Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 27, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
Bickel & Gallagher,
(Successor* to a A Flick.)
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
aprl, 3m
Union Woolen Mills.
I would don ire to call tlie attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Tarns,
and I can them as being very dura
ble, an thoy arc manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. XUey are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will be sold at vory low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
J0124.'7ft-ly Butler. Pa
Farmers and Gardeners!
Look to your own interests and improve your
crops, from 75 to lUO per cent, by twing the
Peruvian Sea Fowl Guano, or Bradley's Devolved
Bone. On hand at Leonard Wise's in Butler,
or Wm. Crookshank's at Sarveraville Station,
Butler Co ; Pa. aplßtf
0 1# WALDRON, Graduate of tbe Phil
■ adclphia Dental College,is prepare**
■ II •to do anythihg in the line ol hit
profession in a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Bntier, Union Block,
tip stairs. apll
Work made to order, and repairing of all
kinds done at reasonable rates and satisfaction
guaranteed. Particular attention given to re
pairing of farming implements. Buck-boards
For sale cheaper tliau they can be purchased
elsewhere, and always on hands, aprl 1,3 m
~|d7l. cleeland,!
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fine Watcla Repairing a Spec
Mends Everything SOLID AS
KOCH !—Hard as Adamant!—
' on Earth I A Bamaoulan Giant
luStreiiKth araonir all otherGluefl
and Cements 1 A Duo! uu-ly j'n-
H ' H
A Ahrayaßeady—AlwayslJguld I
hard Cue Tips and Cloth. Marble.
HPHH Metal*. Patches on Leather and
aHH Bubber Tires,'Ornamentß of Every
•llViill kind. Jewelry, Smokers' Pipes and
11111'.H CUrar Holders, Card Board in Scrsp
BMnj Bookstand JETrrjthiMftae with
SfWl |9 ftlauiufactnrers of flnmrncJ La-
O■ 11 n Dels, Textile Fabrics, Fine Carriages,
M Ml i<g Pianos. Artificial Flowers, Imitation
Htalned Glass and Straw Goods, Cab I.
net Maker*, fee., supplied by Gallon
or Barret SOc. Bottle (Brush and
Tin Cover); by Minil postpaid. 10 eta
•**£ •mIMUU. extra. Maliadonly by manufacturers
J.U.O'MEARA & CO. w»hin^D.c;
lira A«(at« Wanted Everywhere. Sold by Dr iiwtstfl.
tUocers, Btatlnntin. Hardware and Ueuuxal Storea.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L. Purvis, E. A. Ilelmboldt,
William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart,
A. Trontman, Jacob Scboeno,
G.O. Rocesing, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. Imn, J. J. Croll.
A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Flelneman.
JAS. T. M'JUfIKIN, Gen. A*'t
Two-Storied Frame House
ot alz rooms, cellar, oat hedges and two
lots ot ground in Butler will b sold ou reason
able terms. Cull at office of
Mar-Utf. Butler Pa.
■ ■ ■ Marvelous success.
■ ■ ■ Insane Psrjonj Keitored
curt /or Nrrv, AJTcdion. Fits. E»iU»ty, etc.
INFALLIBLE if taken as directed. A O rut a/ttr
Fit patients, tbey payini; express charges onliox when
rsceirtrl. Send names, P. O. and express addrr.. of
•dieted to DK.KLINIi.ou Arrli St..Fhiluielnhia.Pa.
DruJ*t*U. BEWARE of JMITA TiffO fXavDS.
To csnrsss for the sale of Nursery Stock. Unequaled
facilities. No experience required. Salary and sx
pensespald. TOOacres of Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Shrubs, Koaes, etc. W. k. T. SMITH. Geneva. N. Y.
®j?*Oood Salary and Expenses Paid.
OUTFIT FREE. Noexperience needed
Nurserymen, Rochester, N. V
J. B. Kohlmeyer Co.
Main Street,
(Opposite Vogeley House;
Pure Liqnors for medicinal purposes, Oils
am d Paints, etc.
CaTDr. G. M. Zimmerman has bis office on
tbo second floor of same building. juel3-tf
I«ru Powers I nnLOnCnO ciwlillm
CSalted to all vccllons.) Write for r«EE Ulna. Hamnhlet
toTbftAoltman A Taylor Co., Maoafleiu. OhS.
15*7™ Advertise in the CI'iIZJCN
Iktlcr Citisfcw*
Estate ot George S. Jamison.
Letters testamentary on the estate of George
8. Jamison, dee'd , late cl Venango twp., But
ler coni'ty, Pa , having been granted lo the un
dersigned, all persons knowiug themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them dulyauthenticated
for settlement.
June 19, 'B3. Eau Claire P. 0., Butler, 0o„ Pa
Estate|of William Ramsey.
Letters testamentary on the estate of William
Ramsey, dee'd, late of Butler township, Butler
county, Pa., having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves in
debtcd to slid estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present thera duly authentkated
for settlement.
Butler, Pa.
Estate of James 11. Dlecliluig.
Whereas letters of administration have this
day been issued to me on the estate of James H.
