BUTLER CITIZEN MIKCEI .1 .A > I .OI X- Notorious Offender Arrested; The Chief of Police in Hartford has arrested and effectually brought to a stand-still that old offender, "Cramps.'' "Cramps" was "known to the police" for a long time; in fact the Chief had him in his bowels. Cramps came un expectedly and at inconvenient timeß, with severe gripings and neuralgic pains. Perry Davis's Pain Killer proved to be more than old "Cramps could stand. The notorious villain surrendered, and acknowledged him self beaten. He laughs best who laughs last. WASWHOTOW, D. C., May 15tb, 1880. GKNTLKMZN—Having been a suffer er for a long time from nervous pros tration and general debility, I was ad vised to try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and I have been rap idly getting better ever since, and I thinb it the best medicine 1 ever used. I am now gaining strength and appe tite, which was all gone, and I was in despair until I tried your Bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Before taking it, I was completely prostrated. MRS. MART STUART. —The melon-colic season is upon us. lowa heard from. W. L. Roosa, of Border Plains, lowa, writes: Coe's Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. I have taken the medicine for a number rears, at different times. My son-in law has had very poor health for a longtime, and this winter I persuaded him to try the Coe's Dyspepsia Cure. He is now on the second bottle, and ■ays it has done him more good than anything be has ever had before. Please let us know yonr lowest price by the dozen, as we use a good deal of it. Tanner's German Ointment. Haa been fonnd to cure so many things, that, if we were to enumerate tbem all here our statement would hardly be believed. For all sores, wounds, bruises, lameness, <kc, it is a "* > Mrs. M. G. Baldwin, writes: "I burned my arm badly, your Ointment waa applied immediately and I never felt any pain; in a few days was en tirely well without using any other remedy, and I would like to recom mend it as invaluable in every family." —This is not the year without a rammer. —."I had Sail Rheum for 19 years. Four package* of Dr. fieniion'a Skin Cure entirely cured me," —F. P. La velle, Merced, Cal. sl. at druggists. —Watermelon pink is the latest color. 1 Know Whereof I Speak. For I have used it extensively. I re gard Parker's Ginger Tonic a most ex cellent for kidney, long and stomach disorders. It invigorate without in toxiactiog J. Francir, Keligo Philos Journal, Chicago. —The liquor question—what will yon take? —A low condition of health is common with many who allow them selves to worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings. Anxiety and care has broken down many constitu tions. A train of disorders usually follow mental distress. Heart affec tions, nervousness, sleeplessness, dys pepsia, liver complaint, kidney trou bles, etc., are among the list. A sure remedy for relieving all mental and physical distress is Brown's Iron Hit ters. It at once strengthens every part of the body making work a pleas are aad care unkoow —The obituary editor has things dead to writes. ***"By asking too much we may lose the little that we had before." Kidoej-Wort ask nothing but a fair triaL This given it fears no loss of faith in its virtues. A lady writes from Oregon: "For thirty years I have been offlicted with kidney complaints. Two packages of Kidney-Wort have done me more good than all the medi cine and doctors 1 have bad before. I believe it is a sure cure." —Bank robbers will take trade dol lars as usual. Physicians Prescribe in Epilepsy. "I prescribe it in my practice," is the expression used by Dr. J. A. Pat more, of Riley, Ind. He referred to Samaritan Nervine, and further along says: "It cores epileptic fits." —Men fear old age without being swre of reaching it. A Case that Puzzled the Whole Faculty. Mrs Mllo Ingram gave the names of some of the most reputable physicians in the two cities (Pittsburgh and Alle gheny), to whom she had paid large sums of money for treatment, but she rapidly &rew worse. She was then taken to the most reputable physicians and sorgeons in New York, but with no better success. They had all pro nounced it cancer, and declared she must die. The flesh of her breast was eaten away down to the ribs; the breast bone was laid bare and the dis fase made its way upwards, causing the breast to become detached from the wall of the chest, hanging loose from above. See page 2f>, of I)r. Hart man's "Ills of Life."how Peruna cured her. They are given away by drug gists (gratis). —The money question: "Do you take trade dollars here?" —Dr. Jlrehui, the distinguished Ger man naturalist, intends to visit Amer ica next January, and give a series of fifty lectures. —Two hundred thousand dozen eggs imported from Europe in nine months! It's about time that the American hen demanded protection for her infant in dustry. —General Longstreet's son foiled to pass tbe examination at the Naval Academy, and be has been given a clerkship in the Interior department. Spare the Toads. There is no better abused, and prob ably no more useful creature in the garden and upon the farm than the toad. The apt simile, 'like a toad un der a harrow," tells the story of his wrongs. And now that our harrows are armed with steel teeth, and sup plemented with clod crashers cul tivators of various types for comminut ing the soil, the sorrows of the toad are intensified, and he is threatened with extinction in all cultivated fields. Stay the hand from slaughter, tiller of the soil. The toad is as useful in his place as the implements of tillage you drive over bis back so thoughtlessly. "The jewel in his head" is not there, but in bis capacious stomach, that al ways has room for one more bug, one more worm, that destroys the food of man. Watch bis habits for a day, and observe the lightning thrust of his tongue as he scoops in your enemies, and you will have a better apprecia tion of his work, and of his place in good husbandry. If your garden is without toads, you can afford to pur chase them for stock. They will pay good dividends, as suiely as euper phospbate. The Political Arena. —This time next year the fires will be lighted under every political pot in the laud. —Senator Edmunds should be