Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 11, 1883, Image 2

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Entered at the Postojffice at Butler *s
second-classs matter.
Republican County Ticket.
For District Attorney,
SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler.
For County §nryeyor,
B. F. HILLIARD, of Washington twp.
ers," came too late for week's paper.
THE Republicans of Yenango county
have nominated Charles Shanor for
Sheriff and Wm. Hilands for Surveyor.
FORAKKR and Hoadly, Republican
and Democratic nominees for Governor
of Ohio, both reside in the same ward
of the city of Cincinnati.
REV. H. W. ROTH, President of
Thiel College, will preach in the En
glish Lutheran Church, of this place,
next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock.
A POSTOFFICE has been established at
Gomersoll, a town that has sprung up
from the coal developments on the
lands of Esquire John Smith, Cherry
township, this county.
THE law offices of Messrs. Snyder
and Vanderlin, Republican and Demo
cratic candidates for District Attorney
are adjoining each other. They can
each watch the movements of the other
doring the progress of the election.
generally been right, but we suppose
there will be a difference of opinions iD
regard to the one vetoing a bill abolish
ing the office of Jury Commissioner,
found in another place in this week ; s
Ir the Senate and House do not
make a new apportionment before long,
the people will take the matter in hand,
and at the next election make such an
apportionment, regardless of district
lines or party ties, as will permanently
retire from public life some of the
statesmen now at Harrisburg.— Ex.
THE rails upon the "Connecting
Link" of the Shenango and Allegheny
Railroad, now being made to this
place, are laid, we learn, as far this
way as the McCall farm, in Clay town
ship. This is within ten miles of But
ler. Two or three months more will
probably witness the completion to this
place of this important addition to our
railway communication.
THE Crawford Journal calls at
tention to the fact that some papers in
that connty are publishing a paid ad
vertisment of the Louisana Lottery
scheme, contrary to law. We notice
this lottery is published in other pa
pers in this neighborhood. The laws
of Pennsylvania prohibit not only lot
teries of this kind, but the publication
of their advertisments.
THE largest national debt in the
world is owed by France. It amounts
to $4,683,840,000, or $177.79 for every
man, woman and cbild in the country.
Next comes Russia with $4,314,607,-
599. The debt of the United States
on the first of March, less cash in the
Treasury, was $1,586,276,114.43 The
debt was at its highest in 1866 when
it aggregated $2,773,236,173.69. This
shows a reduction in seventeen years
of nearly twelve hundred millions,
while the annual interest charge has
been reduced from $150,97 7,69/, in
1865-66 to $57,360,110 for the last
fiscal year.
THE Government has reduced the
number of Internal Revenue districts
io the United States from 126 to 82
This has been done by consolidating
districts. A number of Pennsylvania dis
tricts have been thus consolidated-
Among them the 20th, in which was the
county of Mercer, and of which the HOD.
James C. Brown, of Greenville, was
the revenue collector, which has been
consolidated with the 19th, or Erie
district, and an Erie man made the col
lected. Mr. Brown is thus out of of
fice in the revenue department, but
takes his loss philosophically and ac
cepts the situation with composure.
He is an honorable and clever gentle
man and nothing but the demand for
reduced expenditures in that depart
ment wonld justify the Government in
discontinuing the services of so faith,
ful an officer.
IT is a puzzle with many plain mind
ed people how legislators, who have
swora to obey the Constitution, could
adjourn and leave undone what it says
shall be done. It requires, (Art. 2.,
Sec. 18), thai the first legislature as
sembling "immediately after each Uni
ted States decennial census SHALL
apportion the State into Senatorial and
Representative districts." If the pres
ent legislators have or do fail to "ap
portion the State" according to the
above, do they not violate their
oaths ? And if the present Legisla
ture fails to do this doty, what is to
prevent the next one from failing, and
so on to the end of this "decennial
census?" Where then would the end be?
Is such a duty to be always subject to
party majorities ? If so we may never
have another apportionment and the
Constitution will be a dead-letter.
The inquiry prominent now is, are
there not enough fair minded men in
the Legislature—men of high enough
character—to rise above the boyish
play now going on and pass the laws
the Constitution demands they shall
pass, and which Constitution they
swora to support ?
THE gallows is kept more employed
than cremation furnaces.
SOMK people think the Legislature
is not in earnest on the subject of pay
for members and employees.
COMFORTABLE are they who expect
little in the shape of apportionments
from tbi» session of the Legislature.
THE politicians is Ohio are puzzled
how to ignore their platform and still
retain the confidence of their follow
SOME idea of the growth of the tele
phone system is given by the fact that
all the factories in the United States,
six in number, are doing an enormous
business, one establishment alone hav
ing received orders for 6,000 instru
ments within a few weeks.
