BUTLER CITIZEN MISCELLANEOUS. Latest—As to Mary's Lamb. Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was black as ink, And Mary had dyspepsia so She eoulda't sleep a wink. She suffered lx)th by ni«ht and day, With pain and aches, until her Kind friends suggested she should take P. Davis's Pain Killer. It quickly turned dyspepsia out And made her good as new, And just the way that Mary did, Should all dyspeptics do. you keep a dog the dog will keep the "wolf from the door." An Old Man's Belief. Have used Parker's Ginger Tonic for my bad cough and hemorrhage I had twenty-five years. I fell like an other man since I used it. Am G6 years past. Believe it sure to cure young persons. There is nothing in this world which so quickly curdles or turns sour as the milk of human kindness. "Dr, Benson's Celery and Chamo mile Pills cured my wife immediately of severe neuralgia H M. Cocklin, Shepherdtown, Pa. for a man to kill off all his enemies by converting them into friends. Precious Hope —Peruna. One morning while hi? (her husband) was holding her up in order that she could breathe more easily, alter having struggled with a bad spell of coughing, he made the remark that he did not believe she would ever get well, when she, in her weukness, said: I will, It you will bring Dr. Hartman." The doctor was brought. lie prescribed a teaspoonful of Peruna every hour. She began to improve from the first dose she took. Sne told me to day she has never felt better in her life than she docs now, and that she cannot say too much for Peruna. A.J.MILLER. fler husband writes: "South Chicago, 111., Dec. 19, 1881: I have a living witness of the virtue of Peruna in my wife, who was saved from death by it. I certify that every word on page 30 in Dr. Hartman's book on the "Ills of Life" is true in every particular. T. S. EBERMINE. —Some people get on very poorly because the people who don't know them won't lend them money, and the people who do kDOw them take the same position. Hope for Drunkards. My husband had drunken habits he could not overcome until Parkers Gin ger Tonic took away his thirst for stimulants, restored his energy of mind and gave him stength to attend to business.—Cincinnati Lady. team to drag a man into virtue, but he will slip into vice as easily as though the whole pathway of life were strewn with orange peel. '— Cure the Asthma. Geo. W. Cross, of New York, Jan. 3, 1881, writes: "It gives me pleasure to say that Tanner's German Oint ment cured me of Asthma. The case was peculiar. 1 got a box to cure a burn, and seeing that it would cure various diseases, I thought 1 would try it for Asthma. I rubbed it freely on my chest, and took it internally, a piece about as large as a pea, and to my surprise and delight I found it gave immediate relief. lam now en tirely cured of the Asthma, and have had no return of the complaint." Myer's Extract of Rock Rose. Is a wonderful Blood Medicine, cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, &c. Mathews' Hair Dye. A splendid dye for the whiskers and moustache as well as the hair. Try it. —A noted "dude" has died in Phil adelphia. He was a baboon in the Zoological Garden. His postures and gait were exactly like the current American imitation of the London swell's, aud he showed just enough intelligence to complete the likeness. Speer's Port Grape Wine for Par ties. Physicians employ Speer's Port Grape Wine in their practice in all cases where a pure wine is called for, and do all in their power to foster and encourage its production. It is com ing into great favor among the most wealthy in New York City as a family evening wine for entertainments. For gale by D. H. Wuller. —The large number of divorce cases which infest the courts remind us of the countryman who hadn't money enough to pay the minister his fee, but handing him a small bill, requested him to marry the couple as far as it would go- Cure or no Pay. As soon as the wonderful powers of Wilsonia Magnetic Appliances were proven, a company was formed in New York with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, to place them upon the market. This company gives writ ten guarantees to cure or return the money. Nothing could be fairer than this, and their reference i 3 ono of the strongest banks in New York city, see advertise on another page. —There are two items in a Chicago paper whose juxtaposition is ominous. First, it is announced that Joseph Cook is delivering a course of lectures there; and second, that there has not been so much wind in that region for many a year. U. S. District Attorney Speaks, j Col. H. Walters, U. S. District At torney, Kansas City, Mo., authorises the following statement: Samaritan Nervine cured my niece of spasms." Got at druggists. $1.50. —A man offered SIO,OOO for a li cense to sell liquors at wholesale in Westfield, Mass., for five years, but the authorities refused. *#*"A fair outside is but a poor substitute for inward worth." Good health is inwardly, of the bowels, liv er and kidneys, is sure to secure a fair outside, the glow of health on the cheek aud vigor in the frame. For this, use Kidney-Wort and nothing elae. A. remedy resting on a basis of in trinsic worth demands the confidence of all. Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup is known and used most satisfactorily through out the land, as it is attested by its great sales. Your druggist keeps it. I —Our Mosey says that the young 1 idy who failed to catch her beau last : Sunday evening after meeting was ■ oyer must not be disheartened. He is rather a slippery character, and there are many other young men in town his equals, and would be only too will ing to make her acquaintance. The fact is, this glorious old borough is so blessed with handsome young men that no girl need despair in finding one to her choice. There is another fact also, the young men know they are handsome, and vie with each other on their good looks, and are anxious that the girls should be aware of it also. But, strange as it may appear, there are so many young ladies in this place who do not appreciate the good looks of these young men, and hence in many cases apparently seem to give them the "go by." ! A book agent named Joe Smyrk, Was put out and hurt by a jerk, He says as a cure, St. Jacobs Oil is sure, At all times to get in its work. A lightning-rod man in St. Paul, From a house had a serious fall, Though battered and bruised, He said, when he used St. Jacobs Oil—"It simply beats all." Mr. Emerson says if you trust a man he will be true to you, but the corner grocer replies sadly that there are notable exceptions to the rule, and that there are men whom he trusts with his sugar and flour only when they ' trust him with their cash. An Enthusiastic Endorsement. GOEHAM, X. H., July 14, 1870. GENTS—Whoever you are, I don't know; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of adulterated medicines there . is one compound that prorcs and does all it advertises to do, and more. Four years ago I had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last May I was induced to try Hop Bitters. I used one bottle, but did not see any change; another did so change mv nerves that they are now as steady as they ever were. It used to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writes this. Now, if you continue to manufacture as honest and good an article as you do, you will ac cumulate an honest fortune, and con the greatest blessing on your fellow men that was ever confered on man kind. TIM BLRCU. —When the grateful gravedigger looks into your face benignly and says it would give him untold pleasure to work for you it somehow does not make you as happy as you might ex pect it to. —French silk manufacturers arc re ported to be very hopeful as to the ca pabilities of a big spider lately discov ered in Africa, which weaves a yellow web of great strength and elasticity. The first real skin cure ever discov ered was Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. It cures all rough and scaly skin dis eases and makes the ekin smooth and healthy. It is an ornament to any lady's toilet. —A trestle bridge across Lake Pontchartrain, on the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad, will be twenty-one miles long. —For dressing the hair, and beautifying it when gray, nothing is so satisfactory as Parker's Hair Balsam. —Three factories in the United States consume nearly two million eggs a year in making a peculiar kind of paper used by photographers. Concord Grape Vines. Fine, Vigorous Vines, two three and four years' old, for sale by the dozen or thousand at the lowest prices. These vines are raised on the famous Mt. Prospect Vineyards, at Pas«aic, N. J., where the well-Known Port Grape W ir.e ie produced that is go highly esteemed at D. esden and Berlin. ar:d Enropeaii Cities to which it is shipped, and that is so highly esteemed by physicians everywhere. Address, ALFRED SPEEB, Passaic, N. J —lt is said iu Boston that the Meth odist Episcopal Bishop Bowman le believes that he holds spiritual commu nication with his deceased daughter. "A Blessing in Disguise." 481 ADELI-111 ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y., ) March U'J, IKBI. J No family should be without Allcock's Por ous PlaMeiß; their healing powers are wonder ful and their elHcaey fnr-teaebing and lusting. For years I have seen and known them to cure and relieve the most obstinate and distressing cases of rheumatism, kidney complaint, bron chitis, neuralgia, lumbago, inflamatiou of the liings and throat, para lysis, asthma, spinal weakness, and couglm and colds. In my own case they have afforded almost Instant and permanent relief. My lriends consider them an Invaluable and speedy remedy lor all kinds ol at hes aud pains. Tlwy are a blc. ; sing in disguise; and no wife or mother should be without them if she values her peace aud com fort und lreedorn from neivous exhaustion and other ailments. As a strengthening plaster, also for backaches and weaknesses, they have no equal. I never yet found a plaster so effica cious and stimulating, or to give so much gen eral satisfaction. Used in connection with Kraudreth's universal life.uiving aud life-heal" ing i'iile, no one need despair of a speedy res. tDration to gcod sound health. MKB. E. TOMPKINS. ONE TRIAL,, If you have been using other Plasters one tiial of Allecck's Porous will convince you ol their wonderful superiority. Take no other so called porous plasters that claim to be better, t'jcy are all fiauds gotten up to sell on the world-wide icputition ol the genuine article. —Gypsies really do steal chiidreu outside of fiction. A Bostou small boy was taken eft' by a strolling baud, atd kept ten days before his parents found him. —Bengstran murdered his wife and buritd h?r in Minuesota, and his story that she had eloped was so implicitly be lieved that no suspicion of his crime arose. But after a year of remorse he committed suicide, leaving a full writ ten confession. A . To all those who are suffering from the eis ror3 and indiscretions of youth, nervou weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, 1' UKE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary iu South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to (he REV. JOSEPH T. INMAX, Station V, Neu.- York City iy- |S»- Eg POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity Strength and whole.somen, ss. More economi cal than the ordinary kind s and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude ol low te->ts, short weight, alum a:id pbo.-t hale powders. SOLD ONI.Y IN CANS. ROYAL PAKINO POWDER CO., 10# Wall Street, N. Y. THE NEW PATENT OUST - Plt«OF Stem Winding Open Face Case, MANUFACTURED UV THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waitiiaui, Mass, This case is formed in enfi soiid piece with out joint or seam, opening in hunt only, thus avoiding tie utual cap, and seeming greater strength aud durability. These Watches ate all opeu fare. The bezel, into which au extra strong crystal is fitted with au especially pieparcd water-poof cement, is attached to the case by screwing it tbereou. and thus forms an air-tight junction with the body of the case, which is proof against dust and moisture. To railioad men, travelers, iniuers, lumber men and others who are almost constantly ex posed aud who have to make frequent relereuees to the watch, these qualities are of the utmost importance. Tlie Follow lug Inciter* Tell llielr own Slur}. VAI.I>O&TA. GEOKOIA, Ju:y -30, ISSJ. "I sold one of your Patent Oust Proof Cases about two mouths ago, and the other day it cauie back to me with the request to make it wind easier. Ou examination I louud that the stem was rusty, and I inquired into the cause of it. The gentleman stated to me that he was Starting fcoine saw-logs that had lodged in the bend ol the river, when his chain caught iu a bush and threw his Watch into about twelve feet ol water, and he was about two Lours lind iug it. When he got ii out it was running and' tie"thought all right. Iu about three momhs he found that the stem was hard to turn aad sent it to me. 1 can tay that the watch is all that the com pany claims for it and recommend it to all rail road aud mill men. B. \V. BENTLY." "CLINTON, IOWA, April IT), lSsl. "I wish you would send me a bpriug lor the Wm- Ellery Watch * * * By the way this El lery is a watch 1 sold in your Screw Bezel Case to a farmer last f ill' The iirst ol January he lost the watch iu the woods, aud found it this week iu about a foot of water. It had lain three months and over iii snow and water, with but slight injury to the watch -only a hair-spring. c. s. RAYMOND." The above were very severe tints, and demon strate beyond a doubt, that far any reasonable length of time during whish a watch might be under water it would receive no injury what ever. We muke these cas< s in both gold and silver, and as a Perfectly Dust-proof Stein Wind ing Waicli Case, Ctnllnigf tlie Worla lo pi oiiuct lis Equal. For Sale by ail First-Class Jewelers HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a SOLID GOLD Y.'ATCII, aside from tlie necessary thickness for engraving and polishing, a largo proportion cf metal is needed only to stiffen and held the engrav ed portions iu place, and supply strength. The surplus gold u actually needless. In James Boss' Patent Gold Watch C'USM this WASTE is saved, and SOIIDITY pud STRENGTH increased l y a timple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOLID CHILD is soldered on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the cases, hacks, centers, bezels, etc., nrc cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. This is the only ease made under this process. Jiach ease is accompanied with a valid guarantee signed by the via:ivfacturcrs warranting it to wear 20 years. 100,000 of these Cases pow carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1854. Ask your Jeweler. The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can bchal of E. GBI E 13, WATCHMAKER | JEWELER, Jtlaln M<., HuUer, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Good. Store. Bovard, Rose & Co., CHOICE CARPETS! Ingrain, Rag and Cottage; Extra Ingrains and Tapestry; Extra Tapestry and Body Brussels; Body* Brussels and Moquettes; English and American Linoleum; Lignums and Oil Cloth?; Matting and Window Shades; Hugs, Mats and Sweepers; I'lain Shade Clothe and Fancy Hollands, uc., «fcc. Bovard, Ross & Co., 39 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. marl4,3in jjpagpr Nothing in the world equal to It Cor lha euro of Scrofula. Pimple*, noils. Tetter, Old Sore*. ISOr« Eye*, Mercurial Diseases, Catarrh, Loaa of Apj«etltc, Female Complaints, aud all Ulood dl«c*xca. It nt-jer fails. All druggists aud country st.iro kie|x»r< siAl it. If. K. Sellers C-FET Advertise in the CITIZBW OLD COUNTRY TEA HOUSE ! Etl'ITA nK.IHH.EI> PAY NO MOKE FRSIGIIT ON OKOCEBIE3. The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES FREIGHT PItEI'AID WITUIN 50 MILES OF OUR CITT Order of $25 aud upwards, freight prepaid. o:dcr6 ol SSO and upwards, freight prepaid. Or If preferable, a discouut allowed of per cent. Oiders of SIOO and upwards, freight prep lid, or a discount of 3 per cent. PARTIES LIVING OVER 50 MILES FROM PITTSBURG Orders of $25 or upwards, a discount of 2 per cent. Orders of SSO and upwards, a discoint of 2% per cent. Orders cf SIOO or upwards, a discount of 3 per cent. Single families not wishing to buy i'i'< worth 1 or over can eluo together with another family , which w ill place, thein in the same position as . larger buyers. No charge for boxing. ! tg£3"i'lease seud for our Monthly Price List (Housekeepers Guide,) a bvok ol 2-1 pages, giv ing all our prices and a complete description, to oariu-s ordering living out of the city on railroads. Wm. Hasiage & Son, 18 DIAMOND lualO.ly PITTSBURGH, PA. ' PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON liu ildiiig*. {lridgemiml Hoofs, Jails itud E.ockisps, Fronts, Columns«& Girders, Mtairnaj's and Reams, Fcnees auil Crist ings. Fire- Escapes. i mar2B,om Are You Sick ? WILBONIA WILL CURE DISEASE Without Medicine. M They have been tested In over 10,000 A A cases of Catarrh, Dyspepsbi, Disease of P G the Liver and Kidneys, Nervous Debll- 1* OBALgilfe IS Rouah and Plansd Lumber m OF EVERY DEaCKIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASJI DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear German Catlaollc Chureh v * fyg w ■ |;:n ■■ e.n: u it h our 111 ll 11 extensive iniiiioiaeturitig J)us-" I 1 9 Kim iness a .iepartmeiit solely i>lon lireech-fiiading shot guns, whirli »vc v. ill soil al only ST.ou eai li. This gnu cogt more tvVue the amount we ask to manufaetuie. We have only a few left, and to close them out will sell them ut the low price of Vow is your chalice if you want a reliable tliin at a low price. Send a three cent stamp for our mammoth catalogue. Hudson Manufacturing Co., Astor Place & Broadwoy, New York. JORDAN ERRS, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, EUTLEK, PA. —U> — All kinds of Pure Wines and Liquors always on liunds, also Beer in Bottles. Tobacco and Cigai'S!. apr4,Mm Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. H. FCLLLKTO\, i s r«i»*r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, YARNS, t dose but will never intaxicate. It iias saved handicds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION *—Refusal! snbftitntes. rarker*» Ginger Tonic La composed of the ke*t remcdul ap-nts in the world, tnd ij entirely diilvfrnt from prrparaticn«of pinct-ral •: .<*. Send fur circular to lWox & Co., N. Y. 60c. & $1 i.zes, at dealers in drugs. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. B delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There! a is nothing like it. Insist upon having FLORES- I B TON and look for signature of 3 jj on DESCRIPTIVE ! CIRCULAR 8, SAMPLES OF WORK ! CHICAGO. BOSTON, CLEVELAND, O. THE LI3HE3T EOTKIN3 Shuttle Machine IN THE WORLD. SEE JTI TRY IT! ARTU VOU WILL BUY IT, PGR BALK BY BERG & CYPHER, Butler, Pa. SPEER'S Port Grape Wine U*e. II AND BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Af?PH®TECT A'aMBASIBEROEfe I | B *l2B LIBERTY ST. B PITTSBUKQK. P^. KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28' TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS Ail Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order Oil Stills, Tanks. Rolling Mill Stacks. etc. Repairing done promptly. Corre-pondence Solicit* ks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Special attention p.iid to ljlant Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., S'rest, from 19th to 2Gih. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH mi3.'02,1V WHO IS UVACQUAIMTrO *:TH TwC GfcOGRAPMV OF T.l j OOUN« " TRY WILL SEE BY ExAMINI\Q T tS MAP ThATIHE CeiCAeSi^DM'iCßf By the ocuiral position of its line, connect* the tho Weet by the shortest route, and car ries patenters. wltncut change cf card, between Cbtcago and K&neaa City, Council Bluffs, Leaven worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It eonncctu ju Union with all the principal lined ol road between the Atlantic and the Pacif.o Oceans. Ita equipment is unrivaled and zr4*,nnl eent, boinr? composed of Meet Comfortable and Beautiful Day Ccae&ce, ilasnmscnt Hoiton Br— ehninc Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest Palace Bleeping Can*, and the Lest Line of Dining Cars In tho World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Hiver Pc;cta. Two Trains between Chi crgo ai.vi Miuucapolia and &t. Paul, via the Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A New and Direct Lins. via Seneca and KanJra kce,ban recently b?en opened fce'.ween Richmond, Norfolk, Newport N?W3, Chattanocgn, Atlanta. Au fu3ta, Naahvil!?. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, ufLancpol.s and Lat'ayotto, and Omaha, Mmu.ap- Gl!u and St. Pavl and intermediate points. All Through Pasaonsers Travel oa Fast Erpreaa Trams. Tickets for sale at *JI principal Ticket OfSoja in the United d:;;ioa and Canada. checked and rates of fare aU wayj aj low aj compeUtar; ihat offer ICSJ adean t&a :s. i'ov tailed information, get the 2laps and Fold er a of tho CRcAT ROCK ISLAM D RCUT?:, At your acarr.-t Ticket C:C:_\ or address R. R. SABLFi, E. ST. J3HH, VictPr.i. i : v . r. r.ca'l Tiu. & 1-iSi CHiCACO. "S G H AT Z Wc have now 011 exhibition a and com plete line of BPRIM6 DRESS GOODS liliich and Colored Milk, ('(lasliiueres, \u11V lsunti»Ks, Table Linen, ( t-aslirri, V* lisle J.iuvn autl ( lieckerrd Muslin MIDI I'T rciilc, Also an elegant line ot' Ladies' and Misses' NECKWEAR.GLOVES HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. WM. P. SCHA7Z, 110 Federal Si., Allegheny City Agent for Mine. Deworst's Reliable Patterns ap25,12t GROHKTAN & LA WALL. CARRIAG.ESMITHS^ ASI» PRACTICAL HORSESHOERS. Work made to order, and repairing of all kinds done at reasonable rates and satisfaction guaranteed. Particu'ar attention given to re pairing of farming implements. Buck-boards for sale, and always on hands. aprl 1,3 m, IHPOnTKD CLYDESDALE STALLION. Will be found at the stables of Robert Hessel gesser, near Leicureville, Wintleld twp., Butler Co. Pa.. during the season. Lord Clemis, a beauti ful dark bay, with two wliite feet and stur in fore head,broad ami squarely built,line bone and mus cle ami show* the stock well. Hair on the front of the shin seven inches long and thirteen on the back of the f«otlock. EAl<|. oir' SKLKipiv is a light bay. three white feet ami white face, well nhaped, short back, long quarters, heavy bone, shows the blood well. These liorsi'a were imported by Hubert Hessel gesser in IRK?, and are registered animals in the Clydesdale Stud books in Scotland, and the books can be seen at Mr. Hesselgesser's. Also, I'RlN'ck KILDAKK, a three-quarter Cly desdale, will be kept at the same stable. [All-.'tm Star Beer Bottling Company. AND fill BOTTLING JIOISF. J. C. bUFFUM A: CO.proprietors, 39 and 41 Market St., PITTSBURGH, PA Sole Hot Hern of Jos. 8- - hi'tz Browing Co x, MIL WACKEE LAGi.lt BEE It. Schiltz' Export Beer for Families a specialty. Importers and dpaltrx iu Ales. Si out H, Ginger Ale, Siltzer Water. Ac., Sy:ups all Flavors. Manufacturers of Jlottled So.ia Water, Try our Quart Unger Ala and Champaign Cider, made especially for family table r.*e. Send for Price List. P. O. Box 398. Tele phone connection. api2s,4m. PUXLEfpf? H f? INDIA Fr. nj the Districts ol ASSAM, CHITI'AGONG, CACTI AK. KANGRA VALLEY, DAKJEKI.- ING, DEHR \ DOON, atd others; Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor, The Most Econoni jcr.l. Requires only half the usuil fiuantity. gald by all Grocers. JOHN C. PHILLIPS & CO.. Airents of the Calcutta Tea Syndicate. 130 Water St., N. Y. Novtt-ly. Bickel & Gallagher, (Successors to a A. Flick ) Livery, Feed and Sa ! e Stable. FIRoT-CLtSS KIUS, HI*ST-Cl,ms HA It JEFFERSON ST., BUTLER. PA aprl, :iu BEST IN TUE WORLD!! 1/ 11 11 Tak« no other. V" O I D "- LEM BEE V<«L tij J. C. S wearing on. on Mondivs. li" Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 a S I'SEtX'L AHTICLKW.^, ■ ■■■ bTTBUtAiT'fJL FLORAL CHRQUO CAROS, ■ BJj B El 3 Size usU, hq.l un lllu.trHt«d HB H K3 Hoo'., iu hII who «ead two H H @ GHB fa 3r. otmnp* f«.r potUfe Had & Jl«rjJS3sLS''» at Llo ff- 3lentlon thU paper. m £. G. RIOiOUT A, CO.* HIW YORK. sQgr*SubseriLK; for tLe CITIZEN- BURGLARIES Are of Every Day Occurrence. Not a SINGLE INSTANCE ON EKT'OBD ill the past 35 years where one of Hall's Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES Has been Broken open h) Bur* glars and Itobbed. Hall's Standard Palcnt Fire- Proof Safes Have NEVER FAILED to PRE SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS THE HALL'S SAFE They always protect their contents. I'ersoiiM liavins Valuables should not be without a Hairs Nate. H ill's Safe & Lock Co- J. L. Hall, Pres't. CINCINNATI, NEW YORK, CHICAGO LOUISVILLE, SAN FRANCISC, ST. LOUIS. CLEVELAND, ■l' —1 H AR 0 MANN A. The Only Sure Cure tor Dys pepsia. AND A 1.1. LIVER, KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy had ao many and etrong Home teetimoi)i&!» &a A R 0 MA N N A. Call or SenJ for Pamphlets. No other remedy PO fully and fairly challenges public trial and judgment as AROMANNA. It it Warranted (a Cart in Ertry OIM*. Price, 25 nd 75 Cts- per Bottle. PROF. DU LAC'S SWISS BAISAM, An Unequalled and Unfailing Remedy for all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs ar.d Croup, - also fur CONSUMPTION in its Early Stages. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle. G. IIOLDSTEIN'. Tropritor WccdLuiy, N. J. fcTSold by Druggists and Dealers. Wholesale Depots; Bullock & Crenshaw, 528 Aroh Bt., Phila. Hoiloway A Co.. 602 Arch St., Phila Jos. L. Wnllcr, Druggist, Butter, Pa. A Great Cause of Human Misery IS Till] LOSS OF A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radi cal cure of Seminal Weaknass, or Sperma torrhoea, induced by Seif-Abnte. Involuntary Emissions, Impotencv, Nervous Debility, anil Impediments to Marriage generally; Consump tion. Epilepsy and Fits: Menial and Physical In capacity. Ac—By ROBERT J. CUT.VERWELL, M. D., author of the '"Green Book," .V. Tho world-renowned author, iu Ibis admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous surgi cal operations, bougies, instru ments, riiiL.d or cordials; pointing out a mo;'e of cure at once certain and effectual, bv means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may cure lilnifelf cheaply, privately and radi cally. This Ledum I rill p.u»c a Jiuon to 'i'haumnus ari'l Thoutamh. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad dresß, on receipt of nix cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., •U ANN ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. ; P. O. Box, 4DO. octll-ly. ] R r ■ wr."T H a*>j i ■ ■■•• v. rATMFvr rnnrantwl »i*.-lflp for ltystorta. Diulnow, Ponrulslon«. 1t.., Norvoiu Keuralgli, Hoartn.'he. K. rvous Pro-tr-i --tion mused hr the Who ut alcohol or tohaeoo. Wak. fut. resa. Mental Depression, 6oftcmn(tcf tho Brain res.ilt (ns In Insanity and leailtnir to mlkerr, d.-c.iy Prematura Old Age, Fnrrennofs, Lot* of In cither tex, Inrolai.tan, Loss.* *nrt ' oatisoil b» Over-exertion of the brain, self abnscorover-lmiuitri-nfw One box will run® rtccnt cason. Each box contains «no month •tr arrnent On© dollar a box. or pix boxes five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. %Ve(runr jmto© six boxes to cure anv ca«o. with each on'er ro ceivot] for six boxes, accotnpnrted with five dollars, wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee t<» refund money If treatment does not effect a cur*. Guarantee* i» i -,r' (only by J oa. Flcminjj, ♦ittaburgU, P4. Ord«r« by mail at rcgu»ar price*. ("""vWNTEDTsfILESMEN. I To can vaa» for the sale of Nnraery Stock. I'ncqualed facilities. No experience required. Salarv and «x --peijseapaid. 7«>acrc« of Fn:tt ami OrnameutulTreei, oliruba. lit>acg, etc. W. Jc T. SMITH. Genera. N. V. I». A IV. It. R. Time Table. The morning train for Allegheny leaven Butler at 8:19. Bn'ler or Pittsburgh time, arriving tliero at 10:33, city time. Thin train connects at Callerv Junction with the mail train of the Pittaburgh di\ ision, going west, which arrives at Harmony at 9:48. Zeiienoplft at 9 52 and New Cattle Junction at 11. 11. It. timo. where con nection in made with trains on tlie P. :01 A. M. This train, ULNA on time, connects at Freeport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at *.OU city time. Express at 7:16 A. M., connecting at Butler Jnueti -n, without change of ears, at 8.26 wi:h Express west, arriving in Allegheny at at 9:80 A. M . :nd Express east arriving at Blalrsvilie at 10:55 A M., railroad time, where It makes close connection with Mail train east. Maii at 2.10 p. M., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ol ears, with Express west, at living in Allegheny at 5.01 p. sc., and Express east arriving at Blairsville Intel section at 5.55 r. sc., railroad time, vliieh connects wiili Johnstown Accommodation east, and there with last line east. Trains arrive nt Butler on West Peon R. R. at 951 A. SI„ 4.41 and 5.17 P. M., Butler titue Slienaiigo it Allegheny H. K. Passenger trains leave Hifliard at 7:25 a, m. and 230 p. in., arriviug i'\ liarrisviile at M>7 a. m. and 3:KO p. in., and at Greenville ut 9:35 a. m. and 0:10 p. tu.; a passenger train leaves Coaliown at 12:25 p. in. and arrives at Green ville at 3:15 p. in. Tnins leave Greenville at 7:00 a. m , 1t;35 a. in. and 4:CO p. in., arriving at Coaitown at 10:15 a. m. and at Milliards at 1:45 p. in. and 7:15 p. m. Train No. 7 which leaves Mercer at 9;24 a. cn. aud arrives at Hilliaid at 12;15 p. in. will carry passengers between those two points only Time of Holdlag Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence ou the hist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the buainoss. No causes are put £owu for trial or traverso jurors summoned for the first week of the sevetal terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S. F. litIWSKI!, Office In Brady's Law Building. S. B. SNYDER, Office with A. T. Black, Es<|., Main street, near Court House. J. I). MARSHALL, Attorney-at-I.aw. Office witn W. A. Forquer, Ks>l, Main .Street, opposite Vogeley House, Butler, I'a. _ Fcb23-'Ba. .1. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON & SON, Attorneys at Law. Office on the west side of Main street, few doors Xortli of Troutman's dry goods store. JOHN K. KELLY, 0111'* with F.'Keiber, Ext., in lieiber building. GECBGEC. PILLOW, Attorney .it Law and SURVEY 0.1, Main street, Butler, i'a. Office with .I.D. Mi J mkin. J. M. GALBREATII, ATTOBKT.Y AT LAW. Office on Main Street, South of Court Hou-.e, in Gen. Puiviance's former office. Aug2 1y1b32,. R. P. SCOTT,. Attorney at Law, Butler, Ta. Ofljce near Cour House, two doors West of CITIZKX ofllce. A M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. fTBRITTAIN" ' Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. S. 11. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Riddle build ng. novt2 JOllN' M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl3 " WM. 11. LUSIv, ' Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Edtj. NEWTON BLACK, Ofiice on Diamond, near Court House, soatb -ido. E. I. BRUGH, Office in Kiddle's Law Buildiug. J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Offic* opposite Willurd House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butler Pa. 11. 11. GOUCIIER, Office in Schneideman's building, up stairs. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. - 74 ~ W. D. BRANDON, ebi7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- msjrl7— FERD REIBER, Office in Rciber's building, Jeflcrson St. apSJI) F. M. EAST Ai AN, Office in Brady bnilding. LEV, McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. Win. A. FORQUER, •3T Office on Main street opposite Yogoley House. ~ GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. McJUNKIN, Office in Schneideman's building, west side Maiu street, 2nd square from Court House, T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's now bnildir.g, 2d floor, ea-t side Main Bt., a few doors south of Lowrj House. m*r3—tf. r, A. SULLIVAN, ma>7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond A. T. BLACK, Office on Maiu street, one door south o. Brady Block, Butler, Pa. 2, 1874. THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY particular attention tc lansactiom in real estate throughout the com ,y. OFFICE ON DIASIOMJ, NEAR HoiST HoC-E, IS CITIZEN nun.r-iNa K. It. I'.' M.EY, KESXEUI MAKSUAI.L (Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. 5cpt.9,74 (To. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Lejral business carelully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Busit.es- correspondence piomptlj attended to and answered. EN. LEAKE, M. D., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in I'nion Block, and residence in Ferrero he fc.e, Butler, I'o. Oct. 25, loS'2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, mylil-lyl BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintfler's Flour Store.