BUTLER CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS. NOHOME EXEMPT. The Source of Those Mysterious Troubles That Come to Every Household Explained. The following article from the Dem ocrat and Chronicle, of Rochester, N. Y. f is of so stocking a nature and emanates from so reliable a source, that it is herewith re-published entire. In addition to the valuable matter it con tains, it will be found exceedingly in teresting: To the Editor of the Democrat and Chronicle: SntMy motives for the publica tion of the most unusual statements which follow, are, first, gratitude for the fact that I have been saved from a most horrible death, and, secondly, a desire to warn all who read this state ment against some of the most de ceptive influences by which they have ever been surrounded. It is a fact that to-day thousands of people are within a foot of the grave and they do not know it. To tell how I was caught away from just this position and to warn others against nearing it, are my objects in this communication. On the first day of June, 1881,1 lay at my residence in this city surrounded by my friends and waiting for death Heaven only knows the agony I then ensured, for words can never describe it. And yet, if a few years previous any one had told me that I was to be brought so lo*. and by so terrible 8 d-'sease, I should have scoffed at the idea. I had always been uncommonly strong and healthy, had weighed ovei 200 pounds and hardly knew, in my own experience, what pain or sicknesj were. Very many people who wil read this sta* ment realize at timef that thev are unusually tired and can not account for it. They feel dull anc indefinite pains in various parts of the body and do not understand it. Ui they are exceedingly hungry one day and entirely without appetite the next This was jugt the way I felt when the relentless malady which had fMtenec itself upon me first Still J thought it was nothing > that probablj I had taken a cold which would soot pMB awav. Shortly after this I noticec a heavy, and at times a neuralgic paii in my bead, but as it would come on< day and be gone the next, I paid bui little attention to it. However, my stomach was out of order and my foot often failed to digest, cansing at time* great inconvenience. Yet I had n< idea, even as a physician, that these things meant anything serious or tha a monstrous disease was becoming fixec upon me. Candidly, I thought I wai suffering from Malaria and so doctoret mvself accordingly. But I got no "bet ter. I next noticed a peculiar coloi and odor about the fluids I was passing also that there were large quantitiei one day and very little the next, anc that a persistent froth and scum ap peared upon the surface, and a sedi ment settled in the bottom. And yel I did not realize my danger, for, in deed, seeing these symptoms continu ally, I finally became accustomed t< them, and my suspicion was wholly disarmed by the/act that I had no pair in the affected organs or in their vicini ty. Why I should have been so blint I cannot understand. There is a terrible future for al physical neglect, and impending dangei always brings a person to his senses even thought it may then be too late I realized, at last, my critical conditio! and aroused myself to overcome it And, Oh ! how hard I tried ! I con suited the test medical skill in th< land. I visited all the prominen mineral springs in America and travel led from Maine to California. Still grew worse. No two physicians agreee as to my malady. One said I wai troubled with spinal irritation: another malaria; another, dysppsia; another heart disease ; another, general debili ty; another, congestion of the base o the brain ; and so on through a Ion; list of common diseases, the symptomi of all of which I really had. In tbii way several years passed, during all o which time I was steadily growing worst My condition had really be come pitiable. The slight symptoms at firs, experienced were developed inU terrible and constant disorders—th< little twigs of pain had grown to oaki of agony. My weight had