Mechling, late of Washington township, dee'd.
by the Register of said county of Butler, no
tice is hereby given to all persons owing said
estate to call and settle, and those having claims
against the same will please present them for
payment duly probated.
June 5, 1883. North Hope, Butler Co., Pa.
Estate ol Ernest Werner.
Letters ol administration on the estate ol
Ernest Werner, dee'd, late ol Forward twp.,
Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will [ lease make imme
diate payment and any Laving claims against
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement,
MAKIA WERNER, Administratrix.
Evans City, Butler Co., Pa.
W. H. LUSK, Attorney.
Etriale of Edward Campbell.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Ed
ward Campbell, dee'd, late of Worth twp., But
ler county, Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
SAMUEL H. MOORE, Executor,
Grant City, Lawrence Co., Pa.
Wbereas letters of administration on the es
tate ol Andrew J. Moore, late of Centre iwp.,
Butler county, Pa., dee'd, bave been duly is
sued by tbe Register of wills in and for the
county ot Butler, Pa., to me N;incy J. Moore,
widow of said decedent. Notice is hereby given
to all persons knowing themselves iadobted to
tie said estate to call and nettle tbe came, and
all persons having claims against the said estate
will please present the same duly probated lor
payment. NANCY J. MOORE,
Administratrix ol A. J. Moor**, dee'd,
Butler, Pa,
Estate of Jacob llnimel.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Jacob iluuncl, dee'd, late of Buflalo township,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims ag.iiust
said eetate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
G. C. RQENXGK, Administrator.
Snrvera Station, Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of John Walters,
Letters of administration on tbe estate of
John Walters, dee'd; late ol Jackson township,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, ali persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims agaiuet
said estate will present them duly authenticated
tor settlement.
JOIIN A WALTERS, Administrator.
Evans Ciiy, Butler County, Pa.
Farmers Look I
To your own interest and dont buy a grain
drill till you see the FARMER'S FAVORITE.
Double distribution and grain seeder, force feed
gra*s seeder, and double cast-steel reversible
points. Steel axletrees. Grass seeder either
behind or before For sale by Wm. Crooksliank,
Sarveritville, Butler Co. Pa. aplStf
The undersigned lias about 25 tons of good
clear ice on hands, which he will sell in large or
sn'all quantities on reasonable terms, and de
liver at the houses of his customers durnig the
summer Orders can be left at Wick's meat
•bop. D..OOWE LYON.
The subscriber continues the making of bricks
common, pavement, bay-window and other qual
ities at his kiln on the f'air Ground road, liall a
mile west of Butler He will keep on hand a lot
of bricks at all times. Jle will also make and burn
brick in the country for anyone desiring to have
them made on their own farm or premises.
As he intends carrying on the brick making
business, he invites the custom of all, promising
to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron
ize him.
AH orders promptly filled at reasonable rates.
Call on or address,
mar2B-Gmo Butler Pa.
For Sale.
! An order on Hall's Safe and Lock Co., of Cin
cinnati, and several orders on different Sewing
Machine Companies, also a certificate of mem
bership to correspondence class of Pitman's
Phonography. Enquire at this office.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals for the erection of a new
church building will be received by the building
committee of the English Lutheran congrega
tion of Zelicnople, Pu., until Sp. M. on Thurs
day, June 28. Plans and specifications can be
seen after June 10 at the store of G. D. Swain,
Harmony, Pa. The committee reserve the
right to reject any or all hid 6.
G. L). SWAIN, >Committee.
J, L. LYTLE, )
132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA.
Build lug*.
Bridges and
Jail* and LockupN.
Fronta, C olumn* & Girders,
Stairways and fleams.
; Fences ana CrlsUngs,
A Ulf A| IP 1 1luit will send ns tlie
H N T II Ml K names and address of in
HII I \J II !■<>( their friends, ami en
close 20 cents (In stamps) to cover expense of
packing and postage, we will send the m fur tlieir
trouble any of the following wonderful books:
"Ready-made Autograph Allium verses," "Ball
ltoom Dancing Without a master," "Fortune
ruling made easy "The mysfery of love making
solved- or "The American Business man." We
make this liberal offer to get names to send our
new, manmotli. Illustrated (W page Catalogue to.
Don t fall to send for our catalogue. Address all
orders to
Hudson Manufacturing Co.,
Astor Place & Broadway, New York,
fcrgetic Men. Salary and Expenses paid.
The BiiMinesH easily learned.
Kioffer Pear. Champion Quince, Hansell Uas
berry, and all the most desirable fruits and orna
Only those need apply who can devote their
entire time and atteniion to the work.
Addreus, It. Q. CHABE & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
|9ir°Subscribe for the Citizen
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache,
Sore Throat, Nwelllngt. Npralm, Bruises,
Burn*. Wcald», Frotl Rites.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottla.
Directions in 11 Languages.
(390SKT* uA. VOQILK&* OO.J Baltimore, Md.. U.S. A.
A Household Article for Universal
Family Use.
