BUTLER CITIZEN^ MISCKI .1 i AXEOUK. "I ale some Soft-Shell Crabs." This is what Captain Hodgden said when speaking of an unpleasant exper ience be had on board ship, near Washington. lie added: "The bad effects of which I souu felt." Then he went on to say that he had severe pain, followed by a*terrible attack of dysen tery Those wicked crabs would have been the death of him but forthe fact that he always carried Pain Killer on board his vessel. Have Perry Davis's Pain Killer at hand by day and by night for sure relief. Always say a good word for your own town. Superior Excellence. The reasons for Peruna's superior excellence in all diseases, and its modus operandi, are fully explained in Dr. Hartman's lecture in his book on the "Ills of Life, and How to Cure Them," lrom page 1 to page 10, though the whole book should read and studied to get the full value of this par-exceilent remedy. These books can be had at all the drug stares gra tis. Peruna is the best immediate Ex pectorant (cough medicine), that has yet been compounded by physician or druggist. There is nothing in medical print that can at all compore with it. And no less so is it the very test Tonic, Stimulent, Nervine, Diuretic, Alterative, Anti-Dyspeptic. Appetiz er, Hajmatic, (blood medicine,) Ac., &c., that has ever been compounded by doctor or layman. It should, there fore, always be kept on hand for im mediate use. —Huckleberry pie is now a favorite article of pastry. ♦**"He that prays harm for his neighbor, begs a curee upon himself." He that recommends Kidney-Wort to his sick neighbor brings a blessing rich.and full both to his neighbor and himself. Habitual costiveness is the bane of nearly every American woman. Every woman owes it to herself and t o her family to use that celebrated medicine, Kidnev-Wort. —The dog days will end on Satur day the 18th. —Perfect health depends upon a perfect condition of the blood. Pure blood conquers every disease and gives new life to every decayed or affected part. Strong nerves and perfect di gestion enables the system to stand the shock of sudden climatic changes. An occasioual use of Brown's Iron Bitters will keep you in a perfect state of health. Don't be deceived by other iron preparations soid to be just as good. The genuine is made only by Brown Chemical Company. Balti more, Md. Sold by all dealers in med icines. —Charles &. Leland says that one of the bitterest curses which he in Egypt was, "May God make you wear a [chimney pot] hat." The Mohammedan sees iu the brim of this article a hindrance to touching the forekead to the ground in prayer. What it did for an Old Lady. COSHOCTON STATION, N. Y., Dec, 28, 1878. GENTS —A number of people had been using your Bitters here, and with marked effect. In one case, a lady of over seventy years, had been sick for years, and for the past ten years has not been able to be around half the time. About six months ago she got so feeble she was* helpless. Her old remedies, or physicians, being of no avail, and got a bottle of Hop Bitters. It improved her so she was able to dress herself and walk about the bouse. When she had taken the second bottle she was able to take care of her own room and walk out to her neighbor's, and has improved all the time Bince. My wife and children have also deriv ed great beneGt from their use. W. B. HATHAWAY, Agt. U. S. Ex. Co. —The Lawrenceville Herald says the borough authoritives have prohib ited quoit-pitching at that place. It is further stated that this regulation throws a number of citizens out of em ployment. A sufferer from Rheumatism. 1 limped about for years with a cane, and could not bend down without ex cruciating paiu. Parker's Ginger Ton ic effected an astonishing cure and keeps me well. It is infallible. M. Guilfoyle, Binghamton, N. Y. —To preyent the skin from discolor ing after a blow or fall, take a little dry starch or arrow root and merely moisten it with cold water and lay it on the injured part. This must be done immediately, so as to prevent action of the air upon the skin. How ever, It may be applied some hours afterward with effect. Henry's Carbolic Salve. The best Balve used in the world for cat*, brusies, piles, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all kinds of skin eruptions, freckles and pimples. The salve is guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction in every case. Be sure you get Henry's Carbolitc Salve, as "all others are but imitations and counter feits. Price 25 cents. Dr. Green's Oxygenated Bitters. Is the oldest and best remedy for dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, indi gestion and all disorders of the stom ach and diseases indicating an impure condition of the blood, kidneys, and liver. Durno's Catarrh Snuff cures catarrh and all affections of the mocous mem brane. Denton's Balsam cures colds, coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles, etc. Can be used externally as a plaster. —The ntrike has turned the Knights of Labor into days of rest. —Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills contain no opium, quinine, or other harmful drug and are highly recommended for headache, neuralgia and nervousness. 