Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 30, 1883, Image 1
VOL. XX. BOOTS and SHOES SPRING STYLES NOW OPENING AT THE boot Ii lit IS [OFF B. C. HUSELTOII. largest and Finest Styles and Lowest Prices ever shown by any Honse In Butler. All Fresh Goods MADE TO MY SPECIAL ORDERS an l warranted, Our motto is FAIR DEALING WITH EVERYBODY, goods just as we rep re»ent them, same price to all. Quick sales and small profits. I WANT THE LADIES To look at ray French Kid Turn Button Boots (Cur. Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid Fox Boots.) Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox. Cloth top Boots.) Pebble Grain, OLD LADIES'WIDE SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Walking Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers, Ladies' Button Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want. I WANT THE GENTLEMEN To step in and look at my Calf Boots, Calf Bals, Button Shoes London toe and tip, Veal Calf Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes, Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, 3rogsns, Hob Nail Shoes for miners, all of these are desirable goods from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe. I WANT THE BOYS AND GIRLS To see our School Shoes, Fine Button Boots and JBals, Slippers, &c., all New and Nice Styles very cheap. Infants' and childrens' Shoes in endless variety, from 25 cents upwards. The Largest Stock of Leather and Findings of any House in Butler. Lowest Prices. New Goods Constantly Arriving. REPAIRING. All kinds done at Reasonable Rates. COME AND SEE THIS STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. R. C. RtTSFLTON, Rutler, Pa. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF | IHHOtB ton WIPES JUST Mill/ - ROA-N A IST ID IPIEISriK: TjXNTNQ-8. ETC« ALSO HIKCFACTI'RKH OF ALL KINDS OF Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc, And carry a full block of Whips, Bobos, Blankets, Brushes, and all other Goods belonging to tlie Business. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. CaTPluasG call aud examine our Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsewhere. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND PELTS. C. ROESSING, Iloiker's Block. Jefforson Street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa D. A. HECIT CARPETS, CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. JUSTICE TO ALL. ONjE PRICE ONLY. TERMS CASH. DUFFX'S BLOCK, MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. C. B. BARRETT & CO., WHOLESALE JEWELERS, PITTSBURGH, Ir Have KP Yfc to much larger and more commodious IKJEJITB W KjMW TQOmH ia "ARBUCKLE BUILDING," Nos. 238 & 240 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A large assortment and a full ]foe of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER aud PLATEI) WARE, LOOSE and MOUNTED DIAMONDS, Watch Material, fie., at lowest New York Jobbing Prices. Wholesale exclusively. #•0" Remrmlwr the change to 23S and 2-10 Liberty St., (cor. Wood,) liext door to Jos. Home «St Co.' Wholesale Store. martt'.tm. PIBSONSBBfILLS ABilwillenapl.Mlrcb.nl. tli. blood In tbc fnllre «*»tem In thru, ranatlu. Anr p' ii'-n wh" will t.lt. ONE I ILL F.ACII NKiHT FROM O.VETO TWF.LVH WKBKS. «ia/ h.naUMd u> •MMidhtalth. If >uch a llitn* po.tlbla. For eurmi Final. C<.nii>laioti th.M I'llla harenuaqual. in SoM <-<rir) » hcra, or mm by mat! for n caata IB itamp». S*ml for pamphlet. 1. 8. JOIIK6QW & CO :; j>cxitoinMa»« : __^_^ | r7 na for « M)CABE or UPBIOHT romewoob Iff- 1 - M O" * M PIASOFOKTE. with Stool, liouk and llu.lc. Bar *>miy O fur nn Uclat MMp, Sub-Bana aud OcUve-Couplcr OKCIAN. Chanel Orguun MU, PipeOrgaua ®M. OTBKB HA HO A 1 Bill tally described to 111— twU< which It sent FUKK wlUi full particulars. W VISITORS ARB ALWAYB AtfdrtM m call upon BANIEL V. BEATTY, Wuhlngtofi, Mm iemy. | Estate of Edward Campbell. ! Letters testamentary on the estate of Ed i ward Campbell, dee'd, late of Worth twp., But -1 ler county, Pa., having been granted to the un ! dersigned,all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make imrnedi , ate payment and any having claims agaiuft 1 said estate will present thein duly authenticated | for settlement. SAMI'EL 11. MOORE, Executor, j Graut City, Lawrence Co., Pa. Estate oW. P. Mechlins, dee'd Letters of administration in the estate of W. P. Mechling, dee'd, late of Washington township, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to tiie undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. W.J. CAMPBELL, Administrator. Baldwin P. 0., Butler county, Pa. Estate oi Mary Wright. Letters testamentary with the will annexed