DBHBHHHH For Scarlet and
■ ■ Typhoid Fevers,
■ Eradicates ■ Diphtheria, SaU
| WiT iTJTi Bration. Ulcerated
| JttALiAadA. j Sma n
Pox, Measles, and
all Contagions Diseases. Persons waiting on
the Siclc should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has
never been known to spread where the Fluid was
used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after
black vomit had taken place. The worst
cases of Diphtheria yield to it.
1 and
PITTING of Small
1 A member of my fam
ily was taken with
Small-pox. I used th«
Fluid'; the patient was
not delirious, was not
pitted, and was about
the house again in three
: weeks, and no others
had it.— J. W. PARK
; INSON, Philadelphia.
I Diphtheria |
I Prevented. I
j The physicians her®
| use Darbys Fluid very
successfully in the treat
men: of Diphtheria.
Greensboro, Ala.
Tetter dried up.
Cholera prevented.
Ulcers purified and
In cases of Death it
j should be used about
the corpse —it will
prevent any unpleas
ant smell.
The eminent Phy
sician, J. MARION
j SIMS, ML D., New
I York, says: "I am
I convinced Prof. Darbys
| Prophylactic Fluid is a
• valuable disinfectant."
Feveredand Sick Per
son* refreshed and
Bed Sores prevent
ed by bathing with
Darbys Fluid.
Impure Air made
harmless and purified.
For Sore Throat it is a
sure cure.
Contagion destroyed.
For Frosted Feet,
Chilblains, Piles,
Chafing*, etc.
Rheumatism cured.
Soft White Complex
ions secured by its use.
Ship Fever prevented.
To purify the Hreath,
Cleanse the Teeth,
it can't be surpassed. I
Catarrh relieved and {
Erysipelas cured. I
Burns relieved instantly.
Rear* prevented.
Dysentery cuved.
Wounds healed rapidly.
Scurvy cured.
An Antidote for Animal
or Vegetable Poisons,
Stings, etc.
I used the Fluid during
our present affliction with
Scarlet Fever with de
cided advantage. It is
indispensable to the sick
room. WM. F. SANU
roso. Eyrie, Ala.
Cured. |
Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn.
I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof.
Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and
detergent it is both theoretically and practically
superior to any preparation with which I ain ac
quainted.—N. T. I.UITON-, Prof. Chemistry.
Darbys Fluid is Keconi mended by
Hon. ALEXANDEK H. STEMIRNS, of Georgia ;
Rev. CHAS. F. DEEMS, D.D., Church of tlia
Strangers, N. Y.;
Jos. LHCONTK, CoIumbia, Prof..University,S.C.
Rev. A- J. IIAITI.K, Pruf, Mercer University;
Rev. GEO. F. PIERCE, Bishop M. E. Church.
Perfectly harmless. Used internally or
externally for Man or Beast.
The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and wa
have abundant evidence thru it has done everything
here claimed. For fuller information get of your
Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors,
J. H. ZETMN & CO.,
Manufacturing Chemists, PJfILADEf.I'IIIA
Is a new rcmedv, originally compounded m
. and Introduced to the medical profession, e
£ anil tlien to tiio public at largo, by S. B. E
S llartiiuui, M. I>. He lias prescrilied It to il
ever 4»U«0 nalients with the most gratify- ®
e IIIK results. td
© Its effect upon tlio system Is entirely un
like that of any other remedy, and Is the
a only medicine needed In aUnust every dls- at
3 ease to which flesti Is heir, [in Constlpa- w
„ tlon. Diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. HI
£> MANAI.IV should be given with It. ]■■■ ~ 0
5 I'EKINA is composed of purely vegetable ©
» ingredients, each one, according to IIHMII- -•
*9 cai authors, a great remedy in itself. BOH to
E Dr. Hartman has - C"
<5 lng and combining the active principles "
of these Ingredients into one simple coin- to
3 pound, which perfectly coincides with the g.
• Vis MEOICATIUX N ATI: it A in every dls
>, ease, and a cure necessarily follows. There a
6 Is not an organ It will not reach nor a dis- <■
ease it will not cure. M
2 Aslc your druggist for l)r. llartuian's o>
S, pampbleton the "lllsof Life," Dr. 8. It. - a
m Uirtmau A Co., Osborn, 0., proprietors, o
Vor Piles and Pelvic Diseases, take
Coughs are quite as dan
gerous as those of
But they yield to the same
treatment and ought
to be taken in
For all diseases of THROAT,
PerryDavis sPainKiller
Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy
IftKJOT beer ev er quilled.
... Purifies the blood,
BAnT Blfcn CURES Dyspepsia,
IMIUI ■f.Tllcri, Liverand Kidney dls
- 15 0 ease*. Sent by Mall
Vr on receipt of 26ct«,
i. - i n postage stamps.
Addrcsf: BEAN & RAPE, Wholesale Druggists,
Not. 47 * 48 N. 2d St., Philadelphia.
Shakespeare John and Josephine
'Stop yer caperin' 'round, Shakes
peare John! Yer fur all de wo'ld like a
cantankerous mule. Can't yer stand
still an' listen to yer mammy ? Take
dis ver basket ob clo'es to de lady at
de Ebbitt House. Mis' West she is,
de captain's wife. De washin' ob de
clo'es comes to twodollahs. You take
ker ob de money, Josephine Jase, an'
don't yer lose it, 'cause if yer does,
yer'll git de biggest wollopin' yer eber
had. Now mind, an' be perlite when
de lady speaks to yer !' And, having
?iven this final injunction, Manuny
Linkuni nodded her turbaned head and
went into the cabin to resume her ttsk
at the wash-tub.
'Good-bye, Mammy." chimed her
son and daughter, as they weat down
the road.
The Linkums(the head of the family
had named themselves after 'good
Father Abraham') lived a few miles
out of Washington, on the grassy
slopes leading up toward Arlington
On one side was a grove of healthy,
young trees ; on the other a winding
road, whose red sands the Spring rains
had worn into ruts and gullies. Be
hiod were the hills, the soldiers' bar
rackp, officers' quarters, observatory,
and tall flag-staff of the Signal S:aUon
of Fort Meyer. In front was the
broad Potomac, and beyond it the
cities of Georgetown and Washington.
A s for the Linkum house itself, it
was only a little low, white-washed
building, with a tall, smoke-begrimed
chimney at one end. At the further
end of a little lot, enclosed by a 'snake'
fence, was a pen, containing two prom
ising young pigs; and near it a rude
shed, in which Ulyses Grant Linkum
kept a superannuated mule. Chickens,
ducks, and turkeys were plentiful, and
the Linkums were regarded as a thrif
ty, industrious family.
Twelve-year-old Shakesfeare John,
accompanied by his sister, Josephine
Jane, went down the well-beaten path
and opended the wooden gate, with
its home-made leather hinges.
Shakespeare John was tall and
strong, with a wiry, well-knit figure, a
wide, good-natured mouth, a pudgy
nose, dancing black eyes, and a mop of
woolly hair. Ilis costume was not
very elaborate—a blue plaid shirt and
a pair of snuff-colored trousers that had
once belonged to his father. For this
reason they were large, of course ; but
the lad bad shortened them considera
bly by rolling them up above his
ankles. But the baggy part behind—
there was no filling that out; and when
ever Shakespeare John ran (which he
very frequency did) there was a great
wabbling of drapery. Perhaps, though,
it was just as well that the snuff-color
ed trousers were not tight, because the
cloth was poor and could bear no strain;
and, besides, there was an ugly rent
there already, which Shakespeare John
had the misfortune to make while
climbing over the snake-ferce around
his home.
Josephine Jane, having the well
known proclivities of her sex, was bet
ter dressed. She wore a pink calico
frock, stiff and shiny with starch, and
a neat sun-bonnet and ruffled white
apron. She was short and fat, and
clumsy in her movements. In every
other respect she resembled her brother.
It was only the middle of Spring;
but the weather was mild, and neither
of the children wore shoes or stockings.
The hot sun warmed the sand in the
road, so that the twenty bronzo toes,
tripping along, were not chilled. Even
if they had have been, I do not think
the children would have minded it
much, they were so full of joyful antic
ipation over their walk.
It was not very often that they were
allowed to go to Washington alone.
Generally the clothes were taken over
by their father; but to-day he was doing
work which he couldn't leave.
'Shakespeare John, I jest wish yer'de
heft yer side ob de basket,' said Jose
phine, after they had crossed the Po
tomac bridge: 'Yer lets me hab de
wo'st part ob it. 'Tain't bery perlite,
fieein' as how yer is a boy an' older'n
I is.'
'Sho! But yer weigh mo'n I does
Josephine Jane ! De trouble am yer
is lazy. But den all ob de female per
suasion is no-account critters!' Shakes
peare John exclaimed, taking his hand
out of his pocket and grasping hold of
one of the willow handles of the basket.
'Yer hadn't orter talk so! 'Tain't
perlite ! 'Sides I hain't ob de 'female
persuasion.' Mammy am a Mefodist
an' pappy am a Mefodist, an' I'se eider
a Mefodist or nofiin'.'
'Pooh! Yer's ignerant, yer is!
Didn't yer know female meant gal ?'
But Josephine Jane, not paying any
attention to this information, began to
trill out, in shrill, piping tones:
'De mockin'-bird, him sit an' sing, an' sing.
De sky-lark him fly on <le wing, de wiug,
De rice bird—'
'Sho, Shakespeare! what am dat?'
The two children hastily set down
the basket under a dog-wood tree, and
stepped up to a tall, board fence on
which were posted pictures, red, blue,
and yellow, representing the animals
and various attractions of 'Barnum's
'Dat am de elyphunt, Jumbo,'
Shakespeare John proceeded to explain.
'He am de one what swum ober from
England. He et so much, Queen
Victoiy dribe him away. Jake Sydney
done tole me 'bout him.'
'Did he swuui 'cross, shuah? I
t'ought he'de drowned hisself! Why
didn't dey bring him in a ship V
'ShiplSho! Yer is a siHy gal!'
Shakespeare John exclaimed, con
tempuously : 'Whar d'ye s'pose dey
git a big enough ship? Jumbo's big
ger'n forty miles!'
'I never seed an elyphunt 'fore. Say,
which am his head ? He has a tuil at
bof ends.'
'Dis yer am his trunk. He gobbles
up eberyting wid it.'
'Oh! an' here is anuler elvphunt; a
little one, a missin' ob his mndder!'
'Yes, and jest see, Josephine Jane,
what lots o 1 animals. Hossesan' lions
an' camels, an' monkeys, an'—Oh,
glory, don't yer jest wish we could see
'em all alive V
'Course I does, honey ? D'ye spose
Pappy an' Mammy'd let us go to de
show V
Shakespeare John shook his head
'Xo I doesn't. Time an' 'gin I've
heard mammy say it's wicked. 'Sides
it'll cost lots. A quarter apiece as
shuah as you is bo'n !'
'Hut can't we crawl in V
'Git taken in by de perlice if yer
Reaching Washington, the children
found the streets crowded; and it was
with difficulty, laden as they were with
the big basket, that they could make
their way through. They finally reach
ed the Ebbitt House, delivered the
clothes, and received the pay for them.
Just as they descended the stairs and
entered the street, a blast of trumpets,
loud strains of music, aud the beating
of drums burst upon their ears.
Shakespeare John dropped the empty
basket and began to dance a double
shuffle upon the sidewalk.
'De circus am coming' I De circus
am coming!' he cried.
And sure enough there presently did
appear down Pennsylvania Avenue, a
long train of vehicles—gorgeous red
and yellow chariots, men and women
fantastically dressed, prancing horses,
gay trapping, tinkling bells. Then
there was the rumble aud rattle of
wheels, the clatter of horses' hoofs, the
heavy tread of mammoth animals, all
mingled with the roaring of the caged
beasts, strains of inspiring music and
the laughter and noisy chatter of
crowds of spectators.
No wonder that the two little darkies,
used to the quiet of their country
home, were wild with excitement, and
ere the gorgeous pageant had passed
by, Shakespeare John exclaimed, with
solemn intensity:
'Josephine Jane! jest as shuah as
you an' I is bo'n, we've got ter see all
ob dis yer ting. I'll bust—l'll sartin
ly bust, if I doesn't! I feels myself
swellin' out now.'
'But, sonny, dcab,' said Josephine
Jane, in mild, maternal tones, 'how is
we to see dis circus ? We hasn't got
de money.'
'We has, Josephine Jane; we has!'
solemnly. 'l'll take two quarters out
ob de pay fur de washin' dat de cap
tain's lady done gib us!'
'But what will pappy say; an mam
my ? looking frightened at the enorm
ity of this dishonest scheme.
'Neber mind, houey !' said Shakes
peare John with a wave of his hand.
'Neber miud. No use tinkin, ob dat.
Time enough for bawliu' when de lash
falls. Come on iral!'
The temptation was too great, and
Josephine Jane made no further ob
The tickets to the show were pur
chased and the hours that followed
were quickly passed in wonder and de
Tired at last, the children sat down
to rest in a quiet little corner. Now
that the fun was over, they began to
e perience some gnawing misgivings
as to the reception they should meet ou
their arrival home.
Josephine Jauo took out her dingy
red pocket-hankerchief and began to
count the money she had left.
'lt's all here,' she said. 'Au' I'se
glad ob it. I was afraid dat in de
crowd it might git stole.'
During this while, a shabbily-dress
ed lad of perhaps sixteen years, whose
face and hands would have been white
hud soap and water been applied to
them, was standing uear one of the
wooden supports of the tents and
stealthily watching the two colored
He now stepped forward and said,
in friendly tones :
'Stirring sights here, haint there,
Sambo ?'
'My name isn't Sambo. It's Shakes
peare John !' with becoming dignity.
'An' this is my sister, Josephine
'lndeed! Delighted to meet you
both ! Had a nice tim ?'
'Yes, sah. Got kinder tired and
hungry though.'
'Why didu't you buy something to
eat V
'I did. Spent two cents fur pea
'I suppose you saved the rest of your
money to buy a monkey. Eb ?'
'A monkey !' the two children ex
claimed in puzzled tones. 'What on
arth docs yer mean ? added Shakes
peare John.
'Why didn't you know that Barnum
brought along two hundred of them to
sell ?'
'Wull, I did see one or two. Dey
wos dretful cunnin'!' said Josephine
'Yes. But those were trained ones.
The ones for sale haven't been taught
any tricks. On that account they arc
sold very cheap. One could teach 'em
in a few weeks though.'
'llow much does dey charge apiece?'
said Shakespeare John, thoughtfully.
'Oh, from two dollars upward.'
The two little uarkes looked at each
other queatiouingly.
'How nice it would be to hah a mon
key !' whispered Josephine Jane. 'We
hasn't cot nuffiu' ter play wid since
Sox Peters' hull dog killed our little
yaller purp.'
'Dat's so !' said her brother, and then
he added, with a little emphatic nod of
his woolly head: 'We're in fur a lickin'
jest as shuah's we is oo'n. It's jest as
wuss as it can be, an' I say let's git
dat 'ere mokey 1'
'We can't,' said Josephine Jane, sad
ly. 'They cost two dollahs—the very
cheapest—an' we hasn't got but a dol
lah and an' a haf, lackin' de two cents
you tuck out fur de peanuts.'
Here their white friend came to
their aid, by saying, in reassuring
tones :
'lf you really want to buy a monkey,
I think I could get one for you cheaper
than anybody else. Besides, I could
pick out a good, healthy, intelligent
one. I know Baruum quite well. He
takes dinner with my father real often.
If you'll give me what money you
have, I'll go and see what I can do for
The eyes of the two little darkies
glistened with delight, and, without a
moment's hesitation, the silver dollar,
the twenty-five cent piece, the two
tens, and the three pennies were emp
tied from Josephines Jane's chubby
black hand into the long, slim, be
grimed one of the stranger.
'Now,' said the latter, 'you sit right
down here on this bench, and don't
leave it; because you might get lost in
the crowd and I'd have a bother to
hunt for you, especially with a live
monkey squirming in my arms.'
'l'll stay here, shuah!' said both
children, earnestly.
An hour passed. The dome of the
Capitol began to grow golden with
the rays of the setting sun; the crowds
of people gradually lessened; the circus
performers ceased their gymnastic and
equestrian feats.
The two children, stiff and tired, still
sat on the hard bench, their four ebony
legs daugling down and lazily swing
ing to and fro.
"Pears ter me it takes that feller
n' awful long time ter git dat ere mon
key !' observed Shakespeare John.
'Maybj he has bard wo'k to git it
fur de money,' his sister suggested.
'Den he'de orter come back an' tell
ed us. Wonder if he tinks we Nig
gers is gwine ter sit heah til Jedge
ment! De show am closing up. We'se
got a long walk home, to say nuffiin ob
de lickin' at de end.'
'Shakespeare John!'—and the face
of the little girl grew almost white
with sudden fear—'Shakespeare John,
d'ye s'pose dat ere chap done run off
wid dat money ?'
'l'so ben tinkin' ob dat bery same
ting.' And the little darkey brought
his fist down with an emphatic bang.
'Dere's a perlice-man. Let's ask
him what he tinks 'bout it.'
Thellue-coated, brass-buttoned guar
dian of ihe city listened attentively to
their story, and when they had ended,
he said, with a half-pitying, half-con
tempuous smile :
'Well, youngsters, you're bitten;
that's sure. You'll never see your
money ! How could you be so silly as
to let that scamp take it? He is the
slyest, meanest little thief there is
about! We've been on his track a long
time ; but somehow he has always es
caped us. We'll nab him sometime,
though. There, don't cry 1 It won't
help the matter one bit. I'm sorry for
you. Now, you had better go home
before it gets dark and you get into
more trouble.'
That night the moon shone down
with mellow light upon the gently
rising slopes of Arlington llights, and
its beams, spreading over the waters of
the Potomac, made them shine like
molten gold. Away in the west a
great silver star came out from behind
its purple curtain.
All Nature was calm and beautiful
But out in the back shed of the Linkum
estate there were sundry sounds—up
braiding and corrective !
'Shakespeare John! Yer has dis
graced yourself, an' me too—a residing
elder in the Mefodist Chu'ch ! Takin'
money what didn't belong ter yer!
Mis'abul thievs! VV hat if yer did want
ter see de show an' buy de monkey !
I'll show yer, yer misabul, no-account
young 'un!'
Swisb, whack, swish, whack, came
the sound of the lash, followed by vocal
'Ow! Oo! Boohoo! Never do it
agin, daddy ! Neber! neber! Boohoo !
oo! oo!'
In the kitchen, Mammy Linkum,
with her woolly locks somewhat dis
heveled and her turban all awry, was
'interviewing' her daughter.
'Josephine Jane, yer is a child of
wrath—yer is ! Me sendin' yer off in
yer nice caliker so's you'd enjoy yer
walk ; den yer takin' de wash money
to go to de show and to buy a poor,
no-account monkey ! Got cheated, too;
dat am de wust ob it! It's my bound
en duty to e'rect yer; an I'se going' to
do it!'
Josephine Jane soon sings the same
song that her brother was warbling
out in the shed.
An hour later, and quietness reigns
throughout the Linkum cabin. The
master and mistress, having done their
duty according to Solomon, have iallen
into peaceful slumber.
Up in the little loft were two small
figures, blubbering softly and rubbing
sundry portions of their ebony bodies.
•Oh! de gracious my ! My back is
jess as sore as it kin be !' whimpered
Josephine Jane.
'An'jess think ob me! I reckon I'll
neber be able to sit down agin !' groan
ed Shakespeare John.
Silence for a minute or two, and
then the little girl's voice rang out
more cheerily :
'But, anyhow, we's seen Jumbo !'
'Yes; we has!' triumphantly.
—The large stone hand of an idol in
a Chinese temple recently fell off and
severely injured a worshipper beneath.
"Satan finds some mischief still for
idol hands to do.''
—I had severe attacks of gravel and
kidney trouble; was unable to get a
medicine or doctor to cure me until I
used Hop Hitters, and they cured me
in a short time.—A DISTINGUISHED
—The toothache is simply the result
of personal vanity. Men are born
without teeth, but they are never hap
py until they have a full set, and then
they wonder why they ache. It is
hard to satisfy human nature.
—A sailor who had fallen overboard
and was speedily interviewed by a
shark cried out to his enemy, "Have
pity on a man who is down!" "My
friend," replied the shark, "a man
who keeps himself above water is of
no use to me. Now is my time."
Moral: The man who falls overboard
in business can expect no favors of the
A Year Without a Summer.
During a cold spring, like that which
is just now drawing to an end, people
generally console themselves with the
reflection that the sun will eventually
get the victory, and that summer will
certainly come at last, though its com
ing may be delayed. Uncertain as the
weather is, the general features of the
seasons recur with a regularity which
warrants the confidence thus reposed
in the aunual return of seed time and
harvest; but there are instances on
record in which even the seasons seem
to have lost their characteristic fea
tures, as if the ordinary laws of meteor
ology had been temporarily suspended.
A remarkable case of this kiud, and
one which the long-continued cold
weather of this spring makes particu
larly interesting just now, is that of
the year 1816, which has been called
"the year without a summer." A com
munication printed in the Conyrega
tionalist gives the following summary
of the weather of this remarkable year:
January and February were mill;
March was cold; April began warm,
but ended in snow and ice. Ice form
ed an inch thick in May, and fields
were planted over and over again till
it was too late to replant. June was
the coldest ever known in this latitude;
frost and ice were common. Almost
every green thing was killed; fruit
nearly all destroyed. Snow fell to the
depth of ten inches in Vermont, seven
in Maine, three in the interior of New
York and also in Massachusetts, It
was called a dry season. But little
rain fell. The wind blew steadily
from the north, cold and fierce. M )th
ers knit extra socks and mittensfor the
children in the spring, and woodpiles
that usually disappeared during the
warm spell in front of the houses were
speedily built up again. Planting and
shivering were done together, and the
farmers who worked out their taxes on
the country roads wore overcoats and
mittens. In a town in Vermont a
flock of sheep belonging to a farmer
had been sent as usual to their pasture.
On the 17th of June a heavy snow fell
in New England. The cold was in
A farmer who had a large field of
corn in Tewkabury, built fires around
it at night to ward off the frost; many
au evening he and bis neighbors took
turns watching them. He was reward
ed with the only crop of corn in the
neighborhood. Considerable damage
was done in New Orleans in conse
quence of the rapid rise of the Missis
sippi river. Fears were entertained
that the sun was cooling off, and
throughout New England all picnics
were strictly prohibited.
July was accompanied with frost and
ice. Indian corn was nearly all de
stroyed; some favorably situated fields
escaped. August was more cheerless,
if possible, than the summer months
which preceded it. Ice was formed
half au iuch in thickness. Indian corn
was so frozen that the greater part was
cut down and dried for fodder. Al
most every green thing was destroyed
in this country and in Europe. On
the 30th snow fell at Barnet, forty
miles from London. Very little corn
ripened in New England and the Mid
dle States. Farmers supplied them
selves from corn produced in 1815 for
seed in the spring of 1811. It sold at
from $4 to $5 per bushel.
September furnished about two
weeks of the pleasantcst weather of the
season, but in the latter part of the
month ice formed an inch thick. Octo
ber had more than its share of cold
weather. November was cold and
snowy. December waß comfortable,
and the wiuter following was mild.
Very little vegetation was matured in
the Eastern and Middle States. The
sun's rays seemed to be destitute of
beat during the summer; all nature
was clad in a sable hue; and men ex
hibited no little anxiety concerning the
future of this life
The average price of flour during the
year in the New York market was sl3
per barrel. The average price of wheat
in England was 97 shillings per quar
ter. Bread riots occurred throughout
Great Britain in 1817, in consequence
of the high price of the staff of life.
When Ladies are Attractive.
All ladies know their faces are most
attractive when free from pimples.
Parker's Ginger Tonic is popular
among them because it banishes im
purities from blood and skin and makes
the face glow with health.
—She sang: "I want to be an an
gel." And he swore that she was one
already. To this she blushingly de
murred. Then he married her. De
murrer sustained.
Deservedly Popular.
Unless it had great merit Parker's
Ginger tonic could not be so popular.
Its sale has spread remarkably every
where, because invalids finds it gives
them new life and vigor when other
medicines fail entirely.— Ohio Farmer.
—A lawyer once asked a Quaker if
he could tell the difference between
"also" and "likewise." "Oh, yes,"
said the Quaker. "Erskine is a great
lawyer. His talents are admitted by
almost every one. You are a lawyer
also, dut not likewise."
A Miracle in Oil City.
From the Oil City Derrick, July 21, 1881]
Miss Maggie Martin, of this city,
has been ill and confined to ber bouse
for several years. Our best physicians
failed to give her relief. She took Pe
runa and, to the astonishment of all
who knew her, she is now up and
about again. Mr. Simmons, the drug
gist, sold 184 bottles last week. He
buys in gross lots. Mr. Cowell, too,
sells it. Ask your druggist for Dr.
Hartmau's book—"Ills of Life" (gra
tis), or address Dr. 11., at Osborn, 0.,
for one.
The Truly Honest Juror.
» Some difficulty was experienced in
obtaining a jury, apd the Court was
getting tired of the tedious proceed
"Call the next juror, Mr. Clerk,"
said the solicitor, for the hundreth
The clerk called out the name, and
an old man with and honett face and a
suit of blue jean clothes rose up in his
place, and the solicitor askod the fol
lowing customary questions:
"Have you, from having seen the
crime committed, or having heard any
of the evidence delivered under oath,
formed or expressed an opinion as to
the guilt or innocence of the prisoner
at the bar?"
"No, sir."
"Is there any bias or prejudice rest
ing on your mind for or against tho
prisoner at the bar?"
"None, sir "
"Is your mind perfectly impartial
between the state and the accused?"
"It is."
"Are you opposed to capital punish
"I'm not."
All the questions had been answered,
and the Court was congratulating
itself on haviag another juror, and the
solicitor in solemn tones said:
"Juror, look upon the prisoner
prisoner, look upon the juror."
The old man adjusted bis spactacles,
and peeringly gazed at the prisoner l
for full half a minute, when he turned
his eyes towards the Court and earn
estly said:
"Judge, I'll be condemned if I don't
believe he's guilty!"
It is useless to add th&t the Court
was considerably exasperated at hav
ing lost a juror, but the most humor
ously inclined had a good laugh at
the old man's premature candor.—El'
berton (Qa.) South.
—When a man can make right out
of wrong he will be able to breed colts
from horse chestnuts.
—Some mens vas alvays like der
key hole on der back of a clock. Dhey
vas behint time.—Detective Miller.
—Tight pants and tight dresses have
both gone out of style, but it seems as
if tight men never will.
Dyes will color any
thing any color, and never fail. The
easiest and best way to economize. 10
cents, at all druggists.
—There are very few ministers
nowadays who can successfully preach
the Gospel without an occasional trip
to Europe.
—What with the seventeen year
locusts and an extra session of the
Legislature this State has about all the
burdens that she can carry for one
—lf the people who are always im
agining that they are sick would only
imagine that they are well doctors
would live on small incomes.
—Astoria, Oregon, is making yery
rapid progress. It has 24 salmom
packing concerns within its limits, em
ploying 5,000 people.
—The Chinese Legation attended
every performance of a circus at Wash
ington, and said they had enjoyed no
such treat since Congress adjourned.
—Oarsman Hanlan made about
SB,OOO by his victory over Kennedy,
and yet some people find fault with
our colleges for cultivating muscles
instead of brains.
"Five Dr, 1 *: no end of medicine: no
relief. Dr Benson's Skin Cure has
driven away all eruptions and I'm
nearly well lda C. Young, Hamil
ton, 111., Druggists keep it, $1 per
The extreme beat has a tendency
to destroy a man's moral nature. He
becomes peevish, cross and ill tempered.
When the mercury ranges among the
nineties religion must be at a discount.
—The best tonic medicine—one that
is not composed mostly of alcohol or
whisky—is Brown's Iron Bitters. It
is guaranteed to be non-intoxicating
and will absolutely kill all desire for
whisky and other intoxicants. It has
been thoroughly tested and proven
itselfin every instance a never-failing
cure for dyspepsia, indigestion, bilious
ness, weakness, debility, overwork,
rheumatism, neuralgia, consumptive
disease, liver complaint, kidney trou
bles, etc.
"Say, Pat, whatever made you go
to work for Uncle Dan? He's the
meanest man in the country." "Mano
is it?" said Pat. "Why, shure an' he's
the foinest, aisyest-goin' master iver I
had, bedad. He gives a man fifteen
hours to do a day's work in."
Epilepsy of Nine Years.
"I thank the giver of all good gifts,"
writes J. N. Marshall, of Granby, New
ton Co., Mo., "for giving me Samaritan
Nervine. It cured my daughter'*
epileptic fits, of nine years standing."
Get at druggists. $1.50.
The Italians *vish to take life as a
huge joke if they can. Here is a sup
plication which indicates the national
temperament:—"l pray that I may
never IKJ married. But if I marry I
pray that 1 may not be deceived; but
if I am deceived, I pray that I may
not know of it; but if I know it, I pray
that I may be able to laugh at the
whole affair."
Happy Once More.
ST. Lot: IS, Mo.—A Chronicle re
porter was told by Mr. Alfred J. I'apio,
of this city, that bis nephew had the
most obstiuate case of inflammatory
rheumatism which baffled all kinds of
treatment until St. Jacobs Oil, the
groat pain conqueror was used. It
cured the young mau, and he recom
mends it as the greatest cure for pains
in tho world.
NO. 32