very much disgusted by the election returns from Utah. —Commissioner Dudley is after the pension swindlers with a sharp stick lie will turn the rascals out. —The making of legislative candi dates has begun in Ohio, and it is wonderful how the caucuses "turn the rascals out." —lt is asserted the Kentucky lie publicans were unable to get the color ed vote out on Monday. It looks as if something of that sort had happened. Ex-President Hayes is attending to temperance work in Ohio. He is still regarded as a strong candidate for the United States Senate, and he is by no means so unpopular in Ohio as he is represented by the Democratic press. The Meadows of Maryland. SPRINGFIELD, PRINCE GKOROE.S CO. Mo. Mr. Cbas. G. Addißon, of the above named place states: "I sprained my right knee causing intense suffering and the use of crutches for several weeks I found no relief in other rem edies and finally tried the miracle of cure, St. Jacobs Oil. In a short time I could bend my knee—which had been as stiff as an iron rod,—laying aside my crutches and was able to walk as ever." —There are Bix sequeHtrian statues in Washington—more than in any other city in the world. They are of Wash ington, Jackson, Greene, Scott, Mc- Pherson and Thomas. —Mr. Howard B. Stickler, Ilellam, Pa, says: "I had dyspepsia bad. Brown's Iron Bitters restored me to perfect health." —Cultured Bostonians at Newport turn up their Emersonian noses at rich New Yorkers, and they cry aloud, "What is money without learning?" —A dressing to beautify gray hair every family needs. Parker's Hair Balsam never fails to satisfy. —lt is not until we have passed through the furnace that we arc made to know bow much dross there is in our composition. —l)r. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills contain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug and arc highly recommended for headache, neuralgia and nervousness. 50 cents, at drug gists. —Mr. Merrick's star-route argument made 200,000 words—just about 150,- 000 too many. —Mr. William 11. Vanderbilt is a man of some weight, as well as of great wealth. He tips the scales at 210 pounds. —There are 150,000 thieves in Lon don known to the police, and perhaps an many policemen known to the thieves. A suflerer from Rheumatism. 1 limped about for years with a cane, and could not l*end down without ex cruciating pain. Parker's (linger Ton ic effected an astonishing cure and keeps me well. It is infallible. M. Ouilfoyle, Binghamton, N. V. —An ice man and nice people gen erally like this hot weather. —The dunning letter is occasionally a most pay-thetic appeal. —There are more Roman Catholici* in New York city than in any other city in the world. —Senator I>an. W VoorheeH wearn three finger-rinifH on hia left hand and carrien a Hilver snuff-box. —According to a New York phyni cian, hydrate of chloral threaten** to Itccome a more drug than opium in any of itH forma. —Home people are rover Hatiaficd. Hhow them how to live happily on a Hmall income and they will want you to furniHh the income. —(lurn nhellac and alcohol !H Haid to make one of the f «Ht for tree woundx. It effectually excludes the air, and the wound noon healu over. —ln the little village of Ilarrixon, Mich., there IH a little drujf store on Kuropean plan—one Hmall caw of pat ent rnedicincH and (our barrelw of whix ky. —lt is claimed the "Old llrick Church," as It is popularly called in Isle of Wight county, Va., is the oldest church of KogliHh liiiildinn - now stand ing in America, It having been erected in Ifittii. —Pechter once remarked : "Actors, my boy, never become decent or sensi file till they get old. When a man triukcH a permanent hit he liocomon ashamed of his paHt. That in the reaHon successful actors Hhun their inferioiH. They remind them too much of themselves." A (A It l». To all wlio arc nuNi-ring from ili« ff ror* an<l tmliwretion* of youth, in-rvou weaknckk, early <leeay, lo*< of manhood, Ac., I willnenil a r«ci|MT tli.t will «ure you, I'llK.K <»K CIIAIKiK. 'l'llin «rciil r<u><-<ly wa* <li»- covered hy a tiii**ionary in Houtli Amnrira. Henri a M( 11-(»il<lrfHiM-il ciiveloiM- to the I'KV. JdHK.ru T. INMAN, Station V, A'<«» York <'it# BP ROYAL KStfll .g§l Win* POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel ofj>uriiy sireiiiflli iiixl wholeaoiucnes*. More ccoiiomi eal limn the ordinary kind'', unit cannot lie sold in com petition with the multitude o( low tests, short weight, alum and jiliosphaiti powders. Soi.r> osi.v IN CANS. ROYAL ItAKI-Nti KOWDER CO., ICC Wall Street, N. Y. ti»l,OQO 2 E will tie PAID if any Impurities or mineral £ €> *UBSTIIIM>M are fuu ml In F' £IR N A^F<RR^R "3 ANY ease It will not eumor help. S I'TKINA I-.purely a vegetable compound. W p It W not EQUALLED by all oUu-r medicines ° combined, strong language, but it is true C» - PEKCNA IS more extensively PRESENTED ® 3 t.R biuiest physicians tlian any other half- W „ dozen retaufles known to tlie profession, M 3 PcituNA positively CURE- < .msumi.tlon, £ Chronic T'atarrh. and all O » diseases. U As a COUGH remedy, it has no cijual ; It CO P positively cures all Coughs. You cannot £ LAKE an W ® ver. I>uiiib Ague, tiiw iiif.*i>|idu rt'i"cdy is RKHT-YA.IHBBMBHBHPHBMMNFHP 2 FT >'O matter WHAT )"UR fllse.UFC Is. "wtrrtß - N located, bo you young or old, malt or fer M N male, go at ONCE for I'CITU.VA.IPPIHIVHI 2. ASK your druggist for L»r. lUrtmaii'll o pamphlet on "The Ills of Life, " gratis, p For L'lles and I'elvlc Ulteases, taku m MAH WWOMUNAGQUAe.TrO « I,M ™« 010Q**»»V Of THIS OOON- Bjr tfac ctntrfl po»itli#ai wf l}a Una, conneoU the kastand tho W«t l/v tho elirfhcat cur rica pmaengara, without oiiungd of u C'T IOMCO and KIQIM City, tOliiUiil Ulufff. Lr.aVCtf worth Atcblaon, Minneapolis aiid Ut. I'll<l It •onaecu i«S Union Depute with ull th« pnnoipnl JiOtaoXoad boCT-*en the Atlantic and the raojija Oooaoa. Us equipment t+ unrivaled and m*icniA ccnt. being eompoacd of Most Coxp fort able Beautiful JUy OOMhM, Ma«nlflognt II or ton Kc oltniiic Chair Usfs, vulldiaO * JPrettloat Palaoe Bleeping Car», and lUo hr*l Mno of Car i In tbt World. Three Train* Ujiwat u (JhtOfHJo and Mltaouri llivcr J»olnt». Two Train■ nh». uou<J and Minnoapolm and bt. Faui, via tfro FAIU'JUH "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankft*- kee. nan recently been opened between Richmond, Norfola. Newport N*»w«. Chattanooaa. Atlanta. Au cuata. Nauh vllle. Louiawlllc, I.exi tic on. Cincinnati, Indian-', polm and Lafayetto. arid Oin aba, Miuneap- Olli and Mt. Paul and inter rner.l ilo pouita. All Tniuugh PafmcnKera Travel on Fait Krprcoa Tram*. l'teketa for aalt at -,11 principal Ticket Ofllcceta lh«- Uiiitrd Htatu* uud . ohecard tl|rou||t< cn;i of fare al. v/a y» aa low UJ competitor# that jjdvan yordetailcd information, yet tho Mapy »nd **old era of thu GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your Tieket Oftl •*, or addreav R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOILN. VICE I'll.. * (J «LT I U'fr. O.UL Tkt. 6 A(L CHICAGO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Rci!orti 1 li«'!"