Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 06, 1883, Image 3

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—The latest expression is, "I feel like a
crushed strawberry."
—Fans. Fans, all styles and prices at
' L. STEIN* & SON'S.
—A full line of Straw Hats—latest styles, at
C-ias. R Grieb's.
—Wall paper and window-shades at
—Gate hinges are being oiled for the sum
mer coinpaign.
—The ceUbrftted Johnston Reaper—wrought
iron frame and folder .
J. NIGGEL BRO., Agents.
—lce Crjani made to order at Morrison's City
—We have the largest line of White Goods
ever shown in the county, at
Vennor was right for once. He said that
May would be cooler than April.
-Wall paper andjwindow-sliade Jt^^^
—Sec our splendid line of Parasols and I in
brdlas at L. STEIN JE SON'S.
Pull line of Summer Underwear, at Chas
R. Grieb's.
—There is more money to be made by work
than loafing around the sireet corners, young
—Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
Trunks, yalises and traveling bags at
' J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
We have now on hand the choicest line of
Neck wear and Handkerchiefs ever displayed
—The smallest locomotive at the Chicag
Exposition stands under a glass cover and is
six inches in length.
Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
' J. F. T. STEHLE'S,
Wall paper and windowshades at
—Everybody should call and see our Satines
at 25 cents a yard, the nicest summer wash
goods in the market at . ~. D
• L. STEIN & Sos's..
—Fourteen tons of fireworks and 10,000
separate pieces were burned at the New York
and Brooklyn Bridge opening.
—Hata caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
Ice for sale in large or small quantities at
Morrison's City Bakery, Vogeley House block.
—We are now showing an elegant line of
Gloyes, in Kid, Silk and Lysle Thread at
—A fault ion authority notes that little capes
and small mantles are all the rage; lace upon
dresses is very popular this season, .and that
the simplest forma of making up summer
dresses please most.
—Just received at Chas. R. Grieb's a com
plete line of Celluloid Collars and Cuffs.
—Trunks, valises and traveling bags at
—Hosiery! Hosiery! Corsets, Hoops, Bus
tles, etc., in Great Variety at
—By a new order of the Postoffice Depart
ment postmasters are only required to keep
letters for seven days before sending them to
the Dead Letter office. Heretofore the law
compelled them to keep the letters thirty days.
—Hats, caps and gents' furnishing goods, big
line, at ' J- F. T. STEHLE'S.
—Fresh bread and cakes always on hand a
the City Bakery, Vogely House block.
—See our line of Lawns at 5 cents a yard and
®P> at
—We are now told that the recent unseason
able weather was caused by the simultaneous
and general accelerated dissolution of the con
gelation in the hyperboreal regions, induced by
the contiguity of the solstitial period.
—We will offer for a short time a line of
dark Xid Gloves for 25 cents a pair, all sizes at
—The dangerous character of goods or wares
of any kind that contain arsenical prepara
tions has long been known. Wall paper con
taining arsenic are said to be especially un
healthy. And now the death of a woman is
reported who was poisoned by inhaling the odor
of green velvet in which arsenic formed the
coloring matter.
—The present styles of ladies' head gear are
something worse even than skin tight panta
loons and pointed shoes. The one style—a lit
tle spot on the back of the head—conveys the
idea that the lady has forgotten her bonnet
while the other one—a bay window sort of af
fair projecting in front—induces the belief
that t}ie bonnet ha ß forgotten the lady.
-.We have all the new shades in dress goods
from 10 cents a yard up at
—lf there Is any reason to suspect that moths
have made inroads in upholstered furniture it
■hould be sprinkled with benzine. The ben
sine is put in a small watering-pot, such as is
used for house plants, and the upholstered
parts of the furniture thoroughly saturated
with the fluid. It does not spot the most deli
cate silk, the unpleasant oder passes off after
ai hour or two in the air, and it will completely
exterminate thp uiotha.
To All Wanting Employment.
