BUTLER CITIZEN H. She Preserved her Own Fruit. She had a fancy for peaches in the old "pound for pound" way, just as her mother used to do them. And she used her' mother's old fashioned pre serving kettle. The kettle upset and sent its scalding contents over the un happy lady's feet, as she stood before the kitchen fire. They put her to bed and treated the scalded parts with Perry Davis's Pain Killer, the sover eign remedy for burns, scalds and blis ters. In two or three days she was well. wrong in another man's life, but a very difficult thing to really do much better than he does. A vigorous growth of hair is pro moted and the youthful color restored by applying Parker's Hair Balsam. The tomato relieves liver com plaints. "Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills for the cure of neuralgia are a success."—Dr. G. P. Holman, Chris tianburg, Ya. 50 cts. at druggists. —Watermelons are good for the kid neys. Heart affectioo, kidney and liver troubles affect nearly one-half of man kind. Yet how many heedlessly pass through a shortened life giving no care no care to these complaints which cause the human family such great distress. Does your heart beat vio lently from the least excitement? Have you fits of dizzieness? Does your back ache? Are your bowels constipated? These symptoms are the first warnings. Delay is dangerous. Be wise in time. Regain perfect health by using Brown's Iron Bitters. —A person does not need to be very observing or travel verv far to learn that the great men own all the rail roads and the clerks all the hotels. Doctors Disagree. As a reporter for the Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette sat (yesterday afternoon) in a chamber at Xo. 321 Federal street, Allegheny, listening to a terrible tale of suffering as it fell from the lips of a gentle little lady, Mrs. Milo Ingram, the daughter of Capt. Hugh McKelvey, of this city, it seemed almost too much to believe, if the evidence had not been close at hand to substantiate every word. It was but another evidence of the culpa ble ignorance of a large class of practi tioners of meditfne who claimed for six years that her disease was cancer She was coveied with ulcers, given up to die. Peruna cured her perfectly. Coutinued on page 24, in "Ills of Life,' by Dr. Hartman. Ask your druggist for one. —The "New Education" is mainly the Quincy methods. Henry's Carbolic Salve. Is the best Salve for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tester, chap ped hand?, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions, ireckles and pimples. Get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all others are counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Soothing and Healing. We might with truth add certainly curing in every case. No remedy known equals Coe's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds croup and consumption. It is an old and tried frend and al g "bee" where you hear the stinging remark. Mr. N. C Meyers, Reading, Pa , says: "I found Brown's Iron Bitters very beneficial as an appetizer anJ for debility." The- world would be vastly bet ter than it is if we only had the cour age to say to cur evil companions, "we don't care to write with a feather out of your goose." Skin Cure has cured my Eczema, of the scalp of four years standing: 1 J no. A. Andrews, Att'y at Law, Ash ton, 111. SI. at druggists. Endorsed by physicians. —The consciousness of wrong doing makes a man a coward. He goes through life looking like a dog that has lost his tail. Neuralgia and Sick Headache. In Aurora, 111., lives Mrs. Wm. Hen son She says: "Samaritan Xervire cured me of neuralgia, vertigo and sick headach." —Many women are spoken of as angels, and Mrs. Noah must have been an arkangel. HEIGHT'S DISEASE of the kidney?, diabetes and other diseases of the kid neys and liver, which you are being so frightened about, Hop Bitters is the only thing that will surely and perma nently prevent and cure. All other pretended cures only relieve for a time and then make you many times worse —lncidents in Judge Black's life are current newspaper topics. —The katydid's bugle makes Sep tember frost a chilling possibility. —Fishing is a dangerous pastime, It learns people to hook things. —There is some difference between a lover of pears and a pair of lovers. —Home Influence: The active broomstick and the enthusing shiDgle. —lt is after a woman has emerged from a salt-water bath that figures don't lie. —Our bachelors may laugh and feel safe, but leap year will be here in a jiffy- —The nearest a Louisville man ever gets to water is when he carries home a melon. —When