and defendant
one-third of the costs.
Same vs. James Nugent, F. and I>. ; not
guilty but to pay all costs.
•iau. J'S, Timblin. F. &■ B.; set
Same vs. John Loguc, A. and IV • bail for
feited and respited until next sessions.
Same vs. Wm. C. Beck, A. ami B.; guilty
and sentenced to pay costs of prosecution.
Same vs. J. P. Thompson, nuisance in ob
structing public road ; indictment quashed.
Porter I'hipps, iy. A. fiw ftiw, J. J. Myers
and others who plead nolle ebutendre to in
dleU.ienU for forcible entry and A. and 1!., at
June session*, were eailad up und sentenced to
pay costs of prosecution and a lino of onu dollar
Perry Stoughton, accused of horse stealing,
and whose case was continued till next tern,
was taken into court last Saturday and the
court after hearing the arguments of his at
tornies and those of the prosecutor's, ordered
that the order of court made the previous
week continuing the case and requiring bail
bp revoked and modified so that the ease is
continued and defendant oidiveq t;> ctf;. - ' his
own recognizance in >;4'JO, for his appearance
at December sessions.
Isaac Bigger by consent of parties interested
was discharged from jail last Saturday, as was
also Mrs. Sarah Itnckwell.
A Bad Case of Kidney Trouble
ry red;
AUBURN, Cayuga Co., N. Y., (
Sept. 20, 1882.
Rheumatic Si/rup Co.:
I should have written you before in
regard to the Khetmatic Syrup which
you sent r.ie, but l)ave been waiting to
see if the result was permanent. J
confidently say that it has had a very
gratifying effect on my wife, relieving
ner of all pain within three days alter
siitj commenced taking it. I also gave
away one bottle or the to
friend, which had the same effect as on
my wife. My wife has suffered great
pain from rheumatism and kidney dilli
culty «o» years, and at times could
hardly move. Hh« iias Uic;J % £!''; at
many medicines recommended to uo
purpose. It is the only remedy that
gave her permanent relief. Yours,
Great Exhibition.
Don't fail to come. Admission free
to all. This is a show of bargains in
clothing for men, youths boys and
','hildren. All the latest styles in full
overcoats tor ytsqr a " prices
from $5 to S2O. Winter overcoats for
men boys and children. Fall and win
ter suits f.»r men and boys. Boys' and
children's school suits; all at the low
est prices ever named in Pittsburgh.
VVe do now au we aly'i}ys bsyye done
for the last 11 years, sell better cloth
ing for less money than any other
house in the State. Visit the Boston
One l'rice Clothing House, 9"> Smith
field sneeL. TIIE "HOB."
At L. Stein & Son's,
New Dress Goods, New Dress Uoods,
all shades, all prices.
At L. Stein & Son's.
New Flannels, new Blankets, Bed
Comforts, etc., at lowest prices.
all kinds, at
Uncle Jake and a Harrisburg
Lawyer Want $1732 for Se
miring the County a Re
bate of 58.659.9 H.
The following p;iu-:r w;i< lilted with l'rothou
otary Greer last Friday:
lil TI.KK C'orNTY, S.S
lit: n i . M. XEAH) In the Court of Common
a ni> > I'leas ol' Butier County,
JA< OB ZIKfiLER J l'a.
va the County of Butler.
Issue summons in assumpsit, returnable to
nest term, also rule to tile an affidavit ol de
fense in 14 days or judgment sec. reir.
Prothonotary. Att'y for I'lain tills.
Before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public,
duly appointed ami commissioned,^ in and ti;r
the State of Pennsylvania, residing in the City
of llarrisburg, in the said County of Dauphin,
personally ap|>eared Benjamin M. Xeal, of the
city and cjunty aforesaid, and Jacob Ziegler,
of the Borough of Butler, in the County of
Butler, and State aforesaid, plaintiffs in the
above case, who bcinsc duly sworn according to
law, did depose as follows, to wit:
Jacob Ziegler deposing saith that on or
about tha 27th dav of March, A. D. lsS2, the
Commissioners of the County of littler, the
the said county defendant, to wit : Jtiine* CoN
lins, Charles Cochran and George W. Hays,
'did agree with him, 'he said Jacob Ziegler,
acting for himself and tha said Benjamin M.
