BUTLER CITIZEN MISOEI. 1 AN BOUS. His First Day at Saratoga. Saratoga was a new idea to him. j It was so jolly to go from spring to spring and take a drink of the water of each. No two of the springs tasted alike. There are about forty springs at Saratoga. Alter tasting nearly halt of these, he began to have a queer feeling inside him. Alter spending most of the day in this way, he went to bed. It seemed as if all the water works of the lower regions were rais ing a riot within him. After several hours of agony, he thought of l'erry l>avis's I'ain Killer. It gave him re lief and comfort, and charmed him to sleep. A stingy rich man boasted the other day of his charity, and adduced in proof that he had just given his daugh ter a new house. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 15th, IS3O. GENTLEMEN —Having been a sufler er for a long time from nervous pros tration and general debility, I was ad vised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and I have been rap idly getting better ever since, and I thinb it the best medicine 1 ever used. 1 am now gaining strength and appe tite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it, I was completely prostrated. Mits. MARY STUART. spends all his lite in sport is like one who wears nothing but fringes and eats nothing but sauces." I Know Whereof I Speak. For I have used it extensively. I re gard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most ex cellent fcr kidney, lung and stomach disorders. It invigorates without in toxiacting J. Francir, Religo I'hilos Journal, Chicago. —Longfellow tells us that 'Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak." In that case there are some married people whose teeth are chattering. A Case thai Puzzled the Whole Faculty. Mrs Milo Ingram gave the names of some of the most reputable physicians in the two cities (Pittsburgh and Alle gheny), to whom she had paid large sums of money for treatment, but she rapidly grew worse. She was then taken to the most reputable physicians and surgeons in Xew York, but with no better success. They had all pro nounced it cancer, and declared she must die. The flesh of her breast was eaten away down to the ribs; the breast bone was laid bare and the dis ease made its way upwards, causing the breast to become detached from the wall of the chest, hanging loose from aboye. See page 25, of Dr. Ilart man's "Ills of Life.''how Peruna cured her. They are given away by drug gists gratis. —Please to remember that in the economy of life short progress and honest weight are better than long progress and short weight. A Cure of Pneumonia. Mr. D. 11. Barnaby, of Owego, N. Y., says that his daughter was taken with a violent cold which terminated with pneumonia, and all the best phy sicians gave the case up and said she could not live but a few hours at most. She was in this condition wheu a friend recommended I)r. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs and advised her to try it. She accepted it as a last resort, and was surprised to find that it pro duced a marked change for the better, and by persevering in its use a perma nent cure was effected. Townsley's Toothache anodyne cures instantly. Mothers, AttenLion ! Chas. Jones, of Elizabeth, Spencer Co., Ind., says, I have dealt in medi cine a number of years, and will say that Dr. Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup is the most valuable medicine I ever sold. My customers were so pleased with its effects that they pur chased a number of bottles to have it on hand. It is all that it is recom mended to be. —Many a man spoils good fortune by grumbling because it is not better. God sends the corn, but the devil make 3 the bole in the sack. —A dressing to beautify gray hair every family needs. Parker's Hair Balsam never fails to satisfy. —There is very little need to put a duty on matches, because we can make them ourselves. Those which are made in heaven are very seldom brought to this market. —Dr. Beuson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills contain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug and are highly recommended for headache, neuralgia and nervousness. 50 cents, at drug gists. —The game laws are enforced in some parts of the country, but Coney Island seems to be exempt. Every kind of a game is played there with impunity. —The eomplicated diseases brought on by intense study, thought, care, aiixiety, etc., are often of the most se rious nature. Heed such symptoms as k)3s of memory, universal lastitude, heart disease, kidney complaints, liver troubles and a general breaking down of health and strength. When thus afflicted, when the least exertion caus es great fatigue, when life seems a burden, U3e the reliable strengthening tonic, Brown's Iron Bitters. It will afford you sure relief. —lreland has safely passed through her period of famine for this year. She is saved, not by the good will and charity of England, but by a new crop of Irish potatoes. Eight Years 1 Scrofula Cured. A valund correspondent, Albert Simpson, Esq., writing from Peoria, 111., says: "Samaritan Nervine lias cured me of scrofula, after having sut ft-red for 8 years with the disease.'