Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 20, 1883, Image 2

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Entered al the Postoffi<e ct Butler as
second-clot** matter.
Republican County Ticket.
For DiHtrict Attorney,
SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler.
For County Surveyor,
B. F. HILLIARD, of Washington twp
THIS is the last month that matches
will be taxed, or stamps have to be
put upon bank checks.
THE Ilarmony Fair will be the first
to come off in this county this year,
taking place September 11, 12 and 13.
THE Legislature re-assembled yester
day. Apportionment bills will be all
that can come before it, and they
should speedily be passed.
MESSRS. GREEK of the Senate and
Ziegler of the Houw were at home
here during the recent recess of the
Legislature. They are both looking
well and seem to be living well.
THE Jury Commissioner law has
been repealed, aDd no more will be
elected after the expiration of the term
of those now in office. Juries hereafter
will be selected by the Sheriff and the
Board of County Commissioners.
Mr. Eckart Kalb, one of the road
supervisors of Butler township, has
bad the officers of the P. k W. Rail,
road Co., arrested for failure to replace
or repair a township road, taken or
used by them in the construction of the
said railroad.
THE Fayette county Republicans
last week resolved not to place in nom
ination a Republican candidate for
Judge, in order that they might be
able to join with all good citizens in
defeating the election of Searight, the
Democratic nominee and friend of
REPORTS by persons coming to Court
this week, say that the recent storms
have done serious injury in some parts
of the county. In Moddycreek town
ship fences were blown down, orchard
trees leveled to the ground and much
other damage done Similar damage
was done in some other townships.
ABOUT the principal question dis
cussed, in connection with the coming
Republican State Convention, is the
one as to who to make Chairman of
the State Committee. As all sides are
disposed to give Tom Cooper, the
present one, a rest, we suggest his
successor be taken from the western
part of the State. The eastern part
has held it for several years past.
AN account of the ending of the
Star Route trials will bo seen in an
other place of this paper. All the de
fendants were acquitted, although the
most stupendous stealing and robbery
in the Post Office Department ever
known to the Government was proven.
The trials have lasted over a year, and
more than a million dollars expended
by the Government in the trials. It
is difficult to believe that President
Arthur and his Attorney General,
Brewster, were really sincere or hon
estly endeavored to have the defendants
We have been informed that the pre
liminary survey has been completed
preparatory to the location of a rail
road, the northern terminus of which
\n to bo at Rochester, N. Y., and the
southeran terminus at Pittsburgh, Pa.
The ltoute as surveyed passes through
Punxsutawney and Dayton, Armstrong
county, crossing the Allegheny river
five miles north of Kittanning and troes
to Craigsville and enters Butler county
in Clearfield township, and will connect
with the P. Si \V. It. R. somewhere in
Summit township. The road is to he
of the standard gauge, ar.rl if built will
open up the rich coal, limestone and
mineral deposits of a large portion of
Armstrong and Butler counties.
ANOTIIEU train was thrown from
the track of the little road, as it is call,
ed, on Sunday evening last, near Car
bon Center. AB in other cases,it was
caused by running over a cow. The
COWB appear to be unfortunate on the
Narrow Gauge, more, it is said, having
been killed on it within a few years
past than on the West Penn ever since
its construction. There is something
wrong some place with this road in
this matter. Wo referred recently to
the law requiring guards or gates at
crossings. But the remedy needed is
a law requiring all railroads to fence
their tracks. This the late Legislature
failed to give this county.
Butler Post Oilice.
No appointment has as yet been
made for Postmaster at this place.
We had expected to have no occasion
to refer to this subject just now. But
seeing a communication from Congress
man Miller in the Mercer pa|>ers and
copied here, we have only to add now
to what has already been brought to
his notice, that every point stated
therein is in dispute, and that the only
fair and just way to ascertain where
tin- majority of the Republicans of this
town are on the question, or the major
ity of those getting their mails at this
office, would be by a popular expression
or vote. This request has been made
in various forms and at different times.
The friends of Mrs. Black ask nothing
more and will abide cheerfully by the
result. But they will be satisfied
with nothing less. It is, therefore, as
useless as it is unfair to assume as
true an alleged state of affairs that do
net, t i it, the existance of which
can only be determined by a submis
sion to an election. Why the matter
hangs in the shape it does wo confess
we do not understand.
TnE New Bedford, Mass., school
committee bare voted that sewing
should be taught in the schools, and
elected Sarah McAfee as teacher of
sewing, fixing her salary at SSOO. The
girls in four grades are to sew one hour
in each week under the teacher's in
struction, the boya meantime having
general exercises in arithmetic and
practical business problems The com
mittee was not unanimous in this de
parture, one man objecting that it was
not worth while for girls to learn to
sew, 9ince women in Boston could earn
only 10 cents a day on shirts and 12
on pantaloons. It was also objected
that the women in that city unable to
read or write far outnumbered those
unable to sew.
THE Republican journals very gener
ally sustain Governor Pattison in keep
ing the Legislature in session until the
members do the work the people ex
pect them to do, and that they should
have done. We have noticed but few
papers that dissent. An artie'e in this
paper copied from the leading Repub
lican paper of Armstrong county,
about expresses the opinion of the Re
publicans of the State. It is clearly
the duty of the Legislature to make
the different apportionments of the
State. It is a constitutional command
that they do so now. This is what
they failed to do and what they were
retained by the Governor to do. He
was bound to do as he did. All hon
est men approve while a few driveling
editors, who are not their own owners,
peek to give the matter a party bias.
There can be no harm done to the Re
publican party by complying with the
law. The Senate is Republican, and
without its consent no apportionment
bills can be passed. It is the right
and the duty of the Senate to see that
no unfair bills are passed. At the
same time it is the duty of both Sen
ate and House to make all effort and
all concession possible, each to the
other, in order that the command of
the Constitution be obeyed.
Should He SufTer.
Various are and will be the opinions
as to the act of young Nutt in personal
ly avenging the killing of his father.
There is no mistaking the public senti
ment. It says, "be did right," and
"Dukes got what he deserved. ' 1 his
feeling is one common to our nature.
A son who resents a wrong to a parent
is justly regarded as noble. He obeys
nature's law. Had young Nutt in De
cember last, being moved by an uncon
trollable rage, then taken the vengeance
on the slayer of his father that he has
now, in the following June taken, we
presume that even the law would not
have held him guilty. It would haye
been done in the heat of over-powering
passion, at the time, aod before any
other knowledge had came to him save
the fact that his father had beenshotand
killed by Dukes. Rut since then there
has been a trial and an acquittal of
Dukes. This acquittal was wrong, as
the general public believe, but never
theless it was done under the forms of
the law. Therefore it is that this
case, happening here in Pennsylvania,
presents one in which great care should
be taken that the seed of no dangerous
doctrine be sown. The law is over all
and all are equally interested in up
holding it always. Once taken in our
hands and we arc all at sea, without
chart or compass. Two wrongs do not
make a right—and never will—as
what may yet follow in this case may
Dukes was a vile wretch, and defied
all shame and public sentiment by re.
maining in a community in which he
had so wronged a whole family and
cruelly taken the life ol Its bead. If
from this fact, and from others that
may lie shown to have been done by
him since his acquittal, in the town arid
daily before the face of the family he
ruined, it is possible that the law will
say such acts were provocation arid had
thfj effect of keeping burning in the
breast of young Nutt the wrong done
his father, and fired the thought for
vengeance thai firialiv impelled him on
to shoot the man who had shot his
father, ruined his sister and made deso
late the life of his mother.
We have some times been disponed
to question the policy of the pardoning
power, lodged in the hands of the
Governor of the State, and we believe
of every State in the country. Hut
this case of young N utt may prove
that power to be of great wisdom.
While if, under the law he may be
tried and convicted, yet there is no
question but nine out of ten of all the
people of the State, old and young,
men and women, would sign petitions
to the Governor and Pardoning Board,
recommending a pardon. We have no
idea that he will—or should—suffer
for what may have to be adjudged the
broken law; and heflce the pardoning
power may be the one that may have
to be appealed to in order that right
and justice be done in this case. It is
an unfortunate one for the community
at large. What has happened in Fay
ette county may happen any other
place. Ami it all came by taking the
law into their own hands, firHt by the
one and then by the other The prac
tice of pistol carrying has had much to
do with these murders, and the sooner
that practice is driven out by the law
the safer and the better it will be for
Nine Ounce Hail Stones.
OAKKAI.K, Allegheny Co., Pa., June
18—One of the most destructive hail
and rain storms fell here about <!
o'clock this evening, lasting about half
an hour, that has ever been known in
this section of country. Hail stones
the size of an egg and weighing from
four to nine ounces fell, breaking
windows in many houses in town and
damaging fruit and grain to no small
Rather Amusing.
We understand that on the day the
Legislature took its present recess, Mr-
Greer, the Senator representing this
county, again introduced a bill relative
to the Judicial districts that is similar
to the one he introduced two years ago
and which was vetoed by the then
Governor Hoyt. This bill, like the
former one, after providing that Butler
county shall be a separate Judicial dis
trict, which our population now en
titles us to be, also makes Lawrence
county a separate district, which has
uot the required population. But as
to that point, or any such,it is no con
cern to this county, further than the fact
that itisclearlv against the Constitution
and if so done with Lawrence, or any
other such county, the Governor
will be compelled to veto it, as his
predecessor did. But the bill of Mr.
Greer, we learn, goes on to assign and
say which one of our two present
judges shall hold the courts of Law
rence during the remainder of the time
we will be connected with that county
judicially. That is, that for about a
year and a half, or until January 1,
1885, the bill assigns the President
Judge of the present district, Judge Mc-
Junkin to duty in Lawrence county,
and provides that our present Assist
ant Law Judge, Judge Breuin, shall be
the President Judge in this county
during that time. There would then
be two President Judges in the dis
trict as it now is during the balance of
their present terms viz: to Jan. 1,1885.
