BUTLER CITIZEN JOHN HT L W7 C. NEGLEY, PROP'RS, Entered at the Postoffice at Butler «a second.-cIc.BSB matter. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8, 1883. Republican State Ticket. For State Treasurer, WM. LIYSEY, of Allegheny county. For Auditor General, JEROME B. NILES, of Tioga county. Republican County Ticket. For District Attorney, SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler. For County Surveyor, B. F. HILLIARD, of Washington twp. THE war among the wires wages as wratl\y as ever. GENERAL SHERMAN says tnat Wash ington city is full of "hollowness, hy pocrisy and snobbery." WERE it not for the free passes it is doubtful if the Legislature would yet be in session. PRESIDENT ARTHUR is on a pleasure trip to the West, taking in the Yellow stone Park and other points, and pos sibly doing a little "electioneering," as they say be wants to be a candidate for the next nomination for President. WE believe our county has the only member at Harrisburg who stays con stantly at his post. Mr. Donly has not been home here since he left us last December—now more than half a year. _____ CAPT. ZIEGLER, of this place, receiv ed 49 votes in the State Democratic Convention of last week for the Audi tor General nomination, being as high a vote as that received by any other candidate on the first ballot. CAREY, who turned states evidence and became informer against his fellows in some of the recent murders in Ire land, has himself been slain by an Irishman, O'Donnell, who is said to be a citizen of the United States. THE Government at Washington de cides very properly, that Hostetter's Bitters are made and used as a bever age, and not as a medicine, and should therefore be taxed. This decision ap plies to other so called medicines. A GEANDAt'AIITEB of Robert Bams is, it is asserted, at present in receipt of relief from the London Scottish Corporation. Her name is Mrs. Pyrke. She is the wife of a workingman, who has, through no fault of his own, fall en into poverty, and is-the daughter of the poet's eldest son Robert, who for some time was employed in the Som erset House. IT is related that Senator Edmunds, when urged to join a Congregational Church, requested to see the articles. After several days deliberation he re turned them, and agreed to become a member if 10 out of the 27 clauses were omitted, 6 modified and 2 new ones added. He is now a pewholder at the Episcopal Church of the Epipha ny in Washington. THE Democratic State Convention, that met in Harrisburg last week, nom inated the Hon. Joseph Powell, of Bradford county, for State Treasurer and Capt. Robert Taggart, of Warren county for State Auditor General The usual striDg of resolutions were passed. The Convention was a rather tame affair. All present signs indicate the election of Niles and Livsey, the Republican candidates on the State ticket this year. THE opinion of Ex-Chief Justice Black in the perjury case against Esq. John Smith, was published last week as an advertisement. It would hardly be fair, therefore, to publish any ad verse communications upon the opinion of the Judge. The matter is pretty well understood now and as the case is still pending before the courts it may be better for all concerned to avoid any further public discussion until a final decision is made by the courts. THE Republicans of this State are unit ed this year and therefore victory is as sured this fall. Tho prudent nomina tions made from each branch of the party, and the manner of their nomina tion, have healed up the ranks. Mr. Nilcs, the nominee for Auditor Gen eral, was one of the leading Independ ents in the State and always opposed boss rule in the State. There is no dis satisfaction in any quarter. A few may want to keep up old feuds, think ing it may benefit them, but such are the very ones the people will set down npon the first opportunity. Tbey are not of much account so far, but will be watched closely. THE Governor has not as yet signed the bill redisricting tbo State into Judicial districts. It is generally be lieved, however, that be will. There has as yet been no agreement between the two Houses as to the other bills, the Congressional and Senatorial bills being apparently as far from being pas ed as ever. Recent advices indi cate that an Assembly district bill may be passed, as there is less difficulty about that part of the work than the others. The