.' Mr. Simpson lives in l'eoria. Ask him. Your druggist keeps it. #1.50. The Father of Fifly Sons Robert Wheeler, of Silver Creek, was born in 177"> and is now lux years old. 11 is parents were of pure Afrie in blood and were captured on the coast of (Juiuea and brought to this country in a slave ship. Hob has had eiirht wives and fifty-four children, fifty of whom were sons. How He Doubled His Trade, Mr. Benj W. l'aton, pharmacist, Globe Village, Mass., says that the miraculous pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, has greatly helped his other business and the sales ol the remedy have dou bled in one month. He keeps a large supplv alwavs on hand. Ofticers of the Army and Navy pronounce St. Jacobs Oil, to be the greatest pain cure of the age. People say sadly that they are wearv of living, but the truth is not in them' I u their heart of hearts they are constantly quoticg Shakespeare "O excellent! I love long life better than figs!" ***"oo boldly what you do at nil. ' Boldly do we alllrtu that Kidney-Worl is the great remedy for liver, bowels and kidney diseases, rheumatism and piles vanish before it. The tonic effect of Kidney-Wort is produced by its cleansing and purifying action oa tj»e blood Where there is a gravelly de posit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disordered kidneys, it always cures. >fr. Emerson very kindly and characteristically says that a weed is a plant whose qualities have not yet been discovered. —Mr. John C. Reisinjrer, Wrights ville, I'a.. says: "I had heartburt that nothing relieved until I tried Brown s Iron Bitters." on friendly terms with your physician, but a very bad thing when he is fre quent in his calls on you. Do the thing that you can do best and you will be sure to succeed. The Spaniards have a saying, "Be not a baker if your head be of butter." —"I had Salt Rheum for 19 years. Four packages of Dr. Benson's Skm Cure entirely cured me ," —F. P. La velle, Merced, Cal. §l. at druggists. —A gentleman of the Hebrew per suasion declared that he was always satisfied if he could make a profit of six per cent. On being asked what he meant by six per cent he replied that it consisted of selling for #0 «vhat bad cost him sl. A sufferer from Rheumatism. 1 limped about for years with a cane, and could not bend down without ex cruciating pain. Parker's Ginger Ton ic effected an astonishing cure and keeps me well. It is infallible. M. Guilfoyle, Binghamton, N. Y. —The world is very discriminating Now that I bave a sheep and a cow, says the old proyerb, everybody bids me good morniug. —lf you wish to be a full fledged homieopathist you need not take any medicine, but just have a short conver satiou with an apothecary when you are sick. —To keep secrets, to employ our leasure usefully, to bear patiently with injuries, and to guard well that our tongues do not go beyond reason— these are difficult duties to perform. —The new postal notes, which are to be used after September 3d in the transmission of small sums of money through the United States mails, will be ready for shipment to all the po»t ofiices in the country this week* —No one is over willing to confess that he is sea-sick, but, some people like to hang over the rail of the vessel more than others, and listen to what the wild waves are saying. Poetical temperaments are often affected in that way. —Not every tailor is cousin-german to his own goose. Recently a clergy man took a pair of pants to the man of needle and thread to be mended. Shears looked at them critically and then said shyly, "Yes, I can mend them. The knees have not been worn any." —Mrs. Partington's moral reflections are always worth attending to. After suffering "the bigamies of death" from an attack of "inflamation in the borax," she threw herself back in her easy chair and remarked, "There's no bless ing like health, particularly when you are sick." —Some people assert that they will believe only what they can sec. What is clearly demonstrable they will accept, but nothing else. These very people, however, believe with all their might that they have brains, and yet they never saw them, and other folks at any rate have no evidence that they possess them. —The young doctors who have been let loose from the schools on a confid ing and physic loving public are likely to try many experiments very interest ing to all except, perhaps, the subjects of them. They remind one of the illit erate fellow who, on being told that a certain patient was convalescent, said, "Why, that is nothing- I can cure convalescence in three hours." —The New York Times recom mends that sleeping car porters be directed to wake up the snorers whoso snorts make night on a sleeping car a season of horror. The advice of the Times is timely, but a more silent and effectual mode would be to fill the porter's pockets with clothes pins, one of which quietly strided upon a sonorous bugle would silence its clarion notes forever. A rt 15 !>. To all those wlio are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervou weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &e., I willscnda recipe tli.t will cure you, I'ltKE OF ClfAl'Gf'. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the lti;v. JOSKI'II T. IXMA.V, Station L', Xcw Yurie City Union Woolen TVS i 11, BUTLEII, PA. II- FCI.LKKTON, i»r*»p'r. Mamtfactarer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YAKNS, &c. Also custom work done to order, such •■•s carding It oils, making Blanketb, Flannel:., Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de siioJ. iny7-ly «iC tur"f Jf Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wliolesoiueness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude ol low tests, oi.ort w i"lit, alum and phosphate powders, goi.n ON,!, tj.* . 4N3. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wail SUcet, N. 7. , r Vi.V";-;.*;.", '■ '•v. ■ v*-ItJ •—-i 8 \A. " I I SI T A \ H*tlU% I»> It;- 1 w lion t . ' iila int. tal.i* 1 1 o I p ImN v: it never fair.• • st til "l'or < rainp of tlie Siomacli or f ■ l l j . c 5 1 I'F.ITR.N Ain larsiMloses is infallible." BBSS n i --Those in literary. i>rc>f'-:-sloiialor mm-ij g 2I nu reial pursuits, in R<l l'i -':t NA." EEE33K • I w| -'ForSiek It-adaelie. pain In the head, g | 41.111/111 Siail'llow.spirits, ta'K" IT.iit'v " .. i sal 'lu.a.l «<. i-t Mi i.:;r!" "Si <ii Hie "Illsof ~,1 f 3 ! Life foTf; r Its tea. I! : harpy, g.; S| "J.adie .if >■>;( v.i.+i r-itensjjli, |I.-*h« w anil beaul v, t .»v •t 1 reat'i, <I. rry ami a | a ro«y elieeks. L ike I'mh -i \ eileh o; a meal.' g KJ "For Chroni'- Catarrh. Nervous I'e- £ a I l.illty, diseases of Hie i.nvran.l Knliteys. J « take I'LIM :;A.-- « is A-fc s-.f'ir (Iniegist I T our pamphlet onlo jm UlB gl'l WHO HMNAOQUAMTCD WITH THF tfOQSAWV OF TMISCOUN* TRY WILL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP THAT THE IJv the cent»*l of itc line, connects tho the West by route, and ear r:,.