^ohful Color to Crey or Faded Hair I* »rkcr*« lluirßalt.ini in finely fietfumcd and it v/arranlc«l lo prevent filling of tlic liair and to re movt dandruff and itching. HiftCOX ft Co, N.Y. V*. •««! $1 »!■•«, at d«al«ra In drug* and m«4lclnN, PARKKK'S GINGERTONIC a tvpelatlv* Mfalth and Strength Reitorir. If you HIM • mechanic or f:.rin'r, worn out with overwork, or A moili«r rwn DOWN L<y FAMILY or liouto HIILFL duties try I'AUKTHS U 'J »WIC. If you lire n lawyer, nuniacr ui Lui>i.a* M<>n (X* liaiuiml L»y mcnul strain or anxiom caret, do not UL* iotOxicatiiig»timulanU,UlLllM I'nrlur'sfjiiiKcr I ouit If you have Consumption, I'Y»|>'J'«lA, Kheuma icm, Kidney ('omplaiut", or liny oisordcrof tlw lungs, stomach. Imwels, Lloo<l or nerves I'AI PIRN'S OINCCM 'l'owie will cure you. ftisthoflrflatcftt I.lood I'urihcr And lh« Beit and Burest Cough Cure Ever died. If you are WATTING aw.iy from AGE, <Ji«npati'M or any ifiw»«C or weakness and rri|uiie a stimulant take OINi.KIT I'ONIC at <ni E; it will invitcoiate ami L.MLD Jon lip from the FIR»T itov hut will n--ver itilosir.alt. t has Savfltl iiuuUieda of lives; it may tavo yours. {'ACTION •—lt.fit.e all mlniHaln. rarll.t'. Illiif.r T<mlr u t,, i,l th« l#»»l f-'i» 'lial i>ff">»l* hi tl » »*"']*!, mi'l noull" I y tiMH ft*p»r»l*«M« **t ginft al'rti». MHJ'I for rlrculav W iiumt k u, y, »•«•, A ♦> ■!•>!«• I« ■l>»*<. OHKAT MVINI* iwymu pon.Aii KI/.K. Itirir h and la-.lm* (r -uruuc* lm» mu'le llil» rfeliKhlful (M-rlumc r*r*-cili<ii;ly popular. Tlivr* 111 nothing like It. I»»i«t mam having FLOIIII»- ton CoukjHK ami look fur nignaiure of c?s/t4cooc m\ rvurr Milt, Ai-r <l'"r*l t «.r «Wal« In l*ltmu"ry r.n .ijl.ly ym. V". •.«.» «l/.t. i,A>!'ig n\r-'i m vivo ir.r nr/r„ PRESENT POWER. TO'Norrow A Way Oil llllfli •« WiiHl<-«l To*l>ny. <'onifort I* «»•*«•«■ in it hurry. I'nin nn<l ilia tri-m IIIV in liot linat". Hi. t-> (J|<* "frimiil in iii.(>fJ" ii;<• f'rii-ii'l wlm <!<»«• > *«■nil-14.iflow Unit I In* ulil i.'!»«n«- jrivi tlir roiii|iliinriit of l>« inx ":i II. I I let tin -y 'ln not ki-«|i tin* milliTi-r in ■ 1 "ii' ► 11it x 1 oi KKNHON'.I<:A N I >'•»'«»::R.< I'I.AMTKKM. Thi- |>liiHti-m ofoUm. *!ii)ttii-r |M»roii* or ulliirrvriw «ni'l "Wall uiMll |fi ;i)orrow : \\ « «:IA.II prom in' nothing :II I !i •* TIL lll*' niomriit." Kill pain imrfUfVi'il, 11 k« iiopu iji frrred, inak<■ th tin; henrt Kick. Ili'imoii'* plil«trr* art on application. '1 liny pr n/lcatl', aoollir, warm iili'l lirill, '•oillliillllnr, ;IH llii-y ILN, t'Uflli i'-'ll nil l ' iil''i|i' in:il nufntu of tlir lil|{lii"il i-iri< iviu-y . Tliell* mollo i'i sow, Mi'l llii' (frn llilie ImVi' llii' W'll'l ' A l'< I N'l', nil in llir ini<l <ll> ofiin li plualr*. - > renin. Fiiil.ury A Joliiiaoii, I 'heniiatn, New V'ork, WANTED/BALEBMEH. Toraiivaanforlhi-aali-nf Narwry Mlork. I iirqiiatail ht'llltlM. Nil r«|» r|i III* rrqiilr»'l. Halarr »ml •«- V bwi pnlil 7uuai r<-« of Kroft ami Ornniin iiliilTr< <«, nlirulm, K"IC». ' I' W. It T. HM ITU. «'"'i' »a. N. V. m custs v»Hint AIL mi fAiti, LJL H4 |i.».t(:iM,*li My run TIWOII KiKKI M El I ... 1M1111..-, liy ilrumflnu. J9 LEd A L A/> I Ell T! SEME NTS. Jury USIM rorSppl. Term, List of Grand Jurora drawn to serve in the .Sept. term of Court, commencing Monday, the third (lav, A. D., 1&-3. Isaac Andrews, Penn twp., firmer. M S Bell, Mercer twp. fanner. J F Bingham. Ceutrevillo Ixiro, merchant. J W Black. Parker twp, farmer. F. J. Campbell, Venango twp. farmer. S 8 Cridrr, Cranberry twp, farmer. J. J. Crawford, Millerstown boro, painter. Bernard Dougherty. Butler boro, farmer. Joseph Flick, Donegal twp, blacksmith. J L Henry, Millerstown boro. gauger. Wm Higenbothem. Jefferson twp. farmer. Jlarvev Kelly. Slippervrock twp, farmer. Philip Krause. Butler boro. moulder. John Logan. Middlesex twp, farmer. It. G. Man-hall, Allegheny twp, carpenter. James McGratli, Centre twp. farmer, Jas W Moser. Oakland twp, farmer. M A McGrath, RlipperyrocU twp. farmer. Thos Nurris, Donegal twp, farmer. John Shields, Win field twp, fatmer John W Stewart, Muddycreek twp. farmer. John L Thompson, Fairview twp, teacher. Christian Uhl, Lancaster twp, shoemaker, A C Wick, Clay twp, farmer. I,ist of Traverse Jurors drawn to serve in the September term of court, commencing the second week, being the 10th day, A. D., 1883. Joshua Adams, Marion twp, fanner, J K Allison. Cherry twp, farmer. II A Brown, Clay twp, farmer. Philip Brady, Donegal twp, farmer. W Parker twp, producer. H J Brown, Mercer twp, farmer, Peter Burr, Forward twp, farmer. Jno W Brandon, Counoquenessing twp, (south,) farmer. Johp C»s|idol!ar, Adams twp fanner- Albert Cookson, Cranberry twp, farmer. P S Chandler, Hlipperyrock twp, farmer. John Ciiley. Summit twp. farmer. Lewis Croft, Middle-ex twp, farmer. Thomas Denny, Middlesex twp, farmer. George C Drake, Worth twp farmer. J p Dadbeiibpeck, Parker twp, farmer S H Fvans, Washington twp, (north,) agent. A B Evans, Karris City loro. coal dealer John Middlesex twp, farmer. Henry Green, Butler boro. Ist Ward, farmer WBI G!fnn Washington twp, (south,) farmer. J C Glenn, Cl»y township, fijrmpr. Amos Hall, Clay twp, farmer. E A Helmboldt, Jefferson twp. fanner. William Jamison. Venango twp, fanner. 0 0 Kingfbnry, Oenfreville boro. merchant. Michael Kelly", Buffalo twp, farmer. Michael Mokel. Bullalo twp, farmer. Jas Miller, Venango twp, farmer. 