We want live, energetic and capable agents
in every county in the United States and Can
ada, to sell a patented article of great merit, on
its merits. An article having a large sale,
paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no
competition, and on which the agent is pro
tected in the exclusive sale by a deed given
for each and every county he may secure from
us. Witji all these advantages to our agent*?,
jjpd the fact tKiit it i? an' ytiple that can bj>
sold to every house owner, it might not be
necessary to make an "Extraordinary Offer" to
secure good agents at once, but we have con
cluded to make it to show, not only our confi
dence in the merits of our invention, but in its
salabijity by any agent that will handle It with
energy. Our agents now at work are making
from *l5O to S6OO a month clear, and this fact
makes it safe to make our offer to all who are
out of employment Any agent that will give
our business a thirty days' trial and fail to
clear at least SIOO in this time, above all ex
penses, can return all goods unsold to us and
we will refund the money paid for them. Any
agent or General Agent who would like ten or
more counties and work them through sub-
CJCI;!S for ninety days, and -fail Jo clear at
fplat $i5G abo'ye all expenses, can TteiaVA all
unsold and get their money back. No other
emnloyer ofagents ever dared to make such
offers, nor would we if we did not know that
we have agents now making more than dou
ble the amounts we guaranteed, and that but
two sales a day wonld give a profit of over $125
a month, and that one of our agents toek eigh
teen orders in one day. Oar Targe descriptive
circular explains our offer fully, and these we
j?j«h to send to eyery one oift of employment
trpo vrill send us three one cent stamps for
jxfetajfe. Sehd at one* and secute the agen'ny
in time for the boom, and go to Work on the
terms named in our extraordinary offer. We
would like to have the address of all the agents
sewing machine solicitors aw) carpenters in I
the country, and ask any reader of this paper
wlio reads this offer, to |en4 tjs at onpe the
004 of all such they knot?. A -
jjjipss at onpe, aq thia adyertisenjent will not
appear again, and you will lose the best chance
ever offered to those out of employment to
make money.
116 Sinithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
—Sewing Machine attachments and
repairs of all kinds, at E. Grieb's
Jewelry store. mav3l-tf.
—The Governor has signed the free pipe
—Last spring was almost as backward as
this, and yet we had a prosperous seasoD,
—Our merchants are paying 12i cents for
butter and 15 for eggs.
The Court on Monday granted a decree of
divorce in the case of John K. Hager vs Elva
N. Hager.
—The School Board of this town will meet
on the 2d of July for the purpose of electing
teachers. See notice.
—Messrs. J. B. McJunkin, J. Howard Col
bert, and R. C. Shields, are on the next Dis
trict Court Jury.
—The majority of the members of the State
Legislature spent Decoration Day on the Get
tysburg battle field.
—A post office has been established at Bovds
town, Oakland township. It is called Sonora>
and Andrew G. Campbell is the postmaster.
The examination for teachers begins at
Prospect on the 18th, inst. See County Superin
tendent's notice in another place.
—The County Commissioners want bids for
the rooting of the jail building and Sheriff's
house. See notice.
—Butler county is a good county to lie boru
in. Some of the most prominent men the
country has produced, were born here.
—Unless another frost interferes, we can ex
pect a reasonably good crop of cherries, peaches
and apples.
—The Supreme Lodge of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen meets in Buffalo to-day.
Twenty-one States will be represented.
FITS : All Fits stopped free by l)r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise anil $2.00 trial bottle
free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. King, 931 Arch St.,
Phila., Pa.
—The corn agent has been getting in
his work in Mercer county, where a farmer in
Delaware township secured an "agency" which
turned up as a note for $125.
—Mrs. Annie Glenn, widow of James Glenn'
dee'd., the old tailor, died at her residence in
this town, last Friday morning. She was 81
years of age.
—At the sessions of the U. P. General Assem
bly, in Pittsburgh last Wednesday, the report
of the majority on the question of the use of
the musical instruments during divine worship
was adopted without amendment or change.
—The State Supreme Court has issued an
order which re-establishes the Middle and
Western districts. Butler county is again
placed in the Western district, and is put
down for the third Monday of the te r m.
—Supervisor Rice, of Butler township,
brought suit a few days ago against Mr. Fred
Ross, of same township, for maintaining a nui
sance on the public road. 'Squire Irvin heard
the case and advised the parties to settle it>
which they did—Ross paying the costs.
—The B. & O. R. R. is tunnelling through
the hills east of Pittsburgh, for the purpose of
getting to the Allegheny river and making con
nections with the P. & W. railroad. Gus.
Faller of this place has charge of a gang o
workmen on the road.
—Stamps on bank checks will not be needed
after the Ist of July, and persons who have a
larger supply of stamped checks on hand than
they will need, can return them to their bank
and they will be forwarded to Washington for
—Some of the horses in Crawford and Mer
cer counties are suffering from a new disease,
orrather a complication of diseases. The ani
mals first become stiff, seemingly suffering
from rheumatism, congestion follows, the
throat and head become swollen and in very
severe cases blood and matter is discharged
from the mouth and nostrils. The animals
suffer terribly, and death results unless the
disease is got under control.