been reduc ed irom 207 to 130 pounds. My lift was a torture to myself and friends ] could retain no food upon my stomach and lived wholly by injections. I wai a living mass of pain. My pulse wai uncontrollable. In mv agony I fre quently fell upon the floor, convulsive ly clutched the carpet, and prayed foi death. Morphine had little or no effeci in deadening the pain. For six dayi and nights I had the death-premonitory hiccoughs constantly. My urine wai filled with tube casts and albumen. J was struggling with Bright's Disease of the kidneys in its last stages. While suffering thus I received a call from my pastor, the Rev. Dr Footo, rector of St. Paul's church, ol this city. I felt that it was our lasl interview, but in the course of conver sation be mentioned a remedy of which I beard much but bad never used. Dr. Foote detailed to me the many re markable cures which bad come undet his observation, by means of this reme dy, and urged me to try it. As a practicing physician and a graduate ol the schools, I cherished the prejudice both natural and common with all reg ular practitioners, and derided the idea of any medicine outside the regular channels being the least beneficial. So solicitious, however, was I)r. Footo, that I finally promised I would waive my prejudice and try the remedy ho so highly recommended. I began its use on the Ist day of June and took it ac cording to directions. At first it sick ened; but this 1 thought was a good sign for me in my debilitated condition. I continued to take it; the sickening sensation departed and I was able to retain food upon my stomach. In a few days I noticed a decided change for the better as also did my wife and friends. My hiccoughs ceased and I experienced "less pain than formerly. 1 was so rejoiced at this improved con dition that, upon what I bad believed but a few days before was my dying bed, I vowed, in the presence of my family and iriends, should I recover I would both publicly and privately make known this remedy for the good of humanity, wherever and whenever 1 had an opportunity. I also determined that I would give a coarse of lectures in the Corinthian Academy of Music in this city, stating in full the symp toms and almost hopelessness of my disease and the remarkable means by which I have been saved. My im provement was constant from that time, and in less than three months I had gained 26 pounds in flesh, became en tirely free from pain and I believe I owe my life and present condition wholly to Warner's Safe Cure, the remedy which I used. Since my recovery I have thorough ly re-investigated the subject of kidney difficulties and Bright's disease, and the truths developed are astounding. I therefore state, deliberately, and as a physician, that I believe more than one-half the deaths which occur in America are caused by Bright's disease of the kidneys. This may sound like a rash statement, but I am prepared to fully verify it. Bright's disease has no distinctive symptoms of its own, (indeed, it often develops without any pain whatever in the kidneys or their vicinity), but has the symptoms of nearly every other known complaint. Hundreds of people die daily, whose burials are authorized by a physician's certificate of "Heart Disease," "Appo plexy," "Paralysis," "Spinal Com plain*." "Rheamatism, "Pneumonia," and QVher common diseases, when in reality it was Bright's Disease of the kidneys. Few physicians, and fewer people, realize the extent of this disease or its dangerous and insidious nature. It steals into the system like a thief, manifests its presence by the common est symptoms, and fastens itself upon the constitution before the victim is aware. It is nearly as hereditary as? consumption, quite as common and fully as fatal. Entire families, inherit ing it from their ancestors, have died, and yet none of the number knew or realized the mysterious power which was removing them. Instead of com mon symptoms it often shows none whatever, but brings death suddenly, and as such is usually supposed to be heart disease. As one who has suffer ed, and knows by bitter experien e what he says, I implore eery ore who reads these words not to neglect the slightest symptom of kidney diffi culty. Certain agony and possible death will be the sure result of such neglect, and no one can afford tc hazard such chances. I am aware that such an unqualified statement as this, coming from me, known as I am, throughout the entire land as a practitioner and lecturer, will arouse the surprise and possible ani moaftv of the medical profession anc astonish all with whom I am acquaint ed, but I make the foregoing statements, based upon facta which I am prepared to produce, and truths which I can substantiate to the letter. The welfare of those who may possibly be sufferers such as I was, is an ample inducement for me to take the step I have, and if 1 can successfully warn others from th« dangerous path in which I once walk ed, I am willing to endure all profes sional and personal consequences. J. B. HENION, M. D. —Man is anatural liar, and Woman is a confirmed believer. A Blessing. The pain in all his joints became intense; fever with its deteriorating ef fects, was now added, and he became rapidly reduced to the semblance of a skeleton, while vitality reached its lowest possible condition, and his suf ferings were of sach indescribable character that those who most loved him sometimes thought it would be better if he were called away. At this time, physicians, well-known in this city (Pittsburgh), informed his parents that be was in imminent danger of total Paralysis, and directly afterward they announced to his sorrowful moth er that they could give no hopes of his recovery. At this juncture the ute of Peruna was commenced, and in six weeks Wm. Lincoln Curts was well and at work. Ilead page 23 of Dr. Hartman's « ! Ills of Life;" get it from your Druggist. —All friends are warm friends dur ing this sort of weather. The Little Model Republic. VALPARAISO, CHlLl.—Senor Ricardc Stuven, a leading commission merchant of this city, after having exhaust-id all other remedies has been completely cured of rheumatism by the use of St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain banisher. He makes this public. —One cannot catch the English sparrow by sifting salt on his tail. —Mr. James Exley, 1203 N. stb street, Philadelphia, Pa., says : "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters as an appetizer and found them excellent." The shower of vetoes from Harris burg is making the heads of politicians swim. —"As two boxes of Dr. Denson's Celery ane Chamomile Pills cured a friend of neuralyia, whom the I)r'x. here couldn't help, I'll send for some for myself ." Clifford Shand, Windsor, Nova Scotia. —The winning platform in 1884 will hare a plank prolaiming death to the sparrow. A Chicago Merchant's Experi ence. Alter I had become almost skin and bone, with neither strength, appetite nor ambition left, and the doctors couldn't help me, two bottles Parker's Ginger Tonic cured me completely. M. B. Westcott, Lamp M'f'r, Chicago. —The man who lost a night's sleep during the war will soon apply for a pension. Invigorating Food For the brain and nerve is what we need in these days of rush aud worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic reHtorea the vital energies and brings good health and joyous spirits quicker than any thing you can use.— Tribune. —A Maine woman cabled the news of the death of her cat to her husband in Europe. Wine for Invalid:* and Table uso The fort Grape Wine of New Jersey is the be t medicinal wine in the market, nii'l it is said that the vintage of A. H|>eer far excels any other produced. It is heavy in body, rich in flavor and well adapted for sickly persons and for ifcneral family use. Mr. Hixser also pre serves the Oporto Grape Juice just as it runs fresh from tns prm i, for the line of Temperance people and Churches without fermentation or spirits. As well ax the best Port Wine to l>e obtained for the tide board. For sale by li. 11. Wuller. pPYAI. W OHLT IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Btreet, N. Y. " Is Nature's greatest remedy, and Is the _ principal lngredlentof almost every Pre- rj l» ir rlntfon L>r. Hartman gives to his private g, S patients. •- •5 I'ERCSA pleasantly agrees wiui every O • one—the young, the old, themlddle-aged. 03 Q the babeand the motlier. ° ** I'EKLKA cleanses the system of all lt» c 5 Impurities ; tones the stomach. regulates 9 2 the heart, unlocks the secretions of the _ " liver. «irengthens the nerves anil Invlgor M 2 ates the lirain. a a I'EHI N Al* the greatest appetizer, mates 0 la blood, and to the weary and tired from the -• S toi is and cares of n P refreshing sleep. ■■■■HHiP rr 5 i'EKL N A Iscomposud wholly of vegetable H B K. the stomach to digest any article of food. £ a In Liver and Kidney diseases, and In m Z. Chronic Catarrh, It has positively no 4* 2 equal. It never falls. liiHHBIMaM « o ask your druggist f ,,r L>r. Il.irtnuins o ® pamphlet on "The Ills of Life.' HBi © For I'lles, Diarrhtea, or Kidneys, take TUTT'S PILLS A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Da. TCTT:— Dear Sirt For ten years I bars bean a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. Last spring your pills were recommended to meS I used them (but with little faith), lam now a well man, havo pood appetite, difrsstion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and I have gained forty pounds solid flesh. Th*y are worth their weight in gold. .. _ E»T. E. L. srMPSON, Louisrills, Ky. SYMPTOMB OF A TORPID LIVER. LOM of Appetite,Nau«ea,Boweliico«tlve, PißirOrthe Head, with a dull sensation in th" back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Xow spirits, Los^ 6 memory, wTtE~a feeling of haying ne lected some duty, Weariness, Dlsslness, Fluttering of the heart,XtOtsjyrore the >ye», Yellow Skin, HeaHoche, ness at night, highly colored Urine. TV THESE W£RHIIiGS ABE UKHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS are especially adapted to Stich rases, one dose effect* >ll f hachauge of feeling as to art on Ish the sufferer. Try this remedy fairly, andjrou will gain a healthy Digestion. Vigorous Body, Pure Blood, BtronK Werres. and a Boiuid Mver. Fries, a» Cents. «■"[ as M ' mif gfct * /•_ II HAip DYE. Gray Ilalr and Whisker! changed W • Clossy Black. liy a single application of SJK iatJiiSSZV. (SiSSSs") • The only known *peclflcfor I'ptlcptlq Fit*. Alio for Bpaam* »nen the Diatrld* ol ASSAM, OHITIAUONO, CACHAIt. KANMKA V A LI.ICY, DAKJKKL ISO, DKIIUA DOON, ai.d ri>. Absolutely Pure. Superior In Flavor. The Mont Keononi leal. Require* only half the tMUaI quantity. Hold by all Grocer*. JOHN O. PHIILIIM A CO., Akculh of the Calcutta Teu Syndicate, 180 Water Bt , N. V. Novß-ly. HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a SOLID GOLD WATCH, aside from the nooessiry thickness for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of metal is needed only to stifien and hold the engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. The surplus gold is actually needless. In James Hois' Patent Gold Watch Cases this WASTE is saved, and SOLIDITY and HTREXGTII increased by a simple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOLID GOLD is soldere»l on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the cases, backs, centers, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and engine turning. Theso cases have ljeen worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. This is the only ease made under this process. Each ease is accompanied with a valid guarantee signed by the manufacturers warranting it to wear 20 years. 130,000 of these Cases now carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. Ask your Jeweler. The Boss watch cases with any kind «f movement desired, can be had of E. ORIEB, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, Main St., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Pry Goods Store. CIRCULAR ft SAMPLES OF WORK pja« CHICAGO, * BOSTON, CLEVELAND, O. Shuttle Machine IN THE WORLD. SEE IT! TRY IT I AND YOU WILL BUY IT. FOR SALE BY BERG A CYPHER, Butler, Pa. A Great Cause of Human Misery IS THE LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radi cal core of Horainal WeaknsM, or Sperma torrhoea, Induced by Htilf-Abuso, Involuntary Kinissions, Impoteucy, Nervoua Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion, Epileiisy and Fits: Mental and Pliywicil In capacity, A —Hy ItOBEBT J. CULVBUWELL, M. L>., au.l rof the '"Green Book," A. The wo; ' nowned author, in thin admirable Lecture, clt ly prove* from bin own experience that tbo awful coime CJTY BOTTLIKU HOUNK. J. C.BUFFUM & CO., Proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Hole liotlUrs of Jos. Bchiltz Brewing CO'H, MIL WAUKEE LAOt.lt BEEB. Bchiltz' Export Beer for Families a specialty. Importers and dealers in A'etj, Btoulk, Ginger Ale, Hiltzer Water, «IM\, Svi ups all Flavors. Manufacturers of Bottled Hoda Water. Try our Quart Ginger Ale and Champaign Cider, made especially for family table use. Send for Price Lint. I*. O. Bin 3IH. Tele phone connection. apr2B,4m. BURGLARIES Aro of Evory Day Occurrence. Not A HINOI.K INHTAM'KHN RKCOBIL in the punt .'i"> years where one of Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR - PROOF SAFES IIIIH IM'4'II Ilrok<'i» UPON bjliur* Ului'HiiiMl Kubbcd. Hall's Standard Patent Fire- Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE thoir CONTENTS AGAINST ;PIR It in a well known fact that there in NO SAFE mode In the World THAT GIVES AH GREAT SECURITY A 8 THE HALL'S SAFE They always protect their content*. INTMOIIM having VtilmiblcM MIIOIINI not l»<; without a HIIII'M Nttfe. Hall's Safe & Lock Co. J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAN FRANCISC, ST. LOUIS. CLEVELAND, Hi MAN mo It ti*ACQOAI*TCO WITM THI QCOORAPMT O* TMtS COUW* T«y wm. &t£ »v ixAmntwQ t nit hap that twk CBICAGO, ROCK ISLAM) &PACIFIC R'Y By the central position of iU line, connects tho Eact and tho West by the »bortcet route, and car r:ea paascngem. without change of cars, between Ch.cago and Kauaaa City, Council BluXTu, Leaven worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and St. Paul. It connects in Union Depots with ull the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and magnifi cent, being composed of Most Comfortable and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Horton Re clining Chair Cars, Pulliaau'a Prettiest Palacs Bleeping Cars, and the Best Lino of Dining Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi oogo and Minneapolis and bt. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Line, via Beneca and Kanka kee, has recently b2cn opened between Richmond, Norfolk. Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Au fjsta. Naahvillc. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, udianapolis and Lafayette, and Omaha, Minneap olis and St. Paul and intermediate points. All Through Fasscngers Travel on f\wt Express Trains. Tickets for sale at ».ll principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare oL ways as low as competitors that offer less advan tages. For detailed information,get tho Maps and Fold* ern of tho CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Oflioe. or adrireis R. R. CABLE, E. BT. JOHN, Vlce PIM. L Oea'l il j'r, Oen'l Tit. * Pus. Aft. CHICAGO. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. This elegant dressing similar article, on ac count of its superior cleanliness and purity. and always rto 6rey or Fata! Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair and to re move dandruff and itching. HfSCOX & Co , N.Y. 50c. as«l $1 sixes, it dealers In dru*t and medicines. | PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants,but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma- Ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. PAKKKH'S GINGER TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGBR TONIC at once; it will invigorate and birld you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundicds of lives; it mJy save yours. CAUTION !—IUfM nil lutrttltatM. Parl.-r'iOlnfcCTToolc U compoitd of the belt r*mcdlil Ef.nL la the world, mil ItesUrely iMTi r.nl from preparation of jinprr alone, Send for circular t4 Ilitcox k Co., N. V. tOc. A si lint, at de»ler» lu drop. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like It. Insist upon having FLORES TON COLOONB and look for signature of S on every bottle. Any dntgfHl or dealer la perfumery ran inp{>!y von. 55 And *3 c rut size*. LAIWiE SAVING BUYING 15c. SIZE. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., M4KUrACTIIRKKH AND D*Al,*Kßn« Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear German Oathollc Oharcb Imported Clydesdale Stallion Will rnnke the neaaon of IBS 3 P\ n nt the stable of Julian A. Clark, tA-nJlftiJ* one mile east of Prospect, Those iutcreslcd In heavy draft horses will ltnd It to llielr advantage to call at lity stable and see the horse #ud his colts. The Earl Is one of the Hie. k sleek tctteis ever brought to Butler nurty. bee li'ls or address .JULIAN A. CLARK, 3mmay. I'rospri t, l'a. IHPOUTKD C I.VOKSOAI.K STAfcI.IOM Will he found at the stables of ICohert llewl uesser, near Wlnlleld iwp., Ilutler l!o. I'ji. ilurliiK Ihe season. Ixrtl <*!<"»iils, n beauti ful dark hay, with two willte feet anil slur 111 fop head hro:ul and squarely built,line Ixine and mus cle and shows Ihe stock well. Ilalr oil the front of Ihe shin seven Inches long and thirteen on the back of the faotloek. KAMI, OR HKI.KIIIK Is a Unlit hay. three while feel and white face, well shapeil, short hack, long quarters, heavy hone, shows the blood well. 'I lie.se horses wcrj! llii|M>rted by Kobert llessel gesser In iss2, and are registered animals in the < lyili'uhile Html Imoks In Scotland, nml the hooks rail he seen al Mr. Ilcsselgesser's. Also, I'mM'K. KII.IIAIIK, a three-ouarter «'ly de.sdale, will he kept at the same st.ihie. |All-:ilil THE TROTTING STALLIONS. J. Golden and Gen Grant will make the season of 1883, at Ilutler, Duller county, l'a., NKARTIIKWK H IIOUNK. Those interesled in line horses will find It to tliftir advantage to ea'l for tenns. Hoe bills, or address, JAM. H. IIAVEH, lUitlor, l'a, in ay'J 2m. T # % 198 LIBERTY RT. ■ PITTBBTJKCJK, PA. BOOTS and SHOES SPRING STYLES NOW OPENING AT THE KXP OPULA R™ BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE OF B. C. HUSELTON. Largest and Finest Style* ami I-owest Priees ever H|IOWU by any House in Bnller. All Fresli Woods MADE TO; MY SPECIAL ORDERS and warranted, Our motto is FAIR DEALING WITH E\ EKA BOD\, goods just as we rep reseut them, same price to all. Quick sales aud small profits. I WANT THE LADIES To look at my French Kid Turn Button Boots (Cur Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid Fox Boots.) Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox. Cloth top Boots.) Pebble (Jrain, OLD LADIES' WIDE SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Walking Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers, Ladies' Button Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want. X WANT THE GENTLEMEN To step in and look at my Calf Boots, Calf Bals, Button Shoes London toe and tip, Veal Calf Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes, Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, Brogans, llob Nail Shoes for miners, all of these are desirable goods from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe. I WANT THE BOTS AND GIRLS To see our School Shoes, Fiue Button Boots and ,Bals, Slippers, &c., all New and Nice Styles very cheap. Infants' and childrens' Shoes in endless variety, from 25 cents upwards. The Largest Slock of Leather and Findings oi any House In Butler. Lowest Prices. New Goods Constantly Arriving. REPAIRING. All kinds done at Reasonable Rates. COME AND SEE THIS STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. B. C. HIfSELTOK, Butler, P». NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OP " II HIM IIP MIMES JHSI HUHnuJ OAK "" MX SKIRTING UPPER, 11ELTIKO, HARNESS AMI L.ACB I.EATHKR ROA"N A ISTid iphstik: ETC. ALSO Mi Ji UKACTI'H Kli OF ALL KINDS OK Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc. And carry a fall stock of Whips, Robes, Blankets, Brushes, and all other Goods belonging to the Business, All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. dTlease call and exaniiuo our Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsewhere. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND PEI.TS. C. ROESSING, Keiber's Block Jefferson Stroet, opi>osito Lowry House. Butler, Pa D. A. HECir CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JUSTICE TO ALL. ONE PRICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. DUFFY'S BLOCK. MAIN ST., BOTLER, PA ONE PRICE LIME has come and we are ready to ONE PRICE show the people of this county the Largest, ONE PRICE Cheapest and best stock of ONE pKICE one PRICE Mens', Youths', Boys' & Childrens' Clothing, ONE rnICE ONE PRICE ALHO A KINK LINK OK ONE PRICE rK,cK HA TB, CAPS « ONE PRICE ATVT> ONB I K,CK „ 8 k,.„,0 K QMTS , FURNISHINa qoods, ONE PRICE , ; Mi -ked hi Plain tmures ut O.IC Kxtr. mfly l ow I .Iff. ONE PRICE 1 . ! ONE PRICE One Price, ONK I>KICK ONE I RlqK : ~o pijJar rbar U || t |„, world over, will Play the Leading Part at J. n. PATTERSON'S, ONE PRIC E CLOTIIISIU IIOUME, ONE I'RILh (X)RNKU DUFFY'S BLOCK, HUTLKR,* I'KFN'A ::::::: one extremely low pbice TITERS PMSRIIMLLS Fur curtai lhc»t» I llii li»»J not«|»» . I ' JOKNHON &CO Doototi lflaau. or sent by raall for w c«iu in Hmd for psiupUlct^r^JOUNHUT^w^ LOVE MKIIGS&&H happy wiv.m. ami bachelor* bocom® happy hiM bimla. Thto womlwfill book tollt pUinly bow to courting; tbo way to got ovw l>anhful hcnh; how to flml the Mofmpot in a •wootbeajiH broaat; how to writo a lovo-lot tor; bow to win a K irl h coiiHont; bow to pop tbo <|ii«tt on; how to make wiTo ami biwbanj roal happy, Ac., Ac., Ac. Tiiiw |m tliu book that ban long boon wa ", , j h (ho moat coir plot o work ever pithliHlunl. Kvory haiholor. marilod man or woman, wwlow or wl«lowor, younx or old. tthotiM havo it. ""'it pout pail) fur only '25 cKJiitM. Adilromt llUl'ttVPi MANtJfAOTUBINO CIO.. Aator I'laca ami Broadway, Now York. S!f^l?^J n^l?BookVrßlbieß low in uti'r %r|l|n|f aerdri Ilrftibj, i-trrti—m A < u., t4 N frvurili Skt-.l rv u * what fun yon ran have wiiliouriu*w fwlMinua. ■""CI I Y .I«»t it . linn*. %riF '■ rim - iiiixriulliiu. Them- iiniHliu-ln-t sr* iiiiidr of the IM-HI material, wllli Ki'nuliH' Imlr ami WIN: attiwh -1111• 111 and when worn rannnl lm told from a ie«*n ill in' iniMtailiv. Uoyn unit younu inen run hav« low or fun by iMitliliK lliom Oil In a rrowil or frlcmti who will I"' urfiilly astonlsliol at the IraiiHforin.ill Wr will HCIIII you a muxtaclie for only '• Hire)' oi-nl* Hlamps (II emit*), or a inu*- Ui'lik mid goKU'f for l'< i-ciilH l lii-ro arc (hr«> 01 >lori IIkIII. 1: .7, jud 6:0". p. M.. lo'il .'noe. The 9;58 A. m. .r iu if 'l tbiouu.li without c wnge of «.*:■» via ,'ue I*. B, i. B. R. K. lo SbcJleld Junctioi, and lire 6:03 p. M, ir. iu to Cation Ji'nc ion. Trrlos leive iv CKy for Duller ai 7:51 una 11;21 A. M. and ';ots r. M., LOCAL I ; me. Sunday tra ; o j,oiug nor h ieav - . Bu le. Nt 9:56 A. M., and coing sou J at 5:o0 P. M. Tr*'"s le .ve Ze'ieuople for AHe»ireny at fl:'0 ond 9:10 A. M., IT ixl :.ad B:2 > P.M., and lire 9:10, 12:-16 and 0:26 im'is mai.e close con nection at Calle v with '.nias going north on lire < iv'"sio.i. Wet«l Penn Tline Table. Trains lravc Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh time.) Market at 4:41 A. M , goes ibiough to Alle gheny, arriving at 9:01 A. si. This train, when on time, counrcts at Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:55, city time. Express at 7:16 A. M., connecting at Butler Juuclion, wiihout change of cars, at 8.21 wi.h Express west, an iviug IU Allegheny nt at 9:31 A. M.. and Express east arriving at Ulairsville at 10:08 A. M., railro.d tirue, where it makes close connection with Mail train east. Mai! at 2.41 P. K., connecting at Butler Junc tion without < hange of cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 5.01 P.M., and Express east arriving at Blairsville lutersecilon at 6.25 p. M., lailioad time, which connects with Jotiustown Ai-commodatiou and Philadelphia Express e "t. Trains arrive at Culler on West Penn R. R. at 9.4 A. ii., 4.46 and 5.21 p. M., Butler lime Sbennngo A Allegheny R. R. Pnsseu;;er trains leave Hilliard at 7:25 a, m. and 2:«t» "p. m., arriving at HarrisviMc at 8:07 n. in. and 3:U) p. ru., and at Greenville at 9:£5 a. m. and 6:10 p. in.; a passenger tn»iu leaves Coaltown at 12:25 p. in. and ailives at Greeu ville at u:ls p. in. Tr ins le ive UreeuviUe at 7:00 a. m , 11:35 a. m. and 4:00 p. in., arriving at Co.ltowu at 10:15 a. nr. and at Hil'ia de at I:'s p. in. and 7:15 |>. m. Train No. 7 whi. h leaves Mercer at 9;24 a. m. and anives at Uil'la'd at 1";15 p. m. will Cairy passengers between those Iwo points only Time of Holding Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commeuce on the first Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two woeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S. V. BOWSER, Office lit Br; ilv's Law Building. S. B. SNYDER, Office with A. T. Black, Esq., Main street, near Court llou e. J. L>. MARSHALL, Altomey-at-Law. Office witn W. A. Forqner, Esq., Main Street,opposite Voge'.ey House. Bruler, Pa. Kei>a»-'S3. J.M.THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSOK THOMPSON & SON, Attorneys at Law. Office ou the west side of Main street, few doors North of Troulman's dry goods store. JOHN K. KELLY. Office with P. Relber, Ksq.. in Kelber building. (lECRGEC. PILLOW, Attorney at Law and SURVK\O.t, Main street, ilull«T, Pa. office with J. I>. Mi J nikliu J. M. GALBREATH, Attorn ct at Law. Office on Main Street, South of Court Houto, in Gen. Furvianee's former office. Ang2 lylßßa,. R. P.* SCOTT, Attorney at I aw, Butler. Pa. Office near Cour House, two doors West of Citizen office. A M DORNE Lltfsj Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. V. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. S. H. PIEIISOL. Office on N. E. ooiner Diamond, Biddle build ng. no via JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novlS Wil. H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Biddle, Esq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, noar Court House, south eide. E. I. BRUGH, Office la Kiddle'# Law Building. J. B. MoJUNKIN. B[>ecird attention to collections Office oj > pofli Wil 1.1 ill House. JOSEPH iZ BIiEDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schnoldoman's building, np stabs. J. T. DONLY Office near Court Honae. i-/74 W. D. BRANDON, obl7-75 Office in Berg'* building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office In Bei'ier's building, JeHerson St. ap»ly F. M. EASTMAN, Offico in Brady building. LEV .MOQUIBTION, Office Main street, I door aouth of Court Hons* ~ jos~ c 7 VANDERLIN, Offico Main street, I door south of Court Hoom. Wrn. AT FOHQUKR, tar Offico on Main street opposite Vogelsy House. GEO. R. WHITE, Offioe N. K. corner of Diamond J. D. MoJUNKIN, Office In Bihncldeman's building, west side Main street, and square from Court House. T. C CAMPBELL. Office In Berg's new building, 3d floor, eae< aide Main at., a few doors south of Lowty House. nw3—tf. n XT SULLIVAN, ~ may 7 Office S. W. oor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south 01 Hri.dy Bio U, Butler. Pa. (sen, it, 1874. THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHN il. NEGLEY WOives particular attention to lansaotiona in real estate throughout the eoui'.y. Owes on Diamond, a bam CovBT House, n Citizen nom-bino K. K. Eckl.sr, klnmidt Mams BALL (Late of Ohio.) KCKLKY A MARSHALL. Office In Brady's Law Building. 8ept.9,74 C G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal buslnoss carefully traiiHai ted- Collections made snd promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and aiiiwered. EN. LEA KK, M. I)., . „ • Homeopathic Physician and Hurgeo Office in I!uion Block, and residence In Ferrero lii U 'C, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2r., irtM'i. _____ JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mj'Jl lyj BUTLKR, PA. Offico on Jefferson Btroet, oppohiU K Unifier's Flour Store. ninmsaaa