8, A. McGowajr, Proupuct boro. farmer. Hugh H Murrin, Venango twp, farmer. James McKlhany, Fairvitw tup. (W,) pumper. Jacob L Negley, Clinton twp, farmer. August Ohl, Jefferson twp. blacksmith. Adam Osturlifig, Summit twp, farmer. G W Phillips, Zelienople boro. teamster. Samuel Price. TBtitlpr tap, farmer. Jas Pennel, Fairview twp, produce. William P&rker, Buffalo twp, farmer. John Bummel, Winfield twp, carpenter. G W Beep, Millerstown boro. contractor. J W Starr, Penn twp, farmer. Jerry Button, Parker twp, laborer. Lewis Beaton, Venango twp, farmer. Harrison Simpson, Donegal twp, farmer. £3 W Vanillin, Center twp, farmer. W WiVk',' f)»I;l-,n() two, (rjow Fairview,) far. 8 M Weihl, feelienople toi'q. gun. ItEGiI.HTFIt'.H NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice that tlie fol lowing accounts of Executors Administrators and Guardians have been filed in his office ac cording to law and will be presented in Court for ton(frn)ajicii) £iid allowance en Wednesday, sth day of September, i, P ( at 3 o'clock, p m, or said day 1. Final account of Oeorgo llrant guardian of Norana H. llrant. 2. Partial and distribution account of Thou. J. arid James C. Rlilford, executors of Jaraca Milford, lato of Allegheny twp., (lec'd. g. First and final account of John Smith, ex ecutor of V/li) pobson, Sr., late of Clay twp.. deed. 4. Final account of (1. If, Gallagher, aitutin istrator C. I*. A. of Adam Albert. 5. First and partial account of August Roo neigh and John G. Michel, executors and trus tees under the will of John G. Michel, lato of jpffprson twp., dee'd. li. First £ud partial account of W. V. Krlly, adiuiiustraiur of tiavid lato of yenango twp , dee'd. 7. First and partial account of W. A. for quer, executor of the last will and testament of H. It. May, lain of Washington twp., deed. 8. First and partial account of (100. C. lioes sing administrator of Cornelius McCool, late of ISutler borough, dee'd if. pinal account of John Heott, guardian of Miiuiip Brown inoy dee'd ), a minor daughter of John A. lirown, lato ofpatVview twp., 10 Final account of Geo, Maiberß»w a.id Win. Ca-hdollar, executors of Win. Cashdoilar lato of Adams twp., dee d. 11. First and partial account of Wm, F. Wild Itpd John Zirgler, executors of A. H. /ieglor, late of J»pliaoi» twp., dee'd. 13. Till) a|.fionj|t of Margaret Wick C. I'. A, of I'.lihl.a Wick, laio of |V(,ncj;a) . dee'd. la. Final aoeonnt of Martin 11. Hitler, execu tor of (Jeorgs A. llowoll, lato of llarmony, doe'd 111. Filial account of W. H. McCullongh guar dian of John M. Wolford, minor child of Jacob Wolford, lato of Donegal twp., dee'd. 11. Final and distribution account of James M. Stewart, administrator of Hubert Stewart, Jjte of Franklin twp., deed. 16. final acrount of Jane Fiisbee. adiuii.l t Irani,-, of Win. it. I'lw-i.pp, lato of IVnn twp., dee'd. |(i. First tioal and dit-liibiilion account of I'. It. Jiiirli flpiinlbti^to/ 1 of Andrew J. Isistlrr, dee'd. 17. Final; account of Jatneii AHuneon a,id John Atkinson, executors of TlinuitH Alkjnson late of llufl'alo two., ilcc'd W. First, final and distribution account of Harriet Gold, administratrix of Jane Hold, lato of liutler twp., dee'd. \'J. Final account of Henry Kuauff, executor of Hailio Hof l'lfl. dee'd., lute of Jackson twp. 2". Final aeuouui u( Usry A. Ztegh.r, admin istratrix of John It Mctjinsiiuu, (>[ 1 til tier borough, dee'd. 21. Final account of J. Iliiteliman and Win I'ark, executors of Margaret Park, lain of Mid dlesex I wp , dee'd. jfU. Final and distribution account of Thou. I'onagli/, |iifs|da, appointed to make salu of real oitato of I, dfHi'd. it(Mi> Hiii'onrs. Notii o iH hereby given lb»t llm following rood rcpijitM hnvo Leon conllimcd nnd ftnd will lit) pretended the flr»t Wednesday of Hrptomhcr. beiiiK I lie filh dfty of the month, A. 1> , IHH.'I. If no exceptione are tiled tliey will ho confirmed fcliMolutely. Wo, I, Mgr;:)) 'erm, IHH'i. I'uhllo road in Wadi liiKton \muUiiMu thp roHicleiici) of W. I'. Miller on the Milliard Mill ant Mwimlvjllo mvl to the public roa ! known an the Hutler anil tim lenton roml near the rmtidonce of Kzeklol I.owih In naiil lowrudiip. fjo. :i. Komi ill Summit to be Willed, Ih );iii- I'h'jf n ) <i f 'lOftr School ifume No. 5, on the W. i' It. It., lo 4 point an Ihe Drinker* Mill an<l llaimalmtowii roail *t ot n,:i»i ilia li|;fi |e»tweon the farniM ol Adftln Frederick a>i<J John |J»uli|ftMf in Hniil towiwliip' No 4,. , I'liblm riuul lit JackMon to In* I from the Htniver county line al the fa- i of I'. < let man 111 New Sowlckly twp., to a public roa I loftdillk' from /ehenople to liehvor at a point on itftld public roa'l In llutler county at Orphaim Home. No. (i. I'uhlie rond in Oaklnn l, Concord anil Centre I. wpM , be((iuiiiiiK at a public tnftd at or near the residence of Anthony Thompiuiu in Centre twp., lo the llutler ami Kmleuton road near the property of Inline Hobb. No \A. Public road in Glfty to lead from ft point nil )j in |ji|l|er ftnd Stinbory roul on landH of |>irftel fraoji'iu in fJ lay lie, Jo a [mint on llie road leading from SlJnbuiy lo |,nioi'/l|Jp v/hpro kniil road pubneit lhroiH;h land" of Jhuich ('fan m< r in "»id tnwiinhip. No. 14. I'iibllu road in ('rvihuny and AiWuih twp., to lead from (ho KvatiHbliru rciad at llcfti run to f'allcry Junction on the i', .V W. It. It. in Adnnm twp. llutler (Jo., SH: Certitied from the Iteoord thlM 7th day of W. It. DODDS, Clark <i. S. W IdowV A|»|>riilMCiii»nlM, Tim followtnK "f pernonal prop erty »ud real e»t»o mil »|i»rt fir y<'ln*'* <>• do redanta have been flleri in l|io nmi;o of f!|nri the CourlM of llutler roiiiitv In aironUnu* with the act of \iKcmby Apill M. IWI7. Juliana Miocker, widow ol I' llli.chor . ♦iJKI (Mt l.avilift ( V npbi ll,widow of Kdw.Camp).ell 2111 !Mt Jane Mcflowft'i, widow of Win McHowaii ItO (HI Ida M. (Iratnm, wel >w of 0. W. (I ahitn .i ll <!