a man dies penniless his di scendants ruefully admit that they are badly left.. —There's a tied in the affairs of wed lock that too often leads on to the di vorce court. —The figurehead on the bow of a ship is a mere ornament, but the rud der is a stern necessity. —The young girl who runs off and gets married is not missed. After that she is addressed as Mrs. —One who knows says that in the country they blow a horn before din ner, but in towns they take one. —"Haste makes waste," remarked the mail who slipped up on a banana peel and sat down in a basket of egge. —A plumber, who wa3 about to die said- "My only regret about dyiug is because where I am going water pipes never freeze up. —Simpson says that when he asked the girl who is now his wife to marry him, she said "I don't mind," and she has never minded. —Mercer feels proud of two twelvi year-old girls, who, instead of screaa ing and Heeiug from a big blacksnake, rapped the life out of it with sticks. —There is not a single experience in life which may not be used to ad vantage if you haye wisdom. That which will not be made into butter may be made into cheese. —A wager made the other day prov ed that nine out of every ten men lean on the bar when they order drinks The tenth man generally leans against a lamp poet when he gets outside. —The sluggard who hugs his bed these mornings until the rays of the sun have dried up the dew from the grass blades, knows nothing of life. It is glorious to be astir at the hour the chanticleer crows, and when "robin red breast" proclaims in his sweetest lays the breaking of the dawn of day ; and this is when nature appears in her most enchanting loveliness- We can vouch for the truth of the poetic assertions because a friend who rises early has told us they are correct. —Time was when an individual owning bank stock was counted among the fortunate ones of this earth, but in these days ot defalcation of bank offi cers, in which the stockholders not only have to lose the amount of their stock but are obliged to pay the depos itors the money stolen, this class of se curities is liable to lose favor. In this vicinity, the defalcations at Jefferson and Franklin, the failure at Union City and the heavy defalcation at Warren, Ohio, have a tendency to make holders of bank stock just a lit tle uneasy. Luckily, newspaper edi tors don't have to lose any sleep on that account. A CAHU. To all those who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervou wcakness, early decay, loss of manhood, A.c., 1 will send a recipe th.t will cure you, FREE OF-CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the RKV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, .Station V, New York City ftPYAI Sr (• ROYAL neat J* tspj Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity Btrcnpth and wliolesonienese. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in coin petition with the multitude of low tests, ehort weight, alum and phosphate powders. SOLD ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. • " For Neuralpria in thfi linilis, stomach. . hack, hrcast, side, shoulder-Mules, qr ►- « anywhere el-e. tak.; I'Mti NA. "■■■■ £ "For Tramp «»f the Stomach, Colic, • •3 Biliousness, ln:trr!upa. or Vomiting, take © 111 v\. MKiHHnHH cs q 44 For Cough. A>Lhiua, Night Sweats, © . Shortness of wreath. take Pekcxa. " «+ s 44 For Chronic Nasal Catarrh, liron- 5* 5 chitis and Sore Throat take Peru na.'' ~ 44 Peruna is the purest, most prompt, M 2 and efficient medicine known to man. * 1 • » 44 Peruna is the best appetizer, purest 5 be tonic, finest invigorator of the body and -• mind.' 1 w P ** If vou can't sleep, if you are weak, or £■ £ worried mentally, take Peruna." ■■■ " "llut remember the most important of W S all Is that Peruna will cure Chronic Nag. * sal Catarrh, Brigbt's Disease, and L>ia- e* betes of the Kidneys. a fit If your druggist is out of our pamphlets ® on the 4 *ll Is of Life," or if you are labor- 5 ing under a disease not mentioned in it or o« © these advertisements, address the pro ® prietors, S. 11. Hartman & Co., Oslxira, O. © For Constipation and Piles, take WWO It UNACQ JAIMTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OF THIS COJN* By the central position of ito line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car ries passengers, without change of cars, between Chicago and Kansas City, Council Bluffs, Leaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It oonuccta in Union Depots with all the principal lines of rood between the Atlantic and the Pacitio Occai»fl Its equipment is unrivaled and magmfl centVcoinM QQTnvQsod of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaeh**, Magnificent Ilorton de clining Chair Cars, Pullman* Fictuo&t Fa lacs Bleeping Cars, aud the best Line of Pming Cars in the world. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi cago and Minucapolisand St. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A*New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kanka kee, has recently been opened between Richmond, Kcrfolk,Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au fusta. Naal;v)|le. Louisville, Lexington,Cincinnati, ndianapolis and LfttqyGUc, and Omaha. Minneap olis and St. Paul aud iiHc »..<•. .dp points. All Through Passengers Travel on ra*t Jewess Trains. • _ Tickets for sale at all principal Ticket Offices m the United StatCJ and Canada. Baggage cheeked through and rates of fare al. ways at» low ad competitors thai Gller less ad van tage j. For detailed information,get the Maps and Fold era of the CHEAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Tittkct O.tice, or adurcas R. R. CABLE. E. ST. JOHN, Vice Prci. i. Ucn'l 41 « r. L'Tl'l Tkt. A I'sji. AJt. CKICACO. PARKER'S HAIRS AXSAM. J&L ;" * s "_.. is prcfcircd by those art '^ c » on ac " 11 contains materials on y that are beneficial I I Restores tlie Youthful Color to Crey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandruff and itching. Hiscox &Co , N. if. 50c. and *1 sizes, at dealer* in drugs and medicines. I PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or former, worn out with Overwork, or a mother ran down by family or house* hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex* by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicaUngfcUsn;!aj)*s,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dvipcjtfia, Khenma ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. PAKKER'S GINGER TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If y Oil are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take , GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never inloxicate. ll has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAU'fIOV-„r<.rc.er.ll mbititut**. I'ark.r'i Girifrrr Tonic It composed of Lite Utl I agents in the world, and UcnUrely d.fl.-rrnt front prrpuralioni of ginger alor.e. gelid fc. cifejjijf tj liitrcx A Co., N.M. 50c. 4 41 ion, at dealer! In ilruji. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Itsrirh and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is not 111)). lil»o it. Inr.ist upon having FLUKES TON COLGONKANDLJALI fc, r signature of on every bottle. Any driinrlit or dealer In j>«rfuiuery can iut.ply you. Si and 75«. Nt »ize*. LARGE SAVING BUYING 73C. SI7E. ■3313331 WANTED, SALESMEN. To faiivobh U fbmuls fit N n rue ry Stock. I'nequaled facilities. No f\|M fl« ij< n tW{Ulrw). Letters testamentary on the estate ol William I Ramsey, dec'il, lute of Butler township, Butler county, fa., having b.en granted to the rtider sijrued, all persons knowing them, elves in debted to saii estate will please a». ke in) nedi ate payment and any having el: iuis against | said estate will preset)! them duly authenticated (or settlement. DAVID F. BORLAND, Executor. Butler, Pa. Notice. Notice is hereby given that 11. 11. Vincent, committee of Amanda Diven, a lunatic, has filed his first and partial account in the office of the Prothonotarv of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, at M. S. D., No. 9. De cember term, 1579, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and al lowance on Wednesday, the sth dav of Septem ber, 1883. ' M. N. GRfcER, Pro. Prothonoiarv's office, Aug. 6, 1883. (Continued from last week.) How Watch Cases are Made. This process of manufacture was invented by James Boss, who started in business in 1854, and the methods and tools used in making fllese watch cases are covered by patents. This is the only watch ease made under this process. For many years the in troduction of these goods was slow, owing to popular prejudice against "plated" goods, but gradually the public learned that the James Boss' Gold Watch Case was not a cheap gold-washed or electro-plated article, but was made of genuine gold plates of standard quality and thickness. Conscientious adherence to the determination to make the best watch case ever put on the market, and the adoption of every improvement suggested, has made the James Boss' Gold Watch Case the STANDARD. In this watch case the parts &' & most subject to wear —the bow, crown, hinges, thumb-catches, etc., are made of SOLID GOLD. S+nd 2 teat iUap to iktjitofi Watch Cm* FuUriM, Phila delphia, Pi., for handMHBC Illustrated Pamphlet thowiag JaaM BOM' aad keyatoa* WaUh CAMS are mad* (To be continued.) * The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, illaln Nt,, ISutler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. HP EE R'S Port Grape Wine Usrcl in tb9 principal Churches Tor Communion purposes. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and the A^ed- PASSAIC, SPEER'S PORT GRIPE WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. Thirt celobra'cd Native Wine in made from tbe juice of tlie Oporto Grape, raised in this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHENING PROPERTIES i>re unsurpassed by uiy other Native Wine. Be ing the pure juicuuf the grape produced under Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness iH guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid use it io advantage. It is particularly beneficial to tlis agod and debili tated, and suited to tho various ailaeuts that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to bo relied 0:1. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J- Cherry Is a wine of Superior Chaf? acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the grape from which it is made. For Purity, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Properties,it will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This Brandy standj unrivalled in this country being far superior for medicinal purposes. It is a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that tho signature of ALFRED BPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by 13. II "Wuller, AND BY tRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. BURGLARIES Are of Evory Day Occurrence. Not a SINGLJi INSTAKCE ON RECOUP in the past 3o years where one of Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR - PROOF SAFES llhm Imm-ii Krokt'ii open by Bur glarM IIIMI Kobbrd. Hall's StiindiH'fl Piling Fire- Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AQAIN3T FIR It is a well known fact that there is NO SAI-'K ur»«l<- i>i tli. World THAT GIVE 9 AS GREAT SECURITY AS TIIK IIAM>«» SAFl'l They always protect their contents. I'eiNnim liatiiiK Valuables should not lie without a Hall's Safe. HaU'a Safe &IcckCo. J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK', CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAN FRANCIBC, ST. LOUIS, CLEVELAND, quaffed* .ffOH Purifies th« blood. IB AllT nttnß CURES Dyspepsia, HI|U I ■'■J ar en. r33 Liver and Kidney dls- It; r.H " ltrt ,. S * n, .^" all on receipt of W ctt, —" in postage stamps. Addresr: BEAN A RARE. Wholesale Druggists. Not. 47 * 49 N. 2d St., PhiliWphia. EDUCATIONAL. S WITH IN C.SHORTLIDGE'S Academy for Young Men and Boys, Media. Ponn., 12 m. from Pliiladefphia. School year opens Sept. 12. Fixed price covers every expense, even books, Ac. No extra charges. Xo Incidental expenses. No examination tor admission. Thirteen ex perienced teachers, all men and ail graduates. Special opuoriunities for apt -indents to advance rapidly. Special drill for dull and back ward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or choose the regular English, Scientific, Business, classical, or Civil Kngineemig Course. Students flUed at Media Academy are now in Harvard, Ytde. and ten other Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Laboratory ; a tine Gymnasium and ltall ground. i.»ia \ols. added to Library- in IHS3. Apparatus doubled in ISS2. Ten students sent to College in ISKI. A graduating class in Commercial Dep'l 111 l**:i. Media has 7 churches ami a temperance charter which prohibits (he sale ot all intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated Circular add rev the Principal and Proprietor, SWITHIN* C. SHOKTI.IOGK. A. M. (Harvard Cniversity Uraduate), Media. Penn. augl-4t. &i ' pi College and Musicsl Institute, for jooag ladies, opens September 11th, I!SS3. licaniifuily and Healthfully .ocated, extcutive buildings, pleasant grounds, eheirfu' room?, three Literary courses, snpeiior advantages for music and Art. Extensive apparatus, twenty pi uos and orgitus, including pipe organ. Taorough work, home-like care, modert rates. Scud for circular to KEV. U. T. TAYLOR, D. D., Heaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLER COUHIY. TRAINED TEACHERS are in demand and this demand is increasing yc.ir by ye ir. TEE INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'ive to this fact, piesents an unsurpassed opportunity for those teachers ivuo have determined to succeed. Our Academical Department is strong and so shaped as to have a direct bearing upon teaching How to Teach. In Our Professional Department the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management