| pa»isc.:et r ». without chante w l/etweeu Chicago anJ Ka'usar City, Couue.l worth. Alflnson, Miiniaspoila a»<} St. Paul. It connects in Ouion Depots with all the principal lines of road betwtse?* The Atlantic and tlic Pacific Oceans. Its equipment 10 unrivaled and magmii cent, boing composed of iTogt Comtortable and Beautiful Day Coaches, MaKnillcfcUt. ilui-tpn He clinmc Chan* Cars, I'ullman's Prettiest Paiaco Bleeping Cars, ana the Beet Line o» CmwE Cars In the World. Three 'frulqj between Chicago and Mi-.aouri River Points. Two X«aino between Chi and JUinncapolis and bt. Paul, vi«t ill* .famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Scncca and Kanka kee, naa recently boen opened betwcf«ij Richmond, Nonclk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Ananta. Au guaia, Na3hvillc, Louisville, Cmciu.' stJ, Indianapolis and Lafayette, and Oinali:».. Mtnaeap olis a' 1 Sr. Paul and intermediate points. Ail linough Passengers Travel on Fast Express Trains*, Tickets fot* sal** at *.ll principal Ticket Oificc3in the United States grid CQK ida. iJagß3cc» checked through nnd rates of fare al» ways as low ai competitor® tLat pis»ir J?93 advan tages. , For detailed information, get the Mapj «u*ti r c.d ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your noarest Ticket Oiile?, or address R. R. CAKLE, E. ST. JJHN, • if C«B'l M'S'r. Gcu'l TLL & Agt. CHiCACO. j— -— ——S—B ■—B i I s A I£ 12 31' S 6 | HAIR BALSAM, j 8 preferred by those I S whohavc t; r ed it, to any I I / -r p 3 \ only that arc beneficial I | Restores the Youthful Colo: to Grey or Faded Hair | I Parker's Ilair Palsam is finely i»ei fumed and i& Q B warranted to prevent f.'lHng of the hair and to rc- ■ | move cLmdruU and itching. lliscox &Co , N.Y. H PARKER'S GINGERTONIC fX Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, woni out with overwork, or a mother run down l>y or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC, If you are a lawyer, minister or business man en liausted by menta! strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating 6liJ72ulants,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have C<x»«*nrip?ion f Dyspepsia, Kheuma- Ism, Kidney Complaints, or <iny disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. GINGER TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifcjr And the Best and Surest Ccurjh Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or sr.y disease or weakness and requi:e a stimulant take GINGER TOXIC AT once; it will invigorate r.nd build you up from the first dose but will never into.vbatji, it has savedhtindieds of lives; it may save yours, CAUTION !—Refine nil subrtitnte*. Parker's Glr.jjr Tonic !> of the best remedial ajer.t-, in the world, and is entirely different from prfj»aratiou* of ginger alone. Send for circular to Ali#cax & Co., N. Y. £oc. 6l $1 iizes, at dealers in drugs. CHEAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Iff ~ '1 I t J: 1 I delightftd ptrfume popular, 'i llera B ■ is nothing like it. Insist upon having FLOSES- M PRESEMf POWER. T«-Moi'r«w A Wiiy Oil Kiicn CI 1(» is Wanli'il To-Duy. is never in :i hurry, l'ain anil Jis (ress »re in liot It is to liie "friend in imi'ti"—the friond wij<> something now— that I lie old j.avs the co>i f piit>)<'i't ol be iug "a Iriend indcc«l f ,f I they do 1101 the KuU'erer in suspense i the salient excellence of Bicxso.N soa i'4l si: l'Oiir.s PLASTEKS. The ])hister> ol'ollu'r days whether porous or otherwise said—"Wait until to-iuorrow : We can jtroniige nothing on li; .|>ur of lliti moment." Hut jiain unrelieved, like hope de ferred, makcth the heart siek. Uenson's plasters act on application. They permeate, soothe, warm and iieal, containing, as they do, chemical and medicinal agents of the highest c-fiieh .-ley. Their motto is xow, ami the gen nine have ..he H'»ird f'APCIXK cut in the mid dle ofctw-di pluustw. f'ri(ie 25 cents. Sealmry it .lohnson, <'hemists, iSev Vorlf, i a— mm ri«rt « ■ etaa r> mm f WANTED, a SALESMEN. I Touukv.u;? for the sal pof Nursery Slock. I nequaled I facllificd. S>j nee reijuirod. Salary and «\- I ]>• uses paid. h and Ornamental Tr«*cu, I Shrubs, etc. W. & T. bh/IXTH. (jewva. N.Y. Scusts ml B* . t Concli Syrup. Tarfl«igof>d. KMI Use intiiue. bold by druKKisis. f£3 LKG A L AI) VER TISEMENTS. Jury I,l*l*TorScpl. Tcriu, liMt. List of Grand Jurors drawn to eorve in the Sept. terra of Coart. commencing Monday, the third -lav, A. D., IS.-.'!. Isaac Andrews, Penn twp., farmer. M S Bel). Mercer twp. farmer. J F Bingham. Centrevillo boro, merchant. J W Black. Piu ker twp, farmer. F. J. Campbell. Venango twp. farmer. S S C:ider, Cranberry twp, farmer. J. J. Crawford, Millerstcwn boro, paiuter. Bernard Dougherty. Butler boro, farmer. Joseph Flick, Donegal twp, blacksmith. J L. Henry, Milierstown boro. gauger. Wm Higcnbothem, Jefferson twp. farmer. Harvey Kelly. Slipperyrock twp, farmer, rhilip Kratue. Butler boro. moulder. John Logan, Middlesex twp, farmer. K. G. Jlartliail. Allegheny twp, carpenter. James McGrath. Centre twp, farmer, Jas W Moser. Oakland twp, farmer. M A McGrath, Slipperyrock twp. farmer. Tlios Ncnis, Donegal twp, farmer. John Shields. Wintield twp, farmer John W Stewart. Muddycreek twp. farmer. John L Thompson, Fail view twp, teacher. Christian Uhl. Lancaster twp, shoemaker, A C Wick, Clay twp, fanner. List of Traverse Jurors drawn to serve in the September term of court, commencing the second week, being the lutli day, A. !>., IS*;!. Jobhna Adams, Marion twp. farmer, J R Allison, Cherry twp, farmer. II A Brown, Clay twp, farmer. I'liilip Brady, Donegal twp, farmer. W C Bcfk. Barker twp, producer. II J Brown. Mercer tWp, farmer. Peter Burr, Forward twp, farmer, Jno W Brandon, Connoquonessing twp, (south,) farmer. John Cashdol!ar, Adams twp farmer. Albert Cookson, Cranberry twp, farmer. F S Chandler, Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Johil ("lilev, Summit twp. farmer Lewis Croft, Middlesex l .vp, fanner. Thom:is Denny, Middlesex twp, farmer. George C Drake, Worth twp. farmer. J P Daubcnspeck, Barker twp, farmer S 11 Fvane, Washington tv p, (north,) agent. A B Evans, Earns City boro. coal dealer John Fredlcy, Middlesex twp, farmer, nepiy Green, Butler boro. Ist Ward, farmer W M iilenn Warhington twp, < south, j farmer. J C Glenn, {'lay township, farmer. Amos Hall,' Clay twp, farmer. F. A Ilelmboldt* Jt ft'ersou twp, farmer. William Jamison, Venango twp, farmer, C O Kingrbury, pViure.ilio bpro. merchant, Michael Kelly! Buffalo twp, farmer. Michael Mokel. Buffalo twp, farmer. Jas. Miller, Venango twp. farmer. 