•'> F»'*ilpln K. I loci. eiibei ry, widow of Will Itockciibeii- 'IOO 00 Mary A. Me< hliiiK, Wluo v ' -men 11. MeehliiiK j'M) "0 Caroline Miller,widow of lla'lba/.er Miller 'IOO On N. J Moore, widow of A J. Moore 100 00 Margaret Werner,widow of KrneatWerner .'IOO 00 twrnotin intoroMod In the above ftppralHO- Ijiuiil* W|ll |l"tl''e that tliejf will be prcnont ed lo 'lie Oiphaini Knurl nil Wcilnieday the Mb day of Heplember. I Win, and no e.,;e ( ,ijoni» be in!' filed they will be coullrtiii'il iibeo!i|teiy by the Colirl. W U. |I »|||) », Clerk O, C. liMliilCiol tVllllum llitiiiNi-y. l.cttcrH ti-atiimenlury on the calutc of Villi-nil Kumncy, dcc'il, lute ol Hutler towurhlp, llutler i/,,Hilly, I'u., ImvlfiK been urtiutcd lo tin- under tinned, "/I I>ot'ion» knowing thcmnclvcH in ill-lited to » 'ld I„l»/;i will plc.n o make luimedl iitc puymcnt and Oiiy 1«'/(»/f eluima nKuluat raid c»tulc will ;>ti »cnt tlicti) do I #' lor ftbtlh iiieut. I)A VII' V. HOItI.ANI), K«'-i ulor Huih r, I'u p&mj EDUCA TIONAL. S WITHIN C. SHORTLIDGES Academy for Young Men and HOY-. Media, Penn.. l.' in. from Philadelphia. school'year open-. Sept. 12. Fixed price covers every expense, even books, ■>. c. No extra charges. No incidental ex|«enscs. No examination for admission. Thirteen ex perienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt student- to advance rapidly, special drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select miv studies or choose the regular English. Scientific, Kiistncss, Classical, or Civil Engineering Course. Students lifted at Media Academy are now in Hanard. Vale, and ten other Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical laboratory ; a fine Cymiiasiuin and Hall ground. I.VKI vols, added to Library in ISK3. Apparatus doubled m ISK2. Ten students sent to College ill lxs-'i. A graduating class in Commercial Dep'i in lssa. Mi dia has T churches and a temperance charier which prohibits the sale of all intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated Cireularaddress the Principal and Proprietor, SWITHIN C. SHOBTI.IDCK, A. M. 'Harvard I niversity Graduate), Media, Penn. augl-tt. I'ea7cr College and Musical Institute, lor young ladies, opens September 11th, 18S3. Beautifully and Hcalthtully Located, extensive buildings, pleufaut grounds, ehetrfu! room?, three Literary course.-, superior advantages lor mu:ic and Ait. Extensive apparatus, twenty pianos and organ*, including pipe organ. Thorough work, home-like Care, inodert rates. Send for circular to BEV. li. T. TAYLOIt, D. D., Beaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLER COUNIY. TRAINED TEACHERS are in demand and this demand is increasing year by ymr. THE INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'ive to this fact, presents an unsurpassed opportunity lor those teachers who have determined to succeed. Our Aoadciuloal Ikeparlmenl is strou,* and so shaped as to have a direct bearing upon teaching How to Teach. InOur Professional Department. the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management are Thoroughly developed. Theory first, then >he practical application of this theory, under the watchful eyeol the Critic Our Graduates are uuetiug with the moat llat tering success. There is a constant demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate U you cau, but i( you can not, it win repay you to pouie, if ouly lor a sin. gle term. Fall term ol I>>B3 will open on Sept. 10th. For further particulars address L H. DURLING, Indiana, Pa. JEFFERSON ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thorough prepara tion for College, good English education. Con nected wit|i it JFI I I:HSO\ HAI.II, Boarding School for Boys, CANtINHIIUHGII, PA. Discipline strict but kindly. Boys kept under the eye of the principal, and thoroughly cared lor. Opens September istli. Wm. EWING, Principal. Washington Female Seminary. The next Hussion opens September 12, 1883. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. BHKKRABD, Principal, Or Rev, JAS. I. BKOWNSOX, D. D., Prcs't Board of Trustees. Washington, Pa. jlyll,2m TIKE UNIVERSITY KKMOVKD TO AM.KOHKNY CITY. The IXS.I Catalogue of the Western Universi ty of Pennsylvania is ready, containing Cata logue and Ilund-Book of College, Preparatory School & SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND CHFMIHTRY. Free on application by postal to HENRY MA< ('RACK Chancellor, North avenue, corner Buena Vistu street, Allegheny, Pa. july2s-6t. GREAT REDUCTION! *l*o A VKAR. - r -; f .. |Loc.'atkii on ihb.N. Y., I'. ih O. R. K.| CIIANItEItLAIX INSTITUTE and FEMAI.K COI.I.KOK, Kuidolph, N. V. It in ii and thoroughly i'<| ulpped Seminary to,' both M xoh. KFT:ibl|a|ici! in IHSO. I'ropcrty jrte fr«|in fji'ld. | New KonnliliK Hall with atei»ip-'liet||, etc., (.rci-.ter| |n |H:-:t m coat ol #I.VIW>'.». I'. <c|.lli ii( Hohl'il li|id |io||ie-ljke :ir r:i|igein<itilH t||iou|;hoi|t. Total ixpftißi- lor bictlll, fll r llinllfd room Minim heal, 11j;tit, wna|i- InKund tuition lor I I wcc|,«, IMb7" lot one year 11 HO. For catalogue or further Informa tion nddrcai', I'uor, J, T. Ei»waih>», I), lb, I'rlneipal. term open* Auifiict UHlh, Winter term opciiM December lllh. Mprlng term open* March 25. ait|{lot. OpcitH September lib. liiHtruclloii thorough and practical, Mor.il tone hii;h, DlHclplitte, utrlet, Kvpetiffn moder.le Hood l:icillticn lor n'lf boaidink'. Situation ticallhlul and romantic. A l.adv I'rlm lpal ha* charjsc of l.aillci' and Nor fual fje|"'itm#nt. I'rixiM a <1 work for needy ytinlciiU'dijn'ujf yit,;.i|lnn. (Joine '»0t( welcome Aildrcmi liltlher lil'H'. II II ljKo|!lit, |). I) I'roftlilutit, Hearer If ill*, I'll, »'eiitsi STKUHKNVIM.It, (().), KKMALK SKMIN AKV. Ucautllully located on the Ohio river with r.:i yearn' Huecestilul experience. Kor lull iulormullon, AddreiH I IKS A. M. It KID .V WMiHTMAN. JulylH 81. WEST SUNBURY ACADEMY. The Kali Hcsslon will open on TI'KSDAV, Aliti. IKH.'t, ill 'i o'clock I*. M. A full eortw of Kxper leticed Touchers will have charge of all depart inenti. Muilc Vocal and Instrumental, under direction ot Mlnh Aliule Clelitl. Creek l.:llmu:i|{c ami Mteraturo. Itev.lt. c. lioitds. I.ccturcr on ii|iMoii ( v and l.aivi ol lleallli, 11. I>. Iloeken iuriy. M. I>. ba|li| ai|d Kloeuljon, Itcv. <l. W. lie.III. A. M- Hoa|d and rooliis for self hoard can he Had al reasonable rale*. Tuition low. For further iu formation write to IIKV. 11. W. lIKA N. A. M., I'tlnrtpal. ituinlf tloullerxvllle, I'a. County Sabbath School Con vention. The annual Convention of I lie llut ler County Hahhalh .School Association will he held al NORTH WASHINGTON, I, c, I mule/ Thursday, Hept. lit h, |kh:i, al two o'clock 'lucre Will he lout v..i:,i ) ii,* l ejottint; I o'e|oik uu li'tlilay afleinooii. II |h liolieil thai a uooil atleudwu eot Muhiialll Hehool Worker* will he present and that lite lope-t on the proKrainme may he fully dlneussed. 