"SOD-SLINGING" is the term by which
one of our exchanges fittingly desig
nates the road tax absorption indulged
in by our farmers, and which only re
sults in making good roads bad, and
bad roads worse. Not a few farmers
would be ashamed to have prospects
of good farm products measured by the
slovenly manner in which they content
themselves to do their share of yearly
road-making.— Greenville (!'&•) Ad~
• ONE of the most extensive specula
tions that has been going on in this
country has been that of lard. Recent
ly a gambler in lard, in Chicago,named
McGoach, failed and his liabilities run
up into the millions. But few people
had any idea that so great speculation
was done in that particular article and
it is no wonder the fellow slipped up,
or lost his hold in handling such an ar
AN electric bolt, during a thunder
storm in Somerset county last Thurs
day, struck a man wearing a cloth hat
having a band of wire around the inside
of the crown and a small steel plate in
front and behind. The lightning struck
the hat, tore it to pieces, stripped the
man of all his clothing, melted the sil
ver money in his pockets, but strange
to say did not kill him. He was at
first picked up for dead but was restored
to life.
ON learning some weeks ago of the
contemplated marriage of our friend,
Rev. R. A. Edwards, we took occasion
to send him our congratulations in ad
vance ; and now desire most cordially
to renew them. In this we are most
heartily joined by all of bis old Butler
friends, and they embrace all the peo
ple of our town. From the account
given of the wedding in the Daily
Journal, of New Berne, N. C., it was
a very pleasant occasion and the bride
one of its most estimable and cherished
daughters. The couple, when they
visit Butler, will receive a hearty wel
come. Wedding notice in proper place.
WE are in receipt of a pamphlet en
titled, "Relief oi Local and State Tax
ation through Distribution of the Na
tional Surplus." It is an argument in
favor of distributing among the States
the surplus revenues of the General
Goverment. This is made on the
grounds, that as none of the National
debt is redeemable for some years yet,
the present yearly surplus of revenue,
about one hundred millions of dollars,
could with benefit be given to the
States. By this measure it is also
argued that the system of American
protection would be maintained through
the present tariff. The able articles
favoring the measure appear in the
Philadelphia American, edited by Mr.
Wharton Barker.
DUKES' will was probated at Union
town lately. It was written on the
morning of the day of the habeas cor
pus hearing, December 29th in antici
pation of his release on bail. While
in the Sheriff's parlor he took fro.-n his
pocket a letter that be had received
from a friend some time before, and on
the blank side ot one of the sheets he
made his last will and testament, re
marking to Register and Recorder, C.
D. Conner, who, with Sheriff Hoover,
witnessed the document, that he did
not know what might happen. The
will is very brief. Pukes simply be
queaths two thousand dollars to Miss
Mary Beeson, of Uniontown, and the
rest of the property to his mother, with
out specifying what or how much that
property is. Before the trial he was
estimated to be worth from SB,OOO to
SIO,OOO, He appoints Asbury Struble,
his Btep-fatber, his executor.
GOVERNOR PATTISON has signed 193
bills and vetoed sixty. He has ap
proved appropriations to charitable and
other institutions aggregating $2,000,-
000, and seventeen charity bills are yet
undisposed of representing an expendi
ture of $207,500. As they had all
been passed lay a two-thirds vote his
first impulse was to permit them to be
come laws by the expiration of the pre
scribed thirty days, but he has determ
ined to approve eleven of the most
deserving and veto the other six.
While we cannot endorse all the Gov
ernor's vetoes, the majority of them are
based upon valid reasoning and will
cauqe the Legislature to exercise great
er care in the framing of laws with
reference to their constitutionality, and
will be the means of compelling chari
table institutions to observe more close
ly the rules laid down for their govern
ment when seeking State aid.—Pitts
burgh Commercial Gazette.
"Death, where is thy victory?" Last
Monday the remains of Mrs. Margery,
wife of Owen Brady, of Donegal town
ship, were laid to rest in their narrow
bed of clay in the little cemetery at
North Oakland. Consumption did the
work that transformed one of the hap
piest households into that of mourning,
and deprives a devoted husband, chil
dren and sisters of a dearly beloved
councellor and guide, and in the midst
of whom she stood bound by the ten
derest ties. Mrs. Brady was born in
Oakland township and lived her life
in this vicinity. Being of a happy
disposition, the refulgence of her hap
piness was cast upon all with whom
she came in contact. The tears of
many old school mates were blended
with those of the bereaved family be
side her bier. A funeral procession of
not less than a half mile in length fol
lowed the remains to the grave.—
Millerstown Herald, June 29.
"WHETHER the legislative mill grinds
exceedingly fine is yet to be determined
by the quality of its grist, but one
thing is evident, it grinds slow enough
in all conscience to do a first-class job.
The eyes of the people are turned to
ward the Legislature to see what they
are going to do. The members spent
the time, mostly, during the regular
session, in passing bills for the Gov
ernor to veto. The vetoes may in
crease his popularity, but every one
was purchased at enormous cost, and
every one condemns the Legislature.
The same old game is being played be
tween the two Houses on th« Appor
tionment bills, with very slim pros
pects on any result other than a draw.