50 cents, at drug gists. The Latest Bonanza in California BIEHER, CAL. —Mr. Thomas P. Ford, editor of the Mountain Tribune, of this place, publishes that the great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, has worked wo iders in his lamily, and that he would not be without it. He states that among 1 all the people St. Jacobs Oil is the most popular medicine ever introduced. An exchange says that a country editor sometimes thinks of one thing and sometimes of another, and some times when he is thinking of one thing it makes him think of another, and again there are times when he thinks he can't think of anything. "Throw physic to the dogs" is a command, disobedience to which has cut short many a useful life. The remedy called Wilsonia advertised on another page, strikes us as a most rea sonable one. Treatment by electricity has often been found beneficial, and could it be applied constantly might do more. By the Wilsonia method, mild, al most impreceptible, currents of mag netism are constantly given, which in an almost marvellous way restore health. Its achievements in the East are the universal theme. Sunlight has already shortened nearly half an hour at each end. —Croquet is the dullest game known. philosophic lie. —Bill collectors and sins will surely find you out. —A dressing to beautify gray hair every family needs. Parker's Hair Balsam never fails to satisfy. —Sealskin sacques are worn at Chautauqua Lake with comfort. English walnut ice-cream is put forth as something new this season. The telegraph companies are cry ing, "Oh, for a touch of the vanished hands." Mr. L. I. Shuler, Pottstown, Pa. says: "Brown's Iron Bitters made a perfect cure of dyspepsia, which I had several years." Dudes are fond of mush mellons. Fed from the Brotherhood battle, the strike is lusty at the age of two weeks. —ln many localities "sparrows on toast" are spoken of "as excellent." If the diet should become popular it will be well. Thirteen Years' Dyspepsia. "I suffered with dyspepsia for 13 years." wrote John Albright, Esq., of Columbus, Ohio. "Samaritan Ner vine cured me." As it always cures such disorders. At druggists. —Perhaps the best abused word in the language is "professor." There appears to be a mania for tacking it to all sorts and conditions of men. —Honors are quite ncmerous in this busy portion of the world. Any man who has brains, or money, or muscle, orcharacter, or even lack of character, can become the recipient of honor of one kind or another. Whether he goes to Congress or knocks out a man in a prize fight, or draws great crowds to hear him preach or see him hanged, the man of action may feel assured that sooner or later his name will be on every tongue. Physician's Wine of the Oporto Grape. Xew York phynician'K say that they have been using Speer's Port Grape Wine and Wine Bitters in their practice for years, to the entire satisfaction of their patients and themselyes, and take great pleasure in recommending them to the public as all that is claimed for them, and, in fact, the most reliable they can find. It is especially recommended for con sumptives, the aged and females generally. For sale by D. 11. Wuller. —A correspondent from Brazil de scribes a rattier singular street scene. He says: I noticed a gay young dandy driv ing a smart English dog-cart, while bis negro servant Bat beside him smoking a cigar. Astonished at such a sight, I turned to one of the bsstanders for an explanation, when I was still more astonished to hear that the nej>ro whom I had taken for the servant, was the master, and that the white dandy was a Cockney driver, imported from London expressly to mark the wealth, fashion and importance of his sable master. —A lumber firm in Clarion s has re ceived an order for 90,000 first-class oak timbers for delivery at New York, to be shipped to Liverpool. —St. Swithin's Day prophecy is not so much of a hoax this year. Although we do not have rain every day we have it often enough to assure that there is no danger of a drought. —A Hanover man attempted to cut his throat with an axe. Qood plan, but be didn't hatchet it well. —lt is an ill wind that blows nobo dy any good, and the blow of the tele graph strikers has uncovered some things that it is just as well that the public should know. —When it goes out of use next fall the green three-cent stamp will have been in use thirteen years. That num ber is still fatal. —The editor sometimes shoots a poetical contributor, or gets shot through the coat-tail for some griev ance, but he never strikes. He plods along as a reporter until he gets to be managing editor, and eventually a rail road president, or a bank director. —A street car conductor carelessly carried his bell-punch home and al lowed his children to play with it. The next day the company informed him that he was 9,900,999 fares short. He has offered to leave the children in pawn until he makes up the money. A CARD. To all those who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervou weakneu, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will.send a recipe th.t will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-add rented envelope to the RKV. JOSKI'II T. INMAN, Station D, New l'ork City —.rp.pMiW The richest, creanw [ft(ft AT MAERiCMyS BEER ever quaffed. itffßw Purifies the blood. IPfllflT nttno CURES Dyfpeptla, \M)V I KS Liter and Kidney dls reV' PiCKACE2SCVaia Sent by Mill k. on receipt of 28 ct», IJT- In postage stamps. Addrcsr: BEAN & RARE, Wholesale Druggists, Nos. 47 k 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. Advertise in the CmzM, (tOWAi W 4LROYAL wwef J* © POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vane*. A marvel of purity stnngth nnd wholesome lK?*- More economi cal than the ordinary kind:*, and cannot be sold in competition with'the multitude of low test*, short weight, alum and phosphate powders. 