11% Olltil'.lt HI TIIIC ('OMMITTKK. /V We have conuectcil with our 111 II I 1 exlciisive uiaiiuliii'lurliiit bus I ' I II 1 InesN a depart menl solely d.i II II % voted lo Ilic sale of linns. ICI l»l II % lies, iievol vers ami all sort* of 111 111 <|HirliU|( koimlh We call sell I I I ■ | Mt'.oods of ttits character much I heapi r I lian am other ileal 1.1 i|l lire Country. Iteeenlly we liouuht of tile WI'LF K|iinv : ii firfii • f ill - L.onden and Liverpool lltlll 1'11,,.WH0 L.nlid, I%,nm |.| (heir R)|llUl|l|nn lireecli touilililt iliol KUTI'I, Willi IT Me Will sell al only Ll' UI each. This kiiii cost more twice the amount we a-K to inanubiclurc. We have only a few lell , LITUL lo do A- IIN ill oul will <ll tie til al the low price of «v.UU Now is vour chance I you want a reliable Him al a low price. Scud a three cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue. Hudson Manufacturinc) Co., AM|or riaii- x lln»!i«l\voy, Nrw V<»rk. ANY HNF— : 14 | || Ltli I, if frh mh. ami i ii< rloMi* :.\) ri'iiN (111 Hi SI 111 |» w l<» ruvrr i*X|»r||N(« of iiiU'khiK IUhI |h»ihiK< a . will M'lid Mm iii fnr Ili«*lr Iroiihlc any of Ili«* following wonderful l»ook.«« "Ip'iulv A t'lnj/riipli Allllllll vi r*w<," ** ltft.ll fin. mi Ifuiiftlti u Wll|ioiil :I lliiinlcr." "i oiliiiio IVIIIiim iiiuili K.my ' I li«* fi#> *• •fv hI li»v•• mukliiK ♦olyiMl,'' or ' l lir A liirt'CUii liir.||ir j ' , « liiiin \V'ij iiifiki* llil* IIImt.II olfri lo u» • fiuiiH < lo • n«l »•»«i \V, iiiiiliinolli, illiiHli.ih il i»| itiiui- 4'ulilloiftH* 10. lion I fall to *i*ihl foi our liilojou*. Aililn ** nil or<l<*rH lo llnil««ni HI n •• ii furl inli»|{ f'l>. A>«lor IMim'** l'.fn:i<lwjiv, Nru V«»rk. M I: i on sii.i:. Til 1 ) '/odernl:{tiiid lift i ftboul '/■' l folia of (rood eh „r |i,m on litpii, yij .i' )i lie will ■.■ 11 in laiee or ■U ftll ipiftiil it im on iCHttiiittbln 11.ill)". . i«l (101 l ll vor ill llie lioiisom of bin ciihloiucih dining the rilliiliier CrdeiM eftli be left nl Wiek'n ii,e*t «boi> l> .HOWE I.VON. lu« iii tdiir ft. ||ii.|> f . • « rfi il ' *< i > *!• l.lUr iml t i<ii% |l««<lir;, li»«r«lawM A I Id* N I <>uitli M , l'niU<l( I| lu4, I'A. IIOIHltM) |,OT lOICSAI.F. A VBRY COZY Two-Storied Frame House ol six room*, cellar, out houses and two lots of ground in Butler will b sold on reason able terms. Call at office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-Mtf. Butler Pa. BRICKS! BRICKS! The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement. ba\ window and other util ities at lits kiln on the 1 air <1 round road, half a mile west of Butler lie will keep on hand a lot of bricksat all times, lie will also make and bum brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As lie intends carrying ou the brick making business, he invites the custom of all. promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize him. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call on or address. J. <;EOK<;E STAMM. marJS-uiuo Butler Pa. BlairsviL'e (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful grounds, commodious builclinf banted throughout with steam, good table, healthful location, no malaria, THOROUGH INSTRUCTION in English, French, Gorman, Latin, (iroek, Music, Drawing-, Paintinfj.&c. For catalogues, apply to REV. T. R. EWINti. Principal. Thirty-third year begins Sept. 12,1883 Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in its 80th year. For nearly all kindj ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Inval ds are invited to c r.eijond with us. Circulars free. Address, S. FRF.ASE, M. D., New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. SILVER AGE RYE WHISKEY. Endorsed by the medical fraternity. Families supplied fi>r medical purposes. Largest and best selected stock of Imported and Domestic Wines and Brandies. MAX KLEIN WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, S'J Federal street, Allegheny, opp. Fott Wayne Passenger Depot aud 2 doors above West Penn Depot. NEW DRUG STORE. J. B. Kohlmsyer & Co. Main Street, (Opposite Vogelcy House) BUTLER, PENN'A. DKALEUS IN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c Pure Liquors for purposes, Oils and Paints, £c. <M'Dr. O. M. Zimmerman lias liis oflico on (lie second floor of same building. jnol3 tf Fiii'inepti I jook ! To your own interest and dont buy a "fain drill fill yon see fho FARMER'S FAVORITE. Double distribution and grain feeder, force feed grass soader, ai|d double cast-steel reversible points. Steel axietrees. Grass seeder either behind or boforo. For sale by Wm. Crookshank, Barvorsville, Butler Co. Pa. aplßlf Star Beer Bottling Company. ASl> CITY !tOTTf IIOUNE. J. C. BUFFUM & CO.,Proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Solo llottlurs of Jos S 'liiltz Ilrewing Co'h, Mil, WAUKEE I.AOKH HEKIt. Schlltz' Export Itoer for Families a specialty. Importers and dealer* in Ales, Stouts, Ginger Ale, Hilt/.er Water, «tc., Syrups all |;lavory. Manufacturers of Bottled Soda Wahjr. Try our (Juart turgor Alo and Champaign (!idor, made especially for family table use. Send for Prtoe I.ist. 1", O. I>ox 880. Tcle phono connection. apr2Q,4in. iD. L. CLEELAND,] WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, South Main SI., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -HPECTAC LIOH ANI) BILVERWAItIO, At Hie Lowest Cash Priors. I tii<* i« ii.nj, Ilo! for Pittsburgh Exposition HOME HOTEL, Within night of the l'x|K>sitlon Utiilding, fairing the Alloghony river. oui|uesne Way between Eiflhth &. Ninth Sts. PITTMIIDKCIII, IM. . Jlatkm, $|. r )ft I'jsji BAY, Or fill nnnlH a ilay cheaper than any lintel in Pittsburgh. Only temperance hotel in Pitts burgh. atigH, 12w CONTINENTAL HOOK OINTMENT - (WHICH - (JracHoti l look, Sprains, Scratch es and Sores -IN - HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. AMk your Htorokuopor for It, or writo direct to tho Maiuifiioturorn, AMKKIC.A N LUBRICATING OIL. COMPANY, P'LPYIILARXL, . . . OHIO. IUIK ( (ill ONLY KNOWN CURK KOR RUPT U R E Till-: ritll Ml'll TltOiN 01., No. If South Thirteenth ulintir, I'lul idolplu.i, ftnil 71 Third itveuue New Ymk, ■ nr. » linpluro in Iln d«v«, nod will piv £ 1.0i.0 for a Itupturo lliey cult not i lll'o. Dr. t'iie'li'iuau. the OIIKM' II ICI t- NIA Surceon, M'edlcid aid Surg.cnl Director. TKUMS MDDI.ItA I K I'X \MINATION FIIKK. Free lilnl or TrunwM i«t <inice«,whleh ftro open ilfty ftlid oveti|n|t, ftt llooiu I i, lluniih'iii Until, 'llh Iriiii Ait., I'iltnlm ii/.'i , /'( f'tr » Hleirl f|ti|e only, ('.ill lir nend 20 cetiln for hook oil IliltUUl'o t.f Ituplipe, N. 11. Dr |„ 11cuth hitce"fully fill Femijlo DieennoM, nl liftinillon Hotel. Jy 11 ••m rrra\ Tho rlcho«t, crMmy nsBHfMAtW CW, V>i HF.FR r».r qualloil. WWJ" * Hurtfl.i lti» blood. DAAi nttnP CIIH i:H Oyipiptla. iKIIUI V/3Ll«er and Kidney dlt pxl «»««!