Senate generally refuses to receive or consider any new offers or propositions from the House, and does not eeeiu iucliued to make any new ones on its part. This policy may re sult in making a mistake. The duty of a legislator is to legislate, if legisla tion is required. Actiug in a represen tative capacity there cannot very prop erly be any "lust offers," or saying by any party "take this or get nothing." We have hope yet that this long session will not be ended until its work is alto gether finished. THE Chief Justice of England, Lord Coleridge, is coming on a visit to the United States, to see our great coun try. IF our correspondents can have their communications reach us by Monday mails it will oblige us and more likely insure their insertion that week WITH the influx of pauper immigra tion at New York, the people of the rural districts in all the States may look for the army of beggars. New York will make every effort to scatter these homeless and impoverished wretches West and South, so that everv town will be afflicted with beg gars whose language few if any will understand and whose wants will in clude all the necessaries of life with shelter added. THE Western Union Telegraph Com panv, it is charged by the New York Herald, on about $20,000,000 actual in vestment, has watered its stock up to $80,000,000, and is dividing ten per cent on this inflated value, or really 40 per cent, on the actual investment. Yet it is too selfish to give the force upon which it depends so largely fair pay for their intelligent labor, It is like many other companies that have watered their stock, the workers must suffer that big dividends may be made. HANNIBAL HAMLIN'S method of writing while in the Senate is graphic ally described. He spent four or five hours every day in writing letters, and it was his boast that he answered every letter he received. It was pain ful to see him write. He squeezed his pen as though it contained money, and his hand, arm and body were all so unnaturally distorted that it seemed a shame that he did not employ a sec retary, but he worked away, hour by hour, until he had got dono with his mail. Railroad. The "Connecting Link" is neaiing this place. By Friday coming it is to be so far completed as to be able to move a large number of the members of the State Militia from here to Greenville, on the way to their pro posed encampment ai Conneaut Lake, Crawford county, Pa. A large force of workmen are upon the track, and the ties are being laid and the rails placed upon them, with astonishing rapidity. Much activity prevails and our people are feeling a lively interest in the com pletion of this new road to Butler. The ground is all graded to this place ; the best of rails are being put on, ana as soon as the road, is entirely com pleted it is the intention of our citizens to aid in celebrating an event that opens up to trade and travel another important section of our county. Death of Harvey Osborn. Mr. Harvey Osborn died suddenly at his residence in Penn twp., this county, on Friday morning last. He had been ill lor some time previous but had so far recovered as to be able to come to this place only a short time ago. The immediate cause of hisdeath was paralysis of the heart, a stroke of which took him away quite suddenly. He was buried in the Middlesex Pres byterian grave yard on Saturday last, a very large concourse of neighbors and citizens we are told attending the funeral. The members of the Masonic fraternity of this place, of which ho was a member, also attended in a body. Mr. Osborn was one of our most en terprisiug and useful citizens, and was esteemed for his many good and gener ous qualities. He was one of the lead ing farmers of the county and took an active interest in all that pertained to improvement in agriculture, having one of the best -farms in the coulfty, worked with all the modern machin ery. His loss will be seriously felt. He was aged about 03 years. After Many Days. MATAMOBAH, 0., August s.