9oi.n OM.Y is CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., ICO Wall Street, N. Y. " Is Nature's (freatest remedy, and Is the m . principal Ingredient of almost every pre- Sit rlntni.il Dr. Hartman glvestohls private O patWi.ts. S •a I'ERCNA 'pluocMfntlv agrees witn even a £ one—the young, the (rtu, tli« middle-aged, w a tile l>ahe and the motlier. ■■■■■■■ 2. "J PKHUNA cleanses the system ot an it.* G *5 Impurities ; tones the stomach, regulates <g 2 the heart, unlocks the secretions of the m liver, strengtliens the nerves and lnvlgnr_ B it's I lie '..r::in. n •S PEBI nA IS uu> greatest appetizer, makes 0 Tl bl<«>d. and to the weary anJ tired from the -• 5 tolls and cares of the day It gives sweet and m F refreshing sleep rr Jc i'tkUN Als composed wholly of vegetal, le H B ingnSleiiU. aach one a gr. r.m. .lyji. « b, the itomacli to digest any arttcte of fooa. y £ In Liver and Kidney diseases, and iu * chronic Catarrh, It has positively no M 2 equal. It never fails. ■■■■MB e» «Ask jour druggist for '» r - g pamphlet on 4 * Trie I lis of Life. o For Piles, plarrlicea, or Kidneys, take iA MAM WHO»#0»«A090AI»<T£0 WITH THE QEOGflffHy Of THlg COUN TRY WIU PV tXAMIWINQ THtS MAP THAT THI By tfco central position 04 fit line, connects the Eust and the West by the BliotiU*. i ii'J l 9i ®nd car ries passengers, without ehanKe of e!Us. Chicago and Xaiws City, Council Bluffs, X.ca»eu. worth Atchison, Minneapolis and tit. Paul. It eonnect* iu Vnu>o Eepots with all the principal line* of roadbetWfcCß tho A'Janticand tho Paeifla Oceans. Its equipment is u!»»i«A:ed and magniii eent, being composed of Ji£os* Comfortable and Beautiful Ley Couches. Magnificent Re clining Chair Cars, ruiiman's Prettiest PaJTaoa Bleeping Cars, and the liest t-me of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains »<«ween Chicago and Missouri River Points. T*-o Trains W«£|D Chi cago and Minneapolis and Lit. via tho JraikOU# "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Now and Dlroct Lino. v<» Beneca and Kanka kee, has recently been openefl betwtco Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlsuta, A a fusta, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, udianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Jfasaengera Travel on Faat Express Trains. Tickets for sale at *-JI principal Ticket Offices in the United Btatcs and Canada. Bagg \ge checked through .'i.cd i >itaa pf fare &U ways as low as competitors that offer leeu sulvaa- detailed lnformatiCD.get the Maps and hold ers of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your naarest Ticket Office, or addratu R. (?• CABLE, c. ST. JOHN, Vice Viet, k Ccn'l M g'r. Cec'l Tit. & PaM. Aft. CHICAGO. PARKER'S Rtstorei the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandruff and Hiscox & Co , N.V. 50c. and •i ilze at dealt** In -Jruanil medicines. I PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER Tome. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants,but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma- Ism, Kidney Complaints, or nny disorder of the limps, stomach. l>owe!s, blood or nerves. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC will cur* you, 11 is the Greatest Mood Purifier tad the Best a«d Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimuU.it GINGER TUNIC at once; it will invigorate and bui!4 foil up from the first dose but will never intoxicate, t has saved hundreds of lives; it may lave yours. CAUTION f—Refu'Sall (übititutc*. Pirl.r'i GinrrrTonL: l« composed of tb« be»t remedial agenU in the world, and Uantlrely different from preparations of gin|fer alone. Rrnd for circular !• iliKcz k Co., N. Y. 50c. & $1 liztft, at dealers ia drugs. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Iu rich and lasting fr.igrancff has made this delightful pcrfum* exceedingly poplar. Tfiere IH nothing like it* Insist upon having TON COLOGNE and look for signature of on trtrf bottle. Any druggist or dealer In perfumery can supply you. 25 and "5 cent size*. LARGE SAVING BUYING 75C. BI7E. ONLY KNOWN CURK FOR RUPTURE THE TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., No. 'J South Thirteenth Htrcer, Philadelphia, %iu) 71 Third avenue New York, cttrcM linpture iu 30 davM, and will pay 91,000 for a Kupturc they cannot core. Dr. Entjleinan. the GIM''AT HEIt- NIA. Snrgeou, Medical ai d Surgical Director. TERMS MODEItATE. EXAMINATION Fit EE. Free trial of TrnnstH at Ofiicea.wliiuh are open day and evening, at Itoom 45, 11'uutllun Until, 205 I'mn Arr., Pittsburgh, Pa for a xhort time only. Call or Hend 25 centx for book on the cure of Itupture, N. It.—Dr. E. treatw Hnc<e<Hfully all Female Dineaac-H, at Hamiltou Hotel. jyll 3m Men and women «"tT CJyrSood hialai-y and Exp rises I'aid. OUTFIT FREE. No experience needed J/aMKS K. WIIITNKV, S iirHerymen, l(o(lienttr, N. Y may'J- J in. LEGAL ADVES TTSEMESTS. Estate ot George S. Jamison. Letter? testamentary on the estate of George S. Jamison, dee'd , late ot Venango twp., But 'er county, Pa , having been granted to the un designed, all perrous knowing themselves iu -I'ebud to said estate will please make itcmedi ate payment and any having claims against estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. W. C. JAMISON, Executor. June 19, 'B3. Eau Claire P. 0., Butler. Co., Pa. EMateiol William Ramsey. Letters testamentary on the estate of William Ramsey, dee'd, late of Butler township, Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves in debled to said estate will please make inruedi ate payment and any having claims against said enate will present them duly authenticated for celt lenient. DAVID