5. A. McGowan, Prospect boro. farmer. Hneli II Mnrrin, Venango twp. farmer, james il ;Blha:i", Fairview twp, f W.) pumper. Jacol) L Negley, Cfiutoii tWp, farm»j> August 01)1, Jefferson tw{i, biacktsinuh. Adam Osterling, Summit twp, farmer. G W Phillips, Zelienople boro. teamster. Samuel Price, Butler twp, farmer. Jas Pennel, Eairview twp, producer. Parker, Buffalo twp, farmer. Jolni Hummel, i.vitmold twp, caj-pepter. G W Reep, bpro. ponfractor. J W Starr, Penn twp, farmet. Jerry Sutton, Parker twp, laborer. Lesris Seafon, Venfttigo twp, farmer. Harrison Simpson, Donegal twp, farmer. G W Vamum, Center twp, farmer. W H Wick, Oakland twp, (now Fairview,) far. S M Weihl, Zelienople boro. gent. KEOISTEtt'S XOTICUB. The Register hereby gtyes ngtice thai the fol lowing accounts of Executors Administrators and Guardian* have been filed in his office ac cording to law and will be presented in Court for continuation aud allowance cn sth day of September, A D, 1883, at 3 o'clock, p si, of said day 1. Final account of George Brant guardiau of Norana H. Brant. g. Partial spid distribution account of Tlios. J. and Janies C. Mil ford, of James Milford. late of Allegheny twp., dec J. 3. First and final account of John Smitli. ex ecutor of Wm. Dobson, Sr., late of Clay twp., deed. 4. Final account of 11. 11, Gallagher, admin istrator C. P. A. of Adam Albert. 5 First aud partial account of August Roe neigh and John 0;. Michel, executors and trus tees under the will of Joan G. Michel, late of Jefferson twp.. dee'd. 6. First and partial account of W. V. Kelly, administrator of David Kelly, late of Venango twp . dee'd. 7. First and partial account of W. A. For quer, executor of the last will ?.i)d jest anient of S. 11. Say, late of Washington twp.. Dei (J. 8. First and partial account of (leo. C. Roes, sing administrator of Cornelius MeCool, late of Butler borough, dee'd. 9. Final account of John Scott, guardian of Miniud Bro'vn ( now dee'd ), a minor daughter of John A. Brown, late of fairview twp.. dee'd. 10. Final account of Geo, bia.Lerger and Wm. Cadidollar, executors of Wm. Cashdollar late of Adams twp.. dec d. 11. l'irst and partial account of Wm. F. Wild and Jolin /iegler, executors of A. S. Ziegler, late of Jackson twp., aee'd. 12. The account of Margaret Wick C. P. A. of fclislia VViuk, late of I'ouegal twp.. dee d. 13. Final acpour.it of Martin 11. Sitler, execu tor of George A. Howell, iats of Harmony, dee'd 13. Final aejount of W. N. McGnllough guar dian of John M. Wolford, minor child of Jacob Wolford. late of Donegal twp., dee'd. 14. Final and distribution account of Sam'l W. fctewart, administrator of Robert Stewart, late of Franklin twp., dee'd. 15. Final account of Jane Frisl.ee. adminis tratrix v)f >Vm. If. Frisbee, late of Penn twp.. deed. Hi. First, final and disti ibuuon utcomji of P. R. Burk administrator of Andrew J. Hastier, dee'd. 17. Final' aeeonnt of James Atkinson and John Atkinson, executors of Thomas Atkinson late of Buffalo twp., dee'd 18. First, li' a! and distribution account of Harriet Gold, blniinieuatrix of fan" Gold, late of Butler twp,, dee'd. 19. Final amount of Henry tfuauiT, esocutor of Sri 11 io Boclim. dee'd., latu of Jackson twp. 2 n . Final account of Mary A. Ztogltr, alfll ll istratrix of John 15 McQuistion, late of Butler borough, doe'd. 21. Final account of J. Dutchman and Wm. Park, ex«i.u{cre of Margaret Park, late of Mid dlesex twp , dee'd. 22, Final and distribution of Tlios. Donaghy, tiustee, appointed to make sate oi real e.-tate of Eckert Bentel, dee'd. KO U> BEPOBTB, Notice is hereby given that the following road reports have been confirmed msj and will bo presented the first Wednesday of September, being the sth day of the month. A. D., 1883. If r.o exceptions are filed tjiey will bo confirmed absolutely. No. 1. March terra. 18S3. Public road In Wash ington Leginning near the residence of W. P. Miller on the Billiard Mill and Murrinsvtlle road to the public roal known as the But'er and Em lenton road near the residence of Ezekiel Lewis i*j said township. ho. i. Jtoad in Summit to be vacated, begin ning at or neat 1»O!;QQ1 House No. 5, on the W. P. R. R., to a point on ilia JJriukei's Mill and Hannahstown road at or near the hne balye.en tlie fa' ins ot Adam Frederick and John Bauld'&uf in said township- Ko f. Public road in Jackson to leal from the Beaver comity line at the farm of P. Getman in New Sewickly twp.. to a public road leading from Zelienople to Beaver a; a point on said public road m Butler comity at Orphans Home. No. 0. Public road in Oakland, Concord and Centre twps., beginning at a public road at or near the residence of Anthony Thompson in Centre twp., to the Butler and Einlenton road near the property of Isaac Robb. No 12. Public road in Clay to lead from a point on the Butler and Sunbury road on lands of Israel Cranmer in Clay tp-, to a point on the roaj I.eading from Sunbury to TTnionville where said road through lands of James Cran mer in said township. No. 14. Public road in Cranberry ai.« idatjjs twp., to lead from the Evansburg road at Bear run to Callery Junction on the P. A W. R. R. in Adams twp. Butler Co.. SS: Certified from tho Record tjija 7th day of August, 1883. W. B. DODDS, Clerk Q. S. Widows* AppraiscniieiiJs, The following appraisements of personal prop erty and real estate set apart for widows of de cedents have been filed in the office of Clerk of the Courts of Butler conntv in accordance with tho act of Asscmby April 14. Jrti7. Juliana Bicker. widow ofF. 15'oeher.... ii'Xi 90 Lavina Ca ii]>l.ell.widow of E lw.Catnjiboll 246 90 Jane Mi Go'.