Weeks must be consumed in frivolous
and disgusting wrangles, at ten dollars
per day for each member, before it is
discovered that no Apportionment bills
can be passed. The Treasury must be
bled to death for the benefit of men,
many of whom couldn't earn fifty cents
a day at home, and all done under the
mandate of the Constitution!"— Beaver
Argus and Radical, July 4.
"THE day wo celebrate," was not
celebrated in Butler last Wednesday as
it was some years ago. Forty years
ago, and less, all parties, all creeds, all
sexes, and ages and conditions of peo
ple, met on one common platform and
in one place and celebiated the 4th of
July. A table loaded down with sub
stantial, such as small roasted pigs,
roast beef, boiled hams, potatoes, new
ones if possible, and many other things
was prepared. The "Declaration of
Independence" was read; an orator
was chosen; toasts were prepared, and
with a President at one end of the
table and a Yice Fresident at the other,
these toasts were read and responded
to by three hearty cheers. They were
generally of the most patriotic charac
ter, having reference to the battles,
events and men of the Revolution, the
war of 1812, and so forth But all this
is changed—at least in Butler—acd
we are not prepared to say the change
is for the worse. Now we have, in
stead, the Sunday school picnics,at and
by which all the children with their
parents are brought together. This
gives to the day a religious influence
and character, and if the Sunday school
picnic was the only one of that name
now in use then the old-time patriot
ism might not be regretted or missed.
But other innovations have been intro
duced that are not just of a Sunday
school character. We need not name
them, but much prefer the old-time 4th
of July celebration to them.
THE following is taken from the
Chicago Daily News and republished
by request of Mr. J. W. BrandoD, of
Connoquenessing township:
"In the trial of Murphy and Cornin
for the murder of W alsb, in what is
known as the stock-yards homicide, it
was pleaded by the defendants that
they were so drunk at the time of the
killing they knew nothing of it. They
mad« no denial ol the shooting, but
rested their defense on the ground that
as they were drunk they had no malice,
and consequently were not guilty of
This plea of drunkenness on the part
of criminals, when called on to plead
to an indictment for murder, is getting
to be very common. In a majority of
cases it seems to be regarded as an ex
tenuation of an offense, and the defend
ant receives a lower punishment thau
he would were the plea not admitted.
One would suppose there was some
law for this, or the courts would not
permit evidence of drunkenness to be
introduced as a mitigation of the sever
ity of the punishment. But if there be
any such law, or any construction of
the law which permits drunkenness to
be allowed as a mitigation of crime, it
is certainly very much against the in
terests of the public.
It is a fact—a thousand times dem
onstrated to be a fact—that drunken
ness is the cause of crime. There is
1 no one so ignorant as to not know this.
Hence every man who gets drunk
knows in advance that he is about to
put himself in a position in which he
will be liable to commit murder ; and
yet, after getting drunk and killing
some one, he pleads that be was drunk
when he committed the offense, the
judge permits the plea of drunkenness
to be entered, and the jury takes the
fact into consideration an an extenuat
ing incident.
The law does too much for the ine
briate. It throws its protection over
the distillery whu-h makes the poison,
the den which retails it, and the crim
inal who commits murder while under
its influence. The tendency of all this
is to make drunkenness, in a sense, re
spectable. It is all wrong. The man
ufacture of anything which results in
crime is iniquitous in its nature, aud
should be made so by law and public
opinion. When society will inexorably
hang the man who commits murder, no
matter under what circumstances, and
make infamous and illegal the traffic in,
and manufacture of the stimulant which
leads to murder, it will only bo doing
what right demands, and which is re
quired for its own dignity and pro
W. C. T. U.
The executive committee of the But
ler County Womans' Christian Tem
perance Union met at the residence of
Mrs. James K. Dain, President of the
County Union, on tha 27th of June,
where they were joined by the State
President, Mrs. Dr. Swift, of Alleghe
ny City, Pa.
The following business was trans
acted: The time was fixed for the an
nual meeting of the county organiza
tion in October, the date and place of
meeting to be determined hereafter,
and due notice of the same to be given
in each of the county papers.
Mrs. Rev. Samuel Kerr, of narris
ville, was appointed Treasurer of the
county Union, to fill a vacancy. The
following Superintendents were also
Sabbath School Work.—Mrs. J. W.
Orr, of Martinsburg.
Scientific Instruction.--Mrs. Rev.
Samuel Kerr, Harrisville.
Press Work.—Miss M. E. Sullivan,
Temperance Literature.—Miss llan
nah K. Dain, Bull'alo township.
Young Woman's Temperance Work.
—Miss Lizzie McClymonds, Porters
The Trade Dollar.
The sudden flurry in regard to the
trade dollar is the work of speculators.
While it i 9 difficult to understand why
the Government ever permitted this
coin to be made, and to get into the
position it occupies as currency, yet
having done so it should protect the
people and not suffer this trade dollar
to be a thing of speculation, whenever
it suits the interests of some parties.