—Mr. E. W. Vogeley, Manager of the Ger
mania Orchestra and Cornet Band requests us
to state that owing to other engagements which
have occupied alt the time and attention of the
above organizations during the past few
months, it has been impossible to perfect the
arrangements for the grand orchestral and vo
cal concert which was proposed to be given dur
ng the mouth of June by Prof. Teorge's
(anions orchestra of Pittsburgh.
—School directors are respectfully requested
to forward to the County Superintendent the
annual district report for the school year end
ing June Ist, before June 10th if possible'
These reports are filed in the Department and
State appropriations paid in the order in which
they are placed on file. The bill making the
minimum school term six instead of five
months, has become a law in this State.
—Our merchants are paying 30 cents a
pound for wool. It is worth but little more at
the manufacturing centers, and the merchants
there are not anxious to buy. The trade has
qpened late this spripg, on accountof the back
wardness of the season, and the fact that the
new tariff, which reduces the duty on the
grade of the wool raised in this section, from
3} to 5 cents a pound, goes into effect on the
Ist of next month.
After an existence of ten or twelve years
the Union express Company passed out of ex
lately. It was originally formed by the
Adams and American Express companies to
operate in disputed territory and was managed
by both corporations. This partnership has
now been dissolved, and the territory operated
by i( qppoftiQned between the two companies,
In the apportionment the office in this place,
heretofore operated by the Union, will be con
trolled by the Adams.
—A new time table went into effect on the
P. &W. road last Monday. Trains for Alle
gheny city and intermediate points now leave
Butler at 8:31 A. M., and 1:27 and 5:50 I'. M.,
local time. Trains going north leave Butler
at 9:56 A. M., and 1:27 and 6:03 p. M., loca 1
time. The morning and evening traius south
make close connections at Callery for all
points West. A Sunday train will arrive at
Sutler, from Allegheny, and go on Xorth at
9;56 A. M., and arrive at Butler from the North
and go on to the city, at 5:50 P. M.
—Mr. Chas. Kuhne, the inventor of Kuhue's
Automatic Feed Water Regulator, of which we
published an account some months ago, has
built a shop in the north eastern part of the
town, and has commenced the manufacture of
the Regulator. He has lately improved it so
aa to prevent it from becoming clogged when
hard water or muddy water is used, and as it
is the only steam feed-water regulator in ex.
istence it may have a great future before it.
We hope it will and that if will always con
tinue to be manufactured in Butler. Butler
needs manufactories and our people should en
courage them.
—A question of town council and J. P. jur.
isdiction was before the Court on Monday.
Some weeks ago Karl Butzer, of Petrolia,
erected a fence composed of sucker rods and
barbed wire along one one of the streets of that
town. Y- L. Masson copoplained of it to Esq.
Bottner, who called Butzer before bin, gave
him a hearing and ficed him $5 and costs, for
violating the borough ordinance relating to
nuisances, Butzer paid the fine and costs, and
teen came to anil askevl for aa appeal.
The Court being of tho opinion that the Jus
tice had exceeded his jurisdiction under the
ordinance, the attorney for the couucil, Mr.
Benedict, promised that the fine and costs
would be returned to Mr. Butzer.
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayll-tf
—Decoration day was universally and pat
riotically observed all over the northern States.
The National cenietries, where rest many of
the heroes of the ,'reat war, were visited, iu
some instances, l>y imj>osing military and
civic processions, and the cemttorics all over
the country where lie the patriot dead by pro"
cessions, moderate in some instances as to num
bers and display, hut all inspired by senti
ments of love and veneration for the martyrs
of the great Republic. Here, in Butler, last
Wednesday, our business men vied with each
other in the decoration of their places of busi
ness, the military formed in their hall and
headed by the c.rnct band marched to the
Court House, where they hear-' an excellent
and appropriate address by Judge Taylor, of
Franklin, and then marched to the several cem
eteries and decorated the gra\ es ol the soldiers,
with flowers that had been liberally furnished
by our people. This annual exhibition of
love and affection towards our dead soldiers is
the sweetest and at the same time the proudes*
tribute that could be paid them.
The War in Annara.
LONDON, June 1, ISS3.
The Paris Ganlois, in an account of the re
cent attack of the Aunamites on a French
force near Hanoi, says Captain Itiviere on
leaving the fort advanced with 1~,0 marines,
leaving in reserve a force of L'.">o men. These
however, remained too far in the rear to be of
service to Captain Riviere's advance guard,
which was surprised by a large force of Anna
mites and almost annihilated. On the rear
guard arriving at the scene the Annamites lied,
carrying otl' Captain Riviere and fifteen
marines, all of whom were impaled the next
Base Ball.
Our local base ball club is acbeiving
considerable glory. On Monday of
last week they went to Millerstown
and beat the club there on a tally of 10
to 6. Tho following is the score in
A. Grieb, 3. b 1 2 j[ MuMichael 1 3
W. Heineman, 1 f..0 4 McFarland 1 2
W.Thompson, 2 b.l 2 , Bell 1 2
P. Mifjhell, s s 12 Brown 2 1
J. Dougherty, p 2 1 Westerman 1 1
J. Bonner, r f....l -.1 2 ; McCannon 0 0
L. Grieb, cf. 2 2 Donahue 0 3
H.Walker, 1 b 1 2 Brown 0 3
A. Karns, c 1 1 Amy 0 3
Total 10 18 Total 6 18
On Decoration Day the Kittanning
club came and our boys beat them on
a score of 35 to 15, The return game
will be played in a week or two.
The Millerstown club was here on
Friday, the 25th and were beaten by
the Butler club on a score of 35 to 24.
The Butler club are feeling pretty
good over their victories and would
like to hear from other neighboring
clubs. All challenges should be ad
dressed to George S. Mechling, Butler,
General News Notes
By imperceptible degrees France is
drifting into war with China. Mr.
Gladstone said in the House of Com
mons last Friday, that he could do
nothing to prevent it, and now that
the newspapers have published ac
counts of the barbarities inflicted on
Commander Riviere and his comrades,
the popular indignation in Franco
may sweep everything before it.
French troops have been called from
New Caledonia. Chinese men-of-war
are being dispatched from the dock
yards at Kiel. The new French en
voy to China has gone to deliberate
with Li Hung Chang, on the result of
their interview depends tho question
of war or peace.
Nicholas Yandenburgh descended
into a well at Schuylerville, N. Y., to
rescue a laborer overcome by gas
Yandenburgh was suffocated. His
wife went to his assistance and she
also perished.
A couple of weeks since; a two year
old sou of Fred. Carroll, of Worth
township, Mercer county, attempted to
swallow a gi'aiu of coffee, when it
lodged in his windpipe. The physi
cian being unable to remove it, made
an incision iu tho throat and inserted
a pipe, so that the little fellow might
breathe, and in the hope that the ob
struction might-be blown out. The
experiment was unsuccessful, death
resulting three days after
A seven year old dauphter of S. W.
Hawn, of Ashtabula, died on Sunday
morning from an overdose of laudanum
given by her father to ease her pain
from a badly scalded hand. The fath
er gave her a small dose, which not
seeming sufficient to effect tho end de
sired, he repeated the dose, with the
sad results noted. Medical aid was
promplty summoned but without avail.
The late venerable Bishop Peck,
of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
made practical his teaching that
there were more enduring riches than
houses and bonds. He gave away
all his earthly possessions while liv
at the Syracuse University. "I have
an ambition" he said, "to die without
anything, for I am going where I
shall have infinite riches of a kind
that will suit me better than any of
these material things."
All members of the old Pennsylvania Re.
serve Division, now residing in the county of
Butler, will please send name, Co. and Regt.
and post office address to the undersigned at
once. G. W. FLEECER,
Asst. Sec'y. Pa., Reserve Association,
Phrenologist—Prof. Riley.
Any one wishing to consult Prof. E.F. lUley
of Pittsburgh, concerning their own or ehil
drens'phrenology or best business adaptation,
can do so by calling at the Vogeley House, But
ler, Pa., on and after Monday, June 4tli. Office
hours from 9 A. M. till 9 P. M.
There will be a meeting of the Trustees of
the Butler Camp Meeting Association, held on
the camp ground, on Thursday, June 14th, at
10:30 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of complet
ing arrangements for the annual camp meeting.
Lot holders and all persons desirous of secur
ing tent sites will please be present.
By order of the Board.
A. G. WILLIAMS, President.
JEFK Bi'RTNKR, Secretary. m3O-3t.
Girl Wanted.
A respectable Butler county girl to do gen
eral housework, in a small family, convenient
to Allegheny City.. Wages Three Dollars a
week. For further particulars write at once
tp, ' ' MRS. H. H. VANI - E,
Ems worth P. 0., Allegheny Co , Pa.
Notice to Teachers.
The Butler Borough School Board will inset
Jul/ yd, lb&'» to elect Principal and teachers.
Term 8 months. Applications with certificates
must be tiled with Secretary on or before June
June 6, 'B3-3t. Secretary.
—Send or leave your order for a
Sewing Machine, of any make, at
E. Grieb's Jewelry store. may3l-tf
Subscribe tor the ClTU*y
Prospect Items.