\a i, wi 1 wof Wm McCowan :t 10 00 IdaM. Gra'nn, wi I>vofG. W. Gra'ivn 2J5 65 Francis E. Hocl.enbcity, widow of Wm Ilockcnberry 300 00 Marv A. Mecliling, widow of James 11. Mocliling 300 00 Caroline Miller.widow or Bi»!thajjor Miller 'MO 00 N. J. Moore, widow (if A J. Mooro 300 00 Margaret Werner, widow of Ernest Werner ijo9 00 All persons interested in the above appraise ments will lake notice that they will be present ed to the Orphans Court oil Wednesday tho sth day of September. 1883, and no exceptions be ing tiled tliey will be confirmed absolutely by the Court. W. B. DODD.-J, Clerk O. C. JKslaU'iof William Hamsejr. Letters testamentary on the estate ol William Ramsey, dee'd, late of Butler township, Butler v unity, Pa., having been granted to tin- under signed, ;t!! persons knowing themselves in d< bted to saia tsi:ij.e v.'ill please make immedi ate payment and any having c'lints against said c-t itc will present lliem duly aiithcntieateU lorsDttlemi nt. DAVID F. BORLAND, Executor. B itler, Pa. "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." ENGINES, TMRCCUCDC SAW MILLS, Horse Power.' 8" " HLM O Clovr HaHera (Huiferi to all sections. > Write forFllEE Illua. I'amphlefi i'uevs iv XUt' Auilmiui vS 'l** for Co., MAiujUviJ, ukio. E l> UCA TIONAL. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE'S Academy tor Voung Men and Boys, Media. Penn., I j in. from Philadelphia. School year opens Sept. V 2. Fixed price coversevery expense, even books, .vc. No evtra charges. No incidental expenses. No examination for admission. Thirteen ex perieneed teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly, special drill for dull and backward hoys. Patrons or students may select any studies or choose tlie regular English. Scientific. Business. < lassical, or Civil Engineering Course. Students fitted at Media Academy are now iu Harvard, Vale, and ten other Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Laboratory ; a tine (ivninasiuiii and Ball ground. 1.500 vols, added to" l.ibrarv in iss:t. Apparatus doubled in issj. Ten students sent to College iu ISM. A graduating class in Commercial Dep't in ISB3. Media lias 7 churches and a temperance charter which prohibits die sale of all intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated Circular address the Principal and Proprietor. SWITHIN ('. SHOHTIdIMJK. A. M. (Harvard t'niversitv Graduate), Media. Penn. augi-4t. Be aver College and Musical Institute, lor young ladies, opens September 11th, ISS3. Beautifully and Healthfully Located, extensive buildings, pleasant grounds, cheerful rooms, three Literary courses, superior advantages for music aud Art. Extensive apparatus, twenty pi inos and org: us, including pipe organ. Thorough work, iiome-like care, ulodert rales. Send for circular to REV. K. T. TAYLOR, D. D., Beaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLER COUMY. TRAINED TEACIIEKS are iu demand and this demand is itereasiug year by year. THE INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'ive to this fact, presents an unsurpassed opportunity lor thoe« teachers who hayc determined to succeed. Our Aoademioal Depart men t is strong and so shaped as to have a direct bearing upon teaching Hqw tq Teach. In Our Professional Department the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management are Thoroughly developed. Theory first, then die practical application of lid.- theory, under the vatchin! eyaol the Critic Our Graduates are meeting with the most flat tering success. There is a constant demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate if you can, but if you can not, it will repay you to come, if only for a sin gle term. F'.'.ll term ol 1883 will open on Sept. 10th. For further'particulars address * L' IL' DURLING, Indiana. Pn. JEFF£RS6F ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thqrougii prepare tion for Codege, good English education. Com nieeted with it JEFFERSOX IIALL, Boarding School for Boys, CAiyONSBURGH, L*.V. Discipline strict but kindly. Boy? kept uuder the eye of the principal, and thoroughly cared for. Opens September ISth. Wm. pWfNG, Principal, Washington Female Seminary. The next session opens September I' 2, 1883. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. SHERRARD. Principal. Or Rev. JASI L BUOW.NW, D. p., Prefj:t Board of Trustees, Washington, Pa. jlyll^m THE UNIVERSITY REMOVED TO ALLEGHENY CITY. The 18S3 Catalogue of the Western Universi ty of Pennsylvania is ready, containing Cata logue and Hand-Book of College, Preparatory Scliool & SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY. Free on application by postal to HENRY MACCRACKEN, ChanceIIor, North ayenne, corner Buena Vista street, Allegheny, p4, jtily2s-6t. GREAT REDUCTION ! 81 SO A YEAR. [LOCATED ON THE N. Y.. P. A O. R. R.L €' IIA M BERI. AIV INSTITUTE and FEMALE COLLEGE, Randolph, N. Y. It is a large and thoroughly equipped Seminary for both sexes. Established iti 1850. Property ii-ec from iiv'hl, Jlo'',ooo. New Boarding Hail with steam-heat, etc., tteeted in at a cost ol 515.003. Excellent Hoard and home-likfe ar rangements throughout. Total expense for board, furnished room steam-heat, light, wash ing and tuition for 14 weeks, ¥59.70 for one year 1180. For catalogue or further inforraa addrw. PROF, J, T. EDWARDS, D. D., Principal. fall term opens August 28th. Winter !prui opens December 11th. Spring term opens March 83. »ngl-Ct. C* E.WEVA COLLEGE Opens September 4th. Instruction thorough and practical, Moral tone high, Discipline strict, | model - ..tc Good facilities for self boarding. tju.'-aUo;; healthful and romantic. A Lady Principal lia» charge of Ladies' and Nor ! mil department. Prizes a d work for needy I . tudents during vacation. Come and welcome. Address further REV 11. 11. GEORGE, 1). D President, Beaver Falls, Pa, a'stllst STEUBENVILLE, (Q.), FEMALE SEMIN ARY. Beautifully located on the Ohio rjver With 53 years' successful experience. For full iilformalioi), Address DRS A. M, RFIP & WIQHTMABf. Julylßßt. WEST SUNBURY ACADEMY. The Fall Session will open on TUESDAY, AUG. 2S, 1 HM.'I, at 2 o'clock !