Xead, to employ and through him, th; said
Zi< gler, did actually employ the said Benjamin
M. Xead, as a person conven-ant with such
with such matters to act in conjunction with
the said Ziegler and to examine thj accounts of
"th- said poontv with the State for taxes which
had been iitlsauy *i»d improperly assessed
against and paid bv said county during th.
year 1875, I*7'3 and 1877, ard to tike su<h
steps as were necessary to secure to its credit
and use the amount ot taxej so improperly and
illegally assessed against and paid by said
eounty. Anil the said deponent further saith
that he did forthwith, to wit: 011 the 27th day
of March, A. i>. I£*2, communicate to the said
Benjamin M. Nead, r.t notice or
the arrangement which had been made with
him by the Commissioners of Butler C >unty
with instructions to proceed witli the work at
Harris I ,urg, and to call upon him, the said
uoi M tie to time for t-u-;h assistance
in the work as was to be furnished at
lienjs)iniu M. Nead, deposing, saith that as
soon as he w as notified of the said action of the
Commissioners of Butler County he clid forth
with undertake the business of examining the
■State tax account of said county, conferring
from time to time with the said Ziegler, and
through a technical knowledge of tiie subject
did ascertain that the said county had been im
properly and illegally assessed with, and had
paid the sum of $8,659.98 of .State personal tax
es in excess of what was legally due for the
years 1875, IK7O, aud 1877. Upon ascertaining
this fact the s;i'd Nead, acting for the
said county, in conformity witii t j«o
arrangement with the said Ziegler, did
make the proper estimates and prepare all the
proper papers at his own expense, and with
the full knowledge and assent ol the County
Commissioners aforesaid, did make application
to the Hoard of Revenue Com'rs, of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, and upon said ap
plication duly presented, did secure a credit t >
the use of the county for the tull amount cf t(je
claim made, whidh said credit was duly eerti
ficd to the Commissioners of said County ot
Butler through the hands of the said Nead as
attorney, on the 11th day of April, A. I>. ISB2,
in good faith, and was accepted by and made
to accrue to the beitefjt of said coijnty to its full
amount, to wit: the sum of
That for the use of the knowledge <f this
class of accounts, brought to bear in the said
adjustment, for the labor and expense of pre
paring the papers and for presenting the case
and securing the credit, the said plaintifls
claim and a*-w that they are jusly entitled to
the slim of ecvcntticu ii' M"it "jiil ! hifty rvo
dollars '.si 7.T2) as a reasonable' compensation
it yuan! it in nitwit- -for the service performed.
This amount of compensation, they aver, is not
is not in excess of, and in some cases does not
nearly npial, that paid by a large number of
the other counties in the State for similar ser
vices performed, yet the aforesaid claim of the
plamiiii's or anv pari thereof the said connty
defeudant, although payment, of tii-s saio.i ii:t»
been frequently rcijuested by the plaint. lis, has
refused and continues to refuse to pay, and
further deponents say not
Benjamin M. Nead
Sworn and subscribed before roe this 11th
day of September, A. 1». 1883.
•Jotfliy publi..,
The above are pretty strong affidavits, and if
the Commissioners made a twenty per cent,
c ontract with Mr. /iegler theyourht to pa> it,
hut they all emphatically deny having made any
c<mtia„i >c vy arrangement whstcver, with.
Itlll4 for the a«ijt|riug at this rebate, gay
that it was a very simple matter and needed no
"technical knowledge," tHut they received no
tice from the Hoard of Revenue that it was In
session and that a rebate could he had, and
that Commissioner Collins with their attorney
went to llarrisburg to attend to it, hut found
that the rebate had already been allowed.