Wet weather is the popular topic of
the day.
C. C. Sullivan's brick kiln will be
finished in :i few days ready for tirin?.
Commencement exercises of Prospect
I Academy Friday, .June 22d.
Col. Copeland has been engajred to
deliver his famous lecture, "Handsome
People," in the F. P. Church, Prospect,
Dr. J. M. Leighner and Bert Martin
. court have purchased a score of first
class Cincinnati bnargies and are now
selling them at very reasonable figures.
Prospect has nine of as good bali
• players as there are in Butler county,
i They will very cheerfully accept a
challenge from any of the prominent
"nines" of the county.
Come to Prospect on the "2"2 d and
hear the orations and essays of the first
commencement exercises of Prospect
The Prospect Cornet Band will
furnish music at commencement, June
The first examination of teachers is
■ at Prospect .Tune 18. This is a splendid
time in the season for teachers to be
examined and a large attendance is ex
pected here on the 18th. 'This is the
only examination that Prof. Murtland
will hold in Prospect this year and a'l
those wishing to be examined here
should try aud be on hands. The week
of June beginning with the ISth will
be a busy one for Prospect, as Prof.
Murtland will entertain us on that date,
the U. P. Presbytery, of Butler, meets
on the 10th, examinations at the Acad
emy 20th and 21st, commencement on
Friday, the 22d and Col. Copeland will
cap the climax on Friday evening with
a flood of fun and an ocean of truth.
Question, "Should teachers prepare for
examination?" Answer, "No." Ques
tion, "Should teachers or students at
tend school during the month of July?"
Answer, "No."
Westminster College commencement
is on the 20th day of June. There are
sixteen members of the graduating
class this year, fourteen for A. B. and
two for B. S. The history of this class
is something remarkable and perhaps
some of your readers would like to
speed a day at old Westminster and
hear them make their graduating
speeches. This is the class as many of
your patrons will remember that was
suspended three years ago for running
away on May day. Prof. Crowe, the
Principal of Prospect Academy, is a
distinguished member of this noblo
class and will deliver a fine political
oration as his graduating speech.
Grove City commencement is on
Thursday, the 21st. There are in the
graduating class eight or ten members.
Prospect commencement exercises con
sist of the following programme aud
take place on June 22d.
Prayer—By Rev. T. W. Young.
Salutatory—Miss Emma McClure.
M usic.
Essay, Subject. "Disappointment"—
Miss Lillie Lehman.
" Oration, Subject-, "Education"—ll.
B. Alexander.
Essay, Subject, "Garfield"—Miss
Jennie McClelland.
Oration, Subject, "Footprints of
American History"—O. F. Keister.
Essay, Subject, "The Destroyers
Footsteps"—Miss Nettie Heberling.
Oration, Subject, "The Present
Century"—P. W. Wilson.
Essay, Subject, "The Ocean'"'—Miss
Ella Beighly.
Oration, Subject, "Great Men"—F.
J. Cunuiugham.
Valedictory—Miss Mar}' Clark.
Benediction—Rev. E. W. Critcblow.
Butler, by Rev. E. Crone.nwett, Mi. James
Xiblock and Misj Dora M. Nicklas, both of
Conuoquenessing twp., this county.
GLENN.—At her residence in this place, on
Friday morning, June 1, ISS3, Mrs. Anna
Glenn, widow of the late James Glenn, Esq.,
dee'd, nged SI years, lacking two mouths.
Mrs. Glenn was one of the few remaining old
citizens of this place, having resided in this
town for about (JO years. She was always au
industrious woman, aud known toiler acquaint
anees as a kind and obliging neighbor. Her
remains were followed to tliO grave in the I'.
P, Cemetery oi} Sabbath last by a large number
of friends and cif.zcns.
Hop Bitters are the Purest and
Best Bitters Ever Made.
They are compounded from Hops,
Malt, Buchu, Mandrake and Dande
loin, —the oldest, best, and most yalua
ble medicines in the world and contain
all the best anil most curative proper
■ ties of all other remedies, being the
greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Regula
tor, and Life and Health Restoring
Agent on earth. No disease or ill
health can possibly long exist where
these Bitters are used, so varied and
perfect are their operations.
They give new life aud vigor to the
aged and infirm. To all whose em
ployments cause irregulaiitv of the
bowels or urinary organs, or who re
quire an Appetizer, Tonic and mild
Stimulant, Hop Hitters are iuyaluable,
being highly curative, tonic and stiinu
. lating, without intoxicating.
No matter what your feelings or
symptoms are, what the disease or ail
ment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait
until you arc sick, but if you only feel
bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at
once. It may save your life. Hun
dreds have been saved by so doing.
SSOO will be paid for a case they will
not cure or help.
Do not sufi'er or let your friends
suffer, but use and urgo them to use
i H°P Bitters.
Remember, Hop Bitters is no vile,
drugged, drunken nostrum, but the
Purest and Best Medicine ever made ;
the "Invalid's Friend aud Hope," aud
no person or family should be without
1 them. Try the Bitters to-day.
Two-Storied Frame House
ol six rooms, cellar, cut houses and two
I lots q1 ground in Butler will b sold on re.isou
t able terms. Call al office of
Mar-Htf. * Butler Pa.
in the 6rm*N
j Relieves an J cures
fIIRTSI rheumatism,
* i jj Neuralgia,
j I Sciatica, Lumbago,
' 1 ®flHI!IIBlHnn» Jj K HE,
i! ]; i •n»iiuia«yiiii»J| SORE THROAT,
] j ! Millillll! | spniixw,
' numMßßdlll'l Soreness. Cuts, Bruisea,
fitifjj l). nt'BSS. M ALDN,
{ t <lllnUlttiiiallll)lliiaiia||d I And all other hodlly actios
! 1 [ anil pains.
ifliHr* f,fty c - nts bottle
>j I 3old by all Druggists and
l| M U mi iimiuuu j m | D , ak>rs Directions In 11
: llli'llflll'lMUMmWllUltJin languages.
|i r ,!|,IJ j [l' .IHIUIIII I Tie Charles A. Vogeler Co.
Jlji [ (SOOC-MOM ti A. V 4 CO.)
RalClnaurc. Jld.. I'.fc. A
Always the Best.
Spiced Mountain Cake.
To the yolks of five esrgs, well beaten, add
anc cup sugar, one-half cup of butter, one half
cup sweet tnilk, one teaspoonful ground einna
tuon, one grated nutmeg, then tiie whites of
two <ggs well beatec, one and a half cups Hour
hvaing it iu one measure •'BAXNBB" Baking
Powder, bake in jelly c.ike pans: when cold
spread each layer with an icing made ol the
whites of three eg«s beaten still with one and
a ha! t cups powdered sugar.
(*ru<luully Supplanted by a
belter Article Certain Old
Things arc Done Away.
In the general reception room of thejWestern
Union Telegraph building on Broadway, New
York, are exhibiting the coarse, crude ami
clumsy instruments of the infancy of the tele
graph. They are only relies now. More per
fect machinery has superseded them.
Years- ago what is now styled theold-fkshion
ed p irons plaster did some good service. There
was then nothing better of the kind. Xow all
that is changed. Science and study have gone
deeper into the secrets of medicine and pro
PLASTER, which embodies all the excellen
cies thus far possible in au external remedy.
The old plasters were slow—the Capcine is
rapid; they were uncertain—the Capcine is
sure. Cheaper articles bear similar nnmeg.
Be careful, therefore, that soiy.c thrifty drug
gist does not deceive yn.». in the center of the
gent;ins'"s cut the word CAPCINE. Price 25
Seabury and Johnson, Chemists, New York.
A R o.a^T
8 \ 198 LIBERTV ST. fl
County Superintendent's Exami
nation of Teachers for 1883.
Prospect June 18
North Washington " IS
Pisgah " 2(1
SixPointa 21
Bruin " 22
Middletown " 26
Fairview " 27
Jliilerstown " 2.H
CoyleMville " 2!1
Sasonbiu'g July 3
Butler. '* 5
Glade Milla " '
Ccntievilie " 17
Ilarritiville " IS
Book S. li. Cherry district " IS
K'.mbury " 2t
PorterMvillo '. " 21
Harmony " 2J
Kvana Oitv 2<;
Witherapoon " 28
Teachers will pit ano come provided with
"L.'dii. and a I.KAH PESCII. TABI.KT. Exan i
nations will begin at 9 A. M. HHAI:P. Teachen
are expected to attend the regular examinations
or give satisfactory reason for noli-attendance,
A short TAI.K will bo given at each examination
on (he "Courso of Study," for the ungraded
schools of tlic county. Special examinations in
the public school building at Butler, the lasl
Saturday of each month, for four months, be
ginning Augu-t 25. Directors are cordially in
vited to attend the examinations.
JAMES 11. MI'KTLAND, County Sup't.
Butler, May 28, 1883. i)t
IvsSat** «>i Lciitsi Werner.
i.etters of admiuihtration on the estale oi
F.mest Werner, de.'d, late ol Forward twp,
Buticr count}', I'.i., having been granted to tin
undersigned, all persons knowing tbemsclvei
indebted to said et tale will ; lease in kc inline
diate payment and any having claims attains
said estate will present llicm dulj authenti
eated for Mttkiiii lit,
MARIA WEKNEK, Administratiix.
KvausCiiy, Butler Co., I'a.
W. If. I.I'SK, Attorney.
Sealed jiropotals will bo received bv the C'oiui
ty Commissioners at their oltice iu Butler, Pa.,
lip to June lltli. 1883 for roof'ug the Ja ;
buildiug and Sheiiff's house, (roof to be o' tin)
The Commissioners rssei ve tae right to rejeel
any or all bids. •
BY Oi;i>Fit ON COM BS,
S. M CLYMOND3, Oltrk.
f!ommisßioner«' OtHee, Butler, Pa., May 23d
■ These imistaehes are made of th
best material, with genuine hair and wire attach
inent, anil when wom caiiuet be told lroin a gel)
nine mustache. l'.ovs anil young men can liav
lots ol' fun l>y i>ut!ing them on in a crowd <
friends who "will !»' nreatl> astonished at tli
transtorination. We will send von a mustache f>
only .Mhiee-eenls stamps tt.") cents', ',ir a inu
tuche and cents. Tl'.ere are tlirr
.-oler- -light, hrowe and black. State wliic
you want. Address m IISON .WANUPACTUE
jsi: oo„ Astor Pla - o and Broadway, X. Y
—OF- |
f 1 P
II -A- T [3
Jj [&
i I
| Union Block, jlKaiii Street, Uiifllei*, Pa.
HIJT* 1 w Ml ■-■HB'Sil
Two Doors North of Duflys and opposite Troutnian's Dry Goods Store.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Etc.
Ageut lor Rock lord Railroad Watelies and King's Combination Spectacles.
A.ll Work ~Warranted.
All Goods Sold by us Engraved Free of Charge. Call and See our Stock before purchasing.
} n : 1 1 a new stand in UNION BLOCK, wln.ro can be seen a fresh stock of evertliing to be found in a
I would invite the public to call and offer a share of their patronage, Remember the stock is of
Repairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc., will receive our Btriet attention.
* ~ No. Tt nn. Fr.j Ptairtiift Attorney. Plaintiff*. f ~
F1 l> 2 June, I SB3 Brandos [Nancy 1) Kelly i»vher next friend \V M Kellv HcQiiHiw 1 von
AD, 27 " tBM Thompson and M'Canrliess George WMerriman. John Smith. Walker ami Reed
" ;17 Mar, Thompson and M'Caudless Daniel Mcl.afl'erty et al. John Berg & Co et al. Brandon
46 " " Fleeger and Bowser. l Ebenezer Christy, admV. Samuel Smith et al. Thompson & Son and Heed
91, L/ Mitchell. I Kzek.al Dougherty. E A Mortland. Mctjuistion and Vanderlin
" 3.> June, " O oucher and Bowser. Jacob llepler for use. \\ llliani (libson et al. McCandless
48 " " Reed and Sullivan. Orvill C Bollinger & wife. Robert S llindman. McCandless* and Fornuer
ruiSei.t, " Brandon. Francis Croft. David Ziegler et al. McCandlesa and Lusk.
" 82 " Bowser. 1 M Boyle. R Jennings. ThoniDson and Son
73 , " P v n xv ¥t rt , i , n anJ McQ ) U i ry n u- V n S ° n 0t aK Pearee et al. Thomp, Scott and Walker
'• 2. r > Dee, 1 1. L Mitchell. John D Kelly. R C Patterson. A T Black
" 4 J " " MeQuistion and Lyon. J M Leighner et al. Kx'rs. Isaac N Beighley. Thompson & Son
" ">« " McCandl's &. Brandon Butler Water Co. Borough of Butler. Walker <fc Kastman
Prothonotary'sOffice, May 21,1885. m. X. CiRKKR, Se£e*ofauyT
- Middlesex Twp. School Report.
I Wm Miller in. account with Middlesex town
-3 ship as Treasurer of School Bjard for the year
g ending June, 1883.
0 ! Dr to amount of dupllcato ..$1,319 68
1 , State appropriaiionj . 238 85
2 Balance on hand from last year. 63 39
7 | £1,651,92
8 j Cr by cash to Teachers' salaries.
9 Cr by cash to H E Scott $165 00
3 } " " CII Woods 165 CO
5 ; " •* Mollie J Duff 165 00
'• " " Wm Leslie 132 00
7 i " " Oeo W Wliitcsidoa 181 50
8 j " " Mary E Kennedy. - 118 50
9 " " Kitty Walters 33 00
10 ' " " Leila Norris 165 00
!4 j " '• W A Maliau sun
.s j dries 4 80
:<> Cr by cash to Robt Black,
8 stoves and coal 27 90
1j Cr by cash to Samuel Leslie, use
j. of spring 2 00
• B Cr by cash to Michael Stspp, re
a pairing 42 00
j. Cr by cash to Jas Croft, atuli
n tors' fees 11 00
t l Cr by cash to Wm Heckert, coal 11 75
n Cr by cash to Wm A Mai an coal
it and sundries 15 92
j. Cr by cash to li J Miller, coal.. 12 48
j. Cr by cash to John Parks, coal
and sundries 17 20
Cr by cash to John B Malian,
sundries 6 07
Cr by cash to W J Marks sand's 347
Cr bv cash to W It Thompson,
Secretary's salary 10 00
>' Cr by cash to Thomas Denny,
, co»l and sundries 18 75
c Cr by cash to Win Miller for
JS ! school journal 7 00
c-' Cr by cash to Thomas Goodwin,
st 1 use of spiing 2 I*o
,i Cr by cn-li to \V II Thompson,
sundries 2 68
Cr by cash to Wm Logan; use
of well for 1882 and 188:1... 4 00
Cr by cash to Wm Miller, coal
and sundries 19 60
Cr by cash to collector's "fees. . 37 85
Cr by ca. li to treasuier's per
centago 29 60
Cr by cash to taxpayers' per
centage . 30 52
• Cr bv cash to exoneration 804
Balance iu hands of treasurer « 172 29
, J. N. FBI.TON, Auditors.
i ■■| ia F ft STOPPED FREE
■ B Marvelous success.
lie B| ■ ■ Insano Persons Restored
of cure fsr Nerve AjfectisHS. Fits. l.filrpsy, ere.
I,p HINFALLIULK ifi.i'ccn as directed. N* Fits after
J.-.y's use. Treatise and s.l trial bottle free to
* ,r Fit patients, they paying express charges on t>ox wtien
IS- received. S?nd names. P. O. and express address of
<po H afflicted to DK.KLIN!£.OII Arrh St..Philadelphia.Pa.
Jjj See Dru k - fc 'ists. BE // ARL OF IMITA TING FRA L'DS.
R I Advertise ia the CITIZEN.
BOOT ill lit BKE
| i|OF||
Largeoil and Finest Styles anil I.ohckl Prices ever shotrti by
any House in Bullet*. All Fresli Goods
and warranted, Our motto is FAIR DEALING WITH EVERYBODY, goods jnst as w * rep
resent them, same priee to all. Quick sales and small profits.
To look at my French Kid Turn Button Boots (Cur Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid
Fox Boots.) Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox.
Cloth top Boots.) Pebble Grain; OLI> LADIES' WIDE SHOES
AND SLIPPERS. Walking 1 Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers,
Ladies' Button Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can
find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want.
To step iu and look at my Calf Boots, Calf Bals, Button Shoes London toe and
tip, Veal Calf Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes,
Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, Brogons, Hob Nail
Shoes for miners, all of these are desirable goods
from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest
Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe.
To see our School Shoes, Fine Button Boots and jßals, Slippers, &c., all
New and Nice Styles very cheap. lufants' and childrens' Shoes
in endless variety, from 25 ceuts upwards.
The Largest Stock of leather and Findings of any Ifou.se in
ltuller. I.owesl Prices.
New Goods Constantly Arriving.
RGPAIRIKG. All kinds done at ICcusonnblc Rates.
B. C. Bwlleis Fa,
G, B, BARRETT &00„,
Have If K* Tfc to much larger and more commodious
Nos. 238 it 240 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A large assortment and a full
WARE, LOOSE and MOUNTED DIAMONDS, Watch Material, kc., at
lowest New York Jobbing Prices. Wholesale exclusively.
Remember the change to 23X and I'-IO Liberty St., (eor. Wood,) next door to Jos. Homo &
Co.' Wholesale Store. mar2l'3in.
And will eompletnly chance the blood in the entire • vitem in three months. Anv person who will take ON E FILL
EACH NIGHT FROM ONE TO TWELVE WEEKS.mavberettoredtosoundhealth.if aweh a thin* it possible.
For cnrinf Female Complaints th«»e Pills have no e<jual. Physicians »no tb»m in th-ir practice. Sold every where,
or sent by mail for lb cents in stampb. fcend for pamphlet. I. 8. JQILNSQI* 6c CO.. Boaton. Maaa.