•. si. A full corns of Exper ienced Teachers will have charge ot all depart ments. Music-Vocal and Instrumental, under din-i:<i(.,f of -Miss Annie Glenn. Greek—Language and Literature. Rev. li. C. Dodds. Lecturer on Anatomy and Laws of Health, fl. t). Hoeken berry. M. I). Latin and Elocution, Rev. G. W. Beau, A. 11. Hoard and rooms for self-board can be had at reasonable rates. Tuition low. For further in formation write to KEV. G. W. BEAN, A. M.. Principal, autotf Poultersville, Pa. f\i TT«T We have connected with our 818 1 11 extensive iiianufaeturinu bus- I I 1| 1 InesH a department solely da -1 ? li % voted to the sale of Guns. Rl- I-w I U % ties, Kevolvers and all sorts of 4 jr M I ■sporting goods We can sell ' ' ■ II goods of this character much cheaper than any other deal er in the country. Recently we bought of the well-known firm of the London and Liverpool G"n Co.. who failed, 3,i»00 of their champion bYt-ecn-lwdim; shot guns, which we will sell at only $7.00 each. This gun cost more twice the amount we ask to manufacture. We iiuve a few left, and to close them out will sell theiii at the low price of ST.oi). Vow is your chance if you want a reliable Gun at a low price. Send a three cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue. Hudson Manufacturing Co., Astor Place & Broadwoy, New York. ■ &I I# ft PS s™ that will send us tlie Jr «r. V a t &■ names and address of 10 «i 3 9 WS® their friends, and en close 20 cents tin stamps) to cover expense of packing and postage we w ill send tlieni for their trouble any of tlie following wonderful books: '•Ready-made Autograph Album verses," 'Hall Room Dancing Wit limit a master." "nut line Telling made easy "I'he mystery of love making solved." or "The American Business man." We make this liberal offer lo get names to send our new. nianinoth, Illustrated lit page Catalogue to. I Hiu't fail to send for our catalogue. Address all orders to Hudson Co. Astor Place & Broadway, New York, fC'E FOR SALE. Tho undersigned has about 25 tons of good clc?r ice 011 hands, which he will sell in or Hir,i'l (jiiantit'ca on reasonable terms, and de liver at the IIOUHCH of his customers during the pummor Orders can bo left at Wick's meat shop. D..IIOWE LYON. FOR SALE." 18 Acres of land, with largo two-story biicu house and large barn thereon erected, flood orchard; mtuated in Butler twp , Butler county, l'a., adjoining liutler borough 011 tho south, will be sold cheap and on easy terms. For particu lars! iiiipiiro of Lev MiQuislion, Esq., Butler, Pa, j MSKn!§£T B \ ISB LIBERTY ST. B PTTTSBTT BGH. . Advertise iu tie CiTWH. HOI'SE AVI) LOT FOR SALE. A VBKV COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, cellar, out bouses and two lots of ground in butler will b sold oa reason able terms. Call at office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-lttf. Puller Pa. BRICKS! BRICKS! The subscriber continues the making -of brieks common, pavement, bay window and other qual ities at his kiln on the Fair Cround road, half a mile west of Butler He will keep on hand a lot of brieks at all limes. He will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As lie intends carrying on the brick making business, he invites the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize li mi. All orders promptly tilled at reasonable rates. Call on or address, J. GEOROE STAMM, niarJS-Guio , Butler Fa. B/airsvtl'e (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful grounds, commodious buildin<* heated throughout with steam, good table healthful location, no malaria, THOROUGH INSTRUCTION in English, French, German, Latin, Greek, Music, Drawing, Painting, itc. For catalogues, apply to REV. T. R. EWING, Principal. Thirty-third year begins Sept. 12, 1883 Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution In its 30th year. For nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Inval.ds are invited to correspond with us. Circulars free. Address, S. FREASE, M. D., jy 18-ly New Brighton, Bearer Co., Pa. SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY. Endorsed by the medical fraternity. Families supplied for medical purposes. Largest aud best selected stock of Imported and Domestic Wines and Brandies. MAX KLEIN WHOLESALt LIQUOR DEALER, 82 Federal street, Allegheny, opp. Fort Wayne Passenger Depot and 'A doors above West Penn Depot. NEW DRUG STORE. J. B, Kohlmeyer & Co. Main Street, (Opposite Vogeley House) BUTLER, PENN'A. DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes, Oils and Paints, <^c. fcTDr. Q. 51. Zimmerman has his office on the second door of same puijding. jneli)-tf Farmers Lool* I To your own interest and dont buy a grain drill till you see the FARMER'S FAVORITE, Double distribution and grain sepdpr, foroe feed grass seeder, and double cast-steel reversible pointß. Steel axletrees. Grass seeder either behind or before. For sile by Wm. Crooksliank, Sarversville, Butler Co. Pa. aplßtf Star Beer Bottling oompanyi AND CITY BOTTLIIO HOUNE. J. C. BUFFUM & CO.,Proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Sole Bottlers of Jos. Snhiltz Brewing Co'a, MIL WAUKEE LAG Lit BEER. Schiltz* Export Beer for Families a specialty. Importers and dealers ill AleS, Stouts, Gingar Ale, Siltser Water, Ac., Syrups all Flavors. Manufacturers of Bottled Soda Water. Try our Quart (finger Ale and Champaign Cider, piado especially for farajly tablo usp. Send for Price List.' P. O, 804 3mß. T?lpr phone connection. apr2s,4m. |D. L. CLESLAND,| WATCHMAKER JEWELEE. South Main St., Butler, Pa ? Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -BPECTACLEH AND SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Tine n'atcli Repairing a Spec- Ho ! for Pittsburgh Exposition HOME HOTEL, Within "sight of the Exposition Building, facing the Allegheny river. Duquesne Way between Eighth & Ninth Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY, Or 50 cents a day cheaper than any hotel in Pittsburgh. Only temperance hotel in Pitts burgh. augß,l2w CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT CURES— Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratch es and Sores —IN HQRSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. Ask your Storekeeper for it, or write direct to the Manufacturers, AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, . . . Ohio. anS,3m ONLY KNOWN CURE FOR R U PT U R E TIIE TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., No. 9 South Thirteenth slreer, Philadelphia, and 71 Third avenue New York, cures Rupture in 30 days, and will pay €I,OOO for a Rupture they cannot cure. I>r. Englemui, the GREAT HER NIA Surgeon, Medical ai:d Surgical Director. TERMS MODERATE. EXAMINATION FREE. Free trial of Trasses at Offices,which are open day and evening, at Room 15,* Hunt ill on Hold, 205 Trnn Air., PitUharyh, l\i for a short time only. Call or send 25 cents for book on the cure of Kupture, N. B.—Dr. E. treats successfully all Female Diseases, at Hamilton Hotel. jvll 3m -——sSTuK The richest, creamy iKof&TPkMtRIC BEER ever quaffed. IQKTA BIFCOIHN ,he b, ood. ID Am Hltnra cures Dyspepsia. MJUI Liver and Kidney dl«- 11, TlirV 41 vijrnn Sent by Mall on receipt of 25 cts. In postage stamps. Address: BEAN & RARE, Wholesale Druggists. Nos. 47 & 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. ppTAdVerfciM in the CITIZKN How Watch Cases are Made. Most persons have an ambition to carry a gold watch ca»e, and yet few people know how a watch ease is wade, or the vast dif ference in thequality of them. In a SOLID GOLD WATCH C ASE, aside from the neces sary thickness for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of the metal Is needed only to stiffen and hold the engraved por tions in place, and supply Strength. The surplus is not only needless, but undesira ble, because gold is a soft metal and cannot furnish the stillness, strength and elasticity necessary to make the case permanently strong and close-fitting. The perfect watch case must combine gold with some metal that will supply that in which the gold is deficient. This has l>een accomplished by the James Boss' Gold Watch Case rr , *£} „.. tf which saves the WASTE of need less gold, and INCREASES the SOLIDITY and STRENGTH of the case, and at the same time reduces the cost OXE HALF. B*ad S rcntituip to IfTitoa* Watch fiw FwtorlM, Phila delphia, Pa., for baadkoar IlluttraUd Pamphlet •bowing haw Jane* BOM' AND Jiejttoae WaUh Cam ara madt. (To be continued.) * The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, jffaiii St., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. t^BMLGU/E 4 Mends Everything HOT.TO AS KOl'K !—Hard as Adamant ! Firm oHl>ranite!! Stronirest, Toujfbeet, and Most Elastic Olus on Eartht A Banieonian C.lant and Comenta 1 Absolutely I'n breakable and Inseparable! No Heating!—No Preparation Alwaj^Keady—AlwayrtJauldl Glut thlna. Glass. Mood, ABDOKW leather Baiting', Crockery, Bit KnUW Cue Tips and Cloth.Marblo. Unm <"* Metala. Patches on Leather and , BhiHl Rubber Shoes. Bric-a-bra«. Book Backs, Htone, iSiraitura, Bicycle IFVIPVA Rubber Tires, Ornaments of Every .(IWilB kind. Jewelry, Smokers' Pipes and Alii AIM Cißar Holders, Card Board in Scrap S cok ,». »nd Krerythln* rise witS XfiSirTl H Evei-laaUuHr Inseparable Tenacity 1 fYI 11M Manufacturers of Gummed La ■3lllH bels,Textile Fabrics, FineCarriatresL WK lUjS Pianos, Artificial Flowers. Imitation FISSSa Stained Glass and Straw Ooods,Cabl. not Makers, ka., supplied by Gallon MBbWRB '"• Barret 20c. Bottle (Brush and *t"flnwwS&um J.U.O'MEARA4CO.Ki,SiAf; Lire A(jent»\S anted Everywhere. Sold by Drmnrists. CJocuio, fcUUuUfD. Uardwaro NiU Ueuural Store? FOE SALE AT REDICK'S DRUG STORE. qiEEX VICTORIA, Court circles in England are anxious about the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this is difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for hey lingering illness, there js a sure and certain remedy for it all and kindred affections,which she ought to know of and use, in DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CURE. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it curcß infinitely worse oases than hers s tredooia, N. ¥.. Mar. S, 1863. Dr. M. M. Fenner—Dear Sir—For years I had been buffering from a combination of KIDNEY DISEASE, HEART DISEASE and FEMALE WFAKNESS. I had a heavy aching pain over my kidneys with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a- SCANTY and TURBID flow of urine; BLOATING OF LIMBS and a GENERAL DKOPSICAL CONDITION; also PAIN, PALPATATION and DROPSY of the HEART. Mv condition was a distressing one, and all treatment and KIDNEV REMEDIES gave little or no relief. 1 have been taking your "STONE* AND BACK ACHE CCUE" with the most happy result. It has relieved all the unpleasant symptoms that have followed me so persistently and so long. J never had H medicine help me so qniokiy and cure so completely. lam doing my own work. Yours truly, MRS. JAMES FULLER. DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING SYRUP—Pleas ant, safe, certain. Produced good rest, good temper, ro.iy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor in ttie oliiUl. DR. FENNEB'S CAPITOL BITTERS-The purest and beat stomach tonic known. Dr. FFCNNEILLS SALT UHEUM OINTMENT —YELLOW AND WHITE—A care for ALL SKIN DIBK.VBES. See directions wrapntc} ground pack«ge. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —Tlie beat family pliybic known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DR. FEXNEU'S PEOPLK'S REMEDIES. ABE USED ALL OVER THE WORLD. And are for sale by J, L. Wuller and D. 11. Wnller, Butler, Pa. •JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. —it) — All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors always on hands, also Beer in Bottles. Tobacco and Cigars. apr4,3ui Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World 1 Clydesdale, Pe English Draft Horses, Trotting-Bred Roadster Shetland Ponies, HoUtein and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large polleetions, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZEN. july2s-9m. PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 Firft Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Buildings. liridges au«l Roofs, Jails and Lookups, Fronts, Columns A CJirders, Stairways and Ifeauis, Fences and Crisfings, Fi re- Escapes. mar2B,Gm Dnylync nUIYIAIIUL H^SaTaKP^fromThebordemof or n with an Intra- All# lI|UII| iraQ foroßt i to durtlonliy I>r ,Si I ||, lU LU I the pl.'vr aud J.C.KIDPATII. . . r\ R- Ithe sickle. l.miOpp. 