—The details of the murder of a New York citizen, after having been concealed for nearly twenty years, have just come to light here. In 1804 a syndicate of New York capitalists sent a man here to prospect for oil. The gentleman was well-dressed, owned a fine team, dis played costly jewelry, and was current ly believed to have $50,000 with him. After staying here a short time he went to Archer's Fork, a short distance above here on the river, and made his home with a man named Ward After prospecting for a time he suddenly dis appeared, and Ward said be had ab sconded. Ward was a poor man, work ing a small farm, but be soon after came to this place and erected a large hotel, displaying every indication of having suddenly acquired wealth. This ex cited suspicion, and he was openly ac cusedr>f murdering the capitalist, but the charge could not be proved. Three young men who talked mysteriously of Ward's sudden wealth were sent West by that individual, well supplied with money, and after their departure the tongues of the gossips gradually ceased to wag. Three years ago Ward dropped dead in his yard, and with his burial the affair was forgotten. A few days ago, however, it was revived in a thrilling manner. James West, a shiftless youth, who had acquired money about the time of the prospector's disappear ance, was taken seriously ill, and, be lieving his end to be near, he sent fur a minister and to him made a confession. Ward had told him of the treasure to be had by the murder, and the two, with a butcher named Kirkbride, way laid their victim and cut his throat with a knife, robbing him of his jewel ry and $30,000 in greenbacks. West stated that a ring was allowed to re main on one finger of the corpse, as they were unable to remove it. The skeleton, he said, would be found in a certain well. The well has just been searched, and in it, under a pile of debris, was found the skeleton with a gold ring on the little finger of one band. The discovery has caused a great sensation in this vicinity. The murdered man's name has been for gotten. Indigo Blues. All tho new figures and styles, at HITTER & 11 ALSTON'S. WORK AT HARRISBURG. Riding Roughshod Over the House. IIARRISBURG, Aug. 2.—A most dis graceful scene was enacted in the House to-day. At the conclusion of a long speech by Mr. Thompson, of Beaver, on Amermon's resolution to refer the sub ject of legislative apportionment to a free committee of conference, the Speaker, who had tired of the tedious ness of the speech, called Hines, of Luzerne, to the chair arid retired. When Mr. Thompson sat down, at 12:35 o'clock, Mr. Gavitt, of Philadelphia, sought the floor to reply, but the Chair refused to recognize him, and proceeded to put the question on the resolution thus: The question is on the adoption of the resolution of the gentleman from Lackawanna All in favor will say aye, all opposed will say no; the ayes have it and the resolution is adopted. The next business in order is the con sideration on first reading of bill No 10, apportioning the State into Con gressional districts. The Clerk will proceed to read the bill. It must be remembered that all this time Mr. Gavitt was repeating his call, "Mr. Speaker! Mr. Speaker!" while every moment new yoices were being added to those loudly protesting against the conduct of the chair. But Hines paid no attention until the clerk was nearly through the reading, which no one could follow on account of the noise, and then he turned his face to ward the Republican side and with a contemptuous expression of the face shouted, "You can't bulldoze anybody here." KEEPING UP THE DIN. Still Gavitt's demand for a hearing went on, amid the loud protests of the Republicans and some Democrats, and still Hines refused to recognize the call. As soon as Clerk Maconkey's voice ceased at the end of the reading Hines began again : "The bill has been read. Will the House agree to it on first reading ? Those in favor will say aye, those opposed will say no. It is agreed to." And yet the cries "Mr. Speaker," and the protests were going on, when a stentorian voice was heard to say, "I move we adjourn." "It is moved and seconded," said Hines, "that this House do now adjourn. All in favor say aye ; the ayes have it, and this House stands adjourned." As Hines came down from the Speaker's chair he was surrounded by a tumultuous, excited crowd of mem bers of both parties. It is reported that be applied some obscene epithets to Mr. Gavitt and a fistic encounter was only prevented by members crowd ing between them. Political Points. CALAMITY WELLER, the lowa Green backer, declared in a recent speech: "I know as a fact that I can get nearer to Heaven in fifteen minutes with threo straight drinks of whisky than any other way I know of. I know it because I have tried it." DEMOCRATS all over the Common wealth are trembling with fear at the rumor that some of their statesmen at Harrisburg are preparing to sell the party out on the apportionment ques tion. This is strange, in view of the confidence which the Democracy pro fesses in its own integrity.