F. BORLAND, Executor. Butler, Pa. Estate ot James 11. Meclillns. Whereas letters of administration have this day been issued to me on the estate of James 11. Mechling, late of Washington township, dee'd. by the Register of said county of Butler, no tice is hereby given to all persons owing said estate to call and settle, and those having claims against the same will please present tlieru for payment duly probated. S. C. lICTCHISON, Adm'r. June 5, 1883. North Hope, Butler Co., Pa. Estate ol Eruest Werner. Letters of administration on the estate ol Ei nest Werner, dee'd, late of Foi ward twp , Butier couuty, Pa., having been grauted to the undersigned, nil persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please mike imme diate payment and any Laving claims agaiust said estate will present Lheni duly authenti cated for settlement, MARIA WEKNErt, Administratrix. Evans City, Butler Co., Pa. W. H. LUSK, Attorney. Estate of Edward Campbell. Letters testamentary on the estate of Ed ward Campbell, dee'd, late of Worth twp., But ler county, Pa., having been grauted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves iiir debted to said estate will please mate immedir ate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. (SAMUEL H. MOORE, Executor, ~ "Grant City, Lawrence Co., i" a. Administrator's Notice. Whereas letters uf aclmiuistration op Kit) es tate o" Andrew J. Mooie, fule of Ceutre twp., Butler county, Pa., dee'd, have been duly is sued by the Register ol wills in and for the county ot Butter, Pa., to me Nuney J. Moore, widow ot said decedent. Notice is nereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to ILC said eMate to eaii and settle the same, and all persons having claims agaiuat the said estate will please present the same duly proliated for payment. NAACY J.JbiOORE, Administrative ol A. J. Moore, dee'd, Butler, Pa, Estate of Jacob llnnucf. Letters of admlpistratiop on thp eswte of Jacob Ounuel, dee'd, Jute of Buffalo Butler Co., Pa., haviug btep to the nn . dersigned, all persons knowing themselves j n . debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment and any having claims agaiust sa(4 pctfite will present them duly authenticated for settlement, G. C. ROBNIGK, Administrator: Sarvcrs Station, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of John Walters, Letters of administration on the e-tate of Johti Wffljers, dee'd, late ol Jackson township, Butler Co!, Pa., j beeu granted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment and any having claims against said estate will picseut them duly authenticated for settlemcnf- JOlfN A WALTERS, 4dpiinistrator. Evans Ct'y, Butler p.ouuty, Pa. Estate ol Jauies Sterling. Letters of administration on ti-fa estate of James Sterling, dee'd., late of Cranberry town* ship, Butler county, Pa,, haviug been granted to the administrator, and all persons knowing indebted to the said estate to call and settle Uac same, and all persons having claims against the said estate will please pre sent the same duly pre bated for payment. Js'EWTON GARVIN, Administrator, Ogle P. 0., Butler Co., PA. Notice. Notice is hereby given that 11. 11. Vincent, committee of Amanda Diven, a lunatic, has Hied his first and partial account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county, at M. S. D., No. 0. De cember term, 1879, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation and al lowance on Wednesday, the sth dav of Septem ber, JiSB3, M. N. GREER, Pro. ProthouotfiryV ofljcfi, Aug. »>, 1883. ItOAI) REPORTS, Notiie in hereby given that the following road reports have been coiifiiftifd nisi and will be presented the first Wednesday of September, being the sth day of the month, A. D., 1883. ff 110 exceptions are tiled they will bo confirmed absolutely. No. 1. Slarcli term. 1883. Public road in Wash ington beginning near the residence of W. P. Miller on the Billiard Mill and Murrinsville road to the public road known as the Butler and Em teuton toad near the residence of Ezekiel Lewie in said township. No, 3. Road in Summit fo N» vacated, begin ning at or near School HJUSB UFA. ?, on the W. P. R. R., to a point on the Brinkers Mill *n«J Hannahstowu road at or near the line between the farms ol Adam Frederick and John Bauldauf in said township- No 4. Public road in Jackson to laa 1 from the Beaver county lino at the farm of P. Getman lu New Rewiekly twp., to a public road leadiug from Zelienople to Beaver at a point on said public road in Butler county at Orphans Home. No. G. Public road in Oakland, Concotd and twi*,, beginning at a public road at or near tbe retptep/ie cf Anthony Thompson in Centre twp., to the But It, and gtj||inton road near the property of Jsaac itvbi,. No. 12, Public roaa in Clay to lead from a point ou tho Bui lor and Hunbnry i gad qn lands of Israel Cranmer in Clay tp-, to a poiut on tli*> road leading from Sunbury to Unionvilie where said road passes through lauds of Jamoa Cran mer in said township. No. 14. Public road in Cranberry and Adams twp., to lead from tho Evans burg road at Bear run to Callery Junction on the P. 4 W. It. B. in Adams twp. * Butier Co., SS: Certified from tho Record this 7th day of August, 1883. W. B. DODDS, Clerk Q. 8. Ftei-WPF# Jvoolf ! To your own interest and dopt buy a grain drill till you see the FARMER'S FAVORITE. Doublo distribution and grain seeder, force feed grass seeder, and double cast-steel reversiblo point*. Steel axletrocs. Grass seeder either behind or before For sale by Wm. Crookshank, Sarversville, Butler Co. Pa. apistf Star Beer Bottling Company. AND CITY ROTTI'IATO KOI NE. J. C. BUFFUM & CO.,Proprietors. 