100 magnificent —. ._ _ LIFE Union Woolen Mills. I would desira to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I Uavo new and improvod machinery for the manufacture of BarrGd and Gray Flannols, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them an being very dura ble. aa they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will bo Mold at very low prices. For e&mpleo and prices, address, H. FULLEBTON, Ju134.'78-ly Butler. Pa low in priif: selling 7.»*t. --very *hrir. I.lhrrul term* prftdicj, l.*rrrl»ou A 1 v., 6u N. l wurth St., rmUUdplua, I' 4» ||;p. A W. K. R, Time Table. ; The niornin-r tnin for Allegheny leaves But ler at S:OS, liutleror loc»l time and arrives there at 11:15. The afteruoou train for Allegheny leaves But at 2:29 P. m. and arrives th re at 4:32 p, v. The evening traiu fur Allegheny leaves at O.PS p. M- and arrives there at *:OS p. M, The morning and even inn trains in ik« close connections at Oallery Junction for all points west. Trains coing ncrth leave Butler at 9:41 A. M. and 2 45, aud 7:3.3 P. M., local time. Trains leave Allegheny City for Butler at 7 00 and 11 ;20 A. M aud 3;C5 p. M., local lime. Sunday train going north leaves Butler at 10:44 A. M., and going south at 0:0S p. M. Wcsi l*emiTiuie Table. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh time.) Maikct at 4:41 A. M., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at I«: 01 A. M. This train, when on time, connects at Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:55, city time. Express at 7:10 A. SF., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.21 with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at at 9:31 A. M.. and Express east arriving at Blairsville at 10:2!* A M., railroad time, where it makes close connection with Mail train cast. Mail at 2.41 p. M., connecting at Butler Juue tion without change ol ears, with Kxpress west, arriving in Allegheny at 5.01 p. M., and Express east arriving at Blairsville loteiseciion at 0.25 p. M., railroad time, which connects with Johnstown Accommodation and Philadelphia Express east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Peun R. It. at 'J.4 A. M„ 4.40 and 5.21 P. M., Butler time Sbenango A Allegheny It. It. Passenger traius leave liilliard at 7:25 a, m. and 230 p. in., arriving ft llarrisvillc at 8:07 a. in. aud 3:30 p. in., and at Greenville at 9:35 a. in. and 0;10 p. m.; a passeuger train leaves Coaliown at 12:25 p. m. and arrives at Green villeat 3:15 p. m. Trains leave Greenville at 7:00 a. in., ll;35 a. m. and 4 CO p. m., arriving at Coaltown at 10:15 a. m. and at Hilliards at 1;45 p. m. and 7;15 p. m. Train No. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9;24 a. m. aud arrives at Uilliard at 12;15 p. m. will carry passengers between those two poiuts only Time of Holding Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the first Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. "P N. LEAKE, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrero hcu-e, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, 1882. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mySl-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Kliuirler's Flour Store. "DENTISTB * . 0 1# WALDRON, Graduate oi the Phil ■ R adelphia Dental Collegers prepared ■ I* ■to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, jJ. W, Kuikhart, A. Troutmaa, Jacob Schoen?, G. C. Roessing, : Jobn Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrvin, ; J. J. CroJl. A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heiuemaui. JAS. T< M'JUNKIN, Gen. A*'t .BUTLER PA. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard, J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MtttUFACTITRERB AND DBALttP.6 IS Hough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DEBCRIPTIOM, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH, PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German €atholic (Jhnrcta How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the EAUICAL CURE of SI'ERMATOHHIKA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. ISUM)- TBHCY. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc ; also, CONSUMPTION. EPILEPSY and FITS, induced by self-indulgence, or sexual extravagance, ic. The celebrated author, in tbis admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming oouse quences of self-abuse way be radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at once airnp'a, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. fct'This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NEW YOKE, N. Y. ; P. O. Box, 450. octll-ly. I , K < WHT S NERVE AND BRAID T 1 t T*FNT » guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness. Convulsions, Jits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Pro«tra lion caused by the uso or alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful, ness. Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain result ing in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Ola Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sox. Involuntary Losses and •— T. .. caused by over-exertion or the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains <ne month's treatment One dollar a box. or six boxes Ave dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guar antee six boxes tocuie any case. With each ort'er re eeived for six boxes. accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund money if treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Jos. Fleming, Druggist. 84 Market St* Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders by mail at regular prices. TFirUtQC WANTEDS! 0\~&- I tlLflLllU <IPKI>U M7MSMER. AdJrcsi I MiCi-iuviCo, Pklladdplua.P>. Subscribe for thp CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers