&4KIMO POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economi cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tests, •hort weight, alum and phosphate powders. BOLD ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. ! Vis A SURE CURE I I for «H disease® of the Kidneys and I ; LIVER Ji It has specific action on this most important ( ! organ, enabling it to throw off torpidity and j I inaction, stimulating the healthy seeretion of , , " the Bile, and by keeping tho bowel* in free . | oondition, effecting its regular discharge. Ualttfla If yon are •offering from WlfllQllua malaria, have the chills, I are bilioi*, dyspeptic, oroanstipated, Kidney- j . Wort will rarely relieve and quiokly enre. 1 I In the Spring to cleanse the System, every one should take a thorough ooorse of It. a- SOLD»Y [ Home Items. —"All your own fault If you remain sick when you can Get hop bitters that never— Fail. The weakest woman, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitters ■with safety and great good. Old men tottering around from Rheumatism, kidney troubles or any weakness will be almost new by using bop bitters. —My wife and daughter were made healthy by the use of hop bitters and I recommend them to my people.—Meth odist Clergyman. Ask any good doctor if hop Bitters are not the best family medicine On earth. —Malarial fever, Ague and Bilious ness, will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. " —My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her By stem with hop bitters."— Ed. Oswerjo Sun. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not fear sick ness. —lce water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. _ —The vigor of youth for the aged and infirm in hop bitters. Corticelli Embroidery Silk OX SPOOLS (10 yards) Eacli spool is equal to four ordinary skems. Tlie quality of tliis Silk Is MUCH BKTTKR than that commonly sold in skeins or on cards. The COLORS are also better. _ _ Ladies making the "JA*AX»K SILK BED QUILTS," cannot obtaiu Embroidery Silk in any lonn so cheaply as by buying the CORriCELLI, 10- yard apopk, which arc sold by reliable mer chants at a popular price. As these bedquilts are destined to become heir-looms in the families of coming generations, prudent women will take pride in leaving to their descendants the best em broidery tijeit skill can produce. CARD COLLECTORS,'"XIRS 3c. stamp, 7 new different sets, 15c. UIiKW M'F'G CO.. Baltimore. Md. OF ANOTHER AGE. Gradually Supplanted by a better Article Certain Old Things are Done Aivay. In the general reception toom of theJWestern Union Telegraph building on Uroiidway, New York, are exhibiting the crude and clumsy instruments « the in fancy of the tele graph. They are »aly relici now. More per fect machinery has superseded them. Years ago wkat is now styled the old-fashion ed porous, plaster did some good service. There was thsa nothing better of the kind. Now all hi changed. Science ami study have gone per into the secrete of medicine and pro duced BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER, which embodies all the excellen cies thus far possible in an external remedy. The old plasters were slow—the Capcine is rapid; they were uuoertam —the Capcine is sure. Cheaper articles bear similar names. Be careful, therefore, that some thrifty drug gist does not deo*tve you. in the center of the genuine is cu,t the word CAPCINE. Price 25 cents. Seafeiury and Johnson, Chemists, New York. Da. S. O. Wm'g Knn AKD Bum TUiTmr. a narantaedapeetflefor Hysteria. Pinlntea, ConTuUtotm, flu, Nerrom Neuralgia, Headache, Nervoui Prostra tion cauaed by the on of alcohol or tobacco, WaJteful •eaa, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain ic. The grandest object of Creation in the SUN. Centre of Life, Light, Jloat. Attraction and Chemical Action. ITS NATURAL WONDERS AND arilflTOAL. TEACHINGS are alike mar velous, and make a book of absorbing and in tenße interest*. The great problems of the Material Universe unfolded and illustrated. NATURE SHOWN TO BE A REVELATION OF QOD IN THE NOBLEST AND MOST PER FECT SENSE. Highly commended. ''Every fact of natare is made to repeat some lesson of His gospel."—N. Y. Evangelist. '-Both scien tific and devout."—Rev. A. C. George, D. D., Chicago. "A startling revelation concerning tho wonders and glories of the SON." —Elder J. W. McOarvey, Lexington, Ky. "Interesting, instructive and very suggestive.'"