—Philadel phia Press. THE Savannah Mews, the organ of Democracy in Southern Georgia, com plains that the Democratic party has been controlled by a minority, so that its ablest statesmen are proscribed from being aspirants for the Presiden cy. It can see no reason why the South should not present a candidate for the Presidency from that section. THE New York Public, a sound conservative financial journal, points oat that the "Pennsylvania plan" of distributing the Federal surplus, if any, among the States is probably the only way in which public education can be raised to the safety level in many States too poor or too stingy to levy taxes adequate to the support of schools. GRANTING that Dorsey's charges against Garfield are true; what do they prove? That Garfield fell among thieves—and by theives! If he made pledges to these harpies, ho was justi fied in breaking them; but the people will require the word of some one who is not a notorious thief and liar bofore they will believe that the martyr Pres ident made any such promises. The whole thing simply uncovers the hein ousness of Stalwartism.— Greenville News. THE Philadelphia Times has this important news about Mr. Tilden, which looks authentic: 1. Mr. Tilden will gladly accept the nomination for tho Presidency—lf he can get it. 2. He will write one of the best po litical epistles, to be read in conven tion, declining the nomination—lf he can't get it. 3. 110 will continue to maintain his present proclaimed indifference about Presidential nomination, and prove that he doesn't care a button about it, by—doing his level best to bunch a Tilden majority in convention. The foregoing three points cover tho whole ground of Mr. Tildeu's attitude on tho Presidency, and all other re ports aro bogus. Copyright not ap plied for. The Old and the New. Just now may be seen tho tearing down of one of the buildings in what has long been known as "Dougal's row," in this place. It is the ono in which Mr. Dougal lived for many years. It was peculiar in its construc tion, having an angular chimney in tho center, in which were four fire places ending in one flue. L. Z. Mitchell, Esq., the present owner, is removing it for the purpose of erecting a fine building of more modern stylo and size. With a building on that corner of the Diamond, such as Mr. Mitchell will doubtless erect, and then a similar one on the opposite corner, our Court House will bo better supported and ap pear to better advantage. While there is sense of almost reverence connected with the bouse in which Mr. Dougal so long lived, yet the spirit of the times and the progress of improvement require tliatold things should give way and make place for new ones. Our citizens will therefore warmly approve of the purpose of Mr. Mitchell in this matter. COMMUNICATIONS. Bruin Items. We know not how it may be in other townships, but suppose it much like it is in this, that we farmers have been led off "on a switch,'* on the subject of manures, taking up with patent fertiliz ers and phosphates, when a much richer article even than guano is provided for us, in the limestone rock and the coal to burn it, in abundance. It will "far beat" any fertilizer we know of for durability—lasting in the ground. We limed some ground three years ago and the limed ground, although worked every year, is in as good condition to day or better than the year it was limed, this can't be said of phosphates. We like to see farmers use fertilizers, but experience proves that lime plenti fully used, and give what vegetable you can, far exceeds patent plasters, and the ease with which it can be ob tained, and the same outlay of cash, in this township at least, ought to weigh heavily in favor of the lime theory. Let us burn and use more lime where limestone is so abundant and where we have such fields of coal. We would be glad to have the Coun ty Sabbath School Association give the programme in the county papers, and date and place of holding it. Have heard it was to be in North Washing ton, on the Gth and 7th of September. Is this correct ? If so let all friends of Sunday school work in the