having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Mary Wright, late of Jett'erson twp., Butler county, Pa., all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. REBECCA WALTER, Executrix, Saxonburg P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Administrator's Xotice. Whereas letters of administration on the es tate ol Andrew J. Moore, late of Centre twp., Butler county, Pa., dee'd, have been duly is sued by the Kegister of wills in aud for the county oi Butler, Pa., to me Nuucy J. -Moore, widow of said decedent. Notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to ttie said estate to call and settle the same, aud all persons having claims against the said estate will please present the same duly probated lor payment. NANCY J. MOORE, Administratrix of A. J. Moore, dee'd, Butler, Pa, Notice. Notice is hereby given that A, O. Boyd, As signee of Wm. 8. Boyd has filed his linal account in the office of the l'rothouotarv of the Court of Common Pleas, of Butler county at C. P. No. 357, March term, 1878, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confirmation an al lowance on Wednesday the oth day of June, 1883 M. N. GItEEB, Prot'y. Prothonotary's Office, May 7, 1883. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Rev. F. A. Ed monds, Assignee of David Zeigler. Jr., has Clod his account in the office of the Protbonotarv of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler connty, at Ms. D„ No. Jnne Term, 1882, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confir mation and allowanco on Wednesday tlio 6th day of June, 1883. M. N. GItEEB, Pro'y. Prothonotary's office, May 7, 1883. Insolvent Debtors Notice. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of J ihn Frantz of Cranberry twp., Butler county. Pa., laborer and shoemaker, that he has applied to the Court of said county for a discharge from all his debts under the insolvent laws of the Commonwealth, and that the Court has fixed Monday the 4tn day of June, 1883, in the Court room as the time and place for hearing said ap plication. W. H. LUtsK, Esq, my'J,tf. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Levi. Boyer, Com mittee of Isaac L. Boyer has filed his second partial account in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Butler county at C. P No. 500. March Term. 1870, and that the same will be presented to said Court for confir mation aud allowance on Wednesday the 6th day of June, 1883. M. N. OBEEIt. Prot'y. Prothonotary's office, May 7, 1883. Notice to Contractors. Healed proposals for the erection of a new church building will be received by the building committee of the English Lutheran congrega tion or Zelienople, Pa , until 8 p. m. on Tuesday, June 12, 1883. Plana and specifications can be seen after June Ist at the store of G. I>. Swain, Harmony, Pa. The committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. V. B. Christy, J G. D. SWAIS, r Committee. J. L. Lytle, ) may 23 3t. Road Reports. Notice is hereby given that the following Road Report has been confirmed nisi by the Court and will be presented for confirmation on Wednesday, June Oth 1883, and if no excep tions are filed it will be confirmed absolutely. No. 3 December term, 1882, Road in Adams and Middlesex, beginning at or near the house of R. McCandless, in Adams town ship., to lead to Denny's Cross Roads, in Middlesex town ship. W. B. DODDS, Clerk Q. S. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. In the matter of the assignment ot Julia and L. B. Rocssing for the benefit of Creditors, Those indebted to the above estates will take notice that the accounts are ii> my bands for collection. Prompt pnyincnt is positively re quired, or the collection ol the accounts will be enforced by law J.K. K ARMS, Mar-14tf. Agent for A. ROESSING, Assignee. P. S. I will be at Miller Bro's. furniture store,JJeirerson nt., Butler, I'a., on every Satur day lor tlio coming six weeks for the purpose ol meeting the debtors. J. R. KEARNS. ~~ D. L. CLEELAND,] WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly oil Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -BPECTACLEH AND SILVERWARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Fine Watch Repairing a Spec ially. i nur uii#iiio Ho,ve ' l A "° w b""v -IIIIrHI AK I n Ii JUBt published. How LU I L 111 n 111 If Umaidens may bccomo happy wives, and bachelors become happy hus bands. This wonderful book tells plainly how to begin courting: tho way to got over bashful noss; how to find the soft spot in a swectbeaits breast; how to write a love-letter; how to win a girl s consent; Oiow to pop tho quention; how to make wife and