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Sole Bottlers of Jos. B<*hiltz Brewing Co'#, MIL WAUKEK LAGi.lt BEEIt. Hchiltz' Export Beer for Families a specialty. Ini{>orters and dealers in Ales, Stouts, Ginger A!e, Siltzer Water, Ac., Syrups all Flavors. Manufacturers of Bottled Soda Water. Try ,o;jr Quart Gii:ger AIo and Champaign Cider, tnadct especially for fanily table use. Send for Price Li«t. I'. Q. Box 3'.)S. Tele phone connection. " sjj»2s,4m. ICE F»K MILE. Tlie ntul:.r« : gued has about 25 tons of good clear ice on lianda, which he vull hll in laige or »ira!l quantises on reasonable lenns. and de liver ht the houses of his cutdonuis during the mmmer Orders can be left at Wick's meat *Uop. D..IIOWE I.YON. Notice. The Butler Camp Meeting Association will hold their (ti)Hija| encampment on the grounds of the as ociation, pjiJpi; west of Butler, on Thursday, August Kith i/iiti| Monday evening, August 27th. Opening service at 2 o'clock r. M. ou Thursday, August ltith. Single and family season tickets can he had from the secretary or treasurer. Ample arrangements are made for boarding on the ground. Tent sites can l,u had upon applica tion to any member of the Hoard of Trustees. HY OaiiKK OK Boauo. JEFF BURTNER, Secretary. JOSEPH CRISWELL, Treasurer. WANTED,* SALESMEN. Nnr§<*ry Stock, tncqoiled facilities. Kw required. Balary mi-1 «x --rx-nßespald. TOO•£!*» v# Fruit andOrnamruUlTrecj Shrub®, Ko®eg, etc. W. Jc T. SMITH. Geneva. N. V. HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a SoLin GOLD 'WATCH, aside from the necessary thickness fvr engraving and polishing, a large proportion of metal is needed only to stiffen and hold the engrav ed j>ortions in place, and supply strength. The surplus gold is actually needless. In James Bosf Patent Gold Watch Cases this WAJ*TE is saved, and BOLIDITT and STRENGTH increased by a simple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOI.ID GOI.D is soldered on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the cases, Lacks, centers, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving ami engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. This is the only case made under this process. Each case is accompanied with a valitl guarantee signed btj the manufacturers warranting it to wear 20 years. 150,000 of these Cases now carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. Ask vour Jeweler, The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. GRIE B? WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, fflaiu Nt., lSutler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. Pt§ver College and Musicnl li>stitute, for young ladies, opens September 11th, 1883, Beautifully and Healthfully Located, extensive bijildipgs, pleasant grounds, cheerful rooms, three Literary courses, superior advantages for music and Art. Extensive apparatus, twenty pianos and organs, including pipe organ. Thorough work, home-like care, modert rates. Send for circular to REV. R. T. TAYLOR, D. D., Beaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLEB COUNTY. TRAINED TEACHERS arc in demand and this demand is increasing year by year. THK INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'i\e to this fact, presents an unsurpassed opportunity lor those teachers who have determined to succeed. Onr Academical Department is strong and so shaped as to have a direct bearing upon teaching How to Teach. InOur Professions! Department the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management are Thoroughly developed. Theory first, then .he practical application of this theory, under the watchful eye of the Critic Pur (jradnatps are meeting with the most flat tering success.' These is u demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate if you can, but If you can not, it will repay you to come, if only lor a sin gle term. Fall term ol 1883 will open on Bept. 10th. For further particulars address H. DURLING, Indiana, Pa. JEFFERSON ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thorough prepara tion for Co.lege, good English education. Con nected with it JEFFEQBQN IIA EE, Boarding School for Boys, CiBitiNHBURGIL I»A. Discipline strict but kindly. Boyg Uept under the eye of the principal, and thoroughly cared for. Opens September 18th. Win. EWING, Principal. Washington Female Seminary. The next session opens September 12, 1883. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. SHERR'ARD, principal, Qr Rev, JAIJ. I. Br.owxsox, D. D., Pres't Board of P*. j!yll,2m TIIE UNIVERSITY REMOVED TO ALLEGHENY t'ITY. The 1883 Catalogue of the Western Universi ty of Pennsylvania is ready, containing Cata logue and Hand-Book of College, Preparatory School & SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND CHEMISTRY. Free on application by postal to HENRY MacCßACKEN,Chancellor, North ayenu.e, corner Bueua Vista street, Allegheny, Pij. •" ' ' july2s-ot. STEUBENVILLE, (0 ), FEMALE SEMIN ARY. Beantifally located on the Ohio river with 53 years' successful experience. For lull information, Address REV. A. M. REID, Ph., D. t President. julylßßt. • GREAT REDUCTION! #IBO A YEAR. ILOCATBII ON ini N. Y„ P. <ft O. R. R.] fDHAMBEREAIN INSTITUTE and FEMALE "COLLEGE, Randolph, N. Y. It is a (arge and thoroughly equipped Seminary for both sexes. Established iu 1850. Property free from debt, f lOU.OOO. New Boarding Hall with ste .tn-heat, 01.C., erected iu 1883 at a cost ol f4-> tOO. Exeelleut Board and home-like ar rangements throughout. Total expense for board, furnished room atearu-h.at, light, wash ing and tuition for 14 wcckH, ♦5U.10 for one year 1180. For catalogue or further informa tion address, PKor, J, T. EDWARDS, D. D., Principal. tfyfall term opens August 28th. Winter term opens December 11th, Spring term opens March 25. augl-Ot. GK.KEI'A COLLEGE. Opens September 4th." Instruction thorough aud practical, Moral tone high, Discipline strict, Expense moderate. Good facilities for self boarding. Situation healthful and romantic. A Liklt Principal has charge of Ladies' and Nor mufdepartment. Prizes a-.d work for needy studeiits during vacation. Come and welcome. Address further REV. 11. H. GEORGE, D. I). President, Beaver Falls, Pa, a'stltst SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE'S Academy for Young Men and Boys, Media, Penn., I'.' hi- fp'Hl Philadelphia. School year opens Sept. 12. Fixuu priiie fyefytxpense, even books, \c. No extra charges. No in'cloßittal pXDpnses. No examination for admission. Thirteen ex. perleneed teachers, ail men ami all graduates. Special opportunities for apt student* to advance rapidly. Special drill for dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or choose the regular Knglisli, Scientific, Business, Classical, or Civil Engineering Course. Students fitted at Media Academy are now iu Harvard, Vale, and ten oilier Colleges and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Laboratory ; a Dili; Gymnasium and Kail ground. l.Roo vols, added to Library i.i r-i.'s. Apparatus doubled in iss'j. Ten Mlulenis 'lien' t'» College In issa. A graduating class iu CommerelHl Oep't In Media lias T churches and a temjiemnee rtntfter which prohibits (lie sale of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated Clrcularad'lress the Principal ami Proprietor. SWITHIN ('. SIIOICTI.IHGK, A. SI, (Harvard University Graduate), Media, Penn. augl-4t. NEW DRUG STORE. J. B. Kohlmeyer & Co. Main Street, iftl't'voiiff Vcse'ov House J BUTLER, PENN'A. DEAI.KBH IN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c Pure Liquors for me<?icinal purpOBCB, Oil» and Paint*. Ac. $4" Dr. CJ. M. Zimmerman ha* hid office on the cecond floor of name building. juol3-tf Subscribe lor the CITIZEN. HPEE R'H Port Grape Wine Used in the principal Churchea for Communion purpoeee. Excellent for Ladies and WeaklY Persons and the A^ed- N. SPEER'S PORT WINE FOUR YEARS OLD. This celebrated Native Wine is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape, raised in this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Be ing the pnre juicu of the grape produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness is guaranteed. The youngest children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid nse it to advantage. It is particularly beneficial to the aged and debili tated, and suited to the various ailtrents that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. Sherry is a wine of Superior Char acter and partakes of the rich qualities of the grape from which it is made. For Purity, Rich ness of Flavor and Medicinal Properties, it will be found unexcelled. SPEER'S P, J. BRANDY, This Brandy stands unrivalled in this country being far superior for medicinal purposes. It is a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, and is in great favcr among first-class families. See that tne signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, If- J-, is over tne cork of each bottle. Sold by I>. II TVuller, AND BY ERUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. PUEEmw A 0 nroiAlM&B From the Distrieis of ABSAM, CHIT I'AGONG, CACIIAR. KANGRA VALLEY, DARJEEL ING, DEIIRA DOON, and others: Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Most Econom ical. Requires only half the usual quantity. Sold by all Grocers. JOHN 0. PHILLIPS tfc CO., Agents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate, 130 Water St., N. Y. Novß-ly. Union Woolen Mills. I wonld desiro to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and G-ray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FCLLEItTON, Ju124,'78-1 j Butler. Pa HOUSE AKI) LOT FOR SALE. A VEUT COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, rellar, out houses and two lots ol ground in Butler will b sold ou reason able terms. Call at oflice of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-Utf. Butler Pa. "BRICKS ! BRICKS J The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bay-window and other qual ities at hi* kiln on the Pair Ground road, half a mile west of Butler lit* will Keep on hand a lot of bricks at all times. He will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he intends carrying on the brick making business, he invites the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize him. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call ou or address, J. GEORGE BTAMM, mar2B-(jmp Butlur Pa. Blairsville (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary, Beautiful grounds, commodious building 1 heated throughout with steam, good table, healthful location, no malaria, THOROUGH INSTRUCTION In English, French, German, Latin, Greek, Mualc, Drawing, Pain ting, Ac. For oatalog-oee, apply to . ttHV.T. B. BWQfO. Principal Thirty-third year begins Sept. 12,1883 Farmers and Gardeners! Look to your own interests and improve your crops, from 75 to 100 per cent, by ; using the Peruvian Sea Fowl Ouano, or Bradlej's Desolved Bone. On hand at Leonard Wise's in Butler, or Wm. Crooksbank's at Sarversville Station, Butler Co : Pa. aplßtf SALESMEN WANTED! PERMANE!*T EMPLOYMENT for Honest En brgotic Men. Salary and Expenses paid. The Business easily learned. THE CHASE WURSEKIES Kieffer Poar. Champion Quince, Hansell Han berry, and all the most desirable fruits and orna mentals. Only those need apply who can devote their entire time and attention to the work. Address, R. G. CHASE A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in Us HOth Jgnr. For pearly all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Inval ds are invited to correspond with us. Circulars free. Address, S. FREABE, M. L>., jylS-ly New Hrigliton, Beaver Co , Pa. SILVER AUE RYE WHISKEY. Endorsed by the medical Iraternity. Families supplied for medical purposes. Largest and best selected stock of Imported and Domestic Wines and Brandies. MAX KLEIN WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER. 83Federal street, Allegheny, opp. Fort Wayne Passenger Depot and 'i doors above West Penn Depot. * . Owe WALDRON, Graduate of the Phil' H adelphia Dental College,ls prepared a lay to do anything in the line of hit profession iii 4 satisfactory Rianner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. apll tow in price; filing La-.t rver* where. I.lbrral rrrmfc Br«iir;, OarreUwa A < «., 60 N. I wurtb bt., l'mUddl*!** I*4- Are You Sick ? WILSONIA WILL CURE DISEASE Without Medicine. M They have been tested In over 10,000 A A cases of Catarrh. Dyspepsia, Disease oi 1* G the Liver and Kidneys, Nervous Debll- 1* N ity, t>[>iuul Diseases, Neuralgia, Kheu- L F. matisui, Constipation (chronic), etc. 1 T Kcad the testiuiony of ex-Postmaster A I N. C. Luther, of Atlleboro, Mass.; "1 X C put on the Appliances on 22d .Maach, C 1882, tor NcunUgia of the Heart. My ptav- E sician told my family that 1 could not live, 8 :is the d-seise was incurable. I suffered in tensely and had to use anaesthetics constantly. Wouderlully have the Wilsouia lelioved me. After wearing them lor one year my confidence iu them is fully established, both troui my own experiences and Irom what 1 have steu ol their eflects on others." For further particulars, pamphlet, prices, etc. address, Wilsoiiid Magnetic Clothing Co.. 25 East I4lh St., New York. BURGLARIES Are of Every Day Occurrence. Not a SIXGLE INSTANCE OX RECORD in the past 35 years where one of Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES Has been Broken open by Bar* glars and Robbed. Hall's Standard Patent Fire. Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIR It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS THE HALL'S SAFE They always protect their contents. PerHOiiM having Valuables should not be without a Hall's Safe. Hall's Safe & LockCo- J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAN FUANCISC, ST. LOUIS, CLEVELAND, KIKH aETtRj How Lost j How Restored ! Just published, a now edition of DR. CUL VEIIWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the RADICAL CUBE of Si'EioiATORHOiA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loused, IMPO TENCY. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY and FITS, induced l»v self-indulgence, or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at ouce simp'e, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. Lecture (should lie in tlio hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of Bii cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. ; P. O. Box, 450. octll-ly. s, Mends Everything HOI.ID AS Kol'l»!—Hard u Artamanf!— on Earth I A Samaonlan Giant lußtretDrth amonx all ntherOlucfl ■ and Cements! Absolutory I?n --breakable and Inseparable 1 ■i' China. CilaiM, Wood, Ixith'r IkJtiuK, Crockeir, Bit KIRBB Hard Cue Tip* and Cloth, Marbl* MltSa j-\ lleUla, Patchea on Leather and ■m - J Kubbor Bhoea. Brlc-a-braj. Book Backs, Htone, Furniture, Blcjcla Rubber Tlrea, Ornament* of ETOTT 'I|\TJ 1H kind, Jewelry, Smoker*' Pipes ana illl ■'l9 CUfar Holders, Card Board In Scrap BmnM Books, and Urerytblng rlne wita ■ Kvcrlaatinir Inwparahle Tenacity I JBC 11 B ,>lnnnfurtprer« of Oummed U SI ■ll IB t*»l»,Teitilu Fabric*, FinaOarrtam, M 1>25 Pianoa, Arnnclal Flovera. {lnlmtoq Htained OlaaaanQßtaawG«M*,CSibtl ZMHH net Ma k urs, k c., en ppltad by Gallon ■■HMR9 or Barrel. ZOc. Battle (Brush and TlnOorer);ny mall postvald, IS eta t-lothihtUuu. citra. Mailedonljrby manufacturers J.U.O'MEARA&CO.I&M £uvs; LtT* Agents WBIIUMI Everywhere. Sold by DruKKlMn, lirooera, titoUoucn, Uiuxlww *uU Uuuerai Store* FOR SALE AT REDICK'S DRUG STORE. JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. —(t) — All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors always on hands, also Beer in Bottles. Tobacco and Cigai-s. npr4,3m Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World ! Clyih-mlnlr, Percheron-Norman* JSnglith Draft llorae*, Trottinq- ttred Roadster*, Shetland Ponies, Holstein ami Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, l>ecause of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention ClTi/.KN. july'J">-!hn. PEN N'AT CONSTKUCTION CO. 132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON RuildiiitfN, IS ridge* and Hoof*, Jail* an«l Lookups. FroufM, COIIIIIIIIN A (jirdcrN, MairnajN and Rfaiuti, Feiioes and Flre-KNeapeM. mar2S,6m AfiSSffiESS X # \ 198 LIBERTY ST. B PITTSBTJROK, P. A W R. R, Time Table. Tbe morning train for Allegheny leaves But ler at 8:31, Butler or local lime and arrives there at 10:26. The noon train for Allegheny leaves Butler at 1:27 P. n. ami arrives there at 3:26 P, M. The cveniug train for Allegheny leaven at 5:50 p. *■ and arrives there at 7:46 p. M, The morning and evening traius makw close connections at Callery Junction for all points w est. Traius going ncrth leave Butler at 9:56 A. ii. and 1:27, and 6:03 »\ M., local time. The 9;56 A. M. train runs through wit boot change of cars via the P. B, & B. K. K. to Sheffield Junction, and the C:O3 p. si, train to Clarion Junction. Traius leave Allegheny City for Butler at 7:51 and 11:21 A. M. and 4.0 ; p. M., local time. Sunday train going north leaves Butler at 9:56 A. M., and going south at 5:50 P. M. Trains leave Zelienople for Allegheny at 6:40 and 9:10 A. M., and 12:46 and 5:2L1 P. M., aud the 9:10, 12:46 and 5:26 trains m ike close con nection at Callery witu traius going north on the Foxburg division. Went Penn Time Table. Trains leave Butler (.Butier or Pittsburgh time.) Market at 4-41 A. M., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at 9:01 A. M. This train, when on time, connects at Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:55, city time. Express at 7:16 A. M., connecting at Butler Juucliun, without change of cars, at 8.21 wiih Express west, arriving iu Allegheny at it 9:31 A. M.. aud Express east arriving at Biairsville at 10:88 A M., railroad time, where it makrs close connection with Mail train cast. Maii at 2.41 P. M., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change of cars, with Express west, arriving iu Allegheny at 5 01 P.M., and Express cast arriving at Blairsville Intel section at 6.25 p. M., railroad time, which connects with Johnstowu .'.ceommodatiou aud Philadelphia Express east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. K. at 9.4 A. M., 446 and 5.21 P. M., Butler time Sbenango d Allegheny R. R, Passenger firaius leave Ililliard at 7:25 a, m, and 2:30 p. m., arriving at Harrisviile at 8:07 a. m. and 3:30 p. ui., and at Urceuvilie at 9:35 a. m. and 6:10 p. m.; a passenger train leaves Coaliown at 12:25 p. m. and arrives at Green ville at 8:15 p. in. Tr-iins leave Greenville at 7:00 a. m., 11:35 a. m. and 4:00 p. m., arriving at Coaltown at 10:15 a. m. and at Hilliards at 1:45 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. Train No. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9;24 a. m. and arrives at Ililliard at 12:15 p. m. will carry passengers between those two points only Time ol Holding Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the first Monday of March, June, September and December, and coutinue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put iovm for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S. F. BOWSER, ~ Office In Brady's Law Building. S. B. SNYDEu! Office with A. T. Black, Esq., Main street, neat Court House. J. D. MARSHALL, Attomey-at-Law. Office with W. A. Forquer, Esq., Main Street,opposite Yogeley House, Butlor, Pa. Feb2B-'B3. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSOW THOMPSON & SON, Attorneys at Law. Office on the west side of Main street, tew doors .North ot Troutman's dry goods store. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with F. Reiber, Esq., in Reiber building. GEORGE C. PILLOW, Attorney at 1-aw and SURVEYOR, Main street, Butler, f'n. Office with J. 1). McJnnklti. J. M. GALBREATH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office 011 Main Street, South of Court Hou«e, in Gen. Purviance's former office. AU H '2 1y1882,. R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Uiw, Dutler, Pa. Office near Cour House, two doors west of CITIZEN office, A. M. CORNELIUS* Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. s7 H. PTERSOL. Office on N. E. comer Diamond, Riddle build ng. novl2 JOHN M. GREER. Offico on N. E. corner Diamond. novlS WAL. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Kiddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. I. BRUGII, Office in Riddle's Law Building. JTB.MCJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Office opposite Wilhud House. JOSEPH B. BHEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler IV 1 N. H. GOUCHER, o.*Kce in Schuoideman's building, up staiis. J, T. DONLY Office- near Court House. 1 ~ .74 \V. D. BRANDON, obl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBEIi, Office In Ruber's building, Jeflerson St. ap9lj F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. "LEV, MCQUISTION, Offico Main street, 1 door south of Court Home C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. Wm. A. FORQUER, Office on Main street opposite Yogeley Home. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. McJUNKIN, Office In Schncldeman's bulldlnjr, west side Main street, 2nd square from Court House. ~T. O. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's now building, 2d floor, east side Main st., a fow doors south' oT LOWH House. m&r3—tf. ~C ATSULLIVAN, niay7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south 01 Hredy Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLES, PA JOHN 11. NEGLEY O"oives particular attention tc ransactioM in real ostate throughout the couu.y. ORNCKOK DIAMOND, NEAB COVUT HOUSE, I« CITIZEN BDILPINO _ K. K. ECKLET, Knnioi B ABSHA LI. (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. Scpt.tf.74 c. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carol u 11/ transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Busiucss correspondence promptly attended to and answered. EN. LEAKE, M. I)., , O • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, and residence in Eerrero h< U e, Butler, l'a. Oct. 2"), JoB2. _____ JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANDSUKGEON, my2l-ly] ByTL-®P» P4* ODQce on Jefferson etrpet, Klintjler's Flour Store. mams,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers