Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 11, 1883, Image 3

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—A cucumber is nor called "cukj" for short.
—Fans, Fans, all styles and prices at
—A full line of Straw Hats—latest styles, at
Chas. R Orleb'a.
Wall paper and window-shades at
—The ceUbrated Johnslon Reaper—wrooght
iron frame and folder.
J. NIGGEL BRO., Agents.
—Doctors say that the perspiration coming
out on bald heads is poisonous.
—lce Cream to order at Morrison s City
—We have the largest line of White Goods
ever shown in the county, at
—Wall paper and window-shades at
—See our splendid line of Parasols and Uin
brellas at L. STEIN 4 SON'S.
—During June there were 11 clear days, 14
fair days. Rain fell on 18 days.
—Full line of Summer Underwear, at Chas
R. Grieb's.
—Hats, caps and gento' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Trunks, yalises and traveling bags at
—We have now on hand the choicest line of
Neck wear and Handkerchiefs ever displayed
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
—Strawberries were so cheap and plentiful
this year that three and four were given on each
plate at church festivals.
—We are now showing an elegant line of
Gloyes, in Kid, Silk and Lvsle Thread at
—Just received at Chas. R. Grieb's a com
plete line of Celluloid Collars and Cuffs.
—Wall paper and windowshades at
—Everybody should call and see our Satines
at 25 centa a yard, the niceat summer wash
goods in the market at .
—Mrs. A. T. Stewart is the second largest
United States bondholder, haying $30,000,000
—Hats, caps and gento' furnishing goods, big
line, at J- F. T. STEHLE'S.
Ice for sale in large or small quantities at
Morrison's City Bakery, Vogeley House block.
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
—We will offer for a short time a line of
dark Kid Gloves for 25 cento a pair, all sizes at
—See the eternal unfitness of things. A sil
ver dollar of 1804 was recently sold for $lO4,
while the silver dollar of the present day is
worth about 84 cents.
—We have all the new shades in dress goods
from 10 cents a yard up at .
—Hosiery! Hosiery! Corsets, Hoops, Bus
tles, etc., in Great Variety at
—A woman jamped from a bridge into the
river at Pittsburgh on Sunday, a distance of
seventy feet, and was fished out and resusci
tated. She intended to oommit suicide.
—Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
—The body o( a man with a pencil behind
his ear, a pair of shears in his right band, and
hit pocket filled with gold has been excavated
at Pompeii. He is (apposed to have been an
—Fresh bread and cakes always on hand a
the City Bakery, Vogely House block.
—A list of young men who are soon to be
married has been prepared by some goesip
lovers in this town. There are, it is said, eight
names on the list.
—See oar line of Lawns at 5 cents a yard and
np. at
FITS : All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. No Pits after first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and #2.00 trial bottle
free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.,
PhUa, Pa.
The next reunion of the late 11th Regt., Pa.
Reserves will be held at Blairsville, Indiana
county, Pa„ on Tuesday the 25th day of Sep
tember. 1883.
A full attendance of the surviving members
of said Regt., is requested.
S. M. JACKSON, (late C 01.,) President.
Q. W. FLEKOBB, Bec'y.
Papers in Western Pennsylvania are re
quested to publish.
A Singular Incident.
Missus. EDITORO: —Allow me here to relate an
incident which took place in fa quiet village
about twelve miles from Butler. A few weeks
ago a lady and her daughter locked the outside
door, leaving the key in the lock and retired to
bed, but in a few minutes they heard the click
of the lock as if unlocking. The young lady
went and found the door unlocked. She opened
the door and looked out bnt saw nothing. She
locked the door leaving the key in the door and
retired again, soon to hear the sharp olick of the
door unlocking. She arose, found the door un
locked, looked out as before, again locked the
door and retired, not to sleep, for by this time
sleep seemed to have fled. The looking and un
locking was repeated at short intervals until
midnight. A short time before midnight the
lady, after looking the door, put the sewing ma
chine against the door but it aid not prevent the
unlocking. A boat midnight the door was locked
and remained I till morning. Theee facts were
told me by the yonng lady herself and corrobor
ated by her mother, and both are trustworthy,
Prospect, June 25, 1883.
—According to an article ia Harper't for
thia month the tecond and not the fourth of
July should be celebrated a* independence
day. It was on the seoond of July, 1776, that
the Continental Congress adopted Lee's resolu*
tion of independence, though the famous Dec
laration, written by Jefferson, was not approv
ed until the fourth, and that is how it came
about that the fourth and not the second is
now celebrated all over the United States—
exoept in Butler. We would suggest to our
merchants and hotel and restaurant keepers,
that, (looking at the matter from a business
stand point alone) it would pay them and pay
them well to take advantage of the holiday to
draw a crowd to town. An appropriate day
time parade, a bit of a speech and a balloon
ascension, and a few fire-works at night would
d) it.
—The Carbon Centre oil field, or Coburg oil
field as some call it, after the man who put
down the first oil well there, is rapidly coming
to the front. There are now eleven pumping
wells there, with productions ranging from
thirteen to sixty barrels each per day, or about
400 in all. These wells are located on the Ker
rick, Heck, Gerstner and Krebbs farms. Eight
new rigs are up and wells going down on the
Heok, Kerriek, Vosbrink, Lowry, Durkin and
Mulligan farms. The Lowry farm well is
about completed and there are two rigs up on
the Vosbrink farm. Not a single dry hole has
yet been had in this territory. Since the above
was put in type we hear that the Lowry farm
well was completed Saturday and is doing from
25 to 50 barrels. It is owned by the Hoch
brothers of Millerstown.
—Our Jim says that the reason some people
make fools of themselves is because they are
raised fools, and some fools learu by experience
while others do not.
—lt was a dull, hot "Fourth,"
—All the oil exchanges in the country now
close at 3 P. M .
—The P. 4W.R. R. Co., is removing its
shops at Parker and Zelienople to Allegheny
—The rose bug promises to become as great
a pest as the potato-bug. It is eating away a*
—Just as one of our liverymen was becoming
an expert coon-tamer, his coon turned on him
and gave him a fearful scratching.
—Every lady should give Day's Soap one
trial. By this means they will learn of its in
trinsic value without running any risk of de
—During the greater part of last week the
mercury stood at about 90° in the shade. The
week before it ranged from 60 to 80.
—The "Solid Comfort Hunting Club," of
Mercer, is at present on a visit to the wilds of
Canada. P. W. Lowry Esq., of this place, ac
companies them.
—By a recent act of the Legislature the prac
ticing dentists of the State are compelled to
register in the Prothonotary's office, as are the
—A lamp explosion occurred at the residence
of Major Reed a few evenings since, but the
burning oil was extinguished before serious
damage was done.
—The Janies Borland farm, in Butler town,
ship, was sold by C. Walker, Esq., to John P.
Forcht, of East Brady, a few days ago for
—During show day in New Castle a Hickory
township farmer had his pocket picked of $l5O
by a nice young man who met him on the
street, called him by name, took him to the
show, etc.
—A small piece of paper or linen moistened
with turpentine and pjit into the wardrobe or
drawers for a single day at a time, two or
three times a year, is said to be a preventive
against moths.
—The most disappointed person we have
seen during the present century was the young
lady who took sixteen pieces of music to a
friend's house, and who was not asked to sing
during the whole evening.
—A post office called "Flick" has been es
tablish id at Flick's store, in Middlesex town
ship. Mr. Flick was appointed postmaster,
but as he is almost blind he refused the office,
and an effort is being made to have Mr. John
Gillespie appointed.
—The new coroner of Red Dog, Arizona,
held the usual inquest the other morning and
rendered the following vernict: "We, the
jury, dooly swore, find that the deceased kem
ter his deth by the jujmint off God, for hevin
kaled Bill Jaxon a lier."
—One of the fish-ways of the Columbia
dam across the Snsquehanna river was the
scene of an accident a few weeks ago by which
a Butler boy came near losing his life. The
boat he was in was drawn into the fish-way by
the current and upset, and when he was taken
from the water life was apparently extinct
—Mr. George Harbison of Buffalo twp., had
$274.00 stolen from his clothes, while they were
hanging in a wardrobe at his father's house, a
few nights since. A peddler was suspected, ar
rested and searched, but none of the missing
money was tound upon him.
—The hot weather sends the small boy to
cool and shady places along the creek, not for
the purpose of going in swimming, but to
kneel and pray that the town council may
soon allow of such sport. The council should
amend the ordinance to provide for the small
boy who hoes corn in the morning. He should
haye the privilege of bathing wherever he
—The Presbyterian congregation of Free port
celebrated the semi-centennial anniversary of
its organization on Tuesday of last week. Rev.
W. F. Kean, who had charge of the church
from 1849 to 1869, and Bev. J. J. Francis,
whose pastorate extended from 1869 to 1879
were present and took part in the services'
Rev. Samuel Caldwell, the first pastor, by rea
son of disability; was unable to be present.
—The hum of the locust is no longer heard
in the land. The birds destroyed vast num
bers of them. The small branches of the
trees stung by the female locusts have already
begun falling to the ground, and with them
fall the small grubs which will enter the
ground and remain for another period of 17
—Mr. Nicholas Slupe, of Jefferson township
was severely injured on the 20th ult., by the
fall of scaffolding upon which he was working.
He was repairing the roof of his barn and at
the time was fixing the eve of the roof, stand
ing upon the scaffold,which gave way and caus*
ed him to fall a distance of 15 feet, severely, but
not fatally injuring him. Being well up in
years and a large man the wonder of his neigh'
bors is that he was not killed.
—The survey for the branch of the S. A A.
connecting link, to run from a point on the new
road near McGraths Mill to Red Bank, was
begun last Tuesday, and work will begin on i'
as soon as the main road is completed. This is
likely but the beginning of an east and west
road across the county. From the place it con
nects with the main road, west down the Mud
dycreek and to New Casile there is an almost
level road-bed, or a location for one.
—The annual statement showing the amount
of the taxable property in Butler county, as re
turned by the assessors and equalized as far as
possible by the County Commissioners, appears
in this issue. The law requires its publication
and it is always interesting to the taxpayers of
the different townships and boroughs. It
would have appeared sometime ago had not the
Fairview township litigation in regard to the
assessment prevented.
—The Triumph Truss Company, of Philadel
phia and New York, whose advertisement ap
pears in another column has opened an office in
Pittsburgh, at the Hamilton Hotel, 205 Penn
avenue. The office will be in charge of Dr.
Engleman, the great Hernia Snrgeon.' They
offer to forfeit SI,OOO for a case of rupture they
cannot cure. They have over 30 styles of
trusses. A lady attendant will be constantly on
hand. This is a rare chance for the afflicted to
avail themselves of the means of relief at a
moderate price.
—A supply of the new postal notes has no*
yet been received at the Butler P. 0., but
money orders can now be had for any sum
under SIOO. Feet are also reduced to the fol
lowing rates: Not exceeding $lO, 8 cents'
from $lO to sls, 10 cents; from sls to S3O, 15
from S3O to S4O, 20 cents ; from S4O to SSO, 25
cents; from SSO to S6O, 30 cents; from S6O to
S7O, 35 cents; from S7O to SBO, 40 cents; from
SBO to SIOO, 45 cents.
—On account of bad management the Glass
Company, of Parker, has beoome embarrassed.
The Inst number of the Phoenix speaks as
follows : "At a stockholder's meeting of the
Parker Glass Company, limited, held in the
Oil Exchange on Friday last, a statement was
submitted by the Treasurer of the company to
the stockholders, in which it was shown that
the company has been doing business at a great
loss. The amount of the indebtedness exceeds
the credits and also the plant by several thous
ands of dollars. The prospects of continuation
under the limited partnership is not at all
feasible. What the outgrowth of the affair
will be is hard to tell; there seems at present
no alternative but that the property will be
sold out under the Sheriff's hammer."
[ —The body of W. M. Fitzaimmons, a young
man, son of Wm. Fitzsiinmons, dec'd., and
Elizabeth Fitzsimmons, (nee Grahaminow of
Jefferson township, this county, was found on
the track of the Allegheny Valley R. R., at
Ilaightd run, last Monday morning. He has
lately been clerking at the store of the .Etna
Iron Works, and at the time he met his death
was on his way to his home in Sharpebnrg,
from a visit to a young lady living near the
Water Works. His body was brought to his
mother's home yesterday.
—Prof. J. A. Cooper has now completed his
twentieth year as principal of the great Normal
School at Edinboro, Erie county, this State,
and he has just issued a catalogue which is of
special value to all persons thinking of prepar
ing themselves for teachers. The school is now
one of the most prosperous in the country, the
catalogue showing a total enrollment of 651
students. For further information copies of
the catalogue, etc., address the principal, J-
A. Cooper, Edinboro, Erie county, Pa.
—All the glass workers of the United States
and Canada, who belong to theirf Union, quit
work at 4 o'clock of Saturday afternoon the
:50th, ult. This includes the hands employed
in the glass works here, and the firm had to
hunt up a few non-union men to keep going
long enough to fill what orders are in. The
plans for the new ten-pot furnace and works
to be run in connection with the present works,
have been made, but the contract for building
has not yet been given.
—The house of Mr. Albert T. Pearce in
Butler township, with all its contents, was
consumed by fire on Friday morning, the 29th
ult. Mr. P, and a young son were the only
persons at home that day. He arose early that
morning, made a tire in the kitchen stove, and
then went to the barn. Returning shortly he
discovered that his house was on fire and burn
ing rapidly. He rushed up stairs and saved
his boy, who was yet asleep, but was not able
to save any of his household goods. The fire
originated from the kitchen flue, and there was
no insurance on the house.
—The act repealing the tax on patent medi
cines has been signed by the Governor, and no
further tax on these articles will be collected.
According to a circular sent by the Depart,
ment to County Treasurer Miller, any taxes on
these articles for 1883 that have been paid
since the sth of June will be returned to the
parties who paid them, but those paid before
that date will be retained by the State. The
act was approved on the sth of June, and in
this case prompt payment means the loss of
your money. The order is unjust and may be
—The arbitratore in the case of the Common,
wealth for use of Emma J. Rea vs. ex-Sheriff
Hoffman gave the plaintiff an award of $310.25
damages and costs of suit. The arbitrators in
the case of John Dickson vs. Thomas M. Dick
son awarded in favor of the plaintiff for the
land described in the writ. The arbitrators in
the case of Luding Birch vs. Tobias Dietrich
and wife awarded in favor of the defendants
with costs. The award in the case of R. P-
Scott vs. C. A. Sullivan, Cross and James
Slater, and J. A. Lidecker was in favor of the
plaintiff for $l5O and costs of suit.
—The house of Mr. Henry Sanderson, of
Clay township, with everything in it, except"
ing a little of the parlor furniture, was consum
ed by fire last Friday morning. The fire orig-'
inated in a bed room up stairs, over the parlor.
Mr. H. was in the room a few minutes before
the fire was noticed and can only account for
it in the supposition that he tramped upon a
match. He and his family, as well as three
railroad hands, who were boarding with them,
lost all their clothing. The house was insured
for a small amount in the North Washington
—The Franklin, Pa., Press enlarges on our
prayer meeting item as follows: "A Butler
father has hit upon an excellent expedient
for removing him who tarryeth too long with
the daughters of the household. A young at
torney called on one of the girls the other
night, and when a large section of the night
had worn away, and the family longed for rest
the father entered and paralyzed the persistent
lawyer by asking him to lead in family prayer.
The young man, not having any petition of
the sort drawn up, was forced to decline, lie
felt that he was called elsewhere, and soon
withdrew. It was another instance of the mov
ing power of prayer. Parents pestered with
lingering sparkers may find in prayer the
means of filling a long-felt waut. Make
Charles Augustus pray or paddle.
—The shooting ol JDavid Nittle, at the picnic,
on the Fourth, was a singular accident. Dave
was standing between the refreshment tables
and the nine-pin alley at the time, about fif
teen feet to the right and twenty feet back of
the target. The ball that is supposed to have
struck him, missed the target, passed through
an inch board, and must have changed its
course nearly 45 degrees. It entered the fleshy
part of his right shoulder, passed downwards
into his abdomen and has not yet been extract
ed. The doctors think it will do him no harm
at present asd that it would be dangerous to
cut it out during this hot weather. Dave was
moving about the house yesterday and was
feeling well. In the woods across the creek,
that day, some parties were shooting and it is
possible that the ball came from one of their
—Our bankers are now allowing but 85 cents
for trade dollars deposited with them. This
movement against the trade dollar was origin
ated in New York city a week or two ago, by
money-brokers who expect to profit by buying
them at 85 cents and then prevailing upon
Congress to again make them a legal tender.
For instance a profit of 15 cents each on the
five million trade dollars said to be in circula
tion in this country would amount to $750,000
and the same on the whole coinage of thirty
fiye million in circulation in this country and
China would amount to $5,250,000. There is a
great difference of opinion as to whether or no
Congress should make itself the tool of these
brokers. There is more silver in the trade dol
lar than there is in the standard dollar. Its
coinage was authorized in 1873, and the object
of the measure was to provide a coin for use in
our trade with China, no gold or silver being at
that time coined in that 'country. It was not
intended for circulation in this country, but the
depreciation in silver, brought it back herei
and by the act of 1876 its manufacture was
stopped and its legal tender quality taken
—The new railroad—S. & A. connecting
road—will probably be completed by the Ist of
next September. The Morehead cut is about
completed and the cut at the summit on the
McCall farm, in Clay township, will be finish
ed in a week or two. The ties and rails have
been laid as far down astheStonu House, in
Clay township. This road strikes the narrow
guage railroad a short distance above Mr.
Reiber's residence, east of town, and will
come in to the West Penn depot on the old
narrow guage bed, now out of use. A curve
or Y will likely be built at this point for the
accommodation of through trains. The new
road is being well built. There are no sharp
curves on it- and the highest grade—that at
the summit—is but one foot in a hundred or
52 feet to the mile. We understand that it is
especially intended for the through freight of
the P. R. It., which has it and the S. & A. R.
R. leased. Its completion will, we think,
make Rutler a desirable manufacturing point,
and will bring people here, as did the comple
tion of the P. & W. R. R. Two years ago
Butler was full of vacant houses, now there
are none, and next spring houses will probably
be in greater demand than they were this
spring. It might pay our capitalists and land
owners to put up a few good tenement houses
--Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
E. Qrieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
—Mr. Alfred Brenneman, of Perry township,
Lawrence county, a brother of William Bren
neman, the Portersville hotel keeper, commit"
ted suicide by hanging himself in his barn a
few days since. For some days previous he
had been complaining of a pain in his head
and seemed to be worrying over the fact that
weather was too wet to allow of his corn being
worked, which, in connection with bis rash
act, would indicate that his mind was affected.
The yeics, of New Castle, gives the following
particulars of the affair: "The deceased got
up this morning feeling as well as usual, and
without giving any intimation of the determin
ation he had made to kill himself, started out
to the barn to drive the cows in for his wife
to milk. Mrs. Brenneman waited patiently
for him to return, and after some time went
out to look for him. Though she called his
name a number of times she received no reply,
and she began to search in earnest. On going
into the barn she was horrified to find the
lifeless remains of her husband hanging from
the feed-box of a manger. He had placed a
halter about his neck and jumped from the
manger, which was a high one, and death was
probably caused by strangulation. The poor
woman hastily cut the halter but all efforts to
restore him to consciousness were in vain. He
was married about three months ago to Miss
Maggie but leaves two children from a
former marriage. He was about 35 years of
age, and has always borne a good reputation.
There is no cause that can be assigned for the
committing of the rash act, and as a conse"
quence the excitement about the ,place is in
Five Persons Belonging to one
Family Instantly Killed.
CINCINNATI, July 3.—A terrible ac
cident, by which nearly the whole of a
family were wiped out existence with
out a moment's warning, occurred to
night at Winton Place, a crossing on
the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
road, six miles out of the city. Henry
Kraacke, a German, aged 50 years, an
invalid, living on a farm at Winton
Place, three young children remaining
with him. His wife lived in the city
and kept a small produce store. A
part of the children remained with her.
It was the intention to devote to-mor
row to making a holiday, and this even
ing the father drove to the city in a one
horse wagon, returning later with his
wife, and their four older children, and
Adolph Betsch, a young German ac
quaintance, who had not yet learned to
speak English.
The party were in excellent spirits,
and were chatting gayly over their
plans for the morrow, when they reach
ed the crossing near destination at 9:10
o'clock. The crossing is without pro
tection of any sort. The horse was just
on |the track, when the New York,
Pennsylvania and Ohio express, due
here at 8:55, and behind time, came
thundering along, and before any of
the occupants had time to more than re
alize their danger the engine had struck
the wagon, thrown the horse to one
side unhurt and ground the wagon un
derneath the ponderous wheels of the
The father and mother, and all the
children, were instantly killed and hor
ribly cut up and mangled, the bead of
Maggie being cut entirely off.
The train was stopped and backed
up, and the mangled remains were
gathered up and brought to the city,
when they were removed to an under
taker's. Only the three children left
at the farm remain of the family. The
blame is laid on the railroad company,
as no safeguards are provided at that
Trade Dollars
taken at full Value, at
Trade Dollars.
We have a Job Lot of Corsets, odd
sizes, different value, at 25 cents.—
Trade Dollars one hundred cents, at
Trade Dollars
will buy new Chambrays, Percals,
Chintzes, Lawns, &c., at
Trade Dollara.
We offer a line of fine Mohair Dress
Goods, as light as linen lawns, at 8G
cents. A Trade Dollar will pay for
yards, at
Harrlsville Items.
June 29, 1883.
EDS. CITIZEN :—Tuesday 26th being
the day of the regular meeting of the
W. C. T. U., they met at the house of
A. B. Gildersleeve, one mile north of
Harrisville. Their meeting developed
a new and successful mode of filling up
the temperance ranks. No one had
any idea there were so many temper
ance women in Harrisville. It is as
tonishing what a wonderful anxiety
there IB to do something for the tem
perance cause when there is a meeting
to be beldjat the strawberry gardens.
The meeting was held at 3 P. M.
About 2 P. M., the "procession began
to move." Hack after hack and buggy
after buggy went pouring out to the
W. C. T. U. strawberry picnic. Only
one man was allowed to accompany
the women, and him they "drafted"
for a driver. They went in bravely
for womans' rights. Wonder when
they will hold their grand convention
to nominate a woman as candidate for
President. Why not? The party re
turned to Harrisville about dark, all
sober, but strawberries have been
rather scarce ever since.
Some boys, in experimenting with an
old cannon yesterday evening, fired it
off opposite the Methodist parsonage,
just as tbe Rev. Chesbro was about
starting to prayer meeting. They
loaded it with a piece of iron, and fired
it toward the parsonage. The iron
went crashing through the front of the
parsonage, doing considerable damage
in breaking glaßs and frightening the
inmates badly. MILO.
HARRISVILLE, July 7, 1883.
EDS. CITIZEN :—Tbe Fourth was
celebrated here with all the usual sports.
The principal part of which was the
masque parade. The gents donned
the ladies' dresses and bonnets; and
some were attired in style, white dress
es of style, fine bonnets, kid gloves,
&.C., combining the sublime and the
ridiculous. There was quite a display
of fireworks in the evening. Hon. L.
Z. Mitchell and James Cubbison spoke.
All passed off quietly and but little
drunkenness. MILO.
Trade Dollars.
For tbe next 30 days, we offer Dry
Goods, Carpets and Millinery, at lower
prices than ever known. Do not fail
to take advantage of tl>is opportunity,
Trade Dollar*.
At SI.OO up Ladies' Linen Suits, at
Trade Dollar*.
Hernanis and Grenadines in Black
and Colors at 10 cents yer yard, goods
that sold at 2;> and 35 cents per yard.
You can buy the cheapest Dress Goods
you ever wore, at
111*11 ranee.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
—Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at E. Grieb's
Jewelry store. mav3l-tf.
For Sale.
A good cow —fresh this spring. Inquire at
this office.
To all those who are suffering fri..n the er
rors and indiscretions of youth, nervou
weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac.,
I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE
OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis
covered by a missionary in South America.
Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV.
JOSEPH T. IXMAN, Station 1), Sew York (Sty
Rutter 12 to 14 cents.
Eggs 13 to 15 ceuts.
Potatoes 50 to 60 cents.
Wheat, No. 1, $1.15.
Buckwheat 80 cents.
Oats 45 to 50 cents.
Corn (JO cents.
Rye 62 cents.
Flour, high grade, per barrel $6 to SB.
Flour, No. 1, per sack $1.75.
Bran, per ton $lB to S2O.
Middlings, per ton sl4 to $25.
Chickens, per pair 50 to 60 cents.
Onions, new, 5 cents per pound.
Ham, per pound 12 to 15 cents.
Sides, per pound 14 cents.
Shfiuklers, per pound 12} ceuts.
Fisn, Mackeral No. 1, 12J cents.
No. 9 South Thirteenth Btreer, Philadelphia, and
71 Third avenne New York, cores Rupture in 30
days, and will pay ill, ooo for a Rupture they
cannot cure. l)r. Engleman, the GREAT HER
NIA Surgeon, Medical &i:d Surgical Director.
Free trial of Trusses at Offices, which are open
day and evening, at Room 45,
Hamilton Hold, 205 Perm Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
for a short time only. Call or send 25 cents for
book on the cure of Rupture,
N. B.—Dr. E. treats successfully all Female
Diseases, at Hamilton Hotel. jyll 3m
The Butler Camp Meeting Association will
hold their annual encampment on the grounds
of the association, three miles west of Butler,
on Thursday, August ltith and continuing until
Monday evening, August 27th. Opening
service at 2 o'clock 1". M. on Thursday, August
lGtli. Single and family season tickets can be
had from the secretary or treasurer. Ample
arrangements are made for boarding on the
ground. Tent sites can be had upon applica
tion to any member of the Board of Trustees.
JEFF BURTNER, Secretary.
Florence Etching Silk,
Prepared expressly for art designs in outline.
This silk will not split or fray in working, and
is durable both in color and texture.
Sold by enterprising dealers in a great varie
ty of colors. For heavy outlines use No. 500,
for finer work use No. 1000. The colors best
adapted for work which will require washing
are Black, Blue, Brown, Old Gold, Gold, Yel
low and Pink. Samples, with our latest Knit
ting Book (No. 4) sent on receipt of three 2
cent stamps.
NONOTUCK SILK CO., Florence, Mass.
30. stamp. 7 new different sets, 15c. DltfeW
M'F'O CO.. Baltimore. Mil.
During the month of July we will offer
Greater Bargains than ever Before!
To enable us to clear out all our
To make room for our coming Fall Stock
Bunting, 40 inch, reduced from 75c
to 50c.
34 inch Bunting at 25c.
>uns'Veiling reduced to 40c from 50c
And many other Dress Goods, show
ing as great a reduction, being too
numerous to mention all.
Come early and secure your bargains.
110 Federal St., Allt'Khcny, l*a.
Iu Clear Neiiteneea an Authori
ty atltlM lilt* own to the Popu*
lar Judgment.
191 West Tenth Street, )
NEW YORK, Aug. 11, 1880. /
I am slow to pin my faith to any new cura
PLASTER has won my good opinion. I find
it an exceptionally cleanly plaster to use and
rapid in its action. Many tests of its qualities
iu my own family, and among my patients,
have convinced me that there is no other sin
gle article so valuable for popular use, none so
helpful in cases of lame back, local rheuma
tism, neuralgia, congestion of the bronchial
tubes and lungs and lumbago.
You may feel free to use my name.
Very truly yours,
H. il. KANE, M. D.,
Physician-in-Chief of the I)c Quincy Home.
Price of the CAPCINE 25 cents.
Seahury <fc Johnson, Chemists, New York.
D*. E. C. Wmt'i Nxmvi and Brain Trkatvint, a
fuaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions,
its, Nervous Neuralgia, Hcactachc. Nervous Prostra
tion causod by the use or alcohol or tobacco. Wakeful.
MM. MentaJ Depression. Roftcning of the Drain result
ing In Insanity and leading to misery, deesy and death.
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either
mz. Involuntary Ixxtsce and —rr._ caused by
over-exertion of the brain, self abtiße or over-Indulgence
One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains <no
month's treatment One dollar a box, or six boxes fl to
dollars; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We guar
antee six boxes to cure any case, with each on'er re
ceived for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we
will send the purchaser our written gun ran tee to refund
money If treatment does not effect a cure. Ouaranteot
Druggist. 84 Market bt*
Pittsburgh, Pa. Ordsrs by mall at regular prices.