After it had been coined, for the benefit
of particular trades and sections of the
country, it was made a legal tender.
Then afterwards this legal tender
character was taken away from it. It
became depreciated for a while. But
the people for some time back have
been receiying it for a full dollar ; and
indeed many supposed it had again
been made legal tender. Now comes
a movement, precipitated it is said by
speculators, by which all innocent
holders must lose about fifteen cents on
a dollar. And there is no remedy it
seems until Congress meets. And we
all know how slow that body is to act.
The worst of the matter is that it is
generally those least able to bear the
loss who are now caught by this sud"
den raid upon the trade dollar. This
state of affairs in regard to this money
is a disgrace to the Government and an
outrage upon the community. The
trade dollar was madcr for special pur
poses and special parties, and should
never have been permitted to have
general circulation—but having got
into general use the Government should
have protected the people. As it is
now, it will be bought up and driven
from circulation, but at the loss of many
a poor and innocent holder.
The Governor's Vetoes.
Every candid citizen must approve
the course of Governor Pattison in
vetoing unconstitutional bills, or bills
making appropriations without warrant
of law. The number of bills passed by
the present Legislature, from which he
has been compelled to withhold his
assent, only points out how carelessly
our legislation is done. And this loose
practice has been going on for years
past. Heretofore, in many cases, bills
were permitted by Governors to become
laws rather than to come in conflict
with the members of the Legislature
and its employees. This was partic
ularly the case in the matter of appro
priations. Thousands of dollars were
annually voted away in appropriation
bills, not only without law but against
law. Governor Pattison seems to be
the first Governor who is determined
to fully obey the new constitution of
the State. It has in him a friend, who,
having sworn to protect and defend it,
is inclined to respect and to obey his
oath. We have watched his vetoes
carefully and for every one he gives
reasons that cannot be refuted. In
some cases they may appear to be
about small matters. But while he
has the law and the constitution on his
side how can any law-abiding citizen
object ? The courage required to take
the stand he has must be respected by
all tax payers and disinterested citizens
Only those whom it affects will com
plain But the interests of the whole
Commonwealth, and its dignity and
credit, are greater than the interests of
those who yearly seek to receive
through the Legislature money to
which they are not entitled, and money
in fact that the law forbids should be
given them. Tho recent vetoes of the
Governor save to the tax payers of the
State something near one hundred
thousand dollars
The Judicial Bills.
There are two bills at present before the
Legislature in regard to the Judicial
districts of the State. One has been
passed in the Houso and one in the
Senate. But they aro widely different
in their provisions. Wo were disposed
to look favorable upon tho position
taken by the Republicans of the Senate
in the matter of all the apportionment
bills. We were disposed to accord to
them sincerity in endeavoring to obtain
fair districts, and getting all to which
our party was fairly entitled to have-
We would like to still entertain this
good opinion of the members of the
Senate now at Harrisburg. But we
confess our faith has been much shaken
by its action on the Judiciary bill, dis
tricting the State into Judicial districts.
We have before us both bills, the one
passed by the House , and the other
passed by the Senate. We have look
ed through both. And if there is any
thing wrong or unfair in the House
bill we have been unable to find it.
But in one place could it be said any
thing was wrong or unfair, and that
was the attaching Greene county to
Washington, instead of to Fayette
county. This, however, we believe was
changed or could be changed. But as
to the Senate bill we find it not only
unfair and unreasonable, but clearly
unconstitutional. Any bill that makes
a county having less than forty thous
and population a separate Judicial
district the members of the Senate
must know would have to be vetoed now f
as heretofore. And yet this is what
the Senate bill does. When the House
bill was sent to the Senate the other
day that body immediately substituted
its own bill, bodily, iu its place. This
was done at the regular session and
has now been done again by the Senate.
This looks as if the Senate did not pur
pose or desire the passage of any
Judiciary bill at present. It can be
looked on in no other way. Else why
substitute a bill of their own that they
know must be vetoed because of its not
complying with the requirements of
tho constitution ? There are other
things in the Senate bill that would
compel any Governor to veto it. Why
then insist upon it? And if it is not
intended to have any re-districting of
the Judicial districts at present then
this places the Republican party to a
disadvantage. The course of the Senate
will place upon the party the burden
and charge of a failure to pass a just
and lawful bill. We may not under
stand the motiyes that influence some
of the Senators, but we will be disap
pointed if there are not some men
among them who will rise to the occa
sion, and be equal to the task, of giving
to the State a lawful Judiciary appor
tionment, and fair Congressional and
Legislative ones as well.
Butler Presbytery.
The Presbytery of Butler met in the
Zelienople and Harmony church on
Tuesday, June 26th, at 11 A. M.
Eleven ministers and ten ruling
elders were present.
Rev. George S. Rice and Rev. T. B.
Greenlee, of the Presbytery of Shenan
go, being present, were invited to sit
as corresponding members.
Mr. R. C. Yates, a licentiate, pre
sented a certificate of dismission from
the Presbytery of Baltimore and was
received under the care of the Presby
tery of Butler.
A call from the church of Zelienople
and Harmony, for one-half his minis
terial labors, was read, placed in his
hands and accepted by him. He
preached a sermon, as a trial for ordi
nation, on John i, xiv., "The word
was made flesh and dwelt among us."
He was examined in all the branches
necessary for his ordination and all his
trials having been sustained he was
ordained to the work of the gospel
ministry and installed pastor of the
church of Zelienople and Harmony.
Ilev. Samuel Williams preached a
sermon on the occasion on Hebrew xiii,
xvii. Rev. James H. Marshall deliv
ered the charge to the pastor and Rev.
J. R. Coulter the charge to the people.
The young brother enters upon his
labors as pastor of this church, with
much encouragement, a lanje accession
having just been made to the church.
He has preaching in this church for
some months.
Rev. E. Ogden reported, in behalf of
the committee oil education, that Pres
bytery has nnder its care four candi
dates for the ministry, three of whom
have just finished their college course
at Wooster University, Ohio, and the
other has passed through the junior
year at the same institution.
The ladies of the Presbyterial Mis
sionary Society reported to Presbytery
that they have 53 organized societies
and a membership of 1329, and have
raised during the past year for foreign
missions, $1,465.00 and for home mis
sions, including boxes of clothing,
The committee appointed in April to
install Rev. Alvin M. Reed, as pastor
of the churches of Plain Grove and
Harlansburg, reported that they had
attended to this duty in the month of
Rev. George W. Bean and elder
Thomas Hays, commissioners to the
late General Assembly, reported and
their conduct was approved.
A vote of thanks was tendered to
the people of Harmony and Zelienople
for their generous hospitality extended
to the members of the Presbytery on
this occasion.
The next meeting of the Presbytery
was appointed at Plain Grove, Law
rence county, Tuesday, September llih,
at 11 A. M.
.T. R! COULTER, Stated Clerk.
The Eighty-Six-Cent Dollar.
Iu speaking of the recent flurry over
the trade dollar, says tht Philadelphia
Times, Superintendent Srowden, of
the Mint, said yesterday that he had
no doubt speculators had a hand pre
cipitating the movement. There were
other elements, however, behind the
trouble, which have been working for
some time. It should be remembered,
he said, that for several years the coin
has either been repudiated or taken at
near its intrinsic value in many sec
tions of the country. Speculators have
been busy at these points collecting
the dollars to ship them to other place
where they were accepted at par
Philadelphia particularly offered a rich
field for this class. "I fear," continu
ed Colonel Snowden, "that no argu
ment, however specious, will keep the
people of a section up to the point of
receiving a coin at one hundred cents
on the dollar which is not a legal ten
der, has no place or point of redemp
tion, which is refused and repudiated
in other sections and which when run
through the melting furnace—the only
redemption left it—comes out with a
vulue of only 86 6 in the nominal dol
lar, payable in standard dollars.
The Superintendent thought that
the honor and self-respct of the nation
require an end to the present condition
of affairs. The people, he thought,
could compel Congress to relieve the
country at its next meeting. In re
sponse to the question what he would
advise the holders of these coins to do
in the present emergency, Superintend
ent Snowden said that he would not
take the responsibility of advising any
one on the point raised; nevertheless it
was his opinion that it was best for
holders to resist the "demand of the
speculator" and trust to Congres giv
ing relief. He had not much doubt
but such persons as did so would re
ceive par for their coin. The authori
ty to exchange trades for standards
would at once lift the former to par
with the latter, and, in his judgment,
the action would be gradual, as both
coins would circulate at the same rate.
The coin can only be received as
bullion at the Mint—purchased at the
current market rate of silver, which is
based upon tho London quotation—at
the present price of silver, sl.lO an
ounce. The trade dollar yields, when
new, 86.6 cents; when abraded, about
86. .
SINCE his birthday celebration Hen
ry Ward Beecher feels tbat bo is of as
much consequence to Brooklyn as the
big bridge.
Trade J»oll«ir*.
The scheme of depreciating the Val
ue of Trade Dollars to 85 cents is a
money making one, and the loss will
naturally fall on the working men.—
The Trade Dollar is worth more in
trinsically than the Bland Dollar and
issued by the same authority; the gov
ernment must certainly redeem them ;
believing that it will, we take them at
The Governor Declines to Sign
the Bill AlKdishing the Office
of Jury Commissioner.
liAO&iSBi'RU, July 3.—Governor
Pattison to-day vetoed the bill abolish
ing the office of Jury Commissioner.
Following is a copy :
I herewith file in the office of the
Secretary of the Commonwealth with
my objections thereto Senate bill No.
2CO, "An act to repeal an act, entitled
an act for the better and more impartial
selection of persons to serve as jurors in
each of the counties of this Common
wealth, approved the 10th day of April,
1867, and to repeal a supplement there
to approved the 18th day of February,
1871, and to provide for the selection
of persons to serve as jurors in each of
the counties in the Commonwealth."
I am not convinced that this bill, with
its attempted revival of the act of 1834,
would furnish a better mode of select
ing jurors than that now in practice.
Its purpose is to abolish the office of
Jury Commissioner and to have the
jurors selected by the County Commis
sioners. It is doubtful whether the
change would be beneficial on the score
of economy, for as long as the compen
sation of County Commissioners is not
in the form of a salary they would get
their per diem compensation for this
work just as Jury Commissioners do.
From 1834 to 1867 jurors were
selected by the Sheriff and County
Commissioners. A change was then
made by the enactment of the law of
1867, which established the office of
Jury Commissioner and provided that
all of the qualified electors shall vote
for one person only for Jury Commis
sioner. It gave the selection of jurors
to these two Jury Commissioners and
the President Judge of the Court.
This was thought at the time to be a
law that would insure fairness and im
partiality, from the fact that the Jury
Commissioners would be of opposing
political proclivities and from the gen
eral confidence in the integrity of the
Judges. The bill before me proposes
to lodge the selection of jurors in the
hands of the County Commissioners,
and only in certain contigencies is the
President Judge or additional Law
Judge to be called in. lam not con
vinced that this would be a wise change.
Certainly no loud complaints have been
heard against the operation of the pres
ent law.
I would hesitate, however, if the bill
were in proper shape, to set my indi
vidual judgment against the judgment
of the Legislature; but the bill is fatally
defective, in that it is in contravention
of section 6 of article 3 of the Constitu
tion. It seeks to revive the act of 1834
by its title, and does not set forth at
length what provisions of that act are
to be revived and re-enacted. The sec
tion of the Constitution is in these words:
"No law shall be revived, amended or
the provisions thereof extended or con
ferred by reference to its title only, but
so much thereof as is revived, amend
ed, extended or conferred shall be re
enacted or published at length." This
is one of the most judicious provisions
' of the Constitution. It was intended
to strip every statute of all obscurity
and to save the people from searching
through other statutes for its meaning.
In other words it would compel the
law-making power to make every law
a law by itself. The importance of
observing its provisions strictly cannot
be pressed too strongly. On account
of this Constitutional defect I am com
pelled to withhold my approval from
The Night of the Third.
EDITORS CITIZEN :—The night of the
3d of July, until two o'clock of the
4th, must be noted down as a night
when Butler was given over into the
hands of desperadoes. As to foulness
of language and ill-manners, no com
parison can be made. Recent develope
ments seem to indicate that a drunken,
rowdy element, are destined to show
their want of common sense and human
Is it not time for the powers that be,
to call a halt to such depraved proceed
ings. The garb of patriotism by no
means grants unlimited license to can
didates for ruffianism, nor does it war
rant a suspension of law and order to
the gratification of the mean and the
It is to bo hoped that a repetition of
the misconduct on said night will never
be forthcoming. JtsTiCE.
DISEL—BOLLMAN.—On July 4th, 1883, by
James W. Kelly, E*i„ at his residence in
West Sunbury, Sir. George L. Disel and Miss
Rebecca Bollraau, both of Parker twp., But
ler county, Pa.
WHEATON—KEARNS.—On June 20, 1883,
at tlie Heushew parsonage, by Rev. J. May,
Mr. Frank U. Wheaton, of Greenville, Mer
cer Co., Pa., to Miss Mary M. Kearns, of
Butler twp., Butler county, Pa.
RUBEY—SHANE Y.—By the same, at the
same place, July 3, 1883, Mr. C. I. Rubey to
Miss Sarah M. Shauey, all of Counoqueuess
ing twp., Butler county, Pa.
North Carolina, on June 27, 1883, by Rev.
Shields, of New Berne, assibted bv Rev. Dr.
Marshall, of Raleigh, N. C., Rev. Robert A.
Edwards, formerly of this place and now of
Philadelphia, and Miss Alice Mayer Lehman,
daughter of Mrs. Harriet B. Lehman, of New
SHORTS— WADE.— On July 3, 1 883, at the
residence of the officiating minister, Rev. R.
C. Dodds, in West Sunbury, Mr. Thomas P.
Shorts, of Bald Ridge, and Miss Ella J.
Wade, of North Hope, Pa.
CLAY— HOOVER.—On July 3, 1883, by J. R.
Coulter, at Crawford's Corners, Pa., Mr.C. L.
Clav, of Sorubgrrw! twp., Venango county,
and' Miss Clara A. Hoover, of North Hope,
Butler county, Pa.
KAUFFMAN— BOOS.— On June 22, 1883, at
Evans City, by Rev. A. J. Adamß, Mr. Chas,
C. Kauff'man and Miss Emma Boos, both of
Butler, Pa.
BCHAUPr—SCHROTH.—On June 28, 1893. in
Butlor, Pa., by Rev. E. Crouenwett, Mr. John
H. Kchaupp, of Bntler. and Miss Mary P.
Hcliroth, of Haxonburg, this county.
FALKNER— ZIER.—On June 28. 1883, in Butlor
Pa .by Rev. E. Cronenwett, Mr. William L.
Falfcner *nd Miss A. Mary M. Zier, both of
Barversvillo. this oonnty. -
ROTH— GIBSON.—On the 4tli lout., in Youngs
town. Ohio, at Brown's Hotel, by Rev. Avery,
Mr. J. It. Roth, of White Houso, Ohio, and
Miss Anna L. Gibson, of Butler county, Pa,
ANDERSON—MOSER.—On July 4, 1883. at
the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev.
W. E. Oiler, Mr. T- O. Anderson and Miss
Emma It. Mesor, all of Butler county. Pa.
BLACK—RINKEIt.-On July 3. 1883, at West
Sunbury, Pa , by Rev. Oaorge W. Bean, Mr.
W. J. Black, of Mercer county, Pa , and Miss
Elzina J, Riuker, of Cherry townsnip, Butler
county, Pa.
BLACK-McCALL.—On July 5, 1883, at the
Methodist Episcopal parsonage, by Rov,
Homer J. Smith, Mr. Robert J. Black, of
Pleasant Valley, and Miss Annie J. McCall, of
Coultorsville, Butlor caunty, Pa.
WEIMEK—ROBISON.—On July 4, 18S3, at the
M. F. parsonage, Centreville, by Rev. O. A.
Knosal, Mr. Isaac Weimer and MIHS Maggie
Robison, both of Jacksville Butler county, I'a
, CLUTTON-RIDGEWAY.—On July 8, 1883, at
the M. E. parsonage, Centreville, by ltcv. C.
A. Knesal, Mr. G. W. Clutton and Miss Ella
Kidgeway, both of Coaltown, Butler county,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Etc.
At lowest prices of black and Colored Silks.
New shades in C sinners. A flue aud luge as
sortmeut of Nuns' Veiling, Huntings aud itiin
Summer Dress Goods.
Largest assortment, lowest prices. Infants'
White Dress Cloaks. White Di-esses for chil
dren 1, 2, and 3 years old.
Large Stock of Laces in White and Black Ruchings, Embroideries, Insert
ings, Irish Trimmings, Collars for Children and Ladies, Cuffs, Sash Ribbons,
Fishues, Lace Ties, Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Cotton. Black Crape
and Crape Veils.
Fancy Hosiery (or children in great variety.
Fancy Hosieiy for ladies, all qualities aud
prices. Men and boys' Socks. Slock the
largest; prices the lowest.
Summer Underwear
For children, ladies and men. Umbrellas and Parasols in fancy Satin, Silk
Alapacas, Ginghams, Serge, &c.
Large and fiDe selected stock, all absolutely new styles. Brussels, Ingrains
Cottage Hemp, llag, Mattings, Rugs, &c.
Please call and examine stock and prices.
Showing the amount of the assessed value of the taxable property in the several districts of
Butler county, Pa., as returned by the several Assessors, and equalized bythe County
Commissioners for the year A. D., 1883.
j, • » g T <
IS >3 ! § 2 1 5 ?
M ® * C 5 * I B "*
fc > « w H
H : 5 ■ >* ►
►o:_ i : «
DISTRICTS b g 3 I 3 ! £
; ! jo ; : • b j E
: i i g! • a
1 I 1.3 ' i h; j |
• £>< v ; I : :
Adams township 252 718' 28 004 1 175 6 690 225 306
Allegheny 224 977 27 874 1 280 6 750 925 420
Butler 238 985 11 833 290 200 314
Buffalo 259 404 15 207 1 055 5 000 350 352
Brady 173 563' 14 126 1 690 1 1 900 100 215
Clinton 250 295 20 331 1 075 2 680 305
Clay 243 722 22 394 1 565 2 040, 331
Centre 214 741 16 510 375 i 800: 254
Clearfield |IBB 898 20 663 480 249
Cherry 220 608 21 313 80 600 100 417
t Connoquenessing 229 400 19 570 1 971 5 870 240 334
Cranberry 267 006 13 242 20; 750 i 150 248
Concord 271 882 14 844 715 3.380 135 373
Donegal 218 450 29 655 1 615 1 150; 399
Forward 227 056 14 958 2 039 4 450 200: 291
Fairview 243 004 30 124 1 855 10 050 1 600 661
Franklin 272 333 10 606 1 457 2 250 | 256
Jefferson 260 754, 17 742 975 8 100 250 370
Jackson 249 565 12 629 745 3 300 50 307
Lancaster 223 509 13 836 1 765, 2 600 . 272
Marion i 250 097 12 810 135 1 : 301
Mercer 148 624 15 582 185; 2 360 ' 24S
Middlesex 280 935 29 262 1 285 4 500 465 339
Muddycreek 254 512 17 242 2 443| 300 150 259
Oakland 234 750 10 911 378 3 000 75 305
Penn 248 471 23 720 2 287 6 385 675| 308
Parker 238 308 38 006, 720; 10 000 1 475 541
Summit 228 900 12 721 590 3 100, 50 314
Slipperyrock 298 274 19 807 1 305| 9 540' 76' 318
Venango ~.. 212 753 17 880 1 6151 2 230 l 100 1 357
Washington .................................................i251 412 21 862 1 055 10 000'......... 400
Winfield 220 849 11 230 836 2 9<o| 150 341
Worth 1259 344 22 272t 905, 4 100; : 279
Butler borough '529 494; 27 865' 005 3 000! 857
Centerville " >53 050 5 843 550 92 ; 100 143
Evans City " 133 702 5 164 530 3 900 1 050 104
Fairview " i3B 361 5 6GO 800; 5 600 1 675 120
Harmony " ...' 79 091 6 300 520; 5 200 300 168
Harrisvifle " 146 13S 1 5 670; 550. 1 290 500 111
KarnsCity " 20 856 7 330; 620 1 250 155
Millerstown " ; 48 010 9 808 525 1 675 238
Prospect " !59 894 5 492! 700 2 200 200 ; 122
Petrolia " 122 996 , 9 505 635; 2 300, 231
Portersville " 26 098 4 345; 700; ICO, 63
Saxonburg " 40 634 5 265 240 21 010 | 98
Sunbury " !28 067 4 107 ) 30 1 900j 225 99
Zelienople " >B4 978, 11 804 1 490 i 1 200' 250' 160
We, the undersigned Commissioners of Butler County, do hereby certify that the above 1»
a true and correct statement of the assessed value of the taxabje property of Butler County, for
the year 1883, as returned by the Assessors of the several districts and equalized by us.
S. MCCLYMONDS, Clerk. Cn AS. COCHRAN, S Commissioners.
Commissioners' office, July 9, 1883. JAMES COLLINS. J
DURNELL.—OnJuIy l, 1883, Mr. John Dar
nell, of the vicinity of Six Points, this
BRADY.—In Donegal twp., this county, on
June 23. 1883, Sirs. Margery Brady," wife
of Mr. Owen Brady, aged 48 years. *
For medical family
Retail at whole-
Goods delivered to depots
and express offices free of charge.
Ordora by mail promptly and carefully filled
and packed to suit purchaser. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Address Max Klein, 82 Federal
Street, Allegheny, opp. Fort Wayne Depot, and
2 doors above West Peun Depot,
Planing Mill
Lvinnl>ei* Yard.
S.Gr. Purvis & Co.,
manufacturers and dealers ih
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Near German Catholic Chnrcb
" H so*" * HI " * LL tl " nn & 0
in Bleached mJ Unbleached, Turkey Rede,
German and fancy; Towels and Toweling, Nap
kins, White quilts in great variety; Ltee Bed
Sets, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Curtains.
Beet makes of Ginghams, Muslins, Zephyr
Cloth, Sercsucker, Lawus, Sh.rtings, Tickings,
Sheetings, Cuseimers, Jeans, Tweeds, Ac.
Kid Gloves in all qualities aud prices; Silk
Gloves, Berlin Gloves, Lisle Thread Gloves,
You will find my Gloves stocK complete,
Mitt, black and colored,
Always the Best.
To the yolks of three eggs beaten add one
cup white sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half
cup sweet milk, two cups flour having in it one
measure "Banker" Baking Powder, the whitea
of three eggs beaten stiff; bake in jelly-cake
pans; when cold, and just before eating, place
in layers, covering each one with strawberries
which have previously beerTsugared.
Strawberry Short Cake.
Take one pound of flour ; mix well through it
one and a half measures "Banner" Baking
Powder; add two salt; then rub in
one-half pound shortening; add with a spoon
one-lialf pint sweet milk; bake In jelly-cake
pan«; when cold, and just bofore eating, place
in layers, covering each oue with strawberries
which have previously been sugared.
How Lost, How Restored!
Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL
radical t'CHi of Bpermatotih<ea or Seminal
Weakness. Involuntarv Seminal Losses. Imi-o
tenct. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedi
ments to Marriage, etc; also, CoNstracmos.
En lei'sy and Fits, induced by seif-indulgenoe,
or sexual extravagance, Ac. ....
The celebrated author, in this admirable
essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty year®
successful practice, that the alarming conse
quonces of self-abuse may be radically cured;
pointing out a mode of cure at once simp e,
certain and effectual, by means of which every
sufferer, no matter what his condition may be,
may euro himself cheaply, privately and radi-
(£?This Lecture should be in the hands of
every youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seal In a plain envelope to any ad
dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two
postage stamps. Address,
41 Ann St., New York, N. Y. ; P. O. Box, 450.
Clover HilWn