no Thoroughly developed. Theory lirst, then ihe practical application of this ttieory, under the watchful eye of the Critic Our Graduates ore mieting with the most fl al tering success. There is a constant demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate if you can, but if you can not, it will repay you to come, if only tor a sin gle term. Fall term of ISS3 will open on Sept. 10th. For further particulars address L H. DL T RLING, Indiana. Pa. JEFFERSON ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thorough prepara tion for Co.le'jC, good English education. Con nected with it JEFFERSON IIAIX, Boarding School for Boys, CANOKSnURGII, PA. Discipline strict hut kindly. Boys kept uuder the eye. of the principal, and thoroughly cared lor. Opens September 18th. VVm. EVVING, Piiucipal. Washington Female Seminary. The next seseion opens September 12, 1883. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. SHERRARD, Principal. Or Rev. JAS. I. Baowssos, D. D., Pres't Board of Trustees. Washington, Pa. j!yll,2m THE UNIVERSITY REMOVED TO ALLEGHENY CITY. The 1533 Catalogue of the Western Universi ty of Pennsylvania is ready, containing Cata logue and Hand-Book of College, Preparatory School & SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY. Free on application by postal to IIKNRY MACCRACK EN,Chancellor, North ayeuue, corner Buena Vista street, Allegheny, Pa. july2s-6t. GREAT REDUCTION!" 81SO A YEAR. [IjOCITKD ON TUB N. Y,. P. & <>. R. R-l CHAW FV.RIjAIN INSTITUTE and FEMALE COLLEGE, Randolph, N. Y. It is a large and thoroughly equipped Seminary for both sexes. Established iu 1850. Property free from debt, SIO.'J,GO'.). New Boarding Hall with steam-heat, etc., erected in 1883 at a cost ol f1.,.009. Excellent Board and home-like ar rangements throughout. Total expeusu for board, furnished room steam-heat, light, wash ing «nd tuition for 14 weeks, 950.70 for one year 1180. For catalogue or further informa tion address, PUOF, J, T. EDWAUDS, D. D., Principal. term opens August 28th. Winter term opens December 11th. Spring terra opens March 25. augl-6t. GENEVA COLLEGE. Opens September 4th. Instruction thorough aud practical, Moral tone high, Discipline strict, Expense moderate Good facilities for self hoarding. Situation healthful and romantic. A Ladv Principal hai charge of Ladies' and Nor mal department. Prizes a d work for needy students during vacation. Come and welcome. Address turllier BEV. H. H. GEORGE, D. D President, Bcavei Falls, Pa, a'stltsl BTEUBENVILLE, (().), FEMALE SEMIN ARY. Beautifully located 011 llie Ohio river With 53 years' successful experience. For full information. Address DRS A. M.KEID & WIGIITMAN. julylß Bt. WEST SUNBURY ACADEMY. The Kail Session will open on TUESDAY, AUG. 2S, i ski, at 2o'cloek p. m. A full corps of Exper ienced Teachers will have charge of all depart ments. Music—Vocal and Instrumental, under direction of Miss Annie Clenn. Greek —Language and Literature, Kev. (t. C, 11 Odds. I.eeturer on Anatomy and haws of Health, 11. I). Hoeken berry. M. I). Latin and Elocution, Rev. (1. W. Bean, A. M. Hoard and rooms for self board can be had at reasonable rates. Tuition low. For further in formation write to REV. G. W. BEAN, A. M„ Principal, auiatf Coultersville, I'a. f TIT /V Wc have connected with our 111 11 11 "Ktciisive manufacturing hus -I*l II 1 Iness a department solely d.>- II ll % voted to the sale of (inns Itl |— | 1] % ties, Revolvers and all sorts of 111 ■ I ■ spoiling goods We can sell II I ■ II goods of this character much *** cheaper than any other deal er in the country. Recently we houglit of the well-known firm of the London and Liverpool (Inn Co., who failed, 3,000 of their champion breech-loading shot gun.*, which we will sell at only $7,00 each. This gun cost more twipp the amount we ask to manufacture. We have only a few left, and to close them out will sell them at the low price of 57.00. Vow is your chance if you want a reliable Gtm at a low price. Send a three cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue. Hudson Manufacturing Co., Astor Place A Broadwoy, New York. a || II || lli.it will send us tlie A 111 W II IU L names and address of 10 If £." f 'heir friends, and en close 20 cents (in stamps) to cover expense of packing and postage, we will sepd them tor their trouble any of the following wonderful books: "Ready-made Autograph Album verses," "Hall ltoom Dancing Without a master." "Ko.itline Telling made easy "The mystery of love making solved," or "The American Business man." We make this liberal offer to get names to »elid our new. manmoth, illustrated IU page Catalogue to. Hon't fail to send for our catalogue. Address all orders to Hudson Mnmift>c< 111 li;g f <> Astor Place & Broadway. New York. ICE FOB MALE. The undersigned has about 9't tons of good clear ico on hands, which 110 will cell in large or Mira'l quantities on reasonable forms, and de liver at the houses of bis eustomeis during tho rammer Orders can be left at Wick's meat shop. P..HOWE LYON. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with large two-story brick l;ontjc ai)> M'AT.VHON and DKGI'SY of the HEART. My condition was a distressing one, and all treatment and KIDNEY BEMEDIES gave little or 110 relief. I have been taking your "KIDNEY AND BACK ACHE CUBE" with the most liappy result. It has relieved all the unpleasant symptoms that have followed me 80 persistently and so long. I never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure so completely. lam doing my own work. Younj truly, MKS. JAMES FULLER. DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING SYRUP—Pleas ant, safe, certn'u. Produces good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER'S CAPITOL BITTERS-The purest and best stomach tonic known. Dr. FENNER'S HALT RHEUM OINTMENT —YELLOW AND WHITE— A cure for ALL SKIN DIBE.'ISES. See directions wrapped around packigo. DR KENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The best family physic known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Dit. FESNEU'S PEOPLE'S REMEDIES. ABE USED ALL OVER THE And are for sale by J, L. Walter and D. H. Wuller, But'er, Pa. |D. L. CLSSIiAND.j WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -BPECTACLEH AND SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Fine Wa(«li Repairing a Spec ialty. contTnental HOOF OINTMENT —CUBES Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratch es and Sores —IN— HORSES, CATTL,F. AND SHEEP. Ask your Storekeeper for it, or write direct to the Manufacturers, AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, . . . Ohio. auS,3m HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A VEIIR COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, cellar, out houses and two lots ol ground in Butler will b sold oil reason able terms. Cidi at ollice of F. M. EASTMAN Mar Utf. Butler PJ, Advertise iu the CITIZEN. JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. —(X) — All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors always on hands, also Beer in Bottles. Tobacco and Ci^iirs. apr4,3m Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World Clydesdale, Percheron-Xomutns Emrixh Draft I fori fx, Trotti nil. They ar« beautiful in color, su perior in texture, aiul will bo MOFI! at very low prices. For samples and prices, address. 11.. FULLEKTON. )um.'7B-ly Botler, Fa Star Beer Bottling Company. AND CITY BOTTLIKO HOWSI'. J. C. BUFFUM & CO.,Proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Sole Bottlers of Jos. gehiltz Browing Co's, MIL W AUK EE LAOt.lt BEEB. Schiltz' Export Beer for Families a specialty. Importers and dealers ill Ales, Stouts, Ginger A!«, Siltzer Water, .ire.. Hyiups all Flavors. Manufacturers of Bottled Soda Water. Try our Quart Gir.ger Ale and Champaign Cider, made especially for family table use. Send for Price List. P. O. IJox 398. Tele phone connection. apr2s,4m. |W tl'RtJ WMI*E All flSf FAitS. ra Hi B in Shenango 11.-45 a m 5:47 D in Hamburg 11:56 a in 5:3" |> in Fredonia 1 2:03 p in 5:30 |> m Coolspring 12:08 |> in ">:1"> |> in Mercer 12:17 p m 5:02 p in Pardoe 12:25 p in 4:56 p in Filer 12:32 p in 4:40 p in (irove Citv : 12:40 p m 4:2* p in Ilarrisville 112:56 p in 4:22 p 111 Wick 1;01 p in 4:15 p ni Mrain liton 1:08 p m 4:10 p in Hickory Mills 1:14 p m 3:48 p ni Fuclid 1:34 p in 3:30 p in Jtuiisonville 1-50 p ra 3:21) p in Oneida 2,00 p m 3:00 ]> in Leave Butler Arrivei 2:15 pin The time here given is Columbus time, 12 minutes slower than local time. 1. I>. STINSON, Gen'l Pas<. Agt. P. A U.K. IS, Time Table. The morning train for Allegheny leaves But ler at 8:08, Butler or local time an.l arrives there at 11:45. The ultcrnoon train for Allegheny leaves Isi.t -al 2.29 p. M. and arrives Uieiv at 4:3> r, m. The evening train for leaves at 0.08 p. xi- and arrives there at 8:05 I*, M, ilie morning and evening trains maku elosc connections at Callery Junctiou for all points Wl't. Trains po'ng ticrih leave Butler at 9:41 A. M. and 2 -15, and T:Jii P. M. t local time. Trains leave Allegheny City tor Butler at 7.00 and 1I;*0a. m and 3;C-j V. m., local time. Sunday train going north leaves Butler at 10:44 A. M., and going south at 6:t'B p. M. West PennYluic Table. Traiin- leavv