Cures Headache, Burns. Sprains. Cuts. Wounds,
Rheumatism, Toothache, Eat ache. Blisters, 4c.
Unequalled in quality, at half the price. 0 oz.
25 cts. Pints 50 cts. Qts. sl.
Richards Teetotal Tonic,
The Great Summer Apetizer, SI.OO
Have vour drugnist order, if lie ha-t not in
Btock, of CllAltLEtf F, RIrtLEY. NEW YORK,
° F |
| .A. T |
| Union Block, Jin in Street, Busier, Pa. |
1850 UUilliii ESTABLISHED |i|!|j|j|| 1850.
■ m*** iu ■ M-m m
m wrimJKDe> w
Butler, Peim'a.
Two Doors North of DulTys and opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.
Agent lor Rockford Railroad Walehes and King's Combination Spectacles.
_AAI Work "Warranted.
All Goods Sold by us Engraved Free of Charge. Call and See our Stock before purchasing.
isso (») isno
Having op a new stand in ONION BLOCK, where can bo seen a Ireeli stock of everthing to be found in a
I would invite the public to call and offer a share of their patronage. Remember the stock is of
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., will receive our strict attention.
Happy Homes! Happy Homes!! Happy Hom&a i U
bjr the of tbe Celebrated lrttbar and HealUf&rrlng
ba y' B soap DAY'S SOAPS»
S Wyoitd power of WMpaUtloa. Our ftdlttln fbr the prodnetlon of It are tairrl tn thi utmost t» ropply b« oilm
that pour la upon «u from this area* wide and p»u(|»cmlT» country. Right here In yonr Mrtwn It lit/
fecial ated extensively and oaaajr can testify to Its wonderful properties _
niewrapptrtatei Isa,. . OMr heatrt,
L,.j - Therc ' s n P, Physician'n the lan.l Imt what will tell you that there is noth- 5:.' .■
nano-lrons. OtVinO J2 *'» contracting bad coughs and colds, which lend to the hano g!l() linnloacant nijnp
- T B g of our nation—Consumption anil Bronchitis—as the staii'ling over n hot stove UHlHCaxm UUUf
them fl nnlish and '« ilin lT cl "t h csan<l washing in hot water, wlii. h opens the p .ris of th< skin. I -■ t ■
litem d jlUllall QMU It is then that one puts life an! happiness in jeopardy. liy using I)AY - .- SOAP | M 0 sickness at
•MaalKaass «!.«« thc nß . k .°veroome, as nothing hut lukewarm wat?r is used, or just warm fl
SmOOIIineSS. mat enough to he comfortable to the hands. At the same time there is no s-toain to ll,a MO „|i A< a hard
' . loosen the paper or plastering, no foul odors to make the house unhealthy and •CBUII 01 8 MrO
will qreatlyassist in unc !i__ I
, , * ... 1 THINK OF IT!—^ourß labors lessoned and your expenses decreased be- UOj » Waall.
•fl V 110 VOUr Clothes ca , USC } is an economical soap as well as labor-saving, and its remarkablo „ . .
W* " I solvent powers combined with its perfect harmlessness and disinleetant prop- Nft hflt W2lt*P
afiniehorl Innl/ cities, render It in valuable for household purposes and laundry uws. Its super!- IIWt walCT '
nnisslcu !00K. onty over other Soaps is attested by many tes'imonials from leading Divines ....
" « _ . ... l'hysiciana, Hospitals, Asylums etc. A wonderful discovery, but one that is NO WdSH bOllef
Remember this *° have a remarkable future, and one that will revolutionize the . w
nmwMiiiMiH »»»■«» most dreaded of household duties. hit* rlnfhnt n | ra ..J
Soap it Chuper .. A •° f ! l ° () win to «*>• If this Soap does not do all that Is claimed for DUICIO«I«mC£Wia
f n i it. provided that it is used as the instructions read, and in that wav only. Try MlilStP Awl Sfl f|H|
than any Other in £^eandt^it. OUr friund3aild "efchborsof its virtues, and ask them to get WHllg 811 W »f
the markpt and Vfit The wrappers on DAY'S SOAP are waxed paper. I'se them for smoothing Qr3nt aS neW mown
ine dliu JBI the sad irons; you will find them better and more cleanly than wax Z
does all we claim othe^fwmdo 0 " 01130 ' 1 "'' 1111^aad foUowthcmjual^ givtu - N ®
tor it , | TRY
93* Wash-day has no terrors for the household where DAY'S SOAP is used, no unptasant
and sickening odors to fill your houses, no laborious rubbing on the wash-board, while the
washing can be done in one-half the time necessary by following the old worn-out method.
|f ADAM—for it is to the ladies we desire to speak more especially—you are the interested per
son in this matter; you it is that suffers the ills arising from the wash tub and its heavy cares; you it is
to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that should
interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap ( that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation
We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount
of money sucha sale would bring us; we do not come to you as irresponsible parties, who have no reputa
tion to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand cf soap upon an absolute guarantee and
recommendation of a well-known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years'existence.
Do you suppose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to you and ruin our
well-earned reputation ? No, dear reader; what we say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sus
tained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from all over the country; besides which we stand
ready to endorse it all with ready Cash. J^l> Al'S SOAP is the Original and Onlj/ Patented.^*
- ■MA. fWtllcloa the Miner.' Btelo and Clotho.
J Will clean the Bl.olumitW Skin»««! «•«»?■•
W ■ JUt ■ Am 1 Will clean O»o MuchinUta' Skin Clotbafc
JL Mm* . (wUltlnm Bjyrybody'» Bkln an* Cltha*.
I la tlker* sot eooDomr In Hit naa of Soap that will clean the ikla aa well aa tke olotkM 1 this Day's Saap wIU ranty I
do. " will in tin way fnjnrf the fliiMt tkbrtoi or the malt delicate
No soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, but simply supply yourself for the
next wash-day with a bar of DAY'S SOAP, then carefully read the directions and follow them to
the exact letter, and if you don't say pitch out that olu wash-boiler, for I am a wiser woman, yom
will be the first person we have yet heard of that has been disappointed, n _
JJ®*Now remember —If you don't intend to follow the directions do not try the soap at all, for
unless you do this you will be disappointed, and then you will scold us and yourself as well.
The cost of one cake will convince you that it is the best and cheapest soap ever offered you,
while the smiles that will encircle your brow will do justice to a golden sunset.
Have you confidence in this newspaper ? If so, do you suppose the owner would allow us
to swindle his readers by offering them tempting inducements? He uses it in his own home, and can
certify to its merits. Now you get a cake from your grocer in time for the next wash-day, and become
acquainted with its intrinsic worth. . _
Ask your grocer fbr it, and do not allow him to put you off with anything else for a substitute, for
every dealer can obtain it, and should he refuse you, send direct to
DAY & FRICK, Prop's, of the Philadelphia Steam Soap
1754-69-68-60-62 Howard Street, Philadelphia.
aaiaaM We IKIVC Connected Willl OUf
111 II & 1 extensive manufacturing bus-
I 1 I II 1 hiess a department solely de-
I B VI % voted to the iiiih* of (Suns, Ri-
IY I II % tics, Hevolvers :uid all sorts of
||| ■ a ■ sporting goods We can sell
II I ■ El goods of this character much
cheaper than any other deal
er In the country. Receutly we bought of the
well-known tlrm of the London and Liverpool
Cini Co., who failed, 3,000 of their champion
breech-loading shot guns. which we will sell at
only $7.00 each. This gun cost more twice the
amount we ask l>> manufacture. We have only a
few left, and to close them out will sell them at
the low price of 37.00. Now is your chance If you
want a reliable <!mi at a low price. Send a three
cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue.
Hudson Manufacturing Co.,
As tor I'lace Jfe Broadwoy, New York.
iTT' The rlcho«t. creamy
BEER e*er quailed.
Wzlim nrCDi°l Purges the Wood.
IB HOT Ottnfel CURES Dyspepsia,
milVI Liver and Kidneydlj-
I'l * f M eases. Sent by Mall
V- —wy*"^4on receipt of 26ctt,
" "VTr* In pottage stamps.
Address: BEAN A RARE, Wholesale Druggists,
Not. 47 k 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia.
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
South of Court House,
—(t) —
All kinds of Pure Wines ami Liquors
always on bands, also Beer in
Tobacco nnd Cigars.
Washington Female Seminary.
Tlio next session opona September 12, ISBB
For or information applv to
Or lie v. JAS I. BaowMaoif, 1> L>., Pren't Board
of Trustees, Washington, Pa. j!ytl,'2m
Advertise iu the CITIZEN.
Union Woolen Mill,
11. FdLLEBTOW, Prop'r.
Ac. Also custom work done to order, Bucb M
carding Koll*, making Hianketb, Flannels, Knit
ting niid Weaving Yarns, Ac., at rerv low
prices. Wool worked on tUo sfcsrcs, II de
simd. my7-ly
KNliit« of JUUIOH SlvrliiiK*
Letters of administration on the estate of
James Sterling, decM., lute of Cranberry trtwn
ship, Butler county. Pa,, having l>een granted
to the administrator, and all persons knowing
themselves indebted to the said estate to call
and settle the same, and all persons having
claims against the said estate will please pre
sent the same duly pr< bated for payment.
NEWTON (iAUVIN, Administrator,
Ogle I*. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
low in i»ri« r . tilling fast fveivwhcTc. Llbfrttl
Vratilrj, (itricUva A tu., oo N. 1 vuilk bt., i'mlidtlfltii, !'*•