The rebate was due the county by reason of an
of ii.;. j/Vt'ifi i'V flip U°.3r'! "f
Revenue, ort account of a difference m the tri
ennial and annual statements. The claim is
not without preoo'le;;t in tlsIK county. Iho
Report of the < 'ounty Auditors for'lßßl publish
ed in February ISB2, shows that $1400.00
was paid to one, .1. W. M.
for State taxes, when, as we are
t eliabjy informed, there was no State tax what*
ever paid that year, AND that IJJC ?! jGO.OO v;. ,
paid to Neiilin for alleged servie. sin setiuiin'j
Kg hate of some four thou ami to the county.
Tii«! vfWi ''o to* - it'll <•! t® Mr. X««|»
1 in, hui been hunted up by f|;« present Hoard
of Commissioners and iy now In the hands <f
the County Treasurer. It was not ilrawn by
the Commbsiionera' Clerk and w:;s signed by
the entire Board of Commissioners of that year.
The transaction has been pronotim-.-d "'a .-ten;"
by one who ought to know and it it was, the
true inwardness of it will be brought out in
tlie trial of the pending suit betwea Ziegler
and »li'- County t'qmrpi>'sio|ie(,si.
Cheap Excursion. Tuesday, Sep
tember 251!t, 1883.
|*; A curison Ti«;nCty to OJjic. TO ap,d rp :
turn will l>o Bulii by tlie
Fort Wayne ami Chicago Railway for
the train k-aying l'iltaburgb at 1:22,
p. M , and New Castle at ];](), J*. M.,
Tuesday, Sfptcmber 2.">tb, I h.'i, at the
ROUNI) Tjur from i'ittsljurg!, a|i<i 5U
from New Castle.
Chicago, the Queen of the West, and
one of the handsomest and busiest
cities of the world, its full ol attractions
ti»ut t'f-'l) worth a iourivy to see
The great Kxpositlon is how in it»
zenith, and the Illinois Stat • Fair is
in progress on the Chicago grouuds.
The autumn is the pleasnnlost time of
tiu- yi-'ur for traveling. and as tickets
will lie good returning until i'huiwlny,
October Ith, visitors will hive ample
time to thoroughly enjoy all the sights
of the city.
.An cvtra number of Pullman Sleep-'
iug Cars will ho '"'in on tlw e#cnihi«j ( .
trains. The sleeping car faro each
way will be $2 50.
Tickets and Sleeping Car berths
will be sold at the ticket ofli OH in the
Union Station, Pittsburgh, at 110
tifi.li A7enue. i',rid l!-t the j'. I l '. W. <V
C. Ity. Station or New Oasi'o.
Persons living in towns i:i the vicin
ity of P.t'sburgh or New ('astie can
secure ticket and sleeping car accom
modations by writing or telegraphing
tp ujjouW lit pithfT of tie nb n e named
Passenger not desiring a sleeping <-.ir
will find comfortable accommodations
in day coaches.
fH O i-Q CtjTtls^
Fine yard wide Unbleached .Muslin ; a
' di cided bargain, at
Just in,
j a full line of Hlankets, Flanm Is, Yarnh,
j Canton Flannels and all kii.iJs of Fall
, iidd Winter Qopdl (
ltlTTKlt ti H ALSTON'S.
Attention Post!
(Jrami Army Day at I'ittsburg Las
been lixed for Oct. Jd, 1 *o:S. Comrades
of A. <;. Reed Post, No. 105 are re
quested to mnet at I'ost room on Tues
day Oct. 2nd at 7:->0 A. M , sharp,
i Low excursion rales on railroad.
Adjutant, Tost Commander.
Just Received,
a largo stock of Fall and Winter Hats
and Cups, at J. F. T. StohleV. Butler.
At L. Stein <Sr Son's,
1 Ladies 1 Gentlemens' and Childrens'
Uijdprwear in white, grey and scarlet,
| all qualities,.
ALL. Stein & Son's,
White end Colored Canton Flannel, at
lowest prices.
Best Line
of Black and Colored Silks in the
county, at RITTER it 11 ALSTON'S.
The Fair
will open Sept. 18th. Not only the
management 'out the peopio generally
have determined to make it a grand
success ; it will pay you to visit it, and
ateo to call at RITTER it RALSTON 's
and buy Dry Goods, Carpets and all
kinds of Fancy Goods.
i usiiraiice.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent—office
with K. ilarshail liJsq., lJrady Block
Butler I'a. mayl7-tf
At 6 1-4 Cents,
a nice assortment of No. 1 Chintz
Calicoes, at
Just Received,
a large stock of Fall and Winter llat9
and Caps, at J. F. T. Stehle's, Butler.
Diamond Clocks,
jeweiry. Silver and Table Ware,
One door below Market St,
A Card.
CoNXOijrKXEs.sixt; T\vp., 1
RUTLKR CO., PA., August 24, ISTF". J
To Safety Fund Mutual Assessment Life As
suranee Society, Philadelphia, l'a.
GENTLKMKX:— I take pleasure in nckoowi
ciL'in:; the full and j:ro;ijj>t payment by your
Society, 01' one tlousand dollars on the lite of
my late husband, I'eter Staaf; and I hereby re
commend your society to the confidence and
patronage of the public generally. I appreciate
the prompt payment more fully «.s the claim is
not yet due for ninety days, and the receipt of
the money at the present time i.-: a great ad
vantage to me. Wiiii many tliankw,
ours very truly,
By virtue o f an order of flic Oiphans' Court
oflintler county, Ihe undeielgned will cvpose
at public outcry ot: too premises, on
at o'io o'clock p. m , the f< Mowing described
real ol.tte of James Newton, dee'd, laic of the
borough o! Portcraville, to-wit :
TWEMY-S1XI: A(lti:s
of land, more or less, ntu ite pnrily in f'orters
•••illc bo roe I-. a; 1 ;.;,rtjy !>i M ii<!u/ei\>ek town
ibip, Sutler county, Pa,, bounded ap ihe north
by land of Mir. Catharine McDondd, c.;st by
Mercer road, »ou!h by Robert Stewart, and west
by Henderson Oliver and New Castle toad ; all
cleared aud in a good state of cultiva'ion and
well watered.
TKKMS—(Jne-thirJ i:i band on confirmation
pf Siiij: and the lai.li:'. 1 " in two c»|isal annual in
stallmcnU v. itli Jutcrcst. D. lerreit payments to
be secured bv bond and mortgage.
W.J KICNNKL)V, Administrator,
Sept. 19, lbtfil. l'ortersville, I'a.
"trustees ~ SALHT
I'v virlno of an order of the Orphans' Com't
oi Bt'tler county, !'a., No. 7-J, March term,
188.S, tind to me directed, I will expose to pub
lic sale on the premises, on
WeiliicHday, €><■«., 10. ISHS,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following dtscribed
real estate of Elizabeth Burns, dee'd, to-wit:
Simile in Donegal t'.vp., Butler eoui.tv, Pa.,
bounied on the north by lands of I'ntricn
liiirnsj on the e isl by McEiroy tract; on Ihe
south by ItieUistt tract and land of J. Dougher
ty and Adam Will-', and on the west by M iloney
iiel-s. The laud in mostly cleared.
Two frame Houses. Barn and orchard thereon
Terms of sale.—One third in liand oa eontlr
matioii of sale, and the balance in two e<[iial
ai.nilal payments,"with interest, teemed bv
i oud or mortgage. THOS DONAHHY, Sheriff
Sept. 19. tH.
' R DLStim PTI vr*
I Hm ' !
Shuttle Machine
BKRO & CYPHER, Hutlcr, Pa.
A dver IU« in the CITiZIN
fj —' o F — |
j J I
* AT §
£j i
& Union Block, Main Street, flintier, Pa. |
1 wno. IIIIIII!II - ESTABLISHED -Bit! 18«().
Butler, JPeuu^a.
Two Doors North of DtlfTys and opposite Troutman'* Dry Goods Store.
Fiitc AVatelies, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.
Agent lor Itockloril Kailroad Watches and King's Combination Spectacles.
_A.II \Y ork "W"arranted.
All Goods Sold by us Engraved Free of Charge. Call and See our Stock before purchasing.
18SO «o) 18CVO
Having op a new stand in CNION" BLOCK, whore can be seen a fresh stock of overthing to be found in a
I would invite the public to call and offer a share of their patronage. Remember the stock ia of
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., will receive our strict attention.
Thia Stock in Larger than I have ever shown before in one season and
Twice «N l arge ax any Oilier boot aaul hlioe house carries In Bntler County.
This Immense Stock of Boots and Shoes will be sold at such Low Pricos it will surprise you
when you m e the goods and hear the priccH. Our trade i» opening earlier than VV-u.l already w are very busy and I aay to my OUtoiMr*
that we will have in a very uliort time or as soon as the weather geta cold and wet.
M'ulo to miv order direct from tho verv best Manufacturers bought for cash and STILL MORE OOODS COMING IN DAILY.
two or three Union in nix or seven years we would Hay nothing about it as some of our competitors boast of ONL RECENT TRIP.
WK DON'T I'AV ANY ATTENTION TO OTHEH'S PRICES; we sell all our poods at the lowest figures pos
sible and don't make big money, but MAKE WHAT WK HO MARK HONESTLY by giving our
customers value (or the money they pay us for Hooks and Shoes.
We Sell More Boots and Shoes than any Other
House in Butler County
Thereby giving you better value and lower prices.
WE WILL (JIVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES BOUTS and SHOES that will keep your foet dry and warm
Z\ will wear you from l ull to Spring NO SECOND BUYING TO GET THROUGH THE WINTER.
Save Twenty-Five per cent, and Buy Your Boots and Shoes at
Tl»e Cheapest Shoe House in Western
same, tee came. here, to get good honest Hoot» and Shoes worth the money, we are tired buying traah it won't pay^
Wo don't advertise anything weoan't show to customew. Headquarters for »o«to" Rubber Co. s Rubber and
Wool Lined Arties, Mens Calf and Kip Boot—Low lusteps a Specialty. We Bell the Celebrated Binghamton Calf
and Kii. Hoots, Hand Made; Mens, Boys and Youths Kip Hoots, in endless variety. Ladies, MIMM and
Culf and Kip Shoes, Old Ladies Warm Flannel Lined Shoes and Slippers—wide. Children's School Shoes in Higb
Buttons, Fargo Tips, Calf and Oil Goat. Old Mens' Felt Hoots, very warm. Oil Mens* Boots, Soft A eal, Kip»,
high leg, four soles. . __ _ __
Largest Stoek in Butler County, Lowest possible figure. 15 shoemakers. Repairing, all kinds done reasonable and
on short notice. Come and see us, we will do you good, ■■■■**»■■ a 1
Coll<*<-SorM Tsike i\ofiee.
Yonffwjtt6Ntal i" collect county Uxci Md
111;iIs<* layniriii to lih* County Tn'iisiin r as spe«*<li
ly as possil»l«\ as I In- fumls of the .ounty are low
mi:! money is immnUml for rnrrrnl I'.xiMiiscs.
('Of Sl'\
Sept. :»t.
(• uit«| t4«ttll icrtloii*. \Vr»l«*fi»r !llu» l'ntiiphlfl%
|'jic, 3 to *l'h« Aultmuii i Tai lor Co . M.uu,tkM. ObiO.
A farm of 4tl aeres in Centre town*hi|>, one
ami 11 liiilf mile* north of Butler.
Log Iioust) iiud Hum ilif.reou. fall at tlia
premise* or a<)<lres!i,
S. BNOIXJHASS, liutler, l*a.
> Ht |1 111.
Cut This o«ta
BoTNo<*ii4«*LM. Touc.l7l OrM»rl«k A.X. V-rfc.
I \ 198 LIBERTY ST. ■