T'ui'er (Butler or Pittsburgh time.) Maiketat4:ll A. M., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9:01 A. M. This train, when ou time, eoiintcts at Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 7;55, city time. Express at 7.10 A. M., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.21 with Express west, arriving lu Allegheny a*, at 9:31 A. M.. and Express e;ist arriviug at Blairsville at 10:28 A .v., railroad time, where it makes close connection with Mail train east. Maii at 2.41 L*. M., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change of cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 5 01 P.M., and Express east arriving at Blairsville Intersection at 6.35 p. M., railroad time, which connects with Johnstown Accommodation and Philadelphia Express e .si. Trains arrive at Butler on West Peun R. K. at 9.4 A. M„ 446 and 5.21 p. sr., Butler time Shenango A Allegheny K. R. Passenger trains leave Hiiiiard at 7:25 a, in. and 2:30 p. ui., arriving at liarrisville at 8:07 a. m. and 3:00 p. m., and at Greenville at 9:35 a. ni. and 6:10 p. m.; a passenger train leaves Co.iliown at 12:2."> p. m. and arrives at Green villc at 3:15 p. in. Trains leave Greenville at 7:00 a. m , 11:35 a. m. and 4:CO p. m., arriving at Coaltown at 10:15 a. m. and at Hilliarde at 1:15 p. tu. and 7:15 p. m. Train So. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9:24 a. in. and arrives at Hiiiiard at 12:15 p. m. will carry passengers between those two points only Titue of Holding Courts. The Boveral Courts of the comity of Butler commence on the tiiut Monday of March. June, September and December, aini continue two weeks, or BO long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put io'.vn for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terras. EN. LEAKE, X. D., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Oftice in Union Block, aud residence in Ferrero hi a e, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2.>, ISB2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klinafler's Flour Store. H)JiGISrX'XS'PjfL X . OU WALURON, Urr.duate ot ibe Phil. p4 adelpbia Denial College, is prepared t i■lo do anything m i!ie line of hit lon in a satisfactory manner. O ike on Main street, butler, Union Block, up etairs. apll Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIB. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, » DOOHS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brack6tS| Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of PR. CUI r- VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on th» RADICAL CUKE of SI'EKM ATowiKKA or Semiuat Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Louses, IMII>- TENCT, Mental and Phy .cal Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc ; also, CONSUMPTION. EPILEPSY and FITS, induced by self-indulgence, or sexual extravagance, «Vc. Tho celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yearn* successful practice, that the alarming conse quence! of self-abuse may bo radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once sjmp'e, certain aud effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mattor what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. (tvCThis Lecture should be in the of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal fu a plain envelope to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO,, 41 ANN ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. ; P. O. Box, 45(K. octll-ly. IMT K <" WF T A NKHVR AND RRM* THKATUFXT B Suaranteed specific for Hysteria. Pi/.ziness. Convulsions, it*, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Nervous Prostra tion eauNcd bv the H»0 of alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful* ness. Mental Depression. Softening of the Urain result ing In Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, premature Ola A pre, Barrenness, Loan of Power In either #ex, Involuntary l/OS9e* and caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abnscorover-lnduln'nce. One box will cure recent cases. Kach bo* contains «na month's tr atmenfc One dollar a bo*, or sii boresflva dollars; sent by mall prepaid on receipt <>f pri«*e Wcguar* •ntee six boxes to cure any ease. With each pn'er re wived for KIX boxes, accompanied with five dollars, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee t<» rtlund money if treatment does not effect a cure. Uuarantcea Iwued onljr by Jos. Fleming, Druggist, 84 Market St* Pittsburgh, Pa. Ordvri l»y mall at regular prices. T[ IPlirpe WANTED $ I OUk 1 1.ULM Liiu SPKI><] J. C MA CUKDY At Co.. Philadelphia,Pa, Subscribe lor the CITIZEN.