husband real happy, Ao., 4c., .Ve. Thin is tlio liook that has lung been wanted. It is the most couplete work ever published. Every bachelor, mariied man or woman, widow or widower, young or old. should have it. Hont postpaid for only 25 cents. Address HUDSON MANUFACTURING CO., Aster Placo and Broadway, New York. SALESMEN WANTED! PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT for Honest En ergetic Mon. Halary and Expenses paid. The Business easily learned. TIIE CHASE NURSERIES Kieffer Pear. Champion Quince, Hansell Has berry. ami all the most desirable fruits and orna mentals. Only those need apply who can devote their entire tiino and attention to tho work. Address, B. G. CHASE 4 CO., Philvdolphia, Pa. BMH Beat OiorTi Kyrop. Tnmen Rood. L=j IM U«« in lime. Bold by drugs ism. Bj BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 30. 1883 DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Homehold Article for Uuivei ial Family L'no. BHHHHBHiH For Scarlet I Eradicates I MAT.TB.TA ■ B ■ Sore Throat, Small mmmmmmmmm p° x > all Contapous Disease*. Person-: waiting on the Sick should use it freely Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Fevered and Sick Per- SMALL- POX sons refreshed and and Bed Soreg prevent- PITTING of Small ed hr bathing with p ox PREVENTED Impure 1 Air mad* I ~ A member of my harnless ami purified. ? . T'!u For Sore Throat it is a P°, x " 1 uscd lh " Fluid ; the patient was • P^'RI 1 % a r.b n o° u : SSS^ n^ U °" : we^nTr^ Chafing*, etc. . ~' _ . w p AFK . Rheumatism cured. ' p J, , , n ££ Soft White Complex secured by its use. Ship Fever p.-evented. I % | I Diphtheria I Catarrh relieved and 1 Prevented. I cured. Erysipelas cured. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ Burns relieved instantly. The physician* her. Kcars prevented. ' D ar bys Fluid very I>y»entery cni ecl. successfullv in the treat- Wounds healed rapidly. m( . m Q f Diphtheria. Scurvy cured. A. STOLLKNWEKCK, An Antidote for Animal Greensboro Al*. or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. Tetter dried up. I used the Fluid during Cholera prevented, our present affliction with Ulcers purified and Scarlet Fever with de- healed, cided advantage It is In cases of Death it indispensable to the sick- j should be uscd about room. WM. F. SAND- the corpse —it will FORD, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleas- I smell. The eminent Phjr- I Scarlet Fever I 8 I | York, says: "I am 9 CvPfid ■ 1 convinced Prof. Darby* H ■ 1 Prophylactic Fluid is a I valuable disinfectant." Tanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted—N. T. LUI-TON, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, of Georgia; Rev. CHAS. F. DEEMS, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LECONTB, Columbia, Prof.,University, S.C. Kev. A. J. BATTLE, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. GEO. F. PIERCE, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and wa have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. If. ZEILIN *c CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA " Is Nature's greatest remedy, and Is the _ . principal lugredientof almost every pre- S2 Cseription I)r. Hartman gives to Ills private P patients. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ "2- ■3 I'EUL'.VA pleasantly agrees wltli evety ® 3 0110— the young, the old, the middle-aged, W O the l>al>eand the mother. ° _ I'EBUNA cleanses the systetn of all It* 3 S impurities ; tones the stomach, regulates 5" 3 the heart, unlocks the secretions of the _ liver, strengthens the nerves and Invlgor S 5 ates the brain, • » I'EitL NA is the greatest ap|>etizer, makes g "& blood, and to the weary and tired from the -- tf tol is ami cares of the day 1 1 gl ves sweet and u P refreshing sleep. ►- n I'KIIF.NA Ueomposed wholly of vegetable H ** Ingredients, each one a great remedy In & 3 ltself - 2. I'EHUX A is pleasant In taste and win help JT O, the stomach to digest any article of food, t" ti In Idver and Kidney diseases, and in m Chronic Catarrh, it lias im.sitlvely no w 5 equal. It never fails. ■■■■■■■■■ 01 2 Ask your druggist for Dr. Hartman's " 0 paiiiphfetoii "The lllsof I.ife." o For Piles, I)larrha-a, or Kidneys, take CAUGHT A BAD COLD | I The SUMMER COLDS and Coughs are quite as dan gerous as those of midwinter. But they yield to the same treatment and ought to be taken In time. For all diseases of THROAT, j NOSTRILS, HEAD or BREATHING AP PARATUS ! PerryDavis'sPainKiller Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSJNG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TKEASUKF.U. H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W, Burkbart, A. Troutman, Jacob Sclioeiic, G. 0. Rocsslng, John Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrvm, J. J.Croll, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. HelnemMi. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ae't BUTLER PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURGH. PA. 1 WANTE ■ 1 fill I bl#<*oo«l Nit nut ioiiM iruiir ante*ri. Aduroas, with si/miti, S*j|»**rintnt HIIKKMAN TELEOUAPU CO.. <JJt>erlU l ««O a For Sale. Au order 011 Hall's Sale and Lock Co., of Cin cinnati, and several orders 011 different Hewing Machine Companies, also a ccrtilicate of mem bership to corres|M)iideDcc class of Pitman's Phonography. Enquire at this office. TIirUfDC WANTEDS 100. »2v lyytyw rm&asssß COL. W. A. ROEBLING. Interview With the Prostrated Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge. HIS FAMILY'S LASTING MONUMENT. What He Thinks of the Great Work Now Nearlng Comple tion. NEW YORK, May IS.— A quiet street is Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, although removed not three minutes' walk from the noisest. busiest part of the citv, and within ten minutes by boat from the centre of New York's industrial paudemonium. It runs par allel with the river, 100 feet above it and 300 feet away from it, and the damp air so hastens the growth of vege tation that now, while elsewhere lawns arc yet mottled with brown and trees half bare, the turf is a rich velyet of verdure and a heavy arboreal shadow rests upon the pavement. The house of wood, brick and brown and olive yellow sandstone, are all old fashioned, even antiquated; but they are spacious, richly furnished, and of such value that only the millionaire can afford to live in one. From the upper windows of one you can almost toss a biscuit into the river, you can over-look the river and bay from Sandy Hook to Hell Gate, New Y r ork, the cities on the Jersey shore, and the Blue Orange mountains, 25 miles away. I called yesterday for an hour at one of these pleasant homes, and was ushered into an upper room, on the side of the house next the river. There was a bay-widow in it almost overhanging the river, and in the bay widow a telescope, its tube pointing northwest toward the mighty span of the East river bridge. Gazing stead fastly through the instrument sat a well-built, powerful-looking man, in the prime of life, with a head wonder fully like that of General Grant, only less stern and stolid. The deep blue eyes smiled pleasantly, but under them were cruel furrows that told of pain and struggles with disease. His hair and whiskers were streaked here and there with gray, and as he rose and took a step toward me he trembled un steadily, telling how much less his strength was than it seemed. It was Colonel Washington A. Roebling, Chief Engineer of the great est bridge man ever built, but upon which he never has and never will, I fear, set foot. Eleven and a half years have now passed since a fire broke out in the huge wooden caisson upon which rests the Brooklyn tower of the bridge. On that occasion Col. Roebling exposed himself too much to the compressed air in the caisson, and fell a prey to that strange and terrible malady the "cais son disease." From that time to this he has been a confirmed, helpless inva lid, nursed and attended like a baby by his devoted wife, who has aided him invaluably in making the multitudin ous and intricate calculations required in planning the great bridge. From his window he has watched closely every operation by means of the tele scope, and has received such minute reports and given such explicit orders that he has practically supervised the stretching of every wire and the fast ening of every bolt. But as I have said, he has never set foot upon the structure, and probably never will, though he hopes to sometime to be driven across it in an easy carriage. I asked Col. Roebling if, on the whole, he was entirely satisfied with his work. "Yes," replied, "I am fully satisfied so far, but of course I do not know how I will regard it when it is finish ed and put iuto practical use. I hope to like it as well then as now." "Then it is not," I asked, "yet out of the realm of experiment ? Can you not judge by other similar structures how this will bear the test of use?" "Ah no," he replied with a smile and a shake of his head. "There is no similar structure. The Cincinnati bridge could be judged by the Niagara bridge. But this one is so stupendous in dimensions that it stands as much alone as though no other suspension bridges had ever been built in the world. It is all experiment, and I have had to make experiments without