county attend. We will miss our friend J. W Watters, the blacksmith, who is gone with family to Bradford to live. A chance is now open for a good smith to locate permanently in Bruin. One that can do general work of all kinds for farmers, etc., preferred. As Mr. Watters was more of a machinist smith than for general work. We notice the sign at the Hall has the name all daubed and blotted; the parties must have intended that the name "Martinsburg ; ' should be entirely obliterated from the town of Bruin or any of its sign boards. Rev. T. M. Thompson, of Freeport, favored his old congregation, on Sab bath, with a discourse that lacked noth ing of the old time fervor, nor were the people lacking in their old time interest. That church walk is not built yet, but we presume it soon will be aud by way of a hint it would be a good time before cold weather and muddy roads come for the people in town to repair the sidewalks, as many places need it very badly. A good thing ought to be told and the people here say that "the CITIZEN is the best county paper published in this county," that is some satisfaction if nothing more. JONES. Visiting Friends. —Rev. John Graham, now stationed at Manhiem, Lancaster couuty, Pa., is home here at present on a visit to his motLer aud friends. —Mrs. Eleanor Graham, wife of Dr. Graham, who had been visiting friends in Venango county for a while past, re turned home last week. —Geo. Walter Ziegler, Esq., and wife, now of Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., were back on a visit to their old home here last week. —David If. Jack, Esq., now in the successful practice of the law at Brad ford, Pa., is at present here on a visit to his parents and friends. —R. L. Corbett, Esq., of Clarion, Pa., was in town last week on profes sional business. —Mrs. C. Rabe, of Allegheny coun ty, has been visiting her mother here, Mrs. Charles C. Sullivan, for some days past. —Robert McClung, Esq., of Fair view twp., who recently made a visit to an uncle in Kansas, returned home last week much pleased with his visit and the Western country he was through. —Henry M. Wise, of Harmony, spent a day in town last week on busi ness matters. —Mr. J. P. Brandon, who formerly lived near Portcrsville, this county, and removed to (Jarnett, Kansas, where he is engaged in business, is here at present. He is a nephew of 'Squire Pringle of this place, with whom he is stopping. Death of General Old. Col. E. O. C. Ord, of the U. S. Army, died in Havana, Cuba, on the 22d ult., of yellow fever, aged 05 years. In the fall of 1861, Gen. Ord was assigned to tho command of a brigade of the Penn sylvania Reserves. He afterwards succeeded to the command of a corps, and was found to be a good soldier in every situation in which he was plac ed. General Grant says of him: "Ord was a man of genius and some eccen tricities. He was honorable in all his dealings, and high-toned in every sense General Ord was endowed with marked aptitude for mechanics, and had he not been a soldier, no doubt would have become a first-class mechanical genius. lie married late in life, and leaves his wife in destitute circumstances. Two of his sons are grown to manhood, one of them being in the army, and one of his daughters married a prominent Mexican, and one an American officer. The remainder aro of minor age." The War Department is informed that the body of the late General has been embalmed, and will remain in Cuba until autumn, when it will be brought here. To Celebrate Luther's Birthday. BELIMN, Aug. 2—Emperor William han directed that the 400 th birthday of Martin Luther be observed by nil Prot estant schools. The students of the universities will celebrate, at Erfurt, on August 8, the entry of Luther into that town. BUTLER MARKETS. Butter 11 U> 10 cents. Kggs l.'f to 10 cents. Potatoes 40 to 50 cents. Wheat, No. 1, $1.1.5. Buckwheat HO cents. Oats 45 to 50 cents. Corn 00 cents. Bye 02 cents. Flour, high grade, per barrel $0 to SB. Flour, No. 1, per sack $1.75. Bran, per ton SIH to S2O. Middlings, per ton sl4 to $25. Chickens, per pair 50 to 00 cents. Onions, new, 5 cents per pound. ham, per pound 12 to 15 cents. Sides, per pound 14 cents. Shoulders, per pound 12j cents. Fish, Mackera) No. 1, 12i cents. Advertise in the CITIZIK. Dealers Q AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Remington Clipper Plow. IMPROVED KELLER GRAIN, SEED AND FER TILIZING DRILL, TOLEDO I. X. L WOOD PUMPS. - I I W JTH 1 The Celebrated American Fruit Dryer, or PNEUMATIC EVAPORATOR, It is portable, durable, absolutely flre-proof, economical anil will cure fruit and vegetables in less time and with less fuel than any Dryer in the market. It will pay for itvelf in lexa tlian thirty days if properly attended. Its products are unsurpassed as to quality and color, and are in great demand at high prices. Full instructions how to dry, bleach, pack and market the pro ducts, accompany each machine. WILL EVAPORATE 8 BUSHELS OF ANY FRUIT PER DAY. ROOM 1 ] mSPOUTING DONE TO ORDER, DEALERS IN HOUSE FURNISH ING HARDWARE, J3utlei% Jr*eim 9 a. MARRIED. - GERMAN—THOMPSON-June 27tli, 1883, at tlio residence of tlio bride's parent* in Washiug ing. I) C., Mr. W. O. German, of Jerwey City, N. J,, aud Minn Clara C. Thompson. HOCKENBERRY—ST. CLAIR—At tlio resi dence of tlie officiating minister. Went Liber ty, Aue.M, 1883, by Rev. W. P. Shaw, Mr. Casper Hockenberry, and Mien Susan St. Clair. Both of Worth township, Butler Co, ra. BF.AL—WEST—By the Rev. Henry J. AJtnruaji, July 26, 1883, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr Adam Beal and Miss Nannie West. Both of Butler county, Pa. WILES—ANDEUSON-July 81, 1883, at the residence of W F Butler Kaylor, Pa., by Rev, Bft Reading, Mr. I>, Elmer Wiles and Miss Ida P. Anderson, both of Bradys Bend, Arm strong county, Pa, DIEIIL—STONEBEROER—Aug. 1, 1883, at the Reformed church parsonage at Sumrnum, 111, by Rev. J 8 Shade, Mr E. H. Dielil and Miss Mary J Stoneberger, only daughter of the late Rev. J. Stoneberger, of Astoria, HI. UEATHS. BROWN—On Wednesday morning..lnly 25, 1883, infant daughter of John W. and Emma Brown, of Butler, Pa., aged 11 mouths. STAAF—In releibvU'e, Coiinoqaeneming twp., this county, July 28th, 1883, Mr. Peter Staaf. Aged about 60 years. VANDERLIN —ln Venango township, this county. July 26, lf!83, Mrs Eliza Vanderlin, v. ifo of Mr. Stephen and mother of Ji>.- ep'.i O. Vanderlin, Esq., of this place, aged 83 years. McCOLLOUGH—In MufMycreek (owuuhip, this oountv. Aug. 6th. 1883. Ml'H. McOollougli. widow of William McCollougli, decoased, aged about 80 yt ars. EDMf'NPHON—At lie* residence in l'rospoctt on Jniy 6,1833, in tho 28th year of her a-?c Mrs Christina wife of Mr .1 \V I\ 'uoi.d • i, a daughter of the late Mr John Martincourt. Mrs. Edmondson was of a kind, loving dispos ition, was a favorito with all her youthful com panions and in her married relations was a lov ing wife and a thoughtful mother. Sue was a member of tho Lutheran Church of Prospect and during her sickness which lasted about 0 months her pious fooliugs shone forth conspicuously in her firm (rust in Christ and in Christian patience and resignation to the divino will. While human affection hail its struggles to part with her devoted husband and her two little children yet in faith she could commend them lo the care of I lie Good Shepherd in tho confident expectation that their parting would only be for a little while when thoy would be united on that beautiful shore where there is no more parting, sickness, pain or death. Many kind friends mourn her loss but thoy mourn not as those who have no hope, for they bolievo that what is their loss is her eternal gain SACRED To tho memory of Margaret, beloved wife of William H.Gi'ghiiit.of Cherry township,who de parted this life July 27, aged 42 years, and was interred at West Sunbury U. P. Church July 28, 1883. ller end was peace. Dear wife from me you have gone before Yonr sufferings now on earth aro o'er, Von have gone where sorrow cannot come. To Heaven, tho faithful Christian's homo. Four children loft in worldly care, The youngest one I loved sincere; I'll not forget tho other three, Rut hope they all may come to me. Grieve not dear husband, I am at rest; Grieve not, dear husband. I am blest; Grieve not. I'vo left a world of care To meet my God; to follow mo prepare. Husband and children dry yonr tears, For you I've labored many years, I always Htrovo to do my bast But now I'm gone to tako my rest. A loving mother sho ha i been; A faithful neighbor, too. as well, Rut now she's loft all earthly care With Christ, her Wavior for to dwell. c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF j I CONSTIPATION. I E 0 £ No other dlacoao ia so prevalent In this ooun- 03 try u.i ConetlpaUon. and uo remedy has ever © equalled tho celebrated Kidney-Wort aa a c E cure. Whatever tho cauao, however obat! Nato ej rt tho ccae, thla remedy will overoomo it. u • Dll ETA THIS diatfcsaiiifr com J> © a H!