This is so clearly in violation of the
Constitution, and of common sense, as
to prevent its passage in a body in
which there are any lawyers. But it
again displays the petty little spite of
SeDator Greer in the matter. We had
hoped he had learned something by
this time. Being the Senator from this
county it may be that aome may sup
pose he reflects its sentiments in this
matter, but such is very far from tLe
fact. From what we heard two years
ago, and hear now, we have no hesita
tion in declaring that nine out of every
ten citizens of the county condemn this
design of Mr. Greer. No such bill can
pass, or ought to pass, and the object
Mr. Greer has in view, to legislate
Judge McJunkin out of our county for
a year or 80, may as well be abandon
ed now as again. The whole thing is
rather amusing. A weakness indeed.
The Judges themselves can regulate
as to Courts of Lawrence hereafter,
the same as they have done heretofore.
THE Beaver (Pa.) Arywi and Radi
cal, a paper heretofore regarded as a
"Stalwart of the Stalwarts," in its last
issue says, on the subject of the Gov
ernor's call convening the Legislature,
as follows :
The first extra session of the Legis
lature, under the present constitution,
has been called. The Governor has
summoned it to meet for the purposo
of passing Legislative, Judicial and
Congressional Apportionment bills.
The Constitution provides that after
each decennial census the State shall
be re-apportioned into Congressional,
Legislative and Judicial districts.
The present Legislature failed to pass
these measures, and hence the Gov
ernor's call. The State should be ap
portioned and the Legislature is blame
worthy for not performing its duty in
this respect.
Lilllc Ones Trampled to Death
at Sunderland, England.
LONDON, June 16.—A terrible calam
ity, involving the death of 17X chil
dren, occurred in the town of Sunder
land, in the county of Durham, this
evening. From the details received it
appears that an entertainment had been
given in Victoria Hall by a conjuror,
which was attended almost altogether
by children, several thousand being
present. The accident occurred at the
clows of the performance.
The body of the hall had been en
tirely cleared of Us occupants, when
some 1200 of the little ones came rush
ing down stairs from the gallery. At
the top of the first flight of stairs there
was a door which opened only twenty
inches, and thus but one child was per
mitted to pass through at a time. At
this point, while the mass of children
were pushing forward, several of them
fell and were unable to rise, owing to
the others crowding on. The result
was that a great number were pushed
down, trampled on and suffocated.
The scene was terrible, arid no effort
could stop the mad rush of the affright
ed children. They came on pell-mell,
though, strangely, without much
shouting, arid soon I7H of them were
knocked down und killed by others
trampling upon them. The bodies,
which were badly mangled from the
trampling, lay i-oveu or eight deep.
Many of the victims and others who
were not killed had their clothing torn
off, and this, together with the bleed
ing bodies of the unfortunates, shows
the terrible nature of the struggle.
The ages of the 178 children known to
have been killed ranged from four to
fourteen years.
The excitement in the town when
the news of the disaster spread was
terrific. Great crowds of people rushed
to the scene, until at least 2",000 per
surrouuded the hall. The feeling was
so intense that the authorities ordered
out the 08th Infantry to preserve
order. The work of getting out the
bodies of the victims was begun imme
hiately. They were laid out in the
hall, and the parents of those killed
were admitted for the purpose of iden
tifying the bodies of their children.
Mont heart-rending nccnen transpir
ed while tlx: work ol identification wan
in progrcHH. Tins mot hern of tbo (load
children conutantly uttered piercing
nliriekH, and many of thorn fainted on
diHcovering the bodicu of thoir little
The Kntcrtainmont in tl.o Court
June l'Jth, by and for the benefit of
tin) Women*' Cbrimian Temperance
Union. Let there •«; a full hoiiwi,
Don't INIHH a noon rKE.tr.
A Son of the Latter the Avenger,
UNIONTOWN, PA, June 13. —The
slayer of Captayi Xutt is himself slain,
and now lies lifelessinthe same room in
the hotel in which the tragedy of Decem
der 24th was enacted. The slayer this
time is James Xutt, Captain Xutt's
eldest son, who now is in jail. The
news of the second awful tragedy came
upon the community like a thunder
clap. It was the work of but an in
Just as dusk was drawing on this
evening and many people were pass
ing along the streets, the sound of five
pistol shots rang out upon the air in
the direction of the post-office. In a
moment every one was running to the
scene, and the word quickly flashed
from mouth to mouth and ear to ear
that Dukes was dead.
The excited crowd gathered around
the post-office, and there on the floor
lay the inanimate body of the man
whose deeds had cast a shadow over
the whole of Fayette county. The
work was done so quickly, and so par
alyzing was its effect upon those who
witnessed it, that it was difficult for a
time obtain the correct story. Officers
Frank Pegg, George B. Hutchinson,
Alf Collins, and others, who saw the
occurrence, describe it as follow :
was standing against a
post inside of a room that joins the
postroffice and fronts on Main street.
The room Jwas, until lately, occupied
by a drug store, and the front was all
taken out, it being now fitted up as the
business office for the First National
Bank. While in this position Dukes
came down the street from the direc
tion of the Jennings' Hotel, walking
briskly, with a cane under bis arm.
Just as he turned the corner toward the
post-office door, young Xutt stepped
down to the outside, and, as the hand
of the clock pointed five minutes past
eight, he pulled a revolver and fired
two shots in rapid succession.
Dukes looked around, and started to
run into the post-office door, whereupon
Xutt fired again, and followed in close
pursuit. Just as Dukes got inside tho
post-office his assailant raised his arm
again, and two more shots sounded on
the ears of the bystanders. As they
entered, the body of Dukes fell heavily
to the floor upon bis face.
In an iDstant E. A. Lingo rushed in
to the office and stooped down to pick
him np. Dukes tried to say some
thing, but could only gasp and in a
moment he wan dead.
By this time Officer Pegg reached
young Xutt and laid his hand upon his
arm. The latter struggled fiercely to
free himself, but when he discovered it
was an officer he quietly yielded and
was taken to jail.
UNIONTOWN, PA., June 13. —0n an
examination of Dukes' body it was
found that three of the balls entered the
back near the side, under the left arm,
and penetrated toward the heart, lodg
ing in the breast very near the skin,
where they were cut out. They all
three entered within two or three
inches of each other. A fourth ball
slightly grazed Dukes' leg, near the
foot, while the fifth missed its aim,
crashed through one of the post-office
lock-boxes and whistled past the ears
ol Clerk George Minor, who was in
the inside aparlment.
On the body was found the old pis
tol of Dukes, tho one with which he
killed Captain Xutt, anil hanging to
his suspender button in front was a dirk
knife The pistol used by young Nutt
was a 42-calibre Smith k Wesson.
He had in his pocket anothor smaller
pistol, which he refused to surrender to
Ofliccr Pegg, but gave to Officer Mar
The movements of tho two men just
previous to the tragedy were noted by
several persons. It appears that Dukes
started down to the post-office, as was
his custom in the evening, for his mail.
The distance is only a square. A
short time after the trains came in Nutt
was seen starting up from Broadway
toward the post-oflice, which is uhout
half way between that street and the
Jennings Hotel. He spoke to friends
as he passed along and nothing un
usual was noticed in his manner
Meanwhile Dukes was seen standing
in front of the Jennings Hotel chatting
with some of his friends. Then, when
the mail was being distributed, Xutt
had reached the well known round cor
ner building in which the post-office is
located. He stepped up on the inside
and was standing there when Dukes
came walking along. None of those
who witnessed the shooting are able to
say whether Pukes saw Nutt before be
fired or not. There is also a difference
of opinion us to whether I Mikes ever
looked back after the shots began,
some saying that he started to run at
once and never turned around.
Postmistress Johns and others were
in the office and several parties were
standing about on the outside, so that
it is almost marvelous that no one else
was hurt.
Dukes had been frequently warned
of hiH danger in remaining in IJnion
town, and he lately HiiiiJ he would
either stay there or in the cemetery.
It iH Huid that lie expressed fear of (Jap
tain Null's son. To-dny young Null
wan Keen practicing 4 with a revolver at
hiH home.
James Nutt is tho second of (Jap
tain Nutt's children, being next in ago
to Miss lii/./.ie, and will be twenty-one
years old in August next. He is a
quiet young man, seldom having any.
thing to Hay except when spoken to,
and not much then. He is of a pecu
liar turn of mind, not bein< very socia
ble, but decidedly retired When his
father was killed not a f w predicted
that James would avenge the death.
Mrs. Nutt was also apprehensive
that her son would thus lake the mat.
ter into his own hands and had tried
hurd and often to induce him to prom
ise her Ihut he would not do so. She
could never get him to give assurance,
however, aH he persistently refused
her appeals. A few dayH ago he went
home in a very irritable mood and naid
to his mother: "Mother, I can't stand
this. | rpct Dukes on the Htreet to
day, and he laggheij ji) rny face."
She feared from this lime on that
the worst would come. It is not
known when nor where James pur
chased the revolver, nor is it thought
that any one had any intimation that
he had formed the purpose of executing
the deed. He performed it with cool
ness and deliberation, and remarked af
terwards that it bad to be done. Af
ter he was in the hands of the officer,
he asked anxiously whether he hurt
any one else. He repeated this inquiry
to those whe visited him after he was
lodged in jail, and when assured that
his bullets had harmed only Dukes, he
seemed satisfied.
When it was known throughout the
town that Dukes had been shot the
wildest excitement prevailed. The
square about the post-office soon be
came thronged, everybody being anx
ious to see the body. All had their
convictions, as if formed in advance in
dreaded anticipation that some such a
terrible ending of this tragedy might
occur. Hence many expressions irre
sistibly escaped the lips of those whose
feelings were wrought up to a high
pitch of excitement.
When the crowd was surging back
and forth in the post-office, and the dy
ing man was gasping for breath, somo
one over the body exclaimed :
"Stand back ami give him air."
"What do you want with air?"
shouted one of the crowd.
Some justified the deed aloud, many
excused, others remarked that if such
violence was ever justifiable it was in
this case, while others denounced it as
a disgrace and an outrageous exhibition
of mob law.
When the body was removed to the
hotel a number of persons gathered in
front of the building, only a few of
them were admitted to the room to view
the remains. The crowds gradually
dispersed until at 10 o'clock groups
composed of only two or three persons
could be seen standing about discussiDg
the tragedy. Xo demonstration of vio
lence or disturbance occurred, and at
midnight everything was as quiet as
Telegrams came pouring in all the
evening from every part of the State
and country. Most of these were of
the spirit contained in the following :
BRADFORD, PA , June 13.
Draw on Mullin Co., for SIOO to
ward defending young Xutt.
Mrs. Xutt and Miss Lizzie were vis
ited at their home soon after the kill
ing. On hearing it they were greatly
affected and at once retired to the most
complete privacy. Mrs. Xutt, as pre
viously stated, had feared, from the
mysterious manner of her son, that
such might be the outcome, and now
that it had occurred her great anxiety
was for him.
It was not known that he was es
pecially shadowing Dukes or that he
had ever watched for an opportunity
to kill him, but she has suspected that
since the trial and acijuittal, as James
was so reticent on the subject and re
fused to give her any satisfaction, be
had made up his mind to avenge his
father's death.
Her grief is evidently great under
this new trouble, but she bears it with
The Dukes debarment case was to bo
argued in Chambers on Friday,
the 1/ith inst.
I'lTTsni'HOH, June 13. When the
news reached this city all classes and
conditions of men joined in general con
gratulations. There were regrets that
the law was being trampled under foot,
there were suggestions that there was
a better time for the deed at the mo
ment Dukes was acquitted, there were
expressions of sorrow that trouble had
corne again into this already troubled
fuiuily, but there was not a single
word of regret that violence had begot
violence, and the murderer had fallen
bv the hand of one who stood next to
his victim.
"It's glorious," said an old gray
haired merchant. "1 love law, but
there seems to be no law in Fayette
county, but that of violence, aud I am
glad that the man who inaugurated it
has fallen by it."
"Ah," said anothor, "if fathers have
daughters to protect they have sons to
assist them. It was time that some
body checked them." "Why just look
at it. Xutt murdered, Dukes acquit
ted and Searight nominated," said a
third. "He got what he deserved;
good boy, just what might have been
expected. He undertook to bluff all
mankind and las been called down by
a boy. One scoundrel less and he
won't write any more letters," are fair
samples of what was said on reading
the news.
110 wan walking up a utreet tho
morning of I>uko'H death with AI.
Miner, the court reporter of Fayette
county. Dukea, seeing them coming,
walked out, and in a very offeiiHive
way called out to Miner:
"Have you x°t all the toatimony
written out in the ca«o agairiut mo?"
He thuH recalled to young Nutt tho
cane to dinbar hi in from practicing law.
Nutt Htood with IIIH head bowed while
Dukes thuH iuHolently called up a
feature of tho legal proceedings that
bore directly upon' the murder of hiH
father and the attempted degradation
of lIH HiHter. This wan the final iiiHult,
and the one which cost Dukes hiH life.
Tho youth Heemed in deep thought all
the way home an ho and Miner walked
along. It wan after UICHO repeated in-
HiiltH, together with a growing belief
that I>ukcH would still he permitted to
disgrace tho profession to which he bo
longed, and, also, to iiiHiilt tho general
Hentiinont of the community l>y IHH
prone nee, that the fatal resolve took
poHHCHHion of him.
Thoae important facts, demonstrating
that the hoy acted upon the impulse of
an overproHorit provocation, indicate!
clearly that tbe line of defence can with
safety he bold and broad. Although
bin attorneyH have not yet determined
upon a line of defence, it iH expected
that they will rent upon the plea of
provocation, and not insanity. It can
be shown that young Nutt in not an
bright aw the other memberHof Captain
Nutt'H family, though ho is hy no
means slow-witted. The defense have
several caws an precedents for urging
simply tho plea of provocation, none of
which prcHont an Htrong points an thiH.
Locusts In Grout Swarms.
JOHNSTOWN, June I'J.—The hevon
teen-year locuat has made its appear
ance in vaHt numljcra it this Hection of
the Htate, filling the air with a noise
like tho cracking of burning atubleH.
Their food consists of leaven and the
green stalks of planta. Crops are be
ing badly damaged
Star Route Defendants Rejoicing
in a Verdict of Acquittal.
WASHINGTON, June 14. —Twelve
jurymen decided this morning that the
Government had not legally established
a case of conspiracy against the Star
route defendants. This verdict of ab
solute acquittal coming so unex
pectedly has created a very marked
sensation. The announcement in the
court room of the verdict was followed
by an uproarious scene of applause,
tears, hysterics, and cheers. Every
one expected the jury to disagree.
Judge Wy lie himself, a week or ten
days ago, called up the counsel for the
prosecution and said to them, "I do
not thiDk you are going to get a verdict
out of that jury. I have watched it
carefully, and I am certain that four of
the best men on it are in doubt " Last
night an employee of the Department
of Justice reported that the jury stood
eleven to one for acquittal. This camo
from one of the bailiffs, who claimed to
have overheard a vote.
At any rate the prosecution had in
tended, if a disagreement were report
ed, to ask to have the jury dismissed,
on the ground of the condition of Juror
Vernon. Had this been attempted, Dr.
Sowers, who attended Vernon yester
day, would have testified that Vernon
was all right mentally, after ho had
braced him up with two drinks of
brandy. Dr. Sowers said this morning
that Vernon had more than one reason
for being so terribly sick. He had
swallowed by mistake a quid of
tobacco, and being shut up iu a close
room without stimulants he very soon
went to pieces. Dr. Sowers first clear
ed out his stomach, and then braced
him up with brandy. When the jury
came into the court room this morning
Vernon looked as well as any of them.
Judge Wylic spoke to Vernon as the
jury filed past him. "How are you
feeling this morning, Mr. Vernon?"
said he. "First rate,'' was his reply.
The court room was crowded when
the jurors took their places. Every one
of the defendants was there. Porsey
sat by the side of his wife, Hushed and
expectant. Upon the left of Mrs.
Dorscy was her sister, Mrs. Peck.
Brady was just back of his special
counsel, Judge Wilson, looking as hard
and grim as ever. All ol the counsel
for the Star route defendants were in
their seats. Col. Ingersoll's face show
ed great self-control, although be was
evidently laboring under strong nervous
When the jurors took their places in
the court room, at precisely 10 o'clock,
Judge Wylie looked at them and said,
in his slow, hesitating way : "Gentle
men, I have sent for you to learu—
ahem—to learn if you have agreed—
ahem—upon a verdict." Mr. Crane,
the foreman, said, "We have agreed."
Judge Wylie gave a start of surprise
and looked toward the seats for the
the counsel for the Government. Xot
one of them was present. This looked
very ominous lor the Government's
case, and indicated besides that the
bailiffs must have betrayed the secrets
of the jury room to the prosecution, as
neither Bliss nor Merrick came to the
court room at all. Mr. Kcr, one of the
counsel for thejjprosecution, came in
and stood in the door as the
said to the Clerk, "Receive this
verdict." There was the usual silence
as every otic turned toward the fore
man Mr. Crane said very deliberate
ly. "We find the defendants not
Then there followed a scene of great
confusion and uproar, which the Judge
could not restrain. Indeed, ho did not
try. The figure of a woman in gray
silk was seen jumping up and down
with hands extended toward the ceiling,
sobbing, shouting and crying: J"Glory
to God !" "Glory to God!" It was
Mrs. Dorscy, who had a violent fit of
hysterics. Dorsey, with tears running
down his cheeks from under his green
ifoggles, had all he could do to restrain
his wile and make her regain her self
control. Col. Ingersoll's face was a
study. The stern lines of an intense
anxiety relaxed, his lips and chin
trembled and tears filled his eyes. II is
family were on their feet perfectly wild.
The utoical Judge Wilson became as
nervous as a child. lie walked around
with a lighted cigar in his hand, and
burned his moustache half ofl' trying to
put the wrong end in his mouth. The
nervousness of the defendants and their
friends was communicated quickly to
the fickle crowd of spectators, who
cheered and yelled at the victory of the
defence, while every man of them
would probably have been as ready to
cheer and yell if the Government had
been successful. Brady was the only
one in the whole crowd who retained
the same ironclad composure which he
has shown all through the trial. His
countenance never changed. He sat
silent for a few moments, and mechani
cally shook hands with those who ap
proached him. Then he got up and
walked quietly over to the jury. He
was tho first man to approach the jury.
Beginning with the foreman, he shook,
hands solemnly with each member, and
then he asked a friend to present him to
Judge Wylie. He said that he had
never had the pleasure ol meeting the
.1 udgo
•luilge Wylie looked at him in a
queer way as he shook hands. I'he
Judge said to him : "Gen. Brady, you
had experience in that office of
your's in the Post (Mice Department,
and you must certainly have known if
anything wrong was going on." Brady
bowed, and said nothing.
The jury, iiß Boon an the confusion
liinl moderated, WIIH polled, Judge
Wy lie thru announced timt there wore
no mora duties for tho jury to perforin.
" Vou hud u laborious tusk to perform
in thin case," he Huid. "Vou have
I icon more thuri six months engaged in
tho trial. Many of you have occupa
tions ol your own that you have been
obliged to neglect and although your
verdict will of course create «linHiitiM
fiiOtion with many, yet the Court in
hound to premium that having hcen
selected according to law and Hworn to
perform that duty faithfully, you have
done HO. If you have done HO. each
one according to the dictates of his ovrn
conscience, it will be a Malefaction to
you a» long aw you live. Vou are din
charged with the thanks ol tho Court."
SonatorSill Makes an Assignment
Kuitt, PA., June \ l £.—Senator Sill,
the largest stockholder in the I nion
City Hank, recently collapsed, made
an assign went to day for the benefit of
his creditors, lie appoints Judge
Marvin and Myron K. Dunlap his as
signees. His property mainly con
sistH of real estate, variously estimated.
His liabilities are about two hundred
thousand dollars.
Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Etc,
At lowest pries o!' Mack ami Cohred Si ks.
New shades 111 C -liners. A Hnc and large as
sortment of Nt'.ns' Veiling, Buntings and thin
Summer Dress Goods.
Largest assort incut, lowest prices. Infants'
While Dress Cloak*. White Dresses lor cliil
dren 1. "J, and 3 years old.
Large Stock of Laees in White and Black Ruchings, Embroideries, Insert
ings, Irish Trimmings, Collars for Children and Ladies, Cuffa, Sash Ribbons,
Fishues, Lace Tics, Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Cotton. Black Crape
and Crape Veils.
Fancy Hosiery ,'or children in grcit variety.
Fancy Mo-ieiy for ladies, all qualities and
prices. Men and hoys' Socks. Stock the
largest; prices the lowest.
Summer Underwear
For children, ladies and men. Umbrellas and Parasols in fancy Satin, Silk
Alapacas, Ginghams, Serge, fi.c.
Large and fine selected stock, all absolutely new styles. Brussels, Ingrains
Cottage Hemp, Kag, Mattings, Rugs, &c.
Please call and examine stock and prices.
ONE puicK Tll ° tirne HAS come and we are ready to ONE I>UICE
show the people of this county the Largest,
ONE PUICK Cheapest and best stock of ONE PBICK
ONE PRICE MODS', Youths', Boys' &' Cliildrens' Clothing, ONK
Marked in Plain Figures at One Extremely Low Price.
„»EP»„K * >lle l nt ( '- ONE PRICE
Popular Character all the World over, will Play the Leading Part at
„, K P„,CK j N p ATTER sON'S,
i-oa |
As it is for all tho painful diseases of tho x 3
a It cleanser the system of tho acrid poison
09 thAt causes tho dreadful suffering which q
© only tho victims of Rhcumaticra can realise. >
* of tue worst forms of this terrible disease •
r havo bcrn quickly relieved, and In short time >*
o PKICK, sl. 1.11(1 111 lilt llltv. WILD IIV lIIU UIJSTK. v
< <1- Ilry riui Imi mnt by innll. J
WEI.LB. RICUAHDSON & Co., llurllnctonVt.l
I>ll R <1 Wr.HT'S Km« AND HItAW TntATMKNT. a
tfuaranteod spocifle for Hysteria. Dlzsines*. ConvuhlonH,
Fit*, Nervous KeuruUrta. Hsodsehe, Nervous Prontro
tion euiiHfii hr tho use of alftihol or tohse«*o, Wnki f',!-
YioSM. Mcnt/il l>i'prennlf>n, Roftenlnff of the Ilrnln remilt
|ntr In liißttfilty ami Irridlnir to mlnery, deesy snildenth,
Afto, llarrcnness, Loss of I\>wer liiritlu r
ie*. Involnntary I,<>Nsea and e«n»e«l liy
orrr exertion of ths brain, wlf abJifM'ororer Indulflrenew.
Oin'li"* will eurn iise«*nt ess«*s. KseU |k>X ennlalni «no
niotitli's tr. ntinrntk C>n«* dollsr a or nix Itoxesflvo
dollars: sent by mall prepsldon receipt or |>rl«-e. AVeirttsr.
snt«'<' wlx IMI«N to cure any CAM*, with e«ch oiVi-r RO
cvlved for six box mi, socompnnkHl with five doHnm, wo
will send th« purchaser our written icuar-aiitiM« to n-futul
money ir treatment iIIHH not effeet a eurr. iiunranti in
IMUXI only by Jos. Firming, Drutftfist, Hl Market tit*
Uttsburgk, Ps. Urtlvri by mail si prlcvs.
lly tlio oenirnj position of (is ime, ojnuecls tho
Sost ami the weal Ly tho s»iof»eal route, and car
ries panUenggrs, without chanfti of cuis, lu 'wi un
Chicago ana JCsusss City, Counoil mull*. Leaven
worth, Atubtson, Mium ayolls and lit. ruu). It
cnnuruln In llolon Pep.-is with MU tbn prtuclpnl
I turn ol road b« twee»» tb« Atlautle and the Paolflo
0 'l'ium. lt« eqtiipm«iit Is nurlvab*<l ami masMin
cont, INIIIIC eomposed of Mont C 'iniOfUblo and
ll'-aiitiful Pay CosolM-A, IV! MM >• Iflonnt Jlorlon lie
elitalllK Chair Csra, I'ulli lan'n Frettlcat r«laos
MluopiniC Cars, and Ihe Jlcat 1 nn of Pining Cars
In ihe World. 'l'hree Traius between CliitJago and
Miasourt Hiver I'olnia. Two Trains bsl went Chi
sago and Minneapolisaud Mt. I'auJ, vl,*> U;o Kaiiuma
A Nnw and Direct l.ine, via Ssneea and Kinka
kpr, hai recniitly li'nn oiiottnd between Hn'hnioiid,
Mortal <. ' • ••• j 1 1 •' • ws. Cl IIIH ooga, Allan Is All -
ttuatf*. Nashville. Louisville, Lexington.Cincinnati,
1 itdlaoapoliM nml Lafayette, and Omaha. Miuuoap
olls and jo Paul *• 1< 1 intei vn< :i ill 1 oints.
All Through Fassougcrs Travel on Fast Exprtws
I'lokots for «al« at ".II prln«lpal Ticket Ufltoeslis
»i. 1111. •< 11 Htatea and (' alid a
linUtfiU' l ellooked tllrooffh and of fare ah
ways ai lor/ at competitors that o/1< 1 bum ntlvau
l .»• 1
rur ilcf ailed Inforim.l lon, get the AI apa and Fold*
era of Ihe
At your iimirmi Tiuk»i Olll"". or addrena
Viae I'rvs. 4 U> n I II « r. <«• n i Tkt. h Fs#«.
<• riMlnul I > Sii|i|>lnnl<'«l by 11
holler Article < rrlnln OI«l
Tlilll |(M are llone A«II>.
In the general recentlon rooin of theJWesliTii
Union Ti'ieirriHih Imildinjj mi llrondway, New
N'ork, nre nhihitiiiK crude mid
rltiiimy inntriinient* ol the inlanrv ol the tele-
Kraph. Tliejr tly relie now. More per
ti-rl inaehini Vy hai mpi rm deil tlirin.
Year* iitfo what i- now Myltd the old CiiHhion
ml piirnin planter did *onm «oo I Kcrvier. There
Han then iiiithliiK la-tler ol llir kind. Now all
I. Heleuri- and Mmly have jjune
di'i prr ilitn the H i n t* of meilirine and pro
PLASTKK, whieli I'lnhmlieM nil the excellen
cii-M 1 h 111 tar piixNlble in an ealernnl remedy.
The old |ila*tcr* Were *loW the Clipi'ine it
rapid; thi'y were uiii'urtain the Capcine in
Miri-. < heupi-r arlieh t t ear xiinilnr nmnc*.
He earefnl, then-fore, that mime Ihritty driiK'
Ki-l doc* not deceive you. in the center of the
Ki-nulne is cut (lie Word CA I'Cl NlO. Price »•>
Mi-ahiiry and JOIIUMOU, Cheiiilnl*, New Nork.
|^f"*Ailvnrkino in tlio OIIIXIM
in Bleached and Unbleached, Turkey Reds,
German and fancy; Towels and Toweling, Nap
kins, White (jiiiltii in great variety; Lice Bed
Sets, Lace Lambrequins, Lacc Curtains.
Be*t makes of Ginghams, Muslins, Zephyt
Cloth, Seresnekcr, Lawns, Shirtings, Tickings,
Sheetings, Caseiincrs, Jeans, Tweeds, ifcc.
Kid Gloves In all qualities and prices; 81!k
Gloves, Berlin Gloves, Lisle Thread Gloves,
You will lind my Gloves stccK complete,
Mitt, black and colored,
IA Great Cause of Human Misery
§u -o
A Lecturo on tlio Nature, Treatment and Radi
cal cure of Seminal WcaknoMH, or Kix-rma
torrhnea, induced hy Self-Abuae, Involuntary
FmittHiona, Impotency, NervoiiH Debility, and
Impediment* to Marriage generally; Oonsnmp
tion. Kpilepay and Fit*: M< m'al and Phy*ie*l In
capacity, Ao—Hy UOBEHT J. OUI.VRUWELL,
M. D., author of the ''Oreon Book," A.
The world-renowned author, in thi* admirable
Lecture, clearly provoa from hi* own experience
that the aivfui oouHeijuencoH of Helf-Abu*e may
h« effectually removed without dangerou* eurgl
cal operat ion*, bougie*, iimtru
mentH, ring* or coruial*; pointing
out a mode of cure al once certain
and effectual, by means of which evory
miffercr, no matter what his condition may be,
may cure liinmelf cheaply, privatoly and radi
T/u's Lfclnre irill prove a Boon to Tfiousan<i»
1111(1 IVlilllllllHll*.
Kent under noal In a plain envelope to any ad
dtree*, on receint of nix cent a or two
poatagn etamp<i. Addrc**,
41 ANN ST., NKW I'oHK, N. Y. ; P 0. Box, 4GO.
ocl 11-ly.
Star Beer Bottling Company.
J, C. BUFFUM & CO.,Proprietors,
39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA
Solo Ilottlore of JOM. Sehiltz Browing Co'X, MIL
WAUKKK LAOt'.R BEER. Hohlltis' Export
Boer for Fawilie* a apeclalty. Importer* and
dealer* in Alom, Htout*, (linger A!e, Siltzer
Water, Ac., Syiuim all Flavors. Manufacturers
of liottled Soiia Water.
Try our Quart Gir.gor Ale and Champaign
Cider, mado e*pccia!ly for family table uxe.
Send for Price Lint. P. O. Uox iI'JS. Tele
phone connection. apr2G,4m.
Are of Evory Day Occurrence.
pant 3f» years where one of
Hall's Celebrated
HUM IM'4-II Itrokcn open by Rur«
KliirM IIIKI Itobbril.
Hull's Standard Patent Fire-
Proof Safes
It !•< a well known tact that there I* NO
HA FM made in the World THAT OIVKS AS
They always protect their content*.
I'crsniiN lint lute Valuable*
MIIOHI«I not lie Million! it Hull'*
Hall's Safe &Lock Co.
J. L. Hall, Pres't.
lOhliilc ol (Jcorcc N. JninlHOH.
I.' 11l IS li > luincufary on llie eatate ol Ceor#®
H. JainUou, di i-'il , late ol Vennnj;o twp., Hut
lei- l onely, Pa , having been granted to ihe uu
dcr»l«lieil, ill person* knowing theniM-lve* Ill
del.till lo »aid estate will please make li' medi
ate payment and any having claim* agulu*l
nald i'»l ilr will pl'eitenl thciu ilulyauthenticated
lor m'ttleiuent.
June 111, 'WI. Eau Claire P. 0,, llutler, Co., Pa.
nlfl euitiw*"i*un