«. Hunt by M*ll V— ' rccnlpl ol 2Bct«. ln »iai"t» Addrcit: HTAN h RABF. Wholrml* l)riiggl«t«, No*. 47 «i 40 N. 2d St.. Hhll«d«lplilii. I £f~ Ailvcriidu iu llio Citizen BANKER PDWOfR Always the Best. "NEARLY A OUARTF.fi OF A CENTURY AGO" The oh) reliable "B.\xxi-:u" Baking Powder was established. tt has enjoyed an uuparal lelled popularity during that time, ami still maintains its extraordinary precedence. It ap peals to the masses of intelligent people who desire to secure the best end by the best means, and it has retained the coulidenee of the people because of its perfect purity and reliability at all times to do its work, i'he essential value of the "Baknek" Powder consists in its übso lute fxirity, the <|uautity of carbonic acid it contains, and iu the gradual releasing of the same by the baking process. I^OYALGLUE -4 Mends EvcrvthintrSOl.il> AH Krtl'H !—liard as Aiianiant! Firm aHt.ranlte!! Stronnert. Toujchert, and Most Elastic Uluo on Earth ! A Bamsonlan l.iant tliStn-lIH-th *moiiK all olhcrtiliirti andColncuts! Absolutely I'n ■B brenkabln and lussparablr I BH . lleniln(!-No l'reianitioa A Always Heady—AlwaysLliiiitd I Chtnn. t.lflNN, Uovil, Ij-iUher 11.-ltinir. Crocker}'. Hil. WMCukh llard Cue Tips and Cloth. Marble, y. jilt Mi-tain, I'nU het. on and RmH - KnliUTHhocs,lirtc.a lira«. IVv.k Hacks, stone, r umiture, Rlrycla THMnV ltuMier Tires, Ornaments or Every kind. Jewelry, Hmokers' Pi[>es ana illl I'l" I'iCTr Holders. Card Hoard in Bi-rap i525>Mp3H Ifcsiks, and Every thing clue with JVV 11 SI .Mimul'iietiirerw of Qummed La -111 *V l"''s,Textilu Fabrics, Flnct'arriai?ei<, PI » ' llaiex. Artificial Flowers, luiitatlou ■ I Stained lllass and Straw Ooods Cald ni t Milkers, A:c..sii|>plitNl byualloit IsWSlßiSßffi?'' r li-i-n-l. 2t»e. Ilollle (Brush and TillCovur); by mull postpaid, lilit* »•/«» turlniiU. otra. Mttlia.it.llly by maiiufaotureni j.U.OMEARA&CO.^,.:;^,^ Live AgentKW anittl E\orywlii'rv. Sold by DriiuviMtM* i.rwccrd, IjUiUuacw. Utufdwai-guiidOvacriLStonj^ Foil SALE AT ReDICK'S DFTUO STORE. <II I:F.\ vinoitiA. Court circles in England aro anxious about the queen's health. Her disease istbontjlit tQ be of tlio kidneyH. While this in difficult to roach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for be r lingering illness, there is a sure and certain romedv for it nil and kindred affections, which she ought to know of ami use, in Pit. FKNNF.It'S KIDNEY AND BACK-ACHE CUBE. Tlio fol lowing illustrates how readily it curis infinitely worse cases than hora ; Frodonift, N. Y.. Mar. ». 1883. Dr. M. M. Penner Dear Sir For years 1 had been tuffariitg from a combination of kidnky DISKASK. IIEAUI lIIsICASK and FKMAI.K W' AKMKSS. I bad a heavy aching j ain over my kidneys with cramping of my liml.M. I had ii.vkachk and a Kt'ANTv and Ti'iiiui) (low of urine; iii-oatisi) of i.iMbs ami a i.kniciiai. kkoimk ai. coniutionj TAIN, I'AI.I'ATATIoN »lld l>Uor.<V of the HEART. My condition was a distressing one, and all treatment ami kiosky kkmi iuis gave little or no Telle I. 1 have been taking your "kidney and hvck aciik cimi." nilh the luosl happy result. It has relieved nil I lie unpleasant symptoms that have followed mo ho perMis.'ontly and so long. I never b.i I it medicine help mo so iptickly and (.lire so (lOioplclely. 1 ari| iloiu;; mv own work. Ymirs truly, MIIS. .IASIES KI'M-KK DB. IKNN Plt'S SOOTH IMO HYIilH' Pleas ant, sale, cctl.u i. I'rodiU'OS good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor iu tlio child. I)B. FKNNEU'S CAPITOI. BITTPIW The ]iurest and bn»t elomacb tonic known. Dr. I'KNNI'IfS SALT ItlTKl'M OIN TMKNT Yn.i.ow \nd Win i k A euro for ai i. skin l.lstr/.sKlt. See diieclio.is wrapped around pack *!*«'• Dlt. FI'.NNP.B'S lII.OOD ANI> MVP.It PILLS —'J'he best family jdiyiiio known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled Dr. Kicsn ku's Pkoci.u'm Bkmki.ikh, An)r irsi'.p ai i. oviiit run wom.n. And aro for sale by J, L. Wullur and D. It. Wuilur, llutler, Pa. JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. AII kilitis of I'uro Winoa and lii<|iiorH always on liuiplh, ulao Hoor in Hottlvu. unci upr4,Hiu Most Exlrn»!vn Puro-Brid Livo Stock Kstilblishment in the World! ( 'fi/ilt•xthifr, /'n rftrroH- Xonii'tii* f-'tii/fin/i /hutft I form*, 7 Vnf/i mf-flrtif I'tuht/th / /'imit fr, Hotst, in nmf fh itm ( nttf € >ii r riiM(oint*rN Imvc th« mlviuitntfo of our uiiiiiy ynirH i xiM rii'iit r in live untl iinport- lurtf«* rnllri-liniiM, o|?|»«»rl tmily nT dilirrcnl brrO'ln, low j.rii'i-M, lucausi* ol <• xl«*n t of n« itii• I low riii<'< ol' tritiiftportiiiioij. ( Ciimv (?iirr«*H|>oiiili , ii« , r McillrlU d. I OWI I I, lUtMTIIKKKS, (Vnwlniil Co., Pu. Mi'ulion Ci ii/i s. July'.!*» !)in. PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 Klrsl Avc.J'lT I'smJUlillJ'A. I 11 O TsT llr lilacs iiikl ICoiiln, .liiiK ii Bid r.o<l,ii|is. I'i'Oiilm, f 'oliiiiiiis *V NlnlrwnyM and ilciiiiiN, O'riKM-M iiikl l'i'l*iliii|;\ Flre"l'N4*ii|»«'M. inurUK iliii ROMANCE|^">:;fi II T * _ n t 111,.. Ml. k|r>. _ I liti it| . * _ . Basss* PIONEER UFE I'INOINN A 1 I. O ■ ■ Union Woolen Mills. I woliM ilftnlro to <** M tho Alt tuition of ll»<» to tin* Union Woolnn Mill, I «tH» r, I'*., whom I liavoiu'.v and improvotl ll**' !iint»rjr for th* m*nuf«c*tttrr of liarrod tutrl Oray Flannoln, Knittiujr lit'J Wouviiitf Yarns, KIHI I con i«onnimt>.!tl LLMTH RH IH IIIJ; vory ilurn l»ln, n.« llioy »n> i u «.: ■ll f... Itiroil ">f i>uro tin I l«-r comity wxrl. 'J'licy «ro Inutmlfiil In «olor, mi (Hirior in t'iiturn, hi.«i will !•«* nolil At v«.ry low iirlcoH. K«r AIMI prlnm wldrnoc, il. *01.1.1 It l'< »N, JuUI, 7« ly liullfai, !'