■ tCI■ plaint ia very apt to bo - 5 coniplioatod with constipation. Xidnoy-Wort m v atronstliena tho weakened porta and quickly o (5 curea all klndaof Piles ovon when phyuicianu J o and medicinoa have bofort failed. £ 13- KVlt you have either of thena troubloa "□ BOMANCEIIfjiIi pplißAGEDlip^ J.( ■ ItIPfATH. „ t n rip—— I.WM) pp. 100iuaKn>licent| w SSSFIMEEIIUFE Did She Die? "No! "She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about." "Indeed ! Indeed !" "How thankful we should bo for that medicine." —— A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven" years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. "From a complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and Nervous debility. "Under the caro of tlio best physi cians. "Who gave her di&easo various names, "But no belief. "And now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it."—TliE PARENTS. Father is Getting Well. "My daughters say : "How much better father is since lie used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incurable" "And we are so glad that he used your Bit ters." A LADY of IJtica, N. Y. OK COMPOUND EXTRACT OF ASPARAGUS, Hum been pronounced l>y lead* lug plijHicliiiin hmii re cure lor all dlseiiMcn of (lie Bladder. Kidneys. Urinary Organs, PAIN IN THE HACK In n symptom of some serious trouble of the kidneys or uterine trouble. When nature wains ycu by a pttin in the hack, especially u dull, heavy, or u severe burning and sharp pain that seems almost unendurable, or a constant bearing down pain, and you are restless and nervous, wrth more or loss dyspepia, you should be prompt In selecting a remedy. ASPARGO Promptly cures these distressing complaints. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Price #1 per bottle, or fi bottles for $5. Pent to any audrcss lu the United St; tes, free ol expense, on receipt <>i en h or P. O. order. Dr. Pounder Family Medicine Co, • 24 S. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. Notice. Notice it hereby given that 11. 11. Vincent, committee of Amanda Oiven, a lunatic, has filed his first and partial account in the office of the l'rothonotary of the Court of (U.uiinon Pleas of Itutler county, at M. S. r>., No. !'. De cember term, 187!>, and that the same will l>e presented to said Court for confirmation anil al lowance on Wednesday, the sth day of Septem ber, 1883. M. N. GREER, Pro. I I'ruthonotary's office, Aug. 6, ltw.'t. MEN AND WOMEN CBTOood halarv and Expenses Paid. OUTFIT FREE. No rxfierlc-ncc needed aMKN /■:. WIIIT.VKV, •> iii sn-j uitn, iluthttltr, Ji V 1 ii'Hv'jjm. A. TROUT MA N, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mais, Stair Rods, Etc, DRESS GOODS AND SILKS At lowest prices of black and Colored Silks. New shades in C elimers. A fine aud as sortment of Nuns' Veiling-, Buntings and thin Summer Dress Goods. WHITE DRESS GOODS, Largest assortment, lowest prices. Infants' White Dress Cloaks. White Dresses lor chil dren 1, 2, and 3 years old. Large Stock of Laces in White and Black Ruchings, Embroideries, Insert ings, Irish Trimmings, Collars for Children and Ladies, Cuffs, Sash Ribbons, Fishues, Lace Ties, Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Cotton. Black Crape and Crape Veils. HOSIERYI HOSIERYI HOSIERY Fancy Hosiery for children In great variety. Fancy Hosiery for ladies, all qualities and prices. Men and boys' Socks. Stock the largest; prices the lowest. Summer Underwear For children, ladies and men. Umbrellas and Parasols in fancy Satin, Silk Alapacas, Ginghams, Serge, &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Large and fine selected stock, all absolutely new styles. Brussels, Ingrains Cottage Hemp, Rag, Mattings, Rugs, Ac. Please call and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. BUTLER, PA NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ImilßHl IIP HIDII6S JUST BUEIfEDJ 1 OAK AXI) HEMLOCK SOLE, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC KIFAND CAI.F, COLLAR, WELT. SKIRTING UPPER, BELTING. HARNESS AND LACK LEATHER A USTID ifihstdk: miisriiN"Q-S, ETC. ALSO N&NVFACTI'RKROF ALL KINDS OF Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc,, Etc. And carry a full stock of Whips, Robes, Blankets, Brushes, and all other Goods belonging to the Basiness, All Kinds of Repairing: will Receive Prompt Attention. faTPlease call and oxamiue our Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsewhore. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND PELTS. C. ROESSINQ, Reiber's Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa D. A. HECK, CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING! GOODS. JUSTICE TO AIjIJ. ON.E PBICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. DUFFY'S BLOCK MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. PiMSiSfILLS And will romplfttlr change the blood in the entire xviUm in three months. Any p-rson who willtiki ONE PILL KAOH NIOIIT FROM ONK TO TWKLVK WKKKS. may b« restored tosonarfhealth. If soeh * thing ispouibU. For curing Female Complaints theto I'ill* have nos.jual. in their praetiee. Sold or sent by mail for Vi coats in stamp*. Send for pamphlet. I. fl. pjTTSBURBH FEMAEE RQLLEEE f"h MTi?!3Uf»nil OOHSCfIMTOUT GF MUSIC—. : • \1; T.i"«ril Aft*. Mus!<\ Florutlon, Prruvfnir mill Pnlntln*. Modern T-ftn ■ ~ri- fl Wax-** 'i ty-cigtit uuiclierH. Charges moderate. Twenty ...7, tfb. 1. C. PERSMJNO, Pitt3hur»h, Pa. PRESENT POWER. To-Morrow A f.»"K lVay Oil Mbcu Help Is Wanted To-Day. Comfort is never in a hurry. Pain and dis tress are in hot husttf. It is to tho Jrienil in need"—the friend who does something noyr— that the old adage pays the compliment ot l>e ini? "a friend indeed/' That they do not keep thu sullerer in suspense is the salient excellence of BKNSON'S CAPCINK POKUS PLASTEIiS. Tlu* plasters of other days--whether poroos or otherwise- —said—-"Wftit until to-morrow . \\ o can promise nothing on the spur ol the moment." Hut pain unrelieved, like hope de ferred makrth the heart sick. Benson s plasters act on application. They permeate, soothe, warm and heal, containing as they do, chemical fuul medicinal of tho highest efficiency. Their motto is SOW, and the «en nine have the word CA POINE cut in the mid dle of each plaster. Price 25 cento, fceubury A Johnson, Chemists, New York. CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT —CUBES— Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, Scratch es and Sores —IN HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP. Ask your Storokcoper for it, or writo dlroct to tho Manufacturers, AMERICAN LUBRICATING OIL COMPANY, Cleveland, . . . Ohio.! a»S,3m ■■l TP ft STOPPED FREE H B !1 Mir-ftlout \motts, PC Q |*' Imane Person Restored Man ■MDr.KUNE SGRBAT Rk ■ ■ UjU/." «//riKAIN & NKKVK DIMKAMCV CH. yiH't 19 curt Jow Kffrt Ajftrtisns, / tit, hf»Hcp. »ud eimr.i of Hi tod to Dtt.KLlNii.ou Arch St.. Philadelphia. Fa. Sea Urugg i»u. HEM'A Kb 01 IMITATING FRAUDS* TABLE LINEN In Bleached and Unbleached, Turkey Reds, German ar.d fancy; Towels and Toweling, Nap kins, White quilts in great variety; Lice Bed Sets, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Curtains. DOMESTICS. Bent makes of Ginghams, Muslins, Zephyr Cloth, Seresucker, Lawns, Shirtings, Tickidgs, Sheetings, Caseimers, Jeans, Tweeds, Ac. GLOVES! GLOVES! Kid Gloves in all qualities and prices; Silk Glo\es, Berlin Gloves, Lisle Thread Gloves, You will find my Gloves stocK complete, Mitt, black and colored, [Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S. (J. Purvis & Co., *ANC»ACTtTR«RB IDD DIALIRB I* Bough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Church TT VT /» We have connected with our 111 IT I 1 extensive manufacturing bus- I I si m Iness a department soleTy d»- I R II % voted to the sale of (Jim*. Rl- I v | U 1 nevolvers iinil all sorts ot I|| ■ ■ ■ sportmi; goods We ean sell |ll ■ llgoods of this character much ■ *** rheupcr than any other deal er In the country. Recently we bought of the v.cll-knowu llrm of the Umdon and Liverpool (inn Co., who failed, M.ooo of their champion hrcech-loadlng shot guns. which wo w ill sen at only JT.oo eaeu. This gun cost more twice the amount we ask to manufacture. We have only a fi w left, and to close them out will sell them at tho low price of iT.oo. Now Is your chance if you want a reliable Uuiiat a low price. Send a three cx'iit stump for our nmininoth catalogue, Hudson Manufacturing Co., Astor l'lace A Hioadwoy, New York. M THt «««T IB CMtAPiaT." . iHcwis. THRFSHFRS BAWIIIUI HorieFowrn I nnCOnCnO Clwr H«ll«r» (Suited to lUI wottou*■ > Writ* foT r»«gJlluiL •uu I'xloM w ZlwAuiuaM * IMtor CV, ManrttNTOM.