BUTLER CITIZEN JOHN H. L W. C. NE6LEY, PROP'RS, Entered at the Postoffice at Butler as second-classs matter. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1883. Republican County Ticket. For District Attorney. SAMUEL B. SNYDER, of Butler. For County Surveyor, B. F.HILLIARD, of Washington twp. THE Governor has signed the Anti- DiscriminatiOß bill, the Free Pipe bill and the Jndicial Salary bill. THE members of the Bar of this county will be pleased to know that the Pittsburgh district of the Supreme Conrthas been restored—back to where it was. HON. GEORGE SnABSWooo, Ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of this State, and a learned lawyer and up right jadge, died at his home in Phila delphia, on the 28th of May ult., aged 73 years. COURT is in session this week, Judge McJunkin presiding and hearing argu ments, motions, etc. The Grand Jury is acting upon bills. Next week the trial of criminal cases will commence. Week after next is for the trial of civil cases. WE have received from the Depart ment of the Interior at Washington, at the request of the Hon. S. H. Miller to the same, the "Compendium of the 10th Census of the United States, 1880," in two volumes, which can now be seen at onr office. MB. DONLY'S bill, giving servant girls, clerks, and other hands and help ers, preference for their wages over other . Kulin. Clay, " T. H. McCall. Cliuton, " Phillip Suider. " Center, " S. Irwin. Clearfield, " Peter Fennel, Cranberry, " John Murray. Cherry, " J. K. Ueed. Connoquenessing twp.. North, M. \Y . shan non. Counoqueuessing twp..South, P. W. Ihoinas Donegal township, J. B. Orbison. Fairview twp., West, W. G. Russell. Fairview twp., East Forward township, Alex Hunter. Franklin " J. H. Shannon. Jackson East " C. Texter. JacKson West" M. Ziegler. Jefferson " W.J. Welsh. Lancaster " Wm. I.utz. Muddycreek " Mercer " L. R. Cummins. Marion " W. A. Seaton. Middlesex " Oakland " George Shoup. Parker " 11. R. Turner. Penn " J. T. Bartley. Summit " Samuel Johnson. Slipperyrock " Josiah Adams. Venango " Washington twp., North, C. M. C. Campbell. Washington twp., South, J. A. Maliood. Winfielu twp., J. D. Marks. Worth twp., Rob't. Barron. Butler be rough, Ist ward, S. McClymouds. •' " 2d ward, Samuel Walker. Centerville " E. M. Mayberry. Fairview " W. P. Jameson. Evans City " John Watters. Karns City " Millerstown" S.D.Bell. Prospect " W. R. Riddle. Petrolia " F. M. Campbell. Saxonburg " Philljp Burtner. Sunbury " A. Mechliug. Zelienople " J. Weigel. lion. S. D. Bell was elected tem porary Chairman. On motion Jas. Barr was elected permanent Chairman for the year. W. P. Jameson, of Fairview bor ough, and A. Mechling, of Sunbury borough, were elected permanent Sec retaries. The district of Allegheny was filled by the election of Jas. S. Craig; Fair view East, by S. YV. McCollough; Muddycreek, by N. Bauder; Middle sex, by Wm. Miller; Venango, by Amos Seaton; Karns City, by Jos. Thomas; Brady twp., by N. Weitzel. Messrs. S. McClymonds and Samuel Walker were appointed to count the vote, which was announced as follows: DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Samuel B.Snyder 700 Kennedy Marshall 540 Majority for Snyder 154 COUNTY Sl RVEYOIt. B. F. Billiard M 3 Nathan M. Slater 577 Majority for Hiliiard,,,,,, IB, The Senate then passed the bill finally by a unanimous vote. In the House this afternoon Amerman opposed con currence ic tjje Senate amendment, claiming that the B>e*e ftbojition of the office would not revive the not oj 'j}.®. The House, however, concurred, with but 43 nays. Ten minutes after the bill Jjad been sent to the Governor he returned & u»cssage announcing that he had signed it, and so tbe (indent office of recorder is nO n»ore. HOLDING FAST TO HI EE PASSES. 11 AKRISUUB4, May, 29.—The lIou3C has laughed down asy attempt to bring forward the Senate Anti-Free i»a&i bill, which is far down the calendar of bills on second reading. For weeks, how ever, Hasson's House bill for the same purpose has been calmly reposing Bear the head of the bills on third reading. Mr. Hasson made no attempt to-day to call it up. THE STANDING ASIDE OF JURORS. HARRISBURG, May 29.—The Senate bill to deprive the Commonwealth of j its right to stand aside jurors in misde- j meanor and election cases was defeated | in the liouse last week on second read ing, receiving hut fifty-live affirmative ] votes. This action was reconsidered, j however, and the bill was left to stand j auother chance of passing second read-! ing in very fair position on the calendar, j The opponents of the bill, however, were startled to see it placed on this j morning's calendar among the bills ■ waiting tinal passage. Mr. Bullitt ; called attention to this and demanded an explanation. The Speaker and i Clerk held a little consultation and concluded that this must be a printer's [ error, and the bill was then put back in its place. It will be reached on Thurs- j day or Friday. Attorney-General Cassidy, it is understood, is strongly in favor of the passage of the bill, and John Ballow, of Philadelphia, who is sometimes seen in the Attorney-Gener al's company, has been lobbying in its favor. The exercise of the right to stand aside jurors by the district at torney in the Maher and the Haines, Miskey and Clement cases is believed to be the immediate cause of the pres ence of this bill, against whose ex pediency every Philadelphia judge has recorded his opinion. JUDICIAL APPORTIONMENT. HABRISBUBO, June I.—The Senate passed finally the Judicial Apportion ment bill, and in the evening the House refused to concur in the extensive changes that have been made since It left their hands. Mr. Hall's bill escheating the profits of telegraph companies which violate the Constitution by absorbing riyal lines was passed on second reading in the House, but not without an amend ment that is of all importance to the Western Union. The three words which made it retroactive were strick en out this afternoon after a warm de bate and the bill went through in such a form as to apply only to future cases of combination. The Senate to-night passed finally the Judicial Salary bill Gxinir the pay of Judges at $7,000 in Philadelphia, SO,OOO in Pittsburgh, $5,000 for the Resident Judge in Harrisburg, and $4,000 for the balance of the State, with SI,OOO extra where the district contains $90,000 population. VANpERBtVF B4ILROAD BILLS. IIARRJSBURU, June Patti son this morning made his deeison on the Yanderbilt Railroad bills. Two of them were signed, allowing railroad companies to change their termini and build only part of the route when they can use another road for the balance, and extending the time of those com panies which have not fulfilled the pro visions of their charters within the required limit. The other two, which were introduced by Mr. King and Mr. Laird; were returned to the Senate for amendment, iu compliance with a joint resolution of recall, which wa a ps.££ed this morning at the instance of Senator Wallace. These two were substan tially of the same import and either would iisvo answered the purpose. They removed tho restriction on capital stock and bonds of SOO,OOO per mils and made it $250,000 per mile. The Governor took the ground that under the general law the issue of bonds wcyl.d be twice the capital stock. If that wefe jnd if the bill should be approved in its pre&cal new com panies could raise $500,000 per miie by their bonds and $250,000 by their capital stock, making a total of $750,- QOO, wfclck he thought was entirely too high- He therefor#* called the Yander bilt people together and fran*}y tolvj them that he could not approve thp bills and offered to compromise on an issue of $150,000 stock per mile, which hejhcld would limit the issuo of bonds to $300,000 per mile and allow the company to issue altogether $4 50,000 pf stocks and bonds per mile. This wa» to and when the bills were sent to the Senaw tto amendment was drawn up by Wallace and passed in both Houses. A strong pressure was brought to bear on the 1 lioevraor for the veto of the bills by Philadelphia men, who feared that the opening of a line from New to Harrisburg and from there to Pitts burgh with advantages In distance over the Pennsylvania railroad would in crease the importance of New \ ork and Pittsburgh at the expense of the Quaker City, but Mr. Pattison manfully resiste,d tfte fcepjptation, and a<'ted in the interest of ttye whole St;;tp. State Treasurer, By tbe proceedings of the Republican Count)' Convention of Monday last it will he seen that the Hon. William Irvin, of this county, has been brought forward for nomination for State Treasurer.. Pur delegates elected to the coming felata were in structed to prosent his name u» Convention and urge his nomination by all honorable means. This we have no doubt they will take pleasure in doing. Dr. Irvin has ail the necessary qualifications to discharge the duties of that office, lie is both honest and capable. We do not believe a better selectiou could be made from the West ern part of the State, and the West gJwjjl.d have one of the two places on the ticket ia bp gl.ected this year. If neighboring counties join iu tilP woy.e ment it should be successful. In this, his own county, he would, if nominated, receive a hearty and a full support o the party. As it believed and hoped the FOjiiiug State Convention will make its owu and, therefore, cast around for the best c&Bdid&iCS sible. Dr Irvin's chances would seem to be as good as that of any other name yet proposed. BUTLfcK ftfARK&TS. Butter 15 to 18 cents. Eggs If. to 17 cents. Potatoes 50 to CO cents. Wheat, No. 1, $1.15. j'i to 50 cents. t'Olii tnf Rye 62 cents. Flour, higV grade, per barrel .?» io fuckvU*, j;er nair 50 to 60 cents. Onions, rie\v, o cjr»i3 per pound. Ham, per pountf 12 to 15'r;yiu». Sides, per pound 14 ceiil^ Shoulders, j>er pound 12i cents. MacU.era) No. I, 12} jsents. A TERRIBLE DISASTER. Twelve Persons Tramped to Death on the Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge connecting tbe cities of New and Brooklyn, and which has been the source of just pride as well as the object of natural curiosity to the people thereof since its completion, re-, ceived a dreadful babtism last Wednes day afternoon, Decoration Day Dur ing a crush, the result ol an accident and the immense crowd of people go- | ing each way on the bridge, a pauic j occurred on the Now York anchorage, and before order was restored many persons, mostly women and children, were crushed, some to death, some fatally and still others severely. A scene of terror reigned for fully fifteen or twenty minutes that balHes descrip tion. When it was over, cart loads of wounded and crushed human beings were taken out of the New York en trance of the bride. A small moun tain of torn and abandoned clothing was gathered up by the police. HOW TIIE DISASTER OCCURRED. The accident occurred on the New Y'ork anchorage, where the solid bot tom of the middle footway ends and two {lights of seven steps each, with an intermediate landing, lead up to the plaDk walk of the span between the New York anchorage and tower. It was shortly after four o'clock. The bridge was crowded from one end to the other so that there was hardly el' bow room on the footway. A woman who was ascending the lower flight of steps, stumbled and fell on the landing. The crowd pressed upon her and she shrieked. Bridge Officer Frederick Richards, who was on the plank walk above, seeing her danger, elbowed his way to the spot and lifted her up. The crowd closed upon them both, and they went down. ith a desperate effort Officer Richards got upon bis feet once more, dragging the woman after him. She screamed again in de spair and fright, and the crowd above and below pressed toward the spot to , discover the cause of the commotion. The crush immediately became fearful, Those on the approach below the steps were carried forward in a solid mass. Many stumbled and, unable to resist the pressure from behind, the crowd passed over them. From above the crowd coming f?om Brooklyn was car ried to the edge of the steps and then fell over upon the struggling mass be low. A terrible struggle for life be gan. Men aud women fought with thp strength of despair against each other. Kscape was impossible with the pressure from both 9ides growing at every shout of anguish that went up from the dying and those who saw death before their eyes. Fear and de spair on the one side, curiosity on the ptficr, fought for the mastery. A t'RliiHTjfrfc SC£»£. The frightful crush waa douser than ever, when, after nearly fifteen min utes, a score of militiamen of the Twelfth regiment, led by Lieutenant Hart and Sergeant 3 Couldock aud Cos tellp, parched up the approach toward Brooklyn. The yel*i3 of tho crowd at tracted their attention. At the foot of steps a wall of human bodies was piled high. The dense mass surged about, sn« ii) jt fhp soldiers saw two police men vainly struggliftg against ij;. Ser geant Couldock took in the situation at a giaaos. At the word of command his men scaled the rence and railroad track separating them from the foot walk. and wedging into the mass of oeoole near the scene of the disaster, clroVe uacji crowd at the New York entrance at the muzzle of their guns. It fell back slightly and the militiamen, following up the advantage gained, forced it back until the ap proach cleared. Then forming front across the they prevent ed the crowd from passing, whiie as Riauy of their number as could be spar ed ran toward t|je eccpe of the accident to help in extricating tho deadanti pav ing the living. EXTRICATING TIIE DEAD AND INJURED- The alarm had meanwhile been fjiven at tbe bridge entrance. A gen eral cali fo" all hospital ambulances was sent cut and policemen were hur ried over upon the bridge. From their station beside the city hall fire- of a hook and ladder company fol lowed to assist. TNy fopnd the sittj ation still unaltered on thp bridge. The crowd on the foot-walk above the steps was constantly receiving acces-* sions and still pressing on and over the heap on tbe anchorage. The bodies of the dead and dying lay here so firmly wedged together that to extricate them wqs next to impossible. To beat back tii.e waj equally impossible. Relief was possible' only py majiing room for the crowd to spread sid.ewajg. It was quickly done. Willing hands toie away the iron railiug dividing the foot way from the railroad track on both sides, and dragged those who were nearest in the crush through the opening. It helped. Room was made for the policemen to reach the fright ful heap of human beings, aud the sro?l; of clearing it away began. As soon as a portion pf tjie obstruction was removed from tbe steps the crowd was eased, and a portion was let through the New York station. The rest was forced back until all the bodies had been taken away. Then it was let through, and a body of police men at the point of danger kept it from pressing there. Along the iron fences on the foot way, on the railroad and on the car riage way on both sides of the bridge the dead and wounded were laid. More than half a score were dead when from tho throbbing heap Others wets niofp or je'33 tefribfy in jured. There lay six or eight or ten deep, those in the lower tier long dead. The clothes were torn from the body of more than one in the attempt to get them out. All were hatless, many shoeless, aud on others the clothes in fa£B Five women, all dead, and trampled into an unshapely mass, were taken from the bottom of* th'e heap. One of them had been seen in crush holding a screaming baby above the heads of the crowd. As she her self went down, some man had taken the tiaby. it jyap pot fotind It was aald that a man had beep seep carrying a dead l aby away, but the police had no account of it. Baby clothing scat tered about gave evidence enough that weak infants had been in the crush. Tlis whom Bridge Officer Richards had Lelped to her feet at the beginning of the crush was Richards also escaped death by desper ate efforts. fa speaking of the occurrence after wards, sai.t) that there was no chance of restoring order from the first. ' That one first scream was the death knell of man}* in that crowd. It grew j at once utterly ungovernable and so dense that movement of any kind was ! impossible. The crowd, forced by the constant pressure and accession from the Brooklyn side, went over the steps j like a cataract, and once started fell ua- 1 til the walk lay piled with bodies to ! the height of the steps then went over and fell down beyond it. A dead Chinaman, Ah LoSing, was ' taken from the bottom of the heap. 1 Carts were pressed into service at the New York side as they arrived, and the dead and injured were hurriedly j driven out to the City Hall, where j they were laid in the police station in ' | the basement. Ambulances then ar- j i rived, and those who yet breathed ; | were taken to the hospitals. ! . When the approach was cleared at j I last it was literally covered with ar j tides of clothing and personal*property j abandoned in the struggle. They were viewd with amazement by the people coming over from Brooklyn, who had not heard of the disaster. In the ex citement of the crush William Oxford, a drunken man, deliberately jumped from the bridge approach into William street, and received severe internal in juries and external bruises. The place on the bridge where the accident occurred is the danger spot in the structure. To persons who ore looking out over the scenery as they pass either way, it is a certain and most perilous trap. In a crush like the one it is a terrible danger. Many said that they had feared just such an oc currence at this spot. c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF« I CONSTIPATION. I E o ~ No other disease is so prevalent in this conn- A try as Constipation, and no remedy ha« ever ® equalled th 9 celebrated Kidney-Wort as a c E cure. Whatever tho cause, however obstinate o O tho case, this remedy will overcome it. u • D|| CC THIS distressing com- © C s ImmCs WF ■ plaint is very apt to be 5 complicated with constipation. Kidney-Wort • strengthens the weakened parts and quickly « C cured all kinds of Piles even when physicians £ to and medicines have before failed. - g 43- tSTIf ycu have cither of these troubles v K PRICE »l. I USE I Druggists Sell * Register's Notice. The Register liereliv gives notice that the fol lowing accounts of Executors, Administrators aud Gu.irJiaus have been tiled in his office ac cording to law and will be presented to Court for confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the Cih day of June, A. I)., l!is3, at 3 o'clock P. M., of said day: 1. First and tin.il account ol Robert S Ilays, oneol the Executors ol the last will ot llatriet Haw, late o' Connoqueuessing twp., dee'd 2. First and partial aceor.it ol Rosannah Martin, solp aoiiug Executrix of the last will of John Martin, late of Butler borojigb, dee'd. 3. Fipal account of T l* Shorts, Adminis trator ot William t. Shorts, Late of Connoijuc nessinfr twp., dee'd. 4. Final account ofl.conard Wick, Admin istrator C T A ol Leonard Wick, late of Conno quencs?iti!i twp., dee'd. 5. Final account of James Barr, Guardian of Catherine Stange, minor child of Adam Stange, late of A;]ams twp., dee'd. f>. Filial account Qf John H McJunkin and Wm Tiinblm, Executors ol Susanuau Timblln, late of Clay twp.. dee'd. 7. Final and dlstrioutior account of Philip llilliard, Administrator ot Isaac C Miller, late ol Washington twp., dee'd. s. Fiual and distribu:ion accouut of Philip Milliard, Administrator of Sarah Miller, late ol Washington twp., dee'd, t). Fist and tinal account of Caspei M.ller, Executor ol Conrad Miller, late ot Lancaster twp, dee'd. 10. Final and distribution account pi Johtj A Glenn and Daniel McDeavlti, Administrators of Daniel McDeavitt, late of Brady twp., dee'd -11. Fii il account of J F Hammond, Admin (st'ratpi ui JapoL) (jrtivpr, late pi Bulley county, Pa., dee'd. 12. Final account of Martha Zimmerman, Guardi.ai ul Sat fill F< Ximmciuiau (now Fi'.z simmoui) a minor daughter ol ueorfio W Zim merman, late ol Oakland twp, Butler Co, dee'J. 13. Partial account of G D Swain and Samuel Mojer, Executor ol Abraui Mover, late ot But ler borough, dee'd. 14. tinal account ol James Morrison, Execu tor ol llie last will ot Mrs Susan Mill icon, late of Muddycrcek twp., dee'd. 15. Final account ol Louis Anderson, ouo ol the Executors of Gidcon as staled by Mary M Audtr-oii, Administratrix of Louis Anderson, dee'd. 10. Fiual account ot J A Forsyth, Executor of George Whiteside, late ol Middlesex twp., dec's!. ~ 17. Fjrs|, apJ final account of John il Me- Juukiu and J P Christley, Administrators of Nancy Tjmblin, late of Clay twp., dee'd. JS. Flpaf aecopLt of J U Hoover, Executor el Mary Ward, lute of r..rl-:ar twp , ilep'il, 19. Final account of Isaac Lefevre, Guardian ol Mary lua Walter, minor child of Siiuou P Walter, late ot Butler county, dee'd. 20. First, tinal and distiibnt'cn account of Casper Uockenstein, Execuu . -i Domineek Rocketisiein, late ol Summit twp., Butler coun ty, dee'd. 21. Partial account of Wm Davidson, Execu tor of Cynthia Irvin, late of Adams twp., dee'd -22. Final accouut of James W Kelly, Adui'r of James llcrro'n, late ot Clay t»vp., dee u. 23. Final account of George Waiter, Guardian of Maggie A Lutz (now Morrison). 21. Fiual and dbtiibjitiou accouut of Maiga ret E Alexander, Administratrix of the estate oflt U Alexander, late of M uddj-ereeU two, dee'd. „ „ 25. Final account ot Wm Harvey, Guardian of Jamrs Clcutlenniug, 26. Fiual account of Win Harvey, Guardian ol Wm Clcndenniug, a minor child ol Jessie Clcndcnuing, late of Clinton twp., dee'd, ! 27. Final account ol Isaic Lelevre, Guardian of Ella Walter, minor child of Simon P Walter, late of Butler county, dee'd. 28. FinaJ account ol Isaac Le'evre. Guaidian ol'Gedrpe Whiter, minor child of Siuiou P tValtijr,iateofß^cler 21). Fiual account of Nicholas Wally, r dian ol William E Wallace, tumor child of Wm E Wallace, late of Allegheny twp., dee'd. 30. First and final account ot Ed want leu- , hill, Adin'r ot James Touhill, late ol Parker ( twp., dee'd. 31. Final account of Christian Era lie and Frederick Ebert, Administrators ot Wm Ebert, late of boroug'u of S. xonburg dae'd. 32. Partial and dismbution account ol James McCaffertv and John S Love, Executors ot Robt Loi'e, late of Clinton twp., dee'd. 33. Final and distribution account ol Newtou | Black, Administrator ot George A Black, late | ot Butler, I'a., dee!d. 34. Final account of William Myers and J C Scott, Executors ol Philip Melvin, late cl Mtul dycreek twp., dee'd. 35. Partial account ol Thomas Garypy, snr viviug Executor of Hl> Alexander, late of Mud,- < dvcreek twp.. dpe'tl. 30. Final account of Edmund D Grail, Gnar diau ol Miry E lloil'mau, loruicrly* Alary E .vly- A 1 lister. 37. Fiual account of Samuel h and William C Kelly, Executors ot Samuel Kelly, late ol ( Butler twp., dee'd. 38. Final acconnt of Thos S Coulter and Mary A Coulter, Executors of the estate of Isaac Coulter late of Centreville borough, dee'd. 11. W. CUKISTIE, Register. Estaleol James 11. Meclilmj;. . ' Wi|erea« lifters have this day been issued to uSo on the estate of 4su,;ca If. Meeiiling, late of Washington township, dec d. by the Register of said county ot Lutler, no tice is hereby given to all persons owing said estate to call ami settle, aud those having claims against the same will please present them lot payment duly probated. S. C. Ht'TCHISON, Adn> r. June 5, 18S3. North Hope, Butler Co., Pa. THE TROTTING STAi-LIONS J. Golden and Gen Grant will make tho Bcasoti of 1883, at Butler, Butler county, Pa., }¥E.4K THE WICK HOUSE. Tli >BO interested in line horses will find it to tharr advantage to call for terms. bills, or a.j'lrcts, JAS. S. But lor, |?a, " MEN AND WOMEN Salary and Expenses Paid. OUTFIT FREE. Noexperience needed .UIIES K. WIUTSKY, Kurserymciif Ilocli€>iter, N. \ may9-3m. AGENTS Wanted SgSErASSifi works of character U variety :800 KS 0»/ OIUICj low in price, selling fast: nerdi-d <*vcr>ere: Liberal Pnidiej, OarreUoa h to., 66 N. Fourtb tit., I m.ad«lj>hia, P9 A. TKOUTMAN, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. TRIMMINGS. Carpets. Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, Etc, DRESS GOODS AND SILKS J TABLE LINEN At lowest prices of black and Colored Silk-, in Bleached an.l Unbleached, Turkey Redo, Ni-w shodes in C .-iimers. A line mil Inure n-- (ieriuan and fancy; Towels and Towelinjf, Nap sortmcnt of Nunc.' Veilinpr, Buntings and thin kin-. While Mii'ilta in pie.»t variety; Lice Bed r Summer Dress Goods. Sets, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Curtains. WHITE DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS. ' Largest assortment, lowest prices. Infants' Best makes of Ginghams. Muslins, Zephyt White l)resi Cloak?. White Dresses (or cliil- Cloth, Sen-sucker, Lawns, Shirtings, Tickings, j dren 1, 2, and '■> years old. Sheetings, Case liners, Jeans, Tweeds, Sic. Large Stock of Laces in White and Black Rueliings, Embroideries, Insert ings, Irish Trimmings, Collars for Children and Ladies, CulFs, Sash Ribbons, | Fishues, Lace Ties, Handkerchiefs in Silk, Linen and Cottou. Black Crape i and Crape Veils. HOSIERYI HOSIERY! HOSIERY GLOVES! GLOVES! Fancy Hosiery for children in gre.ii variety. Kid Gloves in all qualities and prices; Silk Fancy Ilosiety lor ladies, all qualities and Glo\cs, Berlin Gloves, Lisle Thread Gloves, prices. Men and boys' Soeks. Stock the You will find my Gloves stocK complete, largest; prices the lowest. Mitt, black and colored, Summer Underwear For children, ladies and men. Umbrellas and Parasols in fancy Satin, Silk Alapacas, Ginghams, Serge, Ac. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Large and fine selected stock, all absolutely new styles. Brussels, Ingrains Cottage Hemp, Rag, Mattings, Rugs, &c. Please call and examine stock and prices. A. TROUTMAN. * BUTLEB, PA =IDMIII 10* PRICE 10 IU~ ONE PRICE The time has come and we are ready to OXE PB£CK show the people of this county the Largest, ONE PRICE Cheapest and best stock of ONE PRICE ONE PRICE Mens', \ oiiths', Boys' & Childrens' Clothiug, ONE PRICE ONE PRICE ALSO A FINK LINE OF ONE PRICE OSE PB.CE PJATS, CAPS ONEP..ICE ONE PRICE ATVT> ONE I>RICE GENTS' FURNISHINQ GOODS,?™ ONE PRICE ' ONE PRlilE Marked in Plain Figures at One Extremely Low Price. ONE PRICE M ONE PRICE ONE fRIqE OttO T*l'lC* 9 Popular Character all the World over, will Play the Leading Part at " NK """ J. N. PATTERSON'S, ™ ,E ONE TRICE 7 ONE PRlilE OXE PISICK CI.OTIIIXCJ IIOI.SK, ONE PRICE g OUTH COHNEK DUFFY'S BLOCK, BITLER, .PEFN'A! ° XK PRICE = OTHMMEty LOW PRICE TO in 1 -™ ww-y&wy TMJWT 2o MercliantslMi Who contemplate purchasing Millinery, St RIBBONS, LACES, VELVETS, CORSETS, SILKS, PLUMES, BUSTLES, RUCHINGS, FLOWERS, VEILINGS, NETS, HOOP SKIRTS, Etc. We pay particular attention to cus tomers just starting; and, when they can not come and maize their own selection, we guarantee to select stock for them that will give them satisfaction in the wau of assortment and price. To assure their success will be our aim, thereby addingnew customers and new business. Porter & DonA WHOLESALE 260, 262 and 264 L Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF " MNHIR MA TMBIIS JUST NTCTIINJ OAK AM. HEM,.O<'K SOLI!. nd .WMESTIC KirANP rAI.P..^ I'PPER, P.KI.TIMi, HARNESS AMI LACE LEATHER ROA"N AUSTID 3?I2>JIK LiNiiTGS, ETC- AL.SO DUKDVACTVUKROF AM. KISDS OP Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc. And carry a full stock of Whips, Robert, Blankets, Brushes, and all other Gooda belonging to the Business, AU Kinds of Repairing Receive Prompt Attention, fcTPlease call and examine our floods and got Prices, before you purchase tlsewheio. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AXD PELTS. C. ROESSING, Roiber's Block JeflVrson .Street, opposite Lowry Houso, Butler, Pa FINE WALL PAPER, Fancy Window Shades, Stained Qlass Paper. JAS. M. W AI.LACE, 75 Wood SI., Fitisburgla. CARPETS AND WALL PAPER! [). £ i". S. !-1' a jiayinj mad; important changes in (heir business location, now occupying; FFUKItAI. STItKKT and OS A A **,« i » Booms Nos. li.", and <.7 Park Way have been fitted to suit our business and are the boat lighted rooms iu the two cities. Our new stock now opened eoniprisM the largest and bett selections ofl'arpets, Wall Paper, etc., ever brought to the city. For. 1;» BAYS W K\\ ILLOItKI 50 pieces of T A PES Til Y BRUSSELS at oOcts BOl>\ BBL&SELS at^l.lo. VELVETS at $1.2, r ». MOQTETTES at j.1.20. INGRAIN CARPETS from 22 cts. upwards. 3-PLY at 90 cts. One Pair Curtains and one Cornice or Pole for $2.00. Wall Poj>er from 5 cts.per roll upwards. «. ExcfctituKiy i.«» i». i.«» »• D& F g WELTT) 120 Federal St., and 65 &. 67 Park Way, Allegheny, Pa,