number to test all the work as we went along. The latest and one of the most important experiments was made just the other day by Mrs. Roebling. She is my right-hand man, yoa know." "Yes." joined the lady, "I tried a yery important experiment. I drove across the bridge in a carriage, and I was the first person that ever did so." "But was that such a wonderful ex periment?" "It was. I wanted to see the effect on the bridge of a horse trotting over it. So Mrs. Roebling drove across briskly, aud the engineers watched the effect very carefully." "Aud vi hat was it?" "Nothing. There wasn't the slight est vibration visible or perceptible auy where." "What other experiments do you want to try on it?" "I am curious to see tho result of military marching on it. You know, soldiers generally break step and the bands stop playing while crossing big bridges, because the rhythmic pulsa tions set the structure to vibrating ter ribly. But I think it will be perfectly safe for our regiments to march across the bridge as usual on the opening day. Of course I will have the engineers keep close watch, and if there is any vibration, the boys will have to break I step at once." "What are the especial factors of stability in this bridge not enjoyed by others ?" "First and most important, perhaps, is the use of four cables instead of two. These cables, you know, arc drawn to ward each other in pairs in tho centre of the main span. Thus they form lateral arches, and against any side strain, such as a high wind, make tho span as rigid as granite." WHAT HE TIIINKB OF THE MANAGEMENT. "Colonel Roebling," I asked, "what do you think of the action of the trus tees in establishing a system of tolls, even for foot passengers." "I'm very glad they had so much good sense, and dared oppose popular clamor so. Of course, I believe in a free bridge, eventually, except for pas sengers in the cars. But at first, we need tolls, to make the bridge unpopu lar." "Unpopular ?" 'Yes; to keep people away from it. Now, if the bridge was thrown open, free to every one, what would be its condition on the opening day ? Why a mob of 100,000 persons would crowd upon it from the Brooklyn end and a mob of 200,000 from the New York end, and they would meet like two tidal waves. For days there would be such a throng of idlers upon the bridge that no one could cross it with any de gree of comfort, if at all. Do you re member how that mob of young hood lums acted the other Sunday when they sot the upper hand of the gate keepers? Well, if that bridge was made free at the outset, such scenes would be repeated for days ; but if a fee of a cent is charged, it will act as a check upon them, and only those will cross who wish to do so as a route of travel or who take enough interest in it to pay for the privilege. Then after the bridge has been open for a few weeks or months, the novelty will have worn off and people crossing it will not be annoyed by crowds of riotous vandals." "The cable system of cars, of course, meets with your approval ?" "I think that is the only system the trustees should allow. Not that it would be unsafe to use locomotives. The bridge is strong enough to bear anything you can get on it, and a train of three cars and a small engine, such as run on the elevated roads, could cross it as safely as Mrs. Roebling's carriage did." "There has been some talk of Pull man cars, has there not ?" "Yes; aud some alterations were made in the plaus to admit of their passage. To these changes I agreed, but I am opposed to running such cars on the bridge. Doubtless the bridge would bear them, and on certain special occasions it would be well enough to run them across. But I am opposed to having them cross regularly for the same reason that leads me to oppose the use of locomotives. This is not a railroad bridge. It is not part of a through truuk route. It is a purely local link between these twa cities, and should be devoted entirely to such use. If you run locomotives across you will frighten horses, and by smoke and steam make it unpleasant for foot pas sengers. If you let regular railroad trains cross it, you interfere with tho cable-car system and with the regular local traffic. This is a bridge for the people, not for railroad companies. It the railroad companies want a bridge, let them build one." "How fast will the cable cars be run ?" "In trains of three, on from half a minute to three minutes' headway, ac cording to the time of day and amount of travel; and they will run across in perhaps five minutes. The cars will easily carry 100 persons each, so that during the buisy part ot the day the bridge can convey, in