• P. A W. It. 11, Tim? Table. ' The morninir train lor Allegheny leaves But ler atv.ll, Itutlcr or lociltlaic .»,J uriivei j th**rc al The noon U:.in lor Allegheny leaves Culler .a I.'JT r. \i. .Hid arrive* ih--rc at :{;2«» f, M. The evening train for Allegheny leaves at r<.">n 1-. m and wriv- s there .it V 46 i\ M. The mortiinir and evening trains uiaku close •tinneetions at ('allcry Junction for all points Tmii. going ncrth leave Builer at 9:56 A. M. and 1: r., and «;•>:; i*. *., local time. The 9;56 v m triin runs through without change ol ears via the l*. It, iV U. K. H. to Sheffield Junction, aud the t;:03 p. v, train to Clarion Junction. Trains leave Allegheny City for Butler at 7:51 and 11:21 A. m. aud 4;ot i». M., local time. Suuduv train going north leaves liutler at \. m., aud coing south at 5:50 r. si. Trains leave Zelienople lor Allegheny at t»:40 and 9:10 A, M., and 12:46 and 5:21! P. M., and the '.1:10, rJ:P; and 5:2 C trains make clone con neetion at Callery with (rains goiug north on the Koxlmrg division. M est IVitu Time Tultlt*. Tr tins leave Butler (Bailer or Pittsburgh lime.) Miuket at 4:41 A. M, goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9:01 A. M. This train, when on time, connects at Frecport Accommoda tion, which anivce at Allegheny at T.j.j, city time. Expi-css at T IC. \. m., connecting at Butler J auction, without change of cars, at 5.21 with Express west,arriving iu Allegheny at at 9:81 A. M.. and Express east arriving sit Bi.Ursville at 10.- s A M., railroad time, where it makes eloee connection with Mail train east. Mai, at 2.41 P. m , connecting at Uuller Junc tion without change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 5 01 r. m., und Express cast arriving at Blairsviile lutersoetiou at C.15 i". m., lailroad time, which conuects with Joiui.-town Accommodation aud Philadelphia Express east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Pcun R. H. at 9.4 A. m., 440 aud 521 i\ M., Butler time Sbenttngo A Allegheny IC. It. Pa sengcr trains leave Ililliard at "1:25 a, in. and 2:o0 m., arriving nt Harrisvillc at S;O7 a. m. and o;N0 p. m., ami at Ureeuvflle at U:oo a. m. aud C; 10 p. tu.; a passenger train leaves Coaltowu at 12:25 p. in. aud arrives at Greeu ville al 8:15 p. in. Tr.iius leave Greenville at 7:00 a. tu , ll;85 a. m. aud 4:00 p. ni., arriving at Coaltowu at 10:15 a. m. Jtid r.t Billiards at 1:45 p. m. and 7;15 p. ni. Train No. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9;24 a. m. aud arrive* at Billiard at 12:15 p. iu. will carry passengers between those two points only Time of Holding Courts* The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the fltet Monday of March, June, September aud December, and continue two woeks, or so long a* necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put iown for trial or traverso jurors vuiiiuioucd for the first weok of the several terms. T? N. I.KAKK, M. 1)., ~ i Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in I uion Block, aud resideucc iu Ferrero hi Be, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2"), 18S2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tny2l-ly] BUTLEB, PA. Office on Jefforson street, opposite Kliniglcr's Flour Store. DENTISTS *7 OtJ WALDKON, Graduate ot the l'hll • adelpbia Dental College,is prepared ■ Is ■to do anything in the line of his proles-lon in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, u;ill BUTLER 00 UN TV Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts, <3. C. KOKSSINQ, Fkf.sidknt, VVM. CAMPUKIJ,, TkbaSUUBII. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SKOKRTAKY. DIUKCTOHS: .1. L. Purvis, B. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, :J. W, HurLliarl, A. Troutman, 1 Jacob Sehoene, G. O. Hoestdng, I John Caldwell, Br. VV. lrviti, | J. J. (/'roll. A. B. Kliodes, i 11. C. Hi.ineniau, JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, (lon. Ae't- B UTLBR Planing Mill -AND- T ii i i nl>ei* Yard. J. L. PUBVIB. L. O. PUBVIB, S.Gr. Purvis & Co., M ANUrACTtfKKItS AM) IIKA I.HHb IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF KVKKY DKBCKIPTION, FUAMKS, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOKS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near (Jcrimiii CHIIIOIIC Clnir< l| ly/rnrrersi How Lost, How Restored •lllMt published, a now edition of Hit. CUli vi:itwi:i,l,H CELEBRATED EHHAY on Um IIAI'ICAI. fVUK of SI'KIIMATOKIKKA or Hctnilial Weakness, Involutilaiy Hemlnal Losses, Imih tkm'v. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments |o Marriage, etc ; also, OoNHtJMi'TIoN, Fi'll.ki-hv and PITS, induced by self-Indulgence, or sexual extravagance, Ao. Tlio celebrated author, in (MM admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty yearn' Hitceemful practice, that the alarming eonso i|ll«ni os of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a nnxle of cure si once siinp'e, certain and effectual, by means of r.liioli *•'«W'V sutTerer, no ma tier what his condition may bo, mav eure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. C/V'l'lils I,eel tiro should be iu the hands of every youth ami every man iu the Innd. He'nl under seal |ii a plain envelope to any ad postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 11 ANN St., Ni.W YOIIK, N. Y. ; 1' O. llox, 450. (sitll-ly. i, , • '..-.I ... t'l'iiniiii'ril for llynfrrl*. PiwlnrM. <mmiNlfui«, fH«, Nrumlrflt. Hrrvou« IWtt*- him' I l»r (In* «i«m» of or ttri'i, Mi'lilfil I »r|>i rtalofl. t»f (llf |lri»lt| r«'M|||. |ntf 111 liiMNlly nmt l»«i»«l|»i|f t«» inlw i r, d» i ny unit ilralh, ri#ttmfiiir oi.l (litrr9»ft«N, IN«w«»r l«nl|n r iw<i. Im.iiuiiini) L»hh'» ttit'l . * l»jr IIVPI I «rtlL..»..f lht'l»r»»in. wl( almnror nvrr Itnlulirrnro' hnm Imii will fiiffi itHTitl mm'*. h |«»* fOHUIn» « nq 11if*i11ti n frtmnH'tii l»m» m Ih.*. or fit lloll.u .«•ni 11 v fit Mi I*t« ..r prl.i. Wtmiar* #!•»•••• r. I % l»- • «r<i luOttln »nv ••••' Villi ntl'h «>t«Vi rr (mlvtul for r\t Imiimi, ihh-i»»h|'i»i»i« «l with fi*«- ilollnM, •» pill Ihn hiiirlmfci |iur wHM< n ipi/trniit(M> to r« IUIM| fin (Ik v ir IK ilimnl •!«•••»• H«*i fit lire «luai m»«I «-« n [• I ..Mir |.) Jn«. rioMing. Uriiutf Int, II ( Mar K.I. i'llt«LurgL, I'a. oiUwif by iimU ftiivgamr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers