Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 06, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
We aie now offering a Urge and elegant line ol
Buutinga, all wool at 25c and up.
Black and Colored Silks,
Black and Colored Cashmeres, Cou
leiirs and Nuns' "\ eiling.
Debeges, Guster and Melang Saitings
ia endless variety.
Laces, embroideries and Neckwear.
Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear.
Full assortment ot
In all the latest designs.
1)0 Federal SI., Allegheny Clly
Agent for Mme. Demorest's Reliable Patterns
We have connected with our
|| | IT il extensive manufacturing bus
■ll II %" iness u department solely da-
II Ml % voted to the sale of Guns. Ki-
I I H 1 fles. Revolvers and all sorts of
ITI ■ . ■ sporting goods We can sell
111 V I | goods of this character much
w W*« M cheaper than any other deal
er In the country. Recently we bought of the
well-known firm of the London and iJverpool
(iun Co., who failed, 3,000 of their champion
breech-loading shot guns, which we will sell at
only 57.00 each. This gun cost the
amount we ask to manufacture. We li-*ve only a
few left, and to close them out will sell them at
the low price of $7.00. Now is your
want a reliable Gun at a low price. Send a three
cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue.
Hudson Manufacturing Co.,
Astor Place & Broadwoy, New York.
Bicßel & Gallagher,
(Successors to a A. Flick.)
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
apr 4, 3m
Union Woolen Mills.
I would desire to call the attention of the
public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting ard Weaving Yarns,
and I can recommend them as being very dura
ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in texture, and will bo sold at very low
pricee. For samples and prices, address,
- f a. FULLEitTON,
jiuM.'VS-ly Butler, Pa
Farmers Look !
To vour own interest and dont buy a grain
drill till you Boe the FARMER'S FA\OBirE.
Double distribution and grain seeder, force feed
grass seeder, and double cast-steel reversible
points. Steel axletree*. Grass seeder either
behind or before For sale by Wm. Crookshank,
Sarveraville, Butler Co. Pa. aplStf
farmers and Gardeners!
Look to yopr owu interest a and improve your
crops, from 75 to lUO per cent, by using the
Peruvian Sea Fowl Guano, or Bradley's Desolved
Bono On band at Leonard Wiae's in Butler,
or Wqi. Crookabank's at Sarversville Station,
Butler Co ; Pa. »pistf
The subscriber continues the making of bricks
common, pavement, bay-window and other qual
ities at his kiln on the Kair Ground road, half a
mile west of Butier lie will keep on hand a lot
of bricks at all times. He will also make and burn
brick in the country for anyone desiring to have
them made on their own farm or premises.
As he Intends carrying on the brick making
business, he invites the custom of all, promisnig
to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron
ize him.
All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates.
Call on or, address,
mar2B-emo Butler Pa.
Ou WALDRON, Graduate ot tbe Phil.
. K ,smww srffS
prpfesslon In a satisfactory manner.
Oljlce on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
up stairs. apll
Work made to order, and repairing of all
kinds done at reasonable rates and satisfaction
guaranteed. Particular attention given to re
pairing of farming implements. Buck-boards
for sale cheaper than they can be purchased
ekewhere, and always oil nprl 1,3 m
. .in The rtchert, vtum
(SNtift NAtßlCnftyX BEER ever quitted.
pWf"£i Purtffe* the blood.
laflAT RttKfci CURES Dyspepsia,
MUVI Liver and Kidney dl«-
|ii r.M , i i I ninnt Bsnt by Mall
If receipt ol 26 cts.
In pottage stamps.
Addresr: BEAN ft RARE, Wholesale Druggists.
Nos. 4? ft 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia.
ED No 114 June T V>S3. Lev McQuistion
• • m- 3
By virtue ol a writ of A 1 Fi. Fa. issued out of
the Court ol Common Picas ol Butler connty,
and to me directed, there will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in t e Borough
01 Hutlcr, on I hursdiy, the 7th day of June, A.
D , at 1 o'clock, p. M., the lollowiug de
scribed property, to wit:
All the right, title, interest and claim ol F. H.
Oliphant of, in and to fifty acres of land, more
or le s, situ-'te In Blipperyrock township, But
ler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
beginning at a post on the center of tbe Brown
lugtou and Harrisville road, thence south St)
deg. east, by 1 aid of Chas Bovard 08 perches to
a ( ost, thence 2 deg east, lfl 0-10 perches to
Mack-oak, thence north 89 deg east, by land of
JteV'A flijlp hfld VY 8 Meftltjftu 65 perphes to a
pft-t, thfcnce fcorth 2 t".eg cast 13 perches to* a
bo>t,t|)cncc southS'J deg uast,b>land of VV 8 Mc-
Kkson »1 8 10 perches to a post, theme south
2 deg west, by l.tud of J II Admin 18 "4-10
percTies iO a post iu center of Hcruhgraiw road,
thenee (-outh (K>J.£ deg west, along the center ol
sail road 21 4-10 perches to a poot, thecce
south 60 deg west, along ro.nl 53 tS-10 perches
to a post, thence south S3 deg aiot g said road
and laud ol E II Adams 83 3-10 perches to :i
poet t in the cent r ol Brow.iiuytoii and Harris
ville ro::d, thence north deg west, along
center ot saidro:<d 57 5-10 peichesto the place o
beginning, mostly cleared, uuder'aid with lime
stone, linit quar.y opened aud in good running
order, lime kiln and crusher, boiler and etigini
So ..to, limj houK, bol.urmd Jitgine, two iramt
tfbllmg h'oiisi's thcic'oh. Hc&tid aud 1 taken It
cxi'ciition as the pr opcrty ol F 11 Oliphant a
the suit of J t Barf}.
fibprifl's Offlve, «nller, Pa , May 21,15#3,
Tbe undersigned has alxrat 25 tons of gooc
clesr ice on hands, which he will sell in large oi
nr all quantit es on reasonable terms, and de
liver at tbe homes of his custojiers during the
summer. Orders can be left at Wick's meal
shop. D. HOWE LYON.
iittc# (filizcn.
Estate ol Edward Campbell.
Letters on the estate of Ed
ward Carjpbcll, dee'd, late of Worth twp.. But
ler couuty Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigi .u, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
SAMUEL 11. MOORE, Executor,
Grant City, Lawrence Co., Pa.
Estate ol W. P. Mechlins, dee'd
Letters of administration in the estate of
W. P. Mechling, dee'd, late of Washington
township, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant
ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payment and any having
claims against said estate will present them du
lv authenticated for settlement.
Baldwin P. 0., Butler county, Pa.
Estate ol Mary Wright.
Letters testamentary with the will annexed
having been granted to the undersigned on the
estate of Mary Wright, late of Jefferson twp.,
Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate will please make
immediate payment and any having claims
against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Saxonburg P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of administration on the es
tate ol Andrew J. Moore, late of Centre twp.,
Butler county, Pa., dee'd, have been duly is
sued by the Kegister of wills in and tor the
connty ot Butler, Pa., to me Noucy J. Moore,
widow of said decedent. Notice is hereby given
to all persons knowiug themselves indebted to
said estate to c&il aud settle the same, and
all persons having claims against the said estate
will please present the same duly probated lor
paymeut. NANCY J. MOOBE,
Administratrix of A. J. Moore, dee'd,
Butler, P»,
Estate of Jacob limine!.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Jacob ilunnel, dee'd, late of Buffalo township,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims agaiust
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
O. C. ROENIGK, Administrator.
Sarvers Station, Butler Co., fa.
Estate of John Walters,
Letters of administration on the estate of
John Walters, dee'd, late ol Jackson township,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any haviug claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
lor settlement.
JOHN A WALTERS, Administrator.
Evans Ciiy, Butler County, Pa.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals for the erection of a new
church building will be received by the building
committee of the English Lutheran congrega
tion of Zelienople, Pa , until 8 P. M. on Tuesday,
June 12, 1883. Plans and specifications can be
seen after June Ist at tbe store of O. D. Swain,
Harmony, Pa. The committee reserve the
right to te.lect any or all bids.
G. D. SWAIN, >■ Committee.
J. L. LVTLK, )
In the matter of tbe assignment ol Julia
Koessius; and L. B. Rocssing tor the benefit of
Those indebted to the above estates will take
notice that the accounts are iD uiy hands for
collection. Prompt payment is positively re
quired, or the collection of the accounts will be
enforced by law
Mar-Utf. Ageut for A. ROESBING,
P. S. I will be at Miller Bro's. furniture
store, Jefferson fit., Butler, Pa., on every Satur
day for tbe coming six weeks lor the purpose
of meeting the debtors. J. R. KEARNS.
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fine Watch Repairing u Spec
i nur if i!#iufl Bo,vod A ,iew
LUu mIRIIIh""-"™-T'boooZ
happy wives, and bachelors become happy hus
bands. This wonderful book tells plainly how
to begin courting; the way to get over bash ful
ness; how to find the soft spot in a sweetheart s
i breast; how to write a love-letter; how to win a
girl's consent; how to pop tho question; how to
make wife and husband rea} happy, <kc.
This is tit o b QC »k' tba, has lo>;g teen 'wanted. It
is tbe most complete work ever published.
Every bachelor, married man or woman, widow
or widower, young or old, should have it. Sent
postpaid for only 25 cents. Address HUDSON
MANUFACTURING CO,, A B ter Place and
Broadway, New York.
brgetic Men. Salary and Expenses paid.
The Business easily learned.
Kieffer Pear. Champion (Juinoe, Hausell Has
f berry, and all the most desirable fruits and orna
i mentals.
> Only those need apply who can devote their
i entire time aud attention to the work.
. Address, R. G. CHASE & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
i Ka MendsF.vervt'i.n*;
3 HOCK!—llarJ
) Tuu»fhefct. uuil Maat iJ
f oil Earth! A ;n. >i <•;*!
lr.Btrentrthr;acwi OMI.
il (BR and Cement:)! Ab&r- I r.
a rjj® | 'i. ; '|. i( ,' Stic
[1 lieathw Bit
li tVSaa Mitals, ratchea on
if I Itubber Rhocj.Brl&a-braj. Bor.!
Backs, (tone, Fumittiro. lfleycl
e rW ltubUr I'lrert. Ornament* of i.very
•« I »T!Wf & kjnrt. Jewelry, K:noker..« 11. « anil
d Sit si t?' 3 Cigar Uoldcr.i. (Jar< terf u* " '
H-. Books, »nd livcrythinK ••!
a IU Everlaetinx lnfei-anibie I V ■
L. i fa r!:iv.u!'n< turi-i -. ol Oi lnrn.- l T-i
--m A i>am.Tfili!o I'ubriC". Fine Oarniv-ex.
g ISSsit Menw.Artißti«\Flomrs Imttatkr!
»l itaine<lU!.iHa aud Straw Good%Cai)t
|5 t Maker*. t:r„ rnpplied by fiallon
v 'V.: -yW) ' Barrel. VOo. Bottle (Brunh and
g Tin rover); t.v null j-ostpeiil, lOct*
, e < (lira. M: il.*ion!ylvi inauuiacturera ]
i» * M)A?rDt*\iauU*lEverywliero. Boklby Driiwiflji
. t -rrs. ■ • ucra, I
d Hi Bent Cough Byrup. K|
IR KM Use in time. Sold by druggLsU. Q
* |3g°°Advertise in the Ci'iizwiJ
For Dyspepsia,
MIIA Costive ness,
Chronic Diar
-0 rhcea, Jaundice,
Impurity of tho
Blood t Fever and
w ;^Kw e» Malaria.
11l MIJ M fi if and all Disease!
caused by De
rangement of Liver, Bowels acd Kidneys.
Bad Breath; Pain in the Side, sometimes th»
pain is felt under the Shoulder-blade, mistaken for
Rheumatism; general loss of appetite; Bowels
generally costive, sometimes alternating with lax;
the head is troubled with pain, is dull and heavy,
with considerable loss of memory, accompanied
with a painful sensation of leaving undone something
which ought to have been done; a slight, dry cough
and flushed face is sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken for consumption; the patient complains
of weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists; spirits are low and desponden:,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Severa.
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurrea when but few of them existed, yet
examination after death has. shown the Liver to
have been extensively deranged.
It should be used by all persons, old and
young, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear*
Persons Traveling or Living In Un
healthy Localities, t>y taking a dose,occasion
ally to keep the Liver in healthy action, will avoid
all Malaria, Bilious attacks, Dizziness, Nau
sea, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, etc. It
will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no in
toxicating beverage.
If You have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleep
less at night, take a dose and you will be relieved.
Time and Doctors' Bills will be saved
by always keeping the Regulator
J in the House!
For, whatever the ailment may be, a thoroughly
safe purgative, alterative and tonic can
never DC out of place. The remedy is harmless
and does not interfere with business or
And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the injurious after effects.
A Governor's Testimony.
Simmons Liver Regulator has been in use in my
family for some time, and I am satisfied it is a
valuable addition to the medical science.
J. GILL SHORTER, Governor of Ala.
lion. Alexander 11. Stephens, of Ga.,
sa\s: Have derived some benefit from the use of
Simmons Liver Regulator, and wish to give it a
further trial.
44 The only Thing that never fails to
Relieve."— I have used many remedies for Dys
pepsia, Liver Affection and Debility, but never
have found anything to benefit me to the extent
Simmons Liver Regulator has. I sent from Min
nesota to Georgia for it, and would send further for
such a medicine, and would advise all who are sim
ilarly afTected to give it a trial as it seems the only
thing that never fails to relieve.
P. M. JANNST, Minneapolis, Minn.
Dr. T. W. Mason says: From actual ex
perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in
my practice I have been and am satisfied to use
and prescribe it as a purgative medicine.
Js@**Take only the Genuine, which always
has en the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark
and Signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO.
" SI,OOO »
fi will be paid If any impurities or mineral
® substances are f«uml In PKKL'NA. or for jr"
"3 any case it will not cure or help. ■■■■■
3 t'LKi-'N" ais purely a vegetable compound.
fl It is not equalled by all other medicines g.
_. combined, strong language, but it is true, e
a PEKUNA is more extensively prescribed a
S by honest physicians than any other half- M
_ dozen remedies known to the profession, w
•3 I'EP.CNA positively cures Consumption,
5 Chronic Catarrh, and all Lung anil Heart ©
ao diseases. "
S? As a Cough remedy, it has no equal; It CO
2 positively cures all Coughs. You cannot
o take an overdose, as it. contains no mor
" phJue- HMMBHWI 5?
H For Intermittent Fever, Chills and Ke- §.
™ ver, C
•° No ™
located, be you young or old, male or fe- </)
| male, go atonee for ex
3, Ask your druggist for l>r. Hartman's b
pamphleton "The Ills of Life, gratis, o
For l'iles and Pelvic Diseases, take
i i
Coughs are quite as dan
gerous as those of
But they yield to the same
treatment and ought
to be taken in
For all diseases of THROAT, ;
Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
J. L.Pnrviß, I K. A. Helmboldt,
William Campbell, ' J. W. Hurkhart,
A. Troutman, J Jacob Schoene,
G. O. RoeesinK, John Caldwell,
Dr. W. lrvin, J. J. Croll,
A. B. Rhodes, | K. C. Heineman.
JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, (Jen, As't
[Sellers' Liver Pills
Act Bifectly on tfie Liver.
OF THE lIKART, 1)17.74.VK.K5, TOHHIU 1,1 V KH,
you do not "feel very well," a single pill at
bed-time Htlmulates the stomacli. restore#
the appetite. Imparts vigor to the system.
H• 11 w I ■■ Ufiood sltii»tious Kuar
anterd. with stmnp. Superintendent
SHEHUAN TKLEU RAPIi CO., 01»erlyi,.y.
For Sale,
Au order on Mall's Sale and l.ock Co., of Cin
cinnati, and several orders on ditl'erent Sewing
Machine Companies, also a certificate of mem
bership to correspondence class of Pitman's
Phonography. Enquire at this office.
TUrUtiK WANTED $ 100.
I IrH|VI | |1 \ Steady Employmeiu during
• McCußbV & CO.. Phil»delphi».P».
The Question of Instrumental
Music up for Discussion. —
Speeches on Each Side.
The Pittsburgh papers of last week
contained the interesting proceedings in
the U. P. General Assembly held there
on the "Instrumental Music" question
now agitating that church We give
below two of the leading speeches, one
on each side of the question, as made
on the 29th ult :
The Assembly met at 2:30 in the
afternoon, by which time tbe church
was literally packed, many having re
tained their place during the recess.
The Moderator then announced that
the special order was the consideration
of the report of the Committee on
Dr. N. C. McDill, of Indiana, was
recognized by the Chair. He said the
large attendance at the sessions showed
that there were important principles
underlying the subject under discussion,
and that the people were deeply inter
ested. He said the fundamental law
was conciliation and forbearance, but
the trouble was to find out who should
do the conciliating or who should be
forborne. He said in his opinion the
easiest and best way out of the trouble
was to send the matter down in an
overture. He did not speak as a
memorialist, because he had not signed
any paper on the subject. But by an
overture a clear expression of the
Church could be obtained. He did not
ask this in factious opposition, but be
cause he could not consci?ntiously sub
scribe to music in the church. As for
himself, he intended to stay in the U.
P. Church, whether he had his way or
Rev. Alex. Young, D. D., said he
had not been forward in the discussion
which ensued after the overture was
sent down in 1881. He had never
written a line on the subject, and bad
rarely spoken on the question in Pres
byteries where it was discussed. He
had read both sides and bad talked
about the subject to those among whom
he mingled. He had found various
opinions, and back of those holding the
minority views was conscience, they
holding that it is not authorized by
God, and consequently prohibited. The
speaker delivered a logical argument,
contending that the theory that what
is not prohibited had nothing whatever
to do with the question uuder discus
sion. It was true that doctrine was
taught in the Westminster Confession
of Faith, but it referred to the moral
law, and there could be no difference of
opinion in regard to that matter. He
then quoted another section of the
Westminster Confession, showing that
it was not opposed to music, and that
it was a question which could not be
classed as prohibited. So one doubted
that under the old dispensation that
music was used. Tbe Hebrews sung,
and the Scriptures when translated into
Greek and other tongues could not be
sung in the same manner as they were
in the Hebrews. Tbe Old dispensation
went down with the new Testament
dispensation. There was not a word
of prohibition against the use of instru
ments, and he challenged the produc
tion of anj T phrase in Scripture which
prohibited tho use of instruments.
There was none because it was not
deemed essential that regulations on
the subject of music should be maue.
He had heard a brother remark that the
prohibition had been established by the
unwritten laws of our fathers. He was
never more surprised than when he
heard Dr. Kennedy make use of that
expression, ne wondered if he were
iu Jerusalem, where the traditions of
the fathers were handed down, and
wondered if tbe brother believed the
fathers of the Church were the word of
The speaker proceeded to review the
early forms of worship, argued that
there was not a single line against
music in the Westminster Confession
of Faith" although it was at a time
when chorus and music were at their
height, and claimed that there was qo
rule against it in the Associate Church,
and in the Associate Reformed Church
the only deliverance was the declara
tion that the use of instruments was
not authorized in the New Testament.
That was subsequently changed to read
that their use was not sanctioned in
the Bible, a very different proposition.
Then it was made still stronger iu the
United Presbyterian Church until it
was repealed. He then spoke against
the minority report. The General As
sembly had no right to command any
congregation to do one thing or refrain
from doing another. They did just ex
actly what they should do—they re
pealed and they left churches at liberty
either to use the instrument or refrain.
On the question of forbearance he refer
red to Paul's action on the question of
circumcision. He performed the cere
mony when the man was willing, but
under no condition would he allow it
to be forced upon any one. It is thia
same kind of forbearance that should bo
experienced in regard to music. Those
who want them should be allowed, but
no one should be forced to use them as
the minority contend. In regard to
conscience he said he was perfectly
willing to concede that the brethren
should have all the conscience they
could, but he did not desire his liberty
to be measured by that conscience. In
illustrating conscience he referred to
the custom of lining out the Psalm
which was introduced btcause a new
version of Psalms had been introduced
and many persons iu the congregation
were unable to read For their accom
madation the Psalms were lined out.
In those days, however, the lines were
fourteen syllables in length. When
smaller'books were made the lines were
divided into two, and the custom of
lining was so rigidly adhered to that
only one-half line of were given out,
and the repeal of that custom caused
as much heart-burning as the music is
now causing. Yet all this was done
for conscience. When the ne-,v version
of the Psalms was issued an efrort was
made to pet the General Assembly to
authorize their use. The Assembly
had better sense and declined to author
ize but did recommend. In this city,
he asserted, a brother was at church
last Sabbath, at the Fourth Church,
and found the old version in use there.
The pastor of the church in which the
.Assembly is held showed his good
sense in making the acceptance of the
contingent upon the agreement that the
new version should be adopted. He
asked the audience if it would have
been possible under the old version to
have arranged the service of praise
which was arranged on the night the
Assembly opened. The action taken
by the last Assembly was eminently
proper. It is not tramping on con
science and is good sense. It simply
gives congregations who desire to in
troduce instruments the privilege to do
so—leaving it entirely at their discre
When Dr. Young had concluded
there was an outburst of applause,
which was checked as promptly as pos
sible by the Moderator, who begged
the audience to refrain from demonstra
tions of applause.
Dr. J. Carson advanced to the plat
form and said: "When the union de
signated by those dates above the pul
pit was formed, there was no clapping
of hands indicative of victory over op
ponents. The great question was
"How can we come together?" not
"How can we answer each other?" I
stand here," continued the speaker, "as
the representative of the memorialists
to this body. I am oppressed with
the responsibility resting upon me, but
am encouraged by the consideration
that if the cause be not of the Lord,
any mistake I may make will not make
much difference—l only should be dam
aged. If it is of the Lord, I have con
fidence in the belief that He will be
able to overrule for good any injury
which may done through my feeble ef
forts. The voice which comes to us
to-day is the voice of 6,004 ministers
aud members of the Church, and voices
the cry of 50,000 membership of the
Church. It is a cry of (the oppressed,
and appeals to this General Assembly
for relief from oppression which is
pressing way down on the church, like
the old man of the sea, the spirit of the
world, in the shape of the organ. Who
ever complained of a restriction of their
liberties in this church until this organ
question was brought forward? Who
ever heard of any memorial coming up
complaining of oppression until the or
gan question had bten introduced ?
This has been the history of all the
churches in which instruments have
been introduced. It always comes in
like a robber as it is. It was never
authorized iu the Presbyterian Church,
but it found its way over the wall as it
did in some of our churches, even be
fore the overture was heard of. Since
this action last year we hear of the in
troducing of the organ in other
churches, bringing alienations, dissen
sions aud divisions. Hence we ask for
protection against this oppressor and
The memorialists say that their dis
satisfaction is real and pronounced.
They are not ignorant people and are
not bigoted or fanatical. They include
some of the best men in the church,
and when they speak of dissatisfaction
there are some real grounds. What
are the grounds, and how are they to
be removed ? Shall they be answered
as Rehoboam did the Israelites, by tel
ling them that, while their loads had
been light, he would make them
heavier, and while they had been chas
tized with whips, they should be chas
tized with scorpions. Is that the kind
of an answer the memorialists should
have received? The report of the com
mittee is merely Hinging back into their
teeth the action of which they are com
plaining, repeating in effect the words
of the notorious politician: "What
are you going to do about it?" The
report even takes away the concealing
word in the action, making it even
more offensive. It says if you don't
take that you can't get anything. Is
that not trampling on tho consciences
of the memorialists. The Assembly
enjoins upon the church not to force
tbe measure, but the Assembly set a
very poor example, and the present
Assembly is pursuiug the samo thing
iu giving instructions to lower courts.
lam ersuaded in my own mind
that there vas not a proper majority
for the l. peal of the rule, although
there is no disposition at this time to
question the legality of the action, but
the information which has been obtain
ed shows that by votes which should
not have.been cast and others which
were cast iu opposition to wishes of
their sessions, tho repeal was clearly
defeated, and the Assembly was moral
ly bound to announce to the church
that there had been no clear judgment
from the church and should have sent
it back for such an expression that
could not be mistaken. No one but
the Omniscient, except the Presby
teries, could tell how the church would
vote on the question, and the only way
to determine tbe matter is to put the
church clear and simple in the form of
an overture. I cannot say with Dr.
McDill that I will follow the church
wherever it leads. When the voice of
the church is clearly expressed in over
ture, 1 will bow to its will. For what
I will do 1 will be responsible only to
God. I will follow the pillar of fire as
closely as possible, and will recognize
no other leader. I hope to die in the
United Presbyterian Church, Vmt
whether I w'U p- not I cannot say.
It iu not becoming to deal in threats,
and ft is for this reason that we come
to the Assembly. We believe it will
bring peace not only to a few congre
gations, but to the entire church, and
will obstruct a movement which, if not
checked, will eventuate in appalling
disaster to the church.
The speaker, in continuing, proceed
ed to discuss the law of the
the subject of music, a?d ?aid that all
had beer; educated to believe that the
use of instrumental music was an es
sential feature of worship and that it
was not to be introduced unless an ex
press law was enacted authorizing ita
use. He said it was an insult to the
fathers of the church to think that they
classed music with such trifles as stain
ed glass windows, false teeth, church
spires, etc. He had been taught to
look upon music as not authorized by
the Scriptures and he could not bow to
any mere doctrine overthowing those
teachings. He claimed that the intro
duction of organs would open up the
door to the introduction of hymns of
human composition. First the use of
paraphrase of other scripture would be
sanctioned, then would come the
hymns, just as has been the case in the
Presbyterian Church. It might not
come in five or ten years, but it would
be merely a question of time.
When Dr. Carson had concluded,
the Assembly adjourned to meet at
7:30 o'clock.
At the next day's proceedings a vote
was reached and instrumental music
gained the day. The minority entered
a protest to this action.
Parker Township Items.
May 28, 1883. >
. EDITORS CITIZEN :—This is quite a
"newspaper reading" community, but
it is to be deplored that many read only
one-sided newspapers and by reading of
them become very lop-sided in their
ideas; indeed their faith in a certain
paper and the faith it propagates, is
akin to the Mohammedan koran, and a
paper that gives light from all sides
and an editor who is desirous that the
truth be brought before the people for
the sake of country, home and truth,
gets little charity from Bigots, but we
are glad to say that every year, we be
lieve, the "Honorable Bilks" are grow
ing less. We know parties here who
take six and eight papers per year and
the "CITIZEN" is one of them, and, of
course, it can't afford (even if it so de
sired) to pass by and not notice wrong
and condemn it, for this class of its
readers would know of those things
and believing it was given to truckling
and condoning evil, would not want it.
Yes, CITIZEN, continue to be "more
noble than they," that wherever evil
and neglect to do the right is found,
expose it, on either friend or foe, that
the indignation of the people may be
be felt by their unfaithful servants,
even down to the "cow question." We
are glad to know of the increase in the
subscription list of the CITIZEN and of
the regard and esteem in which it is
held by the people for its integrity, and
for daring to publish the truth, let who
will like or derogate it. It is the
"county paper" here that "people swear
by," and if the CITIZEN says it thats
enough, that settles it.
Quite a number of the people of this
township (northern end) have gone to
Pittsburgh this week, among them the
notable County Chairman, Orr, to at
tend the State Convention of the P. H.
P. party, which is likely to be quite an
affair, as there is quite an amount of
discontent among the Constitutional
Amendmentists. We suppose some
thing will be done. Let us know all
you can in regard to the outcome of
the matter.
There was a large attendance at the
Presbyterian Church (Rev. Decker's)
last Sabbath; communion services were
held. Rev. W. M. Taylor preached in
the M. E. Church in the evening, be
ing wet weather so large a congregation
as usual was not present.
The Junior Order of the Royal
Templars has been established here
with apparent good success. A great
number of young folks attending.
Mr. Y. F. T. Kelly, of Wampum,
passed through this place last Satur
day ou "rapid transit" for up the
Shenango Yalley to Harrisville. Yen
used to live here.
It sounds a little oddly for "old ac
quaintances," coming this way on the
cars to hear, "Bruin," called out by the
train men, but we are all getting to
like it better every day, even those
who were "deadly" opposed to the
change, have "taken to it" with a good
grace and good will now.
Wid Success.
The Arkansas judge, as a supporter
of the law, knows nothing but the dis
charge of his duty, or rather what he
considers his duty. He is never in
fluenced, unless tbe pressure be great.
Tbe other day a negro, charged with
misdemeanor, was taken before a rural
judge, who, after hearing the testi
mony, said: "I shall have to fine him
to the full extent of my financial juris
diction. 1 shall make an example of
him aud send him to jail."
"Jedge, I uster work at yer house,
Didn't I ?»
"Yes, but you needn't attempt any
sympathy game on me."
"I ain't er gwine ter ax fur no sym
pathy as yer calls it, an' yer needn't
skeer yerse'f. Yerse'f is a big man in
de church an' is hel' up as de zample
ob a good husband, but I uster work
at yer bouse, an' ef yer plaster one ob
dem fines on me, I'll proclamate some
mighty disagreeable news in dis neigh
borhood. Jes go ahead, sah, an'send
me ter jail, but on de road dar, ef I
doan 'mulgate some 'telligence 'bout
yerse'f, sah—suthin what I discivered
while I was workio' at yer house—
dat'll make de folks stan' aroun' an' ax
fer mo'."
"Get out of this court room." de
manded the iudgo, *'and if I catch you
here i\g&in, it won't be good for you
Mr. Officer, let the scoundrel proceed."
"Has he paid his fine, your honor?"
"Paid nothing. He was never
known to pay anything."
"What was de facks dat yer had on
de jedge ?" asked an acquaintance
when the "prisoner" left the room.
"Nothing'. Doan no a thing agin
de man, but lemme tell yer, you can
try dat game on say ob 'em wid suc
cess."—Arkansaw Traveler.
2^"Fast, brilliant and fashionable
are the Diamond Dye colors. One
package colors 1 to 4 lbs. of goods.
10 cents for any color
Lime-Kiln Club Philosophy.
"Am Judge Perfection Smith in de
hall dis eavin'?" asked the President,
as he laid aside his gavel and looked
around him.
"Yes, sah,'' answered a voice full of
fish-bones and shingle-nails shaken
"Please ambulate dis way."
The Judge ambulated. He came up
confident and smiling, expecting to re
ceive a gold medal for inventing a
mosquito bar, which also catches rats.
"Judge Smith," said the President,
in a solemn voice, "dar am a few little
things I desiah to spoke to you about.
You war' at de post-office de odder
day to rent a box at $2.50 per quarter.
All de mail dat you receive in six
months wouldn't light a kerosene
lamp. Den why dis attempt to frow
on style ?"
"I—l didn't rent one, sah ?" replied
the culprit, in a weak voice.
"A few days ago," continued the
President, "I oberheard you trottin'
out a Presidential candidate for 1884.
You had your biggest voice, an' you
was flinging your arms about, an' one
would have thought you knowed all
about it. Judge Smith, you will have
no mo' to do wid de makin' ob de next
President ob de United States dan
one grain ob sand will have in mak
ing up de great Sahary Desert"
"No, sah—dat's so, sah."
"Let dis be a warnin' to you, sah.—
From dis time on you have no candid
ate, doan' want one, an take no inter
est in polytics, beyond what can be
'spected of ebry citizen. If any man
axes you to tell him who am to be
nex' President doan' you do it. Keep
dat information locked tight in you
busum. An' a day or two ago you
denounced yourself as an advocate of a
tariff. Judge Smith, do you know
what a tariff is ?"
"N—not 'zactly, sah, but I was
gwine to read up on it."
"Exactly; an perhaps you'd better
read up on how to keep your mout
shet on what you doan' know an' what
doan' affeck you! You am a purty
lookin' advocate you am ! While your
wife needs shoes an' de chil'en want
clothes, you walk aroun' de market
wid your old white obercoat on to tell
de world dat you doan' believe in dis
or dat, or dat you am wedded to dis
theory or opposed to dat one !"
"I'ze sorry, sah. I'll drap de hull
bizness right off."
"See dat you do. Theories am all
right onless a man am two months be
hind on his rent. Doctrines am all
right when a family hain't shiberin'
wid cold. Individual opinions count
fur nufiin' when de individual can't
raise cash 'nuff to get a patch on his
boot. Go an' sot down, Judge Smith,
an' doan' lose a minute in startin' on
de road to reform.
—Mr. W. 11. Midlam, Gl6 Boas
St., Harrisburgh, Pa., says: "Brown's
Iron Bitters speedily cured me of ner
vousness and stomach troubles."
—The most noteworthy feature of
tbis spring's immigration, next to its
decline in numbers from last year's,
is the relative gain of the portion
coming from Ireland.
—Tbe Charleston (S. C.) News of
Friday, says that strawberries are now
so plentiful there that farmers are
giving them away to anybody who
will take the trouble to pick them.
LONE JACK, Mo., Sept., 14, 1879.
I have been using Hop Bitters, and
have received great benefit from them
for liver complaints and malarial fever.
They are superior to all other medi
cines. P. M. BARNES.
—Some of our exchanges note the
fact that farmers are turning up while
plowing immense numbers of seven
year locusts, and assert that the com
ing summer will witness the periodi
cal visitation of these insects.
—The confession of tbe prisoner has
an application far beyond a single in
stance. He said, "judge, I am half
fool when sober and all fool when
drunk." That is the kind of material
which keeps our courts so busy.
—Ann Eliza Young, formerly nine
teeth wife of Brighan Young, and who
recently edified a Butler audience with
her lecture on Polygamy, was married
at Lodi, Ohio, lately, the groom being
Mr. Moses It. Deming, a banker of
Manistee, Mich.
—ln these days when "lines of great
men all remind us that we might have
made our lines sublime" by a little
early practice, a certain interest attach
es to the following verses, which we
are able to say from internal and ex
ternal evidence were written by Edgar
A. Po3. The New York Evening
Mirror, edited by George P. Morris, of
the date February 21, 184 C, printed a
number of valentines which had been
read at a valentine party in the salon
of a lady who at that time gathered at
her reunions most of the poets and
wits of the city. This one, undoubted
ly contributed by Poe, is an ingenious
acrostic on the name of one of the
poetesses and most charming women
of that coterie. Tbe readers will have
no difficulty in spelling out her three
names if he hits upon the right clew.
It is entitled :
For her these liues are penned, whose luminous
tfS es.
Bright and expreaelve as the stars of Led-i.
Shall lind her own sweet name that, nestling,
Upon this page, enwrapped from every reader.
Bearch narrowly these words, which hold a
Divine, a talUmau, an amulet
Tint mu.-l be worn at heart. Search well the
Tbe wordi, the letters themselves. I)o not
The smallest polut, or TOU may lose your labor.
And yet there is in this no Gordian knot
Which one might not uudo without a sabre,
II one could merely comprehend the plot
Upon the open page, on which are peering
Such sweet eyes now, there lies, I say, perdu,
A musical name, oft uttered in the hearing
Of poets, by poets, for the name 13 a poet's
In common sequence set, the letters lylnp,
Compose a •ouud delighting all to hear.
AH this you'd have no trouble in descrying,
VVerj you not something ot a dunce, my dear:
And now 1 leave these riddles to their seer.
Httrprr'i Magastnr for June.
Martin Luther Anniversary.
BERLIN, May 25. —The Emperor has
issued a decree ordering that the 10th
and 11th of November next be observ
ed as the four hundredth anniversary
of the birth of Martin Luther. In the
decree the Emperor says: "I prny
God may listen to the supplications In
which I and all the Evangelists unite
that the celebration may be productive
of lasting benefit to our Evangelical
A Terrible Death.
Peter Strause, 21 years of age, a
woodman, working near Meckville,
Berks county, died a terrible death yes
terday, the result either of a snake's
or a black spider's bite. His body
was fearfully swollen and discolored.
His teeth dropped out, and his throat
and mouth became gangrenous. Ho
was in perfect health before his mis
fortune. He died in spasms as if he
had been bitten by a rabid animal.
—lt is hard for some members of the
Legislature to give up free passes.
—To say an unkind thing deliberate
ly is like putting a bent pin on a chair.
It is a boy's fun, not a man's.
—"Dr. Benson's Celery and Cham
omile Pills for the cure of neuralgia
are a success." Dr. G. P. Holman,
Christianburg, Ya. 50 cents, at drug
—Millionaire Mackey is holding up
America's end in Moscow. He occu
pies a whole floor in a hotel, has talk
ed to the Czar about California and
doesn't seem one bit frightened.
—lt sometimes happens that a wife
saves a husband's head, as was the
case a few days since at Salamanca, N.
Y., where all the unmarried clerks in
the railway offices were discharged and
the married men retained.
—According to the Philadelphia
Press one Captain Eli Wangamon, of
Blairsville, has almost discovered per
petual motion. He ought to be a good
man to pair off with Mr. Keely, who
for some years has almost discovered a
new motor.
—lt is not a man's pretensions but
his life that tells. "Thou mayst change
thy name, like Moses," said Baron
Rothchild, and heartily welcome ; but
thou canst not change thy nose. Bv
thy name I did not know thee, but bv
thy nose I knew thee at once."
—Children know where to seek for
information. "Mother says she don't
know who or what the devil is," solilo
quized little Madge, but I must know,
cos it's in my catechism, and I guess
I'll ask grandpa, for I've heard him
mention him several times."
—Matrimony in the last generation
had pretty nearly the same characteris
tics as with us, if these lines are true:
When Loveless married Lady Jenny,
Whose beauty was the ready penny",
"I chose her," said he, "like old plate—
Not for the fashion, but the weight."
When Ladies are Attractive.
All ladies know their faces are most
attractive when free from pimples.
Parker's Ginger Tonic is popular
among them because it banishes im
purities from blood and skin and makes
the face glow with health.
—Something of the difficulty of Gen
eral Crook's operations against the
Apaches may be apprehended by the
time that has elapsed since he made
his plunge into the mountains. The
range of these murderous savages cod
ers a broken territory in Sonora and
Arizona as large as the State of Penn
***"The best advice may come too
late." Said a sufferer from Kidney
troubles, when asked to try Kidney-
Wort. "I'll try it but it will be my
last dose." The man got well and is
now recommending the remedy to all
sufferers. In this case good advice
came just in time to save the man.
$2,500 versus $1.50.
"I spent $2,500, with other doctors,"
writes Mr. J. W. Thornton, of Cali
born, Miss , "Samaritan Nervine how
ever alone cured my son of fits." This
is on a par with hundreds of others,
speedy but thorough.
—The very best thing for you to do
is to do the very best thing you know
how. This is a hard rule to follow,
but a safe one.
Concord Grapevines.
Fine, Vigorous Vines, two three and four
years' old, for sain by the dozen or thousand at
tho lowest prices-
These vines are raised on the famous Sit.
Prospect Vineyards, at Passaic, N. J., where the
well-known Port Grape Wine is produced that is
so highly esteemed at Dresdeu and Berlin, and
European Cities to which it is shipped, and that
is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere.
Address, ALFBBD SrEER.
Passaic, N. J.
—Bishop Burnett preached before
Charles 11. on one occasion and at a
certain point he brought his fist down
on the pulpit cushion with great em
phasis, saying, "Who dare deny this
statement?" The Kingquietlv rejoin
ed, "Nobody, Bishop, who is within
reach of such a blow as that."
Erie's Experience.
ERIE, PA., Sept. 10th, 1881.
DR. HARTMAN: I cannot but express
my thanks to you for the great benefit
I received from the use of Peruna and
Manalin. One bottle of each placed
me squarely on my feet, after a long
sicknes, which had laid me in bed and
then left me lame and crippled. Three
days' use of these remedies dispensed
with the cane, and in a week I was
perfectly well. N. J. WRIOHT,
Business Agent, Erie Evening Her
Ask your druggist for Dr. Hart
man's book on the "Ills of Life." He
will give it gratis. If not, address Dr.
H. at Osborn, O.
NO. 211