its cars, 36,000 persons an hour each way, beside foot passengers and vehicles." THE BOEBUNU FAMILY MONUMENT "You will soon resign your position as Chief Engineer, Colonel ?" "Yes; immediately after the success ful opening of the bridge. I have held the post 14 years. My salary has been SIO,OOO a year. And for more than eleven years I have been an invalid. Perhaps I will never be anything else now. But I am content. I have finished my family monument." "What do you mean by that ?" "My father was the original engin eer of the bridge. But before its site was fully decided upon he met with an accident that cost him his life. lie was stauding on the ferry dock, point ing out tho spot where operations should be begun for the Brooklyn tower, and where in fact the tower now stands. A ferryboat entered the slip, and striking the piliug caught and crushed his foot, and be (lied with lock-jaw. I succeeded him, and not long after I fell a victim to this caisson disease, from which I may never re cover. It has at any rate taken from me 11 years of the best part of my life. So father and I have practically given our lives to tho building of the bridge, and for him and myself I ask no other monument and no other fame." "Will you attend the opening ex ercises ?" "No, I am not strong enough. An artist is making a bust of me, and they tell me it will be placed on a pedestal on the platform on that occasion as my representative. But I shall open my house that day and receive all the friends who wish to call upon me—at least as loilg as my strength holds out." "But you don't look upon this as your last work ?" "I don't know. I will not try to do anything more until I regain my health. If ever I do get well, I sup pose I will find plenty of work to do in this busy world." Colonel Roebling's voico was grow ing weaker, and there was a weary look in his eyes, so I left him to rest. A table loaded with bottles aud glasses stood in the adjoining room, telling mutely of the desperate struggle ho is making, with the aid of medical skill, to keep in subjection ibe disease that has long been preying upon bim. "He must have more rest," said Mrs. Roebling, as I went out. "He is not so sick as people might imagine, but he iB very weak. If ho talks long, or reads, or works out problems, or has any excitement, a period of prostration and debility is sure to follow. I will be glad when the bridge is finished for that reason; for now we are so busy with details of every sort that he has little time for rest; but tnen there will be nothing to disturb him or worry him, and I believe in a year or two he will be perfectly well." And surely that this belief is well founded must be the hope of all. The Work of the Cyclone. Some of the'stories told concerning the work of the late cyclones in Wis consin and Illinois are almost beyond belief, yet their truth is so well vouched for by many witnesses tbat they must be accepted as trustworthy. At Kel logg's Corners, Kenosha county, W r is , the cyclone which a few minutes later visited Racine with such disastrous re sult, swept a millpond dry, carrying the water in a blinding sheet to the barn of Charles Herriek, which was literally deluged, and a cow, stabled therein, was drowned. A new brick school house at Aztalan, Jefferson county, Wis., was destroyed by hail. The stones were as big as eggs, and came down in such numbers and with such velocity as to make the building look as though it had been destroyed by a cannonade. Mrs. Northrop and her son, who lived on a farm in Racine county, near Union Grove, were standing at a window watching the cyclone, when they noticed that the funnel was coming to ward them with terrific momentum. They jumped into the cellar, and had no sooner laoded on their feet than their house, a substantial frame, was picked up like a balloon and carried over their heads a long distance down the road. The residence of Mr. Page, south east of Springfield, 111., was demolished and every outbuilding blown down. Some of them were carried completely away, especially a large ice house, of which no vestige could be found within a radius of a mile. Mr. Page, with his family, took refuge in the cellar of the houße on seeing the approach of the cyclone. They had a narrow escape from being crushed to death by the foundations of the building, composed of brick, which came tumbling in npon them, seriously bruising Mrs. Page. The house would at times rise several feet off the ground, but, strange to say, with the exception of being unroofed it settled down almost on the old founda tion. Near the house, and in the track of the tornado, were found several huge logs which bad evidently been a part ot some los: house, but which Mr. Page bad never seen before and did not know whence they came. The wagon standing near the house was carried several rods away and turned upside down without being much damaged. The residence of Supervisor Grubb, in the same neighborhood, was unharmed, but a summer kitchen was thrown out of shape. The stove, which was heated at the time, was raised up and carried about 200 yards and lodged in a straw stack. A fire followed, and the barn and other buildings adjacent were consumed. Near Dawson, further east, the tornado was very violent. Along its track nothing could be found tbat had not been damaged. In all the fields wero dead horses and cattle. Trees were prostrated, fences blown away, and the roads in some places blockaded. In one place a haystack in a shapeless mass impeded travel. It had been blown from an adjoining field. Tb& cyclone at Dawson and other points, according to the testimony of eye wit nesses, presented the appearance at times of a vast ball of fire, shaped as a funnel. It seemed to possess heat and power at the little end. Nothing of human construction could survive its touch. A few miles north of Virginia, 111., a hedge fence was raised root and branch and carried away. A big pile of railroad ties lying near tho track was scattered far and wide. On Spring Geld Round Prairie a horse was found with a piece of rail thorough his body. At the residence of Major Hess, one and a half miles east of Springfield, the chimneys were tumbled and the windows were broken. In one of the windows sat a largo wooden bowl. This was split midway, one half being left in its original position and the other half carried of!' by the cyclone. At one place a flock of geese were found naked this morning, their feath ers having been stripped from their backs and hung upon a hedge. Ou a hill near Howard, 111., the Btorm was very severe. On Friday afternoon this knoll was well covered with houses and barns. On Saturday morning not a stick of timber was to be seen. The veßtige of houses or barns now left are the cellar walls. The trees are filled with torn garments, remnants of bed-clothes, and the en trails of animals, and strewn over the ground are bushels of grain and corn. At Grafton, sixteen miles southwest of Jerseyville, 111., large stones were lift ed off the bluffs and hurled with tre mendous force into the Mississippi river and upon the town below, caus ing the utmost consternation and fear among the inhabitants. The Wabash track was covered for several miles with stones thrown by the force of the wind from the bluffs. A car of stone weighing 42,000 pounds was lifted from the track, and the stone scattered in every direction. Michael Lamed was taken up bodily and carried away. Search was made and his body found in a culvert of the Wabash Railway, a distance of one hundred yards from where the storm struck him. His head and face were split in two, and his body badly bruised. Large pick ets were carried a long distance and into truuks of trees. One of the most miraculous escapes recorded was that of tho family of Peter Scbaffer, living a few miles south of Mount Pulaski, 111. The house was torn from its foundation, and in an instant the air was filled with flying timbers and human bodies. Mr. Scbaffer was thrown into tho branches of a largo cottonwood tree that?hud been prostrated by the storm. He found his wife lying at the base of the tree in an unconscious condition. Further ou, under a pile of rail*, he , | found bis little girl, also unconscious, and, as was afterwards discovered, so • baily injured tbat she will probably die. The baby did not receive even a | scratch, and was found complacently ' viewing the spot where its homo had I stood but a few moments before. Not : a vestige of the house remained, i Everything had been swept away. Near Murraysville, 111., the grcund was blackened with hedges, large trees twisted into shreds, and the bark whip ; ped from bushes. A great deal of stock was either killed or crippled, and ! fowls were stripped of their feathers. The path of the cyclone is covered with the debris of bouses, barns, furniture, clothing, bedding, valuable papers, home treasures, rails, boards and shingles. A few miles from Carlinviile, 111, the residence of George Banter was de molished, and his wife and three chil dren were killed. Their bodies, shock ingly bruised, were found in the top of a tree. At Poutiac, 111., the house of John Duff was carried several hundred yards away, but it came down right side up, and the inmates, including two children in bed up