—Bishop Jag- Sar, of Ohio. It sells fast and pleases all. At(«good. t£i lM Use In Hue. Bold by druggists. [2] J^ZS@AI23AABI!FLI BUTLER CITIZEN MISCEIjLANEOU S. The "Living Skeleton." The man who was known as the "Living Skeleton," died and was em balmed, after having been exhibited at cheap museums. He is said to have weighed 46 pounds when he died, hav ing been reduced to this dreadful state of emaciation by long continued dys peppsia. In his case dyspepsia meant money in his pocket, for it kept him thin. People who want to keep them selves so thin by dyspepsia as to exhib it for "Living Skeletons," ought not to take Ferry Davi&'s Pain Killer, for it drives dyspepsia out. To be tried for his life: The hen pecked husband. Mr. B. Leiby, Wrightsville, Pa., savs: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for rheumatism and think it is a very su perior article." —Why must logic have legs? Be ceuse it stands to reason. COLONLESS AND COI.D.—A young girl deeply regretted that she was so colorless and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl in the town, with a vi vacity and cheerfulness of mind grati fying to her friends. Feople should inform themselves about the tariff. It is every man's duty. —A wit being asked on the failure of a back, "Were you not upset?" re plied: "No; I only lost my balance." —An attractive, youthful appear ance secured by using Parker's Hair Balsam to all who are getting gray. Three-fifths of the fashionable al ligator satchels and pocket-books are made from pig-skin. This, at least, is the allegation, but perhaps the aliega tor lies. Harvard College. At a recent meeting of the overseers of Harvard College, a discussion was held upon a resolution which had been before the board for several weeks, that in the opinion of this board, the statutes making attendance on morning prayers and other religious exercises compulsory should be repealed. The board, by a strong vote, refused to adopt the resolution. But Mr. George Shiffer, lately froto Martinsburg, Blair Co., Pa., who had a cancerous growth on his nose, and who was advised Hie use of Peruna before a visit to a cancer hospital, was allowed to take that par excellent remedy, and by its use for a very short time, was cured completely —page 24 in the "Ills of Life"—get one from your druggist. —Sewing machine canvassers are over-sewlicitous. New Jersey Wine Sent to Europe The succes of Mr. Speer, the great wine man of New Jersey, has arisen from the strict purity and valuable properties of his wine for invalids and feeble persons, and his reputation ex tends over the whole Union and in Europe as being a reliable producer of pure wines. His Port Grape Wine is now being ordered by families in Dresden, London and Paris for its su perior medicinal virtues, and its blood making quality, owing probably to the iron contained in the brown shale rock soil in which the vine grows. For sale by D. H. Wuller. —Most writers say "insight into,' but "insight of' is a much better form. "Dr. Benson's Celery and Cham omile Pills for the cure ot neuralgia are a success." Dr. G. P. Holman, Christianburg, Ya. 50 cents, at drug gists. —No manager has yet offered the English sparrows $5,000 a' night in opera. The Doctor's Endorsemen'. Dr. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, 0., sends the subjoined professional en dorsement: "I have prescribed Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the lungs in a great number of cases and always with success. One case in particular was given up by several physicians who han been called in for consulta tion with myself. The patient had all the symptoms of confirmed consump tion—cold night sweats, hectic fever, harassing cough, etc. He commenced immediately to get better and was soon restored to his usual health. I have also found Dr. Wm. Hall's Bal sam for the Lungs the most valuable expectorant for breaking up distressing coughs and colds that I have ever used." Durno's Catarrh Snuff cures catarrh and all affections of the mucous mem brane. —Lynchers, avengers and jurors with jim-jams make poor Uncle Sam. sad. "A Blessing in Disguise." 4M4 AnKi.i'Nl ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y., ) March 29,1881. $ No family should be without Allcock's Por ous Plasters; their healing powers are wonder ful and their efficacy far-reaching and lasting. For years I have seen and known thein to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases af rheumatism, kiduey complaint, bron chitis, neuralgia, lumbago, inflamation of the lungs and throat, paralysis, asthma, sp.nal weakness, and coughs and cold*. In my own case tiiey have afforded almost instant and permuuent relief. My lrieud* consider tl.cm an Invaluable and speedy remedy lor all kinds ot aches; and pains. They are a blessing in and no wife or mother should be without if she values her peace and coin fort and lreedom from nervous exhaustion and other ailments. As a strengthening plaster, also tor bacl ;aches and w< aknesses, tliey have no«iqual. I never yet found a plaf-tt-r so effica cious and stiaiulating, or to give so much gen eral satisfaction. Used in connection with Bmndreth's universal life-giving and lile-heal in& Pills, no one need despair of a speedy res titration to good souud health. MRS. E. TOMPKINS. ONE TIIIAU It' you have been using other Plasters one trial of Allcock's Porous will convince you of tlicir wonderful nuperiority. Take no other 60- callcd porous plasters that claim to be better, Uicy are all frauds gotten up to sell on the world-wide rcpu;l them (but with little faith). lam now a well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and I liavo gained forty pounds solid licsh. lh'-y are worth their weight in gold. . _ ItBV. R. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Bowels costive, fain in tlie Head, with a dull sensation inthe back part, Pain trader tho Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a dis inclination to exertion of body orjnind, Irritability oFtemper, Low spirits, Les% 'of memory, with a fcelingof havin* ne iected some duty. Weariness, Dizzinesß, Fluttering of thejioart, Dotsjbefore tlio eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache, Hestless-; ness at night, hiffhlycolored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS OISEASES WILL BE DEVELOPED. TUTT 3 PILLS are especially adapted to Suclirases, onedosee fleet*«uflinthauge of feeliiiir as to a.tonlsh tlic sufferer. Try tills remedy fairly, aud you >vlll Rlii a heallliy IMirestiou, timorous idy, Pure Blood, Stronir IVervc*. and a Sound I.iver. „ prlce.2« «. ents. TUTT'S HAIB, DVE Gray Hair and WhUkeiS changed to a €>lo»sy Black byasiuKle application of t lifts Dye. It imparls a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by IfriiJE" crista, or sent l>y express on receipt of 51. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. / DR. TUTT'S NANFAIi ofValuabtc\ , Information and T'«efnl Itecrlritawlll I be lE.ailed X ltlili ou application. , * ejlMARITfin feriP (®Si) (HIE|B|VIEXC[OIH|QIU|EIBIO|Bj The ou'.y known specific for Epileptic Fits."»a O"Also for Spasms and Falling Sickness."44 Nervous Weakness quickly relieved and cured. Equalled by none in delirium of fever.-fc* genns of disease and sickness. Cures ugly blotches and stubborn blood sores. Cleanses blood, quickens sluggish circulation. Eliminates Boils, Carbuncles and Scalds.^# Permanently and promptly cures paralysis. Yes, It is a charming and hciiltliful Aperient. Kills Scrofula and Kings Evil, twin brothers. Changes bad breath to good, removing cause, psyltouts biliousness and clears complexion. Charming resolvent and matchless It drives Sick Headache like the wind.-Jifli Contains no drastic cathartic or opiate?. Promptly cures Rheumatism by routing ILt» Restores life-giving properties to the blood.-» 3 Is guaranteed to cure all nervou-i disorders. 'ta t?/ - Reliable when all opiates fail.-fc# Refreshes the mind and invigorntes the body.. Cures dyspepsia or money refunded. %2f~ Endorsed in writing by over fifty thousand Leading physicians in U. S. and Europe."i# Leading clergymen in U. S. and Europe."Sft Diseases of the blood own it a conqucror.-'i* For sale by all leading druggists. § 1,50."
    i. Crittenton, A pent, New York City. HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a Soi.m GOLD WATCH, aside from the necessary thickruss for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of metal id r.eoled only to stitlen and liolil the engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. The surplus gold Lj actually needless. In James Boss' Patent Gold Cases this WASTE is &aved, and SOLIDITY and STRENGTH increased hy a 6iniple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOLID GOI.D is soldered on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the eases, backs, centers, bezels, etc., are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving ami engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth hy use without removing the gold. This is the only case made under this process. Bach case is accompanied with a valid guarantee signed by the manufacturers warranting it to wear 20 years. 150,000 of these Cases now carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. Ask your Juweler. The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, eau be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, .St., Butler, I*a., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. I SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE | CIRCULAR a SAMPLES OF WORK FfHED»ISIM,Co^ 1/0 V WATERTOWN M.Y. TT V » I CHICAGO, BOSTON, CLEVELAND, O. THE LIGHIET BUNNINQ Shuttle Machine IN THE WORLD. SEE IT I TRY IT I AND YOU WILL BUY IT. FOR SALE BY BERG & CYPHER, Butler, Pa. A Great Cause of Human Misery IS THE LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment any family or house hold duties try PARKEU'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take in toxica tin g stimulants, but use Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, towels, blood or nerves. Pa i kfk's Ginger TONIC wiil cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the 6est and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from nge, dissipation or any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose hut will never intoxicate, it has savedhundicds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION!—Refuse all subrtituies. Parker*! Ginger Tunic is composed of the best remedial agents in the world, an J is entirely different fro:n preparation# of ginger alone. Send for circular to lliicox & Co., N. Y. 50c. & $1 sizes, at dealers in drujs. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. I Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this B delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There H is nothing liko it. Insiit upon having FLOBES- B TON COLOGNE and look for signature of f c•?&t4CC7S I on every bottle. Any druggi't or dealer in perfumery ■ can snpply yo;:. 05 and 75 cent fizw. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, 5.6. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII. DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic C'hurcb Importod Clydesdale Stalli on fa - EARL OF INGLESTON j l *""' Wlil niake the season of ISS3 11 at the stable of Julian A. Clark, oue milu cast of Prospect, Those lute rented in luavy draft horses will And it to their advantage to cull at my stable and see the horse and his colts. The Earl is one ol the finest stcek tetters ever hroi'ght to Butler ounty. See bills or address JULIAN A. CLARK, i!3-2cimiiy. I'rospett, Pa. IMPORTKU CLYDESDALE STALLION Will be found at the stables of Hubert llessel gosser, near Leasureville, Wlntleld tup., liutler Co. I*a.. during the season. Lord Clemis, a beauti ful dark bay. with two white feet and star in fore head.broad and squarely built,tine Iwine and nius ele and shows the stock well. Hair on the front of the shin seven inches long aud thirteen oil the baek of the fttotiock. EAHI, OF SKI.KIKK is a light bay,-three white feet and white face, well shaped, short back, long <|uarters, heavy bone, shows the blood well. These horses were imported by Hubert Hessel gesser in tss'2, and are registered animals in the Clydesdale Stud books in Scotland, and the books can be seen at Mr. Hesselgesser's. Also. I'RINVE KILDAHK, a three-quarter Cly desdale, will be kept at the same sfiible. I All-3m THE TROTTING STALLIONS. J. Golden and-Gcn. Grant will make the season of 1883, at Butler, Butler county, Pa., NEAR THE WICK HOUSE. Those interested in fine horses will find it to their advantage to ea'l for terms. Nee t ills, or address. J AH. 8. HAVES, Butler, Pa, may 2 2m. PUREVBra H c« INDIA From the Districts of ASSAM, CHIT I'AGOSH, CACIIAR. KANGKA VALLEY, DARJEEL -ING, DEHKA DOON, and ethers. Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Most Ecouom- Ical. Requires only half the u>ual quantity. Sold by all Grocers. JOHN C. PHIL.LIP.-I & CO., Agents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate, 130 Water St., N. Y. Novß-ly. TliriiFDt WANTED $ 100, -'"a-. BOOTS and SHOES SPRINQ STYLES NOW OPENING AT THE BOOf AND I MI lUS£ B. C. HDSEITBI Largest aner from o cts. per roll upwards, Woods at Exceedingly Low Prices at _____ D. & F. S. WELTY, 120 Federal St., and 65 & 67 Park Way, Allegheny, Pa, PARSONSBfILLS And will completely change the Maori in the entir? svstum in three months. Any person who will take ONEPILL EACH NIGIIT FROM O.VK TO TV.'KLVK W EBKS. m»v he restored U» sound he»Uh. if »i»ch*tojnfUpoyiMj. For curing Female Complaints these Pills have uo equal. PhyHeunowthm iuUit Boa ton Mass or sunt by mail for S5 cents in stamps, bend for pamphlet. I. 3. JOHyßQN^lQ.^j>oaton»a*aas^^^^^^ < JORDAN EYT'H, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. —(}) — All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors always on bands, also Beer in Bottles. Tobacco and Cigaiv. api'4,uin EN. LEAKE, M. D., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrcro h< a E, Butler, PH. Oct. 25, l»82. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BUTLER, PA. Office on JefTerson street, opposite Klintfler'B Flour Store. AGENTS Wanted A^Tbles worki ofchanrti-r: mil v«ri<-tv :oOOKS Of' DIUIB# low IB price. vtlinc 7AU; everywhere; IJMfM tLl ** Kr«4iej, OarrrtMMi A