stairs, were not in jured. Theil College. FOR THE CITIZEN. MESSRS. EDlTOßS: —Knowing that Butler county has sent a number of her boys to Theil College and is also rep resented in the faculty by two natives of the county, namely: Prof. Roth, President of the college, and Prof. Titzel, your correspondent takes the liberty of sending a report of one of the Literary Society entertainments of the college, believing that it might be a matter of interest to some of your sub scribers. A consideration in making the following report is, that mauy or the most of the students from your county are connected with the Chres tomathean Society. Rev. Asa Waters' sons (himself originally from Butler) have all in turn been among the stand bys in the brass band of this society. The other society, the Chryaostomos, has a string band in good shape. The lady students also have a literary society, which is, at present, very pros perous. Two of Rev. Swingle's sons are members of the Chrestomathcan Band, the elder, W. M. Swingle, being leader. A son of Rev. J. A. Delo, deceased, (both of the last mentioned ministers having formerly been resi dents of your county). Mr. P. A. Shanor, of Prospect, and Mr. Adam Schweinsberg, of Butler, are also mem bers of the band. Mr. I). E. Dale, one of Butler's most popular young men, was connected with the band while at tending Thiel College. W. F. Gallaher, of Prospect, and M. L. Negley, son of J. 11. Negley, Esq., of Butler, are to be found in the vigorous ranks of this society. The Chrestomathcan Literary Socie ty gave their ninth annual entertain ment in the Opera House on the even ing of May 11th. A full house was found in attendance at the appointed time. The evergreen and floral deco rations of the stage were very attrac tive, much taste being displayed in the arrangement. The motto of the So ciety, "Alliora, Qiurrimus," in white letters, placed on a background of ever green, with the stars and stripes grace fully draped back of all, was a study of beauty. As the curtain was raised at the opening of the performance, the gaze cf the audience was at once fixed and delighted by the band that occu pied the stage. The boys looked their best and their instruments glittering in the light produced a ffne effect. The Salutatory, by Mr. B. Keine, of New York, was to the point and had the merit of not being tedious. He al luded to the progress of the Society, its aims and successes with a very apt re minder that criticism should take into consideration that new members must be trained yearly to take the place of those who annually leave their ranks. A declamation, "The Fall of Jerusa lem," by Mr. A. Schweinsberg, of But ler, was presented in very good style. "The Heir of the Ages," an essay by Mr. G. E. Merkley, of Upper ('ana da, was treated in the well-known style of the author, as bo lead us up from the ages of superstition, on to the gradual revelations to the mind of man of the beauties of art, the knowledge of philosophy and the power of science with the great possibilities tbat yet await the future "Heir of the Ages.'' The Select reading, "My Experience with the Mormonß," found favor with the audience, and with reason. Mr. S. Elson, of Ohio, displayed a pleasing gift for rendering the humorous, sedate and pathetic portions of his selection. The oration by Mr. John Shunk, of Canada, "A Truly Honorable man," could not fail to carry conviction to every mind that the gentleman was convinced and impressed with the truth of wl.at he said. An original poem, "Tho Talents," by Mr. 11. W. Elson, of Ohio, reflected credit on the author both in the reel ing and composition. A declamation, "Scene in the Are na," by Mr. J. Maurer, of Lower Cana da, was rendered by him in his usual telling manner. Mr. Maurer has the reputation of an orator and fully sus tained himself on this occasion. "Hither and Thither," a lecture by Mr. F. A. Bowers, of Nova Scotia, :»]>- pearcd to be sufficiently amusing to his listeners to elicit considerable laughter. "Life's Ideal, its Guiding Star,'' an oration by Mr. VV. M. Swingle, former ly of Prospect. The speaker laid down the proposition that a man's career in life was measured by his ideal. Mr. Swingle's manner is earnest and unem barrassed, but wanting somewhat in deliberation. The Valedictory was by Mr. S. 11. Sbeakley, of Greenville. His style is the orator's, fluent and earnest, accom panied by freshness of thought anil ap propriate gesticulation. The music by the band and glee club added materially to the intorest of the evening's performance. The last, piece given by the band was particular ly beautiful and appropriate. A. B. NO. "28